Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support - Jamia Mosque

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Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support - Jamia Mosque
Ramadhan 01, 1441/April 24, 2020                                                                                              Issue No. 885

 Jamia assists 1,000 families with food
                support                                                                In a programme aimed at cushioning Kenyans on
                                                                                       the economic hardships brought about the Corona-
                                                                                       virus pandemic as well as giving support to Mus-
                                                                                       lims during the month of Ramadhan, Jamia Mosque
                                                                                       Committee has extended food support to more than
                                                                                       1,000 families in various areas of Nairobi.
                                                                                       The food items worth Sh5 million targeted residents
                                                                                       of slum areas which included Kibera, Pumwani,
                                                                                       Mlango Kubwa, Riruta, Korogocho, Githurai, Muk-
                                                                                       uru and Deep Sea among other areas.
                                                                                       The Jamia Mosque Committee received the author-
                                                                                       ization to distribute the foodstuffs from the Kenya
                                                                                       Covid-19 Emergency Response Fund which had
                                                                                       earlier placed restrictions on food distribution to
                                                                                       prevent gatherings and crowding of people-factors
                                                                                       that have the potential to spread of the disease.
                                                                                       To ensure a smooth exercise and avoid scenarios
                                                                                       such as that witnessed in Kibera where several
                                                                                       people were injured while scrambling for food dona-
                                                                                       tions, the Jamia Mosque Committee organized for
                                                                                       beneficiaries to collect foodstuffs from designated
                                                                                       food stores in various areas.
                                                                                       “The programme is essentially for Ramadhan but at
                                                                                       the same time, we also wanted to assist people of
                                                                                       other faiths who are facing challenges in the wake
                                                                                       of the Covid-19 pandemic. The package is about 50
                                                                                       kilogrammes and it is sufficient to mitigate the food
                                                                                       needs of an average family throughout the month of
 Jamia Mosque Committee member Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome ac-                              Ramadhan," said the Jamia Mosque Administrator
 companied by the mosque Librarian Ramadhan Abbas hands                                Said Abdallah.
 over a food package to a beneficiary from Mukuru slums.                                                                Continued To Page 9

        DP Ruto gives Sh3m for
Deputy President William Ruto has extended a Sh 3 million donation
towards support for Muslims in Nairobi during the month of Ramadhan.
The DP made the donation after a meeting of Muslim leaders at his
Karen residence who included representatives the Supreme Council of
Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM), Jamia Mosque Committee and Sisters with
a Mission based in Kisumu.
He called on members of the Muslim Community to observe the gov-
ernment regulations laid down to fight the dreaded Coronavirus pan-
                                                   Continued To Page 9

DP William Ruto displays a gesture of greeting to Jamia
Mosque official Abdullatif Essajee when he met Muslim
leaders at his Karen residence on Tuesday

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Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support - Jamia Mosque
The Friday Bulletin                                           NATIONAL                            Ramadhan 01, 1441/April 24, 2020

                           Muslim organizations in Iftar distribution drive
Muslim organizations involved in commu-         (CIPK) and Islamic Relief ,Masjid Al huda        Sheikh Abdullatif emphasized that it is a
nity and humanitarian activities will carry     among others.                                    religious obligation for Muslim organiza-
out distribution of foodstuff packages and      According to Sheikh Abdullatif Abdulkarim,       tions to serve humanity and less fortunate
other donations to less fortunate families      the organizations agreed to work together        in the society to cater for their needs and
across the country to provide them with         as a team and share information for the          to see to it that they also feel to be part of
food support during the month of Ramad-         benefit of the community and success of          the society.
han.                                            the distribution exercise. He observed that      Among the beneficiaries of the programme
This was revealed on Monday during a            already various organizations have put in        will be elderly persons, widows, the physi-
consultative meeting of Muslim organisa-        place structures for Ramadhan Iftar food         cally challenged persons and orphans.
tions at Jamia Mosque Nairobi to deliber-       packages distribution which will be done         Over 10,000 families across the country
ate on how to assist the less fortunate and     directly to the homes of the beneficiaries.      are expected to benefit from the food distri-
needy families with food support to take        “As a gesture to provide food to the vulner-     bution programme.
them through the whole month of Rama-           able families during the month of Ramad-         The food distribution programme will be
dhan.                                           han, the Consortium of Muslim Organiza-          extended to various counties and far-
The organisations present at the meeting        tions, have resolved to work together and        flung areas which include Isiolo, Madogo,
included Jamia Mosque Committee, Zakat          partner to ensure the interests and well-be-     GarissaWajir, Mandera, Thika, Murang'a,
Kenya, Direct Aid formerly African Mus-         ing of vulnerable families are well catered      Lodwar,Kibra, Kayole, Dandora and Mak-
lim Agency (AMA), Al Khair Foundation,          for during this Month of Ramadhan and            uru slums in Nairobi,Marsabit, Kilifi, Lamu,
Council of Imams and Preachers of Kenya         beyond,” Sheikh Abdullatif said.                 Kajiado and parts of Western Kenya.

Government restricts movement in Mandera over Covid 19                                                Prof. Muhammad
The government has imposed a ban on             tus to enforce the directive.
                                                                                                     Hyder passes away
movement in Mandera after the county            “We fully support the 21-day lockdown. We
registered a marked increase of Covid 19        had made this proposal over two weeks
infections.                                     ago. We appreciate that it has finally been
The move comes after the border town            implemented. We urge our security part-
consistently recorded cases of new infec-       ners to fully implement the order,” he said.
tions including the latest two who were         Mandera now becomes the fifth County
found to be refugees.                           after Nairobi, Mombasa, Kilifi and Kwale
Health Cabinet Secretary Mutahi Kagwe           to fall under a similar restriction to contain
said after looking at the unfolding situation   the spread of the coronavirus.
in the County which so far had eight cases      The CS however said that the government
in a relatively short span of time, it was      is collaborating with the development
deemed prudent to restrict movement to          partners to ramp up our surveillance test-
minimize further spread of the pandemic.        ing mechanism which entails community
He said the strategic location of the town      based surveillance, hospital based sur-
which borders both Somalia and Ethiopia         veillance and population based surveil-
exposed the county precariously to both         lance.
local and foreigner travelers who might         The CS said the government is particu-
have been infected with the highly conta-       larly concerned about mental health and
gious disease.                                  has therefore established a psychiatric
“This is a dangerous situation consider-        and psychological care help framework
ing that Mandera is a corner county with        over this period. “We have to be alive to
neighbours on two sides and is affected         the effect that COVID-19 management
by travel from other parts of the country”      measures have had on our people. If you
Kagwe told the nation during his daily          feel distressed and need counseling or           Renowned scholar Prof. Muhammad Hy-
briefing on the status of the pandemic in       psychological care, please call 1199 and         der Matano has passed away. The schol-
the country.                                    you will be attended to”, he said.               ar passed away yesterday at his Kizingo
Mandera Governor Ali Roba also wel-             CS Kagwe gave a hotline number 0721              home in Mombasa. He is expected to be
comed the decision, stating that the local      336017 that can be used for any inquir-          buried today. May Allah shower His infi-
administration had lobbied for the lock-        ies on continuity of psychological care or       nite Mercy and grant him the everlasting
down as he ordered the security appara-         psychiatric emergencies or crisis,               abode of Jannatul Firdaws

