Championing Active Schools September 2021 - August 2022

Page created by Marie Singh
Championing Active Schools
                   September 2021 – August 2022
Contents Page
1 Championing Active Schools, Active School Membership
2 Active School Membership cont.
3 Accreditations, Child wellbeing
4 Child wellbeing cont., Active School Movement
4 Young leaders training
7 Teacher CPD
8 PESSPA consultancy service, Active Play through PhysiFUN
9 Surrey School Games, Be Your Best
10 Safeguarding

Championing Active Schools
Active Surrey advocate using PE, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA) to
improve pupil wellbeing and attainment.
We provide services and opportunities for all KS1-5 maintained, academy and
special schools. Our aim is to support teachers to use PESSPA to boost the
physical, emotional and social skills of those in their care and drive whole school
We work closely with local partners (Surrey County Council and Surrey Outdoor
Learning Development (SOLD)) and national partners (Association for Physical
Education (afPE), Youth Sport Trust, Sport England, UK Coaching) to provide a
network of support, advice, training and resources.
How we can help?
Our 'Schools Wheel' summarises our services and more details can be found within
this brochure.
Visit our website for more information.

Active School Membership 2021-22
Our Active School Membership gives access to a range of networks, training and
resources designed to improve your physical activity offer to pupils and supports the
5 key indicators set out by the Department for Education.

Key Indicator 1
Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity
Key Indicator 2
Profile of PE and sport raised across the school as a tool for whole school
Key Indicator 3
Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff in teaching PE & Sport
Key Indicator 4
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
Key Indicator 5
Increased participation in competitive sport
Infant – Primary – Junior (maintained and academy) Schools
• Termly Active School Networks
   Autumn Term - Thursday 4 November 2021, 4pm-6pm
   Spring Term - Wednesday 23 March 2022, 4pm-6pm
   Summer Term - Wednesday 29 June 2022, 4pm-6pm

 • PE & School Sport Premium Workshop (for new or inexperienced PE Leads)
   Tuesday 5 October 2021, 4-6pm

 • Young Leaders & Teacher Training
   Up to 20% discount on a programme of virtual and face to face courses for
   young leaders, teachers, lunchtime supervisors and school sports coaches

 • ‘Safe Practice: in PE, School Sport and Physical Activity’ guide
   New members receive a copy of the comprehensive afPE manual and online

 • Membership with national experts
   Youth Sport Trust & Association for Physical Education (afPE)

£800 per school. Prices subject to VAT for all non LEA schools and private

Contact for more information

Sign up for 2021-22 academic year.

Membership Partner
Association for Physical Education (afPE) is the representative Subject
Association for PE in the UK.
Their purpose is to promote and maintain high standards and safe practice in all
aspects and at all levels of physical education, school sport and physical activity.
Also influencing developments at national and local levels that will impact on pupils’’
physical health and emotional well-being.

The Youth Sport Trust (YST) is a children’s charity working to ensure every child
enjoys the life-changing benefits that come from play and sport.
YST harness the power of sport, physical activity and PE to increase young people’s
life chances through improved wellbeing, healthier lifestyles and greater attainment.
In this way we are helping children to become school ready, promoting inclusion and
tolerance and giving.

Surrey Outdoor Learning and Development (SOLD) is Surrey County Council's
(SCC), not for profit, outdoor learning service.
SOLD have a wide range of Outdoor Adventure Activity training and resources for
• Help you to plan and deliver OAA
• Orienteering mapping and course
• Outreach in your school grounds
• CPD, advice and guidance for schools to deliver outdoor learning safely
School Games Mark Framework (KS2-4)
• The School Games Mark Framework (currently replacing School Games Mark)
  will be positioned as a self-review tool to support schools and other educational
  establishments to reflect on their involvement in the School Games in light of the
  country’s ongoing plight with COVID-19.
• To complete the framework, log in to Your School Games dashboard or contact
  your SGO.
Surrey Healthy Schools (KS1-5)
• Surrey Healthy Schools takes a whole system approach towards the positive
  promotion of wellbeing, mental & physical health and achievement. It applies
  evidence and research to a range of themes and standards in order to assist
  schools in self-evaluating their practice.
• The new Self-Evaluation Tool has been developed to assist schools in
  implementing, identifying and developing effective practice.

