YSA Staff CPD Programme 2021-2022

Page created by Vincent Sutton
YSA Staff CPD Programme 2021-2022
YSA Staff CPD Programme
YSA Staff CPD Programme 2021-2022
YSA Staff CPD Programme

Welcome to our Yorkshire Schools Alliance CPD Programme 2021-2022.
In putting together this year’s programme, we have combined sessions from
external expertise with our own YSA teachers and leaders, to meet the needs
of teachers and school leaders at every stage in their careers.
We are excited to include Craig Barton, well known for both his applications
of Cognitive Science and for his work in Maths and James Durran, North             James Durran -
Yorkshire advisor and expert in Literacy, as part of our programme this year.
                                                                                   Disciplinary Literacy
The various strands of the programme are summarised on the next page
and we hope that the information in the booklet will answer most of                Monday 27th September
your questions; however, you are always invited to make contact on                 and Monday 15th
admin@yorkshiresa.co.uk with questions about any part of the programme.
                                                                                   November, 4-5pm
Given the renewed emphasis on subject specific training and the curriculum,
in the booklet this year, we have also included some subject specific links
                                                                                   James Durran is a Senior Education
for many of the core subjects (taken from Mary Myatt’s recent book ‘Back
                                                                                   Adviser for North Yorkshire County
on Track’/website) on pages 4 and 5 and there is also a more general
                                                                                   Council. He has 24 years of teaching
recommended reading page, (page 11) with links to reliable sources of
                                                                                   experience, and has lectured on
information, recommended by CPD leads from across the YSA.
                                                                                   PGCE and MA courses. An experienced trainer, James has
Much of the programme will remain on Microsoft Teams this year, to                 delivered seminars, lectures and practical workshops across the
allow for maximum attendance and protect against further disruption in             UK and abroad on the teaching of English, Media and literacy,
schools. Some events, for example, the March training event, is planned to         for both secondary and primary teachers.
be ‘in person’ and we hope that this will give opportunity for us to renew
acquaintances across the alliance, and forge new links.

  ooking for all events is via the booking platform Eventbrite and
 attendance at ALL Monday sessions is FREE! CLICK HERE

Summary of
                       Subject Specific
                                               Monday 4-5pm
                                                                       MA in
                                                                                                                                          School Partners
2021-2022              Development             CPD                     Education             Professional          Reading
Programme                                      Programme                                     Qualifications
                                                                       Research and
                                               on Teams
                                                                       in the YSA
                                                                       March Training
                                                                       Day Event
YSA Staff CPD Programme 2021-2022

Summary of the 2021-2022 Programme
CPD leads from all partner schools continue to meet regularly to identify the training priorities for
their teaching staff. This shapes our Continuing Professional Development Programme, as below:

New teachers                                                                Continuing professional development -
Early Career Framework for years 1 and 2                                    Leadership
Each school in the YSA is responsible for registering their own Early       Sessions on Mondays – 4-5pm on line and free to attend
Career Teachers for the ECF from a choice of providers. We have a
bespoke programme via Leeds Trinity University, working with the            Target audience – middle and senior leaders, those involved in
University of Birmingham and Capita, which some YSA schools have            managing and leading others in schools. Programme on pages 6/7.
chosen to use.                                                              A range of NPQs are also available via the Teaching School Hubs in
                                                                            York, Leeds or Harrogate. Please see page 9 for further details.

Continuing professional development
Subject specific development
                                                                            Continuing professional development -
Via the networks, we offer subject expertise offered by external speakers
                                                                            MA in Education
and YSA colleagues. Subject networks tend to meet virtually once/term       Bespoke offer via Leeds Trinity University for the PG Cert and the MA
or more regularly if the need arises. The target audience is Heads of       in Education. Please see page 8 for further details.
Subject primarily, but networks are open to all teachers who would like
to be involved. The list of network leads is on page 4.
                                                                            Research and development work
Online reading/blog recommendations for many of the core subjects
                                                                            Fortnightly email bulletins of relevant and recent educational evidence-
are included on page 5.
                                                                            based reading aimed at all staff involved in teaching and learning is sent
                                                                            to all schools. There are also specific opportunities for research projects
Continuing professional development -                                       in schools.
                                                                            Katie Hunter (YSA R and D lead) passes these to all schools via their
Pedagogy                                                                    CPD lead.
Sessions on Mondays 4-5pm on line and free to attend
Target audience – classroom teachers/middle/senior leaders and others       March training day event
interested in learning and classroom practice. Programme on pages 6/7.
                                                                            Wed 16th March 2022
Continuing professional development -                                       Craig Barton will be our speaker at this year’s March training day; open
                                                                            to all schools to send individuals or groups of staff.
Pastoral training
Sessions on Mondays 4-5pm on line and free to attend                        Bespoke delivery
Target audience – Form Tutors, pastoral leads, classroom teachers,          Please ask! Repeat sessions, or tailored more to your audience.
non-teaching professionals eg learning mentors. Programme on pages 6/7.     Email: admin@yorshiresa.co.uk for more information.