                       MP donates salary to help Kenyans during pandemic
Mvita Member of Parliament Abdulswam-           COVID-19 menace that has threatened to
ad Shariff Nassir says he will donate his       bring the economy on its knees. “As little
entire April salary towards the fight against   as it may be, this is the time for us in the
the deadly coronavirus pandemic.                public sector to give out what we can to
This is an unprecedented decision in a          help in the fight against coronavirus just
country where legislators are known to          like what our friends are doing in the pri-
covet higher salaries which has made            vate sector,” he said.
Kenyan MPs to be among the highest-             He also urged other public officials to fol-
paid public officials in the world.             low the suit by donating what they can to
Speaking to The Friday Bulletin, the Mvita      help in these trying times.
MP says he made the decision to help
contribute to the efforts to combat the

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Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support - Jamia Mosque
The Friday Bulletin                                              DA'WAH                            Ramadhan 01, 1441/April 24, 2020

                       Get ready to welcome a Dear Friend – Month of Ramadhan
Br. Khurram Murad
Alhamdullilah, Allah has blessed us to wit-      a special effort to guard your tongue during     constantly. A constant Zikr of Allah and his
ness and reach another Ramadhan. The             this month. Make a habit every night to as-      praise (Tahmeed & Tahleel) are one of the
Prophet peace be upon him has called             sess your day before going to sleep. Make        best of ways of reaping rewards during
this month – a blessed month and a great         immediate Istighfar and repent if you have       this month. As we make Duaa to Allah, we
month.                                           committed a sin during your day.                 perfect our conviction and belief – that He
Let us focus on how to achieve this purifi-      4.Seek Good Deeds – A believer should            is the only one who can fulfill our needs,
cation and what simple steps can we take         always be seeking opportunities to perform       wants and desires. Extending our hands in
to reach our goals. The following10 tips         and engage in good deeds. During the             complete devotion any time of the day or
can be helpful in reaching this goal.            month of Ramadhan the reward for every           night and at specific times such as the time
                                                 good deed (Nawafil) rises to the level of        of breaking of fast (Iftar) would be a source
1.Intention and Determination – Intention
                                                 the reward of obligatory acts (Faraidh).         of Allah’s mercy and acceptance. Make a
creates the desire, the consciousness and
                                                 We should seek all such opportunities in         special effort to memorize some of the Az-
the determination; which in turn produces
                                                 worship (Ibaadat) and relationships (Mua-        kar and Adiyah and frequently repeat them
the required efforts for a task or goal. At
                                                 malat ). When a believer goes beyond the         throughout the day.
the start of this Ramadhan, make the in-
tention of attaining the piety (Taqwa) which     obligatory acts (Faraidh) and hastens to         7.Night Vigil on the Night of Power
is the goal of the month of fasting. Have        perform the optional (Nawafil) it shows his      (Laylatul Qadr) and Itikaf – In this night
the intention of reaching this level of piety    eagerness to please Allah. These are the         Quran was revealed. The status of this
through your fasting, worship (Ibadat) and       believer about whom Allah relates in the         night was clearly stated in the famous vers-
all the planned special activities during this   Hadith Qudsi related by Abu Hurayrah (RA)        es of Surat Al-Qadar “The Night of Decree
month. To achieve, this goal, it may be ben-     that such people become so dear to Allah         (a.k.a. The Night of Power) is better than a
eficial to dedicate some private time before     that Allah becomes the eyes through which        thousand months” [97:3]
the first day or on the first day of Ramad-      they see; He becomes the ears through            In this night Allah forgives those who seek
han and make Hamd and Istighfar to Allah         which they hear; He becomes the feet             forgiveness and stand the night in prayer.
. Send salutations on the Prophet peace          through which they walk, and the tongue          This night is the most important and blessed
be upon him and ask Allah to assist you          through which they speak. In this Ramad-         night of the year. According to the Ahadith,
in this endeavor. Making Duaa with focus         han decide on any three (3) or more good         this night is one of the odd nights of the last
and concentration can help you attain the        deeds that you will consistently perform to      ten (10) days of Ramadhan and believers
proper mindset.                                  attain this special nearness to Allah.           are commanded to seek this night and ask
2.Relationship with Quran – Make special         5.Qiyam al-layl – To stand the night in          for forgiveness and the expiation from the
arrangements during this month for recita-       prayer and recite from the Book of Allah         Hell fire in this night. This night was given
tion, listening, understanding and ponder-       is one of the most effective methods of at-      to the Ummah of Muhammad as a special
ing on the verses of Quran. Spend as much        taining the consciousness of Allah (Taqwa).      gift which allows them to gain mountains
time as possible in the company of Quran.        Allah praises these believers in Surat Al-       of reward in a short amount of time. Make
Attending Taraweeh regularly is a great op-      Dhariyat [51:18] “And in the hours before        special arrangements for yourself and your
portunity to complete listening to the Quran     dawn they would ask forgiveness” [51:18]         family to earn the rewards of this special
at least once during Ramadhan. If you            Taraweeh is considered to be part of Qiy-        night to its fullest. Spend all these nights
don’t understand the Arabic language, you        am al-layl. Believers are also encouraged        or parts of it in prayer, recitation of Quran
should make every effort to understand a         to wake up and pray during the second            and Zikar. The Prophet peace be upon him
set portion with translation and tafseer. If     part or the 3rd part of the night right be-      taught his wife, Aisha (radhiallahu anhu) a
following the translation for an entire Juz is   fore dawn. We can be among those who             short and concise Duaa which we should
not possible, dedicate time to follow some       are mentioned in the above verse of Quran        recite during this night. “O Allah, You are
portion of a Juz. Alternatively, you can plan    by simply waking up 15-20 minutes before         The Forgiver, You love to forgive, so for-
to complete the reading with translation         Suhoor and performing two rakaat Nafil           give me”
within one year and before the next Rama-        prayers. Abu Hurairah (radhiallahu anhu)         Similarly, if you have the ability to perform
dhan. In our day and age, the Internet has       narrated that Allah’s Messenger peace be         Itikaf, do so during the last 10 days of Ram-
opened an unlimited number of opportu-           upon him said: ‘In the last third of every       adhan. If you can’t, try doing it for a shorter
nities for learning and understanding of         night Allah descends to the lowermost            period. The act of Itikaf gives you an oppor-
Quran from the comfort of our homes.             heaven and says; “Who is calling Me, so          tunity to remove yourself from the engage-
3.Stay Away from Sin – Make a special            that I may answer him? Who is asking Me          ments of daily life and dedicate yourself
effort to stay away from any and all types       so that may I grant him? Who is seeking          to the remembrance of Allah and acts of
of sins. In this month, believers are given      forgiveness from Me so that I may forgive        worship for a set period of time. This time
special protection from the devil (Shaytan),     him?.” [Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith Qudsi].         gives you the ability to reflect deeply on Al-
which we should take advantage of by pro-        This and many of the following verses are        lah’s creation and His signs and blessings.
moting and increasing our closeness to Al-       a great inspiration for the believers to stand   It is one of the best ways of seeking near-
lah. The farther we are from sin, the closer     in prayer during the night. “Is one who wor-     ness to Allah. If you are unable to spend
we get to Allah. The Prophet peace be upon       ships devoutly during the hours of night         ten of few days in the Masjid at least make
him reminded us in his famous Hadith that        prostrating himself or standing [in adora-       the intention of Itikat everytime you attend
“Fasting acts as a shield from sins, so use      tion] and who places his hope in the mercy       prayers at the Masjid.
it as a shield. The fasting person should not    of His Lord – [like one who does not]? Say:      8.Spend for the Pleasure of Allah (Chari-
curse anyone, yell and badmouth anyone.          ‘Are those equal – those who know and            ty) – Charity is considered the second most
If someone curses him or fights with him,        those who do not know?’ It is those who          important act of worship after prayers.
he should move away by saying, “I am fast-       are endowed with understanding that re-          Spending with the pure intention of pleasing
ing. I can’t be part of bad deeds” – related     ceive admonition.” [Az-Zumar 39:9]               Allah from one’s wealth is one of the most
by Bukhari and Muslim. We can gradually          6.Dhikr and Duaa – Remembrance of Al-            noble acts liked by Allah. Allah promises
and consciously correct our bad habits –         lah is important throughout our lives, but       the recompense of seven hundred times of
for example, we can decide to consciously        is even more important during the month          what a believer spends for His sake. Infaq
lower our voice and avoid yelling, scream-       of Ramadhan. Making a special effort to          has been described as a key characteris-
ing or fighting during this Ramadhan. Also       keep the remembrance of Allah, especially        tic of Muttaqeen (those who have Taqwa
we should avoid mentioning negative              with your tongue is a source of great re-        and consciousness of Allah at all times). In
things about people in their absence. Make       ward. This act keeps Allah in your thoughts                           Continued To Page 5

