Improvement plan for 2019 to 2021 - Click to upload school logo - steps 1 to 3

Page created by Erica Lane
Improvement plan for
Coomandook Area School
2019 to 2021

School name

Coomandook Area School                                Click to upload school logo
Vision statement
Coomandook Area School is dedicated to providing an
engaging learning environment where children are
inspired to thrive and reach their full potential.

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Plan summary
                                                                                                                                                This table will be automatically populated
                                                                                                                                                       to provide a summary of your plan.

 Goals                           Targets                                                                               Challenge of practice               Success criteria
                                                                                                                                                           In their feedback sessions with teachers
Increase student achievement   100% of students not on a on plan and enrolled in Yrs 5 &                               If we explicitly teach writing      students are able to illicit and explain where

for all students F to 12 in    7 in 2019 achieved the SEA in NAPLAN writing                                            genres, using high impact           they are on the Brightpath writing scale and
                                                                                                                                                           the next steps in their learning.
                                                                                                                                                           Students through reflections and
Writing                        In Term 4 2020 100% of the 2019 5&7 cohort not on a one plan achieve at standard        strategies we will build            discussions with the teacher will be able to
                               according to the Brightpath scales in their written Narrative or Persuasive tasks       effective writing instruction       self assess by identifying their writing
                                                                                                                                                           strengths and next steps in their writing
                               than did in term 1, 2020.
                                                                                                                       leading to increased student        development.
                                                                                                                                                           SACE students will be able to talk about the
                               For the cohort enrolled in year 5 and year 7 in 2019, 10% more students will
                               achieve in the year 7 and 9 NAPLAN writing upper bands than did in year 5 and 7
                                                                                                                       achievement in writing              next steps in their writing improvements
                                                                                                                                                           after receiving explicit teacher feedback.

                               All students in Yrs 1 and 2 in 2019 will reach the following Running Records targets-                                       All students from Year 2 up will use the
Increase student achievement                                                              If we explicitly use high impact
                               Year 1 Level 15, Year 2 -Level 23, and end of Year 3 have become independent                                                first 300 sight words correctly in their
for all students F to 12 in    readers.                                                   strategies to teach the Big 6                                    daily writing and are able to identify
                                                                                                                                                           through a variety of strategies word
Reading across the school.                                                                focusing on oral language we                                     correctness.
                               100% of students enrolled in year 2 and 3 and are not on a                                                                  All year 1 students understand
                               one plan achieve SEA in PAT R                              will increase student                                            phonological sounds and able to
                                                                                                                                                           recognise nonsensical words
                                                                                          achievement in reading.                                          Students on one plans are able to reflect
                               In 2021, 10% of students in Years 3 and 4 will achieve the higher proficiency bands                                         on their reading goals and articulate
                               or above as described in the SEA in Reading,.than did in 2020                                                               their reading strengths and weaknesses

                                                                                                                                                           Students in feedback sessions can
Increase student achievement   10% of those students in year 7, 8 and 9 who were below                            If we explicitly use high impact         articulate and understand what is needed
for all students F to 12 in    PATM SEA in 2018 will have achieved SEA in 2019                                    strategies to teach                      to achieve an A standard in Mathematics
                                                                                                                                                           and explain the concepts of Big Ideas in
number/Algebra (secondary)                                                                                        number/Algebra (secondary)               Number.
                               10% of those students in years 8, 9 and 10 who were                                                                         Students in Years 10 to 12 seek to
across the school                                                                                                 across all subject areas, we will        continue with mathematics because they
                               below SEA in PAT M 2019 will have achieved SEA in 2020                                                                      feel confident in their ability to achieve.
                                                                                                                  increase student achievement             Students on one plans are able to reflect
                                                                                                                                                           on their rmathematical achievement and
                               .For those students enrolled in year 7 in 2019, 15% more students will achieve the in the number/Algebra                    articulate their strengths and weaknesses
                               year 9 NAPLAN numeracy SEA than did in year 7 and 15% more students will
                               achieve in the higher SEA bands.                                                   (secondary) strand.

