TAX4862 NTA4862 Tutorial Letter 103/0/2021 - Applied Taxation - Unisa

Page created by Danny Navarro

Tutorial Letter 103/0/2021
Applied Taxation

Year module

Department of Financial Intelligence

This tutorial letter contains learning units 2 and 3 as well
as self-assessment questions.

                                                   Bar code
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                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS

ORIENTATION ............................................................................................................................ 4
I.          INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 4
II.         STUDY PROGRAMME AND TIME FRAME ..................................................................... 4
III.        ABBREVIATIONS ............................................................................................................. 5
IV.         BEANCOUNTER SCENARIOS ........................................................................................ 5
V.          LECTURERS .................................................................................................................... 5
VI.         IMPORTANT DATES FOR THIS TUTORIAL LETTER .................................................... 5
VII.        ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ............................................................................................. 6
WORK PLAN FOR DAY 1 (23 FEBRUARY 2021) ...................................................................... 7
SECTION A ................................................................................................................................. 7
1           INTERPRETATION OF LEGISLATION ............................................................................ 7
2           DONATIONS TAX ............................................................................................................. 7
      2.1     BACKGROUND .........................................................................................................................7
        2.1.1       UNGC Principle 10 .............................................................................................................. 8
      2.2     OUTCOMES OF THIS LEARNING UNIT ...................................................................................8
      2.3     BEANCOUNTER SCENARIO ....................................................................................................8
      2.4     CONTENT FOR LEARNING UNIT 2 ..........................................................................................9
        2.4.1       Study approach ................................................................................................................... 9
        2.4.2       Table of Reference ............................................................................................................ 10
        2.4.3       Sections in SILKE you may ignore .................................................................................... 11
      2.5     LAW AMENDMENTS ...............................................................................................................11
      2.6     ADDITIONAL NOTES ..............................................................................................................14
        2.6.1       Framework for the calculation of donations tax.................................................................. 14
        2.6.2       Impact of donations on other taxes.................................................................................... 15
      2.7     OUTCOMES OF THE BEANCOUNTER SCENARIO ...............................................................16
      2.8     SUMMARY OF LU 2 ................................................................................................................16
      2.9     LIST OF REFERENCES OF LU 2 ............................................................................................16
WORK PLAN FOR DAYS 2 - 5 (25 – 28 FEBRUARY 2021) .................................................... 17
3           VALUE-ADDED TAX (VAT) ............................................................................................ 17
      3.1     BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................17
        3.1.1       UNGC Principle 10 ............................................................................................................ 17
      3.2     OUTCOMES OF THIS LEARNING UNIT .................................................................................18
      3.3     BEANCOUNTER SCENARIO ..................................................................................................18
      3.4     CONTENT FOR LEARNING UNIT 3 ........................................................................................20
        3.4.1       Study approach ................................................................................................................. 20
        3.4.2       Table of Reference ............................................................................................................ 22
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     3.4.3      Sections in SILKE you may ignore .................................................................................... 25
  3.5     LAW AMENDMENTS ...............................................................................................................26
  3.6     ADDITIONAL NOTES ..............................................................................................................27
     3.6.1      Mind map representing an overview of VAT ...................................................................... 27
     3.6.2      Mind map of the supply of goods and services – OUTPUT TAX ........................................ 29
     3.6.3      Services - SILKE par 31.5.3 .............................................................................................. 29
     3.6.4      Exempt supplies: Other (including transport of fare-paying passengers and their personal
                effects by road or rail) - SILKE par 31.11.4 ........................................................................ 30
     3.6.5      Deemed supplies: Ceasing to be a vendor - SILKE par 31.12.1 ........................................ 31
     3.6.6      Time and value of supply - SILKE par 31.15 and 31.16 ..................................................... 33
     3.6.7      Basics of input tax - SILKE par 31.17 ................................................................................ 40
     3.6.8      Input tax: Denial of input tax - SILKE par 31.21 ................................................................. 41
     3.6.9      Input tax: Importation of goods - SILKE par 31.8 ............................................................... 42
     3.6.10     Special rules: fixed property - SILKE par 31.24 ................................................................. 42
     3.6.11     Adjustments arising from the change in the use of goods or services or supplies of going
                concerns or leasehold improvements - SILKE par 31.25 to 31.31 ..................................... 44
  3.7     OUTCOMES OF THE BEANCOUNTER SCENARIO ...............................................................49
  3.8     SUMMARY OF LU 3 ................................................................................................................49
  3.9     LIST OF REFERENCES OF LU 3 ............................................................................................49
WORK PLAN FOR DAYS 6 - 7 (01 – 02 MARCH 2021) ........................................................... 50
SECTION B – SELF-ASSESSMENT QUESTIONS .................................................................. 50
SECTION C – PRIOR YEAR TEST ........................................................................................... 99

                                                            Please note

Due to Unisa's print schedule, this tutorial letter had to be submitted by December 2020 so that you would
receive it on time. The latest amendments had not yet been promulgated and this means that this tutorial
letter was based on the Amendment Bills as of October 2020. This should not affect the content of this
module. However, should there be any major changes between the Amendment Bills and the promulgated
Amendment Acts, we will communicate these to you.
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This tutorial letter is divided into two learning units. Learning unit (LU) 2 deals with donations tax and
LU 3 deals with VAT. The goal of this tutorial letter is to assist you in making the most of the time available
to master the topics in this tutorial letter. Follow the guidelines and try to keep to the allocated time
(remember that time allocations are based on the assumption that certain topics have already been
covered in your undergraduate studies).


         Your time should be divided into two parts:
           Obtaining the required knowledge (24 hours)
             This would entail working through this tutorial letter and the textbooks (SAICA Student
             Handbook and SILKE), underlining, making summaries and familiarising yourself with the
             VAT Act and the Income Tax Act (section A of this tutorial letter).
           Application of knowledge and revision of difficult concepts (6 hours)
             This would entail the completion of the self-assessment questions (sections B and C of
             this tutorial letter).

           We assume that you have three hours of study time on a weekday/night and 15 hours over a
            weekend. We have based the work plan in this tutorial letter on this assumption.

         Day               Date                                         Topic                        Hours
 1       Wednesday 24 February 2021                 LU 1 – Interpretation and application of
                                                    legislation in TL 102
                                                    (30 minutes)
                                                    LU 2 - Donations Tax in Section A                   3
                                                    (2 hours and 30 minutes)
                                                    Question 1 of Section B
 2&3     Thursday & 25 - 26 February 2021           LU 3 – VAT in Section A                             6
 4&5     Week-end   27 – 28 February 2021           LU 3 – VAT in Section A                            15

 6&7     Monday & 1 – 2 March 2021                  Section B: self-assessment questions
         Tuesday                                    (Questions 2 – 15)
                                                                                                    30 hours
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The list of abbreviations used in the tutorial letters is contained in TL 102. Please take note of the following
additional abbreviation relevant to this tutorial letter:

                             Abbreviation                          Meaning of abbreviation

                       OMV                         Open market value

Refer to TL 102 to meet the Beancounter family.

