IT'S ABOUT ALL OF US - 2018-2020 Sustainability Strategy - Westpac

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IT'S ABOUT ALL OF US - 2018-2020 Sustainability Strategy - Westpac

Sustainability Strategy
IT'S ABOUT ALL OF US - 2018-2020 Sustainability Strategy - Westpac
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                                                 We believe that as one of Australia’s largest   15 years ago we set out our first
                                                 companies we have a strong role to play in      sustainability strategy outlining our position

                                                 helping to create positive social, economic     on the responsibility of business, with the
                                                 and environmental impact, for the benefit       commitment that every generation should

                                                 of all.                                         live better than the last.
                                                 It was 30 years ago that the UN published       Since then a lot has changed and, for many

STRATEGY?                                        Our Common Future, otherwise known
                                                 as the Brundtland Report, which defined
                                                                                                 people, the future can feel challenging.
                                                                                                 Our 2018-2020 Sustainability Strategy builds
                                                 sustainability as ‘development that
                                                                                                 on extensive consultation and an analysis of
                                                 meets the needs of the present without
                                                                                                 the current and emerging issues that matter
                                                 compromising the ability of future
                                                                                                 most to our stakeholders.
                                                 generations to meet their own needs’.
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IT’S ABOUT                                       Now is a time of great change, for our
                                                 customers, communities and employees.
                                                                                                   We’re committed to putting service at the
                                                                                                   heart of everything we do and helping our

ALL OF US                                        We know many people are anxious about
                                                 the future – for themselves, for their families
                                                                                                   customers achieve what’s important to them,
                                                                                                   at every stage of their life, in both the good
                                                                                                   and the difficult times.
                                                 and for future generations. Some people
                                                 are prospering, while others are feeling          It’s about making decisions today for
                                                 left behind.                                      tomorrow, to navigate change and adapt.

                                                 As Australia’s first company and first bank       It’s about creating new possibilities
                                                 to achieve 200 years in business, we’ve           to create a brighter future.
                                                 experienced both growth and set-backs
                                                 and learned to adapt along the way. Our           It’s about all of us – and together
                                                 vision is to be one of the world’s great          we can make a difference.
                                                 service companies, helping our customers,
                                                 communities and people to prosper
                                                 and grow.
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                                                 We imagine a world where everyone
                                                 is included, and where no one gets

                                                 left behind.
                                                 Where people can afford a home and have

TOMORROW                                         access to meaningful work, world-class
                                                 education and healthcare.

                                                 Where Australia and its region continues
                                                 to thrive over the next century.

                                                 We have a vision for the world where the
                                                 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
                                                 have been realised by 2030, and carbon
                                                 emissions have reached net zero.
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OUR SHARED FUTURE                                               We believe we can create sustainable, long-term value
                                                                for our customers, our communities and nation by:

                      1                                        2                                      3
               Helping people                         Helping people by                     Helping people create
                make better                           being there when it                    a prosperous nation
             financial decisions                     matters most to them

                                                 Culture                             Fundamentals

                           At the heart of all that we do is our commitment to do the right thing by
                          the customers and communities we serve, helping them through moments
                            of change, and building a culture that’s caring, inclusive and innovative.
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                          HELPING PEOPLE MAKE
                          BETTER FINANCIAL DECISIONS
                          We believe in creating a            One way we’ll do this is by helping more
                                                              people make better financial decisions, every day,
                          fairer, more inclusive and
                                                              by creating services that help our customers:
                          confident society by helping
                          people understand money.            • Budget and track their money;
                                                              • Understand ways to get ahead; and
                          We help customers track             • Make the most of product features
                          and grow their wealth so              to meet their needs.
                          they will feel more confident
                                                              We will know that we’re getting this right when
                          with financial decisions no         our customers tell us they have the right products for
                          matter their situation.             them and feel in control of their financial decisions.

