Khalsa School Distance Learning Plan - 2020-21 School Year - Khalsa Montessori ...

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Khalsa School Distance Learning Plan - 2020-21 School Year - Khalsa Montessori ...
Khalsa School Distance
Learning Plan
2020-21 School Year


 Khalsa Family Services   8/13/20
Khalsa School Distance Learning Plan - 2020-21 School Year - Khalsa Montessori ...
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

Khalsa Charter School Distance Learning
On June 24, 2020, Governor Ducey issued Executive Order 2020-41 Prioritizing Kids and Schools During
COVID-19 regarding the reopening of schools for school year 2020-2021. As part of the Executive Order,
all public schools may submit a Distance Learning Plan (DLP) to receive the flexibility to offer distance
learning options for students without an approved Arizona Online Instruction (AOI) program for the
2020-2021 school year. School districts are required to submit a DLP to the Arizona Department of
Education (ADE) prior to implementing distance learning. School districts may begin operating their DLP
upon submission of the plan to ADE. Charter schools are required to use the template provided by the
Arizona State Board for Charter Schools (ASBCS) and must submit their DLP as specified in
communications from ASBCS and each charter holder’s assigned Education Program Manager.

School Districts may make revisions to improve their DLP at any time, but must submit those changes to
the ADE within 10 business days of any substantive revision. School districts should contact the ADE at to revise their DLP.

A school district that has been approved to operate an AOI but plans to operate distance learning for
students enrolled in a brick and mortar school must submit a DLP prior to beginning operations. School
districts are required to submit a DLP to be eligible for the Governor’s Enrollment Stability Grant

A school district that wishes to provide distance learning under Executive Order 2020-41 must create a
DLP using this template, provided by the ADE. School districts not utilizing the appropriate template will
be required to revise and resubmit their plans. Plans not submitted in the template must wait to begin
DL instruction until the plan is submitted in the approved template. The template is a Word document
that must be completed in its entirety and submitted via email to, as specified
in communications from ADE.

In the sections found on pages 3-5, a school district will populate background information regarding
school district and school information, including basic information about each school district’s overall
plan and intended number of instructional days.

Most areas of the DLP will be completed by breaking processes into discreet, sequential action steps
that answer the questions of what, who, when, and how. The action steps require the school district to
name the action, indicate who is responsible for the action, provide the frequency and/or timing of the
action, and identify what evidence will exist to show that the step has been/is being completed. Areas
should include multiple action steps in order to demonstrate that the school district has a “detailed
plan” to “provide substantive distance learning,” as required by the Executive Order. An example of a
set of action steps for an area is below:

The example above is not intended to demonstrate that these are specific action steps a school district should use, nor that this is the best or
most appropriate number of action steps. Rather, it is provided as guidance to show the manner in which the template is to be completed.

Other areas of the template will require the school district to check boxes to indicate specific tasks, strategies, or resources to be used for
different stakeholders included in the distance learning process.

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

School District Information
*School districts are only required to submit one DLP. If individual schools within a district are providing unique instructional programs, we encourage school
districts to incorporate that information into one DLP, as opposed to completing additional templates. Please contact with any

 School District Name                          Khalsa Family Services                             School District Entity ID                    79420

 Representative authorized to submit the plan (This is the individual who will
                                                                                                  Leslie Woodford
 be contacted with questions about the plan)
 Representative Telephone Number                                                                  (520) 529-3611

 Representative E-Mail Address                                                          

School Information
*In the chart, list the schools this plan applies to. Add rows as needed to account for all schools.

                                           School Name                                                      Entity ID                       CTDS

 Khalsa School                                                                                         79431                  10-87-84-101

Distance Learning Background Information
    a. Number of Instructional Days (3.b)

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

Each school district shall operate for the required 180 days of instruction pursuant to Executive Order 2020-41 (3.b). An exception to this
requirement may be granted by the ADE, if the school intended to switch to a different schedule for the 2020-2021 school year. If ADE previously
approved the school to operate on a calendar that was not 180 days, but met the number of hours equal to 180 days of instruction, this provision
is still met, and no action is required.

Please note, pursuant to Executive Order 2020-44 the Arizona Department of Education (ADE) shall conduct an analysis of the need to waive the
number of school days that schools are required to provide schooling and the impact of such a waiver by August 31, 2020.

