Initial Environmental Examination - Asian Development Bank

Page created by Jerome Lopez
Initial Environmental Examination

June 2021

Viet Nam: Lotus Wind Power Project
Appendix G

Prepared by ERM Vietnam for the Asian Development Bank. This is an updated version of the
draft originally posted in March 2021 available on

This initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein
do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may
be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation
of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian
Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any
territory or area.

                                                                                                                      s¬ ®å vÞ trÝ hè khoan ®Þa chÊt mÆt b»ng b·i th¶i 13- liªn lËp

1 838 400                                                                                                                layout of position of borehole disposal area no.13
                                                                                                                                                                                             tl/scale: 1/1000                                                   LóA

                                                                                  S¾n             Keo

                                                                                                                  S¾n                                                  S¾n

                                                                BH10                                                                                                                                      S¾n


                                                                                                                            S¾n                                                                                                                                                             C©y bôi, t¹p
                                                                                  Chuèi                                                                                                                                                 LóA

                                                                                                                                  TB-03                                                                                     Keo


                    s¾n                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PHẠM VI CHIẾM ĐẤT TẠM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tre + c©y t¹p



1 837 900


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tre + c©y t¹p




                                              xoan                                                                    tre +keo

                                                       Trµm + chuèi



      cHUèI + s¾n
                                                                                                                                             546 600

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               547 100
            cHUèI + cao su

            TB-03                    Tªn hè khoan (giai đoạn 1)                    Name of borehole (Stage 1)                     10                           10'   Mặt cắt địa chất giai đoạn bổ sung
             20                               §é s©u                                        Depth                                                                    Geological section additional stage

            BH-10                      Tªn hè khoan (bæ sung)                       Name of borehole (Additional borehole)
             20                                §é s©u                                              Depth                                                             Diện tích bố trí trụ turbine
                                                                                                                                                                      Area for pillar of turbine
                                                                                                            LAYOUT OF DISPOSED AREA No.13
                                                                                                                       TL/Scale: 1:1000

                                                                                                HỐ LẮNG A
                                                                                        SETTLEMENT POND A

                                                                                                                  TRỒNG CÂY XANH
                                                                                                                                                                    ĐẮP ĐÁ DÀY 50CM
                                                                                                                  SAU KHI ĐỔ THẢI
                                                                                                                                                                     ROCK FILL THICKNESS 50CM
                                                                                                                  PLANTING TREE

                                                                                 RÃNH THOÁT NƯỚC A
                                                                                  DRAINAGE DITCH A

                                                                                                                                                      PHẠM VI CHIẾM ĐẤT TẠM THỜI
                                                                                                                                                     SCOPE OF TEMPORARY LAND USING
                                                                                                                                                                                                 BẢNG TOẠ ĐỘ CÁC ĐIỂM MỐC
                                                                                                                                                                                                COORDINATE OF BENCHMARKS
                                                                                                                                                         HỐ LẮNG A
                                                                                                                                                    SETTLEMENT POND A                           STT    TÊN ĐIỂM                             GHI CHÚ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      X           Y
                                                                                                                                      LĂNG TRỤ ĐÁ                                               NO.   POIN NAME                              NOTE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Surface boundary
                                                                                                                                                                                                 1       B1        546376.84   1837978.99
                                                                                                                                      STONE PRISM

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Biên bề mặt
                                                                                                                                                                                                 2       B2        546383.91   1837953.97
                                                                                                                                                                                                 3       B3        546373.23   1837931.69
                                                                                                                                                                                                 4       B4        546429.05   1837966.84
                                                                               ĐƯỜNG THI CÔNG BÃI THẢI                                                                                                   B5        546398.58   1837994.66
                                                                                                                          HỐ LẮNG A                                                              6       B6        546407.24   1837999.39
                                                                               ROAD CONSTRUCTION
                                                                                                                                                                                                 7       B7        546372.51   1837965.28
                                                                                                                      SETTLEMENT POND A
                                                                                                                                                                                                 8       B8        546369.53   1837941.20
                                                                                                                                                                                                 9       B9        546378.30   1837923.65
                                                                                                                                                                                                10       B10       546384.67   1837916.44

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Roof embankment
                                                                                                                                                                                                11      B11        546390.29   1837903.43

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Biên mái đắp
                                                                                                                                                                                                12       B12       546400.45   1837893.29
                                                                                                                                                                                                13       B13       546422.89   1837902.68
                                                                                                                                                                                                14       B14       546444.95   1837921.32
                                                                       PHẠM VI CHIẾM ĐẤT TẠM THỜI                                                                                               15       B15       546476.77   1837951.92
                                                                                                                                                                                                16       B16       546475.72   1837977.79
                                                                  SCOPE OF TEMPORARY LAND USING
                                                                                                                                                                                                17       B17       546446.25   1837994.55
                                                                                                                                                                                                18       B18       546376.84   1837978.99

1. Bản vẽ này được lập dựa trên tài liệu địa hình, địa chất được chủ đầu tư cung cấp.
2. Kích thước và cao độ trong bản vẽ ghi là m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  mÆt b»ng b·i th¶i sè 13
                                                                                                                                                    gi¸m ®èc TTTV 1
3. Bản vẽ này xem cùng các bản vẽ liên quan.                                                                                                                              nguyÔn thÕ huynh
                                                                                                                                                    Director of e.b N 1

NOTES:                                                                                                                                               chñ tr×
                                                                                                                                                     presided by
                                                                                                                                                                          nguyÔn v¨n ®ång                      LAYOUT OF DISPOSED AREA No.13
1. This drawing is designed base on the topographical and geological documents provided by the Owner.                                                kiÓm tra
                                                                                                                                                                          nguyÔn trÇn v­îng
2. Elevation and dimension are in meter.                                                                                                             checked by

3. Refer to relevant drawings.                                                                                                                       ThiÕt kÕ
                                                                                                                                                                          lª b¸ ®øc
                                                                                                                                                     designed by
                                                                                                                                                                                  MẶT CẮT 1-1 / SECTION 1-1                                                                                                                                                                           DETAIL OF STONE PRISM
                                                                                                                                                                                                           TL/Scale: 1:400
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Đá chọn lọc


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  CHI TIẾT RÃNH THOÁT NƯỚC A
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DETAIL OF DRAINAGE A
                                                                                                        Phạm vi bãi thải
                                                                                                        Disposed area

                                                                                                                                                                    Trồng cây xanh

                         350                                                                                                                                         Planting tree

