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                                    e- ISSN: 2615-8140|p-ISSN: 2615-7071
                                             Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

                       On the peculiarities of succession in Uzbek literature

                                                G’afforov Nodir Nasriyevich
                               Associate Professor of Uzbek Language and Literature, UzSWLU
                                              Candidate of Philological Sciences
                                               Boltayeva Iqbol Tadjibayevna
                               Associate Professor of Uzbek Language and Literature, UzSWLU
                                          Candidate of Philological Sciences
  ABSTRACT                                                                physical fitness in the future. It is the product of
         The centuries-old huge and inexhaustible                         man's striving to satisfy his spiritual need.
  treasure of Uzbek literature has served as a basis                              In order to satisfy both needs, one must
  for the emergence of the artistic potential of                          study and use the experiences of those who lived
  countless famous prose writers, playwrights and                         before him. He approaches the material and
  poets. This article examines the problem of                             spiritual experiences formed by his ancestors from
  succession in fiction, its role in the development                      the point of view of his time and tries to accept
  of any national literature, the means and methods                       that the traditions are still valid today. Some of the
  of literary succession in the example of Uzbek                          attitudes of the ancestors were creatively adapted
  literature, which is studied in depth, seriously and                    to the requirements of their time, and they were
  extensively in world literature.                                        able to change them a bit. In the process, he is
           The article can be used by philologists who                    confronted with a law called succession, and to
  deal with various issues of fiction and a wide                          some extent he obeys it. This can be seen in the
  range of readers interested in art.                                     literature, which reflects the aspects of the
           Keywords: Fiction, Uzbek literature,                           spiritual world of man. The monograph in your
  inheritance, tradition, development, membership,                        hand examines issues such as succession in
  continuity, historical, spiritual-aesthetic need,                       fiction, its constituent elements, their specificity,
  means, from generation to generation, humanity,                         types and characteristics.
  reality, cognitive process, past, today, the future.                            The artistic and aesthetic foundations of
                                                                          succession, tradition and innovation in different
           Ever since the dawn of time, mankind has                       periods of Uzbek literature and the reasons for this
  lived in harmony with two great vital qualities. On                     have been studied in detail. For example, Uzbek
  the one hand, he creates and uses the material                          classical literature, in particular the works of
  resources necessary for his body. It is the result of                   Alisher Navoi and Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur,
  a person's desire to satisfy his physical needs. On                     is based on examples of succession, adherence to
  the other hand, man tries to distract himself from                      literary tradition, and literary development.
  the hard and difficult life, to restore the mental                              It also examined the application of literary
  energy he has expended. He creates certain tools                        heritage to the works of such outstanding
  for himself and his people around him and draws                         representatives of twentieth-century Uzbek
  spiritual strength from them. With their help, he                       literature as Abdullah Qodiri, Abdulhamid
  tries to build confidence, mental endurance and

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                 e- ISSN: 2615-8140|p-ISSN: 2615-7071
                                    Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

