St Cuthbert Mayne School Curriculum Map 2020-2021

Page created by Allan Owens
St Cuthbert Mayne School Curriculum Map 2020-2021
Department: MFL

Department Intent and overview
The MFL curriculum at STCM is designed to be stimulating, engaging and challenging to all students from the first
lesson, regardless of their background in language learning. Students come to the school from a variety of primary
schools and MFL contexts – including bilingual students at native-speaker level, those who have studied significant
amounts of French, those who have studied a language other than French and those who might have studied hardly
any foreign language at all. We aim to create language learners who are:
   ● enthusiastic linguists who see for themselves the point of the subject, whether they intend to pursue languages
      or not;
   ● resilient, independent and intellectually curious;
   ● confident enough to communicate in the Target Language;
   ● aware of the culture of countries where the Target Language is spoken and respectful of differences between this
      culture and their own;
   ● used to learning through the study of authentic materials;
   ● confident in manipulating grammar and aware of the similarities and differences between grammar in the Target
      Language and in English;
   ● able to apply language in new contexts;
   ● ready and able to progress to the next stage of their language learning;
   ● proud of their linguistic achievements.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Summary
During each half-term students study an integrated, thematic topic that combines an aspect of French culture or
history with the core vocabulary and grammar that they might be expected to know at this key stage. Innovative
teaching and a focus on authentic resources and realia (no textbooks!) put real life at the heart of what we teach and
shows students that there is an immediate and relevant purpose to their learning. It gives them a reason to

Instead of teaching letter names (which has been shown to be a barrier to fluent and accurate decoding) and analysing
grapheme-phoneme correspondences as they occur, synthetic phonics is taught explicitly and systematically in every
lesson, and vocabulary-learning homework, rather than being topic based, focuses on spelling patterns. Teaching
synthetic phonics helps with reading out loud (pronunciation) and spelling (reinforcing the links between how words
are pronounced and spelt). Having no link between encoding and decoding is known to have a negative effect on the
ability to spell accurately. Research indicates that children learning to read aloud and to spell in MFL by traditional
methods are forced into the position of a “dyslexic reader” because they are not given the tools they need to transfer
from the written to the spoken word. Why should MFL teaching methods not keep pace with those in our native

Year 7 Autumn Term 1

Topic / Unit        Bonjour!            Dans mon sac        Quel âge as-tu?        Bon             En classe            Les couleurs
                    - Greetings and     - Classroom         - Numbers                              - Classroom          - Colours
                    foundations of      equipment                                  - Days and      language
                    transactional                                                  months

Knowledge           - Pronouns je       - Gender            - avoir: j’ai, tu as   - Ordinal       - The definite        - Position of
(Content covered)   and tu              - The indefinite     - avoir to give        numbers         article: le / la /   adjectives
                                        article: un / une   ages                                   les                  - Agreement of
                    ●Bonjour!           - The acute                                ●lundi          - Regular plurals    adjectives
                    ●Comment            accent              ●oui                   ●mardi          - Expressing ’s      including blanc
                     t’appelles-tu?                         ●un                    ●mercredi       by using de          and marron
                    ●Salut!             ●un / une           ●deux                  ●jeudi
                    ●Je m’appelle …     ●un livre           ●trois                 ●vendredi       ●le / la / les       ●la couleur
                    ●Au revoir.         ●Qu’est-ce que      ●quatre                ●samedi         ●le tableau          ●blanc(he)
                    ●Ça va?              c’est?             ●cinq                  ●dimanche        blanc               ●bleu(e)
                    ●je, tu             ●un cahier          ●six                   ●janvier        ●Regardez …          ●gris(e)
                    ●Oui, ça va bien,   ●un portable        ●sept                  ●février        ●la chaise           ●marron
                     merci.             ●C’est …            ●huit                  ●mars           ●C’est le … de …     ●noir(e)
                    ●merci              ●une                ●neuf                  ●avril          ●la porte            ●orange
                    ●Bof! Pas mal.       calculatrice       ●dix                   ●mai            ●Écoutez …           ●rose
                    ●non                ●une règle          ●onze                  ●juin           ●la fenêtre          ●vert(e)
                    ●Non, ça ne va      ●J’ai …             ●douze                 ●juillet        ●le professeur       ●C’est une règle
                     pas.               ●un carnet de       ●treize                ●août           ●Ouvrez …             verte.
                                         textes             ●quatorze              ●septembre      ●Prenez …            ●Dans mon sac,
                                        ●un sac             ●quinze                ●octobre        ●la table             j’ai …
                                        ●Comment ça         ●seize                 ●novembre       ●le
                                         s’écrit?           ●dix-sept              ●décembre        rétroprojecteu
                                        ●un crayon          ●dix-huit              ●anniversaire    r
                                        ●un stylo           ●dix-neuf              ●le premier     ●Fermez …
                                        ●Ça s’écrit …       ●vingt                 ●C’est quand,   ●Il y a …
                                        ●une gomme          ●Quel âge as-tu?        ton

