Home sweet home - HOME & LIVING - The Star

Page created by Virgil Nunez
Home sweet home - HOME & LIVING - The Star
THE STAR, sunday 24 october 2021                                                      HOME & LIVING

                                   Home sweet home
                                   Enhance your living space with stylish furniture
                                    and turn your house into a comfortable one.
Home sweet home - HOME & LIVING - The Star
16 Home & Living                                                                                                                                                     THE STAR, SUNDAY 24 OCTOBER 2021

Steeling the
hearts of the
THERE are many benefits to having a good         and notes that the recent spike in
roof over one’s head. The roof itself proves     requests spurred the launch of the
to be a founding block of the building struc-    #RoofingOurCommunities movement.                   NS BlueScope Malaysia’s Roofing Our Communities movement is all about reaching out to
ture. Dubbed the backbone of the house, the         The company’s latest initiative sees it         help homes and community buildings which need a new roof, especially during the start of
roof keeps you, your family and belongings       pledging roof repair services for underprivi-      the rainy season.
secure from harsh weather conditions,            leged homes and community buildings from
among other things.                              now to Dec 21, 2021.                               homes for the elderly and community                Colorbond steel’s ThermaTech technology
   As one of the global leaders in premium          NS BlueScope Malaysia country president         buildings such as community halls, Rukun           would be able to reduce roof surface
branded coated and painted steel products,       Koh Boon Hong said: “Strength is choosing to       Tetangga and clinics.                              temperature of up to 6°C.
NS BlueScope Malaysia extols the benefits of     do what is right with what we do best.                “We believe having proper shelter means
a good roof with its patented steel roof made       “Having a proper shelter especially during      more than just having a roof over your head.          How you can participate
with Australian technology. It is touted to be   the rainy season is a basic and essential right    The technology we invested into our steel             As the company does its part in uplifting
durable and more thermally efficient, giving     but unfortunately, there are still those who       roofs such as solar heat reduction and             the community, you can also participate
buildings long-lasting protection against        are deprived of this need.                         self-cleaning technology help enhance              in this initiative by nominating a home
corrosion and making it cooler to boot.             “With this initiative, we pledge to             living comfort and durable use, and these          that needs reroofing and share with NS
   NS BlueScope Malaysia also strives to         continuously contribute to the well-being          are meant for everyone to enjoy,” said             BlueScope Malaysia the details such as the
build stronger bonds, not only amongst           of our communities.”                               NS BlueScope Malaysia marketing vice               name, home address, contact number and
stakeholders but with the community as              In a bid to uplift these communities, the       president Ken Wong.                                a picture of the nominated house via email:
well. Moreover, with the country currently       company also aims to bring forth improve-             Furthermore, NS BlueScope Malaysia also         events@bluescope.com.
in the midst of battling the Covid-19            ments to the lives of the people in communi-       intends to educate homeowners on the                  NS BlueScope Malaysia will review and
pandemic, NS BlueScope Malaysia intends          ties that it operates in along with its official   importance of roofing right for the season.        notify the nominated home if it is chosen.
to lend a helping hand to the community.         partners such as NS BlueScope Lysaght                 For instance, when living in a tropical         Terms and conditions apply.
   This is achieved through its Connaction       Malaysia, Swissma Building Technologies,           paradise like Malaysia, a typical hot day             The company encourages the nation to
(connecting through action) initiative with      United Seasons, DMI Building Products,             would have us either turning on the air            participate in the nomination process, even
the aim of building stronger bonds with          Asia Roofing Industries, Le Nam Megasheet,         conditioning or equipping ourselves with           if the nomination is for their own home.
the community, caring for the environment,       Kextra Malaysia, Thung Hing Metal Industry,        as many fans as we can get hold of.
respecting local values and encouraging          United G.I Products and official media ACG            The brand shared that while we often hear       ■ For more information, log on to
involvement.                                     Media.                                             the expression or opinion that a house with        www.nsbluescope.com/my/myroc or
   NS BlueScope Malaysia annually assists           The project would include standalone            a steel roof makes for a hot and humid             WhatsApp 010-431 6163 or follow them
the nation through its reroofing initiatives     houses, kampung houses, orphanage homes,           home, a well-insulated steel roof with its         on Facebook at NS BlueScope Malaysia.

                                                                                                    If you’re doing a big job, pour paint onto a roller tray. But for small jobs, you may dip straight
                                                                                                    into the tin.