The following lecturers compiled this tutorial letter:
Ms L Brits
Ms A Heyns
Ms M Ungerer

Please contact any of the tax lecturers should you have questions regarding this tutorial letter. You may
also send your queries (regarding administrative and academic matters) and comments via e-mail to (note that e-mail correspondence is the preferred method of communication –
refer to TL 101 in this regard).

For queries regarding administrative matters, please contact the administrative officer at
+27 12 429 2947. For queries regarding academic matters, you can contact any of the lecturers directly
or you can contact the administrative officer. The administrative officer will put you in touch with the
relevant lecturer on duty.


 Date of test 1:                                                     TUESDAY, 23 March 2021
 The topics covered in both TL 103 and TL 104 as well as any relevant case law in TL 102 will be assessed
 in Test 1.
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The following additional resources will be available at the start of your study week for each tutorial letter
to assist you in understanding and applying the tax principles. Please note that the additional resources
are merely an introduction to the topic and are NOT a substitute for working through the Tutorial Letter,
SAICA legislation handbook and relevant textbooks.

            Find summary slides on myUnisa.

   ?        Additional questions are available on myUnisa.

            Find pre-recorded lectures and recordings of live lectures on our YouTube channel –
            UNISA - TAX CTA Screencasts
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                WORK PLAN FOR DAY 1 (23 FEBRUARY 2021)
                                            SECTION A

          Time allocation for learning units 1 and 2:

            Interpretation and application of legislation (LU 1) (TL 102)                     0.5 hours
            Donations tax (LU 2)                                                              2.5 hours
            Total                                                                              3 hours

          Note that this is a lot of work to master in the allocated time, however most topics would have
           been covered in depth in your first year of postgraduate studies. You will probably not have
           time to study every section in detail again but will have to rely on your prior knowledge. Where
           necessary, you should refresh your memory regarding sections you already know.

The content of LU 1 is contained in TL 102. LU 1 will provide you with the skills on how to interpret

         Work through LU 1: "Interpretation and application of legislation" in TL 102. This should
          assist you in the optimal use of the Student Handbook.

Donations tax is, although levied in terms of PART V of the Income Tax Act (sections 54 to 64), a separate
tax from income tax. It is payable on the transfer of assets from one person (not necessarily a taxpayer)
to another.

Take note that donations tax could also affect the calculation of capital gains tax, where an asset (as
opposed to cash) is donated. You therefore also have to refer to the applicable paragraphs in the Eighth
Schedule to the Income Tax Act.
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2.1.1     UNGC Principle 10

The UNGC principles were introduced in TL102. Compliance with the laws and regulations is the basis on
which the taxation legislation is founded.

UNGC principle 10 states that businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion
and bribery. The definition of corruption includes dishonest or fraudulent conduct. Tax evasion would fall
within the ambit of corruption. UNGC principle 10 encourages entities to find a balance between the social
obligation to pay taxes and tax planning, in order to minimise the ‘cost’ of these taxes for an entity within
the ambit of the law. Since the making of donations are used by some entities as a means of tax evasion
(by reducing their tax base), it is important to take note of the UNGC principle 10 when studying this unit.


                       After studying LU 2, you should be able to achieve the following outcomes:
                            identify a disposal of property as a donation or deemed donation, or as
                               exempt from donations tax
                            calculate the donations tax payable on a donation
                            identify the person responsible for the payment of the donations tax and the
                               time period that the donations tax must be paid
                            explain any other tax consequences (including VAT and capital gains) that
                               may result from making a donation.

           Before you start studying the detailed provisions of donations tax, you should first read the
            following scenario relating to the Beancounter family. As you study the applicable sections in
            the Income Tax Act, identify areas of concern that should be brought to the attention of the
            Beancounter family.


Barry Beancounter is married in community of property to Bizzie Beancounter. Barry is a very charitable
person, as he made a number of donations during the year.

     He donated R40 000 cash to the Butterbean Family Trust, R20 000 cash to his lovely wife, Bizzie, and
      R20 000 cash to each of his children, Jelly and Soya Beancounter.

     He also donated R5 000 to the B.E.A.N. political party.

     Barry is considering whether or not to sell a property with a market value of R500 000 to the
      Butterbean Family Trust, funded by an interest-free loan account. This property is excluded from Barry
      and Bizzie’s joint estate. The journal entry will be recorded as follows in the financial records of the
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                 Dr Property                                                  R500 000
                        Cr Loan account: B Beancounter                                        R500 000

     He also is also considering whether he should make another donation to the trust utilising the rest of
      his R100 000 annual exemption (remember there is an existing loan [see above] that the trust owes

     All cash donations (except for the donation to Bizzie) were made (and in future will be made) from
      funds available in an investment account. This investment is included in Barry and Bizzie’s joint estate.

Barry is, however, uncertain about the donations tax and capital gains tax implications (if any) that may
arise from the above donations he made during the year, as well as those that he is considering and he
has therefore asked you to assist him.

           Before attempting to assist Barry with his donations tax and capital gains tax query, you should
            first work through and master the applicable sections in the Income Tax Act relating to
            donations tax. The outcomes for the Beancounter scenario will be made available on myUnisa
            during your study week for this learning unit.

2.4.1     Study approach

We provide you with a Table of Reference which contains the references to all the sections which must be
studied in this learning unit together with a reference to the relevant paragraph in SILKE and a reference
to additional notes provided (if any) in the tutorial letter, as well as an indication of whether a specific
section is examinable or not. The Table of Reference is presented in such a way that you should use it to
guide you through the content of the learning unit in this tutorial letter. You should therefore work your way
through the content by starting at the top of the table and working your way through to the end.

The ideal way to study tax is to first read the specific section in the Income Tax Act and then to
study the relevant paragraph(s) in SILKE together with any additional notes on that section
included in this tutorial letter. We recommend that you study any additional notes on the section first
before working through the paragraph(s) in SILKE. Also work through the examples in SILKE, because
the examples illustrate the application of the theory of a section.

We are not ignorant of the fact that most of our students study part time. We therefore realise that you
may not always have the time available to follow the above study approach fully, with specific reference to
our recommendation that you first read a section in the Income Tax Act. However, you still need to flag
and underline your Income Tax Act in order for you to benefit from the limited open book policy for the
tests, the examination and the 2021 ITC (for TAX4862 students).

