Pleasant Run Middle School Student Handbook 2017-2018

Page created by Terrance Thompson
Pleasant Run
                              Middle School

                  Student Handbook 2017-2018

                          This agenda belongs to:

NAME____________________________________STUDENT ID#______________


CITY/TOWN______________________________ZIP CODE __________________
Important Notes for Parents and Students
How to stay in touch with your child’s school:
Email the teacher: Go to, click on schools – Click on “about us”. When you click on
staff directory you will have the opportunity to communicate with the staff through email.
Weekly school email: Provide your email address to the school to automatically receive a weekly email
from PRMS. This parent email communique will include school events, student honors/awards, student
of the week, etc.
District email: Go to - At the bottom of the screen, click on the red box to sign up for
district email messages providing information about district events.
Weather/Emergency Notification: Go to – “One Call Now” – to sign up for weather
emergency school cancellations, parents need to click on the bottom of the district webpage Click on One Call Now and share your email, phone or text information.
Progressbook: Every family has access to their child’s grades, assignments, projects and test scores.
These records are updated on a weekly basis, if not sooner, by the student’s individual teachers. Parents
can access this information to stay on top of their child’s progress. A notice will come home at the
beginning of the school year to sign up for Progress Book.
Daily Agenda: Notes can be exchanged between the parent and teacher through the child’s daily
agenda/Homework Planner. Please check your child’s agenda on a regular basis.

Dress Code Information:
When a student is not in uniform, s/he will attempt to contact an adult to have the appropriate uniform
item brought to school. If it is impossible for the student to be compliant with the uniform, s/he will be
assigned to Alternate School Assignment (ASA) for the day. Parents will be notified by telephone,
email, or a note home. Repeated offenses may result in additional disciplinary procedures.

I have reviewed the 2017-2018 Pleasant Run Middle School Handbook with
         my son/daughter.

It is in your son/daughter’s best interest that we work together in relationship to his/her schooling. After reading and reviewing this
handbook with your son/daughter, please check the box below and return this form as soon as possible. I have also read, understand
and agree to abide by the terms of the Acceptable Use Policy and Agreement noted in this handbook. Should I commit any violation
or in any way misuse my access to the Northwest Local District’s computers, computer network, and or Internet, I understand and
agree that my access privilege may be revoked and disciplinary action may be taken against me as outlined in the applicable
Handbook or Code of Conduct.

Student Name (Please print) ______
                            (Last)                             (First)                   (Middle)

Parent/Guardian Signature                                                   Date
                                                        School/Parent Involvement Policy

