Page created by Julio Wagner
MCI (P) 041/02/2021
                                                                           issn 0219 – 6875
                                                              KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605)


                                                                                            energy shining

COVER STORY                  FEATURES               industry in the Asia-
                                                    Pacific region. But
                                                                               they have taken away
                                                                               from this period.
                                                                                                                ALB Hong Kong
                                                    as funds adapted                                            Law Awards 2020
20                           14                     through innovation         Plus:                            The virtual event held
ALB Asia’s                   ALB MENA               and technology,            - Armila & Rako                  on Nov. 27 last year,
Top 15 Litigators            Super 50 Lawyers       they expected their          Law Offices                    was a resounding
Litigation plays an          In its first MENA      lawyers to do so as                                         success, celebrating
important role in a          Super 50 Lawyers       well, and offshore         38                               the standout lawyers,
law firms suite of           list, ALB spotlights   firms certainly            Refinement and                   firms, in-house teams
services, and in this        standout lawyers       stepped up to meet         clarity                          and legal work in the
first-ever ranking, we       in the Middle East     the challenges             In November last                 city.
are celebrating Asia’s       and North Africa       brought by a very          year, China’s Supreme
top 15 litigators. The
lawyers named in
                             region who have
                             excelled in client
                                                    unique year.               People’s Court and
                                                                               the Hong Kong                    BRIEFS
the list have stood          service. The lawyers   Plus:                      Government signed
out based on several         were selected          - Maples & Calder          the Supplemental                 3
factors, including           based on client                                   Arrangement                      The Briefing
profiles of cases            recommendations        36                         Concerning the
handled, client              sent directly to       Turning tide               Mutual Enforcement               4
recommendations,             ALB. The list is in    Although the               of Arbitral Awards               Forum
the use of technology        alphabetical order,    COVID-19 pandemic          between the
to minimise the              and certain lawyers    ensured Indonesia’s        Mainland and Hong                6
impact of the                have been profiled     GDP is expected            Kong SAR. The                    Explainer
COVID-19 pandemic            below.                 to contract by 1           agreement is widely
and more.                                           percent in 2020,           expected to enhance              7
By Asian Legal               28                     Southeast Asia’s           the enforcement                  Deals
Business                     Fund times             largest economy            process and serve as
                             The U.S.-China         is set to bounce           an expansion of the              8
Plus:                        trade war, the U.S.    back strongly this         2000 Arrangement                 Appointments
- Drew & Napier              elections, and of      year. Lawyers in the       Concerning Mutual
- Rajah & Tann               course COVID-19.       country talk about         Enforcement of                   11
                             Last year saw          how the pandemic           Arbitral Awards                  Q&A
                             unprecedented          impacted their work,       between the
                             challenges for the     and also some of the       Mainland and the                 13
                             investment fund        important lessons          HKSAR.                           League Tables

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                             A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – JA NUA RY/ F E B RUA RY 2021   1
                                                     We’re picking the cream of the crop.                                                                          ASIA & EMERGING MARKETS
                                                     A new year brings new initiatives, and for us at ALB,                                                         Amantha Chia
                                                     these include the launch of a series of rankings of Asia’s                                          
                                                     best lawyers in specific practice areas. We kick off the                                                      MANAGING EDITOR
                                                     series in this issue with a ranking of the Top 15 Litigators
                                                                                                                                                                   Ranajit Dam
                                                     – these are fifteen stars of the courtroom who are known                                            
                                                     not just for their ability to take on complex cases, but
                                                     also to devise innovative strategies to achieve the best                                                      JOURNALIST

                                                     possible outcomes for their clients. Following this is the                                                    Elizabeth Beattie
                                                     Top 15 M&A Lawyers ranking – to be published in the
                                                     March edition of ALB Asia – and then the Top 15 TMT                                                           EDITORIAL ASSISTANT
                                                     Lawyers in April. Should you require the full calendar                                                        Aparna Sai
                                                                       of rankings going forward or have any                                             
                                                                       questions about how to submit or the
                                                                                                                                                                   COPY & WEB EDITOR
                                                                       methodology we use to select these
                                                                       lawyers, please contact either myself or                                                    Rowena Muniz
                                                                       my colleague Julian Chiew. Our emails
                                                                       are on the right panel of this page.                                                        SENIOR DESIGNER
                                                                             But the Top 15 Litigators list is not                                                 John Agra
                                                                       the only way in this issue that we are                                            
                                                                       recognizing the work done by lawyers.
                                                                                                                                                                   TRAFFIC/CIRCULATION MANAGER
                                                                       Buoyed by the excellent response to
                                                                       the ALB India Super 50 list last year,                                                      Rozidah Jambari
                                                                       we are launching a number of others in
                                                                       the same mould, as in, lawyers picked                                                       SALES MANAGERS
                                                                       solely on the basis of client recommen-                                                     Amy Sim
                                                                       dations. The inaugural one this year is                                                     Sales Director, SE Asia, India and Japan
                                                                                                                                                                   (65) 6870 3348
                                                                       our first-ever ALB MENA Super 50 list                                             
                                                                       in this issue; it will be followed in the                                                   Felix Cheng
                                                                       first half by the ALB Super 50 Disputes                                                     Sales Manager
                                                                       Lawyers, the ALB Offshore Client Choice                                                     (852) 3462 7799
                                                     list, and the ALB Philippines Super 30 list. To find out
                                                     how you can vote for your recommended lawyers for                                                             Krupa Dalal
                                                                                                                                                                   Sales Manager
                                                     each of these lists, please check our website www.                                                            (91) 22 6189 7087
                                                                                                                                                                   Romulus Tham
                                                                                                                                                                   Delegate Sales Executive
                                                                                                                                                                   (65) 6870 3035
                                                                                                                                                                   Steven Zhao
                                                                                                                                                                   Account Manager
                                                                                                                                                                   (86) 10 6627 1360
                                                     RANAJIT DAM                                                                                         
                                                     Managing Editor,                                                                                              Yvonne Cheung
                                                     Asian Legal Business                                                                                          Sales Director, Key Accounts and South China
                                                     Thomson Reuters                                                                                               (852) 2847 2003

                                                                                                                                                                   SENIOR EVENTS MANAGER

                                                                                                                                                                   Julian Chiew
Asian Legal Business is available by subscription. Please visit for details.                                                 
Asian Legal Business has an audited average circulation of 11,402 as of 30 September 2016.Copyright is reserved throughout. No part of this publication can be
reproduced in whole or part without the express permission of the editor. Contributions are invited, but copies of work should be kept, as Asian Legal Business    AWARDS MANAGER
can accept no responsibility for loss.

MCI (P) 041/02/2021                                                                                                                                                Caryl Aquino
issn 0219 – 6875                                                                                                                                         
KDN PPS 1867/10/2015(025605)

Thomson Reuters
18 Science Park Drive Singapore 118229 / T (65) 6775 5088 / F (65) 6333 0900
10/F, Cityplaza 3, Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong / T (852) 3762 3269

2          ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – JA N UARY / FEB RUARY 202 1                                                                                               W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM

                                              WITH VACCINES ON HORIZON                                        IN THE NEWS

                                              GCS FEEL OPTIMISTIC                                       Singapore Big Four firm
                                                 According to a recent survey by                     Rajah & Tann has launched a
                                             Morrison & Foerster, general counsel                      sustainability practice for
                                                globally are indicating optimism                    ESG compliance. The team will
                                               about the impact of the pandemic,                   help clients navigate regulatory
           PERCENT                            as they look towards the future with                   and legal considerations for
                                              the possibility of viable vaccines on                 sustainability on issues such as
      Proportion of large corporations in                                                             anti-bribery and corruption,
                                             the horizon. The firm found, however,
      Singapore that do not consider the
                                                  that the biggest challenge for                     business conduct and ethics,
     safeguards they have in place against
      major technology failure adequate        employers is weighing the benefits                 corporate governance, environment,
         post COVID-19, according to a          and potential risks of mandating                   health and safety, and green and
           survey by Hogan Lovells.            employee vaccinations against the                      sustainability-linked loans.
                                                benefits and potential legal risks
                                              that not doing so would pose to the
                                               business. The second-highest risk
  LONDON LAW FIRMS STARTING TO                  for companies was data security,

