Page created by Erin Schwartz

                                GEORGETOWN PRIMARY SCHOOL

                                   SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT PLAN

Headteacher:                                               Date:
Chair of Governors:                                        Date:
Consortium Challenge Adviser:                              Date:
Chair of School Council:                                   Date:


                                         Georgetown Primary School 3 Year Plan
                                                  Major/Minor Priorities
            2020-21 Priorities                               2021-22 Priorities                                2022-23 Priorities

1. To ensure high levels of wellbeing            1. To continue to improve standards in            1. To improve standards of Literacy across the
throughout the school with a focus on support    Language, Literacy and Communication with a       curriculum.
for our most vulnerable learners.                focus on writing and closing the gap in
                                                 standards between girls and boys.
2. To continue to improve standards in            2. To continue to improve standards in           2. To improve standards in Mathematics and
language, literacy and communication with a      Mathematics and Numeracy with a focus on          Numeracy across the curriculum.
focus on closing the gap for our most            number skills throughout the curriculum.
vulnerable learners.
3. To continue to improve standards in           3. To improve standards in science at the          3. To continue to develop digital opportunities
mathematics and numeracy with a focus on         higher levels through further enhancement of      for teaching and learning and skills across the
closing the gap for our most vulnerable          the STEM curriculum.                              curriculum.
4. To improve opportunities to develop           4. To continue to develop self and peer           4. To update policy and procedures for
Assessment for Learning throughout the           assessment including digital opportunities to     assessment in line with Curriculum 2022.
school.                                          develop AFL.
5. To continue to develop digital teaching and   5. To improve standards in IT with a focus on
learning experiences throughout the school       the enhancement of the DCF and skills
and improve provision for distance and           throughout the school.
blended learning.
6. To improve standards in Welsh with a focus    6. To secure high levels of wellbeing             5. To continue to raise standards in STEAM.
on incidental welsh in all areas.                throughout the school with a focus on pupils
                                                 health and wellbeing and physical skills.
7. To continue to develop STEAM participating     7. To improve standards in welsh with a focus    6. To continue to secure high levels of
throughout the school.                           on oracy throughout the school.                   wellbeing throughout the school with a focus
                                                                                                   on pupil voice and co-construction of the
8. To continue to engage with the curriculum      8. To continue to prepare all stakeholders for
reform agenda including the PLO and SLO          curriculum reform with a focus on AoLEs and
agenda.                                          effective teaching and learning.


                                                            PRIORITY 1
1. To ensure high levels of wellbeing throughout the school with a focus on support for our most vulnerable learners.

           RATIONALE FOR DEVELOPMENT:                                        LINKS

High levels of wellbeing have always underpinned the philosophy for effective           Local Priorities (BG)
teaching and learning in Georgetown Primary School and in light of the current
pandemic and school closure, this has never been more important. Life inside and        To improve value-added progress for our most vulnerable learners.
outside of school is very different for our learners and their families and we have
recognised the need to do all we can to support our families at this difficult time,    Regional Priorities (EAS)
particularly those families who are vulnerable and already struggling even before the
pandemic.                                                                               Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and wellbeing
                                                                                        • Providing schools with support, guidance and professional learning to ensure all
    -   The % of compulsory school age pupils who are entitled to free school meals     learners (including all known groups of vulnerable learners) attend school every
        (FSM) in Blaenau Gwent is 19.2%. This is higher than the national figure of     day, engage well in their learning, receive the correct support and challenge in
        18.3% (PLASC data 2019). In Georgetown the % of pupils entitled to FSM is       supportive and inclusive learning environments.
        rising and currently stands at 16.35% of compulsory school age (September
                                                                                        National Priorities (WG)
    -   Engagement in learning throughout the summer term school closure was            Closing the Gap
        significantly less for our most vulnerable learners. AWAITING DATA
    -   School has seen a rise in the number of pupils who are experiencing with        National Mission (WG)
        ESBD throughout the school. AWAITING DATA
                                                                                        Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and well-being.

