Intelligent Control and Protection of Power Systems in the Russian Cities - insticc

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Intelligent Control and Protection of Power Systems in the Russian Cities - insticc
Intelligent Control and Protection of Power Systems in the Russian

            Nikolai Voropai, Victor Kurbatsky, Nikita Tomin, Dmitry Efimov and Irina Kolosok
                  Electric Power System Department, Melentiev Energy Systems Institute, Irkutsk, Russia

Keywords:       Power Grid, Smart Cities, Control, Protection, Artificial Intelligence, Russia.

Abstract:       A distinctive feature of the energy system development in Russian megalopolises is the need for a
                comprehensive approach to the problem of making the network intelligent. The paper presents the following
                contributions: (1) intelligent operation and smart emergency protection in Russia including requirements for
                new protection systems; (2) a description of smart grid territorial clusters in the interconnected power
                systems of Russia. (3) state estimation (SE) techniques as informational support of the intelligent power
                grid control including SE with phasor measurements use, dynamic SE, and cyber-physical security issues of
                SE; (4) a hybrid Volt/VAr control approach based on AI techniques such as machine learning and multi-
                agent systems based models.

1    INTRODUCTION                                                 represent the most dynamically developing territories
                                                                  of Russia with a growing electricity demand after the
Cities today are home to more than 50 percent of the              economic crisis of 1998. These territories require
world’s population and by 2050 it is estimated that               special attention when planning the development of
2.9 billion people will be living in cities. These cities         energy infrastructure and have a number of
and megapolosies will need new and intelligent                    characteristic features. In the nearest future the
infrastructure to meet the needs of their citizens and            development of the networks in megalopolises and
businesses (ABB, 2013).                                           large industrial centers in Russia will result in the
    Cities might experience significant concentrations            formation of systems with a complex multi-loop
of electric vehicles and renewables in certain city               structure (Voropai, 2016).
districts. Left unmanaged, new loads can                              A distinctive feature of the energy system
dramatically increase load on the system at certain               development in Russian megalopolises is the need
times of the day and cause circuit breakers or fuses to           for a comprehensive approach to the problem of
trip with resulting outages. The traditional response             making the network intelligent. It is reasonable to
would be to resize substations or strengthen                      consider the entire process of production,
distribution lines and equipment. Grid automation                 transmission, distribution and consumption as a
can be used to defer some of these upgrades.                      single whole rather than divide the processes
    While city grids are generally strong enough to               according to the balance inventory as this has been
integrate renewables without significant capacity or              done lately. Accordingly, a staged introduction of
voltage challenges, additional power system                       automated control based on the intelligent principles
protection is required to cope with bi-directional fault          will improve the reliability of the entire power
currents. With distributed renewables, at certain                 system operation. Furthermore, it will increase the
times renewable generation could exceed                           quality of electricity supply to consumers.
consumption, resulting in power flowing from the                      An effective way to support these city goals is by
customer into the grid. New protection schemes are                using technology to more intelligently monitor,
required to cope with these situations safely and                 optimize and control key systems and infrastructure.
isolate only those parts of the grids experiencing                In other words, to operate as a ‘smart city’.
problems.                                                             The evolution of the traditional electrical system
    Large cities and megalopolises of Russia                      in the direction of the intelligent grid implies a
(Moscow, St.-Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, etc.)                     growing automation of the power grid management
in order to increase operating efficiency, increase     and “Big Ring” and “Small Ring” of electric
reliability, expand the use of network assets, reduce   networks in St. Petersburg (Table 1).
emergencies, etc. To achieve these objectives in
2014, President of the Russian Federation Putin V.V.    Table 1: Pilot projects on creation of territorial clusters of
was announced one of the nine road maps of the          the smart grid in the Northwest interconnected power
National Technology Initiative “EnergyNet”, which       system.
is a high-level long-term program for the
                                                         Smart grid cluster                 Project goal
development of technologies, standards and
communities in the field of building the electric                              To provide reliable power supply
                                                        1.   KOLA                  and power quality under
power industry for the new technological structure.
                                                             (Karelskaya power conditions of parallel operation of
    Integration of power systems, liberalization, and        system)               330 kV transit overhead
modernization of the electric power industry                                           transmission lines
increase the changeability and unpredictability of      2.   KOMI
electric power systems operation and generate the            (power system of To provide high reliability level of
need to improve and develop principles as well as            Komi Republic       power supply at the required
systems of operation and emergency control.                  and Arkhangelsk             power quality
Artificial intelligence application is an advanced           power system)
way to carry out smart emergency control in power       3.   BIG RING           To ensure required reliability of
systems (Efimov, 2011; Voropai, 2011; Voropai,               (St. Petersburg)  power supply to urban consumers
2018).                                                  4.   SMALL RING         To decrease current loading and
                                                             (St. Petersburg)    redundancy of existing lines