SILKE has a Table of provisions towards the back (just before the Subject index). This is a handy table to
use if you have a specific section on which you need more information. The table provides the paragraphs
in SILKE which contain information on a specific section.
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2.4.2      Table of Reference

 Reference                                                                           Reference
                                                                    Reference to
 to Income                          Topics                                           to notes in   Examinable
  Tax Act                                                                              the TL

                            Day 1: Wednesday 23 February 2021 (2.5 hours)

 Sections                      Donations tax
 54 to 64
               Framework for the calculation of donations tax          26.1            2.6.1
 s 54          Levy of donations tax                                26.1 – 26.2                       Yes
 s 64          Rate of donations tax                                   26.2             2.5           Yes
 s 55          Definitions for purposes of this part                26.3 – 26.4                       Yes
 s 58(1)       Property disposed of under certain transactions         26.5                           Yes
               deemed to have been disposed of under a
               s 58(2)                                                                                No
 s 7C          Loan or credit advanced to a trust by a                 26.10            2.5           Yes
               connected person                                                                      (also
               (Effective 1 March 2017)                                                             TL107)
               s 7C(5)(a), (b), (c), (f) & (h)                                                        No
 S 7D          Calculation of amount of interest                       26.10                          Yes
 s 56          Exemptions                                               26.6           2.6.2          Yes
               s 56(1)(o)                                                                             No
 s 57A         Donations by spouses married in community of             26.7                          Yes
 s 57          Disposals by companies under donations at the            26.8                          Yes
               instance of any person
 s 62          Value of property disposed of under donations        26.9 – 26.9.1                     Yes
               s 62(1)(a)–(c): the value of limited interests in   26.9.2 – 26.9.4
               property and annuities will be given
 s 59          Persons liable for the tax                              26.11                          Yes
 s 60          Payment and assessment of the tax                       26.11                          Yes
 s 61          Extension of scope of certain provisions of Act                                        No
               for purposes of donations tax
               Other tax consequences of donations (refer              26.12
 8th Sch             Donations and Capital Gains Tax
               Disposals and acquisitions
 par 11(1)     Disposals                                               17.7.1                         Yes
               Base cost
 par 20        Base cost of asset                                                                     Yes
               (Only the basic principles)
 par 22        Amount of donations tax to be included in base          17.8.7                         Yes
 par 38        Disposal by way of donation, consideration not          17.9.5                         Yes
               measurable in money and transactions between
               connected persons not at an arm’s length price
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     Reference                                                                                           Reference
                                                                                          Reference to
     to Income                                  Topics                                                   to notes in   Examinable
      Tax Act                                                                                              the TL
    par 62     Donations and bequests to public benefit                                     17.10.2                       Yes
               organisations and exempt persons
    S 9HB      Transfer of asset between spouses                                                       Yes
    Questions and examples
    Work through Example 26.16 in SILKE                                                      26.13
    Do Question 10.1 in AQSAT
    Do Question 1 in Section B of this TL

2.4.3         Sections in SILKE you may ignore

                 Note that the calculation of the value of limited interests is not part of the syllabus (SILKE –
                 par 26.9.2 to 26.9.4). The value of limited interests in property will be provided in questions
                 and assessments. You will be required to determine which value to use for the limited
                 interests taking the provisos of section 62 into account.

                 You must also be able to recognise and define the meaning of a fiduciary interest, usufruct
                 and bare dominium, as described in the first few paragraphs of par 26.9.2 in SILKE.

2.5         LAW AMENDMENTS
The taxation laws are amended annually. These amendments are firstly published in the form of draft Bills
and then as Bills. Only once the Bills have been passed through Parliament and once it is then assented
to by the President, it is published as Acts. It is normally expected that the Bills will be enacted early in the
following year.

The study material in this tutorial letter is based on amendments as proposed in the Bills. The publishing
of the Bills coincides with the Medium Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) made by the Minister of
Finance. The last MTBPS was made on 28 October 2020 and the following Bills, relevant to your studies,
were published:
 Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill 26 of 2020;
 Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 27 of 2020; and
 Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill 28 of 2020.

                 Use the following link1 to access the published Bills:

The important proposed amendments which are applicable to this LU are summarised below. In some
instances, we repeat amendments from previous years which were enacted for your reference.

    'image:'. The weblink icon has been designed using resources from
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   Relevant amendments contained in the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 27 of 2020, are
    as follows:

    Insertion in s 7C of the Income Tax Act:

    Section 7C(1B)
    Where a natural person or at the instance of a natural person, a company that is a
    connected person in relation to that natural person in terms of paragraph (d)(iv) of the
    definition of ‘connected person’, subscribes for a preference share in a company in which 20
    per cent or more of the equity shares are held (whether directly or indirectly) or the voting
    rights can be exercised by a trust that is a connected person in relation to that natural person
    or to that company, whether alone or together with any person who is a beneficiary of that
    (i) consideration received by or accrued to that company for the issue of that preference share
    shall be deemed to be a loan for the purposes of subsection (3); and
    (ii) any dividend or foreign dividend accrued in respect of that preference share shall be
    deemed to be interest in respect of the loan contemplated in paragraph (i).

    Section 7C(6):
    “Preference share” means a preference share as defined in section 8EA(1).

    Effective date: on or after 1 January 2021.

    Where s 7C(1B) applies, and the consideration received by the company in exchange for the
    preference shares is deemed to be a loan, any dividend or foreign dividend accrued in respect
    of the preference shares will be deemed to be interest in respect of the loan. Therefore, the
    dividend or foreign dividend on the preference shares is compared to interest at the official
    rate of interest to determine any possible deemed donation (see example 26.13 in SILKE).

    Amendment to the wording of section 8(4)(k) following subparagraph (iv):

    Where a person donates an asset on which a deduction was previously allowed to that person,
    the person is deemed to have disposed of that asset at the market value of the asset at the
    date of the donation.

    Effective date: 15 January 2020.

    Amendment to the wording of section 18A(3A)(c):

    Replacing the word “it” with the words “the immovable property” in the definition of “C” in
    paragraph (c).

    Amendment to the wording of section 64(1)(a)(i):

    The wording now makes it clear that only taxable donations must be included in the R30 million
    from 1 April 2018.
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   Relevant amendments contained in the Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment
    of Revenue Laws Bill 1737 of 20198 and the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 18 of 2019,
    are as follows:

    Amendment of paragraph 38(1) of the 8th Schedule to the Income Tax Act:

    Paragraph 38 stipulates that the transfer of assets by means of a donation, or for a
    consideration not in money, or to a connected person are deemed to be at market value.

    However, paragraph 38 is subject to section 9HB. The wording of paragraph 38 has now been
    amended to correctly refer to section 9HB.

