Cyber Village Academy 2020-2021 School Year COVID-19 Safety Procedures
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Cyber Village Academy 2020-2021 School Year COVID-19 Safety Procedures Updated 12/29/2020 PASCAL Program: Programming will remain the same throughout the school year; 100% online education. The only change would be if we move to Phase 3 when no students would be allowed on campus, therefore no study center would be available to all students. Students will have a morning advisory assigned Monday - Wednesday and participate via Zoom. Fusion Program: Phase One: Regular Hybrid Model (Monday - Wednesday on campus, Thursday - Friday online) Data does not support us starting in a regular hybrid model. Phase Two: Altered Hybrid Model (100% online learning with Study Center 5 days a week) January 4 - 22, 2021: Mini Term 4 (End of Semester 1) Grades K – 4: Monday – Wednesday 8:30 -11:30 am on-campus direct instruction available, 11:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. virtual instruction. Thursday & Friday 100% virtual instruction, sign-up required to maintain cohorts Grades 5 – 12: 100% virtual instruction, no on-campus time available Critical Sector Child Care Available Monday – Friday, when school is in session January 26, 2021: Start of Semester 2 (Mini Term 5) we will return to the same programming from the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year. Grades K – 4: Monday –Wednesday 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. on-campus direct instruction available/Virtual off campus, 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. Virtual instruction, Study Center available. Thursday & Friday: 100% online learning Study Center available, sign-up required to maintain cohorts Grades 5-12: 100% virtual instruction. Optional Study Center on-campus Monday – Friday 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m., sign-up required 1
Phase Three: 100% online learning with no study center Similar to Phase Two, but students will not be on campus for Study Center. 100% online learning schedule remains the same as in Phase Two. Tier 1 Critical Care workers students age 12 and under will be allowed to come to Child Care from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. by signing up in advance, they must verify employment and work hours.. General Information: Phase Two: Current plan for January 26, 2021 return to school What will the Virtual lessons for all students hybrid model look ● Students will receive live, direct instruction via Zoom from their like? teachers Monday - Wednesday. ● Students may attend class from home or register to attend Study Center and login to class ● Grade K-4 will have the option to come to school and receive face-to-face instruction from their teachers Monday-Wednesday Study Center: ● Monday - Friday from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ● Students will need to preregister a week in advance to attend study center ● Cohorts of students will be assigned to a classroom. Masks, social distancing and 50% capacity will be required for on campus students. Can families select Yes, they can. Students are not required to attend any in-person learning to do full-time or study center at school. Students in grades 6-12 can choose to move distance learning? to the PASCAL program if they want a more self-directed program, otherwise the Fusion program will have more direct instruction and contact with teachers and students, following a specific schedule. Why would students Coming into the building will provide students an opportunity to choose to come to connect directly with their teachers, staff and other students. school? Could this plan Yes. Our plans could change as we continue to look at data provided by change? MDH and direction from MDE. In addition, we will monitor our local 2
district data (CVA) to help ensure that we are making decisions based on the current situation. For instance, if there is a positive outbreak at school, we may need to switch to Phase 3 of our Safe Learning Plan, where we are in 100% online learning with no study center available. If the situation is improving we may work to increase the direct instruction opportunities for students who wish to come on campus for live, face- to-face lessons. Do children and All teachers and students will follow the schedule provided by the teachers have to school for in-person and online learning. The schedule will be follow a schedule consistent through all three phases. Individual student schedules are both in-person and being created and sent to families.. online? Will students have All students PASCAL and Fusion will have Advisory Monday - an advisor to check Wednesday from 8:30 - 8:50 a.m. All teachers will be assigned to an in with? advisory to help support students academic and SEL needs. Additional support staff are available to work with and support students. What Personal ● All staff and students will receive a school facemask. All staff Protective and students are expected to bring a facemask to wear and are Equipment will the highly encouraged to have an extra mask in their backpack. The school provide for office will have emergency disposable masks for those who each classroom? forget their mask. ● All staff will be provided a facemask and face shield. Face shields will be worn by staff as an additional protection for all, it does not take the place of a face mask unless there is the appropriate medical documentation on file. ● Teachers will have a plexiglass divider in order to provide individual instruction to students when social distancing cannot be followed. ● Cleaning and sanitation products will be available for each classroom. ● Note: Classroom windows will remain open as weather permits, unless there are other risk factors. 3
