Page created by Kathryn Norman
An incidental fee is a fee other than a student contribution or a tuition fee that is
charged for a good or service related to a student’s study (e.g. course reader, field trip,
equipment, etc).

Each year the University updates its list of incidental fees, in accordance with the Higher Education Support
Act (2003), as outlined in the Higher Education Administrative Information for Providers (March 2020, Section
18), 'Incidental Fees'.

Incidental fees that apply to all students are listed followed by additional Faculty, School or Program specific
incidental fees.
All students
Student Services
Academic transcript

 printing                                       $30.00    per copy
 express printing                               $42.00    ($30.00 plus $12.00 express)
 digital copy                                   $20.00    per copy
 express digital                                $32.00    ($20.00 plus $12.00 express)
 printed and digital copy (ordered together)    $40.00    add $12.00 for express processing
 express postage                                $18.00    (includes GST) within Australia
 express courier                                $60.00    (for overseas only) per envelope to the address(es)
ID card

 replacement                                    $26.50    (includes GST)
 express replacement                            $38.50    (includes GST)
 domestic postage of cards                      $10.00    (includes GST) (cards will not be posted internationally)
Australian Higher Education Graduate Statement (HEGS)

 hardcopy printed                               $30.00    per copy
 digital upload                                 $20.00    AHEGS uploaded to My eQuals platform
 hardcopy and digital upload                    $40.00    hardcopy printed and AHEGS uploaded to My eQuals platform
 express courier                                $60.00    (includes GST) outside of Australia
 express postage                                $15.00    (includes GST) within Australia

 replacement parchment                          $150.00 Replacement of existing parchment (includes postage)
 re-issued parchment                            $250.00 Parchment reissued under a new name (includes postage)
 parchment delivery postage (International)     $60.00    Delivery cost for Graduates who have not collected their original parchment
 parchment delivery postage (Local)             $15.00    Delivery cost for Graduates who have not collected their original parchment

 standard letter                                $25.00
 non-standard letter                            $35.00
 express processing                             add $12.00
 domestic express postage                       $18.00    (includes GST) within Australia
 express courier                                $60.00    (for overseas only) per envelope to the address(es)
 stamp, sign and sealing of envelope            $10.00
 forms from external agencies completed and included $15.00 (WES, LSAC etc.)
Student Services & Amenities Fee (does not apply to HDR students)

 full-time                   $315.00
 part-time (
Optional additional quota available for purchase
 black & white A4 single-sided        $0.08     per page
 black & white A4 double-sided        $0.16     per page
 colour A4 single-sided               $0.40     per page
When students have exceeded their quota, they will not be able to print until they have purchased additional self-funded quota online
via Unified, or enrolled in the next printing period. Further detail about other print type costs is available at Student Printing Service.

International students
Online application fee

Charge for refund of fees
 at least four (4) weeks before commencement of First Teaching Period, 10% of First Tuition Payment
 less than four (4) weeks before commencement of First Teaching Period, but before Census Date, 50% of First Tuition Payment
 after Census dates 100% of total tuition fees for any enrolled courses
Faculty of Arts
All students
 Course Readers are not compulsory but are available for purchase at Image and Copy Centre: $5-$50
 Optional Study Tours cost TBA closer to the date of Study Tour

School of Education students
 Postgraduate students will be charged cost price for printing once quota has been met. 2-year Masters students can request extra printing
 credits for 9-unit research projects.
 First year students in any B Teaching programs will require the use of an iPad (6th gen, Pro or later); Apple Pencil or Logitech Crayon;
 suitable iPad keyboard. If students do not own a device which meets the requirement the equipment will be available for subsidised
 purchase (approx. $$600-$700) through an online portal.
 All Teacher Education students need to undertake Child-Related Employment Screening from the Department for Communities and Social
 Inclusion (DCSI). The fee as of 1 July 2017 is $58.30 (GST included) per application for all students on placement. Costs generally rise every 6
 months though usually only by a small amount. Clearances are valid for a maximum of three (3) years. This requirement is outlined in the
 Standards for dealing with the information obtained about the criminal history of employees and volunteers who work with children,
 pursuant to the Children's Protection Act 1993 (SA). Placement venues may require additional screening depending on their organisational
 policies and requirements. Students should budget for renewal.
 NOTE: Valid for Commencing Domestic Students and Commencing International Students.

