James Lick High School - Home of the Comets

Page created by Christina Weaver
James Lick High School - Home of the Comets
James Lick High School
                         Home of the Comets

                         2022 - 2023 Calendar
                   *all scheduled events are subject to change. Please consult our website for updates.

                                    Principal: Honey Gubuan
                                     408-347-4410 - gubuanh@esuhsd.org

                           Associate Principal: Louis Barocio
                                      408-347-4420 - barociol@esuhsd.org

                          Associate Principal: Mayra Valdivia
                                     408-347-4440 - valdiviam@esuhsd.org

To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
      A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
James Lick High School - Home of the Comets
James Lick High School is a partner school with New Tech Network -           James Lick High School es una escuela asociada con New Tech Network -
NTN. As part of the NTN family, we have a shared vision for student          NTN. Como parte de la familia de NTN, tenemos una visión compartida
success - college and career readiness for all of our students. Our          para el éxito de los estudiantes: preparación universitaria y profesional
teachers and students work alongside one another to ensure that our          para todos nuestros estudiantes. Nuestros maestros y estudiantes trabajan
graduates leave aware, eligible, and prepared for their educational goals    juntos para asegurar que nuestros graduados salgan conscientes, elegibles
after high school. James Lick High School’s Project-Based/                   y preparados para sus metas educativas después de la escuela secundaria.
Problem-Based Learning methods are strengthened by our four NTN              Los métodos de aprendizaje basados en proyectos/basados en problemas
pillars of agency, collaboration, communication, and growth mindset.         de la Escuela Secundaria James Lick se fortalecen con nuestros cuatro
                                                                             pilares de agencia, colaboración, comunicación y mentalidad de
                                                                             crecimiento de NTN.

                                                                             Como escuela dentro del Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias East Side Union,
                                                                             la Escuela Secundaria James Lick cree y se esfuerza por ser una comunidad
                                                                             equitativa al dar la bienvenida a TODOS nuestros estudiantes tal como son.
As a school within the East Side Union High School District, James Lick      Todos los días, los maestros y el personal trabajan juntos para identificar
High School believes and strives to be an equitable community by             las áreas de fortaleza y crecimiento de cada uno de nuestros estudiantes y,
welcoming ALL of our students as they are. Everyday, teachers and staff      en consecuencia, encuentran formas de apoyar y responder positivamente
work together to identify the areas of strength and growth for each of       a cada una de sus necesidades únicas (socioemocionales, de bienestar y
our students and consequently finds ways to support and positively           académicas). Ya sea dentro o fuera del salón de clases, los estudiantes de la
respond to each of their unique needs (social-emotional, wellness, and       Escuela Secundaria James Lick se involucran en tareas que desarrollan sus
academic). Whether it be in or outside of the classroom, James Lick High     habilidades de pensamiento estratégico para que puedan convertirse en
School students engage with tasks that develop their strategic thinking      participantes plenos de nuestra comunidad local y nuestra sociedad global
skills so they can grow to be full participants in our local community and   más amplia. Todo esto manteniendo los valores de la familia Comet de
our larger global society. All of this while upholding our Comet Family      confianza, respeto y responsabilidad.
Values of trust, respect, and responsibility.

                                    To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                                          A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
James Lick High School - Home of the Comets

Sunday        Monday              Tuesday               Wednesday              Thursday                 Friday            Saturday

                           1                      2                      3                     4                     5                6
                                                          Cafecito with the     10-12th Schedule
                                                         Principal @ 10am        Distribution Day
                                                       Parent Social @ 6pm

          7                8                      9                    10                    11                    12                13
               Senior Sunrise         Rally Schedule         Rally Schedule        Rally Schedule        Rally Schedule
                                First Day of School                                                 Welcome Back Rally

         14              15                     16                     17                    18                    19                20
                                                          School Photo Day

         21              22                     23                     24                    25                    26                27
                                                                              Fall Parent Athlete          Football VS.
                                                                                         Meeting    Harbor High *home

         28              29                     30                     31
                                                         X-Country Meet @
                                                          Montgomery Hill

                     To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                           A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
James Lick High School - Home of the Comets
How to be a Comet

To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
      A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432

Sunday         Monday                Tuesday                 Wednesday               Thursday                  Friday              Saturday

