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                                                Q1 2018
inside this
              edition...                                                                        Disrupted :
                                                                                                 New Rules for a New Type of Customer
                                                                                                   By Angela Weber, CMO OrthoSynetics
                                                                                                   Page 34

   & DEVELOPMENT                                                                               TRAVEL & LEISURE                                                                             CLINICAL CORNER

18                                                                                           15                                                                                           37
From the Rear View Mirror                                                                    Pro Travel Tips                                                                              High Frequency Vibration Can
BY DR. COURTNEY DUNN                                                                         BY PROORTHO STAFF                                                                            Reduce or Eliminate Pain During
                                                                                                                                                                                          Aligner Treatment
30                                                                                           20                                                                                           BY DR. JONATHAN L. NICOZISIS
                                                                                             Traveling to the Greek Islands
New Gaidge CEO
                                                                                             BY DR. DANIELA LOEBL
                                                                                                                                                                                             OFFICE LOGISTICS
34                                                                                           Traveling to Peru
Disrupted: New Rules for a New                                                               BY DR. DAVID WALKER                                                                        56
Type of Customer                                                                                                                                                                        Beyond Reminders:
                                                                                             40                                                                                         Tapping the Potential of Texting
                                                                                             Traveling to Spain                                                                         BY DR. KEITH DRESSLER
44                                                                                           BY DR. DAVID MAJERONI
What Would You Do If an Aligner
Store Opened Down the Street?                                                                46
                                                                                             Traveling to Europe                                                                             ORTHOPUNDIT.COM
                                                                                             BY DR. BEN BURRIS & BRIDGET BURRIS
     MARKETING/                                                                                 H.R. INSIGHT                                                                            Don't Piss Momma Off!
     SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                                                                                                                       BY DR. BEN BURRIS
05                                                                                          28                                                                                          24
Go High or Go Low - Just Don't Get                                                          Utilize Group Interviews To                                                                 Made to Measure:
Stuck in the Middle                                                                         Maximize Hiring Success                                                                     The Dubious Relationship Between
BY DR. LEON KLEMPNER AND AMY EPSTEIN,                                                       BY BRIDGET BURRIS                                                                           Eugenics and Orthodontics
                                                                                                                                                                                        BY DR. MARC ACKERMAN
                                                                                                ANSWERS FROM THE
52                                                                                              EDGE                                                                                    59
5 Keys to Capturing the Fastest                                                                                                                                                         The Economy Is Booming – Why
Growing Referral Source                                                                     10                                                                                          Isn’t Your Practice?
BY NICK DUNCAN                                                                              Interviews with Dr. Jeff Kozlowski
                                                                                                                                                                                        BY DR. BEN BURRIS
                                                                                            & Dr. Andrew Appel
The ideas, views and opinions in each article are the opinion of the named author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of The Progressive Orthodontist, its publisher, or editors. The Progressive Orthodontist® (“Publication”) DOES NOT provide any legal or accounting
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nature. There is no guarantee or warranty regarding the information contained in the Publication and we are not responsible for any loss, injury, claim, liability, or damage (“damages”) related to your use of the information contained in the Publication or from errors or
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such work. Content is property of The Progressive Orthodontist and may not be copied or otherwise duplicated without prior written consent from The Progressive Orthodontist. All content contributed to The Progressive Orthodontist magazine becomes the property of
SmileMedia. The publisher assumes no responsibility for return of unsolicited manuscripts, art, photos or other content.
         EXECUTIVE EDITOR        Change is good as we have often           perspective of patients.
         & TRAVEL AND            said but few orthodontists seem           The good news is that there is
         LEISURE EDITOR          to understand that change is also         tremendous opportunity for any
         Dr. Ben Burris          inevitable. If something is going to      orthodontist who is willing to adapt
                                 happen anyway it is far better to         to the new reality and deliver what
         CLINICAL EDITOR         embrace the change and figure out         the customer wants on their timeline
         Dr. Derek Bock          how to make it work for you than to       and within their budget. The number
                                 vainly swim against the current in the    of people receiving orthodontic
                                 name of quality.                          treatment will rise at an ever
         MARKETING/PATIENT       Quality is probably the most misused      increasing pace of the next decade -
                                 and dangerous word in orthodontics        the question is who will be rendering
         Angela Weber
                                 these days. We orthodontists say          the treatment? Orthodontists are
                                 quality when we want to defend what       still in the best position to fill that
         WOMEN IN                we do though we cannot reasonably         need but only if we can shed our old,
         ORTHODONTICS EDITOR     define quality or accurately assess the   arbitrary and detrimental beliefs
         Dr. Courtney Dunn
                                 lack of quality of those with whom        about who we are, what we do and
                                 we disagree. This age old tradition       why. This edition of The Progressive
         BUSINESS OF
                                 of claiming the quality high ground       Orthodontist Magazine is dedicated
         ORTHODONTICS EDITOR     will likely be the downfall of many an    to looking at some of the sources of so
         Chris Bentson           orthodontist.                             called disruption that are positioning
                                 A lack of new patients and case           themselves to harness patient demand
                                 starts is the bane of the profession      and prosper by delivering what
         ORTHODONTIC POP         now more than ever and this should        customers want. Enjoy!
                                 be doubly worrisome given the
         Dr. Marc Ackerman
                                 strength of the economy, lack of          PS In an attempt to disrupt our
                                 unemployment and high consumer            normal operating procedure we have
                                 confidence. With all this, dare we ask    also included a healthy dose of travel
        CLEAR ALIGNER EDITOR     the question “Why aren’t more people      journalism composed and submitted
        Sarah Sharfstein
                                 purchasing orthodontic services from      by fellow orthodontists. We hope
                                 orthodontists?” The answers are clear     these pieces inspire you to put in the
        TRADITIONAL OWNER/       to those who shed their blinders          work so you can enjoy the play!
        OPERATOR PRACTICE        and look at what we do from the
        Dr. Jennifer Eisenhuth

                                            AAO AFFAIRS EDITOR
                                            Dr. Anil Idiculla & The        The Progressive Orthodontist
                                            AAO Committee on               magazine and study group are
        Dr. Grant Duncan
                                            Communications                 your educational resources for new
                                                                           trends, progressive insights and best
                                                                           practices for building a successful
        WEALTH MANAGEMENT                   WEALTH MANAGEMENT              orthodontic practice in 2018 and
        AND INVESTMENT EDITOR               AND INVESTMENT EDITOR          beyond.
        Dr. Aly Kanani                      Dr. John McManaman