YSA Staff CPD Programme

Subject Specific Development
Here is the list of Network leaders; please email Tori /Kathryn at admin@yorkshiresa.co.uk
to be added to distribution list for your respective Subject Network.

Network Name           Leader Name                  School                           Email
Art                    Emma Radley                  Queen Mary’s School              e.radley@queenmarys.org
Business and           Matthew Perry                St Aidan’s C of E High School    m.perry@staidans.co.uk
Economics              Supported by Brendan Foley   King James’s School              brendanfoley@king-james.n-yorks.sch.uk
Careers                Jo Dukes                     St Aidan’s C of E High School    j.dukes@staidans.co.uk
Classics & Latin       Rachel Askew                 Queen Mary’s School              r.askew@queenmarys.org
Computing/ICT          Craig Walton                 Woodkirk Academy                 walton.c@woodkirkacademy.com
Dance                  Claire Noonan                St. John Fisher C High School    cnoonan@sjfchs.org.uk
Design Technology      John Bagshaw                 Grammar School at Leeds          DJB@gsal.org.uk
Drama                  Louise Woodward              Bedale High School               woodl@bedalehighschool.org.uk
English                Chris Kilby                  St. John Fisher C High School    ckilby@sjfchs.org.uk
Exam Officers          Tracey Mahoney               St Aidan’s C of E High School    t.mahoney@staidans.co.uk
Food Technology        Jenny Betteridge             St Aidan’s C of E High School    j.betteridge@staidans.co.uk
Geography              Natasha Colville-Robins &    Ripon Grammar School             colville-robinsn@ripongrammar.com
                       Andy Childe                  Bedale High School               childea@bedalehighschool.org.uk
History                Chris Hansen                 Thirsk School & Sixth Form       chris.hansen@thirskschool.org
Librarians             Lisa Bryden                  King James’s School              lisabryden@king-james.n-yorks.sch.uk
Maths                  Hannah Radcliffe             King James’s School              hannahradcliffe@king-james.n-yorks.sch.uk
MFL                    Andrew Maccallum             St. Aidan’s C of E High School   a.maccallum@staidans.co.uk
Music                  Andrew Moxon                 Ryedale School                   amoxon@ryedale-rlt.co.uk
PE                     John Strover                 St. Aidan’s C of E High School   j.strover@staidans.co.uk
PSHE                   Monica Perry                 Harrogate Ladies College         Mrs.Perry@hlc.org.uk
RE                     Maggie Gee                   St. Aidan’s C of E High School   m.gee@staidans.co.uk
Science                Matt Park                    St. Aidan’s C of E High School   m.park@staidans.co.uk
Sociology/Psychology   Jeannine Fisher              St John Fisher C High School     jfisher@sjfchs.org.uk


All links on this page and throughout the booklet are live, please click to go directly through to the recommended resource area.

