ABB Training Courses 2020

Page created by Elaine Tate
ABB Training Courses 2020
Training Courses 2020
Regional Competence Center

                                 •   ABB-free@home®
                                 •   ABB i-bus® KNX
                                 •   KNX Certified Courses
                                 •   Energy Monitoring
ABB Training Courses 2020
ABB building products are
universal in their use but uniform
in their purpose: Increase comfort,
safety and efficiency in all types
of buildings.

Our solutions support helps you to
make your buildings intelligent and
shaped to the future.
ABB Training Courses 2020

004 – 005	A complete Range

006 – 007	ABB-free@home®

008 – 018   ABB i-bus® KNX

020 – 023	KNX Certified Courses

024 – 025	Energy Monitoring

026 – 027	Annual Overview
ABB Training Courses 2020
4      TR AININGS 2020

Training & Qualification
Competence in all areas

       Expertise is an important factor for the success-      Each course aligns closely with some products
       ful realization of modern and efficient, electrical    and offers an indepth learning experience, com-
       building infrastructures. The integration of differ-   bining both practical and theoretical elements.
       ent technical systems into true home and building      The number of participants is limited for a suc-
       automation solutions requires comprehensive            cessful learning.
       and extensive know-how. In such a dynamic envi-
       ronment, permanent education is vital in order to      If you are interested in a training or you need
       successfully develop your individual technical         more information about a course go to
       skills or those of your organization.         or write us an E-mail
                                                              ( We would like to help
       The goal of our training and qualification offer       you that you will get the best support.
       is to support you in your further development.
       In addition to the traditional training programs
       offered by your local ABB sales team, we offer
       a variety of onsite trainings conducted by our
       specialists at different ABB training facilities and
       online learning modules for self-study purposes.
ABB Training Courses 2020
ABB Training Courses 2020
6   TR AININGS 2020


                      Simply smart. ABB-free@home® transforms the house or the apartment into
                      an intelligent home. Whether blinds, lights, heating, air conditioning, door com-
                      munication or scenes. Easy to remote control via a switch on the wall, with
                      the laptop or with the smartphone. Very convenient. Extremely comfortable. Very
                      energy efficient. Especially attractive: Only minimal costs are involved when com-
                      pared with conventional electrical installations.
ABB Training Courses 2020
ABB -free@home®                                                                                        7

Solutions for Residential Buildings –
ABB-free@home & ABB-secure@home

       Description:                                         Dates:
       Every person has his individual idea about how       06.02. – 07.02.2020
       his home can be perfected. Lighting, air-condi-      02.04. – 03.04.2020
       tioning and safety, everything is perceived rather   28.05. – 29.05.2020
       subjectively. With smart home automation every-      24.09. – 25.09.2020
       one can design his home as he desires.               22.10. – 23.10.2020
       ABB-free@home® is a solution for residential
       buildings, that increases the comfort and security   Training Location:
       in your home. This training provides a compre-       Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH
       hensive insight into the world of                    Freisenbergstraße 2
       ABB-free@home®. The focus is on target groups,       58513 Lüdenscheid, Germany
       functions and unique features of the system.
       Through the practical exercises the participant
       is able to plan and commission a project after       Period:
       the training.                                        Day 1: 09:00 – 16:30
                                                            Day 2: 09:00 – 16:30
       Target group:
       Installers, System Integrators and Planner           ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
                                                            from Düsseldorf Airport, Frankfurt Airport and
       Prerequisite:                                        Dortmund Airport to your hotel.
       Basic knowledge of standard electrical installa-
       tions.                                               Further Information and registration:
ABB Training Courses 2020
8   TR AININGS 2020

ABB i-bus® KNX

                      ABB i-bus® KNX is the synonym for smart home and intelligent building control.
                      In this innovative system, all devices communicate with one another via a single
                      bus cable which is installed in addition the normal power lines. This means that
                      all electrical functions are connected with one another via the bus system,
                      both in residential and commercial buildings.
KNX                                                                                                    9

