Page created by Anthony Graves
TOKYO 2020
Boxing Task Force                            Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide   2


3      WELCOME










Boxing Task Force   01 Welcome   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide   3

Boxing Task Force    01 Welcome                                                 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                      4

Welcome to the Tokyo 2020
Olympic Boxing Tournament

                                               for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, and to           2020 after a complex qualification
                                               organise and deliver the Olympic Boxing            pathway. The pandemic has had a
                                               Qualifying Events and the Olympic boxing           significant impact on the Boxing Road
                                               competition in Tokyo.                              to Tokyo over the last 17 months, and we
                                                                                                  have had to restructure the qualification
                                               The BTF has done as much as possible               pathway – a reality that was faced across
                                               during the time available to protect the           all sports and, from a wider perspective, in
                                               integrity of the sport, and to ensure the          all other aspects of our lives.
                                               athletes have a fair field of play on which
                                               to compete. We amended the Event                   Even so, the BTF’s overarching goal
                                               Regulations for the Olympic Boxing                 remained the same: to ensure a clear,
                                               Qualifying Events and the boxing                   just, and fair pathway to Tokyo 2020.
                                               tournament at the Olympic Games Tokyo              We have done our best to achieve that
                                               2020 with specific changes to deliver              goal, and we empathise with all teams
                                               our commitment to transparency while               and athletes (not only in boxing, but
                                               minimising the impact on boxers. We have           across all sports) who have experienced
                                               also implemented new scoring procedures,           challenges and disruptions posed by these
                                               introduced a new selection process for             unprecedented times in their quest for
                                               technical officials, and brought in a new          their Olympic dream.
                                               ranking and seeding system. Furthermore,
Dear members of the media,                     we have enlisted an external independent           Finally, we are here: the best boxers of
                                               auditor to guarantee that all procedures           the world in Tokyo. Only some of them
Welcome to the Olympic Games Tokyo             are followed and that the results of these         will fulfil their dream to finish on top of
2020 – and to the Kokugikan Arena, the         processes can be trusted by all.                   the Olympic podium, but we trust that
venue for the 13 boxing events (eight men’s                                                       all participants will enjoy a unique
events, five women’s events) at the Olympic    This has been an inclusive process,                experience – and that the Olympic Games
Games. From 24 July to 8 August, athletes      involving Athlete Ambassadors, a group             Tokyo 2020 will be a true showcase
and viewers will be able to enjoy Japanese     of experts, National Federations (NFs),            of Olympic values, as well as a turning
culture while watching the boxers in action    National Olympic Committees (NOCs) and             point for the sport.
in one of the most iconic venues of this       most importantly the athletes: we have
summer’s Games.                                listened to their voices and kept them at the      Once again, we would like to thank you
                                               heart of all our decisions. We would not have      for your interest in OIympic boxing, and
We are arriving here after a long, difficult   been able to achieve our mission without the       we wish you all good luck in the coming
and ultimately rewarding journey that          support and trust of so many individuals and       days in Tokyo!
began in 2019, when the 134th IOC Session      organisations, and ultimately of the whole
decided to suspend the recognition of the      boxing community. It is now time to thank
International Boxing Association (AIBA).       them for their commitment and trust on the
At the same time, the IOC decided to retain    Boxing Road to Tokyo.
boxing on the Olympic programme for
Tokyo 2020. The IOC Boxing Task Force          Some 291 boxers from 80 nations and
(BTF), which I represent, was created to       the Refugee Olympic Team have qualified            Mr Morinari Watanabe
develop a qualification system for the sport   to compete at the Olympic Games Tokyo              Chair, IOC Boxing Task Force
Boxing Task Force   02 Boxing Task Force   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide   5

 IOC Boxing
 Task Force
Boxing Task Force   02 IOC Boxing Task Force                                    Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                     6

The IOC Boxing Task Force

The IOC Boxing Task Force (BTF) was            Mission                                            • Willi Kaltschmitt Luján, an IOC Executive
created by the IOC Executive Board in June                                                          Board member from Guatemala
2019. This was in line with the decision at    The mandate of the BTF is to create a clear,
the 134th IOC Session to keep boxing on the    just and fair qualification pathway for boxers     • William Frederick Blick, an IOC Member
sports programme for Tokyo 2020, but to        to realise their dream of competing at the           from Uganda
suspend IOC recognition of the International   Olympic Games in Tokyo. The Tokyo 2020
Boxing Association (AIBA) due to concerns      tournament will feature 291 boxers (188 men,       • Marius Vizer, President of the International
over finance, governance, ethics, and          103 women) competing in 13 weight classes            Judo Federation from Austria
refereeing and judging.                        (eight for men, five for women).
                                                                                                  • Aya Medany, an IOC Athletes’ Commission
The IOC Executive Board gave the BTF the                                                            member from Egypt
mandate to organise and deliver the Olympic
Boxing Qualifying Events and the Olympic                                                          Athlete Ambassadors Group
                                               The BTF is composed of five members:
boxing tournament at the Olympic Games
Tokyo 2020.
                                               • Morinari Watanabe (Chair), an                    The BTF created the Athlete Ambassadors
                                                 IOC Member and President of the                  Group to engage with and represent boxers,
                                                 International Gymnastics Federation (FIG)        and to promote the athletes’ voice – which
                                                 from Japan                                       is central to the Olympic Movement – within
Boxing Task Force    02 IOC Boxing Task Force                                     Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                         7

boxing. The Athlete Ambassadors Group           Technical team                                         International Technical Officials (ITOs):
is composed of 10 boxers, one man and                                                                  The Tokyo 2020 boxing competition will
one woman from each of the five regions,        The BTF is supported by a dedicated                    feature 14 female ITOs out of a total of 58.
providing gender balance and global             management team that includes boxing                   This is an increase from Rio 2016, where
representation:                                 technical staff, who help manage and deliver           6 of the 63 ITOs were women.
                                                the Olympic Boxing Qualifying Events and
• Africa: Lukmon Lawal (NGR) and                the Olympic boxing tournament. This team               BTF Athlete Ambassadors: All regions
  Khadija Mardi (MAR)                           is supported by a group of experts, which              are represented by both a male and a
                                                includes members of selected boxing                    female athlete.
• Americas: Julio César La Cruz Peraza          federations, athletes, representatives of
  (CUB) and Mikaela Mayer (USA)                 combat sports and medical personnel.                   Competition schedule: The first boxing
                                                                                                       gold medal of the Games will be awarded to
• Asia: Hu Jianguan (CHN) and                                                                          a woman – in the Feather (54-57kg) class.
  Mary Kom (IND)                                Key BTF implementations                                New for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020,
                                                                                                       men and women’s bouts will alternate as
• Europe: Vasyl Lomachenko (UKR) and            The BTF has introduced a number of                     the closing bouts of the sessions.
  Sarah Ourahmoune (FRA)                        innovations for the Olympic Boxing
                                                Qualifying Events and the Olympic boxing            • Transparent scoring
• Oceania: David Nyika (NZL) and                tournament at Tokyo 2020:                             Scores are now publicly displayed at the
  Shelley Watts (AUS)                                                                                 end of each round and there is additional
                                                • Gender equality                                     clarity on judging criteria.
Their primary roles are to represent the          Athletes: The Tokyo 2020 boxing
athletes’ voice in BTF planning, engage           competition will feature 188 men and 103          • Objective and transparent referee and
with boxers, and promote a sustained              women, compared to 250 men and 36                   judge appointments and assessments
athletes’ voice and representation in the         women at Rio 2016. The number women’s               The pool of eligible technical officials
sport. The Group actively contributed             weight categories has been increased from           considered for the Olympic Boxing
to BTF decision-making processes                  three at Rio 2016 to five at Tokyo 2020, and        Qualifying Events and the Olympic Games
along the Boxing Road to Tokyo and                the number of men’s weight categories has           Tokyo 2020 has been determined based
in the lead-up to the Olympic Games               been reduced from ten at Rio 2016 to eight          on background checks and completion of
Tokyo 2020.                                       at Tokyo 2020.                                      ethics exams. A random selection process
                                                                                                      under the supervision of an external
                                                                                                      auditor has been followed to confirm the
                                                                                                      officials for each competition. Technical
                                                                                                      officials are monitored and evaluated on a
                                                                                                      daily basis throughout competition.

                                                                                                    • Compulsory prevention course
                                                                                                      on competition manipulation
                                                                                                      All Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 qualified
                                                                                                      athletes, team officials and technical
                                                                                                      officials must have completed this training.

                                                                                                    • Enhanced medical procedures
                                                                                                      Thorough post-bout medical reviews
                                                                                                      and daily training sessions with local
                                                                                                      medical staff.
Boxing Task Force   03 Olympic Qualification Pathway   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide   8

Boxing Task Force   03 Olympic Qualification Pathway                                     Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                       9