                                                               ALIGNMENT TO THE
                                                               SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS
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                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS
                          Goals and Measures

                          GOALS                 INITIATIVES                                              2020 MEASURES                                   WHO

                          Help more people      Deliver services that help customers make                • Continued innovation to support               • Product,
                          better understand     better financial decisions including:                      customers make better financial decisions       Consumer Bank
                          their financial       • Budget and track their money;                            (e.g. new enhanced capabilities delivered).
                                                                                                                                                         • Marketing,
                          position, improving
                                                • Understand ways to get ahead; and                      • At least one in four customers to be            Product and
                          their financial
                          confidence                                                                       contacted each year, to support better          Transformation,
                                                • Make the most of product features to meet                financial decisions (this includes customer     WNZL
                                                  their needs.                                             contact programs for on-boarding
                                                This will be demonstrated by developing and enhancing      and product usage such as savings
                                                product features and services to increase financial        opportunities or credit card reminders).
                                                awareness and informed decision making, such as:
                                                • Westpac Life, Westpac Bump, and CashNav
                                                  (Westpac NZ) – helping customers track their money;
                                                • Westpac Lite and SmartPlan – helping credit
                                                  customers get ahead; and
                                                • Product terms and fee simplification activities, and
                                                  on-boarding and engagement programs – helping
                                                  customers make the most of product features
                                                  to meet their needs.

                                                Financial health checks and financial wellbeing          • Financial health check programs               • Superannuation,
                                                assessments for employees and customers, building on       in place for customers.                         BT
                                                the range of programs we already have in place such
                                                                                                         • Continued improvement in the financial        • HR Shared
                                                as the BT Wealth Review, the customer needs review,
                                                                                                           wellbeing of our employees, as monitored        Services
                                                the NZ Value Me program and our employee financial
                                                wellbeing index.                                           by the BT Financial Wellbeing Index.
                                                                                                                                                         • Marketing
                                                                                                                                                           Product and
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                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS CONT.
                          Goals and Measures

                          GOALS                 INITIATIVES                                             2020 MEASURES                                  WHO

                          Help more people      Deliver programs to improve financial capability:       • At least 100,000 customers                   • Marketing
                          better understand     • Managing Your Money (WNZL), Davidson Institute          participating in financial capability
                                                                                                                                                       • Asia Pacific
                          their financial         and other programs delivered by our people for our      programs in Australia, New Zealand
                          position, improving                                                             and Asia Pacific, feeling more
                                                  customers and communities (including Indigenous
                          their financial                                                                 confident about their money.
                                                  communities); and
                                                • Choice Wantok program helping to bank
                                                  the unbanked in PNG.

                                                Deliver enhanced financial communication:               • Communication channels reaching              • Corporate Affairs
                                                • Westpac Wire – Money Matters; and                       more Australians, enhancing their              & Sustainability
                                                                                                          financial understanding.
                                                • Reaching young Australians through Year 13 and                                                       • Marketing
                                                  The Cusp, older Australians through Starts at 60,
                                                  and female customers through Ruby Connection.

                                                Deliver insights to business customers to support       • More than half our business                  • Commercial
                                                business performance and strengthening our customer       customers receiving personalised               Business Bank,
                                                understanding and relationships.                          cash management reports.                       Westpac
                                                                                                                                                       • SME Banking
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                          HELPING PEOPLE BY BEING THERE
                          WHEN IT MATTERS MOST TO THEM
                          We understand that life has its         One way we’ll do this is by helping people
                                                                  beyond what’s expected during difficult times.
                          tough moments, and vulnerability
                          is something that can affect anyone     We will know that we’re helping when our
                          at any time.                            customers stay with us during these times and
                                                                  they tell us that we made a personal difference
                          We want to be by our customers'         to their lives – because what matters to our
                          side and help more people as they       customers matters to us.

                          go through major life events, such
                          as the death of a loved one, divorce
                          or illness, or loss of a job. We want
                          to support our customers and their       ALIGNMENT TO THE
                          families and help them recover as        SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS

                          quickly as possible.
                          And with our insights and tools,
                          we can help customers avoid
                          emerging risks too.
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                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS
                          Goals and Measures

                          GOALS                INITIATIVES                                                  2020 MEASURES                                    WHO

                          Help people          • Customers can access help when they need it                • Of those customers who have recovered          • Operations,
                          recover from           and receive more targeted support to recover.                from hardship, reduce the proportion that        Property &
                          financial hardship                                                                  return to hardship within three months,          Commercial
                                               • We will invest in better understanding
                                                                                                              and within 12 months.                            Services
                                                 our employees and customers at risk.
                                               • We will assess our own data and establish financial
                                                 insights to identify groups of customers who need
                                                 help, and better understand how we can support
                                                 our customers to remain out of hardship.

