Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme

Page created by Willie George
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm
Free Concert Programme
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme

Symphonic Gospel with André J Thomas                Save 10% by booking for two concerts at the same
Celebrating the power of gospel combined            time, valid when buying the same number of tickets
with the symphonic sound of the LSO                 for each performance. Plus you can save on any further
30 October                                          concerts you book for in the LSO’s 2022/23 season.

Awaken the Sleeper: American Music for Our Time
Includes a new piece by jazz icon Wynton Marsalis
and music based on the words of James Baldwin
6 November                                          WAYS TO SAVE: WILDCARD TICKETS

Symphonic Jazz with Jess Gillam                     Just £10 or £15, plus booking fee,
A salute to the giants of 20th-century jazz,        for LSO evening concerts at the Barbican.
part of the EFG London Jazz Festival                Bag a seat at a discount price, and find out
17 November                                         exactly where when you get to the concert.                      
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
Sunday 29 May 7–9pm

J Rosamond Johnson arr Roland Carter Lift Every Voice and Sing      André J Thomas conductor
                                     with all Choirs & Orchestra   NaGuanda Nobles soprano
Nathaniel Dett Ave Maria                                            Albert Lee tenor
arr André J Thomas I’ve Just Come From the Fountain                 Brandon A Boyd piano
arr Mark Butler Signs of the Judgement                              London Community Gospel Choir
Adolphus Hailstork I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes                         London Symphony Chorus
arr André J Thomas Beautiful City                                   Simon Halsey chorus director
                               with the London Symphony Chorus     LSO Community Choir
                                                                    British Gospel Arts Choir
                                                                    LSO Discovery Choirs
A selection of gospel songs
                                                                    David Lawrence chorus director
                        with the London Community Gospel Choir
Traditional Get on Board Little Children
                                          with NaGuanda Nobles
Joseph Joubert Choo, Choo Joubert                                   6.15pm Freestage, Level G
                                              with the Orchestra   LSO On Track Next Generation
Raymond Wise Shine the Light                                        Young musicians perform an original
Kurt Lykes arr Raymond Wise & Mark Lomax                            composition inspired by spirituals.
  Hallowed Be Thy Name
Brandon A Boyd Sign Me Up
Richard Smallwood arr Lari Goss Total Praise
arr Raymond Wise I’ve Got a Robe
                            with a combined Chorus & Orchestra
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
                                                                          Tonight’s concert opens with primarily choral
                                                                          music – featuring the London Symphony
                                                                          Chorus – that represents the gospel, spiritual
                                                                          and symphonic traditions of African-
                                                                          American music. The London Community
                                                                          Gospel Choir open the second half of the
                                                                          concert with a selection of gospel songs.
                                                                          Then a combined chorus featuring our guest
                                                                          choirs and the LSO Community and Discovery
                                                                          Choirs perform music by living artists who
                                                                          have greatly influenced gospel music in the
                                                                          United States, including Raymond Wise,
                                                                          Brandon A Boyd and Richard Smallwood.

                                                                          Before the concert, young musicians from

    Kathryn McDowell CBE DL            elcome to tonight’s LSO concert at the LSO On Track Next Generation Scheme
     LSO Managing Director             the Barbican. Following our hugely perform an original composition based
                                       rewarding Symphonic Gospel Spirit on the spirituals Steal Away, I’ll Fly Away,
                            concert in March 2020, it is a pleasure to be Guided by the Light and Joshua Fought the
                            joined once again by conductor and choral     Battle of Jericho, developed in sessions
                            expert André J Thomas, who has curated        together with LSO musicians and animateur
                            tonight’s programme of gospel, spiritual      Andy Grappy. We are extremely grateful to
                            and symphonic music. André J Thomas           The Irving Memorial Trust for their generous
                            was recently announced as an LSO Associate support towards the LSO On Track programme.
                            Artist, and we are thoroughly looking forward
                            to collaborating further with him in the      Many thanks to all those taking part in this
                            coming seasons, and exploring a wider         evening’s performance, and to all who join
                            canvas of musical styles.                     us in the audience, including members of the
                                                                          Court of Common Council. I hope that you
                            I am delighted that soprano NaGuanda          enjoy the concert and that you will join us
                            Nobles and pianist Brandon A Boyd join us     again soon. André J Thomas joins us again
                            again, and this year we also welcome tenor    in the Autumn for another gospel-inspired
                            Albert Lee. Singers from across the London    programme (30 October) and a concert of
                            community join them on stage throughout       music by US composers (6 November).
                            the concert, and we extend a warm welcome
                            to the London Community Gospel Choir,
                            London Symphony Chorus, British Gospel
                            Arts Choir, and the LSO Community and
                            Discovery Choirs.  

2              Welcome                                                                                     29 May 2022
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
Stay in Touch                                                   Contents
WATCH                                                           4         Before the Concet: LSO On Track Next Generation
Watch free concerts, performances for families,                 6         Lift Every Voice: An Introduction
interviews, behind-the-scenes clips and learn more              8         Song Texts
about music at

Stream, download or buy music from our record label,            ABOUT THE ARTISTS
LSO Live:
                                                                16        André J Thomas
FOLLOW                                                          17        NaGuanda Nobles
                                                                18        Albert Lee
         londonsymphonyorchestra                                19        Brandon A Boyd
                                                                21        London Community Gospel Choir
         londonsymphonyorchestra                                22        London Symphony Chorus
                                                                24        Simon Halsey
         londonsymphony                                                   David Lawrence
                                                                25        LSO Community Choir
SUBSCRIBE                                                       26        British Gospel Arts Choir
Get our latest news delivered to your inbox:   27        LSO Discovery Choirs
                                                                28        London Symphony Orchestra

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK                                          Please switch off all phones. Photography and audio/video
                                                                recording are not permitted during the performance.
We hope you have a great
experience tonight, and would
really appreciate your feedback.                                Editorial Photography
Visit or                                       Ranald Mackechnie, Bridgeman Images, Doug Peters,
scan the QR code to fill out a                                  Tyana Danae (Script16 Studios), Matthias Heyde
short survey about the concert.                                 Print John Good 024 7692 0059

                                                                Details in this publication were correct at time of going to press.


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                                                                                                      Contents                    3
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
Before the Concert

                                                          efore tonight’s concert, young musicians from LSO On Track
     FREE PRE-CONCERT PERFORMANCE                         Next Generation will perform alongside LSO musicians on the
     6.15pm Freestage, Level G
                                                          Barbican Foyers. They share a brand new piece inspired by the
     LSO On Track Next Generation                   spirituals Steal Away, I’ll Fly Away, Guided by the Light and Joshua
                                                    Fight the Battle of Jericho.

    The LSO On Track Next Generation Scheme is a free, creative ensemble of
    50 young musicians from across East London who demonstrate exceptional
    musical potential. The young people meet roughly once a month to devise
    new music based on a central idea or theme, and work on key aspects
    of their musicianship, guided by musicians from the London Symphony
    Orchestra and animateur Andy Grappy.

    Next Generation is a three-year scheme, focusing on precision of sound,
    articulation of ideas and leadership, and young musicians thrive in areas in
    which they did not know they had strengths. The scheme gives structured
    guidance, inspiration, creative tools and technical skills to participants,
    building on their musical flair to help them develop as rounded musicians
    and leaders. Combining fluid exchange of ideas, technical guidance and
    focussed workshop sessions with LSO players, Next Generation creates an
                                                                                    LSO On Track perform on the Barbican stage
    environment in which it is safe to take risks.

                                                                                   The Next Generation Scheme is developed
                                                                                   in partnership with ten East London Music
                                                                                   Education Hubs as part of LSO On Track.
                                                                                   This partnership puts the LSO at the heart
                                                                                   of East London, in the boroughs of Barking
                                                                                   & Dagenham, Bexley, Greenwich, Hackney,
                                                                                   Havering, Lewisham, Newham, Redbridge,
                                                                                   Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest.

