Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.

Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
your natural health service

See what your council’s Parks Development Team,
partners and community groups have been doing
for your area this year.

                Issue - 2
               June 2021
Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
Welcome to the 2nd edition of Glasgow City Council’s
ParkLife newsletter.

The last 16 months has been a challenging time for all of us
as we strive to continue to go about our everyday lives in the
midst of a global pandemic. What Covid-19 has done is
bring in to focus the importance of our parks and open
spaces as areas that not only assist with our general health
and wellbeing but valued spaces that are appreciated and
provide the opportunity to meet friends and family in a safe
setting as well as providing the opportunity to exercise or
get closer to nature.

In addition, as the city hosts COP26 and seeks to deliver on
its commitments as part of the Climate & Ecological
Emergency Declaration our parks will play a pivotal role in
achieving our outcomes for the benefit of all whether
through food growing, additional tree planting, wildflower/
green connector projects, active travel routes or creative
play, the opportunities are endless.

I would like to thank our many community and Friends of
Parks groups, allotment associations and external partners
for their continued support of their much loved spaces. This
contribution is invaluable in ensuring not only that we get
things right but providing a sounding board for any
proposed improvements where possible. With the support of
our Parks Development team, additional groups continue to
emerge across the city and I would encourage you to get in
touch if you are interested in becoming involved. I hope
you enjoy this latest newsletter which highlights the breadth
of projects currently ongoing across the city by many
individuals, groups and organisations.

Stephen Egan
Head of Parks & Streetscene,
Neighbourhoods, Regeneration and Sustainability,
Glasgow City Council

                    your natural health service
Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
Contents                                                Your Parks - Helping to Beat
                                                                           Climate Change                     15
Click on story below to go straight to this section.

Please note that Glasgow City Council is not responsible for the content
on any links to facebook groups or external partners pages within this     Nitshill Community Greenspace      16

Community Green Flag Winners                                    3          Repairs to Victoria Park Galleon   17

Community Participation                                         4          Best Fence in Glasgow              18

You Need Friends                                                5          Resident Robins                    18

Queens Park Pollinator Park                                     6          Overnewton Square Play Area        19

Spaces for People                                               7          The Fascinating World of Algae     20

Dawsholm Park Cycle Paths                                       8

Glasgow Ramblers Winter                                         9
Restoration of the Spiral Staircase
at Glasgow Botanic Gardens                                      10

Meet Our Team                                                   11

A New Woodland for Glasgow                                      12

Mansewood Park and
Allotments                                                      13

The Art of Restoration                                          14
                                                                                         your natural health service
Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
Community Green Flag
If the ongoing Covid-19               This initiative is designed to      Yorkhill Green Spaces
pandemic has taught us                reach community groups in
anything, it’s how much we            Glasgow’s less affluent areas and
value our local parks and             engage people that have never       Gorbals Rose Garden Orchard
greenspaces.                          considered managing or getting      Group
Keep Scotland Beautiful are           involved in their own precious
excited to launch a new               spaces. We would encourage                                                                                   Gorbals Rose Garden Orchard
initiative in Glasgow which will      anyone that is interested to get                                                                            Group having a well deserved cuppa
help community groups to              in touch and learn more about
improve the places that they live     this exciting project.
in and care for - making sure
that everyone in the city can         The project, supported by the
access safe, clean and inspiring      People’s Postcode Lottery and
green spaces.                         Glasgow City Council, will see                                                              Gorbals Rose Garden
Recognising the important role        community groups with an                                                                    Orchard Group
that well-maintained parks and        interest in the project accessing
open spaces play in better health     workshops, forums and hands-
outcomes, we will be working to       on support - building skills to
identify community groups that        confidently cultivate their own
it can support and empower to         green spaces and effectively
manage their local parks, green       manage their parks to
spaces and outdoor places.            international Green Flag Award
This project will complement          winning standard.
the existing work being carried
out by Glasgow City Council           Glasgow announced 7 new
and other voluntary projects in       Community Green Flag winners
the city.                             in 2020 including:
                                                                                                                                               Click                           Click
All the parks, green spaces and       Friends of Linn Park
outdoor areas across Glasgow                                                                                                                   Here                            Here
provide an invaluable resource        Friends of Castlemilk Park
to the city - creating a safe space
to play, to think, to exercise, to    Alexandra Food Forrest
learn. Being able to access
quality green space is also vital     Friends of Maryhill Park                                                                       To visit Friends of              To visit Yorkhill
in helping to tackle some of the
health and well-being
challenges we face.
                                      Friends of Southern Necropolis                                                                     Southern                     Green Spaces on
                                                                          Alexandra Park Food Forest                                  Necropolis on FB                   Facebook

             Click                                Click                             Click                         Click                        Click                           Click
             Here                                 Here                              Here                          Here                         Here                            Here

 To visit Friends of                  To visit Friends of                 To visit Alexandra                To visit Friends of        To visit Gorbals               To get in touch
   Linn Park on                       Castlemilk Park on                   Food Forest on                    Maryhill Park on           Rose Garden                 with Keep Scotland
     Facebook                              Facebook                           Facebook                          Facebook               Orchard on FB                     Beautiful

Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
Community Participation

   Theresa Martin from our team
  representing GCC with Green Health
  Strategist Ian Mackenzie from NHS/
  Greenspace Scotland hosting
  international workshop on ‘Green
  Health’ with Sean Kelly from NRS
   Connecting Nature team

Again, our Parks Development       From late 2019 and through           close second. Our team, with the
Team are trail blazing             recent times, there have been a      help of the Glasgow Disability
innovative work developing         series of outdoor ‘walk and talks’   Alliance Young Peoples Forum,
community participation            gatherings, indoor and online        The Village Storytelling Centre
within our services.               ‘catch up drop in’ meetings.         and support from COSLA and
                                   From group participation we          the NRS Connecting Nature
Pre pandemic, the Greater          have 4 GCC (Glasgow City             Team have designed and
Pollok Greenspace and              Council) depts collaborating         delivered an online workshop                                            Sandy Paterson from our Food Growing
Woodlands Development Group        and at least 5 community groups      exploring ‘Accessibility – what                                        team representing GCC with Dom Hall
was set up by our Community        are now aware of each other and      this means to everyone’, this was                                      Co-founder National Park City, Sharon
Engagement Team in response        have agreed to communicate           specifically about what people                                         Morgan National park City Schools
to evidence from previous          better and support each other        in Greater Pollok face when                                            hosting international ‘National Park’
community consultation from        when planning up and coming          accessing greenspaces and                                              workshop with Sean Kelly from NRS
the former Pollok 8020 project     work. This is a fantastic            woodlands. Being a total success,                                       Connecting Nature team.
(which is now renamed G53          achievement and example of           it was agreed that there will be
together and has adapted its       good practise.                       follow up workshops and
purpose through the pandemic)                                           discussions both online and
and the 2019 NRS                   There has been various topics of     depending on restrictions,              well as sharing our learning
(Neighbourhoods, Regeneration      discussion in the ‘catch up drop     outside in specific locations.          with greenspace workers and
& Sustainability) Connecting       in’ meetings, one of which was                                               students studying community
Nature Team’s local stakeholder    revisiting what the group think      This community participatory            democracy practises from
analysis exercise.                 the top priorities for the local     approach from our team has              national and international
                                   community’s greenspace and           been noticed within GCC and             locations!
The group was set up to create
safe dedicated space and time
                                   woodland development work
                                   should be. The full group
                                                                        we have been asked to speak at
                                                                        and be representative of our
for any Greater Pollok             agreed that our team should          Parks development team on the                                                             Here
greenspace and woodlands           lead workshops about the             GCC Social Recovery Taskforce.
community projects, volunteers     themes once they are agreed          We have represented GCC at an
and residents to share thoughts,   and the design of the content of     international ‘Connecting
resources, findings, support and   the workshops should be in           Nature’ conference as a key
learn from each other, set         alliance with anyone who was         speaker and workshop host
priority themes for development    interested in contributing and       about Green Health speaking                                                    To send an email if
work, build relationships and      relevant key organisations.          about the Greater Pollok
inspire more collaborative                                              approach. Our talk had more                                                     you would like to
approaches to local greenspace     Accessibility was named as the       than 60 delegates from multiple                                                    be involved
and woodlands development          number one priority with             countries along with Sandy
work.                              woodland care creation as a          from our Food Growing team as
Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
You Need Friends