    Words were further added to paragraph 38 that now refers to a connected person
    immediately prior to or immediately after that disposal.

    Section 9HB deals with the roll-over provisions of assets between spouses and takes priority
    over paragraph 38. Therefore, assets transferred (donated) between spouses will not deemed
    to be at market value.

    This amendment comes into operation on the date of promulgation of the Taxation Laws
    Amendment Act of 2019.

    Amendment of paragraph 38(1)(b) of the 8th Schedule to the Income Tax Act:

    The base cost of an asset received as a donation is also deemed to be the market value. This
    market value must be treated as “an amount of expenditure actually incurred” for the purposes
    of par 20(1)(a). Previously the paragraph stipulated “incurred and paid”. The words “and paid”
    have now been deleted.

    This amendment comes into operation on the date of promulgation of the Taxation Laws
    Amendment Act of 2019.
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2.6.1    Framework for the calculation of donations tax

                                                                                        References to
                                                                                       the Income Tax

                             DID A RESIDENT DISPOSE OF THE PROPERTY?                    Sections 1 and
                 NO                                                                          54


                            WAS THIS PROPERTY DISPOSED OF UNDER ANY                     Sections 54, 55,
                 NO             DONATION OR DEEMED DONATION?                             58 and 7C


                YES         IS THE DONATION EXEMPT FROM DONATIONS                       Section 56(1)
                                              TAX?                                       and 56(2)(c)


                              CALCULATE THE VALUE OF THE DONATION.                        Section 62

                                CALCULATE THE TAXABLE DONATION 
                               = VALUE OF DONATION LESS BALANCE OF                     Section 56(2)(a),
                              EXEMPTION (not a natural person: R10 000 per              (b) and section
                                         annum for casual gifts;                             60(2)
                                  natural person: R100 000 per annum)
                             (exemption applied in order that donations take

      DONATIONS                     CALCULATE DONATIONS TAX 
         TAX                   TAXABLE DONATION x 20% or 25% (where the                    Section 64
       PAYABLE                   aggregate of donations exceed R30 million)

Notes to the framework

1.    Donations tax is payable on the fair market value of any property disposed of gratuitously or for less
      than the fair market value by a South African resident.

2.    Donations tax must be calculated separately on each donation as and when the donation takes place
      and not at the end of the year of assessment (except for deemed donations in terms of section 7C).
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       The R100 000 exemption, applicable to natural persons, and the R10 000, applicable to persons who
       are not natural persons, must therefore be applied in the order that the donations take place.

3.     The R100 000 exemption, applicable to natural persons, applies to all property donated and is not
       apportioned where the period of assessment is less than a full year. The R10 000 exemption, on the
       other hand, applicable to a donor that is not a natural person, only applies to casual gifts and it must
       be apportioned where the period in question exceeds or is less than 12 months.

             Donations tax does not apply to non-residents, even if they donate South African assets.

             Donations tax is payable by the end of the month following the month during which the
             donation takes effect (i.e. if a donation is made in January, the donations tax is payable by
             the end of February.

             Do not confuse the section 18A deduction (deductible donations to certain organisations) from
             taxable income with the donations tax provisions. Even if no donations tax is payable on a
             specific donation, it does not mean that the specific donation may be deducted for normal tax
             purposes. Consider the provisions of section 18A to determine the deductibility for normal
             income tax purposes.

2.6.2     Impact of donations on other taxes

A donation may affect many more items than merely donations tax. You may be required to consider the
capital gains tax or normal tax (including income tax and capital gains tax) implications of a donation.

Donations tax may therefore be combined/integrated with topics that will only be addressed in future
tutorial letters, for example:

    Meaning of “resident” – TL 104
    Capital gains tax – TL 104
    Trusts (section 7) – TL 107
    Income tax (section 18A – deduction of donations to certain organisations) – TL 105, TL106 and TL 107.

           With the amendment to the donations tax rate from 20% to 25% in the instance where a
           donation is made and the aggregate value exceeds R30 million, the question in a test or the
           exam will contain the necessary information to determine whether the higher donations tax rate
           of 25% applies. If no such information is given, the assumption is that the aggregate value does
           not exceed R30 million and the 20% donations tax rate is applicable.

           In the questions contained in this tutorial letter the assumption is that the aggregate value of
           donations made, does not exceed R30 million. However, please take note that either of the
           rates can be tested in a test or the exam.
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            Read the Beancounter scenario again and make a rough summary of what your solution
             would be now that you have studied donations tax. You should be able to answer Barry
             Beancounter’s query on donations tax. Share your solution on the myUnisa discussion
             forum, then refer to the outcomes (solution) that will be made available on the Friday of your
             study week on myUnisa.

2.8    SUMMARY OF LU 2

This learning unit introduced you to the content in the Income Tax Act that is relevant to donations tax with
the relevant law amendments. The table of reference under 2.4.2 was provided to guide you through the
work. A framework for determining and calculating donations tax was provided to assist you in analysing
donations tax scenarios. Remember to take a look at the additional resources available for this learning
unit on myUnisa and YouTube. Ensure that you do not study donations tax in isolation and that you
consider the impact of every donation on other taxes. Now you are ready to apply your donations tax
knowledge by doing the questions in Sections B and C of this tutorial letter.


 Parsons, et al. 2020. Advanced Questions on SA Tax 6th edition (2021). Cape Town, Juta.
 SAICA. 2020. SAICA Student Handbook 2019/2020 Volume 3, Durban, LexisNexis.
 Stiglingh, et al. 2020. ‘Chapter 17: Capital gains tax (CGT)’, Silke: South African Income Tax 2021,
  Durban, LexisNexis.
 Stiglingh, et al. 2020. ‘Chapter 26: Donations tax’, Silke: South African Income Tax 2021, Durban,

                                       END OF LEARNING UNIT 2
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         WORK PLAN FOR DAYS 2 - 5 (25 – 28 FEBRUARY 2021)

          Time allocation for learning unit 3 – VAT – 21 hours


After the completion of the first year of your postgraduate studies, you should have a basic knowledge of
VAT. In this learning unit, you should concentrate on those areas that were not covered in your previous
studies and master complex issues. While studying, ensure that you can also apply the theory to a
practical situation. When you plan your study time, bear in mind the sections that are examinable in terms
of the syllabus and those sections that are excluded from the syllabus (reflected in the Table of Reference
(below) in this learning unit).

3.1.1    UNGC Principle 10

The UNGC principles were introduced in TL102. Compliance with the laws and regulations is the basis on
which the taxation legislation is founded.