 Name badge (optional) - Standard Brooch Pin $14.15 excl. GST., Pocket Pin/Clip $14.35 excl. GST., Magnetic Badge Clip $14.60 excl. GST.
 Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students - Literacy and numeracy components (full test) $185, Literacy component
 only $92.50, Numeracy component only $92.50
 Responding to Abuse and Neglect (RAN-ED) course - Approximately $85 for the full day course. Department for Education provides
 information on approved training organisations offering the course.
 Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum - Estimated at between $45-$110. This will be confirmed when the numbers of students are
 confirmed with the private provider who has been engaged to do the one-day training.

Elder Conservatorium of Music students
 Headphones for Music Technology/Sonic Arts & Keyboard Suite up to $20
 Circuit Bending and Hardware Hacking Component Pack for students enrolled in 3910_MUSONIC_2905 Circuit Bending and Hardware
 Hacking $10-$20
 Locker hire fee $35 per annum (non-refundable)
 Hire of recording studio for non-course use from $116 per hour
 Concert attendance as required
 Performance tours occasional recording of final recitals (optional) approximately $100
 Accompanying indicative rates $72.45 per hour

School of Social Sciences students
 Locker hire (available only for Honours & postgraduate coursework students). Lockers are located in School – Level 1 - Napier Building.
 Charge imposed to replace lock if a new key is required due to loss or damage.
Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences
All students
 Charges for black and white printing, coloured printing and Computer Aided Teaching (CAT) Suite Plotter

Australian School of Petroleum and Energy Resources students
 Hardcopy of some lecture notes and course notes are provided to students; there is no charge for these.
 A limited range of textbooks/resources are available for loan from the ASP library.
 The ASPER has a computing suite within the Santos Building, which is available to undergraduate students. Final year students are also
 provided with an account on a specialised computing suite on Level 2. They are also provided with black and white and colour printing free
 of charge and have use of a colour plotter.
 A study area is available for ASPER students in the Santos Building, which contains some lockers (students must provide their own
 Field trips are provided at no cost to students, although they are expected to have weather-appropriate clothes and enclosed footwear

School of Architecture and Built Environment students
 Students will need appropriate drawing and model making equipment.
 Costs involved in courses with 2D and 3D presentation work and printing can vary depending on materials etc.
 There is a minimum charge of $5 for up to 10 minutes use of the laser cutters with charges increasing by $5 for every 10 minutes extra use.
 Costs for 3D printing are $20 per cubic inch plus $10 for each printing bed. Costs will be CPI increased each year.
 Students are encouraged to provide their own laptops, with Wi-Fi access, and an external drive for the storage of large files. The majority of
 software is provided on Univeristy computers in SABE which are accessible 24/7.
 Students can hire small lockers for $25 and larger lockers for $35 per year, in addition to a refundable $10 deposit.
 Students may be required to pay fees to attend field trips. Approximately $15 for local day trips and approximately $180 for field trips held
 over a number of days/nights. Alternative assessment is available to students who are unable to attend field trips. The costs for students who
 choose to participate in intrastate or interstate field trips and/or overseas studios are approximately $250 to $1,200. Students will also have
 the additional costs of travel, accommodation and meals.
 Final Year Master of Architecture and Master of Landscape Architecture students are required to pay a $50 deposit to gain access to the Final
 Year Studio (Room 540), and to be allocated a desk and under-desk locker.

School of Chemical Engineering and Advanced Materials students
 Lecture notes will be available on the MyUni site and students can print them out at home or in the CAT Suite.
 Costs associated with course materials may be applicable for some courses and made available through the library.
 Students purchase their own safety glasses and lab coats for lab projects.
 Voluntary Plant Tour for Level 3 and 4 students. Indicative cost will be between $100-$300 depending on location, travel and living costs.
 Additional costs associated with the Vietnam Study Tour for Special Studies in Chemical Engineering outside of NCP grant funding.

School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering students
 Required Lecture notes will be available on the MyUni site and students can print them out at home or in the CAT Suite. Some lecture notes
 will be available for purchase from Image & Copy.
 Masters students are given a printing quota of 500 pages per semester. Research postgraduate students have no limit no charge.
 24-hour swipe-card access for Undergraduate and Masters students enrolled in CEME courses (to CAT Suites),
 Level 1 Mining students contribute towards cost of field trip. Travel and accommodation for 4 day field trip approx. $100. Alternative
 assessment is available to students who are unable to attend field trips.
 Voluntary field trips for civil engineering and construction management at approximately $100
 Field trip for Introduction to Environmental Engineering course. Approximately $100 depending on associated travel and accommodation

School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering students
 Building access is by a student’s card, only cost is if they need a replacement, which is payable to Card Services.
 Tools for first year students in Analog Electronics and Electronic Systems can be purchased for $88. The cost of the tools is subsidised by the
 School, however students are at liberty to purchase them elsewhere.