                                                                                                                                           Trying to remember
                                                                                                                                              the classroom
                                                                                                                                             instructions for
                                                                                                                                           preparing the trench
                                                                                                                                               for planting

                                                                                    Students at the
                                                                                 Certificate of Practical
                                                                                  Horticulture Course
                                                                                   observing suitable
                                                                                   Covid distancing.

Our wonderful Friends of              Horticulture course going. This    Our next course is scheduled to
Botanic Gardens have been             is a 10-day course, over ten       begin at the end of August, and
trying to find ways to keep           weeks, generally full day          Covid permitting we shall be
going during the past year. Here      Saturdays which is 80% practical   able to have a full turnout.
is what they had to say;              tuition and 20% classroom. On
                                      completion of the course there     We are now beginning to put
“As with most Friends activities      is an examination with             together our late summer/
during the Covid restrictions,        successful students being          winter programme of activities,
the Friends of Glasgow Botanic        awarded a certificate by the       especially an event to show how
Gardens have been in semi             Royal Botanic Garden               the Botanic Gardens everyday
hibernation.                          Edinburgh who validate the         activities play a vital role in
                                      course.                            observing and managing
However, we have managed to                                              climate change.
keep our Newsletter going, even       We have our own approved
increasing the online version as      tutors and it is thanks to them    The photos are some
well as mailing to those              and of course the staff at the     remembrances of coping with
members who do not have email         Botanic Gardens that we were       Covid restrictions during the
access, but we have missed our        able to comply with the Covid      2020 Autumn CPH course in
normal gatherings for talks and       guidelines for education work      the gardens education area
visits to other gardens of interest   for the autumn 2020 course.        recently refurbished with a
to our members.                       With much guidance from all
                                      involved we managed to
                                                                         grant of almost £20,000 from
                                                                         the Waitrose bags scheme.”
                                                                                                                        Click                Click
One of our activities is              accommodate all the sanitation,                                                   Here                 Here
education, whether supporting         distancing, masks and spacing
the Gardens work with schools,        in the classroom (the Hopkirk
special groups, and in particular     building in the gardens).
those representing, e.g. refugees     It did mean that we could only
based at the Maryhill centre.         accommodate 12 students as
                                      opposed to our normal 18                                                     To get involved    To visit the Friends
Most of these have been               resulting in a very fine edge of
suspended over the last twelve        financial success due to the                                                visit the Botanic   of Glasgow Botanic
months but we have made a             reduced number of students.
great effort to keep the                                                                                          Gardens website         Gardens FB
Certificate in Practical

Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
Queens Park Pollinator
                Park                                                                                                            NRS tractor using a
                                                                                                                                 BLEC stone burier
                                                                                                                                attachment to create                              Newly created seedbed
                                                                                                                                wildflower seedbed.                                with flagpole in the
Our Parks Development Team           of landscapes and habitats with      We see these mass plantings as                       This cultivates the soil                               background
have been working on the             Camphill clothed in woodland         the spring herald to the colour of                  to around 150mm deep
creation of Glasgow’s first          that continues to the west side of   the summer meadows that grow
Pollinator Park at Queens Park.      the park and its boundary with       up around them as their spring
The vision for Queens Park to        Pollokshaws Road and Langside        colour fades for another year.
be a Pollinator Park is one          Avenue.                              To engage through collaborative
dedicated to the conservation &      It is however, to the south and      activities with a variety of groups
development of pollinator            east that we see the                 from the Friends of Queens Park,
habitat for current & future         opportunities open up for both       Community Councils, local
generations. Project and             subtle and more significant          schools, as well as local and
intervention within the park         changes and enhancement              national environmental groups
will promote awareness and           diversifying and increasing          participating in biodiversity
understanding of the role of         pollinator habitats by               enhancements in the first
pollinators in achieving local &     developing flower rich               instance would be explored. The
global environmental                 meadows.                             Friends of Queens Park have
sustainability and showcase                                               already contributed time and
pollinator projects that are a       In a time when Glasgow has           effort into assisting with the
model for citizens and               declared both Climate and            creation of a perennial
communities in Glasgow and           Ecological Emergencies it is         wildflower area with the park.
beyond.                              essential that as officers and
                                     citizens, we review our green        Parks are living landscapes and            New seedbed close
Queens Park (approximately 148       spaces to see how they can bring     there is an opportunity to                 to the flagpole area
Acres) was laid in design by Sir     to an urban situation the            manage them sympathetically for
Joseph Paxton and has gone           resilience and vibrancy that can     both people and wildlife and in
through changes over the years.      support climate mitigation and       doing so create a seasonally
The current COVID-19                 reverse biodiversity decline as      dynamic and ever-changing
pandemic has emphasised the          well as, playing an integral role    visitor experience where every
importance of our parks and          in how a city like Glasgow           visit would shed new light on
open space and the key role          manages the resulting changes        nature.
such locations play in our           in weather patterns of
physical and mental wellbeing.       unprecedented rainfall events.       A total of around 1200m2 of
By re-imagining and creating a                                            wildflower area was created April
focal point for Queens Park we       Queens Park offers a template of     2021 using a partnership of Parks
can encourage residents to           how subtle changes can bring         Development officers and NRS
spend more time in the               about major benefits for people      (Neighbourhoods, Regeneration
outdoors. The opportunity to         and wildlife in the City’s parks     & Sustainability) operations, this
provide people with a place to       and larger open spaces.              area was sown with wildflower
walk, cycle, play or simply sit      Recent surveys carried out by        seed and will create a pollen
and enjoy the experience of          GCC Biodiversity officers have       source and a vibrant flower
nature buzzing around them in        highlighted areas within Queens      display for years to come, The
the heart of the city cannot be      Park where a change in cutting       Friends of Queens Park and Local
underestimated.                      regimes and enhanced planting        Councillor assisted with the seed         Did you know that the South
                                     could contribute, not only to the    sowing, this was following up             Eastern edge of Queens Park
The rationale for designating        local environment but to the         from planting spring flowering            was the site of the Battle of               Click                Click
Queens Park as a Pollinator Park     overall ambitions of the city.       bulbs in Autumn 2020 in the
is in support of not only the                                             park.
                                                                                                                    Langside fought on 13th May
                                                                                                                                                                Here                 Here
variety of butterflies and other     In such a proposal there is
invertebrate species to be found     always the aspiration to extend      A further 35000 bulbs and 6000
there but also to provide the        the season of interest and ensure    wild flower plants will be ordered
local community with the             that there are food sources for      and planted on steep sided slopes
knowledge that this is a special     early season pollinators and in      by NRS operations in this park in
place.                               doing so the opportunity exists      Autumn 2021.                                                                       To view GCC      To visit the Friends
When we look closely at Queens
                                     to introduce the mass planting
                                     daffodils and other spring
                                                                                                                                                          information about    of Queens Park on
Park and its unique topography,
we see that it is already a series
                                     bulbs, in partnership with the
                                     local community.
                                                                                                                                                             Queens Park           Facebook
Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
Spaces for
                                                                                                                                                        Contractors fill
                                                                                                                            New planters at            new planters with
                                                                                                                            George Square                  top soil

