Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW

Page created by Rosa Wise
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
                                                                                                                          June 9, 2022        1

  June 9, 2022
  V ol . 79, n o . 22                                                                                       ®
  duty, Honor, Country    SerVinG   tHe   u.S. military aCademy   and tHe Community of   weSt Point


Honoring Gavin, D-Day                                                                      A wreath-laying ceremony to honor Lt. Gen. James
                                                                                           Gavin, U.S. Military Academy 1929 graduate, at
                                                                                           his gravestone took place Monday at the West
                                                                                           Point Cemetery. (Top left, bottom left and above)
                                                                                           Larry Lenahan, a member of the 82nd Airborne
                                                                                           Division Association, and Department of History
                                                                                           Capt. Michael Matheny place a wreath at Gavinʼs
                                                                                           gravestone with members of the Military Police
                                                                                           Color Guard and Firing Party also a part of the
                                                                                           ceremony. Gavin is honored annually for leading
                                                                                           the 82nd Airborne Division paratroopers in a combat
                                                                                           assault on D-Day June 6, 1944 in Normandy, France.
                                                                                           During World War II, he was often referred to as “The
                                                                                           Jumping General” because of his practice of taking
                                                                                           part in combat jumps with the paratroopers under
                                                                                           his command. He was the only American general
                                                                                           officer to make four combat jumps in the war. Gavin
                                                                                           was the youngest major general to command an
                                                                                           American division in World War II. Photos by EliZabeth
                                                                                           Woodruff/USMA PAO and Jorge Garcia/PV
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
2         June 9, 2022                                                                                       newS & featureS                                                                                                                                       Pointer View

Hurricane season has arrived, prepare for the possibility
By Thomas Slater
DPTMS Plans Force Protection Officer

    The peak for the Atlantic hurricane season
is fast approaching, making it imperative to
stay informed on the proper precautions to
take in the event a tropical storm or hurricane
tracks through the West Point community.
    The Atlantic hurricane season, which
started June 1, officially spans from June
1 to Nov. 30 each year, with its peak
season traditionally being between August
and October. Areas affected include the
Caribbean, Gulf Coast and Atlantic Coast.
    According to the U.S. Army Garrison-
West Point Inclement Weather Plan, West
Point residents are responsible for preparing                                 The Atlantic hurricane season, which started June 1, officially spans from June 1 to Nov. 30 each year, with its peak
their homes for incoming tropical storms                                      season traditionally being between August and October.                                               Courtesy Photos
and hurricanes, making it vital to know the                                   clear has been granted, stay away from                                          means that the “Leave During Adverse
knowledge of what to do in the event of an                                    damaged areas such as downed power lines,                                       Weather” policy is in effect until the stated
emergency.                                                                    blocked roads and flooded areas.                                                time or all day.
    Recommended preparations before a                                             Also ensure there are no hazards in and                                         • “WEST POINT IS CODE RED
hurricane or tropical storm hits include                                      around your immediate area, and secure                                          UNTIL (stated time).” This announcement
bringing large and potentially damaging                                       children and pets until certain there are no                                    means that part of the installation is closed
outside items such as antennas and lawn chairs                                dangers.                                                                        until the announced time, and employees,
inside, securing doors and windows, storing                                       If you evacuated from your home and are                                     other than those directed in writing by their
extra water in pots, jugs and disinfected                                     returning, ensure the Public Affairs Office                                     supervisor as “Weather Essential,” should not
bathtubs, and assembling a disaster supply kit                                and Emergency Operations Center have given                                      report until that time.
with medications, rationed food, important                                    the all clear to return to the installation.                                        • “WEST POINT IS CODE RED ALL
documents and other essential items.                                              Enter your residence with caution,                                          DAY.” This means that only employees in                                     valuable information to all levels of the Army
Identifying public shelters close to home,                                    inspecting for possible damage and wildlife.                                    emergency or Weather Essential positions                                    chain of command, allowing commanders to
work and school and making arrangements                                       Open windows and doors to offer ventilation.                                    should report for work. Employees in                                        make strategic decisions, which facilitate a
for pet care is encouraged as well.                                               The Directorate of Plans, Training,                                         non-emergency or non-Weather Essential                                      return to stability. Employees can update their
    It is also recommended to take an                                         Mobilization and Security Office (DPTMS)                                        positions should not report to work until their                             ADPAAS information at https://adpaas.
inventory of your personal property, including                                uses multiple mass warning and notification                                     next regularly scheduled workday.                                           army.mil/cas/login?service=https%3A%
video and photographs of the inside and                                       systems to alert the community of potential                                         During adverse weather conditions,                                      2F%2Fadpaas.army.mil%2F.
outside of your residence and the belongings                                  threats.                                                                        West Point employees can obtain weather,                                        Be advised damage or safety hazards
therein in the event of damage resulting from                                     The Loud Voice is centrally managed                                         road conditions and operations information                                  caused by hurricanes or tropical storms in
the storm.                                                                    at DPTMS during daytime hours and the                                           by calling 845-938-7000 or looking for                                      government housing can be reported to the
    If an evacuation has not been ordered                                     Directorate of Emergency Services (DES)                                         announcements on the Command Information                                    Directorate of Public Works at 845-938-
for your area or you choose to remain in                                      after hours. Speakers are strategically placed                                  Channel 8 or 23.                                                            2316/2317 or the Military Police at 845-
your residence, ensure nonperishable food                                     throughout the community to warn residents                                          Employees also can go to the Internet                                   938-3333.
items, bottled water and extra medication are                                 of impending danger.                                                            for weather-related information on the West                                     Further information for hurricane
on hand in the event of prolonged utilities                                       We also recommend downloading the                                           Point Garrison website and Facebook page,                                   and tropical storm preparation, as well
outages.                                                                      FEMA app at https://www.fema.gov/                                               or listen to area radio stations (e.g., WHUD                                as resources for other natural disasters
    Ensure your vehicles are filled with                                      mobile-app to receive real-time alerts from                                     100.7 FM) for updated weather notifications.                                can be found at the Directorate of Plans,
gasoline in case of emergency or evacuation,                                  the National Weather Service for up to five                                     Individual activities (e.g., Band, DCA, ODIA,                               Training, Mobilization and Security Office
and keep water purification tablets stocked                                   locations nationwide. For West Point specific                                   Ski Slope/Golf Course, West Point Club and                                  — Emergency Management at 621 Wilson
and readily available.                                                        information, download the LiveSafe App                                          Thayer Hotel) all have hotline phone numbers                                Road or call 845-938-7092.
    During the storm, shelter in an interior                                  or contact the USAG-WP Force Protection                                         that patrons can call to determine if an event                                  Useful Websites
room, closet or hallway away from windows,                                    Officer, Thomas Slater, at 938-8574 for                                         is impacted by weather.                                                         • Army Ready
skylights and outer walls and stay tuned to                                   enrollment into the ALERTS system.                                                  U.S. Army Disaster Personnel                                                https://ready.army.mil/.
local radio and television weather reports.                                       The garrison commander may authorize                                        Accountability and Assessment System                                            • National Weather Service
Refrain from venturing outside until given                                    modified work schedules depending on the                                        (ADPAAS) standardizes a method for the                                          https://www.weather.gov/.
the all clear from the military police and fire                               severity of conditions. The following three                                     Army to account, assess, manage and monitor                                     • West Point Garrison Community
department via Public Address system and                                      basic alerts are used:                                                          the recovery process for personnel and their                                Facebook
other available media.                                                            • “WEST POINT IS CODE WHITE                                                 families affected and/or scattered by a wide-                                   h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m /
    After the storm has passed and the all                                    UNTIL (stated time, or, all day).” This                                         spread catastrophic event. ADPAAS provides                                  USAGWestPoint.