 How many instructional days will the school district operate for School Year 2020-2021?                                   180

 How many instructional days did the school district operate for School Year 2019-2020?                                    180

    b. Distance Learning Option (3.b)

 Estimated Enrollment for FY 2021               270                      Start Date for Distance Learning     Aug. 17, 2020
                                                                      Estimated Number of Students
 Estimated Number of Students Participating                           Participating in Distance
                                                0                                                            250
 in Distance Learning for the Full Year                               Learning for a Portion of the
                                                ☐1. We intend to operate distance learning for the full year for all students.

                                                ☐2. We intend to operate distance learning until ________________ for all students.

                                                ☐3. We intend to operate distance learning only until the Governor allows schools to fully
 Please choose the option that indicates        reopen.
 your proposed duration/plan for distance
 learning:                                      ☐4. We intend to operate distance learning and use a hybrid approach once the Governor
                                                allows schools to fully reopen. Hybrid includes distance learning with students learning in the
                                                classroom on some days, and from home on other days (i.e. half of the students attend
                                                Mon/Wed and half of the students Tues/Thurs, half of the students come each week, etc.).

                                                ☒5. Other (Please explain below)

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

 If you chose option 4 or 5 above, please provide a brief narrative explaining the details of the plan you will use:

 We intend to operate distance learning for the first quarter of the school year—until October 12, 2020—for grades K-8. Kindergarten is
 housed with the private preschool which will be open for in-person learning; families may choose in-person learning for Kindergarten
 students. At the end of the first quarter, we will review guidelines from the CDC, our local health department, and Arizona Department of
 Health Services, which are scheduled to be released on August 7, 2020 (Today is 7/27/20). We will assess the feasibility of commencing in
 person instruction at that time. If the status of the spread and prevalence in the community does not meet the guidelines, we will continue
 distance learning for another quarter and reassess at that time. We intend to continue this way through the school year until it is safe to
 return to school.

 Is the school district requiring students to do distance learning?                                                                          Yes
 If students are required to do distance learning, is the school district providing a physical location for students to go                   Yes
 during the same hours of the day AND the same days throughout the week as it did in the FY2020 school year prior to
 the school closure?

*In the case of a statewide closure or delay of in-person instruction, the requirement to provide a physical location available for students is waived under the
Executive Order 2020-41 until the State permits in-person instruction. If due to a COVID-19 outbreak and pursuant to A.R.S. § 36-787, the Arizona Department of
Health Services directs a school to close temporarily in order to appropriately sanitize the facility, the requirement to provide a physical location available for
students is waived.

Attendance Tracking (1.a.i, 1.i)
        Describe how the school district will track attendance for students attending remotely, whether full time or intermittently.
         The description must include the specific measures that will be used to determine whether a student participating in DL will be reported
         as present or absent on days when instruction does not take place in person. Attendance tracking may include methods such as:
                      Communication with their teachers via telephone, ZOOM, MS Teams, or other digital meeting software.
                      Student participation in a virtual meeting or classroom session (ZOOM, MS TEAMS, Google Meets, etc.)
                      Daily assignments completed and submitted by the student.
                      A parent attestation or documentation of time spent on educational activities.

The school district is advised that the ADE will continue to issue guidance on the topic of attendance, and should closely monitor updated
information related to these expectations. Current guidance can be found here:
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

               Action Step(s)                           Person(s) Responsible                  Frequency and/or Timing                  Evidence of Implementation

 1.    Create shared Google Sheets             1.   State Reports Manager.              1.   One time: July 2020.                 1.   Attendance Workbook.
       Attendance Workbook.                    2.   State Reports Manager.              2.   One time, August 2020; repeated as   2.   PD attendance sheet.
 2.    Train office staff, teachers, and       3.   Parents.                                 needed.                              3.   Records in Attendance Workbook.
       assistants on attendance                4.   Office staff.                       3.   When students are sick or will not   4.   Records in Attendance Workbook.
       procedures.                             5.   Teaching staff (teachers, special        be engaging in school.               5.   Records in Attendance Workbook.
 3.    Parents will call to report absences.        educators, assistants,              4.   Daily, when parents call.            6.   Records in SchoolMaster.
 4.    Office staff will mark absences in           interventionists)                   5.   Daily.
       Attendance Workbook.                    6.   State Reports Manager.              6.   Daily.
 5.    Teaching staff, including assistants
       will mark students present in
       Attendance Workbook:
            a. Attendance at Zoom
                  meeting, or
            b. Work turned in, or
            c. Other contact, or
            d. Physical attendance in
                  onsite study hall
 6.    State Reports Manager will update
       numbers in SchoolMaster.

      a. Describe the efforts the school district will make to ensure all enrolled students are contacted and in communication on a regular basis.
               Action Step(s)                           Person(s) Responsible                  Frequency and/or Timing                  Evidence of Implementation

 1.    Teachers will maintain class records    1.   Teachers.                           1.   Daily.                               1.   Teachers’ instructional progress
       of lessons attended.                    2.   Teaching staff (teachers, special   2.   Daily, as needed.                         records.
 2.    Staff will reach out to students who         educators, assistants,                                                        2.   Phone call/email log.
       have not attended.                           interventionists)

Teacher and Staff Expectations and Support (1.a.ii)
      a. Describe expectations of teachers and other staff working virtually.

