Page created by Scott Robbins

                2021 2022
              GRADE 9-10-11
Preparing for the BLIS High School Entrance Exams

                      GRADE 9 ENTRANCE EXAM GUIDELINES

Grade 9 English

This 60-minute exam will assess Grade 8 English literacy skills in reading and writing. The exam is
based upon a Paper 1 Core IGCSE First Language English (0500) exam and is modified to fit the
time frame and the grade level.

The paper will be marked out of 50 points.
 ● 25 pts for the Reading Comprehension questions (Section 1, Question 1-2)
 ● 25 pts for the Transformation of Genre (Section 2, Question 1)

SECTION 1: In Questions 1-2, candidates will read a text and then will be asked to define
vocabulary words, and create their own sentences, again displaying correct grammar, punctuation,
etc., as well as understanding of what they have read. Students will also be asked short-answer
questions, displaying their ability to use complete sentences properly and demonstrating their
understanding of the passage.

SECTION 2: In Question 1, the “Transformation of Genre” composition is an exercise in which
students are asked to compose a letter, interview, article, speech or diary entry based on the same
reading passage. The writing should answer the writing prompt, express meaning clearly, in a style
that is readable and precise, with an organized form using paragraphs, and follow correct
conventions of spelling and grammar.

        *meaning is expressed clearly through proper word choice and logical development of your
        *style is readable and precise when your writing expresses your own unique voice, with
        language suitable to the task
        *conventions include proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

Preparing for the exam: To prepare for this entrance exam, continue to read books written in
English, pay attention to your teachers and lessons, and practice writing different types (articles,
journals, speeches, letters), using an organizational plan, using clear handwriting, and checking
your work for errors.

Candidates are encouraged to look at past papers from Paper 1 IGCSE First Language English
(0500) exam. The entrance exam is modelled on the Paper 1- the first two questions only.
Questions 1 and 2 are found on pages 1-5 of these past papers. The other skills on Paper 1 are
NOT accessed in the Entrance Exam, however, they are great practice skills.


Please note: Students should familiarize themselves with the instructions on the exam; if the
question(s) asks for students to use their own words, and they lift phrases and sections of the
text directly from the passage, the students will lose points. The same holds true for the essay
portion of the exam; students must use their own words in their essay writing.

Sample English Exam
Sample English Mark Schem
2020-2021 Entrance Exam Study guidelines

Grade 9 Math Entrance Exam Topics
Mental Math
    Solve simple, but unfamiliar, problems using reasoning skills.

Numbers & Algebra
   Perfect squares, perfect cubes
   Order of Operations
   Evaluating expressions using order of operations.
   Rounding to a given decimal place, significant figures
   Converting significant figures to decimals and vice versa,
   Scientific notation
   Performing arithmetic operations on algebraic fractions.
   Using index notation with integer powers.
   Finding roots of perfect squares by hand and simplification of surds
   Radical and Surds
   Rationalising the denominator
   Finding the missing term in a number pattern (sequence in linear equations-logic problem)
   Simplifying expressions involving brackets and combining like terms.
   Solving linear equations both algebraically and in word problems
   Solving linear inequalities in one variable and represent the solution on the number line
   Solving simultaneous equations by substitution and elimination.
   Factorizing quadratic expressions with a=1
   Factorizing difference of two squares
   Factorizing and expanding perfect square

    Using simple formulas for perimeter of triangles, special quadrilaterals.
    Graphing a line, find points on a line, determine gradient from a graph.
    Determining coordinates of the x & y intercepts and gradient from the equation of a line
    Finding equation of a line (any line)
    Parallel and perpendicular line equations
    Finding intersection of two lines
   Pythagorean theorem

Candidates are encouraged to look at past papers from Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint
Paper 1 (non calculator)

for 5,11,15,17,19,22.

Secondary Checkpoint Paper 2 (this paper is with a calculator; but remember your entrance exam is
without a calculator. Look at the question styles here)

for 2,3,7,11,12,14,17,18,19,22.

Alternatively, candidates can look at IGCSE 0607 Paper 2. (non calculator)


for 6,7,12,13a,13b,14,16,18.

As given in the examples while solving past papers questions should be selected according to the
exam study guide mathematics topics.

