Page created by Cindy Silva
As the sun sets behind the hills, you settle into
your seat and begin to relax. You share a lovely picnic
dinner with friends, all the while anticipating an
evening of outstanding music under the stars.
This is the Hollywood Bowl, the place to be for
moments of unforgettable enjoyment, all summer long.

For the 2015 season, every box will be brand new, totally
rebuilt with stainless steel and Alaskan Yellow Cedar, and
furnished with new tables and chairs.

HOLLYWOOD BOWL                                               WHERE SUMMER PLAYS

                         1                     2
                                                       AVAILABLE SOON

                                                                   3                     TABLE OF CONTENTS
                         SERIES                5-OR-MORE           SINGLE
                         SUBSCRIPTION          PACKAGE             TICKETS               CLASSICAL Tuesdays & Thursdays                        6–9
                                               Choose 5 or more    Buy as many
                         Pick a series from    concerts you wish   individual concerts
                         this brochure         to attend.          as you wish.          WEEKEND SPECTACULARS Fridays & Saturdays             10–11
                                                BEGINNING           BEGINNING
                         AVAILABLE NOW          MARCH 17              MAY 3              JAZZ Wednesdays                                     14–15
Lowest price per
seat                                                                                     SUNDAY SUNSET CONCERTS Sundays                         16

Best seats available                                                                     KCRW’S WORLD FESTIVAL Sundays                          17
Free, flexible ticket
exchange via phone,                                                                      SPECIAL CONCERTS Opening Night,
online or in person                                                                      July 4th Fireworks Spectacular and more!            12–13
Priority access
to special concerts                                                                      PICNICS AND DINING                                     18
The same great
seats throughout                                                                         PARKING AND TRANSPORTATION                             19
your series
20% discount on                                                                          SPECIAL CONCERTS PRICES                             20–21
bench seats
                                                                                         SUBSCRIPTION PRICES AND ORDER FORM                 22–23
10% discount at
The Bowl Store
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than single tickets
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favorite concerts

No concert minimum

             GET A FREE THERMOS!
             Order your subscription by March 6 and you’ll receive a
             complimentary Hollywood Bowl thermos. Each 25-oz.
             insulated stainless steel thermos has a vacuum seal to keep
             beverages cold or warm for hours.

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  The Los Angeles Philharmonic
  performs with Music Director
  Gustavo Dudamel, guest conductors
  and virtuosic soloists.
                                                                                                                         GUSTAVO DUDAMEL           2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY                     JOSHUA BELL                             YUJA WANG

  TU1 5 TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 8PM                                                                                                                     TU2 5 TUESDAY EVENINGS AT 8PM

 JUL 7         YUJA WANG PLAYS PROKOFIEV                                                                                                           JUL 14         ALL-RACHMANINOFF
               Lionel Bringuier, conductor                                                            The astonishing Yuja Wang plays                             Bramwell Tovey, conductor                   The soaring and surging romance of
               Yuja Wang, piano                                                                       Prokofiev’s Second Piano Concerto,                          Garrick Ohlsson, piano                      Rachmaninoff’s melody-rich music
               BORODIN Polovtsian Dances                                                              launching the Bowl’s classical season                       RACHMANINOFF                                makes for ideal listening under the stars.
               PROKOFIEV Piano Concerto No. 2                                                         with explosive brilliance. The colorful                      Piano Concerto No. 3                       This glittering program showcases some
FIREWORKS                                                                                             French & Russian program concludes                                                                      of the composer’s most beloved works.
               DEBUSSY La mer                                                                                                                                      Vocalise
               RAVEL Boléro                                                                           with Ravel’s captivating Boléro.                             Symphonic Dances

 JUL 21        CARMINA BURANA                                            WITH         DUDAMEL                                                      JUL 28         A MIDSUMMER NIGHT                 WITH   DUDAMEL
               Gustavo Dudamel, conductor                                                             With the crashing of cymbals, the power
                                                                                                                                                                  Gustavo Dudamel, conductor                  Gustavo Dudamel transforms the
               Joélle Harvey, Lawrence Brownlee,                                                      of over a hundred voices and the sonority
                                                                                                                                                                  Gil Shaham, violin                          Bowl into an enchanted forest via an
               Brian Mulligan, vocalists                                                              of orchestral brass and strings, Gustavo
                                                                                                                                                                  MENDELSSOHN                                 all-Mendelssohn program, with superstar
               Los Angeles Master Chorale                                                             Dudamel leads his first-ever Carmina
                                                                                                                                                                   Violin Concerto                            violinist Gil Shaham in the iconic
                Grant Gershon, artistic director                                                      Burana in Los Angeles! The famous
                                                                                                                                                                   A Midsummer Night’s Dream                  concerto and Mendelssohn’s magical
               Los Angeles Children’s Chorus                                                          piece, based on medieval poems about
                                                                                                                                                                      (complete incidental music)             music for Shakespeare’s beloved play.
                Anne Tomlinson, artistic director                                                     love, morals, mockery and drinking, is a
               WHITACRE Her Spirit Soars; Equus                                                       summer highlight you won’t want to miss.
               ORFF Carmina Burana
                                                                                                                                                   AUG 11         JOSHUA BELL
                                                                                                                                                                  Joshua Bell, conductor/violin               Joshua Bell, one of America’s greatest
 AUG 4         HAIL, THE MIGHTY HORN!                                                                                                                                                                         violinists, plays the beautiful Bruch
                                                                                                                                                                  MENDELSSOHN Hebrides Overture
               James Gaffigan, conductor                                                              From the Merry Prankster in Strauss’                        BRUCH Violin Concerto No. 1                 concerto and makes his LA Phil
               Andrew Bain, Stefan Dohr,                                                              famous tone poem to a quartet of soloists                   BEETHOVEN Symphony No. 7                    conducting debut with works beloved the
               Timothy Jones, Sarah Willis, horns                                                     for Schumann, the horn can do it all. This                                                              world over since they were first heard.
               SCHUMANN Konzertstück                                                                  evening features principal players from
               STRAUSS Rosenkavalier Suite                                                            the LA Phil, the Berlin Philharmonic, and
               STRAUSS Till Eulenspiegel                                                              the London Symphony Orchestra as part
                                                                                                      of the International Horn Symposium’s        AUG 25         THE FRENCH CONNECTION                     FEATURING
                                                                                                      2015 celebration.                                           CAMERON CARPENTER             AND HIS   INTERNATIONAL TOURING ORGAN
                                                                                                                                                                  Nicholas McGegan, conductor                 Cameron Carpenter has shattered the
                                                                                                                                                                  Cameron Carpenter, organ                    traditional image of an organist with his
AUG 18         A LIVE PRESENTATION OF 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY                                                                                                                                                   jaw-dropping technique and flamboyant
                                                                                                                                                                  MOZART Symphony No. 31, “Paris”
               Brad Lubman, conductor                                                                                                                             POULENC Organ Concerto                      style. He has also worked tirelessly to
               Recognized as one of the greatest works of science fiction cinema, Stanley Kubrick’s                                                               Works for solo organ                        design the perfect organ, a digital
               2001 is acclaimed for its technological realism, creative audacity and inspired use of                                                             IBERT Hommage à Mozart                      instrument he can take anywhere.
               music. Behold the film’s visual grandeur on the Bowl’s big screen while the soundtrack                                                             HAYDN Symphony No. 85, “La reine”           Come experience it in this splendid
               is performed live, including Strauss’ Also sprach Zarathustra, music by György Ligeti,                                                                                                         French-themed program conducted
               and the “Blue Danube” Waltz.                                                                                                                                                                   by the lively Nicholas McGegan.
               Presented in association with Warner Bros., Southbank Centre London and the British Film Institute