Olympic Qualification Pathway
The BTF is in charge of delivering the                 African Qualifying Event                            2021, but was cancelled due to the travel
Boxing Road to Tokyo Olympic Boxing                                                                        restrictions and lockdowns implemented
Qualifying Events. A total of 291 boxers
                                                       Dakar (SEN), 20-29 February 2020
                                                                                                           across the region caused by COVID-19.
(188 men and 103 women) have reached
                                                       The first Boxing Road to Tokyo Olympic
the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.                                                                              The BTF considered many alternative options,
                                                       Boxing Qualifying Event, held at the Dakar
                                                       Arena, saw 198 athletes from 38 African             with the aims of protecting the athletes’ health
Men’s boxers competed in eight weights:                                                                    and safety, safeguarding a fair and equitable
                                                       countries competing for 33 quota places
                                                       (22 for men, 11 for women).                         Olympic qualification pathway, and providing
• Fly Weight                                                                                               the athletes with certainty and sufficient
  48-52kg                                                                                                  time to prepare for Tokyo 2020. However,
• Feather Weight                                       Asian/Oceanian Qualifying Event                     due to the complexity and nature of the
  52-57kg                                              Amman (JOR), 3-11 March 2020                        sport and the large number of international
• Light Weight                                                                                             participants (400 people from 80 nations,
  57-63kg                                              The Asian/Oceanian Qualifying Event                 including technical officials), it was deemed
• Welter Weight                                        was originally scheduled to take place in           not possible either to change location or to
  63-69kg                                              Wuhan (CHN) in February 2020, but was               reschedule the event to a later date.
• Middle Weight                                        subsequently moved to the Prince Hamza
  69-75kg                                              Hall in Amman, Jordan. The qualifier saw            The Tokyo 2020 Olympic boxing qualification
• Light Heavy Weight                                   211 boxers from 35 countries competing for          pathway for the Americas was therefore
  75-81kg                                              63 quota places (41 for men, 22 for women).         restructured to reflect the cancellation of
• Heavy Weight                                                                                             the Americas Olympic Boxing Qualifier, and
  81-91kg                                                                                                  all 49 quota places (33 men, 16 women)
• Super Heavy Weight
                                                       European Qualifying Event
                                                                                                           were allocated via the BTF Rankings in
  91kg+                                                London (GBR), 14-16 March 2020                      accordance with the eligibility criteria of
                                                       Paris (FRA), 4-8 June 2021                          the Olympic Boxing Qualification System.
Women’s boxers competed in five weight
categories for the first time, with two                The third event of the Boxing Road to
additional categories compared to the                  Tokyo series began at the Copper Box Arena
                                                                                                           Final World Olympic Qualifier
Olympic Games Rio 2016:                                in London but was suspended following               Cancelled
                                                       the third day of competition due to the
• Fly Weight                                           increasing travel restrictions and national         Due to the surge of COVID-19 cases all over
  48-51kg                                              lockdowns stemming from the COVID-19                the world, the challenges to international
• Feather Weight                                       pandemic. Some 16 quota places were                 travel and related restrictions, the need to
  54-57kg                                              assigned during the first three days of             prioritise the continental Olympic qualifiers,
• Light Weight                                         competition, all for men’s events.                  the aim of allowing sufficient time for athletes
  57-60kg                                                                                                  to recover between events and to prepare for
• Welter Weight                                        Following the BTF’s decision to restructure         the Olympic Games, and the need to ensure
  64-69kg                                              the Tokyo 2020 boxing qualifying path,              that athletes of all regions had a fair and
• Middle Weight                                        Paris was selected to host the resumption           equal opportunity to qualify, the final World
  69-75kg                                              of the European qualifier – which resumed           Olympic Qualifier planned for the end of the
                                                       from where it was halted, following the end         qualification pathway had to be cancelled.
The qualification events took place                    of day 3 of competition. Of the 316 boxers
between February 2020 and June 2021.                   from 43 countries who had competed in the           The 53 quota places (32 men, 21 women)
                                                       preliminaries in London, 176 boxers from            that were due to be allocated at the event
                                                       38 countries were eligible to continue at Le        were assigned equally across the four
                                                       Grand Dôme in Villebon-sur-Yvette, Paris.           regions (Africa, Americas, Asia/Oceania and
                                                       A further 61 quota places (34 men, 27               Europe) and all weight categories. Following
                                                       women) were earned in Paris in the last             the fundamental principle of universality,
                                                       boxing qualifier before the Games, for a total      one nominal quota was allocated to the
                                                       of 77 quota places across the European              best-ranked athlete not yet qualified per
                                                       Qualifying Event.                                   region and per weight category, as per the
                                                                                                           BTF Rankings and in accordance with the
                                                                                                           eligibility criteria of the Olympic Boxing
                                                       Americas Qualifying Event                           Qualification System, upon the conclusion of
                                                       Cancelled                                           each respective continental event. The final
                                                                                                           quota place was allocated to the next best
                                                       The Boxing Road to Tokyo Americas                   ranked athlete worldwide not yet qualified in
                                                       qualifier was scheduled to take place in            the Women’s Fly (48-51 kg), as per the BTF
                                                       Buenos Aires (ARG) from 10 to 16 May                Rankings and eligibility criteria.
Boxing Task Force   04 Technical Officials Selection & Boxing Regulations   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide   10

Boxing Task Force    04 Technical Officials Selection & Boxing Regulations                   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                      11

Boxing Technical Officials
Selection Process

                                                                                                                  well-being of the events organised by
                                                                                                                  the BTF would lead to the removal of said
                                                                                                                  official(s) from all competitions.

                                                                                                               • Random draws
                                                                                                                 The BTF has organised random draws
                                                                                                                 from the eligible pool of officials to
                                                                                                                 determine the officials for the Olympic
                                                                                                                 Boxing Qualifying Events and the Olympic
                                                                                                                 Games Tokyo 2020. The random draws
                                                                                                                 for the Olympic Boxing Qualifying Events
                                                                                                                 included only R&Js from outside the region
                                                                                                                 where the qualifier was to take place while
                                                                                                                 ensuring both continental and gender

                                                                                                               • Education
                                                                                                                 All officials selected for each Olympic
                                                                                                                 Boxing Qualifying Event, as well as for the
                                                                                                                 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, have been
                                                                                                                 required to complete a course on the
One of the BTF’s objectives has been                      the International Technical Officials (ITOs):          topic of competition manipulation,
to define and document new processes                      at Tokyo 2020, 14 of the 58 ITOs will be               followed by a compulsory online test on
to establish the highest standards                        female, compared to six of 63 at the Olympic           the topic. In addition, all R&Js selected
and credibility in boxing competitions,                   Games Rio 2016 and three out of 63 at the              for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020
particularly with regard to the selection of              Olympic Games London 2012.                             have been required to take an enhanced
referees and judges (R&Js) for the Olympic                                                                       version of the online test that included
Boxing Qualifying Events and the Olympic                  The main innovations introduced by the                 boxing-specific questions on technical and
Games Tokyo 2020.                                         BTF to the Boxing Technical Officials                  competition rules.
                                                          Selection Process include:
Following a review and assessment of                                                                           • Exclusions
all current AIBA processes related to the                 • Reviews                                              Current AIBA Executive Committee
appointment and evaluation of R&Js, the BTF                 All officials are reviewed to ensure they            members, AIBA NF Presidents, AIBA NF
has integrated multiple control steps into the              meet the selection criteria in areas including       Secretaries General and R&Js who were
new processes to ensure greater transparency                but not limited to experience levels,                selected for the Olympic Games Rio 2016
and neutrality for the Olympic Games Tokyo                  certifications and historical performances.          were not considered in the TD, ITO and
2020. The effective implementation of                       In addition, all Technical Delegates (TDs),          R&J selection process. Former AIBA
these new processes before and during the                   ITOs and R&Js must be AIBA-certified                 Executive Committee members in the past
Olympic Boxing Qualifying Events and the                    individuals according to their roles.                three (3) years were also not part of the
Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 is also subject                                                                         selection process.
to a compliance assessment conducted                      • Background checks
by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).                            All officials are subject to background            The Boxing Technical Officials Selection
Furthermore, in line with its mandate, the                  checks. Any identified cases of                    Process Summary is available for download
BTF has increased gender equity among                       wrongdoing deemed as a risk to the ethical         from
Boxing Task Force     04 Technical Official Selections & Boxing Regulations                 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                     12

Boxing Regulations
In line with the mandate of primarily delivering           • Additional clarity on judging criteria           In addition, the following changes have been
the Olympic Boxing Qualifying Events and                     has been added to the Event Manual to            made to the rules compared to the Olympic
the boxing tournament at the Olympic                         assist in the global understanding of what       Games Rio 2016:
Games Tokyo 2020, and considering the                        Judges are looking for in a bout.
importance of focusing on the athletes,                                                                       • The duration of women’s bouts has
the BTF has complemented existing AIBA                     • Boxers no longer need to be clean-shaven           changed from four (4) rounds of two (2)
regulations with specific amendments to                      to compete.                                        minutes to three (3) rounds of three (3)
deliver its commitment to transparency                                                                          minutes, in line with the duration of the
while minimising the impact on boxers. The                 • Boxers who lose due to being disqualified          men’s bouts.
complete BTF Event Regulations are available                 (DSQ) are not automatically impeded
for download at                       from receiving a medal. This sanction            • All five (5) judges’ scores are now counted
                                                             is reserved to Disqualification due to             – compared to Rio 2016, when three (3)
Changes in the regulations to be adopted                     Unsportsmanlike Behaviour (DQB).                   out of the five (5) judges’ scores were
for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 include:                                                                       randomly selected.
                                                           • The Observer position has been removed
• Scores are now publicly displayed at the                   from the Field of Play – the Technical
  end of each round, allowing boxers and                     Official now evaluates referees and judges
  coaches to react accordingly to partial                    from an isolated room, assisted by a
  scores during the bout.                                    custom-made video adjudication system.
Boxing Task Force   05 Boxing Task Force Rankings   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide   13

 Task Force
Boxing Task Force
    Contents               05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                      Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                         14

A seeding system has traditionally                          place with the BTF Athletes Ambassadors                 category automatically received the number
been used in Olympic boxing tournaments                     group. As a result of this analysis, the BTF            3 seed in the respective weight categories
to allow the highest-ranking boxers to be                   adopted the BTF Ranking and Seeding                     for the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.
separated in the competition brackets for                   System for the Olympic Boxing Qualifying
each weight category. The BTF collected                     Events and the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.                The BTF has been responsible for the
inputs on ranking and seeding from a wide                                                                           BTF Ranking and Seeding System, ensuring
group of stakeholders, including teams and                                                                          a fair and consistent process across
athletes, and it was agreed that the best                   BTF Ranking and Seeding System                          the Olympic Boxing Qualifying Events.
boxers should be given the possibility of being                                                                     An external auditor has validated the
seeded. This would avoid confrontations                     The BTF Ranking and Seeding System for                  BTF Rankings to ensure the accuracy of
between the top boxers in the early stages                  the Olympic Boxing Qualifying Events and                the results and their compliance with the
and ensure increasingly high-level bouts at                 the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 applies                    scoring/weighting criteria.
later stages of the tournament. Therefore, it               to all boxers, and serves to seed the top
was agreed on the necessity of a seeding                    four (4) boxers in each continental qualifier           The Ranking and Seeding System, the
process in the Olympic Boxing Qualifying                    and the boxing tournament in the Olympic                BTF Rankings, the Olympic Games
Events and Olympic Games Tokyo 2020.                        Games Tokyo 2020. The system is based                   Qualification System, and the Event
                                                            on points awarded on individual on-field                Regulations that apply to the Boxing Road to
A special working group was created,                        results, obtained in selected international             Tokyo Qualifying Events and to the Olympic
including representatives of Boxing NFs                     competitions (the most significant and                  Games Tokyo 2020 are published online at
from all regions, with the task of establishing             relevant) between 2017 and 2021, including    
a fair ranking system to be used as a baseline              the Olympic Boxing Qualifying Events. Due
to seed boxers at the Olympic Boxing                        to the cancellation of the Americas Olympic             These rankings were updated on 18 June
Qualifying Events and at the Olympic Games                  Boxing Qualifying Event, the highest ranked             2021 after the conclusion of the European
Tokyo 2020. Further consultations also took                 boxer of the Americas region in each weight             continental qualifier (4-8 June 2021).