   PUBLISHER - Amy Bradshaw              ADVERTISE WITH US!                 CHECK US OUT ONLINE

                                                                                   Q1 • 2018 | 1
CONTRIBUTORS                                                                                               DR.
DR. BEN BURRIS                                                                                                Jennifer
   Ben Burris                                                                                              DDS, MS is a
graduated from The                                                                     DR. MARC            board-certified
                                                                                      ACKERMAN             orthodontist
Citadel in 1994 with
                                                                                                           who began college intending to be a civil
a BS in biology, spent                                                                                     engineer. After her undergraduate studies were
time working in                                                                            Dr. Marc
                                                                                                           complete, she came to her senses, entering
Washington DC after                                                                 Ackerman               dental school at the University of Minnesota
graduation, received a                                                              specializes in         and upon graduation, began her orthodontic
Rotary International                                                                the orthodontic        residency at the University of Minnesota,
Ambassadorial                                                                       treatment              earning both a certificate of orthodontics
Scholarship and spent a year in Wellington             of children with dentofacial deformity,             and a Master’s of Oral Biology. After a failed
NZ at Victoria University, graduated dental            intellectual and physical disabilities and sleep    associateship, she borrowed $60,000 from a
                                                       disordered breathing. He received his DMD           friend and started her own practice, paying
school with a DDS from The University of
                                                       from the University of Pennsylvania School          this friend back within a few months. Since
Tennessee in 2001, and graduated orthodontic                                                               then she has started, bought and sold several
residency in 2004 with an MDS from The                 of Dental medicine in 1998 and his certificate
                                                                                                           practices in the Twin Cities metro area and
University of Tennessee. In his short 13               in Orthodontics from the University of              will continue to do so as long as the fun
year career Burris' practice grew to over 20           Rochester-Eastman Dental Center in 2000. Dr.        remains. Her orthodontic practice won the
locations which he sold in April 2017. After           Ackerman later completed his MBA in Executive       “Best workplace 2014” by Minnesota Business
the sale Burris is effectively retired and living      Leadership at Jacksonville University Davis         Monthly Magazine and she was recently
in Orlando, Florida with his wife and two              College of Business in 2009. Dr. Ackerman           acknowledged by the University of Minnesota
children but he's actively treating thousands          is the Director of Orthodontics at Boston           as a top entrepreneur.
of cases via teledentistry and building what           Children’s Hospital and teaches residents in both
he calls a lifestyle office where he plans to          pediatric dentistry and orthodontics for Harvard    RYAN MOYNIHAN
offer braces for 3000 dollars and Invisalign for       School of Dental Medicine.
2000. Burris (and others) expect his new office                                                               Ryan Moynihan
and unheard of price point to revolutionize                                                                has a financial/
how orthodontics is delivered and engage a                                                                 analytical background
significant percentage of the population in            DR. LEON                                            beginning his career
orthodontic treatment. Burris founded S4L.                                                                 at Intel and Ernst &
org,,                                                                      Young. He earned
                                                       & AMY                                               his MBA from
among other institutions in orthodontics and
                                                       EPSTEIN                                             Georgetown and has
is a driving force for change in the orthodontic
profession. Burris and Dr. Marc Ackerman                                                                   spent the past 12
recently released a book, Straighter: The Rules           Dr. Leon                                         years of his career in the Dental/Orthodontic
of Orthodontics and do a two-day course in             Klempner,                                           industry with 3M and Ormco. Most recently
Orlando of the same name.                              a board-                                            he was VP of Global Marketing (2 years) and
   Feel free to connect with Dr Burris so you          certified                                           VP of NA Sales (2 1/2 years) for Ormco. He
can get a better understanding of who he is            orthodontist was in private practice for over       joined Gaidge in August 2017 as CEO.
and what he does.                                      38 years. He graduated dental school from                                the University of Maryland and received             DR. DAVID WALKER
                                                       his certification in Orthodontics from
                                                                                                              Dr. David
DR. DAVID MAJERONI                                     Tufts University. Dr. Klempner has lectured
                                                                                                           Walker completed
                                                       nationally on the subject of social media
   Dr. David Majeroni                                  marketing and clinical orthodontic treatment.
                                                                                                           dental and
has a private practice                                    Amy Epstein has over 15 years of
                                                                                                           orthodontic degrees
in Alamo CA and                                        multinational marketing and branding
                                                                                                           at UNC-Chapel
founder of the                                         experience. She has an MBA in marketing
                                                                                                           Hill. He practices
non-profit "It takes                                   from Baruch College and regularly lectures at
                                                                                                           in his hometown
a Village" where he                                    the Zicklin School of Business and Long Island
                                                                                                           of Morehead City,
provides orthodontic                                   University School of Business on the subject of
                                                                                                           NC as a partner in a
treatment to children                                  digital marketing, entrepreneurship and social
                                                                                                           group practice. He is married to his college
with a missing or deceased parent.                     media.
                                                                                                           sweetheart, Leeanne, an attorney with UNC
                                                                                                           School of Medicine. They have one daughter,
                                                                                                           Madeline, age 2.
2                                         It’s just BUSINESS
                              ANGELA                                                                   DR. KEITH DRESSLER
                                                                          Dr. Nicozisis is a Faculty
                                                                          member of Invisalign®           Dr. Keith
                                 Angela Weber                                                          Dressler is an
                              is the Chief                                National Speaker’s
                                                                                                       avid entrepreneur
                              Marketing Officer                           Bureau and Clinical
                                                                                                       who has over 30
                              for OrthoSynetics                           Research Networkand
                                                                                                       years’ experience
                              a company                                   has given over 400
                              which specializes                                                        as a practicing
                                                                          lectures on Invisalign.      orthodontist. In
                              in business
                              services for the                            Dr. Nicozisis is also        2000, Dr. Dressler
orthodontic and dental industry. She leads a       the founding orthodontist and a scientific          co-founded
team of marketing professionals dedicated to       advisory                                            OrthoBanc, LLC a
developing and implementing cutting-edge            board member of BAS Medical/Corthera               cloud-based automated accounts receivable
strategies and solutions for their members.        a development stage company founded in              platform, that is currently serving over 4000
   Angela has over 15 years of experience in
                                                   2003 with a mission to develop and market a         healthcare providers. Dr. Dressler also co-
the advertising industry with a vast knowledge
                                                   novel technology to accelerate and improve          founded Elite Physician Services, a national
of current and past trends, philosophies and
strategies for marketing within the healthcare     the stability of orthodontic treatments.            healthcare patient finance company, which
industry. Angela has a proven track record of      Dr. Nicozisis’ master’s research is the basis       grew to over 200 million in sales before it
driving new patient volume through innovate        for BAS Medical innovative research. In             became the Citi Health Card in 2003.
marketing practices.
                                                   February 2010, Corthera was acquired by
   Angela holds a B.A. in Mass
Communications from Louisiana State                Novartis. Dr. Nicozisis has been awarded
University and an M.B.A. from the University       membership to the Edward H. Angle Society
of New Orleans.                                    of Orthodontists. He has co-authored a
                                                   textbook chapter on Invisalign with Align’s         BURRIS
                                                   director of R+D. Since 2010, he is an SAB
NICK DUNCAN                                        member of Propel Orthodontics.                         Bridget Burris
                                                                                                       is no stranger to
   Nick Duncan holds                              DR. DANIELA LOEBL                                    orthodontics. For
degrees in accounting                                                                                  over 11 years she
and finance. After                                   Dr. Daniela Loebl                                 and her husband
                                                  is a second-year                                     have grown and run one of the largest groups
starting his career
                                                  orthodontic resident                                 of practices in the country. Having extensive
as a CPA in Boston,                                                                                    experience in every position in an orthodontic
he returned to his                                at the University
                                                                                                       office except chair side assisting, Bridget
native Australia to                               of Colorado. She
                                                                                                       knows how to train employees to maximize
form The Invisible                                received her Bachelor
                                                                                                       their efficacy and how to teach the customer
Orthodontist (TIO) with his father Dr. Grant      of Science degree                                    service delivery that is so essential in the
Duncan. Over the past 7 years, TIO has built an   at the University of                                 modern practice. Bridget also knows how to
international network of more than 100 doctors    Michigan in 2012                                     grow an orthodontic practice from small to
and worked with them to significantly increase    and completed her formal dental training at          massive in a logical, stepwise manner because
                                                  the University of Maryland School of Dentistry       she's DONE IT! Multiple times.
their Invisalign cases. Through his leadership
                                                  in 2016. She is originally from Miami, Florida          Bridget's knowledge and acumen is
at TIO, Nick has developed a diverse set of                                                            only surpassed by her incredible ability to
skills encompassing marketing, technology and     and enjoys going to the beach, traveling to new
                                                                                                       communicate and get others to do the same.
business development.                             countries with her husband Steven, hiking,
                                                                                                       Her unique skill set allows her to enter
                                                  and skiing.
                                                                                                       an office, identify the problems, prioritize
                                                                                                       issues and form a logical implementation
                            DR. COURTNEY DUNN                                                          plan; but, most importantly, she is then
                                                                                                       able to communicate the plan to the owner
                               Dr. Courtney Dunn graduated from the University of Michigan             and employees to get consensus and even
                            Dental and Orthodontic programs in 2001 and 2004. She received             enthusiasm for how all parties can get where
                            the Milo Hellman award for her research and has presented at many          they want to be! No one else in the industry
                            local and national meetings. She is a diplomate of the American            has the experience, wisdom or pragmatic,
                            Board of Orthodontics, holds leadership positions in the Arizona           solution based approach that Bridget brings to
                                                                                                       your practice. Her results speak for themselves.
                            Dental Association and is past president of the Arizona State
                            Orthodontic Association. Dr. Dunn is in private practice with her
                            husband, Matt, in Phoenix, AZ. She spends most of her free time
                            being a proud swim mom.

