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Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
                                                         Wednesday 9 August 2017



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     Girls can teach the
     boys a thing or two
     Bachelor pad for a City guy: Page 14
                                                                                             DAVID BUTLER

London’s best property search news:
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
4                                                                                                                                                                      WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

Homes & Property | News

                                                                                                                home of
                                                                                                                the week sip
                                                                                                                fizz in the hot
                                                                                                                tub and drink
£30m project:
58 new flats near
                                                                                                                in the view
Bayswater Tube                                                                                                  £1,795,000: it’s all about
could include just                                                                                              the views when it comes to
four “affordable”                                                                                               living the high life in a
                                                                                                                London penthouse — and

T                                           Spot the
            HE much-vaunted £1 billion                                                                          this swish apartment, on the
            regeneration of Queensway                                                                           13th floor of the New
            is shaping up to include                                                                            Providence Wharf scheme in
            almost no “affordable”                                                                              E14, delivers in spectacular
            homes for young Londoners                                                                           fashion. Luxurious lateral
or key workers.
  In the latest example of a developer
wanting to go against rules requiring
affordable homes to be included in
                                            affordable                                                          space of more than 1,700sq ft
                                                                                                                covers two double bedrooms
                                                                                                                and an impressive 30ft
                                                                                                                living/dining/kitchen area
                                                                                                                                                  Thames, The O2 and the
                                                                                                                                                  Canary Wharf skyline
                                                                                                                                                  continue from a 2,000sq ft
                                                                                                                                                  wraparound terrace
                                                                                                                                                                                 your evening glass of bubbly.
                                                                                                                                                                                 There’s 24-hour concierge, a
                                                                                                                                                                                 gym, swimming pool and
                                                                                                                                                                                 residents rates at the on-site

                                            homes in
multimillion-pound developments,                                                                                wrapped in floor-to-ceiling       complete with a hot tub        five-star hotel spa. Through
GMS Estates’ plan for an entire block                                                                           windows. The views of the         that’s perfect for enjoying    Johns & Co (020 3858 3199).
next to Bayswater Tube is awating
approval from Westminster council.
  The developer promises to transform                                                                           Lifechanger
a shabby west London street with new
shops, offices and 58 flats with its
£30 million scheme. The council’s
policy is that about a third of all new
homes in the borough should be afford-
                                            Queensway                                                           of the week
                                                                                                                run a posh
able, aimed at first-time buyers and                             level of affordable housing being dis-         party pad
squeezed renters.
  But GMS Estates said including any
                                                                 cussed for this project flies in the face of
                                                                 a recent pledge by council leader Nickie
                                                                                                                in Norfolk
affordable homes at all would make its                           Aiken to enforce affordable housing
project financially unviable. Westmin-                           quotas strictly, to stop Westminster           £1.2 million: if you know how
ster disagrees — but is asking the devel-                        becoming a “ghetto of the rich”.               to throw a party, we’ve found
oper instead to build four affordable                              Fergus Coleman, the council’s afford-        the perfect business
homes, about seven per cent of the                               able and private sector housing chief,         opportunity for you. This
total, and to pay £282,000 into the                              said 16 or 17 of the flats should be afford-   nine-bedroom listed village
council’s affordable housing fund.                               able to comply with policy. Daniel             house in Snettisham, Norfolk,
  GMS Estates says it has now agreed to                          Astaire, cabinet member for planning,          looks innocent enough from
four affordable flats, and that all the                          said: “The council is committed to deliv-      the outside. Indoors,
homes will be rented, avoiding the risk                          ering 1,850 new affordable homes in            however, every room has           a different theme, while the   space, too, by converting a
of absentee owners and making “a                                 Westminster by 2023 … we will be taking        been designed to create an        entertaining space includes    separate coach house and
positive contribution to the redevelop-                          a firm approach to ensure developers           exclusive weekend party pad       a “jungle” drawing room, a     stables. The vibrant, historic
ment of Queensway”. A spokesman                                  provide more affordable housing. Our           for up to 20 guests.              dramatic dining room and a     market town of King’s Lynn is
said: “With a private rented model we                            approach will begin to make an impact            All the furniture and even      basement disco for dancing     just nine miles away.
can be certain we will not be faced with                         in the coming months.”                         the bedding is included in        the night away. There’s          Call Abbotts for more
the ‘dark flats’ that far too many new                                                                          the price. Each bedroom has       potential to expand on guest   details (01328 618024).
developments suffer from.” But the          O Find Ruth Bloomfield’s full story at

                                                                                                                London buy of the week nights out are no
                                                                   Editor:                                      problem in a loft flat near the Southbank Centre
                                                                   Janice                                       £695,000: you get an awful
                                                                   Morley                                       lot of industrial chic for your
                                                                                                                money at this one-bedroom
                                                                   VISIT                Waterloo warehouse
                                                                   rules for details of our usual               apartment — and the
                                                                   promotion rules. When you                    location is prime SE1, near
                                                                   respond to promotions, offers or             the restaurants, bars and
                                                                   competitions, the London Evening             galleries of The Cut and the
                                                                   Standard and its sister companies            Southbank Centre.
                                                                   may contact you with relevant                  The interior offers
                                                                   offers and services that may be of           1,000sq ft of living space
                                                                   interest. Please give your mobile            with double-height ceilings,
                                                                   number and/or email address if               wooden floors and iron
                                                                   you would like to receive such               beams. There is a spacious
                                                                   offers by text or email.                     open-plan living/dining and
                                                                                                                kitchen area, with steel
                                                                                                                cabinetry and chunky
                                                                                                                radiators hanging from
                                                                   Editorial: 020 3615 2650                     exposed-brick walls.
                                                                   Advertisement manager:                         The bathroom has a deep
                                                                   Ann Finan                                    roll top tub and the bedroom
                                                                   Advertising: 020 3615 0266                   sits on a glass-floored
                                                                   Homes & Property, Northcliffe                mezzanine reached by a wire
                                                                   House, 2 Derry Street, Kensington,           mesh stairway. Call Urban                                          By Faye Greenslade
                                                                   London W8 5TT.                               Spaces (020 7251 4000).
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
EVENING STANDARD WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017                                                                                                                                                         5 powered by                                                                                                         News | Homes & Property

    A posh place for a school pal of George
    ÉPRINCE GEORGE starts school at          the Queen’s nephew, features
    Thomas’s, Battersea next month — so       throughout the five-bedroom house
    there’s just time to rent a home          — one reason why it will cost you
    nearby and enrol your own offspring.      £3,500 a week to rent. Ali Carter,
    The mixed-sex private day school is       lettings negotiator at Russell Simpson,
    sure to become one of the country’s       says: “We’ve seen enquiries for homes
    most talked-about schools now four-       in Battersea increase since the news

    year-old George, above, is going there.   that Prince George is to be a pupil at
      There’s a royal link at 38 Westbridge   Thomas’s. This is the first time a royal
    Road, above right, a large family
    house with west-facing garden, just
                                              child has attended a school south of
                                              the river and it has certainly raised the
                                                                                              The Deathly Hallows home for sale                               The Levines move
    west of Battersea Park and a short
    walk from Chelsea across Battersea
                                              cachet of the surrounding area.”
                                                At 4,100 sq ft, the house features            ÉHARRY POTTER fans will instantly
                                                                                                                                                              …not like Jagger
    Bridge. Bespoke carpentry from the        handmade cabinetry and dedicated                recognise De Vere House in Lavenham,                            ÉMAROON 5 frontman Adam
    company founded by David Linley,          children’s and adults’ areas.                   Suffolk — on the market for £995,000 —                          Levine and his model wife Behati
                                                                                              as the house where JK Rowling’s boy                             Prinsloo, above, have splashed out
                                                                                              wizard, played by Daniel Radcliffe, right,                      close to £14 million on a home in the
                                                                                              was born.                                                       Holmby Hills estate in Los Angeles.