       The Army civilian enterprise newspaper, the Pointer View, is an authorized publication for members
 of the Department of Defense. Contents of the Pointer View are not necessarily the official views of, or

                                                                                                                    The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not
                                                                                                             constitute endorsement of the products or services advertised by the U.S. Army or the Times Herald-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               90 Crystal Run Road, Suite 310 Middletown, NY 10941
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          To subscribe to the Pointer View or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   if you have delivery problems, call 845-346-3213.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Lt. Gen. Darryl A. Williams    Vacant
 endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of the Army or the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.    Record.                                                                                                           Superintendent                 PV Assistant Editor
       The editorial content of the Pointer View is the responsibility of the U.S. Military Academy Public          Everything advertised in this publication will be made available for purchase, use or patronage            Lt. Col. Beth R. Smith
 Affairs Office, Bldg. 600, West Point, New York 10996, (845) 938-2015.                                       without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap,            Public Affairs Officer         Jorge Garcia
       The Pointer View is printed weekly by the Times Herald-Record, a private firm in no way connected      political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron.                               Eric S. Bartelt                PV Staff Writer, 938-3684
 with the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with West Point. The Times Herald-Record is              If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, the publisher   PV Managing Editor, 938-2015   jorge.garcia@westpoint.edu
 responsible for all commercial advertising.                                                                 will refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation has been corrected.                         eric.bartelt@westpoint.edu
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
Pointer View                                              IN FOCUS: CADET SUMMER TRAINING/CFT                                                                                June 9, 2022             3

Cadet Summer Training: Training future leaders
Story and photos by
Spc. Kelvin Johnson Jr.
40th Public Affairs Detachment

    The U.S. Military Academy started its
Cadet Summer Training at Camp Buckner and
Camp Natural Bridge in late May.
    Cadet Summer Training consists of a
variety of training events to educate, train
and inspire future leaders with the help of
Task Force Leader, which is the 1st Battalion,
187th Infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade Combat
Team “Rakkasans,” 101st Airborne Division
(Air Assault) from Fort Campbell, Kentucky,
that started in May and goes through August.
    Training that falls under CST includes
Cadet Basic Training, Cadet Field Training
and Cadet Leader Development Training. Each
training has a significant role that leads cadets
toward being a part of the “Long Gray Line.”
    Cadet Field Training Command Sgt. Maj.
Corrigan Railey, a rising firstie at USMA,
says that summer training is key to creating
character for future leaders.
    “It all starts with CBT, also known as
‘Beast,’” Railey said.                               U.S. Military Academy cadets check in for their Cadet Field Training May 29 at Camp Buckner. The purpose of CFT is
    This training is about 1,200 high school         to develop, train, test and validate specific tasks; prepare third-class cadets to assume duties as NCOs in the Corps
graduates and prior-service Soldiers entrance        of Cadets; instill the warrior ethos in each cadet; and inspire each cadet to professional excellence through physically
to West Point. From the beginning of Reception       and mentally demanding training.
Day, it is a six-week training consisting of         qualifications, Night Vision familiarization and   and retained all the knowledge that we had            Railey agreed with Tinsleyʼs assessment,
academic briefs and rigorous testing to prepare      more.                                              given them,” said Sgt. Michael Tinsley, an        which allows cadets to grow in their skills as
the new cadets on the West Point culture.                Railey states the completion of CFT will       Infantry Team Leader with 1-187. “They are        future officers.
    The new cadets then develop their basic          allow the cadets to become Yearlings and           our future leaders. The tactics we are teaching       “You are not with the people you are
Soldier tasks. They learn basic marksmanship,        leaders in the fall. The following summer          them they can take and communicate with           usually with during the school year,” Railey
land navigation, patrol bases and other              cadets will also begin their CLDT.                 non-commissioned officers to make the future      said. “They take you out of your comfort zone
additional skills during Beast.                          Cadet Leader Development Training is a         fight easier.”                                    and push you to new heights. Like making new
    Cadets, once they complete CBT, begin            culminating event of all the summer trainings.         This training does not just teach cadets      friends, becoming a leader and rappelling out
their academic school year as Plebes.                It is 20 days of training, broken down into        how to be leaders, it also teaches them how to    of a helicopter.”
    “After cadets finish their freshman              10 days of preparation and 10 days of field        work as a team.                                       Cadets are pushing themselves to be the
academic year, they go into CFT,” Railey said.       training exercise, or FTX. The FTX will consist        “We teach these cadets, then allow them       best they can be.
    Cadet Field Training is where the third-         of ambushes, raids, defenses and more at the       to conduct a training mission on their own,”          “The morale is good out here,” Tinsley
year cadets, “Yearlings,” refresh on what they       platoon level.                                     Tinsley said. “It gives them the opportunity      said. “They are eager to learn and push
learned during Beast. They also complete                 With multiple trainings taking place, the      to trust what they have learned and trust one     themselves to be better, to be great leaders in
their Basic Officer Leader Course (BOLC) A           Rakkasans came to West Point to help train         another to communicate and work as a team.”       the future.”
requirements.                                        these future leaders and give them the personal
    Cadets will complete a Water Confidence          experience needed toward becoming officers.
Course, Marne Obstacle Course, marksmanship              “I’m hoping the (cadets) came out here

                                                                                                        Cadets arrive at Cadet Field Training May 29 at Camp Buckner. CFT is a three-
                                                                                                        to-four-week program of instruction that emphasizes general military skills,
A U.S. Military Academy cadet carries his duffel bag as he prepares for the                             individual preparedness training, preparations for extended field operations,
upcoming Cadet Field Training May 29 at Camp Buckner.                                                   and leading, participating in and conducting small-unit tactical operations.
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
4     June 9, 2022                            IN FOCUS: HONORING LAFAYETTEʼS VISIT                                                           Pointer View

