SKA and the MeerKAT UKZN AND NAOC - 21 November 2016
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THIS TALK • SKA and MeerKAT telescope and science • Human Capital Development programme • Developing science and technical capability in Africa • Big Data Africa, Africa Data-Intensive Research Cloud and machine learning • The Serendipity Machine • Nobel Prizes in Africa and China
SKA: Governance Update • Establishment of SKA Observatory as a legal enQty to procure, construct and operate SKA Phase 1 • Four meeQngs held in Rome since November 2015 to negoQate basis for establishment of enQty • Output Documents – SKA ConvenQon • Provision for Members, Associate Members and other enQQes – Financial Protocol • Financial contribuQons informed by science capacity of countries – Protocol on Privileges and ImmuniQes – DraT policies • Procurement – principle of ‘fair work return’ to be adopted, whilst ensuring compeQQveness and transparency – In-Kind ContribuQons – Cash ContribuQons • Access, OperaQons, Intellectual Property Rights • IntenQon is to iniQate process of establishing legal enQty (IGO) in 2017
POTENTIAL NEW MEMBERS • Switzerland applied for associate status • Japan making progress towards entry • France and Spain probably enter • Germany
SKA: Engineering Update • Focus on closing out all element PDRs; all consorQa now progressing towards CDR by Q4 2017 and some Q1 2018 • System preliminary design review (system PDR) expected to be completed December 2016 – a) Show that all the interfaces are correctly idenQfied – b) Show that the proposed design meets funcQonal and performance requirements – c) Show that all system requirements are allocated and properly traced • Cost must be reduced to €674 million (escalated to 2016) • ConstrucQon will be phased. Infrastructure construcQon begins 2018 • Mid-frequency 15 m dish prototypes to be constructed and tested in China (CETC54) and in Germany. German dish will be erected on SA site early 2018 • AIV processes well developed • IntegraQon of MeerKAT into SKA1-MID under discussion. Emphasis on compleQng MeerKAT science.
SKA 1 FREQUENCY BANDS 1 0.35 - 1.05 GHz 2 0.95 - 1.76 GHz Frequency Bands 3 1.65 - 3.05 GHz 4 2.8 - 5.18 GHz 5 4.6 - 13.8 GHz
SKA SITE IN SOUTH AFRICA Protected Central Astronomy Advantage Area (Astronomy Geographic Advantage Act) POPULATION DENSITY AlternaQve telecomms systems for farming communiQes
SKA IN AFRICA Partner Countries: • Botswana • Ghana • Kenya • Madagascar • MauriQus • Mozambique • Namibia • Zambia • Supported by African Union Heads of State
SKA CONSTRUCTION TIMETABLE • MeerKAT - 64 x 13.5m diameter offset dishes over 8km – CompleQon 2017 • SKA1-MID – Add 133 x 15m dishes over 150km – Design phase 2013-2016 – ConstrucQon 2018 – 2022 (?) • SKA2-MID – up to 2500 dishes over ~ 3000km • SKA2-MFAA – mid-frequency aperture array • Design starts about 2019 (?) • ConstrucQon about 2023-2030 • In Western Australia – 125 000 low frequency antennas SKA1-LOW – SKA2-LOW not yet clear
MeerKAT DISH South African design and development 75% by value sourced in SA – new MAIN skills, new factories REFLECTOR Weight and cost Combined RMS surface error < 0.25mm PoinQng error 5 arcsec Good efficiency above 20GHz SUB REFLECTOR RECEIVER INDEXER WITH HORNS, RECEIVERS, DIGITIZERS AND SERVICES
MeerKAT in the Karoo: SKA precursor under construcQon 64 x 13.5-metre highly efficient “offset Gregorian” dishes spread over 8 km; best L-band radio receivers in world; unique digital processing, and radio frequency interference (RFI) miQgaQon features
KAT-7 (engineering test-bed) image in 2012
4-dish MeerKAT in May 2016 (commissioning)
16-dish MeerKAT in June 2016 (Array Release 1) 1% of First Light image
Best image of this patch of sky before MeerKAT
MeerKAT First Light ? FR1 radio galaxy Star forming galaxy FR2 radio galaxy