Child wellbeing
Children with good mental and physical health are more positive, engaged in school
and can achieve better academically. Research* has shown that one in eight
(12.8%) of 5-19 year olds now have a diagnosable mental health illness. As children
spend so much of their time in schools, teachers and support staff are in a prime
position to help children build strong mental health and wellbeing; physical activity
can play a key role in this.
Our child wellbeing offer is designed around primary aged children and includes
training options for staff, pupils, and parents.
With content tailored for each audience, these short courses focus on the
practicalities of wellbeing and show the part physical activity plays in improving
children's mental health. Schools or other organisations can choose any or all of the
courses independently of each other, according to need.

Source: *Mental Health of Children in England, 2017
Contact for more information.

Staff training: ‘Improving child mental wellbeing through physical activity’
Members £30pp | Non-members £40pp
This 90 minute virtual or face to face training is for staff who work with targeted
young people e.g. Home School Link Workers (HSLWs), Emotional Literacy
Assistants (ELSAs), School Mental Health Nurses etc.
It provides the knowledge and skills to have confident conversations with children
about including physical activity in their daily routines to help improve their mental
health. It will also allow staff to identify ways to involve movement in their work with
young people

Parent workshop: ‘Helping your child be their best: a focus on wellbeing’
Members £160 | Non-members £200
Ideal for schools wishing to engage with parents and involve them in the physical
and mental wellbeing of children. This virtual 75 minute workshop, developed with

Surrey’s Clinical Lead Nurse for Childhood Obesity, includes the importance of
physical activity, sleep and nutrition, as well as the six branches of mental wellbeing.

Pupil training: ‘Wellbeing Warriors’
Members £160 | Non-members £200
Developed in consultation with Surrey Educational Psychologists, this 2-hour
classroom-based interactive training programme is for year 4 pupils to learn how
mental health and wellbeing can be influenced positively through physical activity.
Training includes understanding emotions & how physical activity can positively
influence them.

Head over to our website for more information and details on how to book.

Active Schools Movement (ASM)
Our ASM campaign supports schools to create a more active environment, focusing
on tackling sedentary behaviour.
Schools pledge (using the pledge form) to get their pupils moving more in four
different active areas and we support every school with a free practical resource
pack and by sharing case studies and school led best practice.
Some of the benefits of pupils being active:
1. Improved focus, attainment & attendance
2. Boost to mental wellbeing
3. Improved behaviour and concentration

Pledge to one or more of the four key areas: travel, in class, at play, at home.

Developing Healthy Active Lifestyles (DHAL) Training
A 3-hour head teacher and/or lead teacher training course that will support your
school to improve the health and wellbeing of your pupils. Delegates will experience
several active learning approaches and go away feeling empowered to create lasting

Young leaders pathway
The Active Schools leadership pathway provides an opportunity for young people
across Key Stages 1- 4 to develop as leaders, volunteers and even coaches.
From training through to deployment, all the opportunities below and on the following
pages, build pupils' skills and enhance their personal development.

   •   First Steps to Leadership – year 2
   •   PhysiFUN Champions Training – year 4-5
   •   Sports Crew Training – year 5-6
   •   Sports Organiser Squad (virtual) - year 5-6
   •   Gifted and Talented Leadership Academy – year 6

Young leaders training for Key Stage 1 (Infant schools only)
First Steps to Leadership

A 2-hour training session at your school for pupils in Year 2 aspiring to be sports
leaders in their schools. First Step leaders will learn in a practical environment what
makes a good leader and understand how to make sure everyone is taking part in
fun and fair activities.
• Explore the skills and qualities of a good sports leader
• Learn why it is important to work in teams and engage everyone in activity
• Explore the importance of warming the body and mind for physical activity
• Understand ways to improve activity by using Mr NEDD principle (name/aim,
explain, demonstrate, deliver)
• Design team activities and demonstrating to others

How to deploy your First Step leaders in school
1. Co - deliver playground PhysiFUN games for pupils (assisted by support staff)
2. Collect and return equipment from PE cupboard for games, PE lessons
3. Pupil voice responsibilities – find out what their peers would like to take part in
4. Raise the profile of Physical Education and School Sport across the school –
assemblies, newsletter articles

First Steps Training - 10 Leaders. Members £205 | Non-members £245
Book your place by visiting Bookwhen.

