Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini

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Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini
Finding a new balance in
the automotive industry
Driving responsible innovation and transformation
for the next decade
Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini

                                                       The automotive sector’s already
                                                       dizzying pace of change is accelerating.
                                                       This report gives Capgemini’s
                                                       perspective on the most important
                                                       changes that can be expected between
                                                       now and 2030, and the adaptations
                                                       that automotive companies will have to
                                                       make to ensure continued success.

2   Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini
Following eras of industrialization           these requirements: Subscriptions
(1920s to 1970s), globalization (late         and agency sales will become more
1970s to 2015), and digitalization, a         common, for example.
new era of change is emerging, driven       • Intelligent Industry: The next
by three megatrends that automotive           generation of digital engineering
companies are recognizing as critical to      and manufacturing will build on
their future:                                 technologies such as artificial
                                              intelligence (AI), cloud, and the
• Sustainability: Societal and                internet of things (IoT) to create a
  regulatory pressure means that              data- and software-driven industry.
  companies need to adopt an end-to-          Intelligent products and systems,
  end approach to sustainability that         operations, and services will improve
  addresses not just the environmental        uptime, reduce costs, and boost
  impact of the vehicle, but that of          efficiency, and hence increase value
  every aspect of their operations and        for companies, their customers,
  those of their partners. To tackle this     and their partners. Software will
  issue adequately, Original Equipment        play a crucial role in the automotive
  Manufacturers (OEMs) will need              industry and influence it radically.
  to change their culture. They will
  also have to rethink the way they         Increasingly, too, automotive companies
  collaborate with their suppliers and      need to operate and establish a
  partners to realize the concept of a      clear position within a wider mobility
  circular economy.                         ecosystem that includes providers of
• Customer centricity: Companies            public transportation as well as enablers
  need to cater to changing                 of mobility such as infrastructure and
  customer preferences, such as             utility providers, and local and national
  younger individuals’ requirement          governments.
  for personalization and online
  transactions. Connected services
  will play an increasingly important
  role as software proliferates inside
  and around vehicles, not least to
  support personalization. Sales
  models will need to accommodate

Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini
Success within the mobility ecosystem              culture that facilitates continuous       Our research indicates that the
depends on three main factors:                     change, and aligning IT ever more         automotive industry is moving towards
                                                   closely with the business. Companies      a new “Responsibility Era” where
• Technology & software                            will also need to develop resilience,     companies must shoulder responsibility
  competency: To succeed within the                reacting to disruptions in a controlled   for a whole range of environmental
  mobility ecosystem, companies will               and efficient way.                        and social objectives. Even when new
  have to focus at least as much on                                                          industry trends and preoccupations
  software as on hardware. Automotive         Building a position in the mobility            come along, these responsibilities will
  companies will increasingly resemble        ecosystem will imply adoption of               be here to stay, affecting every player in
  technology companies such as                new business models, for example               the mobility ecosystem, every stage of
  Google, Microsoft, or Amazon. Topics        around mobility services and digital           the automotive value chain, and every
  that are likely to need high levels of      mobility solutions. Any new model              aspect of customer experience.
  competency include cloud, data and          must, however, be aligned with the
  AI, and cybersecurity.                      requirements of each company’s                 Automotive companies must
• People & organization: This new             customer base, and with the                    demonstrate that they understand
  world will require new skills and           company’s own core competencies                and accept their new responsibilities
  competencies, both hard and soft,           and profitability objectives. Success in       while balancing them against existing
  new styles of leadership, and new,          the mobility ecosystem also depends            business priorities. By doing this, they
  more collaborative ways of working          on complementing vehicles with the             can both build a credible position within
  that increase agility.                      right range of services in the areas that      the developing mobility ecosystem and
• Operational excellence: A                   customers value most: connectivity,            safeguard their future profitability.
  disciplined approach to the                 flexibility, and convenience.
  management of costs and efficiency
  will be vital and can be achieved by,
  for example, using analytics and AI
  to improve processes, developing a


                                            Customer centricity
        Success Factors

                          Technological & Software Competency

                          People & Organization

                          Operational Excellence

             Sustainability                                                       Intelligent Industry

4    Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini





Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini

                                                        In recent Capgemini studies, such as our
                                                        report on the Agency Sales Model1 and
                                                        our Connected Vehicle Trend Radar 2,2
                                                        we analyzed specific topics within the
                                                        automotive sector. But what does the
                                                        big picture look like?


