Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students

Page created by Samuel Salinas
Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
Primary 1 2021
Information for
  Parents and
Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
Table of Contents             Page
         Welcome Message                            3
    1.   Introduction to the Primary 1 Teachers     4
   2.    General School Information                 5
   3.    First Week of School (Orientation Week)    8
   4.    Canteen Information                        10
   5.    Collection of Books Schedule               11
   6.    Safety Management in Lakeside              13
   7.    Parents Gateway Onboarding Guide           15
   8.    Sale of Textbooks                          17
   9.    Sale of Uniforms                           18
   10.   School Transport                           20
   11.   Whee!Canopus Student Care Centre @         21
         Lakeside Primary
   12.   Parent Support Group                      25
   13.   Online Consent for Dental Services        29

Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
Welcome Message

Dear Parents/Guardians,
Warmest Greetings from Lakeside Primary!

To our Primary 1 students and parents who have just joined us, a special warm
welcome to our Lakeside family!
This booklet serves as a guide in providing you with information on the school
and details of the first day and week for your child/ward. Your child/ward will be
able to learn more about the school through the virtual P1 Orientation. The links
will be made available on our school’s website (
on 23 November 2020, Monday.
A virtual meeting will be held for the parents with the respective class Form and
Co-Form teachers on 28 December, Monday. More details on the virtual
meeting will be provided through Parents Gateway on 21 December, Monday.
We would like to express our appreciation to all parents for your support and
partnership in developing your child/ward holistically in the coming years. You
can refer to the school’s website for other school-related information or contact
the General Office at 62620918 for any enquiries.
                           SCHOOL PHILOSOPHY
          Every Individual C.A.N. - Contribute. Achieve. be Nurtured

                    A Life-Long Learner. A Virtuous Leader.

       To Provide Quality Education to Nurture Wholesome Individuals.

                                Lakeside PRIDE

Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
1.   Our Primary 1 Form Teachers

      Class           Teacher
      1A              Mdm Haliah
      1B              Mdm Norsuhana
      1C              Mrs Angeline Tang
      1D              Mrs Charmaine Tan
      1E              Mrs Hazel Francis
      1F              Mdm Wang Pei Shan
      1G              Ms Ang Jing Ting
      1H              Mdm Nora

The list of teachers is subject to changes. More details will be provided by the
teachers during the virtual meeting on 28 December 2020.

Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
2. General School Information

a. School hours - The new school term will commence on Monday, 4
   January 2021. Dismissal will be staggered for the different levels. The
   dismissal time for the P1 students is scheduled at 1.30 p.m. on Monday
   to Thursday and 1.15 p.m. on Friday.

b. Morning Assembly – All students are strongly encouraged to report to the
   school hall/classroom 15 minutes before the start of school to help them
   settle down. The P1 students will report to their classrooms on the first
   day of school.

c. Silent Reading – Students should have a storybook with them every day.

Please refer to the table below for the schedule.

               Monday       Tuesday       Wednesday        Thursday        Friday

    Start                                   7.30 a.m.

     End       1.30 p.m.    1.30 p.m.      1.30 p.m.       1.30 p.m.      1.15 p.m.

                 Hall          Hall        Classroom         Hall           Hall

                 Foyer        Foyer          Foyer           Foyer          Foyer

   Type of
  Books for     English                                  Mother Tongue     Mother
                           English book   English book
    Silent       book                                        book        Tongue book

Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
d. School attire – Please note that name-tags are required on both the school
   uniforms and the PE T-shirts. The name-tag is to be sewn approximately
   1.5 cm above the school logo. Students will have to be in their PE attire on
   days when they have PE Lessons. Four periods each week will also be set
   aside for Programme for Active Learning (PAL) during which your child will
   engage in different activities to learn socio-emotional competencies. Hence
   we advise parents to purchase sufficient sets of PE attire for this purpose.

Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
School Bus

                                             School Student
                                 Outside         Care
                 Tongue and
                   Mother     Student Care

  P1 students will be wearing a plastic name tag for the first 2 weeks of
  school for easy identification and staff to provide prompt assistance when
  necessary. The name tag is enclosed in this orientation package. The
  stickers will be given out by the teachers on the first day of school.

e. Packing of school bag – Your child will be given a timetable by the
   Form/Co-form Teacher by the end of the first week of school. Please help
   your child learn to pack his/her bag and bring items/books according to the
   timetable after 8 January 2021.

f. Recess – Primary 4 students will be paired with the Primary 1 students to
   guide them for the first week during recess (subject to changes if there
   are any changes to the COVID-19 National Guidelines). The Form/Co-
   form teachers will be having recess with the students in week 2 to get to
   know the students better and guide the students to be independent during

Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
3. First Week of School (Subject to changes if there are any changes to
   the COVID-19 National Guidelines)
1. P1 Orientation will be from 4 January (Monday) – 8 January (Friday) 2021.
   The theme of the orientation programme is “Lakeside PRIDE”.

2. On the first day of school, we would like to seek your kind understanding and
   cooperation that only one parent/guardian accompany your child/ward to
   his/her 2021 classroom. Your child/ward will be led to the hall by his/her Form
   Teacher to the hall for the morning assembly. The parent/guardian will be
   ushered to the gallery in the hall at level 3 to join us for the assembly.
   *The school will amend the First Day of School programme if there are
   any changes to the COVID-19 National Guidelines. Parents/guardians
   will be informed of the changes to the programme via Parent Gateway
   and during the virtual meeting held in December.

3. You will be able to enjoy Recess Time with your child and the Primary 4
   buddy assigned to guide your child on the first day of school. While your
   child is in his/her classroom, we have planned for an informative programme
   (subject to changes if there are any changes to the COVID-19 National
   Guidelines). The details of the programme are as follows:

         First Day of School Programme “Back to School for P1 Parents” on 4                     Venue
         Jan 2021
        7.15 – 7.30 a.m. Students’ arrival in school and proceed to the P1               P1 Classroom
                            classroom at the first level

       7.30 – 7.40 a.m.     P1 students to be led to the hall by their Form Teachers.      School Hall

                            Parents to proceed to the gallery at level 3 led by Parent
                            Support Group members.

       7.40 – 8.20 a.m.     National Anthem and Principal’s Welcome                        School Hall

        8.20 – 8.30 a.m.    Movement back to classrooms                                  P1 Classroom

         8.30 – 9.00 a.m.   Welcome by the Form Teachers in the P1 classroom and         P1 Classroom
                            meeting P4 buddies

    9.00 a.m. – 9.40 a.m.   Recess with your child in the school canteen                 School Canteen

   9.50 a.m. – 11.10 a.m.   Class Administration and ‘Hand in Hand’ activity             P1 Classroom

Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
11.15 a.m. – 11.25 a.m.   English Curriculum Briefing                               School Hall

  11.25 a.m. – 11.45 a.m.   Mathematics Curriculum Briefing                           School Hall

  11.45 a.m. – 12.05 p.m.   Mother Tongue Curriculum Briefing                         School Hall

  12.05 p.m. – 12.20 p.m.   Programme for Active Learning (PAL) Briefing              School Hall

  12.20 p.m. – 12.35 p.m.   Parents Gateway Briefing                                  School Hall

              12.45 p.m.    End of Programme                                          School Hall

                            Parents to proceed to the respective P1 classrooms for   P1 Classroom
                            the dismissal

4. From the second day (5 January, Tuesday) onwards, please drop off your
   child/ward at the foyer and our student leaders will accompany your
   child/ward to the hall. Recess buddies will be assigned to guide our P1
   students in purchasing food, moving about in the school and adjusting to our
   school environment until the end of Week 1 (8 January 2021).

5. In order to enthuse and excite our P1 students, we have drawn up a
   4-day P1 orientation programme to induct the students into the school
   system in an enjoyable and enriching manner. The outline of the programme
   is as follows :
   a) Learning our National Anthem, Pledge and School Song.
   b) Knowing the school routines – Packing the school bag, using the
       Student’s Handbook, safety rules in school, moving around the school etc.
   c) Participating in activities related to the Orientation Theme for English,
       Mathematics, Mother Tongue Language, Music, Physical Health &
      Fitness and Art & Craft.
   d) Participating in Mini Games (8 January, Friday) – Students are to be in
      their PE attire throughout the day (8 January).