                                                                                                       1                     2                      3
                                                                                                                      Club Day            Football VS.
                                                                                                                                     Irvington *away

          4                   5                        6                      7                        8                     9                    10
                     No School                                 Cafecito with the    Girls’ Volleyball VS.         Football VS.    Saturday Academy
                     Labor Day                                Principal @ 10am          Live Oak *away        Lynbrook *home
                                                            Parent Social @ 6pm

         11                 12                       13                     14                       15                    16                     17
                     Spirit Week            Spirit Week             Spirit Week            Spirit Week             Spirit Week
                                   Girls’ Volleyball VS.           Wellness Fair     X-Country Meet @               End of 1st
                                   Mt. Pleasant *Home                                 Montgomery Hill          grading period
                                       Staff v. Students                                          Park

         18                 19                       20                     21                       22                    23                     24
              College Fair @ IHS     Softball @ Lunch                                      A/B Schedule           A/B Schedule
                          5-8pm    Girls’ Volleyball VS.                           Parent Conferences              Football VS.
                                    Gunderson *Away                                   & Resource Fair       Mt. Pleasant *away
                                                                                    Girls’ Volleyball VS.   Food Fair @ Lunch
                                                                                      Oak Grove *Away

         25                 26                       27                     28                       29                    30
                     No School              No School                No School               No School              No School
                     Fall Break             Fall Break               Fall Break              Fall Break             Fall Break
                                   Girls’ Volleyball VS.      X-Country Meet @      Girls’ Volleyball VS.          Football VS.
                                       Overfelt *Home              Santa Teresa          Independence       Yerba Buena *away
                                                                   County Park                   *Home

                       To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                             A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432

To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
      A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432

Sunday        Monday                 Tuesday                Wednesday              Thursday                   Friday               Saturday

          2                 3                         4                      5                       6                      7                     8
                                                              Cafecito with the    X-Country Meet @               Football VS.   Saturday Academy
                                                             Principal @ 10am       Montgomery Hill            Del Mar *home
                                                           Parent Social @ 6pm    Financial Aid Night
                                                                                               @ 6 pm
                                                                                  Girls’ Volleyball VS.
                                                                                  Mt. Pleasant *Away

          9               10                        11                     12                      13                     14                    15
                                   Girls’ Volleyball VS.           11th grade             Football VS.
                                       San José *Away          SAT School Day     Willow Glen *home
                                                                                  Girls’ Volleyball VS.
                                                                                  Gunderson *Home

         16               17                        18                     19                      20                     21                    22
                   Spirit Week              Spirit Week            Spirit Week             Spirit Week         Rally Schedule    Homecoming Dance
                                        Higher Ed Day             Wellness Fair   Girls’ Volleyball VS.    Homecoming Rally
                                               @ lunch                                Overfelt *Away      Homecoming Game
                                   Girls’ Volleyball VS.                                                     & Club Tailgate
                                    Oak Grove *Home                                                              Football VS.
                                                                                                            Evergreen *home

         23               24                        25                     26                      27                     28                    29
                                 Cash-4-College Event        X-Country Meet @      Staff VS. Students     Pumpkin Decorating     Dia De Los Muertos
                                   Girls’ Volleyball VS.          Santa Teresa    Volleyball @ Lunch                                        Festival
                                 Independence *Away               County Park            Football VS.                                Saturday Parent
                                                                                  Andrew Hill *away                                 Workshop Series

         30               31
              Costume Contest

                     To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                           A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
Parent Engagement

Hello James Lick families! I am excited to be part of the comet        ¡Hola familias de James Lick! Estoy emocionado de ser parte de la
community. I want to introduce myself. My name is Marialicia           comunidad Cometa. Quiero presentarme. Mi nombre es Marialicia
Serna, AKA Ms. Mari to many. I am the Parent and Community             Serna, también conocida como Ms. Mari para muchos. Soy la
Involvement Specialist PCIS/ Parent Liaison. My job is to connect      Especialista de Padres PCIS/ Liaison de Padres. Mi trabajo es
parents to teachers, school personnel, and community resources.        conectar a los padres con los maestros, Y el personal escolar y con
Needed between home and school to further students' academic           recursos comunitarios. Necesario entre el hogar y la escuela para
and social success. My responsibility is to listen to your needs and   promover el éxito académico y social de los estudiantes. Mi
provide you guides with dignity and respect.                           responsabilidad es escuchar sus necesidades y brindarles guías con
                                                                       dignidad y respeto.

