Mylibrary - Tulsa Library

Page created by Benjamin Duran
A monthly guide to events, services and resources

                                                    mi biblioteca en español!
                                                    página 25

Digital Literacy
Build your
Popular Software
Skills Tutorials
For grades 4-12+
An online hub for digital literacy
support in English and Spanish

Computer Programming
Books for Kids
Learn how to code!
                                                                                                                     November 2021
                                                                                                                       The My Library event guide
                                                              TABLE OF CONTENTS                                             is produced by the
                                                                                                                        Public Relations Office of
                                                                                                                      the Tulsa City-County Library.
                                                                                                                        For questions or concerns,
                                                                                                                            call 918-549-7389.

                                   3 DIGITAL LITERACY                        14 PEGGY V. HELMERICH
FOCUS ON                           Build your technological toolbox          DISTINGUISHED AUTHOR AWARD              Free and Open to the Public
DIGITAL LITERACY                                                             Meet Pulitzer Prize-winning
                                   7 ADULTS & ALL AGES                       novelist Marilynne Robinson.              If hard of hearing or sight
This issue of My Library
                                   Find new and coming soon                                                          impaired, contact Customer
completes our three-month          book titles, plus virtual events.         15 TEENS & TWEENS                          Care at 918-549-7323 or
focus on literacy with a                                                     Find new and coming soon
                                                                             book titles, plus virtual events. for
spotlight on digital literacy.     10 VIRTUAL LOCAL AUTHOR CONFERENCE                                               accommodations 48 hours in
Learn about Tulsa City-County      Author Art T. Burton will give a
                                   keynote address plus local authors        18 POPULAR SOFTWARE TUTORIALS              advance of the program.
Library’s Digital Literacy Lab,    will have opportunities to promote        Take your computer skills to
plus discover great tutorials,     their work.                               the next level.
courses, books and other                                                     19 CHILDREN
resources to help build your       12 DIGITALLEARN.ORG                       Find new and coming soon
technological toolbox.
                                   This online hub features tutorials
                                                                             book titles, plus virtual events.   STAY CONNECTED! @TULSALIBRARY
                                   on digital learning and technology
                                   topics in English and Spanish.            22 BOOKS TO TREASURE
                                                                             Help us celebrate Selina Alko.
                                   13 THE CONSEQUENCES OF                                                         Follow TCCL on these social media platforms
                                   BEING A BYSTANDER                         25 MI BIBLIOTECA                    and find Tulsa City-County Library on LinkedIn!
                                   In remembrance of Kristallnacht,          Una guía mensual de eventos,
                                   Holocaust scholar Dr. John K. Roth will   servicios y recursos.
                                   present “… And the World Was Silent.”

  Don’t have a library card?             To search for events,
       Sign up today at            or filter by branch location, scan       this code using your mobile
                                  device and QR scanner app or visit

                                                                                 24 WORLD IN A BOX

                                                                                  Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021                      2

             As we live in a digital age, Tulsa City-County Library
             knows it is vital to keep relevant in these rapidly
             changing technological times and that it is imperative
             to provide our customers with the tools necessary to
             thrive in the 21st century.

             According to the American Library Association’s Digital
             Literacy Task Force, digital literacy is “the ability to use
             information and communication technologies to find,
             evaluate, create and communicate information, requiring
             both cognitive and technical skills.”

                 Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   3
After being closed during the pandemic,
                                                                                                                  the Digital Literacy Lab is now available for
                                                                                                                  customer appointments again!
                                                                                                                  To book an appointment, call the
                                                                                                                  Digital Literacy Lab at 918-549-7474 or
                                                                                                                  email The hours of
                                                                                                                  operation are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
                                                                                                                  and Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., and
                                                                                                                  Thursday from noon to 8 p.m. In addition
                                                                                                                  to in-person instruction, the Digital Literacy
                                                                                                                  Lab continues to offer its monthly virtual
TCCL's Digital Literacy Lab coordinator Devin Evans showcases the Digital Literacy Lab.
                                                                                                                  Tech Talk series.

Like information literacy, digital                             As the world is increasingly reliant on
                                                                                                                  Previous Tech Talk programs include:
literacy requires skills in locating                           digital content and communication,
and using information and in critical                          Evans said it is especially important              • Mac Computers Beginners:
thinking. Beyond that, however, digital                        for people to be able to both navigate   
literacy involves knowing digital tools                        information online and participate
and using them in communicative,                               in digital environments safely and                 • VPNs, the Basics:
collaborative ways through social                              responsibly, whether that be users       
engagement.                                                    with a casual interest in technology,
                                                               professional artists, family historians,
                                                                                                                  • Internet Hacks for Beginners:
“The phrase ‘digital literacy’ is often                        nonprofits or local organizations.
 associated with high-tech tools
                                                                                                                  • Scams, Cons and Other
 such as developing code or using                              Located at Central Library, the
                                                                                                                  Phish to Worry About:
 virtual reality,” said Devin Evans,                           Digital Literacy Lab is a creator-
 coordinator of TCCL’s Digital Literacy                        focused working space where library
 Lab. “However, library staff provide                          customers can develop new apps and                 • Digital Privacy and Security Basics:
 digital literacy support every day                            software skills, try out new pieces of   
 when assisting customers creating an                          equipment, digitize family history and
 email or accessing the library's digital                      more. Available software includes                  • Cloud Computing With Google Drive:
 collection. Those instances of one-to-                        Adobe Creative Cloud, Apple Creative     
 one digital learning are essential to                         Software (iMovie, GarageBand), Xcode,
 encouraging digital literacy.”                                AutoCAD for Mac, Final Cut Pro X,

                                                                                           Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021             4
A flight simulator and other high-tech equipment are available for customers to use in the Digital Literacy Lab by appointment only.

among many others. Scanners, a light          Through TCCL’s Tech Talks and
box, VHS and VHS-C converter, record          other upcoming programs, we hope
                                                                                                                For more information about the
converter, audiocassette converter,           people can utilize technology not just
                                                                                                                American Electric Power/Public
DVD and Blu-ray duplicators, 8mm and          for work but for themselves as well,”
                                                                                                                Service Company of Oklahoma
Super8 film reel converter are among          Evans said. “The Digital Literacy Lab
                                                                                                                Foundation Digital Literacy Lab, visit
the equipment available in the lab.           has so many wonderful pieces of
                                              equipment, and I’d like all TCCL
“As the pandemic has forced all of us to      users to know that they have access
                                                                                                                literacy-lab or call 918-549-7323.
 rely more on technology to accomplish        to tools to equip them with skills to
 tasks, TCCL wants to provide a place         promote lifelong learning and a
 for people to utilize technology in          space to continue to practice their
 a way that captures their passions.          tech skills.” ■