School of Mathematical Sciences students
 Lockers are provided to Honours students at no upfront cost, but they will be invoiced for a replacement key.

School of Mechanical Engineering students
 Design Pads and Laboratory Books purchased from Unibooks $4 each.
 Limited lockers available for student use: students provide own padlocks
 Workshop Practice it is a mandatory OH&S requirement that students wear steel-capped shoes. Student to provide own shoes.
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
All students (allied health students may be excluded from some but not all of the compliance requirements)
 Course readers/manuals $15 - $165 (also available on My Uni and in the Library)
 We recommend that all students factor in the cost of purchasing their own laptop device.
 Teaching Hospital Access Card and Locker Key Deposit $20.00-$50.00, Some sites will also have a $20.00 Duress Alarm Deposit.
Criminal History and Background Clearances
 All students undertaking clinical placements are required to have a National Police Clearance and Department of Human Services (DHS)
 screening. Please note students undertaking research activity in a clinical setting will also need clearances.
 The faculty’s placements and internships team will register your details with the DHS Screening Unit, including your name, date of birth and
 email address. We will specify in the student registration which DHS clearances are required:
 1. Working with Children Check
 2. Vulnerable person-related
 3. Aged care sector
 Once the DHS registration has taken place, you will receive an email from the Screening Unit prompting you to apply online (a link to the
 application will be provided in the email). If the Screening Unit does not identify any risk requiring assessment, the turnaround time for your
 clearance should be approximately 20 business days, so please apply as early as possible to ensure your placement is not delayed or
 The cost to the student is $64.35 (GST included) per application. One application can cover the checks listed and is made available for all
 students enrolled in a course for placement.
 Criminal history and background clearances are valid for a maximum of three (3) years with the exception of Working with Children which is
 valid for (5) years. Clinical placement venues may require more frequent screening, depending on its organisational policies and
 Students need to budget for renewal.
 From 1 February 2021, registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) providers (providers registered to undertake certain roles, to
 work with people with disability) ensure students commencing NDIS related placement have an NDIS worker screening clearance where
 required. In SA this is called an NDIS worker check. An NDIS worker check certificate is valid for five years and will be recognised as valid
 across Australia’s NDIS providers, unless revoked.
 In SA, the DHS Disability Services Employment Screening clearance (issued before 1 February 2021) along with the other listed DHS checks
 will be recognised for NDIS work until it expires.
 NDIS worker check cost depends on previous clearances and status. Refer to the Government’s Screening Unit for further information.
National Police Clearance
 All students undertaking placements or undertaking research in clinical facilities are required to have a National Police Clearance (NPC). The
 cost is $20 (GST included). Clinical placement venues may expect students to apply for another NPC screening prior to placement
 commencement, depending on its organisational policies and requirements.
 Students need to budget for renewal.
 Commencing International Students MUST obtain the equivalent Police Check from their home country in addition to Australian criminal
 history checks.
Immunisation and PCI screening
 Students undertaking clinical placements are required to have the appropriate level of immunisation and PCI screening. Evidence of
 Immunisation and PCI screening is required by clinical venues prior to placements. Please note this may also be necessary for students
 undertaking research activity in a clinical setting.
 Prior to commencing placements, students are advised to consult their general practitioner or local government immunisation service to be
 screened and immunised for infectious diseases as recommended by SA Health’s Immunisation for Health Care Workers and Quarantine
 Workers Policy, 2021.
 GP consultation at Unicare to review immunisation history/PCI screening is approximately $50. Immunisation and screening costs will vary
 subject to individual requirements.
Bachelor of Dental Surgery students
 SA Dental Service ID card is $10.
 It is recommended all students provide a lock to secure items when using the Simulation Clinic Years 1-4
 During clinical training and placements students are required to comply with professional dress standards:
  a. White lab coat $30
  b. Blue clinic coat $50
  c. Protective eyewear (approved standard) up to $25 (must comply with Australian and New Zealand standards)
  d. Over shields if wearing prescription lenses up to $25
 Some travel costs will be incurred for clinical placements in community and rural clinic locations/clinic venues located outside of CBD area
 during the five years of the program
Equipment (approximate costs)
 First Year: Instrument kits, instrument cassettes, Standard Adult and Periodontal Nissin models (plastic upper and lower arch models and
 Periodontal Nissin model, wax carving teeth and manikin face mask; Practice shape cutting blocks for simulation activity $3500-4000
 Second year:
    a) Replacement Plastic Nissin Teeth, $150
    b)   Dental Loupes are required for use by students. (Loupes must comply with Australian and New Zealand standards) prices range
         widely depending on the type purchased $1800-$2000
 Third Year: Replacement Plastic Nissin Teeth for Paediatric, Endodontic and Fixed Prosthodontic simulation activity and endo instruments
 Fourth Year: Replacement Plastic Nissin Teeth for Endodontic and Fixed Prosthodontic simulation activity $550-800. Some travel costs may
 be incurred for clinical placements.
 Fifth year: Some travel costs may be incurred for clinical placements including $200 refundable security deposit for accommodation in some
 instances. Living expenses will also be incurred for rural locations.
Bachelor of Oral Health students
 SA Dental Service ID card is $10.
 It is recommended all students provide a lock to secure items when using the Simulation Clinic Years 1-4
 During Clinical training and placements students are required to comply with professional dress standards:
  a. White lab coat: $30
  b. Blue clinic coat: $50
  c. Protective eyewear (approved standard) up to $25 (must comply with Australian and New Zealand standards)
  d. Over shields if wearing prescription lenses up to $25
 Some travel costs will be incurred for clinical placements in community and rural clinic locations/clinic venues located outside of CBD area
 during the three years of the program.
Equipment (approximate costs)
 First year: Instrument kits, instrument cassettes, Standard Adult and Periodontal Nissin models (plastic upper and lower arch models) and
 manikin face mask 2000- $2500
 Second year:
  a. Additional Nissin Pulpotomy Teeth (set of 2), Additional Nissin Adult teeth, Practice Blocks, Wax Carving Teeth, Nissin Mixed
       Dentition model with articulator $720
  b. Dental Loupes are recommended for use by students. (Loupes must comply with Australian and New Zealand standards) prices range
       widely depending on the type purchased $1800-$2000
 Third Year:
  a. Some travel costs may be incurred for field placements including $200 refundable security deposit for accommodation in some
       instances. Living expenses will also be incurred for rural locations.
  b. Additional Nissin Pulpotomy teeth (set of 4) $42
Graduate Certificate in Oral Health Science students
 The hire of instruments and Columbia tooth models.
 Required to purchase a set of replacement teeth for practical activities. Bond $200 (reimbursed at completion provided no loss or damage
 beyond normal wear and tear) and a non-refundable hire fee of $300
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery students
 The Thinker’s Guide to Clinical Reasoning Book approximately $10 (optional)
 During clinical training and placements students are required to comply with professional dress standards.
 Lab coats and safety glasses are required for many practical classes:
  a. Lab coats approximately $30
  b. Protective eyewear approximately $25 (must comply with Australian and New Zealand standards)
 Medical Examination Equipment:
  a. Stethoscope approximately $30-$300
  b. Pen torch approximately $25
Bachelor of Nursing (Pre-registration) students AND Master of Clinical Nursing students
 Name Badge available from Sports Centre for $15
 During Clinical training and placements students are required to comply with professional dress standards. It is not compulsory for students
 to purchase their pants or skirts from Sports Centre. Costs are subject to change:
  a. Shirt required as a uniform in hospitals approximately $40
  b. Pre-registration students and relevant post registrations students attending clinical placement are required to wear the white shirt with
       navy blue pants skirt, black covered non-slip shoes.
 Recommended Nurses Fob watch $15
Optional Stethoscope $25
 Basic Life Support and Manual Handling Training $130
Masters/Grad Cert/Grad Dip Nursing Science (Specialisations and General) students
 During Clinical training and placements students are required to comply with professional dress standards. Shirt required as a uniform in
 hospitals; can be purchased from Sports Centre for approximately $40

Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) students
 Name Badge available from The Adelaide Store - approximately $15
 Lab coats and safety glasses are required for anatomy specific classes:
  a. White Lab coat - approximately $30
  b. Protective eyewear - approximately $25 (must comply with Australian and New Zealand standards)
 During some practical classes and all physiotherapy clinical practice courses, students are required to comply with professional dress
 standards, inclusive of:
  a. Physiotherapy Polo Shirt available from The Adelaide Store - approximately $40
  b. Black pants
  c. Closed-toe black shoes (non-slip)
  d. Students may purchase their pants and shoes from any preferred retailer.
 Travel costs will be incurred for clinical placements in CBD clinical locations as well as for clinical placements in rural, remote and interstate
 Accommodation costs and living expenses will be incurred while on clinical placement in rural, remote and interstate locations.
 Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) training (previous training course - Responding to
 Abuse and Neglect training). Approved RRHAN-EC training providers vary, as do their fees. Fees are approximately $70.
 Safe Environments for Children and Young People —'Through their eyes’ training. Safe Place Training is a Department of Human Services
 preferred provider of Safe Environments for Children and Young People - 'Through their eyes'. Cost is approximately $80.
 Basic Emergency Life Support training (HLTAID002). Your preferred training provider must be a registered and a nationally recognised
 training organisation (RTO). Visit to verify your training provider is an RTO. Average cost for HLTAID002 training is
 between $75 - $120.
 Optional - Stethoscope – approximately $25 - $300
 Optional - Goniometer – approximately $25

