Page created by Tracy Robinson

                                                         PART II

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                                                       OCTOBER 2021
                                                                             NORTH COAST CATHOLIC
                                                                             THE NEWSPAPER OF
                                                                             THE DIOCESE OF SANTA ROSA

                                                                             MOST REV. ROBERT F. VASA

                                                                             CHRISTOPHER LYFORD
                                               DICTATORSHIP OF               Editor
                                                                             ARTHUR WALIGORA

                                               PART II
                                                                             Creative Director/Graphic Designer



                             RESOURCEFULNESS                                 OCTOBER 2021

                                                                             Volume 12: Issue 6

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                                    THE DIOCESE                              Santa Rosa, CA 95402
                                                                             P: 707.566.3302

                                                                             F: 707.542.9702

                                                                             North Coast Catholic is a membership
                                                                             publication of the Diocese of Santa Rosa, CA
                                                   DEMON                     Published 8 times a year.
                                                                               SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE FREE
                                                                             Send all subscription information and
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       9                    11                    13             15          North Coast Catholic, Diocese of
                                                                             Santa Rosa,
       TROJAN               SYNO-                 NCC EN         COLORADO    P.O. Box 1297
       HORSE                DALITY                ESPAÑOL        VANDALISM   Santa Rosa, CA 95402
                                                                             Call: 707.566.3302 or Email:

       PELOSI PRAYERS .......................16                              Periodicals postage pending at Santa
                                                                             Rosa, CA or additional offices.
       FROM PINES TO POPE................17
       HONORING CLERGY/GREETING.. 18                                         ©2021 North Coast Catholic, Diocese
       PRO LIFE ESSAY CONTEST..........19                                    of Santa Rosa.

       SAINTS OF THE MONTH.............20
       AND NOW WHAT?......................21

       Cover Concept/Design Illustration by:                                             St. Francis de Sales,
       Arthur Waligora                                                   pray for us!

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                                            PRAY, PRAY, PRAY!
                          Greetings to our Diocese                             for us Catholics is the rosary. “Pray the rosary
                          of Santa Rosa family;                                every day” Our Lady instructed the three
                                                                               children at Fatima. And while on pilgrimage
                               Blessings and peace be with you! The            at Fatima, it was so spiritually uplifting to be
                          month of October is one of our favorites. The        with people from all over the world in praying
                          harvesting of the many vegetables and fruits         the rosary together, all in our own language.
                          from our summer garden is wrapping up as we          Our Lady encouraged the children to offer their
                          experience shorter daylight hours and cooler         prayers for peace in the world and there was
                          temperatures. It gives us an opportunity to be       such a hope for peace that we experienced
                          thankful to God for the bounty of our garden         when we were among so many others praying
                          and jars of peaches, peppers, and pickles in our     the rosary together.
                          pantry!                                                   Our Marriage and Family Life Office is
                               October is also special for us as we recall,    a part of the “Family Support Network,”
                          on October 13th, the sixth and last apparition       a collaboration of four different diocesan
                          of Our Lady of Fatima to the three shepherd          ministries (Youth, Religious Education,
                          children in Portugal in 1917. And it was that        Catholic Schools, and us). We work together
                          day as well that 70,000 people gathered in           to focus on helping families live their Catholic
                          that small valley, Cova de Iria, witnessed the       faith. We have produced a couple of “rack”
                          miracle of the sun. If you don’t know the            cards that give parents some ideas on how
                          story of Our Lady of Fatima, do some research.       to incorporate the Catholic faith into their
                          It is quite amazing! There are many books            homes. Two of the cards, “Faith in the Home”
                          available as well as on-line resources.              and “7 Habits for Catholic Parents” (both in
                               This date, October 13th, is special for us as   English and Spanish) stress the importance
                          a few years ago we were part of a pilgrimage         of praying as a family. And of course, praying
                          to Fatima, Portugal in celebration of the            the rosary together is highly suggested! All of
                          100th anniversary of Our Lady’s appearance           the parishes were given these cards, but if you
                          there. Praying and celebrating Mass along            didn’t get one, let us know.
                          with other pilgrims at the very site of Our               So we want to carry this message on to
                          Lady’s appearance, walking the route and             all of you to pray, pray, pray, especially in this
                          visiting the nearby village where the children       month of October, dedicated as the month of
                          lived, and learning the specific details of this     the Holy Rosary in the Church. With all that
                          most extraordinary occurrence, has left a very       is going on in the world, in our country, in our
                          memorable impression on us.                          own communities, and especially in our own
                               Utmost for us was understanding Our             families, we encourage you to make prayer
                          Lady’s message to the three children, Jacinta,       time a part of your daily life if it isn’t already.
                          Francisco, and Lucia, of the importance to
                          pray, pray, pray! Our Lady also stressed to          Blessings to you all!
                          the children the need to offer penance and
                          reparations as well, but the message to pray                                 Pax Christi,
                          was first and foremost. And this message is                                  Carlin and
                          directed to all of us as well!                                               Deacon Dave Gould
                               So how is prayer a part of your daily                                   Co-Directors of the
                          life? Hopefully prayer is a part of your daily                               Marriage
                          life! There are many different ways to pray                                  & Family Life Office
                          of course, but the one tried-and-true method

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                            Dictatorship of Relativism
                                                    PART II