Solutions for Lighting Control with KNX

       Description:                                         Dates:
       Lighting Control is the main function of KNX         20.04. – 21.04.2020
       in buildings, both in commercial and residential     23.07. – 24.07.2020
       projects. ABB i-bus® KNX offers various powerful     26.10. – 27.10.2020
       solutions for almost all kind of requirements
       of lighting.                                         Training Location:
       Learn about it, both in theory and practice, also    ABB Customer Training Center
       in discussion with the trainer and other partici-    Heidelberg/Germany
       pants.                                               Building 11
                                                            Eppelheimer Str. 82
       Target group:                                        69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
       Installers, System Integrators and Planner who
       are eager to learn more about Lighting Control
       solutions with KNX, both theoretical and practical   Period:
       on KNX training desks.                               Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
                                                            Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
       Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice              ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
       (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.      from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
                                                            Airport to your hotel.

                                                            Further Information and registration:
10    TR AININGS 2020

Security Solutions with KNX

      Description:                                          Dates:
      KNX Security systems are used to monitor prop-        25.05. – 26.05.2020
      erties against unauthorized intrusion as well as to
      protect persons against hold-up and technical         Training Location:
      hazards. ABB i-bus® KNX offers various powerful       ABB Customer Training Center
      solutions for almost all kind of requirements of      Heidelberg/Germany
      security.                                             Building 11
      Learn about it, both in theory and practice, also     Eppelheimer Str. 82
      in discussion with the trainer and other partici-     69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY

      Target group:                                         Period:
      Installers, System Integrators and Planner who        Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      are eager to learn more about Security Solutions      Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
      with KNX, both theoretical and practical on KNX
      training desks.                                       ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
                                                            from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
      Prerequisite:                                         Airport to your hotel.
      Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice
      (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.       Further Information and registration:
KNX                                                                                                       11

KNX for Commercial Building

      Description:                                            Dates:
      ABB i-bus® KNX offers various powerful solutions        02.07. – 03.07.2020
      for almost all kind of requirements in commercial       10.12. – 11.12.2020
      buildings. In this training you will get to know dif-
      ferent solutions in theory and practice.                Training Location:
      “Good air” is essential for performance, comfort        Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH
      and health. The well-being and the ability to con-      Freisenbergstraße 2
      centrate in the workplace are also dependent on         58513 Lüdenscheid, Germany
      good indoor air quality. Especially in schools, con-
      ference rooms, hospitals or offices, you are often
      in short supply. It is mainly influenced by three       Period:
      factors: the CO2 content in the air, the humidity       Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      and the temperature.                                    Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00

      Target group:                                           ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
      Installers, System Integrators and Planner who          from Düsseldorf Airport, Frankfurt Airport and
      are eager to learn more about Visualisation solu-       Dortmund Airport to your hotel.
      tions with KNX, both theoretical and practical on
      KNX training desks.                                     Further Information and registration:
      Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice
      (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.
12     TR AININGS 2020

ABB Solutions for KNX Visualisation

       Description:                                          Dates:
       Intuitive and modern – the way building control       16.07. – 17.07.2020
       should function. Ideally, the permanently installed   12.11. – 13.11.2020
       panel is handled similar to a mobile terminal de-
       vice. This means that the entire house, the apart-
       ment, the office or business premises can be con-     Training Location:
       trolled with a swiping gesture or the tip of the      Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH
       finger. In this practical training the participants   Freisenbergstraße 2
       will get knowledge about planning and commis-         58513 Lüdenscheid, Germany
       sioning visualisation solutions with KNX.   
       The focus is on the Busch-ControlTouch and the
       Busch-SmartTouch.                                     Period:
                                                             Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
       Target group:                                         Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
       Installers, System Integrators and Planner who
       are eager to learn more about Visualisation solu-     ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
       tions with KNX, both theoretical and practical on     from Düsseldorf Airport, Frankfurt Airport and
       KNX training desks.                                   Dortmund Airport to your hotel.