Art and Design                      Computing                              Design and                             Drama
BBC Bitesize                        Barefoot                               Technology                             BBC Bitesize
British Museum                      Code Club                                                                     Drama Resource
                                                                           Food – a fact of life
National Gallery                    CoderDojo                                                                     Drama Works
                                                                           How stuff works
NSED                                Computer Science Teachers’ Assoc                                              National Assoc for the teaching
                                                                           BBC Bitesize
The Tate                            Computing at School                                                           of Drama
Victoria and Albert Museum          Digital Schoolhouse                                                           National Drama
                                    Hello world Magazine                                                          RADA
                                    Scratch                                                                       Royal Shakespeare Comapany
                                    Ten Tips for Teaching
English                             Geography                              History                                Languages
BBC Bitesize                        BBC Bitesize                           BBC Bitesize                           Assoc for Languages Learning
Litdrive                            BBC Radio 4’s Great Lives series       BBC Teach resources KS3/4              BBC Bitesize
National Assoc for the teaching     Geographical Association               Historical Association                 Curriculum 2014 best practice
of English                          Google Maps for Education              National Archives                      Duolingo app
Poetry Society                      Guardian Eyewitness                                                           Goethe Institut’s German resources
Talk for Writing                    National Geographic’s Around the                                              Light Bulb Languages
Team English                        World in 12 days                                                              Mama Lisa
                                    Ordnance Survey Mapzone                                                       Spanish resources
                                    Time for Geography                                                            The Latin Programme
Maths                               Music                                  Physical Education                     Religious Education
BBC Bitesize                        Arts Council Music Education           Assoc for Physical Education           BBC Bitesize
Complete Mathematics                Hubs                                   BBC Bitesize                           Culham St Gabriel’s Trust
Mathematical Association            BBC Bitesize                           School Games                           National Assoc of Teachers of
National Centre for Excellence in   BBC Ten Pieces                         Sport England                          Religious Education
Teaching of Mathematics             Incorporated Society of Musicians      The Daily Mile                         RE Handbook
                                    Love Music Trust                       Youth Sport Trust                      Religious Education Council of
                                    Music Teachers Association                                                    England and Wales
                                    National Teachers’ Choir                                                      RE Online
                                    New Music Curriculum Guidance
                                    Virtual piano
Association of Science Education    Excellent subject knowledge is consistently identified as a key factor in promoting good student progress.
BBC Bitesize                        Access to high quality, reliable subject materials are therefore essential for teachers. These source materials
BBC Teach resources                 for core subjects are taken from Mary Myatt’s book ‘Back on Track’ and are also available on her website
Developing Experts                  www.marymyatt.com/subject-links.

YSA Staff CPD Programme

Monday 4-5pm CPD Programme on Teams

                PEDAGOGY                       PASTORAL                       LEADERSHIP
Mon 20th Sept   Facilitator training event
                Part 1 of 2
                James Durran
Mon 4th Oct                                                                   CURRICULUM – INTENT,
                                                                              IMPLEMENTATION AND IMPACT
                                                                              Part 1 of 2
                                                                              Katie Hunter, (Ryedale School)/Ruth
                                                                              McQuire (St Aidan’s School)
Mon 11th Oct    ON LINE LEARNING
                CONTINUED Part 1 of 2
                Kerry Kurczij, (GSAL)
Mon 18th Oct                                   SUPPORTING SCHOOL
                                               CHILDREN IN 2021
                                               Liz Crichton (SJF)
                Part 1 of 2
                Georgie Dee (GSAL)
Mon 8th Nov                                    SUPPORTING THE ANXIOUS CHILD
                                               Alison Knight (Bedale)
                Part 2 of 2
                James Durran
Mon 22nd Nov                                                                  DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS
                                                                              Part 1 of 2
                                                                              Tom Kelly (Bedale School)
                BACK part 1 of 2
                Matt Gill, (Bedale School)
                Part 1 of 2
                Louise Coffey,
                (Woodkirk School)

                 PEDAGOGY                             PASTORAL                            LEADERSHIP
                 Part 2 of 2 (Kerry Kurczij, GSAL)
Mon 17th Jan                                          POSITIVE MENTAL HEALTH
                                                      Shannon Bradbury/Claire Temple
                                                      (Bedale School)
                 ACTION Part 1 of 2
                 James Wilkinson (Ashville School)
                 RESILIENCE Part 1 of 2
                 Katie Hunter (Ryedale)
Mon 7th Feb                                                                               CURRICULUM – INTENT,
                                                                                          IMPLEMENTATION AND IMPACT
                                                                                          Part 2 of 2
                                                                                          Katie Hunter (Ryedale)/Ruth McQuire
                                                                                          (St Aidan’s)
Mon 14th Feb     GENERATIVE LEARNING Part 2 of 2
                 Louise Coffey, (Woodkirk School)
Mon 28th Feb     MEMORY FOR LEARNING Part 2 of 2
                 Georgie Dee (GSAL)
Mon 7th March                                         ATTACHMENT DISORDERS
                                                      Kate Douglas (St Aidan’s School)
Mon 14th March                                                                            DIFFICULT CONVERSATIONS
                                                                                          Part 2 of 2 – Tom Kelly
                                                                                          (Headteacher, Bedale)
                 FEEDBACK Part 2 of 2 (ks3 FOCUS) –
                 Matt Gill (Bedale)
                 RESILIENCE Part 2 of 2
                 Ruth McQuire (St Aidan’s)
                 ACTION Part 2 of 2
                 James Wilkinson (Ashville School)
Mon 9th May                                                                               INCREMENTAL COACHING 1
                                                                                          Tom Milner (Horsforth)
Mon 16th May                                          WHEN THE ADULTS CHANGE
                                                      (based on the book by Paul Dix) –
                                                      Luke France (Ryedale)
Mon 23rd May                                                                              INCREMENTAL COACHING 2
                                                                                          Tom Milner (Horsforth)
YSA Staff CPD Programme