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 2 of 12
Improvement plan for Coomandook Area School
2019 to 2021

How to complete this template
• Complete every step. The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this. In addition, your education director will provide support.

• Complete steps 1 to 3 during term 4 of 2018 and have it approved by the principal, governing council chairperson, and education director.

• Email this plan (steps 1 to 3) to your education director.

• Publish your school improvement plan on your school website.

• Work through step 4 (Improve Practice and Monitor Impact) regularly throughout the school year. This step does not need to be published on your website.

• Complete step 5 (Review and Evaluate) in term 4 of each year. This step does not need to be published on your website, though it should inform the
  Improvement Planning and Outcomes section of your annual report to the school community.

• Your school improvement plan will be current for 2019 to 2021 and should be updated in term 4 each year.

For further information and advice,
Shelley McInerney
Review, Improvement and Accountability
Phone: 8226 4297

                                                                                                                                                              Page 3 of 12
Step 1                                                                                                                              Analyse and prioritise

Analyse evidence of student learning and answer the question ‘What are our goals for improvement?’ Specify up to 3
goals and annual targets for student learning improvement in the table below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

  Goals                                                                Targets
  Goal 1       Increase student achievement for all                               100% of students not on a on plan and enrolled in Yrs 5 & 7 in 2019 achieved
               students F to 12 in Writing                                        the SEA in NAPLAN writing

                                                                                  In Term 4 2020 100% of the 2019 5&7 cohort not on a one plan achieve at standard according
                                                                                  to the Brightpath scales in their written Narrative or Persuasive tasks than did in term 1, 2020.

                                                                       2021       For the cohort enrolled in year 5 and year 7 in 2019, 10% more students will achieve in
                                                                                  the year 7 and 9 NAPLAN writing upper bands than did in year 5 and 7 respectively.

  Goal 2                                                                          All students in Yrs 1 and 2 in 2019 will reach the following Running Records targets-
               Increase student achievement for all                    2019
               students F to 12 in Reading across the                             Year 1 Level 15, Year 2 -Level 23, and end of Year 3 have become independent readers.
                                                                       2020       100% of students enrolled in year 2 and 3 and are not on a one plan achieve
                                                                                  SEA in PAT R
                                                                                  In 2021, 10% of students in Years 3 and 4 will achieve the higher proficiency bands or above as described
                                                                       2021       in the SEA in Reading,.than did in 2020

  Goal 3       Increase student achievement for all                               10% of those students in year 7, 8 and 9 who were below PATM SEA in 2018
               students F to 12 in number/Algebra                                 will have achieved SEA in 2019
               (secondary) across the school
                                                                       2020       10% of those students in years 8, 9 and 10 who were below SEA in PAT M
                                                                                  2019 will have achieved SEA in 2020
                                                                                  .For those students enrolled in year 7 in 2019, 15% more students will achieve the year 9 NAPLAN
                                                                       2021       numeracy SEA than did in year 7 and 15% more students will achieve in the higher SEA bands.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Page 4 of 12
Step 2                                                                                                           Determine challenge of practice

Consider how improvements in teaching practice will help to achieve your improvement goals and answer the
question ‘What areas of practice should we focus on improving to reach our goals?’ Specify your challenge of
practice for each goal in the table below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

                 Challenge of practice                                                                         Success criteria
  Goal 1       If we explicitly teach writing genres, using high impact strategies                       In their feedback sessions with teachers students are able to illicit and explain where they
                                                                                                         are on the Brightpath writing scale and the next steps in their learning.
               we will build effective writing instruction leading to increased                          Students through reflections and discussions with the teacher will be able to self assess by
                                                                                                         identifying their writing strengths and next steps in their writing development.
               student achievement in writing                                                            SACE students will be able to talk about the next steps in their writing improvements after
                                                                                                         receiving explicit teacher feedback.

