In Focus - Optics & Photonics News

In Focus - Optics & Photonics News
in Focus
                                         Laser Congress Student
                                         Paper Prize Winners
                                         The Laser Congress recognizes the next
                                         generation of scientists through a student
                                         presentation competition sponsored by
                                         the Optica Foundation. To qualify for an
                                         award, the paper must have been pre-
                                         sented by an undergraduate or graduate                     Fischer          Mauerhoff
                                         student of an educational institution of
                                         collegiate grade.
                                             At the 2021 Advanced Solid State Lasers Conference, the chairs announced the
                                         winners. In the Materials category, the prize went to Felix Mauerhoff, Leibniz-Institut
                                         für Kristallzüchtung (IKZ), Germany, for the paper “Laser cooling of Yb-doped CaF2
                                         and SrF2 crystals.” In the Sources category, Julian Fischer, Time and Frequency
                                         Laboratory, Switzerland, was honored for the paper “Powerful sub-40-fs Yb:YAG
                                         thin-disk laser oscillator operating in the regime of strong self-phase modulation.”

in Industry                               Where Do Bad
Optica Corporate Membership’s             Rainbows Go?*
Women in Industry feature                 Jennifer Kruschwitz, Optica
spotlights both emerging and              senior member, entertained
seasoned Optica corporate                 with this thought-provoking
members by engaging with them             question as one of several
in a short Q&A. This month,               jokes at the University of
Julia Majors, optical program             Rochester’s Industrial
manager at Avo Photonics, says            Associates (IA) meeting.
that she is excited by “the seem-         (The answer is below.)
ingly endless innovation that                 The IA event coincided with      From left: Julie Bentley, University of Rochester, USA;
exists in the photonics industry.”                                             Joseph Howard, NASA Goddard, USA; Chad Stark,
                                          22 “Photonics Clambake,”
                                                                               Optica; Jennifer Kruschwitz, University of Rochester.
According to Majors, “there are           hosted by Sydor Optics, gath-
always opportunities to develop           ering the optics community
newer and better technology               in Rochester, NY, USA. With
to improve people’s lives. And            120+ optics companies, tal-
because that drives so many               ent acquisition was a common
of us in this industry, there are         discussion theme. Alexis Vogt,
always great people to work               Monroe Community College,
with in finding and solving these         highlighted the global short-
new, exciting problems.” Read             age of technicians, and called
more at                for expanding optics-training
                                              The University of Arizona’s
                                          College of Optical Sciences          Clockwise from bottom: Optica’s Curtis Burrill, with Uni-
                                          hosted its Industrial Affiliates     versity of Arizona student chapter leaders Jacob Barker,
                                          for the optics-rich Tucson, AZ,      Greg Nero, Ryland Wala, Colin Potter and Alyssa Baller.
                                          USA. Local optics companies
                                          represent over US$4 billion to the Arizona economy. In keeping with the workforce
                                          theme, the event introduces students to corporate leaders.
                                              After the long pandemic hiatus, another common theme united the two events:
                                          It was great to be back with colleagues and friends in person.
                                          *Answer: Prism―I hear it’s a light sentence.
Courtesy of Avo Photonics

In Focus - Optics & Photonics News
Honoring Carl Williams
Optica CEO Elizabeth Rogan, Chief Science & Technology Officer P. Scott Carney
and Senior Director of Government Relations David Lang recently attended a cel-
ebration of Optica member Carl J. Williams, who is retiring as deputy director of
the Physical Measurements Laboratory at the U.S. National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST). A Fellow of the Joint Quantum Institute and adjunct faculty
member at the University of Maryland, Williams has been an extraordinary con-
tributor to the science of cold-atom physics as well as a crucial leader at NIST and
in broader achievements such as the U.S. National Quantum Initiative.
    The retirement party included funny, moving and heartfelt tributes to Williams
from luminaries in atomic, molecular and optical physics such as Optica Fellow
Alan Migdall and 1997 Nobel Physics laureate and Optica Honorary Member Bill
Phillips, who served as master of ceremonies for the event. Williams now moves
on to a new career phase that again is sure to advance the field of quantum sci-            Optica Fellow Stories
ence and engineering. Congratulations, Carl!
                                                                                            2021 Optica Fellow Jennifer
                                                                                            Dionne, Stanford University,
                                                                                            USA, became interested in phys-
                                                                                            ics through pop-culture science,
                                                                                            such as the American television
                                                                                            show “The X-Files” and books
                                                                                            like Schrödinger’s Kittens and the
                                                                                            Search for Reality by John Gribbin.
                                                                                            Her work today focuses on nano-
                                                                                            photonics, which she applies to
                                                                                            global health and sustainabil-
                                                                                            ity. Read more about Jennifer
                                                                                            and other Fellows at
Left: Lang, Rogan, Williams and Carney. Right: Nobel laureate and Optica Honorary
Member Bill Phillips served as event MC.