UNGC principle 10 states that businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion
and bribery. The definition of corruption includes dishonest or fraudulent conduct. Tax evasion would fall
within the ambit of corruption. UNGC principle 10 therefore encourages entities to find a balance between
the social obligation to pay taxes and tax planning, in order to minimise the ‘cost’ of these taxes for an
entity within the ambit of the law. It is important to take note of the UNGC principle 10 not only when
studying, but more importantly when applying the Value-Added Tax legislation in practice.
18                                  TAX4862/103/2021


                         After studying LU 3, you should be able to meet the following outcomes:
                            understand and be able to explain how the levying of VAT and the VAT
                             system works;
                            identify whether a person needs to register as a vendor;
                            list the documentary requirements for a VAT transaction;
                            identify when and at what rate VAT is levied, including whether a transaction
                             will be zero-rated or exempt;
                            identify and be able to apply the rules relating to deemed supplies;
                            identify transactions where input tax will be denied and
                            explain and be able to determine and apply the timing rules and value for a

           Before you start studying the detailed provisions of the VAT Act, read the following scenario
            relating to the Beancounter family. The scenario provided requires that you first carefully read
            the information provided. Then, as you study the different VAT provisions, identify areas of
            concern that should be brought to the attention of the Beancounter family.

Bizzie Beancounter has decided to start her own business venture as a sole proprietor. She has located
the perfect premises that is currently available for letting. She will start a dry-cleaning business in her own
name (recognised as a process of manufacture by the Commissioner) on 1 May 2020 (with a February
year-end). She will employ four permanent staff members (non-connected persons) and she herself will
take care of the day-to-day management of the business. Bizzie will import two dry-cleaning machines
from Europe, which will have arrived by 1 May 2020.

Bizzie has signed contracts with a few local restaurants to render dry-cleaning services to them with effect
from May 2020. Her monthly turnover in terms of these agreements will be R85 000 for the first six months,
increasing by 10% for every consecutive six-month-period.

However, Bizzie is uncertain about what (if any) VAT implications might arise from her business venture
and she has asked you to identify all the VAT areas which may affect her business.

Six months have passed since your first meeting with Bizzie when she phones you to set a date for a
second meeting. The dry-cleaning business is operating very successfully and Bizzie feels that it is time
for one or two changes:

 The rented premises has become too small for Bizzie’s business venture and she wants to buy a house
  in Justice Mahomed Street, Pretoria, from where she will operate the business. She will buy the house
  from Ancient Eve, a 72-year-old woman who can no longer manage the old residence on her own
  (Ancient Eve is not a VAT vendor). The house has a separate, one-bedroom flat, which Ancient Eve
  wants to rent from Bizzie after the sale. The flat occupies 10% of the floor space of the residence.
19                                  TAX4862/103/2021

 Bizzie wants to incorporate a collect-and-deliver dry-cleaning service into the business and she will
  need to buy a delivery truck for this purpose. Peter a current employee will do all the driving for business
  purposes. He will also be able to use the vehicle for private purposes during evenings and over
  weekends. All expenses relating to the delivery truck will be paid by the business.
20                                   TAX4862/103/2021

3.4.1    Study approach

In this learning unit, we again provide you with a Table of Reference (below); however, we recommend
that you study VAT in the sequence as set out in SILKE. We therefore provide you with this table, which
divides the content of the SILKE chapter into the time available, together with references to additional
notes in this tutorial letter. You should use this table to guide you through the content of this learning unit.
Also, refer to the prescribed cases (indicated in the table) to be studied (refer to the relevant summaries
in TL102).

   Par in                                                                                      Additional
   SILKE                                                                                     notes in the TL
                              Day 2: Thursday 25 February 2021 (3 hours)
      31.1     Overview of VAT                                                                     3.6.1
      31.2     Calculation of VAT
      31.3     The accounting basis (s 15)
      31.4     Tax periods (s 27)
      31.5     Output tax (supply of goods and services) (s 7(1))                              3.6.2& 3.6.3
      31.6     Vendor (ss 23, 50, 50A, 51(2) and 22 of the TAA)
      31.7     Output tax (in the course or furtherance of an enterprise) (s 7(1)(a))
      31.8     VAT levied – importation of goods (ss 7(1)(b) and 13)                               3.6.9
      31.9     VAT levied – imported services
               CSARS v De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd (74 SATC 330)                              TL 102
    31.10      Output tax (zero rated supplies)
               Interpretation note: No. 103 – The Value-added tax treatment of
               supplies of international and ancillary transport services
               Stellenbosch Farmers’ Winery Ltd v CSARS [2012] (77 SATC 235)                      TL 102
               Master Currency (Pty) Ltd v C: SARS [2013] 3 All SA 135 (SCA)                      TL 102
               Interpretation note: No. 85 – The Master Currency case and the zero-
               rating of supplies made to non-residents
               Interpretation note: No. 57 – Sale of an enterprise or part thereof as a
               going concern
    31.11      The taxable supply of commercial accommodation & exempt supplies                    3.6.4
                                Day 3: Friday 26 February 2021 (3 hours)
    31.12      Output tax (deemed supplies) (ss 8 and 18(3))                                       3.6.5
               CSARS v British Airways PLC [2005] JOL 14066 (SCA)                                 TL 102
    31.13      Output tax (non-supplies) (ss 8(3), (4), (14), (25), 9(2)(b) and (c) and
    31.14      Output tax (no apportionment) (s 8(16))
    31.15      Time of supply (s 9)                                                                3.6.6
    31.16      Value of supply (s 10(2))                                                           3.6.6
               Interpretation note: No. 70 - Supplies made for no consideration
                        Day 4 and 5: Weekend 27 – 28 February 2021 (15 hours)
    31.17      Basics of input tax (ss 16 and 17)                                                  3.6.7
    31.18      Tax invoices (ss 16(2) and 20)
    31.19      Debit and credit notes (s 21)
    31.20      The determination of input tax (s 17)
               CSARS v De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd [2012] (74 SATC 330)                       TL 102
21                                    TAX4862/103/2021

Par in                                                                                  Additional
SILKE                                                                                 notes in the TL
31.21     Input tax (denial of input tax) (s 17(2))                                        3.6.8
          Interpretation note: No. 82 – Input tax on motor cars
 31.22    Input tax (second-hand goods) (ss 1, 18(8) and 20(8))
 31.23    Special rules – instalment credit agreements
 31.24    Special rules – fixed property                                                  3.6.10
31.25 –   Adjustments – (ss 9(6), 10(7), 16(3)(h), 18(1), 18B, 18(4), 9(5), 18(2),        3.6.11
 31.31    18(5), 18(6), 10(9), 8(14)(b), 8(14A), 9(10), 10(24), 18(9), 18A, 8(29),
          9(12), 10(28), 18C, 16(2)(f) and 22)
31.32.1   Pre-incorporation expenses (s 19)
31.32.2   Agents (ss 8(20), 16(2) and 54)
 31.33    Foreign electronic services (s 1 definition of enterprise, ss 23(1) and
31.34     The influence of VAT on income tax calculations
          Work through examples 31.60 & 31.61 in SILKE.
22                                    TAX4862/103/2021

3.4.2      Table of Reference

The Table of Reference contains the references to all the sections in the VAT Act and TAA which must be
studied in this learning unit as well as an indication of whether a specific section is examinable or not.

