Page created by Jerome Park
                                                              PRAYER GUIDE


                                                              APRIL 13–MAY 12 2021

            r i s t i a n.c o
     d Ch
                    Our World
Wo r l

Praying for
      Si nc e 19 93

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    For your information
    We are not an organization with development staff
    and foundational grants underwriting our projects. We
    are a small family operation risking our own personal
    finances each year, hoping and praying that sales AND
    donations will be sufficient to keep us going.
Ministries whose advertising          Greetings!
significantly contributes toward      Welcome from Paul and Mary
this prayer guide are featured

throughout the booklet. They             t was 28 years ago when the two of us agreed     Arabia to issue an unprecedented halt to the
provide opportunities to pursue          we would tackle a “one-time project” by          Hajj, the annual pilgrimage to Mecca), but tens of
further learning about and               publishing a booklet in North America to guide   thousands of Christians still obtained the 2020
involvement with what God is doing    Christians in praying for Muslims during their      booklet and remained steadfast in prayer.
in the Muslim world.                  holy month of Ramadan (an international call to        In the pages that follow, you will learn how
                                      pray for Muslims had been issued by a group of      Muslims from around the world have flocked to
ABOUT US                              Christian leaders)                                  America, fleeing violence, terrorism, war, famine,
WorldChristian has published             That one time has become 30 times, and now,      drought, and other natural and human-inflicted
and distributed this prayer           our 30th edition of the 30 Days of Prayer® Muslim   disasters, in pursuit of the American Dream.
guide annually since 1993. The        World Prayer Guide booklet focuses on Muslims          They build our cars, prepare our meals, fight
30-day period intentionally but       in North America. (Like Jews, Muslims follow the    in our wars, and hold elected offices, but many
respectfully coincides each           lunar calendar, which has shorter years—thus 30     of them have never heard the gospel of Christ
year with the important Islamic       booklets in 28 years.)                              proclaimed or seen it lived out.
month of religious observation—          What began small, has since developed into          Please join us, along with tens of thousands of
Ramadan. To learn more, go to         an international volunteer movement, and we are     other believers, in praying for them.                 glad to have been able to play a role in helping       Our special thanks go to David Garrison and
                                      millions of people around the globe pray for        the Global Gates team for providing the 30 Days
ORDERING ADDITIONAL                   Muslims, and we are encouraged by reports that      content and testimonies, and to
BOOKLETS                              these efforts have helped to lead many to Christ.   pioneering minister-to-Muslims
            Quantity discounts           During a time when some Christians demonize      Don McCurry, who is interviewed
            available (see page 56)   all Muslims, we are thankful that many regularly    on the next pages.
                                      pray for them and lovingly reach out to them in
            Order the Just for Kids
                                      the name of Christ.                                 Paul and Mary, Publisher
            young readers booklet
                                         In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic caused many LLC
            (see page 54)
                                      churches to halt in-person meetings (and Saudi      More about us on page 53
                                            e was a missionary in Pakistan          themselves Muslim and would never think
                                            (1957–75), directed the North           of leaving Islam, but they are somewhat

    to Muslims in                           American Lausanne Consultation on
                                       Muslim Evangelism (1978), founded the
                                                                                    more secular and tolerant. They may pray
                                                                                    in the morning and evening, but not the

    North America                      Zwemer Institute of Muslim Studies and
                                       edited The Gospel and Islam (1979), and
                                                                                    other three times during the day. Their
                                                                                    wives are rarely veiled.
                                       founded Ministries to Muslims and the           You can compare them to Christians
                                       Ibero-American Institute of Transcultural    who attend church only at Christmas
             An interview with         Studies in Malaga, Spain (1998).             and Easter. And many of these Western
             Don McCurry                  Now in his 90s, Don McCurry is still      Muslims would like to have a Christian
                                       going strong, mentoring others in the        friend.
                                       ministry and writing his fifth book on
                                       Islam. We interviewed him about Islam in     30 Days How have Christians changed
                                       North America.                               in their outlook and ministry towards
                                                                                    Muslims in the 65 years since you first
                                       30 Days The previous 29 versions of          went to Pakistan as a missionary?
                                       30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim World
                                                                                    Don McCurry Back then, my Christian
                                       focused on Muslims around the world.
                                                                                    friends were experts at tearing the Qur’an
                                       What’s different about Muslims in North
                                                                                    to pieces and trying to win debates. But
                                                                                    my perspective changed in Pakistan
               For a list of some of
                                       Don McCurry When I go to the mosque here     when I realized this approach was
               Don’s books go to
                                       in Colorado Springs, I see maybe 100–150     counterproductive.
               page 34.
                                       men from 20 different countries. Mosque-        Like Hudson Taylor in China, I began
                                       goers are usually the more conservative      to investigate contextualization, asking,
                                       Muslims, but 90 percent of North             “How much of their culture can I enter
                                       American Muslims don’t go to mosques.        into without compromising my faith?”
                                          Those who don’t go to mosque still call   This approach led us to redesign how our

house was furnished so that it resembled a       On the other hand, stress drives some       But secularized, syncretistic evangelicals
Muslim house. We wore clothes similar to      Muslims to “return to their roots,” by         tend to look at things politically. Because
their clothes. That’s when we found doors     becoming fundamentalists or even               of the inroads of secularism, people’s
opening to us that were not open to other     jihadists in an effort to be “good Muslims.”   opinions become politicized, and they act
missionaries.                                 Still others embrace occult forms of folk      more like people of the world than they do
  I’m very circumspect about syncretism       Islam. Westerners largely underestimate        true Christians.
and compromise but feel we can go a           the power of the spirit world on the
long way to accommodate ourselves to          everyday life of a Muslim.
their dress codes, eating habits and social      Stress can also open up Muslims to
activities.                                   friendships with caring Christians who
                                              will pray for them. This helps them to see
30 Days What typically draws Muslims to       what Christians are all about. Through
become Jesus-followers?                       the Scriptures, Muslims discover the real
Don McCurry Theologically, God is the         Jesus. This often leads them to begin a
primary actor. He does things sovereignly.    slow process of no longer going to mosque,
Humanly speaking, we have discovered          no longer calling themselves Muslim, and
that when stress comes into the lives of      gradually becoming followers of Jesus.
Muslims they realize that Islam does not      This is going on all over the Muslim world.
satisfy their needs or give them peace.       It’s harvest time in the Muslim world.         30 Days What role do you think the 30 Days
Many look elsewhere for answers.                                                             of Prayer movement has played?
  Stress has many causes, such as             30 Days Do you see many evangelical
                                                                                             Don McCurry I feel that in America, the
poverty, unemployment, and the sight of       Christians today who view Muslims
                                                                                             dissemination of this prayer guide has
Muslims killing Muslims. Being a refugee      primarily as terrorists and evil people and
                                                                                             changed people’s attitudes toward Muslims
brings stress. With the displacement          who support discrimination against them?
                                                                                             and helped them become more aware of
of millions of Muslims due to wars and        Don McCurry The true evangelical loves         their needs. Christians have begun to pray
poverty, many Muslims are disillusioned       Jesus, looks at the world through His eyes,    for Muslims, and they see them as part of
and open to an alternative to Islam.          and is open to the work of the Holy Spirit.    the harvest instead of a problem.