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Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support - Jamia Mosque
The Friday Bulletin                                         WOMEN                               Ramadhan 01, 1441/April 24, 2020

                        Taking on your Period During Ramadhan!
By Aisha
                                                 may have in your hair.                      is not simply about giving up food, praying,
So, you have been fasting consistently.
                                                 Wash your private parts, then continue      and fasting, but it is truly about purifying your
The headaches and dehydration have
                                                 your ghusl as you would when making         heart and your deeds — leaving things that
passed. You are really beginning to take
                                                 Wudhu. But before you wash your feet,       Allah dislikes and doing more of the things
advantage of the blessings that Ramadhan
                                                 bathe and wash your entire body until       that He loves with no intention other than to
brings. And no clearer than the end of this
                                                 you are fully clean. Then, wash your feet   please Him.
sentence. There it is, right on time. Your
period. The worst thing that can happen          and end your ghusl.                         Ramadhan Mubarak!
during Ramadhan.                                 If, for some reason, your menses has
No more fasting, no more praying, until it       continued for more than 15 days, per-
                                                 form ghusl as stated above, and go
                                                                                                    AYAH OF THE WEEK
has ended. What are you to do?
                                                 back to your praying and fasting as you     "The month of Ramadan (is the month)
Continue earning the blessings of Ramad-         normally would. Scholars differ on the
han during your menses!                                                                      in which the Qur’an has been sent down
                                                 number of days, between 11-15 days.         as guidance for mankind containing
Now is not the time to fall back into bad        They all agree however that it is not       clear signs which lead (to the straight
habits, you can still participate and earn       considered to be your menses but rath-      road) and distinguishing (the truth from
the blessings of this holy month. I’m sure       er a discharge. You simply purify your-     falsehood).."
you spend plenty of time online, and/or lis-     self before each prayer, then pray and
tening to your iPod. Yes, Apple has an app       fast as normal.                             Oh you who believe! Fasting is pre-
for that. You can listen Qur’an from your iP-                                                scribed to you as it was prescribed to
                                                 Don’t let something as small as your        those before you, that you many learn
hone, iPod, or favorite web browser.             menses get in between you and your          piety and righteousness" (Q 2:183-185)
Okay, you can’t pray, no big deal. But you       blessings. Remember that Ramadhan
can do dhikr. Prayer is a way or remember-
ing Allah. As you are waiting for your family
and friends to pray, simply do dhikr during
the time in which you would be praying
instead. Dhikr is repeating ‘Allahu Akbar‘,
‘Alhamdulillah‘, and ‘Subhanallah‘ 33 times
each. It’s a very meditating and calming
In actuality you can still pray. Even with-
out purification, at any time you may fall in
Sujood, or prostration (face on the floor,
palms down) and make supplication to Al-
lah for anything that concerns you. You can
make supplication sitting down with hands
raised to your Creator at anytime as well.
You don’t have to have any special sup-
plications memorized, or even speak in
Arabic. Talk to Allah as though He were
your best friend, and you will find that He
is. You will begin going to Him more and
more, even after Ramadhan is over. It’s not
only by doing more good deeds that you
improve your character, but also by draw-
ing yourself closer to Allah; as you grow
closer to Him, He changes your character
and therefore your deeds change as a re-
sult of the change in your heart.
Allah says in the Qur’an: “… Allah intends
for you ease, and He does not want to
make things difficult for you.” 2:185
Feeding people has a blessing of its own.
However, during the month of Ramadhan,
it’s like a multi-level marketing business! If
you feed a person who has been fasting,
your earn the blessings of their fast as if
you had fasted the entire day yourself! .
Encourage your friends who are also not
fasting to join you, and gain blessings from
their good deeds as well. Before you know
it, your menses will be over.
Purifying yourself after your menses
After your menses has ended, you must
purify yourself through a process called
ghusl before you can begin fasting and re-
sume praying as normal. First, remove all
your jewelry or anything that may get in the
way of the water touching your skin, and
un-braid any braids or pony tails that you
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Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support - Jamia Mosque
The Friday Bulletin                                                                              Ramadhan 01, 1441/April 24, 2020