MeerKAT performance @ 1420 MHz JVLA MeerKAT MeerKAT MeerKAT RfP 2013 2014 Ndish 27 64 64 64 Ddish 25 m 13.5 m 13.5 m 13.5 m Tsys/εa 47.3 K 44.1K 29.4 K 22.5 K Nbeam 1 1 1 1 Bandwidt 1 GHz 750 MHz 750 MHz 770 MHz h Ae/Tsys 1 0.74 (×1) 1.11 (×1.5) 1.45 (×1.96) Survey 1 1.88 (×1) 4.24 (×2.25) 7.24 (×3.84) speed From 2017, the best telescope of its kind in the world – a South African funded, designed, and built project
MeerKAT science: the world in Africa
MeerKAT and FAST • MeerKAT will have a combinaQon of raw sensiQvity and angular resoluQon. FAST will have even higher sensiQvity for some purposes, but fairly poor angular resoluQon. Sky coverages overlap but are different (FAST is at laQtude +25 deg, and can track sources +-40 deg from that, with reduced sensiQvity beyond +-30 deg) • For some purposes, they should work very well together to help us for example to understand galaxy formaQon/ evoluQon. For instance, the MHONGOOSE MeerKAT LSP (Erwin de Block PI) has started a collaboraQon with Ming Zhu of the FAST Science Group - FAST and MeerKAT will jointly study some of the MHONGOOSE galaxies.
Large Survey Project Review • Time allocaQon on MeerKAT: the LSP review process done by latest Q1 2017); also expect to have Early/Shared Risk science scheduled on the telescope in the 2nd half of 2017, by which Qme we also expect to issue calls for 'Open Time' proposals (to be scheduled in 2018). LSPs are now supposed to start by end March 2018 • In 2010, the TAC recommended a total of 43000 hours of telescope Qme to 10 LSPs, 33000 hours, of which to the 8 LSPs that submized revised project plans in 2016 (we asked MESMER and MeerGAL not to do so at this Qme owing to uncertain availability of X-band receivers). In 2016 these 8 LSPs have requested a total of 28000 hr. All of this Qme cannot be accommodated within a 5-year observing span (literally, when night-Qme and parQcular LST requirements are considered). • This therefore necessitates a very careful review process - expect this to be done by early 2017. • How many observing hours are likely to be available on MeerKAT from April 2018 onwards (by definiQon most of the LSP requests need 64 antennas)? We don't yet know the answer to this quesQon. There is a MeerKAT SE requirement that essenQally translates to 80% of the hours of the year available for astronomical observaQons. That is for some sort of steady state, which won't be achieved in April 2018. More informaQon about these mazers by mid-2017. • By the second half of 2017 we also expect to be doing early/shared risk science on MeerKAT with 32 receptors, and to have issued a call for Open Time access (with 64 antennas, starQng in April 2018).
MPIfR/MPG MeerKAT S-band system • 11M Euro project funded by Max-Planck-Society and MPI for Radioastronomy • AddiQonal frequency window (1.75–3.5 GHz), • Combined with “beam forming” capability: New discovery space
SETI Guest Instruments • Breakthrough Listen – MeerKAT is the premium instrument for SETI • Commensal observing • AddiQonal equipment – collaboraQng with UC Berkeley but we will take over a lot more when we employ more system engineers and a project manager • SKA is sensiQve enough to detect an airport radar on a planet 50 light years away, so BL aims to use SKA -Mid
InnovaQons: ThunderKAT/MeerLICHT ThunderKAT is the (largely commensal) image plane transients programme for MeerKAT: aims to find and understand high-energy astrophysical processes (e.g. black holes in X-ray binaries) via their radio (and other) emission (~1 second cadence) MeerLICHT: simultaneous opUcal-radio monitor of transient sky, through roboQc 0.65-metre telescope in Sutherland - field of view matching MeerKAT’s, and high image quality. 1 million Euro investment (Radboud, UCT, Oxford, Manchester, Amsterdam, NWO, NRF/ SAAO) ! Whatever MeerKAT observes, MeerLICHT observes [at the same time]!