                                                                                      Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021                      5

       Increase your technological toolbox with
Universal Class and LinkedIn Learning!
 Universal Class                                                               LinkedIn Learning
 Select from hundreds of no-credit courses facilitated by                      Get professional online video training to improve your business,
 dedicated instructors sharing their knowledge on almost any                   software, technology and creative skills. Choose from thousands
 imaginable topic. Courses include:                                            of top-quality courses taught by recognized industry experts.
                                                                               Includes course completion certificates to upload to your
 Computer Literacy Level 1 – Computer Basics                                   LinkedIn account. Videos and/or courses include:
 This course is mainly for people who are new to computers and the
 internet and takes a look at functionality from a new user's perspective.     • Building Digital Literacy Skills (video)
                                                                               • Introduce Digital Literacy to Your Class (video)
 Computer Literacy Level 2 – Internet Basics                                   • Digital Citizenship (course)
 This course covers internet basics, including getting started with routers,   • Computer Literacy for Windows 10 (course)
 operating systems and computer hardware; most common web browsers             • Working with Computers and Devices (course)
 and how to use search engines; security, firewalls and common scams;          • Computer Literacy for Mac (course)
 troubleshooting common issues; and setting up your own website.
                                                                               • Microsoft Office: First Steps (course)
                                                                               • Building Your Technology Skills (course)
                                                                               • Learning PC Maintenance and Performance (course)
Use your TCCL library card                                                     • Windows 10: Tips and Tricks (course)
to access Universal Class                                                      • Working and Collaborating Online (course)
and LinkedIn Learning:                                                         • Learning Computer Security and Internet Safety (course)
                                                                               • Android Phone and Tablet Essential Training (course)                                           • Tech Simplified: Everyday Tech Questions (course)

                                                                                 Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   6
New and coming soon
titles for Adults
              to check out these titles and find more.

Taste Makers                              Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone                    Christmas With Southern Living
By Mayukh Sen                             By Diana Gabaldon                                  From the editors at Southern Living,
America's modern culinary history         The past may seem the safest place                 discover warm and welcoming holiday
told through the lives of seven path-     to be … but it is the most dangerous               recipes and creative ideas for decorating,
breaking chefs and food writers. Who's    time to be alive. No. 1 New York Times             entertaining and handmade gifts.
really behind America's appetite for      bestselling author Diana Gabaldon                  Sparkling menus and easy décor ideas,
foods from around the globe? This group   returns with the newest novel in the epic          along with more than 100 brand-new
biography honors seven extraordinary      Outlander series.                                  recipes, make entertaining a breeze for
women, all immigrants, who left an                                                           celebrations of all sizes.
indelible mark on the way Americans
eat today.

                                                                       Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021        7
The Sentence                                 Peril                                             Wish You Were Here
By Louise Erdrich                            By Bob Woodward                                   By Jodi Picoult
In this powerful and timely novel,           Bob Woodward and Robert Costa cover               From the No. 1 New York Times bestselling
National Book Award-winning author           the end of the Trump presidency and the           author of Small Great Things and The Book
Louise Erdrich explores how the burdens      early months of the Biden presidency.             of Two Ways comes a powerfully evocative
of history, and especially identity,                                                           story of resilience and the triumph of the
appropriation, exploitation and violence                                                       human spirit.
done to human beings in the name of
justice, manifest in ordinary lives today.

                                                                          Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021       8
Events for
                                                            Adults & All Ages
                                                                            to register or for more details.

Native Culture Arts: Cooking Traditional Foods        ELL Conversation Circles
Monday, Nov. 1 • 9-9:45 a.m.                          Mondays, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 29 • 1-3 p.m.
Join Carol Tiger, Hompvks ce! Mvskoke                 Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30 • 3-4:30 p.m.
Cooking and Catering, as she teaches how              Wednesdays, Nov. 3, 10, 17 • 10-11:30 a.m.
to prepare the traditional Mvskoke dishes             Practice your English speaking and listening
of Hominy and Meat, Grape Dumplings                   skills in this fun and friendly Zoom class. Register
and a surprise recipe! View on the library's          at or contact the
YouTube channel at                   Ruth G. Hardman Adult Literacy Service at 918-
tulsalibrary. Presented by the American Indian        549-7400 or to receive
Resource Center. For all ages.                        Zoom link. For adults.

                                                      Yuchi Language Class                                   Cover to Cover Book Club
                                                      Mondays, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 29 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.            Presented by Broken Arrow Library
                                                      Yuchi language instructor Brent Deo from               Tuesday, Nov. 2 • 6:30-7:15 p.m.
                                                      the zOyaha School of Language will lead this            Join us for lively discussion and
                                                      language revitalization class. Any and all skill        literary fun as we explore a range
                                                      levels are welcome to join. Register at                 of genres. This month's selection is
                                             to receive Zoom            "Anxious People" by Fredrik Backman.
                                                      link for class. For all ages.                           Email to receive
                                                                                                              Zoom link. For adults.
                                                      Yoga for Every Body
Books Sandwiched In: "The Overstory"                  Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30 • 6-7 p.m.                 Kiowa Language Class
Monday, Nov. 1 • 12:10-12:50 p.m.                     Join us via Facebook Live for a free beginner-         Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.
                                                      friendly yoga class taught by certified yoga           Learn the beautiful language of the
Join Friends of the Tulsa City-County Libraries for
                                                      instructor Beth Richmond. To access this class,        Kiowa people. This class is taught by
this lunchtime book talk series and discover your
                                                      visit                   The Kiowa Language & Culture Revitalization
next read or dive deeper into a latest bestseller.
                                                      For all ages.                                          Program of the Kiowa Tribe. Register at
Mike Perkins, director of operations for Up With
Trees, will discuss "The Overstory" by Richard                                                      to receive
Powers. Email for the                                                               Zoom link for class. For all ages.
Zoom link. For adults.

                                                                                       Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021          9
LitWits' Book Club
Wednesday, Nov. 3 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
 Join fellow book enthusiasts to discuss
"The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying

                                                   AUTHOR CONFERENCE
 Vampires" by Grady Hendrix and discover
 similar authors and titles you may enjoy.
 Email for Zoom
 link to join the discussion. For adults.