                                                                      Pop-up cycle routes that                friendly streets’ are now in place   consultation seeking views on       Spaces for People measures to
                                                                      highlight active travel as an           including Kelvin Way,                the infrastructure delivered and    recommend for retention, we’ll
                                                                      attractive, viable choice for           Dennistoun, Waverley Park            whether any of it should be         review all survey responses as
                                                                      essential journeys as well as           (Shawlands) and Pollokshields.       retained, closed on 20 June after   part of a monitoring and review
                                                                      exercise, have also been                These projects aim to make           being live for 8 weeks. The         process agreed with Sustrans
                                                                      implemented.                            neighbourhood streets calmer,        council wished to gather            Scotland which will include the
                                                                                                              and create additional space for      opinions on the measures            appointment of an independent
                                                                      City Centre:                            walking, wheeling and cycling.       delivered, as much of the           consultant to consider the
                                                                      A significant amount of road            School Car Free Zones:               infrastructure has the potential    infrastructure delivered and
                                                                      space was reallocated for               The council has also expanded        to help deliver other outcomes      make recommendations on
 Alexandra Parade                                                     walking and wheeling at the             the number of School Car Free        unrelated to the pandemic such      which should be kept.
 Primary School in                                                    start of the pandemic in                Zones. These zones are designed      as:
    Dennistoun                       Merchant
                                       City                           anticipation of a gradual               to prohibit cars and other                                               It is proposed that this
                                                                      lessening of restrictions. Given        vehicles from driving up to          •       encouraging more people     independent review will take
                                                                      the COVID-19 restrictions have          school gates between 8.30am                  to switch to more           place in the summer and a
                                                                      lasted longer than originally           and 9.15am and then 2.30pm                   sustainable ways of         report presented to the City
                                                                      anticipated, some of these              and 3.15pm each weekday,                     travelling such as          Administration Committee
                                                                      measures were recently                  during term time; leaving extra              walking, wheeling or        thereafter.
                                                                      removed to allow a focus on             space for walking, wheeling and              cycling
                                                                      delivering temporary                    cycling.                             •       supporting businesses by    Christine Francis, Head of
                                                                      infrastructure where it’s most                                                       providing more space for    Technical Services at NRS said,
                                                                      needed and to improve its look          Improved Access to Parks and                 people                      ‘This project has been a real
                                                                      and feel, with some measures            Open Space:                          •       improving air quality       team effort with Spaces for
                                                                      now replaced as required with           We will be increasing signage                and reducing carbon         People and Parks colleagues
                                                                      planting, seats and attractive          within our parks and providing               dioxide emissions           working in partnership with
                                                                      street furniture. Temporary             wayfinding on routes to help         •       improving road safety       Sustrans to create environments
                                                                      footway widening will remain            ease physical distancing, along      •       improving health            that not only keep us safe but
                                                                      in situ around our main                 with vegetation clearance to                                             encourage active travel and
                                                                      transport hubs and busier bus           remove obstructions on public        Before deciding whether to go       getting outdoors.’
   George                                             Kelvin Way      stops, however further measures         footways.                            through the statutory legal
   Square                                                             may be needed elsewhere as and                                               processes necessary to make
                                                                      when restrictions are                   Increased Pedestrian Priority at     measures permanent, survey
                                                                      anticipated to ease, and footfall       Junctions:                           responses will be used to help
Spaces for People has delivered short-term physical distancing        starts to increase.                     An early Spaces for People           the council better understand
measures across Glasgow to suppress COVID-19 and assist with the
city’s strategy for economic recovery.                                Larger style planters and
                                                                                                              intervention saw the need for
                                                                                                              pedestrians to use the push
                                                                                                                                                   public feeling about Spaces for
                                                                                                                                                   People projects, and any that
A key part of delivering more space in an attractive and greener      mature trees are now in place           buttons at crossings eliminated      people wish to see retained or                  Here
way, has been the design and planting out of street planters across   around George Square to green           to reduce the risk of spreading      removed. Feedback from
the city by Parks Development and NRS (Neighbourhoods,                the space as well as restrict           the virus. This popular measure      survey respondents on which
Regeneration & Sustainability) Queens Park Nursery.                   vehicle movement following on           which is now in operation at         measures have worked well, and
Keeping People Safe and Supporting Business Recovery                  from the installation of recycled       over 50 sets of lights is being      which perhaps less so, will also
Spaces for People has introduced a vast array of temporary            wooden planters at Merchant             rolled out more widely               be taken on board by the
measures across the city to provide additional space for walking,     City. Complimentary work is             throughout the city.                 council to help shape future             For more
wheeling and cycling. We have widened footways at pinch points in     also shortly expected around St                                              active travel infrastructure
our city centre and neighbourhoods to facilitate safer pedestrian     Vincent Place and Queen Street.                                              planning.                             information on
movement and easier access to shops, businesses, community            People Friendly Streets:                Future Work and Evaluation:
facilities and public transport hubs.                                 Schemes to create ‘people               An online Spaces for People          When determining which               Spaces for People
Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
Dawsholm Park
       Cycle Paths
Glasgow City Council has been         The project was led by our
investing heavily in the              Landscape Design team.
restoration of Dawsholm Park in       Lucinda Parish, Landscape
Maryhill, steadily improving          Design Assistant Manager, said
the park in time for its              ‘We are really happy with the
centenary year in 2023.               outcome and it’s great to see the                                                Contractor Mr Boyd Wylie
Phase three of the regeneration       routes being used already. The                                                     and NRS Designer Ms
of this lovely park was the           design involved some intricate                                                   Lucinda Parish check the
creation of an Active Travel          calculation of the levels for each                                                                                      Boys and their
                                                                                                                              path levels                         toys…
Route with two new cycle paths,       path to ensure we were creating
each being 250 metres long x 3        a space and route which was
metres wide – some 1,500              accessible.
square metres of new cycle path
being created.                        Works started in November
                                      2020 and both paths were
This vital link is the latest piece   completed on schedule by the
in a jigsaw which ensures that        end of March 2021.’
Kelvingrove park, Glasgow
Botanic Gardens and Dawsholm
park are connected as a linear
walk / cycle ride.