Learn. Pray. Serve.

                     GOD HAS A PLAN
                      FOR MUSLIMS. you have a
                                    place in it.
                        Let’s discover together.

Here is where our prayers will take us this year
The numbers on the maps correspond to the day on which we are praying.

 North America


                                                           4 19                                     24
                                             13 29                                                                 19
                                                   7                                                     18
                                          23   23                                                                          4 2
                                                                  3 12 18 24                       14                    16
                                                                  6 14 21 28                                  20            21    27 12
                                                  5         25                 5 6                                                  29 11
                                                                  9 15 23                                         7
          16              17                                                                                   28
                                                                               3     9
                                                            10                                                   22
               23                                                                        23                   30
                                   27 2

DAY 1 History’s greatest movement
                            April 13     Q: When was history’s greatest movement of Muslims to Christ? A: Now!

     IDEAS FOR PRAYER                           fter years of hearing rumors of thousands       sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or
                                                of Muslims coming to faith in Christ, David     where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the
    Prayer is powerful. Here are                Garrison began a global survey of this          Spirit.”
    three ways you can participate in    phenomenon in 2011.                                        Garrison then expanded his research further. “I
    history’s greatest movement of          His investigation focused on “movements”            later did a historical review of nearly 14 centuries
    Muslims to Christ:                   of at least 1,000 believers from Muslim                of Muslim–Christian interaction so I could see
    ➊ PRAY for the new Muslim-           backgrounds who followed Jesus Christ in               if there had been other movements of at least
    background believers who face        baptism.                                               1,000 Muslims who had come to faith and
    persecution and even death for          The research lasted for three years and took        baptism. To my surprise, I discovered that more
    their faith in Christ.               Garrison a quarter of a million miles through 44       than 85 percent of all Muslim movements to
                                         Islamic countries. More than 1,000 interviews          Christ in history began just 30 years ago.
    ➋ PRAY for the unengaged Muslim      later, he came to this conclusion: We are                  “I don’t think it’s coincidental that 30 years
    people groups who have yet to hear
                                         witnessing the greatest turning of Muslims to          ago is when the 30 Days of Prayer for the Muslim
    the good news (John 3:16).
                                         Christ in history.                                     World prayer movement began.”
    ➌ PRAY for the emergence of             He explained: “Though the Muslim world
    “persons of peace,” ie Muslims       is quite diverse and can be clustered into
    whose restless hearts prompt         nine distinctive cultural regions, or ‘rooms
    them to follow the Holy Spirit’s     in the House of Islam,’ I was intrigued to find
    conviction of their need for         movements of Muslims to Christ in every room in
    salvation (John 16:8).               the House of Islam.
                                            “It was as if an invisible mind and hand were
                                         orchestrating these unprecedented movements.
                                         I immediately recalled John 3:8.”
                                            “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its                            9   Rooms in the
                                                                                                                             House of Islam

DAY 2 Muslim militants or military heroes?
                        April 14        Embracing Afghan translators in Houston

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                             undreds of Houston’s Afghan immigrants         stores were patriots and heroes, not Muslim
                                              served as translators for US military          terrorists.
Pray that more brave Afghan                   personnel, but few Texans knew this, and          These deeper connections have led to deeper
Muslims will boldly embrace             none thanked them for their service.                 conversations. One day, Bob asked Najeeb if he’d
Jesus as their Lord and Savior.            “No one knows who we are and what we did in       ever had a dream featuring a holy man dressed
➊ ASK God to raise up and send          Afghanistan for the US,” says Najeeb, one of the     in white.
more missionaries to live among         former translators.                                      “Yes,” said Najeeb, who excitedly shared the
the Afghan community in Houston.           A Christian worker named Bob got to know          details. “The holy man took me by the hand to
                                        Najeeb and some of Houston’s other Afghans by        a pool of water. He then poured
➋ PRAY for Najeeb’s efforts to          “sponsoring” families that were beginning their      water over my head and
share his Christian faith, thus
                                        new lives as US citizens.                            said, ‘You will perform this
obeying the holy man in his dream.
                                           Shocked at the lack of respect the former         same action on many
➌ PRAY for local believers to show      translators received, Bob decided to do              others.’”
hospitality and the love of Christ to   something about it and organized a banquet to           The dream, similar
their Afghan neighbors.                 honor the men at Tallowood Baptist Church.           to dreams many
                                           During the banquet, US Army veterans shared       other Muslims have
                                        heroic stories of Afghan translators saving their    experienced, led Najeeb
                                        comrades’ lives, and Afghans told their stories of   to find faith in Jesus.
Factoid                                 bravely and loyally serving alongside American       And before a recent
  15,000 Muslims serve in               forces.                                              trip to visit family in
                                           Church members not only gained a new              Afghanistan, he asked
  the US Armed Forces.                  appreciation for the men’s service, but they also    Bob for two Bibles—one
                                        began to appreciate that many of the Afghans         for his father, and one for
                                        they saw in local businesses, restaurants, and       his Muslim imam (leader).

