In Here! It's a - Workbook Level 1 - La Tourné Teatro

Page created by Richard Powell
In Here! It's a - Workbook Level 1 - La Tourné Teatro
It’s a

  in Here!
Workbook Level 1
          Peter:       Peter is a young man who has been trapped inside the board game Jumanji
          for nineteen years. He does not want to return to the jungle, so he refuses to continue
          playing the game. He tries to escape and hide from the scary hunter Van Pelt.

          Bonnie and Sarah:              Bonnie and Sarah are two friends who find the board
          game Jumanji in Bonnie´s new house. Bonnie is excited to start the game, but Sarah is

          Mr Clyde:          Mr Clyde is Bonnie´s father. He is a very serious man who has just
          started a new job. He likes his house to be quiet so that he can work.

         Van Pelt:       Van Pelt is a hunter. He is a bad man who lives in the world of Jumanji.
         He has no respect for animals or the environment. It is Van Pelt’s mission to capture Peter
         and take him back into the game forever.

                                    The Animals:
Many animals escape from the board game; giant mosquitos, cheeky monkeys, an old rhinoceros,
 a scary lion and creepy spiders. Some of the animals try to attack Bonnie, Sarah and Peter but
     others are kind. The rhinoceros, lion and a friendly monkey want to help Planet Earth.
Two best friends called Bonnie and Sarah are playing in Bonnie´s new house. Bonnie´s
father, Mr Clyde is very angry with the girls because he thinks they are making too
much noise. He has a lot of work to do for his new job, so he decides to go to work
at his office leaving the girls alone.
While playing, the girls find a mysterious board game called Jumanji behind a wall.

Sarah takes the first turn. Giant mosquitos appear from the game and try to bite the girls. The girls
chase the mosquitos with rackets and the mosquitos fly away.

Next, Bonnie rolls the dice and a group of crazy monkeys escape from the game. The monkeys
begin to play and to destroy the house. Bonnie and Sarah start to act like cheeky monkeys too and
the monkeys run away.

The next roll releases a lion and a young man called Peter Parrish. Peter has been trapped inside
the board game for nineteen years. Peter is scared of the game so he refuses to play. He wants to
have a shower, a shave, change his smelly clothes and go and look for his mother and father at their

Sarah decides to continue without Peter so looks for someone with the same name to take his turn.
Jumanji gets very angry because she has cheated. Sarah slowly begins to turn into a monkey.

When Peter returns, he decides to help finish the game, hoping that everything will return to normal.
Sarah takes her turn. A giant carnivorous plant comes alive and catches Sarah in its long vines.
Just as the plant is about to eat Sarah, Peter cuts her free.

With each turn the players get more scared but they know they must reach the finish. Bonnie rolls
a seven and Peter’s worst nightmare appears, the evil hunter Van Pelt. He has hunted Peter for
nineteen years and now he wants to find him and to take him back to Jumanji.

The players hide from Van Pelt and continue the game. A noise like thunder can be heard. Suddenly
a herd of animals stampede through the house stealing the board game as they pass. Without the
board game the players cannot finish the game. They chase after the animals hoping to find it.

A lion, rhinoceros and a monkey return inside the house. The monkey cannot believe all the rubbish
on the floor: plastic, cans and paper everywhere. The animals are very upset about the damage
being caused to Planet Earth. They decide that they want to help save Planet Earth so they sing a
song about the environment.

While hunting Peter, Van Pelt finds the board game and sets a trap. He catches Bonnie and holds
her prisoner hoping that Peter will try to rescue her.

Peter tries to roll an eight to finish the game, but instead giant spiders stand over the game stopping
Sarah from reaching the dice. Peter and Sarah trick the spiders, take the board game and run in
search of Bonnie.

Sarah and Peter find Bonnie but get trapped by Van Pelt. The only way to escape is if Bonnie can
reach the finish on her next turn. She rolls the dice and her counter crosses the finish line. The
players shout Jumanji three times. In an instant all the effects from the game vanish and everything
returns to normal.
  Bite     Counter      Cheat       Board game
 Picar      Ficha      Engañar     Juego de mesa

  Die       Dice      Earthquake   Environment
 Dado       Dados     Terremoto    Medio Ambiente

Escape     Finish        Gun           Hide
Escapar    Terminar     Pistola      Esconder

House      Hunter        Job       Planet Earth
 Casa      Cazador     Trabajo     Planeta Tierra

 Play      Player        Roll        Rubbish
 Jugar     Jugador       Tirar        Basura

Scared      Shoot       Spider          Tail
Mierdo     Disparar     Araña          Cola

Trapped     Turn         Vine
Atrapado    Turno        Vid
Count and Match
Activity 1: Count the number of pictures in each group and then match
them to the correct number. Remember to count in English.








