In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online

Page created by Marcus Rojas
In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online
NOVEMBER 7, 2021:
                              32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/
                            32o Domingo del Tiempo Ordinario

                                     In This Issue...
                         • Thanksgiving Basket Project - Page 8
                         • St. Rita Ministry - Page 10
                         • Meet Jean Costa - Page 11

          804 High House Rd. Cary, NC 27513
Parish Office: 919.468.6100 |
              Worship - Education - Service
In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online

In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online

In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online
Father's Faith Notes
This week the Church celebrates National Vocations Awareness Week,
which is dedicated to promoting vocations to the priesthood, diaconate,
and consecrated life. As with many such celebrations, setting aside a week
for this cause serves to call attention to something that should always be
close to our hearts and in our prayers. The need for more vocations to
priesthood, diaconate, and consecrated life is evident but we do not pray
for and promote vocations only because we need more men and women
to serve. We do so because we believe that more young people discerning
God’s call in their lives is ultimately what is best for them. God’s call is not
based only on His need for laborers but on His desire to share the joy of ministry with His sons
and daughters.

That perspective can help us be more willing to encourage the young men and women we know
to discern and follow God’s call, confident that doing so is the path to authentic happiness, holi-
ness, and fulfillment. Please join me this week in praying for vocations, offering at least once, or
even better, every day, the following:

    O loving and gracious God, Father of all, you bless your people in every time and season and
    provide for their needs through your providential care. Your Church is continually in need of
    priests, sisters and brothers to offer themselves in the service of the gospel by lives of ded-
    icated love. Open the hearts of your sons and daughters to listen to your call in their lives.
    Give them the gift of understanding to discern your invitation to serve you and your Church.
    Give them the gift of courage to follow your call. May they have the spirit of young Samuel
    who found fulfillment in his life when he said to you, "Speak Lord, for your servant is listen-
    ing." We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer. Amen.

Have a blessed week,
Fr. Michael

Esta semana la Iglesia celebra la Semana Nacional de las Vocaciones, que está dedicada a pro-
mover las vocaciones al sacerdocio, al diaconado y a la vida consagrada. Como ocurre con mu-
chas de estas celebraciones, dedicar una semana para esta causa sirve para llamar la atención
sobre algo que siempre debe estar cerca de nuestro corazón y en nuestras oraciones. La necesi-
dad de más vocaciones al sacerdocio, al diaconado y a la vida consagrada es evidente, pero no
oramos ni promovemos vocaciones solo porque necesitamos más hombres y mujeres para
servir. Lo hacemos porque creemos que discernir el llamado de Dios en sus vidas es lo mejor
para nuestros jovenes. El llamado de Dios no se basa solo en su necesidad de obreros, sino en
su deseo de compartir el gozo del ministerio con sus hijos.

Esa perspectiva puede hacernos más dispuestos a ayudar a los jóvenes que conocemos a dis-
cernir y seguir el llamado de Dios, confiados que hacerlo es el camino hacia la auténtica feli-
cidad, santidad y plenitud. Por favor, únase a mí esta semana en oración por las vocaciones,
ofreciendo al menos una vez, o mejor aún, todos los días, lo siguiente:

    SEÑOR JESÚS, te pedimos que envíes a tu pueblo los servidores que necesita. Escoge de
In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online
The Week in Review and Ahead
Thank you for your generosity to our parish!
This week's collection: Sunday Offertory & Building Fund
Next week's collection: Sunday Offertory

Fiscal YTD Offertory (Actual): $855,160.71 | Fiscal YTD Offertory (Bud.): $890,984.38
Variance: $35,923.67

The offertory budget has been decreased from our pre-pandemic budget by 5%.