                                                                                                                 Q1 • 2018 | 3
4   It’s just BUSINESS

                   Go High or Go Low
                   Just Don't Get Stuck in the Middle
                   By Dr. Leon Klempner and Amy Epstein

––––––––––––––––––        As the orthodontic business model
                        becomes increasingly competitive,
                                                                       that orthodontists need to carry in order
                                                                       to remain technologically competitive.
"Break from the pack    prospective patients have many lower           Orthodontists are definitely feeling the
                        fee options. Traditional private fee for       pressure from every side.
with a marketing        service practices are finding themselves          Unless you are almost at retirement
                        squeezed in the middle, steadily losing        age, it’s become clear that staying put is
program that            market share. Large, corporate, Dental         not a realistic option. This is the reality
differentiates your     Service Organizations (DSOs) and
                        insurance companies are pushing down
                                                                       of the modern orthodontic industry
                                                                       landscape. You can either remain on the
practice and attracts   fees while overhead costs keep going up.
                        Computer generated tooth straightening
                                                                       sidelines and hope for a return to the
                                                                       good old days, or you can do something
more qualified          applications in the form of so-called do-it-   about it. Today there are two ways to
                        yourself orthodontics are commoditizing        remain profitable as an orthodontist:
patients."              services into a point-and-click shopping       go the high volume/low fee option or
––––––––––––––––––      experience. Adding to the burden is a
                        surplus of competition and mounting debt
                                                                       differentiate your practice enough to show
                                                                       prospective patients/parents that you
                                                                       are worth paying the difference. There
                                                                       are many ways to stand out from your
                                                                       competition: exceptional patient service,
                                                                       using the latest technology, expertise with
                                                                       multidisciplinary clinical cases or cleft
                                                                       palate management, being the Invisalign
                                                                       or “speed” practice, just to name a few.
                                                                       Each of us are really good at something.
                                                                       But that is not enough, you can’t just walk
                                                                       the walk, you also have to talk the talk.
                                                                       The challenge is that to be competitive,
                                                                       you need to communicate all of this in
                                                                       a matter of minutes when potential new
                                                                       patients can shop around with a quick
                                                                       tap on a mobile screen. Luckily, there are
                                                                       ways to do it.
                                                                          With the right mix of social media
                                                                       marketing, reputation management, and
                                                                       social advertising, a practice can rise
                                                                       above the rest. A strategically designed
                                                                       marketing program will attract patients
                                                                       who have self-qualified for your services
                                                                       and are ready to convert. Potential
                                                                       patients self-qualify when they’ve been
                                                                       exposed to your practice through a variety
                                                                       of online touchpoints, are positively