STUDENTS: Expectations for Students & Families Students on campus Phase 2:Altered Hybrid: 100% online learning with Study Center Before coming to Parents and students answer the following questions: school ● Have you or anyone in your household had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: sore throat, cough, chills, body aches for unknown reasons, shortness of breath for unknown reasons, loss of smell, loss of taste, fever at or greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit? (No medication has been given to control temperature in the last 48 hours and fever free for the last 24 hours.) ● Have you or anyone in your household been tested for COVID- 19 (waiting for test results)? ● Do you have any reason to believe you or anyone in your household has been exposed to or acquired COVID-19? ● To the best of your knowledge have you been in close proximity to any individual who tested positive for COVID-19? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions keep students home. Make sure that student has 1-2 masks at all times. ● Masks are part of the required dress code. Parents and guardians must ensure that students have a mask, the school will provide one reusable mask per student. Please mark your students’ with their initials. ● Please wash masks daily or have multiple masks available. ● The school will have emergency disposable masks available for students. When students ● Students should remain in the car. Staff will come to the car and arrive to school do a temperature check for all students. Anyone entering the building will be required to have a temperature check. ● If a student has a temperature greater than 100.4 they will not exit the car and will be asked to return home ● If students are seated on the passenger-side of the vehicle it will help speed up our processes at school drop-off. ● Parents/Guardians are asked to not enter the building for drop- off and pick-up. If there is a need to enter the building please 4
call the main office. Don’t forget to bring: ● No sharing of school supplies, please make sure you pack your own supplies. ● Water bottle. No water fountains will be available at school ● Bring your own device if you have one. Disinfect the device prior to bringing on to campus. Transportation While you are waiting for the bus: (Only provided in ● Wear your mask and maintain 6 feet apart from each other Phase one for students living in Riding the bus or other provided transportation: St Paul. Phase 2 ● A temperature check will be performed by the bus driver and is transportation is required, prior to boarding the bus. only for qualified ● Students will be seated from the back to the front, and unload critical care from the front to the back. worker students) ● Assigned seats for all bus riders to avoid contamination. Siblings and students living in the same household can sit together. ● Students must abide by the following rules: ○ Masks are required 100% of the time on the bus ○ As much as possible, students should avoid touching any surfaces - including handrails, seats, windows, etc. ○ Students must stay seated in their seats during the entire ride. ○ Students are to limit talking as much as possible to avoid spreading air-borne illness. ○ If students do not follow these rules, they may lose bus privileges. Additional safety procedures: ● Windows and roof hatches will be open (weather permitting) for air circulation. ● Buses will be disinfected between each trip. Critical Care Worker Student Transportation: Transportation will be provided for students living in the city of St. Paul based on enrollment paperwork submission for transportation. Students must live more than 2 miles from school to qualify for transportation. Community bus stops or alternative Type III transportation may be used for pick-up. Please refer to the Critical Care Worker Document When students Teachers/staff will establish the following routines and expectations: arrive on campus ● Students will stay in the vehicle until they are temperature 5
scanned to enter the building. ○ If a student has a temperature of 100.4 or above or other COVID symptoms, they will be asked to return home. ○ If a student develops a temperature or symptoms during the school day they will be sent to the separation room and wait there with adult supervision until they can be picked up. ● Students will stay 6 feet apart as they line up to enter the building. ● Parents/guardians will stay in cars ● Staff will use disinfecting wipes for surfaces ● Staff will develop a hand washing protocol and the use of hand sanitizer before entering the classroom. Staff will also encourage students to sanitize their materials from home. ● Students will be asked to sanitize their device if they brought one from home. ● Lockers will be assigned to students as needed. K-4 will have assigned spaces to keep their school supplies so they do not need to bring them back and forth. ● Social distancing will be required! Everyone should follow social distancing expectations. Stickers will be on the floor to help remind students/staff of expectation. Lunch Procedures Teacher and staff will establish the following expectations: ● Lunch will be brought from home for all students ● No meals will be provided at school. ● Bundled meals will be provided for students who qualify for free and reduced lunch. Families can use the bundled meals to create daily lunches and students will then bring lunch with them to school. ● Bundled meals are available for other students to purchase if they would like by contacting the main office. ● Students will eat in their assigned areas, when weather permits students will have lunch outside. ● Students will wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after their meal. ● Masks may be removed during eating time. When the student is finished eating they will put their mask on before leaving their assigned seat. ● Students/staff will sanitize their space when they have finished eating and cleaned up their area. ● Devices will not be used during mealtime. Daily Schedule ● The school day is from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ● Monday - Wednesday students will start each day with advisory at 8:30am. 6