     DITCH TROPHY OFFICES: FT                     with the firm finding that the
                                              ongoing pandemic had emboldened
                                                                                                   Amount raised by IPOs in the Asia-Pacific
                                                cybercriminals, and the demands                     in 2020, according to a Baker McKenzie
    Leading international law firms            for ransomware in particular were                  report. The number represents a 39 percent
      in the UK are ditching “trophy           increasing in volume and amount.                       increase in capital raised from 2019.
        offices” as they look to slash
    space by as much as 50 percent
      because of the shift to remote
                                                       QUOTE UNQUOTE                                          IN THE NEWS
          working as a result of the
          pandemic, according to a
       report in the Financial Times.
      According to the FT, firms like
                                                “THE MENTALITY
   Norton Rose Fulbright, DWF and             THAT IT IS BUSINESS                                       Herbert Smith Freehills has
         Fieldfisher are projecting a                                                              joined the global LGBT+ coalition
  reduction in floorspace of between
                                             AS USUAL IS ABSURD.                                    Open for Business. The coalition
      30 and 50 percent, given that            THIS SITUATION IS                                         was launched in 2015 and
   workers will work more regularly                                                                   comprises organisations from
        from home. The FT said that
                                                ANYTHING BUT                                             all over the world that are
     law firm moves in London rank                  USUAL.”                                          dedicated to supporting LGBT+
         consistently as some of the                                                                   inclusion. The group aims to
   largest and most valuable deals,                                                                 advance the rights of the LGBT+
                                                 London firm Hodge Jones & Allen (HJA)
  but the pandemic is causing firms           slams the UK courts system after one of the             community and “demonstrate
   to embrace a permanent shift to            firm’s solicitors tested positive for COVID-19        the business rationale for global
             working from home.                 following a meeting with a client in court.            LGBT+ inclusion,” HSF said.

                SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                    A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E SS
                                                                                                           S S – JA N
                                                                                                                      UA RY/ F E B RUA RY 2021   3


With technology usage ramped up by the global COVID-19 pandemic, forward-thinking law firms are
increasingly looking to invest in smart technology solutions that enable their lawyers to thrive,
regardless of physical location. Whether firms want to attract top talent with flexibility, work more
collaboratively as an organisation, or offer clients a more sophisticated experience, post-pandemic,
decisions makers are taking a strategic approach into 2021.


                          SUE KENCH, global chief executive,                      allow scanning, expense management, collabora-
                          King Wood & Mallesons                                   tion, time recording, partner voting, and intranet
                          We continue to adapt our IT offering for 2021 based     access to be available from any location. The
                          on the unprecedented circumstances of 2020;             current pandemic brings about an acceleration
                          however, as a firm we have always sought to provide     of, rather than a change to, our technology strategy.
                          technical solutions that support a ‘work from           Withers will continue to invest in modern technolo-
                          anywhere’ environment for our partners and staff.       gies which support and enhance working practices
KENCH                     Our focus for 2021 will be on using our technology      in order to best serve our clients. A key enabler is
                          budget to further embed this approach, optimising       our digital strategy, which in conjunction with a
                          the way we collaborate internally and with our          review of our working practices across the firm, is
                          clients (including via webinars and virtual events),    implementing modern workflow and automation
                          adopting targeted legal tech to deliver smarter and     technologies to drive greater efficiency across our
                          better services for our clients, enhancing digital      processes. We embrace artificial intelligence (AI) as
                          literacy and adaptability amongst our teams, and        a key technology for supporting the improvement
                          continuing to strengthen our information security.      and effectiveness of these processes. For example,
                          Agility and cybersecurity remain key focuses.           we are working with a start-up in the UK on the
SER                                                                               development of an AI-driven drafting tool to make
                          SHARON SER, Hong Kong managing partner,                 this process as seamless as possible.
                          The year 2020 saw us move to new cloud-enabled          MICHAEL BARRETT, chief information officer,
                          offices in Asia, reflecting our continued investment    Dechert
                          in technology that empowers our lawyers to effi-        Dechert’s core capabilities and equipment to
                          ciently support clients’ requests seamlessly from       support remote working were already in place when
                          any location. Extending across our global offices,      the pandemic hit. In 2021, we will continue to focus
                          these technologies include softphone capabilities,      our investments on expanding the firm’s platform
BARRETT                   cloud video conferencing capabilities, in-office        and training capabilities to allow the in-house
                          technology to facilitate the client’s preferred cloud   development of bespoke, firm-wide, AI-based solu-
                          communication solution; and widespread adop-            tions and products that best address the needs of
                          tion of Microsoft collaboration tools. We have also     our practice groups and clients, and do most to
                          launched a range of mobile applications which           foster internal and external virtual collaboration.

4       ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – JA N UARY / FEB RUARY 202 1                                 W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
                                                                                                                              positioning themselves as forward-
                                                                                                                              thinking, digitally-savvy operations.
                                                                                                                              DBS, for example, has previously won
                                                                                                                              global awards for its digital banking
                                                                                                                              offerings, Lam and Leung say.
                                                                                                                                    “In general, Singapore is one of the
                                                                                                                              best markets for digital banking services
                                                                                                                              globally. This means that digital banks
                                                                                                                              will find a more competitive landscape
                                                                                                                              in providing any differentiation via its
                                                                                                                              digital offerings,” they add.
                                                                                                                                    With Singapore’s digital banks
                                                                                                                              expected to start operations from early
                    A man leaves the premises of the Monetary Authority of Singapore in the central business district of
                                                                   Singapore, January 18, 2013. REUTERS/Edgar Su              2022, there is still time for the existing
                                                                                                                              banks to consolidate their leadership

                                                                                                                              in the digital space, according to the
                                                                                                                              lawyers, who predict digital banks are
                                                                                                                              likely to take a strategic approach to the