DAY 3 Reaching the Fulbe Futa people
                            April 15        Prayer-walking the Bronx

     IDEAS FOR PRAYER                            here are some five million Fulbe Futa          Bronx, they were distant relatives. As Kady
                                                 worldwide, most of them hailing from           worked to build bridges to others, Mariama
    Pray for the Fulbe Futa people.              Guinea, West Africa. Part of the Fulani        marveled at her approach.
    ➊ PRAY for the Holy Spirit to open      people, the Fulbe Futa work to spread Islam           “You Christians really love people,” Mariama
    their “blinded eyes” and soften their   throughout Africa, but some of them have come       said. “You do it from your heart, not to get
    “hardened hearts” to the gospel         to Christ in Guinea and around the world.           something back. I’ve seen the way you bless
    (John 12:40).                              Kady became a follower of Jesus, and             others. You are God’s people.”
                                            eventually left Africa for New York City, where
    ➋ PRAY that more Fulbe Futa             she takes regular prayer walks in her Bronx
    become disciples of Christ, loving
                                            neighborhood, which is home to approximately
    and training others to love Jesus
                                            5,000 Fulbe Futa people.
    and start churches.
                                               Although her family ostracized her and some
    ➌ PRAY for the laborers among           of her own people remain distant, God has
    the Fulbe Futa in the Bronx (Luke       emboldened her to love them.
    10:2).                                     During her prayer walks, Kady meets Muslims
                                            in restaurants or near their mosques, shares
                                            spiritual truths, and prays for them. Even though
    Factoid                                 English is her third language, she started
      Muslims fought with                   offering English classes for her community
      America in the American               and has mobilized other New York Christians to
                                            interact with her people.
      Revolutionary War.                       Mariama, a Fulbe Futa woman, was one of
                                            Kady’s English students. The two women also
                                            discovered that, like many Fulbe living in the

Almagd TV provides:
   The gospel message in a simple, biblical way for your
    Arab Muslim friend.
   Secure live chats via the website, WhatsApp, and
    Viber. Our team answers spiritual questions, leads
    many to Jesus, and provides weekly discipleship for
    new believers.
   Almagd TV is 100% ad free and never asks for
    financial support from its viewers.

Free 24/7 streaming at
and on
Get the satellite frequencies for the
Middle East, North Africa, Australia,
New Zealand, and Europe at

To partner with our
frontline ministry, please
by Samya Johnson (Published Oct. 2019) | $20/book or 3 copies for $50
This practical and to-the-point guide includes: 40 questions for you to ask your Muslim
neighbor, simplified answers to 60 questions a Muslim may ask you, and various cultural
and spiritual topics to discuss with your Muslim friend.

THE SIMPLE TRUTH: The Quran and the Bible Side-by-Side
by Samya Johnson | $10/book or $5/copy for 10 books or more
This valuable quick read is for students and adults of all faiths. The booklet’s 60-page,
60-subject, bullet-point format, is a perfect tool to equip the next generation.
Every fact is supported with references.

                                        SCHEDULE SAMYA FOR YOUR EVENTS
                                             Invite Samya to your women’s and
                                          missions conferences. We offer A Call to
                                          Love Muslims Seminar. Virtual events are
                                             available. Samya is a Perspectives
                                               instructor for lessons 4 and 11.

                                                       Call of Love Ministries
DAY 4 Trauma in Toronto
                        April 16       Afghans deal with scars from decades of war

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                           fghanistan has faced war and terrorism        leader, before he began trusting Christ—a
                                            since the late 1970s, as Russian troops,      dangerous decision in his country. He lived as
➊ PRAY that Afghans struggling to           Taliban terrorists, and American forces       a secret believer for years, but after his family
overcome a history of oppression       have fought to restore order.                      discovered his Christian faith, he fled, spending
and violence will find refuge in the     Decades of war have turned displaced             almost nine years as a refugee in India.
Lord (Psalm 9:9–10).                   Afghans into one of the world’s largest diaspora     During his time in India, Obed attended Bible
➋ PRAY that the Lord will raise        populations, and many of these refugees            college, planted an Afghan church, served as
up laborers among Afghans in the       struggle with post-traumatic stress disorder       the leader of the Afghan Christian Refugees
Toronto area to evangelize, disciple   (PTSD) and other mental health issues caused       Community, and worked as a radio producer
believers and start churches.          by the ongoing carnage and chaos.                  with TWR India and an audio interpreter for ISO
                                         The Greater Toronto Area is home to a large      Ministries.
➌ PRAY that Christians in Canada       Afghan community. Most are Sunni Muslims,            He also founded a Christian charity called
can be instruments of peace who
                                       and many have survived trauma, including Obed.     Dari Fellowship of India, but New Delhi’s Muslim
show the power of Christ’s love to
                                         Born into a Muslim family in Afghanistan,        community persecuted him and his church.
their Afghan neighbors.
                                       Obed planned to become an imam, or Muslim            Obed resettled in Canada in 2015, joining the
                                                                                          Jesus Network and starting a house church in
                                                                                          his home. His social media ministry produces
                                                                                          weekly teaching videos on Facebook and
                                                                                          YouTube, where he has hundreds of followers.
                                                                                            Obed’s goal is to plant churches in the Toronto
                                                                                          area and to reach Muslims who speak Farsi, Dari,
                                                                                          Hazaragi, Pashto, Tajiki, Urdu, Hindi, and even

·                  DAY 5 Take me home from the ballgame
           ·              April 17       Loving West Africans in Cincinnati, Ohio

    IDEAS FOR PRAYER                          he Great American Ballpark is a perfect             Similar scenes play out in cities and towns
                                              venue for the great American pastime. The        across the American Midwest, where immigrants
   Pray that Muslims in middle                Cincinnati Reds have been playing baseball       from some of Africa’s least-reached nations and
   America encounter the Prince of       in this great American city since 1882.               people groups have settled down and made their
   Peace (Isaiah 9:6).                      But when the game’s over and fans stream           homes.
   ➊ THOUSANDS of unreached              out of the ballpark, they come face to face with         Some American Christians react to Muslims
   Fulani and Soninke speakers live in   people from the other side of the world. The          with anger or fear. Believers in Cincinnati and
   Cincinnati and other areas of Ohio.   streets are lined with taxi cabs that cite their      elsewhere, however, are reaching out with love,
   Pray that the gospel reaches more     drivers’ nationalities: Salaam Taxi, Musa Taxi,       building genuine relationships, opening their
   of these Muslims.                     Timbuktu Taxi, Senegal Taxi, and more.                homes for holiday celebrations, and providing
                                            Many of these drivers are immigrants from          Christian resources in person or via social media
   ➋ PRAY that more churches             the West African nations of Senegal, Mali, and        to people who have never read the Bible before.
   mobilize to reach unreached
                                         Mauritania. If you listen closely, you can hear the      “We love Cincinnati, because it is a city of
                                         Wolof, Fulani, and Soninke tribal languages as        peace,” said one Senegalese community leader.
   ➌ PRAY that the Midwest will          the drivers chat on their cell phones.                “Peace is everything to our people.”
   become more welcoming, loving,
   and hospitable to our Muslim
   neighbors (Acts 13:48–49).

