IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area

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IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area
IAEA Activities in LTO area
IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area

        “Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations”
    2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic

            Martin Marchena M.Marchena@iaea.org
             Division of Nuclear Installation Safety
IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area

• Name: Martin Marchena
• Position in IAEA
        – Nuclear Safety officer
        – Operational Safety Section
        – Division of Nuclear Installation Safety

• Current Main Activities in IAEA
        –    Support of LTO project
        –    SALTO Peer Review Service
        –    IGALL WG3 and WG 1 scientific secretary
        –    Since April 2019 with IAEA

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IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area
IAEA Organizational Chart

                                                      DIRECTOR GENERAL


                          Research &             Nuclear              Nuclear Safety                Technical            Safeguards
                           Isotopes              Energy                and Security                Co-operation

                              Safety and                 Nuclear Installation             Radiation, Transport             Incident and
Nuclear Security                                                                                                         Emergency Centre
                            Security Coord                     Safety                       & Waste Safety

                                 Regulatory               Operational               External                    Safety
                                  Activities                Safety
          Safety                                                                  Events Safety               Assessment

                                                                                                                      SAFETY PROJECTS
“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic
IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area

1. Background

2. Summary on IGALL Phases 1-5 (2010-2019)

3. IGALL web site and IGALL AMR table

4. IGALL Phase 5 and 6 (2020-2023) activities in relation to
5. Assessment of EQ during SALTO Peer Reviews.

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IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area
Global Trends in Nuclear Power (December 2021)*

• 288/441 NPPs have been in operation for more than 30 years
• 101/441 for more than 40 years

                                                                                                       *Source: http://www.iaea.org/pris

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic                        5
IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area
Overall objectives of the IGALL Programme

• Collect proven ageing management practices in a state-of-the-art IGALL
  report as a guidance

• Establish a repository of AMPs, TLAAs and other ageing management
  activities based on proven practices of the Member States

• For diverse technologies: PWR, BWR, WWER, CANDU, PHWR

• Support the systematic approach described in SSG-48
        – E.g. 9 attributes

• IGALL programme is based on Extrabudgetary Contributions: Canada,
  the Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Japan, Pakistan, Slovakia,
  Sweden, the Netherlands, France, and USA has contributed so far.
  Other Member States are encouraged to contribute!

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IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area
IGALL Approach

           mechanisms +
           ageing effects                                                       IGALL
                                                             Catalogue of generic AMPs and
                                                             • Collection of „proven“ AMPs*
                                                             • 9 attributes of AMPs
                                                             • Collection of typical TLAAs*                           REGULATORS
                                                             • i, ii, iii solutions of TLAAs                          DESIGNERS
                                                             • AMR tables - Identification of relevant
                                                               AMPs and TLAAs for safety SSCs                         NEWCOMERS
CANDU                                                                                                                   building

                                                                                        * AMPs – Ageing Management Programmes
                                                                                         TLAAs – Time Limited Ageing Analysis

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IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area
LTO and AM related IAEA guidance
                                                                                                                        GSR part 2
                                           SSR-2/1                                  SSR-2/2                             Leadership and
SAFETY                                                                                                                  Management for
                                           Safety of                                Safety of
REQUIREMENTS                               NPPs: Design                             NPPs:                               Safety
                                                                                    Commissioning                       GSR part 4
                                                                                    and Operation                       Safety assessment
                                                                                                                        for facilities and
SAFETY                        SSG-48                             SSG-25
                              Ageing                                                                  Other important Safety Guides:
GUIDES                                                           PSR
                              Management                                                              GS-G-3.1 Application of Management
                              and LTO                                                                 System…
                                                                     SSG-69                           NS-G-2.3 Modifications to NPPs
                                                                     EQ                               NS-G-2.6 Maintenance,
                                                                                                      Surveillance and ISI
                                                                                                      SSG-13 Chemistry Programme…
                                                           SRS 109              SRS XX
SAFETY  SRS 106                      SRS 82                Regulatory           PSR support
REPORTS Scoping                      IGALL, Rev.1          Oversight            of LTO
                                                                                                         Other important guidelines:
                                                                                                         Component specific AM guidelines
                                                                                                         Programmatic AM guidelines
                                                                                                         Guidelines on integrity of RPV &
                                                                                                         effective life management
                                                                                                         Guidelines on PSR, CM, DBDR

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IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area
IGALL Phases and main results

• IGALL Phase 1 (2010-2013)
        – IGALL database (2014)
        – TECDOC “Approaches to Ageing Management in Member States:
          International Generic Ageing Lessons Learned (IGALL) Final Report”
        – First version of IGALL Safety Report published in 2015

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   9
IAEA Activities in LTO area IGALL update and IGALL activities on EQ area
IGALL Phases and main results

