HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...

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HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...
A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association • Volume LIII • No. 12 • December 2022

HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          V E R S A T I L E
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         HUNTING DOG

                                                                                                                                                                                                              NAVHDA International
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Volume LIII • No. 12 • December 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Officers & Directors
                                                                                                    HIS DRIVE IS UNLIMITED.                                                                            David A. Trahan
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Bob Hauser
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Vice President
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Angie Coenen          Secretary
                                                                                                    SO IS HIS POTENTIAL.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Richard Holt        Treasurer
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mark Whalen          Director of Judge Development
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Andy Doak          Director of Promotions                       4   Congratulations To NAVHDA’s Newest Versatile Champions!
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Dan Wittman          Director of Testing
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tim Otto
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Randy Hanson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Director of Publications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Director of Information Technology           6   2022 NAVHDA Invitational Test Results
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Lisa Pehur        Registrar
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Angie Coenen          Invitational Coordinator                     8   Unsung Heroes: The Invitational Gunners • by Nancy Anisfield
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Kimberley Arnett          Managing Director
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          14   Dogs And Handlers Photo Collages
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Versatile Hunting Dog
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Publication Staff                                         20   Behind The Scenes Photo Collages
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Mary K. Burpee        Editor/Publisher
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Sandra Downey          Copy Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Rachael McAden          Copy Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Mark Whalen          Contributing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Phil Swain        Contributing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Patti Carter       Contributing Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Nancy Anisfield        Contributing Editor/Photographer
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Marion Hoyer         Social Media Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Erik Raynes        Social Media Editor
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Maria Bondi         Advertising Coordinator

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Advertising Information
                                                                                                                                                                                               Copy deadline: 45 days prior to the month of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          President’s Message • 2
                                                                                                                                                                                               publication. Commercial rates available upon                               About The Cover • 2
                                                                                                                                                                                               request. All inquiries or requests for advertising
                                                                                                                                                                                               should be addressed to:                                                    Blast From The Past • 12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    NAVHDA                                                In Season • 24
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PO Box 520
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Arlington Heights, IL 60006                                     The Forum • 26
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Voice 847/253/6488 • Fax 847/255/5987
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Kennel Registrations • 26
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Web                                           Classifieds • 27
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Test Results • 29
                                                                                                                                                                                                  See our web site or call for current rates.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Testing Calendar • 33
                                                                                                                                                                                         Please submit all articles for and questions pertaining to the
                                                                                                                                                                                         VHD (other than advertising) to, with ATTN                                                                                                    CHARLES COULTER © 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                         VHD Editor in the subject line or by mail via the postal ser-
                                                                                                                                                                                         vice to NAVHDA, PO Box 520, Arlington Heights, IL 60006.

                                                                                                                                                                                                    © 2022 The North American Versatile
                                                                                                                                                                                              Hunting Dog Association, Inc.• All Rights Reserved.

                                                                                                                                                                                                               Printed in the USA

                                                                                                                                                                                         The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association does not discrim-
                                                                                                                                                                                         inate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion,

                                                               N UTRITIO N
                                                                                                                                                                                         sexual orientation or age in its programs, activities, or in its hiring and
                                                                                                                                                                                         employment practices.

                                                                                                                                                                                         The Versatile Hunting Dog is published monthly and is the official

                                                            TH AT PER FOR M S ®
                                                                                                                                                                                         publication of The North Amercian Versatile Hunting Dog Association
                                                                                                                                                                                         (NAVHDA), a nonprofit, educational organization dedicated to fostering,
                                                                                                                                                                                         improving, promoting and protecting the versatile hunting dog in North
                                                                                                                                                                                         America and to the conservation of all game.
                                                                                                                                                                                          The basic annual membership dues are $60 (US Funds.) Membership
                                                                                                                                                                                         benefits include a monthly subscription to the Versatile Hunting Dog
                                                                                                                                                                                         magazine, decal, participation in all NAVHDA events (at membership
                                                                                                                                                                                         discount rates) and full voting privileges. All contributions are tax-de-
                                                                                                                                                                                           A copy of NAVHDA’s most recent financial report can be obtained by
               30% PROTEIN AND 20% FAT                                                                                                            OPTIMIZES OXYGEN
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                                                                                                                                                                                          The Versatile Hunting Dog reserves the right to reasonably edit or refuse
               TO FUEL METABOLIC NEEDS                                                                                                            METABOLISM (VO2 MAX) FOR
               & MAINTAIN LEAN MUSCLE                        THE MOST SPORTING DOG CHAMPIONS*                                                     INCREASED ENDURANCE
                                                                                                                                                                                         all material (including advertising) submitted for publication. Articles or
                                                                                                                                                                                         opinions herein expressed are not necessarily those of the publication
                                                                                                                                                                                         staff or of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association, Inc., its
                                                                                                                                                                                         officers or Directors.                                                                                                                                                                     TM
                                                                                                                                                                                          The material contained in this publication is intended to provide ac-
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                                           E XC LU S I V E LY AT P ET S P E C I A LT Y A N D O N L I N E R ETA I L E R S                                       nature, the articles and columns contained herein cannot provide the
                                                                                                                                                                                         complete and detailed guidance required by every individual in every                                                                WAYLON LUNN © 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                         situation. The material is thereby offered with the proviso that it is not the
                                                                                                                                                                                         intent of the publisher, the editors, or the authors to render professional
                                                                                                                                                                                         counsel on the matter covered and said person(s) cannot be held liable
*Based on 2021 National, World & Invitational Champions and Purina Award Winners. The handlers or owners of these champions may have received Pro Plan dog food as Purina ambassadors.   for any use thereof. If specific assistance is required, the services of an
                                                                                                                                                                                         expert authority should be sought.
                                                             Purina trademarks are owned by Société des Produits Nestlé S.A.                                                                                                                                                      The Versatile Dog denotes that this feature or story is an original article by a NAVHDA member.
                                                                                                                                                                                         The Versatile Hunting Dog magazine (USPS number 016-491, ISSN: 1099-
                                                                                                                                                                                         0577) is published monthly for $65.00 per year by the North American
                                                                                                                                                                                         Versatile Hunting Dog Association, 120 W. Eastman #302, Arlington Hts,
                                                                                                                                                                                         IL 60004-5950. Periodical postage paid at Arlington Hts, IL and additional                                Visit the Versatile Hunting Dog magazine online at
                                                                                                                                                                                         entry offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NAVHDA, PO Box
                                                                                                                                                                                         520, Arlington Hts, IL 60006-0520.                                                                                
HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...
President’s Message
By Dave Trahan
Deerfield, New Hampshire

           NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022    My Last
                               President’s Message
        his is my final President’s Message that I’ll write          There are so many of you who supported me through-
        to the membership. It has been an honor to rep-            out the years, and all I can say is thank you. I wish to
        resent you as your international president for             thank Maria and the office staff for working with me
the last nine years. If someone would have told me                 all these years.
28 years ago that I would be the president of a great                Please support the new administration with every-
organization, I would have told them they were crazy.              thing that they do. Our organization is growing tre-
When I was asked by Marilyn Vetter if I would be in-               mendously, and I see great things happening. With the
terested in running for president I immediately agreed.            help of the membership and executive committee we
She said to me, “You should talk it over with your wife            will be the greatest organization in North America.
first,” and I said, “I know I’ll have her full support.”             Lastly, I would like to say thank you to my wife,
   This organization has grown tremendously in the                 for supporting me and allowing me to be president of
last few years, truly with the help that I have had from           NAVHDA and spend time away from my family. I love
my executive board. I can remember the first meeting               you, Carol.
after I was elected, sitting with the board and a discus-
sion came up on a motion that I strongly felt passion-
ate about. Sitting next to me was Joe Dolejsi who said,
“David, you have to think about what is best for the
whole organization, and not your personal feelings.”
I always remembered that when I was making deci-
                                                                            About The Cover
                                                                            VC BRUSH DALE’S OPEN SEASON, SMALL MUNSTERLANDER,
sions for the organization. There have been many fun                        OWNED AND HANDLED BY SCOTT GREEN.
times, but there also have been many times that I had                       NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022
to make hard decisions. In the end, I had to do what
was best for the organization.