    We love Cincinnati, because it is a city of peace.

DAY 6 Dreams and healing in New York
                       April 18      Wolof people of the Mouride Islamic sect accept Christ

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                                                                          marabouts, without being healed.”
                                                                                              Things changed after she moved to New York
Today, there are no Wolof-                                                                 City, where more than 20,000 Wolof people now
speaking churches in North                                                                 make up the city’s largest West African Muslim
America.                                                                                   ethnic group. (There are some seven million
➊ PRAY that the first Wolof church                                                         Wolof people across the world.)
in North America will be founded                                                              “A friend of mine invited me to church. I was
soon.                                                                                      only interested because Jesus performed
                                                                                           miracles in her life; so I went.
➋ THE WOLOF are the most                                                                      “Then God appeared to me in a dream and said
influential West African Muslim
                                                                                           I needed to read the Bible to have the answer for
ethnic group in New York City and
                                                                                           us Muslims who have been oppressed. I read the
Senegal. Pray that God uses them
                                                                                           Bible, and I trusted Jesus to heal me and save
to spread His light to other West
                                                                                           me from oppression and sin. I rejoice that I’ve
                                                                                           now been healed and saved!”
➌ PRAY that more Wolof will                                                                   Fatou didn’t know any Wolof Christians, so

exchange their sorcerers for the         atou, a member of the proud Mouride Islamic       she began boldly sharing her faith with her
healing power of Christ like Fatou       sect, felt like she was dying. So, she did what   neighbors.
did (Acts 19:19).                        many of the Wolof people of Senegal have             “I don’t care if they kill me,” she said. “I have to
                                     done for generations.                                 share Jesus with my people.”
                                       “The blood disease was taking over my                  Within two years of her conversion, more than
                                     body. I was Muslim, and in my culture, you see        15 of her Wolof friends and family members have
                                     the marabouts, or Islamic sorcerers, for help. I      become followers of Christ in the USA, France,
                                     spent tens of thousands of dollars on various         Italy, and Senegal.

DAY 7 From kielbasa to saltah
                         April 19      Yemeni immigrants follow Polish immigrants to Hamtramck

                                             amtramck, a neighborhood within the city       who welcomed children and honored women.
                                             of Detroit, was once known for its kielbasa       She asked her mother, father, and friends
   Pray that the Lord raises up              and paczkis thanks to Polish immigrants        about this man, but all assured her that Jesus
   Christian women who are called      who came to work at the Dodge brothers’ auto         was only a prophet and nothing more.
   to share truth with Yemeni          plant.                                                  Years later, now a mother with young children
   women like Yasmin, who long to         Now, Hamtramck is increasingly known for its      in Hamtramck, Yasmin heard a knock at her
   understand the truth.               saltah, a hearty stew that is the national dish of   door. Two American men were outside, and one
   ➊ IN the Parable of the Sower       Yemen.                                               addressed her in Arabic.
   (Matthew 13:1–9), the sower sows       Hamtramck is home to more than 20,000                They offered to pray for her and her family.
   seed abundantly. Pray that local    Yemenis who fled their war-torn homeland,            No one had ever done so before. They also told
   Detroit churches will equip their   resettled in aged bungalows, started businesses      her about Jesus. When they described how
   people to share the gospel with     in old storefronts, and transformed former           Jesus was holy and gentle and how he never
   boldness and abundance.             Catholic schools into mosques.                       mistreated women, but honored them, she felt
                                          Yemenis remain one of the world’s least-          her heart rise within her and remembered her
                                       reached people groups, but the Lord is stirring      questions about Jesus.
                                       hearts, as Yasmin can testify.                          “This is what I’ve been waiting for,” Yasmin
                                          As a teenager, Yasmin was moved when she          told the men. “Finally, Allah has sent me
    Yemenis remain one of the          saw Campus Crusade’s Jesus film in Arabic. She       someone who could explain to me who Jesus is.”
    world’s least-reached people       was drawn to this kind, gentle, and peaceful man        She listened intently as they explained why
    groups                                                                                  Jesus suffered and died as the final sacrifice to
                                                                                            cleanse us from sin.
                                                                                               “Now, Allah has answered my deepest
                                                                                            yearnings to know and to learn who Jesus is,”
                                                                                            she said.

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DAY 8 Hurdles to Faith
                          April 20      Muslims in Dallas-Fort Worth

    IDEAS FOR PRAYER                        he gospel has reached people in nearly
                                            every tribe and tongue, fulfilling Christ’s
   Pray for more trained followers          promise: “I will call them my people who
   of Jesus to engage Muslims like      were not my people” (Romans 9:25).
   Abdul with the hope and love of        But Muslims must jump three significant
   Christ.                              hurdles on their path to faith in Christ.             higher percentage of Muslims in Texas than any
   ➊ PRAY that God raises up            • Hurdle 1: Clearly hearing and understanding         other state. Muslims make up 1.68 percent of
   workers from local churches to be        the gospel. Many never hear Christ’s message      people in Texas. (Census figures reveal that there
   trained and mobilized to share the       clearly presented or compellingly lived out.      are 422,000 Muslims in Texas, up from 140,000
   gospel with Muslims (Luke 10:2).     • Hurdle 2: Overcoming false Islamic teachings        in 1990, and it’s estimated that 60,000–100,000
                                            which say that the Bible is corrupted. That       Muslims live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, most
   ➋ PRAY that the Holy Spirit                                                                of Pakistani heritage.)
   grants understanding and courage         Jesus did not die. That belief in the Father,
                                            Son, and Holy Ghost constitutes polytheism.          A Christian worker shared the gospel with
   to Abdul and others to clear the
                                            And so on.                                        Abdul in the mosque. Soon, the two began
   second and third hurdles.
                                        • 	 Hurdle 3: Believing and trusting in Jesus,        meeting for discussions about the Bible.
                                            which often results in persecution or rejection      Abdul found the Bible interesting, but not
    Factoid                                 by the Islamic community.                         compelling. Then came crisis.
                                                                                                 He was wrongly forced out of his imam
     Muslim American culture            A personal crisis may compel an individual to         position, which exposed him to the hypocrisy of
     includes rap groups,               jump a few of these hurdles at once, but each         the other mosque members. And he needed to
     comedians, athletes, scout         person’s journey is different, as I witnessed with    leave Dallas-Fort Worth for work.
                                        Abdul, one of several imams serving a mosque in          It’s more difficult for the two men to stay in
     troops, and social media           the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex.                      touch now, but Abdul is reading some Christian
     sites.                               It may seem counterintuitive, but there’s a         books he was given.