● Students will then follow their course schedule and attend class by logging in to the Zoom meeting with their teacher and classmates. ● Teachers will give direct instruction and assign necessary work during the class period. Teachers and support staff will also be available to support students during the class time. ● Students may attend a breakout session with a staff member and/or other students during the class period to support learning. ● Attendance will be taken during advisory and each class period throughout the day. ● Moodle pages will be used to communicate the teacher’s schedule and classwork. Parents can access this information through their students’ account. ● Students who attend Study Center will login to their classes through Zoom on their personal device or a device at school. ● Students who are attending school from home, will login to their classes through Zoom for lessons. ● Students are encouraged to bring their own device to school if they have one. This will help alleviate potential cross contamination between students. Classroom Teachers will establish the following routines and expectations: Routines & ● Students will keep their backpacks under/behind their chairs. Expectations ● Students will remain at their desk unless other directions are given. ● Students must not touch the plexiglass dividers unless it is cleaning time. ● Students are to use only their own supplies. No sharing. Emergency supplies will be provided by the teacher. ● If school supplies are given to students, students will wash hands before and after use. Supplies will be sanitized immediately after use or placed in a bin to be sanitized at a later time. ● Students must bring their own water bottles. Water fountains will not be available. Water bottles can be refilled at sinks in classrooms. Water bottles should be brought home daily to be washed and sanitized. For the safety of students and staff, if these procedures are not followed, students may lose the privilege of coming into the study center. Hallway Teachers will establish the following routines and expectations: Expectations ● Always stay 6 feet apart ● Follow floor stickers for reminders ● Keep masks on ● Keep hands to self 7
● Limit unnecessary talking ● Do NOT touch any surfaces ● Must have permission to be in the hallway ● Specific passing time and bathroom breaks will be assigned by location in the building to limit potential for cross contamination ● We will not use traditional hall passes this year, all movement in the building will be with adult permission Bathroom Teachers will establish the following routines and expectations: Expectations ● Always stay 6 feet apart ● Only two students in the bathroom at a time ● Students must wait in line 6 feet apart if there are two students in the bathroom. ● Students may only use the bathroom with adult permission ● Thorough hand washing is required. ● We will not use traditional bathroom passes this year. Mask Breaks Teachers will establish the following routines and expectations: ● Grades K - 4: Classes will have multiple mask breaks outside (weather permitting), during recess and other times as appropriate in the daily schedule. Non-recess breaks will be a maximum of 10 minutes each. ● Grades 5 - 12: students will have 2-3 scheduled mask breaks outside (weather permitting), during recess and other times when classes may be held outside. Non-recess breaks will be a maximum of 7 minutes each. This will be a quick walk outside and around our outside space. Masks must be worn until students are outside and a staff member gives permission to remove masks. Recess Teachers will establish the following routines and expectations: ● All students will still have a scheduled recess outside daily. Grades will have scheduled time outside. ● Monitoring of students while outside will be in place. Assigned areas will be established as needed. ● Students should maintain 6ft of social distancing at all times. ● Staff will establish indoor recess routines when weather does not permit outdoor recess. (i.e. heavy rain, temperatures below 0.) What if a student ● The student should tell their teacher/staff member immediately starts to feel sick ● The student will be taken to a designated separation area and during the day? supervised until picked up. ● Transportation: ○ Parent/guardians should pick up the child immediately. 8