                                 To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                                       A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432

Sunday        Monday          Tuesday                Wednesday               Thursday              Friday               Saturday

                                               1                      2                       3                  4                    5
                            Common App Early           Cafecito with the                               End of 2nd     Saturday Academy
                              Action Deadline         Principal @ 10am                             grading period        Saturday Parent
                                                    Parent Social @ 6pm                                Football VS.      Workshop Series
                                                                                                    San Jose *away

          6             7                      8                      9                     10                 11                   12
                                                            Comet-Con        Food Fair @ Lunch         No School        Saturday Parent
                                                                                                    Veterans Day        Workshop Series

         13            14                    15                     16                      17                 18                   19
                                                         Crafts & Cocoa     Boys’ Basketball VS.
                                                          Wellness Fair    Thomas More *Away
                                                        Winter Parent
                                                       Athlete Meeting

         20            21                    22                     23                      24                 25                   26
                                    Turkey Trot             No School               No School          No School
                            Boys’ Basketball VS.         Thanksgiving            Thanksgiving       Thanksgiving
                             San Mateo *Home

         27            28                    29                     30
                               JLIT Basketball        JLIT Basketball
                                  Tournament             Tournament
                                Girls’ Soccer VS.   UC/CSU application
                            Silver Creek *Away               deadline

                  To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                        A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
The Spartan-East Side Promise

To help fulfill our promise to our students towards being college-career      Para ayudar a cumplir nuestra promesa a nuestros estudiantes de estar
ready after high school, our district, East Side Union High School District   preparados para una carrera universitaria después de la escuela
(ESUHSD) has a continuing partnership with San Jose State University          secundaria, nuestro distrito, el Distrito de Escuelas Secundarias East Side
(SJSU). Through this partnership, our ESUHSD students who have                Union (ESUHSD) tiene una asociación continua con la Universidad Estatal
completed their A-G required courses with at least a C- or better, will       de San José (SJSU). A través de esta asociación, nuestros estudiantes de
earn a guaranteed admission into SJSU.* For more information, please          ESUHSD que hayan completado sus cursos requeridos A-G con al menos
visit https://www.sjsu.edu/soar/spartaneastsidepromise/ or see your           una C- o mejor, obtendrán una admisión garantizada en SJSU.* Para
academic counselor.                                                           obtener más información, visite https://www.sjsu.edu/soar/
                                                                              spartaneastsidepromise/ o consulte a su consejero académico.

                                                           What are A-G Requirements?

                                     To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                                           A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432

Sunday          Monday               Tuesday             Wednesday                    Thursday                  Friday               Saturday

                                                                                                       1                      2                      3
                                                                                       JLIT Basketball         JLIT Basketball        JLIT Basketball
                                                                                          Tournament              Tournament             Tournament

          4                     5                   6                         7                        8                      9                    10
                      Spirit Week         Spirit Week             Spirit Week                Spirit Week          Rally Schedule   Saturday Academy
                 Girls’ Soccer VS.                                 Wellness Fair        Girls’ Soccer VS.           Spirit Week       Girls’ Soccer VS.
                                                             Boys’ Basketball VS.
               Gunderson *Home                                                      Yerba Buena *Home       Boys’ Basketball VS.       Milpitas *Home
                                                               Piedmont *Home
                                                                    Cafecito with                                Harbor *Home
                                                           the Principal @ 10am
                                                            Parent Social @ 6pm

         11                   12                  13                        14                       15                     16                     17
                 Girls’ Soccer VS.                         Staff VS. Students                                  Girls’ Soccer VS.   Boys’ Basketball VS.
               Oak Grove *Home                           Basketball @ Lunch                                     Independence        Andrew Hill *Away
              Boys’ Basketball VS.                                                                                       *Home
                Evergreen *Home

         18                   19                  20                        21                       22                     23                     24
                                     Girls’ Soccer VS.       Finals Schedule           Finals Schedule         Finals Schedule
                                      Piedmont Hills                 FINALS                    FINALS                  FINALS
                                               *Home      1st & 4th periods         2nd & 5th periods       3rd & 6th periods

         25                   26                  27                        28                       29                     30                      31
                     No School           No School                No School                No School               No School
                 Happy Holidays      Happy Holidays        Happy Holidays              Happy Holidays          Happy Holidays
                                                         Boys’ Basketball VS.
                                                              Lincoln *Away

                         To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                               A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
      A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
James Lick High School’s BELL Schedules

To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
      A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
How do you earn your High School Diploma from James Lick High School?