Men’s Fly (48-52kg)
#     Name                                                 NOC      CNT    Points    #    Name                                              NOC    CNT    Points

1     Amit Panghal                                         IND      ASI      620     25   Nodirjon Mirzakhmedov                             UZB    ASI      150

2     Billal Bennama                                       FRA     EUR       600     25   Kim In-kyu                                        KOR    ASI      150

3     Mohamed Flissi                                       ALG     AFR       520     25   Rodrigo Marte De La Rosa                          DOM    AME      150

3     Hu Jianguan                                          CHN      ASI      520     25   Charles Keama                                     PNG    OCE      150

5     Shakhobidin Zoirov                                   UZB      ASI      500     30   Alex Winwood                                      AUS    OCE      145

6     Galal Yafai                                          GBR     EUR       485     31   Hasanboy Dusmatov                                 UZB    ASI      130

7     Gabriel Escobar Mascunano                            ESP     EUR       380     32   Ndabezinhle Petros Phiri                          ZIM    AFR          125

8     Patrick Chinyemba                                    ZAM     AFR       300     32   Nestor Thomas                                     NAM    AFR          125

8     Thitisan Panmot                                      THA      ASI      300     32   Omid Ahmadisafa                                    IRI   ASI          125

10    Saken Bibossinov                                     KAZ      ASI      275     32   Brendan Irvine                                     IRL   EUR          125

10    Rajab Otukile Mahommed                               BOT     AFR       275     32   Koryun Soghomonyan                                ARM    EUR          125

12    Yosbany Veitia                                       CUB     AME       260     37   Ramon Nicanor Quiroga                             ARG    AME      120

12    Batuhan Çiftçi                                       TUR     EUR       260     37   Aldoms Suguro                                     INA    ASI      120

14    Tetteh Sulemanu                                      GHA     AFR       250     39   Manuel Cappai                                      ITA   EUR      105

15    Artur Hovhannisyan                                   ARM     EUR       240     39   Said Mortaji                                      MAR    AFR      105

16    Sakhil Alakhverdovi                                  GEO     EUR       225     39   Hamza Touba                                       GER    EUR      105

17    Carlo Paalam                                         PHI      ASI      215     42   Zoheb Ali                                          FIJ   OCE      100

18    Yuberjen Herney Martinez Rivas                       COL     AME       210     42   Hassan Shaffi Bakari                              KEN    AFR      100

19    Dawit Wibshet                                        ETH     AFR       200     42   Deepak Singh                                      IND    ASI      100

19    Juliano Fernando Maquina                             MOZ     AFR       200     42   Joahnys Argilagos                                 CUB    AME      100

21    Daniel Panev Asenov                                  BUL     EUR       190     46   Vasilii Egorov                                    ROC    EUR          90

22    Azat Usenaliev                                       KGZ      ASI      185     47   Jasurbek Lapitov                                  UZB    ASI          80

23    Cosmin-Petre Girleanu                                ROU     EUR        175    48   Tu Po-Wei                                         TPE    ASI          75

24    Oscar Collazo                                        PUR     AME        170    48   Yankiel Rivera Figueroa                           PUR    AME          75

25    Berry Namri                                          VAN     OCE       150     48   Kevin Arias                                       NCA    AME          75
Boxing Task Force           05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                     15

Men’s Fly (48-52kg) continued
#     Name                                                  NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                               NOC    CNT   Points

48    Mirlan Turkbai Uulu                                   KGZ    ASI      75    64   Cornelis Kwangu Langu                              INA    ASI      50

48    Temirtas Zhussupov                                    KAZ    ASI      75    64   Nodari Darbaidze                                   GEO    EUR      50

48    Tosho Kashiwasaki                                     JPN    ASI      75    64   Aqeel Ahmed                                        GBR    EUR      50

48    Federico Serra                                         ITA   EUR      75    64   Martín Molina                                      ESP    EUR      50

48    Regan Buckley                                          IRL   EUR      75    64   Rufat Huseynov                                     AZE    EUR      50

48    Damian Arce                                           CUB    AME      75    64   Baregham Harutyunyan                               ARM    EUR      50

48    Enkhmandakh Kharkhuu                                  MGL    ASI      75    64   Ramish Rahmani                                     AFG    ASI      50

48    Mick Mikamou Mayelet                                  GAB    AFR      75    81   Mohammad Al-Gharaghir                              JOR    ASI      45

48    Doudou Ilunga                                         COD    AFR      75    81   Luis Delgado                                       ECU    AME      45

48    Rasul Saliev                                          ROC    EUR      75    83   Yoel Finol Rivas                                   VEN    AME     33.7

61    Michael Angeletti                                     USA    AME      60    84   Seneviratne Bandara                                 SRI   ASI      30

61    Jo Se-Hyeong                                          KOR    ASI      60    84   Gankhuyagiin Gan-Erdene                            MGL    ASI      30

61    Masud Yusifzada                                       AZE    EUR      60    84   Tlholohelo Mokhesi                                 LES    AFR      30

64    Dmytro Zamotayev                                      UKR    EUR      50    84   Anvar Muzaparov                                    KAZ    ASI      30

64    Champion Busigne                                      UGA    AFR      50    84   Kavinder Bisht                                     IND    ASI      30

64    Tamir Galanov                                         ROC    EUR      50    84   Salah Ibrahim                                      GER    EUR      30

64    O Tae Bom                                             PRK    ASI      50    84   Sergio Antonio Rodrigues                           CPV    AFR      30

64    Marvin Tabamo                                         PHI    ASI      50    84   Ceiber Avila                                       COL    AME      30

64    Ramel Macado                                          PHI    ASI      50    92   Muhammed Unlu                                      TUR    EUR      20

64    Mousa Sahabi Gado                                     NIG    AFR      50    92   Daniel Maamo                                       PHI    ASI      20

64    Tony Heriniaina Nomenjanahary                         MAD    AFR      50    92   David Alaverdian                                    ISR   EUR      20

64    Khamphouvanh Khamsathone                              LAO    ASI      50    92   Niall Farrell                                      GBR    EUR      20

64    Zhomart Yerzhan                                       KAZ    ASI      50    92   Robinson Rodriguez                                 CRC    AME      20

Men’s Feather (52-57kg)
#     Name                                                  NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                               NOC    CNT   Points

1     Mirazizbek Mirzakhalilov                              UZB    ASI     850    24   Osvel Caballero                                    CUB    AME     150

2     Albert Batyrgaziev                                    ROC    EUR     490    24   Christon Amram                                     NRU    OCE     150

3     Everisto Mulenga                                      ZAM    AFR     475    24   Vasile Usturoi                                     BEL    EUR     150

4     Lazaro Alvarez                                        CUB    AME     470    27   Arslan Khataev                                      FIN   EUR     135

5     Peter McGrail                                         GBR    EUR     400    28   Gaurav Bidhuri                                     IND    ASI     125

6     Nicholas Okongo Okoth                                 KEN    AFR     350    28   Tryagain Ndevelo                                   NAM    AFR     125

6     Samuel Kistohurry                                     FRA    EUR     350    28   Sing Yu Tso                                        HKG    ASI     125

8     Mohammad Al-Wadi                                      JOR    ASI     345    28   Sangmyeong Ham                                     KOR    ASI     125

9     Mohamed Hamout                                        MAR    AFR     335    28   Pedro Manuel Gomes                                 ANG    AFR     125

10    Mykola Butsenko                                       UKR    EUR     320    28   Maitewa Kesaotshepa Tefo                           BOT    AFR     125

11    Erdenebat Tsendbaatar                                 MGL    ASI     300    28   Daniyal Shahbakhsh                                  IRI   ASI     125

11    Isaac Masembe                                         UGA    AFR     300    28   Fikremariyam Yadesa Leta                           ETH    AFR     125

13    Roland Galos                                          HUN    EUR     260    28   Krenar Zeneli                                      ALB    EUR     125

14    Kurt Walker                                            IRL   EUR     240    28   Jose Quiles Brotons                                ESP    EUR     125

14    Kairat Yeraliev                                       KAZ    ASI     240    28   Hamsat Shadalov                                    GER    EUR     125

16    Chatchai-decha Butdee                                 THA    ASI     235    39   Moroke Mokhotho                                    LES    AFR     105

17    Van Gioi Nguyen                                        VIE   ASI     230    40   Jamie Chang                                        PNG    OCE     100

18    Tayfur Aliyev                                         AZE    EUR     215    41   Zhihao Chen                                        CHN    ASI      95

19    Kavinder Bisht                                        IND    ASI    212.5   42   Dorin Bucşa                                        MDA    EUR      90

20    Serik Temirzhanov                                     KAZ    ASI     200    43   Oussama Mordjane                                   ALG    AFR      75

20    Samuel Takyi                                          GHA    AFR     200    43   Alexy Miguel De La Cruz Baez                       DOM    AME      75

22    Ian Clark Bautista                                    PHI    ASI     195    43   Sharafa Raman                                      GER    EUR      75
23    Duke Ragan                                            USA    AME     180    43   Kharkhüügiin Enkh-Amar                             MGL    ASI      75
Boxing Task Force           05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                     16

Men’s Feather (52-57kg) continued
#     Name                                                  NOC   CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

43    Lucas Fernandez                                       URU   AME      75    63   Jean Carlos Caicedo Pachito                       ECU    AME      45

43    Lanson Ron                                            VAN   OCE      75    63   Munarbek Seitbek Uulu                             KGZ    ASI      45

43    Nathan Lunata                                         COD   AFR      75    63   Lee Ye-Chan                                       KOR    ASI      45

43    Musa Cham                                             GAM   AFR      75    69   Zhirayr Sargsyan                                  ARM    EUR      30

43    Artur Bazeyan                                         ARM   EUR      75    69   Zhang Jiawei                                      CHN    ASI      30

43    Edgaras Skurdelis                                     LTU   EUR      75    69   Rocky Bukasa Biakulowa                            COD    AFR      30

43    Viliam Tankó                                          SVK   EUR      75    69   Leonel de los Santos                              DOM    AME      30

43    Kevin Godla                                           CZE   EUR      75    69   Omar El-Hag                                       GER    EUR      30

55    Ceiber Avila Segura                                   COL   AME     67.5   69   Jill Mandagie                                     INA    ASI      30

56    Mirco Jehiel Cuello                                   ARG   AME      60    69   Subaru Murata                                     JPN    ASI      30

57    Eric Basran                                           CAN   AME      60    69   Almanbet Alibekov                                 KGZ    ASI      30

58    Nikalai Shakh                                         BLR   EUR      50    69   Daouda Sidibe                                     MLI    AFR      30

