PRE-ENROLMENT GUIDE 2019-2020 - Pre-enrolment step by step - - Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona

Page created by Salvador Phillips
PRE-ENROLMENT GUIDE 2019-2020 - Pre-enrolment step by step - - Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona
step by step

    Second infant-school
    Compulsory primary-
    school education
    (castellano / català / francais /
           /    /      / Pусский)
PRE-ENROLMENT GUIDE 2019-2020 - Pre-enrolment step by step - - Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona
WE MAKE A TEAM | PRE-ENROLMENT STEP BY STEP                                                                                                                                                                             |3

                                                                                                             5 STAGES                                                                                   *Provisional dates
                                                                                                             and 10 KEY DATES                    HOW                                              Confirm at a
                                                                                                                  INITIAL                   1. You as a family attend your district’s
 Pre-enrolment                         Enrolment
                                                                             FIND OUT ALL ABOUT IT            1   INFORMATION                  Information sessions.                                    25 FEB-12 MAR*

 Pre-enrolment is essential for           Enrolment means confirming your       Process calendar and times                                  2. You as a family go and visit schools, in
 securing a place for your child at       child’s registration for a place      (+info, p. 4-7)                                                particular the ones closest to your home, on
 one of the more than 400 schools         assigned at the new school.                                                                          open days. You can also study the initial offer.            FEB-MAR
 in Barcelona's education system                                                Priority criteria and                                          27 March*
                                            It is mandatory                     required documents
 maintained by public funds.                It is done from 20 to 26 June       (+info, p. 8-13)
    It is mandatory
    It is carried out from 29 March to 9                                        Proximity of schools
                                                                                                              2   MAKE A
                                                                                                                                            3. You as a family choose the schools where
                                                                                                                                               you’ll be applying for places, by order of                  MARCH
    April, including both of those dates.                                       (+info,                                            preference.

                                                              WHO                                                 SUBMIT YOUR               4. Fill in and submit your pre-enrolment
                                                                                Places on offer at schools
                                                                                                              3   APPLICATION                  application as a family, with its 10 prioritised
 Families have to pre-enrol their                                               (+info,
                                                                                                                                               options and requisite documents.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        29 MAR-9 APR*

 children for the coming school                                                 Educational projects,
 year when they...                                                              extracurricular activities
                                                                                and private state-assisted
                                                                                                                  WE’LL SORT OUT THE        Once the applications have been submitted, places
                                                                                                                  APPLICATIONS              will be allocated according to the following steps:            APR-JUN
                                                                                schools (+info, p. 4 and          When and how will you
                                                                                                                       5. Publication of the lists with provisional eligibility
                                                                                                                  know the place that has
                                                                                                                                               scores 26 April*
                                                                                                                  been secured?
                                                                                                                                            6. Challenges to provisional eligibility scores From
                                                                                                                                               29 April to 3 May, including both those dates*
                                                                             Remember:                                                      7. Tie-break draw 9 May*
 Are starting P3                       They are starting their               It is very important                                           8. Publication of the lists with final eligibility scores
 (born in 2016)                        1st year of compulsory                to submit your                                                    14 May*
                                       secondary-school education            applications and                                               9. Lists with the allocated places and waiting lists
                                       (ESO) at a new school                 documents within the                                              12 June*
                                                                             established deadline.
                                                  Hello!                                                          ENROL                     10. You as families confirm your acceptance
                                                                             All children aged 3 to          4                                  of the place secured by enrolling at the                  20-26 JUN*
                                                                                                                                                corresponding school.
 Need to change                                                              16 who are registered
 school                                You are newcomers to                  residents of Barcelona
                                                                             are guaranteed the                   WE START THE NEW
                                       and want access to any                right to a place in the          5   SCHOOL YEAR                                                                            SEPTEMBER
                                       level of education for the            city’s education system.
                                       first time
PRE-ENROLMENT GUIDE 2019-2020 - Pre-enrolment step by step - - Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona
WE MAKE A TEAM | PRE-ENROLMENT STEP BY STEP                                                                                                                                                                              |5