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                     ny claim that a pre-born child      of the US recognized this and included the         that 80% of those who experience gender
                     is not a human being raises         concept in the Declaration of Independence:        identity confusion ‘self-resolve’ in favor of
                     questions about when a child        “We hold these truths to be self-evident,          their biological sex a few years later. If one
       becomes a human being. A number of                that all men are created equal, that they          were more suspicious, it could be speculated
       relativistic theories have been posed over the    are endowed by their Creator with certain          that the goal of these puberty suppressing
       years but none of them sufficiently answers       unalienable Rights, that among these are           drugs is precisely to delay the onset of
       the vital question: What does it mean to be       Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”       puberty so that the confusion lasts longer
       a human being or a human person. Attempts         The use of the word ‘men’ was common and           and the person might be more inclined
       have been made to make ‘personhood’ the           refers not to males but to human beings.           to choose against their biological sex. In
       criteria by which to judge when a human           Thus, all human beings are recognized as           the past, the resolution of gender identity
       being is afforded rights in law. Yet, who         “created equal”. They are not ‘made equal’         confusion in favor of the biological sex would
       bestows ‘personhood’? It would appear that        by law but recognized as such in the law.          have been noted as a success. Now such a
       somehow the mother alone has the right to         Unfortunately, those ‘men’ who are not yet         determination is viewed with suspicion and
       declare the personhood or not of her child        free of maternal dependence are excluded           as a ‘failure’. The only ‘true’ or acceptable
       but this is entirely subjective. If the mother    from the inclusive category of “all”.              success now is a determination to choose
       determines personhood, then, perhaps, she              Pope emeritus Benedict XVI also used          the sex that is not consistent with one’s
       can also declare for non-personhood. The law      the word ‘dictatorship’. He thus referred to       chromosomal, biological sex.
       has, oddly, made the complete exit from the       a ‘dictatorship of relativism’. This is seen in         The degree to which these relativistic
       birth canal the criterium for legal status as a   our present society. Anyone who questions or       theories impact the lives of real persons is
       human being or person and so a woman can          even asks a question about human life in the       deeply disconcerting. Undoubtedly, there
       choose to have her child killed just before       womb is roundly dismissed. The rejection of        are struggles associated with pregnancy for
       complete birth. This amounts to a unilateral      science and any discussion of what it means        which abortion ‘seems’ to be the complete
       declaration that the child, who is clearly        to be a human being takes the form of a            answer. Such an answer, however, is chosen
       human, is not human after all unless fully        dictatorship. The ‘accepted’ view, however         at the expense of the life of a human being.
       born. This is pure relativism.                    erroneous or relativistic it may be, is held       Gender identity has always been challenging
            The fiction being foisted on America is      up as the absolute truth against which no          but at least there was a foundation from
       that the pre-born human being does not            one dare contend. In terms of abortion, the        which to begin, namely, biology and physical
       achieve a sufficient degree of humanness          Supreme Court’s June 1992 5-4 decision             science. Undoubtedly, there are struggles
       to be entitled to legal protections until the     in Planned Parenthood v Casey, upholding           for which surgical or chemical transgender
       mother arbitrarily declares her child to be       the right to abortion [said]: “At the heart        modification ‘claims’ to be the complete
       human by allowing him or her to be born.          of liberty is the right to define one’s own        answer. Such an answer, however, is chosen
       The child, in an objective reality, possesses     concept of existence, of the universe, and of      at the expense of a male/female biological
       humanity on its own. The child’s humanity         the mystery of human life.” Nonsense! While        reality.
       does not depend on the mother’s will or           I may be able to define my own concept of               Lewis Carroll (the pseudonym of Charles
       intention to determine that humanity, biology     existence or non-existence, I cannot impose        Dodgson) wrote in Through the Looking
       does that. Just law demands that every            (dictatorship) that concept on another living      Glass: “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty
       human being has the protection of the law.        human being under the guise of exercising          said in rather a scornful tone, “it means just
       The law does not create the rights which a        the freedom to define and act upon my own          what I choose it to mean — neither more nor
       human being enjoys, the law is supposed to        subjective view of the mystery of life.            less.”
       recognize and protect those rights.                    In California parents are prevented           “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you
            The moment humanity or personhood            from helping their children navigate the           can make words mean so many different
       is seen as something determined by a third        increasingly difficult waters of gender            things.”
       party then we are all at risk and every right     identity. The present ‘dictatorship’ presses for   “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty,
       attached to humanity or personhood is at          puberty arresting drugs despite concerns of        “which is to be master — that’s all.”― Lewis
       risk as well. If a court can decree that a        doctors about severe medical complications         Carroll, Through the Looking Glass
       preborn child is not human, that is, not a fit    associated with this use of medications.
       candidate for legal protection, then it could     The call for these drugs is not based on              Pray for me as I promise to pray for you. -
       just as arbitrarily decree that a human being     any science, in fact, it contradicts science
       over the age of 90 is no longer a candidate       and studies but the ‘gender ideology’ holds
       for legal protection. The Church speaks           that the use of these drugs is warranted
       often and clearly about the dignity of the        in order to delay the onset of puberty so
       human person. This value, worth, dignity is       that a gender confused human being can                Bishop Robert F. Vasa
       not determined or declared by any law, it         have more time to discern which sex he/
       is simply recognized. The founding fathers        she desires to be. This, despite the science

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Bright                                                                  “over the last       years      60
                                                                               in the violation of the
       Resourcefulness                                                         5th Commandment.
                                                                               62 million
       Question: What is a resource?
       Answer: A source to which you can return.

                                                                               of our brothers and sisters
                                                                               have been killed with the
                                                                               permission of our
                              By Chris Lyford
                              Editor, North Coast Catholic                     government.”

       M            ake me a channel of your peace!” These words of
                    St. Francis have helped form our collective spirituality
                                                                               and eternal life. That’s the point. So where are we supposed to go?
                                                                               Answer: ‘the whole world’. That means literally in every place and in
       over the last half a century as the Saint from Assisi has accompanied   every institution, even in the halls of political engagement. In fact,
       our global pilgrimage into this most decisive era. Over 100 years       we are especially called to bring the gospel into our representative
       ago Our Lady of Fatima, on the first day of her ‘church approved’       government in the way St. Francis indicated, if necessary, using
       apparitions said: ‘Pray the rosary every day to obtain peace for the    words, precisely because ‘God’ has been disinvited officially by our
       world and the end of the war.’ These words still ring true today as     government over the last 60 years to the tune of over one million
       we advance through the fog of this global war called a ‘pandemic’       times per year in the violation of the 5th Commandment. 62 million
       because its effects are on “all-the-people.”                            of our brothers and sisters have been killed with the permission of
           Never in our lifetime have we encountered something that has        our government.
       had an effect on literally the whole world.                                 Even one is too much. I remember the visceral grief pouring
           In describing the hoped-for objective of the upcoming synod         out of my heart and spirit as I held my deceased child in the palm
       on synodality, Pope Francis describes a “bright resourcefulness”        of my hand. We had been expecting with joy our 5th child who,
       where the whole church is strengthened and encouraged by the            having been conceived in deep love, was taken directly to heaven
       enlightening of our minds. We ourselves are not the source of the       due to a miscarriage. The tears were more profound than I had ever
       light of truth that enlightens our minds, but like St. Francis can      experienced. I know some of you know this deep grief. May we
       be instruments, channels, or mirrors that reflect that light to a       revere, especially during this ‘Respect Life” month, every single life
       world filled with shadows. May we keep ourselves spiritually and        from conception to natural death. Especially let us remember the
       intellectually pure during this process by embracing the Franciscan     forgotten, neglected, abused, mistreated. This month is National
       practice of humility, honesty, and charity. That way we can be a        Domestic Violence Awareness Month. In this issue Madeleine
       continuous source of hope to which others may return again and          Keegan O’Connell shares her personal testimony about how she has
       again to receive light, encouragement, and strength!                    responded to this cause. Also in this issue, information about the
           St. Francis also said: “Go into all the world and preach the        Respect Life Essay Contest, an Artists inspiration to create a life size
       gospel, and if necessary, use words.”                                   bronze of Pope Francis (does your parish or institution need one?),
           How can we preach the gospel, the good-news of salvation if         how to renew your October consecration to Jesus through Mary by
       we are broken vessels? The answer is that being ‘broken vessels’        consecrating all your ‘stuff’ to her protection, and the outline of the
       makes us all the more qualified to preach the gospel since what we      upcoming Synod on Synodality.
       preach is the cross of Jesus Christ, the sign of forgiveness of sins