                                                                                   The scheme is generously supported by the
                                                                                   Irving Memorial Trust, Hedley Foundation
                                                                                   and Kirby Laing Foundation.

LSO On Track perform on the Barbican stage

     4               Before the Concert: LSO On Track                                                              29 May 2022
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
LSO On Track Next Generation
Young Musicians                                                                               LSO Musicians
Willow Adams-Francis           Franciszek Gallera              Christian Petrov               Naoko Keatley violin
Zaid Ahmad                     Matthew Gritten                 Aarian Rexha                   Lyrit Milgram violin
Anna-Belle Amiame              Louie Hanley-Pir                Gazal Simon                    Judith Herbert cello
Agnes Andris                   Sofia Harrington                Nathan-Asher                   Stephanie Tepper flute
Nahuel Angius-Thomas           Samuel Hay-Campbell               Toluwanimi Oriakhi           Shaun Thompson
Yuma Angius-Thomas             Ruby Huang                      Jed Thwala                       soprano saxophone
Cleo Bador                     Shala lazarus                   Reyhan Ucar                    Ruth Molins trombone
Anna Beg                       Wei Jie Chen                    Sabina Vavinska                Jez Wiles percussion
Sabrina Borrelli               Ann-Marie Johnstone             Matthew Wang
Miles Burdock                  Vincent Karthaus                Zara Warren
Ignatius Carr                  David Kimaro                    Alice Wise
Mayukhjit Chakraborty          Iyannah Laville                 Wei Xiang Zheng
Katherine Ding                 Luke Linyama                    Thomas Yeates
Erin Elonge                    Nickie Lui-Vong                 Michael Yemane
Joel Elonge                    Sophia Nallalingham             Filip Zajdler

Andy Grappy animateur

       ndy Grappy has been a freelance tuba player and         As a session musician he has played on films and jingles,
       teacher for over 20 years. He studied at Huddersfield   and was tuba player for the West End production of Chicago
       Polytechnic and at the National Centre for Orchestral   for ten years.
Studies at Goldsmiths College.
                                                               In addition to his playing work, he works as an animateur,
He has played with orchestras including the London             workshop leader and tutor for many organisations including
Symphony Orchestra, Philharmonia and the Royal Opera           the LSO, London Music Fund, Hackney, Southwark Music
House Covent Garden. He has worked with many jazz artists      Services and Kinetika Bloco Music For Youth.
including John Dankworth, McCoy Tyner, Abdullah Ibrahim,
Mike Westbrook, Hermeto Pascoal and Courtney Pine, and         Andy also teaches in London and is currently head of the
in addition to this has worked with artists such as Damon      Southwark ‘WAX’ Music Centre.
Albarn, Massive Attack and folk band Bellowhead.

                                                                        Before the Concert: LSO On Track                  5
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
Lift Every Voice
An Introduction
                                THE SPIRITUAL TRADITION                          THE MUSIC
                                Tonight’s concert is a choral programme          Lift Every Voice and Sing, which opens
                                of spirituals, gospel and African-American       tonight’s concert, is known as the ‘Black
                                classical music traditions. Spirituals have      National Anthem’ and is often performed
                                several musical forms – alternating verses       for religious as well as secular events in the
                                and choruses, call and response – and grew       African-American community. The writing of
                                out of a range of forms and influences: the      the song was intentional but its popularity
                                work songs of African-Americans in the           was an accident.
                                United States; ritual shouts and circle dances
                                in Africa; Protestant hymns that enslaved       In the summer of 1899, James Weldon
                                people heard on plantations during white        Johnson and his brother, Rosamond, went to
                                church services; and ‘revival songs’ from       New York in hopes of getting a musical they
                                camp-meetings that took place on                wrote produced in a New York theatre. They
                                the American frontier.                          were unsuccessful so they returned to their
James Weldon Johnson                                                            home in Jacksonville, Florida and resumed
(1871–1938, US) was a           The spiritual’s form and content are deeply     their jobs as school teachers. During the
writer, lawyer, diplomat        imbedded in the bondage of slavery, and the school year, James Weldon Johnson wrote
and civil rights activist.      pulse of spirituals is in the rhythm of work.   several poems, including Lift Every Voice,
He was a leader of the          The songs of enslaved people proclaimed         and Rosamond set it to music for a special
National Association for        their Christian faith but also carried news.    programme on the anniversary of President
the Advancement of              Singing them became a therapeutic process. Abraham Lincoln’s birthday, 12 February
Colored People (NAACP).                                                         1900. The song was performed by a children’s
                                The messages that the songs carried were        chorus. After the performance, the Johnsons
                                both heavenly and earthly. Lyrics that talked forgot about the song but the school children
                                of ‘Paradise’, ‘The Promised Land’ and          in Jacksonville continued to sing it, and the
                                ‘Canaan’ could stand for heaven, the North,     song spread rapidly. It became an anthem and
                                Canada or emancipation. The ‘drinking gourd’ was adopted by the National Association for
                                was the Big Dipper that pointed to the North the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
                                star, which gave the direction that enslaved    as the ‘Negro National Anthem’.
                                people needed to follow for freedom.
                                                                                Ave Maria, which follows, is not considered
                                The image of a ‘train’ too occurs in gospel     a gospel song but perhaps it should be.
                                songs, as well as stories of the Underground From the Renaissance to the present day,
                                Railroad, which carried enslaved people from many composers and singers have made and
                                their master to a distant land where there      recorded settings of this sacred song, which
                                they were free. The enslaved people were led is a prayer to Mary, the mother of Jesus (Ave
                                by a ‘conductor’, who guided their journey, and Maria is Latin for ‘Hail Mary’). One of the
Undine Smith Moore              ‘agents’ who helped them along their way.       best known settings was written in 1825 by
(1904–89, US) was a             ‘Stations’ were safe houses and the enslaved Austrian composer Franz Schubert.
composer and educator,          people were ‘passengers’ on this train. To ‘get
known as the ‘Dean of           on board’ was to join the exodus out of the     The popularity of the song grew further
Black Women Composers’.         South into non-slave states or territories.     when Walt Disney used it in the 1940