6   Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini
How will the automotive industry as a       The industry’s recent
whole evolve in the short and medium
term? Will automotive players offer
                                            history and current status
similar products and services to today’s,
or something completely different? Will     The automotive industry has been in
they operate their businesses in the        a state of constant change since the
same way as they have done in the           start of the “Industrialization Era” that
past decade?                                began in the 1920s and lasted until
                                            the 1970s. Since then, manufacturing
This new study tackles these questions,     and production processes have been
looking into the future of automotive       enormously improved in terms of their
and analyzing the whole field of mobility   efficiency and effectiveness through
– including not just vehicles but also      automation of operations, reductions
mobility-related services – from the        in the length of vehicle cycles, and
perspective of the automotive industry      increased specialization. Within this
and from different angles of the value      era, the industry had a clear product
chain. Based on this analysis, we share     focus and specialized its operations
our industry predictions for the period     with regard to the purchasing, logistics,
up to 2030.                                 engineering, and manufacturing phases
                                            of the product.
To provide context for these
predictions, we first discuss industry      The “Globalization Era,” from
megatrends of both today and                approximately the late 1970s until
tomorrow, describing their impact,          2015, saw the end of geographic
challenges, and meaning for industry        boundaries that previously constrained
players. Focusing on the effect of          sourcing, logistics, manufacturing, and
technology on key megatrends, we will       sales. By opening up world markets
not only assess the big picture from        and establishing international trade
the perspective of automotive players,      alliances, products have been made
but also consider the implications          available to customers all over the
for the most important component            world and OEMs have benefited from
of the automotive ecosystem: the            local advantages through access to new
customer. Customers’ dramatically           talent, materials, and demand. This has
changed behavior is the ultimate driving    given OEMs the chance to develop from
force for the transformation of the         national or international producers
entire industry.                            focusing on specific markets into global
                                            or multinational players.

Finding a new balance in the automotive industry - Driving responsible innovation and transformation for the next decade - Capgemini
The “Digitalization Era,” which began            leading market is pulling the automotive      technology company – and probably
 around 2014 and continues today, is              industry out of the crisis with a V-shaped    rightly so, given the need for customer
 characterized by disruptive innovations          pattern of development.                       centricity and the increasing importance
 in the automotive market. New                                                                  of software within their business.
 technologies have affected not only the          All transformation stages, from the
 internal operating model of suppliers            Industrialization Era onwards, have           As if these factors did not put enough
 and OEMs, but also customers’ use                brought significant new opportunities         pressure on automotive players,
 of products. A significant proportion            with them, always putting efficiency          they also need to deal with clients’
 of the portfolio has changed as the              and adaptability at the forefront.            unprecedented expectations about
 Digitalization Era has given birth to            Nevertheless, each evolutionary stage is      sustainability, convenience, affordability,
 digital products and services. From this         also associated with challenges. Digital      and personal experience among others.
 era onwards, OEMs and suppliers can no           transformation is not an incremental          Customers do not perceive vehicles and/
 longer focus on engine-based vehicles            innovation with minor changes, but            or mobility as standalone products,
 but have widened and shifted their               a revolutionary one – at least when it        but as an essential part of their own
 portfolio to focus more on product-              comes to the impact on people and             ecosystem that needs to be seamlessly
 related services. These services now             on the working methods of traditional         integrated and personalized. As people
 represent an additional source of                automotive players.                           experience different customer journeys
 revenue for OEMs. Also in this era, the                                                        in other industries, they develop similar
 concept of the mobility ecosystem has            With regard to digital transformation,        expectations about OEMs and mobility
 emerged with new business models of              certain companies are clearly leading         players in general. Offering an appealing
 its own such as car sharing, widening the        the field. In every conference on digital     and appropriate customer experience
 scope of automotive players’ operations          innovation or panel discussion on             in the automotive world is currently
 and enlarging their battleground.                digital capabilities, the same leading        one of the biggest preoccupations and
                                                  tech players are mentioned as state-of-       challenges for OEMs.
 From even a brief look at the past few           the-art examples: for instance, Google,
 decades, it is clear that the automotive         Amazon, Uber, Alibaba, and Tencent.           As always, the point of departure is
 industry has been undergoing constant            Alongside innovative and successful           clear, but the destination and roadmap
 change, culminating in today’s digital           startups, these same players are now          are less so. Drawing on Capgemini’s
 transformation. Throughout its history,          entering the automotive market and            research and client experience, this
 it has been a profitable industry                challenging traditional OEMs and              report looks into the future to predict
 and major contributor to the global              suppliers on their home ground. The           what the automotive industry’s next
 economy; outside times of crisis, it has         boundaries between technology                 major era will look like. But let’s start
 grown constantly in terms of volume,             companies and other industries are            by looking at the megatrends that will
 revenue, and number of market players.           fading away. New players are entering         shape that era.
 With the COVID-19 pandemic, the digital          markets, both as competitors for
 transformation of the industry has been          established players and as their
 further accelerated throughout the               collaborators. In addition, virtually every
 entire value chain. Even more than after         automotive company nowadays seems
 the 2008/2009 financial crisis, China as a       to have the ambition of becoming a