                                                                                Q1 • 2018 | 5

influenced by their peers (social proof),         like a potential new patient/parent and        their searches. At the same time, it’s
and feel that your practice stands out            your marketing must help solve their           important to have a system in place to
from the rest. At this point converting           problem quickly and confidently so they        offer a sounding board for patients in case
them becomes a much easier task.                  don’t have to stress about picking the right   their experience wasn’t perfect, giving
  A report released by Google called              orthodontist. Consumers increasingly           them a chance to vent before they take to
“Micro-moments” revealed that                     look to online communities to verify           the Internet to air their grievances.
businesses must capture the attention of          their decisions with supporting anecdotal         Using a reputation management system
potential customers in a matter of minutes        evidence, called social proof.                 like the one we offer to our clients allows
or even seconds. Mobile is changing                                                              us to capture patient reviews at the point
the game in online search. The report             ––––––––––––––––                               of service when they have an immediate
instructed businesses to anticipate the
micro-moments for users and commit to
                                                  “A report released by                          visceral reaction to their experience. This
                                                                                                 works twofold. It allows orthodontists
being there to help decision making when
those moments occur. Successful private
                                                  Google called                                  to capitalize on a positive experience,
                                                                                                 posting the reviews to all relevant websites
fee for service practices pay attention and       "Micro-moments"                                and social networks. It also allows a
embrace the pace of today’s busy patient/                                                        practice to vet negative reviews. A
parent by being relevant to their needs           revealed that businesses                       practice can review and address a patient’s
and connect them to the answers they’re                                                          concerns before the bad experience is
looking for online. Why? Because more             must capture the                               posted publicly online, where others
than half of smartphone users report
having discovered a new business while
                                                  attention of potential                         might read it and become influenced by it.
                                                                                                    In case you needed even more
conducting a search on their mobile
                                                  customers in a matter                          convincing that online reviews
                                                                                                 matter, consider this: a 2016 survey
  To do this you must not only                    of minutes or even                             by found that 91% of
communicate the core qualities of your                                                           consumers are actively reading online
practice but also help your current clients       seconds.”                                      business reviews, providing a huge
spread the word about their positive              –––––––––––––––––                              benefit to practices who have a positive
experiences on business review sites like                                                        online reputation. People truly trust these
Google, Yelp and Facebook. Patients who              A recent survey conducted by                reviews. The same survey reported that
have been exposed to your marketing     , a medical software         84% of people give as much weight to an
campaign walk in the door convinced               company, reported that 77 percent of           online review as they do to a personal
your practice is the right one for their          respondents said they used online reviews      recommendation. This creates a cycle:
family’s future smiles and are willing to         as a first step in seeking a doctor. Your      the more reviews, the more new patients
pay the difference.                               future patients are doing market research      joining your practice, leading to even
                                                  by reading what is being said about you        more reviews, and higher search engine
  REPUTATION MANAGEMENT:                          online. Your reputation is arguably your       rankings.
JUST A MOMENT TO CONVERT                          most valuable asset, are you leveraging it        That person in the coffee shop just
  A few friends meet at a local coffee            effectively?                                   clicked on another practice’s website and
shop. The conversation meanders before               The web has empowered patients to           arranged for a consultation appointment
settling on the subject of orthodontists. At      share their experiences and opinion about      because of the dozens of positive
this point, everything stops as someone           your practice with friends and neighbors       comments and 5-star ratings found on
grabs a smartphone and asks Siri,                 at the push of a button - for better or for    Google Reviews, Yelp and Facebook. With
Cortana, or some other type of personal           worse. In the above scenario, five-star        a good online reputation plan, the next
assistant app to suggest local practices.         ratings on Google Reviews alongside your       time, the orthodontic office they choose
  If your website is properly optimized,          business listing with loads of positive        will be yours.
Google reveals your business listing              comments from current patients praising
among others. That’s great but what               your practice provides the tipping point         SOCIAL ENGAGEMENT:
compels them to click on your link rather         for potential customers researching an         FIND NEW PATIENTS WITH
than your competitors? Remember, you              orthodontist online.                           SHARABLE CONTENT
only have a moment to convince them                  The key to capturing this busy web            The Smiths are a young family who
yours is the right choice for their family.       traffic is to translate all the good things    have been loyal patients of your practice
Attention is a commodity and you need             you hear around your office into authentic     for years. Their family friends, the
to stand out online. You need to think            online reviews for everyone to find in         Greens, are looking for an orthodontist.

6                                    It’s just BUSINESS

The Smith and Green families spend            off to a friend who asked where their kids    production. Like three legs of a stool,
a lot of time interacting on Facebook,        got their braces, it will be too late. Long   reputational management, social
commenting on each other’s pictures,          before that happens, a potential customer     engagement, and Facebook advertising
life events and news. It’s the hub of         will find out about your competitor on        form a solid digital marketing plan
their social lives. Because they are so       Facebook where mutual friends share           unmatched in communicating your
close, they also trust each other’s social    posts from the office’s page showing off      competitive advantages in expertise and
recommendations about local businesses        their kid’s satisfying smile after their      experience to deliver superior customer
from doctors to preschools. When the          braces came off.                              service.
Smiths needed a dog groomer they asked                                                         There are many entry points to your
about the business that the Greens used          FACEBOOK ADVERTISING:                      website and ultimately to a page that
because they saw an Instagram picture         EDUCATION TO ATTRACT                          directs a new client to contact you. No
of the family pet’s latest styling. When      PATIENTS                                      matter how they find your practice
the Greens needed braces for their kids          Mom and Dad have 7-year-old                whether it’s an online search, social media
they saw a contest the Smiths shared          twins. Though their dentist hasn’t yet        or a digital advertisement, you should
on their Facebook page held by their          recommended visiting an orthodontist,         be ready to capture attention. Your plan
orthodontist. That post sparked an online     while they’re surfing Facebook, they’re       has to be quick, unique and effective
chat in the comments section inspiring a      presented with an advertisement about         at converting browsers into potential
recommendation.                               the importance of early intervention for      patients who clicked on your link from
   There’s no doubt that having current       a healthy smile. They click and they’re       any source. With a thoughtful mix of
patients share your practice’s content with   brought to your website to read a blog        marketing, you distinguish yourself from
their social media friends adds value.        post explaining all the latest technology     the average tooth straightener. This will
In a report published by Deloitte, the        available in early orthodontics. Though       help you rise above the low fee, high
global professional services firm looked      they may not be ready to make a call just     volume practices that are squeezing you
at how social media influenced decision-      yet, you’re now on their radar where you      in the middle.
making by consumers. Their study found        weren’t before.
that social media was a factor in the            Facebook’s powerful advertising              Amy Epstein, MBA and Dr. Leon
purchasing decision of almost one in          program allows orthodontists to reach         Klempner, a retired orthodontist, founded
three U.S. consumers. This is especially      patients who are in need of services but      People & Practice (
true for younger demographics with 47         may not yet be aware of your practice. Ad     in 2011.
percent of millennials influenced by social   targeting can be very specific, reaching
media.                                        a demographic defined by a variety of            People & Practice is a full-service digital
   Just having a Facebook page for your       categories including geography so your        marketing consultancy. We position your
business is not enough. Your social           ads will be seen by users who live within     practice to grow in a new price-competitive
advertising must have that “social”           driving distance to your practice. These      economy by helping you compete on value,
element to it. Actively engaging with         ads direct back to educational content on     not fees. Unlike most digital marketing
your patients through social media will       your website. As potential patients click     companies that measure their success based
reap benefits exponentially if done right.    around looking for more information they      on just getting your phone to ring, our focus
A Facebook page must not only have            can be presented with forms specifically      is different. Our goal is based on attracting
a regular stream of updates, it must be       designed to capture contact data delivered    quality, educated new patients that are
interactive, encouraging current fans to      right to your inbox.                          much more likely to accept your treatment
like and share your post on their own            The blog on your website that Mom          recommendation, and pay a little extra
pages too. This helps reach their network     and Dad spent hours reading, sharing on       for a better service. We use digital social
of friends, increasing the number of          their own social pages, and emailing to       platforms to enable your current patients to
potential new patients who are aware of       one another reinforces your expertise. The    advertise for you.
your practice. The content needs to be        parents feel like they are well informed
personalized, informative, or entertaining    and will have already built trust your           For more information or a free
to be good enough to share. A contest that    practice.                                     marketing analysis, you can contact them
incentivizes patients to like and repost to                                                 at 888.866.DOCS, or by email at
their own page in order to have a chance        GROW BY PUTTING IT ALL            
to win is just one of many great examples     TOGETHER
of interactive, shareable content.              While these strategies can be
   By the time your patients get around to    used individually, they work best in
handing an old-fashioned business card        conjunction to boost your practice’s