DAY 9 From Mali to Harlem                                                                      Dozens of Muslim men and
                        April 21       Reaching the Wassoulou people                                                 women decided to follow Christ

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                           or over 20 years I have felt called to reach my people for Jesus, but I didn’t
                                            know how, because it was only me,” said Musa, who is one of only
Pray that more of the Wassoulou             dozens of Wassoulou people living New York City’s Harlem
people will find Christ.               neighborhood.
➊ PRAY that God would multiply            The Wassoulou people group’s homeland spans Mali, Côte
disciples and churches among           d’Ivoire, and Guinea in West Africa. Decades ago, Jesus appeared to
the Wassoulou, fulfilling God’s        Musa in dramatic dreams, healed him from a terminal disease, and
Revelation prophecy of “a great        promised him eternal life if Musa followed Him.
multitude … from all tribes and           Musa followed Jesus from then on, but the people in his Muslim
peoples and languages, standing        village felt ashamed and violently forced him to leave the village. He
before the throne” (Revelation 7:9).   never lived in his home again.
                                          Over time, however, tempers cooled, and American and Malian
➋ PRAY for the gospel to spread        Christians visited Musa’s village to teach the villagers about Jesus.
through the connection and
                                       Dozens of Muslim men and women decided to follow Christ in the
influence that Muslim-background
                                       village, including Musa’s brother, which opened the door for him to
immigrants have in their homeland.
                                       return and share the love of Christ with his people.
➌ AS Christians from Muslim-              “It’s amazing!” Musa said. “All of the suffering I have experienced
backgrounds migrate to North           all these years is worth it. If I had to go through these struggles so my
America to escape persecution,         people would have opportunities to know Jesus, it’s worth it!”
pray that what man intended for           When he moved to New York, Musa found himself in a city with few
evil, God would use for good           Wassoulou people, no Wassoulou churches, and no real efforts from
(Genesis 50:20).                       the community to reach them.
                                          He continues to share the message of Jesus with people he meets,
                                       but he often grows frustrated with the fruits of his labors.

Continue Praying Through
the Muslim World!
8 Days of Prayer for the Least-Reached Regions

Through this prayer guide, you’ll:

   Discover the spiritual needs and ministry
   opportunities in specific regions.

   Be equipped to pray boldly and strategically
   for Muslims in key areas.

   Expand your heart for the nations as you intercede for
   people living in the least-reached places.

                  Sign up for this free 8-day email prayer guide at
DAY 10 30 Days in the Triangle
                       April 22      Hundreds pray for Muslim neighbors in Raleigh, Durham,
                                     and Chapel Hill
 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                                                                        30 Days have coincided with church-planting
                                                                                         movements all over the world. The Christians in
Please pray for:                                                                         the Triangle believed God could help them reach
➊ PRAYER movements in the                                                                the Triangle’s 40,000-plus Muslims, just as He
Triangle and around the world.                                                           had helped Christian believers elsewhere reach
                                                                                         Muslims across the world.
➋ CHURCHES and Christians                                                                  It began years ago with a few families. By
who reach out to their Muslim
                                                                                         2016, there were 100 believers from three
                                                                                         churches in the area. Now, over 600 Christians
➌ THOSE who “go into all the                                                             pray together every day during the Muslim holy
world and preach the gospel to all                                                       month of Ramadan, using 30 Days as their guide.
creation” (Mark 16:15).                                                                    Many of these praying Christians have sought
                                                                                         opportunities to befriend Muslims at work or in
➍ MUSLIMS to come to faith in the

Triangle and be discipled to take          avid Garrison’s book, A Wind in the House     their neighborhoods. A handful of Muslims have
the gospel message back to their           of Islam, provided the inspiration. The 30    become followers of Jesus, including a new
home countries (Mark 5:20).                Days of Prayer for the Muslim World booklet   believer named ER. She couldn’t find a Bible to
                                     provided the game plan.                             read in Iraq, but after a few years in the USA, she
                                       It all started with a few families praying that   was given an Arabic-language Bible by one of the
Factoid                              the Holy Spirit would help them reach their         30 Days participants.
  Islam is the third largest         Muslim neighbors, but it soon grew into an effort     In 2019, two participating families decided
                                     involving more than 600 Christians from 45 local    to devote themselves full-time to the Triangle
  religion in the USA after
                                     churches in the Triangle, a three-city region       prayer effort. The families are now training with
  Christianity and Judaism           known for both high tech and higher education.      Global Gates and hope to start evangelism and
  (will surpass Jews by 2040).         Garrison found that prayer movements like         church-planting among local Muslims in 2021.

DAY 11 From Myanmar to Bangladesh
                          April 23       Rohingya seek a safe place to stay

    IDEAS FOR PRAYER                          he United Nations calls the Rohingya people    tragedy. Two years ago he was a practicing
                                              the “world’s most persecuted minority.”        Muslim who relied on alcohol and drugs to numb
   Pray that the persecuted                   South Africa’s Bishop Desmond Tutu says        the pain of oppression.
   Rohingya refugees would hear          they’ve experienced apartheid. Others call their       But he was reached by a movement in the USA
   the gospel and find their hope        treatment “ethnic cleansing”.                       that brought the gospel to Rohingya refugees.
   and identity in Christ.                  A million Rohingya had lived in Myanmar for      Even after angry Muslims beat him in front of
   ➊ PRAY for Rohingya believers like    centuries, but the government stripped them         his pregnant wife, he did not back down, telling
   Anwar to remain strong and bold in    of their citizenship, sanctioned the burning of     his persecutors, “I am ready to die for my Lord.
   the face of persecution.              villages, and the killing, torture, and rape of     I don’t care what you do to me. All I ask is
                                         many individuals before forcing them out of         that when you kill me you give my body to my
   ➋ PRAY that God will work             the country in 2016–17. More than 600,000           brothers so it can rest at the foot of the cross.”
   righteousness and justice for these
                                         Rohingya now live in squalid refugee camps in          Since then, Anwar has helped plant six
   oppressed people.
                                         Bangladesh.                                         churches and has seen close to 500 baptisms of
                                            Nearly all Rohingya people are Muslims, but      Rohingya Muslims.
                                         years of oppression and persecution have led           God is moving amidst the ravaged Rohingya
                                         some to seek spiritual alternatives in the camps.   as He has among other persecuted people. “The
                                            Anwar sits in a dimly lit room, where he         Lord works righteousness and justice for all who
                                         shares the story of how Jesus rescued him from      are oppressed” (Psalm 103:6).