1970                    1980                   1990            2000                  2010                 2020                2030

1970s                   1979                                                                    2014
The end of the          The beginning of the                                                    The beginning of the
Industrialization Era   Globalization Era                                                       Digitalization Era

 8     Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
Three megatrends
that are shaping the
next automotive era

 Alongside the challenges it has posed for the automotive
 industry, the pandemic has made positive contributions to
 its digitalization. Companies’ agility and digital maturity
 have increased at unprecedented rates, as seen in the
 rapid introduction of contactless sales and flexible offers.
 By providing an impetus for more rapid transformation,
 COVID-19 has accelerated the digital transformation that
 was already under way. This transformation is enabled by
 new and still developing technologies, such as artificial
 intelligence (AI), analytics, and cloud platforms, and by the
 increasing levels – and growing importance – of software
 within the vehicle and in the underlying processes. This
 period of rapid change is bringing different megatrends
 to the fore.


         CONNECTED          AUTONOMOUS                     SHARED                ELECTRIC

Until now, the industry’s main                To help companies tackle this                       As we have seen, the three megatrends
megatrends have been summarized               transformation, we have developed                   identified by our framework define the
by the acronym CASE, representing             a framework (see Figure 1) that                     broad themes that automotive players
“Connected, Autonomous, Shared,               incorporates the three megatrends,                  need to understand and address. Only
Electric” vehicles.                           along with three success factors that               by dealing with these three megatrends
                                              will determine companies’ ability to                sufficiently and equally can they remain
Although CASE topics are still very much      succeed in the mobility ecosystem:                  competitive and secure their market
on the agendas of the board members           Technological & Software Competency,                position as mobility ecosystem players.
and shapers of the automotive industry,       People & Organization, and Operational              Let’s now look at each megatrend
companies’ focus has shifted. While           Excellence. In this framework, the                  in turn.
connected and electric vehicles are           megatrends broadly represent the
still on the priority list, autonomous        “what” of the new era (what companies
driving vehicles and shared mobility are      need to do) while the success factors
receiving less focus from traditional         represent the “how” (how companies
OEMs. For the “autonomous” category,          can realize the megatrends). The
the term automated driver assistance          megatrends are discussed below, and
(ADAS) more accurately represents the         the success factors in the next chapter.
current market direction.

Rather than emphasize CASE, our                 FIGURE 1
research shows that automotive
companies are increasingly recognizing          TRANSFORMATION FRAMEWORK FOR THE NEXT AUTOMOTIVE ERA
three megatrends as critical to their
future: Sustainability, Customer                                                   Customer centricity
centricity, and Intelligent Industry.
Companies know that they need to
establish a position – and then remain
relevant – in a mobility ecosystem
                                                 Success Factors

that also includes providers of public                             Technological & Software Competency
transportation, together with mobility                                                      Mobility
enablers such as infrastructure and
utility providers, and local and national                          People & Organization
governments. Companies’ ability to
address the three megatrends will
influence their ability to succeed in this                         Operational Excellence
mobility ecosystem.

                                              Sustainability                                                   Intelligent Industry

10    Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
1             MEGATREND

With environmental awareness on the                variety of challenges remain regarding            Against this background, other
rise, nearly 80% of customers are now              the sustainability of battery technology,         alternative power sources also look
making sustainability-based purchase               ranging from the requirement for                  interesting. Apart from BEVs, advances
decisions, according to Capgemini                  rare earths as ingredients for battery            in technology have paved the way for
Research Institute.3 Companies from                production to a lack of recycling                 the development of electric vehicles
all industries are starting to react with          solutions. All in all, BEVs will not              powered by solar energy or hydrogen/
comprehensive programs aiming at                   become mainstream until customers                 fuel cells, as well as for vehicles whose
reducing their environmental footprint             are offered the usability, convenience,           engines can run on biofuel. These
and reaching a net-neutral impact in               and affordability that conventional               alternatives all have their attractions.
terms of CO2 and other greenhouse gases.           vehicles offer.4                                  The use of hydrogen as an alternative
                                                                                                     fuel is of interest because the energy
For the automotive industry, in addition           It should be noted that increasing                released from hydrogen only produces
to a general societal demand for                   adoption of BEVs will ultimately have             water as a by-product. Solar roofs could
sustainable behavior, there is a major             an impact on sales (different sales               take electric vehicles to another level of
regulatory aspect. In Europe, the first            models, probably with leasing options             sustainability by leveraging the power
regulations regarding vehicle emissions            for batteries) and aftersales (reduced            of the sun, making them completely
were issued in the early 1990s and they            service requirements due to decreased             emission-free.
have been repeatedly tightened ever                complexity of the whole powertrain),
since. In recent years, awareness has              requiring adaption, at least, in these
focused on CO2, with increasingly strict           areas as well.
requirements for fleet emissions.

