Intervention Practicum Placement in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 2022-23 Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Intervention Practicum Placement in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 2022-23 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Intervention Practicum Placement
in Clinical Child & Adolescent

Ontario, Canada
Intervention Practicum Placement in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 2022-23 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
 Clinical Developmental
 Child and Adolescent
 About SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health                              3

 Available placements                                                           5

 Practicum philosophy and objectives                                            7

 The practicum placement experience                                             8

 Application qualifications and process                                         11

 Psychology personnel                                                           13

   Appendix A: Sample weekly schedule                                           14

 Appendix B: University authorization form                                      15

 Appendix C: Psychology practicum placement application form                    16

Clinical Developmental
Child and Adolescent
 SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement        2
Intervention Practicum Placement in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 2022-23 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
About us

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health (SickKids CCMH) is a multi-professional, not-for-
profit, children’s mental health centre located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. SickKids CCMH
provides primary prevention, early intervention, and clinical treatment services to infants,
children, and youth (from birth to 18) and to their families and communities. Services at SickKids
CCMH are enriched by activities in research, program evaluation, the education and training of
mental health professionals and the use of volunteers.

The programs offered to families at SickKids CCMH are housed in two main facilities within the
city of Toronto and include prevention/early intervention programs, outpatient programs,
intensive services for children (which includes day treatment & Section 23 classrooms), and an
intensive services for youth program (which includes Section 23 classrooms and a residential
treatment program). Treatment services to clients include assessment, individual therapy, family
therapy, group therapy, and parent-child therapy, as well as liaison and consultation with
community caregivers (e.g., day care providers, physicians, teachers).

Affiliated with the University of Toronto and accredited by the Council on Accreditation for
Services to Children and Families, SickKids CCMH is also a member of Children’s Mental
Health Ontario.

On average, SickKids CCMH has about 225 staff. This includes full-time, part-time and contract
staff; consultants; trainees from a variety of disciplines (early childhood education, child and
youth care, psychiatry, psychology, social work and art/expressive arts); and volunteers. More
detailed information about SickKids CCMH’s programs and services are at

SickKids CCMH has a rich history of teaching and training interns and practicum students
across multiple disciplines including psychology, social work, psychiatry, and art therapy
stemming back to when the agency was referred to as The Hincks-Dellcrest Centre and even
prior. Because of this decades-long pride in student teaching and training, SickKids CCMH
tends to attract staff who are highly invested in prioritizing the development and supervision of
new and upcoming clinicians. Psychology staff at SickKids CCMH are especially proud of
assessment, intervention, and training we do, and we encourage you to explore this brochure
carefully and with curiosity. For those of you who attend an interview for an upcoming
placement, we will look forward to learning more about you, responding to your questions, and
sharing our pride in what we do.

For your information, the internship program at SickKids CCMH is a member of the Association
of Psychology Postdoctoral and Internship Centers (APPIC). We are also members of the

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                   3
Intervention Practicum Placement in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 2022-23 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Canadian Council of Professional Psychology Programs (CCPPP). The psychology training
program is managed by a doctoral staff psychologist as Director of Training. The internship
program is not CPA accredited; however, we have submitted our self-study to the Canadian
Psychological Association and have been granted a site visit for early 2022. We hope to be
accredited within the next year or so.

  Please note: Although SickKids CCMH has several settings and offers several types of
  assessment and treatment services, these intervention placements are based within our Individual
  and Family Services at our 440 Jarvis St. site in downtown Toronto (Jarvis & Wellesley)

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                  4
Intervention Practicum Placement in Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 2022-23 Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Available practicum placements

Two to three intervention practicum placements in clinical child psychology generally are
available each year to doctoral level graduate students. These placements are offered at our
Jarvis site (Yonge and Wellesley area). Although SickKids CCMH has several settings and
offers several types of prevention and treatment services as mentioned above (e.g., community
outreach, day treatment), all intervention practicum placements are based within Individual and
Family Services (formerly Outpatient Services). Practicum placement positions generally are 11
months, 2 to 2.5 day a week1 beginning on the first Wednesday after Labour Day and ending on
the last working day of July the following year. This totals approximately 500 to 600 hours of
onsite time.