                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rãnh thoát nước A                                                      Đá đắp bảo vệ mái dày 0.5m
                                                                                                                                                             Đất đá thải hỗn hợp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Drainage ditch A                                                     Rockfill thickness 0.5m                                                                                                                                        Đá xây
                                                                                                                                                           Dumping rock and soil
                                                                 ROAD ROUTE                                                       345.41                                                                             345.00                                                               Vải địa kỹ thuật không dệt                                                                                                                                 Building stone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Rãnh thoát nước B                                      Non-woven geotextile
                                                                                                                            .75                                                                                          1 :1       Drainage ditch B
                                                                                                                      1:1                                                                                                     .5                                                          Đất đá thải hỗn hợp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        340.00                                            Dumping rock and soil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            1 :1                                                                                                                                     CHI TIẾT RÃNH THOÁT NƯỚC B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           335.00                                                                                                       DETAIL OF DRAINAGE B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Đá đắp bảo vệ mái dày 0.5m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Đá xây
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Rockfill thickness 0.5m                                                          Building stone
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Vải địa kỹ thuật không dệt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1 :1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 .5                                  Non-woven geotextile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     327.00          Đất đá thải hỗn hợp
                                                                                                                                                                                           Đường mặt đất tự nhiên                                                                                                                                    Dumping rock and soil
                                                                                                                                                                                           Natural ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     1 :1

                         320                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bóc lớp phủ thực vật 0.3m                                                                                                                               319.00
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Peel off the plant mulch 0.3m thick

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 :1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lăng trụ đá
                         310                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Stone prism

                MSS 300.00
























          Cao độ tự nhiên (m)
          Natural ground (m)

          Khoảng cách (m)
                                      5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00                 5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00                  5.00            5.00             5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00              5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00
          Distance (m)

1. Bản vẽ này được lập dựa trên tài liệu địa hình, địa chất được chủ đầu tư cung cấp.
2. Kích thước và cao độ trong bản vẽ ghi là m.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             b·i th¶i sè 13: mÆt c¾t 1-1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        gi¸m ®èc TTTV 1
3. Bản vẽ này xem cùng các bản vẽ liên quan.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          nguyÔn thÕ huynh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Director of e.b N 1

NOTES:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  chñ tr×
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        presided by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      nguyÔn v¨n ®ång                                                                 DISPOSED AREA No.13: section 1-1
1. This drawing is designed base on the topographical and geological documents provided by the Owner.                                                                                                                                                                                   kiÓm tra
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      nguyÔn trÇn v­îng
2. Elevation and dimension are in meter.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                checked by

3. Refer to relevant drawings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ThiÕt kÕ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      lª b¸ ®øc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        designed by

                                                                                                                                                              MẶT CẮT 2-2 / SECTION 2-2
                                                                                                                                                                                        TL/Scale: 1:400

                                                                   Phạm vi đường GT                Phạm vi bãi thải
                                                                            Internal road          Disposed area

                                                                                                                                                                                   Trồng cây xanh
                  350                                                                                                                                                               Planting tree                           Rãnh thoát nước
                                                                                                                                                                             Đất đá thải hỗn hợp                              Drainage ditch
                                                                                                                                                                            Dumping rock and soil
                                                                                                                                                                                                   i=2%                                            Rãnh thoát nước B
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Drainage ditch B

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Đá đắp bảo vệ mái dày 0.5m
                  340                                                   ROAD ROUTE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Rockfill thickness 0.5m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1 :1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      .5                                            Vải địa kỹ thuật không dệt
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Non-woven geotextile
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Đất đá thải hỗn hợp
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Dumping rock and soil
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1 :1

                                                                                                                                                             Đường mặt đất tự nhiên
                                                                                                                                                             Natural ground
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    1 :1
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bóc lớp phủ thực vật 0.3m
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Peel off the plant mulch 0.3m thick


            MSS 300.00
























      Cao độ tự nhiên (m)
      Natural ground (m)

      Khoảng cách (m)
                            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00               5.00            5.00                5.00            5.00            5.00                  5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00            5.00
      Distance (m)

                                                Đá xây                                                A-A
                                            Building stone
                                                                   Rãnh thoát nước                             Rãnh thoát nước
                                                                    Drainage ditch                              Drainage ditch
                                                                                                                                                                             GHI CHÚ:
                                                                                                                                                                            1. Bản vẽ này được lập dựa trên tài liệu địa hình,
                                                                                                                                                                               địa chất được chủ đầu tư cung cấp.
                                                                                                                                                                            2. Kích thước và cao độ trong bản vẽ ghi là m.
                                                                                                                                                                            3. Bản vẽ này xem cùng các bản vẽ liên quan.

                                                                                                                                                Đá xây
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  b·i th¶i sè 13: mÆt c¾t 2-2
                                                                                                                                                                            1. This drawing is designed base on the topographical                                     gi¸m ®èc TTTV 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 nguyÔn thÕ huynh
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Director of e.b N 1
                                                                                                                                            Building stone                     and geological documents provided by the Owner.
                                                                                                                                                                            2. Elevation and dimension are in meter.                                                   chñ tr×
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       presided by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 nguyÔn v¨n ®ång                                                                           DISPOSED AREA No.13: section 2-2
                                                                                                                                                                            3. Refer to relevant drawings.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       kiÓm tra
Rãnh thoát nước                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  nguyÔn trÇn v­îng
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       checked by
 Drainage ditch                                                                                           Đá xây
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       ThiÕt kÕ
                                                                                                      Building stone                                                                                                                                                                             lª b¸ ®øc
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       designed by
                                                                 TL/Scale: 1:750

                  Km 0+0.00                                                                                                                                                     Km 0+202.29


                                                      Đường thiết kế
                 340                                  Design ground
                                                                                              Đường mặt đất tự nhiên
                                                                                                 Natural ground




                 310          IIA






                                                                                     GHI CHÚ:
      MẶT CẮT NGANG ĐIỂN HÌNH                                                      1. Bản vẽ này được lập dựa trên tài liệu địa hình, địa chất được chủ đầu tư cung cấp.
                                                                                   2. Kích thước và cao độ trong bản vẽ ghi là m.
         TYPICAL SECTION                                                           3. Bản vẽ này xem cùng các bản vẽ liên quan.