●une trousse       ●J’ai ... ans.      anniversaire?
                                  ●l’alphabet                           ●Mon
                                                                         c’est le cinq

Skills       - pronunciation      - apply grammar    - pronunciation    - memorising       - knowledge of      - previous
             and intonation       - use a range of   and intonation     - previous         language            knowledge
             - ask and answer     vocab /            - initiate /       knowledge-         - listen for gist   - listen for gist
             questions-           structures- use    sustain            adapt              - pronunciation     - pronunciation
             initiate / sustain   language within    conversations-     previously-learn   and intonation-     and intonation-
             conversations        the classroom      sounds and         ed language        adapt               adapt
             - use a range of     etc.               writing            - apply grammar    previously-learn    previously-learn
             vocab /              - communicate      - apply grammar    - use a range of   ed language         ed language
             structures           in pairs etc.      - use a range of   vocab /            - spoken and        - sounds and
             - different                             vocab /            structures         written             writing
             countries /                             structures         - use language     language            - apply grammar
             cultures                                - use language     within the         - sounds and        - use a range of
             - communicate                           within the         classroom etc.     writing             vocab /
             in pairs etc.                           classroom etc.     - communicate      - apply grammar     structures
                                                     - communicate      in pairs etc.      - use a range of    - communicate
                                                     in pairs etc.                         vocab /             in pairs etc.
                                                                                           - use language
                                                                                           within the
                                                                                           classroom etc.
                                                                                           - communicate
                                                                                           in pairs etc.

Assessment   Formative:           Formative:         Formative:         Formative:         Formative:          Formative:
             - Recall / recap     - Recall / recap   - Recall / recap   - Recall / recap   - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap
             starters             starters           starters           starters           starters            starters
             - KO tests           - KO tests         - KO tests         - KO tests         - KO tests          - KO tests
             - student-led        - student-led      - student-led      - student-led      - student-led       - student-led
             corrections          corrections        corrections        corrections        corrections         corrections

Summative:         Summative:          Summative:         Summative:         Summative:         Summative:
                               - Listening &      - Listening &       - Listening &      - Listening &      - Listening &      - Listening &
                               Reading (passive   Reading (passive    Reading (passive   Reading (passive   Reading (passive   Reading (passive
                               skills)            skills)             skills)            skills)            skills)            skills)

Gatsby 4 (Linking curriculum   Emphasise the      Emphasise the       Emphasise the      Emphasise the      Emphasise the      Emphasise the
learning to careers)           importance of      importance of       importance of      importance of      importance of      importance of
GATSBY BENCHMARK 4             succeeding in      succeeding in       succeeding in      succeeding in      succeeding in      succeeding in
                               English and        English and         English and        English and        English and        English and
                               maths and          maths and           maths and          maths and          maths and          maths and
                               supporting         supporting          supporting         supporting         supporting         supporting
                               development in     development in      development in     development in     development in     development in
                               these areas        these areas         these areas        these areas        these areas        these areas

                               Case studies of    Case studies of     Case studies of    Case studies of    Case studies of    Case studies of
                               successful         successful          successful         successful         successful         successful
                               linguists          linguists           linguists          linguists          linguists          linguists

                               Make clear how     Make clear how      Make clear how     Make clear how     Make clear how     Make clear how
                               language study     language study      language study     language study     language study     language study
                               now can benefit     now can benefit      now can benefit     now can benefit     now can benefit     now can benefit
                               all no matter      all no matter       all no matter      all no matter      all no matter      all no matter
                               what their         what their          what their         what their         what their         what their
                               future pathway     future pathway      future pathway     future pathway     future pathway     future pathway

                                                           Year 8 Autumn Term 1

Topic / Unit                   Mon Cartable       Salut!              Mon album de       Au boulot          Où                 Quel temps
                                                                      famille                               habitent-ils?      fait-il?
                               - Studying and     - Describing self                      - Jobs                                - Weather and
                               adapting a         and others          - Infinitives and                      - Directions       free-time
                               poem                                   family members                        and countries      activities