58    Wilson Carlos Semedo                                  CPV   AFR      50    69   Jo Hyo Nam                                        PRK    ASI      30

58    Franck Mombey                                         GAB   AFR      50    69   Bilel Mhamdi                                      TUN    AFR      30

58    Artyush Gomtsyan                                      GEO   EUR      50    80   Raffaele Di Serio                                  ITA   EUR      20

58    Po-Yi Chen                                            TPE   ASI      50    80   Stefan Ivanov                                     BUL    EUR      20

63    Douglas de Andrade                                    BRA   AME      45    80   Lee McGragor                                      GBR    EUR      20

63    Boyan Asenov                                          BUL   EUR      45    80   Ryomei Tanaka                                     JPN    ASI      20

63    Frederik Jensen                                       DEN   EUR      45    80   Angel Jarquin                                     NCA    AME      20

Men’s Light (57-63kg)
#     Name                                                  NOC   CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

1     Sofiane Oumiha                                        FRA   EUR     690    28   Nuuli Mose                                        SAM    OCE     150

2     Andy Cruz                                             CUB   AME     550    28   Erdenebat Tsendbaatar                             MGL    ASI     150

3     Elnur Abduraimov                                      UZB   ASI     475    28   Milan Fodor                                       HUN    EUR     150

3     Jonas Jonas                                           NAM   AFR     475    31   Michael Alexander                                 TTO    AME     135

5     Zakir Safiullin                                       KAZ   ASI     460    32   Otar Eranosyan                                    GEO    EUR      125

6     Dzmitry Asanau                                        BLR   EUR     450    32   Yahia Abdelli                                     ALG    AFR      125

7     Louis Richarno Colin                                  MRI   AFR     400    32   Qhobosheane Mohlerepe                             LES    AFR      125

8     Baatarsukh Chinzorig                                  MGL   ASI     365    32   Brendon Denes                                     ZIM    AFR      125

9     Luke McCormack                                        GBR   EUR     355    32   Ashkan Rezaei                                      IRI   ASI      125

10    Hovhannes Bachkov                                     ARM   EUR     350    32   Alexandros Tsanikidis                             GRE    EUR      125

10    Abdelhaq Nadir                                        MAR   AFR     350    38   Alexandru Paraschiv                               MDA    EUR     120

12    Keyshawn Davis                                        USA   AME     340    39   Wanderson de Oliveira                             BRA    AME      110

13    Bakhodur Usmonov                                      TJK   ASI     335    40   Luis Angel Cabrera                                VEN    AME     105

13    Harrison Garside                                      AUS   OCE     335    41   Pemberton Lele                                    SOL    OCE     100

15    Obada Mohammad Mustafa Al-Kasbeh                      JOR   ASI     300    41   Jone Davule                                        FIJ   OCE     100

15    Gabil Mamedov                                         ROC   EUR     300    43   Karen Tonakanyan                                  ARM    EUR      95

17    Fiston Mbaya Mulumba                                  COD   AFR     295    44   Ilia Popov                                        ROC    EUR      90

18    Manish Kaushik                                        IND   ASI     275    44   Daisuke Narimatsu                                 JPN    ASI      90

19    Enrico Lacruz                                         NED   EUR     265    44   Ikboljon Kholdarov                                UZB    ASI      80

20    John Ume                                              PNG   OCE     225    44   Iurii Shestak                                     UKR    EUR      80

21    Leonel De Los Santos Nunez                            DOM   AME    212.5   48   Shakurjon Rahimov                                 UZB    ASI      75

22    Abdul Wahib Omar                                      GHA   AFR      175   48   Leodan Pezo Saboya                                PER    AME      75

22    Yaroslav Khartsyz                                     UKR   EUR      175   48   Tevii Steven                                       KIR   OCE      75

22    Damian Durkacz                                        POL   EUR      175   48   Sanatali Toltayev                                 KAZ    ASI      75

22    Javid Chalabiyev                                      AZE   EUR      175   48   Ahmad Shtiwi                                       ISR   EUR      75

26    Jun Shan                                              CHN   ASI      170   48   Shiva Thapa                                       IND    ASI      75

26    Tuğrul Erdemir                                        TUR   EUR      170   48   Elia Rokobuli                                      FIJ   OCE      75
Boxing Task Force         05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                    Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                     17

Men’s Light (57-63kg) continued
#     Name                                                NOC    CNT    Points   #     Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

48    Gildas Bangana                                      CAF    AFR       75    87    Dat Vu Thanh                                       VIE   ASI      30

48    Alston Ryan                                         ANT    AME       75    87    Hakan Doğan                                       TUR    EUR      30

48    Sanil Shahi                                         NEP    ASI       75    87    Dinindu Du Ponnawila Vidanalage Don                SRI   ASI      30

48    Atichai Phoemsap                                    THA    ASI       75    87    Aleksandar Konovalov                              SRB    EUR      30

48    Yasin Adnan                                         UGA    AFR       75    87    Tadej Černoga                                     SLO    EUR      30

48    Akrem Ven Haj Aouina                                TUN    AFR       75    87    Aleksei Mazur                                     ROC    EUR      30

48    Clinton Farlo Ndjinga                               GAB    AFR       75    87    Vasile Suciu                                      ROU    EUR      30

48    Alex Michael Isendi                                 TAN    AFR       75    87    Richard Hadlow                                    NZL    OCE      30

48    Diallo Ibrahima Bea Jr                              GUI    AFR       75    87    Dorin Bucşa                                       MDA    EUR      30

48    Geroge Bates                                         IRL   EUR       75    87    Edgaras Skurdelis                                 LTU    EUR      30

48    Nikolai Terteryan                                   DEN    EUR       75    87    Francesco Maietta                                  ITA   EUR      30

48    Rexhildo Zeneli                                     ALB    EUR       75    87    Paolo Di Lerni                                     ITA   EUR      30

67    Calum French                                        GBR    EUR       70    87    James McGivern                                     IRL   EUR      30

68    Jose Viafara                                        COL    AME       60    87    Murat Yildirim                                    GER    EUR      30

69    Shunkor Abdurasulov                                 UZB    ASI       50    87    Artem Harutyunyan                                 GER    EUR      30

69    Freudis Rojas                                       USA    AME       50    87    Lasha Guruli                                      GEO    EUR      30

69    Hursand Imankuliyev                                 TKM    ASI       50    87    Jordan Rodriguez                                  FRA    EUR      30

69    Togrulbeg Pazzyyev                                  TKM    ASI       50    87    Cristian Eusse                                    ESP    EUR      30

69    Rujakran Juntrong                                   THA    ASI       50    87    Eslam El-Gendy                                    EGY    AFR      30

69    Dorjnyambuugiin Otgondalai                          MGL    ASI       50    87    Elvis Rodriguez                                   DOM    AME      30

69    Ahmad Almatbouli                                    JOR    ASI       50    87    Samuel Mulugeta Sheno                             ETH    AFR      30

69    Amiri Moslem Maghsoudi Mal                           IRI   ASI       50    87    Pitso Mmopiemang                                  BOT    AFR      30

69    Rohit Tokas                                         IND    ASI       50    87    Vazgen Safaryants                                 BLR    EUR      30

69    Hamsat Shadalov                                     GER    EUR       50    87    Ali Reza Ahmadi                                   AFG    ASI      30

69    Hendri Cedeno                                       DOM    AME       50    111   Bekdaulet Ibragimov                               KAZ    ASI      20

69    Liam Wilson                                         AUS    OCE       50    111   Arashi Morisaka                                   JPN    ASI      20

81    Reda Benbaziz                                       ALG    AFR       50    111   Pavel Ishenko                                      ISR   EUR      20

81    Somchay Wongsuwan                                   THA    ASI       45    111   Sean McComb                                        IRL   EUR      20

81    Kang Hyeon-Bin                                      KOR    ASI       45    111   Richard Kovacs                                    HUN    EUR      20

81    Miguel Ferrin                                       ECU    AME       45    111   John Gutierrez                                    COL    AME      20

81    Thomas Blumenfeld                                   CAN    AME       45    111   Arthur Biyarslanov                                CAN    AME      20

81    Ibrahima Diallo                                     BEL    EUR       45

Men’s Welter (63-69kg)
 #     Name                                                NOC   CNT    Points   #     Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

 1     Pat McCormack                                      GBR    EUR      820    14    Aidan Walsh                                        IRL   EUR     245

 2     Andrei Zamkovoy                                    ROC    EUR      600    16    Yevhenii Barabanov                                UKR    EUR     220

 3     Zeyad Eashash                                      JOR     ASI     560    17    Necat Ekinci                                      TUR    EUR      215

 4     Bobo-Usmon Baturov                                 UZB     ASI     500    18    Jessie Lartey Lartey                              GHA    AFR     200

 5     Albert Mengue Ayissi                               CMR    AFR      430    18    Shadiri Bwogi                                     UGA    AFR     200

 6     Ablaikhan Zhussupov                                KAZ     ASI     400    20    Rohan Polanco                                     DOM    AME      190

 7     Roniel Iglesias                                    CUB    AME      320    21    Nafital Afonso Goma                               ANG    AFR      175

 7     Lorenzo Sotomayor Collazo                          AZE    EUR      320    22    Wuttichai Masuk                                   THA    ASI      170

 9     Sewonrets Okazawa                                  JPN     ASI      315   23    Eskerkhan Madiev                                  GEO    EUR      155

 10    Steven Zimba                                       ZAM    AFR      300    23    Delante Johnson                                   USA    AME      135

 10    Vikas Krishan                                      IND     ASI     300    23    Mmusi Tswige                                      BOT    AFR      125

 12    Marion Ah Tong                                     SAM    OCE      275    23    Thabiso Dlamini                                   SWZ    AFR      125

 12    Merven Clair                                       MRI    AFR      275    23    Mokhachane Moshoeshoe                             LES    AFR      125

 14    Qiong Maimaitituersun                              CHN     ASI     245    23    Hugo Micallef                                     MON    EUR      125
Boxing Task Force         05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                     18

Men’s Welter (63-69kg) continued
#     Name                                                NOC   CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

23    Aliaksandr Radzionau                                BLR   EUR     125    61   Patriot Behrami                                   KOS    EUR      50

30    Pan Hung-Ming                                       TPE   ASI     120    61   Terry Nickolas                                    AUS    OCE      50

30    Wahid Hambli                                        FRA   EUR     120    61   Yauheni Dauhaliavets                              BLR    EUR      50

32    Gabriel Jose Maestre Perez                          VEN   AME     105    61   Abass Baraou                                      GER    EUR      50

32    Mefsin Biru Keralah                                 ETH   AFR     105    61   Vasile Belous                                     MDA    EUR      50