James Lick High School (JLHS) academic year runs from August 10            El año académico de James Lick High School (JLHS) se extiende del
to June 1, 2022. The academic year is divided into 2 semesters. 1st        10 de agosto al 1 de junio de 2022. El año académico se divide en 2
semester is from August 10 to December 23, 2022. 2nd semester is           semestres. El primer semestre es del 10 de agosto al 23 de diciembre
from January 9 to June 1, 2023. If a student earns a grade of A, B, C,     de 2022. El segundo semestre es del 9 de enero al 1 de junio de 2023.
or D, at the end of each semester, they will earn 5 credits for that       Si un estudiante obtiene una calificación de A, B, C o D, al final de
semester. If they earn a grade of F, they will earn 0 credits. In total,   cada semestre, obtendrá 5 créditos para ese semestre. Si obtienen
a student must earn 220 credits* to earn their high school                 una calificación de F, obtendrán 0 créditos. En total, un estudiante
diploma. The chart below will explain the required courses that            debe obtener 220 créditos* para obtener su diploma de escuela
are needed to earn their 220 credits.                                      secundaria. La tabla a continuación explicará los cursos requeridos
                                                                           que se necesitan para obtener sus 220 créditos.

                                   To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                                         A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
Sunday          Monday                  Tuesday                  Wednesday                    Thursday                       Friday                    Saturday

          1                     2                          3                          4                           5                            6                        7
                       No School               No School                  No School                    No School                 No School
                                     Girls’ Basketball VS.       Boys’ Basketball VS.          Girls’ Basketball VS.    Boys’ Basketball VS.
                                                                                                    Live Oak *Home
                                            Gilroy *Home         Mt. Pleasant *Away                                         San José *Away
                                                                                                    Girls’ Soccer VS.
                                         Girls’ Soccer VS.                                         Prospect *Home
                                     Willow Glen *Away                                      Wrestling VS. MP *Away

          8                     9                        10                         11                          12                           13                       14
                   Rally Schedule          Rally Schedule              Rally Schedule             Rally Schedule               Rally Schedule
                                         Girls’ Basketball VS.       Boys’ Basketball VS.      Girls’ Basketball VS.        Boys’ Basketball VS.
                                           Gunderson *Away                  Gilroy *Away            San José *Home            Gunderson*Away
                                             Girls’ Soccer VS.           Boys’ Soccer VS.           Girls’ Soccer VS.          Boys’ Soccer VS.
                                         Santa Teresa *Home          Yerba Buena *Away            Westmont *Away                Del Mar *Home
                                                                            Cafecito with   Wrestling VS. YB *Away
                                                                   the Principal @ 10am
                                                                    Parent Social @ 6pm

         15                   16                         17                         18                          19                           20                       21
                       No School       AP & Elective Fair             Wellness Fair         Girls’ Basketball VS.       Boys’ Basketball VS.         Saturday Academy
                        MLK Day         Girls’ Basketball VS.       Boys’ Soccer VS.        Yerba Buena *Home               Overfelt *Away
                                              Del Mar *Away
                                                                    Pioneer *Home               Girls’ Soccer VS.          Boys’ Soccer VS.
                                             Girls’ Soccer VS.
                                             Overfelt *Home                                 Willow Glen *Home             Westmont *Away
                                     Wrestling VS. OG *Home

         22                   23                         24                         25                          26                           27                       28
                    Wrestling VS.    Girls’ Basketball VS.          Boys’ Soccer VS.        Girls’ Basketball VS.       Staff VS. Students Soccer    Girls’ Basketball VS.
                                                                                                                             Boys’ Basketball VS.
                  San José *Away     Mt. Pleasant *Away             Overfelt *Home                  Gilroy *Away                                         Live Oak *Away
                                                                                                                             Mt. Pleasant *Home
                                                                                                Girls’ Soccer VS.                 Boys’ Soccer VS.
                                                                                            Willow Glen *Home                Yerba Buena *Home