PROVIDE TEMPLATE FOR SE ASIAN REGION                                                                                          well-served market.
                                                                                                                                    “We expect that the new digital
                                                                                                                              banks will be able to tape some niche
                                                                                                                              or unmet needs in the market. At a broad
        Virtual bank licences have been                       Hoi Tak Leung, say in both cities, the                          level, both in Singapore and globally,
something of a work in progress in                            issues of these licences has led to an                          many activities have shifted from phys-
Singapore over the past few years, and                        uptick in demand for legal advice.                              ical to online – and that’s particularly
despite the pandemic, this process has                              “We have seen clients placing                             true in the financial services space. That
remained on track. In June last year,                         a greater focus on lawyers who can                              in itself means that there will be oppor-
the Monetary Authority of Singapore                           traverse the technology and financial                           tunities for the new digital banks to tap,”
(MAS) shortlisted 14 contenders “eligible                     services landscapes — leading to greater                        Lam and Leung note.
for next stage of assessment,” and by                         importance on lawyers and teams who                                   The MAS digital bank licence
December, the city-state had approved                         can advise on a cross-discipline basis.                         application itself emphasised reaching
four digital bank licences.                                   Those lawyers and teams who can advise                          under-served segments of the Singapore
      Singapore has strengthened its                          on the digital economy and transforma-                          market, likely to spark further innovation
focus on the digital economy in recent                        tion have seen a significant uptake in                          and creative approaches.
years, pushing legal tech and pitching                        workload, as clients increasingly expect                              “Amongst other things, we expect
itself as a regional leader in business                       lawyers to be able to provide their                             to see new offerings that have faster
innovation, but last year its long-time                       legal advice in a commercial, practical                         account opening, greater personalisa-
competitor Hong Kong edged ahead in                           manner,” Lam and Leung say.                                     tion of banking services and closer tie-in
the virtual banking race after issuing                              They note, however, that the differ-                      with existing digital measures intro-
licenses.                                                     ences in both the types and the number                          duced by MAS (notably, digital customer
      In the Chinese city, the Hong                           of licences “likely means that the disrup-                      verification), and (as with Hong Kong) a
Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) has                            tion to the existing market in Singapore                        strong focus on serving SME customers.
issued eight virtual banking licences,                        will be less than what it was in Hong                           We may also see new digital solutions,
all focusing on retail banks. These have                      Kong”.                                                          products and methods of delivery,” feel
been lauded as a step in the right direc-                           In Hong Kong, part of the reason                          Lam and Leung.
tion, and a welcome pressure on tradi-                        behind the perceived success of virtual                               Additionally, other countries in the
tional banks long considered compla-                          banking licences is the impact on the                           region may be looking to implement
cent.                                                         market and the pressure on banks to                             similar digital banking and payment
      In comparison, the Monetary                             offer better digital services.                                  frameworks in the future.
Authority of Singapore (MAS) issued                                 In this regard, Singapore is in a                               “We also expect digital banks to use
four digital bank licenses — two digital                      somewhat different position to Hong                             Singapore as a launching pad for other
full (retail) bank licences and two digital                   Kong, with its banks typically well-                            banking licences and services across
wholesale bank licenses.                                      established in the digital space and                            Southeast Asia, though given the MAS’
      Evan Lam, Singapore-based finan-                                                                                        focus on Singapore, we expect that this
cial regulatory partner at Ashurst, and                                                                                       will follow after the Singapore services
his colleague, Hong Kong-based counsel                                                                                        are developed,” the lawyers add.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                                 A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – JA NUA RY/ F E B RUA RY 2021   5
EXPLAINER                                         distribution channels, and opera-         Overy lawyers. “Although the RCEP
                                                  tions to capitalise on favourable         does contain investment protections

                                                  trade concessions,” Bush says.            that are largely in line with those
                                                       François Renard and James            found in other modern treaties, it
                                                  Mythen, both partners at Allen &          does not currently provide for an
                                                  Overy, and senior associate Jaehee        investor-state dispute settlement

                                                  Suh say RCEP is expected to “signif-      (ISDS) mechanism.”
                                                  icantly” increase cross-border busi-           The lawyers note that in the
                                                  ness within the trading block.            absence of an ISDS mechanism,
                                                       “The notable improvements            foreign investors are unable to bring

                                                  to trade and market access, as            a direct claim — by arbitration, for
                                                  well as novel commitments with            example — against a state for a
                                                  respect to matters such as govern-        breach of the investment protec-
                                                  ment procurement and digital              tions in the trade deal.

                                                  trading relationship, are expected             But this is currently in the works
                                                  to generate work for lawyers who          with parties to the RCEP committed
                                                  support and facilitate cross-border       to discussing the settlement of
                                                  transactions and flow of capital,”        investor-state disputes no later
                                                  Renard, Mythen and Suh say.               than two years after the agreement
                                                       The RCEP agreement is also           comes into force.
       The Regional Comprehensive                 notable in that it marks the first time        “An ISDS provision, once
Economic Partnership (RCEP), signed               that major ASEAN countries have           included, would increase the prac-
by fifteen Asia-Pacific economies in              committed to improved transparency        tical significance of the investment
November last year, has been heralded             and cooperation in central govern-        protections in the eyes of the inves-
as the largest trade pact in the world.           ment procurement, and cross-border        tors,” Renard, Mythen and Suh say.
     China, Japan, Australia, and South           activities and corresponding legal             Bush says compared to the
Korea are among those that have joined            work in this sphere are expected to       CPTPP, RCEP is generally viewed
the mammoth agreement, covers                     increase, the lawyers say.                as “concentrating on tariffs cuts
nearly a third of the global population                It also establishes a commit-        and market access across diverse
and around 30 percent of global gross             ment to maintaining “competi-             jurisdictions with dramatically
domestic product. But while the agree-            tion law regimes based on inter-          different development needs,
ment is certainly ambitious, further              national best practices, and to           economic models, and political
changes are already on the cards.                 increasing cooperation on various         systems”.
                                                  issues relating to competition law             “The CPTPP agreement is
                                                  enforcement, including in actual          generally viewed as a more ambi-
    F OR L AW YERS,                               anti-competitive cases,” Renard,          tious trade agreement; the scope of
    WHAT T YPES OF WORK                           Mythen and Suh say.                       binding commitments enforceable
    MAY WE SEE AN INCRE ASE                            As a result, a pan-regional and      through formal dispute settlement
    OF AS A RESULT RCEP ?                         centralised approach to competition       under the CPTPP is far broader and
    For businesses that want to make              law will become more important            deeper than under RCEP,” says
    best use of the RCEP, talking to              which will, in turn, generate “advi-      Bush, noting that CPTPP imposes
    compliance specialists is a good              sory as well as contentious work for      enforceable standards for envi-
    start. Nathan Bush, Singapore-                law firms that can advise on both         ronmental protection and labour
    based partner and head of the                 local and comparative competition         rights, and outlines treatment of
    Asian investigations and antitrust/           law issues,” the lawyers add.             state-owned enterprises.
    competition practices at DLA Piper,
    says trade counsel and other trade            WHAT ARE AS ARE                           HOW MIGHT THE
    compliance specialists can aid                CURRENTLY MISSING                         AGREEMENT AFFEC T
    companies immediately in ensuring             FROM THE AGREEMENT ?                      CORP OR ATIONS IN ASIA?
    the latter maximise the benefits              The trade deal does come with some        Market watchers predict the RCEP
    available for their current operations        limitations, though.                      will boost supply chains and
    under RCEP and the Comprehensive                   “The RCEP falls short of             strengthen ties, but the timing of the
    and Progressive Agreement for                 creating a true single market,            agreement, in conjunction with the
    Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).            such as the EU, given the rela-           impacts of the pandemic is also likely
         “They can also guide compa-              tively limited focus on services, as      to lead to a careful re-examination
    nies in revisiting their supply chains,       opposed to goods),” say the Allen &       of the lay of the land for companies.

6    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – JA N UARY / FEB RUARY 202 1                               W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
          “Companies emerging from the                 Renard, Mythen and Suh say                     the competitive advantages that
     pandemic’s shadow may scrutinise             during trade tensions or in a situ-                 each of the RCEP members may
     existing supply chains and distribu-         ation such as the pandemic, well-                   have (in terms of access to raw
     tion channels as well as possible            established international supply                    material, quality of products, infra-
     alternatives to optimise the tariff-         chains are placed under stress,                     structure, speed of supply, etc),”
     efficiency of their regional opera-          or placed on hold. “Corporations                    they advise, adding: “Corporations
     tions,” suggests Bush.                       are sometimes forced to purchase                    may also envisage new invest-
          While for some industries, tariff       locally even if it does not satisfy their           ments throughout the region,
     reductions may have an impact on             needs or quality requirements,” the                 while reducing costs and time
     investment decisions and facilities          lawyers say.                                        for importing raw material and
     placement to benefit from lower                   “The RCEP should induce                        exporting manufactured goods to
     duties. “These tariff reductions may         corporation to reorganise their                     customers in the region. The RCEP
     reshape the Asia footprint of many           international supply chain                          is meant to be make the Asian
     MNCs,” Bush adds.                            throughout Asia and benefit from                    Century a reality.”