                                                                                   1. This drawing is designed base on the topographical and geological documents provided by the Owner.
                                                                                   2. Elevation and dimension are in meter.
                                     Đắp đá hỗn hợp                                3. Refer to relevant drawings.
                                       dày 40cm

                                                                                                                                                        b·i th¶i sè 13: ®­êng ®æ th¶i
                                                                                   gi¸m ®èc TTTV 1
                                                                                                         nguyÔn thÕ huynh
                                                                                   Director of e.b N 1

                                                                                   chñ tr×
                                                                                   presided by
                                                                                                         nguyÔn v¨n ®ång                            DISPOSED AREA No.13: DISPOSAL ROAD
                                                                                   kiÓm tra
                                                                                                         nguyÔn trÇn v­îng
                                                                                   checked by

                                                                                   ThiÕt kÕ
                                                                                                         lª b¸ ®øc
                                                                                   designed by

      APPENDIX R                              CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF LIEN LAP DISPOSAL SITE            Version: Final                                                 14 May 2021
Project No.: 0552758                Client: Power Construction JSC No. 1
Lien Lap win d po w er Pl an t

                 Volume 1

Pr epar ed by:

                  Ha n o i,Feb 2021
Lien Lap win d po w er Pl an t

         Vo l ume 1

Director of e.b N 01        : Nguyen the huynh
design presided             : Nguyen van dong
economy technical           :nguyen khanh tung

  So n g Da Co n sul t in g Jo in t St o c k Co mpan y

             Ha n o i,Feb 2021

 1     24.02.2021      Second Issue

 0     30.01.2021       First Issue

Rev.     Date       Issue, Modification     Prepared   Checked   Approved
Gen er al Co n t en t

- Vo l ume 1: Main Repo r t

- Vo l ume 2: Dr awin g s
Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

                                        TABLE OF CONTENT

Chapter 01: GENERAL INTRODUCTION .............................................................3
  1.1. GENERAL ........................................................................................................3
  1.2. SCALE AND LOCATION OF DISPOSAL SITE .............................................3
  1.3. BASIS FOR PREPARATION PROJECT .........................................................4
     1.3.1. Legal basis................................................................................................. 4
     1.3.2. Standards ................................................................................................... 6

Chapter 02: NATURAL CONDITION .....................................................................8
  2.1. TOPOGRAPHY OF THE PROJECT AREA .....................................................8
  2.2. GEOLOGICAL CONDITION ..........................................................................8
     2.2.1. General geological condition ..................................................................... 8
     2.2.2. Geological condition of disposal area ........................................................ 9
  2.3. HYDRO-METEOROLOGICAL STUDY ....................................................... 10
     2.3.1. Air Temperature ...................................................................................... 10
     2.3.2. Humidity ................................................................................................. 10
     2.3.3. Rainfall .................................................................................................... 11
     2.3.4. Wind ....................................................................................................... 12

  3.1. SCOPE OF DISPOSAL AREA ....................................................................... 13
     3.1.1. General requirement: ............................................................................... 13
     3.1.2. Design principle ...................................................................................... 13
     3.1.3. Detailed design ........................................................................................ 14
     3.1.4. Stability calculation: ................................................................................ 17
  3.2. PREPARATION OF CONSTRUCTION ........................................................ 19
    3.2.1. Determine scope and location of disposal area. ........................................ 19
    3.2.2. Preparation of construction plan .............................................................. 19
    3.2.3. Access road ............................................................................................. 19
    3.2.4. Power supply ........................................................................................... 20
    3.2.5. Water supply ........................................................................................... 20
    3.2.6. Sand traps ................................................................................................ 20
  3.3. DISPOSAL PLAN .......................................................................................... 20
    3.3.1. Principle : ................................................................................................ 20
    3.3.2. Plan for excess soil .................................................................................. 20
    3.3.3. The order of pouring excess soil and rock is carried out as follows: ......... 21
                                                        Page 1
Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

    3.4.1. Equipment ............................................................................................... 21
    3.4.2. Human resources ..................................................................................... 22

Chapter 04: SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ...................... 23
  4.1. MEASURES TO REDUCE NOISE ................................................................ 23

                                          LIST OF FIGURE
     Figure 3 - 1: Disposal diagram .......................................................................... 21

                                            LIST OF TABLE
     Table 2 - 1: Monthly, year mean Air Temperature of Khe Sanh station (oC) .... 10
     Table 2 - 2: Humidity of Khe Sanh station (%) ................................................. 10
     Table 2 - 3: Average monthly rainfall at stations in environsof the study area... 11
     Table 2 - 4: Number of rainy days in a month at Khe Sanh stations .................. 11
     Table 2 - 5: Rainfall per day max corresponding to design frequencies ............. 11
     Table 3 - 1: Stability result of slope of disposal area ......................................... 17
     Table 3 - 2: Support equipment ......................................................................... 21
     Table 3 - 3: Human resources ........................................................................... 22
     Table 4 - 1: Assessment and analysis of occupational safety risks..................... 25

                                                     Page 2
Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

                  Chapter 01: GENERAL INTRODUCTION

    Lien Lap Wind Power Plant built in the locality 02 Tan Lien and Tan Lap
commune, Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province; about 70km south west of Dong
Ha city.
     Lien Lap Wind Power Plant project with a capacity of 48MW, the project
includes the following items:
     - Wind turbine towers
     - Operator management
     - 110Kv transformer station
     - 110kV transmission line
     - Main road route to the project and service route
     - The 22kV lines connect the grid between the wind power poles.

     During the construction of Lien Lap wind power project, soil and rock for
excavation of road foundations, Turbine foundation pits,… were directly exposed to
cars and transported to the disposal aera.
     The volume of soil and rock to be disposed of from the construction work is:
1,370,860 m3
     Topographical survey and to ensure the dumping needs as well as minimize the
negative impacts on the socio-economic and environment, the locations of the disposal
sites have been selected:
     - Disposal No. 4: located on the construction and operation road of LL04 turbine,
about 100m from LL04 turbine location.
     - Disposal No. 6: located on the construction and operation road of LL06 turbine,
about 100 from LL06 turbine location.
     - Disposal No. 6A: located on the construction and operation road of LL06
turbine, about 50m from LL06 turbine location.
     - Disposal No. 8: located on the construction and operation road of LL08 turbine,
about 30m from LL08 turbine location.
     - Disposal No. 8A: located on the construction and operation road of LL08
turbine, about 50m from LL08 turbine location.

                                             Page 3
Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

     - Disposal No. 9: located on the construction and operation road of LL09 turbine,
about 20m from LL09 turbine location.
     - Disposal No. 10: located on the construction and operation road of LL10
turbine, about 20m from LL10 turbine location.
     - Disposal No. 11: located on the construction and operation road of LL11
turbine, about 1200m from LL11 turbine location.
      - Disposal No. 12: located on the construction and operation road of LL12
turbine, about 20m from LL12 turbine location.
      - Disposal No. 13: located on the construction and operation road of LL10
turbine, about 500m from LL10 turbine location.

