SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library

Page created by Jamie Brady
SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library
Massena Public Library & Badenhausen Library
                                 Imagine Your Story
                     New York State Public Libraries Summer Reading Program 2020

  Join us at Massena Public Library or the Brasher Falls Library this summer as we celebrate
  reading. Imagine Your Story is designed to encourage children to continue reading during
   summer vacation so that valuable reading skills won’t be lost. We will offer a variety of
  activities for children of all ages. This year Summer Reading will be a bit different as most
programs will occur digitally. Thanks to Stewart’s and our partnership with Scholastic we will
be offering ice cream certificates and free books this year as part of our incentives for reading.
 Summer Reading will be held from July 6th 2020 - August 14th 2020 in conjunction with the
 collaborative Summer Reading program with the many libraries in the North Country Library
           System (NCLS). You can register online or call/e-mail/facebook messenger.

   INDEPENDENT READING                                        INDEPENDENT READING
     PROGRAM Birth - 12                                       PROGRAM Teens & Adults

        Read for fun and earn prizes!
Register online via readsquared using this link -                  Read for fun and earn prizes!        Register online via readsquared using this link -
Once you are registered you can earn points and
badges to help meet reading goals throughout the         Once you are registered you can earn points and leave
summer. Families can register together.                  book reviews to help connect throughout the summer.
For ages birth - 4 in the “Pre-K 2020” section. This
program is designed for kids age 0 to 4 to encourage     For ages 13 - 17 Select “Teens 2020” to encourage
life-long reading habits. Once you've earned 60          life-long reading habits. Once you've earned enough
points you'll receive a completion certificate you       points you'll receive a completion certificate you can
can print/share, a free book, and an ice cream certif-   print/share. You can also unlock games. For every
icate from Stewart's.                                    book you read leave a paragraph book review or mail/
For Ages 5 - 12 register for “Children’s 2020” pro-      drop off a postcard to the library and receive a free
gram section. This program is designed to encour-        book and an ice cream certificate for Stewart's.
age life-long reading habits. Once you've earned 60
points you'll receive a completion certificate you        For Adults 18+ register for the “Adults 2020” pro-
can print/share, a free book, and an ice cream certif-    gram. Once you've earned enough points you'll re-
icate from Stewart's. You can also unlock games!         1
                                                          ceive a completion certificate, and entry into the adult
*Limit 1 prize per day per child*                         prize drawing.
SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library
Roll for Initiative
      Story time Lessons
                                                         Tuesday & Thursday from 5pm - 7pm
                                                         Ages 13 - 17 Registration Required
Brasher: Mondays Live at 10am on the Brasher
Facebook Page. The story-time will be for mixed          Conducted via Google Hangouts
age groups and all are welcome to join the live
viewing. As this is a live story-time you can type in    Dungeons & Dragons is a game we act out. D&D is
the comments section and interact with Ms. Ronnie        storytelling, and is a way to, build connections with
directly. We miss our patrons and are happy to keep      others, “Test drive” parts of ourselves, and stretch our
you all reading and learning throughout the summer.      creative muscles. Join in for weekly sessions.
Come sing, read, and learn along with us!
Massena: Tuesdays Live at 10am on the Massena
Facebook Page. The story-time will be for mixed                    Elementary Read Along
age groups and all are welcome to join the live
viewing. As this is a live story-time you can type in    Wednesdays July 8th - August 12th 1 - 2pm
the comments section and interact with Ms. Ronnie        Ages 8 and up
directly. We miss our patrons and are happy to keep      Conducted via Facebook Live Events
you all reading and learning throughout the summer.
Come sing, read, and learn along with us as we build
a foundation to early literacy.                          Join in for weekly readings from selected works of mid-
   *Each Week before story-time pick up a story-         upper level elementary school readings. Participate in the
  time bag. Each bag will contain supplies for the       live event and e-mail, message, or drop a physical paper
 craft/activity that will follow the stories. Bags are   review of the reading to be awarded a Stewart’s ice cream
   limited to first come first serve. You may only       certificate.
             pick up one week at a time*