                                                        Table 2: Pilot projects on creation of territorial clusters of
2   SMART GRID CLUSTERS IN                              the smart grid in the East interconnected power system.
    RUSSIA                                                   Smart grid
                                                                                         Project goal(s)
The process of intelligent power system formation
                                                                             To provide power quality and
under the EnergyNet platform suggests pilot projects
                                                                              redundancy of tunneling and
implementation and territorial smart grid clusters                            traction power supply (a two-circuit
creation. These clusters are supposed to use            1. ELGAUGOL           220 kV transit transmission line)
information, technological, and control systems                              To ensure emergency and operation
providing adaptive control of network parameters,                             control, considering development of
remote control of switching devices, and real-time                            small-scale generation
estimation of the network technical state under         2. NIZHNY
normal, pre-emergency, and post-emergency                  KURANAKH-
                                                                               To provide a high level of power
conditions (Efimov, 2011; Efimov, 2012).                   MAIYA
                                                                              supply reliability and power quality
    Currently, along with implementation of the pilot      (Yakutian
                                                           power system)
projects and the creation of smart grid clusters, new
                                                                          To increase the reliability of the
equipment is being installed at the energy facilities                  power supply to traction substations of
of the unified national electric grid of Russia as a    3. VANINO
                                                                            the electrified railway in the
part of a modernization program. In Russia the                                 Khabarovsk Territory
projects on formation of individual smart grid                          To supply electricity to the southern
clusters and implementation of pilot projects aimed                      part of the Primorye Territory
                                                        4. PRIMORYE
at creating the smart grid were launched in 2011                        To increase transfer capabilities of
(Efimov, 2011; Voropai, 2011; Budargin, 2010).                           500 kV transit transmission lines by
    Below we briefly indicate several most important                     350–400 MW
pilot projects, which are implementing in two (of the                   To integrate wind generation and
seven) interconnected power systems belonging to        5. RUSSKY &      mini-CPP into the grid
the unified energy system of Russia.                       POPOV        To provide power quality and
                                                           ISLANDS       redundancy
    The following pilot projects of smart grid
                                                           with         To ensure emergency and operation
clusters will be implemented in the north-western          distributed   control, considering small-scale
region of Russia during the period through 2020            generation    generation expansion and
(Fortov, 2012; Efimov, 2011; Efimov, 2012;                               involvement of storage devices
Budargin, 2011): Karelskaya power system, power
systems of Komi Republic and Arkhangelsk city,
The pilot projects are intended to furnish               The components of emergency control system
Northwest interconnected power system with               are shown in Table 3.
innovation technologies of smart grids that will
effectively solve the regional problems (limitations          Table 3: Emergency operation control services.
on power output from power plants, insufficient
reliability level of power supply to consumers, etc.).   Conditions      Services                   Aims
    Table 2 presents pilot projects in the territory                 Emergency        To maintain transfer capability
covered by the East interconnected power system of                    dispatching       margins of transmission lines
Russia (Amur region, Sakha Republic, Primorye,            emergency  Transfer         To increase transfer capabilities
                                                                      capability        of ties by voltage control
and Khabarovsk Territories). The projects address to                  control
electric power networks of megalopolises and                                      
                                                                                 To provide EPS stability by
include several smart grid clusters.                                             increasing voltages and
    Implementation of smart grid in the clusters                                 damping the oscillations
"ElgaUgol", "Vanino", and "Primorye Territory"                     Emergency  To provide EPS stability by
suggests construction of compact digital substations               control       automatic stability control
furnished with innovative devices (new systems for                              To interrupt emergency
                                                                                 development by automatic
reactive power compensation and voltage                                          devices
maintenance, active filters, equipment monitoring                               To provide fast EPS restoration
and diagnosis systems, etc.)                               Post-
                                                                   Restoration   by observing the margins and
    The territorial smart grid cluster was formed at                            excluding restoration disruption
Russky Island (Efimov, 2011; Voropai, 2011; R&D
Report, 2009). It involves the creation of a smart       Table 4: Functions and types of emergency control
automated control system, which aims to provide          automations.
centralized monitoring, dispatching, and process         Functions of the