2                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                            December 2022
HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...
                VC AUX LAKE RAISED ROYAL
                VC AX Z CESKE JAHODNICE
                 VC CABIN CREEK KELSON
                 VC EDDA VOM BOREALEN                                                                               K E N N E L S B U I LT F O R
         VC FIRESIDE’S I’VE GOT U UNDER MY SKIN                                                               Unparalleled Protection
               VC FOOTHILLS NATIVE HEART                                                                          USE CODE   NAVHDA10                  FOR 10% OFF AT
        VC HIGH STANDARD’S GOOD BOY CHARLES                                                                                     DAKOTA283.COM
                  VC HUNT’EM UP’S JADE
                 VC SAFARI SOUTH’S AXEL
                        VC SNIPER IV
                  VC STONYRIDGE ZANNA

                                                                PHOTO ALBERT WATTERS © 2022

4                  Versatile Hunting Dog   •               December 2022     December 2022            Versatile Hunting Dog   •       5
HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...
     2022 NAVHDA Invitational - Zia Chapter
     09/15/2022 2022-0317          Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                                   FIELD T/OUT          Pts     Prz        Owner                              Handler
     VC AX Z CESKE JAHODNICE                         M CF-000166              5-2      44444 44344 44 44               197      Pass      ANNA ARTZ                          ANNA ARTZ
     COPPERMINE HUCKLEBERRY                          M GS-020844              4-3      44324 44334 44 33               176 None           DANIEL S HAAKENSON                 DANIEL S HAAKENSON
     FRIEDELSHEIM’S THUNDERSTRUCK                    M GS-022905              2-0      44414 44443 34 33               173 None           BRIAN C DIETZ                      BRIAN C DIETZ
     GROUSE POINTS LONG TIME COMING                  F     GS-015102          9-2      44412 44044 43 33               161 None           BENJAMIN D MOTT                    MADELINE R SCHOPF
     VC HIGH STANDARD’S GOOD BOY CHARLES             M PP-004533              5-9      44444 44344 44 44               197      Pass      ADAM M SALAZAR                     ADAM M SALAZAR
     KONIG’S TITANIC BAYOU BOY                       M GS-021726              3-8      44123 44344 43 22               158 None           BLAKE MENDHEIM                     BLAKE MENDHEIM
     MILLER’S POINT PURDEY OF HEDGEROW               F     SP-002991          4-3      34324 33024 43 22               141 None           WILLIAM G MILLER JR                WILLIAM G MILLER, JR
     ROCKY MTN GRIFFON’S ABSAROKA                    M GR-005761              8-5      44313 33124 33 33               140 None           PETER G APLIKOWSKI                 PETER G APLIKOWSKI
     ROCKY MTN GRIFFON’S BEARTOOTH                   M GR-006827              7-4      34312 44024 43 22               143 None           PETER G APLIKOWSKI                 PETER G APLIKOWSKI
     STONESTHROW’S NOBLE JUSTICE                     M PP-005269              4-2      34323 44334 44 33               172 None           LARRY M STONE                      LARRY M STONE
     09/15/2022            2022-0318                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                  FIELD T/OUT          Pts     Prz        Owner                              Handler
     VC BARON AXEL OF THE BEAR RIVER CLAN            M PP-004794              5-1       44434 44343 44 34               187     Pass        ROGER F SELLS JR                 ROGER F SELLS, JR
     DRYCREEK’S KICK EM UP RAZZLE-DAZZLE             M VI-001778              4-7       24232 33023 43 22               132 None            MELODY STARR                     MELODY STARR
     VC FOOTHILLS NATIVE HEART                       F     PP-005582          3-6       44444 44434 44 44               197     Pass        CHRISTOPHER M RANDELL            CHRISTOPHER M RANDELL
     HEYJUDE IDAWIRE CATCH 22                        M GW-011565              3-6       24424 44342 44 33               173 None            THOMAS F DELOUGHERY              THOMAS F DELOUGHERY
     VC HUNT’EM UP’S JADE                            F     GS-020647          4-0       44444 44444 44 44               200     Pass        ROSS ELLWANGER                   ROSS ELLWANGER
     MARTINSEN’S STRATTON SUNRISE                    M VI-001883              3-3       44324 44234 44 33               173 None            JACOB E LANG                     TATE W MARTINSEN
     MARTINSEN’S WILD CHILD                          M VI-001753              4-6       24324 34233 44 22               155 None            JEFFREY S WILHELM                TATE W MARTINSEN         ALBERT WATTERS © 2022                                                                                                                                                                   CHRIS NELLOS © 2022
     VC MR CHIPS GUNNER TO THE MAX                   M GS-018254              6-6       44444 44334 44 44               194     Pass        ANGELO IACOMINI                  ANGELO IACOMINI
     OXBOW’S PERFECT STORM                           M PP-005600              3-6       44444 42024 34 33               160 None            STEPHEN FOLLIN                   STEPHEN FOLLIN
     RASKO VOM SCHUTZENKNAPP                         M SM-005100              3-3       44404 34344 43 33               165 None            MICHAEL L STRUP                  MICHAEL L STRUP
     VC SHARP SHOOTERS BREAKING BAD                  F     GS-020114          4-3       44434 44443 44 44               193     Pass        GEOFFREY D FERRER                GEOFFREY D FERRER             09/16/2022            2022-0322                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD T/OUT           Pts      Prz         Owner                                Handler
     THE RUGER                                       M GS-021244              3-7       44414 44443 44 33               179 None            KENNETH B DANIEL                 KENNETH B DANIEL              VC BRUSH DALE’S OPEN SEASON                    M SM-003836             6-10     44444 44444 44 44              200      Pass     SCOTT L GREEN                      SCOTT L GREEN
                      JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, HERBERT H CHRISTIAN II, CURTIS P FRY, TIMOTHY J LEWIS, TIMOTHY A OTTO, JEFFREY S RHODES, DAVID A TRAHAN, CLYDE E VETTER, MARK A WHALEN                         VC CEDARWOODS C L GANDY DANCER                 M PP-005430              4-0     44434 44444 44 44              196      Pass     MEGAN L TOWNSEND                   HUNTER TOWNSEND
                                                                                                                                                                                                           VC FIREBIRDS GENERAL HUTCHINGTON               M GR-008482              4-7     44434 44444 44 44              196      Pass     BRIAN D ROTH                       BRIAN D ROTH
     09/15/2022            2022-0319                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                  FIELD T/OUT          Pts     Prz        Owner                              Handler                        FIREBIRDS GUNTHER HOUDINI                      M GR-008535              4-7     44414 44413 43 32              162 None          DARYL J PLATZ                      DARYL J PLATZ
     BOONES FARM MACINTOSH                             M PP-003413             8-6      24301 44333 43 22                 144 None          GREGORY J WEISS                    RUTH A WEISS                FIREBIRDS HIAWATHA                             M GR-008824              4-3     44444 34244 44 44              189 None          CARL CIACCI                        SARA R HEESACKER
     VC FIRESIDE’S I’VE GOT U UNDER MY SKIN            F     GR-007620         5-8      44444 44444 44 44                 200    Pass       KAREN N KRAUTZ                     KAREN N KRAUTZ              GUSTAV VON OTTO                                M GS-020107              4-7     24433 44222 44 32              163 None          NATHAN A GRAY                      NATHAN A GRAY
     FREY’S NESD THE CURSE IS BROKEN                   M GS-019018            5-11      24323 44334 44 33                 170 None          KEEGAN ABBOTT                      KEEGAN ABBOTT               JACKSON CREEKS CAPT CALL                       M PP-004742              5-3     44444 44044 44 24              182 None          DALE R PARKER                      SARA R HEESACKER
     GHOST POINT OF THUNDERHILLS BW                    M GW-010190             6-1      33404 44334 43 33                 163 None          CHRISTOPHER J HEDER                CHRISTOPHER J HEDER         JT’S TIMBERDOODLE MAVERICK                     M BS-001632              2-7     24420 44213 43 21              142 None          JEFFREY T EBERT                    JEFFREY T EBERT
     GRIFFS SOUTHERN LADY                              F     GW-010772         5-0      44424 44444 44 33                 186 None          RYAN J MCINTOSH                    RYAN J MCINTOSH             OAKRIDGE PRINCE BLU GROMMET                    M GW-010990              5-1     44423 44243 44 33              175 None          JON C YAEGER                       JON C YAEGER
     HIGH VOLTAGE GIFT FROM ABOVE                      F     GS-021683         3-2      44424 44444 44 33                 186 None          JOSEPH D LAKE                      JOSEPH D LAKE               SUNDANCE VOR CRK’S ADA                          F    GS-021731         2-10     34214 44233 43 33              155 None          MIKE MITCHELL                      MIKE MITCHELL
     HONOR POINTS LAND SHARK                           F     GS-019045         5-3      24323 44443 44 32                 170 None          CHARLES N COULTER                  CHARLES N COULTER                           JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, ANGELA L COENEN, CURTIS P FRY, ROBERT HAUSER, KAREN N KRAUTZ, TIMOTHY J LEWIS, TIMOTHY A OTTO, JEFFREY S RHODES, DAVID A TRAHAN
     ILKA VOM CANUCK                                   F     GS-018623         5-7      33323 44024 44 22                 152 None          MARK P SANTOS                      MARK P SANTOS
     KORDLA ON POINT                                   F     GS-022723         2-2      11102 44324 42 21                 122 None          JOHN KORTE                         JOHN KORTE                  09/17/2022            2022-0323                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD T/OUT           Pts      Prz         Owner                                Handler
     VC LAWLER’S LIL RUGER LEE OF MYSTIC RUN           M GS-017420             7-2      34333 44444 44 33                 182    Pass       KEVIN L CLARK                      BARRY P LAWLER              DUVALIN GEORGIA’S MOONSHINE                    M GR-010367            3-4      44214 44444 43 23              166 None           ALINE TREMBLAY                     STEPHANE FORTIN
     VC SNIPER IV                                      M GS-021463             4-1      44434 44444 44 44                 196    Pass       ERNESTO MENDOZA                    ERNESTO MENDOZA             HARDTRIGGER’S EVER HIGHER                      M PP-005409            4-5      44414 43224 43 23              157 None           JEREMY S DAVIS                     JEREMY S DAVIS
                        JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, HERBERT H CHRISTIAN II,TIMOTHY S CLARK, CURTIS P FRY, CHRISTOPHER J HALL, TRACEY NELSON, JEFFREY S RHODES, DAVID A TRAHAN, CLYDE E VETTER                    JUST CALL ME BROOKSIDE’S YOSHIKO               M BS-001624           2-10      44424 44444 44 43              189 None           ADRIAN S YANOFSKY                  ADRIAN S YANOFSKY
                                                                                                                                                                                                           LAKE MONROE CCA’S FRESH WATER PEARL             F    GS-016170       7-10      44434 44133 44 33              175 None           LOUIE KITCOFF                      LOUIE KITCOFF
     09/16/2022            2022-0320                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                  FIELD T/OUT          Pts     Prz        Owner                              Handler                        VC OLD HICKORY ROUGAROUX                       M GS-020860            3-7      44444 44444 44 44              200      Pass      WALKER P WILLIAMS                  WALKER P WILLIAMS
     AUTUMN BREEZES CHASING THE DREAM                M GS-020243           4-2      34324 34344 44 22              166 None           TIMOTHY J KEHOE                    TIMOTHY J KEHOE                   PENNY LANE’S HERO BRAVEHEART                   M SP-002689           7-10      44424 44434 44 33              183 None           ERIN P DUNN                        TED WENTINK
     FIREBIRDS GEMME DA BIRD CLEO                    F     GR-008483       4-7      44414 34444 43 33              172 None           GARY J ENGEBRETSON                 GARY J ENGEBRETSON                VC SAGEFLYER GORTA’S RANGER                    M GS-023257           12-9      44434 44444 44 44              196      Pass      GERI ORTA                          GERI ORTA
     FOREST KING LITTLE RED ROOSTER                  M VI-001861           3-6      44413 44322 43 22              154 None           KATHLEEN A WELLER                  KATHLEEN A WELLER                 VC VOM REINER COUNT BASIE                      M GS-016336            7-4      44444 44434 44 33              191      Pass      RICHARD C CULLERTON                RICHARD C CULLERTON