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

               Action Step(s)                         Person(s) Responsible                      Frequency and/or Timing                  Evidence of Implementation

 1.    Staff members will be available to    1.   Staff members, Administrative        1.     Daily.                                1.   Time sheets submitted by staff.
       perform their jobs during their            Director.                            2.     Daily.                                2.   Lessons conducted with students,
       regularly assigned hours (generally   2.   Teachers, Curriculum Coordinator.                                                      work submitted by students,
       8-4).                                                                                                                             assignments listed in Google
 2.    Teachers will follow teaching                                                                                                     Classroom. Coaching logs.
       guidelines explained in “Khalsa
       School: 2020-21 Instructional
       Expectations: Remote Learning.”
       Copy available at Khalsa School.

      b. Describe commitments on delivery of employee support services including but not limited to:
            o Human resource policies and support for employees; and
            o Regular communication from the administration.
               Action Step(s)                         Person(s) Responsible                      Frequency and/or Timing                  Evidence of Implementation

 1.    Provide HR benefits such as health    1.   HR Manager.                          1.     Open enrollment available one time    1.   Documentation of HR benefits
       insurance.                            2.   Administrative Director.                    per year, enrollment available             selected by employees.
 2.    Monday Memo (MM) sent weekly.         3.   Curriculum Coordinator.                     throughout the year for qualifying    2.   Emailed versions of MM.
 3.    Updates listed on Employee                                                             event.                                3.   Employee Website updates.
       Website.                                                                        2.     Weekly.
                                                                                       3.     As needed.

      c. Describe how professional development will be provided to employees.
               Action Step(s)                         Person(s) Responsible                      Frequency and/or Timing                  Evidence of Implementation

 1.    Develop schedule of staff trainings   1.   Admin team.                          1.     One time: multiple trainings during   1.   List of staff trainings. Sign in sheets
       for set up week 8/3-14.               2.   Curriculum Coordinator.                     two week set up period.                    from trainings.
 2.    Create annual Professional                                                      2.     Monthly PD topic, plus two half day   2.   List of PD schedule. Sign in sheets
       Development schedule.                                                                  staff development days.                    from trainings.
                                                                                                                                    3.   Presentation materials. Participant
 List Specific Professional Development Topics That Will Be Covered
          Technology, including Zoom, Google Classroom, Google Sites, and other platforms.
          Self-care topics
          Social Emotional instruction for assisting students.
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

        Suicide Prevention Training
        Daily health safety procedures
        Attendance training
        Annual training including: Child Study Process, Sexual Harassment Prevention training, Teacher Evaluation Process, FERPA, Behavior policy

Connectivity (1.a.iii)
Check the boxes below to indicate which was/will be used to ensure each student, teacher, and staff member has access to a device and internet
connectivity if the plan relies on online learning.

                                                                 Students        Teachers            Staff
 What was Used to Establish Need?
 Questionnaire                                      X                           X               X
 Personal Contact and Discussion                                                X               X
 Needs Assessment-Available data
 What will be Used to Respond to Need?
 Loaner Device (laptop/tablet)                      X                            X               X
 WIFI Hot Spot
 Supplemental Utility Support (Internet)
 Other:                                             X                           X               X
 When will stakeholders have access to IT Support Availability?
 Traditional School Hours                           X                           X               X
 Extended Weekday Hours
 24/7 Support