Celebrate Book Lovers Day                          |||||||||||||||||||| KEYNOTE SPEAKER: ART T. BURTON
With Suburban Acres Library
Saturday, Nov. 6
The first Saturday of November is recognized
as Book Lovers Day, so we invite one and all
to post a pic of yourself and/or others reading.
                                                   Saturday, Nov. 6
Please post it to your social media and tag us
on Facebook (Suburban Acres Library) and/
or Instagram using @tulsalibrary. Hope to see
                                                   9 a.m.- noon
some nice pics soon! Happy reading!
                                                   Sessions include a Q&A on editing
Second Annual Local Author Conference:
Virtual via Zoom
                                                   with local fantasy and sci-fi author
Saturday, Nov. 6 • 9 a.m.-noon                     Bre Lockhart and a talk about publishing
Are you a published author or do you aspire        trends by Onikah Asamoa-Caesar, owner
to be one? Join us on Zoom for a morning of
sessions, featuring keynote speaker Art            of Fulton Street Books & Coffee.
T. Burton. Local authors will have opportunities
to promote their work. Scheduled sessions
include a Q&A on editing with local fantasy        Local authors will have
and sci-fi author Bre Lockhart and a talk about
                                                   opportunities to promote their work.
publishing trends by Onikah Asamoa-Caesar,
owner of Fulton Street Books & Coffee. Register
at to receive a
Zoom invite. If you are a published author and     Register at
would like to reserve a 1- to 2-minute time slot
                                                   to receive a Zoom link
to promote your work during the event, fill out
this quick and easy application:
author-conference. For questions, contact
Central Library Adult Services at cas@ For adults.

                                                                       Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   10
is required. Register at        into a latest bestseller. Julia Thomas, an
                                                    events or email to sign          Oklahoma mystery author, will discuss
                                                    up for our virtual craft night. Craft kits will      "The Mystery of Mrs. Christie" by Marie
                                                    be available at Central Library starting the          Benedict. Email
                                                    week before the event. Curbside or walk-in            for the Zoom link. For adults.
                                                    pickup is available. Ask for Adult Services.
                                                    For adults only and limited to one kit per           Beyond the Book
                                                    household. Sponsored by the American                 Thursday, Nov. 18 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.
                                                    Indian Resource Center.                              Join us for a lively Zoom discussion
                                                                                                         about "The Exiles" by Christina Baker Kline.
                                                    Collinsville Book Discussion                         Reserved copies are available by request.
                                                    Tuesday, Nov. 9 • 12:30-1:30 p.m.                    Email for
 Books Sandwiched In:                               Read "When the Stars Go Dark" by Paula               details to join the event. For adults.
"The Queens of Animation"                           McLain and then join us for a lively
 Monday, Nov. 8 • 12:10-12:50 p.m.                  discussion on Zoom. Anna Hart is a
Join Friends of the Tulsa City-County Libraries     seasoned missing persons detective in
for this lunchtime book talk series and             San Francisco with far too much
discover your next read or dive deeper into         knowledge of the darkest side of human
a latest bestseller. Heather Lozano of South        nature. When unspeakable tragedy strikes
Broken Arrow Library and Melanie Hunter             her personal life, Anna, desperate and
from Central Library will discuss "The Queens       numb, flees to the Northern California
of Animation: The Untold Story of the Women         village of Mendocino where a childhood
Who Transformed the World of Disney and             friend, now the village sheriff, pleads for
Made Cinematic History" by Nathalia Holt.           her to help in a missing persons case. Email
Email for the Zoom for an invitation to
link. For adults.                                   the Zoom meeting. For adults.
                                                                                                          Mistakes to Masterpieces:
Brookside Book Discussion                           Sci-Fi & Fantasy Book Club                            Family-Friendly Paint-Along Program
Monday, Nov. 8 • 1:30-2:30 p.m.                     Wednesday, Nov. 10 • 6-7 p.m.                         Thursday, Nov. 18 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Read "Of Women and Salt" by Gabriela Garcia         Join fellow sci-fi and fantasy enthusiasts           Join us on Zoom to create an original acrylic
and then join us for a lively virtual discussion    on Zoom to discuss "The Dark Tower" by               painting. We'll show you how step-by-step.
on Zoom! Email for details      Stephen King. The final installment in the           Register at to
to join the meeting. From 19th-century cigar        epic series completes the quest of Roland            receive Zoom link. For all ages.
factories to present-day detention centers,         Deschain, who works to outmaneuver
from Cuba to Mexico, "Of Women and                  the increasingly desperate acts of his                Jenks Library Book Club
Salt" is a kaleidoscopic portrait of betrayals –    adversaries and confronts losses within               Thursday, Nov. 18 • 6-7 p.m.
personal and political, self-inflicted and those    his circle of companions. Contact rebecca.           Join us for discussions of great books.
done by others – that have shaped the lives of for the Zoom             This month we'll discuss "The Mystery of
these extraordinary women. For adults.              link. For ages 16 and up.                            Mrs. Christie" by Marie Benedict. Email
                                                                                                for Zoom link.
Craft Club: Traditional Native Beadwork              Books Sandwiched In:                                For adults.
Monday, Nov. 8 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.                     "The Mystery of Mrs. Christie"
Join us virtually for a fun night of conversation    Monday, Nov. 15 • 12:10-12:50 p.m.
and learning the traditional art of native          Join Friends of the Tulsa City-County
beadwork with Robin Tiger, in celebration of        Libraries for this lunchtime book talk series
Native American Heritage Month. Registration        and discover your next read or dive deeper

                                                                                    Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021        11
Between the Covers
Thursday, Nov. 18 • 6-7 p.m.
Calling all romance lovers! Join us as we discuss
a delightful romance novel. Register at with your email
address for an invite to the Zoom meeting.
Email for more
information and this month's book selection.
For adults.                                                 An online hub for digital literacy support and training
Tech Talk: Become a Presentation Artist
Friday, Nov. 19 • noon-1 p.m.                        Developed by the Public Library Association with support
Looking to improve your presentations?
                                                     from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, this website
We will explore common presentation tools such
as Google Slides, Microsoft PowerPoint and Prezi     provides tutorials on various digital literacy and technology
focusing on features that increase engagement as     topics in English and Spanish.
well as the visual appeal of online presentations.
Register at
Registrants will need to provide an email address.   If you are new to computers, haven't used them for a while,
The Zoom login information will be emailed out       are a little unsure and uncomfortable, or just need a bit of a
an hour prior to the program. A recording of the     refresher, this site has the tools to help you tackle technology
talk will be uploaded to YouTube. For adults.
                                                     at your own pace and gain the confidence you need to succeed.
Books to Treasure With Selina Alko
Friday, Nov. 19 • 6 p.m.                             The site also offers a robust suite of resources and tools for
Celebrate the beauty and power of children’s         library staff and other educators to use for community training.
literature with children’s book author and
                                                     Instructional design training and blank templates allow the user
illustrator Selina Alko. Alko’s works include “Why
Am I Me?” written by Paige Britt and illustrated     to create their own courses.
by Alko and Sean Qualls. Join the presentation
here: For
more information, visit                                     
bookstotreasure. Books to Treasure is sponsored
by the Tulsa Library Trust through a grant from
the Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation. For
all ages.