         29                   30                         31
              Boys’ Basketball VS.       Girls’ Basketball VS.
                                          Gunderson *Home
                  San José *Away
                                             Girls’ Soccer VS.
                                             Prospect *Away

                         To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                               A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
The 4-year plan and Academic Counseling at JLHS

To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
      A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432

Sunday        Monday            Tuesday                Wednesday               Thursday                   Friday              Saturday

                                                                         1                       2                      3                  4
                                                       Boys’ Basketball VS.   Girls’ Basketball VS.         Music Festival
                                                             Gilroy *Home          San José *Away     Boys’ Basketball VS.
                                                          Boys’ Soccer VS.        Girls’ Soccer VS.    Gunderson *Home
                                                           Del Mar *Away      Santa Teresa *Away         Boys’ Soccer VS.
                                                         Cafecito with the           Wrestling VS.        Pioneer *Away
                                                        Principal @ 10am            Independence
                                                      Parent Social @ 6pm                   *Home

          5              6                       7                       8                       9                    10                  11
                ELPAC Week            ELPAC Week             ELPAC Week               ELPAC Week             ELPAC Week      Saturday Academy
                              Girls’ Basketball VS.   Boys’ Basketball VS.    Girls’ Basketball VS.   Boys’ Basketball VS.
                                   Del Mar *Home      Yerba Buena *Away       Yerba Buena *Away          Overfelt *Home
                                  Girls’ Soccer VS.      Boys’ Soccer VS.         Girls’ Soccer VS.      Boys’ Soccer VS.
                                Westmont *Home          Westmont *Home             Overfelt *Away         Overfelt *Away

         12             13                     14                      15                      16                     17                  18
                              Girls’ Basketball VS.         Wellness Fair        Spring: Parent              End of 4th
                              Mt. Pleasant *Home      Boys’ Basketball VS.      Athlete Meeting          grading period
                                                      Mt. Pleasant *Away
                                                         Cash for College

         19             20                     21                      22                      23                     24                  25
                  No School           No School                No School              No School               No School             No School
               Winter Break        Winter Break             Winter Break           Winter Break            Winter Break          Winter Break

         26             27                     28

                    To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                          A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
Comet Athletics

Athletics at James Lick High School is a storied tradition since our school   ​El atletismo en la Escuela Secundaria James Lick es una tradición histórica
opened in 1950. We highly encourage all of our students to try out for at      desde que nuestra escuela abrió en 1950. Recomendamos encarecidamente
least one of our sports teams. Being a part of an athletic team can be an      a todos nuestros estudiantes que prueben por lo menos uno de nuestros
important part of a successful high school experience. If you have any         equipos deportivos. Ser parte de un equipo atlético puede ser una parte
questions about our Athletic program, or want to find out how to help          importante de una experiencia exitosa en la escuela secundaria. Si tiene
our Athletic program as a parent, please connect with our Athletic             alguna pregunta sobre nuestro programa atlético o desea saber cómo
Director, Anna Chavez, chaveza@esuhsd.org.                                     ayudar a nuestro programa atlético como padre, comuníquese con nuestra
                                                                               directora atlética, Anna Chavez, chaveza@esuhsd.org
Fall Sports
Chris Pope (FOOTBALL): chrispope24@gmail.com
Ricardo Flores Hernandez (CROSS COUNTRY): rfloreshernandez@mpesd.org
Vincent Dinh (GIRLS VOLLEYBALL): vincentdinh927@gmail.com
Joyel Hames (CHEERLEADING): joyelhames@gmail.com

Winter Sports
Mike Cappas (VARSITY BOYS BASKETBALL): mike.cappas@yahoo.com
Ricardo Flores Hernandez (JV BOYS SOCCER): rfloreshernandez@mpesd.org
Manuel Manzo (VARSITY BOYS SOCCER): mmanzo1421@yahoo.com
Jae Zaragoza (VARSITY GIRLS SOCCER): jz@jaezaragoza.com
Dennis Taitano (WRESTLING): dennistaitano9@gmail.com