Primary 1 2021 Information for Parents and Students
4. Canteen Information

Healthy Meals in Schools Programme - The school has
embarked on the Healthy Meals in Schools Programme
(HMSP) since 2013. The canteen adheres to the guidelines of the
programme and serves well-balanced meals to the students. The Healthy Set
Meals will consist of appropriate proportions of food from the four main food
groups namely rice/noodles, meat, vegetables and a slice of fruit. The prices of
the Healthy Set Meals and other kinds of food sold in the canteen are provided
in the table below.
                Stall Number               Type/Size                           Price

                                           Snacks/Biscuits                 $ 0.20 - $ 0.60
                                           Bread/Sandwiches                $ 0.50 - $ 1.00
                                           Buns (Halal)                    $ 0.50 - $ 1.00
 1 – Snack Stall                           Hot drinks                      $ 0.30 - $ 0.50
                                           Burger                              $ 1.20
                                           Cornflakes with Milk                $ 1.00
                                           Corn in a cup                       $ 0.50

 3 – Chinese Noodle Stall                                         Small       Medium         Large
 4 – Chinese Mixed Rice Stall              Noodles Set Meal       $ 1.20       $ 1.50        $ 1.80
 5 – Muslim Noodles and Mixed Rice Stall   Rice Set Meal          $ 1.50       $ 1.80        $ 2.20
 6 – Muslim Noodles and Mixed Rice Stall
 7 – Muslim Noodles and Mixed Rice Stall

                                           Cup Drink                           $ 0.50
                                           Packet Drink                    $ 0.50 - $ 0.70
                                           Bottled Drink                   $ 1.00 - $ 1.20
                                           Milk Drink                      $ 0.80 - $ 1.00
 8 – Drinks Stall
                                           Yoghurt                         $ 0.80 - $ 1.00
                                           Fruit Cup                           $ 1.00
                                           Canned Drink                    $ 0.80 - $ 1.00
                                           Fruit Juice                         $ 1.00

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5. Collection of Books Schedule

We would like to stagger the collection of the workbooks and
exercise books from our students so as to lighten the load of their schoolbags.
We seek your understanding to label your child/ ward’s books, files and
stationery items with his/her name and class (refer to the example given below).

               Exercise Books           Textbooks/Workbooks/Stationery items
   Name: Nur Shalina                    Name: Nur Shalina
   Subject: ______________              Class: 1A
   Class: 1A
   Teacher: _____________

Please refer to the table below and on the next page for the types of books to
be brought to school during the orientation week.
   Date            Subject           Books                            Exercise books & Files
   Monday,         English                        -                      Lines Jotter Book (X1)
                                                                         Broad Line Exercise
   4 January                                                             Book (X2)
                                                                         Subject File (Yellow)

                   Mathematics         Mathematics Textbook 1A           Broad Line Exercise
                                       and Practice Book 1A              Book (X1)
                                                                         Subject File (Purple)

                   Others                         -                      Report Book
                                                                         My Journey File with
                                                                         dividers and plastic

   Tuesday,        Character           FTGP Student Journal P1                    -
                   Education (CCE)
   5 January
                   Social Studies      Social Studies Activity Book
                                       Primary 1
                   Physical Health     An Active and Healthy Me –
                   & Fitness           P1
                                       My PE Activity Booklet P1
                   Music               First Step to Music P1            1-Button File
                   Art                                                   A3 Art Pocket File
                                                                         2-Button File
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Date       Subject          Books                          Exercise books & Files
   Wednesday, Mother Tongue      Chinese Language                Big Square Exercise
              - Chinese          Textbook 1A                     Book (X2)
   6 January                      Chinese Language Activity      Subject File (Blue)
                                  Book 1A
                                  Chinese Language Writing
                                  Exercise Book 1A
                                  Chinese Language Small
                                  Reader 1A
                                  Chinese Language Flash
                                  Cards 1A
                                  Character and Citizenship
                                  Education Textbook and
                                  Workbook 1