control as well as solving the problems of creating        emergency       Main types of emergency control
the smart grid of the region and optimal control of         control                     systems
electricity, heat, and gas supply facilities and          automations
consumers. Alongside the network infrastructure, the             Centralized hierarchical automation
integrated smart grid includes gas-fired power plants                          Automatic Stability Control System is
(mini-CHPPs), wind farms, boiler plants, electricity                           arranged according to the hierarchical
                                                           Prevention of
and heat storage systems, “smart houses,” and a park     stability violation
                                                                                    principle with the levels of:
of electric vehicles with charging stations.                                  the UES of Russia – a coordinating
                                                             (this is the
                                                                               emergency control system;
                                                             function of
                                                                              interconnected or regional power
                                                                               system – centralized emergency
                                                         automatic stability
3    INTELLIGENT EMERGENCY                                control system)
                                                                               control systems;
                                                                              power industry facilities – local
     CONTROL AND                                                               automatic systems.
     REQUIREMENTS TO LOAD                                               Standalone (local) automations
     SHEDDING ALGORITHMS                                   Elimination of
                                                            out-of-step             Out-of-Step Protection System
Emergency control philosophy in the unified energy                          Automatic Underfrequency Protection,
system of Russia is a hierarchical approach and is                                         including:
realized by the coordinated operation of many                               automatic load transfer,
                                                           Limitation of
control devices, which maintain power system                                automatic frequency load shedding
stability and interrupt the expansion of an                  decrease or
                                                                             (three types, several stages),
emergency situation in the case of stability violation                      additional load shedding,
and a threat of undesirable cascade emergency                               under/over frequency islanding,
development. Coordinated emergency control is                               frequency actuated automatic reclosing
                                                                             Automatic Overfrequency Protection
realized by joint participation of generators,                                Automatic Undervoltage Protection
                                                           Limitation of
networks, and consumers. Such approach can be also        voltage decrease Automatic Overvoltage Protection (two
realized for emergency control of large cities and           or increase                     stages)
megalopolises based on smart grid technologies and         Prevention of
                                                                            Automatic Equipment Overload Control
ideology of EnergyNet platform.                             inadmissible
                                                                                        (several stages)
According to Russian standards (National              OVERLOAD, MW
Standard, 2012; National Standard, 2013), the                                               Substation
emergency control systems and devices are intended                                  HV /
for the detection of emergency conditions in energy                                 MV
system, prevention of their development, and
elimination. The most important task of the
emergency control systems is prevention of system-                           MV                     Large
wide blackouts accompanied by an interruption in                             / LV
electricity supply to consumers in a large territory.
Hence the main functions of emergency control and
corresponding types of the emergency control
automations may be classified as in Table 4.                        Small consumers
     Most of the difficulties in power system
operation are caused by electrical grid overloads.
Load shedding in the receiving subsystem is the                                     (a)
most efficient action among the remedies against
overload. Basing on those considerations the               Normal flow, MW
principles and algorithms of distributed adaptive
load shedding against stability loss of the ties of                                 HV /
main network and overcurrents of controlled                                         MV
subsystem lines are to be developed.
     A new load shedding scheme was proposed in
(Voropai, 2018) as a combination of disconnections                           MV                     Large
either large or small consumers – it means                                   / LV
disaggregation and distribution of load shedding                                                  consumer
automation (Fig.1).
     From technical point of view, the easiest way of
emergency load shedding is a piecemeal                              Small consumers
disconnection of large industrial consumers, which
are connected with the power system in high
voltages, see Fig.1(b). It is the usual present
practice. At the same time, the economic damages
caused by such kind of disconnections can be
considerable (for example, the loss of profit due to       Normal flow, MW
technological cycle interruption). The compensation                                         Substation
                                                                                    HV /