○ Parent/guardians should get the student tested or contact a doctor as soon as possible. ○ If a parent cannot pick up the student right away, the school will provide transportation through Type III transportation to a designated location agreed to by the parent/guardian and school. Dismissal/Parent Teachers will establish the following routines and expectations: Pick-up ● All students will clean up their space and put personal materials in their backpack. ● All students will sanitize their workstation. ● Students will exit out of their assigned exit door when they are excused by the staff member in their space. ● Staff will stagger exit times to limit the number of students in the hallways at one time (i.e. 1-2 minute intervals by classroom) ● Pick-up will be assigned by grade level or last name (still TBD) ● Students walk to their location for pick-up and immediately get in the vehicle. ● Students will not congregate ● Students will maintain 6 feet of social distancing if they are waiting for their ride. ● Students will wear their masks until they enter their vehicle or they have received permission from a staff member Grades K - 4: Pick up at 11:30-11:40 a.m. ● Students will be escorted out of the building by a staff member. ● Maintain 6 feet of social distancing while in line ● Keep masks on until they enter the vehicle or receive permission from a staff member once they are outside After School Pick-up: 3:30 - 3:50 p.m. ● Staff will only be available until 3:50 p.m. for after school pick up Monday - Friday. ● Parents/guardians will be charged $1.00 per minute late after 3:50pm and an additional $1 per minute until pick-up. ● No after school care is currently available. Are visitors ever ● In general, visitors are not allowed on campus. allowed? ● Parents will not be allowed to enter the building for pick-up and drop-off. ● In the event there is a need for a visit on campus, they will be allowed on a case-by-case basis and arrangements will be made through the office manager or administration. ● All visitors will have their temperature checked before entering the building. Face masks are required for all visitors unless there 9
is medical documentation provided that a face mask cannot be worn. Once in the building, visitors are to wash hands and/or use hand sanitizer provided by the office. ● We are not allowing outside volunteers at this time. Phase Three: Student Expectations: 100% Online Learning - NO Study Center A note to parents ● The school day is from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. and guardians ● Please avoid scheduling activities during school hours, especially Monday - Wednesday when live virtual lessons are being taught. ● As always, we will work with particular family circumstances, but there must be communication with the main office and teachers. What will an ● The school day is from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. online learning ● Monday - Wednesday students will start each day with advisory day look like? at 8:30am. ● Students will then follow their course schedule and attend class by logging in to the Zoom meeting with their teacher and classmates. ● Teachers will give direct instruction and assign necessary work during the class period. Teachers and support staff will also be available to support students during the class time. ● Students may attend a Zoom breakout session with a staff member and/or other students during the class period to support learning. ● Attendance will be taken during advisory and each class period throughout the day. ● Moodle pages will be used to communicate the teacher’s schedule and classwork. Parents can access this information through their students account. What learning PowerSchool is our Student Management System. This is where grades, platforms will be attendance and personal records are kept. used? Moodle is our Learning Management System. This is where students will access teacher pages. Teacher pages will include links to live lessons, assignments, classroom expectations, syllabi, and additional learning tools. Edmentum is our PASCAL curriculum delivery system. If a student is registered in a PASCAL course they will access their curriculum here. 10
Support Services All support services will still be offered. We will offer comparable services determined by the phase that we are currently operating in. ● SPED: services will follow IEP/504 plans. ● ADSIS: students will work independently and/or in small groups with a staff member. ● ELL: students will work independently on assignments ● Title I: students will work independently and/or in small groups with a staff member. ● We have social workers and other support staff to work with students throughout the year. If a student is having difficulty and needs someone to connect with please contact the student’s advisory teacher, a trusted staff member or administration for support. Critical Care Childcare will be provided for Critical Care Workers children age 12 & Worker - Child under. Child care will be provided for Tier 1 critical care workers that Care meet the following criteria: ● Care is for extreme circumstances - no other care is available (i.e. no other adult is available at home to care for the child) ● Critical care workers must be working during school hours of 8:30 am - 3:30 pm to qualify for care. ● Verification of employment and title is required to qualify. Please note the following: ● Care will only be provided during school hours of 8:15 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. There will be no before or after school care. ● Transportation will be provided for students living in the city of St. Paul based on enrollment paperwork submission for transportation. Students must live more than 2 miles from school to qualify for transportation. Community bus stops or alternative Type III transportation may be used for pick-up. Please refer to the Critical Care Worker Document Students: COVID Leave Policy Once you have 1. Notify your parent/guardian or staff member of your symptoms symptoms immediately 2. You (and all siblings or others in the same household) will be sent home from school. 3. We encourage that student(s) get tested as soon as possible 4. Wait for test results to come back or be quarantined per MN 11