                                                Misconceptions About Zakat
Zakat – as the third pillar of Islam – is a     reward, but this can sometimes cause peo-        or      612.36
fundamental part of completing a Muslim         ple to delay paying it. Zakat is an obligation   grams of silver. The value of nisab chang-
individual’s faith. A purification of one’s     and it is not permissible to postpone pay-       es every day, so it is important to check this
wealth through donating 2.5% from assets        ment when it is due.                             before paying Zakat.
and savings to those who are in need is a       2) Paying Zakat purifies all wealth, in-         6) I cannot give Zakat to my poor rela-
form of worship integral to Islam.              cluding haram money such as interest             tives
In the Quran, Allah states the concept of       A Muslim cannot expect that paying Zakat         You can in fact give Zakat to your relatives
“Zakat” many times “Zakat expenditures          will purify the wealth that has been earned      provided they aren’t members of your im-
are only for the poor and for the needy         through haram means; instead if haram            mediate family, such as your parents, sib-
and for those employed to collect [Zakat]       money is donated as Zakat, then a Muslim         lings, spouse, or children. You can give
and for bringing hearts together [for Islam]    will not be rewarded.                            Zakat to your extended family as this is
and for freeing captives [or slaves] and for                                                     both an act of charity and upholds family
                                                3) Zakat only needs to be paid on gold
those in debt and for the cause of Allah and                                                     ties.
for the [stranded] traveller – an obligation    Zakat needs to be paid on many types
[imposed] by Allah; And Allah is Knowing        of wealth. This includes: gold, silver, any      The Prophet peace be upon him said:
and Wise” [9:60].                               jewelry containing 50% or more of gold or        “Charity given to the poor is charity and
                                                silver, cash in the bank or at home, busi-       charity given to a relative is charity and up-
Even with all its importance, Zakat is one of                                                    holding of family ties” [Ahmad, al-Nasaa’i].
                                                ness stock, shares and pensions, property
the least understood pillars of Islam. Mus-
                                                (other than that in which one resides) and       7) Zakat is the same as Zakat-al-Fitr
lims know that they must pay Zakat once
                                                money lent to other people.                      Zakat-al-Fitr is NOT the same as Zakat.
a year because it is a fundamental part of
the religion. Nevertheless, there are many      4) The husband has to pay Zakat for the          These are two separate entities and who-
misconceptions regarding it and questions       wife’s gold/silver/jewellery                     ever paid Zakat is NOT relieved of paying
which people ask regularly each year.           Each person has to pay Zakat on their own        Zakat-al-Fitr and vice-versa.
7 Common Misconceptions about Zakat             wealth; therefore if the jewellery belongs to    Zakat-al-Fitr is generally paid at the end of
                                                the wife, then she must pay for it herself. If   Ramadhan to pay for food for those who
1) Zakat needs to be paid during Rama-
                                                she does not have money, then she must           are poor and needy. This should be paid
dhan only
                                                sell some of her jewellery to pay the Zakat.     before the Eid prayer, for each member of
This is not always true. Zakat can be due       Nevertheless, if the husband willingly pays      your family.
at any time of the year; it depends on the      on her behalf, then this is ok.
Muslim’s individual circumstances. On                                                            Remember these myths when you pay your
the day that a Muslim becomes Sahib-
                                                5) Zakat only needs to be paid on wealth         Zakat this year. You may only pay it once
un-Nisab (owner of the minimum amount
                                                that is over the nisab                           a year, but it is one of the five pillars upon
of wealth that makes Zakat payable) they        If a Muslim’s wealth exceeds the Nisab, then     which your faith is built – so let’s make sure
must calculate and pay their Zakat exactly      they must pay Zakat on their total wealth. It    you pay it correctly. (Zakat-house.com)
one lunar year from this day.                   is not acceptable to pay Zakat on only the
                                                excess wealth. The Nisab is equivalent to
Many people choose to pay their Zakat dur-
                                                the monetary value of 87.48 grams of gold
ing Ramadhan because of the increased

                    Get ready to welcome a Dear Friend – Month of Ramadhan
Continued From Page 3
this month, open your heart and your wal-       ing someone’s fast even with modest food         rewards and cleansing ourselves, but we
let. Give for the sake of Allah without any     can make you worthy of great reward and          should not ignore the highest responsibility
fear of poverty. Give to your relatives, the    can be an expiation from the fire of Hell.       of calling people to the Deen of Allah and
orphans and poor to the best of your abil-      The Prophet peace be upon him said, “If          to the message of Quran. Inviting others to
ity. Give without any desire of recompense      someone helps break the fast of a fasting        Quran during this month can help our own
or worldly reward as described by Allah in      person in the month of Ramadhan, he will         Tarbiyah and Tazkiyah. In this month, peo-
Surat Al-Dahr. “We feed you only for the        receive the same amount of reward as the         ple’s hearts are softer and they are prone
countenance of Allah. We wish not from          person fasting without any reduction in the      to listening with more attention and care.
you reward or gratitude.” [76:9]                reward of the fasting person”. He also said,     Your invitation might change someone’s
9.Helping and Supporting People – The           “If someone feeds a fasting person, Allah        life and puts them back on the straight path
Prophet peace be upon him called the            will quench his thirst from the water of Kaw-    (Al-Sirat Al-Mustaqeem).
month of Ramadhan as the month of con-          thar and he will never be thirsty again until    The above 10 actions though are separate,
solation.                                       he enters Jannah”.                               but are linked as a part of the same goal
During this month make a special effort                                                          which is the attainment of Taqwah during
to help someone. Is there a family in your      10.Invite Towards The Quran –The strug-          this month.
neighborhood that you haven’t seen in a         gles of this world will end, but the strug-      This Taqwah would enable us to fulfill the
while? A student in a strange new city?         gles of those who enter Hell will never end.     responsibility of delivering the message of
A new Muslim who is fasting for the first       Therefore, the biggest service to anyone is      Quran to the masses. Our individual and
time? An elderly couple who can’t get to        to save them from the fire of Hell and help      collective success in this world and in the
the Masjid? Why not take a few minutes          them enter Paradise (Jannah).                    Hereafter is tied directly with our treatment
to make a phone call, drop in for a visit, or                                                    for the message of Quran. We pray to Al-
                                                The month of Ramadhan was honored by
invite someone for Iftar.                                                                        lah to make us of those who are able to
                                                Allah due to the revelation of Quran during
Even the smallest gesture of kindness can       this month. So, inviting people to the mes-      benefit from this Ramadhan and reap the
make a huge difference in someone’s life.       sage of Quran is among the noblest acts          benefits and rewards of this blessed month
Remember your actions are measured on           we can perform during this month.                (Ameen).
their quality and not their quantity. Break-
                                                In this month, we are all focused on reaping

Page 5
Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support - Jamia Mosque
The Friday Bulletin                                            OPINION                                Ramadhan 01, 1441/April 24, 2020