We expect this trend to continue. A net-
zero CO2 impact for internal company
operations will be the standard by
2030. Similarly, by then we expect all
major OEMs to offer vehicles driven
by mechanisms other than internal
combustion engines across their
model ranges.

Already today, battery electric vehicles
(BEVs) are gaining customer acceptance,
with companies such as Tesla showing
the way. Rapidly improving battery
technology provides a more reliable
experience and instills confidence
in this new way of driving, partially
allaying concerns about charging
infrastructure and reach. However, a


These alternatives would need further             To realize these improvements,
investment – for example, to set up the           transparency and culture change are
required fueling infrastructure in the            required. Collecting and aggregating
case of hydrogen-powered vehicles.                the right data about the sustainability
For hydrogen, there are also storage              footprint of all steps along the value
challenges, which have delayed adoption           chain provides a solid foundation for
so far. A recent Capgemini report5                improvement. A culture of sustainability
discusses some of these issues in detail.         awareness can ensure that sustainability
                                                  is not just a concept within operations
Returning to the overarching topic of             and production, but rather a mindset
sustainability, according to a Capgemini          and responsibility to be followed and
Research Institute report, 62% of                 lived by each player within
automotive organizations claim to                 the ecosystem.
have developed a comprehensive
sustainability strategy with well-defined         In taking steps towards a more
goals and targets.6 This is necessary,            sustainable mobility ecosystem, the
as sustainability in automotive goes              concept of a circular economy will
beyond e-mobility. An end-to-end                  become an increasingly important
approach to sustainability needs to               part of the CxO agenda. Emerging
consider the entire impact of the                 technologies can help to realize the
value chain, ranging from product                 resulting comprehensive sustainability
development, sourcing and logistics,              ambitions. Examples include the
manufacturing, and marketing and sales,           attempts made by leading OEMs to use
to aftersales and recycling solutions.            3D printing to reduce manufacturing
Improvements in terms of climate,                 waste by eliminating scrap, AI to enable
environmental, and social impact are              more efficient energy consumption, and
possible and required at each of                  data forecasting, analytics and green
these points.                                     IT to help evaluate the environmental
                                                  impact of operations.

                                                   of automotive
                                                   organizations claim
                                                   to have sustainability


12   Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
2            MEGATREND

              Customer centricity
Sustainability is not the only area where    Furthermore, customers today              A customer-centric approach to vehicle
customer expectations are changing.          are showing an increased sense of         sales has also led to the emergence of
With 59% of younger consumers (below         independence and self-determination.      subscription models, which provide
the age of 35) considering buying            They want to decide for themselves        customers with more flexibility. Various
a car, up from 35% in April 2020,7 a         which products to buy, which decisions    OEMs have been testing the benefits
generation change is happening among         to take, and which data to share          of a subscription model through small-
automotive customers and a reversal          with whom.                                scale programs such as Access by BMW
of their historical preference to avoid                                                or Porsche Passport. By 2030, vehicle
vehicle ownership. As a new customer         This has important implications for       subscription programs could account for
base emerges, customer preferences           the development of future sales in        nearly 10% of all new vehicle sales in the
are shifting from offline to online          the automotive industry. Improved         US and Europe.9
channels and from standard services to       use of technology will help to cater
personalized customer journeys.              to customer expectations both in          With regard to operation of the sales
                                             dealerships and at home. Especially       process, an important transformation
As a result, customer centricity is key,     during the pandemic, contactless sales,   lies ahead, affecting both the customer
not only when talking directly to the        deliveries, and aftersales represent      experience and existing roles in
customer, but in all communication           top priorities and objectives for         automotive sales. The agency sales
channels, and also internally, during        automotive players8 in order to satisfy   model (see Figure 2) can be viewed
the development of new products and          the newest customer expectations. To      as an evolution of traditional three-
the setup of new processes. Customer         realize distance commerce, immersive      tiered sales towards an integrated
centricity needs to be the main driver in    technologies such as augmented reality    online/offline sales model. OEMs
the physical as well as the digital world,   (AR) and virtual reality (VR) are key;    interact directly with customers
seamlessly integrated into both internal     they allow customers to explore vehicle   and take responsibility for the sales
and external processes.                      features and even take test drives from   transaction. The dealer remains the
                                             the comfort of their homes.               face that the customer sees, but acts
                                                                                       as an agent rather than a contractual
                                                                                       partner. Especially with activities that
                                                                                       require physical interaction, such as
                                                                                       coordinating and executing test drives
                                                                                       and handling service appointments, the
                                                                                       agent plays a decisive role by managing
                                                                                       the customer experience.10