32    Adem Fetahovic                                      BIH   EUR     105    61   Leroy Hindley                                     NZL    OCE      50

35    Warren Warupi                                       PNG   OCE     100    61   Joel Bacho                                        PHI    ASI      50

35    Khariton Agrba                                      ROC   EUR     100    61   Duc Tho Tran                                       VIE   ASI      50

35    Shakhram Giyasov                                    UZB   ASI     100    61   Mohamed Hikal                                     EGY    AFR      50

35    Abdulafeez Osoba                                    NGR   AFR     100    61   Nkumbu Silungwe                                   ZAM    AFR      50

39    Nabil Messaoudi                                     BEL   EUR      75    71   Brian Arregui                                     ARG    AME      45

39    Ashish                                              IND   ASI      75    71   Duryodhan Negi                                    IND    ASI      45

39    Toaua Bangke                                        KIR   OCE      75    71   Gianluigi Malanga                                  ITA   EUR      45

39    Idriss Kapenga                                      COD   AFR      75    71   Abdurakhman Abdrurakhmanov                        KGZ    ASI      45

39    Boniface Maina                                      KEN   AFR      75    71   Lim Hyun-Chul                                     KOR    ASI      45

39    Jason Mallia                                        AUS   OCE      75    71   Delano James                                      NED    EUR      45

39    Omar Elsayed Ragab Elawady Ela                      EGY   AFR      75    71   Zine El Abdine Amroug                             MAR    AFR      45

39    Freeman Mabvongwe                                   ZIM   AFR      75    78   Vincenzo Mangiacapre                               ITA   EUR      30

39    Dominic Roe                                         NZL   OCE      75    78   Hussaib Amiri                                     AFG    ASI      30

39    Nursultan Mamataly                                  KGZ   ASI      75    78   Alban Beqiri                                      ALB    EUR      30

39    Misheelt Battumur                                   MGL   ASI      75    78   Pavel Kamanin                                     EST    EUR      30

39    Marcel Rumpler                                      AUT   EUR      75    78   Kieran Molloy                                      IRL   EUR      30

39    Miroslav Kapuler                                    ISR   EUR      75    78   Byambyn Tüvshinbat                                MGL    ASI      30

39    Mohamed Rachem                                      BEL   EUR      75    78   Saylom Ardee                                      THA    ASI      30

39    Sebastian Terteryan                                 DEN   EUR      75    78   Quinton Randall                                   USA    AME      30

39    Dionysos Pefanis                                    GRE   EUR      75    86   Hamza Boudrar                                     MAR    AFR      30

55    Wyatt Sanford                                       CAN   AME      60    86   Juan Solano                                       DOM    AME      20

55    Lasha Guruli                                        GEO   EUR      60    86   Alexandros Tsanikidis                             GRE    EUR      20

55    Nick Bier                                           GER   EUR      60    86   Manoj Kumar                                       IND    ASI      20

55    Ganbaatar Bayarkhuu                                 MGL   ASI      60    86   Sergei Sobylinskii                                ROC    EUR      20

55    Filip Wąchała                                       POL   EUR      60    91   Laszlo Kozak                                      HUN    EUR       10

55    Chemseddine Kramou                                  ALG   AFR      60
Boxing Task Force           05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                  Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                     19

Men’s Middle (69-75kg)
#     Name                                                  NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

1     Gleb Bakshi                                           ROC    EUR     650    37   Muhammad Abdilrasoon                               FIN   EUR      85

1     Oleksandr Khyzhniak                                   UKR    EUR     650    38   Israil Madrimov                                   UZB    ASI      80

3     Eumir Marcial                                         PHI    ASI     640    39   Fiu Tui                                           TUV    OCE      75

4     Younes Nemouchi                                       ALG    AFR     445    39   Nursähet Pazzyýew                                 TKM    ASI      75

5     Abilkhan Amankul                                      KAZ    ASI     380    39   Lesther Espino                                    NCA    AME      75

6     Andrej Csemez                                         SVK    EUR     355    39   Ahmed Abdelmoneim                                 EGY    AFR      75

7     David Semmuju                                         UGA    AFR     350    39   Milos Bartl                                       CZE    EUR      75

8     Arman Darchinyan                                      ARM    EUR     320    39   Kim Jin-Jea                                       KOR    ASI      75

9     Tursynbay Kulakhmet                                   KAZ    ASI     300    39   Yuito Moriwaki                                    JPN    ASI      75

9     Ashish Kumar                                          IND    ASI     300    39   Kirra Ruston                                      AUS    OCE      75

9     David Tshama Mwenekabwe                               COD    AFR     300    39   Abubakari Kwasi Quartey                           GHA    AFR      75

12    Seyedshahin Mousavi                                    IRI   ASI     290    39   Rayton Okwiri                                     KEN    AFR      75

13    Tanglatihan Tuohetaerbieke                            CHN    ASI     260    39   Eduardo Zola Daniel                               ANG    AFR      75

14    Hebert Conceicao Sousa                                BRA    AME     250    39   Carlos L’muala Glory                              COD    AFR      75

15    Dieudonne Wilfred Seyi Ntsengue                       CMR    AFR    237.5   39   Angel Roque                                        SUI   EUR      75

16    Adam Chartoi                                          SWE    EUR     220    39   Lewis Richardson                                  GBR    EUR      75

17    Salvatore Cavallaro                                    ITA   EUR     210    39   Simeon Chamov                                     BUL    EUR      75

17    Michael Nevin                                          IRL   EUR     210    54   Javier Martinez                                   USA    AME      60

19    Fanat Kakhramonov                                     UZB    ASI     185    54   Euri Cedeno Martinez                              DOM    AME      60

19    Vitali Bandarenka                                     BLR    EUR     185    56   Max van der Pas                                   NED    EUR      50

21    Arena Pakela                                          LES    AFR      175   56   Davaanyam Davaasuren                              MGL    ASI      50

21    Raul Obama Mangue                                     GEQ    AFR      175   56   Sofiane Tabi                                      ALG    AFR      50

23    Serhat Güler                                          TUR    EUR      170   56   Josky Tovor                                       VAN    OCE      50

23    Lancelot Proton                                       BEL    EUR      170   56   Ryan Scaife                                       NZL    OCE      50

25    Jancen Poutoa                                         SAM    OCE     150    56   Andreas Kadhila Shikongo                          NAM    AFR      50

26    Giorgi Kharabadze                                     GEO    EUR     135    62   Sandro Poletan                                    SRB    EUR      45

27    Troy Isley                                            USA    AME     125    62   Andrej Mersljakov                                 GER    EUR      45

27    Ahmad Ghosson                                         SYR    ASI     125    62   Amin Kushkhov                                     AZE    EUR      45

27    Byamba-Erdene Otgonbaatar                             MGL    ASI     125    65   Andrei Vreme                                      MDA    EUR      35

27    Maikhel Roberrd Muskita                               INA    ASI     125    66   Victor Carapcevschi                               MDA    EUR      30

27    Anas Ezzerrifi Amrani                                 MAR    AFR     125    66   Zoltan Harcsa                                     HUN    EUR      30

27    Miguel Cuadrado                                       ESP    EUR     125    66   Vadzim Pankou                                     BLR    EUR      30

33    Kamran Shakhsuvarly                                   AZE    EUR      115   66   Campbell Somerville                               AUS    OCE      30

34    Omurbek Bekzhiget Uulu                                KGZ    ASI      110   70   Aziz Achilov                                      TKM    ASI      20

35    Mindaugas Gedminas                                    NOR    EUR     105    71   Silvio Schierle                                   GER    EUR      20

36    George Cosby Ouma                                     KEN    AFR     100
Boxing Task Force          05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                    20

Men’s Light Heavy (75-81kg)
#     Name                                                 NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                               NOC    CNT   Points

1     Bekzad Nurdauletov                                   KAZ    ASI     700    40   Clay Waterman                                      AUS    OCE      95

2     Loren Berto Alfonso Dominguez                        AZE    EUR     640    41   Georgy Kushitashvili                               ROC    EUR      90

3     Abdelrahman Salah Orabi Abdelgawwad                  EGY    AFR     610    41   Ibragim Bazuev                                     GER    EUR      90

4     Benjamin Whittaker                                   GBR    EUR   572.5    41   Gaëtan Ntambwe                                     FRA    EUR      90

5     Mohammed Houmri                                      ALG    AFR     420    41   Umar Dzambekov                                     AUT    EUR      90

6     Paulo Aokuso                                         AUS    OCE     300    45   Joe Ward                                            IRL   EUR      80

7     Dilshod Ruzmetov                                     UZB    ASI     290    46   Nalek Korbaj Barrera                               VEN    AME      75

8     Shakul Samed                                         GHA    AFR     275    46   Ken Hurrell                                        TGA    OCE      75

9     Bayram Malkan                                        TUR    EUR     265    46   Narmandakh Shinebayar                              MGL    ASI      75

10    Gazimagomed Schamilovich Jalidov Gafurova            ESP    EUR     245    46   Artjom Kasparian                                   NED    EUR      75

11    Arlen Lopez                                          CUB    AME   202.5    46   Stiven Aas                                         EST    EUR      75

12    Shabbos Negmatulloev                                 TJK    ASI     200    46   Stepan Hrekul                                      UKR    EUR      75

12    Mohamed Assaghir                                     MAR    AFR     200    52   Nuryagdy Nuryadyyev                                TKM    ASI      60

12    Odai Al-Hindawi                                      JOR    ASI     200    53   Mbachi Kaonga                                      ZAM    AFR      50

12    Daxiang Chen                                         CHN    ASI     200    53   Bektemir Melikuziev                                UZB    ASI      50

12    Luka Plantic                                         CRO    EUR     200    53   Anvat Thongkrathok                                 THA    ASI      50

17    Jerome Joseph-Pampellone                             NZL    OCE     165    53   Matúš Strnisko                                     SVK    EUR      50

17    Mikhail Dauhaliavets                                 BLR    EUR     165    53   Kimba Issaka Abdoul Kader                          NIG    AFR      50

19    Keno Machado                                         BRA    AME     160    53   Jean Christophe Stephan Otendy                     MRI    AFR      50

20    Imam Khataev                                         ROC    EUR     155    53   Mohammad Younis Mohammad Suleiman                  JOR    ASI      50

21    Ato Leau Plodzicki-Faoagali                          SAM    OCE     150    53   Hossein Daneshvar                                   IRI   ASI      50

21    Bek Nurmaganbet                                      KAZ    ASI     150    53   Abdulrahman Abu-Lubdeh                             GER    EUR      50

21    Uke Smajli                                           SUI    EUR     150    53   Carlos Andres Mina                                 ECU    AME      50