Cholpon, Musa Tashmuhammad oglu Oybek,                   development. Because if the national literature is
Abdulla Qahhor, Said Ahmad, Askad Mukhtor.               based on advanced and timeless traditions, the
        In the works of Odil Yakubov, Erkin              scale and level of its influence will be different. It
Samandar, Ulugbek Hamdam and a number of                 is impossible to achieve the expected spiritual and
other prominent writers of the literature of the         moral results if we are surrounded by traditions
independence period, which is a special stage in         that are temporary, but have no deep national and
the history of our literature, how is the                aesthetic roots. Therefore, the problem of
phenomenon of literary succession, literary              succession in fiction is not only a scientific and
tradition and its use and artistic innovation? has       theoretical issue, but also a topical issue that has a
been studied in detail on a scientific and               decisive practical significance in the formation of
theoretical basis.                                       the spiritual and moral image of the ethnos.
        The system of views described in this                     Fiction, whether oral or written, is always
article is the Decree of the President of the            aimed at the spiritual and moral development of a
Republic PF-4947 of February 7, 2017 "On the             person. That is why man lives with the need to
Action Strategy for the further development of the       carefully pass on fiction from generation to
Republic of Uzbekistan"; Resolution PQ 2789 of           generation, preserving it as an inexhaustible and
February 17, 2017 "On measures to further                powerful means of satisfying his spiritual needs. It
improve the activities of the Academy of Sciences,       is this vital need of humanity that has ensured that
the organization, management and funding of              literature has existed for centuries in accordance
research", April 20, 2017 "On measures to further        with the needs and goals of different eras. By what
develop the system of higher education"                  means and ways has literature been passed down
Resolution of PQ 2909 of September 13, 2017 "On          from century to century, from generation to
a comprehensive program of measures for the              generation? What laws does it follow in the
development of the system of publishing and              process, and how can these laws ensure its
distribution of book products, the promotion and         sustainability? In addition to the spiritual needs of
promotion of the culture of reading and reading"         man, are there any factors that ensure the
PQ 3271 The resolution also to some extent serves        continuity of literature? There are no end to these
the implementation of the tasks set out in other         questions. In order to give a reasonable and
regulations aimed at improving the morale of             reliable answer to such questions, it is necessary to
society.                                                 seriously study the phenomenon of literary
                                                         succession and its peculiarities.
        Because in the current situation, when the
                                                                Determining how literary succession and its
role of an individual in the life of society has risen
                                                         mechanisms of action in art are one of the most
sharply, it is natural that the adornment of a
                                                         unexplored scientific and theoretical problems in
person with good spiritual qualities is crucial. It is
                                                         Uzbek literature remains. Many issues, such as the
known that fiction is a socio-aesthetic
                                                         problem of the phenomenon of succession in
phenomenon with unparalleled potential in the
                                                         fiction in advanced European countries, including
formation of noble spiritual qualities in the nation.
                                                         Russian literature, the means and methods of its
Therefore, it is very important to identify the
factors that contributed to the development of           movement, traditions and innovations, literary
                                                         influence and relations, are studied in greater
national literature, to predict its future
                                                         depth, seriousness and comprehensiveness. given
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                                      e- ISSN: 2615-8140|p-ISSN: 2615-7071
                                            Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