Transformations in automotive sales                  monetize the data gathered. The high               Vehicle Trend Radar 212 indicates that
will also encompass aftersales service.              potential of secure and trusted vehicle            around 44% of customers do not yet
Using technology, the traditionally                  data is reflected in global revenue                have any connected services in their
burdensome steps in the aftersales                   predictions for 2030 ranging between               cars, and only about half of those that
customer journey can be seamlessly and               $80bn and $800bn.11                                do use them frequently. Simplifying
effortlessly integrated into customers’                                                                 interfaces and promoting the
lives. As an example, AI will help OEMs              Many potential future use cases in                 capabilities of connected vehicles will
monitor connected vehicles in real                   aftersales rely on the connectivity                not only help gain access to insightful
time to predict and prevent vehicle                  features of vehicles. Additionally,                data but also increase the value of
malfunctions. Additionally, over-the-                data generated by connected vehicles               vehicles for customers.
air (OTA) updates will be a quick and                is expected to increase, providing
effortless way to remotely update                    opportunities for OEMs to monetize                 With the right technologies,
vehicle software.                                    digital insights. Technology adoption              organizational changes and
                                                     by other industries will enable a                  partnerships, superior customer
In the past, the usage phase of the                  connectivity model that allows vehicles            experience, personalized sales, and
vehicle was characterized by a limited               to communicate with almost all the                 effortless aftersales, services will
relationship and communication                       physical assets in the surrounding                 become key differentiators that help
between the OEM and the customer.                    environment (V2X).                                 OEMs maintain a competitive advantage
However, connected services and the                                                                     in automotive sales.
entire in-car experience now represent               Although connected services have great
a new battlefield for OEMs and a new                 potential, it is not yet being realized.
revenue source. To succeed in this                   OEMs need to adjust their portfolio
field, OEMs need to make sure they                   to take advantage of the fact that
offer valuable services to customers,                customers are often willing to pay for
integrate third-party services, and                  these services. Capgemini’s Connected



                 Traditional sales model                                              Agency sales model

                         OEM/Importer                                                    OEM/Importer

                     1                       2                                                                 4
                                                                                Online                                for
                                                                                                                      of 1

                 3               4               5                          1            3         2           1           3

                          Consumer                                                           Consumer


14     Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
3               MEGATREND

                Intelligent Industry
Moving from the customer to the OEM                 With the help of key technologies such      • Intelligent operations, reflected
perspective, new technologies have                  as AI, cloud, and IoT, automotive players     in the digitalization and data-driven
constantly been disrupting product                  have the potential to address the topic       optimization of automotive core
development and manufacturing. Lately,              of Intelligent Industry in a targeted         functions and processes, can reduce
an increased level of connectivity and              manner. This can be realized via a            complexity and add efficiency
automation was introduced under the                 threefold digital approach:                   through, for example, smart factories
heading of Industry 4.0. However, the                                                             or digital engineering approaches.
future will rely not only on automated               • Intelligent products and systems,        • Intelligent services, ranging from
factories but also on closer collaboration             being smart and connected, can now         connected services to monetization
between machines, workers, and                         be continuously improved thanks            use cases based on data, can extend
customers to cope with the increased                   to real-time feedback. This means          classic profit pools and provide value
level of product complexity. The next                  greater uptime, reduced costs, and         to customers and partners alike.
generation of digital engineering and                  improved efficiency across product
manufacturing, Intelligent Industry,13                 and system development. Intelligent      Highly automated processes, platforms,
promises great shifts in industrial                    products and systems span everything     and procedures result from the
processes and in business and                          from product engineering (e.g. of        threefold approach. They enable OEMs
consumption models, and offers OEMs                    powertrains and vehicle architecture)    to create new digital business models,
the opportunity to take the lead in the                to software engineering (e.g. of         products, and services, and more
race to a data- and software-driven                    embedded software or telematics) –       efficient processes both internally and
automotive world.                                      and more.                                in working with partners. Intelligent