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in the other 20 percent. And so began my        response to their own version of cancer—a
                                                          journey toward healing and recovery from        social disease that, for just as many complex

       Another Palette
                                                          stage two breast cancer. One of the toughest    and inexplicable reasons, develops in their
                                                          challenges was sharing the news with my         lives the way cancer did in mine. Since 1975,
                                                          two young boys, family, friends and business    YWCA Sonoma County has answered the

           for the                                        associates.
                                                               Months later, as I recovered from
                                                                                                          call from local families impacted by violence
                                                                                                          in the place we should all feel the most safe;

        Colors of Fall
                                                          breast surgery and endured changes to           inside our own homes. Exacerbated by the
                                                          my appearance from the effects of my            pandemic, calls to YWCA’s 24/7 Domestic
                                                          treatment, I thought about how different the    Violence Crisis Hotline (546-1234), the only
                                                          conversations would have been had I told        one in Sonoma County, are on the rise.
                                   By                     my friends I was suffering from the effects     Safety planning and strategies to ensure
                                   Madeleine              of domestic violence. Why is that? We talk a    relief are at the forefront of every call we
                                   Keegan                 lot about the pink ribbon, but not the purple   receive. YWCA operates the County’s only
                                                          one. The CDC estimates 1 in 4 women             confidential Safe House shelter and the
                                   O’Connell              will experience domestic violence in their      County’s only therapeutic preschool for
                                   CEO of YWCA            lifetimes. That’s more than breast, ovarian     3 – 5 year old children who have suffered
                                   Sonoma County          and lung cancer in women combined.              trauma. Our therapy program delivers
                                                               I realize the staggering impact of this    trauma informed care through one on one
           Pink and purple, purple and pink;              statement and, even as a breast cancer          counseling and support groups. Today,
       you may have noticed fall has a different          survivor, I’m astonished by the pervasiveness   YWCA’s vital and singular role in our
       color palette these days. As children, we          of domestic violence. Nationally, 4.8 million   community has never been more evident.
       associated orange, brown and even gold             women will be physically abused by their             Community support is crucial to our
       with the arrival of falling leaves, Halloween      intimate partner each year. Considering the     efforts. Together, we can provide a future
       and a fresh chill in the air. Today, the arrival   20 percent chance of my cancer mass being       without violence for every family in need.
       of fall is punctuated with the national            malignant, I quickly realized that, for the     October is Domestic Violence Awareness
       awareness campaigns for breast cancer              one in four families affected by domestic       Month, learn more at
       (pink) and domestic violence (purple).             violence, the odds are nearly the same—
           A few summers ago, when I discovered           but the treatment and recovery are very         St. Rose parishioner, Madeleine Keegan
       a lump in my own breast, I assumed it was a        different.                                      O’Connell is CEO of YWCA Sonoma County.
       benign mass, which is what it turns out to be           For the victims of domestic violence,      Contact her at 303-8400 or at
       in 80 percent of cases. Unfortunately, I was       my primary concern is to help them find a

          Around the                                OCTOBER 2021 APPOINTMENTS + CHANGES

       DIOCESE                                      Rev. Krzysztof Lewandowski – Was learning Spanish in Mexico
                                                    Appointed Parochial Vicar at St. Rose of Lima parish, Santa Rosa
            With Fr. Moses Brown
                                                    Rev. Andrew Pacheco – Was Parochial Vicar of St. Vincent de Paul, Petaluma
                                                    Appointed as Pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel parish, Fort Bragg
                                                    and in charge of San Jose Sanchez Del Rio Catholic School

                                                    Rev. Andres Querijero –Was Pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Fort Bragg
                                                    Appointed as Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church, Calistoga

                                                    Rev. Thomas Stuart – Was Parochial Vicar of Cathedral of St. Eugene
                                                    Appointed as Parochial Vicar of St. Vincent de Paul parish
                                                    with duties at the St. Vincent Elementary and High Schools

                                                    Rev. Angelito Peries – Retiring. Was Pastor of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church,
                                                    Calistoga (Moving into: Hynes House, 7985 Covert Lane, Sebastopol, CA 95472)

                                                    NOTE: In July 2021
                                                    Rev. Adam Kotas left Diocese of Santa Rosa and the Roman Catholic Church

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Don’t Let
                                     Demons Attack Your Stuff!
                            An Exorcist’s Consecration to Our Lady All Catholics Need
                                                                by Fr. Gabriel Lickteig
                                                                         Jan 26, 2021

                                                                                                                    Illustration By ©Arthur Waligora

         T          he devil is the one who loves to
                    steal our joy.  
                                                            Renowned exorcist Fr. Chad
                                                       Ripperger states that “diabolical oppression
                                                                                                        them in good order.” (Fraune)
                                                                                                             Other effects that exorcists have noted
            We are told to be vigilant against his     can appear as inexplicable financial             are marital discord, illness with no natural
       attacks, snares and temptations. One of the     difficulties, such as the inability to obtain    explanation, the breaking up of friendships,
       particular attacks he launches against us is    employment despite being highly qualified        etc, with the purpose of leaving the person
       something called “diabolical oppression”.       and applying for multiple jobs, or being fired   isolated.
            This involves more of an exterior attack   all of a sudden.                                      It has been noted that even though
       from the evil one: “diabolical oppression            “Oppression can manifest and cause a        diabolical oppression is indeed an
       involves those things that affect a person’s    person’s possessions to chronically break        attack that the devil launches against
       life from the outside.” (Charles D. Fraune)     down, despite reasonable efforts to keep         us, it is usually indicative of good things:

