Page created by Timothy Carter
            SCHEDU &

­P age 2a­•­T he B o Z one •­o cToBer 01,­2021

Quirky Sondheim musical brings indoor theatre back to Shane
    The Shane Lalani Center for the       achieving our goals.                      what role the Arts                                                                 3pm. Tickets are $20 for adults, $15
Arts has announced the return of              Both funny and poignant, the          should play in a                                                                   for seniors and college students, and
community theatre productions to          musical follows Dionysos, Greek god       world beset by war,                                                                $10 for youth 17 and under. To
the Dulcie Theatre with Stephen           of wine and drama, and his slave,         pestilence, and                                                                    make reservations, visit www.the-
Sondheim’s musical comedy The             Xanthias, on a journey to Hades to        short-sighted folly.                                                      or call (406)
Frogs from October 22nd through           collect renowned critic and play-            The Frogs runs                                                                  222-1420.
November 14th.                            wright George Bernard Shaw so that        weekends from                                                                          Committed to community health,
    Loosely based on a comedy             he may enlighten the easily misled        Oct. 22nd through                                                                  the Shane Center is exercising cau-
written in 405 B.C. by Aristophanes,      masses of Earth. Along the way,           Nov. 14th.                                                                         tion in the return to live indoor pro-
The Frogs was freely adapted by           Dionysos and Xanthias meet                Performances take                                                                  gramming. Seating is limited to 50
Sondheim and Burt Shevelove in the        Herakles and Pluto, of course, but        place in the Dulcie                                                                seats for each show to allow for audi-
mid-70s, and later expanded and           also Chekhov, Ibsen, Brecht, and a        Theatre at the                                                                     ence distancing. Other health proto-
further tinkered with by Nathan           creepy chorus of frogs. When              Shane Lalani                                                                       cols may be in place, including audi-
Lane. The Frogs uses the setting of       Shakespeare shows up and declaims         Center for the Arts                                                                ence mask requirements.
ancient Greece to playfully explore       his greatness the battle of wits          in Livingston.                                                                         The Frogs is generously sponsored
two of the great challenges of            begins in earnest. The Frogs deftly       Show times are                                                                     by Joann Gibson, SPECTEC/TIC –
human existence: confronting our          mixes Aristophanes’ pratfall satire       Fridays and                                                                        Walter & Regina Wunsch, First
fears and challenging the                 with an amazing Sondheim score,           Saturdays at 8pm                                                                   Interstate Bank, and Yellowstone
distractions that prevent us from         and takes up the serious issue of         and Sundays at                                                                     Valley Lodge & Grill. •

Bozeman MADE fair                                                                   Organics, local goods & communtiy at
returns for single-day                                                              winter markets
showcase                                                                                Last year, the Bozeman Winter
                                                                                    Farmers’ Market made the neces-
                                                                                                                               of the fall gems. The markets show-
                                                                                                                               case food and farm product vendors
                                                                                                                                                                       market season. Why the apostrophe
                                                                                                                                                                       in the name? Because this market
                                                                                    sary move to the Gallatin County           that allow shoppers to cross off        was created by farmers, and contin-
    The Bozeman MADE fair is              encouraged when social distancing is      Fairgrounds to accommodate the             everything on their grocery lists.      ues to be operated by farmers, for
fast approaching, with event organ-       not an option, and the layout at the      constantly evolving health crisis. The         Mark your calendars! Future mar-    farmers. The focus is on food and
izers excited to connect artists with     upcoming Bozeman MADE fair will           market is staying put for its just         kets are scheduled for: November        agricultural products. In addition to
the Gallatin Valley community once        have additional room to roam.             announced 2021 event series.               13th, 20th and December 18th, with      vegetables, you can find grassfed
again. The event will take place             The one-day event will once                Following the opening market late      more to follow in ‘22. All events are   meats, cheeses, farm fresh eggs, fer-
11am–5pm at Brick Breeden                 again feature indoor trick-or-treating    last month, exhibitors and shoppers        FREE of admission and open to the       mented vegetables and kombucha,
Fieldhouse and is set for Sunday,         and an all-ages costume contest at        will have plenty of space at those         public. Masks are required for entry.   honey, artisan breads and baked
October 31st – Halloween! Shop            1pm. New moms can enjoy some              upcoming. The markets are on select        Please follow the market on social      goods, syrups, jams and preserves,
and discover a curated collection of      quiet feeding time for the littles at     Saturdays from 9am–noon. The next          media for up to date information.       grains and oils, wool, locally grown
over 170 local and regional artists.      the family care area provided by the      is set for October 9th with an addi-           Kicking off its new season, the     and blended teas, ethically sourced
You can expect to see everything          Gallatin Breastfeeding Coalition.         tional market on Oct. 23rd.                Bozeman Winter Farmers’ Market          coffee, locally pressed juices, and
from affordable, functional works of      Make a day of it with your friends            The winter market comes at that        has grown from the demand for a         much more, all under one roof !
art to fine heirloom pieces               and enjoy strolling the aisles and        time of the season where summer’s          direct producer-to-consumer experi-     Learn more at www.bozemanwin-
                                                                                    bounty is still available along with all   ence beyond the traditional summer •

                                                                                    Intricacies of human relationships
                                                                                    explored in Blue Slipper staging
                                                                                        There’s still time to catch the        women. Simple conversations over        writing is a study in the subtleties of
                                                                                    Blue Slipper Theatre’s return to the       tea reveal a deep rift between two      human conversation.
                                                                                    stage with three final performances        sisters, common loss, betrayal, and         A play by Mark O’Rowe, the cast
                                                                                    of The Approach. Curtains up on            manipulation.                           features Cara Wilder, Quenby
                                                                                    Friday and Saturday, October 1st               Underlying O’Rowe’s seemingly       Iandiorio and Meriweather
                                                                                    and 2nd, at 8pm, as well as a closing      benign dialogue about book clubs        Campbell. The local production is
                                                                                    matinee on Sunday, Oct. 3rd at             and kitchen remodels are unsettling     directed by Sherry Pikul.
                                                                                    3pm. All will be held at the Story         moments where the character’s com-          Tickets for remaining stagings of
                                                                                    Mansion in Bozeman.                        mon memories and experiences are        The Approach are $20 plus fees and
                                                                                        Written in three scenes that take      called into question. O’Rowe creates    are available through www.blues-
                                                                                    place over about five years, O’Rowe        a complex puzzle of human interac- Seating is limited. The
                                                                                    artfully depicts the complexity of a       tion, demonstrating the character’s     Story Mansion is located at 811 S
                                                                                    long-term relationship between three       evolving human perspective. His         Willson Ave. •

at the show.                              supporting your local artists. Visit
    Though entry and parking are
free to attendees, those interested in    for additional details, access to VIP
a head start on shopping can pur-
chase a New VIP Pass valid for an
                                          tickets, and to pre-shop all of the
                                          participating artists.                     Suds-assisted silliness at Oktoberfest
hour before the show opens to the             The MADE fair is a modern art
public. Beat the crowds with a $10
VIP pass to gain entry from
                                          and handcrafted market featuring
                                          local and regional artists and mak-
                                                                                     starring the Brewery Follies
10–11am. All ticket proceeds will go      ers. Events are a curated collection          Enjoy one last hurrah before the       person admission includes a juicy       (406) 585-0595. This event is for
to a Gallatin County non-profit.          of skilled artisans as well as a hand-    snowy season when Rockin’ TJ               bratwurst bar, frosty mugs of beer,     those 21+. Find Rockin’ TJ on
Attendees: please bring a non-per-        ful of non-profits. The MADE fair’s       Ranch presents the revival of its          the hilarious Brewery Follies show,     Facebook for updated event infor-
ishable food item to help support the     mission is to increase awareness of       annual Oktoberfest celebration on          and more! Space is limited, so          mation.
Gallatin Valley Food Bank.                handmade goods as an alternative to       Saturday, October 16th from                reserve your seats NOW by calling           The variety show is highlighted
    Last year, handMADE Montana           mass-produced items and support           7–9:30pm. “Beer,                                                                   by celebrity impersonations, sketch
made the difficult and responsible        local and regional small craft busi-      Brats & the Brewery                                                                comedy and live music. The mission
decision to cancel all of its in-person   nesses by providing a place to sell       Follies” will feature                                                              of this hilarious comedy cabaret is
events. Energy and time was instead       their goods.                              an evening of fun,                                                                 simple: to make you laugh while
put into promoting artists through            handMADE Montana provides             laughter and brews                                                                 these crazy entertainers make fun of
the website and social media. With        opportunities to artists of all levels,   as this wacky, zany                                                                just about everything you can think
the recent success of the Missoula        from the hobbyist to the seasoned         comedy troupe                                                                      of.
Summer MADE fair, organizers are          professional. It was recently given       returns in 2021.                                                                       Rockin’ TJ Ranch is located four
cautiously proceeding with the fall       the Retailer of the Year Award by             If you haven’t                                                                 miles west of the Gallatin Valley
and holiday events. Masks are             the Made in Montana program. •            had the opportunity                                                                Mall at 651 Lynx Lane. Visit
                                                                                    to see the Brewery                                                        for
                                                                                    Follies in Virginia                                                                further information about the
                                                                                    City, here’s your                                                                  venue, booking options, and other
                                                                                    chance! A $65 per                                                                  upcoming events. •