Array releases AR1 AR2 AR3 Later releases 16 receptors 32 receptors 64 receptors 64 receptors Correlator 4k & Correlator 4k & Correlator 4k & Correlator 4k & 32k 32k 32k 32k Offline imaging Offline imaging Pipeline imaging Pipeline imaging 1 beam 1 beam 1 beam 4 beams Narrowband modes Transient modes VLBI 33
System stability - emergent behaviour Overall system stability is an elusive goal, much more difficult than ge~ng it to work once. It takes an obsession for quality in all parts, not simply ge~ng it to work. To achieve a system that works 95% of the Qme, every part must work at 99% of the Qme. Stability problems were mostly emergent behaviour, new effects that cropped up during integraQon, or even once it had been working for a while. 34
HYDROGEN EPOCH OF REIONISATION ARRAY (HERA) • Seeing the first stars turning on early in the history of the Universe • Berkeley, SKA SA, NRAO, Cambridge, UWC, UKZN etc. • $10 million from the NSF + Cambridge
HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME • ObjecQve – Pipeline from school to tenured posiQons: train astronomers, engineers, technicians and arQsans to build, operate, maintain and use the MeerKAT and the SKA (and win Nobel Prizes) – Use SKA and MeerKAT (and PAPER, CBASS, HERA, HIRAX etc.) to establish large, vibrant, world-class university research groups – Increase number of PhDs and MScs – Train scienQsts and engineers from African partner – Reverse the brain drain • Method – Create Research Chairs with a package of post docs, PhDs and MScs – Post doctoral posiQons and bursaries for PhD, MSc, BSc, BSc Eng, BTech, NaQonal Diplomas – More than 850 grants to date(including 150 for students from other African countries) – AddiQonal grants now for African partner countries – Very hands-on by SKA SA project office
Some of the women students and supervisors at the HCD Conference 2015
IS THE PIPELINE MODEL WORKING? • By 2015: • 31% of PhD students ➔ Postdoctoral Fellowships • 36% of MSc / MEng students ➔ PhD degree • 60% of honours and BEng students ➔ MSc/MEng degree • 78% of undergraduate students ➔ Honours degree • 6 research chairs • 52 PhD graduaQons • 116 MSc / MEng graduaQons - 94% graduaQon rate vs. 2013 naQonal average of 20% • 80 Honours graduaQons - 91% graduaQon rate • 101 undergraduate graduaQons - 86% graduaQon rate vs. naQonal average of 15%
KAROO TRAINING PROGRAMMES Training and ABSA funding scheme for local contractors
One of 50 teachers from 35 countries selected to azend the High School Teachers Programme at CERN in Geneva from 2-23 July 2016. 4 of the first 5 students from the area to pass maths and science with university exempQon – now all studying with SKA SA bursaries
Coding Workshop Carnarvon
AVN : GHANA Also progress in Namibia, Botswana, Zambia, Madagascar, MauriQus Ghanaian EssenUal Observatory Staff In Cape Town Training African Renaissance Fund
AVN (Proud) Ghanaian trainees on the Royal Society programme at Kutunse during telescope training (September 2015)
AVN The Kutunse (Ghana) dish has had to be almost completely rebuilt – structure, drives, gears, bearings, receivers, repainQng etc. “Unprecedented level of training: engineers, scienQsts, welders, painters, ….