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“experiences in the category of oppression              The prayer that Fr. Ripperger composed
       are typically a positive sign. It indicates that   is entitled “Consecration of One’s Exterior
       God is protecting the person from other            Goods to the Blessed Virgin Mary.”               CONSECRATION OF EXTERIOR GOODS
       forms of demonic attacks.                               It is a beautiful prayer in which one       TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY
            “As a result of that protection, the          gives and entrusts the protection of one’s
       demons, since they cannot get to the person        exterior goods, including health, finances,            “I, (Name), a faithless sinner, renew
       in the way they want, come after them in           relationships, possessions, property, and        and ratify today in thy hands the vows of
       these forms.” (Fraune)                             career over to Our Blessed Mother’s care         my Baptism; I renounce forever satan, his
            In other words, since the devil can’t get     and disposal.                                    pomps and works; and I give myself entirely
       to you from the inside, in the sanctuary of             One also asks Our Lady’s protection         to Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Wisdom, to
       the soul, he seeks to attack you from the          over one’s exterior goods against the evil       carry my cross after Him all the days of my
       outside, in hopes of weakening you and             one so that “he cannot touch them.”              life, and to be more faithful to Him than I
       making you more susceptible to his interior             Even if you don’t perceive signs of         have ever been before.
       attacks.                                           diabolical oppression in your life, I humbly           In the presence of all the heavenly
            He indeed prowls about as a lion, as          ask and strongly encourage you to pray the       court, I choose thee, O Mary, this day for my
       Scripture notes, but he is a cowardly lion         prayer that Fr. Ripperger has composed. Our      Mother and Mistress.
       who loves to attack us when we are in a            Blessed Mother can see things we can’t.                Knowing that I have received rights
       weakened state.                                         Our enemy is subtle as a serpent,           over all my exterior goods, past, present
            My dear friends, does any of this sound       and she wants to protect us from him by          and future; I relinquish into thy hands, my
       eerily similar to things that are going on in      stepping on his head in our lives.               Heavenly Mother, all rights over my exterior
       your life?                                              Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, what   goods, including my health, finances,
            Whether you pick up on strange                a joy and consolation it is to put our lives–    relationships, possessions, property, my
       supernatural things happening around your          all aspects of them–under the care of Our        job and my earthly success, and I retain for
       work, finances and relationships or not,           Beautiful and Perfect Spiritual Mother, who      myself no right of disposing the goods that
       there is someone we can go to for both             loves us, as St. Alphonsus Liguori states,       come to me but leave to thee the entire and
       protection and to counter these attacks.           more than all of the angels and saints           full right of disposing of all that belongs
            We were once encouraged that if there         combined!                                        to me, without exception, according to thy
       was something strange in our neighborhood               I encourage you to take some time           good pleasure, for the greater glory of God
       to call the ghostbusters. My friends, I’m not      to pray through the Consecration of Your         in time and in eternity.
       talking about calling the ghostbusters, I’m        Exterior Goods to Our Lady (full text                  As I now interiorly relinquish what
       talking about calling the Woman who                below). I myself have seen amazing things        belongs to me exteriorly into thy hands,
       is called the “Tower of David,” who is             happen in the lives of those who entrust         I entrust to thee the protection of those
       called “Virgin Most Powerful”, I’m talking         themselves to the Mother of God through          exterior goods against the evil one, so that,
       about the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother.         this prayer.                                     knowing that they now belong to thee, he
            In the course of his ministry as exorcist,         May Our Lady and her most chaste            cannot touch them.
       Fr. Ripperger explained that in one case he        spouse, St. Joseph, protect you, your families         Receive, O good and pious Virgin, this
       “was seeking to cast a demon away from             and all of your exterior goods from the          little offering of what little is, in honor of,
       a person’s property, which had become              wicked fiend!                                    and in union with, that subjection which
       infested, he was able to get the demon to               If you would like to know more about        the Eternal Wisdom deigned to have to thy
       reveal that they only have permission to           defending yourself from the attacks of the       maternity; in homage to the power which
       mess with the property, but they have no           evil one, I also strongly recommend picking      both of you have over this poor sinner, and
       rights over it.                                    up a copy of the book, “Slaying Dragons:         in thanksgiving for the privileges with which
            “The demon revealed that the person           What Exorcists See & What We Should              the Holy Trinity has favored thee.
       has to clearly state his authority over the        Know” by Charles D. Fraune.                            Trusting in the providential care of God
       property to help break the hold of the                  It is an excellent resource in learning     the Father and thy maternal care, I have full
       demon. Further, the demon told Father              how to sniff out and defend yourself against     confidence that thou whilst take care of me
       that consecrating the property to Our Lady         the snares of our common enemy, but              as to the necessities of this life and will not
       completely blocks the demons from acting           even more important than that, it teaches        leave me forsaken.
       on it.                                             you how to get closer to Our Father who                God the Father, increase my trust in Thy
            “As a result, a prayer was written,           cherishes us as His beloved sons and             Son’s Mother; Our Lady of Fair Love, give
       based on the famous prayer of St. Louis            daughters!                                       me perfect confidence in the providence of
       De Montfort for those making a total                    May Our Lady watch over you and yours       Thy Son.
       consecration of themselves to the Blessed          always!                                                Amen.”
       Virgin Mary.
            “Father says he has seen much good
       fruit from people using this prayer.” (Fraune)

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                      TROJAN HORSE
                                  By Conor Gallagher
                       Father of 15 and president of TAN books

                                                                                                                       Illustration By ©Arthur Waligora

         T         he Father of Lies tempted our
                   first mother with the beguiling
                                                        father of 15 kids (and as master of bees,
                                                        goats, chickens, dogs, cats, and crops), I
                                                                                                       progress for myself and my family. In fact,
                                                                                                       whenever I go out among men those who
       notion of progress. He told her that if she      am deeply aware of this pernicious but         are secularly minded I return home less of
       ate of the fruit, her eyes would be opened       subtle battle against the family. Today, the   one. I am with withdrawing from the world.
       and that she would be as gods (Gen. 3:5).        fruits we desire are automation, speed,
       Eve was tempted by progress. She believed        ease, and excessive access to everything.           But my kids ...
       that there was something more to be              The Evil One promises us a life of luxury           I must teach my children how to be in
       had than God had already given her - for         if we would but taste this fruit. Satan’s      the world, but never of it. And thus, I must
       apparently “dominion over the fishes of the      mastery of technology has slowly taken our     teach them the dangers of our digital era;
       sea, and the fowls of the air, and the beasts,   own dominion over the earth and given          I must show them the wicked strategy of
       and the whole earth, and every creeping          technology dominion over us. We have           Satan in his use of technology.
       creature that moveth upon the earth” (Gen.       become hamsters on the wheel of progress,           Automation is putting our humanity
       1:16) was not enough. No, she wanted to          cogs in the wheel of automation, and           at stake, for the very things that make us
       have more, to perceive more, to be more          worse, victims of spiritual genocide.          human cannot be automated. Discussion
       than God intended for her.                                                                      between friends is being replaced by posts
                                                            Frankly, I just want to be left the hell   between “followers.” “Smart” phones are
           Yes, the Father of Lies tempted our first    alone. With every passing year, I say NO       remembering for us all those things worth
       parents with the notion of progress, and         more and more to such technological            remembering, such as phone numbers
       he continues to do so with us today. As a        progress because I much prefer spiritual       of friends and birthdates of family. The