                          Help people lift     Customers and employees can access support when              • Re-design customer experiences aligned         • Marketing
                          out of a difficult   significant changes in their lives occur, such as divorce,     to pivotal life events through improvements
                          time and recover     the death of someone close and loss of income                  in services, products and banker capability.
                          stronger             – working through the steps they need to take and
                                               important things to consider.

                                               Business customers can access support in preparing           • Increase the number of businesses              • Commercial,
                                               for a significant change and operating during new              supported through a transition, such as          Business Bank,
                                               circumstances or difficult times; and in reducing risks        family succession, and generational change.      Westpac
                                               for the future.
                                                                                                                                                             • SME Banking
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                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS CONT.
                          Goals and Measures

                          GOALS                INITIATIVES                                                 2020 MEASURES                                 WHO

                          Help people lift     People in regional communities recovering from              • Communities receiving support               • Corporate Affairs
                          out of a difficult   a natural disaster (with the support of disaster relief       to recover from difficult times reporting     & Sustainability
                          time and recover     packages and recovery grants), or doing it tough              that they are more resilient.
                                                                                                                                                         • Operations,
                          stronger             following major changes in the local economy
                                               (such as a major industry or employer shutting down)
                                                                                                                                                           & Commercial
                                               are able to access grants and special relief packages.
                                                                                                                                                         • Marketing

                          Helping our          Some of our customers are more vulnerable, or have          • Initiatives implemented to improve          • St.George Retail,
                          most vulnerable      specific circumstances that require us to place a greater     the financial wellbeing of our most           Consumer Bank
                          customers            focus on creating access to our services, in line with        vulnerable customers.
                                                                                                                                                         • Product,
                                               our commitment to inclusion.
                                                                                                           • Improved wellbeing and increased              Consumer Bank
                                               This includes:                                                participation of our most vulnerable
                                                                                                                                                         • Product,
                                                                                                             customers (by impact assessment).
                                               • Dementia-friendly banking;                                                                                Business Bank

                                               • Helping Indigenous Australians towards owning their
                                                 own home and saving for funeral expenses; and
                                               • Tackling financial abuse – stemming from elder-abuse,
                                                 family violence and other forms of abuse.
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                          HELPING PEOPLE CREATE
                          A PROSPEROUS NATION
                          Our world is changing at an          One way we’ll do this is by backing the people,
                                                               businesses and ideas that have the potential
                          unprecedented rate, affecting
                                                               to shape the future of Australia. We will know
                          how we all live and work.            that we’re making a difference when:
                          New technologies and climate         • Scholars have been backed as researchers
                          change have wide implications          and leaders;
                          on economies, housing, business      • Jobs have been created for vulnerable Australians;
                          models, energy sources and jobs.     • Australians have been supported to create
                                                                 stronger communities;
                          We believe in backing innovation,    • Microbusinesses have been established
                          and making a meaningful                and are growing;
                          difference to the lives of others.   • Fintech businesses have received
                          We want to help more people gain       investment support; and
                          the skills that will be needed in    • Businesses have been helped to grow as leaders
                          the future, and accelerate how         of Australia’s knowledge and service economy.
                          we identify and solve the biggest
                          issues impacting Australia and
                          the world.
                                                                ALIGNMENT TO THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS
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                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS
                          Goals and Measures

                          GOALS                 INITIATIVES                                              2020 MEASURES                                    WHO

                          Build the workforce   Employees can access learning opportunities              • Delivery of Divisional Capability Plans        • Enterprise HR
                          of the future         to help them stay relevant and ahead of the market,        to support employees accessing training          Strategy
                                                in a rapidly changing workforce.                           and new opportunities to support reskilling.     & Services