               How will the coronavirus pandemic change Ramadhan for Muslims?
Saba Aziz
Muslims around the world will observe the       Congregational prayers are banned in              and distribution)."
holy month of Ramadhan under lockdown           several countries, and many mosques               Can you fast with COVID-19 symp-
and tight restrictions due to the corona-       have been temporarily closed.                     toms?
virus outbreak that has paralysed entire        Jordan has suspended the special even-            In all cases, it is essential to seek medical
countries.                                      ing Tarawih prayers at mosques, urging            advice from your doctor.
Ramadhan is the holiest month for Mus-          citizens to offer them at home.                   According to the Quran, sick people are
lims, in which they fast during daylight        In the Malaysian state of Selangor, the           exempt from fasting and can make up for
hours, congregate for prayers and share         sultan has suspended religious activities         the missed fast within a year after Rama-
meals as a community.                           in mosques until at least May 31.                 dhan. The elderly, pregnant and nursing
But with strict curfews and physical dis-       "The religious authorities are definitely         women are also allowed to skip fasting.
tancing directives enforced to limit the        encouraging people to do their daily five         Therefore, according to Rozana, if you are
spread of the highly contagious COVID-19        prayers at home, and I think it really is         experiencing serious coronavirus symp-
disease, many of Ramadhan's rituals and         within the family then to inculcate that          toms, it is advisable not to fast."In Islam,
traditions will be curtailed this year.         spirit of coming together and praying [as         it is very clear about who should fast and
"I can't remember anything like this hap-       a group]," Rozana said.                           who is exempted from fasting, particularly
pening before," Mohd Faizal Musa, a re-         In Saudi Arabia, King Salman has ordered          those who are experiencing a particular
search fellow at the National University        the shortening of Tarawih prayers, which          ailment and I think with the coronavirus
of Malaysia's Institute of the Malay World      will be held without public attendance, at        symptoms it doesn't sound like its an ail-
and Civilization (ATMA), told Al Jazeera.       the two holy mosques in Mecca and Medi-           ment that is something light," Rozana
"There was World War II or natural dis-         na.                                               said.
asters, but from past literature, historical    Meanwhile, Pakistan will allow congrega-          Amir said if an individual is not under a
texts, and various archives, I found that       tional prayers at mosques during Rama-            doctor's supervision and their cough and
Muslims still gathered during Ramadhan,         dhan, but worshippers must keep a dis-            flu is not serious, then one may keep fast-
despite the war or disasters, and still ob-     tance of two metres (six feet) from each          ing.
served their religious rituals together.        other and are encouraged to bring their           "It depends upon the immunity of the per-
"However, we are facing a different enemy       own prayer mats.                                  son, if it is [symptoms are] mild and if it
this time around. It can be merciless and       At Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa Mosque com-                is bearable just like normal cough and flu
invisible."                                     pound, which will be closed to Muslim             in which there is no danger to your life ...
How will fasting be different?                  worshippers throughout Ramadhan, the              carry on your fasts as long as it's not af-
During the holy month, Muslims wake             call to prayer will still take place five times   fecting your physical health."
up early to eat a pre-dawn meal called          a day, and religious workers allowed entry.       How can Eid be celebrated in a pan-
suhoor, and break their fast after sunset       Mosques in the United Kingdom and else-           demic?
with a meal called iftar.                       where will live-stream sermons, Quranic           The Eid al-Fitr festival marks the end of
Breaking of the fast is usually a communal      recitation and prayers.                           Ramadhan and is celebrated as an official
affair. It is common for mosques to host        Muslims will also be able to attend reli-         holiday in Muslim-majority countries.
large iftars, especially for the poor.          gious lectures via video-conferencing app         With lockdown measures in place and
Because of the pandemic, which has              Zoom, Facebook and YouTube.                       large gatherings banned, this year's fes-
spread to 185 nations, many countries this      "For us, the connectivity - whether it was        tivities will be scaled down.
year have advised citizens to avoid large       through classes, the recitation of the            The Indonesian Ulema Council recom-
gatherings and have suhoor and iftar indi-      Quran or through prayers at mosques -             mends that people living and working in
vidually or with family at home.                we will now try to cope with in our homes,"       other cities should refrain from visiting
In Egypt, all Ramadhan activities, includ-      said Aiasha Amir, a Pakistani Islamic in-         their hometowns for the holiday.
ing group iftars and charity tables, are        structor and motivational speaker, who            Malaysia has banned popular Ramad-
banned.                                         will be giving daily lectures live on Face-       han bazaars where hawkers sell food and
The World Health Organization (WHO)             book during Ramadhan.                             drinks in congested open-air markets or
has advised using virtual alternatives,         How can you provide charity to the                roadside stalls [File: Vincent Thian/AP]
where possible, for social and religious        poor?                                             It remains unclear if nations will lift or ease
gatherings.                                     Giving charity and zakat, which is one of         lockdown measures for Eid.
Month-long Ramadhan bazaars with stalls         the five pillars of Islam, is encouraged dur-     Saudia Arabia's grand mufti has said that,
selling food, drinks and clothes, usually       ing Ramadhan.                                     if the outbreak continues, Eid prayers can
busy sites, are not allowed in Malaysia,        In the United Arab Emirates (UAE), where          be performed at home.
Brunei and Singapore.                           a nightly nationwide curfew has been in           "Like it or not, Eid this year will be in a
Rozana Isa, head of Malaysia-based              place since March 26, charities will deliver      restricted manner," said Faizal at the Na-
group Sisters in Islam, said this will have a   iftar meals to the poor instead of serving        tional University of Malaysia.