Industry brings potential business                Digital twin/ digital shadow                       technology can add a further level
and efficiency benefits beyond those                                                                 of speed and efficiency by bringing
of Industry 4.0 and can help OEMs to              To enable end-to-end digital continuity,           relevant computing operations
remain competitive in the long run.               digital twins are now used across                  even closer to a vehicle or a
                                                  manufacturing and warehouse                        production facility.
We believe that Intelligent Industry              operations to manage material flow,
will be the norm for automotive                   complete order-to-delivery processes,              Automation & robotics
OEMs by 2030. We are already seeing               and realize efficiency and quality
encouraging movements in this                     improvements in vehicle production.                Intelligent Industry will make further
direction: For example, the percentage            Digital twins help in use cases such as            progress with automation and
of organizations with ongoing smart               what-if planning or the prediction of              robotization in the value chain. More and
factory initiatives increased from 43% in         behavior under operational changes.                more, advanced algorithms are used to
2017 to 68% in 2019.14                            Through IoT sensors, the twin can also             automate basic tasks and decisions. This
                                                  receive continuous, real-time data from            increases efficiency and enables split-
This finding suggests that companies are          the object. Digital twins will therefore           second decisions that can, for example,
evolving towards Intelligent Industry,            accelerate product development, reduce             trigger actions to avoid interruptions in
for which data is the most important              defects, troubleshoot equipment,                   production. Robots can now accomplish
input. Together with AI-based analytics,          increase uptime, and decrease                      an ever-growing number of tasks in
readily available data creates the right          manufacturing costs. The digital twin              production, and sometimes also in
conditions for realizing Intelligent              will be further extended into the                  repair and maintenance. These robots of
Industry’s primary benefit: flexibility in        usage phase of vehicles and beyond.                today usually have to be programmed to
manufacturing and across the whole                Transparency of each component within              perform specific tasks, but tomorrow’s
value chain. Intelligent Industry helps           a vehicle throughout its entire life               smarter, data-powered robots will
OEMs to adjust their business models in           cycle will be key to staying relevant in           be able to carry out a whole range of
real time in reaction to change while still       the future.                                        tasks, so that for example the same
acting in accordance with regulations,                                                               production facility can be used flexibly
such as safety or cybersecurity premises,         5G & edge                                          for a variety of vehicle models and even
and sustainability paradigms (including                                                              for different types of powertrain.
CO2 emissions and reuse of materials).            The right level of connectivity is
                                                  crucial for fully realizing the benefits           The three megatrends described in this
As well as ensuring that they have the            of flexibility in an Intelligent Industry          chapter reflect the topics that are clearly
right data processing and analytics               setup. The above-mentioned sensor                  already on the agendas of automotive
capabilities, automotive players                  data is ideally transmitted and                    players. But it is not enough to just
aiming for an Intelligent Industry                analyzed in real time to enable fast               consider these aspects and integrate
approach must not underestimate the               and effective reactions to unforeseen              them into the product and service
transformation processes required.                changes. 5G technology promises to                 portfolio. Each player also needs to
Throughout their journey towards                  provide this benefit with a previously             define its own business model around
Intelligent Industry, they will need to           unheard-of transmission speed and                  these megatrends and in the context
address issues such as management                 bandwidth.15 The fact that 5G is a                 of the mobility ecosystem. The next
processes, employee enablement, and               mobile communication standard brings               chapter explains how this can be done.
appropriate organizational structures.            additional benefits. Not only can a
                                                  factory be fully connected, but vehicles
While Intelligent Industry is facilitated by      in use on the road can also constantly
various technology enablers, including            feed live data about their status into
IoT, AI, and mobile communications, the           predictive maintenance systems, for
following three enablers are particularly         example. In use cases where very
important:                                        fast reaction times are required (e.g.
                                                  autonomous driving), edge computing


16   Finding a new balance in the automotive industry

The mobility
                                              ecosystem of the
                                              future and its
                                              success factors
                                                   In the previous chapter, we discussed three megatrends –
                                                   Sustainability, Customer centricity, and Intelligent Industry –
                                                   which together are driving the next major transformation for
                                                   the automotive industry. We outlined Capgemini’s framework
                                                   for helping automotive companies address the megatrends.
                                                   Companies, we believe, must define their desired position in the
                                                   evolving mobility ecosystem and then establish and strengthen
                                                   this position by addressing three essential success factors:
                                                   Technological & Software Competency, People & Organization,
                                                   and Operational Excellence

