Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Palmers Island Public School 2829 - Amazon AWS

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Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024 - Palmers Island Public School 2829 - Amazon AWS
Strategic Improvement Plan 2021-2024

                 Palmers Island Public School 2829

Page 1 of 6               Palmers Island Public School (2829) -2021-2024   Printed on: 1 April, 2021
School vision and context
       School vision statement                                                                                       School context
       At Palmers Island Public School, we strive for excellence in an inclusive environment where                   Palmers Island Public School has a current enrolment of 36 students, is a rural school
       every student maximises their potential, through high expectations and strong community                       located in the Lower Clarence Valley. School numbers have fluctuated in the past. We
       connections. We offer individualised, future focused learning to provide success for all our                  anticipate that this transient trend will continue in the future. Our Aboriginal student
       students.                                                                                                     population fluctuates significantly. In 2016% of students identified as Aboriginal, compared
                                                                                                                     to 25% of the current enrolment. We have two EAL/D students. Our FOEI is 135 and ICSEA
                                                                                                                     934 identifying us as a low socio-economic rural school demographic. Previously, the
                                                                                                                     strategic directions of 'successful learners' and 'quality teaching,' focused on continual
                                                                                                                     whole school improvement.

                                                                                                                     Through our situational analysis, we have identified the need for a continued emphasis on
                                                                                                                     embedding quality teaching practices in literacy and numeracy. Using visual learning
                                                                                                                     principles we will provide opportunities to improve teacher practice and ensure students can
                                                                                                                     monitor and achieve expected growth and attainment in their learning.

                                                                                                                     There will be a strong focus on whole school community knowledge, understanding and use
                                                                                                                     of effective practices and strategies to support student wellbeing. CESE, research and
                                                                                                                     literature relates sports and physical activity with its relationship to wellbeing. There is a
                                                                                                                     clear positive association between physical activity and wellbeing outcomes for students.
                                                                                                                     Future-focused inclusive environments will promote student engagement in learning

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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Purpose                                                       Initiatives                                                    Success criteria for this strategic direction
       Staff will use data to inform evidence-based practices that   Data Skills and Use                                            Initiative 1:
       differentiate teaching and learning experiences of all
       students at an individual level.                               •   Staff to undertake 'Effective use of data' professional   Data skills and Use
                                                                          learning, using What Works Best document.
                                                                                                                                    All teaching and learning programs are responsive to the
       Improvement measures                                           •   Establish a Data Leadership Team collects and
                                                                                                                                    needs of all learners, showing evidence of revisions
                                                                          analyses data to establish individual learning goals
                                                                                                                                    based on feedback on teaching practices, student
       Target year: 2022                                                  and inform where to next for effective teaching
                                                                                                                                    assessment and continuous tracking of student progress
                                                                                                                                    and achievement.
       NAPLAN Top 2 Bands                                             •   Use of COVID ILSP funds to provide targeted
                                                                          assistance to improve reading and numeracy skill          Initiative 2:
       There will be an uplift of 6% of Year 3 and 5 students             gaps as identified by individual assessments in
       achieving in the top two bands in NAPLAN Numeracy                  reading and numeracy and measured by the Literacy         A culture of Future Focused, Individual Learning
       from baseline data.                                                and Numeracy Progressions.
                                                                                                                                    Families are actively engaged in their child's learning,
       There will be an uplift of 6% of Year 3 and 5 students         •   Data informed visible learning (learning intentions
                                                                                                                                    working in close partnership with the school to support
       achieving in the top two bands in NAPLAN Reading from              and success criteria) as an integral part of daily
                                                                                                                                    learning with access to student goals and progress
       baseline data                                                      instruction in every classroom.
                                                                                                                                    through a variety of sources. All students can articulate
                                                                                                                                    their learning goals (as described by visible learning) in
       NAPLAN Value-Add                                              A culture of Future Focused, Individual Learning
                                                                                                                                    literacy and numeracy. Learning Intentions, Success
                                                                                                                                    Criteria, and Feedback are an embedded practice in all
       Value Add moves from Delivering for K-3, 3-5 and 5-7 to       A pedagogical base for whole school teaching and
                                                                                                                                    learning spaces across the school and are observable
       Sustaining and Growing.                                       learning:
                                                                                                                                    during formal observations.
       Target year: 2022                                              •   Undertake Visible Learning Professional Learning
                                                                                                                                    Initiative 3: Quality Teaching, Collaboration and
                                                                      •   Collaboratively develop Student learning dispositions     Feedback
       Increase % of Aboriginal students achieving top 3
                                                                          with school community
       NAPLAN bands in reading and Numeracy.
                                                                                                                                    Professional learning is aligned with the school plan, and
                                                                      •   Use Visible Learning principles to establish individual
       Target year: 2023                                                                                                            its impact on the quality of teaching and student learning
                                                                          student learning goals, reflecting the Literacy and
                                                                                                                                    outcomes is evaluated. There are explicit systems for
                                                                          Numeracy progressions
       NAPLAN Expected Growth                                                                                                       collaboration and feedback to sustain quality teaching
                                                                      •   Classroom work environment is designed in                 practice.
          •   60% of all students achieve or exceed expected              consideration with individual student learning needs,
              growth in Literacy and Numeracy using the Literacy          underpinned by future focused pedagogies.
              and Numeracy using NAPLAN data.                         •   Allocate professional learning and collaborative          Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
          •   60% of students K-6 will achieve within the expected        planning times to understand / program for
              end of year progression for Understanding Texts in          implementation of Visible Learning in Literacy and        Q: To what extent have families engaged with and
              literacy and Quantifying Numbers in Numeracy.               Numeracy.                                                 understood the Visual Learning Principles?