IT'S TIME                                                                                                        MAKE A DECISION
TO FIND OUT ALL ABOUT IT!                                                                                        BASED ON CONFIDENCE
A good attitude is your best ally
                                                                                                                                                         10 OPTIONS

                                                                                                                                                                                                 99 %
                                   WHERE?                                WHAT                                                                            AND A NETWORK
Visit, experience and                                                    INFORMATION?                                                                    OF CONFIDENCE
explore as many schools            INFORMATION SESSIONS
                                   The Consortium organises talks                                                                                        You as a family take part in choosing
as you can and meet their          in each district, aimed above all
                                                                         When you are researching a school,
                                                                                                                                                         the school by stating where you         of students secure a
teams in person. That's                                                  focus on:
                                   at families whose children are                                                                                        would like your children to be          place at one of their
the most reliable way for          starting their school education for    School educational project,            A STAGE IN LIFE                         educated. Sometimes, however, a         chosen options.
getting information and            the first time.                        unique activities or flagship
                                                                          projects, style of learning, values,   THINK ABOUT...                          school can receive more applications
                                                                                                                                                         than it has available places.
taking a decision.                 OPEN DAYS
                                                                          support for students and so on.
                                   Go and visit schools, especially                                              1. THE CENTRE AND ITS                   All Barcelona’s schools offer
Ask, listen and contrast,          the ones closest to your home.         Educational community:                 SURROUNDING AREA                        extremely interesting projects and      This system ensures
with an open mind , with           Discover their spaces and projects     teaching team (profiles, careers       Think about your child’s personal       enjoy support from a large network
                                   and ask everything you need to         etc.,) families and AMPA or AFA        and educational itinerary. The new
                                                                                                                                                                                                 educational quality
families and teachers                                                                                                                                    of professionals, facilities and
                                   know about their teaching teams.       (school life and participation).       school and neighbourhood network        resources.                              at any school in the
you know (from your                                                                                              will accompany them through                                                     education system.
                                   WEBSITES                               Functioning: timetables,
child's nursery or current                                                excursions, quotas,                    a stage of relating, living and                                                 Choose your 10
                                   Consult the websites of the                                                                                           Mark 10 schools in order of priority
primary school) and                schools and the Consortium. They       extracurricular activities, canteen    growing that will last for several
                                                                                                                                                         and take your decision bearing in
                                                                                                                                                                                                 prioritised options.
from the schools you                                                      service and so on.                     years. Do you like the educational
                                   contain important information                                                                                         mind the following:
                                                                                                                 project, values, educational style,
visit. Barcelona’s entire          on educational projects,               School and living environment:         etc.? What facilities, services           Priority criteria
education system is                extracurricular activities etc.        amenities, neighbourhood               and resources are there in the            (p. 8 and 9).
committed to interesting           FAMILIES                               facilities, school path and so on.     neighbourhood for children and            Provision for places reserved
and innovative projects.           Ask other families, the AMPA           Places on offer, provision             young people?                             for siblings and students
                                   [Student Parents’ Association] or      for siblings in P3 and places
You’ll be amazed by the            AFA [Student Families’ Association]
                                                                                                                 2. PROXIMITY                              with specific needs. For the
                                                                          reserved for students with              Opting for a school close to home        purposes of advancing towards
range of schools we have           at the schools. They will offer you    specific educational needs.            makes organising the family easier.       desegregation and ensuring
on offer nearby you!               their own personal assessments.
                                                                                                                 But, above all, it fosters your           fairness, places reserved for
                                                                                                                 children’s independence, by going         students with specific needs will
Think ahead and
                                                                                                                 to school on their own, building up       vary according to the school and
prepare any questions or                                                                                         a circle of friends or arranging to       the area. Find out about them at
queries you would                                                        100%                                    do school work.                           each school.
like to raise at                                                         of the city's primary and               3. ALLOCATION AND ASSIGNED                Your preferences.
each of your                                                             secondary state schools                 SECONDARY SCHOOLS
 visits or meetings.                                                     will be part of Networks                Primary and secondary schools make
                                                                         and Tools for Change                    a huge effort to coordinate projects,
                                                                                                                 methods and educational content.
                                                                         innovation programmes
                                                                                                                 This enables students to connect
                                                                         during the next school year.            one educational level to another
                                                                         Make no assumptions before you          Each primary school will have a
                                                                         visit a school.                         assigned secondary school, which
                                                                                                                 ensures educational continuity.
PRE-ENROLMENT GUIDE 2019-2020 - Pre-enrolment step by step - - Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona
WE MAKE A TEAM | PRE-ENROLMENT STEP BY STEP                                                                                                                                                                                      |7