                                                                                    Chamber hosts city candidate forum &
                                                                                    professional gatherings
                                                                                         Bozeman Area Chamber of               Candidate Forum from 11am–1pm.          largest private, family owned bank in
                                                                                     Commerce will present Business            The afternoon will include 6-minute     Montana, serving as the Treasure
                                                                                     Before Hours on Thursday,                 presentations by prospective may-       State’s premier financial center for
                                                                                     October 6th from 7:30–8:30am.             oral, city commission and Bozeman       personal, business, agriculture, com-
                                                                                     The event will be hosted by Gallatin      Municipal Court judges. Each can-       mercial developers and real estate
                                                                                     Valley Pediatric Dentistry at 3980        didate will be given an opportunity     owners.
                                                                                     Valley Commons Dr. The youth              to share their platforms with city          Bozeman Chamber gatherings
                                                                                     clinic offers quality dental care         voters. The forum will take place at    and other forums provide a business
                                                                                     with a fun, interactive experience        Riverside Country Club, located at      networking outlet for members and
                                                                                     that educates its patients in an          2500 Springhill Rd. in Bozeman.         others. Visit www.bozemancham-
                                                                                     effort to establish a positive view of        The next Business After    to register for any of these
                                                                                     oral health as they mature into           Hours will take place Thursday,         events and to learn more. Event
                                                                                     adulthood.                                Oct. 28th from 5:30–7pm. Stockman       admission may be included with
                                                                                         On Wednesday, Oct. 13th, a            Bank will host the event at its Kagy    membership. The Chamber Center
                                                                                     Business & Community                      branch, located at 1815 S 19th Ave.     is located at 2000 Commerce Way in
                                                                                     Conversation will feature a City          Founded in 1953, Stockman is the        Bozeman. •

page 2A • Volume 28, Number 19 - October 01, 2021 • The BoZone Entertainment Calendar • www.BoZ • 406-586-6730 ––– Tel l ’em, “ I Saw It In The BoZone!”
O ctOber 01, 2021 • t he b O Z One • P age 3a

MOR houses lectures, creeptastic theater & two new exhibits
    Museum of the                                                                         and strategies to mitigate or       duction includes disasters, untimely     of women. Created to recognize the
Rockies is back in                                                                        prevent such occurrences. The       deaths, ghastly creatures, and more      100th anniversary of the 19th
the saddle with a                                                                         lecture is open to the public.      based on authentic research. They        Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
number of upcom-                                                                          Visit the Gallatin Valley           all prove one thing, sometimes life is   giving women the right to vote, the
ing events, those                                                                         Friends of the Sciences website     scarier than fiction.                    exhibition illuminates where women
educational and of                                                                        for link access.                        NEW this year: Following the         have been, where they are now and
the spooky variety.                                                                            Kick off the eeriest time of   planetarium show, explore the his-       where they are going, and celebrates
    First up is a lec-                                                                    year with International             toric Tinsley House by lantern light,    trailblazers who have redefined what
ture featuring local                                                                      Observe the Moon Night              if you dare! Enjoy original spooky       it means to be a woman. More than
artist John                                                                               on Saturday, Oct. 16th.             sculptures by MSU arts & architec-       70 images depict women from over
Haworth on                                                                                Attendees will be looking at        ture students, have your fortune         30 countries, offering a glimpse into
Tuesday, October                                                                          the Moon through telescopes         read, and enjoy a seasonal treat.        the lives of women worldwide
5th. Present by                                                                           on the museum’s grounds. The            Due to some mature content and       throughout the past century.
Bozeman Art                                                                               sky gazing begins at 7pm and        the dark conditions of the planetari-        The second changing exhibit is
Museum,                                                                                   is included with membership.        um, this production is recommended       Environmental Impact II.
“Contemporary                                                                             Advance registration required       for ages 10 and up. Sponsored by         Featuring more than 50 artworks,
Native American                                                                           through the Museum website.         Stockman Bank and Philip and             including paintings, photography,
Art” begins at 7pm                                                                             Haunted Mountain               Marlene Saccoccia, tickets are $16 for   sculptures, and film, it focuses on
and is open to the                                                                        Theater is back in 2021 with        adults and $12 for kids ages 10 to 17.   generating public attention sur-
public. The talk                                                                          chilling theater appropriate for        Finally, an annual tradition will    rounding environmental issues and
accompanies the                                                                           the season. Performances will       usher in a weekend of costumes and       unintended consequences of human
Art Museum’s cur-                                                                         be held Friday and Saturday         trick-or-treating on Saturday, Oct.      interaction with nature. Topics cov-
rent exhibit,                                                                             nights at 7pm and 8:30pm,           30th. The Family Grossology              ered in this exhibit include global
‘ReCouping Sovereignty: Native              Included with membership or $7.50      Oct. 22nd–30th. A special matinee          Halloween Party will take place          climate change, the Gulf oil spill,
Artists Amend the Narrative,’ now           for non-members.                       is scheduled for All Hallow’s Eve,         from 2–5pm. Come in costume to           unabated logging and mining, loss
showing at 2612 W Main, Ste. B.                 Co-sponsored by MOR, the           Sunday, Oct. 31st at 3pm.                  see disgusting science, make some        of bee populations, and more.
    Following Wednesday, Oct. 6th,          2021 Science Inquiry Lecture Series        The Rockies are filled with ghast-     icky crafts, and check out what your     Discover the fragility and hopeful
enjoy the next installment in MOR’s         proceeds virtually with another        ly historic events, unsettling tales,      scabs look like on the big screen.       resiliency of our world through the
Presenting Prehistory: A                    interesting discussion on Wednesday,   and supernatural creatures that are        Spooky stories and goody bags make       eyes of more than 20 leading con-
Paleontology Lecture Series.                Oct. 13th. “When Viruses Jump          beyond our mortal comprehension.           this the perfect family costume party    temporary artists.
“Chickens on Steroids & the                 – Disease Transmission from            Come face to face with these spine-        for all mad scientists! Included with        MOR is open from 9am–5pm
Evolution of Avian Dinosaurs”               Animals to Humans” will begin          tingling stories that haunt this           membership or admission.                 daily. Wearing a face mask inside of
is set for 5:30pm. Join guest speaker       at 7pm via Zoom. How and why do        region.                                        Also at MOR, two new exhibits        the museum is strongly encouraged.
Dr. Dana Rashid, Research                   some pathogens in wild animal              Haunted Mountain Theater brings        open Oct. 9th. First up is Women:        For more information about fea-
Professor of Cell Biology at MSU to         species make the jump to domestic      the Northern Rocky Mountains’              A Century of Change. Drawing             tured exhibits, Taylor Planetarium
learn about how their investigation         animal and human species? Dr.          spookier history and folklore to life      from the acclaimed National              showings, and membership details,
of avian dinosaur tails has revealed a      Raina Plowright, MSU Associate         through an approximately 50-minute         Geographic photo archives, it show-      visit www.museumoftherock-
new capacity of the immune system           Professor of microbiology and          production that blends live-theater        cases a global chronicle of the lives •
and the chicken’s potential as a            immunology, will describe the mech-    with Taylor Planetarium’s state-of-
model for human back disease.               anisms of such disease “spillover”     the-art capabilities. This year’s pro-