    Homes gossip
    By Amira Hashish
                                                                                                The Grade I-listed property, dating from
                                                                                              the 16th century, features in Deathly
                                                                                              Hallows as the home of Harry’s parents,
                                                                                              Lily and James Potter. Forming part of
                                                                                                                                                                The French Regency-style property,
                                                                                                                                                              by architect Caspar Ehmcke, befits
                                                                                                                                                              one of California’s hottest couples —
                                                                                                                                                              and also shows they know a bargain
                                                                                              the fictional village of Godric’s Hollow, it                    when they see one. The house is a
                                                                                              is depicted opposite a graveyard in the                         steal when you consider the original
   At last Kanye sells                                                                        film, a Christmas tree in the window,
                                                                                              lights on and music playing.
                                                                                                                                                              asking price in September last year
                                                                                                                                                              was £21.1 million.
    ÉKANYE WEST has finally sold his                                                           De Vere House’s façade, with carved                             The 9,221sq ft pile, built in 1966, has
    LA bachelor pad, below right. The                                                         huntsmen either side, features in                               five bedrooms, six bathrooms, a
    rapper, pictured with reality TV star                                                     guide books of the area. The six-                               “breakfast solarium” with garden
    wife Kim Kardashian, who he married                                                       bedroom home is one of                                          views and a two-storey guesthouse in
    in 2014, got £2.2 million for the                                                         Suffolk’s most historically                                     the acre of grounds, below.
    Hollywood Hills property, seven years                                                     significant houses, taking its                                    Moves Like Jagger singer Levine —
    after he first put it on the market.                                                      name from the De Vere family                                    who is also a judge on The Voice in
      He paid £1.3 million for the place in                                                   who were second only to the                         ALAMY       America — and his wife have got their
    2003 and later tried to sell it on for                                                    royals in wealth in medieval                                    house in the Santa Monica Mountains

    £2.9 million. When he failed to find                                                      times. They also built                                          on the market for £12.2 million.
    any takers for the four-bedroom                                                           Hedingham Castle in Essex,
    house, which covers 4,200sq ft, he                                                        and there is a theory that
    dropped the price in 2013. Now, at                                                        Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of
    long last, someone has fallen for it.                                                     Oxford, was the true author
      Kanye, 40, and Kim, 36, have other                                                      of certain Shakespeare
    California properties, in Bel Air and                                                     plays.
    Hidden Hills. Rumour has it that the                                                        The house is on the
    couple, who have two children, will                                                       market with Carter Jonas.
    use the cash from the sale of Kanye’s
    old place to invest in another state.
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
6                                                                                                                                                                       WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

              Homes & Property | New homes                                                                                             powered by

                                                                                         O ONE knows quite where
                                                                                         they stand in Vauxhall —
                                                                                         literally. Despite being one
                                                                                         of London’s major trans-
                                                                                         port hubs the area remains
                                                                          almost impossible to navigate, thanks
                                                                          largely to the groaning chaos of a multi-
                                                                          lane gyratory system. Quite apart from
                                                                          the infrastructure, many other factors
                                                                          contribute to the district’s distinctly
                                                                          disorientating feel.
                                                                            Yet despite the traffic, the daunting
                                                                          network of run-down back alleys and
                                                                          unkempt public spaces, average prices
                                                                          here hover around the £850,000 mark
                                                                          for a two-bedroom flat, according to
                                                                          research by Estates Gazette.
                                                                            This is, after all, a Zone 1 location and
                                                                          those back alleys are a stone’s throw
                                                                          from some of the capital’s highest-pro-
              Walk this way: Vauxhall Cross will be pedestrian friendly   file housing schemes, including around
                                                                          the new US Embassy; in Vauxhall
                                                                          Tower at St George Wharf, and the
                                                                          £9 billion Battersea Power Station
                                                                          regeneration. The fact that the latter will
                                                                          become home to Apple’s new European
                                                                          HQ — a colossal 500,000sq ft space set
                                                                          to bring an influx of fresh tech blood to
                                                                          the area when it opens in 2021 — only
                                                                          adds noughts to local property values.

                                                                          In 2019, Transport for London plans to
                                                                          start work on doing away with the hated
                                                                          gyratory system in favour of two-way
                                                                          roads, with more cycle and pedestrian
                                                                          crossings and the removal of the exist-
                                                                          ing bus depot. Whatever the future
                                                                          holds for the area, nicknamed “VoHo”,
                                                                          there can be no denying it has had
                                                                          some major challenges to overcome.
                                                                            The first, as basic as it is problematic,
                                                                          is its shape. Long and thin, snaking
                                                                          along the Thames from the eastern
                                                                          edge of Battersea Park up to Lambeth
                                                                          Palace Gardens, there is barely more
              From £655,000: flats at The Dumont, Albert Embankment        than one road going in and out once

                    Vauxhall: designed to attract
               FIRST OF A NEW SERIES                                      you get past New Covent Garden Mar-
                                                                          ket. And that road is a humdinger. With
                                                                                                                        THE NINE ELMS RIPPLE
                                                                                                                        Another big hurdle has stemmed from
                                                                                                                                                                       above the London average. But there
                                                                                                                                                                       is mounting evidence that the Battersea
               ON THE SOUTH BANK                                          more lanes than an Olympic swimming
                                                                          pool and the aforementioned gyratory
                                                                                                                        the complexities around the ownership
                                                                                                                        of the wider Nine Elms area. Across this
                                                                                                                                                                       effect has begun to kick-start significant
                                                                                                                                                                       upgrades in and around Vauxhall.
              This prime Zone 1 riverside                                 to contend with in the middle, it is little
                                                                          wonder that despite being a prime
                                                                                                                        sprawling 561-acre regeneration site,
                                                                                                                        half a dozen landowners have had to
                                                                                                                                                                       Thanks, not least, to the expectations
                                                                                                                                                                       of a new breed of buyer.
              district is determined to make life                         riverside district, Vauxhall has always
                                                                          struggled to find its heart. There’s a
                                                                                                                        work together in a borough split
                                                                                                                        between two councils of different
                                                                                                                                                                         James Lindsay, chief executive of
                                                                                                                                                                       iconic entertainment venue The Royal
              easier for its new homeowners,                              smattering of Victorian terrace proper-
                                                                          ties set back from the Thames, but this
                                                                                                                        political persuasions.
                                                                                                                          “In a perfect world it wouldn’t have
                                                                                                                                                                       Vauxhall Tavern, explains: “When it was
                                                                                                                                                                       announced that the American Embassy
              reports Emily Wright                                        district has no real centre.                  been so complicated but when you
                                                                                                                        look at what has been achieved with so
                                                                                                                                                                       was moving to this area, a certain
                                                                                                                                                                       amount of clean-up was required. There
                                                                          A HEART TRANSPLANT                            many parties involved, actually every-         used to be a lot of drug use in the area,
                                                                          It may be hard to believe, but Vauxhall       one has worked very well together,”
                                                                          was a picturesque London village as           says Matt Bell, head of external affairs
                                                                          recently as the 19th century. Now, with       at the Berkeley Group, whose St James
                                                                          the radical plans for its improvement,        development arm is overseeing the
                                                                          the current chaos could soon become           delivery of four new residential
                                                                          a thing of the past.                          schemes in the area — Merano Resi-
                                                                            Lambeth council has set out plans to        dences, The Corniche, Riverlight
                                                                          create “a recognisable heart of Vaux-         and The Dumont.
                                                                          hall” with new shop-lined walkways,             Prices at the latter start at £655,000
                                                                          the restoration of a high street and a        for a one-bedroom flat. A reflection of
                                                                          civic town square.                            the area’s high average, it is actually
                                                                            This is where the ambitious proposals       quite the bargain when compared to
                                                                          for the district tie in with TfL’s strategy   Middle Eastern developer Damac’s
                                                                          to overhaul the gyratory. The removal         AYKON London One tower nearby