FILL IN THE APPLICATION                                                                                                                                                                           ENROLMENT
                                   Fill in the 8 sections of the form       All the data supplied (residence,       WHEN AND HOW WILL YOU KNOW
It is mandatory to
                                   according to the student's family
                                   and personal situation:
                                                                            criteria etc.,) must be true and
                                                                            verifiable. Legal action can be
                                                                                                                    THE PLACE THAT HAS BEEN
provide an email                   1. Student's data
                                                                            taken to verify whether the data        SECURED?                                                                      Once the places have been
                                                                                                                                                                                                  allocated, don't forget to confirm
address and advisable              2. School data
                                                                            are true. And, if any fraud occurs,
                                                                                                                     The school you originally           You must pay attention to the            your registration by enrolling at the
to give a mobile phone             3. Place applied for
                                                                            the reserved place is lost.
                                                                                                                     applied for is your main source     calendar ( for the            new school. Pay attention to the
number. Make sure you              4. Specific criteria                     The application must be submitted        of information.                     following:                               dates on If you do not
write it clearly and               5. General criteria                      within the established time limit.                                                                                    enrol within the established period,
                                                                                                                     You will receive information by       Publication of the lists with          you will lose your reserved place
correctly.                         6. Supplementary criteria                Order of allocation does not imply
                                                                                                                     email and on your mobile phone,       provisional eligibility scores:
                                   7. Voluntary choice on religion          priority or reservation of places.                                                                                    (+info on p. 13).
                                                                                                                     if you provided the number.           check whether the criteria
                                   8. Signed declaration
                                                                                                                                                           scores are correct. 26 April*
Think hard about your
first option: it has to be                                                                                                                                 Challenges: you can point out
the one you prefer and                                                                                                                                     mistakes in the provisional
the one that the criteria          SUBMITTING APPLICATIONS                                                          Schools have to                        eligibility scores at the school
                                                                                                                    accept all the                         chosen as your first option. 29
scores will mark.                  Don’t leave it to the last day to take your application to your first-choice                                            April to 3 May, including both
                                                                                                                    applications within the
                                   school. You can do that at the Consortium’s Help and Information                                                        those dates*
Fill in the 10 options:                                                                                             deadline and under no
                                   Office, the Municipal Enrolment Offices (OME) or at a Citizen Help and
all schools have quality           Information Office (OAC).                                                        circumstance may they                  Tie-break draw for families
projects and you will                                                                                               receive any payment                    sharing the same score and
have more possibilities                                                                                                                                    place. 9 May*
                                                                                                                    for accepting them or
to secure a place in                                 ONLINE PRE-ENROLMENT                                           reserving places.                      Publication of the lists with final
one of the schools you                               Fill in the data online and print out the application on                                              eligibility scores. 14 May*
prefer.                                                                                                                               Final offer.
                                                                                                                                                           Extending applications: as an
You cannot change the                                                                                                                                      exception, families without
                                                                                                                    A single application
order of your options                                PRE-ENROLMENT ON PAPER                                                                                a place at any school they
                                                                                                                    form only may
once you have                                        Fill in the application form you will find at any school, on                                          applied for can extend their
                                                                                                                    be submitted. If
submitted them.                                      the Consortium’s website or at its Help and Information                                               application to schools with
                                                     Office, at Enrolment offices (OME) and at Citizen Help         more than one is                       vacancies. 30 April to 3 May,
                                                     and Information Offices (OAC).                                 submitted, this will                   including both those dates*
                                                                                                                    invalidate priority                    Publication of the lists of students
                                                                                                                    rights.                                admitted and, where necessary,
                                                                                                                                                           waiting lists. You will receive a
                                                                                                                                                           message with your allocated
                                                     Consult page 12 for basic supporting documents that you
                                                                                                                                                           school. It is important the contact
                                                     have to enclose in your application when you submit it.
                                                                                                                                                           data are correct. 12 June*
                                                                                                                                                       Once submitted, applications are
                                                                                                                                                       processed under equal conditions
                                                                                                                                                       and objectively under priority
                                                     CALENDAR                                                                                          criteria. Every application has
                                                     Confirm final data at or the schools concerned.                                        an identifying number, thereby             *Provisional dates.
                                                                                                                                                       guaranteeing the traceability of the        Confirm at
                                                                                                                                                       documents submitted and assessed.
PRE-ENROLMENT GUIDE 2019-2020 - Pre-enrolment step by step - - Consorci d'Educació de Barcelona
WE MAKE A TEAM | PRE-ENROLMENT STEP BY STEP                                                                                                                                                                         |9