DAY 12 From Irish immigrants to Bangladeshis
                       April 24       Jackson Heights neighborhood welcomes Bengali people

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                        n the 19th century, desperate Irish immigrants      Saif was a young Bangladeshi man working in
                                         fleeing famine back home flooded into the        the hotel industry when he met a local believer
➊ PRAY for the Bangladeshi               Jackson Heights neighborhood in Queens           on the subway. The man told Saif about Jesus,
communities of New York City,         in New York City. Now, many Bangladeshi             but he wanted to know more and met with a
many of which have been ravaged       immigrants call this neighborhood home.             Muslim-background believer who led him to faith
by the coronavirus pandemic.             Barbershops promote their prices on signs        in Christ.
➋ PRAY for kingdom workers, local     that mix Bangla and English, and grocers display       Saif is now part of a small house church in
believers, and churches as they       imports like jackfruit and bitter melon next to     his neighborhood comprised of fellow believers
engage their Bengali neighbors with   Hershey candy bars, while Bangladeshi men           from Muslim backgrounds. God is at work
the good news of Jesus Christ.        drink cha (tea) and gossip on sidewalks in the      through people like Saif.
➌ PRAY for believers from a              Most arrived in the last 25 years, seeking a
Muslim background to “declare the
                                      new start and opportunities for their families
gospel fearlessly” in New York City
                                      through a diversity visa program. They brought
and around the world (Ephesians
                                      their food, culture, and Islamic religion with
                                      them, and now there are an estimated 150,000 of
                                      them across New York City.
                                         Many Bangladeshi neighborhood enclaves
Factoid                               are in the shadow of church buildings, but the
  Morocco, a Muslim nation,           language and cultural barriers are too great for
  was the first country to            them to consider entering the doors. Thankfully,
                                      efforts by missionary teams and local believers
  recognize the USA as an             over the last decade are bringing the gospel to
  independent nation in 1777.         these neighborhoods.

DAY 13 Bosnians in “New Jerusalem”                                                                  “Jesus is the bridge!”
                          April 25      Grand Rapids makes way for Muslims                                               the woman said.

    IDEAS FOR PRAYER                              ith its Christian publishers, colleges     offered to pray for Ajlina. Suspicious at first,
                                                  and seminaries, Grand Rapids is seen       Ajlina begrudgingly accepted her offer.
   Pray that Bosnians may find                    by many Reformed believers as a New           After prayer, the woman offered to share with
   the gospel through the plentiful     Jerusalem.                                           her the message of the New Testament. Having
   resources available in the Grand        But since the 1990s, Michigan’s second            lived among Christians for many years, Ajlina
   Rapids area.                         largest city has also become home to the second      always wondered what they believed.
   ➊ THERE has never been a             largest Bosnian Muslim population in the USA.           The woman pulled a 3” x 5” notecard out of
   concerted effort to engage and       (The largest is in St Louis.)                        her purse and proceeded to share with her the
   reach the Bosnians of Grand             There are now more than 120,000 Bosnians
   Rapids. Pray the Lord will send      in the USA, as well as half a million people of
   laborers into the harvest!           Bosnian descent. But they aren’t always easy
                                        for Westerners to identify as Muslim, as they are
   ➋ “THE harvest is plentiful” (Luke   Caucasian and often dress in Western clothing.
   10:2). Pray that laborers find the
                                           But underneath the surface, their family
   Bosnians in whom God is working.
                                        histories are fractured by memories of a vicious
                                        civil war fraught with ethnic cleansing and
    Factoid                             unchecked violence.
                                           Ajlina lives in Grand Rapids. Two recent family
     Muslims are America’s most         losses had tapped into the pain of her past          gospel. She described a gulf that separates us
     racially diverse religious         traumas and tested her faith in Allah.               from God and talked about a bridge that could
     group (25% black, 24% white,          “God, I once had faith and prayed to you every    cross that gulf.
                                        day. Please show me what I’m missing!”                  “Jesus is the bridge!” the woman said. “His
     18% Asian, 18% Arab,                  The next day, the doorbell rang. A woman who      perfect life, death, and resurrection bridge the
     5% Hispanic, and 7% mixed).        said she had a concern for the neighborhood          gulf that separates us from God.”

DAY 14 From the Nile to New Jersey
                         April 26       Egyptian Muslims find solace in northeastern USA

    IDEAS FOR PRAYER                            ustafa, a 30-year-old Egyptian man, hates      since the last time they shouted at me for
                                                going to his mosque and dislikes the guilt     money. I hate that place!”
   Pray that Egyptian Muslims may               trips that are used to extract his zakat, or      Many Egyptian Muslims migrated to America
   find freedom as they struggle to     monthly tithe.                                         in the 1960s and ’70s, preceding the Arabs from
   conform to cultural and religious      “In America, it’s all about the money, even in       other countries who would later arrive in New
   expectations.                        the mosques,” he complains while sitting in the        Jersey and New York.
   ➊ MAY the Spirit of God lead         deli he owns in New Jersey. “I haven’t returned           Egyptian communities are large and
   Egyptians to Jesus. Ask God to                                                              established, and they support many large
   give them courage and time to seek                                                          mosques. Many Muslims strive for material
   after Jesus.                                                                                success while feeling pressure to conform to the
                                                                                               expectations of Muslim culture.
   ➋ PRAY for the budding Arab                                                                    Mustafa says it’s the same old story. You leave
   church in the Metro New York
                                                                                               the closed community of the Egyptian homeland
   region, which includes many
                                                                                               for a closed Arabic community in the USA.
   Egyptians of Muslim background.
                                                                                                  Work hard and conform to the religious
                                                                                               identity of your homeland: That’s the typical
                                                                                               cultural expectation.
                                                                                                  Despite these hurdles, many of the 48,000
    Egyptian communities are large and established,                                            Egyptian Muslims in the cities of Astoria,
    and they support many large mosques.                                                       Ridgewood, Bay Ridge, Jersey City, and Bayonne
                                                                                               are taking advantage of the freedoms the USA
                                                                                               offers. Some have surrendered to the Lord
                                                                                               Jesus Christ as the Spirit of God moves among
                                                                                               Egyptian Muslims who seek after Him.