1. To ensure high levels of wellbeing throughout the school with a focus on support for our most vulnerable learners.
                                                       TRAINING AND                                           Who, how, when
1.1 To gather data about           Children will complete the         Supply cost for LR to         Autumn/Spring term 2020/2021          Data reports to be analysed by
pupil wellbeing in order to set    surveys to share their views on    analyse (PDG 3 X                                                    LR and shared with all staff at
targets for improvement and        school and learning.               £190= £570)                                                         staff meeting

secure high levels of
wellbeing for all learners.           Findings are shared with all                                                                     LR to monitor intervention
- Complete the Happen (Years          staff and included in an action                                                                  programmes termly and work
4, 5 and 6) survey                    plan.                                                                                            with staff to produce impact
- Complete Pass Survey (Year          Children needing support in                                                                      reports that are shared with all
2 - Year 6)                           different areas are identified.                                                                  stakeholders.
-Send questionnaire out to
parents to gather data about          Intervention is put in place and
wellbeing.                            pupil progress is tracked.
1.2 To ensure intervention            Pupils are identified termly for    Staff Members          Autumn Term 2020 and ongoing termly   Practitioners to baseline and
and support for wellbeing is          Thrive and ELSA support.                                                                         track pupil progress for wellbeing
available for all pupils.                                                 (PDG £26 348
- 2 x Thrive practitioners            Pupils receive support weekly       EYPDG £25 300                                                LR to monitor pupil progress and
support identified learners on a      and make progress in the            CLUSTER FUNDING                                              meet with staff to discuss support
weekly basis.                         support programme.                  £1950)                                                       termly
- 2 x ELSA practitioners support
identified learners on a weekly       Wellbeing is tracked and                                                                         Wellbeing tracker is used to
basis.                                shared with all stakeholders.                                                                    monitor progress and updated
-Thrive/ELSA activities are                                                                                                            termly
included in PSE sessions for all
1.3 To re-evaluate and                A completed document with up        Non-contact time for              Autumn term                SH with liaise with Shan Palmeria
complete the NQA document             to date evidence ready for NQA      co-ordinator SH (3                   2020                    to re-evaluate and update
and update evidence.                  accreditation.                      days EIG £570)                                               evidence.
- NQA document to be shared                                                                        NB Depending on Design to Smile     SH Meet and discuss with Design
again with all staff and updated.                                         Staff meeting time                 certificate.              to smile to arrange evaluation
-Staff to participate in recording,                                                                                                    visit and release of certificate.
supplying and evidence where                                                                                                           SH to lead staff meetings with
appropriate.                                                                                                                           regard to evidence.
                                                                                                                                       LT to review and share with
                                                                                                                                       governors policies in readiness
                                                                                                                                       for inspection
1.4 To embed the use of RSE           All staff will know where to find   Toolkit on shared         Autumn/Spring term 2020/2021       SH Autumn term liaise with staff
toolkit within the new areas          the toolkit and how to access       drive/HWB                                                    on using toolkit and generate
of the curriculum to                  (shared drive/hwb)                                                                               ideas on how strands can be
encourage the teaching of             Staff start to pick and use         Staff meetings to                                            taught in an holistic way e.g.
health and wellbeing in a             strands within their teaching.      share resources                                              through Humanities
holistic way.                         Eventually staff will teach all                                                                  SH Spring term monitor use of
-All staff become familiar with       strands across the curriculum.      RSE course through                                           toolkit and share good practice
the resources and start to use                                            EAS (EIG 1 day £190)                                         with staff meetings
them with their classes.

-Hafan Cymru’s Spectrum          Children in Year 2 and 6 will
Project. A Welsh Government      take part in 2 sessions via          -
Project delivering sessions to   Microsoft Teams.
Year 2 and Year 6 pupils on      Learners will show an
Healthy Relationships.           understanding of what a healthy
                                 relationship is and how to be
1.5 To continue to provide       JR to audit provision for PE and     Non-contact time for                           JR to audit provision and staff
quality opportunities for        sport throughout the school.         co-ordinator JR (2       Autumn Term 2020      skills Autumn 2020
pupils to participate in sport   JR to provide training for staff     days EIG £380)
and physical activity.           based on audit.                                                                     JR to provide training for staff
- JR to audit staff skills and   JR to map skills to ensure                                                          and then monitor provision
provision for PE and sport.      effective coverage.                                                                 Spring 2021
                                 The children will share their
- Sport Wales wanted PE          views on an online survey            Sport Wales and        Summer term 2020/2021   Sport survey to be completed
coordinators in Wales to         about Sport.                         Sports Development                             Summer 2021 and findings
respond to the consultation      We will receive a summary of         representatives will                           shared with all stakeholders.
document in the Autumn Term.     the results in order to act on the   come into school to
                                 pupil voice.                         support this.