                                     If a school receives more
                                     applications than its available
                                                                         In the event of a tie, applications
                                                                         then follow the order that results
The system prioritises               places, the priority criteria       from a public draw.                                                       SCHOOLS*                                 8 out of
a local (infants                     establish which child takes
and primary) and                     precedence.
                                                                         Catchment area is an important
                                                                         factor in scores: based on your
                                                                                                                                                   You need to state unique local-
                                                                                                                                                   school circumstances, taking into        every 10
educational continuity               Access to a school place is         home address, you can find out                                            account the school stated in the         families educated their
(secondary) school                   determined solely by the            at which state and private state-                                         application's first option. Points for   children in a local school
model. Consult the                   application of general criteria     assisted schools you can receive                                          these various situations cannot be
                                     and, where appropriate,             the highest scores for proximity.
                                                                                                                                                                                            and obtained 30 points
catchment area for                                                                                                                                 accumulated.
                                     complementary criteria.                                                                                                                                (2018).
your home and the                                                                                                                                    If the student's usual residence
local schools.                       These criteria give scores to                                                                                   is in the catchment area of the
                                     families according to various                                                                                   school: 30 points.
                                                                                                                                                     If the workplace (of the parent          Any criterion that is not
                                                                                                                                                     or guardian) is in the school’s          accredited within the
                                                                                                                                                     catchment area: 20 points.               deadline shall not be
4 out of                                                                                                                                             In the case of infant and primary-       considered for eligibility-
every 10                           SIBLINGS OR                           AFFILIATION                              CHILDREN OR                        school education, if the usual
                                                                                                                                                     residence is in the same municipal
                                                                                                                                                                                              score purposes.

families had siblings              PARENTS AT THE                        In general, affiliation is taken
                                                                                                               PARENTS WITH A                        district as the school, but not in       Look at the documents
                                   SCHOOL*                                                                     DISABILITY*                           its catchment area: 15 points.           that have to be produced
at the same school                                                       into account when a place is
                                                                         requested in a secondary school.                                            If the usual residence is in the         for each criterion on
and obtained 40                                                                                                Where a student or their parent,
                                     Where a student has a sibling       However, in exceptional cases,                                              same municipality as the school          page 12.
points (2018).                       educated at the school, or                                                guardian or sibling has an
                                                                         families with children who are                                              applied for in the first place
                                     parents or legal guardians who                                            accredited disability equal to or
                                                                         in the last year of a centre that                                           but not in its catchment area:
                                     work there: 40 points.                                                    above 33%: 10 points.
                                                                         only offers primary education                                               10 points.
                                                                         will also have to mark affiliation                                                                                 Complementary criteria*
                                     This also applies to students who
                                     are being fostered by a family,     and request to continue primary                                                                                      If the student is part of
                                     based on the members of the         education in a centre where they                                                                                     a large or single-parent
                                                                         have affiliation.
                                     foster family.                                                                                                                                           family: 15 points.
                                     An infant and primary state                                               MINIMUM                                                                        New feature: having a
                                     school and the secondary school
                                     it is affiliated to are regarded                                          INCOME*                                                                        chronic illness (digestive,
                                     as a “single centre” where the                                            Where the parent or guardian is
                                                                                                                                                                                              endocrine or metabolic,
                                     former is only affiliated to the                                          a beneficiary of income support,                                               including coeliacs) or
                                     latter. The scoring applies where                                         calculated according to children                                               cases where parents
                                     two schools are in the process of                                         under their care: 10 points.                                                   or siblings have been
                                     merging or integrating to become                                                                                                                         students in the school are
                                     a single centre.                                                                                                                                         no longer considered as
                                                                                                                                                      * Requires supporting documents.
                                                                                                                                                                                              complementary criteria.
WE MAKE A TEAM | PRE-ENROLMENT STEP BY STEP                                                                                                                                                               | 11

