2019 MEDIA KIT - AIA Minnesota

Page created by Johnnie Steele
2019 MEDIA KIT - AIA Minnesota

(a Society of the American Institute of Architects), REACHING architects, designers,
specifiers, owners, and construction professionals, PLUS building
product decision makers in Minnesota and surrounding borders.

Architecture Minnesota reaches 8,800 readers - a very targeted audience!

AIA Minnesota members, which include                    Minnesota legislators; selected Upper Midwest
registered architects, and intern architects            colleges and university presidents; Minnesota
representing over 350 architecture firms in             public libraries; Minnesota county administrators;
Minnesota; non-member registered architects             Minnesota municipalities with 5000+ population;
in Minnesota; AIA firms in adjacent states:             CEO’s of selected privately-held and publicly-
North Dakota, South Dakota, Northern Iowa and           held companies; Minnesota media, including
Western Wisconsin; selected AIA firms and               major newspapers, TV and radio stations and
members throughout the U.S.; Minnesota Chapter          periodicals.
Members of the International Interior Design
Association (IIDA), American Society of Interior        PAID SUBSCRIBERS
Designers (ASID), American Society of Landscape         (other than industry professionals)
Architects (ASLA), Consutruction industry,
Engineers, General Contractors, and deans of all
accredited schools of architecture in the United        NEWSSTAND DISTRIBUTION
States and Canada.                                      Throughout Minnesota - Distributed by St.
                                                        Marie’s Gopher News Company, and Valley News
                                                        Company. Nationally – Distributed by Ingram
CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY LEADERS                           Periodicals. Purchased by consumers who have a
Members of the following organizations:                 passion for architecture and design.
Minnesota Chapter of the Construction
Specifications Institute (CSI), Associated General
Contractors (AGC), American Consulting                  BONUS DISTRIBUTION
Engineers Council (ACEC) of Minnesota,                  Throughout the year in excess of 8,800 to
Associated Builders- Contractors (ABC), select          conferences, workshops, and other events of
local and national developers and contractors.          importance to architects and the construction
                                                        industry in the Upper Midwest, plus distribution
                                                        at the AIA Minnesota Annual Convention &
                                                        Products Exposition plus the Homes by Architects
                                                        Tour, Home of the Month event, and more.

Architecture MN is published on a bimonthly basis, two weeks prior to the issue month,
i.e. May/June issue published mid April.

                      QUESTIONS? CALL PAM NELSON - (612) 767-1744 OR NELSON@AIA-MN.ORG
2019 MEDIA KIT - AIA Minnesota


 2019                  FOCUS                                                                                           DEADLINE
 JAN/FEB               Higher Education & AIA MN Gold Medal Award                                                  Reserve by 10/26
                       Directory: Consulting Engineers due 10/26                                                       Ad due 11/9

 MAR/APR               AIA Minnesota Honor Awards & Landscape Architecture                                              Reserve by 1/11
                       Directory: Landscape Architecture Firms due 12/21                                                  Ad due 1/18

 MAY/JUN               Modern Homes                                                                                     Reserve by 3/1
                       Directories: Consultants Directory & AIA Minnesota Firms, due 2/22                                 Ad due 3/8
                       Special Advertising Section: Coming Soon & In Place for firms
                       **Bonus distribution throughout the year & at AIA Minnesota Convention

 JUL/AUG               Architecture for Kids & Historic Preservation                                                   Reserve by 5/10
                       Directory of Renovation, Remodeling, Restoration due 4/26                                         Ad due 5/17

 SEPT/OCT              Homes by Architects Tour & Allianz Field                                                        Reserve by 7/12
                       Directories: Interior Architecture/Interior Design due 6/21                                       Ad due 7/19
                       Special Advertising Section: Residential Architecture Firm Showcase
                       **Bonus distribution at Homes by Architects Tour

 NOV/DEC               Healthcare                                                                                       Reserve by 9/6
                       Directory of General Contractors due 8/23                                                         Ad due 9/13
                       Special Advertising Section: Convention Exhibitor Product Feature
                       **Bonus distribution at AIA Minnesota Convention

                       Note: Editorial lineup is subject to change. Please contact Pam Nelson for editorial updates.