Presumed Knowledge for Students Entering Grade 9
Other than grade 9 entrance exam topics, grade 9 candidates            are expected to know the
following topics before starting grade 9

Numbers & Algebra
   Primes and Composites: determine whether a number is prime or composite.
   prime factorisation,HCF,LCM
   Other classifications: perfect squares, perfect cubes
   Order of Operations
   Evaluate expressions using order of operations.
   Round to a given decimal place, significant figures
   Convert significant figures to decimals and vice versa
   Perform arithmetic operations on fractions, decimals and integers by hand.
   Perform arithmetic operations on algebraic fractions.
   Use index notation with integer powers.
   Find roots of perfect squares by hand and simplification of surds (i.e √54 = 3√6)
   Ratio and proportion (simplification and word problems)
   Use number equivalence to convert between fraction, ratio, decimal and percent.
   Time conversions and time difference
   Find the missing term in a number pattern
   Radicals and surds
   Simplify expressions involving brackets and combining like terms.
   Solve linear equations both algebraically and in word problems
   Solve linear inequalities in one variable and represent the solution on the number line
   Solve simultaneous equations by substitution and elimination.
   Factorize quadratic expressions
   Factorize difference of two squares
   Factorize and expand perfect square
   Operations with algebraic fractions

 Know terms for angles e.g. right, obtuse, straight, reflex
 Know line relationships i.e. parallel, concurrent, transversal etc.
 Identify regular and irregular polygons up to eight sides
 Identify special quadrilaterals (square, rectangle, rhombus, kite, parallelogram, trapezium)
 Types of triangles with respect to sides and angles
 The sum of interior and exterior angles of a triangle and quadrilaterals
 Use simple formulas for area and perimeter of triangles, special quadrilaterals, and circles
 Graph a line, find points on a line, determine gradient from a graph.
 Determine coordinates of the x & y intercepts and gradient from the equation of a line
 Finding equation of a line
 Finding intersection of two lines
 parallel and perpendicular line equations
 Pythagorean theorem
Statistics & Probability
     Descriptive statistics for discrete data (mean, mode, median, range)
     Interpreting Graphs and Tables: Includes pie charts, bar graphs, line graphs and tables
     Probability of simple events

Sample Math Exam
Sample Math Mark Scheme

Grade 9 Science

The science exam questions will be based on Grade 8 science contents and skills. Our main goal in
this examination is to measure your skills in science as well as your knowledge of science topics
studies in 8th grade.

The exam length will be 60 minutes. The science exam will be held in a single session. Total mark
value will be 45 points for this examination.

   ● 15 points for Biology questions
   ● 15 points for Chemistry questions
   ● 15 points for Physics questions

Therefore, some questions related to the skills you have gained during your science classes
or it may test your scientific knowledge.

*Required Skills :

   ● Test explanations by using them to make predictions and then evaluate these against
   ● Decide which measurements and observations are necessary and what equipment to
   ● Choose the best way to present results
   ● Draw and interpret graphs, analyzing and discussing trends, and inferring information from the
   ● Describe patterns (correlations) seen in results
   ● Interpret results using scientific knowledge and understanding
   ● Draw conclusions
   ● Evaluate the methods used and refine for further investigations
   ● Compare results and methods used by others

Students will be tested for their readiness for the 9th grade science topics. Subject areas are biology,
chemistry and physics. Applicants should be familiar with the following topics.

Students should read the following topics from their 8th grade notes for the biology section;
    ● Define and describe photosynthesis, and use the word equation
    ● Explain and model food chains, food webs and energy flow
    ● Explain the role of decomposers
    ● Describe factors affecting the size of populations
    ● Explain the ways in which living things are adapted to their habitats
    ● Understand that organisms inherit characteristics from their parents through genetic material that is
        carried in cell nuclei
    ● Discuss the work of Darwin in developing the scientific theory of natural selection
    ● Describe how selective breeding can lead to new varieties
    ● Describe and investigate some effects of human influences on the environment)
    ● Draw suitable graphs from data, and describe patterns (correlations) seen in results, interpret results
        using scientific knowledge and understanding)


Students should review the following concepts from their 8th grade notes for the chemistry section;

    ● Describe the structure of an atom using the terms protons, electrons, neutrons, electron shells, nucleus
    ● Calculate the number of neutrons, protons, electrons mass number, and the atomic number of an atom
      using the periodic table.
    ● Deduce the electronic structures of the first twenty elements of the Periodic Table
    ● Describe the reactivity trends in groups I and VII.
    ● Explain the idea of endothermic and exothermic reactions.
    ● Give an explanation of the effects of concentration, particle size, temperature, and catalysts on the rate
      of a reaction.
    ● Write word equations and recognise balanced chemical equations
    ● Analyze example reactions for combustion, neutralization, and displacement reactions
    ● Be able to plot graphs for a given set of data, making sure to include, title, axis names, units, and proper
      ranges for each axis.