1.3.1. Legal basis
     - Electrical law no. 28/2004/QH11 dated 3/2/2004.
     - Law no. 24/2012/QH13 dated 20/11/2012 sửa đổi, amending and
supplementing a number of articles of the electricity law.
     - Land law no. 45/2013/QH13 dated 29/11/2013.
     - Construction law no. 50/2014/QH13 dated 18/06/2014.
     - Environmental Protection law no. 55/2014/QH13 dated on 23/6/2014.
     - Decree no. 15/2013/NĐ-CP dated 06/02/2013 of Government on construction
quality management.
     Decree no. 14/2014/NĐ-CP dated 26/2/2014 The Decree details the
implementation of the electricity law regarding electricity safety.
     Decree no. 59/2015/NĐ-CP dated 18/6/2015 of Government on Construction
Project Management.
     Decree no. 42/2017/NĐ-CP dated 05/04/2017 of the Government on amending
and supplementing a number of articles of the Government's Decree No. 59/2015 /
ND-CP dated June 18, 2015 on the management of construction investment projects;
     Decision No. 37/2011 / QD-TTg dated June 29, 2011 of the Prime Minister on
the mechanism to support the development of wind power projects in Vietnam.
     Decision No. 39/2018 / QD-TTg dated September 10, 2018 of the Prime Minister
amending and supplementing a number of articles of Decision 37/2011 / QD-TTg
dated June 29, 2011 of the Prime Minister Government on the mechanism to support
the development of wind power projects in Vietnam.

                                         Page 4
Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

     Decision No. 2068 / QD-TTg dated November 25, 2015 of the Prime Minister
approving the strategy of developing renewable energy of Vietnam to 2030, with a
vision to 2050.
     Decision No. 428 / QD-TTg dated March 18, 2016 of the Prime Minister
approving the adjusted national electricity development planning period 2011-2020
with a vision to 2030 (QHĐ 7 ĐC).
     Decision No. 6185 / QD-BCT dated June 19, 2015 approving "Planning of wind
power development in Quang Tri province for the period up to 2020, vision to 2030".
     Decision No. 4939 / QD-BCT dated December 27, 2018 of the Ministry of
Industry and Trade approving the additional Lien Lap wind power plant project to the
electricity development planning period 2011-2015, with consideration to 2020 and
Provincial wind power development plan to 2020, vision to 2030, Quang Tri province.
     Circular No. 39/2015 / TT-BCT dated November 18, 2015 of the Ministry of
Industry and Trade on regulations on distribution power system.
     Circular No. 25/2016 / TT-BCT dated 30/11/2016 of the Ministry of Industry and
Trade on the regulation of power transmission system.
     Circular No. 02/2019 / TT-BCT dated 15/01/2019 of the Ministry of Industry and
Trade regulating the implementation of wind power project development and Model
Power Purchase Agreement for wind power projects.
     Decision No. 199 / QD-UBND dated January 24, 2019 of the People's
Committee of Quang Tri province on the investment project of Lien Lap wind power
     Document No. 596 / EVN-KH, February 1, 2019 of Vietnam Electricity on
approving the policy of buying electricity for Lien Lap wind power plant in Quang Tri
    Document No. 63 / HDND-KTNS dated March 15, 2019 of the People's Council
of Quang Tri province on land acquisition, land use purpose change to implement
wind and solar power projects.
    Official Letter No. 87 / TC-QC dated 04 March 2019 of the Department of
Warfare - the General Staff of the General Staff on "Approval of the static altitude for
construction of wind power plants and 110 kV lines".
   Decision No. 419 / QD-UBND dated February 27, 2019 of the People's
Committee of Quang Tri province on adding the project to the planning until 2020 of
Huong Hoa district.
     Document No. 677 / UBND-CN dated February 22, 2019 of the People's
Committee of Quang Tri province on the adjustment of land use area for a definite
                                         Page 5
Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

term according to the Decision on investment policy of Huong Tan, Lien Lap, Huong
Hoa district, Quang Tri province.
     No. 1480 / EVNNPT-TTĐN dated May 4, 2019 on the Agreement on connecting
Huong Tan, Lien Lap and Tan Linh wind power plants to the national power system
between the National Power Transmission Corporation and the Joint Stock Company
Construction and commercial investment of Phu Dien.
     Decision No. 852 / QD-UBND dated April 17, 2019 of the People's Committee
of Quang Tri Province on the adjustment of Decision No. 199 / QD-UBND dated
January 24, 2019 of the People's Committee of Quang Tri province
     Consultancy contract No. 0017/2020 / HDTV-LP dated February 6, 2020 on
topographic survey, engineering geology for technical design and construction
drawing design of Lien wind power plant project Established between Power
Construction Joint Stock Company 1- PCC1 and Song Da Consulting Joint Stock
Company - SDCC.
     Tasks and engineering geological survey engineering project signed in February
2020 between Lien Lap Wind Power Joint Stock Company and Song Da Consulting
Joint Stock Company. Has been approved by the Investor.
      The minutes on the acceptance test of the field survey volume, the records on the
field about the addition of depth and additional boreholes during the survey have been
agreed by the investor.
     Construction diary on site.
     Other legal documents
1.3.2. Standards
     - TCVN 8297:2009Hydraulics structurers – Earth dam- Technical requirements
for constrution by compaction method.
      - TCVN 4195-2012 .Soils - Laboratory methods for determination ofdensity
     - TCVN 9350:2012 Soils - Nuclear method for determination of moisture content
and density of soil in site.
     - TCVN 8730:2012 Soils for hydraulic engineering construction – Field test
method for determination of compactness degree of soils.
     - TCVN 9351:2012 Soils - Field testing method - Standard penetration test
     - TCVN 4054-2005 Highway − Specifications for design
     - TCVN 4447:2012 Earth works - Construction, check and acceptance
     - TCVN 4419:1987 survey for construction. Basic rules;

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

     - TCXDVN 329-2007 Pre-cast Reinforced-Concrete Box Converts. Technical
Requirements and Testing Methods.
     - TCXDVN 372-06 Reinforced Concrete Pipes for Water Draining
     - TCVN 4252-88 Procedures for formulation of the building organization design
and the building works design.
     - TCVN 4195-95 & TCVN 4202-95 Soils - Laboratory methods for
determination ofunit weigh.
     - 22TCN 346-06 The testing process determines the stiffness of the foundation
and road foundation by sanding funnels.
     - 22TCN 333-06 Process of compacting soil, crushed rock in the laboratory
     - 22TCN 332-06 CBR testing for macadamia soil and rock.
     - 22TCN 334-06 The process of construction and acceptance of the gravel gravel
foundation layer in the road structure
     - 22TCN 318-04 Abrasion resistance Los Angeles
     - 22TCN271-01 Technical standards for construction and acceptance of smooth
asphalt pavement.
     - 22TCN279-01 Technical requirements and standard testing methods.
      - QCVN 04-05:2012/BNNPTNT- National technical regulation - hydraulic
structures - The basic stipulation for design

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

                     Chapter 02: NATURAL CONDITION


     Lien Lap Wind Power project is expected to build 13 wind turbines tower located
in Tan Lien and Tan Lap communes, Huong Hoa district, Quang Tri province. The
project area is located in low mountains, the absolute elevation of the peaks in the
project area is from 300-500m, the average slope of 20-30o. The terrain type of the
project area is located in the middle of the top of the Truong Son mountain range, in
the terrain of erosion and erosion. The vegetation in the area is underdeveloped. Most
of the area is denuded, and the slope has been eroded and eroded. Most of them are
regenerated forests and newly planted forests. At present, the old growth forest in the
area is being narrowed down due to indiscriminate exploitation, especially
deforestation for cultivation of ethnic minorities.