                                    FACE-TO-FACE                       OTHER                              ONLINE
Information points for              ASSISTANCE                         INFORMATION                        ASSISTANCE
families with children                                                 POINTS
with specific needs:

Each district has a
advisory and guidance
team (EAP) specialising             Infant, primary and secondary       Citizen Help and                                               012 Citizen Help and Information2
in providing guidance and           schools                             Information Offices 1             Barcelona Education Consortium                   010 Barcelona City Council2
assistance to families               Help and Information Office        Barcelona City Council  
with children with specific          Barcelona Education Consortium     Sant Miquel Citizen Help and      Department of Education
educational needs.                   Pl. d’Urquinaona, 6                Information Office1 Pl. de Sant
                                                                        Miquel, 3
You as a family can                  School Enrolment Offices                                             Barcelona City Council
arrange a private visit              Families opting for a school in    District of Ciutat Vella
with your district's EAP.            Ciutat Vella, Nou Barris and       C/ de les Ramalleres, 17
                                     Sant Andreu can contact, get       District of l’Eixample
Contact information at               information and submit a pre-      C/ d’Aragó, 328 or by calling             enrolment application to the
010.                                 municipal offices operating in     District of Sants-Montjuïc
                                     these districts.                   C/ de la Creu Coberta, 104

                                    Ciutat Vella                        District of les Corts
                                    Placeta del Pi, 2                   Pl. de Comas, 18

                                    Nou Barris                          District of Sarrià–Sant Gervasi
                                    C/ de Nil, 27 baixos                C/ d’Anglí, 31

                                    Sant Andreu                         District of Gràcia
                                    C/ de Sant Adrià , 20 (former       Pl. de la Vila de Gràcia, 2
                                    Fabra i Coats offices)              District of Horta–Guinardó
                                                                        C/ de Lepant, 387
                                                                        District of Nou Barris            1. You will need to book an appointment in advance for requesting information and/or carrying
                                                                        Pl. Major de Nou Barris, 1        out this procedure in a Citizen Help and Information Office (OAC) by:
                                                                        District of Sant Andreu           -Using a procedures and services booth (BCN-Point).
                                                                        C/ del Segre, 24                  -Calling 010.
                                                                                                          -By mobile, downloading the Mobileid app (
                                                                        District of Sant Martí            2. Cost of the call according to the operator.
                                                                        Pl. de Valentí Almirall, 1
                                                                                                          Consult the office addresses as well as the locations of the booths and the 010 service con-
                                                                                                          ditions at
WE MAKE A TEAM | PRE-ENROLMENT STEP BY STEP                                                                                                                                                                              | 13