Students should review the following concepts from their 8th grade notes for the physics section;

    ● Suggest methods for determining densities of solids, liquids and gases.
    ● Be able to solve density problems by using the density equation.                        (Density =
    ● Know the appropriate units for density. (kg/m³)
    ● Know that forces can cause objects to turn on a pivot and understand the principle of moments.
    ● Be able to solve moments or seesaw-like problems by using the moment equation          (Moment
      = Force x Distance from a pivot) .
    ● Know the appropriate units for Moment. (Nm)
    ● Explain that pressure is caused by the action of a force on an area.
    ● Be able to solve pressure problems by using the Pressure equation.                             (
    ● Explain pressures in gases and liquids(qualitative only).
    ● Know the appropriate units for Pressure. (Pa or N/m²)

Students need to bring their own calculator for the Science Exams.

All questions must be answered with a blue or black pen. Pencils should be used for drawing diagrams
or plotting a graph.

All required materials are a calculator, ruler, blue/black ink pens, pencils and erasers for the science

Sample Science Exam
Sample Science Mark Scheme
Grade 9 Turkish (Only for Turkish Nationals)
TURKISH GRADE 9 / 9. SINIF TURKÇE 9.sınıfa geçiş Türkçe sınavında öğrencilerimizin
eleştirel okuma ve dil anlatım becerileri değerlendirilmektedir. Bu değerlendirme
çerçevesinde yapılacak yazılı sınavda, bir düz yazı, bir şiir olmak üzere iki metin verilecektir
ve öğrencilerimizden, bu metinlerden birini seçerek, metni çözümleyen 200-250 sözcüklük
bir deneme yazmaları beklenmektedir.
Öğrencilerin denemeleri aşağıdaki başlıklar doğrultusunda değerlendirilecektir: ANLAMA VE
YORUMLAMA: ( 25 puan)
Bu bölümde metnin anlam ve düşünce yapısının, başka bir değişle içeriğinin ne kadarının
anlaşılıp yorumlandığı ve düşüncelerin metne göndermelerle ne düzeyde ele alındığı

Bu bölümde öğrenci yazıları, dili, yapısı, tekniği ve üslubu açısından ele alınarak, metnin
anlamı ve içeriğiyle bağlantılandırılması yönünden değerlendirilecektir .

Bu bölümde düşüncelerin tutarlı ve planlı bir şekilde ifade edilip edilmediği ve sözcük
sınırına uygunluğu değerlendirilecektir.

DİL ve ANLATIM: (25puan)
Bu bölümde öğrenci yazıları, dilin kullanımı, netliği, anlaşılabilirliği, cümlelerin çeşitliliği
ve yapısı, kullanılan sözcükler ve yazı diline uygunluk açılarından değerlendirilecektir.

Örnek Türkçe Sınavı
Örnek Türkçe Değerlendirme Ölçütleri

Türkçe Çalışma Kitabı
Grade 10 English

The Grade 10 Entrance Exam in English follows the expectations of IGCSE First
Language English and English Literature. This 60-minute exam asks two questions
based on a passage which tests students’ reading comprehension and ability to clearly
and accurately express themselves in writing. The exam is based upon previous IGCSE
0500 Language Paper 2 questions*.

The paper will be marked out of 100 points.
        60 pts for the content of the answer (Question 1)
        20 pts for the quality of the writing (Question 1)

         20 pts for the content of the answer (Question 2)
Question 1 asks students to write an essay of 1.5-2 pages following a prompt based on
the reading passage. Students must directly answer the bulleted points, using their own
words and ideas that show an understanding and development of the topic described in
the passage. This question tests reading and writing skills, including the ability to organize
and clearly express a response that is thoughtful and precise.
Question 2 is based upon two excerpts from the passage, to determine how well students
appreciate how language can be effective. Students must select words or phrases, as
directed, from the passage, and define their meaning (literal and deeper) and describe
their effect on the reader.
To prepare for this exam, students should read widely in English, both fiction and non-fiction
sources, and actively engage with the ideas found in the text (for example, in discussions,
journals, or written responses). Planning, organizing, and proof-reading are also important
skills that are needed in IGCSE English, and should be regularly practiced.