Technology Showcase                                                                         Thank You, Editors
                                                                                            We are happy to announce that the
The fourth virtual Technology Showcase, held 13-14 October, gave 26 Optica
                                                                                            following individuals were recently
Corporate Member companies the opportunity to share an in-depth look at their
                                                                                            appointed as new editors: Optica—
cutting-edge technologies. Attendees also could follow up by meeting with the
                                                                                            David Brady, University of Arizona,
presenters and other attendees in a virtual networking space. This event is a
                                                                                            USA. Optics Express—Yanguang
“one-stop shop” where
                                                                                            Yu, The University of Wollongong,
participants can learn                                                                      Australia. Optics Letters—Minah
about new technology                                                                        Seo, Korea Institute of Science and
trends, see the latest                                                                      Technology, Republic of Korea.
products and solutions                                                                          We would like to thank the fol-
and connect directly with                                                                   lowing editors for agreeing to serve
our industry’s leading                                                                      a second term: Optica—Ady Arie,
manufacturers—all free                                                                      Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Photonics
from the comfort of their                                                                   Research—Xianmin Jin, Shanghai
homes or offices.                                                                           Jiao Tong University, China; Hao-
   Presentations                                                                            Chung (Henry) Kuo, National Chiao
were recorded for on-                                                                       Tung University, Taiwan; Xiaohang Li,
demand viewing. See                                                                         King Abdullah University of Science
them at:                                                                        & Technology, Saudi Arabia.

                                                                                       DECEMBER 2021 OPTICS & PHOTONICS NEWS         63
In Focus - Optics & Photonics News
Optica Fellows
                                          Inducted into NAE
                                          Congratulations to four Optica Fellows who in
                                          early October were inducted as new members
                                          of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering.
                                          The four included Peter Delfyett, University of
                                          Central Florida College of Optics and Photonics
            Delfyett            Kafafi
                                          (CREOL), USA, who was honored for his contri-
                                          butions in low-noise, high-power semiconductor
                                          lasers; Zakya Kafafi, Lehigh University, USA,           Leuchs
                                          for her work on materials technologies for
                                          organic optoelectronics; Mario Paniccia, Anello
                                          Photonics, USA, for his contributions in silicon
                                                                                                 Optica Officer
                                          photonics; and Yurii Vlasov, University of Illinois    Election Results
                                          at Urbana-Champaign, USA, for his efforts in           On 02 November 2021,
 Paniccia                      Vlasov     silicon photonics for data communication.              Optica announced that its
                                                                                                 members have elected Gerd
                                                                                                 Leuchs, Max Planck Insti-
                                                                                                 tute for the Science of Light,
GEMM at COP26                                                                                    Germany, to serve as the
Senior government officials from                                                                 society’s 2022 vice president.
Scotland and the U.S. state of California,                                                       His four-year commitment
along with policymakers and photonic                                                             on the Board of Directors
and environmental scientists, met in                                                             will include one-year terms
Glasgow, Scotland, during the UN COP26                                                           as vice president in 2022,
climate conference to explore the role of                                                        president-elect in 2023,
cities in resolving the world’s climate cri-                                                     president in 2024 and past
sis. The meeting highlighted the role that                                                       president in 2025.
dense networks of inexpensive optical                                                                Members also elected
greenhouse-gas (GHG) sensors can play                                                            Judith Dawes, Macquarie
in providing near-real-time, actionable                                                          University, Australia, to
information to city planners to inform                                                           serve as a director-at-large
local climate policies—in ways that could                                                        on the society’s Board for
make a global difference.                                                                        the 2022-2024 term. And
    The summit, “Cities Are the Key to                                                           Min Qiu, Westlake Univer-
the Climate Solution,” grew out of an                                                            sity, China, will serve on
Urban Air Project involving Glasgow                                                              the board as an appointed
and California, and conducted through                                                            director-at-large during the
                                              Top: Optica Fellow Allister Ferguson served as
the Global Environmental Measurement                                                             same period. For more infor-
                                              host of the Glasgow conference. Bottom: OSA 2013
and Monitoring (GEMM) initiative, a joint     President Donna Strickland was one speaker.        mation on these new Board
international project of Optica and the                                                          members, see
American Geophysical Union (AGU).                                                                2021-election-results.
    Optica Fellow Allister Ferguson, University of Strathclyde, UK, moderated the summit,            In other governance
which included presentations and discussion from scientists, economists, legal experts and       news, Amy Eskilson, Inrad
national and local government officials actually charged with implementing climate policies.     Optics, will assume the role
The presenters included Optica Fellow, OSA 2013 President and Nobel laureate Donna               of chair of the Optica Corpo-
Strickland, who described efforts to build an emissions-monitoring network in Canada.            rate Engagement Council in
    Optica Fellow and OSA 2009 President Thomas M. Baer, GEMM co-lead and director of            January 2022. And Katherine
the Stanford Photonics Research Center at Stanford University, USA, observed the GEMM            Calabro, Synopsis Inc., will
program can help cities such as Glasgow play a key role in GHG emissions reductions.             begin her service as chair
“With these low-cost, real-time compact optical sensors,” Baer said, “for the first time,        of the Optica Membership
leaders will have actionable science in hand to support strategic policy decisions.” (For more   Engagement & Development
coverage of the GEMM COP26 summit, see                   (MED) Council.