                                                                                                     Q1 • 2018 | 7

8                     It’s just BUSINESS

DON'T PISS MOMMA OFF!                                      By Dr. Ben Burris

   When confronted with a kid who                   My dad, Dr. Skeet Burris, taught me        headed kid too and it took me a long time
doesn’t brush or wear elastics, our             how to handle this situation not long          to realize how smart my momma was
first instinct as orthodontists is to say       after I finished residency. I’ve used his      and I suffered for it!” Then I stand next
something like, “Susie, why haven’t you         technique for my entire career and have        to mom and put my arm on her shoulder
been brushing your teeth?!?!” but as soon       shared it with thousands of orthodontists      and say, “Susie, this is the winning team
as those words escape our lips we know          and I hope you’ll find it as useful as I       (pointing to mom and me) so you should
what mom will do. Mom will get upset            do. Whenever I see that Susie is not           go ahead and get on board or get run
and assertively say something like, “Susie      brushing properly I say, “Susie, why aren’t    over.” Mom smiles and agrees and then
brushes her teeth ten times a day and is        you listening to your momma?” Mom’s            I can do whatever I want with mom’s
a perfect angel. I watch her brush and I        ears perk up, Susie looks confused and         blessing. Brushing instruction, remove the
know she is doing what she is supposed          I continue, “Susie, I know your momma          wires, remove the braces, whatever… and
to. How dare you question that?”                tells you every morning and every night        mom will be fine with it because I’m not
   We are shocked every time this               to brush your teeth, why aren’t you doing      attacking her or her child.
happens. What is going on here? Why is          what she asks?” At this point mom stands
mom getting upset with us for trying to         up and walks over to the chair – just in         Simple. Effective. I wish all of life were
help her child and avoid cavities? How          time to say, “Doc, I don’t know what to do,    this easy! When in doubt just remember
dare her question my integrity?!?! I can        I tell that child to brush all the time… I     “Don’t Piss Momma Off ”.
tell by looking at this child that she is not   guess I’ll have to brush them for her if she
brushing properly, much less flossing! I        doesn’t straighten up.” And then I say, “I        Thanks Dad!
know inflammation when I see it! Geez           know what you mean mom. I was a hard
this is so frustrating.

   Perhaps it is time to change tactics to
avoid the upsets rather than stubbornly
repeating the same behavior and being
“shocked” when we get a negative
response? What is mom really saying to

   “I am a good parent and I do the best
I can and you have no idea what it is like
to try and handle three kids and get them
where they need to be and work and do
everything else. I don’t need you telling
me I’m not a good parent. How dare you
judge me?” is what mom is actually saying
when you accuse Susie of not brushing.
That combined with the lioness protecting
her cub creates angst and sends mom over
the top almost every time. So what can we
do to get the message across and not piss
momma off?

                                                                                                        Q1 • 2018 | 9

As we have done for several issues, here again we ask leading orthodontists a few questions
about what they do and what they see coming. We love Answers from the Edge because we
always learn something. Enjoy!

     Featuring Dr. Jeff Kozlowski and Dr. Andrew Appel
                                                  PROORTHO: WHAT IS YOUR                      do as a family (or individually with the
      Interview with                            PRIMARY FOCUS FOR 2018?                       kids). Our biggest summer family hobby
                                                                                              is wake surfing. The kids are incredible
     Dr. Jeff Kozlowski                            KOZLOWSKI: My primary focus                surfers. Unfortunately, Amy can’t surf
                                                for 2018 is my family. I know you were        because of recent rotator cuff surgery
                                                probably expecting me to say something        so she has to be content watching the
                                                about growing my business – but 2018          three of us. Skiing is our winter family
                                                is all about my family. I’ve spent the last   hobby even though Jake and I are the
                                                9 years building my practice and we’ve        all-day moguls and glades double black
                                                grown to 4 locations, 20 team members         diamond skiers and Amy and Amelia
                                                and are producing at a level I never          are half-day green/blue good weather
                                                thought possible. I did all this with the     skiers who are content to go to lunch or
                                                love and support of my wife and kids –        the spa or shopping. Other things I do
                                                and so this next year is devoted primarily    with the family include travel, hunting,
                                                to them. My wife Amy and I will celebrate     fishing, spearfishing (a combination of
                                                our 20th anniversary on August 1st and        hunting and fishing!), boating, crabbing,
                                                we have two kids. Our daughter Amelia is      clamming to name a few. How do we find
 Dr. Jeff Kozlowski has a unique
                                                a junior in high school and our son Jake      time to do all this? Clinical efficiency!!
 perspective on the importance of
                                                is in 8th grade. While I’ve always spent      Amy works 110 days per year and I work
 clinical efficiency in the business of
                                                lots of time with the kids – this year I’m    131. That means we only see patients
 orthodontics. With a background in
                                                really focused on enjoying their “young       about 1/3 of the year which leaves 2/3
 Economics and Finance rather than
                                                adulthood” – especially with our daughter     of our time for everything else we do
 Biology and Histology, numbers and
                                                who is heading off to college soon.           together!
 systems prevail over cytokines and
 osteoblasts. While his experience
                                                  PROORTHO: TELL US ABOUT                      PROORTHO: WHAT DO YOU SEE
 in orthodontics is varied – from
                                                YOUR FAMILY AND ALL THE FUN                   AS THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY
 managing a four doctor 5 location              STUFF YOU GUYS DO. HOW DO YOU                 AND THE GREATEST THREAT TO
 mega practice – to opening a start-            ACHIEVE THE GREAT WORK/LIFE                   ORTHODONTICS?
 up – to lecturing around the world             BALANCE WE KNOW YOU HAVE?
 – the one thing that has always                                                                KOZLOWSKI: While I am a very
 been constant is the importance of               KOZLOWSKI: I guess I already told           positive person, I’ll start with the
 achieving great clinical results with          you about my family! Amy and I met            negative first. I know many see direct to
 the least amount of effort.                    in dental school and she is a practicing      consumer orthodontics as the greatest
                                                pediatric dentist. We love to cook and        threat but I don’t see it completely that
                                                eat and travel together whenever our          way. The greatest threat to orthodontics is
                                                schedules allow for it. As for hobbies with   continuing to do what the profession has
                                                the family – well, I am the “Hobby Guy”       always done. Our profession continues
                                                so I’d love to share some of the things we    to sell patients four bicuspid extractions