of the potential damages (for example, with                                         MV
preferential prices of electricity for consumers,
which agree to emergency limitation of electricity
supply) could be very unprofitable for power                                 MV
                                                             Substation                             Large
system.                                                                      / LV
     Coming from these considerations an alternate                                                consumer
load shedding scheme can be proposed as a
combination of disconnections either large or small
consumers – it means disaggregation and
                                                                    Small consumers
distribution of load shedding automation, see
Fig.1(c). It is more difficult technically than
disconnection of large consumers, but present state
of automation and data transmission systems makes                                   (c)
it feasible. The advantages of small loads emergency    Figure 1: Possible control actions against overload of the
disconnections are much smaller total damage, and       line. Emergency situation – overload of the main line (a);
ability of more accurate dosing the disconnections      Conventional control action – a large load partial shedding
(if the large consumers are disconnected then the       (b); Alternate control action – distributed load shedding
surplus load disconnection is practically imminent).    (c).
Load shedding scheme is addressed, depending                Coming from above analysis the requirements to
on appeared emergency situation, to provision of             load shedding algorithms can be summarized as in
stability of the ties of main network or thermal             Table 5 (Voropai, 2018).
stability, and stability of loads of controlled
subsystem. Coming from the tasks to be fulfilled, the
load shedding algorithms should be subdivided as             4    INFORMATIONAL SUPPORT
follows (Voropai, 2018):
1. Algorithms addressed to providing the stability                OF INTELLIGENT CONTROL
    of the ties of main network. These algorithms are             PROBLEMS
    to operate with the close interaction with the
    centralized automatic stability control system.          In the EnergyNet strategy, great significance is
    The automation operation under those conditions          attached to the subsystem responsible for solving the
    consists in the procedure of choice and                  problems dealing with control of the current
    consequent disconnection of required amount of           operating conditions of intelligent power system.
    the load. If the necessary amount of the load to         This subsystem includes the technical means for the
    be shed could not be collected from small                acquisition, transfer and processing of data on the
    consumers then load of large consumers be                state of the network components and state variables
    partially shed. To minimize the shedding, the            (SCADA and WAMS), as well as the software for
    more precise balancing is needed by means,               the calculation of current operating conditions (state
    among others, further splitting the steps of large       estimation) of the EPS, forecasting and monitoring
    consumers disconnection.                                 of operating parameters on the basis of the obtained
2. Algorithms preventing the overload with the               information.
    current of controlled subsystem lines. These                  Simultaneously with the development of
    algorithms are to provide an optimal amount of           information technologies and orientation to the total
    load shedding, i.e. to minimize the cost of              digitalization of information exchange, the threats of
    unloading the overloaded transmission line. The          cyber-intrusion into the management systems of the
    automation is to operate as an intellectual              EPS are increasing. Cyberattack is deliberate
    emergency control system providing the fast              physical damage of measuring sensors and
    disconnection of the consumer’s load in a                transmission channels, malicious intrusion into local
    minimal necessary amount to prevent the                  networks of the power enterprise for the purpose of
    equipment overload.                                      entering of obviously false information, partial or
                                                             complete blocking of a traffic, distortion in work of
Table 5: Summary of requirements to load shedding            system of synchronization of time and so on.
algorithms.                                                          The systems of data collection and processing
                                                             – SCADA and WAMS– belong to the subsystems of
  Requirements                   Comments
                                                             the Smart Grid, which are most vulnerable to the
1. Keeping the       On the one hand, the algorithms        physical failures and information attacks dangerous
   balance             are to be complex enough to           in terms of their consequences (Rihan, 2013; Ten,
   between             provide an acceptable level of        2007). The PMU measurements, as well as SCADA
   complexity and      control action precision.
                                                             measurements, need to be validated (Glazunova,
   simplicity of     On the other hand, they are to be
   implemen-           simple enough to provide an           2011). Especially the requirement for their
   tation              acceptable speed of calculations.     validation is important when cyber-attacks (CAs)
                    The algorithms do not fail in the case   occur at the power industry facilities. Along with the
                    of uncritical loss of information.       development of technical measures to detect cyber
2. Providing a      Should the loss of information be        interference in the control system of the power
   high level of    critical,   the algorithms either        facility, we offer the development of the state
   fault tolerance implement the excessive control           estimation algorithms.
                    actions, or delegate control to power         State estimation is a statistical method of data