  Sun:        1 Kgs 17:10-16 / Ps 146:7, 8-9, 9-10 / Heb 9:24-28 / Mk 12:38-44
  Mon:        Wis 1:1-7 / Ps 139:1b-3, 4-6, 7-8, 9-10 / Lk 17:1-6
  Tues:       Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 / Ps 46:2-3, 5-6 8-9 / 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 / Jn 2:13-22
  Wed:        Wis 6:1-11 / Ps 82:3-4, 6-7 / Lk 17:11-19
  Thurs:      Wis 7:22b-8:1 / Ps 119:89, 90, 91, 10, 135, 175 / Lk 17:20-25
  Fri:        Wis 13:1-9 / Ps 19:2-3, 4-5ab / Lk 17:26-37
  Sat:        Wis 18:14-16; 19:6-9 / Ps 105:2-3, 36-37, 42-43 / Lk 18:1-8
  Next Sun:   Dn 12:1-3 / Ps 16:5, 8, 9-10, 11 / Heb 10:11-14, 18 / Mk 13:24-32

Sunday: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time                        ON THE COVER
Monday: Bl. John Duns Scotus                                Many thanks to the Hispanic Minis-
Tuesday: Dedication of Saint John Lateran Basilica          try for putting together an absolutely
Wednesday: St. Leo the Great                                stunning All Souls Altar display. Let us
Thursday: St. Martin of Tours                               pray for all those who have passed on,
Friday: St. Josaphat                                        that they may be enjoying their heav-
Saturday: St. Frances Xavier Cabrini                        enly reward. Photo by Richard Sylvester

Father's Faith Notes continued...

  nuestras parroquias, de nuestros hogares, de nuestras escuelas y universidades una abun-
  dante cosecha de ardientes apóstoles para tu Reino: sacerdotes, religiosos, religiosas, diáco-
  nos, misioneros y apóstoles seglares; y haz que los llamados por Ti nunca pierdan conciencia
  de la grandeza y necesidad de su vocación. ¡Oh!, Virgen María, Madre de la Iglesia, enseña a
  decir a todos los llamados por el Señor, un sí con alegría, como el que tú dijiste en la Anunci-

¡Que Dios los bendiga!
P. Miguel

In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online
Remember In Your Prayers...
                                       MASS INTENTIONS
For the month of November, we will be remembering in our intentions all souls who have passed
 on. If you would like your loved ones names included in this remembrance month, please go to and select the "All Souls Intentions" button to add your intentions.
                                ALTAR AND AMBO FLOWERS
 Altar: In Memory of Elvin McDonal Jr. and Nathan McDonal. Forever in our hearts. From the Mc-
                                          Donal family

Ambo: In Memory of Avery and Colby McCarthy. We love you and miss you. Mom, Dad and Luke.

          If you would like to sponsor altar flowers, please contact Catherine at 919-469-0576.

                               PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL
                        For those who are ill or in need of our prayers, we pray…
Week One: Andy Altherr, Marie A. De Young, James Gallagher, David Harcharic, Karen Huber, Linda
Janas, Jennifer Jones, Jenny Merline, Dan Nagle, Parish Staff in Need, Dolores Rewkowski, Lucas Rodri-
guez, John Salvi, Clarence Scollon, Christine Scuderi, Danielle Shevack, Rim Sliazas, The Sliwa Family,
Sandra Viera
Week Two: The Alexander Family, Tania Almeida, Barry Brown, Theresa Caamano, Chuck Elms, Ro-
drigo Eguiguren, Ricardo Eguizabel, Joseph Felicello, Kiki Fermanian, Jerry Franks, Sally Gildea, Dara
Hadley, Jake Kennedy, Rita & Frank Losito Sr., Carrie Nelson, Betty Pate, Kevin Peterson, Irene Quistorff,
Rosanne Schenck, Katy Tobin, Angela Traglia, Betsy Warren, Teresa Watkins
Week Three: Fritz Brunssen, Joseph Felicello, Julie Miles Gernatt, Lila Gonzales, Bobbie Langdon,
Lilian Lostaglio, Caren Lowe, Ruby Millea, Norma Miller, Nina Miracola, Joseph Page, Mary Schroeher,
Annette Stephens, Sandra Wagner, Ken Wondra, Ginny Wright
Week Four: Pauline Alexander, Loretta Bierer, Anne Brennan, Lucy Brooks, Maria Cho, Joe Day, Marge
Hellkamp, Kristin Mayleben-Flott, Melissa Makowski, Dawn McGibbon, Kelly Parnell, Kay Reusch, Kim
Stittsworth, Melinda Strunk, Kellie Sliwa Thalhamer, Teo Zanchelli
Week Five: Pauline Alexander, Loretta Bierer, Anne Brennan, Lucy Brooks, Maria Cho, Joe Day, Marge
Hellkamp, Kristin Mayleben-Flott, Melissa Makowski, Dawn McGibbon, Kelly Parnell, Kay Reusch, Kim
Stittsworth, Melinda Strunk, Kellie Sliwa Thalhamer, Teo Zanchelli
Week Six: Alicia Conway, Michael Craven, Christian Craven, Stephen Diehl, Logan Dunn, Alicia Elias,
Rita Entwisle, Diego Eguizabal, Micki Foreman, Ellen Gibbons, Pearl and Pop Glasser, Arnie Hackett,
Rosemarie Mancino, Isabel Mattingly, Patricia Menatti, Norma Muhlbauer, Shirley Skalicky, Mike
Ward, Susan Williams
For those who have died, we pray... Robert Schenck, Adelia Castanheira Martinho