-                                                                                                                             Don your finest leisure
    MSU to host annual fall career fair to                                                                                    wear & READ in support
    connect students with employers                                                                                           of Library
    From MSU News Service                   many employers engage with us,”        “For our students, building net-               The Bozeman Public Library           personal chef; a case of fine wines
        Employers from across the           said Carina Beck, vice provost of      works and learning about the               Foundation invites the community         from California’s esteemed Carneros
    country will send recruiters to         the Allen Yarnell Center for           world of work is one of the most           to join other Library lovers at the      region, and a high-flying family
    Bozeman in October for Montana          Student Success.                       important things they can do               Stay Home & Read a Book                  adventure package featuring zipline
    State University’s 2021 Fall                Many of the employers will         while contemplating the important          Ball. On Sunday, October 3rd,            tours, trampoline park passes, climb-
    Career Fair on Thursday, Oct.           interview students for internships     preparation their degrees provide.         choose a book and get lost in its        ing center access, and more. At $25
    7th, from 9am–3pm at the Brick          and full-time employment on            We are grateful to our employer            pages. While you’re having a ball        per ticket, you can opt for as many
    Breeden Fieldhouse.                     Friday, Oct. 8th. Some will also       and industry partners for continu-         reading, donate what you might           tickets as you’d like for the prize
        Organizers expect 170 employ-       hold information sessions in con-      ing their relationship with MSU,           have spent on a fancy night out to       package(s) of your choice.
    ers will be at the fair. Participants   junction with the fair.                particularly during this time.”            benefit your Library.                        Want to turn up the coziness?
    include Montana organizations               While the event will be held in       For a list of participating                 The event will be hosted virtually   Reserve a party pack of thoughtfully
    like Billings Clinic, Barnard           a larger space and the number of       employers, info sessions and more          by fantasy/sci-fi author Christopher     curated, delicious treats for two in
    Construction, Northwest Farm            employers is capped, Beck said         information, visit www.mon-                Paolini, children’s author/illustrator   your own custom Bozeman Library
    Credit, Zoot Enterprises,               COVID-19 is not holding the uni-                Edward Hemingway, and                    book bag. Each party pack is $100
    Foundant Technologies, Turner           versity back from connecting stu-      ts/career-fair/career-                     mystery/outdoor author Keith             and includes delivery to your home.
    Ranches and D.A. Davidson as            dents with internship and job          fair.html. Employers can register          McCafferty. Join the hosts on social         Visit www.bozemanlibrary-
    well as larger employers such as        opportunities. The career fair         for the fair at www.hireabob-              media and share what you’ll be 
    the FBI, McKinstry, Fast                allows students and MSU alumni In accordance with                reading with #ReadForBPL.                to RSVP. All proceeds benefit the
    Enterprises, Los Alamos, and            from every field of study to           Centers for Disease Control and                You can give in three ways: by       Bozeman Library and its programs
    Hensel Phelps.                          expand their prospects.                Prevention guidance, masks are             donating, by purchasing raffle tick-     that build childhood literacy, equi-
        “We’re delighted to have this           “Networks matter,” Beck said.      recommended for attendees. •               ets, or by reserving a party pack.       table access for all, and a healthy,
                                                                                                                                  Raffle prizes include your own       connected community. Follow the
                                                                                                                              architect-designed little neighbor-      Foundation on Facebook for
                                                                                                                              hood library; a chef ’s dinner pre-      updated event details and other
                                                                                                                              pared in your home by Ted Turner’s       information. •
BFS screens animal-centric tales based in
reality & beyond
         Bozeman                                                                                         will be available
    Film Society                                                                                         in the lobby.
    continues its                                                                                        CC devices
    return to pub-                                                                                       available.
    lic film screen-                                                                                         Learn
    ings with two                                                                                        more about the
    announced                                                                                            new
    events as part                                                                                       season at
    of the 2021-22                                                                                       www.boze-
    Season. Next                                                                                         manfilmsoci-
    on Wednesday,                                                                               – and
    October 13th,                                                                                        Keep ‘Em
    BFS screens                                                                                          Flickering! •
    Pig, starring
    Nicolas Cage.
    by critics to be some of Cage’s best
    work in years, the story follows an
    emotionally broken man living
    alone in the Oregon wilderness
    who returns to Portland to find the
    person who stole his beloved truffle
    pig. A bittersweet and often sur-
    prisingly tender exploration of
    food, creative expression, and
    human connection, film critic
    Randy Myers of the San Jose
    Mercury writes, “It is Cage who car-
    ries Pig with a measured perform-
    ance in which his trademark out-
    bursts pierce the soul. He’s magnif-
    icent.” Rated R, the film runs 92
         Following Wednesday, Oct.
    27th, enjoy the surreal with direc-
    tor Valdimar Jóhannsson’s Lamb.
    In this twisted Nordic folktale, a
    couple (Noomi Rapace and Hilmir
    Snær Guonason) discover a myste-
    rious half-lamb/half-human new-
    born on their farm in Iceland. The
    unexpected prospect of family life
    brings them much joy, before ulti-
    mately destroying them. “A film
    that proves just how far disbelief
    can be suspended if you’re in the
    hands of a director – and a cast,
    and an SFX/puppetry department
    – who really commit to the bit,”
    says Variety’s Jessica Klang. Rated
    R, the film runs 107 minutes.
         Both films screen at 7pm at the
    Ellen Theatre. Reserved tickets are
    $9.25–$9.75 (plus fees) and
    available at www.theellenthe-, by calling (406) 585-
    5885, or by visiting the Ellen box
    office. Doors open at 6:30pm.
    Wine, beer and concessions

          Tel l ’em, “I S aw It In The Bo Zon e!” –– The BoZone Entertainment Calendar • • 406-586-6730 • Volume 28, Number 19 - October 01, 2021 • page 3A
Sunday                                  Monday                               Tuesday                               Wednesday                                   Thursday

  3                                          4                                    5                                         6                                        7
          Stay Home and Read a                     Regal Cinemas                          Regal Cinemas                           Regal Cinemas                             Regal Cinemas
           Book Ball     Gallatin Valley                                                          Regal Gallatin Valley                Regal Gallatin Valley                     Regal Gallatin Valley
                                                      Regal Gallatin Valley                                                                                                 Chamber’s Business
          Regal Cinemas
                                                                                          BoardLaunch                             HealthCare
                                           Homeschool                                                                                                                       Before Hours
                                                                                             5:30pm       Eagle Mount              Connections
                  Regal Gallatin Valley                                                                                                                               7:30am GV Pediatric Dentistry
                                             Mondays 9am                        Rebuilding Food Resiliency                          8am        Fire Pit Park
Brunch and Burlesque                                                                                                                                               Fall 2021 Career Fair
                                                                                   Workshop Series                        HealthCare Connections                      9am Brick Breeden Fieldhouse
   10am                Starlite Bozeman            Museum of the Rockies            6pm          Bozeman Comfort Inn         2pm         West Yellowstone          HealthCare Connections
Brunch Live Music – Ryan Acker             Writing Your Family Story: A         Live Poker                                Read to a Dog                               9am           West Yellowstone
   11am              Pine Creek Lodge                                              1pm                       Cat’s Paw       4pm    Bozeman Public Library         Book Signing w/Josh Quick for
                                             Writer’s Workshop with                                                                                                   Yellowstone Quick Facts
                                                                                Rich Mayo                                 Amanda Stewart & Friends
Bozeman Brewery and Bike Solar                                                                                                                                          4pm        Country Bookshelf
                                               Bill Dedman                         6pm            Kountry Korner Café        5:30pm        Bridger Brewing
   Tour 2:30pm Bozeman Brewing Co.                                                                                                                                 Live Music
                                                                                Bingo Night                               Presenting Prehistory: A
Afternoon Tea 3pm Starlite Bozeman
                                               9am        Bozeman Library                                                                                             5pm                Sage Lodge
                                                                                   7pm                   Rocking R Bar       Paleontology Lecture Series           Matt Miller 7pm           Bourbon
The Approach, a play by Mark               Thriving Parents Seminar                                                           5:30pm                               Bridger Creek Boys
                                                                                Free lecture: John Haworth on
   O’Rowe 3pm            Story Mansion       6pm            Thrive Bozeman         Contemporary Native American                     Museum of the Rockies             7pm          Red Tractor Pizza
Bridger Mountain Big Band                                                           Art 7pm     Museum of the Rockies     Game Night Live Trivia                   The Road Agents
                                           Jackson Flannery                                                                  6pm     SHINE Beer Sanctuary             7pm       Bozeman Hot Springs
   7pm                      Eagles Bar                                          Bingo Night
                                             6:30pm      Red Tractor Pizza                                                Bozeman Maze                             Now w/ Annie and Levin Improv
                                                                                   8pm                     Molly Brown                                                8pm          Last Best Comedy
Dead Sky 7pm Bozeman Hot Springs
                                                                                                                             6pm           Bozeman Maze
                                           Sunrise Karaoke                      Bone Dry Comedy Hour                                                               Bucket Night 8pm             Bar IX
Twisted Trivia 7pm               Bar IX                                                                                   Neil Beddow
                                                                                   8pm                Last Best Comedy                                             Karaoke w/ Living the Dream
Casual Sets 7pm      Last Best Comedy        9pm          American Legion                                                    8pm                Eagles Bar            9pm                 Eagles Bar

 10                                         11                                   12                                        13                                       14
         Lighting of the Teepees                   Indigenous Peoples’                 Lighting of the                              Lighting of the Teepees                 Lighting of the Teepees
                            Peets Hill                                                                                                                Peets Hill                               Peets Hill
                                                   Day                                  Teepees Peets Hill                          Regal Cinemas                           Regal Cinemas
         Regal Cinemas                                   Bozeman Library               Regal Cinemas                                       Regal Gallatin Valley                   Regal Gallatin Valley
                 Regal Gallatin Valley                                                                                    Environmental Impact II
                                           Lighting of the Teepees                       Regal Gallatin Valley                                                     Environmental Impact II
Wild Game Cooking Class                                                                                                      9am        Museum of the Rockies         9am        Museum of the Rockies
                                                                Peets Hill      Environmental Impact II                   Women: A Century of Change
   9am            Ross Creek Cabins                                                                                                                                Women: A Century of Change
                                           Regal Cinemas                                                                     9am        Museum of the Rockies         9am        Museum of the Rockies
Environmental Impact II                                                            9am Museum of the Rockies              National Fossil Day
                                                     Regal Gallatin Valley                                                                                         Sixth Annual Early Childhood
   9am         Museum of the Rockies                                            Women: A Century of                          10am      Montana Science Center
                                           Environmental Impact II                                                                                                    Luncheon 11:45am Virtual Event
Women: A Century of Change                                                                                                Chamber City Candidate Forum
                                                                                   Change                                                                          Live Music
   9am         Museum of the Rockies
                                              9am Museum of the Rockies                                                      11am        Riverside Country Club
                                                                                                                                                                      5pm                   Sage Lodge
                                           Women: A Century of                     9am Museum of the Rockies              Keith Scott Blues
                                                                                                                                                                   Dustin Tucker
Brunch Live Music – Quenby                                                                                                   5:30pm             Bridger Brewing
   11am            Pine Creek Lodge           Change                            Live Poker                                Wax Wednesdays w/ Crisco                    7pm         Bozeman Hot Springs
                                              9am Museum of the Rockies                                                                                            Moonlight Moonlight
Bridger Mountain Big Band                                                          1pm              Cat’s Paw                6pm              Red Tractor Pizza
                                                                                                                                                                      7pm             Red Tractor Pizza
                                           Pints w/ Purpose –                                                             Game Night Live Trivia
   7pm                    Eagles Bar                                            Rich Mayo                                    6pm         SHINE Beer Sanctuary      The Kingston Trio
Hot Springs EDM Night                         Engineers w/o Borders                6pm   Kountry Korner Café              Bozeman Maze 6pm Bozeman Maze               7:30pm               Ellen Theatre
   7pm          Bozeman Hot Springs            5pm        Bridger Brewing                                                 5K Brew Run Series                       Theodore Van Alst & Stephen
                                                                                Bingo Night                                  6pm Bozeman Running Company              Graham Jones discussion
Casual Sets                                Thriving Parents Seminar
                                                                                   7pm         Rocking R Bar              Fall Candidate Forums                        7:30pm         Country Bookshelf
   7pm             Last Best Comedy           6pm        Thrive Bozeman                                                      6:30pm             Belgrade Library   Now w/ Annie and Levin Improv
Twisted Trivia                             Weston Lewis                         Bingo Night                               BFS presents Pig 7pm Ellen Theatre          8pm             Last Best Comedy
   7pm                          Bar IX        6:30pm Red Tractor Pizza             8pm            Molly Brown             Margaret Renkl & Ed Tarkington           Bucket Night
                                                                                                                             discuss Graceland, At Last               8pm                         Bar IX
Black Label Society                        Sunrise Karaoke                      Bone Dry Comedy Hour                           7:30pm         Country Bookshelf    Karaoke w/ Living the Dream
   7:30pm                   The ELM           9pm        American Legion           8pm      Last Best Comedy              Kristen Lundell 8pm        Eagles Bar       9pm                     Eagles Bar