                    system operator.                         processing which is used to filter the measurement
                    The possibility of implementing an       errors and to calculate unmeasured variables.
3. High speed       effective self-testing procedure is      Detection of bad data and suppression of their
   diagnostic self- related directly to the requirement of   influence on the state variable estimates are one of
   testing          maximal simplification of the
                                                             the most pressing issues when solving the state
                                                             estimation problem. The results of state estimation,
                                                             i.e. the steady state variables, represent the basis for
solving the problems of operating control of             RAS (Kolosok, 2014). Increase the redundancy of
intelligent power system (EMS-application),              measurements and their accuracy greatly affects the
including the problem of security calculation and        results of data verification accuracy of estimates.
analysis. The use of PMU measurements to solve the           According to the above considerations we
control problems requires measurement validation,        suggest the following technique to identify
which can be carried out on the basis of the state       cyberattacks on SCADA and WAMS:
estimation methods. The method of test equations             1. Local areas which are totally observable by
was developed to detect bad data in SCADA                        PMU measurements are singled out in the
measurements, then adapted to check PMU                          scheme of an electric power system;
measurements and analyze cyber security of
                                                             2. For such local areas the local state estimation
SCADA and WAMS (Gamm, 2002; Kolosok, 2014).
Test equations are steady-state equations which                  is performed using linear algorithms with
contain only measured variables y . When the                     unconditional a priori verification of the
                                                                 initial data;
values of measurements are written in such equation          3. A great number of bad data in measurements
a discrepancy appeared due to the presence of
                                                                 or the measurements that go beyond the
random noise in those measurements. The TE
method based on comparing the value of the                       technological        limits,      measurements
discrepancy magnitude with some statistical                      diagnosed as doubtful and unchecked
threshold allows one to judge on the presence of                 (belonging to one facility), should mean a
gross errors in measurements. The TE method does                 complete failure of PDC operation and
exclude gross errors and replace erroneous                       initiate finding the reasons for such a failure;
measurements with pseudo measurements. The                   4. If there are formal signs of a WAMS failure,
constant presence of gross error in a Test Equation              an independent simultaneous ( by one
during a long time period forces the operator to                 timestamp) bad data detection and state
analyze the reasons for the corruption of initial data           estimation by SCADA measurements are
with subsequent generation of recommendations to                 performed at this energy facility;
compensate for the systematic errors in                      5. A sharp discrepancy between the results of
measurements or fix the fact of cyber-attack.                    the independent procedures for the WAMS
    The TE technique is applied not only to bad data             and SCADA measurement verification are
detection but to the SE problem too. To this end a               used to make a conclusion if there is a
set of measurements is divided into basic                        malicious attack on one or another system.
measurements and redundant ones. (The basic                  The efficiency of the suggested approach was
measurements are a minimum set of measurements           tested using a fragment of the scheme equipped with
that provide observability of electric power system.)
                                                         SCADA and PMU measurements (Kolosok, 2018).
First the estimates of basic measurements are
                                                         The calculation network was divided into areas that
calculated, after that – the estimates of redundant
measurements and unmeasured variables are found          have either a SCADA-server or a WAMS phasor data
out. The main advantages of the TE method are the        concentrator (PDC) at the center of each of them
opportunity to reduce the dimensionality of the          (Fig.2). The node 5 where both SCADA-server and
problem and to use the obtained test equations for a     PDC were installed becomes to be boundary one.
priori detection of bad data in measurements.                                                    Linear SE
Unforunatelly, if cyber-attacks are nontrivial or a
great amount of software and technical means                                                WAMS
appear to be attacked simultaneously, the state                                          1
estimation method becomes ineffective.                                6
    In Energy Systems Institute SB RAS (ESI SB
RAS) (Glazunova, 2011), we suggested a technique
for a two-level distributed state estimation based on                                   5
singling out the areas in the scheme of electric
power systems, which are monitored using PMU.
The PMU measurements coming at a high frequency
                                                                                             1        4
make it possible to implement fast linear algorithms                          2
of state estimation for such areas. Along with the                                    SCADA
traditional algorithm of the linear SE solved through
                                                                                        Non-Linear SE
the state vector, the proprietary algorithm of the
linear SE by the TE method is developed in ESI SB        Figure 2: Dividing the area of node 5 on SCADA and
Cybersecurity of the EPS SE