The developed route will allow
user to get out of the city and
view nature and greenspace on
their doorstep.
This is part of our ongoing
objectives of promoting and                                                 ‘Gosh, it’s like an
enhancing our city’s natural                                               autobahn’ said one
resources including public                                                  delighted cyclist

                                                                                                      The path edges were                            ‘Old school’ contractor
                                                                                                      graded with soil and                          raking hot asphalt before
                                                                                                       then seeded with                              roller finishes levelling
                                                                                                          wildflowers                                         the job


                                                                                                                                                     To view GCC
 Our team member
Dennis McCue loving                                                                                   The flock of Parakeets in
                                                                                                                                                  information about
   life on a roller
                                                                                                       Dawsholm Park were
                                                                                                        interested onlookers
                                                                                                                                                    Dawsholm Park
Issue - 2 June 2021 See what your council's Parks Development Team, partners and community groups have been doing for your area this year.
Group of ramblers on                                           The waterfall in
                                                                                 top of Cathklin Braes,                                         Linn Park LNR
                                                                                 at the highest point of

                                                                                                                                                                                               Socially distanced
                                                                                                                                                                                               tea break at Pollok

         Glasgow Ramblers
          Winter Challenge                                                                                      Walking along new
                                                                                                                 path at Hamilton
                                                                                                                  Claypits LNR

During lockdown there were          to Darnley. As individuals they     the city of Glasgow from Linn
many groups trying to find new      have been to places with views      Park, through Court Knowe,
ways of keeping in touch and        of the distant hills from four      Kings Park, Castlemilk Park,
getting outdoors. The Glasgow       trig points – in Linn Park,         Fernbrae Meadows, up over the
Ramblers were one of these          Maryhill Park, the highest point    Cathkin Braes, Netherton Braes,
groups and found a fantastic        on the Cathkin Braes and one        Holmbyre Woods and back to                                                                  Walkers admiring
way to keep going through some      hidden on a slope above             Linn Park. The waymarking                                                                  the famous swathes
tough times.                        Carmunnock Road.                    came to a halt because of the                                                                of daffodils in
                                    Individually we walked all of       pandemic but the group have                                                                   Ruchill Park
Here’s what they had to say;        Glasgow’s twelve LNR’s (local       taken the opportunity to
‘Being obliged to stay within the   nature reserves).                   produce a leaflet to be published
boundary of the city gave many                                          as soon as there are markers
Glaswegians a great opportunity     There was a strong feeling that     with arrows to show the
to discover and explore             many of Glasgow’s parks have        direction to walk.
greenspaces close to home.          been much enhanced by the                                                                                                 Click                            Click
When group walks were               work being done by many             A new member who has lived in
suspended, Glasgow Ramblers         Friends of Groups taking            the city since March 2020 said                                                        Here                             Here
set their members a challenge to    control of their greenspaces.       “We are so glad we moved to                        St Thenue mural in
walk all the parks in Glasgow.      Glasgow Ramblers now have a         Glasgow. What an amazing time                       the East End from
Lists were drawn up and within      bank of great circular walking      we have had walking and                              Calton Weavers
two months they had walked          routes for walk leaders to share.   discovering all the parks and                         Burial Ground
through more than 105 parks.        These link parks with green         the rich heritage!”’
What hidden gems they found,        corridors, riverside paths, canal                                                                               For more Info on                    To send an email to
from Possil Marsh to Castlemilk     walkways, old railways and
Park, Hogganfield Loch,             former golf courses. One of                                                                                       the Glasgow                           the Glasgow
Cardowan Moss to Knightswood
Park, Trinley Brae and Tollcross
                                    these walks is the Magnificent
                                    11, an eleven mile walk within
                                                                                                                                                    Ramblers group                       Ramblers group
Restoration of the Spiral
                                                                                  Staircase at Glasgow
                                                                                    Botanic Gardens
                                                                           One of the hidden treasures of        restoration was essential, as
                     Previous condition                                    the Glasgow Botanic Gardens is        despite its poor condition, the
                      – treads educed                                      a lovely cast iron Spiral Staircase   135-year-old spiral staircase
                                                                           by James Boyd in the Main             remains an integral part of the
                                                                           Range of glasshouses. The             Palm House.
                                                                           staircase stands approximately        To this end, Parks Development
                    Previous condition –                                   8.5 meters high and remains a         Section of NRS (Neighborhoods,
                      corroded central                                     very fine example of filigree         Regeneration & Sustainability)
                          spindle                                          ironwork.                             drew up a specification to
                                            Previous condition –
                                           staircase closed due to                                               restore this vital piece of
                                           dilapidated staircase in        This is the original cast iron        Glasgow’s heritage on behalf of
                                               need of repairs             spiral stair that provides access     the City Council.
                                                                           to a high-level perimeter
                                                                           walkway in the Palm House,            The project began in 2020. the
                                                                           from which tall plants can be         entire spiral staircase had to be
                                           Previous condition –            tended, the roof ventilators can      carefully disassembled and
                                            cracks in the main             be opened, and from which the         taken away to a contractor’s yard
                                                   post                    sprinkler-type watering system        for restoration, including a new
                                                                           is suspended.                         core, replacement treads and
                                                                                                                 extensive repainting.
                                                                           Given that James Boyd was an                                                             Fully
                                                                           iron founder as well as               Unfortunately, the timescale for                 restored
                                                                           glasshouse builder, it is likely      the repairs was badly affected                   staircase
                                                                           that he manufactured the parts        by the two spikes in Covid 19, as
                                                                           for the spiral stair, making it       working in the confined spaces
                                                                           over 135 years old.                   of the workshop and back at the
                                                                                                                 main range was often illegal.
                                                                           Unfortunately, the staircase had
                                                                           become dilapidated due to high        Despite these setbacks the
                                                                           levels of humidity and lack of        Staircase was eventually
                                                                           regular re-decoration. The            completed in March 2021 and
                                                                           condition of the central spindle      the lovely restoration is well
                                                                           and the sectional posts caused        worth a visit.
                                                                           great concern as there was
                                                                           evidence of large-scale
                                                                           corrosion. A sympathetic

  Replacement                                                                                                                                             Click
spars ready to be