                                                            PRIORITY 2
2. To continue to improve standards in language, literacy and communication with a focus on closing the gap for our most
vulnerable learners.

TEACHERS WITH RESPONSIBILITY: RHIAN THOMAS/ CATH ROBERTS                                                                TEAM RESPONSIBILITY: LLC
           RATIONALE FOR DEVELOPMENT:                                                                                         LINKS

MER activities during the academic year 2019-2020 highlighted the need to raise         Local Priorities (BG)
the profile of reading, particularly amongst our most vulnerable and disadvantaged
learners. Whilst standards in reading are good throughout the school it was felt that   Accelerating early language acquisition skills between the ages of 3 to 7
raising the profile of reading and creating more opportunities for all pupils to read
would further develop pupil skills and attainment in reading.                           To improve value-added progress for our most vulnerable learners.

INSERT DATA FROM AR AND RWINC. ASSESSMENTS AUTUMN TERM 2020                             Regional Priorities (EAS)

Standards in writing are generally lower than standards in reading and oracy by the     Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and wellbeing
time children reach end of key stage. This is particularly evident with boys and our    • Providing schools with support, guidance and professional learning to ensure all
vulnerable learners. MER activities including book looks during the academic year       learners (including all known groups of vulnerable learners) attend school every
2019-2020 highlighted the need to improve grammar and punctuation skills in             day, engage well in their learning, receive the correct support and challenge in
writing and ensure full coverage of a range of genres. It was also highlighted that     supportive and inclusive learning environments.
more authentic learning experiences needed to be developed ensuring all children
have opportunities to write for a range of purposes.                                    National Priorities (WG)

INSERT DATA FROM TEACHER ASSESSMENT AUTUMN 2020                                         Closing the Gap

                                                                                        National Mission (WG)

                                                                                        Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and well-being.


2. To continue to improve standards in language, literacy and communication with a focus on closing the gap for our most
vulnerable learners.
        ACTION               SUCCESS CRITERIA         RESOURCES, TRAINING            TIMESCALE                 MONITORING
                                                          AND COSTINGS            RESPONSIBILITY              Who, how, when
2.1 To raise the profile of       School has sufficient reading
reading across the school.        resources to give all pupils              £2000 (EIG)                   Autumn Term 2020             RT/CR to complete reading
- Audit of reading resources      access to relevant and quality                                                                                 audit
needs to take place including     resources inside and outside of
RWINc books, Dandelion books      school.
and AR books throughout the                                           Virtual Training (MYON)
school.                           All pupils continue to make
- MYON Online reading scheme      progress in their reading.             Staff meeting time          Reading tests to be complete       All staff to complete reading
linked to AR to be introduced     Pupils who are below the                                          termly and results recorded and   assessments termly and these
for all pupils encouraging        expected level are highlighted    Supply costs to cover subject    analysed by class teachers for       to be stored centrally for
reading at home.                  termly and have access to          leaders (2 x £190= £380)                 their pupils.           RT/CR to analyse and produce
- Reading assessments to be       intervention and support.                                                                            impact reports. Reports to be
completed termly for all pupils                                                                       Subject leaders to analyse        shared with all stakeholders
and used to plan effective        Subject leaders are well                                            reading data and produce
intervention and support.         informed and produce termly                                           impact report termly.
- Subject leaders to analyse      impact reports that are shared
data and produce impact report    with all stakeholders.
on AR at the end of each term.
Scaled score to be the focus
not age.
- FP RWINC assessment to be
completed termly by teachers
and scrutinised for continuity
and progress.