                $3.48 $3.26 $2.4
                JD Health’s HK IPO
                                              Recruit Holdings’
                                                               BLN                            BLN
                                                                              Combination of Singlife
                                                                                                                  Evergrande Property
                Deal Type: IPO                equity offering                 and Aviva’s Singapore               Services’ HK IPO
                Firms: Cleary Gottlieb        Deal Type: ECM                  businesses                          Deal Type: IPO
                Steen & Hamilton;             Firm: Skadden Arps              Deal Type: M&A                      Firms: Commerce &
                Han Kun Law Offices;          Slate Meagher & Flom            Firms: Latham &                     Finance Law Offices;
                Shihui Partners;              Jurisdiction: Japan             Watkins; Norton Rose                Freshfields Bruckhaus
                Skadden Arps Slate                                            Fulbright                           Deringer; King & Wood
                Meagher & Flom                                                Jurisdiction: Singapore             Mallesons; Sidley Austin
                Jurisdictions: China,                                                                             Jurisdiction: Hong Kong
                Hong Kong

                $1.6          BLN
                China Resources Mixc
                                              $925           MLN
                                              Japfa’s disposal of
                                                                              $674              MLN
                                                                              Pop Mart International
                                                                                                                  GHY Culture & Media
                Lifestyle Services’           shares in Greenfields           Group’s IPO                         Holding ‘s SGX IPO
                HK IPO                        Dairy Singapore to              Deal Type: IPO                      Deal Type: IPO
                Deal Type: IPO                Freshness                       Firms: Davis Polk &                 Firms: Christopher &
                Firms: Clifford Chance;       Deal Type: M&A                  Wardwell; Jingtian &                Lee Ong; Rajah & Tann
                DeHeng Law Offices;           Firms: Assegaf Hamzah           Gongcheng; King &                   Jurisdictions: Malaysia,
                Freshfields Bruckhaus         & Partners; Rajah &             Wood Mallesons;                     Singapore
                Deringer; Han Kun Law         Tann                            Simpson Thacher &
                Offices                       Jurisdictions: Indonesia,       Bartlett
                Jurisdictions: China,         Singapore                       Jurisdictions: China,
                Hong Kong                                                     Hong Kong

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                   A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – JA NUA RY/ F E B RUA RY 2021   7


       The Singapore International
Arbitration Centre (SIAC) has opened
a representative office in New York.
This is SIAC’s first representative office
outside Asia and the fifth overseas.
     The centre has also set a record
for new cases. As of Oct. 30, 2020,
SIAC saw 1005 new cases, which                            TONY ANDRIOTIS                IVAN CHEONG                   MATTHEW DURHAM
included two sets of related cases.                               L E AV I N G              L E AV I N G                      L E AV I N G
                                                             Quinn Emanuel           Harry Elias Partnership           Simmons & Simmons
That figure was more than double                           Urquhart & Sullivan
                                                                                            JOINING                           JOINING
the 479 new cases filed in 2019, and                              JOINING
                                                                                            Withers                              Gall
                                                                 DLA Piper
that was over a 12-month period. This                                                      P R AC T I C E                    P R AC T I C E
                                                                 P R AC T I C E
marked the first time SIAC’s caseload                    International Arbitration        Family Law                        Employment
crossed the 1000-case threshold.                                 L O C AT I O N            L O C AT I O N                    L O C AT I O N
                                                                 Hong Kong                 Singapore                        Hong Kong
     The New York representative
office of SIAC, which currently also has
branches in India, South Korea and
China, will be led by Adriana Uson.
Uson’s previous experience includes
working as a counsel in the SIAC
Secretariat, practising as a lawyer and
serving as sole arbitrator.

OON & BAZUL RARE FIRM TO                                   TIM FOURTEAU               JAMIE FRANKLIN                          RAY NG
                                                                  L E AV I N G              L E AV I N G                      L E AV I N G
                                                           Latham & Watkins            Latham & Watkins                         Ogier
                                                                  JOINING                   JOINING                           JOINING
                                                              White & Case               White & Case                Charles Russell Speechlys
       In an unprecedented move,
                                                                 P R AC T I C E            P R AC T I C E                    P R AC T I C E
Singapore’s Oon & Bazul has made                           Projects & Finance          Projects & Finance               Dispute Resolution
Abdul Malik, a non-lawyer, an equity                             L O C AT I O N            L O C AT I O N                    L O C AT I O N
partner of the firm.                                             Singapore                 Singapore                        Hong Kong
     Non-lawyers do not usually join
a firm’s equity partnership, with the
exception of some patent attorneys
and economists, even though regu-
lations in Singapore allow for it.
According to media reports, Malik’s
addition to the partnership was
approved by the Ministry of Law in
July. He becomes one of Oon & Bazul’s
five equity partners.
     Currently general manager and                         CLARA SHIROTA                  YUE SONG                        AI LEEN TANG
head of business development at Oon                               L E AV I N G              L E AV I N G                      L E AV I N G
& Bazul, Malik manages a team of 12                          Clifford Chance            Clifford Chance                Zul Rafique & Partners
professionals who assist him in the                               JOINING                   JOINING                           JOINING

financial, information technology,                            White & Case           King & Wood Mallesons               Wong & Partners
                                                                 P R AC T I C E            P R AC T I C E                    P R AC T I C E
human resources, marketing and                                Debt Finance            Debt Capital Markets            Corporate & Real Estate
business development functions of                                L O C AT I O N            L O C AT I O N                    L O C AT I O N
the firm.                                                          Tokyo                  Hong Kong                        Kuala Lumpur

8     ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – JA N UARY / FEB RUARY 202 1                                      W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM
  Ken Adams Drafting Clearer Contracts (Mar 2021)
2-Part Webinar
Part 1: 29 March 2021, Monday
9am to 12pm (Singapore / Hong Kong / Beijing / Shanghai time) GMT +8
Part 2: 30 March 2021, Tuesday
9am to 12pm (Singapore / Hong Kong / Beijing / Shanghai time) GMT +8
                                                                                           6 Public CPD points
                                                                                           (3 Public CPD Points Per Day)
ALB is pleased to present internationally renowned contracts expert Ken Adams for a        Practice Area: Corporate / Commercial
2-Part Virtual Masterclass. This hands-on masterclass explores how to draft contracts      Training Level: General

that express deal terms clearly and effectively, saving you time and money, enhancing      SILE Attendance Guidelines:
                                                                                           Participants who wish to obtain CPD Points are reminded that
your competitiveness, and mitigating risk. Rather than simply lecturing, Ken uses          they must comply strictly with the Attendance Policy set out in
interactive exercises, encouraging participation and addressing practical considerations   the CPD Guidelines. For this activity, this includes logging in at
                                                                                           the start of the webinar and logging out at the conclusion of the
related to the drafting process. This masterclass is valuable for both junior and senior   webinar on each day of the activity, and not being away from
                                                                                           any part of the webinar for more than 15 minutes on each day of
legal professionals, with tips that apply to all contracts drafted in English, whatever    the activity. Participants who do not comply with the Attendance
the governing law.                                                                         Policy on any particular day of the activity will not be able to
                                                                                           obtain CPD Points for that day of the activity. Please refer to
                                                                                  for more information.

WHAT YOU’LL LEARN                             WHO SHOULD ATTEND                            SPECIAL OFFER
 • Practical skills from a global industry     • Lawyers                                   Special Discount For The Book
   leader                                      • In-house counsel                          “A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting”
 • The problem with traditional contract       • Paralegals and managers in law            Each participant can purchase a copy of
   language                                      firms and corporations                    the latest edition of Ken Adams’s book,
 • How efficient contract drafting can         • Contract managers                         A Manual of Style for Contract Drafting
   benefit your business                       • Anyone who drafts, negotiates, or         at a 30% discount. The seminar explores
 • The basics of rigorous contract               reviews contracts                         issues addressed in detail in this one-of-
   language and layout                                                                     a-kind book that has become a valued
 • Why revising your contract                                                              resource for the legal profession.
   process can improve contract