ExponenQal Growth of Data Volumes to Radio Astronomers
SKA : DRIVING INNOVATION Element SKA1 scale SKA2 scale Dishes, feeds, receivers ~200 ~2500 Aperture arrays ~130,000 ~1,000,000 Signal transport ~1 Pb/s ~10 Pb/s Signal processing ~exa-MACs ~exa-MACs High performance compuQng ~100s tera-flops ~exa-flops Data storage Exa-byte capacity Exa-byte Power requirements ~10MW ~50MW Raw data generated every day as much as the total in the world wide web Key innovaQon: SoTware engineering and algorithm development Exa = 1018: increase in compute capability by factor ~ 1000
Serendipity Machine • What would Jocelyn Bell do now? • Luis Ho: pressure to move on to new observaQons: take only the cream off the data sets • Luis Ho: enough data to keep research going for 20 years without new telescopes
Extreme Data Challenge MeerKAT SKA1-Mid SKA2-Mid* Into Correlator 2 Tbps ~20 Tbps up to ~5 Pbps Into Science 700 Gbps ~3 Tbps up to ~500 Tbps Processor Into Archive 20 Gbps** ~300+ Gbps up to ~2 Tbps Compute load 500 TFlops ~80+ PFlops ~3+ EFlops * Data rates indicative only ** Sustained 53
Africa + SKA => Technical Trigger Advanced staQsQcs Model fi~ng New Algorithms Machine learning AutomaQon / pipelines New Compute Roach Technical & Micro-servers Trigger Data PlaÖorms Research cloud Telescope Manager HPC New Skills Data driven systems Hardware / soTware 54
MeerKAT Processing and Archive ... 64 dishes 2 Tbps (SKA SA) Karoo Array Processor Building (CSP + SDP + some archive) Other Tier 2 Other Tier 2 Centres 20 Gbps Centres (SANReN) CHPC IDIA Tier 2 MeerKAT archive storage & science (10-12 racks & some analysis support access to CPUs) 10 Gbps 55
SKA1 Era Regional Centres ... 197 dishes 20 Tbps (SKAO) Karoo Array Processor Building Local Tier 2’s (SKA CSP - SKAO controlled) (SA controlled) e.g. IDIA, Sol 2-10 Tbps Plaatje, etc. (TBD) InternaQonal SKA SKA Science Data Regional Centres SA SKA Regional Centre Processor and Archive (foreign controlled) (SA controlled) (SKAO controlled) e.g. NL, China, Italy, (compute and archive) ~120 racks etc. 100 Gbps ~ 30 racks ( TBD) (Cape Town) 56
InnovaQons - World Relevance • AutomaQon, data analysis and machine learning techniques and skills are widely applicable • Novel hardware / soTware co-design for power efficient and cost effecQve compuQng • Data flow architectures applicable in many domains • Systems for dealing with massive scale compute and data • Control and monitoring systems have parallels in Internet of Things
SKA Africa and IBM Research
African Data Intensive Research Cloud • Announced as new flagship programme by Minister and by European Commission in October • Inter-University InsQtute for Data-Intensive Astronomy (IDIA) established in 2014 • Prototyping African Research Cloud • Proof of concept projects - SKA; earth observaQon; health / genomics / bio-informaQcs • Extend IDIA and ADIRC to 2-3 neighbouring countries 2017-18 subject to funding • Extend to other African countries 2018-2023 subject to funding
African Data Intensive Research Cloud UK Cloud NL Cloud SKA African Node Node Partner 1 SA Other (mid scale instance) SKA African Research Networks Partner 2 N.Cape Sol Plaatje (small scale instance) SKA African Partner 3 Centre for High- IDIA Performance (mid scale instance) CompuQng (large scale instance) (based on federated OpenStack soTware) 60
BRICS ICT COMMITTEE • Co-chairs Xue-Feng Yuan and Bernie Fanaroff • Call issued for 2016: wide SKA topics and mulQ-agent socio-economic modeling • MeeQng March 2017 in Guangzhou to develop proposal for 2017 call. • Not worth proceeding unless calls are Grand Challenges and are backed with significant funds.
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