6                 Lift Every Voice: An Introduction                                                                29 May 2022
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
film, Fantasia. That version was arranged         Board is similar to the well known song, The
by Leopold Stokowski and scored to                Gospel Train, which the Fisk Jubilee Singers
include a mixed chorus with a soprano             performed; it was published in 1872.
instead of the original for just a solo voice.
Tonight’s arrangement is by Nathaniel             All the songs on this programme were
Dett, a Canadian-American Black composer          written or arranged by a premier group of
who served as president of the National           African-American musicians and scholars.
Association of Negro Musicians from 1924 to       They represent some of the best of the best
1926, and composed collections of spirituals.     in choral music. From André J Thomas, who
                                                  conducts this celebration of gospel and
Adolphus Hailstork’s I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes     spirituals, and has arranged some of these
is the most extensive work of the evening.        pieces himself, to Mark Butler (Signs of the
It is a cantata (which literally means ‘sung’)    Judgement), Raymond Wise (Shine the Light,
for a tenor soloist, chorus and orchestra,        I’ve Got A Robe) and Brandon A Boyd (Sign
written in 1989 in memory of Undine Smith         Me Up), all experts in their musical fields.
Moore, who was known as the ‘Dean of Black
Women Composers’. The lyrics are taken or         Then there is Joseph Joubert, composer of
inspired by Biblical Psalms 121, 13 and 23,       the instrumental Choo Choo Joubert, whose         The original Fisk Jubilee
and speak of trusting in Jesus. The overall       professional talents include Broadway             Singers were students at
tone is one of peace.                             orchestrations, working with singing              Fisk University in Nashville
                                                  stars like Diana Ross, and performing             – the first American
Tonight’s conductor André J Thomas then           reinterpretations of classic hymns on solo        university to offer a
presents his own arrangement of another           piano. Plus Kurt Lykes, Director of Worship at    liberal arts education to
contemporary song, Beautiful City. The            the Center of Hope in Inglewood, California,      ‘young men and women
piece uses two spirituals, or slave songs         who wrote Hallowed Be Thy Name.                   irrespective of colour’. The
– Oh, What A Beautiful City and In Bright                                                           singers introduced ‘slave
Mansions – and it express the hopes and           Choral music is a wave of sound, an orchestra     songs’ to the world in 1871,
aspirations of enslaved people for a heavenly     of voices that blend in harmony. The music is     and were instrumental
home different from life on the plantation.       timely and timeless: old songs become new         in preserving the musical
                                                  and new songs become fresh. Gospel choral         tradition of African-
Among the songs in the second half of             music goes back to the Fisk Jubilee Singers       American spirituals, and
tonight’s concert is the traditional spiritual    but it has not stayed there. It is always being   breaking racial barriers in
Get on Board Little Children, which has           made new by new generations. It is a sound        the US and abroad. The
been traced back to the Bahamas through           of comfort and joy, that bathes the listener      group exists to this day.
an arrangement written by Harry Burleigh          in a waterfall of voices. It is the sound of
during the early-20th century. Burleigh           angels heard here below.                          Introduction by Don Cusic
introduced famous Czech composer Antonín
Dvořák to Black music, particularly spirituals,
which influenced some of Dvořák’s works.
Burleigh believed that spirituals had an
inherent musical value, as well as being
valuable in terms of ethnic identity. Get On

                                                                             Lift Every Voice: An Introduction                7
Sunday 29 May 2022 7pm Free Concert Programme
Today’s Programme & Song Texts
Lift Every Voice and Sing                                           Ave Maria
J Rosamond Johnson arr Roland Carter                                Nathaniel Dett
All Choirs & Orchestra                                              London Symphony Chorus

  Lift every voice and sing,                                         Ave Maria, gratia plena,
  ‘Til earth and heaven ring,                                        Dominus, Dominus tecum,
  Ring with the harmonies of liberty;                                benedicta tu in mulieribus,
  Let our rejoicing rise, High as the list’ning skies,               et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Jesus.
  Let it resound loud as the rolling sea.
                                                                     Sancta Maria, mater Dei,
  Sing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us;    Ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
  Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us.      Ave Maria, ora pro nobis,
  Facing the rising sun of our new day begun,                        nunc et in hora mortis nostrae.
  Let us march on ‘til victory is won.
                                                                     Ave Maria, Sancta Maria,
  Stony the road we trod,                                            ora pro nobis, Ave Maria,
  Bitter the chastening rod,                                         sancta, ora pro nobis.
  Felt in the days when hope unborn had died;
  Yet with a steady beat,                                            Ave Maria, gratia plena,
  Have not our weary feet,                                           ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
  Come to the place for which our fathers sighed?                    in hora mortis nostrae.
  We have come, oh, we have come over a way that
    with tears has been water’d;
  Oh, we have come treading our path through the
    blood of the slaughter’d;                                        Hail Mary, full of grace,
  Out from the gloomy past,                                          the Lord with thee,
  ‘Til now we stand at last                                          blessed art thou among women,
  Where the bright gleam of our bright star is cast.                 and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.

  God of our weary years,                                            Holy Mary, Mother of God,
  God of our silent tears,                                           pray for us sinners,
  Thou who has brought us thus far on the way;                       hail Mary, pray for us,
  Thou who has by Thy might                                          now and at the hour of our death.
  Led us into the light,
  Keep us forever in the path, we pray.                              Hail Mary, holy Mary,
                                                                     pray for us, hail Mary,
  Lest our feet stray from the places, our God,                      holy, pray for us.
    where we met Thee;
  Lest, our hearts drunk with the wine of the world,                 Hail Mary, full of grace,
    we forget Thee;                                                  pray for us sinners,
  Shadow’d beneath Thy hand, may we forever stand                    at the hour of our death.
  True to our God, true to our native land.                          Amen.
  Amen, Amen.

 8                Today’s Programme & Song Texts                                                                    29 May 2022
I’ve Just Come From the Fountain
arr André J Thomas
London Symphony Chorus

  His name’s so sweet! His name’s so sweet!                    I’ve just come from the fountain …
  His name’s so sweet! His name’s so sweet!
                                                               Been drinking, I’ve been drinking from the fountain!
  From the fountain, Lord, I’ve just come from the fountain,   Drinking, I’ve been drinking from the fountain!
  from the fountain, Lord, I’ve just come from the fountain.   Drinking, I’ve been drinking from the fountain,
                                                               His name’s so sweet!
  I’ve just come from the fountain,
  I’ve just come from the fountain, Lord,                      I’ve just come from the fountain …
  I’ve just come from the fountain,
  His name’s so sweet.                                         Backslider, backslider, do you know Him?
                                                               Do you know that man from Galilee.
  Sisters, you love Jesus?                                     The Prince of Peace, the Rose of Sharon!
  Yes, Lord, I do love my Jesus!                               Mighty Counselor, King Jesus!
  Sisters, you love Jesus?                                     Backslider, drink from the fountain,
  His name’s so sweet.                                         Backslider, drink from the fountain!

  I’ve just come from the fountain …                           Drinking, my Lord! I’ve been drinking from the fountain,
                                                               Drinking, I’ve been drinking from the fountain,
  Brothers, you love Jesus?                                    His name’s so sweet.
  Yes, Lord, I do love my Jesus!
  Brothers, you love Jesus?                                    I’ve just come from the fountain,
  His name’s so sweet!                                         I’ve just come from the fountain, Lord,
                                                               I’ve just come from the fountain,
                                                               His name’s so sweet.
                                                               His name’s so sweet.
                                                               Oh, Lord, my Lord!

                                                                      Today’s Programme & Song Texts                      9
Today’s Programme & Song Texts
Signs of the Judgement
arr Mark Butler
London Symphony Chorus

  Judgement oh Judgement.                                     I see the signs of the judg-ament coming oh,
  Judgement oh Judgement.                                     I see the signs of the judg-ament coming.
                                                              I see the signs of the judg-ament come,
  Judgement, Judg-ament’s a-coming,                           Halelu, halelu, halelujah Lord.
  Judgement, Judgement’s coming.
                                                              Judgement, Judg-ament’s a-coming,
  I see the sign of the Judg-ament coming, oh,                Judgement, Judgement coming.
  I see the sign of the Judg-ament coming.                    Judgement, Judg-ament’s a-coming,
  I see the signs of the Judg-ament come,                     Halelujah.
  Halelu, halelu, halelujah Lord.
                                                              Gotta be ready,
  See signs of the judgement, oh,                             gotta be ready,
  see signs of the judgement, oh,                             gotta be ready,
  see the judg-ament Lord,                                    Halelu, halelu, halelujah Lord.
  Lord time is drawing nigh.
                                                              See sign of the judgement, oh,
  Better be ready for that great day                          see signs of the judgement, oh,
  when the Lord come and take His children away,              see the judg-ament Lord,
  boatman, boatman row one side,                              Lord time is drawing nigh.
  you can’t get to heaven ‘gainst the wind and the tide.
                                                              Better be ready for that great day
  Judgement, Judg-ament’s a-coming,                           when the Lord come and take His children away.
  Judgement, Judgement’s coming.
                                                              Judgement, Judg-ament’s a-coming.
  I see the sign of the Judg-ament coming, oh …               Judgement, Judgement’s coming.
                                                              Judgement, Judg-ament’s a-coming,
  See signs of the judgement, oh …                            Judgement, Judgement’s coming, Judgement Lord.
                                                              Judgement’s coming, coming Lord.
  Run to the mountain, the mountain moved.
  I run to the hills and they did too.                                                          © Reprinted by permission.
  Went to the rocks to hide my face,
  the rocks cried out there’s no hiding place.