 The state of contract drafting               Layout                                       Select Usages
   • Costs and causes of deficient              • How to present sections,                   • Problematic words and phrases
     drafting                                     subsections, and enumerated                • Clearer alternatives
   • Goals for the program                        clauses                                  Drafting as Writing
                                                • Using Adams’s enumeration
 The Front and Back of the                                                                   • Some general principles of
 Contract                                                                                      good writing that apply to
                                                • Issues of typography
   • Title and introductory clause                                                             contract drafting
   • Function and layout of recitals          Using Defined Terms                          Bringing It All Together
   • Traditional recital of                     • Two kinds of definitions                    • Redrafting sample provisions
     consideration                              • Role of the definition section
   • Concluding clause                          • Using an index of defined                Effecting Change
   • Role of exhibits and schedules               terms                                       • The individual
                                                                                              • The organization
 Categories of Contract Language              Ambiguity and Vagueness
   • Different categories of contract           • Different kinds of ambiguity
     language and their function                • How to avoid them
   • How to distinguish between                 • How to use vagueness
   • Why does it matter?
                                                                                                                 involved in forced labour or other human
                                                                                                                 rights abuses in the Muslim-majority
                                                                                                                 Xinjiang region, Hong Kong, or else-
                                                                                                                 where in China.
                                                                                                                      “We will also likely see further
                                                                                                                 additions of Chinese entities to the
                                                                                                                 Entity List based on civil-military fusion
                                                                                                                 concerns shared by the Trump and Biden
                                                                                                                 Administrations,” Contini says.
                                                                                                                      But it is a possibility, says Contini,
                                                                                                                 that some of the Trump Administration’s
                                                                                                                 actions that target China that the Biden
                                                                                                                 Administration consider too aggressive
                               U.S. President Joe Biden speaks during a brief appearance at the White House in
                                                Washington, U.S., January 25, 2021. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque       may be relaxed — “particularly those
                                                                                                                 imposed by Executive Order.”

                                                                                                                      There are questions about “whether
                                                                                                                 or how strongly” Biden’s government will
                                                                                                                 impose November 2019 sanctions that

TO SOFTEN CHINA STANCE                                                                                           prohibit investments in Chinese compa-
                                                                                                                 nies determined to be connected to the
                                                                                                                 Chinese military, Contini adds.
                                                                                                                      Born out of the circumstances
       Incoming U.S. president Joe                    policies of prior administrations and                      brought about the pandemic, another
Biden is tasked with resetting his coun-              reject the “policy by tweet” approach,                     key focus for the Biden administration
try’s geopolitical relations as outgoing              does expect the trade and security                         that concerns Asia will be its focus
president Donald Trump leaves behind                  concerns identified by the Trump admin-                    on supply chains to ensure domestic
a wake of chaos. While Trump’s imposi-                istration to “constrain the opportunity for                supplies of personal protective equip-
tion of tariffs and sanctions contributed             cooperation with China.”                                   ment and other critical products.
to many viewing him as an aggressor,                       While there will be room for China                         “I expect the Biden Administration
Biden is expected to remain firm in his               and the U.S. to collaborate on matters                     to continue the trend of focusing on
handling of geopolitical relations, but               such as climate change “It is unlikely that                supply chains, including intervening
operate more diplomatically than his                  there will be a quick change of direction                  when deemed necessary to avoid short-
predecessor, lawyers say.                             on trade policy regarding China,” says                     ages of critical supplies,” says Contini,
     Rod Hunter, a partner at Baker                   Hunter.                                                    citing last July when the Biden campaign
McKenzie and former Special Assistant to                   Dean Collins, a Partner at Dechert                    published a plan to rebuild U.S. supply
the President for National Security Affairs           Singapore, says that while Biden may                       chains in order to avoid the country
says that under the Biden administration,             look for opportunities to reduce tensions,                 facing future shortages of equipment
businesses in both Asia and the U.S. can              abrupt changes are unlikely.                               including medical supplies, semiconduc-
expect “more predictable policymaking.”                    “Biden has emphasised a desire to                     tors, key electronics and telecommunica-
     It appears the impact is already                 take a multilateral approach to trade and                  tions infrastructure.
being felt. In mid-January, the details of            global affairs. However, we anticipate                          “The basic premise of the plan is that
Biden’s economic relief American Rescue               continued trade and foreign investment                     the United States and its allies should
Plan saw Asian shares rise after a late               regulation efforts limiting cross-border                   not be dependent on supplies of critical
Wall Street dip, Reuters reported.                    China-related M&A activities,” he says.                    equipment from countries like China and
     There is speculation that under                       Kerry Contini, international trade                    Russia,” says Contini, adding that Biden
Biden’s leadership, the U.S. may rene-                partner in Baker McKenzie’s Washington,                    has outlined the possibility of a “carrot
gotiate an Asia-Pacific focused trade                 DC office, says sanctions under Biden’s                    and stick” approach to redirect critical
deal, deepening ties, while foreign policy            administration are still likely, although                  supply chains away from China and
expert Kurt Campbell is expected to step              these may be handed out “less aggres-                      Russia through import restrictions and
into the newly created role of Asia tsar,             sively and with less heated rhetoric.”                     incentivise bringing production to the U.S.
further illustrating the significance Biden                Contini expects these to be more                           “If Biden follows through on the
places on better managing Asia relations              deliberate, targeting companies deter-                     statements made during the campaign,
during his administration.                            mined by the U.S. government to be                         Chinese companies in U.S. companies’
     But Baker McKenzie’s Hunter, who                                                                            supply chains for critical equipment may
expects Biden’s leadership to attempt                                                                            find new barriers to bringing their prod-
to return to U.S. foreign policy and trade                                                                       ucts to the U.S. market,” Contini adds.

10    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – JA N UARY / FEB RUARY 202 1                                                       W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM

Yihan Goh, dean of the Singapore Management University School of Law, was recently appointed as
a senior counsel. He spoke to ALB about how the pandemic is impacting legal education, and what he
and his team are doing to build the ‘law school of the future.’

ALB: Can you start by telling us a bit        sion. However, we can certainly do more        to communicate effectively online. This
about your career?                            in this area.                                  is different from communicating in a
Yihan Goh: I am presently professor and                                                      real-world setting. Second, technology
dean of the Singapore Management              ALB: Technology has been a focus for           would continue to change the content of
University School of Law. In that capacity,   law firms for quite some time, but given       laws, all the more so after the pandemic.
through the collective efforts of a valued    how rapidly this can evolve, how can           Thus, students need to be sensitised to
team of academic and administrative           educators ensure students have a solid         the changing content of the relevant
colleagues, we are building the law           understanding that will carry them             laws. Finally, the nature of the profes-
school of the future. I graduated from        through their careers?                         sion will change — lawyers need to be
the NUS Faculty of Law in 2006. After         Goh: At SMU, we pursue a three-pronged         versed not only in the law, but in relevant
graduation, I was fortunate to serve as a     approach. First, we want every student         disciplines so that they can solve prob-
justices’ law clerk and then concurrently     to have a general understanding of tech-       lems for clients. Legal education has to
an assistant registrar at the Supreme         nology. We do this by distributing “issues     react to this.
Court for two years. After my time at the     packs” to students; these
Supreme Court, I returned to the NUS          highlight the relevant                                   ALB: Prior to COVID-19
Faculty of Law as a teaching assistant.       issues for students to learn                             there was discussion
I attained an LLM from Harvard Law            about. Second, we ensure                                 around how legal educa-
School on a NUS Scholarship, for which        that students who want to                                tion needs to adapt and
I will always be grateful. I left NUS as an   specialise can do so. We                                 evolve. What can educa-
assistant professor in 2014, when I joined    offer a suite of law/tech                                tors do to ensure students
the SMU School of Law in a similar role.      electives, such as fintech,                              are truly prepared the
In 2017, I was appointed to a five-year       privacy laws, computa-                                   changing nature of legal
term as dean of the School of Law, and        tional law, etc for students                             work?
subsequently promoted to professor in         to take. Third, for a select                             Goh: Educators need to
2019. In 2021, I was appointed senior         group of students who              Y IHAN GO H           keep themselves updated
counsel.                                      want a deeper specialisa-                                on the state of technology
                                              tion, we offer a joint degree                            so that they are equipped
ALB: What are some of the ways legal          in law and technology, namely, the BSc     to teach the students.
education has evolved over the time           in Computing and Law, jointly offered
you’ve been in academia?                      with the School of Informations System.    ALB: 2020 was a tough year for new
Goh: I can think of three ways. First, more                                              grads, any thoughts or advice for
content has moved online. When I first        ALB: Post-pandemic, what new areas         students starting legal studies this
started teaching, online tools existed but    do legal studies need to address?          year?
were not as widely utilised as they are       Goh: The pandemic has moved the legal      Goh: Continue doing your very best,
now. Second, there is now more aware-         profession on a fast-track towards digi-   and take a long-term view of things
ness of the need to connect what we           talisation. It is therefore important for  because this too will pass. Spend the
teach with the realities of practice. This    legal education to focus on aspects of     time devoting yourself towards learning
is important because the vast majority        this change. First, given that more hear-  as much as you can about the law and
of law students will start their careers as   ings will be conducted online, even after  related disciplines, so that you can be
practitioners. Third, and this is a recent    the pandemic, students must learn how      ready when the tide turns — and it will.
trend, there is now a greater emphasis
on teaching students about technology
and how that will affect the legal profes-