    If you or someone you know is having serious health issues, preparing for or recovering from
     surgery, or has other medical needs and would like to be listed on the parish Prayers of the
                 Faithful, please call the Pastoral Care Desk (919-468-6142) or email: Verification/approval by person in need will need to
                                          occur prior to printing.

In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online
Parish Events and Announcements

In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online
Parish Events and Announcements

In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online
Parish Events and Announcements
                                                        STMS OPEN HOUSE
                                                You are invited to learn more about what
                                                 makes St. Michael School such a special
                                                 place to learn and grow in Christ. Appli-
                                                cations for the 2022-2023 school year will
                                                 open in January so we invite you to tour
                                                our school, meet our administrators, and
                                                 talk to our students during an upcoming
                                                            Open House event.
                                                       In-person Open House Tours:
                                               Thursday, November 11, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
                                                 for PreK - Grade 8 prospective families
                                                Thursday, December 2, 2021 at 6:00 p.m.
                                                 for PreK - Grade 8 prospective families
     Thursday, December 9, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. for Middle School Only (Grades 6-8)
                               prospective families

In This Issue... NOVEMBER 7, 2021: 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time/ - Parishes Online
Parish Events and Announcements

Meet Jean Costa
This weekend, we're highlighting Jean Costa and her family! Jean is a long-
time parishioner of St. Michael's, a spiritual director, a published author,
and a woman of powerful faith. You can regularly find her at the 5 pm Mass
on Saturdays or the noon on Sundays.
What should parishioners know about you?
I am a cradle Catholic who grew up in New York. My father was very active
in our parish and most of the children in my small neighborhood went to
the Catholic grammar school. I went onto St. Agnes Academic in College Pt.
NY (an all woman HS) and it was one of the greatest influences in my life. I
then went onto St. John’s University in NY. I went back to school as an older
adult to UNC, CH and earned an MSW. I walked part of the Camino in Spain             Jean Costa
in 2017 and it was a very spiritual experience. I walked straight off that path to The Haden
Institute in NC and became a Certified Spiritual Director.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
Sandy is my hubby of 53 years and my spiritual partner in all things especially in my faith. Sandy
and I have been blessed by three children and seven grandchildren. In November of 2019 the
youngest and her family came from Seattle WA so that Monsignor Reed could baptize their twin
girls. (Photo below) In October, Sandy and I were given the Duke Shingleton Award for Commu-
nity Sponsorship for our involvement with the Duke Cancer Patient Support Program and our 17
years of work on The Pink Ribbon Yoga Retreat for women breast cancer patients.
How long have you been parishioners at St. Michael's?
We joined St. Michael’s in 2000 but our first mass at St. Michael’s was Easter of 1987 when the
church was in the original location. We've also been part of a Small Christian Community that
began in 1987 out of St. Andrew's. There are 11 of us.
What is your favorite Bible verse/story and why?
My favorite is the Annunciation. I am in awe of the Blessed Virgin’s courage in saying “yes.” I love
the fact that she trusted God so much she was willing to risk everything for Him and I really love
that she didn’t go and get permission from anyone before agreeing to be the Mother ofGod.
Who is a saint that inspires you?
Mother Teresa is my inspiration. I know we are called to serve and she epitomizes that call.
If you became a canonized saint, what would you be the patron saint of?
I know we are all called to be saints but I’ve never considered what I’d be the patron saint of. My
choice would be for women who want to be nurtured and empowered.
What's a fun fact about yourself?
I sang at Carnegie Hall in 2019 with the Cary Community Choir. Also, I have written two books:
                                       Choosing Your Words, Crafting Your Life and Creating Positive