Instructional Methods and Monitoring Learning (1.a.iii)
   a. In the tables below, list the methods that will be used to deliver instruction (i.e. Direct Instruction via Zoom, Independent Study, Project
      Based Learning via a menu of options), the content provider or program to be used (i.e. Edgenuity, Journeys, Saxon Math), and the
      Formative and Summative Assessment Strategies to be used, as well as the frequency of those assessments.
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                             Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Math)
                    Educational Delivery         Content Provider/Program        Formative Assessment          Summative Assessment
                       Methodologies                        Used                Strategies and Frequency      Strategies and Frequency
 Kindergarten   Remote Learning                Remote Learning                Galileo Math: 3 x/year       Galileo Math: 3 x/year
                 Direct instruction via        Homemade and/or              Daily Informal               Daily Informal
                   Zoom                            digital Montessori             assessment using the          assessment using the
                 Supervised work time—            materials including            Montessori three period       Montessori three period
                   teacher available on            Golden Beads, stamp            lesson                        Lesson
                   Zoom, students can log          game,   etc.
                   on and work, seeking                                      In Person Learning            In Person Learning
                   assistance as needed        In Person Learning             Galileo Math: 3 x/year       Galileo Math: 3 x/year
                 Assignments posted and        Montessori Sensorial and  Daily Informal                  Daily Informal
                   collected through Google        math materials                 assessment using the          assessment using the
                   Classroom                                                      Montessori three period       Montessori three period
                 Use Prezi and Montessori                                        lesson                        lesson
                   Tools to create engaging
                 Classroom website will
                   provide learning
                   materials, daily schedule
                 Parent education to
                   support home learning

                In Person Learning
                 Kindergarten is housed in
                    Khalsa’s early childhood
                    program, which will open
                    for in person instruction.
                    Teachers will teach
                    Kindergarten as normal.
 1-3             Direct instruction via            Albanesi Math              Albanesi math                 Albanesi math
                    Zoom                            Homemade and/or             assessments: GAT, JRT—         assessments: GAT, JRT—
                 Direct instruction via             digital Montessori          GAT at begin/end of year;      GAT at begin/end of
                    recorded videos                  materials including
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                              Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Math)
                   Parent education to            Golden Beads, stamp            JRT’s at begin/end of         year; JRT’s at begin/end
                    support home learning          game, etc.                     each unit                     of each unit
                   Skills practice through                                   Galileo math                   Galileo math
                    printed packets and                                           assessment—BOY/EOY            assessment—BOY/EOY
                    manipulatives                                              Xtramath fact
                   Student Montessori                                            assessment—BOY
                    materials kits
                   Assignments posted and
                    collected through Google
 4-6               Flipgrid for collaborative   Printed and/or digital       Informal assessment by         Checking student work
                    learning experiences           versions of Montessori         asking questions at          Albanesi math
                   Direct instruction via         materials, like peg board,     beginning of lessons          assessments: GAT, ART—
                    Zoom                           guide squares, etc.         Albanesi math                   GAT at begin/end of
                   Direct instruction via       Xtramath for fact               assessments: GAT, ART—        year; ART’s at begin/end
                    recorded videos                practice                       GAT at begin/end of year;     of each unit
                   Classroom website will                                        ART’s at begin/end of        Math fact assessment
                    provide learning                                              each unit
                    materials, daily schedule                                  Math fact assessment
                   Student and teacher led                                    Xtramath for fact
                    presentations with                                            practice—BOY
                    Google Slides
                   Supervised work time—
                    teacher available on
                    Zoom, students can log
                    on and work, seeking
                    assistance as needed
                   Skills practice through
                    printed packets and
                   Assignments posted and
                    collected through Google
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                              Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Math)
 7-8               Direct instruction via       Khan Academy                 Appropriate pre-tests          Appropriate End-of-
                    Zoom                                                          with Khan Academy, at         course Tests with Khan
                   Direct instruction via                                        beginning of each lesson      Academy, at end of each
                    recorded videos,                                           Ongoing unit tests using        lesson
                    including Prezi videos and                                    Khan Academy, at             Ongoing unit tests using
                    Loom                                                          beginning of each unit        Khan Academy, at end of
                   Assignments posted and                                     Galileo pre tests               each unit
                    collected through Google                                                                   Galileo post tests
                    Classroom, and graded
                    through Jupiter Ed

                              Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (ELA)
                    Educational Delivery         Content Provider/Program        Formative Assessment            Summative Assessment
                       Methodologies                        Used                Strategies and Frequency        Strategies and Frequency
 Kindergarten   Remote Learning                Remote Learning                Galileo Reading: 3 x/year  Galileo Reading: 3 x/year
                 Direct instruction via        Homemade and/or              Daily Informal                 Daily Informal
                   Zoom                            digital Montessori             assessment using the            assessment using the
                 Supervised work time—            materials including            Montessori three period         Montessori three period
                   teacher available on            moveable   alphabet,           lesson                          lesson
                   Zoom, students can log          three-part cards, phonics
                   on and work, seeking            readers, etc.             In Person Learning              In Person Learning
                   assistance as needed         Handwriting without          Galileo Reading: 3 x/year  Galileo Reading: 3 x/year
                 Assignments posted and           Tears                      Daily Informal                 Daily Informal
                   collected through Google                                       assessment using the            assessment using the
                   Classroom                   In Person Learning                 Montessori three period         Montessori three period
                 Use Prezi and Montessori  Montessori language                  lesson                          lesson
                   Tools to create engaging        materials