2.2 To continue to raise          Independent writing areas                                                                           Subject leaders learning walk
standards in writing              established in all classrooms                                           Autumn Term 2020             termly to look at provision
throughout the school.            where possible and writing
-Provision for writing needs to   resources available
be a reviewed and pupils need     within classrooms. Resources                                                                         Book looks termly to monitor
more opportunity to               to reflect enhanced and                                                                               provision and standards in
independently write.              continuous provision.                                                                                           writing.
- Classrooms to have additional
resources to allow children to    Class teachers produce termly
choose independent writing        overviews of genres covered.                                                                        Monitoring of planning by SLT
activities.                                                                                                                            and subject leaders termly


- Overview of genres to be                                                                                                           Monitoring of spelling data by
followed to ensure coverage-                                          Supply costs to cover subject                                   subject leaders and impact
class teachers to provide                                              leaders (2 x £190= £380)                                         reports by SLT termly
overview due to new topics.
- Collaborative standardisation                                                                                                        Standardisation termly and
of writing to take place termly.   Standards in spelling to                                                                                     ongoing
SPELLING                           improve with most pupils
- Spelling strategies and          making good progress and                                                                          Co-ordinators to monitor termly
activities to be taught weekly.    closing the gap between their                                         Autumn Term ongoing           during subject leader time
- Progress in spelling to be       spelling age and chronological
tracked termly for all pupils.     age.
-Data from SWST to be              Spelling data analysed termly
analysed for impact every term.    and used to inform ongoing
HANDWRITING                        programme of intervention and
-Letterjoin to be used             support.                                                           FP staff Autumn Term ongoing   RT to monitor spring term 2021
consistently throughout the FP     Twice weekly lesson using
to improve letter formation.       letterjoin YR1-YR6
- Presentation policy to be
updated and shared with clear      Teaching of basic grammar is
expectations for all pupils.       given allocated time by class
GRAMMAR & PUNCTUATION              teachers and taught specifically
- Teachers to provide more         through the topic umbrella.                                           KS2 staff Autumn Term       CR to monitor spring term 2021
opportunities to teach basic       There is a consistent approach                                               ongoing
grammar and punctuation to         throughout KS2 that alleviates
improve standards in writing.      the common misconceptions
                                   and mistakes that are evident.



                                                         PRIORITY 3
3. To continue to improve standards in mathematics and numeracy with a focus on closing the gap for our most vulnerable

           RATIONALE FOR DEVELOPMENT:                                                                                     LINKS
Recommendation from last inspection;                                                   Local Priorities (BG)
                                                                                       To improve value-added progress for our most vulnerable learners.
R1 Improve pupils’ numeracy skills in key stage 2 (ESTYN Nov 2013)
                                                                                       Regional Priorities (EAS)
MER activities 2019-2020 included book looks, listening to learners and lesson         IS2
observations. There was sufficient evidence of numeracy skills being developed         Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and wellbeing
throughout the curriculum but this needed to be consistent throughout the school       Providing schools with support, guidance and professional learning to ensure all
with pupils being given more authentic learning opportunities and more opportunity     learners (including all known groups of vulnerable learners) attend school every
to participate in real life experiences.                                               day, engage well in their learning, receive the correct support and challenge in
                                                                                       supportive and inclusive learning environments.
The impact of school closure from May-September is also said to be more for
numeracy and maths as pupils were given more opportunities to develop literacy         National Priorities (WG)
skills. We are currently benchmarking numeracy skills using Mathletics.                Robust assessment, evaluation and accountability arrangements supporting a self-
                                                                                       improving system.
                                                                                       National Mission (WG)
                                                                                       Closing the Gap

3. To continue to improve standards in mathematics and numeracy with a focus on closing the gap for our most vulnerable
        ACTION               SUCCESS CRITERIA       RESOURCES, TRAINING            TIMESCALE                 MONITORING
                                                        AND COSTINGS            RESPONSIBILITY             Who, how, when
1. To improve pupil’s skills in    Staff are confident when                     £2000 (EIG)                 Autumn Term 2020 and              SLT to monitor planning
number.                            teaching numbers and provide          Training and resources for               ongoing                  including enhanced provision
-To train staff on the pedagogy    daily opportunities for pupils to    teaching number skills using                                                   termly
of using the CPA method of         develop number skills.                    concrete methods.
teaching number skills.            Weekly planning will match                                                                             Maths team to monitor during
- Implement the ‘White Rose’       overviews.                          INSET DAY Spring Term 22nd                                               book look termly
Medium Term planning               Skills are effectively mapped to           February 2020
overviews to ensure coverage       ensure coverage and                  Focus; Effective Teaching &                                       Co-ordinator to monitor use of
of skills throughout the school.   progression.                        Learning in relation to the New                                     LNF tracker to track number
-LNF tracker to be used by all     Opportunities for pupils to             Curriculum for Wales                                                       skills
staff ensuring effective           consolidate number skills are