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Internet has slaughtered the rich experience      sloth when she feels she must respond to          nature as something other than that which
       of taking little children to the library.         this text and that post; she must register        is made to know, love, and serve God, it
       TV and Netflix have made the notion of            the kids for this activity and that one... and    will only lead me to anger, sorrow, and
       reading as a family a nerdy activity.             that one... and that one; she feels she must      eventual damnation. I am not made to
                                                         work out to keep her figure and must get          be a cybernetic creature, plugged into a
            We are losing our humanity by the            her hair and nails done just to keep her          digital network exercising dominion over
       digital minute.                                   sanity; she feels that another baby would         me. No! I am called to have dominion over
            Throughout the centuries, the Evil One       ruin everything ... And the sweet little voice    my garden, to exercise my own free will
       has had his weapons of choice. He does not        at knee level, trying to tug on the yoga          in pursuit of my family’s salvation, which
       wield any old tool for the job of destroying      pants while saying, “Mommy, mommy,                leads me to the following story.
       souls. Like a master craftsman, he picks          mommy” is no longer a sweet sound to
       his instrument carefully and uses it with         the mother’s ear, but an annoyance -- an               A while back, my sixteen-year-old had
       precision. And at first glance, it may appear     interruption to her work on the smartphone        become too attached to his smart phone.
       that his weapon for the modern age is             ... whatever the urgent matter may be at          Thanks be to God, he was not using it
       lust. But I think not. I think it is sloth, and   that particular moment.                           for impure means. But the device was
       that the mentally disturbed versions of lust                                                        becoming a source of conflict. I was having
       today are byproducts of sloth.                        As I look around at so many well-             to micromanage how many milliseconds
                                                         intentioned people (particularly parents),        he was using it. More and more frustration
            Progress, you see, keeps the modern          I see everyone is exhausted with needless         arose... you know the story.
       man so busy, so focused on improvement,           activity. How is it that we live in a world of
       so bosessed with cramming more                    nearly magical automation and yet we are              When I broached the subject of him
       meaningless stuff into a 24-hour day…so           more exhausted than previous generations          going to a flip phone (as I had done), that
       intent on raising his children to be honor        who labored manually? We are exhausted            nasty teenage, arrogant attitude appeared.
       roll students, athletes, musicians, and of        because nature and grace are the                  And so, I walked with him out to the
       course community organizers, that the love        nourishment for our humanity. And we are          barn... told him to lay the smart phone
       of God has no place to fit.                       malnourished. We are filling our spiritual        on the ground... handed him an ax... and
                                                         bellies with the addictive and artificial         instructed him to shatter the cursed device
           Indeed, the Devil’s stratagem harkens         sweetness of productivity and efficiency,         with all his might. And he did so.
       the mind back to the Trojan Horse that            but lacking the life-giving nutrients of
       was wheeled into the City of Troy as a            silence, stillness, prayer, friendship, beauty,        “If your eye causes you to sin, son,” I
       magnificent gift. Under the cover of night,       and leisure.                                      said, “pluck it out. If your hand causes you
       the bloodthirsty Greek warriors descended                                                           to sin, cut it off. And if this device is causing
       from the belly of the horse and slaughtered             The Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas,     a rift between us, then take an ax to it. I
       the Trojans in wicked and ruthless and even       defines sloth as “sorrow for spiritual            will destroy anything- ANYTHING - that
       sacrilegious fashion.                             goods” and “sluggishness of the mind              comes between us. And so should you. I
                                                         which neglects to begin good” (Summa              love you unconditionally.
           Lucifer’s Trojan Horse for the modern         II-II, Q. 35, Art. 1). It is our obsession with        Now, clean up the chards of glass
       world is progress. As a master strategist,        becoming more and more, just as Eve               before your siblings cut up their little feet.”
       he puts into motion the famous words of           desired in the Garden, that drains us of the
       Sun Tzu, “All warfare is based on deception.      spiritual energy to desire God -- or even to           And thus, as a father, I have a moral
       Hence, when we are able to attack, we             desire humanity for ourselves.                    duty to see every new form of technology
       must seem unable; when using our forces,                                                            with skepticism - as a fruit that may bring
       we must appear inactive.”                              The proper use of technology must be         life but may also bring death. I must ask
           The average man or woman in the               to accomplish our own end. Just as an ax          two questions about every digital intruder
       pew today (or watching Mass on TV in our          has the “end” of cutting wood, our “end”          into the garden in which my family takes
       post-covid world) envisions a slothful man        is to know, love, and serve God in this life      abode. How can this aid in my family’s
       as a couch potato, stuffing his face with         so as to be happy with Him in the next. This      pursuit of salvation? And how can the Evil
       Cheetos.                                          is what it means to be a good human. Our          One use this for my family’s damnation?
                                                         perfection is not in becoming a component
           But the Devil is more deceptive than          in the matrix of the digital world. Our               Only then can I properly, productively,
       that. The slothful man is rather one who          happiness lies only in perfecting our human       and effectively utilize the God-given ability
       wears himself out with work, fitness, social      nature. If I treat a goat like a dog, the goat    of innovation. Only then can I exercise true
       activities, consumption of news and the           will only be frustrated along with me. If I       dominion over my garden and walk with
       downloading of the newest productivity            treat an ax like a butter knife, I will only      God in paradise.
       app. The strung-out mother is a victim of         make a mess. And if I treat my own human

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Vatican Releases Synod on Synodality
                        Preparatory Documents
                                                   Vatican City, Sep 7, 2021 / 03:30 am (CNA)

         T          he Vatican released Tuesday
                    a preparatory document and
                                                        The Vatican published on Sept. 7 the 22-
                                                        page preparatory document, “For a Synodal
                                                                                                       The preparatory document has been released
                                                                                                       for a period of “pre-synodal discernment”
       handbook for the 2023 synod on synodality        Church: Communion, Participation, and          that will influence a second draft of the text
       to be reviewed by all Catholic dioceses in       Mission,” and the 42-page vademecum, or        to be published before June 2023.
       the world over the next six months.              handbook, for the diocesan phase of the
       “It is precisely this path of synodality which   synod.                                         According to the Vatican, the preparatory
       God expects of the Church of the third                                                          document is “a tool to facilitate the first
       millennium,” the new document states,            The handbook includes prayers, a description   phase of listening to and consulting the
       quoting Pope Francis.                            of synodality, the objectives of the synodal   People of God in the particular Churches”
       “This journey, which follows in the wake         process, and the main questions to which       for the diocesan phase of the synod.
       of the Church’s ‘renewal’ proposed by the        the local Catholic communities are asked to
       Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a     give feedback. It underlines that dioceses     .
       task.”                                           should focus on “maximum inclusion and
                                                        participation” among baptized Catholics in
                                                        the diocesan synod process.