DAY 15 Salvation via social media
                        April 27        Connected Muslims encounter good news

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                            abrina is a Muslim from South Asia who
                                             lives with her husband and two young
Pray that more Muslims will find             children in Queens, New York City. After
the Lord through social media.          taking care of her kids and preparing meals, she
➊ PRAY for believers worldwide          has little time or energy for venturing out, except
as they develop social media            for her regular visits to the mosque and produce
engagement strategies to share          stores.
Jesus and find seekers throughout         But she can always find time to browse
the Muslim world.                       Facebook and other social media sites
                                        throughout the day, and she regularly connects
➋ PRAY for Muslims online to            with her American friends and her family back            Later, when Sabrina’s family faced a crisis, she
encounter content about Jesus and
                                        home.                                                 used social media to request prayer. The woman
see “the light of the gospel of the
                                          One day, a video caught her eye. The audio          who prayed for her over the phone told Sabrina
glory of Christ” (2 Corinthians 4:4).
                                        featured a voice speaking her native language         that she too had been a Muslim but had found
➌ ASK the Holy Spirit to give           and praying for New York City in the name of          true peace in Jesus Christ.
Muslim-background believers             Jesus.                                                   Social media is empowering Muslims around
boldness to share their faith             Intrigued, Sabrina clicked the “Message Us”         the world, giving some their first freedoms to
through social media.                   button and was soon engaged in online dialogue        express themselves and discover new ideas.
                                        with a ministry team member who graciously               Christians are using digital resources to make
                                        told her about Christ’s ministry and message.         the truth of Jesus readily available to all who
 Social media is empowering               The dialogue softened her heart, but she            seek it, fulfilling the prophecy of Jeremiah: “You
 Muslims around the world               remained skeptical, largely because of the            will seek me and find me when you seek me with
                                        anti-Christian sermons she heard from imams           all your heart. I will be found by you” (Jeremiah
                                        (Muslim leaders).                                     29:13–14).

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DAY 16 Bay-area Afghans
                          April 28       Christians reach out to people fleeing decades of war

    IDEAS FOR PRAYER                            fghans first came to the San Francisco Bay engaging with their Western neighbors.
                                                area in the late 1970s after the Russians           A core group of Christians in the Bay Area has
   Pray that Afghan war victims will            had invaded their country. They kept             reached out to their Afghan neighbors with the
   heal from their trauma.               coming through years of civil wars and the 20           love of Christ for more than 15 years. Mike, an
   ➊ PRAY that local churches will       years of American and NATO fighting. Now, the           Afghan pastor in the Bay Area, disciples groups
   extend hospitality and resources to   Bay Area is home to more than 60,000 Afghan             of Afghans throughout California and spends
   the Afghan community.                 immigrants and refugees.                                hours each day reaching Afghans worldwide
                                            Some of the new arrivals were well-educated          through Facebook.
   ➋ ASK God to grant wisdom and         and secular Muslims. They were leaders in                  Mike is grateful that Afghans have
   courage to Mike and other Afghan
                                         business and education and have assimilated             responded to the gospel in such
   believers as they share Jesus
                                         into American life.                                     positive ways. But
   with Afghans in California and
                                            Others were widows and children with a               he prays that
                                         limited understanding of English, a lack of             God will send
                                         education, and minimal financial resources.             more workers
                                         These Afghans often struggle with housing,              to connect with
    Factoid                              language and job skills, and chronic illness.           more Afghans,
     One 1682 Virginia statute              Still others were translators who assisted the       many of whom
                                         US military and desperately sought asylum.              still remain in
     permitted the sale of slaves           Many of these Afghans could benefit from             touch with family
     of “heathenish, idolatrous,         mental health services to treat their war trauma.       and friends
     pagan, and Mahometan                   Having endured decades of war and tribalism,         back home.
                                         Afghans understandably
     parentage.”                         struggle with trusting others,
                                                                            A core group of Christians in the Bay Area
                                         but many seem comfortable          has reached out to their Afghan neighbors

DAY 17 Pursuing the American Dream
                       April 29     Muppies (or Muslim urban professionals) epitomize success

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                              hile first-generation immigrants typically
                                               focus on survival and fitting in, their
Pray for the salvation of Sadia                children aim higher: Worldly success,
and Amira, and other Muppies.       plus a slice of the American Dream.
➊ PRAY that urban Christians           Muppies’ experiences with Islam can prove
in the workplace will seek          frustrating. Many seek a deeper, richer spiritual
opportunities to share Jesus with   experience than that offered at local mosques,
Muppies.                            but they’re not easily swayed by Christian
➋ PRAY that we can help Muppies        One Christian woman pointed to her
to know Jesus as Lord.
                                    relationships with two Muppies:
                                       Sadia, a hedge-fund manager in her 30s,              20s, felt her sin was too vast for her to be close
                                    told me our friendship is different from her            to God. I encouraged her that the true God
                                    relationships with Muslims. Muslim women                is the one who knows our sins and loves us
                                    often hide their difficulties, but I was open and       completely.
                                    honest about my struggles.                                 I shared Paul’s teaching in Romans 5:8: While
                                       I explained that as a Christian, I am not judged     we were still sinners, Christ died for us. He
                                    by my failings, but saved by the love and grace         desires relationship with us more than efforts
                                    of Jesus, who has compassion for those who              to earn His love. She now believes in a forgiving
                                    struggle.                                               God, but she continues to look for Him in Islam.
                                       “I’d like to be a part of a spiritual community         Neither Sadia nor Amira have become
                                    like that,” Sadia told me one day. I invited her to     Christians, but God is moving among Muppies
                                    join us, but she hasn’t done so yet.                    seeking something deeper than what Islam
                                       Amira, a top computer programmer in her              offers.