                                                                                                                                                   SEP 8          RACHMANINOFF & DVOŘÁK
                                                                                                                                                                  Lahav Shani, conductor                      Stunning Georgian pianist Khatia
               & AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE                                                                                                                          Khatia Buniatishvili, piano                 Buniatishvili plays Rachmaninoff’s
               Bramwell Tovey, conductor                                                              The incomparable Audra McDonald                             GLINKA Ruslan and Ludmila Overture          passionate Rhapsody. Dvořák’s
               Audra McDonald, soprano                                                                sings classics from Broadway and the                        RACHMANINOFF Rhapsody on a Theme            celebrated “New World” Symphony
               American Ballet Theatre                                                                American Songbook. Gifted dancers                            of Paganini                                concludes the program, which marks
                                                                                                      from American Ballet Theatre bring to                       DVOŘÁK Symphony No. 9, “From the           24-year-old Israeli conductor Lahav
               BERNSTEIN West Side Story Overture
                                                                                                      life Bernstein’s Fancy Free, using Jerome                    New World”                                 Shani’s U.S. debut.
               Selected songs
               BERNSTEIN Fancy Free                                                                   Robbins’ zestful 1944 choreography.

  6   HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                  HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                7
 The Los Angeles Philharmonic
 performs with Music Director
 Gustavo Dudamel, guest conductors
 and virtuosic soloists.
                                                                          GUSTAVO DUDAMEL             AUDRA McDONALD                           YUNDI                     JEAN-YVES THIBAUDET

 TH1 5 THURSDAY EVENINGS AT 8PM                                                                      TH2 5 THURSDAY EVENINGS AT 8PM

JUL 9         ROMEO AND JULIET                                                                      JUL 16       ALL-BEETHOVEN
              Lionel Bringuier, conductor              This rich Russian program of romance                      Bramwell Tovey, conductor              The effusive Bramwell Tovey leads
              Narek Hakhnazaryan, cello                and tragedy, featuring the Romeo and                      Martin Chalifour, violin               this evening of Beethoven favorites,
              TCHAIKOVSKY Romeo and Juliet             Juliet music of two of Russia’s best-                     BEETHOVEN                              including the Violin Concerto with the
                Overture-Fantasy                       known composers, is led by Lionel                          Egmont Overture                       LA Phil’s gifted Principal Concertmaster
              TCHAIKOVSKY Rococo Variations            Bringuier, the fast-rising conductor                       Violin Concerto                       taking the spotlight.
              PROKOFIEV Romeo and Juliet Suite         who made an outstanding impression                         Symphony No. 6, “Pastoral”
                                                       during his time with the LA Phil.

                                                                                                    JUL 30       MOZART       WITH   DUDAMEL
JUL 23        CARMINA BURANA              WITH      DUDAMEL
                                                                                                                 Gustavo Dudamel, conductor             Showcasing the many sides of Mozart,
              Gustavo Dudamel, conductor               With the crashing of cymbals, the                         Alice Sara Ott, piano                  Music Director Gustavo Dudamel brings
              Joélle Harvey, Lawrence Brownlee,        power of over a hundred voices and the                                                           a special evening of masterworks from
              Brian Mulligan, vocalists                sonority of orchestral brass and strings,                 MOZART
                                                                                                                  Eine kleine Nachtmusik, K. 525        Salzburg’s favorite son, from beloved
              Los Angeles Master Chorale               Gustavo Dudamel leads his first-ever                                                             opera arias to beautiful orchestra
               Grant Gershon, artistic director        Carmina Burana in Los Angeles! The                         Piano Concerto No. 21, K. 467
                                                                                                                  Overture to The Marriage of Figaro    selections.
              Los Angeles Children’s Chorus            famous piece, based on medieval
               Anne Tomlinson, artistic director       poems about love, morals, mockery                          Selected arias
                                                       and drinking, is a summer highlight                        German Dance, K. 605, No. 3
              WHITACRE Her Spirit Soars; Equus                                                                       “Sleighride”
              ORFF Carmina Burana                      you won’t want to miss.

                                                                                                    AUG 13       TAN DUN’S MARTIAL ARTS TRILOGY (WITH FILM)
                                                                                                                 Tan Dun, conductor                     Tan Dun’s music for Ang Lee’s Crouching
              James Gaffigan, conductor                Chinese pianist Yundi makes his long-                     Ray Chen, violin                       Tiger, Hidden Dragon, which garnered
              Yundi, piano                             awaited Hollywood Bowl debut performing                   Johannes Moser, cello                  both Oscars® and Grammys®, was only
              BEETHOVEN Piano Concerto No. 5           Beethoven’s beloved “Emperor” Concerto.                   Zhang Zuo, piano                       the first in a triptych of scores for
               “Emperor”                               James Gaffigan conducts the LA Phil in                                                           renowned martial arts movies. Enjoy an
                                                       Shostakovich’s dramatic Fifth Symphony,                   TAN DUN
              SHOSTAKOVICH Symphony No. 5                                                                         Hero Concerto                         evening of Tan Dun’s masterful movie
                                                       sure to reveal all the colors of the                                                             music, accompanied by selected scenes
                                                       orchestra’s impressive brass section.                      Crouching Tiger Concerto
                                                                                                                  Banquet Concerto                      from the soaring and spiritual films.