Young leaders training for Key Stage 2
Sports Crew Training
A 3-hour central training session for pupils in Year 5 and 6 to develop leadership,
resilience, character and confidence. This will lead to the Sports Crew becoming
sports ambassadors within their school.
• Understand and adopt the STEP principle
• Recognise the skills and qualities of a good leader
• Understand the need to work as a team when completing group activities
• Adopt practical examples to embrace a growth mind-set
• Reflect on learning through practical application and peer feedback
How to deploy your Sports Crew at School
1. Plan and lead activities in the playground to engage all pupils – Values festivals,
personal challenges
2. Progress skills through responsibility, such as setting up equipment for clubs, PE
lessons and assist delivery where appropriate
3. Pupil voice responsibilities – find out what activities their peers would like to take
part in
4. Raise the profile of Physical Education and School Sport across the school –
assemblies, newsletter articles
Sports Crew Training - 10 Leaders. Members £185 | Non-members £225
Book your place by visiting Bookwhen.

Sports Organiser Squad Training (SOS)
Active Surrey’s ‘virtual leadership’ training
This 3-hour training session for leaders in Years 5 & 6 upskills staff and pupils in
how to plan, organise and deliver intra school competitions for their peers. Training
can be delivered by school staff using virtual resources.
• Recognising the qualities of a good leader and what makes a successful
• Understand the importance of teamwork and engaging peers through personal
best challenges
• Understand how to ‘build a team’ in fun and interactive ways
• Learn four different competition formats and evaluation using SMILES principle
Schools will receive a Squadron Leaders teacher pack with all four training
modules, associated resources and a virtual presentation slide deck to aid delivery
along with leaders’ bibs and booklets.

SOS Training - 12 Leaders.Members £125 | Non-members £155
Book your place by visiting Bookwhen.

Gifted & Talented Leaders
Active Surrey are in search of the county’s best primary school leaders to enter the
Gifted & Talented Leadership Academy. The programme offers capable and
confident young people bespoke training and opportunities to practice their new
A showcase for the real leaders approach, this is a flexible and sustainable
programme enabling every child to have the opportunity to develop the
fundamentals to be a leader. The sessions will be fun and experiential covering the
following outcomes for children:
• Explore and explain what the leadership fundamentals are
• Identity and demonstrate their leadership strengths
• Identify and explain areas for improvements
How to deploy your Gifted & Talented (G&T) Leaders in school
1. To be advocates of physical activity within school
2. Deliver assemblies / presentations to peers
3. 1:1 mentoring of other leaders and Ambassador role within your school
4. Plan & organise intra school competitions
5. Design a personal best challenge
6. Opportunities to lead and volunteer at district and county level events
Email Lee Bessent for more information at

PhysiFUN Champions Training
PhysiFUN is a card-based activities pack, focusing on ‘Physical Fundamentals’ and
has been developed to support schools to motivate and engage their least active
It's a great way to implement some of the key ideas from the Change4Life
programme and is a core part of the countywide Active Schools Movement
campaign designed to exploit the power of physical activity to improve wellbeing.

PhysiFUN provides an easy way to target inactive or disengaged pupils and help
motivate them to become more physically active, using simple structured activities to
develop agility, coordination, balance and fitness.
It requires minimal teacher input and no additional funding to create a fun, vibrant
and exciting activity sessions, which give young people the confidence and
competence to take part. It also provides a fantastic leadership opportunity for KS2
Champions Training - 12 Leaders. Members £155 | Non-members £185
Book your place by visiting Bookwhen.

Teacher CPD
Active Surrey provide an annual calendar of high-quality training, support and
professional development for teachers, teaching assistants, playground supervisors,
sports coaches and other school staff. See our website for the latest courses.
Trusted delivery partners include:
• Kingston Centre for Physical Education Sport and Activity (CPESA)
• St Mary’s University
• Association for Physical Education (afPE)
• Surrey Outdoor Learning & Development (SOLD)
• Create Development
• Youth Sport Trust
• imoves.

Courses include:
• National Curriculum Physical Education
• Becoming an active school (including Active Playgrounds, Active English / Maths)
• Inclusive PE
• afPE - Level 5 Certificate in Primary School PE Specialism
• Specialist PE and school sport consultancy services
• Support for NQT and new PE Subject Leads
• Outdoor & Adventurous Activities (OAA)

Discounts are available for Active Schools Members.