  Oh Judgement one of these mornings, bright and fair,
  I will meet my Jesus in the air.
  He’ll say, ‘well done my child’,
  then I’ll shout Halelujah my race has been won, won.

  See the signs of the Judgement, the time is drawing nigh.

 10              Today’s Programme & Song Texts                                                              29 May 2022
I Will Lift Up Mine Eyes
Adolphus Hailstork
London Symphony Chorus & Orchestra

  I will lift up mine eyes to the hills,                  The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want.
  from whence cometh my help.                             He maketh me to lie down in green pastures.
  My help cometh, surely cometh from the Lord,            He leadeth me beside the still waters.
  Maker of heaven and earth.                              He restoreth, He restoreth my soul.

  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:                Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
  He that keepeth thee will not slumber nor sleep.        I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.
  The sun will note smite thee by day,                    Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
  nor the moon by night.                                  Thou preparest a table before me in the presence
                                                            of my enemies.
  The Lord shall preserve thee from evil:                 Thou anointest my head with oil;
  the Lord shall preserve thy soul.                       my cup, my cup runneth over.
  I will lift up mine eyes to the hills.
                                                          Surely, surely surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
  How long O Lord will Thou forget me?                     all the days of my life.
  How long will Thou hide Thy face from me?               And I will dwell all the days of my life, forever.
  How long must I suffer anguish in my soul
   and grief in my heart?                                 I will lift up mine eyes to the hills.
                                                          I will lift up!
  Look now and answer me O Lord.
  Give light O Lord give light to my eyes lest I sleep.   Alleluia.
  The sleep of death.

  Alleluia Alleluia.

                                                                  Today’s Programme & Song Texts                 11
Today’s Programme & Song Texts
Beautiful City                                                          A selection of gospel songs
arr André J Thomas                                                      Performed by the London Community Gospel Choir
London Symphony Chorus & Orchestra

  Three gates in-a the East!                                            Get on Board Little Children
  Three gates in-a the West!                                            Traditional
  Three gates in-a the North!                                           NaGuanda Nobles
  Three gates in-a the South!
  Twelve gates to the city, Hallelu.                                      Get on board, little children,
                                                                          Get on board, little children,
  Oh! what a beautiful city,                                              Get on board, little children,
  Oh! what a beautiful city,                                              There’s room for many-a-more.
  Oh! what a beautiful city,
  Twelve gates to the city, Hallelu.                                      The gospel train’s a-comin’,
                                                                          I hear it just at hand,
  Three gates in-a the East! …                                            I hear the car wheels rumblin’
                                                                          And rollin’ through the land.
  In bright mansions above,
  In bright mansions above,                                               Get on board, little children …
  Lord, I want to live up yonder,
  In bright mansions above.                                               I hear that train a-comin’,
                                                                          She’s comin’ ‘round the curve,
  Three gates in-a the East! …                                            She’s loosened all her steam and brakes
                                                                          And straining every nerve.
  My mother lives up in glory, I want to live there too.
  My father lives up in glory, I want to live there too.                  Get on board, little children …
  My sister lives up in glory, I want to live there too.
  My brother lives up in glory, I want to live there too.                 The fare is cheap and all can go,
                                                                          The rich and poor are there,
  Beautiful city, city of God!                                            No second class aboard this train,
  Oh that city! Beautiful city!                                           No difference in the fare.
  God’s lovely city! Oh, what a city!

  I want to be in that number, I want to be in that number              Choo, Choo Joubert
  Beautiful, beautiful city! Beautiful city of God.                     Joseph Joubert
  Twelve gates to the city, Twelve gates to the city,                   London Symphony Orchestra
  Twelve gates to the city Hallelu.

          © 2021 The Lorenz Corporation (Admin. by Song Solutions All rights reserved. Used by permission.

INTERVAL 20 minutes


 12                 Today’s Programme & Song Texts                                                                  29 May 2022
Shine the Light                                                           Hallowed Be Thy Name
Raymond Wise                                                              Kurt Lykes arr Raymond Wise & Mark Lomax
Combined Chorus & Orchestra                                               Combined Chorus & Orchestra

  Shine the Light                                                          Hallowed be Thy name.
  For all the world to see.                                                Hallowed be Thy name.
  Shine the light                                                          Hallowed be Thy Holy name, Lord, Most High.
  All across the land and sea.
                                                                           We exalt Your name.
  Ev’rywhere you go,                                                       We exalt Your name.
  Shine God’s light so men may know Him.                                   We exalt Your Holy name, Lord, Most High.
  Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
                                                                           We lift up Your name.
  This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.                       We lift up Your name.
  This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.                       We lift up Your Holy name, Lord, Most High.
  This little light of mine, all over the world
   I’m gonna let it shine.                                                 You are King of Kings.
  Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.                                You are Lord of Lords.
                                                                           You are everything to me, Lord, Most High.
  Ev’rywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine.
  Let it shine.                                                            Hallowed be Thy name.
                                                                           Hallowed be Thy name.
                       © 2019 HAL LEONARD – MILWIN MUSIC CORP              Hallowed be Thy Holy name, Lord, Most High.
                  International Copyright Secured. All rights reserved.
                  Reprinted by permission of Hal Leonard Europe Ltd.       Lord, Most High.
                                                                           Lord, Most High.
                                                                           Lord, Most High.

                                                                                               Hallowed Be Thy Name © 2008 Kurt Lykes
                                                                                              All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.

                                                                                  Today’s Programme & Song Texts                      13
Today’s Programme & Song Texts
Sign Me Up
Brandon A Boyd
Comined Chorus & Orchestra

 Sign me up for the Christian Jubilee;           I got a robe in glory;
 write my name on the, on the roll               I’m gonna tell my story,
 I’ve been changed                               how I made it over,
 since the Lord, since the Lord,                 how I made it over.
 since the Lord has lifted me.
 I wanna be, yes, I got to be born again.        Soon as I get home,
                                                 soon as I get home,
 Roll Jordan, roll.                              soon as I get home!
 Roll Jordan, roll.
 I wanna go to heaven when I die,                I’m goin’ to glory;
 to hear ol’ Jordan roll.                        gonna shout my trouble’s over.
                                                 I’m goin’ to glory;
 O Lord, roll Jordan, roll.                      gonna shout my trouble’s o-o-o-over.
 Roll Jordan, roll.
 I wanna go to heaven when I die,                Halelujah!
 to hear ol’ Jordan roll.                        Halelujah!
 Sign me up for the Christian Jubilee;           Halelujah!
 write my name on the, on the roll
 I’ve been changed                               I’ve been changed
 since the Lord, since the Lord,                 since the Lord, since the Lord
 since the Lord has lifted me.                   since the Lord lifted me.
 I wanna be, yes, I got to be born again.        I wanna be, yes, I got to be,
                                                 born again, born again,
 I got a robe in glory;                          born again!
 I’m gonna tell my story,
 how I made it over,                                                              © Reprinted by permission.
 how I made it over.