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                             Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (ELA)
                  Classroom website will
                   provide learning
                   materials, daily schedule
                  Parent education to
                   support home learning

               In Person Learning
               Kindergarten is housed in
               Khalsa’s early childhood
               program, which will open for
               in person instruction.
               Teachers will teach
               Kindergarten as normal.
 1-3            Direct instruction via          Homemade and/or              Galileo Reading:                 Galileo Reading:
                   Zoom                           digital Montessori            Benchmark testing                 Benchmark testing
                Direct instruction via           materials including           3x/year                           3x/year
                   recorded videos                moveable alphabet,           Khalsa Arizona Academic          Khalsa Arizona Academic
                Parent education to              phonics readers,              standards aligned writing         standards aligned writing
                   support home learning          pink/green/blue series,       prompts: BOY/EOY                  prompts: BOY/EOY
                Skills practice through          word study through           Evan-Moore Reading               Evan-Moore Reading
                   printed packets and            Montessori Skytowers,         assessment: 3x/year               assessment: 3x/year
                   manipulatives                  etc.
                Student Montessori              The Reading Zone
                   materials kits                Waseca Reading
                Assignments posted and           Program
                   collected through Google      Evan Moor and Words
                   Classroom                      Their Way for spelling
 4-6            Flipgrid for collaborative      Epic reading                 Daily Informal                   Checking student work
                   learning experiences          Newsela                       assessment by asking              daily
                Direct instruction via          The Reading Zone              questions at beginning of        Listening to student
                   recorded videos                                              lessons                           comments during
                                                                                                                  readers’ workshop
                                                                                                                  discussions, weekly
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                              Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (ELA)
                  Classroom website will                                     Galileo Reading:                 Writing assessments
                   provide learning                                              Benchmark testing              Galileo Reading:
                   materials, daily schedule                                     3x/year                         Benchmark testing
                  Student and teacher led                                    Khalsa Arizona Academic           3x/year
                   presentations with                                            standards aligned writing      Khalsa Arizona Academic
                   Google Slides                                                 prompts: BOY/EOY                standards aligned writing
                  Supervised work time—                                                                         prompts: BOY/EOY
                   teacher available on
                   Zoom, students can log
                   on and work, seeking
                   assistance as needed
                  Assignments posted and
                   collected through Google

 7-8              Direct instruction via          Teacher created             Teacher created                HESS Reading CRM,
                   Zoom                             curriculum based AZ          formative assessments,          AZM2 Practice
                  Direct instruction via           standards                    weekly                          Assessment
                   recorded videos,                The Reading Zone            Galileo pre tests              HESS Writing CRM, AZM2
                   including Prezi videos and                                                                    Rubric-Driven Writing
                   Loom                                                                                          Assessment
                  Assignments posted and                                                                       Galileo post tests
                   collected through Google
                   Classroom, and graded
                   through Jupiter Ed


                           Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Science)
                    Educational Delivery       Content Provider/Program         Formative Assessment           Summative Assessment
                      Methodologies                       Used                Strategies and Frequency        Strategies and Frequency

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                           Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Science)
 Kindergarten   Remote Learning                Montessori Science            The Montessori three            The Montessori three
                 Direct instruction via          materials including water     period lesson                   period lesson, especially
                   Zoom                           cycle & clouds, states of   Teacher observation of           the third period
                 Supervised work time—           matter, life cycle of a       students during small          Student completed work,
                   teacher available on           seed, parts of a skeleton,    group lessons and               own experiments, own
                   Zoom, students can log         classes of vertebrates,       activities                      observations
                   on and work, seeking           mammals, leaf cabinet       Formalized observation          Completed class science
                   assistance as needed        Class Science project           forms                           project
                 Assignments posted and       National Geographic,
                   collected through Google       Free School programming
                 Use Prezi and Montessori
                   Tools to create engaging
                 Classroom website will
                   provide learning
                   materials, daily schedule
                 Parent education to
                   support home learning