                                                                 Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   12
Read the book and then join us for a               Virtual Book Discussion
                                                     lively discussion on Zoom! E-mail                  Monday, Nov. 22 • 6-8 p.m.
                                            for the Zoom link.             Join us to discuss actress Gabrielle Union's
                                                     For adults.                                        memoir, "We're Going to Need More
                                                                                                        Wine." The New York Times bestseller is a
                                                      Books Sandwiched In:                              collection of personal essays depicting a
                                                     "The Splendid and the Vile"                        woman of color's coming-of-age story in a
                                                      Monday, Nov. 22 • 12:10-12:50 p.m.                predominately white environment. Told with
                                                     Join Friends of the Tulsa City-County Libraries    both wit and poignancy, this is a moving
                                                     for this lunchtime book talk series and            memoir to be shared across the spectrum
                                                     discover your next read or dive deeper into        of sisterhood. Join us for an evening of
                                                     at latest bestseller. Eldon Eisenach, retired      warmth and laughter. Not to be missed.
Creative Truths: A History Book Discussion           political science professor at The University of   Email for
Saturday, Nov. 20 • 9-10 a.m.                        Tulsa, will discuss "The Splendid and the Vile"    Zoom link. For adults.
Join librarians Mark and Sarah to discuss "Destiny   by Erik Larson and "The Daughters of Yalta"
of the Republic: A Tale of Madness, Medicine and     by Catherine Grace Katz. Email Friends@
the Murder of a President" by Candice Millard. for the Zoom link. For adults.

                                                                                   Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   13
Meet author

                                                                                                  Marilynne               Meet author
                                                                                                                          Meet author
                                                                                                                                  American ovelist and Essayist

                                                                                              American ovelist and Essayist
                                                                                                              Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award
                                                                                              American ovelist and Essayist                   Sista' Chat Book Club Fall Edition
                                                                                                                                            Award Presentation atSaturday,
                                                                                                                                                                                Gala27 • noon-1 p.m.
                                                                                                   Peggy V. Helmerich Distinguished Author Award
                                                                                                                                                            (reservations required)
                                                                                                   Peggy V. Helmerich DistinguishedatAuthor  Award                   Join us as we celebrate the fall season with
                                                                                                               Award Presentation      Friday,
                                                                                                                                      Black-tie Dec.
                                                                                                                                                Gala 3 | 6:30 p.m. | Central Library
                                                                                                                             (reservations required)                 a discussion of Octavia E. Butler's classic
                                                                                                               Award Presentation  at Black-tie   Fifth Street and Denver Avenue
                                                                                                           Friday, Dec. 3 | 6:30(reservations
                                                                                                                                  p.m. | Central Library              novel "Kindred." Register at
                                                                                                                     Fifth  Street  and  Denver  Avenue
                                                                                                           Friday, Dec. 3 | 6:30 p.m. | Central Library     
                                                                                                                                                              FREE Public Address                  or email
                                                                                                                    Fifth Street and Denver Avenue           to receive
                                                                                                                                      Public Address
                                                                                                                                                Dec. 4 | 10:30 a.m. | Central  Library
                                                                                                                                                                      the invite to join the Zoom online discussion.
                                                                                                       Saturday, Dec. 4 | 10:30FREE
                                                                                                                                a.m. |Public
                                                                                                                                               Library                For ages 16 and up.
                                                                                                                        Books Sandwiched In: A Marilynne Robinson Sampler
                                                                                                       Saturday, Dec. 4 | 10:30 a.m. | Central Library
                                                                                              Books Sandwiched In: A Marilynne Robinson       Sampler
                                                                                                                                                                     Books Sandwiched In:
                                                                                                                                         Presented by Rebecca Howard, author selection
                                                                                              Books Sandwiched  In: A
                                                                                                                    byMarilynne Robinson
                                                                                                          Presented   Rebecca Howard, committee
                                                                                                          committee member and a TCCL regional manager
                                                                                                                                                                     A Marilynne Robinson Sampler
                                                                                                                                                  member and a TCCL regional manager
                                                                                                            Presented by Rebecca Howard, author selection
                                                                                                                                          Monday, Nov. 29 | 12:10-12:50
                                                                                                          committee member and a TCCL regional manager
                                                                                                                                                                        p.m. |Nov.
                                                                                                                                                                              Zoom 29 • 12:10-12:50 p.m.
                                                                                                          Monday, Nov. 29 | 12:10-12:50
                                                                                                                                    Email p.m. | Zoom
                                                                                                                                 for Friends
                                                                                                                                                                       Zoom link.
                                                                                                                                                                 Join           of the Tulsa City-County Libraries
                                                                                                      for Zoom  link.
                                                                                                                    Nov. 29 | 12:10-12:50 p.m. | Zoom
                                                    Photo: (c) Al e c Soth, M a gnum Photos                                                                       for this lunchtime book talk series and
                                                                                                       Email for Zoom link.
Ph oto: (c) Al ec Sot h , M agn u m P h otos
                                                 discover your next read or dive deeper into
P h oto: (c ) A l e c Sot h , M a g n u m Ph otos
                                                 a latest bestseller. Rebecca Howard, author
                 OUT THESE  TITLES BY            award selection committee member and a
                                      MARILYNNE ROBINSON
                                                 Tulsa City-County Library regional manager,
                                                 will offer a retrospective of Marilynne
                                                 Robinson, winner of the Peggy V. Helmerich
                                                 Distinguished Author Award. Email Friends@
                                        for the Zoom link. For adults.

                                                                                                              WWW.TULSALIBRARY.ORG • 918.549.READ
                                                                                                                 hard of hearing or sight impaired, contact Customer Care  at 918-549-7323 or
                                                                                                                                                                 • 918.549.READ                                             • 918.549.READ
                                                                                                     for accommodations 48 hours in advance of the program.
                                                                                                              If hard of hearing or sight impaired, contact Customer Care at 918-549-7323
                                                                                                                                                                       If hard  of hearingoror sight impaired, contact Customer Care at 918-549-7323 or
                                                                                                     for accommodations 48 hours in advance    of the program. for accommodations 48 hours in advance of the program.

                                                                                                                                                                           Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021                    14
New and coming soon
titles for Teens & Tweens
              to check out these titles and find more.