In particular, the main aspects and principles of                            This fact shows the need for a special
succession in Russian literature, their historical                    theoretical and practical study of the problems of
forms in this literature, the way of their                            succession in Uzbek literature, and this
manifestation between Russian and foreign                             monograph can be considered as a product of one
literature, the positive and negative aspects of the                  of the first attempts in this direction.
phenomenon of literary succession in the                                     As in nature and society, in fiction, progress
historical development of national literature. a                      is based on a fixed internal law of continuity and
number of issues, such as mystery, have been                          succession. Because inheritance is an everlasting
studied in detail, relying on rich and colorful                       law that connects the past, the present, and the
artistic materials.1                                                  future of reality, the process of cognition, and the
       Unfortunately, the study of the problems of                    transition of consciousness from one state to
literary succession in the Uzbek literary criticism                   another in a stable whole.
in the literary-theoretical direction is not on the                          Inheritance is a factor that ensures that the
agenda at all. However, some aspects of it, such as                   leading feature of the law of negation is applied in
traditions and their continuity, and the relationship                 nature, society, and thought, thereby determining
between tradition and renewal, have been                              the level and direction of development in nature
somewhat scientifically researched.2                                  and society. Any development is based on the law
                                                                      of succession. Because history has shown that
       Конрад Н. И. Проблемы современного сравнительного              development can only happen if we rely on any
литературоведения.// Конрад Н. И. Запад и Восток. -Москва: ГРВЛ.
1972.-с.290-314; Яна ўша. К вопросу о литературных связах.//O‟sha
                                                                      tonight, any early today. Indeed, the continuity,
kitob, 315-328-betlar; Жирмунский В. М. Байрон и Пушкин.              consistency and continuity of development
Пушкин и Западные литературы. -Ленинград: “Наука”, 1978; Yana
o‟sha. Сравнительная литературоведение. Восток и Запад. -             requires this.
Ленинград: Наука. 1972; Yana o‟sha. Из истории западно-
европейских литератур.-Ленинград: Наука. 1981; Yana o‟sha.Гѐте в               Although it is the same, inheritance in
русской литературе.-Ленинград: Наука. 1982; Бушмин А. С.
Преемственность в развитии литературы.-Ленинград: 1978; Ванслов
                                                                      society in general, and in fiction in particular, is
В.     В.    Прогресс   в    искусстве.   -Москва:1973;      Баллер
Э.А.Преемственность в развитии культуры.-М.: 1969; Арутюнов
Л.И.Взаимодействие литератур и проблемы новаторства. -Москва:         poetikasi (syujet va konflikt): Filol. fan. d-ri ... diss. -T.: 1993; To„rayev D.
1972; Бушмин А. С. О специфике проггресса в литературе.//О            Hozirgi o„zbek romanlarida badiiy tafakkur va mahorat muammosi (60–80-
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Лихачев Д. С. Прогрессивные линии развития в истории русской          nasrida hayot haqiqati va inson konsepsiyasi (70-80-yillar): Filol. fan. d-ri
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Развития литературы и проблема народности. //O‟sha to‟plam. 208-      fan. d-ri ... diss. -T.: 2003; Doniyorova Sh. Istiqlol davri o„zbek
237; Мурянов М. Ф. О понятии и термине «прогресс»                     romanlarida milliy ruh va qahramon muammosi: Filol. fan. d-ri ... diss. -T.:
(историографические заметки). // O‟sha to‟plam, 238-262-betlar.       2012; Qurbonov T. Odil Yoqubovning portret yaratish mahorati: Filol. fan.
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Бахтин М. Эстетика словесного творчества -Москва: “Искусство”,        tarixiy romanlarida xarakter ruhiyatini tasvirlash usullari: Filol. fan. nomz...
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                 e- ISSN: 2615-8140|p-ISSN: 2615-7071
                                    Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

fundamentally different from inheritance in               remarkable aspects. In this way, fiction is self-
nature. It is well known that inheritance in nature       reproductive.
takes place on the basis of biogenetic laws, and                 While the power of survival and
that aspects of its nature as a biogenetic species        development in literature is provided by real-life
exist entirely outside of human will and occur            existence and the talent and hard work of the
there. Inheritance in literature, on the other hand,      creator, the literary skill of the creator plays a
is the result of complex causal connections that          decisive role in the literary legacy. Because not
take place in the form of renewal by adapting the         everything that exists in yesterday's literature,
most healthy and viable aspects of experiences            but only important aspects that are skillfully
formed up to a certain stage of literary                  created and have the power to attract the
development as a result of conscious human                attention of consumer readers, will be transferred
activity. In this sense, literary succession is a vital   to the content of today's and tomorrow's
bridge that connects the literary process of today        literature.
with the literary process of the past and the future,            The creative personality, his unique
without which there can be no question of the             talent, his level of creative power, reveals,
continuity and development of literary creation.          nourishes and perfects the aspects of fiction
       So who ensures the succession in the               that are worth living in later times. In this
literature, and what or who controls its continuity       sense, there is no denying the new power,
and continuity? A number of such pertinent                momentum, unique renewal and refinement
questions remain unanswered in Uzbek literature.          introduced by the talented artist in ensuring the
       It is important to note that literature is         continuity of succession in fiction. Thus, the
also based on realism in ensuring its                     application of the law of succession in
continuity and continuity. Fiction draws                  literature, the acquisition of different features
strength from the real being that is the product          and forms in different historical periods can be
of the author's creative imagination and                  accurately determined by the specific stages of
embedded in a particular work. Therefore, in              the literary process, a thorough analysis of the
the process of literary development, on the one           works created in them.
hand, the creative labor, on the other hand,                                References:
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literature directly. Literary succession is not                4. Arutyunov L.I.Vzaimodeystvie literature
only about this, but also about the creation of                   and problems of innovation. -Moscow:
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                                   Volume: 03 Issue: 04 | April 2021

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