ISSWorld Latin America - Register 1 - ISS World Training

ISSWorld Latin America - Register 1 - ISS World Training
an Reg
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ISSWorld Latin America
                               ®                                       EE

     Intelligence Support Systems for Electronic Surveillance,
 Social Media/DarkNet Monitoring and Cyber Crime Investigations

         8-10 OCTOBER 2018 • panama city, panama

                Where Law Enforcement,
          Government Intelligence Agencies and
           Financial Crime Investigators turn for
         Technical Training and Product Selection

                            Lead Sponsors

                        Exhibitors and Sponsors

 57 LEA/Interior/DoD Training Sessions and Courses to Choose From
ISSWorld Latin America
                                       ®                                              Intelligence Support Systems for
                                                                                      Electronic Surveillance, Social
                                                                                      Media/DarkNet Monitoring and
                                                                                      Cyber Crime Investigations

                       8-10 OCTOBER 2018 • panama city, panama
ISS World Latin America is the world’s      ISS World Latin America                   15:00-16:00
largest gathering of Central and South                                                Collecting Evidence from
American Law Enforcement, Intelligence     2018 - Agenda at a Glance
and Homeland Security Analysts as well
                                                                                      Online Social Media: Building
as Telecom Operators responsible for Hi-                                              a Cyber-OSINT Toolbox (Part 1)
Tech Electronic Investigations and Cyber                    Track 1
Intelligence Gathering.                                                               16:15-17:15
                                           Training Seminars by
ISS World Programs present the meth-       LEAs and Ph.D Computer                     Collecting Evidence from
odologies and tools for Law Enforce-                                                  Online Social Media: Building a
ment, Public Safety and Government         Scientists
                                                                                      Cyber-OSINT Toolbox (Part 2)
Intelligence Communities in the fight
against drug trafficking, cyber money
                                           Monday, 8 October 2018
laundering, human trafficking, terrorism                                              Seminar #2
and other criminal activities conducted
over today’s telecommunications net-       Seminar #1                                 9:00-17:15
work and the Internet.
                                                                                      Practitioners Guide to Internet
                 Track 1                   Online Social Media and                    Investigations

Training Seminars by                       Internet Investigations                    • Presented by: Mark Bentley,
                                                                                        Communications Data Expert, National
LEAs and Ph.D Computer                     • Presented by: Charles Cohen, Cohen
                                                                                        Cyber Crime Law Enforcement, UK
                                             Training and Consulting, LLC Charles
Scientists                                   Cohen also holds the position of

                                             Captain, Indiana State Police, USA       The aim of this 1 day seminar is to
                 Track 2
                                                                                      take the attendees from the basics of
                                           This one day session provides an up-
Lawful Interception and Hi-                to-date understanding of how social
                                                                                      understanding the Internet, how to find
                                                                                      data, through to a full understanding of
Tech Criminal Investigations               networking sites work and how members
                                                                                      best practice of an Internet investigator,
                                           act and interact. Attendees will learn
                 Track 3                                                              having awareness and knowledge of
                                           what information is available on
                                                                                      all the tools available to achieve this. It
Social Media Monitoring,                   various sites and how to integrate that
                                                                                      is aimed primarily at the investigator,
                                           information into criminal investigations
Artificial Intelligence and                and criminal intelligence analysis.
                                                                                      delivered from the perspective of
Data Analytics                                                                        detective, to empower them to have
                                                                                      the best methodology and tradecraft to
                Track 4                                                               profile and catch suspects.
                                           Proxies, VPNs, and Dark Web:
Dark Web Monitoring and                                                               This is exclusively Law Enforcement
                                           Identity Concealment and                   only, as Practical examples, covert and
Cybercurrency Analytics                    Location Obfuscation                       investigative methodology and tradecraft
                 Track 5                                                              will be given throughout the seminar.
Mobile and Wi-Fi Signal                    Tor, onion routers, Deepnet,               09:00-10:00
Intercept                                  and Darknet: An Investigator’s             The Internet, and how
                                           Perspective                                suspects leave a Digital
                 Track 6
Audio, Video and GPS
                                           Tor, onion routers, Deepnet,               10:15-11:15
                                           and Darknet: A Deep Dive for               Recognizing Traffic Data and
                 Track 7                   Criminal Investigators                     digital profiling
Financial Crime                            13:45-14:45                                11:30-12:30
Investigation Techniques                   Cellular Handset Geolocation:              WIFI, geolocation, and Mobile
and Products                               Investigative Opportunities                Data traces
                                           and Personal Security Risks