                                                                        Learning Garden Live
                                                         Thursdays July 9th - August 13th 10am
                                                         Conducted via Facebook Live Events
                                                         All ages welcome

                                                         Every Thursday morning at 10am
              PROGRAMS                                   watch a live update of our learning
                                                         garden and hear some fun garden
            Tween Book Club                              facts. Get ready to do a fun nature
                                                         themed activity with thinks you can
Mondays Jully 6th - August 10th 2 - 3pm                  find right in your own back yard.
Forages 10-12 - Registration required
Conducted via Google Hangouts                                             Drawing Challenge
Join with your peers weekly                              Thursdays 9th July - 13th August
                                                         Ages 5-8, 9-12, and 13-17
for book discussion on a
selected title. There will be                            Each Thursday starting on Thursday July 3rd a new fairy
reading to be completed pre                              tale themed drawing challenge. For each challenge you
-discussion each week, but                               must draw the challenge and submit it by the Wednesday
will also have some live read                            night before the release. Submit a photo or scanned copy
-aloud during meetings. In order to participate in       of your artwork. Photos will then be printed and put on
                                                         display each Thursday morning in the Library window.
the virtual discussion you must have a gmail account     Staff will anonymously vote for 3 categories; most
and computer access.                                     creative, most interesting, and "best in show". More
                                                         details to follow so be on the lookout for our flyers.
SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library
Take and Make Craft                                         Magic Maze
Wednesdays From July 8th - August 12th                Monday July 20th at the Massena Public Library
Wednesdays at 10am                                    All day - weather dependent
First pickup date for the weeks craft is 1st July
                                                      While walking through Massena stop by
Like our creation station? This is creation station   the sidewalk near the Massena Public
craft on the go! Each week pick up the supplies to    Library follow the dizzying magical
make a fun fairytale themed craft from our            maze. Follow the instructions as you
Summer theme of “Imagine Your Story”. The             spin your way through.
supplies will be inside a bag to pick up along with
the instructions. We encourage you to take            *Please maintain proper social distance protocols and
pictures of your craft and share it on our Facebook   safety guidelines while playing. *
event page for the Take and Make Crafts.

Weekly crafts are as follows:                                     What’s That Book?
7/8 Fairy Garden
7/15 Easy Origami Crowns                              Monday August 3rd at the Massena Public Libary
7/22 Jack and the bean stalk spirals                  All day - weather dependent
7/29 Frog prince Paper plate with movable tongue
8/5 3 Little Pigs House Build                                      While walking through Massena stop by
8/12 Make Your Own Shield (cardboard)                              the sidewalk near the Massena Public
                                                                   Library and check out the chalk drawn
  *Supplies are limited * First come first server *                pictures. Can you guess what book they
 Limit 2 per family * You may only pick up 1 week                  are from based on the clues given? Call,
                     at a time. *                                  e-mail, or send us a Facebook Message.
                                                                   We will post the correct answers by Wed
                                                                   August 5th.

                                                      *Please maintain proper social distance protocols and
                                                      safety guidelines while playing. *