     VC QUINEBAUG’S ELSA ANDERSON                    F     GS-016906       7-0      44444 44444 44 44              200     Pass       BENJAMIN B ANDERSON                BENJAMIN B ANDERSON                               JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, ANGELA L COENEN, GEOFFREY D FERRER, CURTIS P FRY, ROBERT HAUSER, RICHARD W HOLT, KAREN N KRAUTZ, TIMOTHY J LEWIS, MARILYN VETTER
     RUGGED EDGE FAIS DO-DO                          F     GS-021761      6-11      44344 44143 44 33              178 None           BLAKE MENDHEIM                     BLAKE MENDHEIM                    09/17/2022            2022-0324                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD T/OUT           Pts      Prz         Owner                                Handler
     VC STONYRIDGE ZANNA                             F     GR-008428       4-7      44434 44344 44 34              190     Pass       RICK J HUBER JR                    RICK J HUBER, JR                  BACON HILL CHARADES CARY                        F     GS-013716        10-4       43424 24334 44 11               156 None          LEON T HAIRIE                     LEON T HAIRIE
     SUNDANCE MITZI MAE                              F     GS-019399       5-0      43414 44443 43 33              172 None           HEIDI W ATKINSON                   HEIDI W ATKINSON                  BACON HILL GEMSTONE GARNETS RICKY               M GS-016061             8-1       44414 34423 42 23               155 None          REGINA M HAIRIE                   LEON T HAIRIE
     TRAILSIDE’S TZAR OF FAIRLINGTON                 F     VI-001835      8-11      34414 44444 43 33              175 None           TERRY ANN FERNANDO                 TERRY ANN FERNANDO                BRUSH DALE’S TAKE AIM                           M SM-004367             5-4       34414 23024 43 22               136 None          JASON MUNSON                      JASON MUNSON
     WILD MOUNTAIN FLINT                             M GS-022897           2-4      04210 24034 43 11              116 None           TIMOTHY J KEHOE                    TIMOTHY J KEHOE                   DE JAC’S UNDER THE BOARDWALK                    M GR-010185             2-5       44414 44134 43 23               162 None          BENJAMIN W ARLT                   BENJAMIN W ARLT
                      JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, GEOFFREY D FERRER, ROBERT HAUSER, RICHARD W HOLT, KAREN N KRAUTZ, TIMOTHY J LEWIS, TRACEY NELSON, JEFFREY S RHODES, DAVID A TRAHAN                             INDIAN PEAKS AS YOU WISH                        F     GS-018905         5-7       44424 44344 44 34               186 None          TODD A WHEELER                    TODD A WHEELER
     09/16/2022            2022-0321                Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                  FIELD T/OUT          Pts     Prz        Owner                              Handler                        ROCKY MTN’S SIG                                 M GR-009226             4-7       44414 44043 43 33               162 None          BRANDON STANLEY                   BRANDON STANLEY
     VC AUX LAKE RAISED ROYAL                        M GR-008517            4-8      44444 44444 44 44             200     Pass        IAN C MOODY                       IAN C MOODY                       SHARP SHOOTERS PARKER                           M GS-017741             6-3       24414 34423 43 22               153 None          JOHN T WILSON                     JOHN T WILSON
     BACON HILL SWEET MAPLE SUGAR                    F     GS-020232        4-4      44414 44344 43 33             174 None            HEIDI W ATKINSON                  HEIDI W ATKINSON                                   JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, HERBERT H CHRISTIAN II, TIMOTHY S CLARK, ANGELA L COENEN, CURTIS P FRY, ROBERT HAUSER, KAREN N KRAUTZ, TIMOTHY J LEWIS, MARK A WHALEN
     VC DUTCH HOLLOW STEADY POINTS STELLA            F     GS-016971       6-10      44434 44444 44 44             196     Pass        CLYDE E VETTER                    CLYDE E VETTER
     MOUNTAINSIDE SADIE KAYE                         F     IS-000102        3-5      44424 33243 43 33             162 None            KEVIN D RICKE                     KEVIN D RICKE                     09/17/2022            2022-0325                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD T/OUT           Pts      Prz         Owner                                Handler
     MUELLERS MUDDYPAWS EMBER GLOW                   F     GW-011776        3-2      34204 34444 43 32             155 None            MISTY D KLUG                      MISTY D KLUG                      GIA VOM BOREALEN                                F     GW-012782       2-4        44423 44424 44 33             178 None           ELIJAH R BARBOUR                             ELIJAH R BARBOUR
     VC SAFARI SOUTH’S AXEL                          M PP-005961           2-11      44444 44334 44 44             194     Pass        KEVIN M BOSWELL                   KEVIN M BOSWELL                   ROCK CREEK LEGS                                 F     PP-005963       3-3        24434 44344 44 32             180 None           SCOTT A KOSSAN                               ERIN M KALPIN
     SHARP SHOOTERS TRUTH BE TOLD                    F     GS-016563        7-4      44444 44034 44 34             182 None            CLYDE E VETTER                    MARILYN VETTER                    ROCK CREEK STELLA’S SUNRISE                     F     PP-005088       4-5        44424 44444 44 34             189 None           MICHAEL L KRAUSE                             SCOTT A KOSSAN
     STONESTHROW’S KATIE ELDER                       F     PP-003945        7-1      44434 44243 44 33             181 None            LARRY M STONE                     LARRY M STONE                     VC SCHWARZWALD’S I AM MERLE                     M GW-011068           4-4        44444 44444 44 44             200      Pass      RYAN R NEFF                                  RYAN R NEFF
     WYOWIRES’ FORGED N FIRE AT MUDDY PAWS           F     GW-011479        3-8      44413 44424 44 33             174 None            MISTY D KLUG                      MISTY D KLUG                      STONE PINE’S BODO                               M PP-003784           8-4        34444 43124 44 33             172 None           TIFFANY K FARRELL                            TIFFANY K FARRELL
                     JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, BLAINE T CARTER, CHRISTOPHER J HALL, ROBERT HAUSER, KAREN N KRAUTZ, TIMOTHY J LEWIS, JEFFREY S RHODES, DAVID A TRAHAN, MARK A WHALEN                            THORWINDS COCO MABEL                            F     SM-004463       5-0        42342 42024 44 22             148 None           JUSTIN GLOVER                                JUSTIN GLOVER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, BLAINE T CARTER, ANGELA L COENEN, CURTIS P FRY, ROBERT HAUSER, KAREN N KRAUTZ, TIMOTHY J LEWIS, TIMOTHY A OTTO, CLYDE E VETTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                           09/18/2022            2022-0326                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD T/OUT           Pts      Prz         Owner                                Handler
                                                                                                                                                                                                           VC CABIN CREEK KELSON                          M PP-005559             4-2       44444 44444 44 44            200     Pass        BYRON W KERR                     BYRON W KERR
                                                                                                                                                                                                           GEORGIE BO FREEDOM                             F     GW-011502         4-2       34234 44441 44 22            165 None            BRYAN G SAPPINGTON               BRYAN G SAPPINGTON
                                                                                                                                                                                                           HIGH STANDARD’S FARRAH                         F     PP-004468        5-10       44344 44233 44 43            181 None            DEREK D TANG                     DEREK D TANG
                                                                                                                                                                                                           VC MOUNTAINS FURY COOL-AID KID COOPER          M GS-021177             3-4       34433 44434 44 43            186     Pass        JEFFERY L BORDWELL               JEFFERY L BORDWELL
                                                                                                                                                                                                           MOUNTAINS FURY CROWN ROYAL                     F     GS-021178         3-4       24114 44141 34 22            136 None            KATELYN BORDWELL                 KATELYN BORDWELL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, HERBERT H CHRISTIAN II, CHRISTOPHER J HALL, ROBERT HAUSER, MARK A KRUEGER, TRACEY NELSON, JEFFREY S RHODES, DAVID A TRAHAN, MARILYN VETTER
                                                                                                                                                                                                           09/18/2022            2022-0327                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD T/OUT           Pts      Prz         Owner                                Handler
                                                                                                                                                                                                           GRIFFS MIA LADY OF DUKE                         F     GW-010680         5-0       44403 44144 43 23             159 None           LOGAN C MEYER                      LOGAN C MEYER
                                                                                                                                                                                                           HICKORY WITHE’S EASY MONEY                      M PP-005010            4-11       34443 44044 44 33             178 None           ROBERT I BLEM                      ROBERT I BLEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                           VC OUTLANDERS DAUNTLESS O’DELLE                 F     GS-017880         6-1       44434 44344 44 33             187     Pass       TIMOTHY A GRIFFIN                  TIMOTHY A GRIFFIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                           SCOUT PEEK                                      M GS-018898             6-0       44433 44423 44 33             179 None           ALSTON A PEEK                      ALSTON A PEEK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, HERBERT H CHRISTIAN II, TIMOTHY S CLARK, CHRISTOPHER J HALL, ROBERT HAUSER, MARK A KRUEGER, TIMOTHY J LEWIS, TIMOTHY A OTTO, DAVID A TRAHAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                           09/18/2022            2022-0328                 Sex Breed Reg # Yr-Mo WATER                    FIELD T/OUT           Pts      Prz         Owner                                Handler
                                                                                                                                                                                                           VC EDDA VOM BOREALEN                             F     GW-012781          3-6      44444 44444 44 44             200      Pass      ELIJAH R BARBOUR                 ELIJAH R BARBOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                           HEIDI VOM HIDDEN CREEK                           F     GS-018228          6-1      33303 44413 43 11             139 None           FRANK J DEGOTT JR                FRANK J DEGOTT, JR
                                                                                                                                                                                                           HOTT PURSUITS LAWLER’S LIL DAISY                 F     GS-021339          4-4      34412 44423 44 33             167 None           TOBY EUTING                      BARRY P LAWLER
                                                                                                                                                                                                           VC LAWLER’S LIL’ HEARTS ON FIRE                  F     GS-021220          3-5      44444 44444 44 44             200      Pass      BARRY P LAWLER                   BARRY P LAWLER
                                                                                                                                                                                                           VC SALMON RIVER DYNAMITE DIVA                    F     GR-007880          5-6      44444 44444 44 44             200      Pass      TAWNA E SKINNER                  TAWNA E SKINNER
                                                                                                                                                                                                           VC WYOWIRES’ SOME LIKE IT HOT                    F     GW-011485          3-8      44433 44444 44 44             194      Pass      LISA J UHRICH                    TERRY L UHRICH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, HERBERT H CHRISTIAN II, ANGELA L COENEN, GEOFFREY D FERRER, CHRISTOPHER J HALL, ROBERT HAUSER, MARK A KRUEGER, DAVID A TRAHAN, CLYDE E VETTER
ALBERT WATTERS © 2022                                                                                    CHRIS NELLOS © 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WATER-Heel, Steady @ Dbl. Mark, Dbl. Mark Duck Ret., Blind Ret., Honor-Blind, FIELD-Search, Point, Backing, Steady, Retrieve Bird T/OUT-Nose, Desire, Coop, Obed.