  To Review Complete Agenda or To Register, Go To WWW.ISSWORLDTRAINING.COM
ISSWorld Latin America
                                         ®                                                  Intelligence Support Systems for
                                                                                            Electronic Surveillance, Social
                                                                                            Media/DarkNet Monitoring and
                                                                                            Cyber Crime Investigations

                        8-10 OCTOBER 2018 • panama city, panama

13:45-14:45                                   10:15-11:15                                   less attention are TOR hidden services.
Awareness of Emerging                         Understanding Mobile                          These are services that leverage TOR’s
Technologies, Masking Tech                    Wireless Infrastructure, and                  anonymizing capabilities to mask the
                                                                                            identity of criminally-hosted online
and Tools, TOR and proxies                    Related ISS Products for                      services - forming the basis of just about
                                              Lawful Interception and Mass                  all illegal gambling sites, drug markets,
                                              Surveillance                                  child exploitation material, firearm sales,
Advanced Techniques in                                                                      terrorism propaganda, and more.
Tracing Suspects, and lateral                 11:30-12:30
                                                                                            • How TOR hides IP addresses/identity/
problem solving                               Understanding Internet                          location
                                              Infrastructure and Related ISS
16:15- 17:15                                                                                • TOR hosting, What is .ONION and
                                              Products for Mass Intelligence                  content analysis
Open Source Tools, resources                  Gathering and Surveillance
and techniques
                                                                                            Seminar # 6
                                              Seminar #4
Seminar #3                                                                                  16:15-17:15
09:00-12:30                                                                                 Defeating Network
                                              Cybercurrency 101:                            Encryption: What Law
Understanding ISS                             Introduction to What
Technologies and                                                                            Enforcement and The
                                              Technical Investigators                       Intelligence Community
Products Deployed in                          Need to Know about Bitcoin
Telecommunications Networks                                                                 Needs to Understand
                                              and Altcoin Transactions,
for Lawful Interception and                   Dark Web Commerce and
                                                                                            • Presented by: Dr. Matthew Lucas (Ph.D
Mass Surveillance                                                                             Computer Science), Vice President,
                                              Blockchain Analysis                             TeleStrategies
• Presented by: Dr. Jerry Lucas, President,   • Presented by: Dr. Matthew Lucas (Ph.D,      The starting point to defeating
  TeleStrategies                                Computer Science), Vice President,          encryption is to separate techniques
This half-day seminar covers how                TeleStrategies                              addressing stored encrypted data such
criminals and terrorists communicate                                                        as with the Apple iPhone issue. The other
                                              This 101 training seminar is an
over today’s public telecommunications                                                      challenge is defeating encrypted data in
                                              introduction to Bitcoin, how the system
wireline and wireless networks, over                                                        transit (e.g. Telegram, Whatsapp, etc.)
                                              is used to support criminal activities
the top Internet services and social                                                        or Network Encryption. This webinar is
                                              (e.g. Dark Web) and why technical
networks. This seminar is ideal for                                                         about defeating the later.
                                              investigators need to understand the
law enforcement, interior security,           basic Bitcoin transaction mechanism
public safety and others who need to          (Blockchain) to successfully defeat 21st
understand the ISS technologies and           century criminals and terrorist actions.
                                                                                            Tuesday, 9 October 2018
products used to lawfully intercept
electronic communications and conduct
mass network surveillance as discussed        Seminar #5                                    Welcoming Remarks
at ISS World Conference sessions and by                                                     • Tatiana Lucas, ISS World Program
exhibitors.                                                                                   Director, TeleStrategies
                                              Investigation Techniques
9:00-10:00                                    for Unmasking TOR Hidden                      8:30-9:00
Introduction to Wireline                      Services and Other Dark Web                   Top Ten Internet Challenges
and IP Infrastructure and                     Operations                                    Facing Law Enforcement and
Related ISS Products for                      • Presented by: Matthew Lucas, (Ph.D          the Intelligence Community
Lawful Interception and Mass                    Computer Science), VP, TeleStrategies       and Who at ISS World Latin
Surveillance                                  TOR networks are notoriously effective        America has Solutions
                                              at hiding the online identity of criminals,   • Dr. Jerry Lucas, President,
                                              terrorists and others who are up to             TeleStrategies
                                              no good. The other side that receives
Track 2                  Wednesday, 10 October 2018       Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Lawful Interception and Hi-              8:30-9:30                        8:30-9:30
Tech Criminal Investigations             L.I. Targeting respecting        How to monitor Public
                                         privacy                          Sentiment with a platform
Monday, 8 October 2018                   • Presented by AREA              able to listen, analyze
                                                                          and react to propaganda
Cognitive Search Analytics:                              Track 3          campaigns on Social Media.
The Next Generation of                   Social Media Monitoring,         • Presented by IPS
Cross-Platform Intelligence              Artificial Intelligence and      10:30-11:30
• Presented by WEBINTPRO                 Data Analytics                   Intelligence layer for Borders
                                         Monday, 8 October 2018
Speaker Identification:                                                   • Presented by Verint
                                         Cyber Solutions for The Fight
Revolution in Accuracy and
                                         Against Crime                    12:00-13:00
Speed of Voice Biometrics
                                         • Presented by FinFisher         Top 20 Open Source Tools
• Presented by Phonexia
                                                                          (OSINT) Used in Cybercrime
                                         Advanced analytics and           Investigations
Tuesday, 9 October 2018                  identification through           • Mark Bentley, Communications Data
                                         processing of social networks,     Expert, National Cyber Crime Law
Digital Toolbox: the                     audio sources and video            Enforcement, UK Police