                                       Affirmations, Living an Intentional Life.
                                       What's something you enjoy about being Catholic?
                                       We have been blessed to travel the world and have at-
                                       tended Mass in Rome, Paris, Spain and Butte, Montana to
                                       name just a few. It doesn’t matter where we attend, it is
                                       always like we have come home and are being called to
                                       rest with Our Lord. It’s a wonderful gift of practicing our
                                       Catholic faith.
Ministerio Hispano
                                   INFORMACIÓN - SACRAMENTOS
•    Cartas de: Inmigración, bautizar en otra parroquia, horas de labor social, entre otras., deben estar registrados
     en la parroquia y asistir a Misa semanalmente
•    Si desea celebrar el Sacramento del Matrimonio, necesita pedir una cita con el Sacerdote para iniciar el proceso,
     mínimo seis (6) meses antes de la Boda.
•    Los requisitos para poder bautizar son los siguientes:
•    Deben de estar registrados en la Iglesia. Mínimo 6 meses.
•    Si eligieron padrinos que son matrimonio, deben de estar casados por la Iglesia y deben de presentar la copia
     del Certificado de Matrimonio de los padrinos.
•    Si los padrinos pertenecen a otra parroquia necesita carta firmada por el párroco, verificando que es miembro
     de la parroquia y que asiste a Misa.
•    Si los padrinos son solteros, no deben estar conviviendo en unión libre y tienen que haber recibido los Sacra-
     mentos de Bautizo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación; Presentar copia del certificado de Confirmación.
•    Papas y Padrinos deben de asistir a la clase pre-bautismal.
•    Los niños deben ser menores de 7 años.
•    Deben de registrarse en la oficina, traer todos los documentos el mismo dia.
•    Deben de presentar el Certificado de Nacimiento del (a) niño (a.)
•    Una vez elegida la fecha solo se harán cambios por motivos de fuerza mayor. Deberán hablar con el Sacerdote
•    Todos los niños que vayan a ser bautizados deben entregar los papeles cuando los registren, si para el dia de la
     Charla Pre-Bautismal, no tienen los documentos tendrán que camaiar la fecha para el sigulente mes.

                                                            INTENCIONES DE LAS MISAS
                                               Si usted desea agregar una Intención de Misa, puede comu-
                                               nicarse con nosotros: llamando al número de la oficina, en-
                                               viando mensajes de texto al numero que tenemos asignado
                                               para esto, o por email; podremos verificar que días del mes
                                               están disponibles y agregar al calendario su solicitud. Recu-
                                               erden que es una familia por día (una familia puede agregar
                                               2-3 personas en la intención de la Misa que eligieron)
                                               La información que se necesita es la siguiente:
                                               1. Nombre y apellido de la(s) persona(s) por la(s) cual(es)
                                                    quieren ofrecer la Misa
                                               2. Indicar si la persona falleció o esta viva
                                               3. Nombre, apellido y teléfono de la persona que esta pidi-
                                                    endo la Misa
                                               Si tienen alguna duda pueden comunicarse con Carolina
                                               Gallo: número de la oficina: 919-468 6145
                                               email: 919- 694 3504 (solo envíen men-
                                               sajes de texto, no llamadas)

Growing in Our Faith
                                                St. Michael the Archangel Catholic School
                                              provides a Christ-centered Catholic education,
                                               with a focus on academic excellence and the
                                              development of the whole person, through our
                                                     core values of reverence, service,
             Reverence + Service + Leadership                and leadership.
              Website: | Twitter: @StMSCary | @StMS_Principal

                                      LIVING ROSARY
StMS Grade 4 – 8 students led the StMS School Family in praying the Living Rosary. This beautiful
  StMS tradition brings the Rosary to life. Students serving as Rosary beads led everyone in the
         specific prayers while other depicted “freeze frames” of the Glorious Mysteries.