                                                                                                                                                     To find out more
                                             Restored                           Fully                                                                 about Glasgow
                                             treads on
                                                                                                                                                     Botanic Gardens
Meet Our Team                                                                                Cath at Linn Park Local Nature Reserve.
                                                                                                                     There are no water voles here but there is            Glasgow’s unique water voles have featured on
                                                                                                                     lots of wildlife and the biodiversity team             BBC Springwatch and The One Show among
                                                                                                                    have helped create and manage wildflower               others with new filming taking place this year.
                                                                                                                                meadows in the park.                       Here is Cath, local resident Jeanette Kelly and
Our 3 biodiversity officers work     We’ve been hearing about a          voles. Grassland water voles are                                                                 local wildlife filmmaker Elizabeth Penman, all
within the Parks Development         species unique to Glasgow -tell     exactly the same species as the                                                                   working together to promote water voles, with
Team. Glasgow City Council,          us more.                            wetland dwelling animals and                                                                                 a BBC film crew behind.
and all its officers, have a legal                                       all of them together are part of                                        Volunteers from
duty to further the conservation     Even though there are over          the one large population.                                              Seven Lochs have
of biodiversity. The emphasis is     6000 different species in the                                                                            been enhancing water
on partnership working and           City, there is one species that     The discovery of this large                                               vole habitat in                                          Water vole
Glasgow’s Local Biodiversity         takes up most of my time. The       population living in an urban                                        Ruchazie by planting                                        information in
Action Plan which was                North East of Glasgow is home       area away from water is unique                                        wetland wildflowers                                        Cranhill Park.
produced by a range of               to a unique nationally              in itself but it is even more                                             such as Marsh                                       Designed by local
organisations including the          significant population of water     important because water voles                                        Marigold shown here.                                      schools as part of
Council, RSPB Scotland and           voles.                              across the UK have declined                                               Thousands of                                        the Water Voles in
NatureScot, as well as smaller                                           dramatically. This urban                                             wildflowers have been                                      the City project.
local organisations such as          The legally protected water vole    biodiversity success does bring a                                     planted throughout
Glasgow Natural History              was always known to be present      unique range of challenges to                                           the area to create
Society.                             in Glasgow, but it appeared to be   balance the protection of water                                        colourful, wildlife
This Local Biodiversity Action       mostly restricted to slow moving    voles and enable urban renewal.                                          rich grasslands,
Plan sets the priorities for         water courses at the edges of the   GCC has joined forces with the                                             wetlands and
biodiversity in the City, as part    city.                               University of Glasgow,                                                      woodlands.
of our commitment to halting                                             NatureScot, The Conservation
global biodiversity loss.            Imagine my surprise when my         Volunteers (TCV) and RSPB
                                     team got a call from                Scotland to help deliver the
So, what does a Biodiversity         Environmental Health in 2008        National Heritage Lottery                                                                       Dr Dominic
Officer do?                          about some animals in               funded Seven Lochs Wetland                                                               McCafferty, University
                                     Garthamlock over 1km from           Park - Water Voles in the City                                                                 of Glasgow, is
Meet Cath Scott, Natural             water. After a lot of head-         Project.                                                                                 surveying water voles
Environment Officer                  scratching they were confirmed      And to think, that before I                                                               in Garthamlock. The
(Biodiversity and Ecology) who       as water voles, but it was very     started working for Glasgow                                                              University of Glasgow
has worked for the Council for       confusing indeed. In the UK,        City Council, I had never seen a                                                             have carried out a
over 20 years.                       water voles are very much           water vole!                                                                                range of research to
‘People are often surprised          associated with water as the                                                                                                   find out more about
about the variety of wildlife that   name suggests but these animals                                                                                                  our unusual water
can be found in a city. There are    were behaving fossorially                                                                                                      voles. We now know
currently over 6000 species          (which means adapted to                                                       Grassland water vole in a Glasgow park.             that the highest
recorded in Glasgow, so my job       digging like a mole) and were                                                 Grassland water voles spend more time            recorded density of
is very varied. One key principle    living in long grass.                                                          underground, especially in the spring         water voles in the UK is
of nature conservation is to                                                                                        when grass is shorter, and they create         in Cranhill Park and
focus on habitats and                Once we knew about this                                                      small ‘vole hills’ of excavated soil. Photo ©     we now have lots of
connectivity to protect and          unusual behaviour, surveys                                                            Lorne Gill / NatureScot.                  information about
enhance as wide a range of           carried out by the team and the                                                                                                 their habitat needs.
species as possible at the same      Council’s Countryside Rangers
time.                                started to include grasslands
                                     and more and more sites were
This involves working with           found. We have come a long way
colleagues to ensure planning        since that first encounter.
protection through the               Fossorial water voles have now                                                            Click                               Click                              Click
designation of a range of            been found in long grass
protected sites, which currently     throughout the north east of                                                              Here                                Here                               Here
numbers nearly 100, design and       Glasgow from Robroyston Park
implement habitat creation           Local Nature Reserve to the
projects in parks and                edge of the city including the
greenspace, survey and monitor       Seven Lochs Wetland Park and
biodiversity to assess success       some areas in North
and promote the amazing range        Lanarkshire. They are found in        This artwork was produced                     For more                        To find out more                    To view the LBAP
of wildlife in our city, through     long grass in parks, road verges,      by a pupil at Avenue End
events and environmental             derelict land and even in the         Primary School which has                   Information on                    about Biodiversity                   Local Biodiversity
                                                                            water voles in the school
education.’                          occasional garden and are now
                                     referred to as grassland water                 grounds.                            Water Voles                                                             Action Plan
A New Woodland for
                                                                                             This combined integral open         Over 100 Glasgow schools will
                                                                                             space will provide better habitat   also have the opportunity to
                                                                                             for wildlife and attract            plant many oak trees later this
                                                                                             pollinators that are vital. The     year to help create this new
                                                                                             woodland will also create           woodland that will also become
                                                                                             natural absorption for harmful      an outdoor educational hub.
                                                                                             carbon from the atmosphere
                                                                                             and contribute to Glasgow’s         The funding for this new
                             Fields at Cart & Kittoch                                        efforts to tackle the climate       woodland was provided through
                            to be planted with 48,000                                        emergency.                          the Scottish Forestry grant
                                       trees                                                                                     scheme.
                                                                                             The overall intrinsic value and
                                                                                             importance of trees are second                                                Oak Sapling
                                                                                             to none when it comes to their
                                                                                             natural ability to absorb carbon,
                                                                                             which travels through the trees
                                                                                             transport system and merges to
                                                                                             create oxygen that is released
                                                                                             back into the atmosphere to
                                                                                             sustain all human and other
                                                                                             animal life.

                                                                                             Consultations have been carried
                                                                                             out throughout the process with
                                                                                             the appropriate government
                                                                                             bodies and members of the
                                                                                             public from surrounding areas
                                                                                             including Carmunnock, who
                                                                                             are keen and very pleased to be
                                                                                             involved with the Cart & Kittoch
                                                                                             project as they acknowledge the
                                                                                             multi-purpose benefits green
                                                                                             space provides.
A new native woodland the size of 60 full size football pitches is being created in
Glasgow with approximately 48,000 young trees planted on former pastureland on the                                                Oak Acorn to
southern edge of the city. This will provide surrounding communities with healthy                                                  grown tree
and natural outdoor greenspaces for everybody to enjoy.

Backed and managed by Glasgow City Council in partnership with the Green Action
Trust, the project will see ten different species of native trees planted across 40
hectares, near to Carmunnock.