PRE-ENROLMENT                                                                                                                                               ENROLMENT
                                                                                                                                                                                                  False or fraudulent data
BASIC DOCUMENTS                       GENERAL CRITERIA                                                               COMPLEMENTARY CRITERIA                 Once the process for allocating       provided as well as a
(MUST BE SUBMITTED IN ALL             Siblings educated at the same             or the person concerned has no                                              places has ended, enrolments
                                                                                                                     Large or single-parent family
                                                                                                                                                            must be formally made within the
                                                                                                                                                                                                  submission of more than
                                      school                                    foreign-resident identification
                                                                                number, the student's municipal
                                                                                                                     Original copy and photocopy of
                                                                                                                                                            established deadline. The following   one application, will
 Original copy and photocopy          There are some circumstances that                                              the currently valid large or single-
                                      can be directly verified by the school    certificate or cohabitation                                                 has to be produced:                   invalidate any potential
 of your family book and other                                                                                       parent family card, issued by the
 parentage-related documents. If      and which therefore do not require        certificate will have to be          Department of Social Welfare and        Documents confirming compliance
                                                                                                                                                                                                  priority rights
 the student is being fostered, the   any documents to be submitted.            submitted and it must state that     Family. Where this is not available,    with the academic or other
 fostering decision issued by the                                               they live with the applicant.        the person concerned must               requirements set by the school.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Applications (or receipts
                                       Where, on submitting the pre-                                                                                                                              of applications sent
 Department of Social Welfare and      enrolment application, the student       Renewed national IDs that have       produce the provisional certificate
                                                                                                                                                             If the renewed national ID with      online) and documents
 Family.                               has a sibling educated at the            not been previously submitted        issued by the Department itself
                                                                                                                                                             the new address could not be
                                       school.                                  must be produced during              during the processing of the card.                                           must be sent within the
 Original copy and photocopy                                                                                                                                 submitted (where a change
 of the applicant’s national ID                                                 enrolment.                           Applications for cards are not used
                                                                                                                                                             of residence has occurred,           established deadline.
                                       Where, on submitting the pre-                                                 for confirming this situation.
 (parent or guardian) or, where        enrolment application, the parent        Where, under these criteria,                                                 demonstrated by the cohabitation
 they are a foreign national,          or guardian has been performing          a workplace is treated as                                                    certificate produced with the
 a residence permit showing            an uninterrupted activity in             a residence, a copy of the                                                   application), it will have to be
 either their foreign-resident         person for a minimum of 10 hours         employment contract or a                                                     produced during the enrolment.
 identification number (NIE) or        a week, with the corresponding           certificate issued by the company                                            Photocopy of the vaccination
 their passport number. If they are    interim or substitute appointment        to that end must be submitted.                                               card showing the doses of
 a foreign national from the EU, an    or under an employment or                Where workers are freelancers,                                               vaccines received along with
 ID from their country of origin.      administrative contract.                 account is taken of the residence                                            their corresponding dates. If the
 Original copy and photocopy                                                    confirmed with the Inland                                                    student has not been vaccinated,
                                       Where it is argued that the sibling      Revenue and supported by a
 of the student's national ID          has been educated at a state                                                                                          on medical or other grounds,
 where they are older than 14 or                                                copy of the form for Tax Register                                            an official medical certificate
                                       school that is regarded as the           Registration, Amendment and De-
 have their own ID despite being       same school the place is being                                                                                        justifying this must be produced.
 younger than 14. As an exception,                                              registration with the Taxpayers’
                                       applied for, a certificate from          Register (form 036).
 students’ identification or           the centre where they have been
 parentage may be confirmed with       educated must be submitted.             Minimum income (family unit's
 an ID, the family book of their                                               annual income)
 country of origin or alternative     Local schools by usual residence         Documents confirming the person
 documents they may produce.          Original copy and photocopy of the       concerned is a beneficiary of
                                      applicant's national ID, or, where       income support.
 Supporting documents for the         they are a foreigner, the residence
 criteria only need to be submitted   permit stating their foreign-            Disability of student, parent or
 where they have been marked in       resident identification number.          sibling. Original document and
 the application.                                                              photocopy of the certificate of
                                       Where the usual residence that          disability of the person who claims
                                       is stated does not coincide with        to have this condition, issued by
                                       the one given on the national           the Department of Social Welfare
                                       ID or residence card stating the        and Family.
                                       national identification number
IN EDUCATION WE MAKE A TEAM                                                         | 15

What does making a team mean         Making a team for every
in education? It means that          child and young person.
educators and other professionals,
                                     Making a team so that
the families and everyone in city
neighbourhoods work towards the      everyone is a success.
same goal: supporting our children   Making a team so that
and young people with resources,     everyone wins.            Go to the open days.
knowledge and experiences that                                 Provide an email address
will help them to grow and begin                               and a mobile phone
their paths through life with
everything that an advanced city                               number in your
like Barcelona can offer.                                      pre-enrolment
                                                               Fill in the 10 options.
                                                               Include supporting
                                                               Hand in your application
                                                               in person.
You can also read