Lafayette’s visit to West Point honored with historical marker

What better way to mark the anniversary of the D-Day landings at Normandy than by reflecting on the origins of the Franco-American alliance? Jérémie Robert
(above right), consul general of France in New York, helped unveil a new historical marker (above) commemorating the 1824 and 1825 visits to West Point
of Maj. Gen. Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette, a hero of the American Revolution. Col. Bryan Gibby (above left), Department of History head, led the
ceremony and his history department colleague, Rob McDonald, provided details of festivities to welcome Lafayette, whose visits were part of a tour of all 24
U.S. states at the time. Denise VanBuren and Patrice Birner, president general and N.Y. state regent of the Daughters of the American Revolution, respectively,
placed a wreath by the marker, which is the 73rd of a projected 150 that will dot the eastern half of the U.S. in advance of the bicentennial of Lafayette’s tour.
The markers result from the efforts of Julien Icher (bottom left), founder and president of The Lafayette Trail project, who also spoke at the event. The ceremony
concluded with a moment of silence in memory of D-Day and the West Point Band’s (bottom right) rendition of George M. Cohan’s 1917 song, “Over There.”
																Photos by Christopher Hennen/USMA PAO
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
Pointer View                                  ICYMI: MEMORIAL DAY WREATH LAYING                                                        June 9, 2022        5

West Point honors those who gave the ultimate sacrifice

Col. Evangeline Rosel (left), the West Point Garrison Commander, Lt. Col. Donald Williamson (right), the West Point Garrison Chaplain, and Spc. Dylan Bocash,
member of the West Point Military Police Company, presented a wreath in front of Battle Monument during the Memorial Day Observance May 30 at Trophy
Point. 														 Photos by Sgt. 1st Class Luisito Brooks/USMA PAO NCOIC

Members of the West Point Band march toward a performance during a Memorial Day          Members of the West Point Military Police Companyʼs Honor Guard
Observance May 30 at Trophy Point on West Point.                                         fire a 21-gun salute during a Memorial Day Observance on May 30.
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
6    June 9, 2022                                                                                                         Pointer View

                                                                                                 New hours at West Point Commissary

Attend law school at government expense
through the funded legal education program
    The Office of The Judge Advocate General        This program is open to regular Army
will be accepting applications for the Army’s   captains, lieutenants, sergeants first class,
Funded Legal Education Program (FLEP)           staff sergeants and sergeants. Commissioned
starting in August. Under this program, the     officer applicants must have at least two,
Army projects sending up to 25 active duty      but not more than six, total years of active
commissioned officers and noncommissioned       federal service when law school begins. NCO
officers to civilian law school at government   applicants must have at least four, but not
expense.                                        more than eight, total years of active federal
    Selected officers and NCOs will attend      service when law school begins.
law school beginning in fall 2023 and remain        Applicants must also hold a bachelor’s
on active duty while attending law school.      degree from an accredited college or
We are seeking exceptional leaders with the     university. Eligibility is governed by statute
confidence, humility and character needed to    (10 U.S.C. 2004) and non-waivable.
provide principled counsel and premier legal        Applicants must interview with the Staff
support to the best clients in the world.       Judge Advocate, U.S. Military Academy.
    Interested officers and NCOs should         All interviews will be scheduled through the
review Army MILPER Message 22-076 and           Deputy Staff Judge Advocate at 845-938-
Chapter 10, AR 27-1 (The Judge Advocate         3205.
General’s Funded Legal Education Program)           For more information about the FLEP,
to determine their eligibility.                 contact the Deputy Staff Judge Advocate.
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
Pointer View                                     IN FOCUS: WPMS SPEECH CONTEST                                                          June 9, 2022       7

West Point Middle School awards Speech Contest finalists

Congratulations to the finalists of the seventh annual West Point Middle School Speech Contest. This yearʼs topic was, “The Power of Wordsˮ and included the
following quote from Dr. Mardy Grothe as inspiration: “Words have incredible power. They can make peopleʼs hearts soar, or they can make peopleʼs hearts
sore.ˮ First place was awarded to Ellie Posner (front row center), Milo Kyle (front row left) earned second place and Abigail Weld (front row right) received
third place. Other finalists were (middle row from left to right) Ines Nunez, Grace Harrity and Isabella Anasagasty. Judges this year included Col. Evangeline
Rosel (top row middle), West Point Garrison Commander; Jocelyn Cody (top row second from right), West Point Spousesʼ Club 2022-23 president; and Adam
DiBenedetto (Top row far right), James I. OʼNeill teacher and football coach. Chad Haley (top row second from left), a JIO sophomore, served as the speech
contestʼs coordinator and worked hand-in-hand with Kerri Hajjar (top row far left), a WPMS teacher, to ensure a successful competition.
																	 Photo courtesy of Chad Haley
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
8      June 9, 2022                                                                                                                                                         Pointer View

Cat fun facts from WPES student
By Nora Pfaff                                     is probably a lot you don’t know about them!     It’s one of the catsʼ key anatomical adaptions        Did you know that, according to studies,
Fifth grader at West Point Elementary                 For example, you probably know that cats     that separates them from other mammals. An        cats can fall about 200 feet and suffer little to
School                                            always land on their feet, but do you know       anatomical adaption is the physical feature of    no injury? Humans can only fall about 25 feet
                                                  why? Cats land on their feet because they have   a living thing.                                   without getting hurt!
    Do you have a furry friend at home?           something called a righting reflex. A righting        Did you know that cats’ whiskers have over       More Fun Facts
Even if you don’t, you might find these facts     reflex is a complex motor function that your     200 nerve cells in each one. Humans only have         • Cats have 18 toes in total.
informative. Some of you may think that cats      brain performs when you fall.                    50-150 sensory neurons in each taste bud.             • Cats have whiskers on the backs of their
are annoying or vicious, but character varies         For cats, this reflex is performed by             Additionally, cats can turn their ears 180   legs.
from cat to cat. I don’t blame you if you donʼt   twisting midair and allowing them to land on     degrees; that’s the same as a human neck! They        • A cat’s collar bone doesn’t connect to
like them but read on if you are interested.      their feet!                                      can hear five times better than humans, which     any other bones.
    Cats are fascinating creatures and there          Cat’s whiskers are also very noticeable.     means they must hear everything!                      • A group of cats is called a clowder.