1.  The Northwest School District Parent Participation policy is included as the basis for the school policy. This district policy was written by a
      group of parents, administrators and teachers and will be followed in all schools.
    “The Board believes that parent/guardian involvement is an important part of the educational program. All parents/guardians of students
      enrolled in the district are encouraged to take an active role in the education of their children. The Board directs the administration to develop
      the necessary regulations to ensure that this policy is followed and that parent/guardian involvement is encouraged.
    The regulations will:
               1.) encourage strong home-school partnerships;
               2.) provide for consistent and effective communication between the
                        parents/guardians and school officials;
               3.) offer parents/guardians ways to assist and encourage their children to do
                        their best;
               4.) offer ways parents/guardians can support classroom learning activities; and
               5.) provide opportunities for parents/guardians to participate in parental
                        involvement programs.”
2.   This policy and the district policy will be distributed to all Title I parents in the 2017-2018 school year.
3.   A.) An annual meeting to describe this policy and Title I involvement in the school will be held each year. This is an evening meeting and will
               be held once the school year has begun and students receiving services have been identified.
      B.) Title I parents will be given a survey to complete that will enable them to state their preferences in how they wish to be contacted; when
               meetings would be appropriate for them; and how they can assist in the school program. The school will follow up with these parent
               commitments each quarter and offer additional assistance if needed.
      C.) A building committee of parents who wish to participate with the teachers and administrators will be organized to determine the program
               and budget proposals for each school year. This group will review surveys of parents regarding programming, budget and
               suggestions for parent involvement activities. Budget and program requests will be given to the LEA (local education agency –
               district) to determine Title I compliance and to complete LEA Title I budget for the complete allocation.
4.   A.) A Title I program description for the building will be published and distributed to all parents and others requesting it. It will be available at
               the school at all times for anyone who wishes to know about the program.
      B.) The school curriculum description by grade level will be distributed to parents at conference time in November and available at the
               school for anyone requesting it.
      C.) Teachers will inform parents of any assessments used and levels of proficiency at conferences by report cards and by test results sent
               at the end of the school year to all parents of students tested.
      D.) If school improvement is deemed necessary, parents will be informed of the basis for designing strategies for school improvement and
               revising, if necessary, the parent involvement policies described.
      E.) Any parent comments will be submitted to the LEA by the principal when the school/parent involvement policy is unsatisfactory to the
               parents of participating children.
5.   The school/parent compact will be designed by a group of parents and teachers. All parents of the students participating in the Title I
      programs will be given information about the compact at the beginning of the school year and asked to sign it at that time. Students and
      teachers will also sign the compact. If any parents wish to amend or add items to their individual contract they may request so in writing to
      the principal of the building.
6.   The school, in connection with the LEA parent involvement plan, will provide parents with information to understand the goals of the Title I
      program, national goals and state standards and how to effectively assist their children to meet these goals.
7.   The school Title I Building Committee will assess the needs of parents for training and materials needed to help students meet competency
      and proficiency standards, training on child rearing and effective parenting. A year-long plan will be made in the fall to provide for the needs
      of parents. Workshops and materials will be provided using the building’s Title I funds in conjunction with the LEA parent involvement plan.
8.   Parents will be used to educate teachers, pupil service personnel, principals and staff in the value of contributions from the parents and how to
      reach out and work with parents as equal partners in implementing and coordinating parent involvement and building ties between home and
      school through the Title I Building Committee and as guest speakers to the faculty. School counselors, when available, will help identify
      parents as resources for this requirement.
9.   The LEA coordinator will assist in coordinating and integrating Title I parent involvement strategies with Head Start, public preschool grant
      programs and other parent-student training programs.
10. The Parent Involvement Committee will seek out and involve other community-based organizations and businesses in identifying what roles
      they can play in the parent involvement component.
11. Every effort will be made to send information home related to school and parent programs, in the language used at the home. Parents who
      have difficulty reading materials will be assisted by personal phone calls. Information regarding literacy programs for adults with learning
      disabilities or programs for those lacking high school diplomas will be sent to parents who request such services. The school and LEA will
      help parents make the contacts necessary to receive such training. If programs are unavailable, the LEA director will be notified of the
      request for service.
12. The school will maintain documentation to fulfill requirements of parent involvement including the school parent involvement plan, agendas
      from parent meetings or training, needs assessment, written comments by parents, oral comments by parents and minutes of the Building
Principal's Message & Mission Statement……………………......……..Page 7

Policy on Use of Instructional Technology...............................................Page 8, 9

Activity Calendar and Academic Calendar …………................…..…..Page 10-11

PRMS – Uniform Dress Code, Lunchtime Procedures,
Academic Acceleration, ACCESS……………………….........................Page 12

Acceptable Use of Personal Owned Devices…………………………..…Page 13

Code of Regulations for Students….………………………………...…..Page 14-17

Secondary Discipline Procedures………………………………..….…...Page 17-19

Suspensions……………………………………………………….......……Page 19

Emergency Medical Authorization.............................................................Page 20

Fees, Free/Reduced Lunch, Grading Scale Secondary, Hazing and
Bullying…………………….........................................................................Page 20-22

Extra Curricular Activities ................................................................…….Page 22

Progress Book ...................................................................................……….Page 23

Safe School Hotline, School Closings and Delays……..............................Page 24

Search and Seizure...........................................................................…..…Page 24-26

Student Absences and Excuses……………………………………..….…Page 26-28

Student Health……………………………………………………………...Page 28

Immunization Requirements…………………………………….………..Page 29-31

Suspensions/Expulsions and Removal of Students……………….….…Page 32-33

Tardy to School and Leaving School Grounds………………………….Page 33

Student Network and Internet……………………………………….…...Page 34-36

Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Complaint Form……….……...Page 37