               Mother Tongue      CEKAP Malay Textbook 1A        Broad Line Exercise
               - Malay            CEKAP Malay Activity Book      Book (X2)
                                  1A                             Subject File (Blue)
                                  CEKAP Malay Small
                                  Reader 1A
                                  Character and Citizenship
                                  Education Textbook and
                                  Workbook 1

               Mother Tongue      Theen Thamizh Textbook         Broad Line Exercise
               - Tamil            1A                             Book (X2)
                                  Theen Thamizh Activity         Jotter Book
                                  Book 1A                        Subject File (Blue)
                                  Theen Thamizh
                                  Penmanship Book 1A
                                  Theen Thamizh Reader 1A
                                  Character and Citizenship
                                  Education Textbook and
                                  Workbook 1

               No Mother          Character and Citizenship             -
               Tongue             Education Textbook and
                                  Workbook 1 (EL)

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6. Safety Management in Lakeside
In light of the evolving COVID-19 situation, we have put in place precautionary
measures in our school to keep our students safe. The posters below and on
the next page have been put up in the classrooms and school to remind the
students of the good hygiene protocols. We encourage parents to take your
child’s/ward’s temperature at home before sending him/her to school. We seek
the cooperation of all parents to ensure that their children who are unwell and/or
displaying flu-like symptoms such as fever and/or cough, runny nose, sore
throat and breathing difficulties should see the doctor promptly and remain at
home until they recover fully. Children who come to school despite being unwell
may be sent home.

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7. Parents Gateway Onboarding Guide
 Parents should download and install the Parent Gateway app to receive
 timely information from the school.

Step 1 – SingPass Registration and 2FA Setup

SingPass 2-Step Verification (2FA) is required for on boarding. If you have not
registered for a SingPass or have not set up the 2FA, please visit the SingPass
website (, or scan the QR codes below to do so.
Should you require further assistance, please contact the SingPass Helpdesk
at 6643-0555.
               SingPass Registration       2FA Activation

Step 2 – Download Parents Gateway Mobile App
a. Open the Apple App Store, Huawei App Gallery or Google Play Store
   app on your mobile phone.
b. Search for the ‘Parents Gateway’ mobile app, or scan the QR code

                                          For Android       For iOS

c. Download and install the app on your phone.
d. Enable ‘Allow Notifications’ to receive push notifications.

Note: Supported OS Versions - Android 5.0 or later & iOS 9.1 or later
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1. Tap on “Log in with    2. Log in with your            3. Tap on “Retrieve” to retrieve
   SingPass”                 SingPass (and 2FA)             your child(ren)’s information

4. Tap on “Done” to       5. You should see your child(ren)’s initial(s) and announcements
   complete on boarding   and/or consent forms posted by the school(s) (if any)

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8. Sales of textbooks

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9. Sales of Uniforms

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10. School Transport
Name of Vendor: Sin Koon Seng Enterprise
Contact No.: 97439235
Fax No.: 66650798
Contact person: Ms Vivian Tan
Email address:

NOTE: The Terms and Conditions Governing this Request for School Bus Services are set out in Annex
A of the Agreement for Appointment of School Bus Operator to Provide School Bus Services dated 19
Nov 2016 and are reproduced below.

 Route                                          Rates (2 way)           Rates(1 way)
 Taman Jurong Estate                                $80                     $50
 Boon Lay Estate                                    $90                     $60
 Jurong West St 52                                  $90                     $60
 Jurong West Ave 1                                  $100                    $70
 Jurong West St 41/42                               $100                    $70
 Jurong East Ave 1                                  $120                    $80
 Jurong West Central 1/St 64 & 65                   $100                    $70
 >Jurong West Ave 5                                >$140                    >$90

Please fill up the registration form attached in the orientation package if
you require the transport service from the vendor.

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11.     MERCU Learning Point @ Lakeside Primary Student Care Centre

   Warm Greetings from Whee!Canopus Student Care Centre @
   Lakeside Primary (Managed by MERCU Learning Point)

   1) Introduction
   We are the vendor that has been appointed by Lakeside Primary School to
   manage the Student Care Centre since 2014.