coverage and progression of         well planned throughout the           White Rose Planning                                Lesson observations
number skills in all year groups.   school.                                   Documents                                       Spring Term 2021
-Staff to plan for number           Test data is used effectively to
activities every day including      improve performance.
mental starters for all maths       During monitoring, LNF trackers
lessons.                            are up to date displaying
- Enhanced provision including      effective coverage and                                                              Co-ordinator and ARR Leader
‘missions’ in KS2 to be well        progression.                                                                               Summer 2021
planned to consolidate number       Mathletics to be incorporated
skills throughout the curriculum.   into weekly planning.                                                                Maths Coordinator to monitor
- Mathletics to be used from Y2-    Pupils to complete baseline                                                                   impact.
Y6 to benchmark performance         Assessment on Mathletics
and highlight areas to improve.     software.
- Mathletics to be used to raise    Progress is expected to be                                                          Maths team to monitor planning
standards on a regular basis.       evident at the end of the            Mathletics £1600 (EIG)                            and pupil voice during the
Both in class and at home.          Summer term.                                                                                 Spring Term.
2. To improve reasoning and         Outdoor learning environment              £5000 (EIG)            Summer Term 2021   Co-ordinator & SLT to monitor
problem solving with a focus        has more opportunities for         Outdoor resources including                       impact Spring 2021 Learning
on real life contexts.              pupils to develop number skills.      playground markings                              Walks, Lesson Obs. L2L.
- To audit provision of outdoor     New resources used effectively
resources to develop number         to enhance the teaching of
including playground markings       number.
and equipment.                      Pupil’s number skills to
- To purchase new resources to      improve.
allow more focused learning to
take place outdoor.
-To plan weekly outdoor
learning opportunities
throughout the school to
develop number skills.


                                                         PRIORITY 4
4. To develop ARR in line with the new curriculum recommendations and improve opportunities to develop Assessment for
Learning throughout the school

TEACHER WITH RESPONSIBILITY: HAYLEY KAYA                                    TEAM RESPONSIBILITY: SLT                            LINK GOVERNOR: J DAMATO
           RATIONALE FOR DEVELOPMENT:                                                                                        LINKS
ARR was highlighted as a recommendation in previous inspection (November               Regional Priorities (EAS)
2013) ‘Ensure that feedback to pupils on their work is regular, consistent and
purposeful’.                                                                           IS1
                                                                                       i) Developing a high-quality education profession
Assessment calendar needs to be updated in line with the new Curriculum for            ii) Inspirational leaders working collaboratively to raise standards
Wales’s recommendations. Staff development also a priority.                            • Developing all staff and leaders to have the right knowledge and skills to do their
                                                                                       job effectively so that pupils make good progress over time.
MER activities including book looks and listening to learners during the spring term   • Developing leaders and providing them with the opportunity to learn with and from
identified that assessment for learning needed to be more consistent throughout the    others.
school, this was also highlighted by the CA during a spring term visit.
                                                                                       Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and wellbeing
                                                                                       • Providing schools with support, guidance and professional learning to ensure all
                                                                                       learners (including all known groups of vulnerable learners) attend school every
                                                                                       day, engage well in their learning, receive the correct support and challenge in
                                                                                       supportive and inclusive learning environments.

                                                                                       Robust assessment, evaluation and accountability mechanisms, supporting a
                                                                                       self-improvement system
                                                                                       • Providing support for schools to use a wide range of evidence to accurately
                                                                                       assess where they are, where they want to be and how they will get there through
                                                                                       continuous self-improvement.

                                                                                       National Priorities (WG)
                                                                                       Robust assessment, evaluation and accountability arrangements supporting a self-
                                                                                       improving system.