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DAY 18 For Nour, conversion began in a catacomb
                       April 30    Palestinians in Metro New York

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                        our prayers, your fasting, your charity, none     One day he stumbled upon an ancient
                                         of these get you to heaven!” said Nour, a       Christian catacomb, a former underground
Pray for Christians working              42-year-old Palestinian who once lived in       church, in his homeland. There in the darkness,
among the Palestinian people.      the Midwest but moved to New York City, hoping        using his flashlight to illuminate the Christian
➊ PRAY for new believers and the   that its large community of 16,000 Palestinian        graffiti on the walls, Nour felt a strange
Arab Christians discipling them    Muslims could help him find a job.                    peace come over him, a peace he had never
in Metro New York. May they be       “You’ve got to have faith, my brother,” said        experienced.
faithful gospel witnesses.           Nour, who was counseling a young Muslim               Since then, his spiritual and geographic
                                        man. “Faith in Jesus the Messiah. It’s your           journeys have been long and winding, but as
➋ PALESTINIANS often feel                heart that matters most.”                               a recently baptized Christian living in the
rejected by the Church. Pray for
                                             There are approximately 13 million                   Metro New York area, he has easy access
them to encounter a diverse
                                             Palestinians in the world, most of                     to Palestinian Muslim communities
gospel witness.
                                               them living in the West Bank, the                        in the nearby cities of Paterson,
➌ PRAY for a new                                Gaza Strip, and Israel. That’s                           Clifton, and Bay Ridge.
Metro area church                                where Nour’s conversion                                    There are an estimated 250,000
composed of                                      began.                                                  American Palestinians, including
Arabs, including                                                                                         US Representative Rashida Tlaib
Palestinians.                                                                                           from Michigan, whose parents were
May they lead                                                                                          Palestinian refugees living in Detroit.
Palestinians to                                                                                           As Nour studies the Scriptures,
the Lord in the                                                                                             he thinks and prays about how
city and around                                                                                              he can introduce more of these
the world.                                                                                                    Palestinians to Jesus Christ.

DAY 19 Long-distance church
                               May 1      Gospel message reaches Muslims in Toronto and Tehran

    IDEAS FOR PRAYER                            astor Nasser preached God’s Word to his        what has become known as the “Long-Distance
                                                largely Iranian congregation in Toronto        Church” of Toronto and Tehran.
   Pray that Jeremiah’s prophecies              every Sunday without realizing he was             Iranians have migrated to Canada in
   (Jeremiah 49:34–39) about the          reaching an international audience of one.           increasing numbers since the Iranian Islamic
   ancient Kingdom of Elam (Iran)            Mahla, who emigrated from Iran, was using         Revolution of 1979. Many arrive in the West
   continue to be fulfilled today.        her cell phone to “broadcast” Nasser’s sermons       seeking freedom after questioning the harsh
   ➊ PRAY for Iranians who are            live to Tehran each Sunday, where her husband,       religious restrictions enforced by the Iranian
   disillusioned with Islam to see        Kavan, still lives.                                  Islamic regime.
   Jesus as their only Savior and Lord.      Most Sundays, Mahla would ask the pastor             Today, approximately 250,000 Iranians live in
                                          numerous questions about his sermons, hoping         the Greater Toronto Area, where they struggle to
   ➋ WHILE some Muslims have              Kavan would overhear the discussion and              learn English, find work, and complete lengthy
   a sincere faith in Jesus, others
                                                   embrace the gospel message himself.         legal entry requirements while living far from
   “convert,” hoping it will help
                                                           One Sunday, Mahla gave a joyous     family back home.
   them receive refugee status.
                                                            report.                               Iranian women are finding new freedoms and
   Ask God’s Spirit to help
                                                                “My husband got saved!”        identities through Christ in Toronto, where they
   churches discern the
                                                                 Soon, Kavan was inviting      form the majority of Iranian Christ-followers.
   hearts of those who
                                                                friends and neighbors to his   Young Muslim men are also experiencing a
   profess faith.
                                                                Tehran home for the Sunday     growing openness to the gospel.
   ➌ PRAY for unity and                                         broadcasts from Toronto. One      Thousands of Iranian Muslims in Toronto
   faith among Iranian                                         day, 53 people squeezed into    have come to know Jesus as their only Savior
   Christians as they battle                                   his small home to hear the      and Lord! Many gather in the city’s dozen or so
   their own anxieties and                                     sermon.                         largely Iranian churches, while others gather
   the tensions within their                                    Today, thousands of Iranians   in homes or have assimilated into traditional
   communities.                                              log onto Instagram to watch       Canadian churches.

DAY 20 An oasis in Saudi Arabia’s spiritual desert
                          May 2       Studying in USA brings exposure to gospel

 IDEAS FOR PRAYER                                                                            family has participated.
                                        As he studied the Bible with them                       The program has been educational in many
Pray that more Saudi students                                                                ways. For the first time in their lives, thousands
                                        he began to believe in Jesus.
will meet Christians in the USA                                                              of Saudi students have the chance to hear the
who can help them come to                                                                    gospel, ask questions about religion, and explore
know Christ.                                                                                 the Bible on their own.
➊ PRAY that God will draw the                                                                   Fifteen years later, King Abdullah’s students
hearts of Saudis to himself through                                                          are back home and bearing spiritual fruit. Ahmed
dreams and visions.                                                                          is one example.
                                                                                                While studying in the USA, Ahmed was
➋ PRAY that God will build the                                                               “adopted” by a Christian family that invited
underground church in Saudi
                                                                                             him into their home and spent time with him.
Arabia by growing disciples and
                                                                                             Ahmed soon became a big brother to the family’s

converting the lost.
                                              vast desert covers Saudi Arabia. This          children.
                                              barren physical landscape is a metaphor           Ahmed also listened as the family prayed,
                                              for the spiritual condition of a people with   watched as they had family devotions after
Factoid                               little access to Christ’s living water. The Saudi      dinner, and asked questions about their faith.
                                      government works to silence the gospel in the          As he studied the Bible with them he began to
  The number of Muslims               country, which is 93 percent Muslim, but God’s         believe in Jesus.
  in Canada is expected to            Spirit finds creative ways to cross borders.              Now back in Saudi Arabia, he is fulfilling the
  grow to 2.7 million by 2030            In 2005, King Abdullah began sending                promise of Jesus: “Out of his heart will flow
                       (Pewforum)     thousands of college students to distinguished         rivers of living water” (John 7:38). Ahmed has
                                      universities around the world. The program was         become an oasis for those around him, sharing
                                      so popular that nearly every extended Saudi            the water of hope as the Spirit leads.

You can also read