       Prerequisite:                                         Further Information and registration:
       Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice     
       (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.
KNX                                                                                                        13

KNX in Hotel Rooms

      Description:                                             Dates:
      Intelligent building control from ABB is the solu-       28.05. – 29.05.2020
      tion to meet the requirements of today’s modern          12.10. – 13.10.2020
      hotel buildings and ultimately form a sound basis
      for successful investments. The heart of the hotel       Training Location:
      concept is the ABB Room Master – the central de-         ABB Customer Training Center
      vice for the entire electrical installation within the   Heidelberg/Germany
      hotel room. Learn about it, both in theory and           Building 11
      practice, also in discussion with the trainer and        Eppelheimer Str. 82
      other participants.                                      69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      Target group:
      Installers, System Integrators and Planner who           Period:
      are eager to learn more about solutions in hotel         Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      rooms with KNX, both theoretical and practical           Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
      on KNX training desks.
                                                               ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
      Prerequisite:                                            from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
      Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice                  Airport to your hotel.
      (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.
                                                               Further Information and registration:
14    TR AININGS 2020

Shading in Buildings with KNX

      Description:                                           Dates:
      Modern building installation enables a high de-        03.02. – 04.02.2020
      gree of functionality and simultaneously complies
      with increased shading requirements. The role of       Training Location:
      protection against the sun in buildings is growing     ABB Customer Training Center
      in significance due to increasing energy costs and     Heidelberg/Germany
      statutory regulations. With intelligent and auto-      Building 11
      mated control shading plays a significant role in      Eppelheimer Str. 82
      the energy efficiency of all kinds of buildings.       69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      Learn about it, both in theory and practice, also in
      discussion with the trainer and other partici-
      pants.                                                 Period:
                                                             Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      Target group:                                          Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
      Installers, system integrators and planner who
      are eager to learn more about shading solutions        ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
      with KNX, both theoretical and practical on KNX        from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
      training desks.                                        Airport to your hotel.

      Prerequisite:                                          Further Information and registration:
      Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice      
      (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.
KNX                                                                                                      15

HVAC Automation with KNX

      Description:                                           Dates:
      Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) is       06.02. – 07.02.2020
      beside lighting the most important application in      08.06. – 09.06.2020
      a building, both in commercial and residential         01.10. – 02.10.2020
      projects, needed in every building.                    30.11. – 01.12.2020
      ABB i-bus® KNX offers various powerful solutions
      for this application, from the field level up to the   Training Location:
      automation/management level, collected under           ABB Customer Training Center
      the term ClimaECO.                                     Heidelberg/Germany
      Learn about it, both in theory and practice, also in   Building 11
      discussion with the trainer and other partici-         Eppelheimer Str. 82
      pants.                                                 69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      Target group:
      Installers, System Integrators and Planner who         Period:
      are eager to learn more about HVAC Automation          Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      with KNX from ABB, both theoretical and practi-        Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
      cal on KNX training desk.
                                                             ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
      Prerequisite:                                          from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
      Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice                Airport to your hotel.
      (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.
                                                             Further Information and registration:
16    TR AININGS 2020

DALI Lighting Control with KNX

      Description:                                           Dates:
      DALI Lighting Control with KNX is a powerful           23.04. – 24.04.2020
      solution for Lighting Control in buildings, mainly     02.07. – 03.07.2020
      in commercial buildings. ABB i-bus® KNX offers         17.09. – 18.09.2020
      various products for almost all kind of require-       29.10. – 30.10.2020
      ments of lighting with DALI and KNX.
      Learn about it, both in theory and practice, also in   Training Location:
      discussion with the trainer and other partici-         ABB Customer Training Center
      pants.                                                 Heidelberg/Germany
                                                             Building 11
      Target group:                                          Eppelheimer Str. 82
      Installers, System Integrators and Planner who         69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      are eager to learn more about DALI Lighting  
      Control solutions with KNX, both theoretical and
      practical on KNX training desks.                       Period:
                                                             Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      Prerequisite:                                          Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
      Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice
      (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.        ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
                                                             from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
                                                             Airport to your hotel.