 6                                                                      Versatile Hunting Dog            •                                                           December 2022   December 2022                                                        Versatile Hunting Dog              •                                                                              7
HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...
Unsung Heroes:                                                                                                                     The Invitational
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                By Nancy Anisfield
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Hinesburg, Vermont

                                                                                                                                                      We asked several gunners what made them
                                                                                                                                                   want to gun at the Invitational. Charles
                                                                                                                                                   Coulter replied, “After volunteering in most
                                                                                                                                                   positions, I looked into gunning, but I wasn’t
                                                                                                                                                   sure. Once I handled in the Invitational, I re-
                                                                                                                                                   alized the importance of the gunners. I felt
                                                                                                                                                   it was the best place to volunteer and really
                                                                                                                                                   be able to help the handlers through a very
                                                                                                                                                   tough day.”

                  hen push comes to shove, all Invitational                                                                                           Jake Bartells said, “The fitting answer
                  handlers rely totally on their gunners. Many                                                                                     would be I wanted to help any way I could
                  (most) are not running dogs, often buy their                                                                                     to make an extremely intricate test run
   own shells, walk their butts off, are under serious pressure,                                                                                   smooth, and there is certainly an element of
   get little credit for great shots, and occasionally get grief                                                                                   truth to that. But a greater truth lies in the
   for their rare misses. In my opinion, they are the under-ac-                                                                                    fact I wanted a front row seat to all the ac-
                                                                                                                                                                                                             NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022
   knowledged backbone of the test.”                                                                                                               tion. Being in the middle of it all changed
                                                                                                                                                   the way I train my own dogs for the test.
                                                                                                                 WAYLON LUNN © 2022                I'm able to take away from each and every                 me coming back as a gunner. I love the pressure to per-
                                                                                                                                                   brace a situation I then go home and repli-               form and the self loathing that drives me to be better
                                                                                                                                                   cate so my dogs are better prepared when                  when I don’t. The look of disappointment, worry and
  The above words, spoken by Tim Otto, Director of                  Invitational Coordinator and NAVHDA Secretary, ex-                their opportunity arises.”                                             even disgust a handler will give you when even a single
Publications and an Invitational judge, couldn’t be more            plained how to become an Invitational gunner.                       Matt Lorello also said his main reason was that he                   bird is missed, or one sails farther than desirable before
true. Anyone who’s run the Invitational knows that be-                “To be an Invitational gunner, you have to have                 wanted to gun over some of the best dogs in the coun-                  expiring is one I’m always trying to avoid. It’s avoiding
sides getting birds on the ground, we need to concen-               gunned at a Utility Test, and you need a Senior judge to          try, but he added, “The first time I went to the Invita-               that look that drives us all to perform flawlessly.”
trate on our dogs and keep every bird contact running               write a letter of recommendation for you to be submit-            tional to run my dog, I wanted to volunteer a couple                      From a “tricky situations perspective” Jake said it
as smoothly as possible. Gunners are a critical factor in           ted to the Invitational committee.” Angie pointed out             of days while I was there. Part of it was a challenge to               usually comes a few days into the test in Ohio where
achieving that outcome. And it’s no easy task. Challeng-            that the letter from the Senior judge needs to cover the          myself, too.”                                                          it’s not allowed to have folks clean up the extra birds
es include keeping up with the handlers but not getting             gunner’s safety and accuracy in a testing situation. The            What is the hardest part of that challenge? Paul Co-                 at the end of the day. “This results in some coveys
in the way of the judges; responding to situations where            letter goes before the Invitational committee for review.         enen said, “The hardest thing is keeping your cool and                 forming. I’ve often seen points where multiple birds go
the dogs are separated; positioning themselves to the                 “The Invitational committee votes on approving the              focusing on each bird and not getting lazy about your                  up,” he described. “Safety is paramount, but I’m also
best advantage of shooter, handler, and dog; killing the            gunner,” Angie said. “If the gunner is approved, the vol-         shooting. You have to remember that each bird can                      trying to stay aware of which one the dog is focused
bird cleanly; and above all, ensuring maximum safety.               unteer chair puts the name on the approved gunner list            mean the difference between the dog passing or not. Ev-                on, where additional birds landed in relation to the
  Unlike the different ways different chapters cultivate            for the current and future Invitationals. Each year when          ery single bird is important.”                                         dead one, and if even more live birds close to the dog
their gunners, the Invitational has a precise process that          the request for volunteers comes out, the approved gun-             Jake cited a few challenges that top his list. “The                  didn’t flush. I never want to contribute to setting a dog
prospective gunners must follow. Angie Coenen, the                  ner can sign up to be a gunner that year.”                        tricky situations are what I live for; they are what keeps             up for failure, and my awareness of these things has

 8                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                          December 2022         December 2022                              Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                        9
HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...