                                                       After her phenomenal debut last summer
                                                                                                    AUG 27       FROM BACH TO BLUEGRASS
              Mirga Gražinyte-Tyla, conductor
              Alexandra Soumm, violin                  – cited by The New Yorker’s Alex Ross                     Nicholas McGegan, conductor            Led by the ebullient Nicholas McGegan,
              BERNSTEIN Serenade (after Plato’s        among his Ten Notable Performances of                     Edgar Meyer, double bass               this eclectic evening of charming
                Symposium)                             2014 – LA Phil Assistant Conductor Mirga                  BACH Orchestral Suite No. 1            works is enhanced by the virtuosity of
              BIZET (arr. Shchedrin) Carmen Suite      Gražinyte-Tyla returns to lead Bernstein’s                BOTTESINI Bass Concerto No. 2          Grammy®-winning double bass player
                                                       crackling masterwork for strings and                      Bluegrass selections to be announced   Edgar Meyer, who has the chops to play
                                                       percussion and an exotic instrumental                     COPLAND Appalachian Spring Suite       everything from dazzling Bottesini to
                                                       reworking of Bizet’s dramatic score.                        (for 13 instruments)                 toe-tapping bluegrass.

SEP 3         AMERICAN CLASSICS WITH AUDRA McDONALD                                                 SEP 10       GERSHWIN & BERLIOZ
              & AMERICAN BALLET THEATRE                                                                          Pablo Heras-Casado, conductor          A classical virtuoso who also plays
              Bramwell Tovey, conductor                The incomparable Audra McDonald                           Jean-Yves Thibaudet, piano             jazz, Jean-Yves Thibaudet brings his
              Audra McDonald, soprano                  sings classics from Broadway and the                      GERSHWIN Concerto in F                 vaunted style and flare to Gershwin’s
              American Ballet Theatre                  American Songbook. Gifted dancers                         BERLIOZ Symphonie fantastique          jazzy Concerto in F. The Hollywood
              BERNSTEIN West Side Story Overture       from American Ballet Theatre bring to                                                            Bowl’s memorable classical season
              Selected songs                           life Bernstein’s Fancy Free, using Jerome                                                        comes to an end with Berlioz’ love-
              BERNSTEIN Fancy Free                     Robbins’ zestful 1944 choreography.                                                              steeped dream symphony.

 8   HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                            HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM              9
  Stellar names from Hollywood, Broadway,
  pop music, and beyond present unique
  evenings you’ll find only at the Bowl!

                                                                                     SHERYL CROW                HARRY CONNICK, JR.                                                                     HEART

  FR1/SA1              5 FRIDAY OR 5 SATURDAY EVENINGS AT 8PM                                                   FR2/SA2              5 FRIDAY OR 5 SATURDAY EVENINGS AT 8PM

JUL 10-11      HARRY CONNICK, JR.                                                                            JUL 17-18        DAVID GRAY • AMOS LEE
               The beloved multi-talented mega-star performs romantic ballads, pop classics and                               Los Angeles Philharmonic
               New Orleans jazz, all with charm and swinging style. Along with his big band, Harry                            British singer-songwriter David Gray and Philadelphia-born Amos Lee share a
               Connick, Jr. delivers a memorable evening of melody, humor and rousing entertainment.                          magical bill, each performing his own distinctive sets, with and without the
                                                                                                                              orchestra. Gray celebrates over 20 years of hit-making music (“Babylon,” “This
                                                                                                                              Year’s Love”) and millions of records sold, showcasing his polished vocals and
JUL 24-25      TCHAIKOVSKY SPECTACULAR                           WITH   FIREWORKS                                             earnest acoustic-based pop. Lee’s warm, earthy and laid-back style is highlighted
                                                                                                                              in hits such as “Windows Are Rolled Down” and “Arms of A Woman” and has earned
               Los Angeles Philharmonic • Gustavo Dudamel, conductor                                                          him the attention of not only the press and music fans, but also his fellow artists.
               USC Trojan Marching Band, Dr. Arthur C. Bartner, director
               TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No. 5 • TCHAIKOVSKY Nutcracker Selections
               TCHAIKOVSKY 1812 Overture
FIREWORKS                                                                                                   JUL 31-AUG 1      MONTY PYTHON’S SPAMALOT
               Music Director Gustavo Dudamel joins the beloved annual tradition to celebrate a
               favorite composer – there are sure to be fireworks on-stage and above the Bowl                                 Book and Lyrics by Eric Idle • Music by John Du Prez & Eric Idle
               for this spectacular weekend tradition!                                                                        All-star cast to be announced
                                                                                                                              This hilarious adaptation of the 1975 classic film Monty Python and the Holy Grail
                                                                                                                              will have you rolling in the aisles with laughter amidst a bevy of beautiful showgirls,
AUG 7-8        SHERYL CROW                                                                                                    not to mention cows and killer rabbits…and French people…and monks. Oh…and
                                                                                                                              Knights Who Say “Ni.” Thirty-five years after the Pythons first conquered the Bowl,
               ALEX CUBA                                                                                                      this sublimely silly and delightful show – 2005 Tony Award®-winner for Best Musical –
               Hollywood Bowl Orchestra • Thomas Wilkins, conductor                                                           will remind you to “always look on the bright side of life.”
               Nine-time Grammy®–winning singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow performs with the
               Hollywood Bowl Orchestra for an evening of good-time hits and powerful ballads,
               from “All I Wanna Do” and “Soak up the Sun” to “Callin’ Me When I’m Lonely.” Latin-          AUG 21-22         HEART
               Grammy®–winning Cuban-Canadian singer-songwriter Alex Cuba opens the evening.
                                                                                                                              Hollywood Bowl Orchestra • Thomas Wilkins, conductor
                                                                                                                              Rock & Roll Hall of Fame legends Ann and Nancy Wilson electrify the Bowl in these
                                                                                                                              special concerts with orchestra. With sizzling riffs – “Crazy On You” and “Barracuda” –
                                                                                                                              and massive anthems – “What About Love?” and “These Dreams” – Heart delivers
               BUGS BUNNY AT THE SYMPHONY –                                                                                   the galloping guitars and inspired vocals of authentic rock and roll.
               25TH ANNIVERSARY!
               Los Angeles Philharmonic • George Daugherty, conductor
                                                                                                            AUG 28-29         DIANA KRALL
               For 25 hilarity-filled years, Bugs Bunny and his Looney Tunes pals have teamed up with
                                                                                                                              Los Angeles Philharmonic
               live orchestras playing those phenomenal Carl Stalling scores, bringing audiences to their
               knees in convulsions of laughter. The official birthday party takes place this summer at                       GREGORY PORTER
               the Hollywood Bowl, where you’ll see and hear Warner Bros.’ greatest animated shorts,
               plus exciting surprises like…well, we can’t tell you, can we? But expect favorites like                        Enchanting singer and pianist Diana Krall joins the Los Angeles Philharmonic, bringing
               What’s Opera, Doc?, The Rabbit of Seville and Zoom and Bored, as well as the “live                             her style and warmth to a night of jazz standards, delicate ballads and popular classics,
               orchestra” world-premiere of Long-Haired Hare, animated in the Hollywood Bowl itself!                          including material from her latest album, Wallflower. Powerful baritone Porter opens
               TM & © Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.   (s15)
                                                                                                                              with his unique style: jazz infused with old-school soul, blues and R&B.