 Parishioners are always welcome to visit our parish school and participate in any of our family

                            ST. MICHAEL PRESCHOOL
                                       Growing with God...
                                   To learn more, please visit
                       Follow us! Twitter: @stmpreschoolnc | Instagram:
                         @stmpreschoolnc | Facebook: StMichaelCary
                           Apply at

What a fun fall festival our preschool teachers planned for their students. Each class enjoyed a
                    costume parade, trick-or-treating, sing-along, and games!

Diocese and Community
                                                                                Join your Knights of Columbus – 4th Degree
                                                                                    November 10, 2021 from 10 AM until 10 PM
                                                                                   for wonderful barbeque at City Barbeque
                                                                                      located on Kildaire Farm Rd in Cary.
                                                                             Proceeds are donated to Veteran and Church charities.
                                                                                           THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!

                                                                                   20%                                         20%

                                                          [Knights of Columbus, #2446 Nov 10, 2021]   [Knights of Columbus, #2446 Nov 10, 2021]

                                                                                   20%                                         20%

                                                          [Knights of Columbus, #2446 Nov 10, 2021]   [Knights of Columbus, #2446 Nov 10, 2021]

                                                  There are four (4) coupons above for your Knights of Columbus – 4th Degree Fundraiser
                                                                                On November 10, 2021 held at
                                                                        CITY BARBEQUE on KILDAIRE FARM RD in CARY
                                                          Please join us for great BARBEQUE, and please don’t forget this coupon.
                                                             Our proceeds from the 10th will benefit Veterans & other charities.
                                                                                    EVERYBODY WINS!!!

  All are invited to the Newman Catholic Com- Todos están invitados a la Comunidad Católica
munity of Chapel Hill, 218 Pittsboro Street, on   Newman de Chapel Hill, 218 Pittsboro Street,
Tuesday, November 9, at 7:30PM. During sung        el Martes 9 de Noviembre a las 7:30 PM. Du-
Evening Prayer, friar Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv.,       rante las Visperas cantadas (en inglés), fray
 Provincial Delegate for the Marian Apostolate    Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., Delegado Provincial
 of the Our Lady of the Angels Province of the para el Apostolado Mariano de la Provincia de
Conventual Franciscan Friars, will deliver a talk  Nuestra Señora de los Ángeles de los Frailes
on the spirituality of St. Maximilian Kolbe. Fol- Franciscanos Conventuales, pronunciará una
lowing the prayer, there will be the opportuni-     charla (en inglés) sobre la espiritualidad de
 ty to enroll in the Militia of Mary Immaculate.  San Maximilian Kolbe. Después de la oración,
The MI is a worldwide public association of the habrá la oportunidad de inscribirse en la Mili-
 faithful recognized by the Holy See, founded     cia de María Inmaculada. La MI es una asocia-
 by St. Maximilian as an evangelization move-     ción pública mundial de fieles reconocida por
 ment in 1917, which encourages total conse-       la Santa Sede, fundada por San Maximiliano
 cration to the Blessed Virgin Mary as a mean       como un movimiento de evangelización en
 to renew both individuals and society. Ample        1917, que anima la consagración total a la
         free parking is available on-site.        Santísima Virgen María como un medio para
                                                  renovar tanto a las personas como a la socie-
                                                    dad. Amplio estacionamiento gratuito esta
                                                         disponible en el sitio de Newman
Diocese and Community
                                                                                            St. Elizabeth of Hungary Church Fundraiser
                                                                                                        6199 Fayetteville Road
                                                                                                          Raeford, NC 28376

                                                                                          Fall Festival
                                                                                       Festival de Otoño
                                                  My sheep hear my
                                                  voice, says the Lord;
                                                  I know them, and
                                                  they follow me.

                                                                                      Saturday, November 13, 2021
                                                  Jn. 10

                                                                                    Sábado, 13 de Noviembre de 2021
                                                                                            9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

  Lead by Fr. Stpehen Ellis, LC                            Payment Plan Available
  J A NU A RY 2 1-23 , 2 022                               REG ISTER H ERE
                                                                                        San Isdro Dance & More/ más!!