 14             Today’s Programme & Song Texts                                                29 May 2022
Total Praise                                                            I’ve Got a Robe
Richard Smallwood arr Lari Goss                                         arr Raymond Wise
Combined Chorus & Orchestra                                             Combined Chorus & Orchestra

  Lord, I will lift my eyes to the hills,                                 Yeah, I’ve got a robe.
  Knowing my help is coming from You.                                     You’ve got a robe.
  Your peace, You give me in time of the storm.                           All of God’s children got a ro-o-o-obe.
                                                                          When I get to heaven gonna put on my robe.
  You are the source of my strength,                                      I’m gonna walk around heaven all day.
  You are the strength of my life.
  I lift my hands in total praise to you.                                 I’ve got shoes.
                                                                          You’ve got shoes.
  Amen.                                                                   All of God’s children got shoo-oo-oo-oes.
                                                                          When I get to heaven gonna put on my shoes.
          © 1990 Bridge Building Music (BMI) T Autumn Music (BMI)         I’m gonna walk, and spread the news.
                               (adm. at
                             All rights reserved. Used by permission.     When I get there, how happy I will be.
                                                                          When I get there the Savior’s face I’ll see.
                                                                          When I get there, how happy I will be.
                                                                          When I get there the Savior’s face I’ll see.

                                                                          Yeah! Walk around heaven all day.
                                                                          Walk and tell the story, shout of how I made it over.

                                                                                                     I’ve Got A Robe © 1987 Raymond Wise
                                                                                               All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission.

                                                                                                  Programme Notes                      15
André J Thomas
LSO Associate Artist

                                    ndré J Thomas is a Visiting Professor      Dr Thomas has also distinguished himself
                                    of Conducting and Interim Conductor        as a composer/arranger. Hinshaw Music
                                    of the Yale Camerata. He is an             Company, Mark Foster Music Company,
                             Emeritus Professor of Music at Florida State      Fitzsimons Music Company, Lawson Gould,
                             University, and previously served as a faculty    Earthsongs, Choristers Guild and Heritage
                             member at the University of Texas, Austin.        Music Company publish his compositions
                                                                               and arrangements.
                             Dr Thomas received his degrees from Friends
                             University (BA), Northwestern University          Dr Thomas has produced two instructional
                             (MM) and the University of Illinois (DMA).        videos: What They See Is What You Get on
                             He is in demand as a choral adjudicator,          choral conducting, with Rodney Eichenberger,
                             clinician, and director of Honor/All-State        and Body, Mind, Spirit, Voice on adolescent
                             Choirs throughout North America, Europe,          voices, with Anton Armstrong. His recent
                             Asia, New Zealand, Australia and Africa.          book Way Over in Beulah Lan’. Understanding
                                                                               and Performing the Negro Spiritual has
                             Dr Thomas has conducted choirs at the             quickly become a significant resource in
                             state, division, and national conventions of      this area of study.
                             the Music Educators National Conference
ON STAGE WITH THE LSO        (NAfME) and the American Choral Directors         Various musical organisations have
                             Association (ACDA). His international             recognised Thomas. The African Diaspora
Sunday 30 October   7pm     conducting credits are extensive. They            Sacred Music honoured Dr Thomas as a
Barbican                     include conductor/clinician for the               Living Legend. In 2011, Thomas’ dedication to
                             International Federation of Choral Musicians’     and accomplishments in the choral arts was
SYMPHONIC GOSPEL             summer residency of the World Youth Choir         recognised by his peers in Chorus America
                             in China and the Philippines. He was also         when the organisation presented Dr Thomas
Sunday 6 November 7pm       the conductor of the World Youth Choir’s          with its Distinguished Service Award. In
Barbican                     winter residency in Europe and a premiere         March of 2017, ACDA presented Thomas with
                             performance by an American choir (Florida         its highest honour, the Robert Shaw Award,
AWAKEN THE SLEEPER           State University Singers) in Vietnam.             and in November of 2017, NCCO (National
AMERICAN MUSIC                                                                 Collegiate Choral Organization) presented
FOR OUR TIME                 He has been the guest conductor of such           Thomas with its Lifetime Achievement Award.
                             distinguished orchestras and choirs as the        In January 2019, he was inducted into the
Music by Carlos Simon,       Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Berlin             Florida Music Educator’s Hall of Fame. In
Wynton Marsalis &            Radio Choir and the North German Radio            2022 he was presented with the Award of
Joel Thompson                Choir, Netherlands Radio Choir, Bulgarian         Excellence from the Southern Region of ACDA.
                             Radio Choir and Orchestra, Charlotte
                             Symphony, Tallahassee Symphony, China’s           He is a past president of the Florida ACDA
                             People’s Liberation Orchestra and the Czech       and the past president of the Southern
                             National Symphony Orchestra. From 1988            Division of ACDA and the current President
                             to 2019, he also served as Artistic Director of   of National ACDA. Thomas was recently
                             the Tallahassee Community Chorus.                 announced as an Associate Artist with the
                                                                               London Symphony Orchestra.

16             Artist Biographies                                                                              29 May 2022
NaGuanda Nobles

                         aGuanda Nobles began singing            granted her to claim the first place prize
                         within the supportive walls of her      with various prestigious competitions like
                         home church. It was there that she      the Shreveport Singer of the Year, the Fritz
                  discovered a love for singing and developed    and Lavinia Jensen Foundation Competition,
                  as a soloist under the direction of Carolyn    the Irene Dalis Vocal Competition in its
                  Henry. Although she was born in Tallahassee,   inaugural year, the Opera Birmingham
                  NaGuanda attended Thomasville High             Vocal competition, and the Classical Singer
                  School, where she began her classical          Convention competition, Division One, in its
                  training. She accepted a full scholarship to   inaugural year.
                  attend Florida State University (FSU) and
                  received her Bachelor and Master of Music      NaGuanda released her debut CD of spirituals,
                  degrees in voice performance.                  Homage to the Journey, in 2014. The CD pays
                                                                 tribute to her ancestors, who granted her the
                  Throughout her years of college, NaGuanda      opportunity to share her gift by the sacrifices
                  was a featured soloist with the Florida        that were made, as well as her personal
                  State University Singers, directed by André    journey to accept her gift of song.
                  J Thomas. NaGuanda has made her mark on
                  stage as a recitalist and an opera performer   NaGuanda has traveled as the soprano
                  with the Pittsburgh Opera, Atlanta Opera,      soloist for various concerts, including the
                  Austin Lyric Opera, the Dayton Opera, to       Soul of America tour throughout Europe with
                  name a few. She was also a featured soloist    the Berlin Rundfunkchor, the Netherlands
                  with Wynton Marsalis and the Boston            Radio Choir, and the NDR Choir Festival in
                  Symphony, under the direction of Kurt Masur.   Hamburg, receiving rave reviews for her ‘big,
                                                                 warming soprano with a lovely shimmering
                  She offers a winning combination of beauty     top that she uses with a ravishing effect’. In
                  and intensity in her singing, which has        2020, she made her debut with the London
                                                                 Symphony Orchestra.