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – JA NUA RY/ F E B RUA RY 2021   11
                                              when a decision favours those they are         traditional court matters, which can drag
                                              backing.                                       on for years in India.
                                                    Omni Bridgeway, the world’s                    Desai added that he hopes that
                                              second-largest litigation financier with       in a few years, when the financiers get
                                              more than $1.5 billion in funds under          more comfortable with local issues, they
                                              management, and Abu Dhabi-based                can then “start looking at funding local
                                              Phoenix Advisors said they plan to set up      Indian arbitration and litigation”.
                                              India operations soon. Omni is already               In one case, as part of its finan-
                                              in talks with prospective clients.             cial turnaround, India’s Hindustan
                                                    “We are talking to various Indian        Construction Company raised $238
                                              corporates about their case load and           million in 2019 by selling its rights on
                                              how we can help de-risk that or monetise       arbitration awards to a consortium of
                                              that,” Tom Glasgow, Omni’s chief invest-       investors led by BlackRock.
                                              ment officer for Asia, told Reuters. He              Omni, Marsh and Phoenix said they
                                              declined to name any of those compa-           will also join hands with consultants and
                                              nies.                                          law firms to set up an Indian Association
                                                    Dilip Massand managing partner           for Litigation Finance to promote their
                                              at Phoenix Advisors, said that he could        business in the country.
                                              no reason why litigation funding in India            The association also aims to resolve

                                              could not be as robust, diverse, or of         complaints against its members and
                                              the same scale as the litigation funding       create a framework for self-regulation,
                                              industry in the United States or the UK.       said Bagaria, whose firm is a part of

FINANCIERS PLAN                               “I believe that sophisticated financial
                                              investors will be attracted to the asset
                                              class in India itself,” he added.
                                                                                             the group. “Through IALF, the funders,
                                                                                             service providers, practitioners and
                                                                                             arbitral institutions will set themselves

INDIA ENTRY TO                                      Prateek Bagaria, a partner at Indian
                                              law firm Singularity Legal, added that the
                                                                                             up as progressive, knowledgeable and
                                                                                             ethical service-providers whom clients

                                              country was ripe for litigation funding.       can readily engage,” he noted.
                                              “Indian law has been a frontrunner in                Massand added that IALF will be
                                              accepting litigation finance since 1876,       a game changer, and serve as a focal

DISPUTES                                      when it was confirmed by Privy Council.
                                              To add to this, international disputes
                                              have seen a huge growth in India today.
                                                                                             point for the development of third party
                                                                                             funding in India and an avenue for
                                                                                             discourse with regulators and Indian
                                              Therefore, the Indian market couldn’t          lawyers to collaboratively develop
        Some of the world’s top litigation    be more ready for the funders to tap on        the proper structures and alignment
financiers, such as Australia’s Omni          this lucrative jurisdiction to fund Indian     of economic interests, as well as the
Bridgeway, plan to tap the Indian market      disputes and parties,” he said.                avoidance of conflicts. “In fact, Phoenix
by funding the legal costs of disputes              U.S. insurance broker Marsh Inc,         intends to set up a domestic vehicle in
that embroil companies, executives told       which operates its litigation finance arm      India for litigation funding and asset
Reuters.                                      from its London office, said its executives    recovery in 2021,” he said.
      The concept of litigation finance is    will start visiting India more often to hold         Another law firm that is involved in
widely prevalent in Australia, the United     talks on offering funding to companies.        the IALF is PSL Chambers. Its managing
Kingdom and the United States, where                The coronavirus pandemic has crip-       partner, Sameer Jain, noted that good
such financiers pay legal fees and other      pled economic growth in India and hit          legal representation is expensive, and due
costs of commercial lawsuits, arbitration     businesses hard, sparking more contrac-        to non-availability of litigation finance in
or shareholder disputes and in return get     tual disputes and bankruptcy-related           India, a lot of meritorious claims either
a share of the award from a settlement        cases.                                         go uncontested or inefficiently contested.
or a win.                                           “The pandemic just sped things up,”      According to him, “IALF brings together
      So far in India, however, it has been   said Marsh’s head of litigation insurance      industry leaders in litigation finance
a little-known concept, with cases few        and funding, Sanjay Desai. “Businesses         and law to study the legal landscape
and far between.                              have less money and there is more liti-        for litigation finance in India, suggests
      While companies stand to gain by        gation. Funding provides the answer.”          amendments and regulatory framework,
safeguarding themselves against costs               The financiers said they initially       and also acts as a self regulating body
of fighting big-ticket claims, financiers     plan to focus on international arbitration     for entities providing litigation finance/
and their investors stand a chance to         cases involving Indian parties as these        third party funding in India. I think India
get higher returns on their investment        have a far quicker resolution time than        is ready for this big leap!”

12    ASIAN LEG AL BU S I N ES S – JA N UARY / FEB RUARY 202 1                                   W W W. L EG A L B U S I NE S S O NLI NE .COM

                                                          North Asia Announced M&A Legal Rankings                                                                                    North Asia Announced M&A Financial Rankings

                                                                                                           Value                   Market                                                                                                                      Value                                            Market
     Rank                                                              Legal Advisor                                     Deals                                        Rank                               Legal Advisor                                                              Deals
                                                                                                          ($MLN)                   Share                                                                                                                      ($MLN)                                            Share

         1                                                           Baker Mckenzie                      4,444.1              3      10.0                                 1                                       Citi                                      5,070.5                      3                              11.4
        2*                                                         Goodwin Procter LLP                    1,505.5             1        3.4                               2                         Goldman Sachs & Co                                        3,400.0                     2                                    7.6
        2*                                                    Simpson Thacher & Bartlett                  1,505.5             1        3.4                               3                             Morgan Stanley                                        1,505.5                     3                                   3.4
        4                                                     Anderson Mori & Tomotsune                    834.5              1        1.9                               4                                   Somerley                                         1,417.5                    3                                   3.2
        5                                                              TMI Associates                      554.4              7        1.2                               5                       China Securities Co Ltd                                      1,235.9                    2                                  2.8
        6                                                             Iwaida Partners                      530.4              1        1.2                               6                      Huatai Securities Co Ltd                                       1,141.6                   2                                  2.6
        7*                                                     Shearman & Sterling LLP                     270.0              1        0.6                               7                       Merdeka Securities Ltd                                         917.5                    1                                    2.1
        7*                                                             Kirkland & Ellis                    270.0              1        0.6                               8                                        UBS                                          869.1                     1                                  2.0
        9                                                            Grandall Law Firm                     262.3              1        0.6                               9                          HSBC Holdings PLC                                          842.3                     2                                    1.9
        10                                                             T & C Law Firm                      243.0              1        0.6                              10                     Plutus Consulting Co Ltd                                        834.5                     1                                    1.9