*Please note: The IGCSE has modified Paper 1 to include elements of Paper 2. To study for
the entrance exam, look at past papers of 0500 English Language Paper 2 (prior to 2020),
not the current specimen paper for Paper 1.
Grade 10 Math

Grade 10 candidates are responsible for topics of “Presumed Knowledge for Students
Entering Grade 9”.
Numbers & Algebra

 Scientific Notation(Standard Form)

 Solving simultaneous equations

 Making subject of the formula

 Substitution into formula

 Factorizing and solving quadratic equations

 Factorizing and expanding algebraic expressions and algebraic fractions
involving variables, surds...etc

 Exponents or index laws

 Surds, their properties and operations

 Percentages and word problems (increase, decrease...etc)

 Ratio and proportion

 Set notation and operations
 Finding the general term of linear, quadratic and cubic
sequences Geometry

 Angles in lines and polygons

 Similarity in 2D and 3D

 Pythagoras’ Theorem and its applications in 2D and 3D

 Coordinate Geometry (slope, intercept, graphing and equation)

 Circle Theorems

 Mensuration: Area of common 2D shapes such as triangle, rectangle, circle...etc

 Mensuration 3D : Volume, surface area

 Concept of function, function notation, inverse and composition of functions
 Interpreting domain, range and general behaviour of a function from its graph


 Descriptive statistics for discrete (grouped and ungrouped) and continuous data

 Two variable analysis: Line of best fit and Linear Regression

Grade 10 Science

Students will be tested for their readiness for the IGCSE subject exams in biology, chemistry and physics.
The Grade 10 Entrance Exam in science follows the expectations of IGCSE syllabus of science for
physics, chemistry and biology. Past papers and syllabuses can be found on links at below for each
subject :

Biology : https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-igcse-biology-



Applicants should be familiar with the following topics:
Biology: Classification of Living Organisms, Organization of the organism, Movement in and out of cells,
Biological molecules, Enzymes, Plant Nutrition, Human Nutrition, Transport in Plants, Transport in Animals
Chemistry: The particulate nature of matter, Experimental techniques, Atoms, Elements and
Compounds, Stoichiometry, Electrochemistry, Chemical energetics, Chemical Reactions, Acids, Bases
and Salts, The Periodic Table, Metals
Physics: Measurements, Motion, Forces, Turning effects of forces, Forces and Matter, Energy
transformations and energy transfers, Energy Resources, Work and Power, Momentum ,Impulse,
Thermal Physics, Properties of waves, including light and sound, Electromagnetic Spectrum.

NOTE: A calculator, ruler, blue/black ink pens, pencils and erasers are required for the exams.
Turkish Grade 10 (Only for Turkish Nationals)

TURKISH GRADE 10 / 10. SINIF TÜRKÇE 10. sınıf Türkçe sınavında öğrencilerimizin eleştirel
okuma ve dil anlatım becerileri değerlendirilmektedir. Bu değerlendirme çerçevesinde yapılacak
yazılı sınavda, bir düz yazı, bir şiir olmak üzere iki metin verilecektir ve öğrencilerimizden, bu
metinlerden birini seçerek, metni çözümleyen 200-250 sözcüklük bir deneme yazmaları
beklenmektedir. Öğrencilerin denemeleri aşağıdaki başlıklar doğrultusunda değerlendirilecektir:

Bu bölümde metnin anlam ve düşünce yapısının, başka bir değişle içeriğinin ne kadarının
anlaşılıp yorumlandığı ve düşüncelerin metne göndermelerle ne düzeyde ele alındığı

Bu bölümde öğrenci yazıları, dili, yapısı, tekniği ve üslubu açısından ele alınarak, metnin anlamı
ve içeriğiyle bağlantılandırılması yönünden değerlendirilecektir.

Bu bölümde düşüncelerin tutarlı ve planlı bir şekilde ifade edilip edilmediği ve sözcük sınırına
uygunluğu değerlendirilecektir.

DİL ve ANLATIM: (25puan)
Bu bölümde öğrenci yazıları, dilin kullanımı, netliği, anlaşılabilirliği, cümlelerin çeşitliliği ve
yapısı, kullanılan sözcükler ve yazı diline uygunluk açılarından değerlendirilecektir.

Grade 11 English
The Grade 11 Entrance Exam in English Literature follows the expectations of the
International Baccalaureate Diploma Program. This 60-minute exam asks students an essay
question based on a literary passage which tests students’ ability to read closely and
sensitively, and to clearly and accurately express themselves in writing. This essay prompt
asks students to respond in 2 pages following guiding questions based on the reading
passage. This essay should reflect good understanding and interpretation of the passage,
and show an appreciation of writer’s choices, including figurative and descriptive
language. The essay is also assessed on organization, and language, including the ability
to write correctly and precisely in English. *understanding and interpretation of the passage is
demonstrated by reference to what is happening in the excerpt or poem, and what is being
said about human nature in general *appreciation of the writer’s choices is demonstrated by
some analysis of the diction the writer chooses to use, and an explanation of why the word
choice is effective in transferring the message of the passage
*organization is assessed based on a logical flow of ideas which support your main
assertion(s) about the intentions of the passage, in paragraph format targeting each support
for your assertion

*ability to write in the English language is assessed based on correct spelling, word choice,
grammatical conventions, sentence structure and variety, punctuation To prepare for this
exam, students should read widely in English, both fiction and nonfiction sources, and
actively engage with ideas found in the text (for example, in developing evidence-based
critical thinking skills through discussions or written responses). Planning, organizing, and
proof-reading are also important skills that are needed in IB English Literature, and should
be regularly practiced.
Grade 11 Math

Grade 11 candidates are also responsible from topics of Presumed Knowledge
for Students Entering Grade 9 and Grade 10.