Practicum students are provided with a common room/shared space at their designated site.
Practicum students may be involved in some infrequent travel to and the provision of services at
one or more of the centre’s other locations in the city.

Please, note we are not offering an assessment practicum experience this year.

    Minimum 2 days; ½ day optional.

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                 5
Impact of COVID-19

Vaccination Policy
As a health care centre, our highest priority is the safety of our clients, patients, families, staff,
and students. As a result, we have adopted all prevention measures to ensure the safety of our
clients, families, staff, and students. Therefore, any offer of employment or educational
placement is conditional upon proof of full vaccination with a Health Canada or World Health
Organization (WHO) approved COVID-19 vaccination no later than fourteen (14) calendar days
prior to the effective start date. Should there be an exemption of vaccination based on a medical
or human rights reason, proof will need to be provided, in addition to participation in regular
COVID-19 testing based on exposure risk as well as participation in vaccine education. All
offers of employment and educational placement are conditional on meeting these
minimum requirements; failure to comply will lead to offer of employment or educational
placement being immediately rescinded.
The impact of COVID-19 on the 2022-2023 training cycle is unknown at this time. Please, be
advised that some of the descriptions in this brochure may be impacted by COVID-19
disruptions and restrictions within SickKids CCMH. At the time of writing this brochure, the
COVID-19 pandemic has impacted some of the training opportunities we are able to provide to
our current trainees. However, we have adjusted their experiences in order to meet their training
goals to the best of our ability. From mid-March to July 2020, training experiences took place
remotely through videoconferencing technology. Since August 2021, training experiences have
taken place both remotely through video-conferencing technology and on-site.
Described below is the intended program structure and experiences, which may require
modification depending on limitations imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Should adjustments
be required, potential and actual trainees will be notified as soon as information becomes
available. Our program has thus far navigated the uncertain landscape with flexibility and
creativity, and we will continue to honour our commitment to achieve program competencies in
the upcoming academic cycles as well. We cannot predict with any degree of certainty how the
pandemic may impact future training cycles, but we can commit to being transparent with
information, collaborating with trainees to develop disruption contingency plans guided by
training goals, and to expressly document adjusted goals and expectations (including
supervision arrangements). We are confident that we can continue to provide the necessary
training experiences to allow our trainees to achieve program goals and competencies.
Practicum students are expected to comply with any and all federal, provincial, and SickKids
CCMH organization regulations including but not limited to wearing PPE, maintaining
appropriate physical distancing, abiding by travel restrictions, quarantining, and other Infection
Prevention and Control procedures within the context of providing clinical services, or otherwise.

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                      6
Intervention practicum placement
philosophy and objectives                                                          Intervention

The primary emphasis of the intervention practicum placement is on a developmental and
theoretically integrated approach to the clinical assessment of children and families. In addition,
an inter-professional approach is integral to the clinical practices of SickKids CCMH and
provides practicum students with the opportunity to work with mental health professionals of
different backgrounds and with a broad range of interests, knowledge, and skills.

Training goals:

1.    Develop skills in clinical assessment, diagnosis, and formulation that focus on underlying
      developmental, psychodynamic, biological, family, and system factors that produce
      vulnerability to specific symptom formation in children.

2.    Develop skills in establishing therapeutic rapport, in cultural competence, and in the ability
      to communicate assessment and diagnostic information clearly and sensitively to clients.

3.    Develop skills in the selection and implementation of appropriate psychotherapeutic
      interventions with children and their families, integrating elements of theory and practice
      from contemporary relational psychoanalysis, cognitive science, cognitive behavior therapy,
      and dynamic systems theory.