MA in Education with Leeds
                                                                         March Training Day Event
Trinity University                                                       This year, our training event will be held on Wednesday
As a valued partner of Leeds Trinity University, all YSA teachers        16th March. Some YSA schools have training days on this
are entitled to a generous discount on the PG Cert in Education,         day, but all schools are very welcome to send individuals or
reducing the standard fee by 20%. This consists of two taught            groups of staff to the morning event, which will include a
modules which come from the first year of the MA in Education.           break with refreshments. The morning session will include a
These will be delivered to YSA teachers as bespoke twilight              break and refreshments. Tickets will be on Eventbrite early
sessions, via Microsoft Teams.                                           in the Autumn term. and attendance at this event also gives
Early in the Autumn term, we will arrange an initial meeting with        free access to Craig’s accompanying on-line course.
LTU in order to pass on information and ask questions. Following
this, the application process will open.
This Link gives further information about the PG Cert and MA in          Craig Barton - Focusing thinking
Education.                                                               9.30-11.30am (in person at St Aidan’s)
Research and Development                                                 Craig has worked with the YSA previously, with our Maths
                                                                         departments and as a speaker at a previous YSA conference on
in the YSA                                                               ‘Cognitive Load Theory.’ Having had outstanding reviews in
                                                                         the past, we are delighted to be welcoming him back to YSA
Our aim at the YSA is to base all of our CPD on a sound                  to deliver training on ‘Focusing thinking.’
evidence base and to engage in professional development which
is informed by reliable and current educational research. The            Overview:
recommendations for reading and subject materials in this
                                                                         Dylan Wiliam has described Cognitive Load
booklet are also suggested with this in mind. Facilitators on our
                                                                         Theory as “the single most important thing for
team are supported in the planning of sessions, to ensure that the       teachers to know”. However, of late it has attracted
material they use is up to date and reliable.                            a certain amount of back-lash, with teachers
Every two weeks, Katie Hunter (R and D lead for YSA) sends a             branding either meaningless or obvious. I think it
brief R and D bulletin to all CPD leads so that they can pass it on to   is neither. In this session I describe how knowing
                                                                         about the limitations and nature of working
all YSA teachers. It is a selection of digestible educational research
                                                                         memory has changed so much about my daily
findings and feedback from teachers suggests that it is high valued.     practice in the classroom, and how I think about learning in general.
The YSA Team holds evidence based materials, categorised
                                                                         We dive into key findings from research into Cognitive Load Theory,
by Theme, making it easy to find useful resources if you are             the Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and Dual-Coding
researching a particular theme or planning your own training             Theory, including the Modality Effect, the Split-Attention Effect, and
resources. Please contact admin@yorkshiresa.co.uk if you would           the Redundancy Effect. Crucially, we examine how we can make
like a reminder of your school’s logon to the YSA Team.                  practical use of these findings in our classrooms, considering the
                                                                         implications for everything from the look of our slides, the way we talk,
Periodically, there are opportunities to take part in University based
                                                                         our boardwalk, and the displays in our classrooms! Understanding
educational studies and these are circulated via CPD leads in schools.   these three theories better has been a real game-changer for me,
If you would like any more resources or information, please              underpinning all that I do throughout the Learning Episode.
contact Katie directly on khunter@ryedale-rlt.co.uk

National Professional
What are NPQs?                                                               Costs and durations of the programmes
NPQs support the government’s golden thread for teacher and                  The specialist NPQs are 12 month programmes with a three month
school leader development. They are nationally recognised, trusted,          assessment window. The Senior Leadership, Headship and Executive
transferable qualifications that equip teachers with the expertise to lead   Leadership NPQs are 18 month programmes with a three month
sustainable improvement across their schools.                                assessment window.
                                                                             The specialist NPQ for Leading Teacher Development and the NPQ
How have they changed?                                                       for Headship are expected to be fully funded by the DfE. The NPQs
                                                                             for Senior Leadership, Leading Teaching and Leading Behaviour and
As part of the DfEs wider reforms the main changes to NPQs are:              Culture are also expected to be fully funded for the top 30% schools for
• Th
   e National Professional Qualification for Middle Leaders                 pupil premium nationally. The DfE will be publishing the list of schools
  (NPQML) has been discontinued.                                             who meet this criteria.