                                                             Further Information and registration:
KNX                                                                                                     17

ClimaECO Building Automation
Controller BAC/S

      Description:                                          Dates:
      Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) is      29.06. – 30.06.2020
      beside lighting the most important application in
      a building, both in commercial and residential        Training Location:
      projects, needed in every building. ABB i-bus KNX     ABB Customer Training Center
      offers various powerful solutions for this applica-   Heidelberg/Germany
      tion, from the field level up to the automation/      Building 11
      management level, collected under the term            Eppelheimer Str. 82
      ClimaECO.                                             69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      The Building Automation Controller BAC/S 1.5.1,
      based on ABB’s PLC AC500, is a powerful device
      which allows to solve demanding tasks in the          Period:
      range of HVAC and KNX.                                Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      Learn about the hardware, the software Automa-        Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
      tion Builder and the integration into KNX to-
      gether with the other ClimaECO devices, both in       ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
      theory and practice, also in discussion with the      from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
      trainers and other participants.                      Airport to your hotel.

      Target group:                                         Further Information and registration:
      ABB Colleagues, but also Installers and System
      Integrators who need to learn more about the
      Building Automation Controller BAC/S from ABB,
      both theoretical and practical with training

      • Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice
        (level certified Basic Course)
      • Work with ETS5
      • Basic Know ledge about Programmable Logic
        Control (PLC) Knowledge about ClimaECO from
18    TR AININGS 2020

Welcome IP

      Description:                                           Dates:
      ABB-Welcome IP raises the new technology to ful-       13.02. – 14.02.2020
      fil all needs of project developers for building and   14.05. – 15.05.2020
      construction facing the communication inside           10.09. – 11.09.2020
      and outside of buildings. Unfolding the full poten-    08.10. – 09.10.2020
      tial of the IP technology, ABB-Welcome IP goes         26.11. – 27.11.2020
      ahead with innovative features and fits all given
      surroundings without neglecting the aesthetic          Training Location:
      and elegant design.                                    ABB Customer Training Center
      This training provides a comprehensive insight         Heidelberg/Germany
      into the world of ABB-Welcome IP.                      Building 11
      The focus is on planning, installing and commis-       Eppelheimer Str. 82
      sioning the system. Through the practical exer-        69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      cises the participipant is able to plan and realiaze
      all important functions in a project after the
      training.                                              Period:
                                                             Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      Target group:                                          Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
      System Integrators and installer with good
      network technology knowledge.                          ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
                                                             from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
      Prerequisite:                                          Airport to your hotel.
      Solid network technology knowledge and basic
      knowledge of standard electrical installations.        Further Information and registration:
KNX   19
20   TR AININGS 2020

KNX Certified Courses

                       ABB also offers certified Courses.
KNX                                                                                                 21

KNX Certified
Basic Course

      Please note: This course takes place
      in Heidelberg or Singapore.

      Basics of KNX
      System Overview
      ETS 5 Professional
      Telegram structure
      Controlling of lights and shutter/blinds
      Line coupler
      Practical work with ETS5
      Theoretical and practical exam
      according to KNX-rules

      Training Location:                                Training Location:
      ABB Customer Training Center                      ABB Customer Training Center Singapore
      Heidelberg/Germany                                2 Ayer Rajah Crescent
      Building 11                                       Singapore139935
      Eppelheimer Str. 82
      69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY                         For Certified Basic Courses in Singapore please                            visit our Training Calender:

      Dates:                                            Period:
      17.02. – 21.02.2020                               Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      16.11. – 20.11.2020                               Day 2: 09:00 – 17:00
                                                        Day 3: 09:00 – 17:00
      Period:                                           Day 4: 09:00 – 17:00
      Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00                              Day 5: 09:00 – 15:00
      Day 2: 09:00 – 17:00
      Day 3: 09:00 – 17:00
      Day 4: 09:00 – 17:00
      Day 5: 09:00 – 15:00

      For further information (seminar fee, arrange-
      ment support, visa, etc.) please contact your
      local ABB partner.

      ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
      from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
      Airport to your hotel.

      Further Information and registration:
22    TR AININGS 2020

KNX Certified
Advanced Course

      Description:                                   Dates:
      Advanced Knowledge of KNX                      13.07. – 17.07.2020
      ETS Apps
      Integrated Applications                        Training Location:
      Logic Operations                               ABB Customer Training Center
      HVAC control with KNX                          Heidelberg/Germany
      Security Technology                            Building 11
      IP Router                                      Eppelheimer Str. 82
      KNX and Multimedia                             69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      KNX and Smart Metering Visualization Systems
      Practical exam according to KNX-rules
      Prerequisite:                                  Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      Passing the KNX Basic exam (KNX Partner).      Day 2: 09:00 – 17:00
                                                     Day 3: 09:00 – 17:00
                                                     Day 4: 09:00 – 17:00
                                                     Day 5: 09:00 – 15:00

                                                     For further information (seminar fee, arrange-
                                                     ment support, visa, etc.) please contact your
                                                     local ABB partner.

                                                     ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
                                                     from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
                                                     Airport to your hotel.

                                                     Further Information and registration:
KNX                                                                                              23

KNX Certified
Tutor Course

      Description:                                   Dates:
      Tutor Knowledge of KNX                         19.10. – 23.10.2020
      Refreshing and updating of KNX Knowledge
      Working with ETS5                              Training Location:
      KNX Software                                   ABB Customer Training Center
      Couplers                                       Heidelberg/Germany
      Serial data transmission                       Building 11
      KNX protocol                                   Eppelheimer Str. 82
      Microcontrollers                               69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      IP Communication                     
      Theoretical exam according to KNX-rules
      Prerequisite:                                  Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      Passing the KNX Basic exam (KNX Partner) and   Day 2: 09:00 – 17:00
      KNX Advanced exam.                             Day 3: 09:00 – 17:00
                                                     Day 4: 09:00 – 17:00
                                                     Day 5: 09:00 – 15:00

                                                     For further information (seminar fee, arrange-
                                                     ment support, visa, etc.) please contact your
                                                     local ABB partner.

                                                     ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
                                                     from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
                                                     Airport to your hotel.

                                                     Further Information and registration:
24   TR AININGS 2020

Energy Monitoring

                       The recording of energy variables and values, as well as their processing, is con-
                       tinually gaining in significance. This is not just due to the rising energy costs but
                       also due to the frequently demanded evaluation and reading possibilities via a
                       decentralized reading station.
                       The features of the EQmatic series help to meet these requirements and can pro-
                       vide operators and users with convenient, cost-effective solutions for modern
                       energy management.
                       ABB offers a wide range of devices and solutions specially designed for these
E N E R G Y M O N I TO R I N G                                                                         25