 SEP 4-5       E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL                                                                    SEP 11-12        FIREWORKS FINALE                 WITH   THE B-52s
               Los Angeles Philharmonic                                                                                       THE PSYCHEDELIC FURS
               Introduced by John Williams
               Bring your entire family to this extraordinary, world-premiere event, as the Los                               Hollywood Bowl Orchestra • Thomas Wilkins, conductor
               Angeles Philharmonic performs John Williams’ entire Academy Award®-winning                                     Dance the night away with the world’s greatest party band, The B-52s, and the
               score from Steven Spielberg’s heartwarming masterpiece about a boy and his alien               FIREWORKS       romantic pop swagger of The Psychedelic Furs. It’s an end-of-the-season bash not
               friend, live-to-picture while this beloved film is shown in HD on the Bowl’s big screen.                       to be missed, packed with your favorite hits: “Rock Lobster,” “Love Shack,” “Pretty
               Don't miss E.T. under the stars, as you've never seen or heard it before!                                      in Pink,” “The Ghost in You” and more – plus the Bowl’s spectacular fireworks!
                ™ & © Universal Studios
  10   HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                                                 HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM           11
SPECIAL CONCERTS                                                                                                 EXCLUSIVE PRE-SALE FOR SUBSCRIBERS
                                                                                                                    Only subscribers get the very best seats to Hollywood’s hottest nights at the Bowl.
                                                                                                                    Add these in-demand concerts to your subscription now during this special window,
                                                                                                                    before they go on sale to the general public. Ticket prices are on pages 20-21.


                                                                                                                                                                        SUN | AUG 23 | 6PM
                                                                                                                                                                        SMOOTH SUMMER JAZZ
SAT-SUN | JUN 13-14 | 3PM
                                                                                                                                                                        DAVE KOZ & FRIENDS
PLAYBOY JAZZ FESTIVAL                                                                                                                                                   with special guests Rick Braun, Kenny Lattimore
                                                                                                                                                                        and more to be announced
HERBIE HANCOCK &                                             FRI | JUN 26 (NOTE EARLY DATE)
WAYNE SHORTER WITH                                           6:30PM PRE-SHOW | 8PM FILM                                                                                 LARRY GRAHAM AND
MONK INSTITUTE ENSEMBLE                                                                                                                                                 GRAHAM CENTRAL STATION
                                                             SING-A-LONG SOUND OF MUSIC                          THU-FRI-SAT | JUL 2-3-4 7:30PM
ALOE BLACC                                                   CELEBRATING THE FILM’S                                                                                     HARVEY MASON CHAMELEON
                                                             50TH ANNIVERSARY                                    JULY 4TH FIREWORKS
                                                                                                                                                                        Additional artist to be announced
EDDIE PALMIERI                                               Melissa Peterman, host                              SPECTACULAR                            FIREWORKS
AFRO-CARIBBEAN JAZZ BAND                                     The beloved film in its 50th anniversary year,      WITH   SMOKEY ROBINSON
                                                             interactive fun-packs, costumes and thousands
SNARKY PUPPY                                                 of fans, all make this one of the most enjoyable    Los Angeles Philharmonic
                                                             nights of the summer.                               Sarah Hicks, conductor
and many more!
                                                                                                                 Patriotic music and the King of Motown, Smokey
GEORGE LOPEZ,                HOST                                                                                Robinson – plus our fabulous fireworks display –
                                                                                                                 make this annual celebration a don’t-miss affair!
                                                                                                                 Tickets for children 12 and under are half-price.

                                                                                                                                                                        SUN | SEP 6 | 7:30PM
                                                                                                                                                                        E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL
                                                                                                                                                                        Los Angeles Philharmonic
                                                                                                                                                                        David Newman, conductor
                                                                                                                                                                        Introduced by John Williams
                                                                                                                                                                        In a world-premiere event, John Williams’ Oscar®-
                                                                                                                                                                        winning score for Steven Spielberg’s heartwarming
                                                                                                                                                                        masterpiece is performed live-to-picture while the
                                                                                                                                                                        beloved film is shown in HD. Don’t miss E.T. on the
                                                                                                                                                                        Bowl’s big screen, with the LA Phil live under the stars!
                                                                                                                                                                        ™ & © Universal Studios

SAT | JUN 20 | 8PM                                           TUE | JUN 30 | 8:30PM

OPENING NIGHT                                                BACK TO THE FUTURE –
                                      FIREWORKS              IN CONCERT                                          SUN | JUL 12 | 7PM
                                                             30TH ANNIVERSARY
Hollywood Bowl Orchestra                                                                                         DEATH CAB FOR CUTIE
Thomas Wilkins, conductor                                    Los Angeles Philharmonic
Artists to be announced                                      David Newman, conductor                             tUnE-yArDs
Our star-studded Opening Night is one of the                 Power up your DeLorean, recharge your flux          Seattle’s iconic, bittersweet songsmiths return in     SAT | SEP 19 | 8PM
most anticipated highlights of the summer                    capacitor, and celebrate the 30th anniversary of    support of Kintsugi, their eighth studio album and
season and culminates in a spectacular fireworks             the original Back to the Future as never before:    first in four years. With a string of sweetly styled   ABBA: THE CONCERT
display.                                                     in HD on the Bowl’s big screen with the LA Phil     and candidly lyrical hits, the Grammy®-nominated
                                                             performing Alan Silvestri’s dazzling score live –                                                          Celebrate along with the best ABBA tribute band
                                                                                                                 musicians rock with their hearts on their sleeves.
Proceeds benefit the LA Phil and its education programs.     including over 15 minutes of brand new music!                                                              in the world, direct from Sweden! Become a
                                                                                                                                                                        “Dancing Queen” for the night and sing along
For packages (reception, dinner, prime seating), call        ™ & © Universal Studios and U-Drive Joint Venture
                                                                                                                                                                        with your favorites including “Mamma Mia,”
213.972.3051.                                                                                                                                                           ”S.O.S.,” “Take a Chance on Me,” and “Voulez-Vous.”