                In Person Learning
                Kindergarten is housed in
                Khalsa’s early childhood
                program, which will open for
                in person instruction.
                Teachers will teach
                Kindergarten as normal.
 1-3             Direct instruction via          Montessori Great Lessons      Teacher observation of       The Montessori three
                    Zoom; large group and         Montessori Science             students during small         period lesson, especially
                    small group lessons            Materials including The        group lessons and             the third period
                 Direct instruction via           Big Bang, Layers of the        activities                   Student completed work,
                    recorded videos                Atmosphere, SARSEF            Formalized observation        own experiments, own
                                                   preparation, Scientific        forms                         observations
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                            Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Science)
                  Parent education to             method, light and energy,                                    Completed individual
                   support home learning           physics, great scientists,                                    science based projects
                  Skills practice through         kingdoms of living
                   printed packets and             organisms, biomes and
                   manipulatives                   ecosystems, botany
                  Assignments posted and          microbiology
                   collected through Google  Waseca biomes material
 4-6              Flipgrid for collaborative   Montessori Science            Teacher observation of          The Montessori three
                   learning experiences            materials including cell      students during small           period lesson, especially
                  Direct instruction via          theory, human                 group lessons and               the third period
                   recorded videos                 physiology, anatomy,          activities                     Student completed work,
                  Classroom website will          nutrition,                  Formalized observation           own experiments, own
                   provide learning                                              forms                           observations
                   materials, daily schedule                                                                    Completed individual
                  Student and teacher led                                                                       science based projects
                   presentations with
                   Google Slides
                  Supervised work time—
                   teacher available on
                   Zoom, students can log
                   on and work, seeking
                   assistance as needed
                  Assignments posted and
                   collected through Google
                  Collaborative learning
                   and student leadership
 7-8              Direct instruction via       Dead on AZ Science            Teacher created weekly          Teacher created unit
                   Zoom                            Standards                     pre-tests                       tests
                  Direct instruction via       Science Explorer                                               AIMS practice test
                   recorded videos,                curriculum
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                            Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Science)
                    including Prezi videos and  Kurzgesagt content
                    Loom                        Crash Course
                   Assignments posted and      Nova, Cosmos, other
                    collected through Google       science programming
                    Classroom, and graded
                    through Jupiter Ed


                     Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Other Content Areas)
                    Educational Delivery        Content Provider/Program        Formative Assessment          Summative Assessment
                       Methodologies                      Used                 Strategies and Frequency      Strategies and Frequency
 Kindergarten   Remote Learning                Montessori Social Studies  The Montessori three            The Montessori three
                 Direct instruction via          materials including            period lesson                 period lesson, especially
                   Zoom                           introduction to the globe,  Teacher observation of          the third period
                 Supervised work time—           continent maps, seasons,       students during small      Student completed work;
                   teacher available on           months of the year,            group lessons and             work complexity changes:
                   Zoom, students can log         Peace Day, the clock,          activities                    students make their own
                   on and work, seeking           land & water forms          Formalized observation          posters, own research,
                   assistance as needed        Music, art, PE provided          forms                         own reports.
                 Assignments posted and          by content specialists
                   collected through Google       through recorded lessons
                 Use Prezi and Montessori
                   Tools to create engaging
                 Classroom website will
                   provide learning
                   materials, daily schedule
                 Parent education to
                   support home learning

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                     Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Other Content Areas)
               In Person Learning
               Kindergarten is housed in
               Khalsa’s early childhood
               program, which will open for
               in person instruction.
               Teachers will teach
               Kindergarten as normal.
 1-3            Direct instruction via        Montessori Social Studies  Teacher observation of          The Montessori three
                   Zoom; large group and          materials, including           students during small         period lesson, especially
                   small group lessons            landforms, geography,          group lessons and             the third period
                Direct instruction via           basic needs of humans,         activities                 Student completed work,
                   recorded videos                Timeline of Life, Timeline  Formalized observation          own experiments, own
                Parent education to              of Humans,   History of        forms                         observations
                   support home learning          Written language, and
                Skills practice through          Math, Cultures through
                   printed packets and            Time
                   manipulatives               Music, art, PE provided
                                                  by content specialists
                                                  through recorded lessons
 4-6            Flipgrid for collaborative    Montessori Social Studies  Teacher observation of          The Montessori three
                   learning experiences           materials including            students during small         period lesson, especially
                Direct instruction via           geography of Asia, great       group lessons and             the third period
                   recorded videos                figures from history,          activities                 Student completed work,
                Classroom website will           Ancient Asia, Timeline of  Formalized observation           own experiments, own
                   provide learning               Math, economic                 forms                         observations
                   materials, daily schedule      geography,   early          Geography assessment:        Geography assessment:
                Student and teacher led          Americans                      pre-test at beginning of      periodically throughout
                   presentations with          Music, art, PE provided          year                          year
                   Google Slides                  by content specialists
                Supervised work time—            through recorded lessons
                   teacher available on
                   Zoom, students can log