21    Simone Fiori                                          ITA   EUR     150    53   Dieudonne Wilfred Seyi Ntsengue                    CMR    AFR      50

21    Gor Nersesyan                                        ARM    EUR     150    64   Brijesh Yadav                                      IND    ASI      45

26    John Marvin                                          PHI    ASI     145    64   Sammy Lee                                          GBR    EUR      45

27    Paul Aradoaie                                        ROU    EUR     135    64   Ehsan Rouzbahani                                    IRI   ASI      45

28    Manh Chong Nguyen                                    VIE    ASI     125    64   Jack Bowen                                         AUS    OCE      45

28    Pedro Mafisi Cuca                                    ANG    AFR     125    68   Andrei Chiriacov                                   MDA    EUR      30

28    Sachin Kumar                                         IND    ASI     125    68   Yerik Alzhanov                                     KAZ    ASI      30

28    Jakkapong Yomkhot                                    THA    ASI     125    68   Jan Mužík                                          CZE    EUR      30

28    Seyfe Kebede Kasto                                   ETH    AFR     125    71   Jorge Luis Vivas Palacios                          COL    AME     22.5

28    Yusuf Lucasi Changalawe                              TAN    AFR     125    72   Damir Plantic                                      CRO    EUR      20

28    Ziad El Mohor                                        BEL    EUR     125    72   Muslim Gadzhimagomedov                             ROC    EUR      20

28    Liridon Nuha                                         SWE    EUR     125    72   Rogelio Romero Torres                              MEX    AME      20

28    Emmet Brennan                                         IRL   EUR     125    72   Valentino Manfredonia                               ITA   EUR      20

37    Erkin Adylbek Uulu                                   KGZ    ASI     120    72   Iago Kiziria                                       GEO    EUR      20

38    Peter Mpita Kabeji                                   COD    AFR     100    72   Thomas Hart                                        GBR    EUR      20

38    Jolando Taala                                        ASA    OCE     100
Boxing Task Force           05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                     21

Men’s Heavy (81-91kg)
#     Name                                                  NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                               NOC    CNT   Points

1     Muslim Gadzhimagomedov                                ROC    EUR     850    31   Kirill Afanasev                                     IRL   EUR     120

2     Vassiliy Levit                                        KAZ    ASI     675    33   Adam Hamori                                        HUN    EUR      110

3     David Nyika                                           NZL    OCE     540    34   Arthur Lavalou                                     PNG    OCE     100

4     Youness Baalla                                        MAR    AFR     500    35   Nikoloz Begadze                                    GEO    EUR      95

5     Abdelhafid Benchabla                                  ALG    AFR     450    36   Sanjeet Sanjeet                                    IND    ASI      90

6     Sanjar Tursunov                                       UZB    ASI     410    37   Evgeny Tishchenko                                  ROC    EUR      80

7     Hussein Iashaish                                      JOR    ASI     365    38   Berat Acar                                         TUR    EUR      75

7     Cheavon Clarke                                        GBR    EUR     365    38   Jose Maria Lucar Jaimes                            PER    AME      75

9     Julio Cesar Castillo Torres                           ECU    AME     340    38   Toni Filipi                                        CRO    EUR      75

9     Erislandy Savon                                       CUB    AME     340    38   Narek Mansyan                                      ARM    EUR      75

11    Julio La Cruz                                         CUB    AME     300    38   Mateusz Masternak                                  POL    EUR      75

11    Enmanuel Reyes Pla                                    ESP    EUR     300    38   Kostiantyn Pinchuk                                 ISR    EUR      75

13    Elly Ajowi Ochola                                     KEN    AFR     275    38   Wilfred Florentin                                  FRA    EUR      75

13    Youssef Ali Karar                                     EGY    AFR     275    38   Mukahit Ilyas                                      TUR    EUR      75

15    Ammar Riad Abduljabbar                                GER    EUR     260    38   Serhii Horskov                                     UKR    EUR      75

16    Uladzislau Smiahlikau                                 BLR    EUR     245    47   Marat Hryhorian                                    UKR    EUR      60

17    Ato Plodzicki-Faoagali                                SAM    OCE    237.5   47   Tadas Tamasauskas                                  LTU    EUR      60

18    Alex Bwambale                                         UGA    AFR     185    49   Franklin Chukwudi Arinze                           NGR    AFR      50

19    Radoslav Pantaleev                                    BUL    EUR     180    49   Peter Mullenberg                                   NED    EUR      50

20    Aziz Mouhiidine                                        ITA   EUR      175   49   Luvumbu Kiala Junior                               ANG    AFR      50

21    Afaese Fata Kalepi                                    SAM    OCE     150    49   Chingis Borbashev                                  KGZ    ASI      50

21    Hyeong-Kyu Kim                                        KOR    ASI     150    49   Saadi Tariq Mohammed Rabeah                        IRQ    ASI      50

21    Victor Schelstraete                                   BEL    EUR     150    54   David Michalek                                     SLO    EUR      45

24    Jason Whateley                                        AUS    OCE     130    54   Mohammad Shourian                                   IRI   ASI      45

25    Alaa Aldin Ghoussoun                                  SYR    ASI     125    54   Remula Abudurexiti                                 CHN    ASI      45

25    Davlat Boltayev                                       TJK    ASI     125    57   Roy Korving                                        NED    EUR      30

25    Toufan Sharifi                                         IRI   ASI     125    57   Krenar Aliu                                        FIN    EUR      30

25    Sory Barry Ibrahima                                   GUI    AFR     125    57   Ainar Karlson                                      EST    EUR      30

25    Sadiki Maroy Maroy                                    COD    AFR     125    60   Ramazan Muslimov                                   UKR    EUR      20

25    Vagkan Nanitzanian                                    GRE    EUR     125    60   Deivis Julio                                       COL    AME      20

31    Abner Teixeira                                        BRA    AME     120    60   Juan Goncalves                                     BRA    AME      20
Boxing Task Force         05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                 Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                    22

Men’s Super Heavy (+91kg)
#     Name                                                NOC   CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

1     Bakhodir Jalolov                                    UZB   ASI     880    24   Danis Latypov                                     BRN    ASI     125

2     Kamshybek Kunkabayev                                KAZ   ASI     620    24   Leuila Mau’u                                      NZL    OCE     125

3     Mourad Aliev                                        FRA   EUR     500    24   Maimaiti Aihemaiti                                CHN    ASI     125

4     Justis Huni                                         AUS   OCE     450    24   Giorgi Tchgladze                                  GEO    EUR     125

5     Chouaib Bouloudinats                                ALG   AFR     410    29   Gurgen Hovhannisyan                               ARM    EUR      110

6     Maxime Yegnong Njieyo                               CMR   AFR     400    30   Sepasitiano Hurrell Lavemai                       TGA    OCE     100

7     Frazer Clarke                                       GBR   EUR     390    30   Jeamie Tshikeva                                   COD    AFR     100

8     Mahammad Abdullayev                                 AZE   EUR     290    30   Magomedrasul Majidov                              AZE    EUR     100

9     Satish Kumar                                        IND   ASI     275    33   Mohamad Mulayes                                   SYR    ASI      75

10    Ivan Veriasov                                       ROC   EUR     230    33   Patrick Mailata                                   NZL    OCE      75

11    Yousry Hafez                                        EGY   AFR     210    33   Solomon Adebayo                                   NGR    AFR      75

12    Ahmed Bourous                                       MAR   AFR     200    33   Fredrick Ramogi                                   KEN    AFR      75

12    Keddy Evans Agnes                                   SEY   AFR     200    33   Ricardo Brown                                     JAM    AME      75

14    Tsotne Rogava                                       UKR   EUR     185    33   Morten Givskov                                    DEN    EUR      75

15    Maksim Babanin                                      ROC   EUR     180    39   Nigel Paul                                        TTO    AME      60

16    Petar Belberov                                      BUL   EUR      175   39   Ayoub Ghadfa                                      ESP    EUR      60

17    Richard Torrez Jr                                   USA   AME     165    41   Vladan Babić                                      SRB    EUR      50

17    Nelvie Tiafack                                      GER   EUR     165    41   Fokou Arsene                                      SEN    AFR      50

19    Victor Vykhryst                                     UKR   EUR     150    41   Mikheil Bakhtidze                                 GEO    EUR      50

19    Filimaua Hala                                       SAM   OCE     150    41   Joseph Goodall                                    AUS    OCE      50

19    Dainier Pero                                        CUB   AME     150    45   Djamili-Dini Aboudou                              FRA    EUR      30

22    Marko Milun                                         CRO   EUR     135    46   Alexei Zavatin                                    MDA    EUR      20

23    Cristian Camilo Salcedo Codazi                      COL   AME     130    46   Guido Vianello                                     ITA   EUR      20

24    Anani Kutsuke                                       GHA   AFR     125    46   Dean Gardiner                                      IRL   EUR      20
Boxing Task Force          05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                  Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                    23

Women’s Fly (48-51kg)
#     Name                                                 NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

1     Buse Naz Çakıroğlu                                   TUR    EUR     790    26   Sumaiya Qosimova                                  TJK    ASI     125

2     Chang Yuan                                           CHN    ASI     505    26   Tetiana Kob                                       UKR    EUR     125

3     Huang Hsiao-Wen                                      TPE    ASI     500    26   Yuliya Apanasovich                                BLR    EUR     125

4     Rabab Cheddar                                        MAR    AFR    467.5   31   Anush Grigoryan                                   ARM    EUR      110

5     Roumaysa Boualam                                     ALG    AFR     450    32   Yasmine Mouttaki                                  MAR    AFR     100

6     Tsukimi Namiki                                       JPN    ASI     440    33   Cai Zongju                                        CHN    ASI      90

7     Mary Kom                                             IND    ASI     425    33   Graziele Sousa                                    BRA    AME      90

8     Pang Chol-Mi                                         PRK    ASI     400    35   Zhaina Shekerbekova                               KAZ    ASI      80

9     Liliya Aetbaeva                                      ROC    EUR     300    35   Ceire Smith                                        IRL   EUR      80

9     Charley-Sian Davison                                 GBR    EUR     300    37   Irismar Del Valle Cardozo Rojas                   VEN    AME      75

11    Ingrit Lorena Valencia Victoria                      COL    AME     260    37   Nikhat Zareen                                     IND    ASI      75

11    Stoyka Krasteva                                      BUL    EUR     260    37   Miguelina Hernandez Garcia                        DOM    AME      75

13    Giordana Sorrentino                                   ITA   EUR     245    37   Ayisat Morenikeji Oriyomi                         NGR    AFR      75