  (*tie) Based on Rank Value including Net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)                                                                  (*tie) Based on Rank Value including Net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)

                                                                                                    Any North Asia Involvement Announced M&A Activity - Quarterly Trend*

                                                                                  Series1                   Series2                                                                                                                                        407.2
             Rank Value US$ Billion

                                                 440                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 5,000
                                                                                                                      373.7                                                             353.4

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            No. of Transactions
                                                                                                           324.2                                                                                                                                                                     4,000
                                                 340                                                                                  279.8       280.3                                                                                                           277.9
                                                                                                                          268.4   256.1                                                                            275.9
                                                                                      252.9                     243.9                         243.5   254.8                                        248.7                                                                             3,000
                                                                                                                              218.7                       229.6                                219.3           198.4
                                                 240                      200.6   191.5
                                                                              168.0                                                       173.8                                                            174.6
                                                                                                                                                                                                       161.8               165.6                                                     2,000
                                                                 149.5142.8                                                                                                                                            138.2
                                                 140 93.5115.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                       1,000
                                                         40                                                                                                                                                                                                                          0
                                                              1Q 13      3Q 13    1Q 14     3Q 14     1Q 15     3Q 15     1Q 16    3Q 16          1Q 17          3Q 17          1Q 18          3Q 18          1Q 19          3Q 19         1Q 20          3Q 20          1Q 21

     Southeast Asia / South Asia Announced M&A Legal Rankings                                                                                                    Southeast Asia / South Asia Announced M&A Financial Rankings

                                                                                                           Value                   Market                                                                                                                      Value                                            Market
     Rank                                                              Legal Advisor                                     Deals                                        Rank                               Legal Advisor                                                              Deals
                                                                                                          ($MLN)                   Share                                                                                                                      ($MLN)                                            Share

                                                                                                                                                                          1                               JP Morgan                                         2,770.0                      2                           44.2
                                                                   Sidley Austin LLP
                                                                        Skadden                                                                                         2*                                    Barclays                                       2,050.0                     1                               32.7
         1                                                                                               2,050.0              1      32.7
                                                                     Ice Miller LLP                                                                                     2*                     Centerview Partners LLC                                       2,050.0                     1                               32.7
                                                                   Steptoe & Johnson
                                                                                                                                                                         4                         Goldman Sachs & Co                                          720.0                     1                                 11.5
        5                                                              Kirkland & Ellis                    720.0              1       11.5                               5                    W Capital Markets Pte Ltd                                         267.1                    2                                  4.3
        6*                                                                ENSafrica                        266.3              1        4.3                              6*                             FirstRand Bank                                          266.3                     1                                  4.3
        6*                                                         Norton Rose Fulbright                   266.3              1        4.3                              6*                           BofA Securities Inc                                       266.3                     1                                  4.3
        8                                                      Morgan Lewis & Bockius                       22.5              1        0.4                               8                         DBS Group Holdings                                          202.4                     1                                   3.2
        9                                                             AZB & Partners                        21.0              2        0.3                               9                                        UBS                                           175.0                    1                                  2.8
        10                                                            S&R Associates                          7.4             1        0.1                              10                                Jefferies LLC                                         78.0                     1                                    1.2

  (*tie) Based on Rank Value including Net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)                                                                  (*tie) Based on Rank Value including Net Debt of announced M&A deals (excluding withdrawn M&A)

                                                                                        Any Southeast Asia / South Asia Involvement Announced M&A Activity - Quarterly Trend*

                                                                                     Series1                  Series2
                                                          210                                                                                                                                                                      1,600
                                Rank Value US$ Billion

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               No. of Transactions

                                                          160                                                                                                                                                                      1,200
                                                                                                                                                                            118.1                                                  1,000
                                                          110                                                         79.9                                                                 85.0      85.6 82.3 77.1 74.6           800
                                                                                                       77.3                               68.3 73.6 70.1      72.9 73.7 74.5     75.1           70.8
                                                                                             64.0                          65.9                                                       66.4                                         600
                                                                         52.7      44.2 47.5                46.7                48.3 53.5                44.6                                                            51.8
                                                              60              39.0                42.1           41.8                                                                                                              400
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              13.4 200
                                                              10                                                                                                                                                                   0
                                                                   1Q 13 3Q 13 1Q 14 3Q 14 1Q 15 3Q 15 1Q 16 3Q 16 1Q 17 3Q 17 1Q 18 3Q 18 1Q 19 3Q 19 1Q 20 3Q 20 1Q 21

  *League tables, quarterly trends, and deal lists are based on the nation of either the target, acquiror, target ultimate parent, or acquiror ultimate parent at the time of the transaction. Announced M&A transactions excludes withdrawn deals. Deals with undisclosed dollar values are rank eligible but with
     no corresponding Rank Value. Non-US dollar denominated transactions are converted to the US dollar equivalent at the time of announcement of terms. NORTH ASIA: China, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan; SOUTHEAST ASIA: Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Brunei,
                                                                Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, Timor-Leste; SOUTH ASIA: India, Afganistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Data accurate as of 1 February 2021.

W W W. LEG ALBU SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                                                                                                                  A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E S S – JA NUA RY/ F E B RUA RY 2021                                                                                         13

                                                                                SUPER 50 LIST
                                                                              Susie Abdel-Nabi
                                                                                  Clyde & Co, UAE

                                                                                    Ali Abedi
                                                                     Hatem Abbas Ghazzawi & Co, Saudi Arabia

                                                                               Pervez Akhtar
                                                                        Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer, UAE

                                                                     Sheikha Haya Rashed Al Khalifa
                                                                         Haya Rashed Al Khalifa, Bahrain

                                                                       JD Hassan Matar Al Reyami
                                                                                  Al Reyami, UAE

                                                                         Mohammed Al-Shukairy
                                                                                Clifford Chance, UAE

                                                                               Fatima Alhasan
                                                                             Baker McKenzie, Bahrain

                                                                              Barney Almazar
                                                                                   Gulf Law, UAE

                                                                         Kushagra Ashok Arora
                                                                                     MHLF, UAE

                                                                           Mark Beswetherick
                                                                                  Clyde & Co, UAE

                                                                            Nassif BouMalhab
                                                                                  Clyde & Co, UAE

                                                                               Scott Campbell
                                                                                   Linklaters, UAE

                                                                          Rupert Copeman-Hill
                                                                        Charles Russell Speechlys, Bahrain

                                                                                 Marco De Leo
                                                                                 BonelliErede, UAE

                                                                                Hassan Elhais
                                                                            Al Rowaad Advocates, UAE

                                                                                 Rad El Treki
                                                                          Al Tamimi & Company, Bahrain

                                                                                Jasmin Fichte
                                                                        Fichte & Co Legal Consultancy, UAE

                                                                             Khalid Garousha
                                                                                 Allen & Overy, UAE

                                                                               Roy Georgiades
                                                                                  Al Tamimi, Qatar
     In its first MENA Super 50 Lawyers list, ALB spotlights               Christopher Gunson
  standout lawyers in the Middle East and North Africa region                    AMERELLER, UAE
 who have excelled in client service. The lawyers were selected       Yousuf Khalifa Bin Hammad
    based on client recommendations sent directly to ALB via          Yousuf Khalifa Ahmad Bin Hammad, UAE

  an electronic survey, which was open from November 2020                    Mohamed Hashish
                                                                        Soliman, Hashish & Partners, Egypt
    to January 2021. More than 300 in-house counsel voted,
 from across the Middle East region and beyond. The list is in                  Rita Jaballah
                                                                                   Al Tamimi, UAE
   alphabetical order, and certain lawyers have been profiled.
                                                                                  Ravi Jawani
                                                                        Fichte & Co Legal Consultancy, UAE
                                                                            Abdulrahman Juma
                                                                               Hadef & Partners, UAE

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                 SUPER 50 LIST
               BEHNAM KHATAMI
         Sabeti & Khatami Law Firm, Iran