4. To develop ARR in line with the new curriculum recommendations and improve opportunities to develop Assessment for
Learning throughout the school
        ACTION               SUCCESS CRITERIA        RESOURCES, TRAINING         TIMESCALE                 MONITORING
                                                        AND COSTINGS           RESPONSIBILITY             Who, how, when
4.1 To improve tracking           Cohort Books set up and used       HK to set up Cohort Book and       Autumn term 2020            HK to monitor cohort books
systems throughout the            effectively with all relevant             share with staff                                                 termly
school.                           information checked and                 Staff meetings held
-Introduce digital cohort books   updated regularly throughout                                                                     LT/HK to hold termly progress
to be used by all staff.          the year.                                                                                           meetings with individual
- Use SIMS for all data           All data to be recorded on         HK to liaise with DD and DS                                    teachers to discuss targets,
collection.                       SIMS.                                                                                              progress and intervention
- Use tracking tools to gather    New spreadsheets set up by
effective data including          Dan Seymour to include what is
INCERTS and GL Assessment         needed to avoid duplication and
package.                          multiple locations of data.
                                  Staff have access to all data
                                  needed to inform effective
                                  teaching and learning.

4.2 ARR policy and ARR/MER        A detailed calendar for staff is     HK to liaise with LR time        Autumn term 2020                  SLT to update
Calendar to be reviewed.          updated and shared with all.       needed to meet to handover
-HK to update ARR policy and      Assessment processes are well                                                                      HK to share with all staff
                                  established and followed by all.
share with staff.
                                                                                                                                    SLT to monitor progress of
- SLT to review ARR calendar                                                                                                               tasks termly
and update.
-ARR calendar to be shared
with all staff.
4.3 AFL                           Foundation Phase template          HK -Time to devise template    September initially -ongoing       HK to monitor termly
To further develop self and       introduced to be used                    and monitor use
peer assessment.                  consistently throughout the                                                                       Self and peer book looks to
- AFL policy to be updated with   Foundation Phase.                                                                                       take place termly
all staff at staff meeting.       Key Stage 2 template
-In the Foundation Phase a        introduced to be used                                                                            SLT to monitor books termly
template to be devised to         consistently throughout the
ensure consistency of language    Foundation Phase.                                                                                Listening to Learners Spring
and self-assessment.              Policy to be amended and            Need to see good practice                                             Term 2021
- In KS2 a template to be         updated in line with current        ideas in other schools and
devised to ensure consistent      practice.                                action research.


approach of self and peer                         Planning Review to take place.
assessment throughout KS2.                        Staff meeting required to share
- AFL policy to be updated to                        good practice and unpick
include digital opportunities.                            current policy.
-Marking and Feedback Policy
to be updated to reflect


                                                            PRIORITY 5
5. To continue to develop digital teaching and learning experiences throughout the school and improve provision for distance and
blended learning.

            RATIONALE FOR DEVELOPMENT:                                                                                          LINKS
New DHT in post with expertise in ICT and development of digital skills.                  Regional Priorities
                                                                                          IS1 i) Developing a high-quality education profession
Development of distance and blended Learning strategy needs to be a priority to           • Developing all staff and leaders to have the right knowledge and skills to do their
better prepare for school closure or periods of self-isolation due to C-19                job effectively so that pupils make good progress over time.

                                                                                          National- WG Priorities
                                                                                          National Mission
                                                                                          Developing a high-quality education profession.
                                                                                          • Inspirational leaders working collaboratively to raise standards.
                                                                                          • Strong and inclusive schools committed to excellence, equity and well-being.

                                                                                          National Priorities
                                                                                          Closing the Gap

5. To continue to develop digital teaching and learning experiences throughout the school and improve provision for distance and
blended learning.

          ACTION                     SUCCESS CRITERIA                RESOURCES, TRAINING                          TIMESCALE                         MONITORING
                                                                        AND COSTINGS                            RESPONSIBILITY                     Who, how, when
5.1To raise further awareness     360 Safe Cymru evidence                  Staff Meeting on 360 Safe       Autumn Term 2020 - ongoing         HK to address 360 Safe Cymru
of Digital Safety in school       collated and at least level 2/3           Cymru - Digital Safety is                                                  Action Plan.
- 360 Safe Cymru to be            awarded in all areas.                    everyone's responsibility.                                          HK, CW, HM to review 360
updated and an action plan        Digital Safety team set up,                                                                                  safe action plan half termly.
drawn up and addressed.           Science and Technology team         Science and Technology termly
- Digital Safety Team set up to   to also take ownership of 360       time to review 360 Safe action                                           Link to Action Plan from 360:
include staff and learner         Safe Cymru. Team must also                       plan.
representatives.                  consist of learners. All key
-Ensure SDP/SER and all key       documents will make necessary
documents make reference to       reference to Digital Safety.