Mix and Match
Activity 2: Circle the animals that come from the jungle board game.

Activity 3: Circle the board game.

Activity 4: Circle Van Pelt.

Activity 5: Circle Planet Earth.

Activity 6: Circle the pictures related to the story.
Activity 7: The board game has revealed some words but they are starting to
disappear. Trace over the words to make them reappear.
Escape the Plant
Activity 8: A huge plant escapes from the game and tries to catch the
players. Choose a vine and try to escape the green flower.





                    Activity 9: Colour the flowers.




Activity 10: Colour the picture below.
Activity 11: * Cut out the die.
             * Glue the die together to make a square.
             * Each student must roll their die and count the dots in English.

Activity 12: * Work in twos.
             * Roll both dice and count the dots in English.
             * Students can continue working together in threes and fours to
                   create larger numbers.
Activity 13: Join the dots together from one to forty-nine. Try and count in
English as you draw. Then write the vocabulary words in the spaces
Activity 14:
- Colour in the dice.
- Cut them out.
- Attach them to a stick or straw and bring them to the show.
LISTENING                                    Activity L1: Listen and repeat with Peter.

PETER: Hello boys and girls my name is Peter. Can you all repeat, hello Peter.
STUDENTS: Hello Peter.
PETER: Quietly, hello Peter.
STUDENTS: Hello Peter.
PETER: Shh! Can you hear that? That is the board game Jumanji. Point to the board
To play the game we have to roll the dice. Point to the dice.

PETER: Point to the person on your left and repeat, it´s your turn.
STUDENTS: It´s your turn.
PETER: Point to the person on your right and repeat, roll the dice.
STUDENTS: Roll the dice.

PETER: Oh no! I can hear the cheeky monkeys. Can you all repeat, cheeky monkey.
STUDENTS: Cheeky monkey.
PETER: Everyone act like a cheeky monkey. Hahaha very good.

PETER: There are lots of animals in Jumanji. Point to the mosquito.
Point to the giant spider.
Point to the lion.
After three roar like a lion. 1 2 3.

PETER: Van Pelt is trying to catch me. I hear him say, ´searching high, looking low, which
way to go? Can you repeat, searching high.
STUDENTS: Searching high.
PETER: Looking low.
STUDENTS: Looking low.
PETER: Which way to go?
STUDENTS: Which way to go?

PETER: The only way to escape is to reach the end of the game and repeat Jumanji three
times. Everyone repeat Jumanji three times.
STUDENTS: Jumanji, Jumanji, Jumanji.
PETER: Well done everyone. Repeat, you can´t catch me, JUMANJI!
STUDENTS: You can´t catch me, JUMANJI!
Classroom Projects
     ● Make paper chain vines out of different shades of green paper. Hang them around the classroom.

                                                                              ● Leaves.
 ● Paper plate lion.
                                                                             - Design and cut out jungle leaves.
-Colour or paint one paper
plate for the head and half a
paper plate for the body.
-Draw the face.
-Add a tail.
-Make little cuts to the outside
of the head.

                                                                        ● Hand print monkey.
                             ● Egg box spider.
                                                                       -Use brown paint to make a hand print.
                           -Create spiders using the bottom
                           of egg boxes, pipe cleaners and             -Let the paint dry.
                           white paper.                                -Design and cut out the monkey head.
                                                                       -Stick it onto the hand print.
                                                                       -Add a tail.


   ● Vocabulary spiders web.                 Peter

 -Use tape to create a large spiders
 web on the classroom wall.                       Board g
 -Ask the children to write
 vocabulary words related to
 the game
 -Stick them onto the web.

                                    ● A giant dice.

                                   -Paint a cardboard box black.
                                   -Cut out white circles.
                                                                           ● Design a board game.
                                   -Stick the circles onto the dice.
                                                                          -Work alone or in pairs.
                                                                          -Design a jungle themed board game.
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