Specialist PESSPA Consultancy Service
A service specifically designed to support subject leaders and head teachers to
improve the quality of the PE and school sport on offer in their school.
The consultancy service will provide comprehensive support for high quality physical
education, school sport and physical activity provision for Early Years, Key Stage 1
and 2. Training can be delivered as part of a twilight (up to 2 hours), half day (3
hours) or full day (6 hours).
Our consultants offer a range of theme-based support packages on a variety of
topics, including:
• Whole School planning, delivery and assessment of Primary PE.

• Developing an inclusive approach to teaching and learning within PE

• Improving Teachers Competence & Confidence: Team Teaching

• Staff INSETS in dance, gym, athletics and games

For more information visit:

To discuss your school’s needs, complete the enquiry form and we will be in touch.

Active Play through PhysiFUN
3-hour practical course designed to help lunchtime supervisors, teaching assistants
and other adults to support the delivery of playground activities and use positive play
time environments to engage the least active pupils.
Learners will be able to:
• Understand how and why structured play can benefit the least active pupils
• Confidently deliver games using PhysiFUN resource cards and principles
• Nurture sports leaders to assist and act as role models
• Understand the benefits of physical activity and mental health & wellbeing
• Effectively identify the right pupils for activity and track their participation
• Make all activity inclusive

Choice of:
Central Venue training (individual attendees)
Members £125 | Non-members £155

Inset / Twilight (whole school training)
Members £325 | Non-members £390

Enquiries to
Book now through Bookwhen.

School Games
What is the Surrey School Games?
• A competition calendar delivered through district school sports associations,
  giving all schools the opportunity to take part.
• It inspires young people to be physically active for life, through positive
  experiences of daily activity and competition.
• It creates opportunities and experiences for young people to try new sports and
• It is more than competition; it supports the personal development of young people,
  through leadership and volunteering.
What does this mean for your school?
Your school can access a district competition calendar, giving your pupils a positive
experience of sport, physical activity and competitions
Your School Games meets the needs of all young people through competition levels
Inspire - An event targeted at the least-active/engaged with emphasis on
participation/trying new activities/skills or low-level competition. Certificates and
values are celebrated. Not suitable for A team players who have represented the
school in football, netball or district sports.
Aspire - Competitions targeting the semi-sporty, B teams. These events also in-
clude festivals that aren't specifically targeted to the less-engaged.
Higher - Competitions for the most-engaged/active and/or higher ability.
Sometimes pathway events leading to county finals. These events will suit children
who compete at a high level available.
To see how your school can get involved visit:

Be Your Best
Do you work with families who need a little bit of extra supporting in adopting
a healthier lifestyle?
Be Your Best is a free service for Surrey families. Led by Active Surrey, the strategic
lead for physical activity in the County, the programme partners with Children and
Family Health Surrey (school nurses) and the University of Surrey’s Dietetics
Department. The two-year programme targets families with overweight children aged
0-12 years.
The Be Your Best programme is all about helping families by supporting them to eat
better and move more.
Eligible families will be expected to engage with six one-to-one nurse sessions and
six online group sessions.
Sessions include:
• Live cooking workshops
• Interactive supermarket tours
• Family Fit weekend activity sessions
• Meal planning for the whole family
• Reducing anxiety
• Managing screen time
• How to become an active family
• Importance of sleep

Families and professionals can refer directly through the Attendee Signup.
For more information please visit the website or email Abigail Price.

Keeping children safe in education updates
• The DfE has updated its statutory guidance for schools and colleges
• Keeping children safe in education was published in June and implemented on
  first September 2020. There are key points for sport and physical activity that
  schools should be aware of

• Different ideas on how you can support sports parents
• NSPCC staying safe online
• CPSU Remote teaching and coaching
• Supporting SEND children
• Variety of video clips

• Free online course for coaches - I’m involved
• Webinars e.g. Safeguarding LGBT+ young people in sport, make a noise about
  bullying in sport

• Surrey County Council has a range of support services for schools around
  safeguarding. Important contact numbers to note.

Contact details
Twitter: @ActiveSchoolsAS

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