2.2.1. General geological condition
    Located in tropical sector with two different rainy and dry season, rock
composition in the study area is changed by both physical and chemical weathering
forming weathered zoned. The full weathering profile as follow:
     Layer of (edQ): Compositions are browny-grey, yellowy-grey sandy clay with
quazt gravel, pieces of stones that are on site and removed down. The thickness of
layer in study area is 0.5-2m.
     Completely weathering zone (IA1): Compositions are white-grey, yellowy-grey
sandy clay, clayey sand with gravel. The traces of structure, texture of original rock
are obseved as mass structure. The evarage thickness of layer in study area is 6m,
specialy the depth of this layer at location of wind turbine TB-07 and TB-08 is 14m.
     Hightly weathering zone (IA2): The main composition is sand with gravel, pieces
of original stone that totally discolor, joint is filled with sandy clay and gravel. In
study area, the average thickness is 7m. The thickness in turbine TB-07 and TB-08 is
15m and 13m.
     Moderately weathered rock (IB): The original rock is strongly craked, open
cracks split mass into stones, small blocks. The original stone along cracks is
transformed into yellow, brown color. The cracks surface has brown – black iron
oxide, mangen oxide, some sector fill with weathering material as clay and gravel.

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

     Slightly weatherd zone (IIA): Fresh rock but the rock mass is cracked modertely
to weak, along the fissure there is iron oxide. This zone is form by physical waethering
agents in the first phase of weathering and the redistribution of natural stress when the
valley is cut deeply.
     Fresh rock zone (IIB): Fresh, monolithic, very weak cracks, tight cracks.
2.2.2. Geological condition of disposal area
     Due to the location of the disposal area near the position of turbin, we do not
conduct geological survey of the disposal area. The geological conditions and
parameter of the disposal area will be interpolated and be similar to the nearest turbine
foundation pits .
     - Disposal No. 4 about 20m from LL04 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No.4 will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL04 turbine.
     - Disposal No. 6 about 100m from LL06 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No. 6 will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL06 turbine.
     - Disposal No. 6A about 50m from LL06 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No.6A will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL06 turbine.
     - Disposal No. 8 about 30m from LL08 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No.8 will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL08 turbine.
     - Disposal No. 8A about 50m from LL08 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No.8A will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL08 turbine.
     - Disposal No. 9 about 20m from LL09 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No.9 will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL09 turbine.
     - Disposal No. 10: about 20m from LL10 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No.10 will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL10 turbine.
     - Disposal No. 11: about 1200m from LL11 turbine location, geological
conditions and parameter of the disposal area No.11 will be interpolated and be similar
to geological conditions LL11 turbine.

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

      - Disposal No. 12: about 20m from LL12 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No.12 will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL12 turbine.
      - Disposal No. 13: about 500m from LL10 turbine location, geological conditions
and parameter of the disposal area No.13 will be interpolated and be similar to
geological conditions LL10 turbine.

      The study area is of tropical monsoon nature, strongly denatured by
topographical conditions, characterized by transitional climatic sub-regions, which is
affected by climate interfering between East and West Truong Son. The climate is
quite mild during the year, with subtropical nuances. In addition, in Huong Hoa
district, there are 2 subregions: East Truong Son climatic sub-region and Western
Truong Son climatic sub-region. The climatic sub-regions have made Huong Hoa
district a region with diverse climatic resources, including wind resources, the project
area in a year is influenced by two main wind directions, the southwest monsoon and
wind. Northeast season. The southwest monsoon is a very typical climate in Quang Tri
and is considered the most intense in our country in terms of both intensity and time.

2.3.1. Air Temperature
      The study basin is located in the tropical monsoon climate of high mountainous
terrain. According to data from nearby stations, the annual average temperature varies
between 21.6 - 22.6oC.
   Table 2 - 1: Monthly, year mean Air Temperature of Khe Sanh station (oC)
Characters     I     II       III    IV     V          VI        VII        VIII    IX       X       XI     XII    Year
  Tmax       33,20 35,70 38,10 39,30 38,30 38,00 35,50 34,80 34,30 34,10 32,40 32,30 39,30
  TTB        18,1   19,2     21,7   24,6   25,8    25,9      25,3           24,9    24,4    23,0     21,1   18,5   22,7
  Tmin       8,20   8,20     8,60   8,60 13,30 16,10 17,50 19,40 17,20 13,70 12,10 1,20                            1,20

2.3.2. Humidity
      The collected monthly mean and minimum humidity at Khe Sanh are shown in
the Table below:
                         Table 2 - 2: Humidity of Khe Sanh station (%)

  Characters         I       II     III    IV     V         VI         VII VIII        IX        X     XI    XII Năm

Humidity Avg        90      90      86     82     83        84         86      89      90     92       91    91     88

Humidity min        31,0 22,0 27,0 29,0 38,0 39,0 45,0 43,0 42,0 42,0 32,0 30,0 22,0

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

2.3.3. Rainfall
      The rainy season starts from May to November, while the dry season starts from
December to April next year. During the year, the monthly rainfall is not evenly
distributed. Rainfall in the rainy season accounts for 85-90% of the annual rainfall, the
rest is in the dry season. The largest amount of rain that generates floods in the year
usually occurs in October, which is the time when the southwest monsoon comes into
contact with the strongest northeastern monsoons flowing from mainland China.
      According to data from Khe Sanh station, the average rainfall in many years is
2122.8mm. The largest rainfall observed is 389.1mm (3 / X / 2010), the highest
rainfall in 3 days measured is 824.3mm (from 2 to 4 / X / 2010). Rainy days at Khe
Sanh station is relatively high, averaging about 193 days per year. Months with a lot of
rainy days from August to October, with the average number of rainy days per month
is 22 days. From February to March months on average about 9.6 days with rain per
      The research basin belongs to the region with heavy rainfall. Rainfall changes
over time and space. Monthly rainfall at Khe Sanh stations is shown in the following
  Table 2 - 3: Average monthly rainfall at stations in environsof the study area

                                                     Monthly, year rainfall (mm)
              I      II     III      IV          V          VI        VII         VIII       IX      X          XI   XII        Year

