It is a dark time for the city of Asgard For longer than anyone knows Asgard has been at war with Hela and her army of the undead. The undead are done

Page created by Morris Patton
It is a dark time for the city of Asgard For longer than anyone knows Asgard has been at war with Hela and her army of the undead. The undead are done
It is a dark time for the
      city of Asgard
For longer than anyone
knows Asgard has been
at war with Hela and her
  army of the undead.
  The undead are done
losing they need to take
what they need: Asgard
Can Thor complete the
Labyrinth and save the
Thor and the
Thor and the Labyrinth
Our story starts in a distant land called Asgard. Asgard is the home to the most powerful gods of the
nine realms. It is a dark time for the ancient city. Hela, the goddess of the undead, is beginning her
way across the land to take over the one God more powerful than her: Odin.

Thor, God of Thunder, pressed his ear against the huge oak doors that lead into the throne room. On
the other side of the door a private conversation was happening, but because Thor being one of the
most arrogant gods continued to eavesdrop.

“My Lord, your daughter, Hela, is quickly breaking through our restraints. Quicker than we can
handle." exclaimed the head guard.

“Well then, there is only one option left!" bellowed Odin, father of all gods.

“Sire, we cannot lose any more men to the Labyrinth than we already have. With Hela on the move it
is not before long she is here. I will not let you put yourself and your kingdom at risk.”

“The Stone of Asgard is the only thing with the power to save us now. Hela, as you know, is too
powerful!" Odin shouted very determined to win this argument.

Thor, without thinking, shoved open the doors so hard that they slammed back on their hinges. He
strode, very confidently, up to his almighty father.

“Father, I, Thor, God of Thunder will take on the impossible task of The Labyrinth and retrieve the
Stone of Asgard and save the kingdom.” Thor beamed.

“Thor you canno….” Odin began but a strange noise interrupted him

Thor had pulled his hammer out of its’ worn sheath and held it above his head, in an almost menacing
way. There was nothing anything anyone could do. Once Thor had his mind set on a challenge he will
not stop until he had completed it. Out of the blue, a huge gust of wind filled the room. For the God
of Thunder had begun waving his hammer above his head. All of a sudden a flash of lightning appeared
and Thor was gone.

Sometime later, the same flash of lightning hit the ground and along with it a very determined god.
Thor established himself up from the ground. He observed the environment around him; it was a very
peculiar one. Huge mountains on the horizon, animal statues by the rims but right in front of him were
huge stone pillars marking the entrance to the Labyrinth. Thor was surprised and overwhelmed at the
sight of the Labyrinth but as Thor was about to stride into the ancient maze when a large stone step
stopped him in his tracks. Thor cast his eyes to the ground where an immense circle was surrounding

“What in the name of Asgard is this?!" Thor said to himself

The circle surrounding him was so huge it would cover almost all of the Asgard throne room. The man
made shape had unusual marking around the sides. Thor instantly recognised these as Old Norse as
his fellow god, Kvasir, had created the way of communication.

Beware ancientinn labyrinth fyrir brátt þú munu vitar danger svá immense
svá keep þessi inn mind ef þú try til andlit þat þú munu nei longer munu alive!!
Thor translated this odd language into:

Beware the ancient Labyrinth for soon you will find a danger so immense so
keep this in mind if you try to face it you will no longer be alive.

As Thor read this a flicker of panic crossed his mind. But to him the fact that he has never lost a battle
pushed the thought from his mind. Thor, being careful not to trip over the step yet again, proceeded
on his quest to find the Stone of Asgard and save his people.

As Thor waltzed into the eerie Labyrinth the entrance from which he had come from resealed itself,
so not a soul could leave once they had started. Sometime later a fork appeared in the tortuous road.
Thor stopped for a minute unsure of what the right the right decision was. One way would lead out of
this maze but the others he was unsure of. He stopped and pondered his decision but then heard a
distant roar and the decision was made.

Thor began to build up to a run but something stopped him in his tracks. He only managed to just stop
himself before he came face to face with a huge stone wall. The roar had been a decoy. Thor cursed
under his breath. This creature was a lot smarter than he initially thought.

“Arrgghh” Thor bellowed his voice echoing throughout the labyrinth.

Thor sprinted back to the fork quicker than ever before. Without thinking he ran down the second
path but this one was blocked off as well with an even taller stone wall. by then Thor had had enough.
He took Mjolnir (his hammer) out of its’ battered sheath raised it above his head and smashed the
barrier to smithereens. After the sound of rocks falling to the floor there was nothing. The labyrinth
was completely silent. Even the creature. Thor stumbled over the pile of rocks he had created and
continued until he came to a gateway. He was here.