Positive Behavior/Needs Improvement.………..…………………..…….Page 38

Dear Knights,

           On behalf of the PRMS staff, welcome to Pleasant Run Middle School! I hope
that you are looking forward to a great school year. Please allow me to take a moment
to introduce myself as your principal of Pleasant Run Middle School. I am very excited
for the opportunity to serve you and, along with the staff, help lead Pleasant Run Middle
School to an excellent school year. I am looking forward to working with you to ensure
that your transition is smooth and successful. The staff at Pleasant Run Middle looks
forward to working with you as well to allow you to have a great experience in middle

This guidebook will help you to become acquainted with the total school program.
It will give you direction and guidance for a successful school year. Please read it
carefully so you know what is expected of you and what you can expect from us.

It is important that you take advantage of the opportunities which are provided at
your school—get involved at PRMS! Do your best, strive for good grades, show PRIDE
every day, and you will have a successful career at Pleasant Run Middle School.


Eric Dunn

                                        Uniform Dress Code

Pleasant Run Middle School adopted a Uniform Dress Code during the 2011-12 school year. The Uniform Dress Code is outlined in the Code of
Regulations For Students for the Northwest Local School District. Students must adhere to the uniform dress code to attend classes with his/her
When a student is not in uniform, s/he will attempt to contact home to have the appropriate uniform item brought to school. If it is impossible for the
student to adhere to the uniform policy, s/he will be assigned to Alternate School Assignment (ASA) for the day. Parents will be notified by
telephone, email or a note home to be signed by the parent. Repeated offenses may result in additional disciplinary procedures. For a copy of the
Uniform Dress Code, see the Student Code of Regulations following the School Calendar, or contact the school office.
Uniform items will only be loaned to students when clothing is damaged due to spills or accidents.

                                             NORTHWEST LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT
                                                   MISSION STATEMENT
We champion life-long learning, affording all students the knowledge and skills necessary to realize their full potential in life.

                                                                DISTRICT VISION
We will provide quality and innovation in educational programming and instruction, enabling all students to successfully confront the challenges of
the future.

                                                               DISTRICT BELIEFS

♦    We believe all students are the focus of our endeavors.
♦    We are committed to quality education that challenges students.
♦    We are committed to safe schools that are an integral part of our community.
♦    We are committed to caring, knowledgeable professionals who engage students in innovative learning.
♦    We are committed to the essential involvement of parents in their children’s’ education.
♦    We are committed to partnerships that enhance students’ ability to connect their education with the world of work and life-long learning.
♦    We encourage students to value others, and to be responsive to civic obligations that strengthen our diverse student body and community.


The Northwest Local School District is pleased to make available access to interconnected systems within the district and to the Internet for the purpose of
productivity, research, curriculum delivery, professional development activities and electronic storage in the pursuit of learning. The District Board of Education has
policies, which govern the access and use of computer and network systems. This Acceptable Use Policy is a guideline for use and a contractual agreement between
the student and the Board of Education. All students must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of their access. Misuse under the guidelines of this
document may result in disciplinary action under Board Policy and/or the governing code of conduct.

Upon review of this policy and signing the handbook release page, each student will be given the opportunity to enjoy access to computer and network systems at
school and is agreeing to follow this Policy.

If you have any questions about the guidelines below, please contact your building principal.

I.       Personal Responsibility
          You agree not only to follow the rules in this Policy and Agreement, but also agree to report any misuse of the network to a teacher or building
          principal. Misuse means any violation of this policy, Board of Education Policy, or any other use that is not included in the policy, but has the effect of
          harming another person or his or her property.
II.      Terms of Permitted Use
          Technology can greatly enhance the instructional program, as well as the efficiency of the District. The Board recognizes that careful planning is essential
          to ensure the successful, equitable and cost-effective implementation of technology-based materials, equipment, systems and networks.

           Computers and use of the District network or online services support learning and enhance instruction, as well as assist in administration. Computer
           networks allow people to interact with many computers; the Internet allows people to interact with hundreds of thousands of networks.