 Side Walk Shenanigans
       Fairy Tale Board Game                          Friday August 8th 11am
Monday July 6th at Massena Public Library
                                                      In years past we would have our beach party to
All day - weather dependent
                                                      celebrate all the wonderful reading our community did
                                                      during the Summer Reading Program. With these
While walking through Massena stop by the
                                                      uncertainties we can not host a large in person
sidewalk near the Massena Public Library and see
                                                      gathering. We will still have random drawing prizes for
if you can make it through our chalk fairy tale
                                                      all kids ages birth - 12 who have registered for our
board game. Dodge trolls, hop on mushrooms,
                                                      program. We will also have our adult prize basket
and make it to the castle before you are turned
                                                      drawing for those adult who registered and made
into a frog.
                                                      either digital or post card book reviews. On Friday
*Please maintain proper social distance protocols     August 8th at 11am join us for a Facebook live event
                                                      where   we announce the winners!
and safety guidelines while playing. *
SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library
List of Activities for Summer Reading 2020                                                      Massena Public Library
                                                                                                   41 Glenn Street
                                                                                                   Massena, NY 13662
July 6 Brasher Story-time 10am                   Take and Make Craft: Frog Prince                  Phone: (315)769-9914
         Tween Book Club 2-3pm
         Massena - Side Walk Shenanigans - Fairy July 30 Learning Garden Live 10am                 Hours:
Tale Board Game                                           Drawing Challenge                        Monday, Wed, & Friday
                                                                                                   9:30am - 5:00pm
                                                          Roll for Initiative 5-7pm                Tuesday & Thursday
July 7 Massena Story-time 10am                                                                     9:00am - 8:30pm
         Roll For Initiative 5-7pm               August 3 Brasher Story-time 10am                  Saturday Closed
                                                          Tween Book Club 2-3pm                    Sunday Closed
July 8 Massena - Early Literacy Read Along 1-             Massena - Side Walk Shenanigans -
                                                                                                   Badenhausen Library
2pm                                              What’s That Book?                                 4 Main Street
Take and Make Craft: Fairy Garden                                                                  Brasher Falls, NY 13613
                                                 August 4 Massena Story-time 10am                  Phone: (315)389-5033
July 9 Learning Garden Live 10am                          Roll For Initiative 5-7pm
         Drawing Challenge                                                                         Monday 9:00a.m.-1:00pm
         Roll for Initiative 5-7pm               August 5 Massena - Early Literacy Read Along 1-   Tuesday 10:00am-2:00pm
                                                 2pm                                               Wed. 11:00am—6:00pm
                                                                                                   Thursday 3:30pm-7:30pm
July 13 Brasher Story-time 10am                  Take and Make Craft:3 Little Pigs House Build
                                                                                                   Friday 9:00am—1:00pm
         Tween Book Club 2-3pm                                                                     Saturday Closed
                                                 August 6 Learning Garden Live 10am                Sunday Closed
July 14 Massena Story-time 10am                           Drawing Challenge
                                                                                                   Elaine Dunne-Thayer
         Roll For Initiative 5-7pm                        Roll for Initiative 5-7pm
July 15 Massena - Early Literacy Read Along 1-
2pm                                              August 10 Brasher Story-time 10am                 Debbie Fuehring
Take and Make Craft: Easy Origami Crown                   Tween Book Club 2-3pm                    Library Assistant
                                                                                                   Adult Services
July 16 Learning Garden Live 10am                 August 11 Massena Story-time 10am                Ronnie Tatro
        Drawing Challenge                                 Roll For Initiative 5-7pm                Library Assistant
        Roll for Initiative 5-7pm                                                                  Youth Services
                                                  August 12 Massena - Early Literacy Read Along
July 20 Brasher Story-time 10am                   1-2pm
        Tween Book Club 2-3pm                     Take and Make Craft: Make Your Own Shield
        Massena - Side Walk Shenanigans -         (cardboard)                                      The hours above are sub-
                                                                                                   ject to change as we contin-
Magic Maze                                                                                         ue our migration through
                                                  August 13 Learning Garden Live 10am              this difficult time. Thank
July 21 Massena Story-time 10am                           Drawing Challenge                        you.
        Roll For Initiative 5-7pm                         Roll for Initiative 5-7pm

July 22 Massena - Early Literacy Read Along 1-    August 14 Facebook Live Conclusion
Take and Make Craft: Jack and the Bean Stalk

July 23 Learning Garden Live 10am
        Drawing Challenge
        Roll for Initiative 5-7pm

July 27 Brasher Story-time 10am
        Tween Book Club 2-3pm

July 28 Massena Story-time 10am
        Roll For Initiative 5-7pm                               4

July 29 Massena - Early Literacy Read Along 1-2
SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library SUMMER READING PROGRAM 2020 - Imagine Your Story - Massena Public Library
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