One Life                                  A Thousand Minutes                                Know Your Rights
By Sarah Durand                           to Sunlight                                       and Claim Them
Adapted for young readers! Join Olympic   By Jen White                                      By Amnesty International
gold medalist, two-time Women's           To stave off the anxiety plaguing her,           This book provides a deep dive into
World Cup champion and trailblazing       Cora counts the minutes that fill her day        the protections and rights promised to
activist Megan Rapinoe in the fight for   and searches for a lost treasure near her        children by the United Nations Convention
equality and justice in this middle-      home in California.                              on the Rights of the Child and before
grade adaptation of her New York Times                                                     adulthood and how to defend them.
bestselling memoir, One Life.

                                                                       Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   15
Picturing a Nation                        Where I Belong                                       Legacy and the Double
By Martin W. Sandler                      By Marcia Argueta Mickelson                          By Annie Matthew
In an exquisitely curated volume of        In the spring of 2018, Guatemalan                   Kobe Bryant's legacy of uplifting and
140 full-color and black-and-white         American high school senior Milagros                inspiring young athletes continues in this
photographs, Martin W. Sandler            "Millie" Vargas knows her life is about to           highly anticipated follow-up to the No. 1
unpacks the United States Farm Security    change. She's lived in Corpus Christi, Texas,       New York Times bestseller Legacy and the
Administration's sweeping visual record    ever since her parents sought asylum                Queen. Legacy Petrin is a national tennis
of the Great Depression.                   there when she was a baby.                          champion, but she doesn't feel like one. At
                                                                                               the orphanage where she grew up, Legacy
                                                                                               struggles to focus on her training.

                                                                           Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   16
Events for
                                                           Teens & Tweens    Visit
                                                                             to register or for more details.

                                                     post a pic of yourself and/or others reading.      Out-Lit: YA Book Club
Yuchi Language Class
                                                     Please post it to your social media and tag us
Mondays, Nov. 1, 8, 15, 29 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.          on Facebook (Suburban Acres Library) and/
                                                                                                        Friday, Nov. 26 • 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Yuchi language instructor Brent Deo from                                                                 Join us as we do fun activities and chat about
                                                     or Instagram using @tulsalibrary. Hope to see
the zOyaha School of Language will lead this                                                            "Pumpkinheads" by Rainbow Rowell and
                                                     some nice pics soon! Happy reading!
language revitalization class. Any and all skill                                                         illustrated by Faith Erin Hicks. Deja and Josiah
levels are welcome to join. Register at                                                                  are seasonal best friends. Every autumn, all to receive Zoom
                                                     BeTween the Pages                                   through high school, they've worked together
link for class. For all ages.                        Tuesday, Nov. 9 • 6-7 p.m.                          at the world's best pumpkin patch. They
                                                     Play fun games and chat about your favorite         say goodbye every Halloween, and they're
                                                     books featuring food. Register at
Yoga for Every Body                                                                                      reunited every Sept. 1. But this Halloween is
                                            with your email         different. Josiah and Deja are finally seniors.
Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30 • 6-7 p.m.               address to get the Zoom link. For ages 10-12.       It's their last season at the Patch, their last
Join us via Facebook Live for a free beginner-
                                                                                                         shift together – their last goodbye. Register
friendly yoga class taught by certified yoga
instructor Beth Richmond. To access this class,
                                                     Teens: Virtual Gaming                               at to receive the
visit For all ages.   Friday, Nov. 12 • 5-6 p.m.                          Zoom link. For ages 12-18.
                                                     Join us on Zoom as we play party games,
Kiowa Language Class                                 trivia and more! Registration is required.         Sista' Chat Book Club Fall Edition
Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9, 16, 30 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.
                                                     Register at to         Saturday, Nov. 27 • noon-1 p.m.
                                                     receive a Zoom link to join on the day of the       Join us as we celebrate the fall season with a
Learn the beautiful language of the Kiowa people.
                                                     program. For ages 10-18.                            discussion of Octavia E. Butler's classic novel
This class is taught by The Kiowa Language &
                                                                                                        "Kindred." Register at
Culture Revitalization Program of the Kiowa Tribe.
Register at to receive
                                                     Mistakes to Masterpieces:                           events or email sherrie.wallace@tulsalibrary.
Zoom link for class. For all ages.                   Family-Friendly Paint-Along Program                 org to receive the invite to join the Zoom
                                                     Thursday, Nov. 18 • 5-6:30 p.m.                     online discussion. For ages 16 and up.

Celebrate Book Lovers Day                            Join us on Zoom to create an original acrylic
                                                     painting. We'll show you how step-by-step.
With Suburban Acres Library
                                                     Register at to
Saturday, Nov. 6                                     receive Zoom link. For all ages.
The first Saturday of November is recognized
as Book Lovers Day, so we invite one and all to

                                                                                   Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021       17
Popular Software Skills
Tutorials via EBSCO
LearningExpress For Grades 4-12+
  Build your technological toolbox with these
  interactive tutorial courses that will take your
  computer skills to the next level, while allowing
  you to learn at your own pace. Courses include:

  Master Microsoft Office:
  Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Outlook and more

  Learning Computer Graphics and Illustration:
  Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop

  Understanding Your Operating System:
  Windows 10, 8 and 7

  Use your TCCL library card to access these courses here:

          Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   18
New and coming soon
titles for Children
              to check out these titles and find more.

The Knight at Dawn                    If You Lived During the                                   I Really Dig Pizza!
Graphic Novel                         Plimoth Thanksgiving                                      By Candy James
By Mary Pope Osborne                  By Chris Newell                                           Archie the fox stumbles upon a
Retells, in graphic novel form,       Do you know the true story of the                         cheesy treat in the forest and tries
the tale of 8-year-old Jack and       Thanksgiving feast at Plimoth? Carefully                  to keep it a secret, until his cousin
his younger sister Annie, who are     crafted to explore both sides of this                     Reddie comes along, ready to solve
whisked back in the magic treehouse   historical event, this book is a great choice             a mystery.
to the time of knights and castles.   for Thanksgiving units and for teaching
                                      children about the true history of this
                                      popular holiday.

                                                                           Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   19
Mambo Mucho Mambo!                        Firefighter Kayla                           What's in Your Pocket
By Dean Robbins                           By Fran Manushkin                           By Heather L. Montgomery
New York City's desegregated              JoJo's aunt Kayla is a                      A science educator honors children's curiosity
Palladium Ballroom springs to life        firefighter. She's teaching                 and pockets full of "stuff" by introducing nine
with a diverse 1940s cast in this jazzy   Katie's class about her job.                scientists who collected natural treasures
picture-book tribute to the history of                                                when they were young. Collecting, sorting,
mambo and Latin jazz.                                                                 and playing with shells, stones and other objects
                                                                                      taught these young people how to observe,
                                                                                      classify and discover.

                                                                         Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021   20
                                                                                  for Children      Visit
                                                                                                    to register or for more details.

