Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...

Page created by Kent Stevenson
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...
Home Learning Pack
        Year 5;
 Week Beginning 28.06.21
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...
Home Learning Links

Oak National Academy
Oak National Academy is an online classroom and resource hub. It provides high-quality video lessons and
resources to support teachers, parents and pupils.

BBC Bitesize
With BBC Bitesize it is easy to keep learning at home. You can access regular daily lessons in English, maths
and other core subjects.

World Book Online
World Book online have just made their fabulous collection of over 3,000 e-books and audiobooks
available for free for children to access at home. They have books suitable for all ages. Click on the
following link to access them.

Read Works.org
Read Works offers access to 3000+ comprehension for all age groups. Just sign up for a free account to
access fantastic texts.

An online platform with tutorials and videos for home learning.

Education Quizzes
A series of short quizzes for children to complete related to the National Curriculum subjects. Just select
KS1 for Reception, Year 1 & Year 2 and select KS2 for Years 3-6.

Top Marks
A range of activities here but especially good interactive activities for maths.

Classroom Secrets
Classroom Secrets Kids is offering free access to everyone until the end of April 2020. The platform is
aimed at primary aged children and covers subjects such as maths, reading, grammar and spelling. The
platform is really child-friendly so that they're able to access it on their own. There are a load of games and
interactive activities from phonics to SATs

National Geographic
National Geographic is a great platform for learning and it’s totally free. There are online games, resources
and competitions, too.

Reading Eggspress
Reading Eggspress has lots of reading activities including comprehension and retrieval questions to have a
go at. Your child’s Username and Password should be written in his Homework Book.
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...

We have been learning about division this week, mostly looking in-depth at partitioning and we will
transition into using the short method for division. Here are some great maths games to play on Laptops or

Times Tables Rockstars
This is a great times tables game, practice all of the tables up to 12 x 12. Log- in should be in Homework
book/ Reading diary.
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...
Key Question Week 10: What makes a poem powerful?
Key Text for Linked Learning: Talking Turkeys – Benjamin Zephaniah
Linked Learning: English, Geography, Computing
In English, children will explore the different types of poems and their structures. They will explore
haikus, limericks, free verse, nonsense poems, narrative poems and sonnets. They will investigate
the rules for each poem and what makes them effective. They will then begin to plan their own
poem centred around nature. Children will begin by choosing their structure then will investigate
key words and vocabulary they can use. They will then incorporate their words into a poetic style;
checking to make sure it makes sense and follows the rules. Children will write their poems and
then will perform them for the class or small groups. In SPaG, children will have fun exploring
figurative language: alliteration, onomatopoeia, similes and metaphors; using them in short
sentences and creating funny poems containing each example. In Geography, children will explore
deforestation and will begin to research the positive and negative impact of deforestation on the
local community, national community and world community. Children will link their ideas of
deforestation with the themes of nature from the poetry we have looked at. Children will use their
knowledge of rainforests to support their construction of a poem about rainforests. Children will
perform Talking Turkey’s by Benjamin Zephaniah on iMovie, creating transitions between each
speaker and will include text and audio to accompany the piece.
Maths: Children will represent fractions and decimals as percentages using diagrams and will begin
to identify equivalences between fractions, decimals and percentages. Children will also represent
fractions as percentages using their multiplication and division knowledge to identify 1%, 10%, 5%
and 20%. Children will look back at line graphs and will create a line graph which plots the rate of
change when squaring and cubing numbers.
Science: I can identify the gestation period of some animals and compare them with humans,
children will identify the stages of human development from foetus to adulthood.
History: N/A
Geography: See above.
Computing: See above.
Music: Children will think about and discuss the features of classical music that they can hear and/or
detect in a piece of music by Holst, Tchaikovsky or Mozart that they heard last week (e.g. the
development of instruments such as the piano or clarinet).
Art: Children will use their previously developed pencil line/sketching techniques (including their
understanding of how to use lines to draw objects in proportion relevant to each other) to create a
still-life sketch. They will create their own composition, taking into account the content of all areas
of the scene they are going to draw, including the foreground, middle ground and background. They
will then use shading techniques to add a 3-dimensional effect to their drawing.
Design Technology: N/A
PDW / R.E: Children will understand how secrets can be harmful and what to do if they are keeping
a big secret. Children will look at a range of scenarios which involve secrets and will discuss how
they would react in each scenario.
P.E: Children will use the correct underarm bowling action when playing rounders. Children will also
show the correct stance for striking a ball in rounders, learning the basic rules of the game and
implementing them.
Gestation Foetus Genetic             Sonnet Limerick Haiku Verse Stanza Syllables
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...
Home Learning Pack Year 5; Week Beginning 28.06.21 - Hill West Primary ...

Click Link: https://flipgrid.com/31957e4f


Visit flipgrid.com and use the code ‘hillwest’. The video is
           under ‘Poetry’ in the flipgrid sections.
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