  Goal 2       If we explicitly use high impact strategies to teach the Big 6                            All students from Year 2 up will use the first 300 sight words correctly in their daily writing
                                                                                                         and are able to identify through a variety of strategies word correctness.
               focusing on oral language we will increase student achievement                            All year 1 students understand phonological sounds and able to recognise nonsensical
               in reading.                                                                               Students on one plans are able to reflect on their reading goals and articulate their reading
                                                                                                         strengths and weaknesses

  Goal 3       If we explicitly use high impact strategies to teach                                      Students in feedback sessions can articulate and understand what is needed to achieve an
                                                                                                         A standard in Mathematics and explain the concepts of Big Ideas in Number.
               number/Algebra (secondary) across all subject areas, we will                              Students in Years 10 to 12 seek to continue with mathematics because they feel confident in
                                                                                                         their ability to achieve.
               increase student achievement in the number/Algebra                                        Students on one plans are able to reflect on their rmathematical achievement and articulate
               (secondary) strand.                                                                       their strengths and weaknesses

                                                                                                                                                                                                Page 5 of 12
Step 3                                                                                                                              Plan actions for improvement

Consider evidence of best practice to answer the question ‘What actions should we take to improve our practice and reach our goals?’ Specify your
actions for improvement, timeline, responsibility, resources and success criteria for each goal in the tables below.

The Quality School Improvement Planning Handbook explains how to do this.

                                                Increase student achievement for all students F to 12 in Writing
  Goal 1
  Challenge of practice                         If we explicitly teach writing genres, using high impact strategies we will build effective writing instruction
                                                leading to increased student achievement in writing

  Actions                                         Timeline          Roles and responsibilities                                                Resources

 Each primary teacher will incorporate           By the end       Primary core teachers - include daily writing into                         Primary Literacy Guidebooks- shift gear.
 daily writing activities that respond to                         morning literacy block.                                                    National Literacy Learning Progressions.
                                                 of Term 1,                                                                                  Jolly Phonics and Grammar texts
 quality literature texts into their literacy    2021             Leadership Team - engage in professional
                                                                                                                                             "Guided Prompts for Reading" info sheet.
 block to ensure students develop                                 dialogue with teachers.
                                                                                                                                             Best Advice Paper - Handwriting and keyboarding skills.
 increased proficiency to apply these in                          Conduct classroom observations and walk                                    Brightpath T&D
 their writing.                                                   throughs during daily writing.
                                                                  Primary teachers - meet and plan genre map across year levels and
 Primary teachers will explicitly   By the end                    calendar year. Semester plans for English to indicate genres.
                                                                                                                                             Primary Literacy Guidebook - Shift gear
 teach four written genres, with a  of 2021                       Language & literacy progressions resource to be used to identify focus     Brightpath Team (DfE).
                                                                  areas in writing improvement.                                              LID/Curriculum Personnel - support genre mapping
 focus on punctuation, vocabulary                                 Teachers attend Brightpath T&D
                                                                  Leadership Team - allocate teaching teams time for staff to map genres     and PD in using above resource.
 and sentence structure in response                               and organise PD in Language & Literacy progressions use.                   "Composing Written Texts" (Catholic Ed)
 to Brightpath progressions.                                      Teachers identify from student writing their needs in vocab. Teachers
                                                                  develop an intentional focus on widening student vocabulary.               Book: How to write what you want to say in primary.

                                                                  English teachers - review year plan to include using the key elements of
 All secondary teachers will         By the end                   writing in a range of genres; support all staff with teaching genre
                                                                                                                                             Secondary Literacy Guidebook - Shift gear
 explicitly teach identified subject of 2021                      features.                                                                  National Literacy Learning Progressions.
                                                                  Secondary teachers - develop model texts, teach students features of
 specific genre using modelled texts                              their learning area genre and include written tasks in assessment plans.
                                                                                                                                             Best Advice Papers - writing across the
 across 7 to 12.                                                  Leadership Team - allocate teaching teams time for staff to develop        secondary years.
                                                                  models and organise PD in teaching language features. Conduct
                                                                  classroom observations and walk throughs during lessons.
                                                                                                                                             Books: "How to write what you want to say in ..."