                                                                          of the one-way system, major public           in Nine Elms. Here, one of the Versace-
                                                                          space upgrades and, eventually, a fresh       designed apartments in the 50-storey
                                                                          design for a new bus station should free      block will set you back a cool £2.8 mil-

                                                                          up enough to space to create a centre         lion for a two-bedroom home.
                                                                          from scratch, stemming from a new               Are these high prices justified? The
              £800 million heart-starter: the new US Embassy, Nine Elms   station square.                               £850,000 average is about 65 per cent          Redesign: Vauxhall bus station will get a fresh new look

                    Looking for a new-build home? Find the best new developments
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
EVENING STANDARD WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017                                                                                        7

                                                     New homes | Homes & Property
                                            Left: The Office
                                            Group’s Stanley
                                            Building in
                                            King’s Cross.
                                            The co-working
                                            company has
                                            planning consent
                                            for a huge new
                                            flagship in

                                            £1.76 million:
                                            apartments at
                                            Riverlight, right,
                                            Vauxhall SW11, in
                                            the South Bank’s
                                            major Nine Elms

a new generation
which was a heavy burden. The occupi-       improved reputation, chances are that                     S FOR Vauxhall itself, it is
ers moving into this area wouldn’t want     the property values are a fair reflection                 a neighbourhood to
that on their doorstep.”                    of a prime Zone 1 riverfront location                     watch. Once a network of
                                            that’s set for a rapid transformation                     nightclubs and back
You have only to look at the new retail,    over the next three years.                                alleys, there is definitely
leisure and commercial tenants taking         Many Londoners have already been          light at the end of the tunnel for this
space in SW8 to get an idea of the direc-   priced out. However, there are other        district.
tion the area is heading. It was            options. It is worth looking at more          Hopefully, before too long, people
announced in May that The Office            affordable alternatives in nearby areas     will start to know where they stand —
Group — British rival to WeWork, the        likely to be close enough to benefit from   multi-lane gyratory system notwith-
American-based provider of shared           the Nine Elms regeneration boost. For       standing.
workspace for entrepreneurs, freelanc-      example, average prices in Oval are
ers, start-ups and small businesses —       £521,499, according to Rightmove, and       O Emily Wright is features and global
has been granted planning permission        hover at about £550,000 in Stockwell.       editor of Estates Gazette.
to develop a 92,000sq ft flagship serv-
iced office space at Tintagel House on
Albert Embankment.
  Meanwhile, Network Rail, which has
redeveloped six of the railway arches
on the embankment so far, has signed
a fresh wave of tenants who are set to
move in towards the end of summer.
These include a new bar from the Antic
Collective, the team behind London
venues including Brixton’s Dogstar and
Effra Social; a second branch of Bethnal
Green-based taproom brewery Mother
Kelly’s, and fringe theatre company
Above The Stag.
  Ultimately, with such widespread and
major regeneration redefining the sur-
rounding area, and with fresh tenants
starting to bolster Vauxhall’s new and      Merano Residences, Vauxhall: buy from £1.99 million or rent from £1,275 a week

 across the UK at
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
8                                                                                                                                                                     WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

Homes & Property | London living

              DECADE ago, a British                                                                                                                                              course, the market in central London
              property company with an                                                                                                                                           has changed dramatically over the last
              interest in central London                                                                                                                                         two years, and it is worth noting that,
              took the bold step of buy-                                                                                                                                         of the new homes currently advertised
              ing Covent Garden, one of                                                                                                                                          on Rightmove in Covent Garden, more
London’s greatest tourist attractions.                                                                                                                                           than half have had at least one price
  The price tag for the famous West End                                                                                                                                          reduction.
Piazza and seven acres surrounding it                                                                                                                                               “Prices are where they were in 2014,”
was £421 million.                                                                                                                                                                says Roderick Heffernan of Winkworth.
  Capital & Counties Properties plc —                                                                                                                                            “Unfortunately vendors often don’t
Capco for short — has since created                                                                                                                                              accept that — they are living in the past.
more than a million square feet of office                                                                                                                                        I think prices will continue going down
space out of one of London’s most                                                                                                                                                as a deep price correction takes place.
iconic locations, creating a value of at                                                                                                                                         The market has not yet reached the
least £2 billion.                                                                                                                                                                bottom, and I can’t see things changing
  There was nothing desperately wrong                                                                                                                                            until 2020. But when it does it will
with Covent Garden when Capco took                                                                                                                                               zoom up again.”
it over, but there was nothing particu-
larly right with it either — aside from                                                                                                                                          SHOPPING AND EATING
Inigo Jones’s fabulous 17th-century                                                                                                                                              Pre-Capco, Henrietta Street was a dis-
Italianate architecture.                                                                                                                                                         mal sort of thoroughfare, lined with
  “It was a bit like Carnaby Street in the                                                                                                                                       chain bars and restaurants designed to
Eighties. There was a lot of tourist tat,                                                                                                                                        feed and water day-trippers. Today it
which as a local you didn’t really want,”                                                                                                                                        is a destination in itself, with a cluster
says Rob Hill, director of Greater Lon-                                                                                                                                          of nice restaurants — including The Ivy
don Properties. “It was all policemen’s                                                                                                                                          Market Grill, Frenchie, and Sticks’n’
hats for 99p and those awful ‘I’ve Vis-                                                                                                                                          Sushi — and a concentration of upscale
ited London’ T-shirts.”                                                                                                                                                          menswear shops such as Nigel

  Capco has been a responsible parent,                                                                                                                                           Cabourn, The Real McCoy’s, Oliver
nurturing a subtle sort of rebirth,                                                                                                                                              Sweeney and Fred Perry.
gradually turning a mainstream tourist       Covent Garden Piazza: the balcony of the 18th-century Punch & Judy pub is said to give the best view of street performers             This kind of approach to Covent Gar-
trap that few Londoners visited into a                                                                                                                                           den’s side streets is turning it into a
far more interesting, varied location.                                                                                                                                           place Londoners actually want to visit,
                                             COVENT GARDEN’S DRAMATIC DECADE
“Londoners can enjoy an incredibly
pleasant environment to walk around,”                                                                                                Thinking of                                 at least for inspiration if not actually to
                                                                                                                                                                                 buy because, like its housing, the shop-
says Hill.
                                                                                                                                     moving?                                     ping in Covent Garden is on the pricey