            QUESTIONS? CALL PAM NELSON - (612) 767-1744 OR NELSON@AIA-MN.ORG
2019 MEDIA KIT - AIA Minnesota


                                         4-COLOR (CMYK) RATES                                         BLACK & WHITE RATES
AD SIZE                 1X         3X          4X          6X           AD SIZE                  1X        3X           4X      6X

Full page               $2090      $1910       $1875       $1740        Full page               $1530     $1350     $1315     $1175
2/3 page                $1680      $1570       $1545       $1425        2/3 page                $1135     $1010     $985      $885
1/2 page                $1520      $1410       $1385       $1320        1/2 page                $960      $845      $825      $780
1/3 page                $1335      $1235       $1185       $1135        1/3 page                $775      $675      $625      $570
1/6 page                $1150      $1075       $1025       $980         1/6 page                $590      $515      $465      $420
2pg spread              $3610      $3320       $3265       $3060        2pg spread              $2490     $2195     $2140     $1960
Page 1                  $2255      $2100       $2065       $1915        Page 1                  $1650     $1485     $1445     $1295
Inside Front Cover      $2255      $2100       $2065       $1915        Inside Front Cover      $1650     $1485     $1445     $1295
Inside Back Cover       $2255      $2100       $2065       $1915        Inside Back Cover       $1650     $1485     $1445     $1295
Back Cover              $2460      $2295       $2255       $2085        Back Cover              $1800     $1625     $1580     $1415
                                                                                     Add to appropriate figure above:
                                                                                            2-color (process)                $300
                                                                                            3-color (process)                $350

DIGITAL ADS                                                 DIRECTORY ISSUES                                        DIRECTORY PRICING
AIA-MN.ORG and ARCHITECTUREMN.COM are the                   Each issue of Architecture MN magazine showcases        One listing, plain    $375
go-to websites for those who want information on            a themed directory of paid listings. The purpose        One listing with logo $425
events, meetings, continuing education and activities       of this directory is to assist those persons or
within AIA Minnesota. ARCHITECTUREMN.COM                    organizations seeking services within the category of
is the site for magazine editorial content, related         business featured in that issue.
events and features.                                        Directory Lineup:                                       CONSULTANTS DIRECTORY
                                                            Jan/Feb: Consulting Engineers                           Duplicate listing in additional categories in same
We now offer the opportunity for digital ads that           Mar/Apr: Landscape Architecture Firms                   issue:
flow throughout both sites. This is an add-on option        May/June: Consultants Directory                         Purchase first listing at price above.
for companies and firms who have committed to a             July/Aug: Renovation, Remodeling &                      Add $100 for each additional listing
minimum 3x annual display advertising contract with         Restoration                                             Add $150 for each additional listing with logo
Architecture MN magazine. If you qualify and have           Sep/Oct: Interior Design/Interior
interest in this digital advertising opportunity, please    Architecture
                                                            Nov/Dec: General Contractors
Pam Nelson at nelson@aia-mn.org or call
612-338-6763 for more information.
                                                            Directory form: https://www.aia-mn.org/

                         QUESTIONS? CALL PAM NELSON - (612) 767-1744 OR NELSON@AIA-MN.ORG
2019 MEDIA KIT - AIA Minnesota


ADVERTISING RESPONSIBILITY                               CLOSING DATES AND CANCELLATIONS                       color are permitted in the contract period at the
Advertisers and their agencies assume liability for      If copy is not received by the closing date and       appropriate additional charge.; however, ads may
all content of advertisements printed and assume         the insertion order has not been cancelled, the       only increase in size.
responsibility for any claims which may arise from       previous advertisement of the advertiser will be
their advertising. The publisher reserves the right      inserted. Cancellations are not accepted after
to reject any advertising. Publisher is not liable for   the closing date. Cancellations of any portion of a   TERMS
errors in key numbers or the advertising index.          contract voids rate guarantee.                        Net 30 days.