       Target year: 2024                                             Quality Teaching, Collaboration and Feedback                   D: Percentage of parents involved with process. Parent
                                                                                                                                    feedback on process Visual Learning Principles. Teacher
                                                                      •   Staff to undertake 'collaboration' professional           feedback.
       Visible Learning principles are embedded in teaching and
                                                                          learning, using What Works Best document.
       learning practices are understood and able to be
       articulated throughout whole school community.                                                                               A: All families engage collaboratively to set individual
                                                                      •   Establish whole school and inter-school relationships
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Strategic Direction 1: Student growth and attainment

       Improvement measures                                    Initiatives                                                   Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       Target year: 2024                                            that provide mentoring and coaching support to           student goals in semester one and two. Feedback
                                                                    ensure the ongoing development and improvement           indicates greater understanding of what students are
       School Excellence Framework                                  of all teachers.                                         working towards.

       * SEF element 'Data skills and use' to move from         •   Embedded systems that facilitate professional            I: School will continue with ongoing co-developed
       delivering to excelling.                                     dialogue, collaboration, classroom observation, the      individual learning goals for all students, resulting in
                                                                    modelling of effective practice and the provision of     increased levels of student attainment and community
       * SEF element 'Learning and Development' to move from        specific and timely feedback between teachers.           engagement.
       delivering to excelling.                                 •   Staff share expertise within their school and with
                                                                    other schools. Teachers have expert contemporary
                                                                    content knowledge and deploy effective teaching
                                                                    strategies. The school uses visible learning practices
                                                                    and has processes in place to evaluate, refine and
                                                                    scale success.

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Strategic Direction 2: Wellbeing, Engagement and Attendance

       Purpose                                                     Initiatives                                                      Success criteria for this strategic direction
       A planned approach to developing whole school wellbeing                                                                      Initiative 1:
       processes using evidence-based research in the area of      Gather baseline evidence from the school community
       Physical Activity and Inclusive Future-Focused Learning     (students, parents, carers and staff) in relation to             The school has a whole-school approach to sport and
       environments to increase student wellbeing and              wellbeing, sport and physical activity based on the              physical activity and it is supported by the staff, students,
       engagement.                                                 health check.                                                    families and the whole school community.