The Covent Garden community before
                                             Flower market                                                                           Start your
                                                                                                                                     search on
                                                                                                                                                                                 side and very heavy on high fashion.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Capco has brought big international
                                                                                                                                                                                 names including Chanel, Dior, and
2006 was a mix of families, profession-
als, entrepreneurs and people who
needed a weekday crash pad, says
Roderick Heffernan, associate director
                                             is back in bloom                                                                                                                    Apple to the Piazza, while there is a
                                                                                                                                                                                 quirkier feel with cafés and boutiques
                                                                                                                                                                                 around Seven Dials, and the firm is
                                                                                                                                                                                 currently collaborating with none
of Winkworth. “Covent Garden has
never been cheap,” he points out. But
                                             The tourist tat’s gone and once again new homes                                                                                     other than Hollywood heavyweight-
                                                                                                                                                                                 turned-restaurateur and hotelier Rob-
prices are dropping and have further
to go.
                                             are flourishing, discovers Ruth Bloomfield                                                                                          ert De Niro.
                                                                                                                                                                                   Last summer the Oscar-winning star
  Most of those pre-2006 locals were                                                                                                                                             won planning permission to build a
from the UK, since wealthy overseas                                                                                                                                              luxury hotel, designed by architects
buyers tended to stick to better-known                                                                                                                                           Kohn Pedersen Fox, in Covent Garden,
residential districts such as Knights-                                                                                                                                           in partnership with Capco. The Wel-
bridge. Today Covent Garden has                                                                                                                                                  lington, in Wellington Street, is
moved into a different sphere alto-                                                                                                                                              expected to open in 2019.
gether. Research from Knight Frank
suggests that just over half the buyers                                                                                                                                          GOING UPMARKET
— 56 per cent — are Londoners, while                                                                                                                                             Not everybody is impressed by the
a third are from overseas, mainly main-                                                                                                                                          glitzy big names now flocking to Covent
land Europe, and the rest are from                                                                                                                                               Garden. Heffernan says that pre-Capco
elsewhere in the UK.                                                                                                                                                             the area was all about “family busi-
  One thing these incomers have in                                                                                                                                               nesses, restaurants and shops that had
common is deep pockets. Only one per                                                                                                                                             been there for 25 to 30 years”. Now,
cent of them plans to spend less than                                                                                                                                            though, “they want to rent to the big
£750,000, according to Knight Frank.                                                                                                                                             chains at massive rents. They can
By contrast 28 per cent will spend more                                                                                                                                          afford to run at a loss in prime loca-

than £5 million.                                                                                                                                                                 tions.”
  The Covent Garden Community Asso-                                                                                                                                                Covent Garden is a market at heart
ciation has raised concerns about the                                                                                                                                            and under Capco the stalls within the
top-end boutique developments creep-         From £995,000:                                                                                             Tourist draw:            Piazza now sell better-quality, more
ing into the area, claiming the small        38 Southampton                                                                                             quaint and pretty        craft-style items than in the past. Cap-
and quirky shops that are a key part of      Street flats,                                                                                               Neal’s Yard,             co’s war on tat hasn’t been completely
Covent Garden’s appeal are being             above, launch in                                                                                           above, offers            successful, however. Cheap and cheer-
replaced by luxury flats, which are          October (knight                                                                                            shops and health         ful is still very much in evidence at the
often empty second homes.                                                                                                         food cafés               adjacent Jubilee Market. On the other
  Nonetheless, smart new homes con-                                                                                                                                              hand the Disney Store on the Piazza
tinue to spring up. In Floral Street,                                                                                                                                            has recently closed.

                                                                                                                                                                                 THE CLEAN-UP JOB
    IN NUMBERS                                                                                                                                                                   Over the last decade Capco has worked
    MORE than 44 million people              £2.25 million:                                                                                                                      hard to make Covent Garden look beau-
    visit Covent Garden every year,          right, a loft-style                                                                                                                 tiful — and most people agree it has
    dwarfing the number of                   flat in Neal                                                                                                                         done a grand job. Streets have been
    residents. According to the 2011         Street, through                                                                                                                     cleaned up and prettified with new
    census just over 13,000 people           Greater London                                                                                                                      lighting and shop fronts.
    lived in the entire Holborn and          Properties                                                                                                                            Rebecca Warren, sales and lettings
    Covent Garden ward.                                                                                                                                                          director at Chestertons estate agents,
      By 2015, that number had               Capco plans to replace the former          Piazza, by developer Stonehaven. A         two-bedroom flat in Monmouth                  has worked in Covent Garden for 12
    increased to 13,700. Camden              Sanctuary spa with a health and fitness    one-bedroom flat will be priced from       Street, just off Seven Dials, for             years. She says: “If you walk along
    council forecasts the district’s         club, a shop and nine apartments           £995,000. Despite these high prices        £1.35 million, while Greater London           Floral Street or Shelton Street, for
    population will continue to grow,        above. It also has planning permission     half of the homes have already been        Properties is selling a warehouse-style       example, and then cross one block over
    albeit relatively slowly. By 2023,       to build 31 flats at 22 to 25 Floral       reserved ahead of the launch. Visit        apartment in Neal Street, with marvel-        into Drury Lane, which is out of
    the council estimates an extra           Street.                                                   lous pitched ceilings, for £2.25 mil-         Capco’s area, you can really tell the
    2,400 people will have moved               In October, meanwhile, Knight Frank       On the resale market, buyers can          lion.                                         difference.
    into Holborn and Covent Garden.          will launch 38 Southampton Street,         expect to pay from £1 million for a two-     One-bedroom Covent Garden flats               “What they have done is unify the
                                             with 18 flats just seconds away from the   bedroom apartment. Dexters has a           are priced from about £700,000. Of            area and clean it up.”
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
EVENING STANDARD WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017                                                                                                                                                                                                         9 powered by                                                                                                                                 London living | Homes & Property
                                                                                                                                     BRAND BAGLIONE
                                                                                                                                     THE family has designed a 16,000sq ft central     costs £350. Lara Boglione, 33, believes the shop will
                                                                                                                                     London shop, inset, in the same rustic style as   draw in affluent families but says: “There are a lot of
                                                                                                                                     Petersham, with many Mediterranean     n                things in the £5 to £20 bracket — obviously we
                                                                                                                                     plants. Several full-size palm trees grow                   go up with the antique furniture.”
                                                                                                                                     up towards a trio of original                                     A key difference between Petersham
                                                                                                                                     rooflights. Elegantly patinated                                  MMark I and Mark II is a greater
                                                                                                                                     antique furniture joins surfaces                                   emphasis on balcony-friendly pots
                                                                                                                                     piled high with glazed pots,                                       and window boxes, for urban
                                                                                                                                     candles and hand-blown                                             gardeners. There will also be drop-in
                                                                                                                                     champagne glasses.                                                 workshops; an Italian take on
                                                                                                                                       The deli is a foodie feast.                                    aafternoon tea; a pre-theatre menu;
                                                                                                                                     “Everything is homemade,” says Gael..                          ev
                                                                                                                                                                                                    evening cocktails, and one of London’s
                                                                                                                                     “Even the honey comes from bees in                          only restaurants allowing (nicely
                                                                                                                                     Richmond Park.” The pleasure of all this                b  h d dogs. The restaurant décor will be

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 VICKI COUCHMAN
                                                                                                                                     does not come cheap. The hand-blown               very Baglione, with pink chandeliers, red leather
                                                                                                                                     wineglasses are £70, a rusted iron and marble     seats, a bronze bar, open kitchen and pieces from
                                                                                                                                     garden side table is £650, an earthenware pot     Gael and Francesco’s contemporary art collection.