QUALITY CONTROL                                          RATES                                                 LATE PAYMENT CHARGES
                                                         Advertising must be inserted within one year of       1.5% per month will be added.
Architecture Minnesota is not responsible
for color variations between the digital file and        the first insertion to earn the contract frequency
the printed image if a high-end color proof is           discount rate. If the number of insertions is not     AGENCY DISCOUNT
not provided or the file must be converted to            specified on the order or the contract, each          15% commission to advertising agencies for
CMYK. The advertiser or agency is responsible            insertion will be billed at the one-time rate (1X).   digital ready ads.
for providing materials meeting all Architecture         Advertising ordered at a frequency discount rate
MN specifications. Ads not meeting these                 and not earned within one year from the first
specifications will be returned.                         insertion will be billed at earned rate or will be
                                                         short-rated. Mixed ad sizes and the addition of

                       QUESTIONS? CALL PAM NELSON - (612) 767-1744 OR NELSON@AIA-MN.ORG
2019 MEDIA KIT - AIA Minnesota

       AIA MN Firms Note: Sizes may vary for Coming Soon/In Place
       and Portfolio sections. Call for info.

Architecture MN is printed on a web press, is          ACCEPTED FONTS                                           NOT ACCEPTED
perfect-bound, and ink is soy-based. Paper is Forest   (no exceptions) Postscript Type 1 or Type 3.             Spot, Pantone/PMS, RGB color or JPEG images and
Service Certified (FSC) white coated stock. Covers     No TrueType fonts. Use stylized fonts, not menu-         images below 300 dpi (such as from a website –
are 100# Opus Gloss Text (recycled & FSC.) Cover       styled fonts for bold, italic or bold italic type. All   72 dpi).
1 & Spine have a gloss varnish; cover 4 has a dull     fonts used in art files (EPS and TIFF) must be
varnish. Interior pages are 60# Nature10 Dull text     converted to outlines. Include all printer and screen
(recycled & FSC.)                                      fonts with all digital files. Embed                      DO NOT SUBMIT AD WITH CROP,
                                                       all fonts when creating a PDF.
                                                                                                                REGISTRATION, TRIM/BLEED OR
Ad must be complete/no prepress files accepted.        LOGOS, IMAGES, ARTWORK                                   SIMILAR PRINTER’S
Ad files not prepared correctly and according to       Logos should be EPS only. Do not rotate or crop          MARKS. AD ARTWORK FILES
the specifications will be returned.                   images in layout programs. Do not nest EPS files
                                                       in other EPS files. All logos, images, and artwork       TO BE FREE OF ANY PRINTER’S
ACCEPTED FILE FORMATS                                  within the file must be CMYK (100% K,                    MARKS, EVEN IF OUTSIDE OF
                                                       60% CYM).
(no exceptions) PDF file format is best with all                                                                BLEED AREA.
images at 300 dpi and fonts converted to outlines.
*If you are using a PC send a PDF with fonts           All ads provided should be accompanied by a print-
converted to outlines.                                 out at 100% for size and color verification. List file   INSERTION ORDERS
                                                       format, fonts and color specs on a separate sheet        Send CDs (include 1 print-out) to:
                                                                                                                Pam Nelson, Architecture MN,
COLOR & RESOLUTION                                     of paper. Label with client name, contact name,
                                                                                                                275 Market Street, Ste 54
All images within the ad must be 300 dpi and           phone, email address and issue (ex. Mar/Apr 11). If
                                                       CD is to be returned, please list address.               Minneapolis, MN 55405
CMYK color saved as TIFF or EPS before placing
in your ad. 175-line screen with overall maximum
density of all colors not to exceed 280%. Black and    SUBMISSION - EMAIL                                       PRODUCTION QUESTIONS ONLY
white EPS or TIFF files in grayscale mode.             Send PDF to archmnads@gmail.com with client              In the case you are unable to provide a preferred
                                                       name if appropriate.                                     PDF file type, please contact Pam Nelson, nelson@

   Trim size                              9” x 11”                                 1/3 page box                         5.25” x 4.812”
   Full page                      8.0625” x 9.9375”                                1/3 page vertical                    2.5” x 9.9375”
         (leave 0.3125 from trim on all sides for live area)
                                                                                   1/6 vertical                         2.5” x 4.812”
   Full page bleed                        9 x 11 trim                              Spread                             17.375” x 9.9375”
                                          9.25” x 11.25” file size                                     (Do not run text across the gutter.)
   2/3 page vertical                      5.25” x 9.9375”                          Spread bleeds                        18 x 11 trim
   1/2 page horizontal                    8.0625” x 4.8125”                                                             18.25” x 11.25” file size

                     QUESTIONS? CALL PAM NELSON - (612) 767-1744 OR NELSON@AIA-MN.ORG
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