                                                                          Artist Biographies                17
Albert Lee

                              enor Albert Rudolph Lee’s               Hughes’ poetry in Weill Recital Hall at
                              performances have been described        Carnegie Hall and is a featured soloist on
                              as ‘vocally sumptuous’, ‘musically      a recording of works by Pulitzer Prize-
                       distinctive’ and even ‘acrobatically agile’.   winning composer George Walker on Albany
                       Having appeared with Opera Theater of Saint    Records, singing musical settings of the Walt
                       Louis, Palm Beach Opera, Opera Theater of      Whitman poem When lilacs last in dooryard
                       Pittsburgh, Philadelphia Orchestra, Saint      bloomed, a poem written as an elegy to
                       Luke’s Chamber Orchestra, the Collegiate       Abraham Lincoln after his assassination.
                       Chorale of New York City, Caramoor
                       International Music Festival, and the Aspen    Most recently, he appeared as tenor soloist
                       Music Festival, Lee’s operatic and oratorio    in Handel’s Messiah with the National
                       roles include Don Ramiro in Rossini’s La       Chorale, joined the British-based classical
                       Cenerentola, Don Ottavio in Mozart’s Don       crossover group Vox Fortura in domestic
                       Giovanni, Almaviva in Rossini’s The Barber     and international performances, and made
                       of Seville, Nemorino in L’Elisir d’Amore and   appearances with Opera Las Vegas and
                       Ferrando in Così Fan Tutte. He has sung        Steamboat Opera of Colorado. Having
                       the tenor solos in Mendelssohn’s Elijah,       completed a Bachelor of Music in Vocal
                       Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Handel’s Judas     Performance at the University of Connecticut,
                       Maccabeus, and Rossini’s Stabat Mater.         a Master of Music at the Juilliard School, and
                                                                      a Doctor of Music degree at Florida State
                       Throughout his performing career he            University with a doctoral treatise titled ‘The
                       has worked to preserve and expand the          Poetic Voice of Langston Hughes in American
                       performance of spirituals in domestic          Art Song’, he is now Associate Professor of
                       and international performances with the        Music and the inaugural Director of Equity,
                       American Spiritual Ensemble. Lee performed     Belonging, and Student Life at the Yale
                       a recital of art song settings of Langston     University School of Music.

18       Artist Biographies                                                                             29 May 2022
Brandon A Boyd

                        r Brandon A Boyd enjoys a versatile       As an active composer and arranger, his
                        career as a conductor, in addition to     music is sung regularly by ensembles
                        appearing regularly as a composer-        throughout the US and abroad. He is also
                 in-residence, collaborative pianist, and         the curator and editor of the Brandon A
                 presenter for conferences, conventions,          Boyd Choral Series with Hinshaw Music
                 collegiate choirs, church choirs, choral         Publications, helping to promote exciting
                 symposiums and festivals. He is the              and innovative works composed by both
                 Assistant Director of Choral Activities          established and new composers and
                 and Assistant Professor of Choral Music          arrangers. His music also appears in
                 Education at the University of Missouri,         MorningStar, GIA and Kjos Music Press
                 where he conducts the MU Glee Club and           catalogues. He is the Executive Editor of
                 Concert Chorale. In addition to his conducting   Gentry Publications.
                 duties at the university, he teaches
                 undergraduate and graduate courses in            In 2020, he made his debut with the London
                 choral conducting and choral music education.    Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of
                                                                  André J Thomas, as pianist for Symphonic
                 As a proponent of choral singing to build        Gospel Spirit.
                 community, his research interests include
                 organising choirs for the homeless,              He holds two degrees from Florida State
                 identifying the social and physical effects      University (PhD in Choral Music Education
                 of choral singing on senior citizens, creating   and MM in Choral Conducting) and earned a
                 authentic field experiences for music therapy    BS in Music Education (emphasis in piano)
                 and choral music education students. For         from Tennessee State University. He is
                 three years, Brandon co-directed three           a proud member of the American Choral
                 choral community partnerships in Florida:        Directors’ Association (ACDA), National
                 the Tallahassee Senior Choir, RAA Middle         Association for Music Education (NAfME),
                 School Partnership Choir (university students    National Association of Negro Musicians
                 and middle school singers), and the MTC          (NANM), American Guild of Organists (AGO),
                 Women’s Prison Glee Club (university             and Chorus America. He also serves as a
                 students singing with women housed in a          member of the National ACDA Composition
                 correctional facility).                          Initiative committee.

                                                                           Artist Biographies                 19
A free open-air concert
with Sir Simon Rattle &
Sheku Kanneh-Mason
Saturday 11 June 2022 5pm
Trafalgar Square
Find out more
Event live-streamed on youtube/lso
London Community Gospel Choir

     rom humble beginnings in 1982, London Community
     Gospel Choir (LCGC) have gone on to become Europe’s
     leading gospel brand and one of the most in demand
choirs across continents of the world, creating a wall of
soulful sound that is both memorable and inspirational.
LCGC regularly grace UK events such as the International FA
Cup Final at Wembley Stadium, Glastonbury, Live 8, World
Aids Festival, and are regulars at the Royal Albert Hall.

LCGC are the first point of call to support not just high-end
entertainment gatherings, but are very involved on the front
line in support of charities and global humanitarian causes
such as Red Nose Day, Remembrance Day, Cancer Research,
Amnesty International, Live 8, Children in Need, World Aids
Day through to breaking Guinness World Records.                  Group, Christian Dior, Burberry, SKY, Cosmopolitan, HSBC,
                                                                 Möet & Chandon and various production house castings for
Now celebrating their 40th anniversary, LCGC continue to         the theatre world.
illustrate their intentions in breaking boundaries, sharing
hope and displaying true versatility, giving them the drive to   Founder Bazil Meade MBE said the vision continues to be a
grow from strength to strength. They are an eclectic mix of      blending together of two passions, music and faith. It is this
nations, ages and from diverse cultural backgrounds, uniquely    unique combination expressed through song that touches
blended together, making the choir a truly special blend of      the hearts of hundreds of thousands of people. Whilst
talent, voices and personalities.                                performing concerts, corporate bookings, media shows and
                                                                 travelling, LCGC are currently recording their new album.
Collective international credits for work across film include    Having made a total of 13 albums, some released through
The Lion King, Love Actually, Give My Regards To Broad           major record labels, this new album promises to be the most
Street, Street Dance, and Cinderella to name but a few.          defining to date. As yet untitled, it is a message album with
Artists recorded with include Elton John, Madonna, James         a narrative about peace, love and justice. A combination
Brown, Paul McCartney, Sam Smith, Ellie Goulding, Adele,         of covers and original songs painting a positive picture of
Gregory Porter, Blur, Justin Timberlake, The 1975, P!NK, and     hope and optimism. With the choir celebrating 40 years,
the list goes on. Brand clients include X Factor, Grammys,       excitement is buzzing right now … the future looks bright!
The Voice, Brit Awards, BAFTA, The Royal Family, Virgin          Visit

On Stage
Annette Bowen                   Anya Chaika                      Adrian Blake                    Ennis Langdon
Claudia Kingsley-Adu            Felicia Bhebhe                   David Oso                       Joshua Gordon
Cleo Stewart                    Geneta Crooke                    Emmanuel Onafowokan             Mahlon Rhamie
Marcia McEachron                Jenny La Touche                  Geoff Allen                     Yomi Sehendemi
Simone Brown                    Mary Ogunnaike                   Kiing Gardener
Vanessa Samafu                  Maxine Walker                    Naanza Taduggoronno             Piano
Yvonne Garshong                 Neresa Maye                      Matthew Ward                    Mahlon Rhamie