4.    Expand respect for and critical thought regarding research in the area of children’s mental

5.    Develop the skills needed to work collaboratively in an interprofessional and organizational
      service-delivery environment, including an understanding of and respect for the
      contributions of the various disciplines to children’s mental health.

6.    Develop skills in applying relevant ethical, legal, and professional standards in their clinical

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                        7
The intervention practicum placement The

The intervention practicum placement is designed to provide students with the opportunity to
become familiar with a broad bio-psychosocial, multi-systemic orientation, utilizing a variety of
interventions (e.g., individual therapy, play therapy, family therapy, parent counseling), in
accordance with client needs and the training objectives of the student.

This is accomplished through direct service activities with Individual and Family Services clients
(which may includes membership on an interprofessional direct service training team),
seminars, and/or both individual and group supervision each described below. A sample weekly
schedule can be found in Appendix A.

As much as is possible, the placement is comprised of four main components that generally run
from September to July of the next year. Each practicum trainee will undertake each of the
following components:

     •    provision of direct clinical assessment and intervention service activities to their case
          load of clients
     •    membership on one interprofessional direct service training team
     •    participation in educational seminars
     •    both individual and group supervision

Client contact

A minimum of four hours of face-to-face client contact (in individual, family, and/or group
therapy) is expected each week plus weekly participation on one of the interprofessional
assessment teams. The nature of the contact at the beginning of the practicum placement
depends on the background and previous experience of the student. In the first two months,
students may receive a high degree of live supervision, and seminars and supervision focus on
rapport building with clients and on clinical assessment skills. Clients seen are primarily from
outpatient services, however, trainees may have an opportunity to see children and youth from
our city or rural residential program as well.

Interprofessional training teams
Currently, some of SickKids CCMH’s services are delivered through specialized
interprofessional teams that accept psychology practicum students and other trainees as
members. In consultation with their supervisor, and as consistent with their individualized
training goals, students choose one interprofessional training team - typically one of: Child &

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                          8
Adolescent Assessment Team – Jarvis (CAAT-J) or one of two Infant & Preschool Assessment
and Treatment Teams.

All psychology practicum students are required to participate in one to two weekly seminars. In
consultation with their supervisor, and as consistent with their individualized training goals,
students typically choose from the following seminars: Individual psychotherapy with children;
Family therapy; Assessment and treatment with very young children.

Supervision and performance evaluation
Supervision is provided in both individual (a minimum of two hours per week) and small group
format. Throughout their practicum placement, students are assigned two supervisors one of
who is a registered psychologist; the other maybe a registered psychologist or a psychology
intern (who is supervised by a registered psychologist). These psychologists guide their
practicum experience and meet weekly with the student. Due to the broad range of clinical
training teams and experience opportunities available, practicum students also might receive
team-specific supervision from members of other disciplines (e.g., psychiatry, social work). All of
the student’s work, however, is discussed with and monitored by the student’s psychologist
supervisors, with ongoing feedback throughout the year. In consultation with others involved in
the student’s work, formal performance evaluations are completed by the supervisor at the end
of January/early February and at the end of July each year, using the relevant university’s
evaluation form and/or the centre’s “Competency Assessment” form. Both evaluations are filed
in the practicum student’s personnel record. The student’s psychologist supervisor provides the
link between the centre and the student’s university, ensuring that specific university practicum
placement expectations are met with regard to training objectives, experience, supervision, and
performance evaluation. All practicum students are asked to complete the centre’s
“Student/Trainee Exit Interview” upon completion of their placement.