                                                                                                    Handy paint job tips
                                                                                                    YOU may call in a contractor to paint your         paper to the floor too. Collect those dry
                                                                                                    kitchen or the outside of your home, but for       cleaning plastic bags and use those to cover
                                                                                                    little things like touching up a door, or giving   the TV, radio, etc.
                                                                                                    the bathroom a new coat of paint, it’s easier
                                                                                                    to pick up a brush and get to it.                     Avoid drips
                                                                                                       If you’re taking on a mini paint project           If you’re doing a big job, pour paint onto a
                                                                                                    this weekend, here are some tips to ensure         roller tray. But for small jobs, you may dip
                                                                                                    the job is picture perfect.                        straight into the tin.
                                                                                                                                                          To avoid those spills on the side from
                                                                                                       Prepare                                         where you wipe the excess paint from your
                                                                                                       Fill nail holes and other imperfections         brush, put a thick rubber band over the
                                                                                                    with paintable caulk and filler before you         open paint tin. Now when you dip in your
                                                                                                    start so you have a smooth surface.                brush, slide it along the band.
                                                                                                       If necessary, use a primer so that your
                                                                                                    paint goes on easily and goes further. If             Don’t stretch
                                                                                                    you’re painting a door with gloss, ask for a          Painting is quite a good exercise but you
                                                                                                    primer that can deal with this.                    don’t want to end up suffering from sore
                                                                                                                                                       muscles while holding a paint can in one
                                                                                                      Protect                                          hand while you stretch out to reach a far
                                                                                                      Before you start, use wide swaths of mask-       corner with your brush. Use a proper
                                                                                                    ing tape to protect areas from splashes, spills    stepladder and make sure you can reach
                                                                                                    and brush-overs. Tape thick layers of news-        everything easily.
Home sweet home - HOME & LIVING - The Star
THE STAR, SUNDAY 24 OCTOBER 2021                                                                                                                                Home & Living 17

Screens to keep
your home safe                                                                                                                                                               A dryer has
                                                                                                                                                                             over air-drying,
                                                                                                                                                                             drying a full
WE often worry about unwanted                                                                                                                                                load within an
“guests” such as intruders, stray
animals and annoying insects that
may affect our security and health.

                                                                                                                The ideal dryer
   Mesh-Secure premium security
doors and windows are an
effective way to maintain security
while allowing clear vision and
ventilation. This aesthetically
pleasing and functional product is                                                                              WE live in the tropics, so unless it     load will take. However, it means
of Australian ingenuity.                                                                                        is pouring with monsoon rain, it’s       you risk over- and under-drying. A
   Mesh-Secure screens are meticu-                                                                              fairly easy to dry clothes within a      moisture sensor means you can
lously woven from high-tensile                                                                                  day by hanging them outside.             choose “iron dry”, which means
wire into a stainless steel mesh of                                                                                However, with air-drying, there       enough moisture for easy power
superior quality and strength,                                                                                  are two things that can happen.          ironing, to “super dry” where you
which is guaranteed against rust                                                                                   First, the sun is very harsh so if    fold and put it away.
for 20 years.                                                                                                   you’re not careful, direct light can        > Get the right size – bigger is
   The screens allow free flow of                                                                               fade the colour of your fabrics.         not always better because of the
fresh air into your home, naturally                                                                                Second, thick materials like          moisture sensor. If you put in a
cooling your living space. At night,                                                                            towels can dry leaving the material      few items only, the clothes won’t
windows can be left open without       Mesh-Secure screens are meticulously woven from high-tensile wire into   feeling pretty hard. You can solve       touch the sensor enough and the
worries. The high-tensile mesh is      a stainless steel mesh of superior quality and strength.                 that with softeners.                     machine will shut off before it
resilient and almost impossible to                                                                                 A dryer has several advantages        should. Also, bigger means it takes
cut or break. In an emergency,         security requirements.                   To check out Mesh-Secure’s      over air-drying. First, it’s fast. You   up more space in your home.
locks and handles can be easily           Mesh-Secure’s product range        products, visit the showroom at    can dry a full load within an hour,         > Go for the quiet types – it’s
opened from inside.                    includes awning windows, case-        7, Jalan Teknologi 3/3A, Surian    even thick towels. Second, tum-          lovely to push your clothes into the
   Mesh-Secure security screens        ment windows, hinged doors,           Industrial Park, Kota Damansara    bling means everything comes out         machine at night and go to bed, so
are custom-made and come in a          sliding doors and windows,            (from 9am to 6pm, Monday to        soft so you cut down on ironing.         make sure you can switch off all
variety of colours. The frames are     stacker doors, fixed panels, pool     Saturday). Call for appointments   Third, you can dry your clothes at       the warning bells and whistles.
powder-coated to fulfil a product      fencing and balustrades.              on public holidays. Dealer         night and when it’s raining.                Also, make sure you hear the
lifetime of over 10 years. The            The company has spent consid-      enquiries are welcome.                If you’re interested in buying a      machine run in the shop. If it
frames are made from heavy-duty        erable resources on engineering its                                      tumble dryer, here are some things       makes a noise and you live in a
aluminium and Mesh-Secure’s            products to pass numerous tests.      ■ Contact 1300 88 MESH (6374)      to consider.                             small flat or house, that noise
product development team can              Mesh-Secure comes in three         or 03-6156 1615 or log on to          > Look for a moisture sensor –        might really annoy you, especially
custom design its products to          different specifications depending    www.meshsecure.com.my for          machines tend to have timer cycles       when you are watching TV or
meet architectural design and          on your budget and requirement.       details.                           where you guesstimate how long a         sleeping.
Home sweet home - HOME & LIVING - The Star Home sweet home - HOME & LIVING - The Star Home sweet home - HOME & LIVING - The Star
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