big economic impact on small businesses         them in Ramadhan tents or mosques.                "It will be different. A small, close Eid cel-
and single mothers, who rely heavily on         But in Saudi Arabia, the mosque of Proph-         ebration between small unit members of
this source of income.                          et Muhammad in Medina will not provide            the family will be organised.
Meanwhile, as food consumption usually          iftar meals to needy people this year.            "This will be less fun for kids, and they will
rises in Ramadhan, there are concerns           For safety reasons, religious and health          remember this era or year to tell their chil-
of panic buying and supplies running low        experts have advised using online meth-           dren and future generations."
amid the lockdowns.                             ods to donate to NGOs helping those af-           What can Muslims learn from this ex-
The physical distancing guidelines will         fected by the outbreak.                           perience?
also dampen the spirit of Ramadhan, Ro-         "To avoid the crowded gathering associ-           The faithful can learn a number of lessons
zana told Al Jazeera.                           ated with iftar banquets, consider using          from the restrictions this year as they are
"[On] this occasion where we have to prac-      individual pre-packaged boxes/servings            encouraged to observe Ramadhan more
tise physical distancing, not to greet one      of food," the WHO said in its Ramadhan            modestly, Rozana said.
another in the way that we usually greet        guidelines.                                       "That whole notion about the food wast-
by hugging our fellow Muslims or shaking        "These can be organised by centralised            age, the wastage of resources and how it
their hands, this will definitely have an im-   entities and institutions, which should ad-       can be better channelled towards those
pact on the spirit," she said.                  here to physical distancing throughout the        who need it, that's something for us as
Can people still pray together?                 whole cycle (collecting, packaging, storing       Muslims to think about as well," she said.
                                                                                                  (Al Jazeera)
                                                                                                                                      Page 6
Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support - Jamia Mosque
The Friday Bulletin                                       YOUTH
                                Fasting-friendly things to do with tech-this Ramadhan
Amina Edota                                                                                           all -time favourite is the beautiful
Quick question!                                                                                       Qur’an Majeed) to listen to, and re-
Can you spend 24 hours without your                                                                   cite from through the month.
phone?                                                                                                2. Get a Qur’an buddy and connect
I’ve tried it in the past but failed woeful-                                                          daily (e.g., via whatsapp) at a par-
ly. The best I have done and still do, is                                                             ticular time) to check up on Qur’an
to have a ‘No tech morning‘; Or no tech                                                               progress and to have an account-
before/ after a certain time of the day. And                                                          ability partner.
the main goal is usually to experience the                                                            3. Learn Qur’an through an online
richness of life even without the stress                                                              teacher/ group. Do your research
and distraction of tech devices.                                                                      well, go through reviews and do a
The reality of life today is that it’s almost                                                         trial before settling on one.
impossible for you to spend a day with-                                                               Salah
out your smart device or some other major                                                             4. Set Adhan (prayer times) on your
tech influence.                                                                                       phone or device to ensure you pray
For Ramadhan, you need to take extra                                                                  on time and even pray in congre-
caution, in order not to waste the entire        cere effort;                                 gation when possible. (You can pray in
month away with unhealthy tech habits –          ~ Have reduced, minimal or NO harmful        Jama’a with your family from the comfort
keeping you hungry with no higher gain.          effect on the heart;                         of your home).
Fasting in Ramadhan is not merely physi-         ~ Purifies the soul and guides you towards   5. Watch the live prayer broadcast from
cally keeping away from food, drink and          the footsteps of the Rasul (saw).            haram in Makkah; and listen to the recita-
relations, but rather it is the total commit-    The Prophet (saw) encouraged Muslims         tion of renowned shayks and Qaris. [Keep
ment of your body and soul to the goal of        around him to increase in worship dur-       your tissue box close].
Ramadhan – gaining Taqwa – conscious-            ing Ramadhan, and mentioned the extra        Sadaqah
ness of Allah (swt).                             rewards for doing good deeds during it.      6. Donate online to various projects
The Prophet (pbuh) said, “”Whoever does          Following his sunnah and footsteps of his    around the world (browse LaunchGood
not give up forged speech and evil ac-           blessed companions, you would focus          for possibilities). No amount is too little or
tions, Allah is not in need of his leaving his   more on Qur’an, Salah and Sadaqah in         too BIG.
food and drink (i.e. Allah will not accept       the special month.                           7. Raise funds for your local charity or pas-
his fasting.)”                                   As a certified tech monster, here are 11     sion project. Send messages to friends
(Bukhari)                                        simple Fasting-Friendly Things to Do with    you are connected to online and offline for
Fasting friendly actions are those that:         tech this Ramadhan Listed just for You –     donations.
~ Boost your eeman;                              number 5 is one of my favourites.            Daily Life
~ Increase your taqwa;                           Qur’an                                       8. Delete unnecessary apps. You won’t
~ Improve the quality of your ibadah (wor-       1. Download at least one Qur’an app (my
                                                                                                                   Continued To Page 8
~ Help you gain more reward through sin-