Policies and procedures
SickKids CCMH’s Policies and Operational Procedures apply to all personnel associated with
SickKids CCMH, including psychology practicum students. As part of the contracting process,
practicum students receive access to, and are required to sign an acknowledgment of having
read, the following SickKids CCMH policies: Personnel Code of Ethics; Privacy and
Confidentiality; and Use of Technology. Advance copies of these policies will be provided on
request. Practicum students receive orientation regarding all centre policies and operational
procedures at the beginning of their placement, and ongoing supervision with regard to their
implementation. In particular, practicum students are helped to familiarize themselves with the
centre’s clinical policies/operational procedures (e.g., Client Privacy and Confidentiality, Client
Records, Behaviour Management), and with the centre’s human resources policies/operational
procedures (e.g., Personnel Code of Ethics, Workplace Harassment Prevention, Use of
Technology Infection Prevention and Control). All trainees are required to have a vulnerable-
sector police check completed to the satisfaction of SickKids CCMH prior to the
beginning of their placement.

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                    9
Complaints and performance concerns

Responses to practicum students’ concerns about their supervisor or about their practicum
experience, and supervisors’ concerns about psychology student performance, are guided by
the principles of fairness, transparency, and due process, and by the following SickKids CCMH
policies and procedures: Supervision, Performance Management, Conflict Resolution, and
Disciplinary Action.

In addition, the centre has specific procedures for psychology trainees: Due Process
Procedures and Trainee Grievance Procedures which are distributed during the first week of
orientation and available upon request. The centre also familiarizes itself with and respects the
specific requirements of students’ universities with regard to dealing with such matters, including
involvement of the university’s practicum field supervisor/training director when warranted.

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                   10
Application qualifications and process

Application qualifications and process

Applicants must currently be enrolled in a PhD-track CPA-accredited university applied
psychology program. In addition, applicants are expected to have completed coursework in child
development and in psychological assessment and psychopathology in infants, children, youth,
and families.

Applicants should have considerable interest in a rigorous, theoretically integrated, and
developmental approach to assessment and treatment of children and families, as this is the
predominant orientation of SickKids CCMH.

Interested applicants must submit the following:
1.    A PDF document containing a cover letter and CV to the e-mail below. The cover letter
      should contain the following information:
      a. Brief description of your training and skills
      b. Reason for applying to SickKids CCMH
      c. Training goals

2.    Two letters of reference, preferably from psychologists familiar with their clinical work (to be
      mailed or e-mailed with original signatures)

3.    The University Authorization Form (Appendix B) signed by their University's Coordinator of
      Practicum Placement Training

4.    The completed application form (Appendix C)

Please note: Do NOT submit university course transcripts.

We will attempt to acknowledge all applications by e-mail.

Once accepted for a placement position, all trainees are required to have vulnerable-
sector police check satisfactory to SickKids CCMH completed prior to the beginning of
their placement.

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                       11
Please direct application to Dr. Susan Yabsley at

Susan Yabsley, PhD, C. Psych.

Psychology Training Leader

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health

440 Jarvis Street

Toronto ON M4Y 2H4

General inquiries should be directed to:

Suventhini Thamotharampillai

Education Coordinator

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health

416-924-1164 ext.4243

Practicum placement applications should be submitted by Feb.1; that is, eight months prior
to when the practicum placement would begin (i.e., the first working day in September of the
same year). Interviews, when indicated, will be scheduled in February and/or March.

Selection process
Two to three staff members, PhD-level psychologists, review the application of each candidate.
Candidates are invited to attend a group interview. Each interview group will consist of four or
five applicants and two or three staff psychologists who, typically, will be the successful
candidates’ supervising psychologists. Our interviews are scheduled in February and/or March.

SickKids CCMH follows the Greater Toronto Area Common Notification Day. Check with
your DCTs for that date each year. Offers of a practicum placement made on the GTA Common
Notification Day will be made by email and/or telephone and the director of clinical training of
the trainee’s program will be copied on the email.

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                  12
Psychology personnel

The following psychologists may be assigned to provide direct supervision to one or more
psychology practicum students each year. We look forward to working with you.