• Th
   ree new NPQs focusing on specialist areas: NPQ for Leading
  Behaviour and Culture (NPQLBC), NPQ for Leading Teaching                     Get in touch:
  (NPQLT), NPQ for Leading Teacher Development (NPQLTD).
• Th
   e remaining NPQs (Senior Leadership NPQSL, Headship                        Tel: 01904 411341 (Option 3)
  NPQH and Executive Leadership NPQEL) have been refreshed
  based on an evidence base approved by the Education Endowment
                                                                               Email: info@tsh.pmat.academy
  Foundation (EEF).                                                                @PathfinderTSH

Why have they changed?                                                         www.pathfinder-education.co.uk
The new NPQ frameworks support evidence-informed practice                      Or contact YSA via admin@yorkshiresa.co.uk
throughout every stage of a teacher’s career. Schools and trusts can
have confidence that all their educators, from Early Career Teachers to
leaders of multiple schools, are building and developing their practice
from the same strong evidence-base.
Educational theory on how children learn, what impacts their
behaviour and how they are assessed, alongside what makes effective
continuous professional development for teachers and leaders are
There is a clear focus on what teachers need to know and be able to
do. Leadership CPD has often focused on personal traits, such as the
qualities of dynamic and charismatic leadership. The new and reformed
NPQs pay less attention to generic management and leadership styles
and more to the knowledge and skills that teachers and school leaders
need to tackle persistent problems in their daily roles.

YSA Staff CPD Programme

The following list is of trusted resources which you may want to
routinely access online along with a reminder of the link to our
‘YSA Team’ area, where useful sources are stored.

These are the top three                                            Subject Specific:
Impact: Chartered College                                          Mary Myatt subject resource links and video-based training:
EEF Guidance Reports                                               https://www.marymyatt.com/subject-links
EEF Evidence Reviews (literature reviews)                          English/ Literacy:
                                                                   Alex Quigley
These are older reports or sites no longer being updated but       https://www.stem.org.uk/best-evidence-science-teaching
worth reading.                                                     (Best Evidence Science Teaching)
http://www.beib.org.uk/ (York Uni IEE)
https://www.suttontrust.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/            https://www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/crme/
What-Makes-Great-Teaching-REPORT.pdf (Sutton Trust)                resources-teachers.aspx
                                                                   (Centre for Research in Mathematics Education)
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273626957_What_           Visit R and D, or Subject Network areas of YSA Teams for
Works_What_Doesn’t (Dunlosky)                                      useful resources on many areas of pedagogy.
                                                                   • Go to https://portal.office365.com

Research Schools:                                                  • Sign in with your school account details available from your
                                                                      school CPD Lead
                                                                   • Click “Teams” on the left
                                                                   • Click “YSA Teams Site”
archived-newsletters                                               • Click on Channel needed

All links on this page and throughout the booklet are live, please click to go directly through to the recommended resource area.


                      Richmond                                           Northallerton

                                                      Bedale High
                                                                         Thirsk School &
                                                                           Sixth Form                        Ampleforth
                                                                Mary’s                                                                  Norton
                                                                School                                                                  College


                                                                         Ripon                High School

                                         St Aidan’s       St John Fisher
                                          School              School
                                          TSA lead           NSS lead
                                                                                   King James’s




                                         School at
                                           Leeds                  Leeds


               Huddersfield                            Woodkirk

School Partners
AMC    Ampleforth College                                         YO62 4ER                          QMS          Queen Mary’s School                            YO7 3BZ
AVC    Ashville College                                           HG2 9LP                           RGS          Ripon Grammar School                           HG4 2DG
BHS    Bedale High School                                         DL8 2EQ                           RS		         Ryedale School                                 YO62 7SL
BBS    Boroughbridge High School                                  YO51 9JX                          SA		         St Aidan’s Church of England
GS		   Gateways School                                            LS17 9LE                          		           High School                                    HG2 8JR
HLC    Harrogate Ladies’ College                                  HG1 2QG                           SJF		St John Fisher Catholic High School                   HG2 8PT
HS		   Horsforth School                                           LS18 5RF                          GSAL         The Grammar School at Leeds                    LS17 8GS
KJS    King James’s School                                        HG5 8EB                           TSS	Thirsk School & Sixth Form College                     YO7 1RZ
NC		   Norton College                                             YO17 9PT                          WKA          Woodkirk Academy                               WF3 1JQ 11
Yorkshire School Alliance
              T: 01423 818512
 E: admin@yorkshiretsa.co.uk

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