   12    HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                                                        HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM       13

                                                                                                                               The Music Center Archives/ Otto Rothschild Collection
                                                                                                                               Frank Sinatra at the Hollywood Bowl 1943.
 Our Creative Chair for Jazz, the legendary
 Herbie Hancock, guides the great tradition of
 jazz at the Bowl.

                                                                                                           SINATRA’S 100TH
                                                                                 JOHN FOGERTY           BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION                                                           JAMIE CULLUM        WYNTON MARSALIS

 JZ1 4 WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AT 8PM                                                                        JZ2 4 WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AT 8PM

JUL 15        JOHN FOGERTY                                                                             AUG 5          JAMIE CULLUM
              American rock legend and chart-topper John Fogerty’s roots-rock is steeped                              LISA FISCHER
              in blues and gospel traditions. In 1969, Fogerty wrote and produced three multi-
              platinum albums with Creedence Clearwater Revival that captured the spirit of                           Additional artist to be announced
              our nation with the treasured classics “Proud Mary,” “Born on the Bayou,” “Bad                          The fiery British jazz/pop rule-breaker returns to the Bowl with his big band, for
              Moon Rising,” “Fortunate Son” and more. Fogerty celebrates that momentous                               everything from swinging standards to unique modern rock covers and soulful
              year, plus his catalog of all-time hits.                                                                ballads. Playful energy and inspired piano playing will abound! The powerhouse
                                                                                                                      vocalist of Twenty Feet From Stardom, Grammy®-winner Fischer, opens.

              Kurt Elling, José James, Seu Jorge, Seth MacFarlane, John Pizzarelli,                    AUG 19         ORQUESTA BUENA VISTA SOCIAL CLUB: ADIOS TOUR
              Luciana Souza, special guests
              Christian McBride, musical director                                                                     DIEGO EL CIGALA
              The Count Basie Orchestra                                                                               Legends of Cuban music Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club grace the Bowl stage
              One of the most important music figures of the 20th century, “Old Blue Eyes,”                           one last time. With celebrated original stars, the dynamic ensemble lends its
              is honored on his hundredth birthday with a celebration of his classic recordings                       elegance and passion to the best of son montuno, danzón, cha-cha, boleros, and
              that featured The Count Basie Orchestra, Antonio Carlos Jobim, and others. The                          more, plus material from Lost & Found, a new collection of unreleased recordings
              Count Basie Orchestra and outstanding guest stars gather for this musical tribute.                      from the original Buena Vista Social Club sessions. In his Bowl debut, captivating
                                                                                                                      flamenco singer El Cigala enters new territory, merging salsa and charanga
                                                                                                                      rhythms with the drama of Argentine tango.

AUG 12        JACO’S WORLD
              with special guests Alex Acuña, Victor Bailey, John Beasley, Peter Erskine,
              Paul Jackson Jr., Jerry Jemmott, Bob Mintzer, Sam Moore, Wayne Shorter                   SEP 2          PINK MARTINI
              and Robert Trujillo
              Vince Mendoza, musical director                                                                         DOC SEVERINSEN AND HIS BIG BAND
                                                                                                                      The internationally beloved Portland band blends rhythms from samba and swing
              WAYNE SHORTER QUARTET                                                                                   to cool standards with style. Engaging pianist/bandleader Thomas Lauderdale
              Living legend Wayne Shorter and his Quartet open the evening, blazing through                           guides Pink Martini’s eclectic sounds alongside the ravishing vocals of China Forbes.
              hard bop and fusion with the shining tone and angular lines that are Shorter’s                          Revered as the former leader of the Tonight Show orchestra, 87-year-old Severinsen
              trademarks. The late, brilliant bass pioneer Jaco Pastorius changed the instrument                      opens the evening with his big band.
              forever with fluid passages that leaped out of the rhythm section. The visionary
              player/arranger/composer/producer will be celebrated by a range of artists with music
              from the iconic Word of Mouth album and clips from the new Jaco documentary.

                                                                                                       SEP 16         JAZZ AT LINCOLN CENTER ORCHESTRA
                                                                                                                      WITH WYNTON MARSALIS
AUG 26        TROMBONE SHORTY & ORLEANS AVENUE                                                                        CHICK COREA AND BÉLA FLECK
              MICHAEL FRANTI AND SPEARHEAD                                                                            CÉCILE McLORIN SALVANT
              Additional artist to be announced                                                                       Trumpet virtuoso Wynton Marsalis leads the “finest big band in the world today”
              New Orleans native Trombone Shorty fronts one of the hottest funk/jazz/rock/hip-hop                     in a swinging return to the Bowl. Musical worlds collide as master musicians Corea
              bands and never fails to bring the party atmosphere. Socially conscious artist Michael                  and Fleck weave an intricate exchange between keys and banjo. A young jazz star
              Franti and his band Spearhead play unforgettable, high energy shows merging                             with an old soul, McLorin Salvant opens with sophisticated vocals showing power,
              thought-provoking lyrics with old-school R&B, soul and hip-hop beats.                                   grace and heart.

 14   HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                                                               HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM   15
SUNDAY                                                                                                  KCRW‘S
  SUNSET                                                                                                  WORLD
                                                              B-52'S                                                                                                ZIGGY MARLEY

  CONCERTS                                                                                                FESTIVAL
  Our eclectic performing arts series
  brings you the best in opera, the annual                                                                Contemporary stars and
  Broadway musical, a spectacular                                              •                          traditional artists from around
  fireworks finale, and more!                                                                             the globe
                                                                                                                                                                    GRACE JONES

  SU3 4 SUNDAY EVENINGS AT 7:30PM                                                                         SU1 3 SUNDAY EVENINGS AT 7PM