                                                                                         Reference to
   to the                                    Topics                                                       Examinable
  VAT Act

 Sections of the VAT Act

 s1           All definitions, except for the following:                                   Various           Yes
              (It will be stated if a service is an “electronic service” or a
              person is an “intermediary”.)
              “association not for gain”, “Controller”, “customs authority”,
              “customs controlled area”, “customs controlled area
              enterprise”, “designated entity”, par (b)(i) – (v) of the
              definition of “enterprise”, proviso (vi), (viii), (x), (xi) & (xii) to
              the definition of “enterprise”, paragraph (d) of the definition
              of “exported”, “foreign donor funded project”, “grant”,
              “inbound insurance policy”, “international journey”,
              “licenced customs and excise storage warehouse”,
              “outbound insurance policy”, “public authority”, “SEZ”, “SEZ
              operator”, “share block company”, “Share Blocks Control
              Act”, “Special Economic Zones Act”, “storage warehouse”,
              “welfare organisation”
 s2           Financial services, only:
              Debt security s 2(1)(c), issue, allotment or transfer of
              ownership of an equity security (d), provision of credit (f),
                                                                                           31.11.1           Yes
              provision of long-term insurance (i) and the issue,
              acquisition, collection, buying or selling or transfer of
              ownership of any cryptocurrency (o).
              Rest of the section                                                                            No
 s3           Determination of "open market value"                                                           Yes
 s4           Administration of VAT Act                                                                      No
 s5           Exercise of powers and performance of duties                                                   No
 s6           Secrecy                                                                                        No
 s7           Imposition of VAT                                                        31.5, 31.7, 31.8
                                                                                           & 31.9
              Sub-section 7(3)                                                                               No
 s8           Certain supplies of goods or services deemed to be made                  31.12, 31.13 &
              or not made                                                                  31.14
              Sub-sections (2A) – (2G), (5), (5A), (5B), (6), (13), (13A),
              14(b), (14A), (17) – (20), (22) – (24), (26) & (28)
 s 8A         Sharia-compliant financing arrangements                                                        No
 s9           Time of supply                                                                31.15            Yes
              Sub-sections (2)(d), (3)(e), (3)(f), (9), (10) & (11)                                          No
 s 10         Value of supply of goods or services                                          31.16            Yes
              Sub-sections (4A), (8), (14), (17), (17A), (21A), (22B), (24),
              (25) & (27)
 s 11         Zero-rating                                                                   31.10            Yes
 s 11(1)      Supply of exported goods                                                     31.10.1           Yes
              Sub-sections (1)(a)(ii), (b) - (d), (f), (g), (hA), (m), (mA), (n),
              (p), (r) - (v)
 s 11(2)      Supply of exported services                                                  31.10.2           Yes
23                                     TAX4862/103/2021

                                                                                      Reference to
  to the                                   Topics                                                     Examinable
 VAT Act
            Sub-sections (2)(g), (h), (j), (m), (n), (q), (s), (t), (u), (v), (x),
s 11(3)     Principle                                                                   31.10.2          Yes
s 12        Exempt supplies                                                              31.11           Yes
            Sub-sections (b), (d), (e),(f), (k), (l) & (m)                                               No
s 13        Collection of tax on importation of goods, determination of
            value thereof and exemptions from tax                                        31.8            Yes
            s 13(2B) – value will be provided
            Sub-sections (5) & (6)                                                                       No
s 14        Collection of VAT on imported services, determination of
                                                                                         31.9            Yes
            value thereof and exemptions from tax
            Sub-section (4)                                                                              No
s 15        Accounting basis                                                             31.3            Yes
            Sub-sections (2)(a), (2A), (3) – (9)                                                         No
s 16        Calculation of tax payable                                               31.2 & 31.17        Yes
            (excluding broad area exclusions, e.g. prizes and gambling)                                  No
s 17        Permissible deductions in respect of input tax                           31.20 & 31.21       Yes
            Sub-section (2)(ix)                                                                          No
s 18        Change in use adjustments                                                31.12, 31.25 –
            Excluding turnover tax provisions & s 18(4)(a), (4)(b), (9), &
s 18A       Adjustments in consequence of acquisition of going concern
            wholly or partly for purposes other than making taxable                      31.29           Yes
s 18B       Temporary letting of residential fixed property                                              No
s 18C       Adjustments for leasehold improvements                                       31.30           Yes
s 19        Goods or services acquired before incorporation                             31.32.1          Yes
s 20        Tax invoices                                                                 31.18           Yes
s 21        Credit and debit notes                                                       31.19           Yes
s 22        Irrecoverable debts                                                          31.31           Yes
s 23        Registration of persons making supplies in the course of
                                                                                     31.6 & 31.33        Yes
            Sub-section (3)(b)(ii)(AA), (3A) & (5)                                                       No
s 24        Cancellation of registration                                                 31.6            Yes
s 25        Vendor to notify change of status                                                            No
s 26        Liabilities not affected by person ceasing to be vendor                     31.6.1           No
s 27        Tax period (category will be given)                                          31.4            Yes
            Sub-section (2) – (5)                                                                        No
s 28        Returns and payments of tax                                                                  No
s 29        Special returns                                                                              No
s 31        Assessments                                                                                  No
s 32        Objections to certain decisions or assessments                                               Yes
s 38        Manner in which tax shall be paid                                                            No
s 39        Penalty for failure to pay tax when due
s 40C       Liability of bargaining councils or political parties for tax and
            limitations of refunds
s 40D       Liability for tax and limitations of refunds in respect of
            National Housing Programmes
s 41        Liability for tax in respect of certain past supplies or
24                                TAX4862/103/2021