Did you know that cats can fall about 200 feet and suffer little to no injury? Learn more about cats in the article above from West Point Elementary School fifth
grader Nora Pfaff.               													                                                                                       Photo provided by Rachel Pfaff
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
Pointer View                                       Community/Keller/MWR                           June 9, 2022   9

Mine Torne Road closures                        For details, email Kim Heyman at kheyman@
    Cadet Summer Training is ongoing and        jjay.cuny.edu.
will continue throughout the summer.                • Long Island University — master’s
    Due to training on Range 2 (artillery)      degrees in school counseling, mental health
and Range 12 (demolition), Mine Torne           counseling, marriage and family counseling
Road will be closed on certain days through     — call Mary Beth Leggett at 845-446-3818
July 29.                                        or email marybeth.leggett@liu.edu.
    Here are the initial dates Mine Torne           AEC — Testing Office
Road will be closed from 7 a.m.-7 p.m.               The Army Education Center at West Point
each day below:                                 offers the following Army Personnel Tests
    • Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,       (APT) — AFCT, DLAB, DLPT and SIFT. We
June 17, 18, 26 and 27..                        also offer the TABE and GT Predictor.
    • July 6-14 and 18-29.                          Testing is offered by appointment only.
                                                    To make an appointment, call 845-938-
West Point Community Gymnastics                 3360 or email Janet Browne at janet.p.browne.
Club Day Camp                                   ctr@mail.mil or Melissa Siry at melissa.e.siry.
    The West Point Community Gymnastics         ctr@mail.mil.
Club is offering a day camp from 9 a.m.-4           The AEC is also an Authorized Pearson
p.m. starting June 27 through July 1.           VUE Testing Site, open on a space available
    For any questions, call Carmine Giglio      basis to Soldiers, civilian personnel, military
at 845-938-2880.                                contractors and family members who hold a
    For more details, visit                     government ID card.
westpointcgcsummercamp/home.                    Fatherʼs Day Sweepstakes at the
    Use the QR Code below to get more           Exchange
information or to register.                         The Army & Air Force Exchange Service
                                                and Mars are celebrating dads with a chance to
                                                win a big-screen TV just in time for Father’s
                                                Day. Through today, authorized shoppers 18
                                                years and older can enter to win one of three
                                                $1,500 Exchange gift cards that can be used
                                                to purchase a big-screen TV at their local
                                                Exchange or on ShopMyExchange.com.
                                                    For rules and to enter, shoppers,
                                                including honorably discharged veterans
                                                and DOD civilians and retirees, can visit
                                                Winners will be selected on or about Saturday.

                                                Discover ʽOceans of Possibilitiesʼ at
                                                the Cornwall Public Library
                                                    The Cornwall Public Library’s 2022
                                                Summer Reading Program, “Oceans of
                                                Possibilities,” officially begins on June 21.
                                                    Celebrate the beginning of summer and
                                                of the Summer Reading Program with its
                                                kickoff event “Sidewalk Chalk — Drawing
West Point Bass Club                            Seascapes” at 6 p.m. June 21.
    The West Point Bass Club is now accepting       The library provides the sidewalk and
new members.                                    chalk; you provide the artistic imagination.
    The bass club shares angling knowledge,     Staff will be available to help patrons —
conducts tournaments, promotes sustainable      children and adults — register for the
fishing and performs community service in       Summer Reading Program. This is a drop-in
support of the West Point Outdoor Recreation.   event for all ages.
    Membership is open to military, DOD             The library is also hosting a special teen
civilians, veterans of the Armed Forces and     kickoff event for Grades 6-12, “A Party
their dependents.                               2 Dye 4” at 3:30 p.m. June 29. Teens are
    For more information, contact               invited to bring their friends and a T-shirt
Todd Messitt at toddmess@aol.com or             to tie-dye, and sign up for summer reading
go to https://pbwimmer.wixsite.com/             in the process.
bassclubatwestpoint.                                The Summer Reading Program features
                                                reading logs and game boards with at-
Army Education and Workshops                    home challenges that are tons of fun and
   The Army Education Center’s college          will provide a great way to exercise your
courses are offered through the Army            reading muscles and stretch your creative
Education Center at West Point, located at      powers.
683 Buckner Loop.                                   More information is available at the
   Graduate studies                             library, and can also be found on the
   • John Jay College of Criminal Justice       library’s website at cornwallpubliclibrary.
— master’s degree in public administration.     org or call us at 845-534-8282.
Honoring Gavin, D-Day - Pointer View - POINTERVIEW
10 June 9, 2022                                               IN FOCUS: KELLER CORNER UPDATES                                                                                    Pointer View