Department of Health guidance. 5. Continue attending school online if you feel well enough to engage at home in school. MDH decision tree will be used to support process: f My test came back You will have to show you negative test results to the school. Then you negative will be allowed to come back to school if you no longer have symptoms. If symptoms persist, a doctor’s note is needed to return to campus prior to recommendation. If you are able to learn online we encourage students to do so as comfortable. My test came back If positive, send the results to the main office. You will have to positive quarantine/stay home for at least 14 days since symptoms first appeared AND until no fever for at least 24 hours without medication AND improvement of other symptoms (siblings and other household members should also stay home for 14 days). If you are able, check the learning platform and complete school work. Siblings will also be asked to stay home for the same time period. I didn’t get tested If you do not get tested you will have to quarantine/stay home for recommended quarantine period and until symptom free before returning to campus. COVID ● If a student who has been in school has a positive COVID-19 Community test result, the school will consult with our regional response Breakout Plan team which includes staff from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and follow their recommendations. ● As guided to MDH, staff and families (class and school wide) will be informed via Swift K-12 (email, text, phone calls) as appropriate. Close contacts will be notified. ● No names of students will be released regarding symptoms or COVID cases. Services provided this School Year AM Drop-off Drop off will be between 8:00 - 8:30 a.m. More details to come, with specific drop off locations. PM After school ● After school care will not be available. care ● Students must be picked up by 3:50 p.m. to not incur a charge for after school care. $1/minute, $10/a day if the student is still on campus at 4:00 p.m. 12
Critical Care ● In the event we move to Phase 3: 100% online with no study Worker Childcare center, critical care worker childcare will be provided to Tier 1 workers with children age 12 and under with no one at home to support care and parent/guardian is at work during school hours. ● Childcare will be provided from 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. There will be no before or after school care available in Phase 3. ● Specific criteria and expectations will be communicated with families who request childcare. COVID ● We will have specific paraprofessionals that will be available to Paraprofessionals assist with various COVID related safety precautions. & Duties ● Duties will include but are not limited to: ○ Temperature checks in the morning ○ Assisting in the classroom with staff needs to support health and safety protocol (social distancing, masks, escorts, etc.) ● Staffing of the separation room ● They will also provide after school care and academic support as available COVID Separation This space separate from others and not being used regularly. Students Room will go here upon feeling sick. Full PPE will be provided for the staff who supervise this room. Mental Health Social workers and school staff will be available to support students and Services offer services. Cleaning ● CVA will have daily cleaning happening throughout the week crew/custodians for areas occupied by students. ● High touch surfaces in the classroom and around the building will be disinfected throughout the school day. ● Regular cleaning crew will be in the building in the evenings doing their normal cleaning with extra sanitation. ● There will be sanitizing wipes and sanitizing stations available throughout the building. ● An electrostatic ionizer will be used daily when the building is not occupied to support sanitation of surfaces in the building. 13
STAFF: Expectations for All Staff Teachers will be on campus, on a set schedule based on student need. Before coming to 1. Make sure you have two masks with you. school 2. Check how you are feeling. If you are experiencing any COVID-like symptoms (list at end of this doc), do not come onto campus. 3. Ask yourself these 4 questions? ● Have you or anyone in your household had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: sore throat, cough, chills, body aches for unknown reasons, shortness of breath for unknown reasons, loss of smell, loss of taste, fever at or greater than 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit? (No medication has been given to control temperature in the last 48 hours and fever free for the last 24 hours.) ● Have you or anyone in your household been tested for COVID- 19 (waiting for test results)? ● Do you have any reason to believe you or anyone in your household has been exposed to or acquired COVID-19? ● To the best of your knowledge have you been in close proximity to any individual who tested positive for COVID-19? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions you must stay home, contact COVID Coordinator and Director. When arriving to 1. Put your facemask on before entering the building. campus 2. Use hand sanitizer before entering the building, or wash your hands upon entry. 3. Temperature check (self-scan) at the front office. When inside the Always: building ● Have your facemask and face shield on. (The school will provide you with both.) ● Remain at least 6 feet apart from others. 14