                                                                           London Community Gospel Choir                   21
London Symphony Chorus

President                            he London Symphony Chorus was              Faust and Romeo and Juliet on LSO Live
Sir Simon Rattle om cbe              formed in 1966 to complement               with Sir Colin as two of the top ten Berlioz
                                     the work of the London Symphony            recordings. Recent LSO Live recordings with
Vice President                Orchestra and is renowned internationally         the Chorus include Bernstein’s Wonderful
Michael Tilson Thomas         for its concerts and recordings with the          Town, Berlioz’s The Damnation of Faust and
                              Orchestra. Their important partnership was        Beethoven’s Christ on the Mount of Olives,
Patrons                       strengthened in 2012 with the appointment         all with Sir Simon Rattle.
Simon Russell Beale cbe       of Simon Halsey as joint Chorus Director of
Howard Goodall cbe            the LSC and Choral Director for the LSO. The      In early 2020 the Chorus undertook a major
                              Chorus plays a major role in furthering the       European tour of Beethoven, including
Chorus Director               vision of LSO Sing, which also encompasses        Christ on the Mount of Olives, with the
Simon Halsey cbe              the LSO Community Choir, LSO Discovery            LSO and Sir Simon Rattle. Seven concerts
                              Choirs for young people and Singing Days          were then cancelled because of the Covid
Associate Directors           at LSO St Luke’s.                                 pandemic but the Chorus continued to
Barbara Hoefling                                                                rehearse online and performed outside or
Lucy Hollins                  The LSC has worked with many leading              in masks when restrictions allowed. Recent
David Lawrence                international conductors and other                performances include the world premieres
Mariana Rosas                 major orchestras, including the Berlin            of Howard Goodall’s Never to Forget and
                              Philharmonic, Vienna Philharmonic, Leipzig        Errollyn Wallen’s After Winter with Simon
Chorus Accompanist            Gewandhaus, Los Angeles Philharmonic,             Halsey at the Spitalfields Festival in July
Benjamin Frost                New York Philharmonic, the National Youth         2021, Beethoven’s Symphony No 9 with the
                              Orchestra of Great Britain and the European       Orchestre Philharmonique in Monte-Carlo
Chairman                      Union Youth Orchestra. It has also toured         and Aix-en-Provence with Kazuki Yamada,
Owen Hanmer                   extensively throughout Europe and has             and Julian Anderson’s Exiles (an LSC co-
                              visited North America, Israel, Australia          commission) and Haydn’s The Creation with
LSO Choral Projects Manager   and South East Asia.                              the LSO and Sir Simon Rattle this season.
Sumita Menon
                              The partnership between the LSC and LSO,          The Chorus is an independent charity run by
Vocal Coaches                 particularly under Richard Hickox in the          its members. It is committed to excellence,
Norbert Meyn                  1980s and 1990s, and later with Sir Colin         to diversity, equity and inclusion, and the
Anita Morrison                Davis, led to its large catalogue of recordings   development of its members. It engages
Rebecca Outram                which have won nine awards, including             actively in the musical life of London,
Robert Rice                   five Grammys. Gramophone included the             seeking new members and audiences, and
                              recordings of Berlioz’s The Damnation of          commissioning and performing new works.

22              London Symphony Chorus                                                                          29 May 2022
On Stage
Robin Anderson          Amanda Freshwater    Katy Lane                   Jesus Sanchez
Frankie Arnull          Robert Garbolinski   Gilly Lawson                Peter Sedgwick
Erik Azzopardi          John Graham          Jude Lenier                 Lis Smith
Simon Backhouse         Euchar Gravina       Anne Loveluck               Erika Stasiuleviciute
Martha Barnes           Joanna Gueritz       Sarah Mainwaring            Alison St-Denis
Shona Barnes-McCallum   Isobel Hammond       John Marks                  Rod Stevens
Paul Beecham            Robert Hare          Louisa Martin               Jenna Swale
Philipp Boeing          Kate Harrison        Liz McCaw                   Richard Tannenbaum
Franziska Bräumer       Elan Higueras        Honey Millard-Clothier      Dan Thompson
Gina Broderick          Rocky Hirst          Jane Muir                   Gordon Thomson
Jo Buchan               Denise Hoilette      James Nageotte              Rafaela Tripalo
Gavin Buchan            Anthony Howick       Dorothy Nesbit              Franziska Truestedt
Oliver Burrows          Elisabeth Iles       Veronique Okafor            Snezhana Valcheva
Duncan Buxton           Linran Jiang         Gill O’Neill                Simon Wales
Alana Clark             Alice Jones          Helen Palmer                Robert Ward
Sheila Cobourne         Debbie Jones         Victoria Parkin             Jez Wareing
Harriet Crawford        Jill Jones           Beth Potter                 Thea Waxman
Michael Delany          Douglas Jones        Davide Prezzi               Anthony Wilder
Samer Faza              Matt Journee         Susannah Priede             Eleri Williams
Thomas Fea              Vanessa Knapp        John Rayson                 Zoe Williams
Matthew Fernando        Ruth Knowles-Clark   Natalia Riley               Rachel Wilson
Ian Fletcher            Luca Kocsmarszky     Alison Ryan

                                                             London Symphony Chorus              23
Simon Halsey LSO Choral Director

                             imon Halsey holds positions across      central part of the world-class institutions
                             the UK and Europe as Choral Director    with which he is associated, he has been
                             of the London Symphony Orchestra        instrumental in changing the level of
                       and Chorus, Chorus Director of City of        symphonic singing across Europe.
                       Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Chorus,
                       Artistic Director of Orfeó Català Choirs      Simon has worked on nearly 80 recording
                       and Artistic Adviser of Palau de la Música,   projects, many of which have won major
                       Barcelona, Creative Director for Choral       awards, including the Gramophone Award,
                       Music and Projects at WDR Rundfunkchor,       Diapason d’Or, Echo Klassik, and three
                       Conductor Laureate of Rundfunkchor            Grammy Awards with the Rundfunkchor
                       Berlin and Professor and Director of Choral   Berlin. He was made Commander of the
                       Activities at University of Birmingham.       British Empire in 2015 and was awarded
                                                                     The Queen’s Medal for Music in 2014.
                       Simon is the trusted advisor on choral
                       singing to the world’s greatest conductors,   Since becoming Choral Director of the
                       orchestras and choruses, and also an          London Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
                       inspirational teacher and ambassador for      in 2012, Simon has been credited with
                       choral singing to amateurs of every age,      bringing about a ‘spectacular transformation’
                       ability and background. Making singing a      (Evening Standard) of the LSC.

David Lawrence chorus director

                             avid Lawrence works with orchestras,    Per Nørgård, Pierre Boulez, Iannis Xenakis,
                             symphony choruses and national youth    Mauricio Kagel, Graham Fitkin, James Wood,
                             choirs. He was recently nominated for   Bob Chilcott and others.
                       a Gramophone Award for his conducting,
                       has been awarded a prestigious ARAM by        David has conducted the London
                       the Royal Academy of Music, and holds the     Philharmonic Choir, Hallé Choir, London
                       Guinness World Record for conducting the      Symphony Chorus, the City of Birmingham
                       UK’s largest choir.                           Symphony Orchestra (CBSO) Chorus – for
                                                                     whom he is an Associate Conductor – and
                       David’s work has taken him to Singapore,      the national youth choirs of Scotland,
                       Colombia, Canada, the United States, India,   Northern Ireland and Wales. He has directed
                       the United Arab Emirates, and throughout      large scale education projects with the
                       Europe and Australia. His positive and        Orchestra of Welsh National Opera, English
                       engaging manner makes him a popular           Symphony Orchestra, Royal Liverpool
                       guest conductor, and he is an experienced     Philharmonic Orchestra and the CBSO.
                       and respected trainer of choral conductors.
                       With particular experience in the field of    David is the conductor of LSO Discovery’s
                       contemporary music, David has prepared        Community Choir and Senior Youth Choir.
                       and conducted premiere performances by

24       Artist Biographies                                                                            29 May 2022
LSO Community Choir

   n March 2003, the LSO Community Choir performed the              who know their sharps from their flats to those who have no
   first concert in LSO St Luke’s, the Orchestra’s then newly       experience of musical notation.
   established venue. Comprising 30 singers living and
working in the local community, the Choir had an ambitious          Alongside the Choir’s regular concerts is an impressive list
start. Gareth Malone – now a television personality – was           of performances under three directors – Gareth Malone,
one of the singers in that first concert, and by 2004 he had        David Knott and David Lawrence. The Community Choir has
taken over directing the Choir. In the programme for the            worked with Hugh Masekela, celebrating his 70th birthday;
Choir’s Christmas concert in 2004, he wrote, ‘we regularly          performed a partially-staged version of Britten’s St Nicolas
have 40 to 45 people at our rehearsals … I would like to            with tenor Ian Bostridge; and took part in two new operas,
see the Choir grow to about 60 members’. His vision was             Jonathan Dove’s The Monster in The Maze and Andrew
surpassed by those wanting to take part, and by the time he         Norman’s A Trip to the Moon, conducted by Sir Simon Rattle.
left five years later, there were 80 singers in the Choir’s ranks   The Choir has sung in St Paul’s Cathedral, at the annual
– its membership now totals 110.                                    Whitecross Street Party and at the Royal Academy of Music.