Douglas Worrall from Green Action Trust had this to say

“Green Action Trust are delighted to be developing a further phase of new woodland at
                                                                                                         Click                               Click                      Click
Cart and Kittoch on behalf of Glasgow City Council. Once completed we believe it will                    Here                                Here                       Here
be the largest new native woodland planted by Glasgow City Council for a generation.
It will create a woodland habitat connection between Cart and Kittoch SSSI woodland
and Cathkin Braes delivering significant environmental and social benefits for
Glasgow. We are also very excited to be supporting the Lost Woods in their plans to
involve Glasgow’s Primary Schools in this project.”
                                                                                              To find out more                      To view the GCC                  To view the
                                                                                               about the new                         Council Parks                  Glasgow Open
                                                                                              woodland project                           Vision                    Spaces Strategy
Accessible Growing Space &

                   Mansewood Park
                                                                                                                                                                        Orchard Vision

                   and Allotments
The Parks Development Team           holders struggle to maintain          growing, in supporting
at Neighbourhoods,                   their plots and have had to make      environments that can help
Regeneration and Sustainability      that heart-breaking decision to       address the Climate and
in collabaration with                give up their plots and more          Ecological crisis, that meet the
Mansewood Allotments                 important to give up that side of     changing needs of city and its
Association have been                their social life. This is why it’s   residents human and otherwise.
developing additonal allotment       so important to have these            It’s been a great project to be
plots at Mansewood Allotments        facilities”                           involved with and I look
alongside works in the park to                                             forward to working with the
improve footpaths, increase          The park is the focus of              food growing community and
pollinator friendly wildflower       enhancements to introduce a           other city residents to ensure
planting and increased foraging      diverse range of native trees and     Glasgow remains Our Dear
opportunites within the park         shrubs along with many                Green Place.”
itself.                              wildflowers that will support a
As part of Henry’s croft farm        wider range of pollinating
the orginal 150 allotment plots      insects, butterflies and birds.
were developed in 1951, however      These works are supporting
as people’s interest changed, the    Glasgow City Council’s adopted
site reduced to 20 plots in the      Local Biodiversity Action Plan
1990’s. In 2011 investment from      and Pollinator Policy and
GHA (Glasgow Housing                 further supports addressing the                                                 Under                                        Wildflower Strips, shrubs
Association) and GCC (Glasgow        designated Ecological                                                         Construction                                       and Native Trees
City Council) lead to a further      Emergency.
20 plots being created with
other improvements to the site       Wildflower strips have been
too.                                 planted throughout the park
These works have been                along with a mix of native trees
delivered as part of our response    and shrubs all of which will
to the Climate and Ecolgical         provide improved shelter and
Declaration and to the               food sources for the ecosystems
increasing demand for food           within the park, it may even
growing and are a welcome            encourage in others species too.       A small number of trees have
addition to a well used site and                                                    been removed to
park.                                The site and surrounding park           accommodate the allotment
The works have provided an;          are now well set to meet any              extension, these are being
accessible growing area, 18          future challenges                        replaced by the planting of
additonal allotment plots,                                                    native species. Some of the
several hundered metres of           Iain Sutherland, Chairperson of          trees have been felled after
improved pathways and an             Mansewood Allotment                    inspection as it was noted that
orchard.                             Association added:                      they were displaying signs of                                             Improved Footpaths
However the improvements are         “Over the last year we have all         infection. The trees lost have
not only for the benefit of          seen how important it is to              been compensated for and
humans but other species that        socialise and to also stay safe;         bolstered by the planting of
have a home in the park too.         allotments are the ideal places to     additional native species trees
Mansewood Allotment                  do that. So, what about the                    within the Park
Association Chairperson Iain         future? Well no one knows that,
Sutherland had this to say:
“Mansewood has always prided
                                     but I do know that whatever it
                                     holds, Mansewood will rise to
itself on being embedded within      the challenge”                                                                                                                                           Here
the local community. We have a
community plot that is used by       We’ll leave the last word to
a local school and the               Sandy Paterson Assistant
community centre so to have          Manager Food Growing who
this opportunity to expand and       had this to say. “Projects such as
work with more groups able           this being delivered in                                                                                                                     To find out more
bodied and disabled is just great;   Mansewood Allotments in
it’s something that we are           partnership with local groups                                                                                                               about allotments
passionate about. Over the years     demonstrate GCC’s commitment                                                                 Additional Allotment Plots                     and food growing
we have seen some of our plot        to meeting the demands for food

The Art of Restoration
                                                                        A new community artwork              £2million contract to restore          owned by the Bishops of
                                                                        celebrating the 500-year long        Provan Hall.                           Glasgow, then as home to
                                                                        history of Provan Hall has been                                             wealthy families and gentleman
                                                                        installed in Auchinlea Park. The     Following restoration, the             farmers, and now as a hub for
                                                                        mural was created by digital         Provan Hall Trust will manage          community activities.
                                                                        artist Janie Nicoll using original   this fantastic old building as a
                                                                        works produced by the local          unique setting for local people        The restoration, which is funded
                                                                        community, including pupils          and visitors to learn about            by National Lottery Heritage
                                                                        from local primary schools and       Glasgow’s medieval past. The           Fund, Scottish Government,
                                                                        participants from the Saturday       Trust – which brings together          Historic Environment Scotland
                                                                        Art Club, Nu Gen and Art             the Friends of Provan Hall, local      and Glasgow City Council, will
                       Mural artist Janie                               Factory at Platform in               community organisations and            see a new chapter added to
                           Nicoll                                       Easterhouse. Commenting on           the council – will deliver a           Provan Hall’s long and
                                                                        the 30m long mural Jenny             wide-ranging programme of              fascinating history. Provan Hall
                                                                        Crowe, Arts Manager at               education activities and events.       and Auchinlea Park will also be
                                                                        Platform said “I am delighted        Ian Monteague, chair of the            developed as a new visitor
 Did you know that the Seven                                            that local residents from a          Provan Hall Trust, said “It’s          gateway to the Seven Lochs
Lochs Wetland Park is Scotland’s                                        number of Platform’s regular         fantastic to see the restoration       Wetland Park, an ambitious
largest urban heritage and nature                                       groups were able to work             works now underway at Provan           partnership project to create a
park. At over 16 sq km it spans the                                     creatively with Janie to bring       Hall, and a welcome boost to the       new, large scale heritage and
                                                                        real life and humour to the          area. The restored building will       nature park straddling the
Glasgow City / North Lanarkshire                                        mural for the Provan Hall            allow the Trust to develop a           Glasgow City / North
council boundary between                                                restoration works. Provan Hall is    wide-ranging programme of              Lanarkshire council boundary
Easterhouse, Coatbridge and                                             an amazing asset for the local       activities that we hope will           between Easterhouse,
Stepps – see                                         area and Platform is incredibly      attract both local people and          Coatbridge and Stepps.
                                                                        proud to be part of the              visitors from across Scotland.”        Councillor Maureen Burke,
                                                                        Community Management                 Provan Hall, which sits in what        Chair of the Seven Lochs
                                                                        Trust.”                              is now Auchinlea Park, has             Partnership said “The
                                                                                                             witnessed over 500 years of            installation of this new
                                                                        Installation of the artwork          change in the surrounding              community artwork and the
                                                                        marks the start of a major           landscape. The buildings are           restoration of Provan Hall is a
                                                                        restoration of one of the oldest     shrouded in mystery and many           testament to the dedication of
                                                                        surviving buildings in Glasgow.      aspects of its history are still not   many local volunteers who have
                                                                        Thanks to a unique partnership       known, including whether it is         been working towards its
                                                                        between Glasgow City Council,        Glasgow’s oldest surviving             restoration for over 10 years. Its
                                                                        local community organisations        building. This is one of the           restoration will see another
                                                                        and National Trust for Scotland,     questions the restoration works        crucial part of the Seven Lochs
                                                                        Provan Hall is set to become a       might help answer. What is clear       Wetland Park come into being.”
                                                                        unique new heritage visitor          is that Provan Hall is an
                                                                        attraction, and in January this      important part of Glasgow’s
                                                                        year the council awarded a           heritage, first as part of lands