Bachelor of Occupational Therapy (Honours) students
 Name Badge available from The Adelaide Store - approximately $15
 Lab coats and safety glasses are required for anatomy specific classes:
  a. White Lab coat - approximately $30
  b. Protective eyewear - approximately $25 (must comply with Australian and New Zealand standards)
 During some practical classes and all occupational therapy clinical practice courses, students are required to comply with professional dress
 standards, inclusive of:
  a. Occupational Therapy Polo Shirt available from The Adelaide Store - approximately $40
  b. Black pants
  c. Closed-toe black shoes (non-slip)
  d. Students may purchase their pants and shoes from any preferred retailer.
 Travel costs will be incurred for clinical placements in CBD clinical locations as well as for clinical placements in rural, remote and interstate
 Accommodation costs and living expenses will be incurred while on clinical placement in rural, remote and interstate locations.
 Responding to Risks of Harm, Abuse and Neglect – Education and Care (RRHAN-EC) training (previous training course - Responding to
 Abuse and Neglect training). Approved RRHAN-EC training providers vary, as do their fees. Fees are approximately $70.
 Safe Environments for Children and Young People —'Through their eyes’ training. Safe Place Training is a Department of Human Services
 preferred provider of Safe Environments for Children and Young People - 'Through their eyes'. Cost is approximately $80.
 Basic Emergency Life Support training (HLTAID002). Your preferred training provider must be a registered and a nationally recognised
 training organisation (RTO). Visit to verify your training provider is an RTO. Average cost for HLTAID002 training is
 between $75 - $120.
 Optional - Stethoscope – approximately $25 - $300
 Optional - Goniometer – approximately $25