                 Founding family: holding son Achille, MD Lara Boglione and parents, Gael and Francesco Boglione


Accidental gardeners
who grew a family firm
            HE great irony of Covent Garden as a                                 garden centre in a former townhouse in King
            tourist destination is that in London’s                              Street. Petersham Nurseries central London-
            famous former flower market there                                    style is a seriously grown-up operation with a
            has been almost nowhere to buy a                                     shop, a deli and a wine cellar. By the end of the
            decent bunch of flowers. Ever since                                  year there will also be two restaurants set
New Covent Garden Market opened in Vauxhall                                      around a courtyard garden in the backlands
in 1974, and Covent Garden reinvented itself,                                    between King and Floral Streets.
the only flowers on offer have been of the sad,
cellophane-wrapped supermarket variety. But                                      The Boglione family was invited into Covent
now proper flowers have returned to Covent                                       Garden by the new landlord, Capco. In many
Garden at newly opened Petersham Nurseries.                                      ways the union of these two businesses is an
  The family-run company, headed by                                              unlikely marriage. Capco is a multibillion-
Australian-born Gael Boglione and her Italian                                    pound place maker while the Bogliones are
husband, former insurance broker Francesco,                                      accidental shopkeepers. While hard-nosed
started life by chance in 2004, up on the hill                                   business people did deals to bring Chanel,
just west of Richmond, where it grew into the                                    Mulberry and the like to Covent Garden,
most stylish garden centre in London, boasting                                   Petersham will bring a breath of fresh air into
Italian flair and a top chef to provide lunch                                    all this polished multinationalism.
among the flower-filled terracotta pots.
  The Bogliones knew some of the right people,
and in 1997, during an afternoon watching the
cricket with Mick Jagger and Jerry Hall, heard
that Petersham House, the grand old Georgian
17th-century mansion, was for sale. They bought
it and moved in with their four young children.
Soon afterwards, they discovered that the old
garden nursery next to their property was also
for sale. “We did not want anyone to come in
and build at the bottom of our garden, so we
bought it,” explains Francesco.

They knew nothing about running a garden
centre but they grew lovely flowers at the old
nursery and when they had too many, they sold
them. Petersham Nurseries was born, and grew
into a lush, bohemian, idiosyncratic green
haven where visitors now go to marvel at the
plants, rustic-luxe pottery and irresistible
garden accessories.
  Eldest daughter Lara made the pilgrimage
through India — where her dad joined her — as a
teenager and the style, crafts and imaginative
ingenuity of the villages there never left her.
She now drives the business as its managing
director. Son Harry is the family’s organic
farmer, rearing pigs and chickens and growing
                                                               ADRIAN SHERRATT

veg on his Devon farm; Anna runs an
interactive drama theatre and stages plays in
the family home, while Ruby is part of the
buying team.
  Now Petersham Nurseries has made the                                      Down on the organic farm: Harry and Perry
journey into Covent Garden, launching a                                     Boglione with their children at home in Devon
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
10                                                                                                                                   WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

    Homes & Property | Commuting
                                     Left: Basildon
                                     centre. The town
                                     enjoys great
                                     commuter links
                                     to the City and
                                     Canary Wharf

                                     Sea: the average
                                     house price is
                                     under £362,000
                                     and the London

                                     commute is
                                     40 minutes

    Essex: coast
    and country
    East Londoners love the swift City commute,
    great schools and good-value family homes.

    Ruth Bloomfield tours the county’s hotspots

                                                                   HE capital continues its love   Ofsted report, and the majority of local
                                                                   affair with Essex — for years   schools are considered at least “good”
                                                                   the county of choice for City   by the education watchdog.
                                                                   workers seeking a move            Obvious areas to start house hunting
                                                                   from east London to a larger    include Kingswood, near the station,
                                                        family home with countryside on the        where a three-bedroom terrace house
                                                        doorstep. But which towns are the hot      would be about £270,000. A posher
                                                        favourites? Here’s our lowdown.            option is Langdon Hills, leafy and quiet,
                                                                                                   and with rather grand contemporary
                                                        BASILDON                                   houses. Expect to pay about £650,000
                                                                                                   for a substantial family house.
                                                        Fantastic transport links to the Square
                                                        Mile and Canary Wharf put Basildon         BRENTWOOD                                    £400,000: a three-bedroom luxury
                                                        — birthplace of Russell Brand and a                                                     duplex at The Mill Apartments, East St,
                                                        favourite location for Towie stars on a    About a quarter of Brentwood’s buyers        Colchester. Boydens (01206 916226)
                                                        big night out — at the top of a league     are from the capital, drawn in part by
                                                        table of destinations favoured by com-     the town’s proximity to the M25 and          Colchester for its Army barracks, but
                                                        muters moving from east London.            the new Shenfield Crossrail station.         its reputation as a slightly rough squad-
                                                          A third of the homes sold here in the      However, Brentwood, with an aver-          die town is gradually dissipating. It has
                                                        last year went to former east London-      age house price of £554,735, is one of       a new arts centre designed by Rafael
                                                        ers, who paid an average £349,000,         the most expensive locations included        Viñoly, a couple of cinemas, the beau-
                                                        Hamptons International research            in today’s research, though its prices       tiful Stour Valley is near and the coast
                                                        shows. Prices in the area have risen six   have flatlined in the last year.             is only 12 miles away.
                                                        per cent in a year and an impressive 45                                                   The town centre has too many chain
                                                        per cent since 2007.                       ROCHFORD                                     stores to be interesting, but Kris Dixon,
                                                          Outperforming it may be, but a move                                                   sales manager at Leaders estate agents,
                                                        to this modern town involves compro-       Closer to the Essex coast, about one in      says it’s “bright and vibrant”, adding:
                                                        mises. The ugly, worn-out Sixties cen-     four Rochford buyers hails from east         “There are lots of restaurants in the
                                                        tre suffers from its proximity to Intu     London. With average house prices of         town centre, and nightclubs, and good
                                     £600,000:          Lakeside shopping centre, and not          £373,500, there has been a 10 per cent       country pubs in the villages around.”
                                     below, a very      much property is older than Joey           rise over the same period — the strong-
                                     attractive four-   Essex, so if you want to leave London      est annual price growth in the survey.       SOUTHEND-ON-SEA
                                     bedroom, three-    for a quaint old cottage, Basildon won’t
                                     bathroom, fully    be for you. If, however, you want a        COLCHESTER                                   The alpha choice on the Essex coast,
                                     renovated          large, detached executive home in a                                                     about one in eight Southend buyers
                                     Victorian house    private road, you are in luck.             This is one of the cheapest options,         moves from London. The average house
                                     with a garden        On the plus side, the commuter links     with average house prices of £293,000,       price is just under £362,000, up 11 per
                                     and balcony, in    are excellent. Trains to Fenchurch         up a hefty 14 per cent year on year.         cent year on year.
                                     Cambridge Road,    Street take from 37 minutes and an           Colchester’s market has been bol-            With a 40-minute commute to Fen-
                                     Southend-on-       annual season ticket costs £3,948.         stered by its thriving buy-to-let scene.     church Street and an annual season
                                     Sea. Call Peter    Basildon also has a mix of high-quality    Despite tax changes and higher stamp         ticket at £4,736, this old-fashioned sea-
                                     Howard (01702      schools. Great Berry Primary Academy,      duty, investors are still keen to buy near   side town is coming into its own. Its
                                     744134)            in Langdon Hills, gets an “outstanding”    the University of Essex campus or            airport is handy for European weekend
                                                                                                   around Colchester North station.             breaks, the two high schools have “out-
                                                                                                     For owner-occupiers, west Colchester       standing” Ofsted ratings, and there are
                                                                                                   is the smartest location, including sub-     plans to revamp the dowdy seafront.
                                                                                                   urbs such as West Bergholt with its            The most upscale part is Thorpe Bay,
                                                                                                   village feel and proximity to the town       where a post-war family semi would
                                                                                                   centre and station. A four-bedroom           cost about £500,000. A sea view, wher-
                                                                                                   detached house here would cost about         ever you are in Southend, will come at
                                                                                                   £430,000, while a three-bedroom semi         a premium, with large modern houses
                                                                                                   would be £300,000 to £350,000.               costing £2.5 million-plus.
                                                                                                     Colchester has good schools and a            The town centre conservation area
                                                                                                   good commute. Hamilton Primary is            has pretty Victorian terraces for
                                                                                                   particularly sought after, as are Col-       £650,000 to £700,000. But a couple
                                                                                                   chester County High and Colchester           of miles out you can find similar homes
                                                                                                   Royal Grammar School. Commuters              in Leigh-on-Sea for about £350,000.
                                                                                                   can be at Liverpool Street in 54 min-        Leigh also has more of a London vibe,
                                                                                                   utes, with an annual season ticket           with gastropubs, independent cafés,
                                                                                                   priced from £6,016. Most people know         boutiques and vintage shops.
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
12                                                                                                   WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