Page 7
The Friday Bulletin

                              Ramadhan 2020: How to Turn Lockdown into a Blessing
By Tabassum Mosleh
Ibn Taymiyyah sat with his pen poised           knowledge         out
over a sheet of paper.                          there    waiting for
“Had birds been able to carry me,” he           you to immerse
wrote, “I would have come to you.”              in. You can attend
He was writing to his mother, whom he           classes, watch lec-
was missing terribly. But he couldn’t go to     tures of renowned
her. Why?                                       scholars        from
Because he was locked up, quite unjustly.       around the world,
Imagine being in prison for years, not be-      and read a vast
ing able to see your mother, to go out,         library of Islamic
earn money or eat as you like, or to attend     books and articles
prayers in the mosque.                          in the language of
Imagine Eid in a dungeon, eating jail food      your choice.
instead of the special Eid meals your           And don’t just stop
mother would have cooked for you.
How would you feel?                             there. Teach, in whatever capacity you          stay becomes an act of worship.
Locked Down in Ramadhan                         can. Teach your household, your friends         3- Reflection:
Are you worried about how Ramadhan is           and social media. Write articles, make          In our fast-paced world, reflection is al-
going to go this year?                          videos, info-graphics, audio recordings –       most an abandoned act of worship. But we
With the COVID-19 threat looming over           use whatever talent Allah has given you         have been stopped in our tracks. Now is
our heads, many of us are perhaps feeling       to spread His words. The world needs re-        the perfect time to just sit and reflect. Re-
depressed and anxious.                          minders now more than ever.                     flect on the Quran, on the creations of Al-
Imam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have              Step 2: Find Paradise in Your Heart             lah, on His perfect Names and Attributes,
mercy on him) spent seven years of his          “What can my enemies do to me? My par-          and on His blessings in your life.
life in lockup if not lockdown.                 adise is in my heart. If they imprison me,      4- Charity:
Here’s how he felt about it in his own          this is a chance of seclusion to worship        People all over the world are in need of
words:                                          Allah. And if they kill me, this is a chance    your help, advice and encouragement.
“If I gave as much gold as that which           to become a martyr.”                            Grasp this opportunity of spending your
would fill this citadel, I wouldn’t have been   How can you have your paradise in your          money, time and talent in the path of Allah.
grateful enough for this grace of being im-     heart?                                          What can this invisible enemy do to you?
prisoned.”                                      With a constant shower of Allah’s remem-        If it imprisons you in your home, this is a
He didn’t feel depressed or anxious. He         brance to make your heart alive and thriv-      chance to worship Allah. And if it kills you,
felt grateful.                                  ing. You can’t grow a garden in dried,          this is a chance to become a martyr.
Why?                                            parched soil.                                   If your Paradise is in your heart.
And do you want to feel grateful for the        Knowledge and worship are two sides of          Tabassum is a freelance writer and online
grace of being in lockdown?                     the same coin. They fulfill each other.         Alimiyyah student at Al-Salam Institute,
Step 1: Build a Madrasa                         Ibn Taymiyyah didn’t pursue knowledge           UK.
                                                for the sake of intellectual satisfaction. He
It was the night of Eid, and Ibn Taymiyyah
was being dragged into Cairo’s famous           learned how to worship Allah in the best         Things to do with tech-this
jail. They threw him in a cell where the
other prisoners were having a party. They
                                                way and then applied it.
                                                There was a luscious garden in his heart                 Ramadhan
were engaged in all kinds of forbidden          which he looked after with a constant           Continued From Page 7
acts in the name of fun.                        shower of worship. That’s what kept him         miss them and as its said, out of sight is
Over the next few days, ibn Taymiyyah           so happy and optimistic throughout his          out ofHADITH
                                                                                                        mind. WhenOFthose
                                                                                                                           WEEK  do not con-
observed that the other prisoners, though       life.                                           stantly appear on your screen, you won’t
Muslims, weren’t interested in praying.         It Could be Your Last Ramadhan                  be tempted to log in.
They would rather play illegal games all        A hundred thousand people have died of          9. Watch Islam channels– to gain inspi-
day.                                            COVID-19. What if we are next? More im-         ration and correct knowledge – not to kill
He began teaching these thieves and             portantly, if we are, will Allah be pleased     time.
thugs and undesirables of Egypt. Amaz-          with us when we meet Him?                       10. Go on a social media fast; if there’s
ingly, the men began to really listen to        COVID or no COVID, this could be your           no obvious benefit (e.g., teaching, dawah,
him. They began to pray. They started to        last Ramadhan. And you can make it the          business), do not log in.
love seeking knowledge. They were loving        best one of your life – by growing your         11. Use Skype, whatsApp etc to keep in
it so much that they didn’t even want to        paradise in your heart.                         touch with family and loved ones, espe-
be released from jail. Many of them would       Ibn Taymiyyah was ‘grateful for the grace       cially those who live far away.
petition to extend their stay.                  of being imprisoned’ because it provided        There you go, simple things to do with
Ibn Taymiyyah had turned his jail into a        him free time and seclusion to worship Al-      your shiny gadgets. Remember, do not be
thriving school of knowledge.                   lah.                                            addicted to the shiny nature of such tech
In his lifetime, he wrote more than three       Take advantage of your free time and se-        devices. Rather, seek the unending shiny
hundred books. And he wrote all of them         clusion:                                        rewards attached to their intentional use.
in prison except one. He issued hundreds        1- Night Prayers:                               Final thoughts
of fatwas and produced a galaxy of stu-         You can have all your sins forgiven by          Tech gadgets and devices are addictive
dents.                                          praying tarawih in Ramadhan (Bukhari            enough without the struggle of trying to
Perhaps this was what he was talking            and Muslim), and, note this, it doesn’t         make the most of Ramadhan. My fellow
about when he wrote to his mother, “Allah       have to be in the mosque. Pray by your-         tech user, I hope you are now equipped
has opened for me His gates of blessings,       self or with your household. Make it like       with ideas of how to make your tech hab-
mercy and guidance in a way I have never        the prayers of the Prophet (peace be upon       its fasting-friendly; whether it’s by focus-
conceived of before.”                           him): Recite slowly and mean every word         ing on salah, sadaqah or other general life
2020: When Your Home Can be a Thriv-            that you say.                                   activities.
ing School of Knowledge                         2- ‘Hajj’:                                      Don’t trash your favourite device. Keep it,
Ibn Taymiyyah didn’t have access to the         The gist of Hajj is staying at certain places   use it, enjoy its company – while leverag-
internet. You do.                               during certain days of the year by Allah’s      ing it to earn great rewards this Ramad-
There is an ocean of authentic Islamic          command. If you are pleased with Allah’s        han.
                                                decreeing lockdown for you, then your           Ready? Let’s get fasting friendly techies!
Page 8
The Friday Bulletin                                       OPINION
                 North Eastern counties should step up fight against Corona virus
By Hassan Malik Mohamed
The daily updates on the rise in the num-      In Garissa, the county leadership has des-      counties in the region among the food
ber of positive cases of the Covid-19 vi-      ignated Garissa University as one of two        insecure areas, with Mandera having
rus infections in Kenya, in which the to-      standby quarantine centres due to lack of       440,000 poor people out of a total pop-
tal number now stands at more than 300,        enough health facilities as Garissa Provin-     ulation of 711,000; Wajir with 189,000
leaves me in a cheerless mood.                 cial General Hospital (PGH), which is the       poor people out of a total population of
                                               biggest public health center in the region,     459,000, and Garissa having 195,000
But my perturbation to the permeation          stands in a struggling posture.
of this virus worsens the moment I start                                                       poor people out of a total population of
pondering on what would be the situation       This huge deficiency in health resources        432,000.
with North Eastern region, if there was        in the region can be mostly traced to the       Pathetic also is the level of social disci-
an explosion of the pandemic given the         historical neglect of the region which by all   pline of residents in adhering to the set
extremely deficient state of its medical       standards remains the most underdevel-          prevention measures for fighting the
resources as well as the poor level of pre-    oped area in Kenya.                             spread of Corona virus. It was in the
paredness and adherence to the set basic       Equally, in recent times, terrorism-related     news for example, that 32 people in Man-
prevention measures. In addition, amidst       insecurity has haemorrhaged the health          dera escaped from a quarantine facility
the potent dangers, local leaders and the      service delivery in North Eastern, espe-        in what is a great health risk to not only
residents largely continue to act "normal"     cially through the frightful departures of      themselves, but to others outside there.
in the face of this colossal crisis.           nonlocal staffs as well as abductions such      All these failings illustrate why even the
There is a substantial and wide-ranging        as the two Cuban doctors in Mandera who         residents of North Eastern region are the
deficit in the region's medical capacity to    were kidnapped by Alshabab in April last        most concerned people in the country
handle a rapid permeation of the virus due     year.                                           about Coronavirus going by the latest in-
to the thin resources that are available in    The general preparedness of the region          fotrack survey that leadingly placed their
the local health sector, and particularly in   is also unstable from a humanitarian per-       level of concern at 57%, and got closely
the qualitative and quantitative areas of      spective. Save for Mandera county which         followed by Rift valley region at 56%.
manpower, healthcare equipments and in-        has promised to launch a food programme         Since the threat of Coronavirus is real
frastructures in addition to the supportive    for the residents during this pandemic          and life is not a rehearsal, North Eastern
medication needed for battling Coronavi-       crisis, the other two counties of Garissa       region should robustly step up its meas-
rus.                                           and Wajir are yet to consider supportive        ures to stop the virus and its unfolding
Even with the 8 positive cases of the virus    measures to residents even as the Holy          effects on the people, lest it lands in a
that have been solely reported in Mandera      month of Ramadhan inches closer.                murky disaster of unseen proportions.
County so far, local help was not enough       The 2009 census data from the Kenya             Hassan Malik Mohamed is a social-po-
as medical support and equipments were         National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) has        litical commentator in Garissa County.
flown in from Nairobi.                         already portentously included the three