10                                   It’s just BUSINESS

and headgear, expanders and lip bumpers,       and with better customer service. For            in not turning patients away from our
bands on posterior teeth, and all of this      those of us who are already doing this           profession’s traditionally restrictive
taking more than two years of treatment        we have continued to see great growth            financing models. (Yes I’m an investor in
(the national average is 27 months of          in our practices - even in the face of           OrthoFi)
treatment). Many orthodontists continue        encroachment from PCD’s with short-
to do what they have always done; selling      term orthodontics, aligners, and DIY              PROORTHO: WHAT ADVICE
patients the old and tired when there are      orthodontics.                                    WOULD YOU GIVE YOUNG
so many new and wonderful technologies                                                          ORTHODONTISTS AND RESIDENTS?
available. These traditionalists yell and        PROORTHO: WHAT
scream that new technologies are not           TECHNOLOGIES OR SERVICES ARE                        KOZLOWSKI: You can be anything
“evidence-based” and they fight against        INTERESTING TO YOU LATELY?                       you want to be in this world if you set
the change. It is for all these reasons that                                                    your mind to it! Orthodontics is such a
options like “short-term orthodontics”            KOZLOWSKI: There are a number of              wonderful and flexible profession. I tell
and direct to consumer aligners are            technologies that I have a great interest        residents all the time - you can make
growing. It may be what some patients          in. First is Passive Self-Ligation. I’ve been    your practice life and personal life be
want - but I believe our traditional way of    using the Damon System for over 15 years         what you want it to be. Want to work
providing orthodontics is driving patients     now and I believe it is the key for me to        one day a week? Then do it! Set up your
there. Who wouldn’t want to straighten         continually create great smiles in less          systems to do 3-4 starts per day and do
their smile in 6 months or do aligners         time (averaging less than 17 months of           that 50 days per year and you will have
from home when the option many in              treatment). We’ve also grown in our use          an incredible quality of personal life with
our profession provide is four bicuspid        of aligners for patients who prefer not to       the financial means to enjoy it! Want to
extraction, expanders and headgear for         wear braces. Combining Invisalign with           work 5 days per week and crush it, then
2-3 years of treatment.                        our iTero Element scanners has made              retire at 45? Then do it! The other thing I
                                               the process of treating with aligners easy       tell young orthodontists and residents is
–––––––––––––––––––                            and streamlined. Aligner therapy is now          to never stop learning. Go to meetings;

“These traditionalists                         a very relevant and important part of our
                                               practice. I’m also a huge fan of CBCT.
                                                                                                listen and learn. Visit offices and see what
                                                                                                others do - adopt what you like and make
yell and scream that                           I love my two iCAT FLX machines                  it your own and see what you don’t like
                                               that provide more information for less           and don’t repeat it. We can learn from
new technologies are                           radiation than a traditional pan/ceph.           every encounter we have with others in

not “evidence-based”                           Patients and parents can immediately
                                               see their dental and skeletal issues when
                                                                                                our profession. And finally, I tell people
                                                                                                - if you are not happy with your current
and they fight against                         viewed in 3D and I believe it helps              situation then change it. I was once a
                                               communication and ultimately conversion          partner in a large group practice. It was
the change. It is for                          of patients to get the treatment they            a very good practice with good docs and

all these reasons that                         need and deserve. Finally, I’d be remiss
                                               if I didn’t mention OrthoFi - a company
                                                                                                lots of patients. But after nearly 10 years,
                                                                                                I wasn’t happy. With the support of my
options like “short-term                       that Jamie Reynolds and I started with           incredible wife - I decided to retire from
                                               our CEO, Dave Ternan, over 4 years ago.          the group practice and open my own
orthodontics” and direct                       OrthoFi has been revolutionary in helping        office. Starting from scratch 9 years ago
to consumer aligners                           practices manage the effects of extended
                                               financing that many patients require in
                                                                                                we’ve grown to 4 locations and 20 team
                                                                                                members. I’m happier than I’ve ever
are growing.”                                  order to do business with our offices. We        been and making more money than I
                                               built it for ourselves with the help of some     ever imagined. If I can reinvent myself
–––––––––––––––––––                            really smart orthodontists and business          - then so can you! And when I’m done
  So this leads me to the greatest             people from outside the orthodontic              with orthodontics someday - I might
opportunity - the profession could             profession. I’m really happy that it’s           just become an architect or a chef - who
pivot and start providing top quality          grown to help over 250 other orthodontic         knows?
care in less time with fewer extractions       practices realize the growth potential