18   Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
In this chapter, we will start by             So far, though, these novel business        Customer demand
considering what might constitute             models have seen varying degrees
a viable business model within the            of success. The challenge is to find        In an increasingly customer-centric
mobility ecosystem, then analyze the          models that meet customer needs             ecosystem, customers’ needs must be
three key success factors, and finally        while at the same time offering a cost/     considered first. This means that the
consider likely future developments in        revenue structure that allows profitable    business model should define a position
the mobility ecosystem itself.                operations.                                 within the mobility ecosystem that is
                                                                                          driven by customer demand, and not by
Business models in the                        Car sharing services are a good             technological possibilities.
mobility ecosystem                            illustration of this challenge. Although
                                              customer demand clearly exists,             Connection to core business
With the megatrends discussed in              traditional OEMs seem to find the           and core competencies
the previous chapter shaping future           services difficult to run profitably.
mobility, automotive companies will           However, traditional rental companies       As the car sharing example discussed
need to establish and protect their           such as SIXT are apparently more            above shows, it is worth considering
position in a constantly changing             successful, and continue to target this     which already-established core
mobility ecosystem. This will necessitate     market, along with Uber and other ride-     competencies a company brings to the
new business models. Whereas a couple         hailing companies. The explanation may      table before deciding which business
of years ago automotive companies             be that traditional rental companies,       models to adopt. Being able to leverage
were mainly just selling vehicles, they are   which are used to focusing on vehicle       those existing core competencies has
now adopting business models around           utilization rates, are better adapted to    apparently helped the rental companies
mobility services and digital mobility        this new business model than OEMs,          to develop their new business model
solutions. These models are as relevant       with their historic focus on engineering,   faster and to operate it more profitably.
to the established market players as          manufacturing, and selling vehicles.
they are to the innovative startups that                                                  Profitability
often initiate them.                          So, what does it take to define a
                                              successful and profitable business          Establishing a new business model can
                                              model in the mobility ecosystem of the      bring high upfront costs as well as a
                                              future? Three criteria are key:             persistently negative cashflow over
                                                                                          the first couple of years. If the financial
                                                                                          reality does not meet the upfront
                                                                                          expectations, the result can be the early
                                                                                          termination of the model. This is why it
                                                                                          is essential to establish clear profitability
                                                                                          requirements before starting out.
                                                                                          Fundamental questions are: Where is
                                                                                          the revenue coming from? How can we
                                                                                          balance costs with revenue? What is the
                                                                                          timeline for this? What are the investors’
                                                                                          or shareholders’ expectations?

The three success factors
To successfully realize their chosen business model, mobility ecosystem players
need to be structured and organized internally in an appropriate way. The success
factors that we are about to discuss represent this internal perspective, including
the capability, talent, and operational dimensions. They all need to be tackled
simultaneously if a company is to deal successfully with the megatrends.

Success factor 1:                             Both internal and external perspectives       improved ongoing operating
                                              are important here. As well as providing      expenditure. We expect the trend
Technological &                               the right services to customers, IT and       towards cloud technology to continue
Software Competency                           technology functions also need to             and accelerate over the coming years,
                                              achieve scalability and cost optimization.    with further increases in flexibility
                                              Collaborative platforms can help by           and the emergence of a growing
For vehicles to become smarter and
                                              making it easy for central and regional       range of cloud-based solutions for the
more autonomous, the underlying
                                              stakeholders to work together; this can       industry.
technologies need to become more              drastically reduce time to market while
innovative. The shift from hardware to        ensuring almost instant scaling and          • Data & AI
software excellence is currently one of       global coverage.                               With more and more data being
the key challenges for the automotive                                                        collected right along the automotive
industry. Over the past 100 years,            Apart from the need for general                value chain, companies are realizing
product engineering and production            software excellence, a variety of              they need capabilities to analyze this
achieved incredible progress with ever        specific technologies are becoming             data and use it to trigger intelligent
more sophisticated, well-designed, and        increasingly relevant. In addition to          actions. AI already plays an important
high-quality vehicles. In recent decades,     those already mentioned in connection          role in this context and will increase
however, software components are              with Intelligent Industry, the following       in relevance in the future. AI
increasing in relevance. Technological        technologies are key:                          technologies will be crucial in every
competency nowadays implies product                                                          part of the value chain, from design
                                               • Cloud
and software excellence in equal                 Cloudification (the migration of data       to aftersales services. Additionally, AI
measure, since both are needed to                and applications to the internet in         can strengthen driver assistance and
fulfill increasing customer expectations.        order to enable cloud computing)            driver risk assessment systems, both
As discussed below, this shift also has          is currently a hot topic in many            of which can have an impact on the
talent and organizational implications.          departments of OEMs and along the           customer experience.
                                                 whole value chain. Success stories
Furthermore, the shift also has an
                                                 here include the use of cloud-based        Though AI has been applied in
impact on ways of working. In line with
                                                 software in operations (e.g., for ERP      many parts of the automotive value
agile methodologies from software
                                                 systems) and marketing and sales           chain, there is a lack of integration,
development, both software and
                                                 (e.g., CRM systems or customer
hardware need to be developed at an                                                         with most AI projects implemented
                                                 interaction solutions). By taking
accelerated pace, frequently creating                                                       selectively and not at scale. In the
                                                 advantage of cloud’s configurability,
incremental value for the customers.                                                        supply chain area, just 4%16 of AI
                                                 adaptability, and scalability, and the
Examples include the release of new                                                         solutions get scaled up to be used by
                                                 pay-as-you-go commercial model,
hardware- and software-enabled                                                              more than one function. The most
                                                 the OEMs concerned have reduced
services via over-the-air (OTA) updates                                                     successful AI implementations have
                                                 upfront investment, improved
to a vehicle that has already been sold.
                                                 performance and resilience, and            tended to take place in functions