In Focus - Optics & Photonics News
Optica Events
            Many Optica events will be presented in a hybrid format, a combination of in-person and virtual components.
                                       Check event websites to confirm presentation format.

OFC Conference and Exhibition                   Optical Interference Coatings                Advanced Photonics
Co-Sponsored by IEEE Communications             Conference                                   Congress
Society, IEEE Photonics Society and Optica      19 – 24 June 2022                            25 – 28 July 2022
06 – 10 March 2022                              Whistler, British Columbia, Canada           Maastricht, Netherlands
San Diego, CA, USA                                     
                                                Siegman School on Lasers                     CLEO Pacific Rim
High-Brightness Sources and                     22 June – 3 July 2022                        31 July – 05 August 2022
Light-Driven Interactions Congress              Warsaw, Poland                               Sapporo, Japan
23 – 25 March 2022                                                                 
Budapest, Hungary                               Subsea Optical Fiber                Communications School                        Digital Holography and
                                                10 – 16 July 2022                            Three-Dimensional Imaging
                                                Island of Ven, Sweden                        Topical Meeting
Biophotonics Congress:
Biomedical Optics                                                                            01 – 04 August 2022
                                                Imaging and Applied Optics                   Cambridge, UK
24 – 27 April 2022
                                                Congress and Optical Sensors
Ft. Lauderdale, FL, USA                                                            
                                                and Sensing Congress
                                                11 – 15 July 2022
                                                                                             Latin America Optics and
                                                Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Career Accelerator                                                                           Photonics Conference
01 – 05 May 2022                                                                             07 – 11 August 2022
Pacific Grove, CA, USA                                                                       Recife, Brazil
                                                International Conference on
CLEO Conference and Exhibition                  Ultrafast Phenomena
Co-Sponsored by American Physical               18 – 22 July 2022                            Laser Congress and
Society, IEEE Photonics Society and Optica      Montréal, Quebec, Canada                     Exhibition
15 – 20 May 2022                                                  23 – 27 October 2022
San Jose, CA, USA                                                                            Prague, Czechia                          Applied Industrial Optics          
                                                Topical Meeting
Innovation School                               25 – 27 July 2022
12 – 17 June 2022                               Dublin, Ireland
Washington, DC, USA                   

Thank You, Volunteers
Thank you to the volunteers who are concluding their current terms as chairs of the following Optica Technical
Groups: Elina Vitol, Therapeutic Laser Applications; Anna Bezryadina, Optical Trapping and Manipulation in
Molecular and Cellular Biology; Maryna Meretska, Imaging Optical Design and Nonimaging Optical Design; Deepak
Jain, Fiber Modeling and Fabrication; Pascal Picart, Holography and Diffractive Optics; Jamie Ramsey, Optical
Fabrication and Testing; Jue Wang, Thin Films; Junwen Zhang, Optics in Digital Systems; Amartya Sengupta, Applied
Spectroscopy; Prasoon Diwakar, Applied Spectroscopy; Ali Yontem, Display Technology; Roberto Leon Montiel, Quantum
Computing and Communication; Jonathan Evans, Fundamental Laser Sciences; Giulio Vampa, Short Wavelength
Sources and Attosecond/High Field Physics; Cheng Zhang, Nanophotonics; Qunbi Zhuge, Optical Communications;
Faezeh Gholami, Fiber Optics Technology and Applications; Mengjie Yu, Integrated Photonics; Mark Spencer, Laser
Systems; Susanna Thon, Optics for Energy; Vyas Akondi, Vision.

                                                   Request Information
       Receive notifications about meetings of interest, including reminders for Calls for Papers and registration.

                                                                                         DECEMBER 2021 OPTICS & PHOTONICS NEWS   65
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