Knowledge           The poem Mon       - using je and tu   - The pronouns      - using                - Using depuis     - verb forms
(Content covered)   Cartable by        - je and tu forms   il and elle         masculine and                             with the
                    Pierre Gamarra     of être and         - -er verbs         feminine forms         ●le nord           pronoun on
                                       avoir               (infinitive and      of nouns               ●j’habite          - aller: on va
                    Reading,           - use of avoir      singular forms)     - omission of the      ●le sud            - faire: on fait
                    understanding,     with age                                indefinite article      ●j’ai              - the
                    translating, and                       ●adorer             with job names         ●l’est             connectives
                    adapting the       ●je m’appelle       ●aimer              - être: singular       ●tu viens d’où?    quand and si
                    poem               ●grand(e)           ●détester           forms                  ●l’ouest
                                       ●j’habite           ●collectionner                             ●je viens de….     ●Quel temps
                                       ●petit(e)           ●écouter            ●un métier             ●le centre          fait-il?
                                       ●j’ai … ans         ●habiter            ●au chômage            ●il / elle vient   ●faire du skate /
                                       ●les cheveux        ●jouer              ●il / elle est + job    de…                ski / vélo
                                        blonds / bruns     ●manger             ●dans                  ●de …              ●il fait chaud /
                                        /                  ●parler             ●un(e) coiffeur /      ●depuis             froid
                                       ●j’ai               ●regarder            coiffeuse             ●l’Angleterre      ●jouer aux
                                       ●noirs / roux       ●travailler         ●un bureau             ●ici                cartes
                                       ●je suis            ●je, tu, il, elle   ●un(e)                 ●l’Écosse          ●il y a du vent /
                                       ●les yeux bleus /   ●la famille          électricien /         ●un an              brouillard /
                                        gris / marron /    ●le père             électricienne         ●l’Irlande du       soleil
                                        verts              ●la mère            ●un collège             Nord              ●regarder la télé
                                       ●j’adore            ●le frère           ●un(e) infirmier /      ●un mois            / des vidéo
                                       ●actif(active)      ●la soeur            infirmière             ●du Pays de        ●il y a des
                                       ●je déteste         ●le beau-père       ●un hôpital             Galles             orages
                                       ●amusant(e)         ●la belle-mère      ●un(e)                                    ●rester à la
                                       ●Comment            ●le demi-frère       mécanicien /                              maison
                                        t’appelles-tu?     ●la demi-sœur        mécanicienne                             ●il neige / pleut
                                       ●intelligent(e)     ●papa               ●un magasin                               ●aller au café /
                                       ●Où habites-tu ?    ●maman              ●un(e) ouvrier /                           cinéma
                                       ●sportif(sportiv                         ouvrière                                 ●et
                                        e)                                     ●un restaurant                            ●puis
                                       ●Quel âge as-tu?                        ●un professeur                            ●mais
                                       ●sympa                                  ●une usine                                ●quand
                                       ●Tu as …?                               ●un(e) secrétaire                         ●parce que
                                       ●timide                                 ●un(e) serveur /                          ●si
                                       ●Tu es …?                                serveuse

●Tu es                                  ●un(e) vendeur /
                                  comment?                                vendeuse

Skills       - apply             - knowledge of      - knowledge of      - identify          - listen for gist   - listen for gist
             knowledge,          language            language            patterns            - ask and           - pronunciation
             skills and          - listen for gist   - listen for gist   - knowledge of      answer              and intonation
             understanding       - ask and answer    - skim and scan     language            questions           - ask and answer
             from other          questions           - pronunciation     - listen for gist   - initiate /        questions
             subjects and / or   - initiate /        and intonation      - ask and answer    sustain             - initiate /
             general             sustain             - sounds and        questions           conversations       sustain
             knowledge           conversations       writing             - apply grammar     - apply             conversations
             - identify          - sounds and        - apply grammar     - use a range of    grammar             - sounds and
             patterns            writing             - use a range of    vocab /             - use a range of    writing
             - knowledge of      - communicate       vocab /             structures          vocab /             - apply grammar
             language            in pairs etc.       structures          - communicate in    structures          - use a range of
             - dictionary        - make links with   - communicate       pairs etc.          - communicate       vocab /
             skills              English             in pairs etc.       - make links with   in pairs etc.       structures
                                                     - make links with   English                                 - communicate
                                                     English             - language for a                        in pairs etc.
                                                                         range of