                                                                         Reference to
  to the                             Topics                                              Examinable
 VAT Act
s 41B     VAT class rulings and VAT rulings                                                 No
s 44      Refunds                                                                           No
s 45      Interest on delayed refunds                                                       No
s 46      Persons acting in a representative capacity                                       No
s 50      Separate enterprises, branches and divisions                      31.6            Yes
          Proviso to section 50(1)                                                          No
s 50A     Separate persons carrying on same enterprise under
                                                                            31.6            Yes
          certain circumstances deemed to be single person
s 51      Bodies of persons, corporate or unincorporated (other than
s 52      Pooling arrangements                                                              No
s 53      Death of vendor                                                                   Yes
          Insolvency of vendor                                                              No
s 54      Agents (excluding auctioneers)
          (It will be clear from the information that there is an         31.32.2           Yes
          agent/principal relationship)
          Intermediaries (s 54(2B))                                        31.33            Yes
          Sub-section (2A)(b)                                                               No
s 55      Records                                                                           No
s 58      Offences                                                                          No
s 61      Recovery of tax from recipient                                                    No
s 64      Prices deemed to include tax                                                      Yes
s 65      Prices advertised or quoted to include tax                                        Yes
s 66      Rounding-off of the tax                                                           No
s 67      Contract price or consideration may be varied according to                        No
          rate of VAT
s 67A     Application of increased or reduced tax rate                                      No
s 67B     Registration of motor vehicles prohibited in certain                              No
s 68      Tax relief allowable to certain diplomats and diplomatic and                      No
          consular missions
s 72      Arrangements and directions to overcome difficulties,
          anomalies or incongruities                                                        No
s 73      Schemes for obtaining undue tax benefits                                          No
s 74      Schedules and regulations                                                         No
s 75      Tax agreements                                                                    No
s 78      Transitional matters                                                              No
s 78A     Transitional matters: Turnover tax                                                No
s 85      Repeal of laws                                                                    No
s 86      Act binding on State, and effect of certain exemptions from                       No
s 86A     Provisions relating to special economic zones                                     No
s 87      Short title                                                                       No
Schedules to the VAT Act
1         Exemption: Certain Goods Imported in the Republic                                 No
2         Part A                                                                            No
2         Part B: Zero rate: Supply of goods consisting of certain
                                                                          31.10.4           Yes
2         Part C: Section 11(1)(w) of this Act                            31.10.4           Yes
25                                  TAX4862/103/2021

 Interpretation notes                                                                              Silke par
 Interpretation Notes will no longer be included in the SAICA Student Handbook, but to the extent that
 an Interpretation Note creates a practice generally prevailing (refer to section 5 of the Tax Administration
 Act), the relevant extract will be provided in the test or exam.

            Interpretation Notes are available at:
            Binding General Rulings (BGR) are available at:

 Interpretation note: No. 30 (Issue 3). Date: 5 May 2014 – The supply of moveable goods
 as contemplated in section 11(1)(a)(i) read with paragraph (a) of the definition of
 “exported” and the corresponding documentary proof (Section 1(1), par (a) of the
 definition of exported”, sections 11(a)(i) and 11(3))
 Interpretation note: No. 31. (Issue 4) Date: 9 March 2016 – Documentary proof required            31.10.2 &
 for the zero-rating of goods and services (Section 11(3) read with section 11(1) and (2))          31.10.4
 Interpretation note: No. 42. (Issue 2) Date: 12 December 2016 – The supply of goods and &
 services by the travel and tourism industry (Section 7(1)(a), 11(1)(a) and 11(2)(l))               31.21.3
 Interpretation Note No. 52 (Issue 3) Date: 10 March 2014 – Approval to end a tax period
 on a day other than the last day of a month
 Interpretation note: No. 56. (Issue 2) Date 31 March 2014 – Recipient created tax
 invoices; credit and debit notes (Sections 20(2) and 21(4)). See BGR 15 (Issue 2)
 Interpretation note: No. 57. Date: 31 March 2010 – Sale of an enterprise or part thereof &
 as a going concern (sections 8(7), 8(16), 11(1)(e) & 18A)                               
 Interpretation note: No. 70. Date: 14 March 2013 – Supplies made for no consideration
 (sections 1(1) definition of ‘enterprise’, ‘taxable supply’ ‘input tax’ and ‘consideration’,      31.16.7
 (sections 10(4), 10(23))
 Interpretation note: No. 82. Date: 26 March 2015 – Input tax on motor cars (sections 1(1),
 17(2)(c) & 18)
 Interpretation note: No. 83. (Issue 2) Date 9 April 2015 – Application of sections 20(7)
 and 21(5) (Sections 20(4), (5), (7), 21(1) and (5)). See BGR 27
 Interpretation note: No. 85. Date: 27 March 2015 – The Master Currency case and the
 zero-rating of supplies made to non-residents (section 11(2)(l))
 Interpretation note: No. 92. Date: 24 October 2016 – Documentary proof prescribed by              31.17 &
 the commissioner (Sections 16(2)(f) and 16(3)(c) to (n))                                           31.18
 Interpretation note: No. 103. Date: 14 September 2018 – The Value-added tax treatment
 of supplies of international and ancillary transport services (Section 11(2)(a), (b), (c), (d)
 & (e))

3.4.3    Sections in SILKE you may ignore

           When working through chapter 31 in SILKE, you may IGNORE all paragraphs of the text with
           shaded headings.

           The following broad area exclusions from the SAICA syllabus relates to VAT:
           Special Economic Zones;
           Custom Controlled Areas;
           Municipalities, municipal entities, welfare organisations and organisations not for gain; and
           Donor funded projects.
26                                 TAX4862/103/2021

The important proposed amendments which are applicable to this LU are summarised below. In some
instances, we repeat amendments from previous years which were enacted for your convenience.

        Relevant proposed amendments to the VAT Act contained in the Rates and Monetary
         Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill 26 of 2020, the Taxation Laws
         Amendment Bill 27 of 2020 and the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill 28 of 2020
         respectively, are as follows:

         Amendment to proviso (ii) of section 22(3):

         The amendment makes it clear that where goods or services acquired on credit and where the
         creditor is not paid within 12 months of the tax period in which the deduction (input tax claimed)
         was made, the vendor must account for output tax at the tax fraction at the rate applicable at
         the time of such deduction. This makes provision for changes in the VAT rate, i.e., when the
         VAT rate increased from 14% to 15% on 1 April 2018.

         Effective date: on or after 1 April 2021

        Amendments to the VAT Act contained in the Rates and Monetary Amounts and
         Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill 17 of 2019, the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 18 of
         2019 and the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill 19 of 2019 respectively, are as

         Amendment of section 8(25) of the VAT Act:

         The supplying and recipient vendor are deemed to be one and the same person in respect of
         certain company reorganisation transactions. Sub-paragraph (iii) was added to section 8(25).
         This has the effect that a fixed property asset-for-share and intragroup transaction will now
         also be regarded as a non-event for VAT:

         Where a supplier (vendor A) disposes of fixed property to a recipient (vendor B) and the parties
         agree in writing that the supplier (vendor A) will lease the fixed property from the recipient
         (vendor B) immediately after the supply.