Keller Corner: Weekly updates, COVID-19 info
Keller Corner
                                                                                             Keller’s outpatient pharmacy pick-up        Lt. Col. Brandi Hicks, chief, Department of Radiology, Keller
                                                                                             windows.                                    Army Community Hospital, said. “Patients will experience
                                                                                                  Drug information and patient           a more comfortable examination with reliable and quick
                                                                                             counseling is provided on new and           results.”
                                                                                             refilled prescriptions for all eligible         The Mammomat Revelation utilizes a unique 50-degree,
                                                                                             beneficiaries. Pharmacy hours are:          digital breast tomosynthesis (DBT), which provides ‘three-
                              For a one-stop shop of all updated coronavirus                              o Monday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.;       dimensional-like’ capabilities.
                              information, Keller Army Community Hospital                                 o Tuesday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.;          This will improve cancer detection and help to decrease
                                                                                                          o Wednesday: 8 a.m.-5          our call backs for additional images.
                              notifications, how to stop the spread of COVID-19,
                                                                                             p.m.;                                           More information on the new equipment can be
                              federal/state/local guidance and the U.S. Military
                                                                                                          o Thursday: 8 a.m.-2 p.m.;     found at https://www.siemens-healthineers.com/en-us/
                              Academy and Army Garrison West Point 3 p.m.-5 p.m.;
                              webpages, visit https://kach.amedd.army.mil/                                o Friday: 8 a.m.-5 p.m.        revelation.
                              West-Point-COVID-19-INFO/.                                          • Patients can pick up their refills       Lt. Col. Neil McMullin, deputy commander for Clinical
                                                                                             at Keller’s ScriptCenter prescription       Services, Keller Army Community Hospital, highlighted
KACH COVID-19 vaccine clinic open on Fridays only                pick-up kiosk in the main lobby. The ScriptCenter kiosk will            the importance of having mammography services at Keller.
     The Keller Army Community Hospital has updated the provide a locker for secure and safe pickup of refill prescriptions,                 “Mammography is crucial to early diagnosis of breast
COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic hours (for first, second or third/ and will allow for pharmaceutical pickup after the pharmacy has           cancer. One of the most important factors that impacts breast
booster; for adults and pediatrics) to Fridays only. The updated closed. A full feature on the ScriptCenter kiosk at KACH can be         cancer survival is early detection,” McMullin said. “Keller
schedule is:                                                     found at https://www.army.mil/article/250422.                           is ready to offer easy access to this essential service to our
     • From 10-11:30 a.m. Friday for the adult population (ages      • Patients can receive their prescriptions through the              nearly 13,000 beneficiaries.”
12 years and older).                                             convenience of ‘home delivery.’ Registering for home delivery               The American Cancer Society says:
     Appointments can be made on the COVAX Appointment Tool can be done online at https://militaryrx.express-scripts.com/                    • Women ages 40 to 44 should have the choice to start
at https://informatics-stage.health.mil/COVAX/.                  home-delivery, by phone at 1-877-363-1303, or by asking                 annual breast cancer screening with mammograms if they
     • From noon-2 p.m. Friday for pediatric population (ages your doctor or pharmacist to transfer your prescription to home            wish to do so.
5-11 years old).                                                 delivery.                                                                   • Women ages 45 to 54 should get mammograms every
     For appointments, call the Keller Appointment Line (845-        More information on the Keller Pharmacy information can be          year.
938-7992 or 800-552-2907, from 7 a.m.-4:30 p.m.) to schedule found at https://keller.tricare.mil/Health-Services/Pharmacy.                   • Women ages 55 and older should switch to mammograms
a vaccination time.                                                                                                                      every two years, or can continue yearly screening.
     The West Point COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic is located on the K A C H r e c e i v e s n e w ‘ 3 - D ’ - l i k e m a m m o g r a m            • Screening should continue as long as a woman is in
first floor in Keller Army Community Hospital, in Room 1C20, equipment                                                                   good health and is expected to live 10 more years or longer.
between the pharmacy and the entrance into the Allgood Clinic.       Keller Army Community Hospital continues to improve                     • All women should communicate with their primary care
                                                                 its mammography equipment with the installation of the                  physician to be familiar with the known benefits, limitations
KACH provides options for your Pharmacy needs                    “Mammomat Revelation” with 50-degree wide-angle                         and potential harms linked to breast cancer screening.
     The Keller Army Community Hospital Pharmacy provides tomosynthesis.                                                                     Mammogram screenings can be scheduled through the
options to meet your pharmaceutical needs.                           “The new technology will allow radiologists and breast              Keller Radiology Department at 845-938-2714, between 8
     • Patients can pick up their prescriptions (and refills) at care professionals to work more efficiently than ever before,”          a.m.-3 p.m., Monday through Friday.

“MWR CALENDAR,”                                                                    cont’d from Page 11
1 p.m. Wednesdays and 3-5 p.m. Sundays through June 29 at               Place your order by 2 p.m. that day and specify a pick up            The MWR custom framing experts at Arts and Crafts can
Clinton Courts by Daly Field.                                       time between 4–5:30 p.m. and pick up your meal at the WPC’s          turn any achievement into a timeless work of art. Choose from
    It is open to active duty personnel, DOD civilians, retired     Benny Havens Lounge. Servings for four or six are available          over 500 quality moldings, 450 acid-free mats and opt for UV-
personnel and West Point community family members. To sign-         for a nominal fee.                                                   Protective glass to prevent fading.
up, call MWR Intramural Sports Office at 845-938-3066.                  For pricing and menu items, visit thewestpointclub.com or            They also offer engraving for any special occasion. Give them
                                                                    call 845-446-5506/5504.                                              a call for any special engraving items you may have. Their easy
Child and Youth Services Youth Center Open Gym at                                                                                        and quick pricing allows you to design to your budget.
the Youth Center                                                    Morgan Farm Stable and Kennel for Horse Boarding,                        For more details, call 845-938-4812.
   The Child and Youth Services Youth Center is offering an         Riding Lessons and Pet Kenneling
open gym that will run noon-4 p.m. Monday through Friday                Morgan Farm Stable and Kennel is located at 206 Morgan           Range Fee Punch Passes on sale
from Monday through Aug.19 at the Youth Center.                     Farm Road in Highland Falls (behind O’Neill High School). It             Range fee punch passes are now available for purchase at
   It is open to youth in grades 6-8. For more details, call 845-   offers horse boarding, riding lessons and pet kenneling at an        the Tronsrue Marksmanship Center (665 Tower Road) during
938-8896/8525.                                                      affordable price.                                                    normal business operation hours.
                                                                        For more details, call 845-938-3926 or visit westpoint.              Two different range fee passes are available in six punches
Functional Fitness Classes with Anthony                             armymwr.com.                                                         and 12 punches for cadets and E1-E5 for a nominal fee and six
    New functional fitness classes with Anthony will be held at                                                                          punches and 12 punches for all other eligible patrons at a nominal
6-7 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays at the MWR Fitness Center.          (NEW) CYS Youth Fall Recreational Sports                             fee. For more details, call 845-938-1700 or visit westpoint.
    The classes help prepare your body for real-life movement           The Child and Youth Services Youth Fall Recreational Sports      armymwr.com.
and activities. Train your muscles to work in unison. Simulate      season will run from Aug. 29 through Oct. 27. Sport offerings
common movements you would do at home, work or in sports.           include soccer, volleyball, flag football, running club and Intro    Kayak Trip to Constitution Island
    Register at the MWR Fitness Center. For more details, call      to Golf.                                                                 The Army Outdoor Recreation invites you to join it for a fun
845-938-6490.                                                           Times, locations and prices vary depending on sport and age      and educational two-mile kayak adventure to Constitution Island.
                                                                    group. Additional information is available online at westpointcys.       Come explore this historic landmark where the Great Chain
Dinner-To-Go Menu Items at the West Point Club                      com. Registration opens July 11 for Military/DOD civilians (Aug.     was once attached. This event will take place from 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
    The West Point Club has a few new menu items that includes      1 for all others), and runs through Aug.12.                          June 18, and will start off from the South Dock Boat Launch.
chicken noodle soup, pasta primavera, salmon with dill butter,          To register, or if you have questions, call the Youth Sports         Please bring a bagged lunch. It is open to eligible users ages
rack of barbeque ribs, macaroni and cheese and individual cheese    Office at 845-938-4458/1362.                                         10 and over. Minimal cost per person. Max of 15 people.
cakes. The West Point Club’s Dinner-To-Go is available Monday                                                                                Pre-registration is required. Contact ODR at 845-938-0123
through Friday.                                                     Framing and engraving with West Point Arts and Crafts                for more details.
Pointer View                                                              IN FOCUS: MWR CALENDAR                                                                                 June 9, 2022 11

                                          WEST POINT MWR CALENDAR                                                                                                 westpoint.armymwr.com