● Follow safety posters and floor markings. ● Leave classroom doors and windows open during the school day for better air flow/circulation, when weather allows. ● Avoid touching door handles and railings when possible Throughout the day: ● Wash your hands often and thoroughly. ● Clean surfaces (i.e. tables, chairs, door handles, etc.) often. ● Monitor how you feel. If you start to experience any COVID- like symptoms, notify the office/administration of your symptoms and go home. Get tested as soon as possible if you would like. You will get paid for this day without having to use a PTO day, if you have arrived on campus. Making copies: ● Pick up copies before school, during your prep, and after school. ● Only one person is allowed in the teacher workroom. ● Do NOT send students to pick up copies. ● Wash your hands prior to entering the copy room. ● Go paperless as much as possible, this decreases the likelihood of cross contamination. Specific Guidelines for Classroom Teachers & Staff: ● Teachers must schedule 2 brain breaks (3-5 minutes) during each class/subject throughout the day. Brain breaks are time for students to get up and stretch, get a drink in the classroom, etc. ● When students enter your space they should wash hands or use hand sanitizer and take a sanitizing wipe and wipe down their assigned seat. ● When students leave your space they should take a sanitizing wipe and wipe down their assigned seat and wash hands or use hand sanitizer as they leave the space. ● Continue with daily lessons, and provide multiple activities each period to increase engagement and multiple modes of delivery. ● Students should not share any general school supplies. ● If manipulatives or classroom materials are being used, they must be sanitized after each student uses the material. Have students sanitize immediately or have a drop box where materials are placed to be sanitized later in the day. ● Establish routines and expectations outlined in the student expectations area above. ● Students will remain in the same classroom throughout the day as much as possible. Teachers/staff will travel to the students when appropriate. ● Assigned cohorts will be in place and monitored throughout the day in all settings. 15
Paraprofessionals & other support staff: ● All services will follow specific guidelines in each student's plan. ● Specifics: ○ Support will be offered in a push in or pull out setting. ○ Specialists will hold classes outside whenever possible, or push into the assigned classroom whenever possible. Students may travel to specialists when specific materials are needed for the day. For Student Dismissal: ● Students put all personal items away in their backpacks ● Students sanitize their assigned seat or any other items they were using during the class period/day. When leaving to ● Leave windows open if on the 2nd floor (weather permitting). go home ● Sanitize high touch surfaces and your workspace. ● Sanitize any other school materials used throughout the day. ● Wash your hands so that you don’t take germs home with you. Staff: 100% Online Learning - No Study Center Staff, stay home unless you have been assigned a specific schedule in the building. Work Space & ● Prior to beginning work, take care of yourself and notify the Hours administration (Director & Assistant Director) of your absence in a timely manner if you are feeling sick. ● You are required to work from 8 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. ● Be sure that you are prepared to work throughout the day and follow your typical schedule. ● Make use of your prep time for self-care (take a break from the screen), connecting with students as needed (email) and preparing for your next class/day. ● Throughout the day find consistent times to check email and reply to communications by the next day/24 hours. The exception is for emails sent on Friday, which should be returned on Monday. ● Throughout the day, continue to monitor how you are feeling. If you start to experience any COVID-like symptoms, notify the office/administration of your symptoms and get tested as soon as possible. 16
● If you experience COVID-like symptoms and can continue to perform your job duties there is no need for you to take PTO. If you are not able to perform your job duties, you should be communicating directly with your supervisor and filling out appropriate paperwork for PTO. ● After the workday, take care of yourself. Remember to notify office staff or administration if you are not feeling well. Boundaries are essential as we bring work into our home setting, please do not feel the need to be accessible 24 hours a day. Weekly ● A staff meeting will be held every other week with additional Procedures meetings scheduled as needed. ● Take attendance daily and verify attendance at the end of the week for any changes needed. Communicate changes directly to Esther. What if you want ● If you are not required to be in the building, try not to come to to come into the the building. However, if coming to the building ensures that building? you are able to better perform your assigned duties, please connect with your supervisor. ● If you need to stop by the building to pick up materials, make copies, etc. please notify the main office. ● Follow all safety procedures in place for being on campus. Moodle Schedule ● Teachers: Communicate all expectations through their Moodle & Homework page. These should be posted no later than the first day of class and communicated to students and parents. ● Even if you are at home, you need to follow the daily schedule and class schedule for your classes. If in person class was to start at 8:50 a.m., your online class will start at