14    Sandra Drabik                                        POL    EUR     230    37   Modestine Munga Zalia                             COD    AFR      75

15    Svetlana Soluianova                                  ROC    EUR     225    37   Maria Gonzalez Caceres                            ESP    EUR      75

16    Jutamas Jitpong                                      THA    ASI     205    43   Claudia Nechita                                   ROU    EUR      70

17    Christine Ongare                                     KEN    AFR     200    44   Altantsetseg Lutsaikhan                           MGL    ASI      60

17    Catherine Nanziri                                    UGA    AFR     200    45   Chuthamat Raksat                                  THA    ASI      50

19    Thi Tam Nguyen                                       VIE    ASI     190    45   Nazym Kyzaibay                                    KAZ    ASI      50

20    Tursunoy Rakhimova                                   UZB    ASI     185    47   Pinki Rani                                        IND    ASI      30

20    Nina Radovanović                                     SRB    EUR     185    48   Lise Sandebjer                                    SWE    EUR      20

22    Virginia Fuchs                                       USA    AME     150    48   Jang Eun-A                                        KOR    ASI      20

22    Flora Loga                                           PNG    OCE     150    48   Ebonie Jones                                      GBR    EUR      20

22    Gabriela Dimitrova                                   BUL    EUR     150    48   Sara Hagnighat-Joo                                CAN    AME      20

25    Irish Magno                                          PHI    ASI     140    52   Roberta Mostarda                                   ITA   EUR       15

26    Regina Macaringue                                    MOZ    AFR     125    52   Delphine Mancini                                  FRA    EUR       15

26    Lethabo Bokamoso Modukanele                          BOT    AFR     125    52   Ouidad Sfouh                                      ALG    AFR       15
Boxing Task Force           05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                  Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                   24

Women’s Feather (54-57kg)
#     Name                                                  NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC   CNT   Points

1     Lin Yu-Ting                                           TPE    ASI     700    32   Jucielen Romeu                                    BRA   AME    122.5

2     Khouloud Hilmi Ep Moulahi                             TUN    AFR    512.5   33   Flora Loga                                        PNG   OCE    112.5

3     Michaela Walsh                                         IRL   EUR     480    34   Yeni Marcela Arias Castaneda                      COL   AME     105

4     Keamogetse Kenosi                                     BOT    AFR     450    35   Ornella Wahner                                    GER   EUR     100

5     Sena Irie                                             JPN    ASI     440    35   Marine Camara                                     MLI   AFR     100

6     Irma Testa                                             ITA   EUR    437.5   37   Caroline Veyre                                    CAN   AME    82.5

7     Nesthy Petecio                                        PHI    ASI     425    38   Elizabeth Temitayo Oshoba                         NGR   AFR      75

7     Skye Nicolson                                         AUS    OCE     425    38   Dorine Stéphane Mambou                            CMR   AFR      75

9     Stanimira Petrova                                     BUL    EUR     370    38   Daria Abramova                                    ROC   EUR      75

10    Karriss Artingstall                                   GBR    EUR     275    38   Yarisel Ramirez                                   USA   AME      75

11    Marcelat Sakobi Matshu                                COD    AFR     250    38   Alexis Pritchard                                  NZL   OCE      75

12    Liudmila Vorontsova                                   ROC    EUR     240    38   Krismi Lankapurayalage                            SRI   ASI      75

12    Yodgoroy Mirzaeva                                     UZB    ASI     240    38   Sandra Kruk                                       POL   EUR      75

14    Leonela Sanchez                                       ARG    AME     230    38   Iuliia Tsyplakova                                 UKR   EUR      75

15    Im Ae-Ji                                              KOR    ASI     220    46   Kinga Szlachcic                                   POL   EUR      60

16    Jemyma Betrian                                        NED    EUR     215    46   Amanda Millere                                    LAT   EUR      60

17    Nilawan Techasuep                                     THA    ASI     210    46   Aizhan Khojabekova                                KAZ   ASI      60

18    Junhua Yin                                            CHN    ASI     205    46   Qiao Jieru                                        CHN   ASI      60

19    Widad Bertal                                          MAR    AFR     200    50   Jo Son-Hwa                                        PRK   ASI      50

19    Maria Nechita                                         ROU    EUR     200    50   Mijgona Samadova                                  TJK   ASI      50

21    Sonia Chahal                                          IND    ASI     155    50   Jalia Nali                                        UGA   AFR      50

22    Helina Bruyevich                                      BLR    EUR     140    50   Hwa Jo Son                                        PRK   ASI      50

23    Alessia Mesiano                                        ITA   EUR     125    54   Mariia Sartakova                                  ROC   EUR      20

23    Ramla Said Ahmed Ali                                  SOM    AFR     125    54   Victoria Glover                                   GBR   EUR      20

23    Bolortuul Tumurkhuyag                                 MGL    ASI     125    56   Nazym Ichshanova                                  KAZ   ASI       15

23    Sakshi                                                IND    ASI     125    56   Amy Andrew                                        NZL   OCE       15

23    Fatma Zohra Senouci                                   ALG    AFR     125    56   Snizhana Kholodkova                               UKR   EUR       15

23    Mona Mestiaen                                         FRA    EUR     125    56   Doaa Toujani                                      MAR   AFR       15

23    Stephanie Thour                                       SWE    EUR     125    56   Lăcrămioara Perijoc                               ROU   EUR       15

23    Aycan Guldagi                                         TUR    EUR     125    56   Ellie Scotney                                     GBR   EUR       15

23    Nikolina Cacic                                        CRO    EUR     125    56   Julianna Rodríguez                                CRC   AME       15
Boxing Task Force         05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                   Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                    25

Women’s Light (57-60kg)
#     Name                                                NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                               NOC    CNT   Points

1     Kellie Harrington                                    IRL   EUR     600    30   Ekaterina Dynnik                                   ROC    EUR    112.5

2     Beatriz Ferreira                                    BRA    AME     465    31   Rimma Volossenko                                   KAZ    ASI      110

3     Oh Yeon-Ji                                          KOR    ASI     450    32   Aratwa Kasemang                                    BOT    AFR     100

4     Simranjit Kaur Baatth                               IND    ASI    412.5   32   Laizani Soma                                       PNG    OCE     100

5     Imane Khelif                                        ALG    AFR     400    32   Dayana Sanchez                                     ARG    AME     100

6     Shih-Yi Wu                                          TPE    ASI     380    35   Anastasia Belyakova                                ROC    EUR      95

7     Sudaporn Seesondee                                  THA    ASI     370    36   Amy Broadhurst                                      IRL   EUR      90

8     Mira Potkonen                                       FIN    EUR     330    36   Natalia Shadrina                                   ROC    EUR      90

9     Agnes Alexiusson                                    SWE    EUR     305    38   Fadilat Tijani                                     NGR    AFR      75

10    Mariem Homrani Ep Zayani                            TUN    AFR     300    38   Sarita Devi                                        IND    ASI      75

10    Caroline Dubois                                     GBR    EUR     300    38   Esmeralda Falcon Reyes                             MEX    AME      75

12    Naomie Yumba                                        COD    AFR     275    38   Troy Garton                                        NZL    OCE      75

13    Wang Cong                                           CHN    ASI     240    38   Donjeta Sadiku                                     KOS    EUR      75

14    Raykhona Kodirova                                   UZB    ASI     235    43   Ala Yarshevich                                     BLR    EUR      70

15    Rashida Ellis                                       USA    AME     225    44   Sandra Brugger                                     SUI    EUR      60

16    Anja Stridsman                                      AUS    OCE     210    44   Maria Belen Palacios Espinoza                      ECU    AME      60

17    Sidibe Mariam                                       CIV    AFR     200    44   Omailyn Alcala                                     VEN    AME      60

17    Esra Yildiz                                         TUR    EUR     200    44   Francesca Amato                                     ITA   EUR      60

19    Monkhor Namuun                                      MGL    ASI     185    48   Karina Ibragimova                                  KAZ    ASI      50

20    Wenlu Yang                                          CHN    ASI     180    48   Huswatun Hasanah                                   INA    ASI      50

21    Khouloud Hilmi Moulahi                              TUN    AFR     150    48   Hye Song Choe                                      PRK    ASI      50

21    Jennifer Chieng                                     FSM    OCE     150    48   Irma Testa                                          ITA   EUR      50

23    Aneta Rygielska                                     POL    EUR     135    48   Ditte Frostholm                                    DEN    EUR      50

24    Riza Pasuit                                         PHI    ASI     125    48   Deedra Arvella Chestnut                            SLE    AFR      50

24    Chaymae Rhaddi                                      MAR    AFR     125    54   Paige Murney                                       GBR    EUR      20

24    Maiva Hamadouche                                    FRA    EUR     125    54   Hasnaa Lachgar                                     MAR    AFR      20

24    Rebecca Nicoli                                       ITA   EUR     125    54   Laishram Sarita Devi                               IND    ASI      20

24    Nikoleta Pita                                       GRE    EUR     125    54   Denitsa Eliseeva                                   BUL    EUR      20

24    Kata Pribojszki                                     HUN    EUR     125    58   Elisa Williams                                     PAN    AME       15
Boxing Task Force         05 Boxing Task Force Rankings                                  Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 Boxing Media Guide                    26

Women’s Welter (64-69kg)
#     Name                                                NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

1     Busenaz Sürmeneli                                   TUR    EUR     700    21   Dariga Shakimova                                  KAZ    ASI     135

2     Gu Hong                                             CHN    ASI     630    22   Myriam Da Silva                                   CAN    AME     130

3     Nien-Chin Chen                                      TPE    ASI     590    23   Sedja Sanogo                                      CIV    AFR     125

4     Oumayma Bel Ahbib                                   MAR    AFR     535    23   Bernadette Keuye                                  CMR    AFR     125

5     Lovlina Borgohain                                   IND    ASI     450    23   Shinetsetseg Uranbileg                            MGL    ASI     125

6     Nadine Apetz                                        GER    EUR     425    23   Valentina Khalzova                                KAZ    ASI     125

7     Acinda Helena Panguana                              MOZ    AFR     420    23   Ani Hovsepyan                                     ARM    EUR     125

8     Angela Carini                                        ITA   EUR     400    28   Kaye Scott                                        AUS    OCE     105

9     Karolina Koszewska                                  POL    EUR     365    29   Assunta Canfora                                    ITA   EUR     100

10    Saadat Dalgatova                                    ROC    EUR     275    30   Christina Desmond                                  IRL   EUR      90

11    Oshae Jones                                         USA    AME     240    31   Ivanusa Moreira                                   CPV    AFR      75