 17                                        18                                   19                                        20                                       21
          Lighting of the Teepees                  Regal Cinemas                        Regal Cinemas                              Regal Cinemas                            Regal Cinemas
                             Peets Hill                                                        Regal Gallatin Valley                      Regal Gallatin Valley                     Regal Gallatin Valley
                                                        Regal Gallatin Valley                                                                                               Women: A Century of
          Regal Cinemas                                                                 Women: A Century of                        Women: A Century of
                                                   Women: A Century of                                                               Change                                  Change
                  Regal Gallatin Valley
                                                                                          Change 9am           MOR                                                             9am                  MOR
Environmental Impact II                    Change 9am                   MOR                                                           9am                 MOR      Science From Mount Olympus Day
                                                                                Environmental Impact II                   Environmental Impact II
   9am         Museum of the Rockies                                                                                                                                  Camp 9am       MT Science Center
                                           Homeschool Mondays                      9am     Museum of the Rockies
Women: A Century of Change                                                                                                   9am        Museum of the Rockies      Environmental Impact II
   9am         Museum of the Rockies         9am      Museum of the Rockies     Adult Education Workshop                  Library Community Forum                     9am        Museum of the Rockies
Brunch Live Music – Chandler               Environmental Impact II                 5pm                                       1:30pm     Bozeman Public Library     Live Music
                                                                                                                          Walcrik                                     5pm                   Sage Lodge
   Huntley 11am     Pine Creek Lodge                                                  Gallatin Conservation District
                                             9am      Museum of the Rockies                                                  5:30pm            Bridger Brewing
                                                                                                                                                                   Montana’s Ordinary & Extraordinary
2021 Fall Tour: Bridger Foothills                                               Live Poker 1pm           Cat’s Paw                                                    Fishes: OLLI @ MSU
   Fire 12pm           Bridger Foothills   Pints w/ Purpose – KGLT                                                        Game Night Live Trivia                       5:30pm           Belgrade Library
                                                                                Rich Mayo                                    6pm         SHINE Beer Sanctuary
Montana Old Time Fiddlers                    5pm             Bridger Brewing                                                                                       Bozeman Candidate Forum
                                                                                   6pm         Kountry Korner Café        Bozeman Maze                                6:30pm     Bozeman Public Library
   2pm Fish Tale Tavern – Townsend
                                           Thriving Parents Seminar             Bingo Night 7pm Rocking R Bar                6pm               Bozeman Maze        Bridger Creek Boys
Bridger Mountain Big Band
                                             6pm             Thrive Bozeman     Bingo Night 8pm        Molly Brown        Local Author Showcase Kids                  7pm             Red Tractor Pizza
   7pm                      Eagles Bar
                                                                                                                             Edition 6pm     Country Bookshelf     Ryan Acker
Second Chance Prom                         Winter Shakers                       Bone Dry Comedy Hour                                                                  7pm          Bozeman Hot Springs
   7pm     Biome Slow Craft Collective                                                                                    Bozeman Candidate Forum
                                             6:30pm         Red Tractor Pizza      8pm           Last Best Comedy                                                  Board Game Night!
Swamp Dawg                                                                                                                   6:30pm     Bozeman Public Library        7pm     Steep Mountain Tea House
                                                                                Thor Hanson – Hurricane                   Modern Quilting Seams and
   7pm           Bozeman Hot Springs       BPL Book Club                                                                                                           Now w/ Annie and Levin Improv
                                                                                   Lizards & Plastic Squid                   Screams 6:30pm       Virtual Event       8pm             Last Best Comedy
Casual Sets                                  6:30pm Bozeman Public Library
                                                                                    7:30pm       Country Bookshelf        Bozeman Candidate Forum Series           Bucket Night
   7pm              Last Best Comedy
                                           Sunrise Karaoke                      Tech N9ne                                    6:30pm     Bozeman Public Library        8pm                          Bar IX
Twisted Trivia                                                                                                                                                     Karaoke w/ Living the Dream
                                             9pm             American Legion       8pm                    The ELM         Mathias
   7pm                           Bar IX                                                                                                                               9pm                    Eagles Bar
                                                                                                                             8pm                    Eagles Bar

24                                         25                                   26                                        27                                       28
        Regal Cinemas                               Women: A Century of              Regal Cinemas                     Regal Cinemas                                         Regal Cinemas
                                                    Change 9am            MOR                                               Regal Gallatin Valley                                    Regal Gallatin Valley
                   Regal Gallatin                                                         Regal Gallatin Valley
                                                    Environmental Impact II                                                                                                  Environmental Impact II
                          Valley                    9am                   MOR                                          Environmental   Impact II                               9am                   MOR
                                                                                     Environmental Impact II
Women: A Century of                        Pints w/ Purpose – Eagle Mount                                               9am                                        Women: A Century of Change
                                              5pm               Bridger Brewing      9am                                  Museum of the Rockies                       9am          Museum of the Rockies
   Change                                  Thriving Parents Seminar                                                                                                Monster-ology Day Camp
    9am Museum of the Rockies                                                          Museum   of the Rockies  Women: A Century of Change
                                              6pm              Thrive Bozeman                                                                                         9am         Montana Science Center
                                           Greg Swain 6:30pm Red Tractor Pizza Women: A Century of Change         9am     Museum of the Rockies                    Live Music 5pm            Sage Lodge
Environmental Impact II
                                           Sunrise Karaoke                                                      Adult Science + Art Class:                         Dyslexia and Innovation
   9am    Museum of the Rockies               9pm              American Legion   9am   Museum of the Rockies                                                          Symposium 5pm                  MSU
                                                                                                                  Drawing Dinosaurs
The Frogs                                                                                                                                                          Chamber’s Business After Hours
                                                                                Live Poker                                   5:30pmMuseum of the Rockies              5:30pm              Stockman Bank
   3pm        Shane Lalani Center                                                                                         Wax Wednesdays w/ Crisco
                                                                                   1pm                      Cat’s Paw                                              Moonlight Moonlight
The Dirt Farmers                                                                                                            6pm          Red Tractor Pizza            7pm               Red Tractor Pizza
   6pm          Red Tractor Pizza                                               Rich Mayo                                 Game Night Live Trivia                   John Floridis
                                                                                                                                                                      7pm           Bozeman Hot Springs
Bridger Mountain Big Band                                                          6pm           Kountry Korner Café        6pm     SHINE Beer Sanctuary           Rastreilli Cello Quartet
   7pm                Eagles Bar                                                Bingo Night                               Bozeman Maze                                7:30pm                Ellen Theatre
Indie Rock Showcase                                                                                                         6pm            Bozeman Maze            Laura Kalpakian shares Memory
                                                                                   7pm                  Rocking R Bar                                                 into Memoir
   7pm      Bozeman Hot Springs                                                                                           Local Author Showcase                         7:30pm         Country Bookshelf
Casual Sets                                                                     Bingo Night                                 6pm         Country Bookshelf          Now w/ Annie and Levin Improv
   7pm         Last Best Comedy                                                    8pm                    Molly Brown     BFS presents Lamb                           8pm              Last Best Comedy
                                                                                                                            7pm              Ellen Theatre         Bucket Night 8pm                 Bar IX
Twisted Trivia                                                                  Bone Dry Comedy Hour                                                               Karaoke w/ Living the Dream
   7pm                     Bar IX                                                                                         Chandler Huntley                            9pm                      Eagles Bar
                                                                                   8pm             Last Best Comedy         8pm                 Eagles Bar