                                                                                                       Q1 • 2018 | 11

                                                      PROORTHO: WHAT IS YOUR                       My dad taught me something early in my
                                                    PRIMARY FOCUS FOR 2018?                        career that I try to always keep in mind:
         Interview with                         ”                                                  as practice owners, it's quite easy to never
        Dr. Andrew Appel                               APPEL: My primary focus in 2018             really turn work "off." He always reminds
                                                    is diversification. I spent the first few      me to try my best to lock the door at the
                                                    years of my career "updating" Appel            end of the day, and leave the orthodontics
                                                    Orthodontics (AO): improving clinical          inside for tomorrow!
                                                    efficiency and scrutinizing everything
                                                    about the customer service experience           PROORTHO: WHAT DO YOU SEE
                                                    that our patients receive. We have also        AS THE GREATEST OPPORTUNITY
                                                    managed to start and grow a new practice       AND THE GREATEST THREAT TO
                                                    branded differently than our own, which        ORTHODONTICS?
                                                    has been able to help a great number
                                                    of families with insurance plans not              APPEL: I think the greatest opportunity
                                                    historically accepted by AO. In 2018 I         is still having the option to practice a
                                                    want to continue focusing on building          great profession in a manner that is highly
                                                    that brand and re-creating the same            tailored to your personal desire: associate
                                                    high quality, AO experience in this new        with an awesome practice or be your own
                                                    practice. We are also partnering with          boss, open from scratch or buy an existing
                                                    another orthodontic group to open a            practice, work as much as you see fit for
                                                    more boutique style, aligner-only practice,    your lifestyle, choose the clinical systems
        Philadelphia orthodontist
                                                    and I'm sure we will commit much of            that work best for you. In orthodontics,
     Dr. Andrew Appel was born and
                                                    our time in 2018 to getting that off the       we have a unique opportunity to choose
     raised in Philly and wanted to be an
                                                    ground. There are a lot of horses in the       our own path and that should never be
     orthodontist since he was 7 years
                                                    starting gate, as my dad likes to say.         taken for granted.
     old. In July 2013, he joined his father
                                                                                                      As for a threat, there are certain things
     as co-owner of Appel Orthodontics,
                                                      PROORTHO: TELL US ABOUT                      putting pressure on the profession
     which will celebrate its 40th
                                                    YOUR FAMILY AND ALL THE FUN                    like never before: growth in corporate
     anniversary in 2018. He received
                                                    STUFF YOU GUYS DO. HOW DO YOU                  dentistry and direct to consumer aligners,
     his undergraduate degree from
                                                    ACHIEVE THE GREAT WORK/LIFE                    to name a couple. That being said, I try
     Pennsylvania State University, then            BALANCE WE KNOW YOU HAVE?                      to focus on the notion that traditional
     graduated summa cum laude from
                                                                                                   orthodontic treatment will persist in
     Temple University Kornberg School                 APPEL: As a practice owner, I am            some capacity and with these changes
     of Dentistry, where he became a                always planning on work-related items.         come new opportunities. My dad has
     member of Omicron Kappa Upsilon,               Most of us tend to be pretty good at that...   been at this for nearly 40 years and can
     an honor society that recognizes               planning for the next big marketing push;      recount stories about when he opened his
     excellence in dental school graduates.         which CE events we will attend; what our       practice in 1978 and all of the older docs
     He has a certificate in orthodontics           scheduling templates are going to look         consistently told him that "the golden days
     from Tufts University School of                like. I basically try to take the exact same   of orthodontics are over!" They couldn't
     Dental Medicine in Boston. Outside             approach when it comes to non-work             have been more wrong! We just focus our
     of the office, he is the proud parent of       related items. Travel and its associated       energy on continuing to move forward.
     a very handsome long-haired black              life experiences have always been pretty
     cat named Oliver, enjoys hiking in             important to me. My friends and I like           PROORTHO: WHAT
     America's national parks, and tries            to hike in the summer and snowboard            TECHNOLOGIES OR SERVICES ARE
     to always make the most of Philly's            in the winter so like anything else...we       INTERESTING TO YOU LATELY?
     awesome live music and dining                  plan for it! It's nothing ground-breaking,
     scenes.                                        just keep your work life and personal life        APPEL: I suppose this would fall
                                                    intertwined enough so that you can see         under the tech umbrella...but we spent
                                                    the whole picture and plan time for both!      a lot of time this year doing a complete

12                                       It’s just BUSINESS

re-development of our website. I think
it's easy to overlook the importance of the
website in the overall scope of a practice's
digital presence because it tends to be
more static than, say, ongoing SEO or
social media posts and ads. For us, we
realized we have put a lot of time and
energy into what's happening under our
roof, but our previous site did a poor job
at conveying that to prospective patients;
instead, it provided the same, boring info
found on most other sites. We partnered
with Clear-PG for our new site, and we
literally have new patients coming in
saying that they saw our site and our
videos. Some have even admitted they
were holding back tears while watching
this new content! We are finally using our
website to show patients what we are all
about in an effective and thoughtful way.


   APPEL: Well, I am a young
orthodontist, so it feels a little funny to
be asked to dish out advice. Two things
that I think could be worth offering are:
First, regardless of what career path
you choose, write down your short and
long-term goals. I have found that I'm
much more effective in getting things
done when I have put them down on
paper. Second, try to enjoy the ride! It's
so easy to get caught up in the process of
starting and/or growing a practice, the
cases that aren't turning out clinically
like you would hope, the pressures being
applied on our profession by those threats
mentioned earlier. We have it so good in
orthodontics...try to never lose sight of
that and have fun along the way!

                                                   Q1 • 2018 | 13

                                             TRAVEL &

  We’ve always been big on travel and leisure at ProOrtho but in
 this edition, we decided to get serious about featuring travel pieces
 submitted by fellow orthodontists. We hope you enjoy this section
 and find inspiration to kick it up a notch in your practice so you can
 take the family on an awesome trip. If you have a great trip you’d like
 to share then let us know and we will feature it in future issues.
     												Travel well!
14                      It’s just BUSINESS