Khe Sanh     18,6   18,5    38,5     87,5   156,1       194,2         231,2       289,8     373,6   453,0   197,8    64,1       2122,8

     Total average rainy days each month of the year at the Khe Sanh station are
given in the following table:
           Table 2 - 4: Number of rainy days in a month at Khe Sanh stations
    Month            I      II      III     IV         V         VI       VII        VIII      IX      X        XI   XII        Năm
   Khe Sanh         11      9        9      11         16        17          19       22       21     22        19    17         193
      * Calculate maximum rainfall design:
      The design maximum daily rainfall in the study area is calculated on the actual
measured data list of Khe Sanh stations. Statistics of one-day largest rainfall data
series, measured by the above stations, calculate design frequencies according to
Kriski - Menkel distribution function. Calculation results are as follows:
      Table 2 - 5: Rainfall per day max corresponding to design frequencies
     P%              0,1            0,2              0,5                 1                  1,5             5              10
  Khe Sanh          843,3          758,1         605,6                 524,3               494,1         358,2         297,7

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2.3.4. Wind
     The wind in the study area is relatively complex, changing according to seasons
and depending on topographical factors and atmospheric circulation. The prevailing
wind direction in the basin is divided by seasons. In winter, the prevailing wind
direction is the northeast monsoon. In summer, the prevailing wind direction is
southwest, depending on the circulation to the south, storms and tropical depressions.
     The strongest wind speed observed in the year at Khe Sanh reaches 28-40m / s,
mainly in the West and Southwest.

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3.1.1. General requirement:
     - Ensuring stability is required in all working conditions, as well as during
     - Make the best use of the waste dumping area but must be in line with the
project's overall planning.
3.1.2. Design principle Section of disposal design

     - When the disposal site has an overall height of> 15m, from 6 -: - 8m, 1 berm
will be designed with width of 2m.
     - When embankment in disposal area: Filling soil and rock from low elevation to
high elevation, each layer have thickness of 0.5m and is compacted with compation
coefficient K≥ 0.9
     - The surface of the landfill is protected with crushed rock 0.5m thick
     - The top surface of the landfill is used to excavate the landfill surface and filling
to recover the vegetation cover.
     - Arranging stone prisms to drain water in the body of the disposal site Surface and underground drainage systems

     a. Surface drainage system
     Surface water will be collected to drainage ditches with size bxh = 0.4mx0.4m,
slope i = 0.2% will be arranged on the berm and then collected to interceptor drain
with size bxh = 0.4mx0, 4m is arranged along the embankment foot. Finally, water is
collected to the water sump and run thought settlement pond before discharging into
the environment.
     Settlement pond sizing bxh=1.5mx1.25m.
     Surface of drainage ditch and settlement pond is reinforced by building stone
     b. Underground drainage system
      For disposal sites passing through tributary stream areas, it is neccessary to
arrange underground drainage ditches under the disposal area with the size bxh =
1,5mx1,0m, with the slope arranged along the terrain. water is run thought settlement
pond before discharging into the environment.
     Settlement pond sizing bxh=3.5mx2.0m
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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

     Surface of drainage ditch and settlement pond is reinforced by building stone.
3.1.3. Detailed design Disposal area no. 4

     - Disposal No. 4: located on the construction and operation road of LL04 turbine,
about 20m from LL04 turbine location.
      Disposal area F= 2,58 (ha), Disposal volume V= 313.182,0 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +500.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is
5m. 9 berms are arranged at elevation 431.00m, 439.00m, 447.00m, 455.00m,
463.00m, 471.00m, 479.00m, 487.00m, 495.00m, with width of 2m. Slope gradient of
disposal site from EL 423.07 to EL 447 is 1: 2.0, from EL 447.00 to EL500.00 is
      Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 423.07 m.
     The location of the landfill No. 4 passing through the water convergence point,
so it should be arranged underground drainage in the body of the disposal site with the
size bxh = 1.5mx1.0m. Disposal area no. 6

     - Disposal No. 6: located on the construction and operation road of LL06 turbine,
about 100m from LL06 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 1,102 (ha), Disposal volume V= 124.159,5 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +405.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is
5m. 4 berms are arranged at elevation 376,00m, 384,00m, 392,00m, 400,00m, with
width of 2m. Slope gradient of disposal site is 1: 1.5.
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 365.00 m.
      The location of the landfill No. 6 passing through the water convergence point,
so it should be arranged underground drainage in the body of the disposal site with the
size bxh = 1.5mx1.0m. Disposal area no. 6A

     - Disposal No. 6A: located on the construction and operation road of LL06
turbine, about 50m from LL06 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 0,86 (ha), Disposal volume V= 48.454,60 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +437.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

5m. 3 berms are arranged at elevation 416,00m, 424,00m, 432,00m, with width of 2m.
Slope gradient of disposal site is 1: 1.5.
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 403.70 m.
     The location of the landfill No. 6A passing through the water convergence point,
so it should be arranged underground drainage in the body of the disposal site with the
size bxh = 1.5mx1.0m Disposal area no. 8

     - Disposal No. 8: located on the construction and operation road of LL08 turbine,
about 30m from LL08 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 0,53 (ha), Disposal volume V= 17.080,40 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +415.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is
5m. 3 berms are arranged at elevation 394,00m, 402,00m, 410,00m, with width of 2m.
Slope gradient of disposal site is 1: 1.5.
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 389.00 m. Disposal area no. 8A

     - Disposal No. 8A: located on the construction and operation road of LL08
turbine, about 50m from LL08 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 0,99 (ha), Disposal volume V= 87.155,27 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +415.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is
5m. 4 berms are arranged at elevation 386,00m, 394,00m, 402,00m, 410,00m, with
width of 2m. Slope gradient of disposal site is 1: 1.5.
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 378.00 m.
     The location of the landfill No. 8A passing through the water convergence point,
so it should be arranged underground drainage in the body of the disposal site with the
size bxh = 1.5mx1.0m. Disposal area no. 9

     - Disposal No. 9: located on the construction and operation road of LL09 turbine,
about 20m from LL09 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 0,67 (ha), Disposal volume V= 34.350,00 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +411.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

5m. 3 berms are arranged at elevation 394,00m, 400,00m, 406,00m, with width of 2m.
Slope gradient of disposal site is 1: 1.5.
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 389.00 m. Disposal area no. 10

     - Disposal No. 10: located on the construction and operation road of LL10
turbine, about 20m from LL08 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 1,29 (ha), Disposal volume V= 175.826,40 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +380.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is
5m. 5 berms are arranged at elevation 343,00m, 351,00m, 359,00m, 367,00m,
375,00m, with width of 2m. Slope gradient of disposal site from EL 388.00 to EL
343.00 is 1: 2.0, from EL 343.00 to EL359.00 is 1:1.75, from EL 359.00 to EL380.00
is 1:1.5
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 338.00 m. Disposal area no. 11