Homes & Property | Reader promotion
                 Alison                                                                                     Ready for guests
                 Cork                                                                                       with a sofa bed
                                                                                                            PREPARE for guests with Willow &
                                                                                                            Hall’s handcrafted British furniture.
                                                                                                            Choose from sofa beds with 14cm-
                 A chic supper table                                                                        deep mattress options — such as The
                                                                                                            Buttermere, left, from £1,128 — to
                 ART DECO and midcentury motifs                                                             chaises with handy storage and
                 combine in the Cleo supper table,                                                          more, all in more than 100 fabrics.
                 left. The top is marble, while the                                                           Delivered free to most of the UK
                 elegant, geometric, brushed-brass                                                          mainland in four to five weeks, with
                 frame has been given a vintage finish.                                                     14-day free returns. Call 020 8939
                   This striking piece, a compact                                                           3800 or visit Use
                 H65cm x W52cm x D30cm, provides a                                                          code BN30817 by August 30 to save
                 table top for a casual meal while you                                                      five per cent extra off prices already
                 relax on your sofa or in an armchair,                                                      30 per
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                 but works equally well as a side table.
                   Priced £255, get free delivery when
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                                                             A comfy wooden
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                                                             REDUCED from £179.99 to £105.99
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                                                               Relax in comfort on its deep slatted
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                                                             arms. A matching cushion, table,
                                                             footstool and chair are available. Visit
                                                    to order.

                                                              THE Delano garden lounge set is               or taupe, pictured, the set is made by
                                                              brilliant value at only £299, reduced         Allibert using UV-stabilised resin,
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                                                              sofa and two armchairs, plus a                your £200 discount, including free
                                                              waterproofed storage coffee table             two-man delivery, quote code
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                                                              magazines. Available in matt graphite or call 0344 417 1419.

                                                             ■The companies listed here are wholly independent of the Evening Standard. Care is taken
                                                             to establish that they are bona fide but we recommend that you carry out your own checks
                                                             prior to purchases and use a credit card where possible. To offer feedback on any of these
                                                             companies, email with “Bargain News” in the subject
                                                             line. For more bargains, visit or
Homes& Property - Homes & Property | London Evening Standard
14                                                                                                                                                                          WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

Homes & Property | Interior design                                                                                                                                                  

Above: interior designers Kat Turner and Jessica Gibbons used the surfaces of the SE1 penthouse to create a
stunning home for a City trader. Right: oversize felt shades light the striking mosaic wall in the dining space

Girls’ eye for
a City guy
Interiors experts Jessica Gibbons

                                                                                  HINK property developments        ing enticing outdoor space. In 2015, the       tem but layered things up with pendants
                                                                                  are boring? Allow Jessica Gib-    owner commissioned Field Day to work           that draw the eye to specific areas. As well
and Kat Turner helped a City trader                                               bons and Kat Turner from
                                                                                  London interior designer
                                                                                                                    on the transformation and from the
                                                                                                                    beginning the pair and their client
                                                                                                                                                                   as showing off the materials on the walls,
                                                                                                                                                                   perimeter lighting creates the illusion of
turn a new-build SE1 bachelor pad                                                 practice Field Day to change      formed a collaborative team. Says Kat:         extra space. “This was the first step in
                                                                     your mind. This two-bedroom pent-              “When someone is looking to appoint            creating more atmosphere. If the lighting
into a home. By Claire Bingham                                       house in SE1 offers plenty of ideas on         an architect or designer, it’s a priority to   is good, everything looks better.”
                                                                     how to transform dull “generic” spaces         have a good chemistry.                           The oak-panelled wall in the bedroom
                                                                     into something startling — indeed, even          “A fan of the London Look — minimal,         was made by a fabricating company
                                                                     the surfaces of this urban home have           masculine with lots of soft texture to off-    called SETWO, who, the women say, is
                                                                     become a big talking point.                    set the clean lines — the owner’s brief was    able to make almost anything you can
                                                                       Home to a City trader, the bachelor pad      to step up the universal fit-out with lots     dream up. French company Panbeton
                                                                     is in The Chroma Buildings, the award-         of character that would make it his own.       installed the concrete walls and the cop-
                                                                     winning boutique scheme built on the           And he wanted to impress. He was happy         per-tinted mirror is by The Wholesale
                                                                     site of the old Colorama photographic          to push the boat out with statement fea-       Glass Co.
                                                                     warehouse. From here, the owner can            tures, which is music to our ears.”

                                                                     walk to work. He bought the penthouse                                                                    OLISHED copper adds depth
                                                                     when the warehouse was redeveloped,            As the layout was already set, the impact                 as well as warmth to the neu-
                                                                     drawn by the apartment’s huge outdoor          had to come from the surfaces. Barbican-                  tral colour scheme but it is the
                                                                     space of 1,000sq ft — the same size as the     inspired concrete walls inject a brutalist                concrete walls that most trans-
                                                                     flat’s interior.                               feel in the living area, but one wall has a               form the space, lending a raw,
                                                                                                                    mosaic of white porcelain and copper           industrial aesthetic that suits the urban
                                                                     He says: “I’d been looking for years for a     tiles, adding impact to the space. In the      vibe. Thoughtful, customised lighting,
                                                                     low-rise apartment with outside space in       bedrooms, a copper-tinted mirror               quality materials and handcrafted details
                                                                     the area but they simply don’t exist. I paid   reflects light and a wall of fluted oak        make this property unique. This flat is
                                                                     the reservation fee for this flat at the       panels casts lovely shadows. Each room         full of creative ideas that have turned it
                                                                     launch event as soon as it was available,      makes the most of natural light.               into the owner’s ideal home.
                                                                     subject to a site visit the next day.”           Starting with the lighting, the designers
                                                                       The 50/50 floor plan reflects the impor-     added to the existing scheme. They kept        Depth and warmth: polished copper in a
Wow-factor warehouse flats: The Chroma Buildings in SE1               tance developers are attaching to creat-       a couple of spots already on the grid sys-     bedroom. Far right, urban terrace view

EVENING STANDARD WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017                                                                                      15
powered by                                              Interior design | Homes & Property

                                                Brutalism meets natural warmth: concrete walls and wood floors in the living area

                                                A Scandi style statement: the mosaic-tiled dining area fills half of the living space