Spring Sports
Rudy Iniguez (VARSITY BOYS BASEBALL): rudyiniguez03@gmail.com
Deanna Glover (VARSITY SOFTBALL): gloverd@esuhsd.org
Kevin Romero (BADMINTON): romerok@esuhsd.org
Ricardo Flores Hernandez (TRACK AND FIELD) : rfloreshernandez@mpesd.org

                                    To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                                          A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
Sunday           Monday                 Tuesday                 Wednesday                    Thursday                      Friday                Saturday

                                                                                    1                           2                         3                    4
                                                                           11th SAT              A/B Schedule                A/B Schedule
                                                                         School Day        Parent Conferences               Music Festival
                                                                         Badminton VS.        & Resource Fair               Badminton VS.
                                                                    Willow Glen *Home
                                                                                                                           San José *Home
                                                                          Cafecito with
                                                                  the Principal @ 10am
                                                                   Parent Social @ 6pm

          5                     6                         7                         8                           9                       10                   11
                                                                           8th grade                                             Food Fair     Saturday Academy
                                                                        Parent Night                                        Badminton VS.
                                                               Badminton VS. SHS *Away                                  Christopher *Away

         12                   13                        14                        15                          16                        17                   18
              Fitnessgram Testing    Fitnessgram Testing                Comet-Con          Fitnessgram Testing        Fitnessgram Testing        Saturday Parent
                                                               Fitnessgram Testing          Softball VS. IHS *Home         Badminton VS.         Workshop Series
                                                                                                      Swimming VS.
                                                                     Badminton VS.                                         Lincoln *Home
                                                                                                    San José *Home
                                                                    Live Oak *Away        Track VS. Lincoln *Home

         19                   20                        21                        22                          23                        24                   25
                       Spirit Week            Spirit Week               Spirit Week                  Spirit Week               Spirit Week     Saturday Academy
              Fitnessgram Testing    Fitnessgram Testing              Wellness Fair          Softball VS. AH *Away    Fitnessgram Testing         Saturday Parent
                                                                                          Swimming VS. WCO *Away
                                           Higher Ed Day       Fitnessgram Testing                                        Comet Carnival          Workshop Series
                                                                                               Track VS. AH *Away
                                       Softball VS. YB *Home                                                          Badminton VS. WG *Away

         26                   27                        28                        29                          30                        31
              Fitnessgram Testing    Fitnessgram Testing       Fitnessgram Testing         Fitnessgram Testing                 No School
                                              Softball VS.          Badminton VS.             Softball VS. SJ *Away     Cesar Chavez Day
                                                                                           Swimming VS. MP *Away
                                       Gunderson *Home              San José *Away                                          Badminton VS.
                                                                                                Track and Field VS.
                                                                                             Piedmont Hills *Away          Sobrato *Home

                         To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                               A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
The Comet Wellness Center

The Comet Wellness Center provides safe and supportive environments         ​Comet Wellness Center brinda entornos seguros y de apoyo en el entorno
in the school setting where students can discuss a variety of topics in a    escolar donde los estudiantes pueden discutir una variedad de temas en un
confidential, nonjudgmental space staffed with professionals who are         espacio confidencial y sin prejuicios con profesionales que se dedican a
dedicated to improving the health, well-being, and educational outcomes      mejorar la salud, el bienestar y los resultados educativos de todos los
of all students. Through both on-campus programming and                      estudiantes. A través de la programación en el campus y las asociaciones
community-based partnerships, James Lick students will receive               basadas en la comunidad, los estudiantes de James Lick recibirán
assessment, counseling, and referrals to other support services to           evaluación, asesoramiento y referencias a otros servicios de apoyo para
maximize student engagement and success. The Comet Wellness Center           maximizar la participación y el éxito de los estudiantes. Comet Wellness
is staffed with a School Social Worker, Interns, and Community-Based         Center cuenta con un trabajador social escolar, pasantes y organizaciones
Organizations (CBOs) to address challenging issues that may be               comunitarias (CBO) para abordar problemas desafiantes que pueden estar
interfering with the ability to be academically successful in school.        interfiriendo con la capacidad de tener éxito académico en la escuela.