                   Artist Janie Nicoll with representatives from
                   Provan Hall Trust, Platform and Seven Lochs     14                                                                                             The new mural
River Kelvin Elmvale Row – Meadows,
grass reinstatement, footpath and tree
         replacement planting
                                                                            Your Parks - Helping to
                                                                             Beat Climate Change
                                                                    The Parks Development team          With climate change in mind,        water network. Project meetings
                                                                    have been working with Scottish     parks and greenspaces in            and site visits along pipeline
                                                                    Water over the last 5 years to      Glasgow are contributing            routes are being organised to
                                                                    support their multimillion-         significantly to our                help reduce impact of work on
                                                                    pound water and wastewater          preparedness for climate            parks users and park
                                                                    investment projects across the      mitigation and adaptation by        infrastructure. The Parks
                                                                    City of Glasgow to improve          providing land for Scottish         Development team is currently
                                                                    water quality and alleviate         Water storm attenuation tanks       in discussion with Scottish
                                                                    flooding.                           and combined sewer overflows.       Water to agree to a series of
                                                                                                        The Parks Development team          legacy projects as part of
                                                                    Most of these projects including    have worked closely with            reinstatement work in parks for
                                                                    Shieldhall Tunnel and the           Scottish Water to deliver           community benefit and
                                                                    Ayrshire and Glasgow                stakeholder communications          wildlife.
                                                                    Resilience Project, involve         and engagement to reduce the
                                                                    major engineering works.            impact in the areas where these     Our work with Scottish Water
                                                                    Neighbourhoods, Regeneration        projects are being delivered.       hasn’t been without challenges
                                                                    and Sustainability (NRS) Parks      Effective collaboration between     as with any major partnership
                                                                    Development team has been           Scottish Water and the Parks        but the team can confidently
                                                                    working effectively in              Development team has led to         say, it has been by and large
                                                                    partnership with Scottish Water     improved access for the health      successful as we have all focused
                                                                    to reduce impact of works on        and wellbeing of park users,        on the bigger picture of making
                                                                    park infrastructure and park        increased habitat for               Glasgow a resilient, vibrant and
                                         Festival Park - New        users. This has allowed projects    biodiversity, tree replacement      healthy city giving local people
                                         entrance gate with         to be carried out in time and       planting across the city and        a say in the way we use our
                                                 path               without significant delays. As a    listening to concerns from park     parks and greenspaces.
                                                                    result, Scottish Water has been     stakeholders.
                                                                    able to invest in parks
                                                                    improvement during land             The Parks Development team is
                                                                    reinstatement works.                currently working with Scottish
                                                                    Improvements include a new          Water on the Glasgow Resilience
                                                                    bridge at Tollcross Park to allow   Project, which is the final phase
                                                                    access to Scottish Water            of the Ayrshire and Glasgow
                                                                    infrastructure, drainage            Resilience Project. This multi-
                                                                    improvement at Milton Park,         million pounds project which
                                                                    games court at Queens Park,         will connect the Ayrshire
                                                                    new entrance gates at Festival      network to the water network
                                                                    Park, meadows at Elmvale Row        systems in Greater Glasgow will
                                                                    and a new car park at Dams to       help provide greater security of
                                                                    Darnley Country Park.               supply to customers and
                                                                                                        minimise disruption to the

 Kelvingrove Park
 – Information for
     Park Users                                                                                                                                         Click

                                                                                                                                            To find out more on
                                                                                                                                              Scottish Water’s
                                               River Kelvin                                                                                  Resilience Project
Lots of nice herbs beginning to

             Nitshill                                                    grow in a raised bed in Nitshill
                                                                              Community Garden

           Greenspace                                                                                                                                          A keen volunteer tidying up a busy
                                                                                                                                                               raised bed in Nitshill Community
There are many community             greenspace in Nitshill. These
greenspace groups in the city        sessions have also been
who are not a ‘Friends of ‘group     supported by other community
yet or who have chosen to            organisations like Urban Roots,
operate as their own type of         Greater Pollok Volunteers and
group.                               the Noble Arts Boxing Club.
                                     The greenspace around Nitshill
Theresa, Alex and Carol from         is vast and has been a topic of
our Parks Development Team           conversation over the years with
support the ‘Friends of ‘,           the local community and
greenspace and blue space            Glasgow City Council.
groups across the city.
Nitshill Greenspace Garden           Now, with this new Nitshill
group have been working away,        Greenspace Garden group and
one step at a time starting in the   support from our Parks
small space outside Noble Arts       Department and other Glasgow
Boxing Club, which is a              City Council depts, there are
community hub for the area.          more community engagement                                     Two volunteers tidying up a
The small group of volunteers        activities on the horizon with                                  raised bed in Nitshill
teamed up with the boxing club       the aim of setting priority                                     Community Gardens
to apply for local area              themes of development and
partnership funding back in          exploration of ideas and setting
2018 and since then have             up a ‘Friends of’ group.
committed to meeting on a            The group held a successful
regular basis.                       community information day on
                                     April 27th, this was supported
Regular work sessions at the         by the local artist in residence,
community garden, welcome            Preisthill, Nitshill and
new and existing volunteers and      Craigbank Association and
include manual gardening work        Greater Pollok Volunteers.
with supervision and lessons
from Amy Quinn (local
resident, horticultural expert
and volunteer), general catch
ups with how the project is
going and discussions about
ideas for the surrounding


  To visit Nitshill
Greenspace Garden                                                                                                                Nitshill Greenspace Gardens
  Facebook page                                                                                                                       group event poster

Repairs to Victoria Park
The Victoria Park Galleon has      Extensive repairs were carried
been a well-loved piece of Play    out throughout March. The new
Equipment used by thousands        wood and decking was installed
of Glasgow’s children over the     and the ship painted - even the
last fifteen years. However due    four-metre high mast and flag
to the constant use by             received two coats of fresh paint
generations of happy kids the      - which was quite an operation
kit looked run down and tired      for the painters!
and sections of the ship were
closed and fenced off due to       The Galleon was opened just in
wear and tear.                     time for the Easter school
                                   holidays in April 2021 and a
In late 2020 the Friends of        small opening ceremony was
Victoria Park and members of       held involving everyone
the Victoria Park Trust            involved in the repair.
approached the Council’s (NRS)
Neighbourhoods, Regeneration       Happy Days!
& Sustainability Operations
Team with a view to having the     Special thanks to BAE, the
installation repaired. NRS Parks   Friends of Victoria park and the
Development were asked by the      Victoria Park Trust for all their
local parks management to          assistance with this project.
appoint a contractor capable of
carrying out the works.
The contractor started in
February 2021 – early works                                                                New Woodwork   Painting the
involved repairing and                                                                      and Decking     Galleon
replacing old woodwork,
decking and damaged trim.
Then the flaking paint was
At this stage staff from the
nearby Yarrow’s shipyard
approached the Council with a
view to contributing towards the
restoration. This partnership
with BAE was agreed and their
£7,000 contribution was
gratefully accepted.