Bachelor of Speech Pathology (Honours) students
 Name Badge available from The Adelaide Store - approximately $15
 Lab coats and safety glasses are required for anatomy specific classes:
a. White Lab coat - approximately $30
  b. Protective eyewear - approximately $25 (must comply with Australian and New Zealand standards)
 During some practical classes and all speech pathology clinical practice courses, students are required to comply with professional dress
 standards, inclusive of:
  a. Speech Pathology Polo Shirt available from The Adelaide Store - approximately $40
  b. Black pants
  c. Closed-toe black shoes (non-slip)
  d. Students may purchase their pants and shoes from any preferred retailer.
 Travel costs will be incurred for clinical placements in CBD clinical locations as well as for clinical placements in rural, remote and interstate
 Accommodation costs and living expenses will be incurred while on clinical placement in rural, remote and interstate locations.
 Safe Environments for Children and Young People —'Through their eyes’ training. Safe Place Training is a Department of Human Services
 preferred provider of Safe Environments for Children and Young People - 'Through their eyes'. Cost is approximately $80.
 Optional - Stethoscope – approximately $25 - $300
 Optional - Student Membership with Speech Pathology Australia – First year free, approximately $70 per year
School of Psychology students
 Deposit for a locker $10 Refund upon return of key
Master of Psychology (all specialisations) students
 Provisional registration fee with the Psychology Board of Australia $486 per year (subject to change)
 Students are required to complete Child safe environment training prior to commending placements. There may be a fee for this.
Faculty of the Professions
All students
 Course readers (not compulsory - also available in Library)
 Postgraduate students will be charged cost price for printing once quota has been met
 Non-compulsory student materials eg Lecture Notes, Readings, Cases available to print via MyUni
 Optional Study Tours and Field trips – costs to be determined closer to the date
Faculty of Sciences
School of Agriculture, Food and Wine students
 Binding of reports and other material cost is dependent on size of binding and materials used
 Lab coats and safety glasses are required for many practical classes. These can be sourced commercially or from the Adelaide Store or at The
 General at North Terrace:
  a.   Lab Coats (University branded) $29.95
  b.   Safety Glasses $9.95 (Safety glasses are provided in laboratory classes at Roseworthy)
 Bachelor of Food & Nutrition Science students may require DCSI clearance (child-related) for their Industry placement if placed in a school.
 Field trips, which involve overnight accommodation, have an associated fee for the cost of providing food, accommodation and
 transportation where applicable. Where the trip is compulsory, students are at liberty to organise their own accommodation & food.
 Alternative assessment may be available to students who are unable to attend field trips.
 OENOLOGY Courses in the External Wine Marketing & Wine Business programs (Faculty of the Professions) have a 4-5 day residential
 School. Travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the student.
 Optional Q-Fever Vaccination for students taking Animal Science Courses approximately $130-$400.
 Optional study tours or study abroad associated with programs will have costs associated with travel and living expenses that will be the
 responsibility of the student.
School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences students
 Some courses may provide lecture notes for purchase. All notes will be available from MyUni.
 Lab coats and safety glasses are required for many practical classes (at North Terrace campus). These can be sourced commercially or online
 at Adelaide Store , at The Store on the North Terrace campus and through Adelaide University Union representations at Roseworthy campus:
  a.   Lab Coats (University branded) $29.95 for non-members, $26.95 for members (these are provided in laboratory classes at Roseworthy
       campus at no cost)
  b.   Safety Glasses $9.95 for non-members, $8.95 for members (these are provided in laboratory classes at Roseworthy campus at no cost)
 Overalls (not white) and boots for any animal handling practicals based at Roseworthy campus available at Adelaide Store , at The Store on
 the North Terrace campus and through Adelaide Union representations at Roseworthy campus
  a.   Overalls $80 non-members, $72 for members.
  b.   Boots $55.00 non-members, $49.50 for members
 Wellington / Gum Boots which extend well above the ankle are required for many animal handling and anatomy practical classes.
 Veterinary dissection kits are required for anatomy practical classes (level II onwards). These can be sourced commercially or online at
 Adelaide Store , at The Store on the North Terrace campus and through Adelaide University Union representations at Roseworthy campus
 for $40 for members, $36 for non-members.
 Veterinary students will be required to purchase uniform shirts for AHEMS and EMS placements and final year rotations in the Veterinary
 Health Centre clinics. Additionally, a dark green set of scrubs and consultation tops will be required for the level II DVM Desexing Clinic,
 companion animal and equine clinic rotations and placements as well as coveralls for equine and production clinical rotations and
 Animal Behaviour, Veterinary Technology and Animal Science students will be required to purchase uniform shirts for
 Veterinary Technology students will be required to purchase scrubs for clinical rosters for level III of the program.
 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine students are required to purchase their own stethoscope from first year.
 Veterinary Technology students will be required to purchase their own stethoscope for level II of the program.
 Veterinary students and Veterinary Technology students require Radiation dosimeters. Lost/late or non-return fee $39.60
 Q-Fever Vaccination is required for Veterinary Bioscience, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Veterinary Technology students and costs
 approximately $130-$400. It is strongly recommended that Animal Science and Animal Behaviour students be vaccinated against Q Fever.
 Food cost for field trips associated with some courses (usually only lunch). Some costs associated with field camps (accommodation/meals).
 Additional costs exist if students wish to pursue voluntary activities and trips.
 Veterinary students: Costs of travel, accommodation and food for AHEMS and EMS placements.
 Animal Science, Animal Behaviour and Veterinary Technology students: Costs of travel, accommodation and food for
School of Physical Sciences students
 Lab coats and safety glasses are required for many practical classes. These can be sourced commercially or from the Co-op at the University
 of Adelaide if available. For chemistry practicals, for those who forget on the day these items are available for hire for a small fee
Field trips that involve overnight accommodation have an associated fee for the cost of providing food, accommodation and transportation.
 In some cases, students are responsible for organising their own food at their own cost. Students are expected to have the appropriate clothes.
 Alternative assessment may be available to students who are unable to attend field trips.
School of Biological Sciences students
 Lab coats and safety glasses are required for all practical classes. These can be sourced commercially or from The Co-op at the University of
 Adelaide if available. For those who forget on the day there is a pool of spare coats available.
 Field trips that involve overnight accommodation have an associated fee for the cost of providing food, accommodation and transportation.
 In some cases, students are responsible for organising their own food at their own cost. Students are expected to have the appropriate clothes.
 Alternative assessment may be available to students who are unable to attend field trips.
You can also read