• IGALL Phase 2 (2014-2015)
        – 8 new AMPs + 1 new TLAA
        – TOP401
        – Updated and reviewed existing AMPs, TLAAs and AMR table
• IGALL Phase 3 (2016-2017)
        –    8 new AMPs
        –    Updated reference documents
        –    Enhanced operating experience
        –    Some AMPs and TLAAs combined
        –    AMR tables significantly improved and simplified
        –    IGALL Safety Report, Rev.1 (published in 2020)

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   10
IGALL Phases and main results

• IGALL Phase 4 (2018-2019)
        – Safety Report 109 ‘Regulatory oversight of ageing
          management and long term operation of nuclear power
          plants’ (in 2022, preprint available)
        – TECDOC 1957 ‘Ageing management during delayed
          construction periods, extended shutdown and post final
          shutdown’ (published in 2021)
        – IGALL SRS 82: new sections and appendices on Plant Level AMP
          and Effectiveness of AMPs
        – 5 new AMPs
        – New SPP402 Spare Parts Storage Programme
        – Updated original AMPs and TLAAs
        – Updated AMR tables

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   11
IGALL Phases and main results

• IGALL Phase 5 (2020-2021)
        – IGALL Regulatory Review Practice (RRP)
        – IGALL Standard Inspection Practices (SIP)
        – IGALL Safety Report (SRS 82 draft Rev. 2)
                • Extended guidance on Ageing Management Review
                • New section on other ageing management activities (TOP, SPP, SOP, ORP)
                • Further guidance on AMP effectiveness and effectiveness indicators
        – 15 new AMPs and 3 new TLAAs! (113 AMPs and 31 TLAAs as total)
        – 2 new other activities
                • New programme for Preservation of SSCs During Suspended Operation
                • New Components with Operational Restrictions that Have No Documented
                  Safety Analysis (ORP404) (turned from a TLAA)
        – Updated original AMPs and TLAAs
                • 9 significantly enhanced
        – Updated AMR tables

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IGALL web site

1. IGALL public web site
        – Ageing Management Programmes
        – Time Limited Ageing Analysis
        – IGALL AMR public table
        – IGALL Safety Report and
          IGALL TECDOC
        – Calendar of IGALL meetings

2. IGALL restricted web site
    – Only for IGALL active participants
    – IGALL AMR master table (including MS contributions)
    – Presentations and other files from meetings
    – Documents in development

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IGALL Participation as of 2022

    Argentina                                Hungary                                          South Africa
    Armenia                                  India                                            Spain
    Belarus                                  Iran                                             Sweden
    Belgium                                  Japan                                            Switzerland
    Brazil                                   Korea                                            Ukraine
    Bulgaria                                 Mexico                                           United Arab Emirates
    Canada                                   The Netherlands                                  United Kingdom
    China                                    Pakistan                                         United States of America
    Czech Republic                           Romania                                          EU JRC,
    Finland                                  Russian Federation                               OECD/NEA
    France                                   Slovak Republic                                  EPRI
    Germany                                  Slovenia                                         WANO
“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic      14
IGALL Phase 6 Organization

                       Steering Committee                                                                             IGALL Safety
                                                                                   IAEA QA
                       1 representative per MS (32)                               Procedure
                       4 WG leaders + 4 Int. Org = 40
                                                                                                                      Edition 2023

       WG1 - Mech.                 WG2 – EI&C                  WG3 - Civil                  WG4 –
       Components                  components                  structures                   Regulatory
       53 members                  47 members                  49 members                   Oversight
                                                                                            24 members

           As May 2022: 191 experts from 32 MS + 4 IO

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IGALL Phase 6 (2022-2023) Objectives

1.      Enhancement of AMPs and TLAAs
2.      Enhancement of AMR
3.      SRS 82 improvement
4.      Specific tasks
5.      Tasks for IAEA secretariat

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IGALL Phase 6 Objectives

• Objective 4 - Specific tasks (WG1-4):
        – Develop TECDOC on ‘Technological obsolescence management
          lessons learned’ and training development
                • Separate activity will be initiated (WGs will be involved, WG2 first of all)
        – Develop TECDOC on ‘Guidelines for qualification of I&C components
          with the focus on testing of functional properties and related
          acceptance criteria.’
                • Separate activity will be initiated (WG2 will be involved)
        – WG4
                • Develop methodology on how to review effectiveness of plant
                • Development of sample technical practices for regulators
                        – RPV TLAA, EQ programme, AMP for containment

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   17
IGALL Phase 6 Objectives

• Objective 5 - Tasks for IAEA secretariat:
        – Develop and implement workshop/training for NPPs and regulatory
          authorities on IGALL use

        – IGALL dissemination WS and trainings on use of IGALL tools
          conducted in several member states: Brazil 2021, Slovakia 2022,
          Japan 2022, etc.

        – IGALL WS in NRG, September 2022.