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                           Instructional Methods, Content Delivery, and Monitoring Student Learning (Other Content Areas)
                         on and work, seeking
                         assistance as needed
                        Assignments posted and
                         collected through Google
                        Collaborative learning
                         and student leadership
 7-8                    Direct instruction via      Open History                  Teacher created pre-         Teacher created unit
                         Zoom                        Holt World History               tests, weekly                 tests, end of each unit
                        Direct instruction via      Holt Economics
                         recorded videos,            World Regional
                         including Prezi videos and     Geography
                         Loom                        History of US
                        Assignments posted and      Holt Government
                         collected through Google
                         Classroom, and graded
                         through Jupiter Ed


               Instructional Methods, Remote Training and Monitoring Student Learning (CTEDs, in lieu of requirements outlined in
                                                            A.R.S. § 15-391(4)(d) )
                         Educational Delivery      Content Provider/Program         Formative Assessment          Summative Assessment
                           Methodologies                     Used                  Strategies and Frequency      Strategies and Frequency

 Optional: Describe how the school will provide substantive distance learning (use if the school wishes to provide information in addition to the tables above)

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

Meeting the Needs of Students with Disabilities and English Learners.
      a. Describe how the school district will ensure access and meet the needs of students with disabilities.
In addition to action steps articulated in this document, all state/federal laws and IDEA assurances provided annually to the Department remain applicable
and in effect.

                Action Step                           Person(s) Responsible                     Frequency and/or Timing                   Evidence of Implementation

 1.    Review current IEP’s.                 1.   Special educator.                     1.   Once at beginning of year, as          1.   Special education services provided
 2.    Complete evaluation process for       2.   MET Team.                                  needed throughout year.                     during the school year in
       students identified at the end of     3.   Special educator.                     2.   As needed throughout the year.              accordance with IEP.
       2019-20 school year for evaluation.   4.   Special educator.                     3.   Initial meeting with teachers at       2.   All identified students complete the
 3.    Ensure communication with Gen Ed      5.   Classroom teachers.                        beginning of year; continuing               evaluation process within
       teachers regarding classroom          6.   Curriculum team.                           communication throughout the                designated time frames.
       accommodations.                                                                       year.                                  3.   Attendance logs from meetings;
 4.    Provide services via Zoom or other                                               4.   Daily/Weekly as required in IEP’s.          participant notes.
       platforms in accordance with                                                     5.   Once at beginning of year, or as       4.   Attendance logs from student
       services listed in IEPs.                                                              new students enroll.                        attendance in SPED instruction;
 5.    Complete 45 day reports.                                                         6.   Meet monthly.                               student completed work.
 6.    Follow Child Study process to                                                                                                5.   45 day reports.
       provide support for teachers and                                                                                             6.   Child study reports, forms, and
       students.                                                                                                                         teacher documentation.
 Process for Implementing Action Step
 Admin team will meet with Special Education services provider, and then the SPED provider will follow through with action steps 1-4. Teachers will complete 45-day reports.
 Child study team will meet monthly.

      b. Describe how the school district will ensure access and meet the needs of English learners.
                Action Step                           Person(s) Responsible                     Frequency and/or Timing                   Evidence of Implementation

 1.    Acquire SEI training if needed.       1.   Assistant director.                   1.   Once at beginning of school year. As   1.   Course completion certificate.
 2.    Review PHLOTE forms to identify       2.   Assistant director.                        needed for staffing changes.           2.   Signatures on 45 day reports.
       English as second language            3.   Assistant director.                   2.   Once at beginning of school year. As   3.   AZELLA test scores.
       students.                             4.   Classroom teachers.                        needed for students who enter mid-     4.   Completed classroom assignments,
 3.    Administer AZELLA tests to them.                                                      year.                                       improved score on subsequent
 4.    Provide English language learner                                                 3.   Once at beginning of school year. As        AZELLA test.
       instruction as needed to identify                                                     needed for students who enter mid-
       students.                                                                             year.
                                                                                        4.   Daily, as needed.
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

 Process for Implementing Action Step
 Admin team will meet with AZELLA services provider (they are already trained). They will follow through with steps 2-3, and provide support materials for general education
 teachers. Teachers will provide English language learner instruction to students in the classroom.