                    Al Tamimi, UAE

                 DANIELLE LOBO
                 Afridi & Angell, UAE

                    ZUBAIR MIR                                     KUSHAGR A ASHOK                                           JASMIN

                                                                       ARORA                                            FICHTE
           Herbert Smith Freehills, UAE

            Trowers & Hamlins, Bahrain

              DAVID A. MONNIER                                       co-founder, partner,                            managing partner,
              Baker McKenzie, Bahrain                                    MHLF, UAE                          Fichte & Co Legal Consultancy, UAE
                    Al Reyami, UAE                           Arora is a seasoned lawyer with a              Fichte specialises in maritime law,
                                                             respectable disputes’ practice and             marine insurance, ship finance, stra-
              ABDULLAH MUTAWI
                    Al Tamimi, UAE                           a knack for negotiating complex                tegic investment solutions, arbitra-
                                                             matters; for and on behalf of a                tion, and litigation.
                ASHRAF NESSIM                                consistent clientele spread over                     Among the matters that she was
            Legal Steer Law Firm, Egypt
                                                             various industry segments, including,          involved in, Fichte advised on the
             JONATHAN P. NOBLE                               real estate developers, F&B, insurers,         acquisition of oil terminal and facili-
                  AMERELLER, UAE
                                                             contractors, healthcare, fintech,              ties of a Malaysian company for a total
                HENRY QUINLAN                                UHNI and HNI investors and family              value exceeding $50 million. She also
                    DLA Piper, UAE                           offices.                                       assisted a UAE oil trader regarding
              HASSAN ALI RADHI                                    He is currently advising two              several parcels of oil shipped from
      Hassan Radhi & Associates, Bahrain                     Forbes listed clients on matters               UAE to Yemen which were rejected by
        ANDREW SCHOORLEMMER                                  concerning investments in ME and               the end receiver based on the fraud-
                  Allen & Overy, UAE                         in Africa, respectively.                       ulent analysis carried out in Yemen.
                   JOEY SHABOT                                    He has the experience of nego-            Additionally, Fichte also acts on
              Greenberg Traurig, Israel                      tiating master franchise and related           behalf of various UAE government
                                                             issues for some renowned brands and            institutions.
             MATTHEW SHOWLER
              Trowers & Hamlins, UAE                         prospects in GCC, Africa and Japan;                  Regarding her motivation,
                                                             and a joint venture between multiple           Fichte says it comes from seeing
                  MUNIR SUBOH
  BSA Ahmad Bin Hezeem & Associates, UAE
                                                             plot owners and a developer client             clients achieve their goals and their
                                                             in Dubai.                                      growth. “We work hard because we
                   MIKE TAYLOR                                    He believes that it is paramount          believe in creating value for our
                Clifford Chance, UAE
                                                             for a counsel to be respected and              clients and working in an inde-
                 TIM TAYLOR QC                               trusted by the clients and co-coun-            pendent law firm allows us to decide
           King & Wood Mallesons, UAE
                                                             sels; which has to be earned by                on an ad-hoc basis and react swiftly
            ALESSANDRO TRICOLI                               valuing their concerns and objec-              to market needs,” she says. “I started
       Fichte & Co Legal Consultancy, UAE                    tives; ensuring interpretation of              Fichte & Co because I saw a need
                   HELEN TUNG                                laws which is precise yet innovative;          for high-quality client-focused legal
              Hamdan Al Shamsi, UAE                          a forensic understanding of facts;             advice. I wanted to create a working
               MICHAEL WATSON                                and developing a novel perspective             environment for like-minded
                  White & Case, UAE                          to perceive matters and their plau-            lawyers, passionate for what they
                     DANIEL XU
                                                             sible solutions.                               do.”
          King and Wood Mallesons, UAE
                                                                “He is highly skilled, a good                        “She is extremely
                   NAIEF YAHIA
                    Al Tamimi, UAE                           listener, attentive to the client's            knowledgeable of the UAE legal
                                                              views, and always delivers in a               and regulatory environment and
                 RENAD YOUNES
             Shearman & Sterling, UAE
                                                               timely and highly satisfactory                is the ‘go-to lawyer’ for all our
                                                                  fashion,” says a client.                  UAE legal issues,” says a client.
                  QAYS H. ZU’BI
  Zu’bi & Partners, Attorneys & Legal Consultants, Bahrain

                SINES S O N L I N E.CO M                                           A S I A N L EG A L B U S I N E SS
                                                                                                                  S S – JA N
                                                                                                                             UA RY/ F E B RUA RY 2021   15

         CHRISTOPHER                                   MOHAMED                                  JONATHAN P.

                                                   managing partner,
                                                                                                 local partner,
         AMERELLER, UAE                     Soliman, Hashish & Partners, Egypt                 AMERELLER, UAE

A corporate and commercial expert,         Hashish is well versed in corporate,       Noble, a local partner in AMERELLER’s
Gunson’s practice focuses on               mergers & acquisitions, banking            Dubai office, focuses on corporate and
commercial transactions, strategic         and finance, restructuring, telecom,       commercial, labour and employment,
investments, joint ventures, and regu-     media and technology and public            and dispute resolution matters. He
latory compliance. He assists compa-       procurement.                               advises multinational companies and
nies on advisory work, negotiation,              He has acted for clients on          regional powerhouses on interna-
and strategy.                              different matters including advising       tional transactions, company forma-
     Gunson has represented more           SABIS Holding on restructuring of          tion, agency and distribution, joint
than 300 Japanese clients across           its subsidiaries in Egypt, counselling     ventures, and corporate governance
the Middle East region. Some of            Wabtec on restructuring of its subsidi-    in the UAE, GCC, and broader MENA
Gunson’s noteworthy cases over             aries in Egypt and acting as local legal   region.
the past year include representing         counsel to IBM on obtaining the first-          Noble assisted a regional tech
Kurita Europe GmbH, part of Kurita         ever WAN license in Egypt.                 company on restructuring of its
Water Industries Group, on its joint             In addition, Hashish repre-          regional operations in multiple juris-
venture with AquaChemie in the             sented GE Healthcare on launching          dictions including Morocco, Egypt,
UAE and Saudi Arabia. He also              its first-ever e-commerce platform in      Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and
counselled Kinden Corporation              Egypt, advised Polimeros Mexicanos         the UAE. He also advised a major
of Japan on its acquisition of             on developing its chemical plant in        Swiss pharmaceutical company on
International Electro-Mechanical           Egypt, acted for Hewlett Packard on        a potential investment in the UAE
Services Co. of Dubai.                     restructuring of its business in Egypt,    under the new foreign direct invest-
     According to Gunson, client           and counselled the World Bank Group        ment regime.
appreciation is what keeps him moti-       with regulation of the telecom sector           In 2020, he represented Kinden
vated. “I focus on cultural empathy        in Egypt.                                  Corporation of Japan in its acquisition
towards my clients,” he says. “My                Talking about his approach           of International Electro-Mechanical
approach is to explain legal risks,        towards his clients, Hashish says, “The    Services Co. of Dubai, UAE.
while acknowledging practical              real success, for me, is when I provide         Noble chief motivation is helping
concerns, make a reasoned recom-           my clients with the type of legal          clients solve problems. “In often diffi-
mendation, but respect a client’s          advices that they never had before,        cult and uncertain jurisdictions, we
decision. Practice of business law in      especially for complex projects. This      strive to deliver fast, high quality,
the Middle East requires a different       will never happen without always           affordable legal advice without
approach from many other developed         putting our client’s interest before       compromising on a single element
jurisdictions.”                            anything else including us.”               of the client experience.”

“He gives valuable feedback and               “He is careful, diligent, and              “He delivers detailed and
finds different approaches to the             spots important issues that             concise work that allows me and
  various matters, giving well-             escape other counsel, especially          my in-house legal department to
  thought-out pros and cons to               on complicated international              also operate more efficiently,”
  each scenario,” says a client.              transactions,” says a client.                    says a client.

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