investigator’s best friend               surveillance
                                                                                           Track 4
                                         • Presented by everis
• Presented by AREA
                                                                          Dark Web Monitoring and
11:30-12:30                              Tuesday, 9 October 2018          Cybercurrency Analytics
Digital intelligence platform
pillars                                                                   Monday, 8 October 2018
                                         Lawful Interception in 2018.
• Presented by Cellebrite
                                         VoLTE and encrypted services     13:45-14:45
                                         like Facebook, WhatsApp          Cybercurrency 101: Introduction
Content Filtering – A                    and Telegram. How Social         to What Technical Investigators
technical answer to data                 Media Intelligence benefits      Need to Know about Bitcoin
growth                                   investigators in a holistic      and Altcoin Transactions, Dark
                                         vision.                          Web Commerce and Blockchain
• Presented by Utimaco
                                         • Presented by IPS               Analysis
15:30-16:30                                                               • Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer
Seeing inside suspects’ phone                                               Science), Vice President, TeleStrategies
and computers                            Augmented Cyber Security –
                                         Verint Intelligence-Driven SOC   15:00-16:00
• Presented by Grey Heron Technologies
                                         • Presented by Verint            Investigation Techniques
16:45-17:45                                                               for Unmasking TOR Hidden
Encrypted Messaging:                     14:00-15:00                      Services and Other Dark Web
Techniques and Tools                     Gang profiling –Deciphering      Operations
for Exposing Bad Actors                  the hidden structure using       • Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer
Who Use Next-Generation                  AI-based technology on open        Science), Vice President, TeleStrategies
Communication Methods                    source data
                                         • Presented by Voyager Labs
• Stephen Arnold, Managing Partner,                                       Defeating Network Encryption:
                                         15:30-16:30                      What Law Enforcement and
                                         Cyber Intelligence in            The Intelligence Community
                                         Our Increasingly Privacy         Needs to Understand
                                         & Security Conscious             • Matthew Lucas (Ph.D., Computer
                                         Environment                        Science), Vice President, TeleStrategies
                                         • Presented by Wintego
Tuesday, 9 October 2018               Wednesday, 10 October 2018
                                                                                  Unleashing the power of WiFi
9:00-10:00                            8:30-9:30                                   - an end-to-end approach to
Dark Web – Investigate the            Bitcoin in Practice: Buying,                WiFi Intelligence
Dark Web off-line                     Selling, Sending and                        • Presented by WiSpear
• Presented by PAT Systems            Receiving
                                      • Presented by Elliptic                     14:00-15:00
14:00-15:00                                                                       Fighting crime with smart
Automatic Exploitation of             10:30-11:30   Session A                     technology: Monitor people’s
Social Network, Deep and              Advanced Bitcoin Concepts                   behavior, identify connections
Dark Web to complement                and an Introduction to Bitcoin              and track suspicious locations
traditional Lawful Interception       Investigations                              in real-time
Infrastructure.                       • Presented by Elliptic                     • Presented by Worldsensing
• Presented by IPS
                                      10:30-11:30   Session B                     15:30-16:30
15:30-16:30                           Identifying a Bad Actor Using               Tactical Monitoring of Satellite
Profile, target and investigate       the Dark Web, i2p, and Other                Communications Inmarsat
the Darknet. Reinventing              Methods of Hiding “True                     I-Sat Phone Pro e Iridium.
traditional HUMINT in the             Identity”                                   Voice, data and geolocation.
Digital Era.                          • Stephen Arnold, Managing Partner,         Iridium SBD (Short Burst
• Presented by AREA                     Arnold.IT                                 Data)
                                                                                  • Presented by PAT Systems
14:00-17:45                           12:00-13:00   Session A