Social and Emotional Learning Support for Students (1.a.v)
Check the boxes below to indicate which will be provided to students to support social emotional learning and how counseling services will be
provided for each grade band.
                                                                                        Kinder       1-3        4-5         6-8         9-12
                           Teacher Check-in                                            X          X           X          X
                           Packet of Social and Emotional Topics                       X          X                      X
    Social Emotional
                           Online Social Emotional videos                                         X                      X
                           Parent Training                                            X           X                      X
                           Other:                                                     X           X           X          X

                                                                                                           Kinder        1-3             4-5           6-8          9-12
     Counseling Services          Webcast
                                  Other:                                                               X             X               X             X
Provide a description of how the school district will provide social and emotional learning support to students using the methods identified in the
above charts.
                Action Step                           Person(s) Responsible                     Frequency and/or Timing                    Evidence of Implementation

      Referrals as needed to community          Admin team                                 As needed                                  Confidential documentation in the
       agencies for counseling services          Curriculum coordinator                     At beginning of year and bi-annually        office
      Staff training regarding SEL for          Teachers                                    through the year                           Meeting attendance lists and
       students                                  All staff who interact with 6-8 grade      Regularly through the year                  participant notes
      Teachers will check in with students      Teachers                                   At beginning of the year                   Teachers family contact log
       regularly                                 Child Study team

Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

     Staff will participate in suicide                                           Regularly through the year as                Suicide prevention training
      prevention training                                                          needed                                        certificates
     Teachers will provide parent                                                Child Study team meets monthly               Email evidence (invitations and
      education for supporting their                                                                                             summaries) or Zoom meeting
      students at home                                                                                                           attendance records of parent
     Child study process will review                                                                                            training
      social emotional concerns for                                                                                             Child study notes

Demonstrating Mastery of Academic Content (
Describe how the school district will require students to demonstrate ongoing competency or mastery in grade level or advanced grade level
               Action Step(s)                         Person(s) Responsible          Frequency and/or Timing                      Evidence of Implementation

 1.   Benchmark testing K-8                  1.   Testing coordinator         1.   3x/year                                  1.   Benchmark test scores
 2.   Teacher observation                    2.   Teachers                    2.   Daily, weekly                            2.   Observation forms
 3.   AzM2 grades 3-8                        3.   Testing coordinator         3.   1x/year                                  3.   AzM2 results
 4.   Complete unit tests (practice skills   4.   Teachers                    4.   At regular intervals, aligned with       4.   Unit test results
      until students master content)         5.   Teachers                         curriculum                               5.   Grades
 5.   Grading at MS level                                                     5.   Ongoing

Benchmark Assessments (1.a.vii)
In the tables below, list the assessments that will be used for benchmarking in grades K-12 in English language arts and mathematics (i.e. NWEA
MAP, Galileo, Fountas and Pinnell BAS, etc.), the manner in which the assessment will be given, and the proposed date(s) the assessment(s) will
be given. Career and Technical Education Districts should submit N/A.

                                                          Benchmark Assessments (Math)
                            Assessment(s) to be used (Name of   Plan for Assessment (online, in person,                    Proposed date(s) of assessments
                               Assessment and/or Assessment              at testing center, etc.)
 Kindergarten              Galileo                             Online                                                   Before 9/25/20
 1-3                       Galileo                             Online                                                   Before 9/25/20
 4-6                       Galileo                             Online                                                   Before 9/25/20
 7-8                       Galileo                             Online                                                   Before 9/25/20
Khalsa Charter Distance Learning Template 2020-2021

                                                         Benchmark Assessments (ELA)
                         Assessment(s) to be used (Name of    Plan for Assessment (online, in person,                    Proposed date(s) of assessments
                            Assessment and/or Assessment               at testing center, etc.)
  Kindergarten         Galileo                                Online                                                  Before 9/25/20
  1-3                  Galileo                                Online                                                  Before 9/25/20
  4-6                  Galileo                                Online                                                  Before 9/25/20
  7-8                  Galileo                                Online                                                  Before 9/25/20

 Optional: Describe how the school district will administer benchmark assessments (use if the school district wishes to provide information in addition to
 the table above).

Additional Information (Optional)
 The school district may use this space to add any additional information it believes is key to the plan it has laid out in this document, or to highlight its
 efforts to provide a quality Distance Learning Plan to its students.

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