                                         PRO TRAVEL TIPS
                                        By ProOrtho Staff

   Traveling, especially with family,         a great idea. Hand sanitizer is also a    process used to be arduous but now it’s
can be stressful. But this is an artificial   great thing to carry with you but make    easy and you can do it on a layover in
construct in our minds! Relax and             sure it’s a small bottle so you can get   any major airport. With global entry
remind yourself that it used to take          it through security. Make sure your       you’ll get TSA pre-check almost every
a lifetime to cross the globe or even         Kindle, iPad, phones, etc. are charged    time and that’s nice! Be sure to add
the country. Know that if you travel          and ready to go. It’s a great idea to     your trusted traveler number to your
much at all, delays are inevitable for        download shows for everyone – you         airline reservation or to your frequent
any number of reasons AND airline             can do so on Netflix, Amazon and          flier account. Clear is a great service
employees are there to help you.              on most premium cable apps like           and very reasonable depending on
Getting upset only raises your blood          HBOGo. Do not put your medicine in        how often you fly and where. When
pressure and reduces the chance that          your checked luggage. Birth control       approaching the security checkpoint
you’ll get great service. Reduce stress       pills and any daily medication are        know that you’ll need a boarding
by leaving an hour earlier for the            especially important to keep on you in    pass for every passenger and an ID
airport than you think you should.            case your bag gets lost!                  for everyone but children if flying
Avoiding upsets and conflict with                                                       domestic and a passport for everyone
your family is key to getting your trip          Check and see if your local airport    if flying international. Have these out
off on the right foot. Once through           has a valet service. Many do and this     and ready so you don’t delay your
security enjoy the show. Airports are a       is a great way to start your trip off     fellow passengers.
great place to people watch. Print out        stress free. Frequent travelers who are
your itinerary and your tickets before        loyal to one airline get premier status     General rules for passenger
you leave the house. Most of the time         that allows them to use shorter lines     screening on US domestic flights.
the app on your phone will work and           for check in, check bags for free and       Normal screening - you must
it’s rare that the airline will make a        get upgrades. Or, of course you can       remove your shoes and any coats,
mistake but when either goes wrong            purchase premium/first class seats to     scarves, hats. You must take your
you’ll be glad you have a hard copy.          get these perks instantly. Some credit    laptop and tablets out of your carryon
Taking photos of everyone's passports         cards also offer priority perks and       and place each in a separate bin.
and your credit cards, front and back,        even airline status and are well worth    Remove everything from your pockets
is a great idea. That way if they are         having. Which one depends on what         and take off your Bluetooth headset.
lost or stolen you have the info you          airline you fly. The points guy is a      Don’t take any liquids, gels or aerosols
need to take action. Remember that            good source of info.                      of more than 3 oz and put the ones
airports and airplanes are often cooler                                                 you have in a ziplock bag that you
than your home so consider adding               If you travel much at all take the      remove from your luggage. You don’t
a jacket or scarf to your carry-on is         time to get Global Entry certified. The   need your ID or boarding pass out so

                                                                                               Q1 • 2018 | 15

put those away. Ideally while standing            First class passengers and frequent      since these lounges generally offer
in line or before you’ll get most of this      fliers with top-tier status get access to   food and drinks included in access to
done and be ready to remove shoes              airline lounges. These are quite useful     the club.
and laptops so you don’t delay your            and convenient and it’s a good idea to
fellow passengers. Wearing shoes that          search the airports you’ll be traveling        Thoughts about boarding the
are easy on off, wearing socks so you          through to find out what lounges there      plane and general courtesy to fellow
don’t have to go barefoot, avoiding            are. Lounge buddy is a great app for        passengers while flying:
belts with large metal buckles and             that. If you are flying coach and don’t        Remember that backpacks stick
generally knowing what is coming and           have top airline status don’t worry         out behind you so don’t forget that
being prepared will make your day              as many credit cards will get you           when you try to turn in the aisle and
easier.                                        into various lounges. Priority pass is      smack people in the face. If you can't
                                               very useful and comes as a perk with        lift your carry on above your head
  TSA pre-check - If your boarding             several American Express cards. There       then check it. Checking baggage is
pass says TSA pre-check you don’t              is a priority pass app that is useful.      much easier and more courteous than
have to remove your computer or                Also, American Express lounges              expecting others to do your heavy
toiletries from your bag. You don’t            are becoming more numerous and              lifting. The space under your seat
have to remove your shoes. The                 most cardholders get free admission.        is your fellow traveler’s foot space.
best bet is to take any jewelry and            Finally, you can pay for a day pass and     Sometimes passengers want to stuff
everything from your pockets and               depending on how long you’ll be stuck       their belongings below the seat they
place them in your carry-on baggage.           in an airport this might be worthwhile      are sitting on. Don’t be that passenger.

                                                                                             Don’t use headrests as handles
                                                                                           - whether walking down the aisle
                                                                                           or getting in or out of your seat,
                                                                                           remember that grabbing a headrest
                                                                                           and using it like a handle disturbs
                                                                                           your fellow passenger. Especially on
                                                                                           overnight or international trips when
                                                                                           they’re trying to sleep. It’s much more
                                                                                           courteous to put your hands on your
                                                                                           armrests to get in and out of your seat
                                                                                           or on the overhead bins when walking
                                                                                           down the aisle. Use of your tray table,
                                                                                           video monitor and seat back pocket
                                                                                           impacts the person in front of you.
                                                                                           Every time you tap the screen, raise
                                                                                           and lower the tray table, or utilize the
                                                                                           seat back pocket you are moving the
                                                                                           seat of the passenger in front of you so
                                                                                           remember to use appropriate force and
                                                                                           limit the number of times you perform
                                                                                           these tasks.

16                                  It’s just BUSINESS

   Infants cry. That’s what they do.       to get some rest. Keep this in mind
Understand that the parents are            and be sure to carry those noise
likely much more upset about this          canceling headsets! Tapping feet to
fact when traveling with an infant         the music, playing music on headsets
than you are. A great way to make          loudly and excessive fidgeting
the situation better for everyone is       impacts your fellow traveler.
to travel prepared with ear plugs,
noise-canceling headphones and               On overnight/red-eye flights
a white noise app on your phone            and on international flights it’s a
AND be sure to smile at the parents        good idea to leave your window
or even offer to lend a hand if it’s       shade down. This gives your fellow
obvious they are in need of one. This      passengers the best chance to sleep.
is especially nice when a parent is        Modern planes regulate light during
traveling alone with one or more           the flight to minimize jet lag but one
infants or young children.                 passenger opening a window will
                                           destroy this attempt to make your
   When in coach remember that             journey more pleasant. Also on these
there are more arms than armrests.         sleep intensive flights, it’s a good idea
In a three-seat arrangement,               to keep conversation to a minimum
traditionally the aisle and window         as voices carry a great deal when
passengers surrender the middle            passengers aren’t moving around or
armrests for the person stuck in           talking much.
the middle seat. In a two-seat
configuration, we must share or take         Flying commercial means being
turns (usually one person ends up          in a closed space with others for an
predominating). The thing to avoid         extended period so avoiding heavy
is allowing our elbow to cross over        cologne or perfume, foods that are
the armrest and into the ribs of our       highly aromatic and anything else
fellow passenger. This is especially       that will negatively impact your
common when using a laptop so              fellow passengers is always a good
remember to be courteous. If you           idea.
need more room, buy a first class
ticket! Parents - especially tall ones -      When you arrive at your hotel the
can increase their room in coach by        first thing you should do is secure
taking the middle seat and putting         your valuables and travel documents
a child on either side. That way           in your room safe if you aren’t
you paid for all three seats and can       going to keep them on your person.
encroach on them as you like.              Leaving these things lying around
                                           your hotel room – even for just a
   Conversation is great when              few hours – can have catastrophic
it’s mutual but sometimes fellow           consequences.
passengers have work to do or want

                                                                                       Q1 • 2018 | 17
You can also read