                          Invest $50 million    Deliver programs that back Australians, including:       • Invest $50 million by 2020, to back the        • Corporate Affairs
                          by 2020, to back                                                                 people with the ideas and drive to shape         & Sustainability
                                                • Westpac Bicentennial Foundation: every year 100
                          the people and                                                                   Australia, including:
                                                  of the brightest minds who have the potential                                                           • Marketing
                          ideas shaping
                                                  to shape Australia receive a scholarship to realise        • A community of more than
                          Australia                                                                                                                       • Business
                                                  their vision;                                                300 scholars funded;
                                                • Businesses of Tomorrow: backing a further 200              • 15 community partners backed to create
                                                  outstanding businesses to access mentoring                   2,000 jobs for vulnerable Australians;
                                                  and advice to take their business to the next level,
                                                                                                             • 50,000 Australians supported by 300
                                                  and grow Australia’s service and knowledge economy;
                                                                                                               community grants;
                                                • Kick Start Grants: St.George Business Bank
                                                                                                             • 2,000 microenterprises
                                                  backing emerging businesses with great ideas;
                                                • Westpac Foundation – Social Scale-up Grants:
                                                                                                             • 30 fintechs with investment support; and
                                                  backing social enterprises that are scaling up
                                                  employment opportunities for vulnerable Australians;       • 200 emerging businesses supported
                                                                                                               and growing.
                                                • Westpac Foundation – Community Grants:
                                                  supporting local community organisations
                                                  to create opportunities for people in need; and
                                                • Reinventure: a fund established by Westpac
                                                  to uncover and scale early fintech businesses.
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                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS CONT.
                          Goals and Measures

                          GOALS                INITIATIVES                                                2020 MEASURES                                    WHO

                          Back the growth      Provide support and finance to those businesses            • $10 billion to climate change solutions        • Corporate
                          of climate change    creating climate change solutions.                           by 2020, and $25 billion by 2030.                & Institutional
                          solutions                                                                                                                          Banking
                                                                                                          • $3 billion in facilitation in climate change
                                                                                                            solutions by 2020.

                          Back the growth      Provide support and finance, and create innovative         • $2.5 billion to affordable housing solutions   • Corporate &
                          of housing           partnerships with industry, the social sector and            by 2020.                                         Institutional
                          affordability        government, to create more affordable long-term                                                               Banking
                          solutions            housing options.

                          Bring together       Bring together institutional and business customers,       • Six forums hosted, bringing us closer          • Corporate Affairs
                          partners and         suppliers and scholars, along with our internal experts,     to customers and partners, working               & Sustainability
                          harness our          including ‘data for social good’ capabilities,               on shared problems.
                                                                                                                                                           • Asia Pacific
                          capacity to tackle   to collaborate on those issues that matter most.
                                                                                                          • Six purposeful, innovative partnerships
                          those pressing       For example, this might include:                                                                            • Global
                          social issues that                                                                and projects.
                          matter most to       • Emerging business models such as the circular
                          our nation             economy;
                                               • Secure housing;
                                               • Future of work; and
                                               • Individual financial uncertainty.
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                          A CULTURE OF DOING THE
                          RIGHT THING

                          We have a culture of care, inclusiveness and high integrity            ALIGNMENT TO THE
                                                                                                 SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS
                          – where it’s expected that all our people demonstrate the
                          values of our company and speak up if something isn’t right.

                          We believe in doing the right thing by our customers,
                          communities and people – grounded in transparency
                          and responsiveness to the concerns of our customers
                          and the wider community.
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                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS
                          Goals and Measures

                          GOALS                   INITIATIVES                                             2020 MEASURES                                      WHO
                          Promote an              Every employee feels valued, they can contribute        • Maintan global high performance norm             • HR Shared
                          inclusive society,      and it’s safe to speak up – guided by the behaviours      on employee engagement.                            Services
                          where our               we define in Our Compass comprising our Code
                          workforce reflects                                                              • Maintain 50% Women in Leadership.                • Enterprise HR
                                                  of Conduct, Values and Our Service Promise, and
                          our customers,                                                                                                                       Strategy
                                                  developed through employee training programs,           • Maintain gender pay equity, on a like-for-like
                          and where more                                                                                                                       & Services
                                                  and supported by our Motivate performance system.         role basis.
                          people feel it’s safe                                                                                                              • Reward,
                          to speak up                                                                     • Maintain Indigenous employment parity.
                                                                                                                                                               & Employee