         This amendment comes into operation on 1 April 2020

         Amendment of section 11(1)(w) and Schedule 2 of the VAT Act:

         Paragraph (w) has been added to section 11(1). This paragraph stipulates that sanitary towels
         (pads) as set out in Part C of Schedule 2 are now exempt supplies.

         Part C was added to Schedule 2 and lists the type of sanitary towels that are zero rated.
         This amendment is deemed to have come into operation on 1 April 2019
27                                  TAX4862/103/2021

        Amendments to the VAT Act contained in the Rates and Monetary Amounts and
         Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill 17 of 2019, the Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 18 of
         2019 and the Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill 19 of 2019 respectively, are as

         Amendment of section 24(1) of the VAT Act:

         The section has been amended to now also include foreign electronic services providers.
         Therefore, a foreign electronic services provider shall cease to be liable to register where the
         total value of the vendor’s taxable supplies in the period 12 months commencing at the
         beginning of any tax period will not be more than R1 million.

         This amendment is deemed to have come into operation on 1 April 2019.

3.6.1   Mind map representing an overview of VAT

          In order to provide you with an overview of VAT and as a useful study tool, we include a mind
          map of the output and input tax provisions in the VAT Act on the following page.
28                                                        TAX4862/103/0/2021

                                                     Mind map with overview of VAT
                               NO                                                                                                            Supply goods
  Final consumer                                             Person carrying on an enterprise                              YES
                                                                                                                                             and services

       No output               supplies
       tax levied              (sections 12                                                                                              Taxable supplies
                               and 2)                                                                                                    (sections 1 and 7)
                                                                                           Standard rated supplies (15%)
OUTPUT TAX                                                                                 (section 7(1)(a))
(section 7(1)(a))

                                                                                                                                 Zero-rated supplies (0%)
                                                                                                                                 (section 11)
                                                                                      Deemed supplies
                 Adjustments (sections 18(1),                                         (sections 8 and 18(3))
                18(2), 18A, 18B, 18C and 22(2)
                            – (3A))

                                                                                                          Time and value of supplies
                    Mixed supplies (section 17(1))                                                        (sections 9 and 10)
                     Apportionment                        Adjustments (sections 18(4), 18(5),
                                                           18(9), 16(3)(h), 22(1), 22(1A), 22(4),
                                                           22(6) and 22(7))

                                                                                  Input tax deduction denied
                                                                                  (section 17(2))

INPUT TAX                                                 Notional input tax – second-hand goods (also
(section 7(1)                                             fixed property)
& section 1)                                              (section 1, definition of “input tax”, sub-par (b))

                                    Imported goods and services
                                    (sections 7(1)(b), 13 & 14))
29                                    TAX4862/103/2021

3.6.2      Mind map of the supply of goods and services – OUTPUT TAX

                             Supply of goods and services by a

           No output tax         Exempt supplies                   Taxable supplies
           charged               (sections 12 and 2)               (sections 1 and 7)

                                   Standard rated supplies (15%)
                                   (section 7(1)(a))

                                                                                Zero-rated supplies (0%)
    OUTPUT TAX                                                                  (section 11)
    (section 7(1)(a))

                                                                    Deemed supplies
                                                                    (sections 8 and 18(3))

     Adjustments (sections 18(1),
     18(2), 18A, 18B, 18C and 22(2)–         Time and value of supplies
     (3A))                                   (sections 9 and 10)

3.6.3      Services - SILKE par 31.5.3

The definition of services is very broad and the supply of services typically include (without being limited
to) the following:

   royalties – granting the right to use intellectual property, that is, patents, trademarks and copyrights
   sale of intellectual property
   assignment, waiver or abandonment of a right to someone else, including the right of legal action
   acceptance of a restraint, including agreeing not to act or to act in a particular way
   acceptance of damages or compensation, including the cancellation of agreements
   provision of professional services, including construction, legal, accounting and other similar services
   provision of facilities by clubs, churches, charities and other non-profit organisations

Please note that this does not mean that all of the above services are taxable supplies; merely that they
will constitute services for the purposes of the VAT Act.

The exclusion of “money” from the definitions of “goods” and “services” means that no VAT implications
will arise in respect of its supply. This is important because it means that when goods are purchased from
a vendor, the initial supply of the item will attract VAT, whereas the subsequent payment will not attract
30                                   TAX4862/103/2021

3.6.4    Exempt supplies: Other (including transport of fare-paying passengers and their
         personal effects by road or rail) - SILKE par 31.11.4

 Study section 12(g). Note that where transport services were taxed at 0% (in terms of section 11(2)(a)),
 this will take preference over the exemption (if it is transport by road or rail; transport by aircraft or boat
 is in any case a taxable supply). The information below is summarised from VAT Practice Note 7/1992.

            Practice Notes are available at:

For the exemption to apply, the following criteria must be met:

 Passengers (travelling by road or rail) must pay a fare.
 The supplier of the transport service must operate the vehicle himself (not a courier).

These two requirements will be discussed in more detail.

Fare-paying passengers
Where the operator of the vehicle (in which passengers are transported) charges a consideration for the
service, the passengers will be regarded as fare-paying. The passengers themselves, or a third party, may
pay a specified fare either on boarding the vehicle or on purchasing a ticket prior to travel.

The exemption does not apply where passengers are not charged a fare. If, for example, a mine were to
provide transport by road for its miners from their lodgings to the mine, the mine would be entitled to claim
the input tax paid in connection with the supply. This is because it will not constitute an exempt supply, as
the miners do not pay a fee.

Operation of a transport business
In order to qualify for the exemption, the supplier of the transport service must be the operator of the
vehicle in which the passengers are transported. The supplier need not necessarily be the owner of the
vehicle or even the employer of the driver but must be commercially responsible for the transporting of the

Where the supplier of the vehicle does not operate it himself, but rents or hires it to a third party, who uses
it for the transport of passengers, the exemption does not apply. The reason for this is that the supply
constitutes the hire of the vehicle and not that of a transport service and is therefore standard rated. Should
the supplier also provide the services of a driver, however, the supply will constitute an exempt supply in
most cases, and not a standard-rated supply. Each situation must be judged on its own facts and the use
of the words “hire” or “charter” in an agreement is not conclusive as to the nature of the transaction. The
decisive factor in determining whether an exempt transport service or a taxable rental transaction is
supplied will usually be to whom the driver is ultimately accountable.

If the driver were accountable to the owner of the vehicle, an exempt transport service would be supplied
in the absence of factors to the contrary. By contrast, if the driver were accountable to the recipient, the
supply would be taxable in most instances. In practice, SARS interprets this provision in a broad manner.
You can also read