                                                    Build A Reader Storytime: Family                     World in a Box Day
                                                    Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9 • 10:30-11 a.m.                  Saturday, Nov. 6 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
                                                    Thursday, Nov. 4 • 10:30-11 a.m.                     Tulsa Global Alliance takes us on a virtual
                                                    Tune in for this 0-5 storytime and grow that         trip around the world to each of Tulsa’s eight
                                                    love of reading! Enjoy simple songs and books        Sister Cities. Reserve your “ticket” today by
                                                    for little ones and more interactive stories and     registering at
                                                    activities for older children. Join us here:         Each registered child will receive a kit with
                                           Can't make            video guides from the cities of their choosing
                                                    it live? We'll save all storytime videos on          that will guide them through hands-on crafts
                                                    Facebook and TCCL's YouTube channel                  from that country! All craft materials are
                                                    for your children to enjoy later! Find them          included. You can pick up your World in a
                                                    here:        Box kit from Central Library on Saturday, Nov.
Plains Indian Sign Language                                                                              6 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. World in a Box
Monday, Nov. 1 • 10-11 a.m.                         Build A Reader Storytime: One-on-Ones                Day is funded in part by the Charles and Lynn
Learn Plains Indian sign language by fifth-                                                              Schusterman Family Philanthropies. For
generation signer Mike Pahsetopah. View on the      Wednesdays, Nov. 3, 10, 17 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.         ages 5-10.
library's YouTube channel at       Talk, sing and read with Ms. Haley on Zoom
tulsalibrary. For elementary students.              for a 15-minute, one-on-one storytime session.
                                                    Before your booking, stop by Rudisill Regional       Books to Treasure With Selina Alko
                                                    Library to pick up a FREE book you can read          Friday, Nov. 19 • 6 p.m.
Storytime "Bites" With Miss Dana                    together during your storytime! For children          Celebrate the beauty and power of children’s
on Brookside Library's Facebook Page                ages 1-4. Registration is required. Register at       literature with children’s book author and
Tuesdays, Nov. 2, 9 • 10:15-10:30 a.m.     After registering        illustrator Selina Alko. Alko’s works include
No biting, we promise! It's just a shorter than     you will receive an email with your time slot.       “Why Am I Me?” written by Paige Britt and
usual storytime. There will be a book, a song and   The focus of this session will be on activities       illustrated by Alko and Sean Qualls. Join
a finger play! Join us here:      that help with language development and early         the presentation here:
brooksidelibrary. For ages 0-5.                     literacy skills. Are you interested but can't make    tulsalibrary. For more information, visit
                                                    the event time? Email to Books
                                                    learn about other booking options.                    to Treasure is sponsored by the Tulsa Library
                                                                                                          Trust through a grant from the Anne and
                                                                                                          Henry Zarrow Foundation. For all ages.

                                                                                   Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021      21
Books to Treasure
               with Selina Alko

              Friday, Nov. 19 • 6 p.m.
               Program is sponsored by the Tulsa Library Trust through
                a grant from the Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation.

                      BOOKS WRITTEN & ILLUSTRATED
                            BY SELINA ALKO
                       I’m Your Peanut Butter Big Brother
                      written and illustrated by Selina Alko
                      Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama
                       written and illustrated by Selina Alko
                          I Is for Immigrants written and
                              illustrated by Selina Alko
                      Joni: The Lyrical Life of Joni Mitchell
                      written and illustrated by Selina Alko
                     Why Am I Me? written by Paige Britt and
                    illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls
                 The Case for Loving written by Selina Alko and
                   illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls
             Two Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass
                           written by Dean Robbins and
                   illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls


Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021              22
Computer Programming
Books for Kids
  Search the library’s catalog at
  and use “computer programming - Juvenile literature” as a subject search
  to check out these titles and find more coding books for kids.

     Code Your Own Games                                                          Creative Coding in Python
     By Max Wainewright                                                           By Sheena Vaidyanathan
     With the help of robots and step-by-step instructions,                       Computer science educator Sheena Vaidyanathan helps kids
     this book provides all the code needed to build, play                        understand the fundamental ideas of computer programming
     and share 20 games using Scratch. The games are split                        and the process of computational thinking using illustrations,
     across five difficulty levels.                                               flowcharts and pseudocode, then shows how to apply those
                                                                                  essentials to code exciting projects in Python, a free, intuitive,
                                                                                  open-source programming language.
     How to Be a Coder
     By Kiki Prottsman                                                            Get Coding 2!
     A how-to volume filled with fun activities that can                          By David Whitney
     be done at home, as well as simple programs and                              Provides step-by-step instructions to build five
     information about some of the most famous coders of                          interactive computer games, create graphics and
     all time. Includes glossary.                                                 code simple artificial intelligence.

     Coding Projects in Scratch                                                   Coding With Anna and Elsa
     By Jon Woodcock                                                              By Kiki Prottsman
     You can learn to create mind-bending illusions, crazy                        Discover coding with Blockly with the help of friends
     animations and interactive artworks with this collection                     from Frozen. Step-by-step instructions guide readers
     of Scratch projects! Woodcock shows you simple steps                         through exercises to teach sequencing, debugging
     to becoming an expert coder, and helps you improve                           and more. Readers can try out the skills they learn in
     your coding skills so you can share games online.                            a companion site.

                                                                Build Your Technological Toolbox | my library November 2021                23
Kits can be picked up on
Saturday, Nov. 6 • 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Central Library • Fifth Street and Denver Avenue
Registration is required.

Tulsa Global Alliance takes us on a virtual trip
around the world to each of Tulsa’s eight Sister Cities.
Each registered child will receive a kit with video
guides from the cities of their choosing that will guide
them through hands-on crafts from that country!

All craft materials are included. For ages 5-10.

Reserve your “ticket”by registering online.
Una guía mensual de eventos, servicios y recursos
                                                               Un centro en línea para el
                                                               apoyo y la formación de
                                                               la literacia digital

                                                               Nuevos títulos en
                                                               español para adolescentes
                                                               y preadolescents

                                 Círculos de
                                 Conversación (ELL)
                                       Lunes, 1, 8, 15, 29 de Noviembre • 1-3 p.m.
                                       Martes, 2, 9, 16, 30 de Noviembre • 3-4: 30 p.m.
                                       Miércoles, 3, 10, 17 de Noviembre • 10-11: 30 a.m.
                                       Practica tus habilidades para hablar
                                       y escuchar en inglés en esta divertida
                                       clase de Zoom.

                                       Regístrese en
                                       o comuníquese con el Ruth G. Hardman
                                       Adult Literacy Service al 918-549-7400 o
                              para recibir el
                                       enlace Zoom. Para adultos.