11    Yang Liu                                            CHN    ASI     240    31   Gráinne Walsh                                      IRL   EUR      75

13    Emily Tinah Nakalema                                UGA    AFR     200    31   Brianda Tamara Cruz Sandoval                      MEX    AME      75

13    Elizabeth Akinyi                                    KEN    AFR     200    31   Maria Altagracia Moronta Hernandez                DOM    AME      75

13    Baison Manikon                                      THA    ASI     200    31   Elina Gustafsson                                   FIN   EUR      75

13    Anna Lysenko                                        UKR    EUR     200    36   Rosie Eccles                                      GBR    EUR      60

17    Maftunakhon Melieva                                 UZB    ASI    181.2   37   Vivien Budai                                      HUN    EUR      50

18    Emilie Sonvico                                      FRA    EUR      175   38   Yaroslava Yakushina                               ROC    EUR      30

19    Shakhnoza Yunusova                                  UZB    ASI     155    38   Lucia Perez                                       ARG    AME      30

20    Bolanle Temitope Shogbamu                           NGR    AFR     150    40   Akerke Bakhytzhan                                 KAZ    ASI      20

Women’s Middle (69-75kg)
#     Name                                                NOC    CNT   Points   #    Name                                              NOC    CNT   Points

1     Lauren Price                                        GBR    EUR     900    20   Suyeon Seong                                      KOR    ASI     125

2     Khadija El-Mardi                                    MAR    AFR     700    20   Anastasiia Chernokolenko                          UKR    EUR     125

3     Li Qian                                             CHN    ASI     650    22   Nguyen Thị Hu’o’ng                                 VIE   ASI    112.5

4     Nouchka Fontijn                                     NED    EUR     620    23   Su-Jin Seon                                       KOR    ASI     100

5     Zenfira Magomedalieva                               ROC    EUR     525    24   Darima Sandakova                                  ROC    EUR      95

6     Caitlin Parker                                      AUS    OCE     460    25   Sarah Scheurich                                   GER    EUR      90

7     Rady Adosinda Gramane                               MOZ    AFR     420    25   Zheng Lu                                          CHN    ASI      90

8     Pooja Rani                                          IND    ASI    312.5   25   Iveta Lešinskytė                                  LTU    EUR      90

9     Naomi Graham                                        USA    AME     290    28   Toyin Esther Adejumola                            NGR    AFR      75

10    Tammara Thibeault                                   CAN    AME     280    28   Un-Sim Pak                                        PRK    ASI      75

11    Aoife O’Rourke                                       IRL   EUR     270    28   Wei-hsien Lin Lee                                 TPE    ASI      75

12    Elżbieta Wójcik                                     POL    EUR     230    28   Flávia Figueiredo                                 BRA    AME      75

13    Şennur Demir                                        TUR    EUR     215    28   Atheyna Bylon                                     PAN    AME      75

14    Nadezhda Ryabets                                    KAZ    ASI     200    33   Akerke Bakhytzhan                                 KAZ    ASI      60

14    Ornella Sathoud                                     GHA    AFR     200    33   Saweety                                           IND    ASI      60

14    Ichrak Chaib                                        ALG    AFR     200    35   Busenaz Sürmeneli                                 TUR    EUR      50

17    Faasu Loia                                          SAM    OCE     150    36   Victoriya Kebikava                                BLR    EUR     37.5

18    Munkhbat Myagmarjargal                              MGL    ASI     145    37   Natasha Gale                                      GBR    EUR      30

18    Love Holgersson                                     SWE    EUR     145
Boxing Task Force   06 Top-Ranked Boxers   IOC Boxing Task Force Media Guide   27

Boxing Task Force   06 Top-Ranked Boxers                                     IOC Boxing Task Force Media Guide                         28

Top-Ranked BOXERS
Men’s Fly (48-52kg)
                       Amit PANGHAL (IND)                                                        Jianguan HU (CHN)

                       BTF ranking 1                                                             BTF ranking 3
                       Born 16 October 1995                                                      Born 11 May 1995
                       Residence Rohtak                                                          Residence Shangrao
                       Height 1.65m                                                              Height 1.68m
                       Stance Southpaw                                                           Stance Orthodox
                       Started boxing 2004                                                       Started boxing 2005

Major achievements                                                   Major achievements
• Silver at the Asian Boxing Championships 2021 in Dubai (UAE)       • Gold at the Boxing Road to Tokyo Asia & Oceania Qualifier 2020
• Bronze at the Boxing Road to Tokyo Asia & Oceania Qualifier 2020     in Amman (JOR)
  in Amman (JOR)                                                     • Bronze at the Asian Boxing Championships 2019 in Bangkok (THA)
• Silver at the World Boxing Championships 2019 in                   • Bronze at the Olympic Games Rio 2016 (BRA)
  Yekaterinburg (RUS)                                                • Bronze at the World Boxing Championships 2015 in Doha (QAT)
• Gold at the Asian Boxing Championships 2018 in Bangkok (THA)       • Bronze at the Asian Boxing Championships 2015 in Bangkok (THA)
• Gold at the Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta (INA)
• Silver at the Commonwealth Games 2018 in Gold Coast (AUS)
                                                                                                Yosbany VEITIA (CUB)

                       Billal BENNAMA (FRA)                                                     BTF ranking 12
                                                                                                Born 12 March 1992
                       BTF ranking 2                                                            Residence Camagüey
                       Born 14 June 1998                                                        Height 1.60m
                       Residence Toulouse                                                       Stance Southpaw
                       Height 1.72m                                                             Started boxing 2003
                       Stance Southpaw
                       Started boxing 2007                           Major achievements
                                                                     • Silver at the Pan-American Games 2019 in Lima (PER)
Major achievements                                                   • Gold at the World Boxing Championships 2017 in Hamburg (GER)
• Gold at the Boxing Road to Tokyo European Qualifier 2021           • Silver at the World Boxing Championships 2015 in Doha (QAT)
  in Paris (FRA)                                                     • Silver at the Pan-American Games 2015 in Toronto (CAN)
• Bronze at the World Boxing Championships 2019 in                   • Bronze at the World Boxing Championships 2013 in Almaty (KAZ)
  Yekaterinburg (RUS)                                                • Silver at the Pan-American Games 2011 in Guadalajara (MEX)
• Bronze at the European U22 Boxing Championships 2018
  in Targu Jiu (ROM)
• Silver at the European U22 Boxing Championships 2017
  in Braila (ROM)

                       Mohamed FLISSI (ALG)

                       BTF ranking 3
                       Born 12 February 1990
                       Residence Boumerdes
                       Height 1.72m
                       Stance Orthodox
                       Started boxing 2004

Major achievements
• Gold at the Boxing Road to Tokyo African Qualifier 2020
  in Dakar (SEN)
• Bronze at the All-Africa Games 2019 in Rabat (MAR)
• Gold at the African Boxing Championships 2017 in
  Brazzaville (CGO)
• Bronze at the World Boxing Championships 2015 in Doha (QAT)
• Gold at the All-Africa Games 2015 in Brazzaville (CGO)
• Gold at the African Boxing Championships 2015
  in Casablanca (MAR)
• Silver at the World Boxing Championships 2013 in Almaty (KAZ)
Boxing Task Force   06 Top-Ranked Boxers                                    IOC Boxing Task Force Media Guide                      29

Men’s Feather (52-57kg)
                       Mirazizbek MIRZAKHALILOV (UZB)                                          Lazaro ALVAREZ (CUB)

                       BTF ranking 1                                                           BTF ranking 4
                       Born 27 February 1995                                                   Born 28 January 1991
                       Residence Ferghana region                                               Residence Havana
                       Height 1.68m                                                            Height 1.70m
                       Stance Orthodox                                                         Stance Southpaw
                       Started boxing 2006                                                     Started boxing 2002

Major achievements                                                  Major achievements
• Silver at the Asian Boxing Championships 2021 in Dubai (UAE)      • Silver at the World Boxing Championships 2019 in
• Gold at the Boxing Road to Tokyo Asia & Oceania Qualifier 2020      Yekaterinburg (RUS)
  in Amman (JOR)                                                    • Silver at the World Boxing Championships 2017
• Gold at the World Boxing Championships 2019 in                      in Hamburg (GER)
  Yekaterinburg (RUS)                                               • Bronze at the Olympic Games Rio 2016 (BRA)
• Gold at the Asian Boxing Championships 2019 in Bangkok (THA)      • Gold at the World Boxing Championships 2015 in Doha (QAT)
• Gold at the Asian Games 2018 in Jakarta (INA)                     • Bronze at the Olympic Games London 2012 (GBR)
• Silver at the Asian Youth Championships 2013 in Subic Bay (PHI)   • Gold at the World Boxing Championships 2011 in Baku (AZE)

                       Albert BATYRGAZIEV (ROC)                                                Peter McGRAIL (GBR)

                       BTF ranking 2                                                           BTF ranking 5
                       Born 26 March 1998                                                      Born 31 May 1996
                       Residence Nizhnevartovsk                                                Residence Liverpool
                       Height 1.70m                                                            Height 1.67m
                       Stance Southpaw                                                         Stance Southpaw
                       Started boxing 2011                                                     Started boxing 2006

Major achievements                                                  Major achievements
• Gold at the Boxing Road to Tokyo European Qualifier 2021          • Bronze at the World Boxing Championships 2019
  in Paris (FRA)                                                      in Yekaterinburg (RUS)
• Gold at the Governor Cup 2021 in St Petersburg (RUS)              • Bronze at the European Games 2019 in Minsk (BLR)
• Gold at the Cologne Boxing World Cup 2019 in Cologne (GER)        • Gold at the Commonwealth Games 2018 in Gold Coast (AUS)
• Silver at the European U22 Boxing Championships 2018              • Bronze at the World Boxing Championships 2017
  in Braila (ROM)                                                     in Hamburg (GER)
                                                                    • Gold at the European Boxing Championships 2017 in Kharkiv (UKR)
                                                                    • Gold at the European U22 Boxing Championships 2017 in
                       Everisto MULENGA (ZAM)                         Braila (ROM)
                                                                    • Bronze at the Youth Olympic Games Nanjing 2014 (CHN)
                       BTF ranking 3
                       Born 26 March 1999
                       Residence Lusaka
                       Height 1.67m
                       Stance Orthodox
                       Started boxing 2012

Major achievements
• Gold at the Boxing Road to Tokyo African Qualifier 2020
  in Dakar (SEN)
• Bronze at the All-Africa Games 2019 in Rabat (MAR)
• Silver at the African Zone 4 Boxing Championships 2019
  in Gaborone (BOT)
• Silver at the African Zone 5 Youth Games 2016 in Luanda (ANG)
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