            Click                                                                                                               Did you know that Victoria
                                                                                                                                Park was formally opened on
            Here                                                                                                                2nd July 1887 and is considered
                                                                                                                                to be Glasgow’s prettiest park.

      For more                                                         The finished                            Pirates at the
   information on                                                        article                             Opening Ceremony
    Victoria Park
Resident Robins                                                                                      Best Fence in Glasgow
A pair of robins regularly take up residence at Greenfield Depot to rear their young. It is the perfect        Friends of Knightswood have received funding from the Area Partnership who provide grants to local
location with access to Greenfield Park for food. But this year not only are they inside one of the            community and voluntary organisations to provide services that will help local priorities and Glasgow
Council work sheds, but the nest is also inside one of the vehicles.                                           City Councils objectives. They have now started their ‘Paint the Fence’ project. Here’s what they had
Staff are looking after the birds and the nest. The vehicle is temporarily not being used, with a              to say;
replacement machine brought in so that work still gets carried out and signs are up so the robin and
its young are not disturbed.                                                                                   “We received funding for this in November 2019 from the Area Partnership, but due to weather then
                                                                                                               restrictions, this is the first chance we’ve had. We could not think of a colour, so we chose them all!
Remember all wild birds and their nests are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as          Hoping to complete this in the next couple of weeks. It is now a real talking point, it’s been a great way
amended). This includes even common species like pigeons, blackbirds and robins.                               to raise awareness of our Friends of Knightswood Park group!”

                                                                                                               We think it looks fab, well done to all involved!


                                                                                                                 Keen volunteers from the Friends of
                                                                                                                Knightswood Park paint each slat of the
                                                                                                                fence a different colour of the rainbow

                                                                                    Click                                                                          Click                            Click
                                                                                    Here                                                                           Here                             Here
  vehicle with
  robins’ nest

                                                                         To find out more                                                           To visit Friends of  To find out more
                                                                        about how you can                                                           Knightswood Park        about Area
                                                                           help Robins                                                                 on Facebook      Partnership Grants
Overnewton Square Play                                              Brightly coloured
                                                                          roundabout and
                                                                       pendulum swing in the

             Area                                                           background

  Tired looking play area
    before the new play
  equipment was installed
                                                                            Footprint shapes                                    New benches provided
                                                                        leading to inclusive play                                 for weary parents
Overnewton Square is located in
the West end, surrounded by
housing and a short walk from
the Kelvingrove Museum. The
play area was tired and
uninspired, with limited play
value and in need of a revamp.
NRS (Neighbourhoods
Regeneration & Sustainability)                                                                      Climbing apparatus
worked with the local
community to create a new,
colourful and fun play area with
a wide range of equipment to
suit all ages. The area also
incorporates inclusive play
equipment and picnic benches.
The carpet designs include
sweeping, curved patterns and
foot print shapes to add interest.
Throughout the build, the
landscaping team received
many positive comments from
the local residents, who were
eager to enjoy the facility.

NRS, Parks Development will                                      Bright carpet design
continue to work with local                                      with curved shapes
communities and other key
stakeholders to improve play
areas across the city. Further
investment was recently
announced within the Council’s
2021/22 budget of £760,000 to
improve play areas and we look       Safety surfacing and                                                                A range of equipment
forward to implementing this in            spinner                                                                            for all ages
the months ahead.

Green algae growing at
                                                                                                                                                                              the water’s edge

     The Fascinating World of
Algae can be found growing on         Cyanobacteria are commonly         provide a quick alert to local
trees, paths, stone walls and         known as blue-green algae due      authorities and relevant agencies
roofs but the majority are            to their dominant blue and         by using the Citizen Science
aquatic, and many can be found        green chlorophyll pigments but     App. The Bloomin’ Algae app
in our park ponds. Many are           can also come in many other        can be used to help record
microscopic and only visible          colours – red, brown, and green.   harmful algal blooms and
when viewed using a                   They are mainly microscopic        provide a better understanding
microscope, but some are              but are visible when they form     of how algal blooms are
clearly visible to the naked eye.     large blooms on the surface of     impacting our freshwaters. The
They come in many colours but         ponds, lochans and lochs.          app is free, easy to use, and is
are generally green. Probably         An increase in the use of          easily downloaded to your                  Green filamentous
the most common are the green         fertilisers, farming methods,      phone.                                   algae attached to a stick
stringy slimes or large green         urbanisation and climate
growths visible on the surface of     change is likely leading to an
the water during warm sunny           increase in frequency of
periods. Dark slimy green and         cyanobacterial blooms and,
brown patches can be seen on          which are favoured by higher
submerged stones, rocks and           nutrient concentrations in the
clinging to plant stems. These        water and increasing incidents
algae are more common                 of warm sunny days.
through spring to autumn, but
growths can be seen throughout        A note of caution –
the year in all types of waters       cyanobacteria blooms can be
fluctuating in response to            toxic to humans and animals.
environmental conditions.             The Council’s Countryside
When conditions become very           Rangers currently monitor the
favourable large growths can          health of our park ponds and
easily be seen on the surface of      can identify when algae may
the water. These large growths,       become a problem. When a
termed blooms, can make the           bloom is noticed, signs are put
water murky and cloudy. In            up at park ponds to warn people      Did you know that Algae are
certain conditions, during            to keep themselves and pets          primary producers and food
warm sunny periods and in             away from the water until the        to a large number of
ponds that are very nutrient          bloom has gone.                      organisms - invertebrates,
rich, cyanobacteria can                                                                                                                         Brush a submerged
                                                                           molluscs, fish and birds. Most                                      stone from a river or
accumulate.                           We can help record and map           of these algae are completely
                                      where algae blooms occur and                                                                              pond and the dark
                                                                           harmless to us.                                                       brown liquid will       Cyanobacteria forming a
                                                                                                                                              contain lots of diatoms,   slick amongst vegetation
                                                                                                                                                  a type of algae                in a pond

                                                 Click                                Click
                                                 Here                                 Here

  Did you know that
  Cyanobacteria are one of the
  oldest organisms on earth,          To get the Bloomin’ To get the Bloomin’
  dating to 2.4 – 2.3 billion years
  ago. They are very diverse
                                         Algae App for       Algae App for
                                                                                                                                            Typical warning sign
  and global in distribution.              Android               Apple                                                                    erected at affected waters
                                                                                                                                                                                  Bloomin Algae

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