                                                         THE DIOCESAN PHASE
       During the diocesan phase, each bishop is        It recommends that multiple parishes come      unions, and federations of consecrated life,
       asked to undertake a consultation process        together for these “synodal consultation       international lay movements, and Catholic
       with the local Church from Oct. 17, 2021, to     meetings” so that “a range of people from      universities during this phase.
       April 2022.                                      different socio-economic backgrounds,
                                                        ethnicities, age groups” take part.            The diocesan synod process should “tap
       The handbook says that dioceses should                                                          into the richness of the lived experience
       organize local gatherings for “synodal           The preparatory document, handbook,            of the Church in their local context,” the
       consultation,” and also enable individuals to    and questionnaire are to be reviewed by        handbook says
       give their feedback directly to the diocese.     dioceses, as well as superior generals,

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                               Questions are included at the end of handbook, which says that the “fundamental question”
                                to be considered by the dioceses and the bishops over this multi-year process is as follows:
       “A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, ‘journeys together.’ How is this ‘journeying together’ happening today in your local Church?
                              What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our ‘journeying together?’”
                                       In considering this, dioceses will receive and report feedback on the following:

       • What are difficulties, obstacles, and          • How do prayer and liturgical                  • What relationships does our Church
          wounds in the local Church?                       celebrations actually inspire and                community have with members
       • What is the Holy Spirit asking of us?              guide our common life and mission                of other Christian traditions and
       • In our local Church, who are those                in our community?                                denominations?
          who “walk together”?                           • What hinders the baptized from                • How does our Church community
          Who are those who seem further                    being active in mission?                         identify the goals to be pursued,
          apart?                                            What areas of mission are we                     the way to reach them, and the
       • How is God speaking to us through                 neglecting?                                      steps to be taken?
          voices we sometimes ignore? How                • To what extent do diverse peoples                How is authority or governance
          are the laity listened to, especially             in our community come together                   exercised within our local Church?
          women and young people? What                      for dialogue? What are the places             • How do we promote participation
          facilitates or inhibits our listening?            and means of dialogue within our                 in decision-making within
       • How does the relationship with the                local Church?                                    hierarchical structures? Do our
          local media work (not only Catholic            • How are divergences of vision, or                decision-making methods help us to
          media)? Who speaks on behalf of                   conflicts and difficulties addressed?            listen to the whole People of God?
          the Christian community, and how                  What particular issues in the Church
          are they chosen?                                  and society do we need to pay
                                                            more attention to?

                                                          WHAT IS SYNODALITY?
       The preparatory document describes                examine “how responsibility and power are        strength to our hands,’” it says, quoting from
       synodality as “the form, the style, and the       lived in the Church as well as the structures    Pope Francis’ address at the opening of the
       structure of the Church.”                         by which they are managed, bringing to           youth synod in October 2018.
       “The Synodal Process is first and foremost a      light and trying to convert prejudices and       The Vatican held a press conference on Sept.
       spiritual process. It is not a mechanical data-   distorted practices that are not rooted in the   7 to discuss the newly released documents.
       gathering exercise or a series of meetings        Gospel.”
       and debates. Synodal listening is oriented        “The purpose of the first phase of the           Cardinal Mario Grech, the secretary general
       towards discernment,” the handbook says.          synodal journey is to foster a broad             of Synod of Bishops, spoke on a panel,
       The handbook describes the synodal journey        consultation process in order to gather the      along with undersecretaries Sr. Nathalie
       as an experience of “authentic listening and      wealth of the experiences of lived synodality,   Becquart and Bishop Luis Marín de San
       discernment on the path of becoming the           in its different articulations and facets,       Martín. Myriam Wijlens and Fr. Dario Vitali,
       Church that God calls us to be.”                  involving the pastors and the faithful of the    consultors for the synod, also answered
       The synod on synodality will open with a          particular                                       questions as part of the panel.
       “diocesan phase” in October 2021 and                                                               At the press conference, Grech said that
       conclude with the XVI Ordinary General            Churches at all the different levels,” the       synodality is “the mature fruit” of the
       Assembly of the Synod of Bishops at the           preparatory document says.                       Second Vatican Council.
       Vatican in October 2023.                          “We recall that the purpose of the synod,        “The synod is not a parliament,” the cardinal
       Pope Francis will “inaugurate the synodal         and therefore of this consultation, is not to    said.
       path” over the weekend of Oct. 9-10 with          produce documents, but ‘to plant dreams,         “A synod is an experience of everyone
       an opening session and a Mass. All dioceses       draw forth prophecies and visions, allow         listening to the Holy Spirit,” he added.
       are invited also to offer an opening Mass on      hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up
       Sunday, Oct. 17.                                  wounds, weave together relationships,
                                                         awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one
       One objective of the synod on synodality,         another and create a bright resourcefulness
       according to the preparatory document, is to      that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give