           All computers are to be used in a responsible, efficient, ethical and legal manner. Failure to adhere to this policy and the guidelines below will result in the
           revocation of the user’s access privilege. Unacceptable uses of the computer/network include but are not limited to:

               1.        violating the conditions of State and Federal law dealing with students’ and employees’ rights to privacy, including unauthorized disclosure,
                         use and dissemination of personal information;
               2.        using profanity, obscenity or other language which may be offensive to another user or intended to harass, intimidate or bully other users;
               3.        accessing personal social networking websites for non-educational purposes;
               4.        reposting (forwarding) personal communication without the author’s prior consent;
               5.        copying commercial software and/or other material in violation of copyright law;
               6.        using the network for financial gain, for commercial activity or for any illegal activity;
               7.        “hacking” or gaining unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems, or attempting to gain such unauthorized access;
               8.        accessing and/or viewing inappropriate material and
               9.        downloading of freeware or shareware programs.

           The Superintendent/designee shall develop a plan to address the short- and long-term technology needs and provide for compatibility of resources among
           school sites, offices and other operations. As a basis for this plan, he/she shall examine and compare the costs and benefits of various resources and
           shall identify the blend of technologies and level of service necessary to support the instructional program.

           Because access to online services provides connections to other computer systems located all over the world, users (and parents of users who are under
           18 years old) must understand that neither the school nor the District can control the content of the information available on these systems. Some of the
           information available is controversial and sometimes offensive.

           The Board does not condone the use of such materials. Employees, students and parents of students must be aware that the privileges to access online
           services are withdrawn from users who do not respect the rights of others or who do not follow the rules and regulations established. A user’s agreement
           is signed to indicate the user’s acknowledgment of the risks and regulations for computer/online services use. The District has implemented technology-
           blocking measures to prevent students from accessing inappropriate material or materials considered to be harmful to minors on school computers that
           protect against access by both adults and minors to visual depictions that are obscene, child pornography, or, with respect to the use of computers by
           minors, harmful to minors.

           “Harmful to minors” is defined as any picture, image, graphic image file or other visual depiction that:
            1. taken as a whole and with respect to minors appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex or excretion;
            2. depicts, describes or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for
                minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted
                sexual acts or a lewd exhibition of genitals or and
            3. taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value as to minors.

           The District will educate minors about appropriate online behavior, including interacting with other individuals on social networking websites and in chat
           rooms and cyber-bullying awareness and response. The Superintendent/designee will develop a program to educate students on these issues.

Annually, a student who wishes to have computer network and Internet access during the school year must read the acceptable use and Internet safety
         policy and submit a properly signed agreement form. Students are asked to sign a new agreement each year after reviewing the policies and regulations
         of the District.

III.   Privacy
        The Northwest Local School District reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review, and store at any time and without prior notice, any and all usage
        of the computer network and Internet access and any and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such information files
        shall be and remain the property of the Northwest Local School District and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials.

IV.    Warranties/Indemnification
        The Northwest Local School District makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, in the connection with its provision of access to and use of
        its computer networks and the Internet provided under this Policy and Agreement. It shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, damages or costs
        (including attorney’s fees) of any kind suffered, directly or indirectly, by any user or his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) arising out of the user’s use of its
        computer networks or the Internet under this Policy and Agreement. Users take full responsibility of his or her usage and agree to indemnify and hold
        harmless the Northwest Local School District and its Board members, administrators, teachers, and staff from any and all loss, costs, claims, or damages
        resulting from the user’s access to its computer network and the Internet, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of
        goods or services by the user. The user or, if the user is a minor, the user’s parent(s) or guardian(s) agrees to cooperate with the Northwest Local School
        District in the event of the initiation of an investigation into a user’s use or his or her access to its computer network and Internet, whether that use is on a
        District computer or on another’s outside the Northwest Local School District’s Network.