                                Measurements                                                   Equivalent Network (EN)                                             Algorithms

                                                                                                                                             Fault due to the      Fault due to
    Desynchroniz       Critical              Lost of                                 Faults of                             Corruption of                                                  Fault of the
                                                               Bad Data                                 Splitting EN                          observability      great amount of
       ation         meas&groups           observability                               ENP                                   database              lost              baddata
                                                                                                                                                                                           Linear SE

                          Fault    Fault                    PMU                                  Vector    TS                     Lack of    CA 1               Critical           CA 3     desynch
                                              Channel                                  Weath                                                            Bad                CA 1                          Fault of
     CA 4   CA 1   CA 3    of       of                     Functio     CA 2   CA 1                bad      bad    CA 1     CA 5   measure-   CA 2               meas&              CA 4     ronizati
                                               fault                                    er                                                              Data               CA 2                           ENP
                          PMU      PDC                     nal fault                              data     data                    ments     CA 3               groups             CA 5       on

      c4    c1     c3      c6       c3          c8           c6        c21     c1       c10       c1        c5     c1       c5                c1                            c1     c3

                           c7                   c9           c7        c22                        c21      c21                                c21                          c21     c4

                                                                                                  c22      c22                                c22                          c22     c5

                                                                                                  c6        c3


                                            Figure 3: A tree of the power system state estimation software faults.