JUL 19         CIRQUE MUSICA                                                                             JUN 21       UNDERWORLD
               Hollywood Bowl Orchestra • Thomas Wilkins, conductor                                                   Additional artists to be announced
               Cirque Musica takes audiences on a journey of spellbinding grace and daredevil                         Electronica icons Underworld return to the Bowl in celebration of the 20th anniversary
               athleticism, featuring glorious orchestral music performed live in artistic                            of their legendary album dubnobasswithmyheadman, performing epic tracks from that
               partnership with the greatest circus performers from around the world. Don’t                           dance music game-changer along with other landmark house and techno hits.
               miss this edge-of-your-seat experience where you will be awed by beauty, thrills,
               and majesty.
                                                                                                                      REGGAE NIGHT
                                                                                                         AUG 16       BOB MARLEY’S ROOTS ROCK REGGAE -
                                                                                                                      A 70TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION
 AUG 2         MONTY PYTHON’S SPAMALOT                                                                                ZIGGY MARLEY & STEPHEN MARLEY
               Book and Lyrics by Eric Idle • Music by John Du Prez & Eric Idle                                       INNER CIRCLE • THE SKATALITES
               All-star cast to be announced
                                                                                                                      For this year’s reggae party, Ziggy and Stephen Marley lead the celebration of their
               This hilarious adaptation of the 1975 classic film Monty Python and the Holy Grail                     legendary father’s 70th birthday and the best of the roots rock tradition.
               will have you rolling in the aisles with laughter amidst a bevy of beautiful showgirls,
               not to mention cows and killer rabbits…and French people…and monks. Oh…and
               Knights Who Say “Ni.” Thirty-five years after the Pythons first conquered the Bowl,       SEP 20       EMPIRE OF THE SUN
               this sublimely silly and delightful show – 2005 Tony Award®-winner for Best Musical –
               will remind you to “always look on the bright side of life.”                                           Additional artist to be announced
                                                                                                                      Australian alt-electro pioneers make their Bowl debut with a phenomenal live show like
                                                                                                                      nothing else on earth.

 AUG 9         VERDI’S LA TRAVIATA                                                                        SU2 3 SUNDAY EVENINGS AT 7PM
               Los Angeles Philharmonic • Daniel Harding, conductor
               Los Angeles Master Chorale, Grant Gershon, artistic director
               Deeply moved by the tragic love story of The Lady of the Camellias, Verdi created         JUN 28       BASEMENT JAXX
               the ne plus ultra of romantic, dramatic operas, full of melodies that pull at our
               heartstrings and won’t let go. Imagine being under the stars, utterly captivated                       BOOTSY COLLINS AND THE RUBBER BAND
               by the heartbreaking story of Violetta and Alfredo, sung by a world-class cast.
                                                                                                                      Grammy®-winning dance music icons Basement Jaxx return to the Bowl on the heels
                                                                                                                      of their new album Junto (“together”). Celebrating a 20-year career of mind-bending
                                                                                                                      pop-house, R&B, ragga, deep funk & ambient techno, Simon Ratcliffe and Felix Buxton
                                                                                                                      reign as the masters of the club mix. Notoriously funky Bootsy Collins is one of the
                                                                                                                      all-time greats, laying down the low end for P-Funk, James Brown, his own Rubber
SEP 13         FIREWORKS FINALE                 WITH   THE B-52s                                                      Band and cosmic solo projects.

               Hollywood Bowl Orchestra • Thomas Wilkins, conductor                                      AUG 30       ARTIST TO BE ANNOUNCED
               Dance the night away with the world’s greatest party band, The B-52s, and the
FIREWORKS      romantic pop swagger of The Psychedelic Furs. It’s an end-of-the-season bash not
               to be missed, packed with your favorite hits: “Rock Lobster,” “Love Shack,” “Pretty       SEP 27       GRACE JONES
               in Pink,” “The Ghost in You” and more – plus the Bowl’s spectacular fireworks!
                                                                                                                      FUTURE ISLANDS
                                                                                                                      Legendary rebel and pop siren Grace Jones returns to the Bowl with an unforgettable
                                                                                                                      stage show: a hypnotizing blend of new wave, world beats and disco that can only be
                                                                                                                      matched by her awesome performance power. Baltimore’s Future Islands craft dynamic
                                                                                                                      synth pop — their song “Seasons” was named Song of the Year by Pitchfork, NME,
                                                                                                                      MOJO and others — and deliver an extraordinarily ardent live show.
  16   HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                                    HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM            17
PICNICS & DINING                                                                                      PARKING & TRANSPORTATION
                                                                                                      PARKING AT THE BOWL
                                                                                                      Order now with your subscription!
                                                                                                      Drive yourself and park in an on-site stacked parking lot. Parking is limited and the
                                                                                                      lots fill up fast, so arrive early. Parking starts at $19/car, per concert.

                                                                                                      OTHER TRANSPORTATION OPTIONS
                                                                                                      Leave the driving to us!
                                                                                                      Available for purchase online or at 323.850.2000, beginning February 1.

                                                                                                           PARK & RIDE: NEAR YOU
BRING YOUR OWN PICNIC                                                                                        Leave your car at one of our Park & Ride locations and let us do the driving.
                                                                                                             Parking is free and the bus ride costs $7/person round trip when pre-
Share a picnic with family and friends before the show. One of the great things about the Bowl is
                                                                                                             purchased (fees may apply), $12/person when purchased at the lot.
that you can bring your own food and drinks. Eat at your seats or enjoy one of our 14 picnic areas.
HollywoodBowl.com/Picnic                                                                                      Park & Ride Lots are available in these locations:
                                                                                                              Arcadia               East L.A.            Rowland Heights † Torrance
                                                                                                            † Chatsworth            El Monte             Santa Monica      Westchester
                                                                                                              Culver City         † Lakewood             Sherman Oaks    † Westwood
                                                                                                              Downey              † Pasadena

                                                                                                              † available for Playboy Jazz Festival

                                                                                                           BOWL SHUTTLE: NEAR THE BOWL
                                                                                                            Park free at most close-to-the-Bowl Shuttle
                                                                                                            lots* and take a shuttle to the main gate.
                                                                                                            $6/person round trip.
                                                                                                              Lots A & B Ventura Blvd., near Lankershim
                                                                                                                     Lot C L.A. Zoo parking lot
                                                                                                                   * Lot D Hollywood & Highland Center
                                                                                                            		 (parking fee required)

                                                                                                             Ride the Red Line and take the Shuttle for free! Red Line riders who exit at
                                                                                                             Hollywood/Highland (Shuttle Lot D) or Universal City (Shuttle Lots A and B)
                                                                                                             may show their TAP card for a free shuttle ride to and from the Bowl (concert
                                                                                                             date only).