Assessment   Formative:          Formative:          Formative:          Formative:          Formative:          Formative:
             - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap
             starters            starters            starters            starters            starters            starters
             - KO tests          - KO tests          - KO tests          - KO tests          - KO tests          - KO tests
             - student-led       - student-led       - student-led       - student-led       - student-led       - student-led
             corrections         corrections         corrections         corrections         corrections         corrections
             Summative:          Summative:          Summative:          Summative:          Summative:          Summative:
             - Listening &       - Listening &       - Listening &       - Listening &       - Listening &       - Listening &
             Reading (passive    Reading (passive    Reading (passive    Reading (passive    Reading             Reading (passive
             skills)             skills)             skills)             skills)             (passive skills)    skills)

Gatsby 4 (Linking curriculum   Emphasise the     Emphasise the     Emphasise the     Explicit            Emphasise the     Emphasise the
learning to careers)           importance of     importance of     importance of     discussion of       importance of     importance of
GATSBY BENCHMARK 4             succeeding in     succeeding in     succeeding in     jobs / career       succeeding in     succeeding in
                               English and       English and       English and       paths               English and       English and
                               maths and         maths and         maths and                             maths and         maths and
                               supporting        supporting        supporting        Emphasise the       supporting        supporting
                               development in    development in    development in    importance of       development in    development in
                               these areas       these areas       these areas       succeeding in       these areas       these areas
                                                                                     English and
                               Case studies of   Case studies of   Case studies of   maths and           Case studies of   Case studies of
                               successful        successful        successful        supporting          successful        successful
                               linguists         linguists         linguists         development in      linguists         linguists
                                                                                     these areas
                               Make clear how    Make clear how    Make clear how                        Make clear how    Make clear how
                               language study    language study    language study    Case studies of     language study    language study
                               now can benefit    now can benefit    now can benefit    successful          now can benefit    now can benefit
                               all no matter     all no matter     all no matter     linguists           all no matter     all no matter
                               what their        what their        what their                            what their        what their
                               future pathway    future pathway    future pathway    Make clear how      future pathway    future pathway
                                                                                     language study
                                                                                     now can benefit
                                                                                     all no matter
                                                                                     what their future

Year 9 Autumn Term 1

Topic / Unit        Introduction to     À la télé ce soir   On va au               Je suis comme           Tu aimes la       Le week-end
                    the enrichment                          cinéma?                ça                      lecture?          dernier
                    aspect of the       - Television
                    module:             programmes          - Cinema and           - Describing self       - Reading         - Last weekend
                                                            film                    and others
                    - Planets & The     - Planets & The                                                    - Planets & The   - Planets & The
                    Solar System        Solar System        - Planets & The        - Planets & The         Solar System      Solar System
                                                            Solar System           Solar System

Knowledge           Introduction to     - Present tense     - Present tense        - Present tense         - Perfect tense   - Perfect tense:
(Content covered)   the planets in      –er verbs           of aller               of avoir and            of –er verbs      some irregular
                    French              (singular)          (singular)             être (singular)                           forms
                                                                                                           ●un magazine
                    Awareness of        ●une comédie        ●un film de             ●j’ai, tu as, il /       de football      ●j’ai écouté
                    planet name         ●je regarde          science-fiction         elle / on a            ●j’ai acheté      ●samedi dernier
                    etymologies and     ●un jeu télévisé    ●une / deux /          ●les yeux bleus /       ●un magazine      ●j’ai joué
                    classical           ●j’adore             fois par               marron / gris /         de musique       ●samedi matin
                    associations        ●une série           semaine                verts                   pop              ●j’ai mangé
                                        ●je préfère         ●un film                ●les cheveux            ●j’ai écouté      ●dimanche
                    Awareness of        ●une série           d’horreur              courts / longs /       ●un magazine       après-midi
                    ESA and              policière          ●souvent                mi-longs /              féminin          ●j’ai regardé
                    scientific           ●je n’aime pas      ●un film policier        frisés / blonds /      ●j’ai joué        ●dimanche soir
                    advances            ●une émission       ●rarement               bruns / noirs /        ●une BD (bande    ●j’ai retrouvé
                                         musicale           ●un film d’action        roux                    dessinée)        ●le soir
                    How it will link    ●je déteste         ●de temps en           ●je suis, tu es, il /   ●j’ai mangé       ●j’ai bu
                    to the core topic   ●une émission        temps                  elle / on est          ●un livre         ●ensuite
                                         de sport           ●un film d’arts         ●algérien(ne),           d’horreur        ●j’ai fait
                                        ●j’achète            martiaux               anglais(e),            ●j’ai regardé     ●puis
                                        ●une émission       ●tous les               écossais(e),           ●un livre de      ●j’ai lu
                                         de                  week-ends              français(e),            Harry Potter     ●après
                                         science-fiction     ●une comédie            gallois(e)             ●j’ai retrouvé    ●j’ai vu
                                        ●je joue            ●je vais, tu vas, il   ●irlandais(e),          ●un livre de
                                        ●une émission        / elle / on va         irlandais(e),           science-fiction