Special Half Day DarkNet              Case Studies and Emerging
Seminar                               Threats In the Criminal Use of              Wednesday, 10 October 2018
• by Andrew Lewman, Vice President,   Virtual Currencies                          8:30-9:30
  DarkOWL and Former Exectuve         • Luke Wilson, Vice President of Business   Tactical Operations for
  Director, The TOR Project             Development-Investigations, Elliptic      Capture and Location of ID
                                                                                  IMSI/IMEI of Mobile Phones in
14:00-15:00                                             Track 5                   4G LTE
Indexing the dark net – how
                                      Mobile and Wi-Fi Signal                     • Presented by PAT Systems
do you catalog and search
something that is not meant           Intercept
                                                                                                 Track 6
to be easily scrubbed? What’s
possible?                             Monday, 8 October 2018                      Audio, Video and GPS
• Presented by Andrew Lewman, Vice    10:15-11:15                                 Surveillance
  President, DarkOWL                  Strategic and Tactical Wi-Fi
                                      Surveillance                                Tuesday, 9 October 2018
                                      • Presented by FinFisher                    9:00-10:00
Case studies / examples in
dark net investigations – de-                                                     Covert Miniature Surveillance.
anonymizing examples /                Tactical Wi-Fi intelligence                 • Presented by Covidence
approaches / best practices /         collection and analytics –                  11:30-12:30
lessons learned.                      know what’s going on and                    NanoLive, The next generation
• Presented by Andrew Lewman, Vice    where to use your resources                 of covert camcorders
  President, DarkOWL
                                      • Presented by PAT Systems                  • Presented by Pro4Tech
Future directions - what’s next       Tuesday, 9 October 2018                     14:00-15:00
in dark net infrastructure, dark                                                  Electronic Lock and Alarm
markets and investigation                                                         System Defeat
                                      Real-time, highly accurate
implications                          mobile location tracking                    • Presented by Providence
• Presented by Andrew Lewman, Vice
                                      • Presented by Creativity Software
  President, DarkOWL
15:30-16:30                                                                 Track 7                      16:45-17:45
A new paradigm for covert                                                                                Follow the Money Beyond the
audio surveillance in large areas                      Financial Crime Investigation                     Banks
                                                       Techniques and Products
• Presented by Commesh

                                                       Tuesday, 9 October 2018                           Wednesday, 10 October 2018
Wednesday, 10 October 2018                             9:00-17:45                                        8:30-9:30
10:30-11:30                                            Special “Best Practices for                       Practitioners Guide to
Command and Control Center                             Financial Crime Investigators”                    Understanding Cyber
for covert field operations us-                        Sessions                                          Attacks on Banks - Exploring
ing Audio, Video and GPS feeds                         • Presented by Michael Loughnane,                 Vulnerabilities from The
• Presented by IPS                                       CAMS, CFE, Loughnane Associates,                Perspective Of The Hacker
                                                         LLC and retired 27 year US Federal Law          • Mark Bentley, Communications Data
                                                         Enforcement Officer                               Expert, National Cyber Crime Law
                                                       9:00-10:00                                          Enforcement, UK Police
                                                       Criminal Essentials: The Needs
                                                       of a Criminal Network
                                                                                                         Practitioners Guide to
   ISS World Latin America                             11:30-12:30                                       Defending Banks Against
        Exhibit Hours                                  Financial Crime Schemes in                        Cyber Attacks – Identifying
        Tuesday, 9 October 2018:                       Money Laundering                                  And Protecting Vulnerabilities
             10:00 - 18:00                             14:00-15:00                                       To Frustrate The Thief, and
                                                       The Essentials of Trade Based                     Integrity Proof The Systems
     Wednesday, 10 October 2018:
            9:30 - 12:30                               Money Laundering                                  • Mark Bentley, Communications Data
                                                                                                           Expert, National Cyber Crime Law
                                                       15:30-16:30                                         Enforcement, UK Police
                                                       How Does Money Actually