 31          Happy                         Women: A Century of Change            Haunted Mountain Theater
                                             9am Museum of the Rockies             3pm Museum of the Rockies
                                           Bozeman MADE fair                     Casual Sets
                                             11am        MSU Fieldhouse            7pm          Last Best Comedy

 Halloween                                 Spooky Science
                                             11amMontana Science Center
                                           Bozeman Symphony presents
                                                                                 Twisted Trivia
                                                                                   7pm                     Bar IX

Regal Cinemas                                Symphonie Fantastique
          Regal Gallatin Valley                2:30pm Willson Auditorium
Environmental Impact II                    The Frogs
  9am Museum of the Rockies                  3pm Shane Lalani Center for
                                                            the Arts
I F I T ' S H A P P ENI NG ... I T ' S I N T H E B O Z O NE
                Friday                                                 Saturday

  1   Regal Cinemas
                Regal Gallatin Valley
      Annual Tent Sale                                    2
                                                                Regal Cinemas
                                                                Farmer’s Market – Butte
                                                                                        Regal Gallatin Valley
                                                                                    Uptown Mainstreet Butte
                                                                Belgrade Fall Fest 5K 8am              Belgrade

       10am          Architect’s Wife                   Bozeman Maze 10am                     Bozeman Maze
Fabulous Fridays Webinar                                Belgrade Fall Festival
                                                           10am                Lewis & Clark Park – Belgrade
  10am                   Virtual Event                  Annual Tent Sale 10am                  Architect’s Wife
Donnie’s Inferno                                        Brunch Live Music – Cole Decker
  5:30pm         Kountry Korner Café                       11am                             Pine Creek Lodge
                                                        Friends Pop Up Used Book Sale
Bozeman Maze 6pm Bozeman Maze                              11am                      Bozeman Public Library
Supper Club                                             Hidden Secrets of the Old County Jail
                                                           4:30pm                    Gallatin History Museum
  6:30pm            Starlite Bozeman                    Live Music 5pm                             Sage Lodge
Friday Night Jazz                                       Supper Club 5:30pm                   Starlite Bozeman
  7pm              Red Tractor Pizza                    Dirk Alan 5:30pm                 Kountry Korner Café
                                                        Cole Thorne 7pm                     Red Tractor Pizza
Raptor Fest                                             Bent Records & Moonlight Moonlight
  7pm                   Ellen Theatre                      7:45pm                                Filling Station
Todd Snider                                             Bruce & the Catskills
                                                           8pm                                         Bourbon
  7pm                        The ELM                    Sunrise Karaoke
The Approach, a play by Mark                               8pm                                 Friendly Tavern
  O’Rowe 8pm           Story Mansion                    Whiz BANG! 8pm                     Last Best Comedy
                                                        The Approach, a play by Mark O’Rowe
Dead Yellers 9pm              Bourbon                      8pm                                  Story Mansion
Brickhouse Band                                         Brickhouse Band
                                                           9pm                              Chico Hot Springs
  9pm              Chico Hot Springs                    House DJ 9:30pm                             Eagles Bar
House DJ 9:30pm            Eagles Bar                   Notorious BOZ 10pm                 Last Best Comedy

 8                                                       9
      Lighting of the Teepees                                   Lighting of the Teepees              Peets Hill
                                                                Regal Cinemas             Regal Gallatin Valley
                            Peets Hill                          Bozeman Winter Farmers’ Market
      Regal Cinemas                                               9am             Gallatin County Fairgrounds
                Regal Gallatin Valley                   Wild Game Cooking Class 9am Ross Creek Cabins
Fabulous Fridays Webinar                                Environmental Impact II 9am Museum of the Rockies
                                                        Women: A Century of Change
  10am                  Virtual Event                      9am                        Museum of the Rockies
OLLI at MSU Friday Forum                                Bozeman Maze 10am                      Bozeman Maze
  12pm                  Virtual Event                   Brunch Live Music – Blake Brightman
                                                           11am                             Pine Creek Lodge
Donnie’s Inferno                                        Harvest Market
  5:30pm        Kountry Korner Café                        12pm                Yellowstone Alliance Adventure
Bozeman Maze                                            Tap into Pine Creek Brew Fest
                                                           3pm                              Pine Creek Lodge
  6pm                Bozeman Maze                       Live Music 5pm                             Sage Lodge
Science Night In                                        Dirk Alan 5:30pm                  Kountry Korner Café
  6pm       Montana Science Center                      PermaFunk 7pm                       Red Tractor Pizza
                                                        The Joshua Show
Friday Night Jazz                                          7pm           Warren Miller Performing Arts Center
  7pm              Red Tractor Pizza                    Amadeus: The Concert
El Wencho                                                  7:30pm                         Gallatin High School
  9pm      Chico Hot Springs Saloon                     Whiz BANG! 8pm                      Last Best Comedy
                                                        Sunrise Karaoke 8pm                    Friendly Tavern
Sunrise Entertainment                                   Hidden Secrets of the Old County Jail
  9pm Sacajawea Bar – Three Forks                          8pm                       Gallatin History Museum
Dead Yellers                                            El Wencho 9pm               Chico Hot Springs Saloon
                                                        Dead Yellers 9:30pm                         Eagles Bar
  9:30pm                 Eagles Bar                     Notorious BOZ 10pm                  Last Best Comedy

15                                                       16
         Lighting of the Teepees           Peets Hill            Lighting of the Teepees              Peets Hill
         Environmental Impact II                                 Regal Cinemas             Regal Gallatin Valley
           9am               Museum of the Rockies               Montana Fresh Hop Festival
         Women: A Century of Change                                      8am       Gallatin County Fairgrounds
            9am              Museum of the Rockies      Environmental Impact II
Fabulous Fridays Webinar 10am          Virtual Event       9am                         Museum of the Rockies
Donnie’s Inferno 5:30pm         Kountry Korner Café     Women: A Century of Change
Bozeman Maze 6pm                     Bozeman Maze          9am                         Museum of the Rockies
Of Wilderness and Resorts                               Bozeman Maze
   6:30pm       Warren Miller Performing Arts Center       10am                                Bozeman Maze
Friday Night Jazz 7pm              Red Tractor Pizza    Brunch Live Music – Cleo Toll
Charlie Parr 7pm                           The ELM         11am                              Pine Creek Lodge
Marco                                                   Jr Carpenter Pumpkin Carving Contest
Castro                                                     11am                     Kenyon Noble – Bozeman
Band 9pm                                                Live Music 5pm                              Sage Lodge
Chico Hot                                               Dirk Alan 5:30pm                   Kountry Korner Café
Springs                                                 Jesse Atkins 7pm                     Red Tractor Pizza
                                                        Trampolines 7pm                                The Hub
                                                                                                                              S I NCE 1993

Cemetery                                                International Observe the Moon Night
tours 9pm                                                  7pm                         Museum of the Rockies
Sunset Hills                                            Whiz BANG! 8pm                       Last Best Comedy
Cemetery                                                Sunrise Karaoke
Tsunami                                                    8pm                                  Friendly Tavern
Funk                                                    Marco Castro Band
9:30pm                                                     9pm                               Chico Hot Springs
Eagles Bar                                              Tsunami Funk
                                                           9:30pm                                    Eagles Bar
                                                        Notorious BOZ 10pm                   Last Best Comedy

22                                                      23
        Regal Cinemas         Regal Gallatin Valley             Regal Cinemas           Regal Gallatin Valley
        Women: A Century of Change                              Women: A Century of Change
         9am                Museum of the Rockies                 9am               Museum of the Rockies
        Science From Mount Olympus Day                          Bozeman Winter Farmers’ Market
          Camp 9am        Montana Science Center           9am                  Gallatin County Fairgrounds
Nonprofit Cafe// Performance Management That            Farm-To-Fashion
   Performs 9am                       Virtual Event        9am          Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture
Environmental Impact II                                 Environmental Impact II
   9am                      Museum of the Rockies          9am                      Museum of the Rockies
Fabulous Fridays Webinar                                Bozeman Maze 10am                    Bozeman Maze
   10am                               Virtual Event     Family Fun Halloween Fest

Donnie’s Inferno                                           11am            Headwaters Ranch – Three Forks
   5:30pm                      Kountry Korner Café      Live Music 5pm                           Sage Lodge
Bozeman Maze                                            Dirk Alan
   6pm                             Bozeman Maze
                                                                                                                      October 1st-31st , 2021

                                                           5:30pm                       Kountry Korner Café
Warren Miller’s Winter Starts Now                       Haunted Mountain Theater
   6pm        Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture        7pm                      Museum of the Rockies
Friday Night Jazz                                       The Frogs
   7pm                           Red Tractor Pizza         8pm              Shane Lalani Center for the Arts
Haunted Mountain Theater                                Whiz BANG!
   7pm                      Museum of the Rockies          8pm                            Last Best Comedy
Open Mic 7pm            Steep Mountain Tea House        Sunrise Karaoke 8pm                  Friendly Tavern
The Frogs 8pm       Shane Lalani Center for the Arts    Blake Brightman Band
Warren Miller’s Winter Starts Now                          9pm                            Chico Hot Springs
   9pm        Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture     Ornery Jacks
Blake Brightman Band                                       9:30pm                                 Eagles Bar
   9pm                           Chico Hot Springs      Notorious BOZ
Ornery Jacks 9:30pm                     Eagles Bar         10pm                           Last Best Comedy