     - Disposal No. 11: located on the construction and operation road of LL11
turbine, about 1200m from LL11 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 0,89 (ha), Disposal volume V= 54.271,54 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +355.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is
5m. Slope gradient of disposal site is 1: 1.5.
     The location of the landfill No. 11 passing through the water convergence point,
so it should be arranged underground drainage in the body of the disposal site with the
size bxh = 1.5mx1.0m
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 335.00 m. Disposal area no. 12

      - Disposal No. 12: located on the construction and operation road of LL12
turbine, about 20m from LL12 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 1,66 (ha), Disposal volume V= 284.424,46 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +405.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is
5m. 7 berms are arranged at elevation 352.00m; 360.00m; 368.00m; 376.00m; 384.00
m; 392.00m; 400.0m, with width of 2m. Slope gradient of disposal site from EL 344 to
EL 368 is 1: 2.0, from EL 368 to EL 405 is 1:1.75, from EL 405 to EL 500 is 1:1.5.

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

     The location of the landfill No. 12 passing through the water convergence point,
so it should be arranged underground drainage in the body of the disposal site with the
size bxh = 1.5mx1.0m
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 344.00 m. Disposal area no. 13

      - Disposal No. 13: located on the construction and operation road of LL10
turbine, about 500m from LL10 turbine location.
     Disposal area F= 0,71 (ha), Disposal volume V= 35.146,30 (m3)
     The elevation of the disposal area after completion is: +345.00m. For the
convenience of construction facilities, the minimum width of the top of the landfill is
5m. 3 berms are arranged at elevation 327,00m; 35,00m; 340,00m, with width of 2m.
Slope gradient of disposal site is 1: 1.5.
     Elevation of prismatic stone for drainage: 319.00 m.
3.1.4. Stability calculation:
     All disposal areas are designed with calculation of stability according to load
        Load case 1: Construction combination 1. Construction to design elevation.
Surchargr load 25 kN/m2. The criteria of earth and rock are natural.
        Load case 2: Basic combination 1. Construction to design elevation. The
criteria of earth and rock are natural.
        Load case 3: Special combination 1. During normal operation, occurs a
rainfall. The criteria of earth and rock are saturated.
        Load case 4: Special combination 2. During normal operation, earthquake level
     The stability factor is according to Section 7.2 and Table 9 QCVN 04-05:
2012/BNNPTNT for level II construction:
              [K] = 1.30 – Basic combination
              [K] = 1.235 – Construction combination
              [K] = 1.170 – Special combination
     Calculation result
               Table 3 - 1: Stability result of slope of disposal area

                                             Page 17
Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

                            Load                                Coefficient
        Location                            Combine                               of
                            case                                of stability

                              1    Construction combination 1     1.285        [1.235]
                              2    Basic combination 1            1.313        [1.300]
Disposed area slope No.4
                              3    Special combination 1          1.189        [1.170]
                              4    Special combination 2          1.210        [1.170]
                              1    Construction combination 1     1.411        [1.235]
                              2    Basic combination 1            1.472        [1.300]
Disposed area slope No.6
                              3    Special combination 1          1.349        [1.170]
                              4    Special combination 2          1.381        [1.170]
                              1    Construction combination 1      1.334       [1.235]
   Disposed area slope        2    Basic combination 1            1.355        [1.300]
         No.6A                3    Special combination 1          1.221        [1.170]
                              4    Special combination 2          1.277        [1.170]
                              1    Construction combination 1     1.371        [1.235]
                              2    Basic combination 1            1.407        [1.300]
Disposed area slope No.8
                              3    Special combination 1          1.297        [1.170]
                              4    Special combination 2          1.386        [1.170]
                              1    Construction combination 1      1.283       [1.235]
   Disposed area slope        2    Basic combination 1             1.300       [1.300]
         No.8A                3    Special combination 1           1.174       [1.170]
                              4    Special combination 2           1.225       [1.170]
                              1    Construction combination 1      1.556       [1.235]

Disposed area slope No.9      2    Basic combination 1            1.598        [1.300]
                              3    Special combination 1          1.403        [1.170]
                              4    Special combination 2          1.503        [1.170]
                              1    Construction combination 1     1.363        [1.235]
                              2    Basic combination 1            1.379        [1.300]
Disposed area slope No.10
                              3    Special combination 1          1.247        [1.170]
                              4    Special combination 2          1.295        [1.170]
                              1    Construction combination 1     1.532        [1.235]
                              2    Basic combination 1            1.578        [1.300]
Disposed area slope No.11
                              3    Special combination 1          1.395        [1.170]
                              4    Special combination 2          1.491        [1.170]
Disposed area slope No.12     1    Construction combination 1     1.272        [1.235]

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

                              Load                                    Coefficient
         Location                               Combine                                 of
                              case                                    of stability

                                 2    Basic combination 1               1.314        [1.300]
                                 3    Special combination 1             1.202        [1.170]
                                 4    Special combination 2             1.198        [1.170]
                                 1    Construction combination 1        1.358        [1.235]
                                 2    Basic combination 1               1.393        [1.300]
Disposed area slope No.13
                                 3    Special combination 1             1.284        [1.170]
                                 4    Special combination 2             1.309        [1.170]

      Conclusion: In all cases, the embankment slopes meet stability factor

3.2.1. Determine scope and location of disposal area.
      Before pouring excess soil and rock, the Contractor and related parties shall
locate the scope and measure the current state of the storage area to ensure dumping
excess soil and rock at the prescribed place and serving for work of confirming the
pouring volume.
      Based on the coordinate marker of builed tranmisission level II, the Contractor
will locate and determine the scope of the storage yards, using excavators to cover the
area of the storage yard before dumping.
3.2.2. Preparation of construction plan
     Prior to construction of the disposal area, topsoil will be removed and will be
transported to and temporarily gathered in a flat place near the disposal area by 15 tons
dump truck. Then proceed to dump. Topsoil will be used to recover the vegetation
cover for the landfill after completing the duties of the landfill.
     Along with excavation work, drainage ditches is also constructed around. The
drainage ditch has dimension bxh = 0.4mx0.4m with excavation gradient slope of 1: 1.
Drain ditch slope is 2%.
3.2.3. Access road
     Access road for disposal area are planned within the land acquisition scope of the
landfill. The starting point of the allignment is connected with the access road of the
turbine or with the equipment gathering yard (Disposal area No. 12 of Lien Lap