Register at

             COURAGE/ENCOURAGE                                                         NEW YEAR'S RETREAT
 Courage: Support for Catholic men and women Begin the New Year focusing on God’s healing,
 who experience same-sex-attractions, and the hope and promise. Join Retreat Master Fr. John
desire to live chaste lives following the teachings Michalowski, SJ, in “Finding Our Everyday God”
 of the Roman Catholic Church. The Apostolate       in a venue that provides space for both engag-
  welcomes these men and women as brothers            ing discussion and private reflection. There’ll
  and sisters in Christ, and helps them respond      be time for Mass, confession, and Adoration.
to their vocation as sons and daughters of God,      There will also be time to reflect, explore our
        created in His image and likeness.          beautiful grounds, or sit in our lounge and en-
 EnCourage: Is dedicated to the Spiritual needs      joy the gas logs. The special price of $260 per
 of parents, siblings, other relatives and friends   person ($520 for double occupancy) includes
   of persons who have same-sex-attractions,         all meals including a New Year’s Eve banquet,
standing by the teachings of the Roman Catholic        2 night’s lodging, retreat fees, and access to
 Church. EnCourage members support one an-             the beautiful grounds Catholic Conference
 other and their loved ones through discussion,        Center in Hickory, NC. Last year sold out, so
 prayer and fellowship. They share the truth in      register now at
           love, with clarity and charity.           new-years. For more information email info@
Please visit the Courage website: or call 828-327-7441.

Here to Serve
                    CLERGY                                      HISPANIC MINISTRY
          Rev. Michael Burbeck, Pastor              Carolina Gallo, Coordiator of Hispanic Ministry
               Rev. Steven Costello,
   Director of Evangelization and Catechesis                             OPERATIONS
                           Laura    Coronilla,   Parish Receptionist
         Rev. Joseph Oji, Parochial Vicar                 
                               Danielle Crane, Director of Operations
       Rev. Noe Ramirez, Parochial Vicar                     
                     Teresa    Heath,    Pastor's Administrative Assistant
  Rev. Msgr. Douglas P. Reed, Pastor Emeritus                
                       Lilian Lopez, Coordinator of Scheduling and Office
    Rev. Msgr. John A. Wall, Pastor Emeritus                              Administration
                    (919) 219-3949                           
Deacon Glenn Dudek         Thomas Mitchell, Information Technology
Deacon Terry Mancuso                 
Deacon Patrick Pelkey                 Ken   Nelson,    Maintenance Supervisor
Deacon Brian Phillips           
Deacon Dave Wulff                     Norma Powers, Archivist
Deacon Andrés Arévalo                
                                                       Emily Ricci, Communications Coordinator
 Wayne Cusher, Director of Music and Liturgy
     Alex Hill, Director of Music and Liturgy      Catherine    Embry,     Accounts  Receivable Specialist
       Mary DiSano, Associate Director of                      Liz Jones,    Director of Finance
 Adult Sacraments and Enrichment Programs                    
                          Cindy Linville, Accounts Payable Specialist
  Diane Williams, Admininistrative Assistant                
                       Alma    Logue,     Coordinator of Payroll, Giving,
                                                                            and Tuition
            FAITH FORMATION                                  
   Karen Allen, St. Mikes Tikes Coordinator                 Jennifer Watson, Financial Analyst
Dara Hadley, Challenge & Conquest Coordinator
                                  CATHOLIC CHARITIES
    Lizzie Gildner, Administrative Assistant               Joel Carreras, Family Case Manager
 Jeannine Hughes, Coordinator of Elementary
                 Religious Education                   ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL
                                    CATHOLIC SCHOOL
  Carin Owen, Associate Director of Children                       Tara Navarro, Principal
               and Youth Formation                         
                                  Matt McLaughlin, Asst. Principal
    Janet Berlin, Administrative Assistant                  ST. MICHAEL PRESCHOOL
                                      Lisa Ciesla, Director
  Deacon Mark Westrick, Director of Pastoral              
           Care and Social Action                              Michele Lanuti, Admin. Asst.
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