Numbers & Algebra

 Number systems: natural numbers, integers, rationals, and irrationals, real numbers

 SI (Système International) units for mass, time, length, and their derived units, eg. area,
volume and speed

 Rounding, decimal approximations and significant figures, including appreciation of errors

 Definition and elementary treatment of absolute value (modulus)

 Use of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division using integers, decimals and
fractions, including order of operations

 Prime numbers, factors (divisors) and multiples

 Greatest common factor (divisor) and least common multiples

 Simple applications of ratio, percentage and proportion

 Manipulation of algebraic expressions, including factorization and expansion

 Rearranging formulae

 Calculating the numerical value of expressions by substitution

 Evaluating exponential expressions with simple positive exponents

 Evaluating exponential expressions with rational exponents

 Use of inequalities, and intervals on the real number line

 Simplification of simple expressions involving roots (surds or radicals)

 Rationalizing the denominator

 Standard form (significant notation)

 Familiarity with commonly accepted world currencies

 Solution of linear equations and inequalities

 Solution of quadratic equations and inequalities with rational coefficients
 Solving systems of linear equations in two variables

 Concept and basic notation of sets. Operations on sets: union and intersection
 Addition and subtraction of algebraic fractions.


      Graphing linear and quadratic functions using technology

 Mappings of the elements of one set to another. Illustration by means of sets of
ordered pairs, tables, diagrams and graphs

Geometry & Trigonometry

 Pythagoras’ theorem

 Mid-point of a line segment and the distance between two points in the Cartesian plane

 Geometric concepts: point, line, plane, angle

 Angle measurement in degrees, compass directions

 2D-3D-figure bearings

 The triangle sum theorem

 Right-angle trigonometry, including simple applications for solving triangles

 Simple geometric transformations: translation, reflection, rotation, enlargement

 The circle, its centre and radius, area and circumference. The terms diameter, arc,
sector, chord, tangent and segment

 Perimeter and area of plane figures. Properties of triangles and quadrilaterals, including
parallelograms, rhombuses, rectangles, squares, kites and trapezoids; compound shapes

 Familiarity with three-dimensional shapes (prisms, pyramids, spheres, cylinders and

 Volumes and surface areas of cuboids, prisms, cylinders, and
compound three dimensional shapes

 Vectors in 2D
Statistics & Probability

  The collection of data and its representation in bar charts, pie charts,
pictograms, and line graphs

 Obtaining simple statistics from discrete data, including mean, median, mode, range

 Calculating probabilities of simple events

 Venn diagrams for sorting data

 Tree diagrams

Grade 11 Science

Students will be tested for their preparedness for the IB Diploma program in biology, chemistry and
physics subjects. The Grade 11 Entrance Exam in science follows the expectations of IGCSE syllabus
of science for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. Past papers and syllabuses can be found on links at
below for each subject :

Biology : https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/programmes-and-qualifications/cambridge-igcse-


The applicants must be familiar with the following topics:
Biology: Classification of Living Organisms, Organisation of the organism, Movement in and out of
cells, Biological molecules, Enzymes, Plant Nutrition, Human Nutrition, Transport in Plants, Transport
in Animals, Diseases and Immunity, Gas Exchange in Humans, Respiration, Excretion in Humans,
Coordination and Response, Drugs, Reproduction, Inheritance, Variation and Selection
Chemistry: The particulate nature of matter, Experimental techniques, Atoms, Elements and
Compounds, Stoichiometry, Electricity and Chemistry, Chemical energetics, Chemical
Reactions, Acids, Bases and Salts, The Periodic Table, Metals, Air and Water, Sulfur,
Carbonates, Organic Chemistry
Physics: Motion, Density, Forces, Energy, Work, Power, Thermal Physics, Properties of waves,
including light and sound, electricity and magnetism, Electric circuits, Digital electronics,
Electromagnetic effects, Atomic physics including nuclear Atom and Radioactivity

NOTE: A calculator, ruler, blue/black ink pens, pencils and erasers are required for the
You can also read