                                                                                                                                                                                            Page 6 of 12
Step 3 continued                                                                                      Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 1 continued                  Increase student achievement for all students F to 12 in Writing

 Actions                            Timeline         Roles and responsibilities                               Resources

Teachers use the teaching and      By end of   Teacher to provide evidence of improvement                    Brightpath team
learning cycle to design and       term 2 2021 using a learning sprint involving students                    Brightpath scales
scaffold the writing process for               from both ends of the scale.                                  Brightpath trained teachers
students from surface to deep.                 Teachers report to leadership their progress.                 Release Time
                                                                                                             Secondary Literacy Guidebook - Shift Gear

In all learning areas, 'dialogic   by the end      Teachers plan learning activities that use                Secondary Literacy Guidebook - Shift Gear
teaching' is discussed and         of 2021         dialogic teaching.                                        Release Time
developed to involve students in                   Leaders provide PD on dialogic teaching.                  LID and Curriculum leaders
deep learning.

                                                                       Total financial resources allocated

 Success criteria                  In their feedback sessions with teachers students are able to illicit and explain where they are on the Brightpath writing scale
                                   and the next steps in their learning.
                                   Students through reflections and discussions with the teacher will be able to self assess by identifying their writing strengths
                                   and next steps in their writing development.
                                   SACE students will be able to talk about the next steps in their writing improvements after receiving explicit teacher feedback.

                                                                                                                                                          Page 7 of 12
Step 3 continued                                                                                  Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 2                                Increase student achievement for all students F to 12 in Reading across the school.

 Challenge of practice                 If we explicitly use high impact strategies to teach the Big 6 focusing on oral language we will increase
                                       student achievement in reading.

 Actions                                Timeline      Roles and responsibilities                           Resources

Teachers develop individual            By the end   Primary teachers - include daily reading activities   Primary Literacy Guidebook - Shift Gear
                                                    in literacy and develop student reading goals.        Reading Comprehension PD.
reading goals for students based       of term 1,                                                         Reading comprehension boxes.
on decoding, fluency and               2021         Leadership - support teachers to use formative        LID / curriculum leader / LGU - support in development of
comprehension.                                      assessment to develop and monitor student             Big Six
                                                    goals.                                                Best Advice literacy papers.
                                                                                                          Heggerty advice and support

Across all learning areas, teachers   By the end    Teachers - plan 'during' reading activities.          LID and LET Curriculum Leader
design 'during' reading instruction   of Term 1,    Leaders - support staff with connections to           Primary Literacy Guidebook - Maintain Momentum
activities that deepen student        2021          literacy experts (including English staff).           LGU
comprehension, with a particular
focus on reading a text for evidence.

All teachers explicitly teach          Ongoing      Teachers to select targeted reading material          Library
relevant genres focusing on                         and include in their planning.                        Secondary Literacy Guidebook - Maintain
inferring, interpreting and applying                                                                      Momentum
knowledge.                                                                                                LID and LET Curriculum Leader

                                                                                                                                                           Page 8 of 12
Step 3 continued                                                                      Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 2 continued   Increase student achievement for all students F to 12 in Reading across the school.

 Actions             Timeline        Roles and responsibilities                              Resources

                                                       Total financial resources allocated

 Success criteria   All students from Year 2 up will use the first 300 sight words correctly in their daily writing and are able to identify
                    through a variety of strategies word correctness.
                    All year 1 students understand phonological sounds and able to recognise nonsensical words
                    Students on one plans are able to reflect on their reading goals and articulate their reading strengths and

                                                                                                                                        Page 9 of 12
Step 3 continued                                                                             Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 3                             Increase student achievement for all students F to 12 in number/Algebra (secondary) across the school

 Challenge of practice              If we explicitly use high impact strategies to teach number/Algebra (secondary) across all subject areas,
                                    we will increase student achievement in the number/Algebra (secondary) strand.