                                                                                                       West Point Departments Team Building Activity
                                                                                                           Step out of your comfort zone, boost morale, get to know your colleagues on a new level and
                                                                                                       have fun. The West Point Departments team building activities will take place through August at

   MWR events/offerings
                                                                                                       the Tronsrue Marksmanship Center.
                                                                                                           There is a nominal cost for the activities, which includes basic pistol instructions, firearm
                                                                                                       rental, targets, range time, 50 rounds of ammo and ear/eye protection. There is a minimum of six
                                                                                                       people, maximum of 12 people during a duration of two hours.
                                                                                                           Must be 16 or older to participate. Pre-registration is required and no experience necessary.
 FEATURED EVENT                                                                                            Open to groups and departments, and must be associated with USMA. To register, call 845-
 Utah (non-resident) Concealed Permit Course
     The Utah (non-resident) concealed permit course is a non-live fire class and will be held         MWR swimming open for the 2022 Summer Swim Season
 from 1-5:30 p.m. Saturday at the Buffalo Soldier Pavilion, located at 628 Hodges Place.                  Long Pond, Round Pond and Lake Frederick are open for the season, and will be open on
     No firearms or permits are needed. This permit allows non-residents to carry a concealed          weekends through June 19. After June 19, days and hours will vary.
 handgun in 35 states (unfortunately, New York does not recognize the Utah permit). This is               Visit westpoint.armymwr.com for details and pricing. For more details, call 845-938-7060.
 the ideal permit to have if you travel to different states. This class includes your passport style
 photo, finger prints, application, mailing envelope and address labels. All you have to do is         West Point Community Adult
 send it off in the mail.                                                                              Intramural Summer Softball
     There is a nominal fee for this class. Please bring a blank check to this class when attending    League
 to pay for the application fee, which is currently at $63.25.                                              The MWR Intramural Sports
     To register, visit westpoint.armymwr.com, visit the center or call 845-938-1700.                  Office is offering a Community
                                                                                                       Adult Intramural Softball League
                                                                                                       with games played Mondays and
   MWR ANNOUNCEMENTS                                                                                   Wednesdays only through Aug. 10
                                                                                                       at the H-Lot Softball Fields.
Lunch Program at The West Point Club                                                                        It is open to active duty personnel,
    The West Point Club invites you to stop by from 10:30 a.m.-2 p.m. daily for its Lunch Program.     DOD civilians, retired personnel
Pick up classic staples at Bistro 603 like salads, sandwiches and desserts, plus daily carving         and West Point community family
board selections — or take advantage of the new and expanded “Buffet Bonanzaˮ (dine-in only),          members.
featuring Taco Tuesdays, Wing Wednesdays and rotating international favorites on Mondays,                   To sign-up, call MWR Intramural
Thursdays and Fridays.                                                                                 Sports Office at 845-938-3066.
    The Buffet Bonanza includes the chefʼs choice of dessert and an iced tea. For more details,
visit thewestpointclub.com or call 845-938-5120.                                                       West Point Community Adult
                                                                                                       Intramural Golf League
FAP Presents Wee-Play and Wee-Read Programs                                                                The MWR Intramural Sports
    Wee-Play is an open play group designed for your little one to learn, play, make new friends       Office is offering a Community Adult
and develop their social, cognitive and motor skills. Wee-Play takes place Tuesdays from 8:30-10       Intramural Golf League with games
a.m. bi-weekly on June 21.                                                                             to be played from 4 p.m. until dusk
    Wee-Read is a fun-filled story time including activities that promote speech development and       Tuesdays at the West Point Golf
learning. Wee-Read takes place Wednesdays from 9-10 a.m. bi-weekly on June 22. Both programs           Course through Aug. 9. Course fees
take place at the Youth Center Gym in Building 500.                                                    apply, but it’s free to join the golf
    It is open to all active duty personnel and DOD civilians with children ages 4 and under.          league.
Registration is required.                                                                                  It is open to active duty personnel,
    To register, call 845-938-0633. For more details, visit westpoint.armymwr.com.                     DOD civilians, retired personnel
                                                                                                       and West Point community family
Child and Youth Services is hiring                                                                     members.
    Looking for new job opportunities? West Point Child and Youth Services is now hiring Child             To sign-up, call MWR Intramural
and Youth Program assistants for full-time, part-time and flex positions at Stony Child Development    Sports Office at 845-938-3066.
Center, the Lee Area School Age Center and the Youth Center.
    Salary ranges from $16.09-$19.20 per hour, plus all newly hired employees (e.g. — first time       (NEW) CYS See the Point
hires or former employees returning after at least one year away) will receive a $500 recruitment          Child and Youth Services is offering its annual “See the Point!ˮ tour for all incoming sixth-
bonus upon appointment.                                                                                eighth graders who are new to West Point during July and August.
    Apply by visiting the CYS page on usajobs.gov, or by scanning the QR code on their hiring              Highlights of this free tour include bowling at the West Point Bowling Center, meeting the
flyer. For more details, visit the CYS hiring page at westpoint.armymwr.com.                           Army Mules at Morgan Farm, paintball at Outdoor Recreation, and more. Tours will take place on
                                                                                                       July 21, 28, Aug. 4 and Aug 11, starting and ending at the MST (500 Washington Road).
Yoga at Trophy Point                                                                                       You must register at least 48 hours before your tour of choice. To register, call Parent & Outreach
    The summer yoga classes at Trophy Point will be held from 9-10 a.m. on Saturdays for a             Services at 845-938-4458/1362/3969. For more details, call 845-938-2092.
nominal fee. Class dates are June 18 and 25, July 9 and 23, Aug. 6 and 20 and Sept. 10.
    Pre-registration is online at westpoint.armymwr.com. The class is limited to 20 participants.      (NEW) Kids Bowl Free
Bring your own yoga mat. Participants must bring a group fitness coupon (available at the MWR              The West Point Bowling Center is a participant of the Kids Bowl Free Program. Now through
Fitness Center) or exact change. Coupons can be purchased online or at the fitness center.             Aug. 31, kids ages 2-15 get two free bowling games every program day.
    For more details, call 845-938-6490.                                                                   To receive the game coupons (via email on every program day), you must first register for the
                                                                                                       offer online at kidsbowlfree.com/Army. For more details, call the West Point Bowling Center at
Bull Pond Reservations                                                                                 845-938-2140 or visit westpont.armymwr.com.
    Bull Pond reservations are now open to all eligible DOD personnel. Reservations are available
on a first come, first served basis by calling 845-938-2649.                                           West Point Community Outdoor Pickleball Open Play
    Questions can be emailed to daniel.b.eichner.naf@army.mil. For a listing of available dates,         Games for the West Point Community Outdoor Pickleball Open Play will take place noon-
visit westpoint.armymwr.com.                                                                                                                              See MWR CALENDAR, PAGE 10
12 June 9, 2022   Pointer View
Pointer View                                                                           Sports                                                                     June 9, 2022 13