                                                                    mi biblioteca Noviembre 2021   25
Nuevos títulos en español para
adolescentes y preadolescents
                               para ver estos títulos y encontrar más.

Mañanaland                                 Gabi, fragmentos de                             Hermosa Eternidad
por Pam Muñoz Ryan                         una adolescente                                 por Renée Ahdieh
A Maximiliano Córdoba le encantan          por Isabel Quintero                             En 1872, Nueva Orleans es una ciudad
las historias, especialmente la leyenda    Gabi Hernández está en su último año de la      gobernada por los muertos. Pero para Celine
que le cuenta Buelo sobre un mítico        preparatoria. Para entretenerse, escribe todo   Rousseau, de diecisiete anos, Nueva Orleans
guardián que ayuda a los viajeros          lo que le pasa en su diario: las solicitudes    es un refugio seguro despues de verse
valientes de corazón puro en un viaje a    a las universidades, el embarazo de Cindy,      obligada a huir de su vida como modista
la tierra del mañana. Si Max pudiera ver   cuando Sebastián salió del clóset, los chicos   en Paris. Adoptada por las hermanas del
el mañana, sabría si lo aceptarán en el    guapos de su clase, la adicción de su padre a   convento de las Ursulinas en medio de
famoso club de fútbol de Santa María       la metanfetamina, y toda la comida que se le    la temporada de carnaval, Celine se deja
y si alguna vez encontrará a su madre,     antoja. Pero lo mejor de todo lo que escribe    cautivar rapidamente por la vibrante ciudad,
quien desapareció cuando él era bebé.      es la poesía que la ayuda a ser quien es.       desde su musica hasta sus elegantes veladas
                                                                                           y incluso su peligro.

                                                                                                    mi biblioteca Noviembre 2021   26
Hora de Brillar                                  Violet y Finch                              Casa de Tierra y Sangre
por Angie Thomas                                 por Jennifer Niven                          por Sarah J. Maas
Bri quiere ser una de las mejores raperas        Violet está rota. Finch está                Bryce Quinlan tenía una vida perfecta,
de todos los tiempos. Como hija de una           roto. ¿Pueden dos mitades rotas             trabajando todo el día y divirtiéndose toda
leyenda del hip hop underground que murió        reconstruirse? Esta es la historia de una   la noche, hasta que un demonio asesina
antes de que alcanzar el éxito, Bri tiene unos   chica que aprende a vivir de un chico       a sus mejores amigos, dejándola herida y
zapatos gigantes que llenar. Pero cuando su      que pretende morir; de dos jóvenes que      sola. Cuando el culpable está detrás de las
primera canción se hace viral por los motivos    se encuentran y dejan de contar los días    rejas pero los crímenes continúan, Bryce se
equivocados, se encuentra en el centro de la     para empezar a vivirlos.                    encuentra a sí misma en el corazón de la
controversia y los medios la retratan como                                                   investigación... y hará lo que sea necesario
una amenaza mayor que un rapero.                                                             para vengar la muerte de sus amigos.

                                                                                                       mi biblioteca Noviembre 2021    27

Los Orígenes
del Día de
los Muertos
El Día de los Muertos es una tradición
principalmente mexicana donde
las familias dan la bienvenida a las
almas de sus familiares fallecidos.
Una mezcla de ritual mesoamericano,
religión europea y cultura española,
la festividad se celebra cada año
del 31 de octubre al 2 de noviembre.
Mientras que el 31 de octubre es
Halloween, el 1 de noviembre es "el Día
de los Inocentes", o el Día de los Niños,
y Todos los Santos. El 2 de noviembre
es el Día de los Difuntos o el Día de los

Según tradición, los seres queridos
que han fallecido regresan a la
medianoche el 31 de octubre y los
espíritus de los niños pueden reunirse
con sus familias durante 24 horas. Los
espíritus de los adultos pueden hacer
lo mismo el 2 de noviembre.

         mi biblioteca Noviembre 2021   28
A pesar de lo
que sugiere el
nombre, el Día
de Muertos no es
un día de tristeza,
sino de alegría.
En esencia, el día reconoce           la muerte como una parte integral        son las calacas y las calaveras
la muerte como parte de la            y omnipresente de la vida. Al            A principios del siglo XX, el
experiencia humana. El día busca      morir, se creía que una persona          caricaturista José Guadalupe
honrar la vida de los difuntos        viajaba a Chicunamictlán, la Tierra      Posada incorporó figuras
para que regresen por un día y        de los Muertos. Solo después de          esqueléticas en su arte burlándose
se despierten de su sueño eterno      superar nueve niveles desafiantes,       de políticos y comentando la
para compartir alimentos, bebidas     un viaje de varios años, el alma de      política revolucionaria. Su obra
y celebraciones con sus familias.     la persona finalmente pudo llegar        más conocida, La Calavera Catrina,
Las familias preparan ofrendas en     al Mictlán, el lugar de descanso         presenta un esqueleto femenino
las tumbas o en sus hogares, y las    final. En los rituales nahuas en         adornado con maquillaje y vestida
ofrendas se pueden decorar con        honor a los muertos, que se              con ropa elegante. El grabado de
velas, cempasúchil, y elementos       llevan a cabo tradicionalmente en        1910 pretendía ser una declaración
naturales como sal.                   agosto, los miembros de la familia       sobre los mexicanos que adoptan
                                      proporcionaron alimentos, agua           las modas europeas sobre su propia
Las raíces del Día de Muertos         y herramientas para ayudar a los         herencia y tradiciones. La Calavera
vienen de los rituales en honor a     fallecidos en este difícil viaje. Esto   Catrina fue adoptada como uno de
los muertos en la Mesoamérica         inspiró la práctica contemporánea        los íconos del Día de Muertos más
precolombina. Los aztecas y los       del Día de Muertos.                      reconocibles y es un recordatorio
nahuas que vivían en lo que ahora                                              que al morir, todas terminamos
es el centro de México tenían una     Los símbolos más destacados              como esqueletos. ■
visión cíclica del universo y veían   relacionados con el Día de Muertos

                                                                                      mi biblioteca Noviembre 2021   29
Books to Treasure
  Con Selina Alko

viernes, 19 de noviembre • 6 p.m.
                                                                 Un centro en línea para el apoyo y la formación
  Este programa está patrocinado por el Tulsa Library            de la literacia digital
  Trust a través de la Fundación Anne y Henry Zarrow.