                                                                                                                                                                                                         to an organization, yet having a blast doing it. I enjoy
                                                                                                                                                                                                         doing the little things for a handler, like on a bright
                                                                                                                                                                                                         sunny day blocking the sun and letting a dog utilize
                                                                                                                                                                                                         my shade, assisting a handler as they try to manage
                                                                                                       TERRY ANN FERNANDO © 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                         their gun, water bottle and dog when they enter the
                                                                                                                                    NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                         water tub, or keeping my eye out for that bird they just
                                                                                                                                                                                                         can’t seem to locate. Gunners may get a lot of credit,
often kept a dog and handler out of some increasingly                  Keeping up with the handlers can also be hard. “If          before the brace begins. Set the ground rules. Let the                but the truth is the poor guy dragging 50 ducks up the
difficult situations.”                                              you’ve got a handler with long legs and a fast pace, it        gunner know if you want to talk. Tell the gunner what                 bank, or the person delivering 200 lunches is the one
  Another challenge Jake pointed out is the pressure of             can be brutal to make sure you’re keeping up and being         your normal sequence will be on the retrieve and what                 that deserves the credit for doing the real work.”
gunning for friends or the “higher ups.”                            where you need to be,” Matt explained. “Another tricky         you want the gunner to do. Some handlers want the                       “Unless you are an Invitational field judge or a field
  “I’ll never forget being so excited to gun for my friend          thing is determining how to handle some of the iffy shots      gunner(s) to walk back with the handler after the flush               photographer, being a gunner is the only way to walk
Rick Holt when he was running his dog Blake. It was                 – you need to make split second decisions which often are      before the dog is sent; others will want the gunner to                multiple braces and see some exceptional dog work. Hav-
towards the end of a hot day, and I thought this would              in reaction to a judge’s call. Like if your gun is open and    remain in place until after the dogs passes for the re-               ing gunned every Invitational since 2012, I have seen a lot
be fun. Thirty minutes into the run I found myself in a             the bird pops unexpectedly. Then you need to close the         trieve. Some handlers prefer that gunners do not open                 of great dog and handling work,” Geoff added.
situation I’d never been in before. Blake had three bird            gun, mount and shoot, making sure you don’t mess up            their guns until the dog passes. A handler and gunner                   NAVHDA can be very proud of the Invitational gun-
contacts, the first bird I missed, the second was a safety,         the handler or the dog by moving too quickly, startling        that are in sync are fun to watch.”                                   ners. Their expertise and appreciation for their task is
and the third was another miss. I felt two inches tall. I           the dog, or not being in the best position.”                      Paul agrees that communication between handler and                 remarkable. “At any level – NA, UT, or the Invitational
remember thinking, ‘Here I am letting my friend down                   Geoff Ferrer pointed out that “knowing your place”          gunner is important. “Gunners should communicate                      – if you are volunteering you need to be good. Handlers
at the moment he needs me to bring my A game.’ Rick                 is one of the hardest things. “You are not a handler, you      with your handlers right away, so they know that they                 rely on the volunteers,” Matt explained. “You want to
handled it perfectly. He looked over at me and said, ‘It’s          are not a judge. Your job is to be seen and not heard. You     can talk to you. Everyone is looking for the best in that             be the best you can be, whether you’re a gunner or a
okay Jakey, there’s more birds.’ He’s one of very few               need to anticipate the action and always be prepared to        dog while in the field. Help them where you can and                   bird planter or whatever. People put in a lot of time,
people that get away with calling me ‘Jakey,’ and he                take a safe shot. A handler should never have to wait on       give them space where they need it.”                                  money, and effort to get to a test. Even though we’re
said it with kindness but there was worry in his eyes…              a gunner. Many handlers do not like to engage in con-             What is the best thing about being an Invitational gun-            volunteers, we’ve accepted a job and need to take it se-
In the end we got plenty of birds on the ground for him,            versations, others will. Even if a handler wants to talk,      ner? Answering that question, Paul and Geoff both echoed              riously, doing the best we can under any conditions.”
but avoiding that feeling is what focuses me on every               the gunner should never distract the handlers from the         Matt’s reason for being there. “The best thing is that you              The pay-off, the reward, is the experience. Charles
shot I’ve taken since.”                                             job at hand. A gunner must know the rules and abide by         get to hunt over some of the finest dogs in the nation,”              summed it up well. “You have an amazing view of some
  Charles said that to him, seeing a dog or handler come            them and never, never tell the handlers that the judges        Paul said. “It has been an absolute pleasure being in the             of the best dog work in any organization. It’s also pretty
undone or have some sort of issue in the field is the               screwed up or improperly evaluated a situation.”               field with these great dogs and their great handlers.”                special to be a part of someone’s journey. Pass or fail,
toughest part. “It feels pretty helpless, and you really               Geoff also offered this advice to handlers. “The pru-          Jake feels it is hard to single out one best thing about           you were there for a pretty special moment in that per-
want to see them do well.”                                          dent handler should have a talk with his or her gunner         being an Invitational gunner. “It’s getting to give back              son’s life.”

  10                                        Versatile Hunting Dog   •                            December 2022    December 2022                             Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                          11
HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...
BLAST FROM THE PAST                                                                     SAVING THE LIFESTYLE
                                                                                                              TAKE THE HUNTER MENTOR PLEDGE

                                                                                  Take the Hunter Mentor Pledge today and you’ll be
                                                                               automatically entered to win great prizes. We need your
                                                                                  commitment to preserving our outdoor heritage...
                                                                                              If you don’t, who will?

                                                                             *Product images are for
We recently came across this great old photo of the 1994                     illustrative purposes only and
                                                                             may differ from the actual

 Invitational Judges. From Left to right: Larry Reese, Joe
                                                                             product being given away.
                                                                                                                                         One Mentor and their Mentee will be selected for
                                                                                                                                           a guided hunting experience of a lifetime
Dolejsi, Bob Hauser, Dave McLean, Pat Lamantia, Bill Jensen,                                                                                  provided by South Dakota Tourism.

                Jim Applegate, John Kegel.
                                                                                                                  ENTER TO WIN a chance at a guided hunting
                                                                                                                  trip and an upland gear giveaway!
                                                                                                                  Scan QR Code or visit:

                                                                        RGS NavhdaOurForestsGrayAd_Navhda 2012 Ad 8/12/2020 5:32 PM Page 1

 Dude & Emma GSP Puppies                                                     RUFFEDGROUSE SOCIETY .ORG                                                                                        DEUTSCH KURZHAAR                                                                  WWW.STILLWATERLAKEKENNELS.COM

                Puppies were Born 11/4/22
          (They will be 7 Weeks old at Christmas)
           Roostertail The Dude Abides
       B&W Patched & Ticked - NA 112, UT Pz I                               Join the Movement uniting conservationists                                                                                 The Original
           Dutch Hollows Emma Arlene
     L Roan Patched - NA 112, UT Pz III, MH Legs
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         3 Boy & 2 Girl Pups Black Roan Patched.                                                                                                                                              by the Deutsch Kurzhaar Verband.
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12                                              Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                                                             December 2022        December 2022                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                           13
HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...

                                                                                                                                    VC FIRESIDE’S I’VE GOT U UNDER                                          VC CABIN CREEK KELSON, PUDELPOINTER, OWNED
                                                                                                                                    MY SKIN, WIREHAIRED POINTING                                            AND HANDLED BY BYRON W KERR, AND MOUNTAINS
                                                                                                                                    GRIFFON, OWNED AND HANDLED                                              FURY CROWN ROYAL, GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINT-
                                                                                                                                    BY KAREN KRAUTZ.                                                        ER, OWNED AND HANDLED BY KATELYN BORDWELL.
                                                                                                                                    WAYLON LUNN © 2022                                                      WAYLON LUNN © 2022

                                                                                                                                    ROCK CREEK LEGS, PUDELPOINTER, OWNED BY                                   VC BARON AXEL OF THE BEAR RIVER CLAN,
                                                                                                                                    SCOTT KOSSAN, HANDLED BY ERIN KALPIN.                                     PUDELPOINTER, OWNED AND HANDLED BY
                                                                                                                                    TERRY ANN FERNANDO © 2022                                                 ROGER F SELLS, JR.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              WAYLON LUNN © 2022
                                                                                    VC AUX LAKE RAISED ROYAL, WIREHAIRED
                                                                                    POINTING GRIFFON, OWNED AND HANDLED
                                                                                    BY IAN MOODY.
                                                                                    NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022

                                    JT’S TIMBERDOODLE MAVERICK, BRITTANY,
                                      OWNED AND HANDLED BY JEFFREY EBERT.
                                                         NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022

                                                                                                                                    VC VOM REINER COUNT BASIE, GERMAN                           BACON HILL SWEET MAPLE SUGAR, GERMAN
                                                                                                                                    SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED AND                              SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED AND HANDLED BY
                                                                                                                                    HANDLED BY RICHARD CULLERTON.                               HEIDI W ATKINSON.
                                                                                                                                    NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022                                      CHARLES COULTER © 2022

                                                   TERRY ANN FERNANDO © 2022        CHARLES COULTER © 2022

  14                                         Versatile Hunting Dog   •                             December 2022   December 2022                             Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                  15
HUNTING DOG SPECIAL INVITATIONAL ISSUE - A Publication of The North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association Volume LIII No. 12 December ...
                                                                                    VC WYOWIRES’ SOME LIKE IT HOT, GERMAN                                                                 JUST CALL ME BROOKSIDE’S YOSHIKO,             OF HEDGEROW, SPINONE,
                            THORWINDS COCO MABEL, SMALL MUNSTERLANDER,              WIREHAIRED POINTER, OWNED BY LISA                                                                     BRITTANY, OWNED AND HANDLED BY                OWNED AND HANDLED
                                   OWNED AND HANDLED BY JUSTIN GLOVER.              UHRICH, HANDLED BY TERRY UHRICH.                                                                                      ADRIAN YANOFSKY.              BY WILLIAM MILLER JR.
                                                 TERRY ANN FERNANDO © 2022                                                                                                                                CHARLES COULTER © 2022        WAYLON LUNN © 2022
                                                                                    WAYLON LUNN © 2022

                                                                                                         VC SAFARI SOUTH’S AXEL, PUDELPOINTER,
                                                                                                         OWNED AND HANDLED BY KEVIN BOSWELL.
                                                                                                         CHARLES COULTER © 2022                                                                     VC QUINEBAUG’S ELSA ANDERSON, GERMAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                    SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED AND HAN-
                                                                                                                                                                                                    DLED BY BENJAMIN B ANDERSON.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022


GIA VOM BOREALEN, GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER,                                                                                                                     MARTINSEN’S STRATTON
OWNED AND HANDLED BY ELIJAH R BARBOUR.                                                DUVALIN GEORGIA’S MOONSHINE, WIREHAIRED                                                                                                ROCK CREEK STELLA’S SUNRISE, PUDEL-
                                                                                                                                                                 SUNRISE, VIZSLA, OWNED                                      POINTER, OWNED BY MICHAEL KRAUSE,
TERRY ANN FERNANDO © 2022                                                             POINTING GRIFFON, OWNED BY ALINE TREMBLAY,                                 BY JACOB LANG, HANDLED
                                                                                      HANDLED BY STEPHANE FORTIN.                                                                                                            HANDLED BY SCOTT KOSSAN.
                                                                                                                                                                 BY TATE MARTINSEN.                                          TERRY ANN FERNANDO © 2022
                                                                                      CHARLES COULTER © 2022                                                     WAYLON LUNN © 2022