    The results of bad data detection using two                                                                        allow us to straighten out a tangle of true and
independent systems (SCADA and WAMS) and                                                                               erroneous measurements and make certain
combination of a-priori and a-posteriori bad data                                                                      conclusions on the operability of the devices for
detection make it possible to conclude whether or                                                                      collection and primary processing of measurements.
not there is a malicious cyberattack The efficiency                                                                        An algorithm for a two-level SE on the basis of
of the suggested approach was tested using a                                                                           SCADA and WAMS measurements is effective in
fragment of the scheme equipped with SCADA and                                                                         terms of detection of malicious attacks on energy
PMU measurements (Kolosok, 2018). The                                                                                  system.
calculation network is divided into areas that have
either a SCADA server or a WAMS concentrator at
the center of each of them (Fig.2). The node 5 where
PDC is installed becomes to be boundary one.                                                                           5          VOLTAGE/VAR CONTROL AND
    A problem of resistance of the state estimation                                                                               OPTIMIZATION USING AI
procedure to cyberattacks on the system for gathering                                                                             APPROACH
and processing of PMU measurements was
investigated, and the SE procedure itself using an                                                                     In the nearest future the development of the
analytical approach to the assessment of SE software                                                                   networks in megalopolises and large industrial
operability based on the fault tree technology. The                                                                    centers in Russia will result in the formation of
Fault Tree of the SE cyber security consists of three                                                                  systems with a complex multi-loop structure. In
main components: Measurements, Equivalent                                                                              these conditions we should expect large-scale
Network and Algorithms. The failure of any of these                                                                    system emergencies which will occur according to
components may lead to a failure of SE procedure                                                                       the scenario in which the electrical current and
itself. Every component has elements, for example,                                                                     voltage constraints become decisive in case of
{desynchronization of measurements; critical                                                                           emergency operating conditions unfolding. The first
measurement and critical groups; loss of                                                                               system blackout of such kind happened in the UPS
observability; bad data} in the first component,                                                                       of Russia in Moscow power system in May 2005.
which are vulnerable to different potential
cyberattacks ( CAi ). The fault tree technology helps                                                                  5.1         Multi-agent Approach
one make visual solution for constructing
countermeasures cCAi .                                                                                                 Traditional voltage and VAr control (VVC) and
                                                                                                                       optimization (VVO) techniques has a number of
    At present the SE procedure is getting                                                                             downsides: low robustness to erroneous inputs;
increasingly more important in the conditions of                                                                       computational complexity, erroneous identification
adjustment of the automated systems for acquisition                                                                    of states, etc (Tomin, 2018). In addition, the use of
of phasor measurements as well as in the conditions                                                                    classical optimization techniques, such as linear
of various cyber threats. The SE mathematical tools                                                                    programming or decoupled Newton-based optimal
power flow and mixed integer programming, usually        increase according to sensitivity coefficients. It is
provides limited the useful results as show in           important to note that we do not need to know the
(AlRashidi, 2010). A relatively new approach to          exact value of the coefficients for the current
design the problem is the application of AI              conditions. If any of the requested GA stops
techniques, such as machine learning, multi-agent        increasing Qg it informs the overloaded GA. If all
systems, fuzzy logic control, etc.                       the requested GA stop increasing Qg but the
    The approaches implemented on the basis of           overload is not eliminated, the overloaded GA starts
MASs as a whole have a single methodology of             the load shedding procedure.
decentralized or partial decentralized (hybrid)
control of electric power system (Sidorov, 2018).        5.2    Machine Learning Approach
The principle of distributed intelligence is
implemented at permanent or periodic exchange of         Significant support in the development of system
messages among the agents to implement specified         operator adviser intelligent systems involved the
protocols. Any of the elements of a power grid           approaches based on the machine learning
(generators, loads, lines etc) could be modified to be   algorithms, namely artificial neural networks
an agent to provide specified protocols - tap            (ANNs) (Methods, 2010; Diao, 2009), decision trees
changers block, load shedding, increasing of reactive    (Kurbatsky, 2016; Zhukov, 2018), which have high
power production etc. The examples of the                approximating abilities. This made it possible to
completed developments in this area can be               effectively train such models to successfully solve a
exemplified by a multi-agent control system              whole complex of real-time problems within the
(MACS) of voltage and reactive power control             framework       of    applications   of     automated
developed by Center of systems studies and               management systems. The majority of solutions in
development at JSC “STC FGC UES” Russia                  this direction are connected with the transformation
(Arkhipov, 2014) and ESI SB RAS, Russia                  of the classical optimization problem into the
(Sidorov, 2018; Kurbatsky, 2016).                        regression /classification task, which allows to
    In ESI SB RAS, we developed In ESI SB RAS,           significantly reduce the computing time while
we developed MACS, which is provided a                   maintaining acceptable accuracy. The most
decentralized automatic Volt/VAr control associated      successful developments were obtained in the
with determination of the time of critical overload      application of various decision trees algorithms for
and switching to the load shedding procedure, rather     VVC/VVO.
than ensuring the best efficiency of secondary               In ESI SB RAS, we developed an online
control. The agents are integrated by means of a         VVC/VVO technique based on the model of online
common information environment in which they can         decision trees (Proximity Driven Streaming Random
exchange messages. The knowledge of an agent             Forest (PDSRF) (Zhukov, 2018) and deep learning
about subsystem is formed as a basis of sensitivity      models (DeepCS). The combination of original
coefficients (elements of Jacobi matrix of steady-       properties of machine learning and capabilities of
state equations).                                        voltage stability L-index indicator as a target vector
    A decentralized MACS was applied to make the         makes it possible to reformulate typical VVO
generator agents (GAs) of a power system interact        problem as a machine learning problem. Thus, we
effectively to prevent voltage collapse. The GA          presented the classic optimization problem as a
receives the following local information: stator and     multi-output regression problem, which aims to
rotor currents, bus voltages, the local stop-off         simultaneously predict multiple real valued
signals, and the numbers of tap changers of the          output/target variables. As a result, the obtained
generator transformers. If the value of the stator or    values of injections ∆Q from PDSRF or DeepCS
rotor current exceeds the maximum permissible            were used for online VAR compensation by using
value (approaching the limit value), the GA tries to     reactive power sources, which decreased Lsum.
exclude the possibility of switching off the generator       In (Zhukov, 2018) was clearly showed that the
due to overload. The condition for generator             power system will work in the optimal operating
overload is the increase in the current generation of    condition when the sum of local L-indices, Lsum, is
reactive power, Qg above the maximum value, Qmax:        minimal. This AI update enables us to apply the
    If the excitation current of the GA goes beyond      classical methodology in real time.
its normal range, the GA tries to decrease it to
exclude the possibility of generator tripping. The
overloaded GA determines the rate of reactive power
5.3       Case Study                                                     profiles in emergency control stage of the IEEE 6-
                                                                         Bus system. Moreover, in this case, the load
The efficiency of the proposed intelligent system                        shedding procedure was started later (N=22) than in
were tested on IEEE 6 (Fig. 4) and IEEE 118 - Bus                        Case 2.
test systems. The proposed decentralised MACS are                                                                 3
                                                                                                                                                               Case 1 (local AVR)
implemented in MATLAB/PSAT. PDSRF models is                                                                                                                    Cace 2 (MACS)
implemented in C++. DeepCS is implemented in                                                                           Voltage collapse                        Case 3 (MACS+machine learning)