Susan Yabsley, PhD, C. Psych. (University College, London; Anna Freud Centre). Director,
Specialized Services & Interprofessional Practice; Psychology Training Leader; Psychology
Intern and Practicum Supervisor

Lorne Sugar, PhD, C. Psych. (York University). Psychologist, Outpatient Services; Psychology
Intern and Practicum Supervisor

Leah Litwin, PhD, .Psych. (Supervised Practice). (York University). Psychologist (Supervised
Practice), Intensive Services for Youth and Outpatient Services; Psychology Practicum

Elyse Reim, PhD, C. Psych. (Guelph University). Psychologist, In-Home & Day Treatment and
Outpatient Services; Practicum Supervisor.

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                13
Appendix A: Sample weekly schedule for
 Psychology Practicum Students

     Time                 Monday             Tuesday                Wednesday           Thursday              Friday

  9 – 10 a.m.                                                                         Optional Half-    Seminar –
                                                                                           day          Integrative
                                                               Direct Service –                         Individual
                                                                                     Indirect service   (8:45 – 10:15 a.m.)
                                                               Child & Adolescent    – report writing
 10 – 11 a.m.                                                  Team-Jarvis                              Indirect service –
                                                               (CAAT-J)                                 Internal case
                                                                                     Seminar –          conference, chart

11 a.m. – noon                                                                       (10:30 a.m. –      Indirect service –
                                                                                     noon)              report writing

    Noon –                                                     Lunch break                              Rounds
    1 p.m.

  1 – 2 p.m.                                                                                            Indirect service –
                                                                                                        Preparation for
                                                               Indirect service –                       supervision (e.g.,
                                                               report/note writing                      review process

  2 – 3 p.m.                                                   Indirect service –                       Individual
                                                               Reading or writing
                                                               reports for Latency
                                                               Age team

  3 – 4 p.m.                                                   Individual                               Direct service –
                                                               supervision                              Individual therapy

  4 – 5 p.m.                                                   Direct service –                         Direct service –
                                                               Family therapy                           Individual parent

  5 – 6 p.m.

  6 – 7 p.m.                                                   Direct service –
                                                               Individual play

 SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                                          14
Appendix B: University authorization form

I, __________________________________________________________________________

                                       (Print name of University Director of Practicum Training)

at __________________________________________________________________________
                                                      (Print name of university)

have discussed and approve the application of:

                                       (Print name of graduate student in Psychology)

for an intervention practicum placement to begin next September at SickKids Centre for
Community Mental Health.

_______________________________________________ _________________________
(Signature of University Director of Practicum Training)                            Date

This form should be included with the other required application materials sent by the practicum
placement applicant to: Dr. Susan Yabsley, Psychology Training Leader, SickKids Centre for
Community Mental Health, 440 Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2H4 Canada

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                       15
Appendix C: Psychology intervention
practicum placement application form

 Applications due on or before: February 1

 A.        General information

 Name: _____________________________________________________________________


 Phone:____________________________                                  Email:_________________________________

 Citizenship status: ____________________________________________________________

 B.        Education background

 University                      Dates of attendance                            Major   Degree granted/

                                                                                        Expected date of completion


 SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                                    16



C.    Additional training, practicum placements; please, list and describe





      SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement   17
D.         Director of Clinical Training at your institution

Name: ______________________________________________________________________

University/Institution: ___________________________________________________________


Phone:____________________________                                  Email:__________________________________

Please note: Applications are due on or before 01 February. Offers of a practicum placement
will be made on the Greater Toronto Area Common Notification Day by e-mail and/or
telephone. Check with your Director of Clinical Training for the date each year (typically mid-
March). The Director of Clinical Training at your institution will be cc’d on the e-mail offer
so, please, ensure the above information is included and correct.

This form should be included with the other required application materials sent by the practicum
placement applicant to:

Dr. Susan Yabsley, Psychology Training Leader, SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health,
440 Jarvis Street, Toronto, ON, M4Y 2H4, Canada.

SickKids Centre for Community Mental Health Intervention Practicum Placement                              18
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