Services Provided:

        ●   Stress
        ●   Depression & Suicide
        ●   Sexual Orientation/Gender Questions
        ●   Family/Home Issues
        ●   Chronic Illness
        ●   Drug & Alcohol Abuse
        ●   Violence and Abuse
        ●   Well being
        ●   Sexual Health Education
        ●   Anxiety
        ●   Peer Relationships
        ●   Cultural Adjustment & Identity Issue
        ●   Off-site Resources & Referrals​​

                                   To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                                         A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
Sunday        Monday               Tuesday               Wednesday             Thursday                   Friday              Saturday

                                                                                                                              Saturday Parent
                                                                                                                              Workshop Series

          2               3                        4                      5                        6                     7                 8
              11th/12th SBAC      11th/12th SBAC           11th/12th SBAC       11th/12th SBAC           11th/12th SBAC
                Testing Week         Testing Week             Testing Week        Testing Week              Testing Week
                                        Softball VS.       Cafecito with the              Softball VS.          End of 5th
                                                                                  Yerba Buena *Away
                               Independence *Away         Principal @ 10am                                grading period
                                                                                       Swimming VS.
                                                        Parent Social @ 6pm         Oak Grove *Away      Staff VS. Students
                                                                                  Track and Field VS.    Softball @ Lunch
                                                                                Independence *Home

          9              10                      11                     12                       13                    14                 15
                   No School             No School               No School             No School               No School
                Spring Break          Spring Break            Spring Break          Spring Break            Spring Break

         16              17                      18                     19                       20                    21                 22
                                       Softball VS.            Wellness Fair             Softball VS.      Badminton VS.           Jr/Sr Prom
                                                                                   Gunderson *Away
                                Andrew Hill *Home                 Food Fair                               Live Oak *Home
                                                                                      Swimming VS.
                                                              Badminton VS.       Andrew Hill *Home
                                                         Christopher *Home        Track and Field VS.
                                                                                    Prospect *Home

         23              24                      25                     26                       27                    28                 29
                                         Softball VS.        Badminton VS.     Club Awards Night
                                    San José *Home           Lincoln *Away     Softball VS. IHS *Home


                     To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                           A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
      A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432

Sunday          Monday                Tuesday               Wednesday              Thursday                Friday             Saturday

                              1                       2                      3                      4                   5                  6
                   Decision Day            AP EXAMS                 AP EXAMS             AP EXAMS               AP EXAMS
                       Banquet      AP Psychology*PM         AP English Lit*AM    AP Human Geo*AM        AP US History*AM
                     AP EXAMS              Softball VS.      AP Comp Sci A*PM         AP Macro*AM          AP Art & Design
                    AP Gov*AM      Yerba Buena *Home          Cafecito with the     AP Statistics*PM
               AP Chemistry*PM                               Principal @ 10am            Softball VS.
              AP Spanish Lit*PM                            Parent Social @ 6pm    Andrew Hill *Away

          7                   8                       9                    10                     11                  12                  13
                      AP EXAMS              AP EXAMS                AP EXAMS              Softball VS.                       Saturday Academy
              AP Calculus AB*AM    AP English Lang*AM      AP Spanish Lang*AM         San José *Away
                      AP CSP*PM             Softball VS.
                                    Gunderson *Home

         14                 15                      16                     17                     18                  19                  20
                     Spirit Week            Spirit Week            Spirit Week           Spirit Week        Rally Schedule   Saturday Academy
                                                                  Wellness Fair        Ryan/Oyama             Spirit Week
                                                                  Honor Night        Athletic Awards        Goodbye Rally

         21                 22                      23                     24                     25                  26                  27
                                                                                                          Final Grades for

         28                 29                      30                     31                June 1               June 2
                    No School          Finals Schedule         Finals Schedule       Finals Schedule         No School for
                 Memorial Day                  FINALS                  FINALS                FINALS               Students
                                    1st & 4th periods       2nd & 5th periods     3rd & 6th periods         Staff Work Day
                                                                GRADUATION               End of 6th
                                                                                    grading period
                                                                                       LAST DAY OF

                       To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
                             A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
Our Contact Information

To report an absence or a tardy, please call the Attendance Office:
      A - L or Spanish - 408-347-4431 *** M-Z - 408-347-4432
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