                    2017-2018 ACTIVITY CALENDAR
August 14-15        Teacher In-Service           No School
August 15           Schedule Pick-up             8:00-3:00PM
August 21           Board of Education Mtg.      7:00PM @ A.O.
August 22           Meet the Teacher             6:00-7:30PM
September 11        Board of Education Mtg.      7:00PM @ A.O.
September 12        PTA Board Meeting            6:00PM
September 12        Picture Day
September 22        Teacher In-Service           No School
September 25        Board of Education Mtg.      7:00PM @ A.O.
October 5-12        Book Fair in Library
October 9-13        Fee Collection Week
October 10          PTA Board Meeting            6:00PM
October 10-14       Fee Collection Week
October 17          6/7/8 Band Concert           7:30-9:00PM in Gym
October 18          Early Release                1:15PM
October 23          Teacher In-Service           No School
November 3          Honor Roll Party             12:30PM in Cafe
November 6          Knight Olympics              2:30PM
November 7          Teacher In-Service           No School
November 13         Fall Sports Award Banquet    6:00PM in Cafe
November 14         PTA Board Meeting            6:00PM
November 14         Picture Re-takes
November 22         Conference Release Day       No School
November 23-24      Thanksgiving Recess          No School
December 6          Early Release Day
December 11         Board of Education Mtg.      7:00PM @ A.O.
December 13         7th-12th Orchestra Concert   6:30-9:00PM @ NWHS
December 14         6/7/8 Chorus Concert         7:30-9:00PM in Gym
December 17         Orchestra Holiday Concerts   2PM @ NWHS
December 21         Prof. Dev. Release Day       No School
December 22-Jan 2   Winter Recess                No School
January 8           Teacher In-Service           No School
January 9           PTA Board Meeting
January 9           Candid & Group Shots
January 11          PRMS Show Choir Preview      7:00PM @ NWHS
January 15          Martin Luther King, Jr. Day  No School
January 18          8th gr. Panoramic/Staff Pics 1:30PM
January 19          Honor Roll Party             12:30PM in Café
January 24          Early Release Day
January 25          Curriculum/Parent Night      5:30-7:30PM
January 30          6/7/8 Band Concert           7:30-9:00PM in Gym
January 30          8th grade Family Night       6:30PM @ NWHS
January 31-2/8      Book Fair in Library
February 8-10       OMEA Prof. Dev. Conf.        Columbus
February 13         PTA Board Meeting            6:00PM
February 16         Conference Release Day       No School
February 19         Presidents’ Day              No School
February 26         Winter Sports Awards         6:00PM in Cafe
March 1             6/7/8 Orchestra Concert      6:30-9:00PM @ NWHS
March 6             Spring Pictures
March 13            PTA Board Meeting            6:00PM
March 14            Early Release Day            1:15PM
March 26-30         Spring Recess                No School
April 6             Honor Roll Party             12:30PM in Cafe
April 7             OMEA Solo & Ensemble Concert
April 10            PTA Board Meeting            6:00PM
May 3               Dodge Ball Tournament        2:30-3:30PM
May 6               Orchestra Spring Concert     3:15PM @ NWHS
May 7/8               PRE 5th grade Orientation
May 8                 PTA Board Meeting           6:00PM
May 10                Stringfest                  6:30PM @ NWHS
May 11                PTA Flower Sale
May 14                Honor Society Induction     6:00PM
May 15                6/7/8 Band Concert          6:00-7:00PM in Gym
May 16                Early Release Day           1:15PM
May 17                6/7/8 Choir Concert         7:00PM in Gym
May 18                8th Grade Recognition       6:00-8:00PM @ NWHS
May 21                Track Awards                6:00PM in Gym
May 25                Teacher In-Service          No School
May 28                Memorial Day                No School

                       ACADEMIC CALENDAR

       First Day of 1st quarter                   August 17
       Progress Report Day                        September 14
       Conference Night                           October 5, 4:00-7:30 PM
       Conference Night                           October 11, 4:00-7:30 PM
       Last day of 1st quarter                    October 19
       Report Cards mailed week of                October 23
       First Day of 2nd quarter                   October 24
       Progress Report Day                        November 16
       Last day of 2nd quarter                    January 5
       Report Cards sent home week of             January 8
       First Day of 3rd quarter                   January 9
       Progress Report Day                        February 8
       Conference Night                           January 31, 4:00-7:30PM
       Conference Night                           February 8, 4:00-7:30PM
       Report Cards sent home week of             March 12
       Last day of 3rd quarter                    March 14
       First Day of 4th quarter                   March 15
       Progress Report Day                        April 19
       Last Day of School                         May 24
       Report Cards mailed week of                June 4

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