                                                                   Initiative 1:                                                    Initiative 2
       Improvement measures
                                                                     •   Perform 'School Health Check'                              There are high quality opportunities for all students to
       Target year: 2022
                                                                                                                                    participate in physical activity across the school day.
                                                                     •   Engage all students into 'Race Around Australia', a
       Increase the number of teachers implementing 150                  virtual physical activity challenge
                                                                                                                                    Initiative 3
       minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each
                                                                     •   Encourage student participation in external team
       week from 50 to a minimum of 150 minutes by 2022.
                                                                         sport and physical activity programs                       The school is seen as a hub for sport and physical activity
       Target year: 2022                                                                                                            and the facilities are utilised by the whole-community.
                                                                     •   Students record sporting participation in a journal as
                                                                                                                                    Sport and physical activity is highly valued by those who
                                                                         part of their homework
       Increase the proportion of students attending >90% of the                                                                    associate with the school. Students have high levels of
       time.                                                       Embed systems gathering processes for sport and                  well-being in relation to academic and psychosocial
                                                                   physical activity and wellbeing based on the health              outcomes.
       Target year: 2022                                           check
                                                                                                                                    Initiative 4
       Increase to 85% of students reporting expectations for      Initiative 2:
       success, advocacy and sense of belonging at school.                                                                          The school has a whole-school approach to improved
                                                                     •   Teachers include 150 mins of vigorous exercise into        attendance which is supported by staff, students, families
       Target year: 2023                                                 planning                                                   and the whole school community

                                                                     •   Establish a sport and physical activity leadership         Initiative 5
       Increase the number of students participating in
       community or organised sport / recreation outside of
       school 55% by 2023.                                           •   Regular self evaluation against the sport and              Students have high levels of well-being in relation to
                                                                         physical activity; School Health Check                     academic and psychosocial outcomes.
       Target year: 2024
                                                                   Involve the whole school community in sport and
       Increase the number of students reporting high levels of    physical activity programs.                                      Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
       competence in sport and physical activity from 33% to
       60% by 2024.                                                Initiative 3:                                                    Progress will be monitored through the self-evaluation
                                                                                                                                    against the Sport and Physical Activity: School Health
                                                                     •   Involve the whole school community in sport and            Check, staff, student, family surveys, observations, focus
                                                                         physical activity programs.                                groups and attendance. This will be conducted using the
                                                                     •   Invite sporting bodies from the community to run           QDAI process.
                                                                         programs, come and try days
                                                                                                                                    Q. How can the school determine that its systems and
                                                                     •   Upgrade of school facilities to promote community          process for enhancing student wellbeing through a whole-
                                                                         engagement in sport and physical activities                school approach to sport and physical activity have been
                                                                     •   The school regularly communicates positive                 achieved?

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Strategic Direction 2: Wellbeing, Engagement and Attendance

                                        Initiatives                                                      Evaluation plan for this strategic direction
                                              messages about the benefits of being physically
                                              active                                                     D. Self-assessment against Sport and Physical Activity:
                                                                                                         School Health Check.
                                        Attendance - Every Day Counts
                                                                                                         Staff survey/observation data
                                        Initiative 4:
                                                                                                         Student and community voice surveys.
                                          •   Community engagement with attendance targets
                                          •   Targeted support for identified students                   A. Analyse the data to determine the extent to which the
                                                                                                         purpose has been achieved.
                                          •   Collaborative planning with staff, students, families,
                                              network specialists and wider school community to          I. What are the implications for our work? Future
                                              achieve targets.                                           directions and next steps.

                                        Wellbeing - Success and Belonging

                                        Initiative 5:

                                          •   Students have high levels of well-being in relation to
                                              academic and psychosocial outcomes
                                          •   Students and community participate in Tell Them
                                              From Me Surveys
                                          •   Got It Program initiated
                                          •   Second Step Program initiated
                                          •   Students can articulate links between the benefits of
                                              Physical activity to Wellbeing and reflect on their own
                                              positive experiences.

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