 Army West Point summer sports camps return for 2022
 For the first time in two years, the Army West Point Athletics Association will be hosting youth sports camps this summer. Camps will begin in June and
 run through August, with both overnight and commuter options available. Various teams from the Office of the Directorate of Intercollegiate Athletics
 (ODIA) will hold camps, including baseball, menʼs basketball, womenʼs basketball, football, hockey, menʼs lacrosse, womenʼs lacrosse, rabble rousers,
 menʼs rugby, womenʼs rugby, menʼs soccer, womenʼs soccer, softball, track and field/cross country, volleyball and wrestling. Further information and
 registration links can be found at armysportscamps.com. See page 9 for gymnastics day camp details.		                 Photo by Army Athletic Communications

Mikoud qualifies for women’s track and field NCAA Championships
By Derick Thornton                              Mikoud set the records on her first       Running in the fifth heat, Tovkach
Army Athletic Communications                attempt which landed 66.64 meters.        had the fastest split (1:00:31) while
                                            It was three meters further than her      leading at the halfway point.
    Emily Mikoud set the program and        previous personal record. Her final           However, she finished fourth with
service academy record in the hammer        throw (64.63 meters) would have also      a time of 2:06.07 to miss out on the
throw en route to qualifying for the 2022   been a personal record.                   top three in the heat, which advanced
NCAA Championships on May 26 in                 Mikoud finished in sixth place to     automatically to the final.
Blooington, Indiana.                        qualify for the NCAA Championships            Overall, she finished in 26th place,
                                            in Eugene, Oregon; she will compete       which was two spots and .06 seconds
    Meet Summary                            today at the NCAAs.                       behind the final qualifying spot.
    Mikoud (hammer), Brooke Stratman            Mikoud is the first Black Knight to
(javelin), Anna Tovkach (800 meters),       qualify since 1998 (Heather Lawson).          Shot Put
Emily Fink (shot put, hammer), Abigail          Emily Fink finished in 22nd with a        Fink capped her freshman campaign
Green (hammer) competed.                    59.98-meter toss.                         in the shot put, finishing 41st (14.80
    The top 12 in the final of each event       Abigail Green placed 26th (58.89m).   meters).                                   Senior Emily Mikoud set the program and service
qualified for the NCAA Championships                                                                                             academy record in the hammer throw en route to
in Eugene, Oregon.                             800 meters                                Javelin Throw                           qualifying for the 2022 NCAA Championships on May
                                               Tovkach narrowly missed out on            Stratman placed 27th after her          26 in Blooington, Ind.
   Hammer Throw                             qualifying for the final round.           second throw (45.97 meters).                          Photo provided by Army Athletic Communications
14 June 9, 2022                                                                                                                                                                          Pointer View

Seniors Jamir Gibson (left) and Justin Young (right) both qualified for the 2022 NCAA Championships in their respective events on the final day of the
menʼs portion of the NCAA East Regional Preliminaries on May 27in Bloomington, Ind.     		                 Photos provided by Army Athletic Communications

Gibson, Young secure spots at the NCAA Championships
By Derick Thornton                                  Mike Renard in 2019.                                     back in August and we will get to watch him          record at Army taking down the 51.00 run by
Army Athletic Communications                             “Watching Jamir in warm ups I was a little          compete one more time against some of the            Ivory Carson in 1976. Justin had been second
                                                    concerned because he kept releasing the discus           best in the world.ˮ                                  best at Army for four years; a statistic that
    Jamir Gibson (discus throw) and Justin          down the right sector and fouling the throws.                “In 1952, Ed White of Army ran the               burned him if it was mentioned. Now he is the
Young (400-meter hurdles) both qualified            But those were only warm ups and when the                400 intermediate hurdles at the NCAA                 best ever.
for the 2022 NCAA Championships in their            time came to throw for real he took care of              championships. He was the first Black Knight              “All of this almost didnʼt happen. Justin
respective events on the final day of the           business on throw number one.                            to contest that event at an NCAA meet and in the     almost didnʼt make it to this meet. He was
menʼs portion of the NCAA East Regional                  “It wasnʼt the best throw of his career, it         ensuing 70 years no Army athlete has qualified       50th on the list going into declarations with
Preliminaries on May 27 in Bloomington,             wasnʼt the best throw of his season. But it was          in that event for the NCAA championships.            his seasonal best 52.10 and we were not sure
Indiana.                                            a good throw. There was a tailwind that was              Until today.                                         he would make it. But there were four scratches
    The top 12 in the final of each event           knocking the discus down and all of the guys                 “Justin Young ran the race of his life today.    and he slipped in. Ranked 46 going into the
qualified for the NCAA Championships in             were struggling to match their seasonal bests.           When I recruited Justin, I knew we were getting      meet and number 10 on the way out. Not a bad
Eugene, Oregon.                                     That first attempt put him in third.                     an elite athlete. He was one of the best hurdlers    outcome for the newly-commissioned second
    Gibson bounced back after not scoring in             “There were 16 guys in his flight so we             in the country and when you beat out the Big         lieutenant from Abilene, Texas.
the shot put on Wednesday with a discus throw       knew that anything could happen but his mark             12 and SEC schools to get a kid you can be                “That makes three individual qualifiers for
that landed him ninth overall. His 56.20-meter      kept holding up and eventually there he was              pretty certain that you are recruiting the right     Army to the 2022 NCAA Championships. To be
toss on his first attempt was all he needed to      sitting ninth with only a couple of throws left.         pedigree. It takes a lot more than physical tools    clear, there are many teams and programs that
qualify for the NCAA Championships.                 He was the ninth ranked man coming in and                to succeed at this level because everybody at        regularly qualify to the NCAA meet.
    Young advanced to the final round of the        that is where he finished.                               this meet is good.                                        “But for us this is a long time coming.
400-meter hurdles after placing fourth in his            “I have lauded his accomplishments all                  “What Justin has that separates him from         The last time we qualified three to the NCAA
heat and 16th overall with a then-personal-best     year as he has rewritten our record books in the         almost everyone else is a nasty competitive          outdoor meet was 1997. It isnʼt an easy thing
time of 51.24 on May 25.                            throws. But today it was only about the discus.          streak that is scary if you donʼt know what you      to do.
    Young set a personal-record time on May         It is his favorite event. It is his best event, and it   are seeing. He is blinded by competition and              “As I have said before, the NCAA outdoor
27, running the 400-meter hurdles in 50.90 to       brings a level of violence that might intimidate         able to focus singularly on a goal or objective      meet is the third best meet in the world in most
place 10th overall to claim a spot in the NCAA      the uninitiated. Some men can overpower the              in a way that seems criminal in its intent.          years behind only the World Championships/
Championships.                                      implement with brute strength.                               “He knew he needed to run a lifetime best        Olympic games and the USA Championships.
                                                         “Most discus men are built like NFL tight           to advance to the NCAA meet. He was seeded                “So getting to the meet is an accomplishment
    Coachʼs Corner                                  ends. They are tall (6ʼ 5ˮ - 6ʼ8ˮ), they have long       7th of 8 based on personal bests in the first heat   in itself. Now the task becomes, ‘can we score
    “I am really proud of what we did today.        levers and they easily weigh 260-290 pounds.             of three. He blasted through hurdles 1,2,3,4 and     points at the meet?’ The top 8 in Eugene
We only had two competitors in the meet today            “Jamir is 6ʼ 255 pounds, so what he lacks           held the lead into hurdle 5.                         will score team points and we will have two
and the results they achieved were historic for     in size he makes up for in athleticism. He can               “He was pretty clean to that point and then      opportunities on the menʼs side and one on the
our program.                                        easily dunk a basketball and he has cat-like             had a bit of a stutter at hurdle 7 but was able to   womenʼs side.ˮ — Mike Smith
    “If there was a sure thing this week it was     reflexes.                                                maintain his rhythm going into the final 100.
Jamir Gibson in the discus and on his first throw        “In the ring he is explosive and is a great         He faded only slightly going to the line and the        Up Next
he became only the fourth discus thrower from       technician. He was easily the smallest man in            result (50.90) was good enough for 5th in his           Young and Gibson will head to Eugene,
Army to ever advance to the NCAA Outdoor            the final flight of 16 but he came up large on           heat and held up to be 10th overall and secure       Oregon to compete in the NCAA Championships.
Track and Field Championship joining Larry          the scoreboard and that is all that mattered             him a spot in the NCAA final.                           Young ran on Wednesday and Gibson will
Hart in 1968, Travis Pendleton in 2002 and          today. Today, he did what he set out to do way               “His time today broke the oldest school          compete in the discus today.
16 June 9, 2022
             w w w . G oa r m y w e S t P o i n t . C o m                           tHe Pointer                      View
June 9, 2022
V o l . 79, n o . 22
duty, Honor, Country