                  Jamia assists 1,000 families with food support
Continued From Page 1
“To further enhance on hygiene standards       gatherings.
at home, beneficiaries also received soap      This year will be an unusual Ramadhan and for the first time in living memory, iftar gath-
and disinfectant,” he added.                   ering and the special night prayers-Taraweeh-which have formed among the hallmarks
Sheikh Ibrahim Lethome, a member of the        of the blessed month will not be a reality due to the strict curfews and social distancing
Jamia Mosque Committee said the exer-          orders which have been issued to limit the spread of the highly contagious COVID-19.
cise was meant to provide much-needed
assistance to the less fortunate members
of the society who were grappling with
economic challenges in the face of the
Covid-19 pandemic which has disrupted
economic and social lifestyles for millions
of people across the world.
“We need to help one another and stand
by each other whenever there is a prob-
lem. While we are all affected by this ca-
lamity, there are people who are affected
most and need support to help them go
through these challenging times,” he said
during a distribution exercise for residents
of Mukuru slums.
“We would like also to appreciate our sup-
porters who partnered with Jamia Mosque
to make this programme a success,” the
Sheikh added.
During the month of Ramadhan, Jamia
Mosque among many of its projects pro-
vides a feeding programme where more
than 800 people are provided with iftar
(breaking the fast meals." The annual pro-
gramme did not however, see the light of       Jamia Mosque Administrator Said Abdallah and the Da'wa officer Mu-
the day due to the coronavirus pandemic
                                               hammad Sheikh present food packages for some of the beneficiaries of
which has not made it possible for social
                                               the food support programme in Eastleigh
 Page 9
The Friday Bulletin                                         OPINION
Mental Health, The Forgotten angle in Covid-19 intervention
Habiba Amin         and management
What does COVID-19 mean for patients           dressed in PPE (a person whose face you        Mental health care for our communities is
with existing anxiety disorders, coping        cannot see). The days of worrying as you       fundamental and a key pillar in the suc-
with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and         wait for your test results. What treatment     cess of COVID-19
depression? What does the stigma asso-         can you expect from the healthcare work-       intervention. We need to see how best to
ciated with this pandemic mean for those       ers in their PPE while you’re in isolation?    integrate mental health in the preventive
who are infected?                              Will they treat you like a prisoner or a       and curative aspect of the management of
What will happen to the vulnerable popu-       criminal who is bound to infect them with      COVID-19. In Kenya, the suicide case in
lation? the elderly who have been scared       you this infectious disease? To be honest      the quarantine centre a couple
to death with information that they will be    this feels like déjà vu of the early days of   of days go, the video that has gone viral
the first to go, children who cannot attend    the HIV.                                       on social media of the lady breaking down
school or get to play and laugh with their     Quarantine whether self-imposed or man-        talking about the need for psychosocial
friends as they used to. What about breast     datory with no idea about your status is a     support in the quarantine centres and the
feeding mothers or pregnant women, wor-        stressor. What makes it worse is the man-      families of the patients that have
ried for their babies? What about persons      datory quarantine where you are tested         succumbed to COVID-19 are some clear
with disabilities whose life is already dif-   after 14 days and if one person tests posi-    indicators that something is amiss and we
ficult, or those with co-morbidities for       tive among the group that is quarantined       need to integrate mental health care at all
instance HIV, Sickle cell anaemia and          in the same place, he/she is transferred to    levels.
non-communicable diseases who can-             a hospital facility and the rest of the peo-   We invested a lot of efforts in HIV treat-
not access their regular drugs because         ple start another 14 days of mandatory         ment and if memory serves me well the
of fear of infection in hospitals or simply    quarantine for a second time, in the same      ticket to improving patients’ uptake of
because the facilities they can afford are     place and same condition, I can't imagine      ARVs purely depended on the success of
too busy dealing with COVID-19?                how many rounds of testing will determine      adherence counselling. Why not use the
What about the loss and grief considering      how long you stay in mandatory quaran-         same pattern for COVID-19 ? Educate
the pain and burden infectious disease         tine and what the mental health status of      and inform me why I need to be in quar-
comes with?                                    this person will be upon 'discharge' from      antine so that I will stay in quarantine in a
Imagine a situation where your loved one       quarantine.                                    better state of mind - educate me, allay my
passes away in your absence because            Gaps in medical care due to inadequate         anxiety and give me hope prior to testing
you are not allowed to be with them and        information and inadequate supplies of         me and I might be in a better mental status
your customs of send-off cannot be con-        test kits, Personal Protective Equipment       as I wait for the results. Educate the pub-
sidered because it does not matter at this     (PPE) and hospital capacity are caus-          lic that it is not any one's fault to infect or
point in time.                                 ing harm to the mental health not only of      get infected, give the public clear, reliable
The COVID-19 pandemic is a game                patients and our communities but also to       information to clear misconceptions and
changer with opportunities that we should      health care workers.                           rumours, alleviate anxiety and panic and
take advantage of - it is a moment for us      We need to give special attention to health    we will have better public solidarity and
to not only learn but also translate these     care workers not only because it is their      empathy. Let’s maintain physical distance
lessons we learn into action. There is         job to take care of patients but because       and social solidarity, my heart goes out
especially a clear role for mental health      they have accepted to be in the frontline to   to all the health care workers and other
practitioners to play.                         save the lives of patients who need them       frontline workers who are working round
While measures such as quarantine              the most. We need to provide them with         the clock to save lives in our hospitals.
and lockdown are needed to contain the         enough information, suitable PPE and ad-       Together we will all make it.
spread of infectious                           equate basic supplies such as food, water
disease we need to recognize the issues        and sanitary supplies and we have to ap-       Habiba Amin - a mental health prac-
they can bring about; loneliness, confine-     preciate the stress this job comes with and    titioner based in Nairobi. She has 14
ment, financial loss, inadequate supplies      avoid the potential for burnout our health     years of working in the humanitarian
of basic needs like food and water, fear of    care workers face.                             sector and health care management
being infected or infecting others.            The negative impact to health care work-
The longer the duration of the confine-        ers is higher as they have to go back
ment, the more the frustrations and the
higher the likelihood of development of
                                               home not only with the fear of possibly in-
                                               fecting others along the way depending on      DP Ruto gives Sh3m for
post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Information received while in quarantine
                                               the mode of transport used, but also fear
                                               they could infect their loved ones. This is
plays a big role in mental health - inad-      a moral injury that these health care work-    Continued From Page 1
equate information or media overstimu-         ers will suffer from for months and pos-
                                               sibly years to come not to mention the         demic. “As Ramadhan approaches, we
lation coupled with a lack of consisten-                                                      urge the Muslim Faithful to adhere to
cy, clarity and reliability results in more    effects of compassion fatigue that might
                                               take a toll on them. The other day I had       health experts’ guidelines and protocols
panic, anxiety, confusion, depression and                                                     as we face the Coronavirus pandemic. We
potentially PTSD. Lockdowns can on the         a chat with a colleague whose wife is a
                                               nurse working in a hospital that caters for    acknowledge the role religious institutions
other hand provide fertile ground for in-                                                     play in complementing government efforts
creased domestic violence, intimate part-      COVID-19 patients. On her first day upon
                                               return from the hospital she broke down in     in the health sector,” he said.
ner violence and sexual or gender-based                                                       Among those present at the meeting were
violence and suicide hence the question        front of her house feeling helpless with the
                                               fear that she will infect her loved one and    Ambassador Muhammad Mahat, the SUP-
what will happen to our communities a                                                         KEM secretary-general, Abdullatif Essa-
few months post- COVID-19?                     not being able to hold her sweet angels in
                                               her arms. You can't imagine being in the       jee the treasurer of Jamia Mosque Com-
Is there a need to do a pre and post-test                                                     mittee, Sheikh Ahmad Uthman, the Imam
counselling for COVID-19? Imagine the          shoes of a nurse or a doctor or a cleaner
                                               who comes back from a shift and can't hug      of Landhies Mosque and a member of the
feelings of helplessness and anxiety hav-                                                     Jamia Mosque council of scholars (Majlis
ing to go through the experience of be-        the child who welcomes you home after
                                               a long day at work, these thoughts brings      Ulamaa-Jamia) as well as Prof. Fatma Ali
ing tested by a health care worker fully                                                      who represented Sisters with a Mission.
                                               tears to my eyes.
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