 Actions                             Timeline      Roles and responsibilities                         Resources

Use the National Numeracy           Ongoing      Teachers to include clear learning intentions       Primary Numeracy Guidebook - shift gear.
                                                                                                     Big Ideas in Number tools and advice.
Learning Progression to develop                  in their unit plans.                                Numeracy consultant - Kathy Palmer.
clear learning intentions.                       Leadership to provide PD in curriculum              Elementary & Middle School Mathematics - Van de Walle.
                                                 documents and Numeracy Progression.                 National Numeracy Learning Progression
                                                                                                     New Curriculum Resources - scope & sequence

Primary learning plans will         Ongoing      Teachers to continue their work in Big Ideas in     Primary Numeracy Guidebook - Shift Gear
encompass the Big Ideas in                       Number strategy through Unit Planning.              Release Time
Number with a particular focus on                Teachers to include learning supported by           Kathy Palmer
                                                 manipulatives to develop multiplicative thinking.
multiplicative thinking.
                                                 Leadership to monitor classrooms and provide PD

All teachers use the                Ongoing      Leadership Team - provide time for staff to         Secondary Numeracy Guidebook - Shift
self-assessment tool to identify                 discuss Best Advice paper: Beliefs and              Gear
their beliefs and attitudes about                attitudes about mathematics.                        7 Positive Classroom Norms (Jo Boaler).
maths teaching and learning.                                                                         Best Advice Paper: Beliefs and attitudes
                                                                                                     about mathematics.

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Step 3 continued                                                                                    Plan actions for improvement

 Goal 3 continued                  Increase student achievement for all students F to 12 in number/Algebra (secondary) across the school

 Actions                            Timeline       Roles and responsibilities                                Resources

All teachers identify the numeracy Ongoing        Teachers to use common language to                        Secondary Numeracy Guidebook - shift gear.
concepts in their learning area and               promote student abilities and encouragement.              National Numeracy Progression.
ensure explicit references to                     Teachers to map the numeracy capability in                New curriculum resources - scope &
numeracy development.                             their learning area and make explicit links to            sequences.
                                                  numeracy improvement.

Teachers use Scaffolding           Ongoing        Mathematics teachers complete diagnostic work by end of   NAPLaN and PAT data and library
                                                  Week 4 Term 1.
Numeracy in the Middle Years                      Mathematics teachers collaborate and schedule regular     SSO support
(SNMY) to diagnose students'                      lessons for students to engage with the SNMY resources.   Shift Gear guide book
development stages to inform and                  Leadership - promote and support a problem-based
                                                  approach to teaching mathematics.
adjust next steps.

Teachers of mathematics teach       Ongoing       Teachers to collaborate in planning as an example         Van de Walle reference texts.
students how to work together                     to students.                                              Secondary Numeracy Guidebook - Shift
effectively and require students to               Teachers to include learning activities that promote      Gear
                                                  problem-solving through collaboration.
do so through guided collaborative                                                                          Manipulative resources.
                                                  Leadership support staff through PD and
inquiry.                                          connections with reference texts.

                                                                     Total financial resources allocated

 Success criteria                  Students in feedback sessions can articulate and understand what is needed to achieve an A standard in
                                   Mathematics and explain the concepts of Big Ideas in Number.
                                   Students in Years 10 to 12 seek to continue with mathematics because they feel confident in their ability to achieve.
                                   Students on one plans are able to reflect on their rmathematical achievement and articulate their strengths and

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School improvement plan                     Approvals

Approved by principal

Mal Jurgs


Approved by governing council chairperson

Louise Pitt


Approved by education director


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