                                                                                                      It’s easy to get to your concerts at the Bowl – and now it’s more
                                                                                                      convenient than ever to get all the information you need.
BUY AT THE BOWL OR PRE-ORDER                                                                          Using either the Bowl website or app, you will have access
                                                                                                      to maps and complete information detailing your transportation               Hollywood Bowl
Patina Restaurant Group has a range of gourmet offerings available on site.
                                                                                                      and parking options. HollywoodBowl.com/GettingThere                            mobile app
THE WINE BAR: Full-service restaurant and           MARKET CAFÉ: Gourmet marketplace for
    bar featuring a selection of wine, craft           picnic fare, wine and desserts
    beer, and soju cocktails paired with a          MARKET WEST: Asian-inspired specialties
    tapas-style menu                                   featuring made-to-order sushi, plus picnic     PATRONS WITH DISABILITIES
ROOFTOP GRILL: Full-service restaurant                 amenities
   featuring mesquite-grilled steaks, fresh         SWEET SHOPPE: Ice cream sandwiches,               All Bowl parking, including accessible parking, is limited and often sells out in advance. Other
   seafood and farmers market offerings                cookies and more                               accessible options include Park & Ride buses and transportation from Shuttle lots (see above).
STACCATO: Quick service gourmet                                                                       For more information, call 323.850.2000 or TTY 323.850.2040.
                                                    BOX SERVICE: Pre-ordered, full-service
   concessions                                          dining in your box seats
                                                   PatinaGroup.com/HollywoodBowl • 323.850.1885
18   HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                                     HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM             19
Buy one or more series and become eligible to purchase tickets for
 SPECIAL CONCERTS PRICES                                                                               PER SEAT                             these shows in advance of the general public, and at subscriber rates.

                       Playboy Jazz Festival                   Opening Night             Sing-A-Long                 Back to the                     July 4th Fireworks Spectacular                         Death Cab        Smooth          E.T. the Extra-        ABBA:
                     Sat JUN 13 & Sun JUN 14                    at the Bowl             Sound of Music                 Future                                            with                               for Cutie        Summer            Terrestrial        The Concert
 (Subscriber                                                                                                                                                 Smokey Robinson                                                  Jazz
                                                                     Sat                      Fri                       Tue                                                                                   Sun                                 Sun                 Sat
                    Two-day           Available Feb 21            JUN 20                    JUN 26                     JUN 30                Thu-Fri       Children              Sat      Children           JUL 12           Sun                SEP 6               SEP 19
 applied)            price            One-day price                                                                                         JUL 2-3      12 and under           JUL 4   12 and under                         AUG 23

Pool Circle †         n/a                   n/a                      H                       n/a                         $174               $256          $128                  $258      $129                $89            $292               $354                  $97
Garden Boxes*         n/a                   n/a                      H                         81                         136                 140            70                  142         71                 89            114                  138                  81
Terrace Boxes        332                    166                     121                        76                          119                 121           60.    50
                                                                                                                                                                                 142         71                 79            101                  121                  76
Side Boxes*          332                    166                     121                        76                          119                 121           60.    50
                                                                                                                                                                                 142         71                 79            101                  121                  76
SuperSeats*           140                    70                      64                       56                           64                   64           32                  68         34                  55             57                   64                  56
Ramps*                140                    70                      64                       56                           64                   64           32                  68         34                  55             57                   64                  56
Sec D, E*             104                    52                      46                       43                           45                   46           28.    50
                                                                                                                                                                                 50          31                 55            39                    46                  38
Sec G2, J2*           104                    52                      46                       43                           45                   46           28.    50
                                                                                                                                                                                 50          31                 43            39                    46                  38
Sec F, K*             104                    52                      35                        37                          33                   35           22                  38         23.   50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                43            32                    34                  31
Sec M, N               82                    41                      29                       32                           28                   29            18                 32         20                  38            26                    29                  26
Sec L, P               76                    38                      23                       25                           22                   23            14.   50
                                                                                                                                                                                 26          16.  50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                30             21                   22                  22
Sec R, S, T            68                    34                      20                       22                            19                 20             12.   50
                                                                                                                                                                                 22          14                 30             18                   20                  18
Sec Q, U               64                    32                      18                        19                           18                  18            11.   50
                                                                                                                                                                                 20          12.  50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                25             14                   18                  18
Sec W                  42                    21                       17                       14                           17                  17             8.   50
                                                                                                                                                                                  21         10.  50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                25             15                   17                  18
Sec V, X               40                    20                      13                        12                           13                  13             6.   50
                                                                                                                                                                                  17          8.  50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                20             13                   13                  15
      Sec D, E*       104                    52                      46                       43                           45                   46           28.    50
                                                                                                                                                                                 50          31                 55            39                    46                  38
      Sec G2, J2*      82                    41                      29                       32                           28                   29            18                 32         20                  38            26                    29                  26
      Sec F*           42                    21                       17                       14                           17                  17             8.   50
                                                                                                                                                                                  21         10.  50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                25             15                   17                  18
      Sec K*           40                    20                      13                        12                           13                  13             6.   50
                                                                                                                                                                                  17          8.  50
                                                                                                                                                                                                                20             13                   13                  15

                    *HAccessible seating options † Includes a tax-deductible contribution
                      Call 213.972.3051 for information and pricing on Opening Night patron, Pool Circle or Garden packages.               Group Services 323.850.2050. Special ticket prices for groups of 10 or more.       Programs, artists, prices and dates subject to change

 LA PHIL IN THE COMMUNITY                                                                                                                  THANK YOU
                                                                                                                                           THANK    YOU
                                                                                           The Los Angeles Philharmonic Association
                                                                                           thanks the Los Angeles County Board of          SEASON SPONSORS                                                        Sponsors
                        The LA Phil has a long-standing                                    Supervisors for its valued cooperation in
                         commitment to the education of                                    continuing to bring great music to the
                         current and future generations of                                 people of Los Angeles: Michael D. Antonovich,                                                                                                                         Media
                                                                                           Fifth District and Mayor, Los Angeles County;                                                                                                                         Sponsors
                         concert-goers. More than 150,000                                  Hilda Solis, First District; Mark Ridley-
                         benefit each year from our concerts                               Thomas, Second District; Sheila Kuehl, Third
                                                                                           District; and Don Knabe, Fourth District.
                         for schools and families, in-school                               Hollywood Bowl thanks the Los Angeles
                         residencies, training for young                                   County Metropolitan Transportation
                         composers, free neighborhood                                      Authority for its support of the Park &
                                                                                           Ride program, and our many sponsors and
                         concerts, pre-concert lectures and                                donors for their generosity.
 more. YOLA (Youth Orchestra LA) – inspired by Gustavo
 Dudamel’s artistic vision and experience in Venezuela’s El
 Sistema – works with community partners to provide free
 instruments and high quality music instruction to children
 in underserved areas of Los Angeles.
                                                                                           The Music Director Chair held by Gustavo
 Your ticket purchases and donations help to ensure the                                    Dudamel is endowed by a gift to the LA Phil
                                                                                           from the Walt and Lilly Disney Foundation.
 future of these programs and more.
                                                                                           The Creative Chair for Jazz held by Herbie
 Details at LAPhil.com/Education                                                           Hancock is endowed by a gift to the LA Phil
                                                                                           from William Powers and Carolyn Powers.
 20     HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                                                                                             HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                      21
SUBSCRIPTION PRICES PER SEAT                                                                                         ORDER FORM

