IXL Skill Plan Standards of Excellence: Grade 7

Page created by Johnnie Lopez
IXL Skill Plan Standards of Excellence: Grade 7
IXL Skill Plan
Standards of Excellence: Grade 7

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Standards of Excellence - 7th grade

S7L | Life Science
 S7L1 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to investigate the diversity of living organisms
 and how they can be compared scientifically.

 S7L1.a: Develop and defend a model that
 categorizes organisms based on common

 S7L1.b: Evaluate historical models of how                                1. Describe, classify, and compare kingdoms TB2
 organisms were classified based on physical
 characteristics and how that led to the six kingdom
 system (currently archaea, bacteria, protists, fungi,
 plants, and animals).

 S7L2 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe how cell structures, cells, tissues,
 organs, and organ systems interact to maintain the basic needs of organisms.

 S7L2.a: Develop a model and construct an                                 Understanding cells
 explanation of how cell structures (specifically the                     1. Understanding cells JL5
 nucleus, cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall,                            2. Compare cells and cell parts 2V6
 chloroplasts, lysosome, and mitochondria)
 contribute to the function of the cell as a system in                    Animal cells
 obtaining nutrients in order to grow, reproduce,                         3. Identify functions of animal cell parts KS5
 make needed materials, and process waste.                                4. Animal cell diagrams: label parts 5C4

                                                                          Plant cells
                                                                          5. Identify functions of plant cell parts YMF
                                                                          6. Plant cell diagrams: label parts SPR

 S7L2.b: Develop and use a conceptual model of                            1. Organization in the human body TXY
 how cells are organized into tissues, tissues into
 organs, organs into systems, and systems into

 S7L2.c: Construct an argument that systems of the                        1. Organization in the human body TXY
 body (Cardiovascular, Excretory, Digestive,
 Respiratory, Muscular, Nervous, and Immune)
 interact with one another to carry out life processes.

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Standards of Excellence - 7th grade

 S7L3 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to explain how organisms reproduce either
 sexually or asexually and transfer genetic information to determine the traits of their offspring.

 S7L3.a: Construct an explanation supported with                          Genetics
 scientific evidence of the role of genes and                             1. Genetics vocabulary: genotype and
                                                                             phenotype JSL
 chromosomes in the process of inheriting a specific
 trait.                                                                   2. Genetics vocabulary: dominant and
                                                                             recessive DDM

                                                                          3. Inherited and acquired traits: use evidence to
                                                                             support a statement MBZ

                                                                          Punnett square
                                                                          4. Complete and interpret Punnett squares SHF
                                                                          5. Use Punnett squares to calculate ratios of
                                                                             offspring types V6F
                                                                          6. Use Punnett squares to calculate probabilities of
                                                                             offspring types K54

 S7L3.b: Develop and use a model to describe how                          Genetic variation
 asexual reproduction can result in offspring with                        1. Cell division L2S
 identical genetic information while sexual                               2. Genetic variation in sexual reproduction J5A
 reproduction results in genetic variation.                               3. Genetics vocabulary: genotype and
                                                                             phenotype JSL
                                                                          4. Genetics vocabulary: dominant and
                                                                             recessive DDM
                                                                          5. Complete and interpret Punnett squares SHF
                                                                          6. Use Punnett squares to calculate ratios of
                                                                             offspring types V6F
                                                                          7. Use Punnett squares to calculate probabilities of
                                                                             offspring types K54

                                                                          Life cycles
                                                                          8. Angiosperm and conifer life cycles U67
                                                                          9. Moss and fern life cycles 9J3

 S7L3.c: Ask questions to gather and synthesize
 information about the ways humans influence the
 inheritance of desired traits in organisms through
 selective breeding.

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Standards of Excellence - 7th grade

 S7L4 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to examine the interdependence of organisms
 with one another and their environments.

 S7L4.a: Construct an explanation for the patterns                        1. Classify symbiotic relationships XPZ
 of interactions observed in different ecosystems in
 terms of the relationships among and between
 organisms and abiotic components of the

 S7L4.b: Develop a model to describe the cycling of                       1. How does matter move in food chains? Q8D
 matter and the flow of energy among biotic and                           2. Interpret food webs I MK5
 abiotic components of an ecosystem.                                      3. Interpret food webs II EPC
                                                                          4. The carbon cycle 6M8

 S7L4.c: Analyze and interpret data to provide                            1. Use food chains to predict changes in
 evidence for how resource availability, disease,                            populations 5YC

 climate, and human activity affect individual
 organisms, populations, communities, and

 S7L4.d: Ask questions to gather and synthesize                           1. Identify ecosystems 7D2
 information from multiple sources to differentiate                       2. Describe ecosystems VBF
 between Earth's major terrestrial biomes (i.e.,
 tropical rain forest, savanna, temperate forest,
 desert, grassland, taiga, and tundra) and aquatic
 ecosystems (i.e., freshwater, estuaries, and marine).

 S7L5 Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information from multiple sources to explain the theory of
 evolution of living organisms through inherited characteristics.

 S7L5.a: Use mathematical representations to                              1. Introduction to natural selection UVQ
 evaluate explanations of how natural selection leads                     2. Calculate the percentages of traits in a
 to changes in specific traits of populations over                           population F64
 successive generations.                                                  3. Calculate the averages of traits in a
                                                                             population KVQ
                                                                          4. Construct explanations of natural selection 7P4

 S7L5.b: Construct an explanation based on                                1. Calculate the percentages of traits in a
 evidence that describes how genetic variation and                           population F64

 environmental factors influence the probability of                       2. Calculate the averages of traits in a
                                                                             population KVQ
 survival and reproduction of a species.
                                                                          3. Construct explanations of natural selection 7P4

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Standards of Excellence - 7th grade

 S7L5.c: Analyze and interpret data for patterns in                       1. Compare ages of fossils in a rock sequence VD9
 the fossil record that document the existence,
 diversity, and extinction of organisms and their
 relationships to modern organisms.

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