29                                                      30
        Regal Cinemas        Regal Gallatin Valley               Regal Cinemas                Regal Gallatin Valley
        Environmental Impact II                                  Environmental Impact II
         9am              Museum of the Rockies                   9am                      Museum of the Rockies
                                                                 Women: A Century of Change
        Dyslexia and Innovation Symposium
                                                                  9am                      Museum of the Rockies
         9am            Extended MSU University         Run for Your Life Halloween 5k & Kid’s Run/Walk
Women: A Century of Change                                 9:30am                        Brick Breeden Fieldhouse
   9am                    Museum of the Rockies         Bozeman Maze 10am                          Bozeman Maze
Potions Class Day Camp                                  Boo Bash 1pm                         Gallatin Valley YMCA
   9am                   Montana Science Center         Family Grossology Halloween Party
                                                           2pm                             Museum of the Rockies
Fabulous Fridays Webinar
                                                        Live Music 5pm                                 Sage Lodge
   10am                              Virtual Event      Dirk Alan 5:30pm                      Kountry Korner Café
Donnie’s Inferno 5:30pm      Kountry Korner Café        Vibe Quartet 7pm                         Red Tractor Pizza
Bozeman Maze 6pm                  Bozeman Maze          Haunted Mountain Theater 7pm       Museum of the Rockies
Friday Night Jazz 7pm           Red Tractor Pizza       Bozeman Symphony presents Symphonie Fantastique
Ballroom Dance Bozeman’s Ghouls’ Night Out                 7:30pm                               Willson Auditorium
                                                        Terrapin Flyer – Deadhead Halloween
   7pm                    Bozeman Senior Center
                                                           8pm                                            The ELM
Haunted Mountain Theater                                The Frogs
   7pm                    Museum of the Rockies            8pm                     Shane Lalani Center for the Arts
The Frogs                                               Whiz BANG!
   8pm             Shane Lalani Center for the Arts        8pm                                  Last Best Comedy
Big Caboose All Stars                                   Sunrise Karaoke 8pm                        Friendly Tavern
                                                        Big Caboose All Stars
   9pm                          Chico Hot Springs
                                                           9pm                                   Chico Hot Springs
Blue Belly Junction                                     Blue Belly Junction 9:30pm                      Eagles Bar
   9:30pm                              Eagles Bar       Notorious BOZ 10pm                      Last Best Comedy
October 01, 2021                                                                                                                         The BoZone • Volume 28, Number 19

                                                 M usic             in and             a round                 the         B o Z one

El Wencho, Big Caboose                                                         Symphony’s next program articulates
All Stars liven up                                                             tumultuous love affair
Chico Saloon                                                                       Bozeman Symphony will present
                                                                               the second set of performances in
                                                                               its new season with “symphonie
There’s a                                                                      Fantastique” late this month. On
full calen-                                                                    Saturday and Sunday, October 30th
dar at                                                                         and 31st, pianist rodolfo Leone
Chico                                                                          will join music director Norman
Hot                                                                            Huynh and the Symphony
Springs                                                                        Orchestra in Willson Auditorium.
Saloon as                                                                      The music begins at 7:30pm and
the local                                                                      2:30pm, respectfully.
getaway                                                                            The performances will feature
looks to                                                                       Weber’s Overture to Der Freischütz,
keep its                                                                       Prokofiev’s Piano Concerto No. 3 in
guests                                                                         C Major and the centerpiece
enter-                                     Following the Marco castro          Symphonie Fantastique by Berlioz.       been described as having “impecca-         Conservatory in Pesaro, Italy.
tained, among others. The resort is    Band Oct. 15th and 16th, the                A brilliant Italian-born pianist,   ble style” and “absolute technical             Adult admission for ‘Symphonie
perfect for overnight escapes with     Blake Brightman Band plays for          27-year-old Leone was the first-prize   control.” (Il Nuovo Amico).                Fantastique’ begins at $27 with dis-
live entertainment every weekend.      Saloon-goers Oct. 22nd and 23rd.        winner of the 2017 International            Rodolfo is currently based in Los      counted student tickets available.
Here’s a look at what’s coming up.     The five-piece follows the front-       Beethoven Piano Competition             Angeles where he previously studied        Tickets for all Bozeman Symphony
    Brickhouse Band brings the         woman’s lead with an energetic set      Vienna. Described as “a true sound      at the Colburn Conservatory of             performances may be reserved in
live entertainment October 1st and     of hits and originals. The              philosopher” (Oberösterreichische       Music. He holds both a Master of           advance at www.bozemansym-
2nd. The Billings-based performers     singer/songwriter’s stylings fall       Nachrichten), Rodolfo released his      Music degree and an Artist        or at the door, based on
will be sure to pack the dance floor   somewhere between country west-         debut album on in 2018. The all-        Diploma from Colburn, where he             availability. Those interested may
with rockin’ crowd favorites and       ern and Mississippi blues, with her     Beethoven disc features two pillars     studied with Fabio Bidini. He previ-       also visit the Symphony offices,
other jams. Grab a drink from the      own modern spin.                        of the piano repertoire: the            ously studied at the Hans Eisler           located at 1001 W Oak, Ste. 110, or
bar and boogie down!                       Howl at the moon when the Big       “Hammerklavier” Sonata and the          School of Music in Berlin,                 call (406) 585-9774 for further
    The sonically magic and equally    caboose all stars reconvene over        “Waldstein” Sonata. His playing has     Germany and at the G. Rossini              details. •
entertaining el Wencho are back        Halloween weekend, Oct. 29th and
for a pair of Chico shows Oct. 8th     30th. Their funk and soul will have
and 9th. For most people, the image    the crowd boogying down whether
of an “acoustic duo” conjures          dressed up or simply out enjoying

                                                                               ELM brings variety of national acts to
images of two soft spoken musicians    the show! The official celebration of
singing folk rock and hippie jam       All Hallow’s Eve is set for Saturday.
songs. This is not the case with the   Put together your best costume so
Wench. Two original members of
the Clintons, John and Josh joke,
                                       people don’t stare.
                                           Live Saloon music begins at
                                                                               brand new event space
“we’re half the band, twice the        9pm. Chico Hot Springs is located           As we dig out our sweaters and      powerhouse drummer Jeff Fabb.              artists from all genres, exemplified
party!” The guys are no strangers to   in Pray, 20 miles south of              long pants, the area’s newest live          A regular guest to the Gallatin        by collaborations with the likes of
throwing a rocking good time. Their    Livingston. Come sip, soak and          music venue is giving locals a reason   Valley, charlie Parr follows on            The Doors, Slipknot’s Corey
show is a hotdish or “badasserole”     swing! For more information, visit      to brave the cool fall nights with a    Oct. 15th at 8pm. Advance tickets          Taylor, Eminem and Boyz II Men,
of musical genres and style.  •              number of upcoming shows. The           are $22.                                   among others.
                                                                               ELM is now open and bringing                His new album, Last of the Better          Hard rockers drowning Pool
                                                                               national acts to Bozeman. Here’s a      Days Ahead, is a collection of power-      and ill niño visit Bozeman on Oct.
                                                                               look at just a few of the upcoming      ful songs about how one looks back         25th. The music starts at 7pm.
                                                                               happenings.                             on a life lived, as well as forward on     Advance tickets are $30.
                                                                                   Black Label society performs        what’s still to come. Its spare produc-        Giant riffs, crowd moving
                                                                               with help from Obituary and Prong       tion foregrounds Parr’s poetic lyri-       grooves and monstrous vocals are
                                                                               on October 10th. Music begins at        cism, his expressive, gritty voice ring-   the tools with which Drowning Pool
                                                                               7:30pm. Advance tickets are $37.50.     ing clear over deft acoustic guitar        build triumph out of tragedy, steadi-
                                                                                   A dedicated disciple of Zeppelin,   playing that references folk and blues     ly evolve without compromise, and
                                                                               Sabbath and Deep Purple, frontman       motifs in Parr’s own exploratory,          remain true to their supporters with
                                                                               Zakk Wylde looks to the massive gui-    idiosyncratic style.                       over a decade’s worth of remarkable
                                                                               tar hooks in classics like “Whole           The ELM welcomes tech n9ne             fortitude and attitude. An American
                                                                               Lotta Love,” “Into the Void” and        on Oct. 19th. Rittz, King Iso, Maez        made heavy metal band from New
                                                                               “Smoke On the Water” as guiding         301 and Jehry Robinson join for the        Jersey, ill niño comes to Montana
                                                                               lights. Touring their upcoming          8pm show. Advance tickets are $35.         ahead of their forthcoming IllMortals
                                                                               release Doom Crew Inc., the album           The underground hip-hop artist         album to be released later this year.