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   18
IGALL Phase 6 Organization

WG2 - electrical and I&C components
• Members: 45 persons
• Meetings:
        – 26-29 April 2022, Vienna (VIC Press Room, M0E05 and M0E07)
        – 4-7 October 2022, Brussels (Laborelec)
        – March/April 2022, Kozloduy (Bulgaria)?
• Chairperson – Mr. B. Willey, EDF, France
• IAEA Technical officer – Mr. G. Petofi
• 3 subgroups:
        – EQ (2Q) – Mr. J. Zorrilla, CNEA, Argentina
        – Cables (2C) – Mr. M. McConnell, NRC, USA
        – EI&C components (2E) – Mr. T. Holm, Oskarshamn NPP, Sweden

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IGALL actions in reference to EQ

1. Introduction to EQ according IAEA standards.
       1. EQ in IAEA requirements (already presented by Alex)
       2. SSG-69 main aspects (already presented by Alex)
       3. EQ IGALL related documents before phase 5

2. Tasks in IGALL phase 5 and ongoing:
       1.      Identification of relevant Mechanical and Civil items for EQ.
       2.      AMP221 modification (minors).
       3.      TLAA 201 modification(Large)
       4.      Future work

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   20
SSG 69 (recently published )

• Equipment in scope
        – Electrical, instrumentation and controls, electromechanical, active
        – Installation features associated with this equipment (e.g. connectors,
          penetrations, seals, mounting equipment).
        – Materials of construction which could affect the performance of this
          equipment including containment wall paint and piping insulation.
• Equipment out of scope
        – Piping, structures and other passive components because their
          qualification (safety status) is achieved directly by design,
          construction, inspection and testing according to

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   21
EQ related document before phase 5
   – Result of the fusion of previous AMPs (“American approach” +
     “French approach”) 207+209=221 (¿?)
   – Strongly influenced in IEC/IEEE 60780-323 standard on Equipment
   – Focus on Reassessment of qualification.
• TLAA 201 Environmental Qualification of Electrical and I&C Equipment.
   – Based on GALL TLAA
   – Contribution on appendix A from others MS.

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   22
EQ related tasks during phase 5

1. Identification of relevant Mechanical and Civil items for EQ.

2. Update of AMP 221: Transition from Environmental to
   Equipment Qualification

3. Update of TLAA 201: Transition to Equipment Qualification

4. Development of: AMP 225       Condition Monitoring of
   Environmentally Qualified Electrical Penetration Assemblies
   (Version 2021)

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Identification of relevant Mechanical and Civil
items for EQ.

 • A methodology was developed and discussed for identification of
   mechanical components and civil /structures which might be
   relevant for qualification.
 • This methodology was applied and missing lines in AMR table
   were identified.
 • After discussion it was decided to refer to TLAA 201 in the AMR
   lines and incorporate M&C items in the scope of TLAA 201

 “Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   24
Identification of relevant Mechanical and Civil
items for EQ.
All AMPs, sections
                                                                                                               Does it include
                                         Does it include                                                      Equipment with
                                         active EQ I&C                                                          replaceable
                                             and/or                                                          components with
                                           Electrical                                                         time dependent
                                          equipment?                                                        ARDM? (i.e. thermal
                                                                                                              aging, radiation
i.e. the scope of AMP143
(Safety-related Valves)                                                                                       i.e. AMP142
includes MOV actuator,                                                                                        CANDU/PHWR Fuel
limit switch, etc.                                          List of relevant                                  Handling. Sealing and
                                                            AMPs                                              hose shall perform the
                                                                                                              safety function of cooling a
                                                                                                              spent fuel inside the
                                                                                                              refueling machine
 “Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic                   25
Identification of relevant Mechanical and Civil
items for EQ.

 List of relevant                                                                 Lines on AMR
 AMPs                                                                             table

  Findings:                                                                            Seals were missing. AMR
  -Pumps                                                                               lines were modified
  -Valves                                                                              accordingly
  -Fuel handling system (PHWR)

  Oil (Snubber)                                                           New lines were created in
  Coating service level 1                                                 AMR lines.

 “Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   26
AMP221 update

Considering AMP221 is based on Equipment Qualification Standard and
that was reached by consensus the objective was to minimize changes,
that is
-Transition between Environmental Qualification to Equipment
-Incorporate mechanical and civil components in AMP221 minimum
…some MS are required to include life limited mechanical and/or civil structures,
systems or components (SSCs)… Life limiting condition is normally associated with
material susceptibility to radiation and/or thermal ageing… seals qualified as pressure
boundaries, or protective coatings qualified to prevent severe delamination… If these
SSCs are in-scope a qualification re-assessment may be completed using the guidance
contained within this AMP … qualification re-assessment usually involves assessments of
the environmental effects on the life limiting items such as polymeric/elastomeric seals,
gaskets or coatings…
-Incorporate EPRI references

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   27
Major changes in TLAA 201

• Complete scope of equipment qualification (three pillars of qualification:
  Environmental, induced vibrations (seismic APC, etc.) and
  electromagnetic disturbances.
• Scope sections includes a brief methodology for including equipment
  into TLAA regarding vibrations occurrences (SSE+APC(*)) and/or TLAA
  regarding accident conditions.
• Electromechanical equipment will be handled under this TLAA201 even
  if it might be assigned to the active mechanical equipment as pumps or
• Also consumable components and materials of which shall be assessed
  regarding environmental effects (i.e. thermal and radiation aging
  susceptible) are included. Mention to polymeric coating, civil seals, etc.