Registration Information Save $300 by registering before 1 August 2018

Private Enterprise or TeleCom Operator                                            Free Colleague Registration:
                                                                                  Register as paid and you can invite a colleague to join you at
Registration                                                                      ISS World Latin America with a full, free conference pass. If you
ISS World Conference (Tracks 1, 2, 4 & 7),                                        have not identified your guest at this time, just enter “guest of”
                                                                                  followed by your name and complete with your contact infor-
Pre-Conference Seminars and Exhibits............................. $995
                                                                                  mation. You can register your guest at no charge at a later time.
Registration after 1 August 2018.........................................$1,295
                                                                                  International Attendees:
                                                                                  If you need Visa assistance to attend ISS World, please contact
Law Enforcement/DHS/IC/DoD Registration*                                          Tatiana Lucas at
ISS World Conference Training Tracks 1-7,                                         Conference by Invitation Only:
                                                                                  To attend ISS World you must be a Private Enterprise
Pre-Conference Seminars plus Exhibits............................. $995
                                                                                  Investigator, government employee, LEA or vendor with LI,
Registration after 1 August 2018.........................................$1,295   surveillance or network products or services. If you have
                                                                                  questions e-mail Tatiana Lucas at
Vendor Registration
ISS World Conference (Tracks 1, 2, 4 & 7),                                                                 Registration
Pre-Conference Seminars and Exhibits............................. $995                           Phone: 1-703-734-7050
Registration after 1 August 2018.........................................$1,295                    Fax: 1-703-734-9371
*Note: To Attend the LEA/DHS/IC/DoD Training Tracks you must be                             Online:
a sworn law enforcement officer or military/intelligence/government                   Conference and Exhibitions: Hilton Panama City
employee. Also you must register by 3 October 2018 in order to verify
                                                                                               For discounted hotel room rate, visit
eligibility. Government photo ID required for Training Tracks classroom
                                                                          or call 507-280-8000.
ISSWorld Latin America
                                                             and Exhibitors

      8-10 OCTOBER 2018 • panama city, panama

                                                    Lead Sponsors
                 AREA is the Italian leading technology Industry and provider of Unconventional
                 Communication and IP Info-Intelligence solutions. AREA provides an “end to end”
                 Dual Use Info-Intelligence solution for HLS/HLD scenarios, satisfying the need of
                 Government Agencies to securely and effectively gather precious information to
                 contrast menaces to Citizen security and prevent digital attacks.

                 FinFisher solutions help government law enforcement and intelligence agencies
                 to identify, locate and convict serious criminals. With innovative products, tailor-
                 made solutions and end-to-end services FinFisher closes the gap in traditional
                 investigative methods. Its portfolio allows governments to gain access to protected,
                 offline information and relevant web-based communication channels.

                 IPS is an Italian high-tech company with 30 years’ experience in the design and
                 delivery of “turnkey” solutions for Communication Monitoring and Analysis.
                 IPS solutions are specifically designed for Homeland Security Departments and
                 Intelligence Agencies that need to intercept, collect and deep analyze heterogeneous
                 data such as phone calls, Internet traffic, data coming from electronic surveillance
                 devices and third parts databases. The IPS monitoring platforms are used today in
                 more than 20 countries in 4 continents: Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

                 RCS supports law enforcement, intelligence and network operators involved in legal
                 telecommunication surveillance. We design, develop and deploy highly scalable,
                 secure and comprehensive systems aimed to assist all stages of investigative
                 activities and to fuse data from heterogeneous sources thus to give a comprehensive
                 view of the investigative scenario and suggest action plans. Our Offer: Target and
                 massive network probing, Cyber Intelligence, Fusion Centre, Network monitoring,
                 Analysis and correlation.

                 Verint is a leading global provider of security and intelligence data mining software.
                 We leverage our deep domain expertise to create solutions that prevent and
                 neutralize terror, crime and cyber-attacks. Our broad Intelligence-Powered Security™
                 portfolio empowers security organizations with crucial insights that enable them to
                 take action against evolving threats.

                         Exhibitors and Sponsors
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