                                                                               sees Wylde trading solos and twin-      has earned three
                                                                               guitar parts with Dario Lorina,         gold records and sold over two mil-            terrapin Flyer makes their
                                                                               backed by the rumble of longtime        lion albums. Tech’s multi-faceted          debut appearance in Bozeman for
                                                                               bassist John “J.D.” DeServio and        skillset has caught the attention of       “a deadhead halloween” on
                                                                                                                                                                  Oct. 30th. The event kicks off
                                                                                                                                                                  with music at 8pm. Advance tickets
                                                                                                                                                                  are $15.
                                                                                                                                                                      The band will be performing the
                                                                                                                                                                  music of the Grateful Dead with
                                                                                                                                                                  such authenticity that concertgoers
                                                                                                                                                                  will be transported back in time to
                                                                                                                                                                  the finest days of the Grateful Dead.
                                                                                                                                                                  The band is one of the top touring
                                                                                                                                                                  Dead tributes.
                                                                                                                                                                      Vermont rockers twiddle kick
                                                                                                                                                                  off a new month on November 3rd.
                                                                                                                                                                  Local group MOTH will get the
                                                                                                                                                                  music started at 8pm. Advance tick-
                                                                                                                                                                  ets are $22.
                                                                                                                                                                       With nearly two decades of
                                                                                                                                                                  relentless touring behind them, the
                                                                                                                                                                  band has performed everywhere
                                                                                                                                                                  from Red Rocks to Bonnaroo, and
                                                                                                                                                                  all the historic rock venues in
                                                                                                                                                                  between. In the live setting, audi-
                                                                                                                                                                  ences are invigorated by Twiddle’s
                                                                                                                                                                  community, promoting positivity and
                                                                                                                                                                  the band’s skillful improvisational
                                                                                                                                                                  music. Plump Chapters 1 & 2 are
                                                                                                                                                                  available now.
                                                                                                                                                                       Looking ahead, highly
                                                                                                                                                                  suspect take the stage Nov. 5th.
                                                                                                                                                                  Music starts at 8pm. Advance tickets
                                                                                                                                                                  are $15. Doors at 7pm.
                                                                                                                                                                       The band’s third album, MCID,
                                                                                                                                                                  is a manifesto full of lead singer
                                                                                                                                                                  Johnny Steven’s private confessions,
                                                                                                                                                                  packed to the brim with themes of
                                                                                                                                                                  self loathing, body image issues,
                                                                                                                                                                  substance abuse, addressing his
                                                                                                                                                                  complicated past and trying to
                                                                                                                                                                  change his future.
                                                                                                                                                                       The ELM is located at 506 N 7th
                                                                                                                                                                  in the heart of Bozeman. Peruse
                                                                                                                                                                  current happenings and buy
                                                                                                                                                                  advance tickets at . Concerts are all-
                                                                                                                                                                  ages. Follow on Facebook and
                                                                                                                                                                  Instagram for the most up to date
                                                                                                                                                                  event announcements. Announced
                                                                                                                                                                  event dates subject to change. •
page 2A • Volume 28, Number 19 - October 01, 2021 • The BoZone Entertainment Calendar • www.BoZ • 406-586-6730 ––– Tell ’em, “I Saw It In The BoZone!”
O ctOber 01, 2021 • t he r Olling Z One • P age 7c

Brunch tunes fill live music void in                                                                                   BMM launches new season
Pine Creek post-season                                                                                                 with ambitious program
    Following a fantastic summer of      irreverent                                                                         Baroque Music                                        with Montana
outdoor concerts, Pine Creek Lodge       sounds. Fans of                                                                Montana will pres-                                       Shakespeare in the
will keep live music lovers fulfilled    good ole,                                                                      ent “Amadeus:                                            Parks.
with its continuing Brunch Live          homegrown                                                                      The Concert” in                                                Admission for
Music Series. The regular weekend        Western                                                                        Bozeman’s new                                            the performance is
sets are held from 11am–1pm.             Americana and                                                                  acoustically stun-                                       $30 general or $5
    Cole decker is first up this         rock can                                                                       ning Gallatin High                                       for students.
month, with a performance on             expect a                                                                       Auditorium on                                            Ticketing informa-
October 2nd. The Mississippi-born        stripped-down,                                                                 Saturday, October                                        tion for the local
singer/songwriter pulls from his         one-man show                                                                   9th. The intimate                                        concerts, as well as
musical roots of old school country.     of a similar                                                                   performance will                                         other regional per-
He’s influenced by the likes of          variety.                                                                       begin at 7:30pm.                                         formances, is avail-
Waylon Jennings and newer artists            Chandler                               Cleo Toll                               Top regional                                         able at www.baro-
including Chris Stapleton, Brent         huntley fol-                                                                   classical musicians                                      quemusicmon-
Cobb and Jason Isbell.                   lows on Oct.                                                                   will explore influences and connec- The venue will provide
    On Oct. 3rd, enjoy the many tal-     17th. He                                                                       tions to the brilliant and jubilant      for excellent air exchange and
ents of ryan Acker. The guitar-          draws influ-                                                                   Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The             distancing.
playing, banjo-plucking songwriter       ence from                                                                      program opens with Bozeman’s                 Baroque Music Montana spe-
from The Last Revel plays a healthy      Johnny Cash,                                                                   advanced high school ensemble,           cializes in chamber music inspired
blend of acoustic versions of the full   Merle                                                                          Kamerata, as a kick off to their         by history. The musician roster
band’s songs, one or two fun covers,     Haggard, Guy                                                                   tour of Salzburg and Vienna. Join        rotates based on desired instrumen-
and some originals.                      Clark, John                                                                    Carrie Krause, Julia Slovarp,            tation for repertoire. Concerts are
    The following weekend features       Prine, Robert                                                                  Angella Ahn, Julie Gosswiller,           held in intimate spaces, for which
Blake Brightman on Oct. 9th.             Earl Keen and                                                                  Natalie Padilla and friends in this      the music was originally intended,
The singer/songwriter’s stylings fall    other country                                                                  polished, fiery and joyous celebra-      and often on period instruments.
somewhere between country western        greats, from                                                                   tion of Mozart’s craft.                  Using historical instruments and
and Mississippi blues, with her own      the current                           Chandler Huntley                             Repertoire to include Sonatae tam    referencing original manuscripts,
modern spin. She fronts a five-piece     and past.                                                                      aris quam aulis servientes No. IV by     iconography, and historical writing
of the same name.                            Also at Pine Creek, the inaugural   available now.                         H.I.F. Biber, Symphony No. 44 ‘Trauer’   fuels Baroque Music Montana’s
    Check out Quenby on Oct.             Tap into Pine Creek Brew Fest               Brunch shows are FREE of           by Haydn, Oboe Concerto in C Major       commitment to the music and
10th. She is a classic country and       is set for October 9th. The event will admission, but space is limited.        by Mozart, and Symphony No. 25 in        inspires fresh interpretation. Rather
roots musician from Paradise Valley.     feature the suds from numerous          Current health guidelines will be      G minor by Mozart. Special guest         than recreating something old, the
    Cleo Toll is set for Oct. 16th.      regional brewers, live music by         observed in the dining area. Please    musicians Sarah Stoneback, trum-         aim is to make each performance
He’s a member of dynamic four-           DoubleWide Dreams and Milton            visit www.pinecreeklodgemon-           pet, and Sandy Stimson, oboe, will       of this day, of this space, existing
piece DoubleWide Dreams, known           Menasco, as well as grub courtesy of to learn more about           also be on hand. The performance         because of these musicians and this
for its original, driving, melodic yet   Follow Yer’ Nose BBQ. Tickets are       these and other upcoming events. •     teases an upcoming collaboration         audience. •

Flavorful blend of genre highlights Hot Springs’ upcoming slate
    Accessibility of live music in                                                                                     and some fun covers, Acker                released several recordings mixing
smaller communities like ours is a                                                                                     engages audiences with his amazing        bluesy, folk-rock vocal tunes with
collaborative effort between the                                                                                       performances.                             adventurous solo acoustic guitar
artists who share their talents and                                                                                        Bozeman is home to a wide array       compositions. Captivating audiences
the venues that give them the space                                                                                    of amazing indie rock groups, and         with all the components of his
to do it. One of our local musicians’                                                                                  the Hot Springs is showcasing a few       music – the vocals, words and pure
greatest allies, Bozeman Hot                                                                                           in its inaugural indie rock night         manipulation of sound – Floridis
Springs, will open its stage for                                                                                       on Oct. 24th. The evening will fea-       brings a truly unique performance
groups and individuals all month                                                                                       ture sets by the Dane Andrew              anyone can enjoy.
long. The venue features an outdoor                                                                                    Thompsen Band, Tiny Iota and The              Bozeman Hot Springs is located
stage with weekly live music show-                                                                                     Lovedarts. Come one, come all!            just south of Four Corners. Visit
casing regional and traveling acts                                                                                         Missoula-based singer/song- 
every Thursday and Sunday at 7pm.                                                                                      writer, guitarist and composer John       for operating hours, further event
    Space out to Bozeman’s favorite                                                                                    Floridis engages soakers with an          details and fitness membership
Grateful Dead tribute on October                                                                                       Oct. 28th performance. He has             information. •
3rd. dead sky features members of
local favorites Pinky & the Floyd,       to making crowds groove and sing.          Guitar-playing, banjo-plucking
MOTH, Kelly Nicholson Band and           The members – bringing vocals,          songwriter ryan Acker drops his
the Hooligans. The six-piece is an       multiple guitars, drums, bass, and      guitar case at the Hot Springs on
amazing celebration of one of rock’s     keys – come from all over the coun-     Oct. 21st. He’s a founding member
most legendary groups.                   try, but converged in Bozeman with      of the Minneapolis-based
    The road Agents take the             an awesome, funky sound similar to      Americana band The Last Revel.
stage with their Montana-infused         the jazzy style of music that can be    Playing a healthy blend of acoustic
rock n’ roll on Oct. 7th. The guitar     found in the Big Easy.                  versions of the full band’s songs
and mandolin duo comprised of
Jeff Peterson and Justin Ringsak
covers a wide range of topics,
from songs about firewood to
those about robbing banks.
    The Hot Springs teams up
with Unreal Productions for its
first-ever edM night on Oct.
10th. Featuring local DJs Not
Sure, Mister Spicy, Mirai and
Sounsiva, the show will combine
chill, relaxing EDM beats with
some more up-tempo danceable
songs featuring lights, lasers
and bass.
    A veteran of the Bozeman
music scene, dustin Tucker
fronts a solo show on Oct. 14th.
His music can be described as a
mix of rock riffage, soul and
groove-based pop. It combines
catchy hooks and melodies with
dynamic guitar and vocals. The
Pinky & the Floyd guitarist
released his first solo record
Figurine last year, as well as follow-
up single “Young Love” in 2021.
    swamp dawg follows on
Oct. 17th. Rocking the Bozeman
area with their “Swampy
Southern Soul and New Orleans-
style Funk,” the band is dedicated