   We have more than 20 years of student care experience and expertise in
   catering to students’ well-being and providing a holistic student
   development through our dynamic curriculum.

   2) Our Comprehensive Programme
   At Whee!Canopus, we support the learning and holistic development of the
   students through an array of value-based programmes that incorporate the
   school’s values.

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Daily Timetable

      School Holiday Timetable

                      TIME                    DAILY ACTIVITIES

                7.00am – 8.30am             Sign-In / Silent Reading
                8.30am – 9.30am                  Outdoor Play
               9.30am – 10.30am                    Breakfast
               10.30am – 12.30pm    Study Time / Revision / Filler Activities
               12.30pm – 1.30pm                    Lunch
               1.30pm – 3.00pm              Programme Highlights
                3.00pm – 4.00pm              Nap – Whee!Charge
                4.00pm – 4.30pm                    Tea Break
                4.30pm – 6.00pm             Indoor / Outdoor Play
                6.00pm – 7.00pm                 SCC Dismissal

 *SCC Operating hours will be in accordance to school’s operating hours

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3) Our Fee Structure

            Monthly Fee                                       $265

            Deposit (One-time payment. To be offset           $265
            for the last month upon withdrawal)

            T-shirt (per piece)                                $15

            Registration                                       $20

   4) Administrative Details
    Student Care Financial Assistance Scheme (SCFA)

    Student care subsidies are provided by the Ministry of Social and Family
    Development (MSF). The SCFA will be extended to families with:

      i.       Gross monthly household income (HHI) of $4,500 or less, or
               total gross monthly household per capita income is $1,125 or
      ii.      Both applicant and your spouse are working at least 56 hours per
     iii.      Child is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident (at least one
               immediate family member in the same household is a Singapore

    Please refer to
    Subsidies.aspx for more information on SCFA.

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5) SCC Registration
 Please complete the Registration Form if you wish to register your child in our
 Student Care Centre.

 Kindly fill up, scan and submit your registration attached with the relevant
 documents via the following method:

 Strictly by email only to:

 Please be informed that processing of registration received after 5 November
 2020 will be delayed.

 You will be notified of your child’s SCC application result by 19 November

 We will conduct an orientation for you once your application for your child(ren)
 is successful. Details of the orientation will be shared with you via WhatsApp
 message once we have confirmed the date and time.

 Should you have any other enquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us at
 8363 3185, Monday to Friday between 10.30 am to 6.30pm or email us at

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12.     Parent Support Group

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13. Online Consent for Dental Services
 The Health Promotion Board (HPB) provides dental screening and basic
 dental treatments for students in schools. For HPB to provide these services
 to your child, they need you to give them your consent.

 For your convenience, please visit HPB’s Child Consent Portal to submit your
 consent online. It only takes 4 simple steps and the transaction is secure.

1.     Log on to OR scan the QR code below
       to access the Child Consent Portal from 22 Dec 2020.

2.     Login using your SingPass with 2-factor authentication (2FA).

(You may register for SingPass by visiting OR
any SingPass counter. The location of SingPass counters and instructions for
2FA activation are available on

3.     Type in your child’s BC / FIN number.

4.     Fill up and submit the consent form.

HPB receives school enrolment information progressively from 21 Dec
2020 in batches. Should you be prompted at step 3 that HPB has not received
your child’s / ward’s enrolment information, please provide HPB your email
address via the portal. You will be notified via email once HPB receives your
child’s / ward’s enrolment information.

Please submit your consent online by 15 March 2021. You may contact HPB’s
staff at the Lakeside Primary School Dental Clinic should you require a hard
copy of the form instead.
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 I dreamed I stood in a studio
 And watched two sculptors there,
 The clay they used was a young child's mind
 And they fashioned it with care.

 One was a teacher; the tools she used
 were books and music and art;
 One was a parent with a guiding hand
 and a gentle, loving heart.

 And when at last their work was done
 They were proud of what they had wrought.
 For the things they had worked into the child
 Could never be sold or bought.

 And each agreed she would have failed
 if she had worked alone.
 For behind the parent stood the school,
 And behind the teacher stood the home.

 By Ray A. Lingenfelter

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You can also read