The Community Choir has open access at its heart – anyone           Above all, the Choir is about the joy of singing and remains
is welcome who lives or works in the area, and no audition          open to everyone. For those who claim they can’t sing, the
is necessary. The Choir’s director, David Lawrence, tailors         Community Choir has proved in the best possible way that
the music-making for a broad mix of people: from those              anyone can get involved in music-making and find their voice.

On Stage
Rosemary Anger                   Dawn Frampton                      Alessandra Sarnari
Fiona Auty                       Tara Frances                       Johh Serocold
Adrienne Banks                   Katherine Gardiner                 Ellen Sinclair
Jeremy Barraud                   Mal Gilliam                        Alex Skailes
Jennifer Bell                    Craig Givens                       Rachael Smith
Jane Bickerton                   Kevin Granville                    Caroline Stranger
Nathalie Blondeau                Nicola Greaney                     Roy Sully
Nick Brittain                    Jenny Harvey                       Yvonne Taylor
John Bryant                      Claire Hersey                      Louise Tennant
Nevo Burrell                     Anita Howard                       Paul Tilley
Sandrina Carosso                 Alison Hunter                      Maggie Tyler
Jane Carr                        Miroslava Ileckova                 Pauline Weaver
Kim Caplin                       Dorothea Jendricke Cookson         Lesley Wilson
Eleanor Clarke                   Karen Johnson                      Jennifer Wright
Jill Courtnell                   Catherine MacLeod                  Peter Wylie
Linda Crow                       Esther Murphy
Adam Dale                        Selena Ng                          Conductor
Claire Deakin                    Rosaline Ogunro                    David Lawrence
Elizabeth Emmanuel               Heather Page
Christine Finlan                 Penny Parkinson

                                                                                         LSO Community Choir                 25
British Gospel Arts Choir

      stablished in April 2012 by British Gospel Arts’ founder         Performance highlights include: Waltham Forest Music
      and Creative Director, Andrea Encinas, the BGA Choir             Festival (WF Assembly Hall 2012 & 2013), LCGC 30 Choir
      (formerly The B.I.G. Choir) attracts a wide variety of           Festival (Royal Festival Hall 2013), BBC Gospel Proms (Royal
non-auditioned members, from across London. It provides                Albert Hall 2013), Festival of Love (Southbank Centre 2014),
a space for those who love gospel ‘good news, positive,                BBC Songs of Praise Gospel Choir of the Year (Hackney Empire
conscious’ music and want to learn the fundamentals of                 2014), Other Voices, an ENO Community Project (Windrush
singing gospel. The choir is open to adults (18+) embracing            Square, Brixton, 2014), Concert Tour (Arvika, Sweden, 2015),
all abilities, faiths, ethnicities, sexual identities, and rehearses   Voices Now (Roundhouse 2015), Chorus & Winter Festival
at St Stephen’s Canonbury, Islington every Tuesday evening.            (Southbank Centre 2012 to 2018), Amazing Grace, Multi-Faith
The choir is led by two of the leading lights in British Gospel        Concert (Union Chapel 2016), Faiths in Tune Interfaith Festival
music, choir director, Becky Thomas and pianist, Paul Watson.          (London 2013 to 2017), Gospel@Valenza (Italy 2014 to 2016).
                                                                       Visit for more information.

On Stage
Allyson Bailey
Ben Plowden
Carlet White-Griffiths
Carmela Centro
Christopher Boissiere
Dawn Matthews
Diana Fishley
Eva Zienau
Jacqueline Kelly-Jarvis
Jennifer Andrews
Jonny Dao
Lina Duncan
Lucy Buck
Lucy Mathen
Marie Loney
Phyllis Shortridge
Rose Pask
Susan Jane De Grazia
Valerie Thompson

 26                British Gospel Arts Choir                                                                             29 May 2022
LSO Discovery Choirs

      he LSO Discovery Choirs consist of over one hundred     the LSO Community Choir and LSO players. The Choirs also
      young people aged eight and above who live or go        performed at the Olympic Torch Relay for Islington Council
      to school in Hackney, Islington or the City of London   in July 2012 and were part of the UK premieres of Jonathan
(Junior Choir) or any London borough (Senior Choir). Formed   Dove’s children’s opera The Monster in the Maze (2015) and
in 2004 by Gareth Malone, the Choirs have sung at Windsor     Andrew Norman’s A Trip to the Moon (2017), and the world
Castle for His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales; with       premiere of Sir Peter Maxwell Davies’ The Hogboon (2016), all
Dave Brubeck; with the LSO at the Barbican; and in the        conducted by Sir Simon Rattle. The Junior Choir is conducted
premiere of Edward Rushton’s oratorio Cicadas, alongside      by Lucy Hollins, and the Senior Choir by David Lawrence.

On Stage
Junior Choir                                                  Senior Choir
Nina Alcober                   Gabriela Hunt-Montoya          Boma Alamina                   Agnes McIntosh
Natalia                        Finn Jackson                   Tiffany Banyong                Alexandra Middleton
  Armstrong-James-Cutino       Idris Jones                    Esther Brauner-Cave            Macy Petters
Catherine Beazer               Maya Karabag                   Rosa Brennan                   Isabel Ribeiro
Tamzin Birhane-Ghetaceu        Rainy Kinsella                 Olwen Burton Spence            Killian Scortichini
Aomi Céleste Bontjes           Myles Kirk                     Robyn Buus Phillipps           Kitty Sinclair
  Van Beek                     Alba Lloyd-Prieto              Marnie Clark Course            Olivia Solomou
Elizabeth Burton Spence        Katherine McCurdy              Poppy Dawid                    Sophie Stone Bucher
Olive Chambers                 Cormac Mellor-Stephenson       Jessica Debas                  Astrid Thornton
Noah Compton                   Raniyah Nassir-Kumuyi          Martha Denby                   Maximilian Ticheli
Isadora Cookson                Susannah Osborne               Lorenzo Dennis                 Joshua Umenyilora
Ariana Curtis                  Liya Khalid Oumer              James Dungey                   Michael Umenyilora
Elise Curtis                   Lois Parker                    Ruben Geithner                 Caleb Watson
Sienna Daly-White              Vitoria Ribeiro                Hermione Holloway              Eben Watson
Dolly Deakin                   Isabel Rodrigues               Niamh Hood
Allison Erazo Concha           Alice Scortichini              Charlotte Lewington-Shultz     Conductor
Francesca Falcioni             Margot Scott                   Evelyn Mary                    David Lawrence
Amahra Gill-Mcquinn            Julius Steele-Kendrick         Hannah McCurdy
Natalia Gladstone              Emma Stougaard-Nielsen
Alice Godoy                    Matilda Suckley
Amelia Elizabeth Gregus        Betsy Thorn
Colette Gritschke              Zara Umenyilora
Jay Gupta-Moreno               Gracie Watson Obrien
Hannah Halil                   Olive Wilson
Pamela Harrison                Elkie Wimpenny Vallance
Paula Head Ilias               Olivia Yamakawa
Pixie-Leigh Higgins
Jack Hives                     Conductor
Toby Hood                      Lucy Hollins

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