de télé-réalité    ●un dessin           québécois(e),      ●mon auteur
                                 ●j’écoute            animé               tunisien(ne)        préféré
                                 ●j’aime             ●une histoire
                                  (beaucoup)          d’amour
                                 ●je mange

Skills       - apply             - memorising        - listen for gist   - identify          - knowledge of      - memorising
             knowledge,          - previous          - apply grammar     patterns            language            - skim and scan
             skills and          knowledge           - use a range of    - memorising        - listen for gist   - write clearly
             understanding       - listen for gist   vocab /             - listen for gist   - pronunciation     and coherently
             from other          - adapt             structures          - adapt             and intonation-     - sounds and
             subjects and / or   previously          - make links with   previously          sounds and          writing
             general             learned             English             learned             writing             - apply grammar
             knowledge           language            - use a range of    language            - apply grammar     - communicate
             - knowledge of      - communicate       resources           - apply grammar     - communicate       in pairs etc.
             language            in pairs etc.       - language for      - communicate       in pairs etc.       - use more
             - memorising        - make links with   interest /          in pairs etc.                           complex
                                 English             enjoyment           - use more                              language
                                                                         complex                                 - language for a
                                                                         language                                range of

Assessment   Formative:          Formative:          Formative:          Formative:          Formative:          Formative:
             - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap    - Recall / recap
             starters            starters            starters            starters            starters            starters
             - KO tests          - KO tests          - KO tests          - KO tests          - KO tests          - KO tests
             - student-led       - student-led       - student-led       - student-led       - student-led       - student-led
             corrections         corrections         corrections         corrections         corrections         corrections
             Summative:          Summative:          Summative:          Summative:          Summative:          Summative:
             - Listening &       - Listening &       - Listening &       - Listening &       - Listening &       - Listening &
             Reading (passive    Reading (passive    Reading (passive    Reading (passive    Reading (passive    Reading (passive
             skills)             skills)             skills)             skills)             skills)             skills)

Gatsby 4 (Linking curriculum   Links to STEM     Emphasise the     Emphasise the     Emphasise the     Emphasise the     Emphasise the
learning to careers)           pathways          importance of     importance of     importance of     importance of     importance of
GATSBY BENCHMARK 4                               succeeding in     succeeding in     succeeding in     succeeding in     succeeding in
                               Emphasise the     English and       English and       English and       English and       English and
                               importance of     maths and         maths and         maths and         maths and         maths and
                               succeeding in     supporting        supporting        supporting        supporting        supporting
                               English and       development in    development in    development in    development in    development in
                               maths and         these areas       these areas       these areas       these areas       these areas
                               development in    Case studies of   Case studies of   Case studies of   Case studies of   Case studies of
                               these areas       successful        successful        successful        successful        successful
                                                 linguists         linguists         linguists         linguists         linguists
                               Case studies of
                               successful        Make clear how    Make clear how    Make clear how    Make clear how    Make clear how
                               linguists         language study    language study    language study    language study    language study
                                                 now can benefit    now can benefit    now can benefit    now can benefit    now can benefit
                               Make clear how    all no matter     all no matter     all no matter     all no matter     all no matter
                               language study    what their        what their        what their        what their        what their
                               now can benefit    future pathway    future pathway    future pathway    future pathway    future pathway
                               all no matter
                               what their
                               future pathway

Key Stage 4 Curriculum Summary

                                 Year 10 Autumn Term 1

Topic / Unit

(Content covered)



Gatsby 4 (Linking curriculum
learning to careers)

Year 11 Autumn Term 1

Topic / Unit

(Content covered)



Gatsby 4 (Linking curriculum
learning to careers)

Key Stage 5 Curriculum Summary

                                 Year 12 Autumn Term 1

Topic / Unit

(Content covered)



Gatsby 4 (Linking curriculum
learning to careers)

Year 13 Autumn Term 1

Topic / Unit

(Content covered)



Gatsby 4 (Linking curriculum
learning to careers)

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