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             en Español                                Dictadura del
                                                                 PARTE II
         C          ualquier afirmación de que un
                    niño antes de nacer no es un ser
                                                       todo ser humano tenga la protección de la
                                                       ley. La ley no crea los derechos de los que
                                                                                                      que cuestione o incluso haga una pregunta
                                                                                                      sobre la vida humana en el útero es
       humano, plantea preguntas sobre ¿cuándo         disfruta un ser humano, se supone que la       descartado rotundamente. El rechazo a la
       un niño se convierte o es considerado ser       ley reconoce y protege esos derechos.          ciencia y cualquier discusión sobre lo que
       humano? Se han planteado varias teorías              En el momento en que la humanidad o       significa ser un ser humano toma la forma
       relativistas a lo largo de los años, pero       la condición de persona se determina por       de una dictadura. La opinión “aceptada”,
       ninguna de ellas responde plenamente            un tercero, todos estamos en riesgo y todos    por errónea o relativista que sea, se
       a la pregunta vital: ¿Qué significa ser un      los derechos vinculados a la humanidad o       sostiene como la verdad absoluta contra
       ser humano o una persona humana? Se             la condición de persona también lo estan.      la que nadie se atreve a luchar. En cuanto
       ha intentado establecer que la “identidad       Si un tribunal puede decretar que un niño      al aborto, la decisión de la Corte Suprema
       como persona” sea el criterio para juzgar       no nacido no es humano, es decir, que no       1992 5-4 sobre Planned Parenthood v
       cuándo se otorgan los derechos a un ser         es un candidato apto para la protección        Casey, que defiende el derecho al aborto
       humano en virtud de la ley. Sin embargo,        legal, entonces podría decretar de manera      [dice]: “En el corazón de la libertad está
       ¿quién determina la “identidad de               igualmente arbitraria que un ser humano        el derecho a definir el propio concepto de
       persona”? Parecería que de alguna manera        mayor de 90 años ya no es un candidato         existencia, del universo, y del misterio de
       solo la madre tiene derecho a declarar          para la protección legal. La Iglesia habla a   la vida humana “. ¡Esto es un sinsentido!
       la identidad de persona de su hijo o no,        menudo y con claridad sobre la dignidad        Si bien puedo definir mi propio concepto
       pero esto es completamente subjetivo.           de la persona humana. Este valor, mérito       de existencia o no existencia, no puedo
       Si la madre determina la condición de           y dignidad no está determinado ni              imponer (dictadura) ese concepto a otro ser
       persona, entonces, quizás, también puede        declarado por ninguna ley, simplemente         humano vivo con el pretexto de ejercer la
       declarar la no condición de persona.            se reconoce. Los padres fundadores de          libertad de definir y actuar sobre mi propia
       Lastimosamente, la ley ha declarado que         los Estados Unidos reconocieron esto e         visión subjetiva del misterio de la vida.
       al salir completamente del canal de parto       incluyeron el concepto en la Declaración            En California, los padres son limitados
       el nino adquiere el estatus legal como ser      de Independencia: “Sostenemos que estas        y obstaculizados para ayudar a sus hijos
       humano o persona, por lo que una mujer          verdades son evidentes por sí mismas, que      a navegar por las aguas cada vez más
       puede optar por que maten a su hijo justo       todos los hombres son creados iguales, que     difíciles de la identidad de género. La actual
       antes del nacimiento. Esto equivale a una       están dotados por su Creador de ciertos        “dictadura” presiona y promueve el uso
       declaración unilateral de que el niño, que      Derechos inalienables, que entre estos         de drogas supresoras especialmente en la
       es claramente humano, no es humano              son la vida, la libertad y la búsqueda de la   pubertad, a pesar de las preocupaciones
       después de todo, al menos que haya nacido       felicidad “. El uso de la palabra “hombres”    de los doctores sobre las graves
       completamente. Esto es relativismo puro.        era común y no se refiere a los hombres        complicaciones médicas asociadas con
            La falacia que se está imponiendo en       sino a los seres humanos. Así, todos los       este tipo de medicamentos. La promocion
       los Estados Unidos es que el ser humano         seres humanos son reconocidos como             a estos medicamentos no se basa en
       no nacido no alcanza un grado suficiente        “creados iguales”. No están “igualados”        ninguna ciencia; de hecho, contradice la
       de humanidad para tener derecho a               por la ley, sino reconocidos como tales por    ciencia y los estudios, pero la ‘ideología
       protecciones legales hasta que la madre         la ley. Lamentablemente, los “hombres”         de género’ sostiene que el uso de dichos
       declara arbitrariamente que su hijo es          que aún no están fuera de la dependencia       medicamentos está justificado para retrasar
       humano al permitirle nacer. El niño, en         materna, están excluidos de la categoría       el inicio de la pubertad de modo que un
       una realidad objetiva, posee la humanidad       inclusiva de “todos”.                          ser humano confundido en su género,
       por sí misma. La humanidad del niño no               El Papa emérito Benedicto XVI también     puede tener más tiempo para discernir
       depende de la voluntad o intención de la        usó la palabra “dictadura”. Se refirió así     qué sexo desea ser. Esto, a pesar de que
       madre de determinar esa humanidad, la           a una “dictadura del relativismo”. Esto se     la ciencia confirma que el 80% de quienes
       biología lo hace. La ley justa exige que        ve en nuestra sociedad actual. Cualquiera      experimentan confusión de identidad de