                                                Outside entertaining: at a generous 1,000sq ft, the terrace equals the inside space

                                                WHAT IT COST                                 O Copper tiles in the dining room: from
                                                O Purchase of flat in 2015: £1,155,000       Metal Tiles Ltd (
                                                O Works by Field Day and Barton              O Bespoke oak bedroom panelling: by
                                                Interiors, excluding fees: £60,000           SETWO (
                                                                                             O Curtain fabrics:
                                                JESSICA AND KAT’S TIPS TO ADD                O “Connect” modular sofa: by
                                                CHARACTER TO NEW BUILD                       Anderssen & Voll at Muuto (
                                                O Think about windows. Avoid the             O Customised media unit:
                                                “black glass effect” at night by lighting    O Brokis “Shadows” smoked glass
                                                beyond, even from a window box. Or           pendant lights:
                                                soften the space with a wave curtain.        O “Under the Bell” felt pendants: by
                                                O Maximise space by using the same           Iskos Berlin from Muuto (as before)
                                                colour palette and materials throughout.     O “Loop stand” dining table; “About a
                                                O Light the perimeters of a room,            chair” AAC22 chairs: from HAY (
                                                highlighting wall features and artwork,      O Vintage wall clock: from The Old
                                                to expand space. Add corner lamps for        Cinema (
                                                an ambient glow.                             O Feather bed, main bedroom: from
                                                O Don’t overlook bedlinen. A duvet can       Amode (
                                                be a design statement when layered up        O Bedside lamps: from Menu (
                                                with neutrals in different fabrics or a      O Guest bed: Amode (as before)
                                                bold-patterned bedspread.                    O Guest bedside tables: from Another
                                                                                             Brand (
                                                GET THE LOOK                                 O Guest bed lights:
                                                O Interior designers: Jessica Gibbons        O Cacti and succulents: conservatory
                                                and Kat Turner (
                                                O Main contractors: Barton Interiors         O Outdoor table:
                                                Ltd (                  O Outdoor dining chairs: from Menu (as
                                                O Shuttered concrete panels: from            before)
                                                Panbeton (
                                                O White ceramic tiles:     Photographs: David Butler
16                                                                                                          WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

Homes & Property | Design
                                                                                              ARAM STORE
                                                                                              JAW-DROPPER at Aram’s           Ashuach, in collaboration
                                                                                              summer show in Covent           with Kyoto Design Lab. “It
                                                                                              Garden (until August 19,        uses minimum materials
                                                                                              110 Drury Lane, WC2;            and is carefully shaped for
                                                                                     is a large          comfort,” says Ashuach,
                                                                                              white chair which appears       who consistently leads the
                                                                                              a mass of holes, and was        capital in new 3D printing
                                                                                              made in 19 hours by a           (
                                                                                              “retired” car-making robot
                                                                                              in east London. The
                                                                                              designer is London
                                                                                              software maestro Assa

CHAMPIONING British designer-
makers, just in at Futon Company,
169 Tottenham Court Road, W1, are
Jane Crisp’s Bare Milking Stools,
top, priced £189, round or cut out to
slot together, and her handmade
baskets, top right, a sleek upmarket
revamp of a traditional trug. With
steam-bent strips of ash and walnut
and copper nails, they’re inspired
by clinker-built boats. Prices start
from £95.
  Find also a nesting set of tables
with a lace-like edge in three shades
of oak, right, by Karl Weitz, at £750
for a set. A dash of colour comes
from John Weaver’s mini chest of
drawers/table, above right, with its
solid, tapered-oak legs. Also splashy
are neat tiered table/shelves by Nell
Beale of Bath for CoucouManou

Design summer
Barbara Chandler tours the latest design shows in London’s top stores

                                                                                              LIBERTY LONDON
                                        HEAL’S                                                JUST opened at Liberty,         charcoal sketches of the
                                        THE big buzz at Heal’s     are tables with tops       top left, is the Interiors      female form. Amy Isles
                                        in Tottenham Court         made from a beautiful      Emporium, a “walk of            Freeman, top right, a
                                        Road is the new crop of    fragmented mix of          design” on the third floor.     trained fine artist, turns
                                        designers in the store’s   plastic bottles, yoghurt   Driving force is buyer for      and hand-paints wooden
                                        annual Heal’s              cartons and plant pots,    home Bryony Sheridan,           bowls. “From plank to
                                        Discovers programme.       handcrafted in the UK      who combed the country          finish can take up to 12
                                          Going eco are Justin     and priced from £249.      for rising talent on the        hours.” Artists such as
                                        and Hannah Floyd,            Don’t miss ceramics      cusp of art and design.         Klimt, Hockney and Egon
                                        left, from Devon,          by Matt Davis, who has       Azem William of east          Schiele are her “go-to
                                        who’ve turned excess       morphed 3D computer        London makes ceramic            image-makers”, together
                                        fleece from their local    software into moulds       platters, above, with           with modern illustrators
                                        sheep farms into           for his pixelated          modern facial profiles          (
                                        Solidwool for a slender,   porcelain                  reminiscent of classical
                                        moulded chair with         vessels, £55               coins. Then there is Louise
                                        turned wooden legs,        (heals.                    Madzia, who hand-paints
                                        priced £395.               com).                      body outlines on to simple
                                          Design duo Adam                                     vessels, right. “I’m inspired
                                        Fairweather and                                       by high and low culture,
                                        Rosalie MacMillan,                                    from Barbara Hepworth
                                        right, have revitalised                               and Picasso to reality TV.”
                                        Smile Plastics, the                                     Alexandria Coe wants
                                        company that                                          people “to fall back in love
                                        pioneered turning                                     with hand-drawing” via
                                        plastic waste into                                    her economically elegant
                                        furniture. Now there
18                                                                                                                                                                         WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

Homes & Property | Outdoors

C                                             Rooftop
            OULD this be London’s
            ultimate roof terrace? The
            off-the-scale wow factor is
            heightened by the access
            that gives no hint of what lies
above: a spiral metal staircase on the
terrace beneath, LED-lit at every step,
leading up into the entry point of the
bar area where, on party nights, you are
greeted with a glass of bubbly.
                                              for work
  Barely a year ago, this rooftop terrace
above a third-floor penthouse flat in
Bermondsey looked very different and
                                              and play
was never used. “There was a floor of
plywood and astroturf had been laid
on top — a disastrous combination,”
                                              After an alfresco board
says London garden designer Robin             meeting, turn on the
McAfee. He was charged by the owner,
a corporate high-flyer, with transform-       party lights and enjoy
ing the large area — 23ft wide and 52ft
long — into a versatile, all-weather          a terrace filled with
space for both work and pleasure.
  “My client wanted a rooftop garden
                                              Mediterranean plants
where she could socialise and hold
dinner parties in the evening as well as
use it as an outdoor workspace,” says         Pattie
McAfee. “It was important to create
shelter and for her to have privacy from      Barron
neighbours, yet still enjoy the pano-
ramic views across London.”