                                                        Desarrollado por la Asociación de Bibliotecas Públicas con el apoyo
 LIBROS ILUSTRADOS POR SELINA ALKO                      del Instituto de Servicios de Museos y Bibliotecas, este sitio web
        I’m Your Peanut Butter Big Brother              ofrece tutoriales sobre diversos temas de alfabetización digital y
          escrito e ilustrado por Selina Alko           tecnología en inglés y español.
      Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama
          escrito e ilustrado por Selina Alko           Si es nuevo en las computadoras, o no las ha usado por un tiempo, y
       I Is for Immigrants escrito e ilustrado          está un poco inseguro e incómodo, o simplemente necesita un poco
                   por Selina Alko
                                                        de actualización, este sitio tiene las herramientas para ayudarlo a
       Joni: The Lyrical Life of Joni Mitchell          aprender la tecnología a su propio ritmo y ganar la confianza que
          escrito e ilustrado por Selina Alko
                                                        necesitas para tener éxito.
       Why Am I Me? escrito por Paige Britt y
        ilustrado por Selina Alko y Sean Qualls
                                                        El sitio también ofrece un conjunto sólido de recursos y herramientas
     The Case for Loving escrito por Selina Alko        para que el personal de la biblioteca y otros educadores lo utilicen en
       y ilustrado por Selina Alko y Sean Qualls        la capacitación comunitaria. La capacitación en diseño instruccional y
Two Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass    las plantillas en blanco permiten al usuario crear sus propios cursos.
               escrito por Dean Robbins y
        ilustrado por Selina Alko y Sean Qualls                                               

                                                                                                 mi biblioteca Noviembre 2021     30
Tulsa City-County
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1    Bixby Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               20 E. Breckenridge, 74008 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2    Broken Arrow Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               300 W. Broadway, 74012 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5

 Library Locations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3    Broken Arrow Library/South
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3600 S. Chestnut, 74011 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4    Brookside Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1207 E. 45th Place, 74105 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5    Central Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               400 Civic Center, 74103 | M-Th, 9-9; Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5

Tulsa                                                          SKIATOOK                                                                                                                                                                                                                   6    Charles Page Library
                                                                                                                                                       COLLINSVILLE                                                                                                                            551 E. Fourth St., Sand Springs, 74063

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Take E. 146th St. N. Exit                                         M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 10-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7    Collinsville Library
                                              13                 SPERRY                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1223 Main, 74021 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          8    Glenpool Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               730 E. 141st St., 74033 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                   11                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9    Hardesty Regional Library and Genealogy Center
                                                                                                                                        86th St. N.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8316 E. 93rd St., 74133 | M-Th, 9-9; Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5
                                                                                                                                        76th St. N.                                            18                    OWASSO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10   Helmerich Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5131 E. 91st St., 74137 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          129th E. Ave.
                                                                                                                                        56th St. N.                                                                                                                                       11   Herman and Kate Kaiser Library
                                                         23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5202 S. Hudson Ave., Suite B, 74135 |
                                      Cincinnati Ave.

                                                                        46th St. N.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Mingo Rd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                          Peoria Ave.

                                                                             Lewis Ave.

                                                                                            75 36th St. N.                                                                                                      36th St. N.
                                                                                                    Gi                                                                                                                                                                                    12   Jenks Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               523 W. B St., 74037 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 10-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                               Harvard Ave.

                                                                                               A p a c h e se E                                                                                              Apache
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             145th E. Ave.

                                                                                                                                                          wy                                                                                                                                   Judy Z. Kishner Library
                                                                                                                    Yale Ave.

                                                                                                                                                                      .                                                                                                                   13
                           Pine St.                     20                                                                                                                Pine St.                                                                                                             10150 N. Cincinnati Ave. E., Sperry, 74073
                                                                                                                                                   Memorial Dr.

                                                                                                                                16                                                                                                                                                             M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                  89th E. Ave.

       97                             244                                                 Admiral Blvd.
                                                                                                                                 Sheridan Rd.

                 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Admiral Pl.                  14   Kendall-Whittier Library

                     64                  4th S                                            14                                                                                                                              44
                                                                                                              11th St.                                                                                                                    11th St.                                             21 S. Lewis, 74104 | Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                       101st E. Ave.

                                5                                                                             15th St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15   Martin Regional Library and Hispanic Resource Center
                                     Ave Riv

SAND SPRINGS                                                                        51
                                                                                                              21st St.                                                                                                                    21st St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2601 S. Garnett Road, 74129 | M-Th, 9-9;
                                        . ersid

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Garnett Rd.
                                                          Peoria Ave.

                                                          Utica Ave.

 19                                                                          31st St.                                            17                                                                                                       31st St.                                             Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5

                                                                                                               21                                                                                                                                                                              Maxwell Park Library


                                                                                               Harvard Ave.

                     244                                                                                      41st St.                                                                                                                    41st St.
      97                                                                                                                             66                                                                                                                                                        1313 N. Canton, 74115 | Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5

                     24                                   4                                                                                                                                                                                                                               17   Nathan Hale Library
                                44                                                                                                              51st St.                                                              51                  51st St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               6038 E. 23rd St., 74114 | Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                             Lewis Ave.

            44                                                                                                                   11                                                                169
                                                                                                          61st St.                                                                                                                                                             61st St.        Owasso Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             145th E. Ave.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          129th E. Ave.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               161st E. Ave.
                                                                                                                                                   Memorial Dr.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Garnett Rd.
                                                                                                                                 Sheridan Rd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               103 W. Broadway, 74055 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                    Yale Ave.

                                                                                          71st St.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19   Pratt Library

                                                                                                                                                                            Mingo Rd.

                                                                                          81st St.                                                                                                                                        81st St.                                             3219 S. 113th W. Ave., Sand Springs, 74063
                                                        Elm St.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BROKEN ARROW                                                         M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 10-8; Sat., 10-5

                                JENKS                                                                                           10                                                                                                        91st St.
                                                                        12                  91st St.
                           Jenks Road                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20   Rudisill Regional Library and African-American Resource Center
                           Creek Turnpike                                                                                                                                                                            101st St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1520 N. Hartford, 74106 | M-Th, 9-9; Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Schusterman-Benson Library
                                                                                                                                                   Memorial Dr.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3                                            21

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3333 E. 32nd Place, 74135 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Broken Arrow

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Turnpike                                                                    22   Skiatook Library
                                 S. 141st St.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Arkansas River                                                                                    316 E. Rogers, 74070 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                      e   r

                                                                                      S. 151st St.                                                                  Breckenridge Ave.                                                                                                     23   Suburban Acres Library
                           GLENPOOL                                                                                                                                                     BIXBY
                                                                                                                                                                           1                                                                                                                   4606 N. Garrison, 74126 | Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          24   Zarrow Regional Library and American Indian Resource Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2224 W. 51st St., 74107 | M-Th, 9-9; Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5
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