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género “se resuelven a sí mismos” a favor de
      su sexo biológico unos años más tarde. Si uno
      fuera más suspicaz, se podría especular que
      el objetivo de estos fármacos supresores de
                                                             Arzobispo Pide a Católicos Unirse
      la pubertad es precisamente retrasar el inicio
      de la pubertad para que la confusión dure
                                                                a Campaña “Una Rosa y Un
      más y la persona pueda estar más inclinada
      a optar en contra de su sexo biológico. En el
                                                                 Rosario” Por Nancy Pelosi
      pasado, la resolución de la confusión de la                                               (ACI Prensa)
      identidad de género a favor del sexo biológico
      se habría señalado como un éxito. Ahora tal
      determinación se ve con sospecha y como un
      “fracaso”. Hoy, el único éxito “verdadero”
      o aceptable es la determinación de elegir
      el sexo que no es coherente con el sexo
      biológico cromosómico.
           El grado en que estas teorías relativistas
      impactan la vida de personas reales es
      profundamente desconcertante. Sin duda,
      existen luchas asociadas con el embarazo
      para las cuales el aborto “parece” ser la
      respuesta completa. Sin embargo, esta
      respuesta se elige a expensas de la vida
      de un ser humano. La identidad de género                 Mons. Salvatore Cordileone,              su oración y ayuno”, continuó Mons.
      siempre ha sido un desafío, pero al menos           Arzobispo de San Francisco, alentó a los      Cordileone.
      había una base desde donde empezar, a               fieles católicos a unirse a la campaña de          El Arzobispo de San Francisco
      saber, la biología y la ciencia física. Sin duda,   ayuno y oración titulada “Una Rosa y un       resaltó que Nancy Pelosi “habla
      hay luchas para las que la modificación             Rosario” por Nancy Pelosi, la presidenta      hondamente de sus hijos. Claramente
      transgénero quirúrgica o química “afirma”           de la Cámara de Representantes de             tiene un corazón maternal. El Papa
      ser la respuesta completa. Sin embargo, esta        Estados Unidos, quien pese a ser una          Francisco ha dicho que el aborto es un
      respuesta se elige a expensas de una realidad       madre católica apoya y promueve               asesinato, el equivalente a contratar a
      biológica masculina / femenina.                     públicamente el aborto.                       un sicario para solucionar un problema.
           Lewis Carroll (con el seudónimo de                  “Al ver la posible aprobación en la      La solución a la crisis de una mujer
      Charles Dodgson) escribió en Through the            Cámara de Representantes del proyecto         embarazada no es la violencia sino el
      Looking Glass: “Cuando uso una palabra”,            HR3755, que impondría el aborto a             amor”.
      dijo Humpty Dumpty en un tono bastante              pedido en toda la nación en cualquier              “Por favor únanse a mí en el rezo
      desdeñoso, “significa exactamente lo que yo         momento del embarazo, se hace                 del Rosario y el ayuno por la conversión
      elijo que signifique, ni más ni menos”.”La          necesaria una conversión de corazón de        del corazón maternal de la presidenta
      pregunta es”, dijo Alicia, “si puedes hacer         la mayoría de nuestros representantes,        Pelosi, para que abrace la bondad y la
      que las palabras signifiquen tantas cosas           comenzando por la líder de la Cámara,         dignidad de la vida humana, no solo
      diferentes”.”La pregunta es”, dijo Humpty           la presidenta Nancy Pelosi”, indicó el        después del nacimiento sino desde el
      Dumpty, “cuál es el maestro?, eso es todo”.         Arzobispo en una declaración este 29          vientre”, animó Mons. Cordileone.
      Lewis Carroll, Through the Looking Glass.           de septiembre.                                     El Arzobispo indicó también que
                                                               “Por ello invito a todos los católicos   la idea de las rosas y el Rosario se
      Ore por mí como prometo orar por usted. -           a unirse masiva y visiblemente a la           relaciona con Santa Teresita de Lisieux
      Obispo Robert F. Vasa                               campaña de ayuno y oración por la             o Santa Teresita del Niño Jesús, cuya
                                                          presidenta Pelosi: comprométanse              fiesta la Iglesia celebra este viernes 1 de
                                                          a rezar un rosario por semana y a             octubre.
                                                          ayunar los viernes por su conversión de            El Prelado dijo que “Santa Teresita
           Por el Diácono Tino                            corazón”, exhortó el Prelado.                 de Lisieux, ‘la Florecilla’, cuya fiesta
           y Martha Vera                                       “Por favor únanse a la campaña           celebramos este viernes, es recordada
      Reverendísimo        Robert F. Vasa
          de la Oficina de Matrimonio                     ‘Una rosa y un Rosario por Nancy’ en          por estas famosas y queridas palabras:
      Obispo   deFamiliar
          y Vida  Santa Rosa                              el sitio web https://benedictinstitute.       ‘Después de mi muerte, dejaré caer una
                                                          org/rose-and-a-rosary/ y una rosa le          lluvia de rosas. Pasaré al Cielo haciendo
                                                          será enviada a ella como símbolo de           el bien en la tierra. Levantaré una gran
                                                                                                                           continuada p.15
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continuada Pelosi                                           Colorado Parish Church Vandalized
            es hacer amar a Dios’. Y después de su
       muerte, las rosas comenzaron a llover del cielo”.
                                                                       with Pro-Abortion Graffiti
            El Arzobispo explicó que a las rosas “se                                   Denver, Colo., Sep 29 (CNA)
       les ha llamado la ‘firma’ de Santa Teresa, una
       señal de que se ha escuchado la oración del
            “La rosa es también un símbolo de nuestra
       Madre, la Santísima Virgen María, la ‘rosa
       mística’. En este momento particular de la
       historia de nuestra nación, necesitamos más que
       nunca su intercesión, la de Santa Teresa, y la de
       todos los demás santos que nos han mostrado el
       camino de la vida”, precisó.
            De hecho, “la reacción provocada por la
       aprobación de la ley del latido del corazón
       en Texas demuestra cuán desesperadamente
       nuestro país, y muchos de nuestros líderes
       políticos, necesitan una conversión de corazón           A Catholic parish in Boulder,           only managed to break the safety glass
       para dejar el camino de la muerte y reclamar         Colorado, with a memorial to aborted        on the outside. They also threw eggs at
       una cultura de la vida”.                             babies on its front lawn was desecrated     several doors.
            La ley de “latidos del corazón” de Texas        with pro-abortion graffiti in the early          Although the church had a
       entró en vigor el 1 de septiembre e impide los       hours of Sept. 29.                          functioning security camera system, the
       abortos una vez que se detectan los latidos del          Sacred Heart of Mary Parish was         images captured of the assailants are
       corazón del feto, que puede ser incluso a las seis   tagged with numerous spray-painted          little more than “shadows,” Evevard
       semanas de embarazo.                                 slogans including “Jesus [Loves]            said, and have not proven helpful. The
            La norma ha sido fuertemente criticada          Abortion,” “Bans off our bodies,” “No       assailants purposely avoided being
       por los grupos abortistas y por líderes del          Wire Hangers Ever,” and a symbol            captured on video in an identifiable
       gobierno, como la vicepresidenta de Estados          combining an “A” signifying “anarchy”       way, he said.
       Unidos, Kamala Harris, que la consideró              and the traditional symbol for “female.”         Evevard said the pastor, Fr. Jonathan
       “inconstitucional”; y por el mismo presidente            Mark Evevard, Youth Director and        Dellinger, has been encouraging
       Joe Biden, quien dijo que la ley constituye un       Social Communications Director for the      parishioners to “put those folks at the
       “asalto sin precedentes” a los derechos de las       parish, told CNA that the police believe    top of your prayer list, and pray for
       mujeres, y que ha ofrecido luchar contra ella con    it was a group of unidentified assailants   their conversion.” Evevard said several
       todo lo que tiene el gobierno a su disposición.      who hit the church, and that police are     passersby, including a few people not
            Sobre la campaña de oración por Pelosi,         currently investigating.                    affiliated with the parish, have stopped
       la directora ejecutiva del Instituto Benedicto           The parish had a display of 4,000       to express condolences and help to
       XVI, Maggie Gallagher, recordó que este es el        small white crosses in its front lawn,      clean up some of the mess.
       “Año de los indigentes” y que “nuestro apoyo         each one representing a baby aborted             St. Louis Parish in nearby Louisville
       a nuestros hermanos y hermanas en las calles         each day in the United States. The          was vandalized with similar pro-
       de San Francisco y nuestro apoyo a nuestros          vandals trampled and desecrated at          abortion graffiti recently, Evevard noted.
       hermanos y hermanas en el vientre materno            least half of the crosses.                       Boulder is home to one of the
       tiene las mismas profundas raíces”.                      They also painted over signs facing     country’s most prolific late-term
            Gallagher precisó que estas raíces están        the roadway advertising the memorial,       abortionists, Warren Hern, who runs
       en “nuestra fe en la igual dignidad de todo ser      and covered the lenses of the lights that   the Boulder Abortion Clinic, one of
       humano. Importamos no porque seamos ricos o          shine on the church building with red       a handful of clinics in the U.S. that
       poderosos, o útiles, por lo bellos que podamos       paint.                                      publicly accept patients seeking late-
       ser, sino porque somos todos hijos amados de             “My Body My Choice” was scrawled        term abortions from anywhere in the
       Dios”.                                               in bright red spray paint on a white        world. Colorado remains one of only
            Puede unirse a la campaña “Una rosa y un        pickup truck outside the church, and at     a handful of states that does not have
       Rosario por Nancy” en este enlace.                   least one of the truck’s tires appears to   some legislation on late-term abortion.
                                                            have been deflated.                         As a result, abortions can take place in
                                                                The vandals also used a rock            the state up until birth.
                                                            or hammer to attempt to break the                This story is developing.
                                                            church’s stained glass windows, but

       15 NORTH COAST CATHOLIC / October 2021 /

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