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

project), the end point of the allignment goes to the location of the disposal site. The
roads for construction of waste disposal are designed with a width of b = 5m,
following the actual topology, the surface is covered with a 40cm thick layer of mixed
3.2.4. Power supply
        Using generators with a capacity of 100KVA; 150KVA and some other
generators to provide construction electricity and use electricity for domestic use in
case the power capacity is not enough or power failure.
3.2.5. Water supply
     Water supply during construction period includes water for production and
construction, water for domestic use and water for fire prevention ...
        Water for domestic use is used from well water, with a water filter to ensure
        Water used for construction uses rivers, streams or neighboring areas and is
transported by trailer or pump station is pumped directly from the sources.
        Water used for firefighting is used directly from river, stream or drill well water.
3.2.6. Sand traps
     Before start the embankment, prepare sand traps in the nearest creeks, streams (if
have) to prevent contamination of reservoirs. Dredging sand traps regularly

3.3.1. Principle :
        Must be in accordance with project master plan, natural conditions and current
situation at the disposal site.
     Ensure environmental hygiene, not obstruct water drainage and obstruct flood
3.3.2. Plan for excess soil
      According to the approved design documents, the excavation volume is
significantly different from the embankment volume on the whole allignment, so the
preparation of the plan to pour soil and rock with excess material is very concerned,
ensuring traffic is not be affected during the pouring process. excess rock and soil,
ensuring good hygiene and drainage, not causing negative impacts on the surrounding
        Waste materials are mainly excess soil and rock used for leveling.

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

     Before dumping excess soil and rock, the contractor, together with the related
parties, shall locate the scope and measure the current state of the landfill area to
ensure dumping excess soil and rock at the prescribed place and serving for work of
confirming the pouring volume.
3.3.3. The order of pouring excess soil and rock is carried out as follows:
     Based on the coordinate marker of builed tranmisission level II, the Contractor
will conduct to determine the scope of the disposal sites.

                            Figure 3 - 1: Disposal diagram
     Contractor uses dumped cars to transport excess soil and rock to the landfill.
     After being transported to the landfill location by cars and dumped according to
the gradual encroachment plan, leveling, bulldozing, and excess stones are used by
bulldozers to create ground. creating a drainage slope of 2%. Carry out embankment to
cover soil, prevent soil from drifting into crops and land of the residental area during
construction and when it rains and make use of the vegetation to protect the slope, not
to affect the environment and the surrounding area. When embankment in disposal
area, it is required to compact with the compaction coefficient K≥ 0.9.

3.4.1. Equipment
     Equipments for using are listed in the table below
                         Table 3 - 2: Support equipment
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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

  No.                     Equipment             Number                    Note

   1       Cars dumped 22 tons                      3        Based on transportation volume

   2       110CV bulldozer                          1
   3       Water truck                              1
   4       Leica total station                      1

3.4.2. Human resources
       Human resources are listed in the table below
                             Table 3 - 3: Human resources
  No.                       Position                Number                   Note

   1       Car driver                                   4

   2       Bulldozer operator                           2

   3       Excavator operator                           2
   4       Survey staff                                 3
   5       Electrician                                  2
   6       Safety staff                                 2
   7       Backup instructor                            4
           Total                                        19

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power


    Noise at construction site arises from sources of varying intensity and nature.
Mainly due to on-site operating heavy equipment such as drills, compressors,
hydraulic and air compressors, excavators, etc. Other sources may be trucks traveling
on site, excavating and dumping material, whistle. Also old machines create
     All noise sources are located as far away from the camps and housing as
     Shut down all machinery that is not in use for a certain period of time.
     Some of the most modern silencers are used to suppress electrical mechanical
     Heavy equipment and machines are used in good condition to keep noise levels
to a minimum.
     If some construction works are required at night or at night, only low-noise jobs
can be carried out.
      Light signals such as flashing signals can substitute horns or bells to announce
shift changes, concrete pouring or hoisting or other work on site. The audible alarm
signals are mainly used for emergency alarms only.
     Maintain machines regularly and only operate well-functioning machines.

     During construction, problems with air pollution will arise. Among them are the
following issues:
     + Dust emissions from cement concrete mixing.
     + Dust rising up due to the movement of vehicles.
     + Vehicle exhaust.
     + Dust rising from excavation, excavation, ...
     + Odors emitted from domestic waste, caused by burning down tree wastes.
       All the dust and exhaust gases emitted are harmful to the environment, especially
it affects the lives and health of workers as well as people in the vicinity, and can also
affect the environment. Affect the plants and water in the area.
     All emissions sources and associated equipment must be checked and maintained

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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

     When operating equipment using fuels that may cause environmental pollution,
comply with the current regulations of the Ministry of Science, Technology and
     Water truck with sprinkler system ensures evenly watered against dust over the
entire transport road area from the excavated area to the landfill. from 1.5-2 hours /
time depending on the weather. This part includes 6 m3 water tank truck, 1 water pump
of 30m3/hour and 2 workers equipped with hand tools to clean up waste soil that has
tires scattered on asphalt roads (if any).
     During the excavation, water must be done to control dust. Water spray
equipment will be used during the loading and unloading of excavated materials and in
excavation and backfilling areas. However, avoid watering too much.
     It is forbidden to burn outdoor wastes except burning branches, trees and dry
leaves. Construction debris should be recycled if possible.
     The speed of vehicles on site should not exceed 20 km/h to reduce dust in the
construction site.


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Disposal area of Lien Lap Wind Power

                                       Table 4 - 1: Assessment and analysis of occupational safety risks

      Work                               Risk                                         Control method                         Responsible person

 1   Checking         1.1    Workers have         not   received 1.1.1 Workers operating the motorized excavation               Safety officer
     people,                 safety training.                          equipment must have a valid health certificate, a
     machinery                                                         certificate of permission to operate the equipment,
     and                                                               and be trained for safety.
     equipment on
     construction                                                 1.1.2 Appropriate labor protection equipment, training        Safety officer
     site.                                                              in the permit process, special requirements when
                                                                        executing at night, construction close to the
                                                                        electrical, overhead and underground water

                      1.2    Digging equipment: hoes, hoes, 1.2.1 Check that the license is valid. Vehicle operation            Safety officer
                             shovels, ... damaged during use.     and inspection by safety monitoring at the
                                                                  inspection area: moving, raising boom, lowering
                                                                  lever, rotating boom, turning bucket, brake, light,
                                                                  horn, ...

                                                               1.2.2 Materials and equipment entering the construction          Safety officer
                                                                     site to be checked and still usable: wear, fracture,
                                                                     head not tightened on the handle,…, homemade
                                                                     tools that must be removed must not be put on the
 2   Dredged                 The wheel spreads muddy soil            Planning and disseminating for road operators,            Technical team
     vehicles                from the construction area to the       the area where the trailer can be moved on the
     moving on               road, causing loss of aesthetics        construction site, only crossing the temporary
     site                    and time-consuming cleaning.            road at places with little traffic.

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