Digital Safety in-line with
5.2To raise standards in            Staff audit - questionnaire re: IT                                Autumn Term 2020 - ongoing   HK & CW questionnaires IT
digital skills for all              skills -Google classroom                          CPD                                          audit
stakeholders.                       Staff to attend training CPD and               Tech Time                                       CW – planning Spring Term
- Staff audit on skills to be       weekly Tech Time.                           Staff Meetings                                     2021
completed/updated. Tech Time        Create questionnaires Google           Digital leaders meetings                                CW - Digital Leader meetings,
and staff meetings to support       Classroom/per year group for           Value Added Education                                   training ongoing
progression in skills and CPD       pupil’s audit                                                                                  Staff - CPD
opportunities.                      Create laptop trolly timetable                                                                 TEAMS - Governors
- Learners skills audit to be       KS2
completed. HK to ensure ICT         ICT to be included on planning
sessions are taught to ensure       Create Governor’s Google
progression in skills.              Classroom
-Governors to be introduced to      Digital leaders weekly
Teams/Google Classroom              meetings/training
- Community termly drop in
sessions organised by Digital
Leaders (online).
5.3To ensure DCF skills are         Training via outside agencies            Staff Meeting Time              Spring 2021                HK monitor projects
applied throughout all areas        DCF tracker used effectively
of learning.                        and consistently

-Staff training to upskill to use
DCF skills across all areas of
the curriculum.
5.4 To ensure Pupil Voice           All pupil voice groups set up in                                  Autumn Term 2020 - ongoing   Pupil Voice Groups monitored,
groups - Digital Safety Team,       September.                                                                                        Pupil Voice Templates
Digital Leaders and STEAM           Termly meetings carried out,                                                                             monitored.
Ambassadors are utilised            minutes shared on Pupil Voice                                                                         Digital Leaders -
effectively.                        Google Classroom to ensure                                                                         Digital Safety Team -
-Pupil Voice groups set up and      whole school collaboration.                                                                       STEAM Ambassadors
Action Plans published for all
stakeholders to view.
-Termly meetings and
5. To ensure devices are            Chromebooks x 30 and iPads x         New Devices funded from WG   Autumn Term 2020 - ongoing         Digital Hub Ideas:
utilised and located                30 to be used independently by            Ed Tech funding
purposefully and effectively.       learners on a timetable basis
-ICT Suite repurposed into a        (there are other devices already
Digital Hub.                        in classes for group work).

-New Chromebooks and iPads          Digital workstations outside
in KS2 Timetabled                   each Foundation Phase
-PC’s redistributed into corridor   classroom.
areas of KS2.                       Redistributed equipment
-Current equipment audited and      utilised effectively, each
redistributed.                      classroom sufficiently
-Foundation Phase iPads to be       resourced.
6. To ensure Georgetown is          There is a clear policy and a                £5000 (EIG)              Autumn Term 2020 - ongoing   HK/LT to audit provision and
equipped with the digital           digital agreement for use of IT                                                                     skills during Autumn Term.
capacity for distance and           platforms                           Value Added to provide training                                       Parent and pupil
                                    Staff feel confidence to               Release time for staff to                                      questionnaires to inform
blended learning.
                                    embrace blended and distance                develop skills                                         planning for distance learning
- Google Classroom training for     learning.
all staff and pupils.               Tech time is regular and                                                                            MER focus Spring 2020 to
- Hwb training for all staff and    ongoing to further develop skills                                                                   include digital book looks,
learners.                           and confidence.                                                                                      planning, learning walks.
- Value Added to support staff      Pupils and parents feel
and pupils.                         confidence to embrace blended
                                    and distance learning
- Support for parents and
                                    Learning accessible for all
carers.                             (those face to face and those
-Distance learning plan updated     distance learning)
and shared with all.

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