“Hello!” Thor whispered as he saw the Asgardian royal coat of arms decorating a shield that was lying
next a rock.

As he peered behind the rock instead of a guard from Asgard he saw something that he could never
forget. A mouldy withered skeleton was lying there.

“Aarrgghh” Thor shouted at the sight of the dead soldier.

Thor decided to ignore the vision, but held the hammer tighter in his hand. The next thing he saw was
surprising. In front of him was a great lagoon with stalactites and stalagmites hanging from the ceiling
and the floor. Tropical blue water filled the hole where there was once ground. However the best part
of it was the stone pillar, at the very end of the lagoon, holding the stone of Asgard. Thor was amazed
at how easy this was, but in the back of his mind he knew this wasn’t going to last.

“Now what?" Thor said to himself.

As if in answer, a terrifying, inhuman roar echoed all around them. From the lagoon a colossal sea
serpent arose from the water. It was unlike anything Thor had seen in his life as a god. It was an
incredible sight. It had ten massive heads, each dripping with blood. It was taller than a skyscraper and
looked more menacing than a tiger that had not eaten meat for weeks.

“Aarrgghh!” the monster growled terrifyingly. The sound of the monsters’ voice made the pillar return
to under the water.
Thor searched his brain for an answer to this threatening growl.

“I am not scared of you!” bellowed Thor trying to sound braver than he felt.

At this Thor threw himself at the creature his hammer held way above his head. A crash of lightning
boomed but it was no use his hammer could not work inside the Labyrinth. Thor was taken aback. His
hammer had never failed him before. As he stood there staring at his hammer the sea serpent had
other plans. The creature propelled himself at Thor with a menacing roar. It struck the god of thunder
across the face causing him to fall to the floor.

Thor felt defeated he had never lost a battle. He laid there not planning to wake up when something
flew past him. It was a silhouette of a girl. As he looked all around him he noticed countless women
appearing more and more every second. They carried huge silver shields the coat of arms on their
shield was not Asgardian but a sign of the Valkyrie. All of them were now crowding around him. They
were lifting him back onto his feet one picked up his hammer and placed it back in his hand. She
whispered in his ear:

“You don’t need a hammer to be the God of Thunder." as the words left her mouth they all began
disappearing before his eyes.

He looked into the creatures’ eye, the Valkyries’ kind words still ringing in his ears; he tossed his
hammer to the side. Suddenly a pulse of energy pulsed throughout his body. A lightning bolt formed
in his hand. Without thinking he threw the bolt at the serpent. It fell to the floor. The lightning bolt
instantly returned to his hand, bloodstained from the monster. The bolt stayed in his hand for a matter
of seconds then disappeared back into his body where it had come from.

There was a huge rumble from deep inside the Labyrinth. He cast his eyes around the runes of the
maze and to his amazement when he looked back the pillar holding the stone of Asgard had
reappeared. There it was, thought Thor, sitting there in all its glory. It was glowing even more than he
had seen before. It was almost as if it wanted him to take it. Thor moved cautiously towards it. He
picked it up, unaware of the possible consequences. As soon as his fingers touched the rough surface
of the stone a flash of light surrounded the whole Labyrinth.

Seconds later, he arrived back at the palace. The first sight he saw was his father pacing the room.
Odins’ eyes flickered towards his son. A smile spread across his face.

"Thor?!" Odin said with a mixture of happiness and anger. "I knew you could do it!"

“So did I!” bellowed Thor returning to his old self. “I need to put this in the Eternal Flame and Asgard
will be saved!”

“My boy, I am so sorry Hela and her army are already here!” Odin said sounding defeated

“I know trust me!”

At this Thor held his hand out and his hammer instantly flew into it. Minutes later he was standing in
front of the Eternal Flame his father right beside him. Thor was about to save Asgard when a pounding
on the door stopped him dead in his tracks.
"Open the door now! And we will spare some of your peoples' lives." They knew that voice anywhere…
it was Hela.

Odin knew he had no choice. He commanded Thor to open the door to Hela. As the door opened Thor
saw a smug look upon Hela’s face. She was certain that she had won the war and could now kill Odin
and become the strongest god. But little did she know Thor no longer had the stone he had already
tossed it into the orange and yellow dancing flames of the Eternal Flame.

“What have you done!?” she screamed but it was too late she and her entire army had turned to ash
and sent back down below the world you know.

Hours later a feast was held in honour of Thor and the kingdoms triumphs. They partied for hours on
end. But something was still replaying itself in the back of Thors’ mind. Why did the Valkyries come
and were they after the same thing he was…
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