                                                                                                         Senior left fielder Nick Manesis (left) hussles to grab a fly ball during Army
                                                                                                         West Point baseballʼs 9-8 loss to Kennesaw State Saturday at the Hattiesburg
                                                                                                         Regional in Hattiesburg, Miss. Sophomore Sean Dennehy (above) was tabbed
                                                                                                         with the loss after giving up three runs in a 1.1 innings of work.
                                                                                                                                                            Photos by Joe Harper/BigGold Photography

Baseball finishes season at NCAA Regionals
By Mackenzie Collyer                                Kennesaw answered in the bottom of the third         Hassan finding a hole up the middle to score two    back and did a good job.ˮ
Army Athletic Communications                        with Josh Hatcher hitting a homerun and then         runs to make it 9-7. Army added one in the top
                                                    the Owls scored on a groundout for the 2-1 lead      of the eighth with Dubrule grounding out for a          Cadetʼs Corner
    The Army West Point baseball team fought        after three.                                         fielderʼs choice, scoring Carter Macias.                Right fielder Carter Masias
until the very end of the Hattiesburg NCAA              Cam Cerruto gave Army the advantage                                                                      On Regional Experience
Regional, but came up short against Kennesaw        again with a one-out double to center field with          Coaches Corner                                     “These regionals are one of the best
State, 9-8, on Saturday afternoon at Pete Taylor    the bases loaded, plating Nick Manesis and Ruta           “Iʼm proud of our guys. This is our fourth     experiences of playing baseball and going
Park in Hattiesburg, Mississippi.                   to make it 3-2 Black Knights.                        consecutive year being in a regional. Weʼre         through West Point. We live to go to these
    Army (31-25) finishes its season with a             Macias continued the momentum with a             still trying to figure out a way to get over the    regionals and want to win games. We want to
fourth-straight visit to an NCAA Regional and       two-run single through the right side to push the    hump and win a few games in this thing. Proud       get to a super one day.
won the Patriot League Championship for the         lead to 5-2. Cerruto and Ross Friedrick scored       of our guys.                                            “These regionals are crazy for us because
fourth time in a row.                               on the single.                                            “Itʼs a lot of fun and the journey was         we live for them, but I hope we can get over the
    Carter Macias and Sam Ruta led the Black            Another run was added as Brayden Golinski        outstanding. These guys laugh and they play         hump next year. As a senior class, I know we
Knights at the plate on Saturday. Macias was        recorded a sacrifice fly to center, scoring Derek    ball and itʼs so nice to see them be able to do     moved the program forward and that next year
3-for-4 with two runs batted in and a run scored,   Berg, giving Army a 6-2 advantage through            that as well as serve our country and be heroes     we'll be back here and winning some games.ˮ
while Ruta blasted his seventh homer of the         four innings.                                        to all of us by what they represent.
season. The third baseman batted .500 in the            Kennesaw State tied the game with a four-             “One percent of the population at their age        Army West Point 3B Sam Ruta
Regional with two runs scored and an RBI.           run fifth inning, highlight by Hatcherʼs second      group does what they do. Theyʼre the best of            On Performance at the Plate and Home
    Matthew Ronnebaum got the start for the         homer of the day. The Owls regained the lead in      the best. I wish the room was full right now to     Run
Black Knights and went three innings, allowing      the sixth, scoring on a wild pitch to make it 7-6.   talk about these kids. Thereʼs no one better, no        “I felt pretty comfortable at the plate today.
one earned run and two strikeouts.                      Army fought right back and tied the game         matter what the scoreboard says. Thatʼs a fact,     I was seeing the ball well and was able to put
    The Black Knights struck first with Rutaʼs      again with Cerruto reaching on a fielderʼs           not just in my book, but a lot of peopleʼs.         a few good swings on the ball over a couple at
seventh homer of the year as he fouled off          choice that scored Kevin Dubrule and it was               “I think the world of them and pretty soon     bats. I wouldn't have been in that position if not
a couple of pitches and then went deep to           a 7-7 game.                                          I hope to figure out how to start winning these     for the guys in front and behind me for putting
right center to give Army the early 1-0 lead.           The Owls took back the lead with Nick            regional games. But, Kennesaw State bounced         me in such a good situation.ˮ
You can also read