     Order early for best seating, as subscriptions                                                                  ONLINE                                   FAX*                                       MAIL*
     are filled in the order received. Handling fees                                                                 HollywoodBowl.com                        323.850.2155                               Complete the order
     apply to all orders.                                                                                                                                     Please use black ink to                    form and mail it with
                                                                                                                     PHONE                                    fill out the order form                    your payment to:
     Subscribe online at HollywoodBowl.com.
                                                                                                                     323.850.2000                             and include credit card                    Hollywood Bowl
                                                                                   Terrace A
                                                                                                                     Daily, 10am–6pm                          payment information.                         Season Tickets
                                                                                     Boxes                                                                                                               P.O. Box 1951
                                                                                Terrace B Boxes
                                   CLASSICAL                                                                                                                                                             Los Angeles, CA
 *Lower  prices
  for Tuesday
                   All 10 Tuesdays
                   All 10 (TU)
                                            5 Tuesdays
                                            (TU1 or TU2)                                                                                                     *Fax and Mail Orders:

     and Thursday         (TU)
                           or                    or                                                                                                           If your requested seating section is unavailable, we will assign
     subscriptions All
                   All 10
                       10 Thursdays
                          Thursdays         5 Thursdays                                                                                                       the next best available section and refund any difference in price.
                          (TH)              (TH1 or TH2)
                                                                          See our interactive seating
 Garden Boxes •            $1100               $550                       chart, views, and choices of                          Series                 No. of        Price          Seating Section             Parking            Total
                                                                          seats (boxes, benches, or                                                   Tickets                                                     $19             Amount
 Terrace Boxes A/B      950/780 *           475/390 *                                                                                                                                                          per concert
                                                                          SuperSeats) online.
 SuperSeats                 520 *                260 *                                                               SERIES

 Benches D, E               360 *                180 *                                                               SERIES

 Benches G2, J2             300 *                150 *
       Benches D, E
                            360 *                180 *                        • Limited availability                                                                                                Series Handling Fee                $23
      Benches G2, J2        300 *                   150*                        Accessible Seating                   Tickets to Special Concerts are available only with a subscription order.
                                                                                                                     SPECIAL CONCERT DATE

                                                 WEEKENDS                                                            SPECIAL CONCERT DATE

                           All 10           All 10                 5 Fridays                5 Saturdays
                       Fridays (FR)     Saturdays (SA)            (FR1 or FR2)              (SA1 or SA2)
                                                                                                                                                                                      Additional $16 fee applies only
 Garden Boxes •           $1380             $1430                     $690                        $715                                                                                when ordering special concerts.                  $16

 Terrace Boxes A, B        1210              1260                      605                         630
 SuperSeats                 640               680                      320                         340
 Benches D, E               570               620                      285                          310                           SUPPORT THE LA PHIL! Help the LA Phil reach
                                                                                                                                                                                               Suggested Contribution                  $75
                                                                                                                                  thousands in our community with extraordinary
 Benches G2, J2             570               620                      285                          310                           music and education programs by making a
                                                                                                                                  tax-deductible contribution.
       Benches D, E                                                                                                                                                                                      GRAND TOTAL
                            570               620                      285                          310
      Benches G2, J2        360               400                       180                        200

                          SUNDAY                                                KCRW’S WORLD
                          SUNSET                                                   FESTIVAL                          City                                                                   State              ZIP
                          4 Sundays                 4 Wednesdays                         3 Sundays
                                                                                                                     Day                                                            Evening
                            (SU3)                    (JZ1 or JZ2)                       (SU1 or SU2)                 Phone                                                          Phone

 Garden Boxes •               $552                         $452                               $342
 Terrace Boxes A, B            484                          392                                300
                                                                                                                     Please note: Orders cannot be processed without payment information. Deposit of payment does not guarantee seating.
 SuperSeats                    256                         232                                  180                  Please enclose check payable to HOLLYWOOD BOWL or enter credit card information below:
                                                                                                                     q                q                q                q                                            Please circle if you
 Benches D, E                  228                          180                                 147                               ®                                                                                  require accessible seating.

 Benches G2, J2                228                          180                                 147
       Benches D, E
                               228                          180                                 147                  Credit card number                                                Expiration date
       SuperSeats 0
      Benches G2, J2              144                       132                                 102
                                                                                                                     Name as it appears on credit card                                 Signature
                                                             Programs, artists, prices and dates subject to change
22   HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                                                                                                                                                                                   HOLLYWOODBOWL.COM                   23
                                                                                 U.S. Postage
                       Los Angeles Philharmonic Association                         PAID
                       151 South Grand Avenue                                   Mercury Mailing
                                                                                 Systems, Inc.
                       Los Angeles, CA 90012-3034
                       2015 SEASON • SUBSCRIBE BY MARCH 6 AND RECEIVE A GIFT.


                         1                    2
                                                      AVAILABLE SOON

                         SERIES               5-OR-MORE           SINGLE
                         SUBSCRIPTION         PACKAGE             TICKETS
                                              Choose 5 or more    Buy as many
                         Pick a series from   concerts you wish   individual concerts
                         this brochure        to attend.          as you wish.
                                               BEGINNING           BEGINNING
                         AVAILABLE NOW         MARCH 17              MAY 3

Lowest price per

Best seats available
Free, flexible ticket
exchange via phone,
online or in person
Priority access
to special concerts
The same great
seats throughout
your series
20% discount on
bench seats
10% discount at
The Bowl Store
Priced less than
single tickets
Better seats available
than single tickets
Early access to
special concerts
Free bench seats to
one concert
Choose only your
favorite concerts

No concert minimum

                                                               U.S. Postage
                       Los Angeles Philharmonic Association       PAID
                       151 South Grand Avenue                 Mercury Mailing
                                                               Systems, Inc.
                       Los Angeles, CA 90012-3034

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