   16                                            Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                   December 2022      December 2022                             Versatile Hunting Dog   •                              17
                           GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER,
                                                   FERRER.                POINTER, OWNED BY REGINA HAIRIE, HANDLED BY LEON HAIRIE AND
                                          WAYLON LUNN © 2022              DE JAC’S UNDER THE BOARDWALK, WIREHAIRED POINTING GRIFFON,
                                                                          OWNED AND HANDLED BY BENJAMIN ARLT.
                                                                          WAYLON LUNN © 2022

                                                                                                                                        VC CEDARWOODS C L GANDY
                                                                                                                                        DANCER, PUDELPOINTER, OWNED
                                                                                                                                        BY MEGAN TOWNSEND, HANDLED
                                                                                                                                        BY HUNTER TOWNSEND.
                                                                                                                                        NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022

WIREHAIRED POINTING GRIFFON, OWNED                                                                                                        WYOWIRES’ FORGED N FIRE AT MUDDY PAWS,
AND HANDLED BY BRIAN ROTH.                                                                                                                GERMAN WIREHAIRED POINTER, OWNED AND
NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022                                                                                                                    HANDLED BY MISTY KLUG.
                                                                                                                                          CHARLES COULTER © 2022

                                                               VC DUTCH HOLLOW STEADY POINTS STELLA,
                                                               GERMAN SHORTHAIRED POINTER, OWNED                                                                                                                       ROCKY MTN’S SIG WIREHAIRED POINTING GRIFFON,
                                                               AND HANDLED BY CLYDE VETTER.                                                                                                                            OWNED AND HANDLED BY BRANDON STANLEY.
                                                               CHARLES COULTER © 2022                                                                                                                                  CHARLES COULTER © 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                          VC HIGH STANDARD’S GOOD BOY CHARLES, PUDELPOINTER,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          OWNED AND HANDLED BY ADAM SALAZAR.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          WAYLON LUNN © 2022
                                                                                                                                                   VC STONYRIDGE ZANNA, WIREHAIRED POINTING
                                                                                                                                                   GRIFFON, OWNED AND HANDLED BY RICK HUBER,
                                                                                                                                                   JR AND FOREST KING LITTLE RED ROOSTER, VIZSLA,
                                                                                                                                                   OWNED AND HANDLED BY KATHLEEN WELLER.
                                                                                                                                                   WAYLON LUNN © 2022


  18                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                              December 2022      December 2022                                 Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                    19
                                                                                                                                   START OF THE DAY ON SATURDAY.
                                                                                                                                   WAYLON LUNN © 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           KATE BORDWELL WITH WILLOW AND DEREK TANG
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           WITH FARRAH GET INSTRUCTIONS FROM JUDGES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           TRACY NELSON, JEFF RHODES AND MARILYN VETTER.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       WAYLON LUNN © 2022

                                                                          JAKE BARTELLS SIGNING IN TO VOLENTEER WITH
                                                                          COORDINATOR ANNIE NUSS.
                                                                          WAYLON LUNN © 2022

                                                                                      SARA HEESACKER AND TEST DOG ELSA SET UP
                                                                                           AND PREPARE TO RUN THE DOUBLE MARK.
                                                                                                              WAYLON LUNN © 2022


                                                                                                                                            JUDGES MARILYN VETTER AND ANGIE
                                                                                                                                            COENEN GREET HANDLERS.
                                                                                                                                            WAYLON LUNN © 2022

20                                       Versatile Hunting Dog   •                               December 2022    December 2022                              Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                            21
                                                                                  KLUG WAITS FOR ONYX.
                                                                                    NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022



     DISCUSS TEST SCORES.                                                                                       A CROWD GATHERS TO HEAR
     ALBERT WATTERS © 2022                                                                                      TEST SCORES ON SATURDAY._
                                                                                                                NANCY ANISFIELD © 2022

                                                                                                               GREG SVENCARA WITH BYE DOG
                                                                                                               VC GARBONITA SILA LOVKYNE.
                                                                                                               WAYLON LUNN © 2022

                                                                                                                                                                                           VOLUNTEERS RUNNING
                                                                                                                                                                                         SILENT AUCTION TABLES.
                                                                                                                                                                                             ALBERT WATTERS © 2022

22                              Versatile Hunting Dog   •               December 2022       December 2022                  Versatile Hunting Dog   •                       23
In Season

                                 Ian Knauer is a cook, writer, and teacher. His food is informed heavily by
                                 locally grown, hunted, and foraged ingredients. His writing can be found
                                 in the pages of Gourmet Magazine, The Wall St. Journal, The Atlantic,
                                 Food & Wine, Bon Appetit, and several cookbooks including The Farm
                                 (HMH 2012) and The Farm Cooking School (Quarto 2018). When he is not at
                                 the stove or keyboard, he can be found in the fields with his wife at their
                                 organic produce farm and winery, Roots to River Farm in New Hope, PA.

                           VENISON HEART
                             BOLOGNESE                                                            By Ian Knauer

    n most places, we are just past or solidly within deer            little use, are very mild and lighter in color, while the         INGREDIENTS
    season. And, when I hunt, I make a point to use                   legs are darker and more flavorful. This is true of any           Serves 4 to 6
    as much of the animal as possible. What might be                  animal and is why, say, a shoulder chop will always               • 1 venison heart, cleaned of any blood,
thought of as prime cuts to us, like a tenderloin, would              have more flavor than a rib chop. It goes to reason                 trimmed, and cut into ½ inch pieces
have been equally important to the deer as what we                    then, that the heart, the muscle always in use, is one            • 1 tablespoon oil or rendered fat
might call butcher cuts, like neck meat, or offal, like               of the most flavorful and can stand up to other strong            • 1 cup dry white wine
liver, heart, or kidneys. So, I’ve learned techniques and             flavors in a dish.                                                • 1 onion, diced
recipes that make each part and piece shine. Bones be-                   For this ragu, I turned to Italy, and specifically to          • 1 carrot, peeled and diced
come stock. Shin and neck meat turn into Osso Buco.                   Bologna, home of the world’s most famous meat sauce,              • 1 celery rib, diced
Liver becomes pate or liverwurst. But it’s the heart that             Bolognese. Traditionally a mixture of pork and beef               • 2 garlic cloves, minced
I look forward to the most.                                           is used and stewed together with wine, tomatoes and               • 2 cups cooked tomato sauce or peeled
   Deer heart is a real treat and can be prepared any                 milk. The milk might seem odd until you see what hap-               tomatoes in juice, pureed                                       Toss the meat with 1 teaspoon salt. Heat a large heavy
number of ways. Tartare is a favorite as is a medi-                   pens in the pot. Simmering milk with acid, like wine              • 1 cup whole milk                                                pot over high heat until hot. Add the oil, then the meat
um-rare, grilled heart steak. But on colder nights, I                 and tomatoes, causes the dairy to curdle, and in this                                                                               and brown, stirring once or twice. Add the wine to the
                                                                                                                                        • 1 cup water
love a long-cooked ragu of venison heart. The muscle                  case produces another Italian classic right in the ragu                                                                             pot and scrape up any brown bits from the pot. Stir
                                                                                                                                        • ½ cup mixed dried fruit, chopped, such as:
fibers become tender and melt as you chew, and the                    as it cooks - ricotta cheese - making the sauce creamy                                                                              in the remaining ingredients along with 1 teaspoon salt
                                                                      and rich. There is one addition to the classic in my                apricots, prunes, dates, raisins                                and bring to a simmer. Simmer the ragu until the veni-
flavor really comes through in a way that is lost in fast-
cooked preparations.                                                  venison version and that is dried fruit. Fruit is a classic       • 3 bay leaves                                                    son is tender and the sauce has thickened, about 2 ½ to
   Muscles gain more flavor with use. An easy exam-                   addition to many venison dishes (think red currants)              • 2 sprigs of thyme, leaves stripped and                          3 hours. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with
ple to illustrate this is chicken. The breasts, which get             and the sweetness rounds out this dish.                             stems discarded                                                 cooked noodles.
                                                                                                                                        • Garnish; fresh marjoram or oregano
                                                                                                                                          leaves, shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano

  24                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                           December 2022    December 2022                             Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                      25
THE FORUM                                                                                                                                                     CLASSIFIEDS

                                                                                                                                                              KENNEL CLOSING SALE – M&M Legacy Kennels, closing its doors
                                                                                                                                                              after 40 years. Go to, navigate to the FOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Classifieds must be paid for and submitted through the
                                                                                                                                                              SALE, tab. New and used equipment, Jones Stainless trailer, Bitter                NAVHDA Store at in the Pre-
                                                                                                                                                              Creek Stainless crate and more.                                                   Pay VHD Ads section. All classified ads are limited to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                35 words and price is $35.00 for all categories. Sub-
                                                                                                                                                              GOT SOMETHING TO SELL? WHY NOT ADVERTISE WITH US!                                 mission deadline for classifieds is the first of the month
                                                                                          THE YOUNGEST HANDLER AT THE 2022 INVITATIONAL, WALKER
                                                                                          WILLIAMS, 19, WITH VC OLD HICKORY ROUGAROUX AND THE OLD-            We have VHD classifieds and regular ad sizes available through the                before the month of issue. For example: deadline for
                                                                                          EST HANDLER, DICK CULLERTON, 81, WITH VC VOM REINER COUNT           NAVHDA store. For more information, go to our website (www.                       February issue is January 1st.
                                                                                          BASIE. THEY WERE BRACED TOGETHER AND BOTH PASSED. ALSO     under Advertise with Us for full details.
                                                                                          SHOWN ARE JUDGES RICK HOLT, MARILYN VETTER, AND GEOF FERRER.
                                                                                          WAYLON LUNN © 2022

                               the M
                         to of
                                                                                          WELCOME NEW CHAPTER
                                                                                         MINNESOTA NORTHWOODS
                                                                                             REMER, MINNESOTA
                                                                            BRIAN MUSTONEN 218/760-6003
                                                                            KELSIE R. WEITE 218/296-2461

 Kennel Name Applications                                                       And some other important stuff
                                                                                you really should think about reading...
  KENNEL NAME            BREED OWNERS                                           To all breeders: when submitting a litter registration, please
  LIL’K                    GW       KRIS & KERAMIE HAMBY
                                                                                make sure to sign your application. Owners of both the sire
                                                                                and dam need to sign the application before you submit the
                                                                                registration application. We also need NAVHDA DNA on both
  RICE CREEK LM            LM       CARL W. BRANDT
                                                                                sire and dam of the litter.