He replaced the rotting flooring with
more durable Ipe hardwood decking,            apply it, the wood turns bright pink.      blocks of Portuguese laurel that also        zone, an area for relaxing and enter-       Light up: planters and barrel lights
which he used to emphasise the differ-        The client was horrified, but in two       act as effective windbreaks and, he          taining, that looks uncannily as if a       mark the entrance to the relaxation
ent zones of the terrace, placing the         weeks the whole deck had turned a          says, stop the view being given away         contemporary living room landed on          zone, with weatherproof sofa and rug
boards diagonally at the entrance to          lovely silvery-grey.”                      all at once.                                 the roof — and indeed, the cool, plant-
draw guests in from the staircase to the        There were already clear glass screens                                                flattering tones of white, grey and aqua
bar and on into the garden. “We exper-
imented with a wood protector called
                                              around the boundary but where more
                                              privacy from neighbours was needed,
                                                                                         The bar and kitchen in the first zone,
                                                                                         with instant hot water tap, fridge, grill
                                                                                                                                      reflect the owner’s indoor colour
                                                                                                                                                                                  Get the look
Sioo:x that quickens the weathering           McAfee installed higher, frosted glass     and a long L-shaped stretch of black           Everything, from the corner sofa and      O Design:
process,” says McAfee. “When you              panels as well as rectangular evergreen    granite work surface, can double as          cushions to the large rug and square        O Basketweave sofa, rug and
                                                                                         cocktail or breakfast bar. Irrigation for    pouffe, is weatherproof — as are the        pouffe:
                                                                                         the garden is set up by a battery timer      speakers concealed behind furniture         O Napoleon grill:
                                                                                         beneath the kitchen sink, and the wi-fi      and planters, at floor level, so that the   O Mature olive trees: palmcentre.
                                                                                         hub, as well as the Sonos sound system,      client can play her favourite tracks
                                                                                         is stored under the kitchen counter.         outside, controlling them from her          O Portable lighting: by Serralunga at
                                                                                           Opposite is a large dining table that      smartphone.                       
                                                                                         is also used for business meetings. It                                                   O Crystal table lamps: by Kartell at
                                                                                                                                               POTLIGHTS at the base of the

                                                                                         can be sheltered with a giant weather-                                         
                                                                                         proof umbrella that’s set in a concrete               olive trees, uplighters set into   O Faux lead fibreglass planters:
                                                                                         base to withstand the wind and pro-                   the decking and soft lighting      from
                                                                                         vides shade or a shield against showers.              in the borders are discreet and
                                                                                         Linear planters of lightweight faux                   effective, but McAfee also
                                                                                         lead, set with predominantly Mediter-        brought in high-style chargeable LED
                                                                                         ranean planting of lavenders, sedums,        lights that can be moved around the
                                                                                                                                                                                  Gardening problems?
                                                                                         dianthus, stipa grass and sea holly, as      space as needed, and make decorative
                                                                                         well as mature olive trees underplanted      statements during the day, too. He          Email our RHS expert at:
                                                                                         with creeping rosemary, help divide          added tall, sculptural white lights, bar-
                                                                                         the whole space.                             rel-shaped floor lights and table lamps
                                                                                           McAfee points out that each planter        with faceted faux-crystal shades that       ■ For outdoor events this month, visit
                                                                                         has little feet to raise it off the ground   make tracery patterns at night, bring-
Special effects: a bowl of agapanthus,        Glamour: faux-crystal lamps make           and prevent the deck rotting. Two of         ing a magical touch to this exceptional
lit from beneath, makes a focal point         tracery patterns on the dining table       them provide an entrance to the third        outdoor space.                              Photographs: Marianne Majerus
20                                                                                                                                                                  WEDNESDAY 9 AUGUST 2017 EVENING STANDARD

Homes & Property | Property searching

Time out: Blighty India Café offers coffee, sourdough — and a yoga studio upstairs   Main shopping street: West Green Road has predominantly independent shops catering for the long-standing community

             EAT roads of Victorian                                                                                                                                        the first floor for start-up businesses
             houses in the north Lon-
             don neighbourhood of
                                            Spotlight on                                                                                                                   and artists. Under the opposing Seven
                                                                                                                                                                           Sisters Regeneration plan, backed by
             South Tottenham are                                                                                                                                           Haringey, developer Grainger has plan-
             becoming increasingly
popular with young professionals and
families who have been priced out of
Hackney, to the south, and the sought-
after Victorian grid of streets in the
                                            South Tottenham                                                                                                                ning permission to demolish the build-
                                                                                                                                                                           ings on the island site and build 196
                                                                                                                                                                           new homes, ground-floor and first-
                                                                                                                                                                           floor shops and restaurants, a purpose-
                                                                                                                                                                           built replacement market and a new
Harringay Ladder, to the west.                                                                                                                                             public square in front of the station.
  Seven miles north of central London,      Young professionals and creatives looking for affordable north London                                                            The WCC campaigners claim the mar-
South Tottenham straddles the A10 —
Ermine Street, the old Roman road to        homes bring a new vibrancy to this neighbourhood. By Anthea Masey                                                              ket won’t survive the upheaval. During
                                                                                                                                                                           building works, the market will move
Lincoln and York — while the Seven                                                                                                                                         to a temporary site in nearby Apex
Sisters area gets its name from seven                                                battles. Wards Corner Community            bounded by Seven Sisters Road, Tot-        House, where Grainger is building a
elm trees planted around an ancient         In South Tottenham                       Coalition, or WCC, a local group of        tenham High Road, West Green Road          23-storey residential tower, before
walnut tree on Page Green Common at
the junction of High Road and Broad         today there are 139                      campaigners, formed in 2007 to fight
                                                                                     to save the Wards Corner department
                                                                                                                                and Suffield Road.
                                                                                                                                  Wards Furnishing Stores, which sits
                                                                                                                                                                           being moved back to its new home on
                                                                                                                                                                           the redeveloped Wards Corner site.
Lane. Long gone, the trees were
replaced in 1996 with seven hornbeam
                                            homes to BUY and                         store building and the Seven Sisters
                                                                                     indoor market, home to a thriving com-
                                                                                                                                above Seven Sisters Tube on the Victo-
                                                                                                                                ria line, ceased trading in 1972 and the
                                                                                                                                                                             Estate agent Elan Silver, from the
                                                                                                                                                                           local branch of Winkworth, describes
trees planted, in a ceremony attended       21 to RENT on                            munity of Latin American traders.          Edwardian building and wider site in       South Tottenham as an area which is
by the late MP for Tottenham Bernie                                                    The campaigners gave evidence last       question is in joint ownership of the      regenerating itself through a big influx
Grant, by five families of seven sisters.                                            month at a public inquiry sparked by       council and Transport for London.          of creative and artistic newcomers,
  South Tottenham’s recent claim to                                                  Haringey council’s decision to make a      WCC’s plan is to restore the building,     with many artists’ studios found in
fame is that it is the location of one of                                            compulsory purchase order on a             improve the market and bring back into     former industrial buildings in the area
London’s longest-running planning                                                    number of buildings in the triangle        use 2,400 square metres of space on        around Markfield Park.

  £535,000                                          £375,000                                             £625,000
  A REFURBISHED two-bedroom flat with its own       A CHAIN-FREE three-bedroom flat with double          THIS four-bedroom chain-free Victorian terrace
  garden in St Margarets Avenue, Turnpike Lane.     glazing and lots of storage in Cornwall Road, off    house in Suffield Road, N15, is ripe for a refurb.
  Through Anthony Pepe (020 8012 6467).             West Green Road, N15. Homelink (020 8012 7083).      Through Barnard Marcus (020 8012 2047).

                                                                                                                                                               A MODERN two-bedroom flat in a secure scheme
To find a home in South Tottenham, visit                                                                                                       in Milton Road, N15, close to Turnpike Lane Tube
                                                                                                                                                               and well presented throughout with bright, airy
 For more about South Tottenham, visit                                                                                   good-size rooms. Call Foxtons (020 3858 3005).
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