    (*)SSE: Safe Shutdown Earthquake                     APC: airplane crash
“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   28
Major changes in TLAA 201 (cont..)

• Appendix A Guidelines for the accelerated ageing testing for
  establishing qualified life was modified. Tables containing values of
  activation energies have been taken out since numbers without
  explanation and background might be misleading. Consideration for use
  of Ea and references are provided.
• Appendix B Practical Considerations of Thermal and Radiation
  Ageing was included in order to expand information on: aging models;
  multiple material aging and references to material data DB.
• Two more appendix (C and D) were added
        – Appendix C provide example of Finite Element Method used for detailed
          calculation of operational condition in the context of qualification
        – Appendix D gathered and provide guidance on data needed for initial
          qualification and/or when applying qualification assessment methods (*). In
          particular required data is assigned to qualification assessment in a table
(*) 1) Using conservatism, Method 2) Type test on aged samples from the plant, Method 3) Performing type test for longer qualified life and
Method 4) Component replacement

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic                           29
Tasks ongoing in phase 6
• When the analysis and review of comments from MS of AMP 221
  and TLAA 201 were performed two main concern about
  consistency and clarity of the documents were identified.
        – Both document complement each other most of the time in an implicit
        – It was not clear why the reassessment of qualification was
          considered an AMP while Qualification can be assume to be a TLAA.
• During Consultancy Meeting (October 2021) previous proposal of
  future work for phase 6 focused on consolidation and consistency
  between of AMP221 and TLAA 201 was extensively discussed. A
  new approach was developed.

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IGALL AMR table                                 TLAA 201                                            AMP 221

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IGALL Programme Conclusions

• IGALL Safety Report and IGALL database is available on
  IAEA web site
• IGALL Phase 5 (2020-2021) fully completed
• IGALL Phase 6 (2022-2023) objectives and task plan
• The IAEA is ready to provide support to NPPs and
  regulators in IGALL implementation

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EQ in IAEA Peer Reviews: SALTO Peer
Review Service
• A peer review conducted by a team of international experts with
  direct experience applicable in the technical areas of evaluation
• Judgements of performance based on related IAEA Safety
• NOT a regulatory inspection nor an audit against national codes
  and standards
• However a technical exchange of experiences and practices at
  the working level aimed at strengthening the programmes,
  procedures and practices being followed

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Topics addressed in SALTO


                          Verification of preconditions                                       PSR
                                  Scope setting
                                  AMR process
        EQ                      AM programmes                                             FSAR
                               TLAA revalidation
                  Obsolescence                               CM+DB

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   34
Standard SALTO Peer Review scope

• Area A - Organization of ageing management and LTO
• Area B - Scope setting, plant programmes and corrective
  action programme
• Area C - Ageing management of mechanical SSCs
• Area D - Ageing management of electrical and I&C SSCs
• Area E - Ageing management of civil SSCs
• Area F - Human resources, competence and knowledge
  management for LTO

“Equipment Qualification in Nuclear Installations” 2nd International Meeting, 23 – 26 May 2022, Řež, Czech Republic   35
Review area D
Ageing management of electrical and I&C SSCs

D-1    AMR of electrical and I&C SSCs
D-2    AMPs of electrical and I&C SSCs
D-3    Equipment qualification programme for all SSCs
D-4    Technological obsolescence management for all SSCs
D-5    Scope setting results verification for electrical and I&C SSCs
D-6    Data collection and record keeping for electrical and I&C SSCs
D-7    Documentation of AM and documentation in support of LTO for
       electrical and I&C SSCs

                                                                                                                       SALTO WNO

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Future interesting events

• International Conference on Operational Safety of Nuclear
  Power Plants
  – 2023, Beijing
  – Ageing management and LTO section included

• Plant Life Management (PLIM) Conference
  – 28 November-2 December 2022, Viena

•   1 August 2022: Deadline for submission of synopses together with the Form for Submission of a Paper
    (Form B) and the Participation Form (Form A) through the competent national authority using the
    InTouch+ Platform

•   Exhibitions: commercial vendors’ displays/exhibits the Scientific Secretariat by email by 1 August 2022.


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