        Tel l ’em, “I Saw It In The BoZone!” ––– The BoZone Entertainment Calendar • www.BoZ • 406-586-6730 • Volume 28, Number 19 - October 01, 2021 • page 7C
O ctOber 1, 2021 • t he r Olling Z One • P age 10a

FOE parties down with Dead Yellers, Tsunami Funk & Bluebelly
    De-stress with a night out at Downtown          for the first in the Ibiza Sound Club                                                                                           Country rockers
Bozeman’s Eagles Bar. They’ve got hump day          monthly dance series. Let loose like no one’s                                                                        BlueBelly Junction will bring the
acoustics, dance-friendly weekend groups and        watching to electronic house, progressive,                                                                           noise Oct. 29th and 30th. The
Sunday nights reserved for Bridger Mountain         techno and trance music. Music runs from                                                                             “rockabilly” group brings an arsenal
Big Band.                                           8pm to midnight. Admission is $10. 21+.                                                                              of originals and personalized covers.
    Lace up your comfortable soles for a                Kristin Lundell follows Oct. 13th. The                                                                           The high-energy band tends to veer
live DJ set on October 1st and 2nd. The             local singer/songwriter and guitarist performs                                                                       away from slow jams, other than the
dance floor offers plenty of room to showcase       catchy, melodic rock originals inspired by the                                                                       occasional tune.
the best moves, whether you’ve got a partner        likes of Veruca Salt, Juliana Hatfield and The                                                                                  Thirsty Thursday is best
in crime or are going solo. Music starts at         Beatles. She’ll also have the audience singing                                                                       enjoyed with Living the Dream
9:30pm.                                             along as she puts her spin on hits that span                                                                         Karaoke, setting up at FOE week-
    Neil Filo Beddow is the month’s first           the decades.                                                                                                         ly. Sing your heart out and cheer on
acoustical artist with a show on Oct. 6th. He           Tsunami Funk set up for a pair of ener-                                                                          your friends! Sign-ups start at 9pm.
plays original folk rock for the soul, and          getic shows on Oct. 15th and 16th. The                                                                                          Bridger Mountain Big
describes his guitar style as the “West Dakota      Bozeman-favorite group always packs the                                  Ibiza Sound Club                             Band is back! The ensemble per-
stutter.”                                           dance floor with Funk/R&B-rocking grooves.                                                                            forms regularly at 7pm on Sunday
    Check out the original country rock of the      Tsunami Funk plays tunes from artists like           funk tunes.                                                      evenings. The 17-piece jazz orches-
Dead Yellers on Oct. 8th and 9th. Founded           Stevie Wonder, Pharrell Williams, Bruno                  Act a fool to the trailer trash rock, country    tra celebrates the music of Duke Ellington,
by frontman Peter King, the music follows a         Mars, Red Hot Chili Peppers, James Brown,            and Irish tunes of Ornery Jacks on Oct.              Count Basie, and more, with original arrange-
theme of courage in the face of adversity,          Earth Wind & Fire, Sly & the Family Stone,           22nd and 23rd. The foursome will have the            ments and music of all genres from the 1900s
delivered in an upbeat, western roots format,       Kool & the Gang, Van Morrison, Steely Dan,           audience on their feet until the cows                to today. Check them out on Facebook for per-
ultimately leaving the audience feeling hope-       Bob Marley, and many more!                           come home.                                           formance announcements.
ful and happy. Sometimes joined by fiddle,              The next midweek acoustics will feature              Chandler Huntley takes the stage for a               Acoustic Wednesdays start at 8pm and
pedal steel, bass and harmonica, this group         the stylings of local favorite Mathias on Oct.       solo set on Oct. 27th. He draws influence from       weekend bands are on at 9pm, unless other-
always brings something unique to their             20th. With powerful vocals and a percussive          Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard, Guy Clark,               wise noted. Head downtown for some great
shows, making each different than the last.         guitar style, he’s known for his dynamic live        John Prine, Robert Earl Keen and other coun-         live music or stop in for a cold one and sup-
    Also on Oct. 9th, head up to the ballroom       performances full of acoustic folk, rock, and        try greats, from the current and past.               port our local haunts. •

Live performance lights up the Ellen stage with ensemble shows
    Following its grand re-opening with the         from the band’s five number-one albums. Enjoy                                                             Times wrote of the group, “Musical purpose
return of independent film screenings last          great songs that sound as good today as the first                                                         and personal camaraderie that is infectious!”
month, Downtown Bozeman’s Ellen Theatre             time you heard them! Tickets start at $32.                                                                Tickets are $30.
welcomes one of the most imitated and envied            Following on Thursday, October 28th, kick                                                                A peek at what’s to come: hometown
singing groups of all time to the stage. The        off the weekend with a stirring performance by                                                            favorites Storyhill are back for a show Dec.
Kingston Trio is set to perform on Thursday,        the Rastreilli Cello Quartet. The genre-                                                                  8th, and the new year will see the returns of
October 14th. The music starts at 7:30pm.           bending stringmasters will perform at 7:30pm.                                                             International Guitar Night, comic Paula
    This is the musical threesome that helped           This singularly unique ensemble has been                                                              Poundstone and a performance by the
create the folk scene of the late 1950s and early   thrilling audiences with their renderings of non-                                                         Montana Mikado.
‘60s, influencing the careers of Joan Baez, Bob     traditional programming since 2002. Kira                                                                     Wine, beer and concessions will be sold in
Dylan, Paul Simon and many more. Current            Kaftzoff, founder and artistic director, Kirill                                                           the lobby one hour before each event.
members Mike Marvin, Tim Gorelangton and            Timofeev, Misha Degtjareff and Sergio                                                                     Ticketing and further information about
Don Marovich – all of whom have intrinsic           Drabkin formed the ensemble with a mission                                                                these and other upcoming happenings is
links to the original group – will perform time-    to perform music “between the genres.” Their                                                              available at For
less classics such as “Where Have All the           widely varied programs comfortably mix works        that of George Gershwin, Dave Brubeck and             additional inquiries, call the box office at
Flowers Gone?,” “Tom Dooley” and other hits         by Bach, Saint-Saens and Tchaikovsky with           Leroy Anderson. Come see why the Irish                (406) 585-5885. •

Bridger enters harvest season with taproom tunes & more
    A big winner in this year’s Best of Bozeman     not to mention plenty of her own original           pint sold is donated to a featured local nonprof-    music chosen by its live DJs and information
survey, “Best Brewery” Bridger Brewing is           music.                                              it. Enjoy a house-brewed pint and be charitable      that is supportive and educational to the com-
keeping the events pouring in October. Live             Next up is Keith Scott on Oct. 13th. The        in the process!                                      munities it serves.
music takes place Wednesday nights and              Chicagoan blues-rocker is known for his siz-             Have a brew and help raise dollars for             Proceeds from Oct. 25th will benefit the
patrons can support local nonprofits by sipping     zling guitar, dynamic performances and unique       Engineers without Borderson Oct. 11th.               Eagle Mount. The local nonprofit provides
a pint on Mondays. Here’s a look some upcom-        songwriting.                                        The organization provides clean water and san-       therapeutic recreation for people with disabilities
ing happenings.                                         Walcrick follows Oct. 20th. Comprised of        itation facilities to the primary schools abroad     and children with cancer. These activities offer
    Enjoy live music in the tasting room every      Andrew Morehouse and Tim Baucom, this               by cultivating genuine relationships that            healing and life-affirming experiences.
Hump Day from 5:30–8pm.                             Bozeman-based folk/bluegrass duo plays origi-       empower the community.                                  Bobcat proud, Bridger Brewing provides the
    Enjoy tunes by Amanda Stewart & Co.             nal, traditional and cover music.                        Bridger will host KGLT event on Oct.            Bozeman community with unique hand-crafted
will provide the tunes on Oct. 6th. She per-            Bridger Brewing kicks off the week with         18th. The listener-supported radio station,          brews, fresh artisan-style pizzas and more. Learn
forms acoustic, alternative and country covers –    {Pints with Purpose} from 5–8pm: $1 of every        headquartered on the MSU campus, shares              more at . •

         Tel l ’em, “ I Saw It In The BoZone!” ––– The BoZone Entertainment Calendar • www.BoZ • 406-586-6730 • Volume 28, Number 19 - October 01, 2021 • page 8A
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