These applications for registration of kennel names have been received by       To all members: please keep your contact and mailing infor-
the NAVHDA Registry. Any objections must be written and submitted to            mation up to date. Email the international office at navoffice@
Lisa Pehur, Registrar, NAVHDA, PO Box 520, Arlington Hts, IL 60006,
on or before January 1, 2022. To obtain registration forms, write the  with any changes.
Registrar at the above address or go to
                                                                                We are always looking for fun photos, quotes, short training
                                                                                tips and anything else that you’d like to share in The Forum.
                                                                                Please send to

 26                                                          Versatile Hunting Dog   •                                December 2022     December 2022                                   Versatile Hunting Dog     •                                                        27
NAVHDA Test Results
             Living Up To The efforT, Time and TrUsT!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NORTHERN ILLINOIS                             09/24/2022                           2022-0430              OK-NAVHDA                                           10/01/2022                          2022-0437
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Utility Test                                 Breed Mo - Yr Pts     Prz                      Owner         Utility Test                                Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                           Owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ASPEN GLO MAGNANIMOUS MILO                    GR 3.31 137         None       CHARLES W NUNEMAKER          ARROW SYMMETRA                                 GS 2.11 171 III                    RENAY L THOMAS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DE JAC’S UNFORGETABLE LUNA                    GR 2.48 154         None       CHARLES W NUNEMAKER          BONES FORK THE ZEISS IS RIGHT                  GS 3.37 182 III                  DARBY J STONEHAM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LAWLER’S LIL HEARTBREAKER                      GS 4.46 201           I          KIMBERLY SEYMOUR          CROSS TIMBER’S ABOVE AND BEYOND                PP 3.31 201 I                        JACK F TRACY II
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LAWLER’S LIL PERFECT STORM                     GS 4.46 194           II            BARRY P LAWLER         MATILDA VON MAXWELL OF GLENWOOD                GS 4.66 192 I                 MICHAEL D MAXWELL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SILVERBAY & PM’S LOVE STORY                   WM 2.31 186            II          REBECCA REISBERG         PAIR-A-DOCS HAMMERING GRETA                    GR 4.85 187 II                 KEVIN E HAWTHORNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SILVERSHOTS INSTINCTIVE ARCHER                WM 8.50 158           III             ADAM J RUSECKI        PERFECT SALLY’S ROYAL FLUSH                    GS 2.07 197 I                   CLAIRISSA A MAPLES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TESTES: NUETERED                                                                                                       JUDGES: CHRISTOPHER J MOKLER, MARK S FRALEY, BRYAN D GUILLORY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JUDGES: ROY W AMES, CLIFFORD J FLEMING, DAVID M HAHN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               OK-NAVHDA                                           10/02/2022                          2022-0438
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     NORTHERN ILLINOIS                             09/25/2022                           2022-0431              Natural Ability                                    Breed Mo - Yr Pts       Prz                    Owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Natural Ability                              Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                          Owner         CROSS TIMBER’S DRIVEN TO SERVE                       PP 12.90 105           II            RYAN H ADAMS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     COMPASS’ ORANGE SUNRISE REZI                  WV 9.17 112 I                       NICKOLAS KONTOS         KENNEDY’S FEATHER FANATIC SADIE                     SM 15.52 96             III           JACK F TRACY II
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FOUR STRONG WINDS GRETA                       LM 9.53 91 None                     DAVID B PETERSON        OKLAHOMA’S TOP SLOANE                               GR 9.45 82            None            BRIAN WILSON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PALADINS FIRE FOR EFFECT                       PP 13.23 100 III                        JASON L MIX             USED BIRD AT WATER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     PALADINS HIGH ANGLE HALO                       PP 12.90 112 I                          JASON L MIX        OVERTON’S HERE COMES THE SUN                         GR    4.97 103        II            TANIA WARNOCK
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ROCK CREEK JOKER                               PP 10.07 112 I                        THAD SIMPSON              TEETH: PUPPY TEETH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         COAT HAS NO FURNISHINGS                                                                               PRAIRIE VALLEYS EXPLODING SUPERNOVA                 GS    10.19   104 III              BRANTLEY OWENS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SHINING STAR OCEAN BREEZE CARTAGENA           GS    7.53   74 None                 EDWIN D KERR JR        PRAIRIE VALLEYS I WILL ALWAYS LOVE U                GS    10.19   108 II           KATHERINE A MAXWELL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         USED BIRD AT WATER- COAT JUDGED DRY                                                                   STANDING STONES SMART LITTLE GINGER                 GS    11.00   110 I                 ZACHARY HAIROD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SHINING STAR STEAL MY BLACK HEART              GS 10.50 103 I                      EDWIN D KERR JR        WESTVIEW’S THOR OF ASGARD                           GR    12.48   106 II                    JORDAN LEON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SHOWDOWN-GARBONITA COWBOY CASANOVA             GS 8.53 84 III                      EDWIN D KERR JR        WICKED WIRE’S BANDIT                                GW    8.77    110 I                    JEFFREY DAVIS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SKYE’S THE LIMIT                               GW 7.43 110 I                    MICHAEL K JOHNSON         WICKED WIRE’S BETH AVA                              GW    8.77    108 I                  DOYLE GREEN III
                                                                                                                                                                                       Chukar Hunts                                                  CHESAPEAKE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JUDGES: ROY W AMES, CLIFFORD J FLEMING, DAVID M HAHN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   09/30/2022                           2022-0432
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    COULD NOT EVALUATE TEETH - DOG WOULD NOT COOPERATE TEMP: Sensitive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     JUDGES: CHRISTOPHER J MOKLER, MARK S FRALEY, BRYAN D GUILLORY