Python using TensorFlow library. A set of the

                                                                               The sum of local indices, L sum
obtained system states was used to offline calculate                                                              2
                                                                                                                                                  Load shedding
the values of global L-index, and on the basis of                                                                                                (Case 2, N=19)
Lsum, the reactive power injections were found for                                                               1.5

each load node.
    At each step of the load increase in the IEEE
systems, we simulated the following three cases of                                                                                   Load shedding
                                                                                                                 0.5                (Case 3, N=22)
     1. Case 1 – local devices: overexcitation limiter                                                            0
                                                                                                                   0          10         20        30         40           50         60        70
        (OEL) in AVR, there are no VAR                                                                                                            Load Factor, N
                                                                                                                 Figure 5: The curves Lsum for IEEE 6-Bus system.
     2. Case 2 – all generators have MACS agents
        for preventing generator overload, there are
        no VAR compensators                                                  As shown in Table 6, the DeepCS gives better
     3. Case 3 – MACS + DeepCS or PDRSF (there                           results than PDRSF.
        are VAR compensators).
                                                                         Table 6: Comparative test results for different multi-output
    Figure 4 shows the location of all AI-elements in
                                                                         regression models (IEEE-6 test scheme).
the IEEE 6 system: generators with AVR that are
agents and loads with 25 Mvar VAR compensators                            Models                                                                      MAE x 10-3, p.u.
that are controlled by machine learning models                                                                                      RPS1               RPS2            RPS3
(PDRSF or DeepCS).                                                        PDRSF                                                     0.385              0.456           1.126
Agent 2                                                        Agent 3    DeepCS                                                    0.087              0.034           0.540
          Gen 2                                      Gen 3
 AVR                                                               AVR                                           11
                                                                                                                                                                   Case 1 (local AVR)
                                                                                                                                                                   Case 2 (MACS)
                                                                                                                                   Voltage collapse                Case 3 (MACS+machine learning)
          Gen 1
                                                                           The sum of local indices, L sum

Agent 1
                                          Load 2          Load 3
                                                                                                                                                  Load shedding
                                            RPS 3                                                                6
                                                                                                                                                 (Case 2, N=15)
                               RPS 2
              Load 1                                                                                             5

                                       Machine learning                                                          4

                       RPS 1
                                        model (PDRSF,
                                          DeepCS)                                                                3
                                                                                                                                           Load shedding
                                                                                                                                          (Case 3, N=21)
  Figure 4: IEEE 6-Bus system with AI-grid elements.                                                              0       5        10     15    20      25
                                                                                                                                                  Load Factor, N
                                                                                                                                                                 30      35      40        45   50

    Figure 5 demonstrates the simulation results. The                                            Figure 6: The curves Lsum for IEEE 118-Bus system.
use of MACS in Case 2 allows maintaining voltage
stability at the critical step of overload and                               The Case 1 modeling leads the IEEE 118 system
preventing voltage collapse. At load factor N=19,                        to voltage collapse (Fig.6). Using MACS in the Case
MACS starts the load shedding procedure, because                         2 allows to maintain voltage stability at the critical
all the requested agents stopped increasing Qg but                       step of overloading and prevent the voltage collapse.
the overload was not eliminated. The joint use of                        Again, joint using MACS and machine learning
MACS and machine learning algorithms (PDRSG or                           algorithms in the Case 3 allow to optimize
DeepCS) in Case 3 allows us not only to optimize                         voltage/VAR profiles not only before critical
the voltage/VAR profiles before critical overload                        overloading secondary and emergency control
(secondary control stage), but also improve voltage                      stages, as well as to postpone the start of load
shedding procedure for IEEE 118-Bus system. Thus,         ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
the use of the proposed hybrid AI technique (Case 3)
provides intelligent secondary and emergency              This work was supported by the Russian Scientific
control making the large test system a more stability     Foundation (No.19-49-04108) and German Research
under disturbances.                                       Foundation (No. RE 2930/24-1) under the joint
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