                          Increase in             Customers can access a range of channels                • Continue to increase the proportion              • Marketing
                          channels where          to provide feedback, including:                           of customers we gain feedback from,
                                                                                                                                                             • Corporate Affairs
                          customers can           • Customer Advocate;                                      year on year.
                                                                                                                                                               & Sustainability
                          provide feedback,
                          and speed up            • Customer Councils; and
                          time to resolve         • Delivery of the ‘Resonate Program’ to address
                          complaints or             specific pain points.
                                                  Deliver initiatives to support resolving                • Reduce average length of time from first         • Marketing
                                                  customer issues.                                          contact to resolution, with supporting metrics
                                                                                                                                                             • Operations,
                                                                                                            • Continue to increase the proportion              & Commercial
                                                                                                              of complaints resolved within five days,         Services
                                                                                                              year on year; and
                                                                                                            • Continue to achieve a reduction
                                                                                                              in complaints, year on year.
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                          We are also committed to continuing to lead on
                          the fundamentals: the policies, action plans and
                          frameworks, continuing to report on additional
                          metrics that are expected of a bank committed
                          to sustainable business practices.

                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS
                          Goals and Measures

                           THEME               POSITIONS AND POLICIES                               MEASURES       (In addition to those set out
                                                                                                    under the strategic pillars)

                           Employees           People Strategy                                      • Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate/               • HR Shared
                                               Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategy                  Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rate.          Services
                                               Inclusion and Diversity Strategy
                                               Reconciliation Action Plan

                           Human Rights        Human Rights Position Statement and Action Plan      • Benchmark performance by surveys               • Corporate Affairs
                                                                                                      and external stakeholder feedback.               & Sustainability

                           Sustainable         Climate Change Position Statement and Action Plan    • BTFG portfolio carbon intensity.               • Corporate
                           Lending and                                                                                                                 & Institutional
                                                                                                    • Aim to reduce the emissions intensity
                           Investment                                                                                                                  Banking
                                                                                                      of our power generation portfolio
                                                                                                      to 0.30 tCO2e/MWh by 2020.                     • Operations, BT
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                          HOW WE WILL ACHIEVE THIS CONT.
                          Goals and Measures

                          THEME               POSITIONS AND POLICIES                                 MEASURES       (In addition to those set out
                                                                                                     under the strategic pillars)

                          Environment         Climate Change Position Statement and Action           •      Eco-efficiency targets, against FY16 baseline:   • Operations,
                                              Plan – reflecting our commitment to Science-Based                                                                Property
                                                                                                         • 9% reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
                                              Targets Environmental Policy                                                                                     & Commercial
                                                                                                           by 2020;
                                                                                                         • 34% reduction in Greenhouse Gas Emissions
                                                                                                           by 2030;
                                                                                                         • Introduce a renewable energy target;
                                                                                                         • 80% diversion of waste from landfill
                                                                                                           in commercial workplaces by 2020;
                                                                                                         • 15% reduction in water usage
                                                                                                           in commercial workplaces by 2020;
                                                                                                         • 40% reduction in paper used by 2020; and
                                                                                                         • Maintain carbon neutrality.

                          Responsible         Responsible Sourcing Code of Conduct                   • Responsible sourcing assessments.                     • Operations,
                          Sourcing                                                                                                                             Property
                                              Supplier Inclusion and Diversity Policy                • Spend with diverse suppliers, including
                                                                                                                                                               & Commercial
                                                                                                       $10 million spend with Indigenous suppliers
                                              Reconciliation Action Plan                                                                                       Services
                                                                                                       by 2020.

                          Community           Community at Westpac                                   • Community investment more than                        • Corporate Affairs
                          & Social Impact                                                              1% of pre-tax profits.                                  & Sustainability
                                              Social Impact Framework
                                                                                                     • More than 15% of employees accessing
                                              Financial Inclusion Action Plan
                                                                                                       workplace volunteering program (including
                                                                                                       volunteering leave, and skilled volunteering
                                                                                                       programs) by 2020.

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