                                                                                                                                                                                       in Hells Canyon                                               Natural Ability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ARCANDCIEL MOONSHINE S RED ADMIRAL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GR 9.70 108 II
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JESSICA A SULLIVAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Utility Test
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz
                                                                                                                                                                                       • Professional guides with              Contact               DIRT ROAD DOG CO BLITZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     JOSIE XXXVII
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SM 15.37 112 I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GS 12.93 112 I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       MICHAEL DARROW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           EARL VANOVER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               AUTUMNWOODS NORTHVIEW
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               DEEP CREEK ARLO AQUILA
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GS 3.45 193 I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   GR 3.01 178 None
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LANNIE J SEYMOUR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BILL E SPROUL
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Grant Richie
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MOONSHINE’S PATTY PAGE                        GR 13.73 110 I                           MEYVI GOREY        ORION’S SHADOW DES VIGNES ROUGES                    GR 3.74 161 None                       ADNAN MALIK
                                                                                                                                                                                         pointing dogs or bring        541-437-1111                  OAK CREEK PLAINVIEW QUIVER                     GS 8.57 112 I                       HEAVEN L KEENER             TESTES: NEUTERED
                                                                                                                                                                                         your own dogs                   PANNONIA BEKE AT ALDOTT                       WV 13.60 95 II                       MELODY H CLARKE        SHARP SHOOTER SMOOTH OPERATOR                       GS 3.56 204 I                       ANDREW R EVANS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     QUINEBAUG’S BELLE VOM EMIL                     GS 10.87 112 I                     NEIL N NACCHIO SR       SHARP SHOOTERS LUCK BE A LADY                       GS 3.25 184 II                       TODD F SHIFFLER
                                                                                                                                                               “Jager “                                                                              ROCK CREEK NAVIGATOR                           PP 6.53 112 I                        STEPHEN GATEAU        SILVERHONEY’S BLUE MOON RISING                      WM 4.15 174 III                         JILL D FABEL
                                                                                                                                                                                       • 4-5 day raft based chukar   Now Booking 2022                    TEETH: 204 EXTRA PUPPY TOOTH                                                                               BITE: UNDERSHOT
             The Best in Electronic Dog Training Equipment, Sales,                                                                                                                       hunts in Oregon & Idaho     September 17-21 (Idaho only)    VEGAS VOM HAUS IM WALD                           BS 5.47 112        I             MICHAEL L STRUP                               JUDGES: PHILIP F SWAIN, MARK L BULL, JACOB D BARTELLS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     September 24-28 (Idaho Only)    VERITY’S CLIMB EVERY MOUNTAIN                    VI 12.47 112       I            MADELINE MEHARG
              Trades, Repairs, Parts and Great Customer Service!                                                                                                                                                     October 1-5 (Idaho Only)                         JUDGES: CHIP E BONDE, JERRI A STANLEY                                                    POTOMAC                                             09/25/2022                          2022-0440
                                                                                                                                                                                       • Top notch camps                                                                                                                                                       Natural Ability                                    Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                          Owner
                800-430-2010                                                                                                                                                                    October 8-12
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     October 15-19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CHESAPEAKE                                    10/01/2022                           2022-0433              BRUSH DALE’S PRIDE & JOY                            SM 13.50 92 None                 CAMERON E MICHAEL
                                                                                                                                                                                         and excellent food                                          Utility Test                                 Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                         Owner          DRY BONES CAJUN MAJOR                                GS 6.27 110 I                        LARRY R HILLIS
                1517 Northern Star Dr. Traverse City MI 49696                                                                                                                                                        October 22-26                   BELVOIR BULLET COOPER                         SM 3.17 190 II                       MARK D ANDRESS         FRIEDELSHEIM’S RIPARIAN                              GS 15.70 112 I                  JOSEPH P DIGIACOMO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BIRD IN HAND’S BARON OF KILLBUCK               PP 6.59 146 None                    LUCAS SUMMERS          GLEN ALLEN’S KAMIKAZE FIREBALL KAI                   GS 11.43 112 I                    KATE R AHNSTROM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TESTES: NEUTERED                                                                                      HAGERO HILL ADMIRAL COOTER                           PP 5.90 93 III                   ARTHUR MATTINGLY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     BIRD IN HAND’S BRANDY OF KILLBUCK             PP    6.59 165 III                EVELYN M MAWACKE               USED BIRD AT WATER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               JURAND’S RHODIE                                GR 8.57 105 I                           TIMOTHY MCGREER
NAVHDAad2015V3.indd 1 FREE INTRODUCTORY OFFER!                                                                                                             7/1/2015 3:53:25 PM                                                                           COAT- SMOOTH COAT NO FURNISHINGS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SILVERSMITH SOMETHING TO TALK ABOUT         WM 3.51 196 I                             DEBRA L HILL        KLUG MUDDY PAWS KINOKO                         GW 7.63 99 II                           DOMINICK ETIENNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    JUDGES: AARON M LANDRY, CHIP E BONDE, JERRI A STANLEY                                      SRHP GUNDOGS ACER                              SH 10.40 75 None                        RANDY GROSSMAN
           As a special promotion, Wolfe Publishing Company is offering a                                                                                                                                                                            CHESAPEAKE                                    10/02/2022                           2022-0434
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               STEINHOFF’S RAVEN JOY ZELDA                    GS 9.00 110 I                                NANCY J SAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               JUDGES: PHILIP F SWAIN, RANDY S KING, JACOB D BARTELLS
              FREE issue of The Upland Almanac to NAVHDA members.                                                                                                                                                                                    Natural Ability                            Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                            Owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     DOWNRIVERPAWLICKINGESTHER                     PP 15.77 112 I                      BROCK A CAHOON          VOLUNTEER CHAPTER                                   10/01/2022                          2022-0441
              Upland Almanac is the only journal devoted to upland bird                                                                                                                                                                              JAMES RIVER GINGER                            BS 10.13 82 None                  EVELYN M MAWACKE          Utility Preparatory Test                           Breed Mo - Yr Pts       Prz                   Owner
                   hunting and is acclaimed by enthusiasts everywhere.                                                                                                                                                                               NGUYEN’S BAILEY                               GS 14.90 112 I                         JIM V NGUYEN         OUTLANDERS VIENNETTA                                 GS 1.22 134          None          DENNIS BORTOLIN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ROCK CREEK HERITAGE                           PP 14.94 112 I                   DOUGLAS PIETROWSKI         Utility Test                                       Breed Mo - Yr Pts       Prz                   Owner
              Special one-year and two-year subscription offers are available.                                                                                                                                                                       WINTER STORM’S COLD MOUNTAIN RUBY             GS 15.65 105 II                    WALTER J DEMBECK         AUX LAKE GGEORGIA GGRIFF                            GR 3.43 193             II         MICHAEL J WINSOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     JUDGES: AARON M LANDRY, CHIP E BONDE, JERRI A STANLEY                                          TEETH: MISSING 105 -BITE: BUTTBITE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               HAY DEVILS IMPERIAL RED                         PP 5.37 158 None                        KAREN A KUCKER
                       • Ted Lundrigan Remembered •

                 Upland Almanac The
                           The                                                                             • StorieS        Miniature •

                                          Upland Almanac                                                                                                                                                                                             MID SOUTH                                     10/01/2022                           2022-0435

                                             The                    • The Scout 2021 •

                             Upland Almanac  Summer 2021


                                                                                                                                                          *                                                                                                                                                                                                    NO LIMITS FANCY                                 GS 2.95 178 None                        SWAYZE WATERS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Natural Ability                              Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                         Owner
                                                                                                                                    Winter 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               SABLE POINT’S AVEN                              LM 3.37 143 None                       ORILIOUS G BANKS

                                                                                         Autumn 2021

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     LONGLEAF BISCUITS AND GRAVY                   GR 12.74 91 III                       PRESTON SMITH

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                JUDGES: STEVEN E KOSMICKI, JEFFREY S RHODES, TED WENTINK
                                                                                                 Dakota Prairie

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SMALL CATHEDRAL’S T MABEL ARLO                SM 15.19 112 I                     SEAN BUCKINGHAM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               VOLUNTEER CHAPTER                                   10/02/2022                          2022-0442
                                                                                                 Road Notes:
                                                                                                 Basin Mélange
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     STELLAR VISTA UPLIFT SUMMIT                   GR 14.90 107 I                         KEEGAN HAYES
                Road Notes:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         TEETH: EXTRA 105                                                                                      Natural Ability                                    Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                         Owner
                A Fine Day in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Utility Preparatory Test                      Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                     Owner          BOWMAN’S DAKOTA                                      PP 10.87 110 I                    STEVE S BOWMAN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FOOTHILLS RHEA                                  PP 2.53 174          II           DAVID W FORTNER         KILLBUCK’S II YEAGER DUKE                            PP 13.84 112 I                      SHANE COOPER
                Upstate New York                      Snipe at 10,000 Feet          Section 799.2:
                                                                                               Section 799.2:
                                                                                    "With Woodcock"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               LONGLEAF ACE IN THE HOLE                            GR 12.77 93 None                ALEXANDER GAMBINO
                                                                                               Ben East: "With Pheasants"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WET ACRES JJUMPIN JACK FLASH                    GR 3.02 132       None           NIMA GHOMGHANI
                 Landings:                            Destinations:
                 Every Cog and Wheel                  Maine –
                                                      Grant's Kennebago Camps

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Utility Test                                  Breed Mo - Yr Pts    Prz                     Owner               USED BIRD AT WATER
                         *All four 2021 issues on DVD FREE with a two-year subscription                                                                                                                                                              AFTERHOURS WIREWICK NAUGHTIE DREAMS             GW 2.87 191         III       ROBERT A WICKES DVM         OUTLANDERS XOEY                                 GS 7.81 110 I                          LARRY J LAWTON
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      JUDGES: CHRISTOPHER L HAIRIE, STEVE A SLAUSON                                            REBEL POINT’S AUSPICIOUS LADY                   PP 12.19 112 I                         ZACH CRAWFORD
                Subscribe today and save with this great offer!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ROCK CREEK KENTUCKY RAIN                        PP 9.00 110 I                           BRADLEY COHEN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MID SOUTH                                     10/02/2022                           2022-0436              RUSSELL CREEK’S HANK                            GS 13.19 112 I                     CHADWICK T WILLIAMS
         The Upland Almanac contains great feature articles and columns on:                                                                                                                                                                          Natural Ability                              Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                         Owner          SAFARI SOUTH’S DELTA                            PP 9.81 112 I                            SHANE COOPER
         • Bird Hunting Destinations                                                                                                                                                                                                                 BENTO VOM SCHWARZBAREN                        GW 15.90 112 I                    COURTNEY ATKINSON         SAK’S PHILO BEDDOE OF CEDAR HILL                GR 9.23 112 I                       THOMAS L SCHNEIDER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         BITE: OVERSHOT                                                                                        WILLOW HILL’S DODGER                            LM 7.39 112 I                         ORILIOUS G BANKS
         • Dog Handling, Training and Health                                                                                                                                                                                                         C.M. HUNT’S ALABAMA DREXL                     SM    8.87   92      III            DAVID WOODHAM                            JUDGES: STEVEN E KOSMICKI, JEFFREY S RHODES, TED WENTINK
         • Fine Shotguns and Shooting Tips                                                                                                                                                                                                               TESTES: MONORCHID
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               COASTAL PLAINS                                      10/01/2022                          2022-0443
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     C.M. HUNT’S ARGOS RED HILLS RYDER             SM    8.87 107       II              BRIAN CAMPBELL
         • Product Reviews on Gear and Shotguns                                                                                                                                                                                                          TESTES: MONORCHID                                                                                     Utility Test                                       Breed Mo - Yr Pts Prz                        Owner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     KASH’S HUCKLEBERRY FINN                       GR 13.13 110 I                       KEVIN R SETTLES        CRAZY MOUNTAIN DOUGLAS                              GW 4.45 192 II                       MANUEL CUESTA
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                                           (Use Promo Code: NAV22)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   JUDGES: CHRISTOPHER J HALL, CHRISTOPHER J CARR, JOHN WOLFE

                                                  The Upland Almanac
                                UA                Wolfe Publishing Company • 2180 Gulfstream, Ste. A
                                                  Prescott, AZ 86301 •

        28                                                                                                                                            Versatile Hunting Dog      •                                  December 2022   December 2022                                                             Versatile Hunting Dog       •                                                                                 29
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