Energy Monitoring

      Description:                                         Dates:
      ABB i-bus® KNX is designed to reduce building        11.05. – 12.05.2020
      operating costs and to employ the required en-       28.09. – 29.09.2020
      ergy consumption according to demand. Objec-         03.12. ­–­ 04.12.2020
      tives are optimization of resources, climate pro-
      tection, and cost saving while keeping the           Training Location:
      comfort level of users at its highest. ABB offers    ABB Customer Training Center
      various powerful solutions for almost all kind of    Heidelberg/Germany
      requirements of energy measurement and man-          Building 11
      agement.                                             Eppelheimer Str. 82
      Learn about it, both in theory and practice,         69123 Heidelberg, GERMANY
      also in discussion with the trainer and other par-
      Target group:                                        Day 1: 09:00 – 17:00
      Installers, system integrators and planner who       Day 2: 09:00 – 16:00
      are eager to learn more about energy monitoring
      solutions, both theoretical and practical on KNX     ABB is pleased to offer a free transfer service
      training desks.                                      from Frankfurt Airport and Frankfurt-Hahn
                                                           Airport to your hotel.
      Knowledge of KNX in theory and practice              Further Information and registration:
      (level certified Basic Course) Work with ETS 5.
26                     TR AININGS 2020

Training Courses 2020
Regional Competence Center
Annual Overview

                                       January                                   February                                      March

                                                                      •   Solutions for Residential Buildings –
ABB-free@home®                                                            ABB-free@home &

                                                                      •   Shading in Buildings with KNX
                                                                      •   HVAC Automation with KNX
ABB i-bus® KNX                                                        •   Welcome IP
                                                                      •   KNX Certified Basic Course


                                          July                                     August                                  September

                                                                                                                  •   Solutions for Residential Buildings –
ABB-free@home®                                                                                                        ABB-free@home &

                           •    Solutions for Lighting Control
                                with KNX
                           •    KNX for Commercial Building                                                       •   DALI Lighting Control with KNX
ABB i-bus® KNX             •    ABB Solutions for KNX Visualisation                                               •   Welcome IP
                           •    DALI Lighting Control with KNX
                           •    KNX Certified Advanced Course

                                                                                                                  •   Energy Monitoring

ABB Customer Training Center Heidelberg            Busch-Jaeger Elektro GmbH
Building 11                                        Freisenbergstraße 2
Eppelheimer Str. 82                                58513 Lüdenscheid, Germany
69123 Heidelberg, Germany                

                                             April                                         May                                       June

                               •   Solutions for Residential Buildings –   •   Solutions for Residential Buildings –
ABB-free@home®                     ABB-free@home &                             ABB-free@home &
                                   ABB-secure@home                             ABB-secure@home

                               •   Solutions for Lighting Control
                                                                           •   Security Solutions with KNX             •   HVAC Automation with KNX
                                   with KNX
ABB i-bus® KNX                 •   DALI Lighting Control with KNX
                                                                           •   KNX in Hotel Rooms                      •   ClimaECO Building Automation
                                                                           •   Welcome IP                                  Controller BAC/S

                                                                           •   Energy Monitoring

                                          October                                    November                                   December

                               •   Solutions for Residential Buildings –
ABB-free@home®                     ABB-free@home &                         •   HVAC Automation with KNX

                               •   Solutions for Lighting Control
                                   with KNX
                               •   KNX in Hotel Rooms                      •   ABB Solutions for KNX Visualisation
                                                                                                                       •   KNX for Commercial Building
ABB i-bus® KNX                 •   HVAC Automation with KNX                •   Welcome IP
                               •   DALI Lighting Control with KNX          •   KNX Certified Basic Course
                               •   Welcome IP
                               •   KNX Certified Tutor Course

                                                                                                                       •   Energy Monitoring

Go to for
further information.
28                              TR AININGS 2020

Additional information
We reserve the right to make technical
changes or modify the contents of this
document without prior notice. With
regard to purchase orders, the agreed
particulars shall prevail. ABB AG does
not accept any responsibility whatso-
ever for potential errors or possible lack
of information in this document.

We reserve all rights in this document
and in the subject matter and illustra-
tions contained therein. Any reproduc-
tion, disclosure to third parties or
utilization of its contents – in whole or
in parts – is forbidden without prior
written consent of ABB AG.

                                                   Order number 9AKK107046A2599 Rev. C (12/2019)

© Copyright 2019 ABB. All rights reserved.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
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