the same time via Zoom. ● Update and post your weekly/daily schedule on the top of your Moodle page so it is easily accessible for all students/parents. ● All assignments, recorded lessons, daily postings should follow a consistent format. Format is TBD by grade band. ● Homework and Unit Deadlines should be clearly communicated to families. Student handbook policy will be followed. Live Lessons / ● Post all links clearly on your Moodle page for each course. Meetings ● Keep all times and links consistent for each course. ● Record and post all live meetings, by downloading to YouTube and posting on your Moodle page with a consistent date and title in alignment with your calendar. ● Class periods are 80 minutes, you must be available for students throughout the entire period after your live lesson at the beginning of each class. You should not plan on teaching for the 17
entire period, chunk your lesson to keep students engaged. Plan on doing an exit ticket or meeting for each period the last 15 minutes of the period to check for understanding. ● All classes will meet live Monday - Wednesday, with regular online learning days on Thursday and Friday. Learning Moodle will be the main communication area for all courses. Platforms All assignments, links to lessons/recordings, zoom meeting links, etc. will be posted on the teacher/course page. Teachers and subject area teachers will have additional tools that they use for their classes. All of these links for resources and tools should be easily accessible on the teachers Moodle page. Support Services Support services will continue and plans will be met through comparable services and we will maintain mandatory services. Scheduled time for services will remain the same regardless of the Phase that we are delivering in. SPED: SPED will follow IEP/504 plans, communication with case manager and SPED director. ADSIS: ADSIS will work individually or in small groups virtually. EL: EL will work individually on the assigned curriculum. Title I: Title I will work individually or in small groups virtually. Specialists (Art, Specialists will follow their regularly scheduled times throughout the PE, Music, Tech, week. etc.) End of Day/Class ● Hold an end of day/period meeting/check out. Period Procedures ● Teachers should answer questions and review confusing concepts and do a knowledge check (exit ticket). Grading Policy Student Handbook Grading Policy will be followed. Staff COVID Leave Policy FFCRA Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Every Teacher ● Each teacher is required to have at least a week of lesson plans 18
Must have an in case you cannot work due to COVID-related symptoms. Emergency Lesson ● These are Due September 8th! Plan ● Always having a week of lesson plans planned out ahead of time is recommended. The format will be discussed at the all staff workshop. Underlying health If teachers have any underlying health conditions and/or have concerns conditions and/or about working during COVID, they need to request a meeting with the health concerns Director and Assistant Director or Special Education Director to discuss concerns and consider options that are available. Meeting should be scheduled as soon as possible. Oncy you have 1. Notify the office/administration of your symptoms symptoms... 2. Go home (if you are not already) and get tested as soon as possible. You will get paid for this day without having to take PTO. If you choose not to get tested you will have to use sick days, and you will not be allowed back in the building until after being symptom free for 14 days. 3. If staff are able to continue to work remotely while waiting on test results, will not be deducted from PTO. 4. If staff are not able to continue to work remotely, PTO will be deducted for days not working. 5. The above applies to staff who are the main caregiver for someone with the above symptoms My test came back Come back as soon as you are symptom free for 24 hours and feel like negative you are able to perform required job duties. If symptoms persist but your test is negative a doctor’s note will be required to return to campus. You will have to continue to use PTO time if you are not able to perform essential job duties. Provide lesson plans for days that you are not working. My test came back 1. Send the results to the office, attention Director. If you don’t positive provide the results to the school, you will not be able to qualify for extended COVID leave. 2. Take time to recover and get healthy. Take at least 14 consecutive days to quarantine. If you are able, provide lesson plans for a substitute teacher. 3. If you feel you are able to continue to work and perform essential duties, staff may request to have the option to work remotely if the school approves the request. COVID Breakout ● If a staff member who has been in school has a positive Plan COVID-19 test result, the school will consult with our regional response team, which includes staff from Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and follow their recommendations. 19
● As guided by MDH, staff and families (class or school-wide) will be informed via Swift K-12 (email, text, phone calls) as appropriate. Close contacts will be notified. ● No names of staff or students will be released regarding symptoms or COVID cases. ● At what point will a class/the school close due to positive staff cases? This will be determined in consultation with MDH. ● If a class or school moves from altered hybrid to 100% distance learning with no study center, there will be no off-days during such a transition. 20
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