20   Finding a new balance in the automotive industry
where workflow and processes                      benefits with the risks of increased         Technologies such
  are more standardized, such as                    connectivity. But now other aspects
  manufacturing/operations.                         of the operation are also at risk.           as AI and machine
  Overall, however, the potential in                Looking first at the product, future         learning will play
  this area is huge. We expect that
  AI will enable more and more use
                                                    vehicles will be highly digital, and their
                                                    in-vehicle and back-end systems will
                                                                                                 a pivotal role in
  cases, especially in areas such as the            make them into data goldmines. With          protecting vehicles
  automation and standardization                    the adoption of 5G and IoT solutions,
  of workflows in labor-intensive                   even more valuable vehicle and               against cybercrime
  operations along the entire value                 customer data will be generated;
  chain. In parallel, “lighthouse” (i.e.,           see Figure 3 for the cyberthreats
  high-profile) use cases for machine               that will arise. It will be imperative       value chain, including the finished
  learning, blockchain, and quantum                 to implement strong cybersecurity            product – the vehicle itself.
  computing will become more                        measures to protect all this data.
  common.                                           OEMs need to secure their electronic         Technologies such as AI and
                                                    systems, communication networks,             machine learning will play a pivotal
• Cybersecurity                                     algorithms, software, users, and             role in protecting vehicles against
  With the increasing prevalence                    underlying data from unauthorized            cybercrime. In the future, vehicles
  of software components and                        access and manipulation.                     will be equipped with operational
  connectivity features, a variety of               Over and above the cybersecurity             profiling mechanisms featuring
  risks need to be managed along the                measures that OEMs themselves                machine learning and deep learning
  automotive value chain. Production                decide to put in place, other                technologies to detect security
  and product development facilities                safeguards will be dictated by future        anomalies. This will help OEMs
  have traditionally always been well               cybersecurity regulations. These             detect and diagnose cyberthreats in
  protected, though they face the                   are likely to affect not only the            real time.
  challenge of balancing the potential              manufacturing process but the entire



                                                                     OBD-II Hacking
                                              Personal Data
                                                                                                   Spam and Advertising
                   Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V)

                                                                                                          Malware and Exploits
      Infrastructure (V2I)
                                                                                                              Third-Party Apps

   Key Fob Hacking



Success factor 2:                                  • Establishing new sets of values and            to take advantage of the relevant
People & Organization                                shared beliefs across the organization,        technologies. Training and upskilling
                                                     together with collaborative and agile          are already an ongoing challenge for
So far, we have emphasized technology                ways of working18                              automotive companies, requiring
and automation, especially with regard             • Introducing, and then living, a data-          a structured and well-integrated
to the concept of Intelligent Industry.              driven, change-friendly culture                approach to continuous learning and
However, the automotive companies of               • Implementing a structured,                     development. Gone are the days when
the future will still clearly be driven by           comprehensive change management                employees might spend their entire
human talent. Having the right people                approach                                       working lives in the same job using the
to steer the organization through the                                                               same tools. Automotive OEMs now
ongoing transformation remains a                  Most importantly, though, this is a               need workers to be both continuously
crucial success factor. And attracting            leadership topic. The automotive                  developing the hard skills required
the right talent is no longer just about          company of the future needs a                     for their job and able to transition
hard skills. Every function will require          leadership that embraces change and               into other functional areas of the
people with the mindset and soft                  drives transformation. The leadership             company, thereby enhancing a shared
skills to work unremittingly towards a            team needs to embody the newly                    understanding and culture.
superior customer experience in an ever-          established values and to champion
changing environment and as part of an            both technological excellence and                 With automotive companies
interdisciplinary team.                           customer focus. These two perspectives            becoming increasingly dependent
                                                  must be combined by driving                       on digital technologies, special attention
For traditional companies that are                collaboration between the technology-             needs to be paid to the IT function
oriented towards product engineering              focused engineering and production                and its integration with the wider
and organized in functional silos, this           departments on the one hand and, on               organization. It is crucial to ensure that
is an ongoing challenge that will have            the other hand, the customer-driven               the IT function is equipped to fulfill
to be addressed in the coming years,              sales and marketing areas. This will be           its purpose of providing software
both through recruitment and by                   a key task for OEM leadership in the              excellence for the entire organization.
transforming the corporate culture.               new era.                                          Doing this needs not only the right
However, as reflected in the Capgemini                                                              skills and people, but also a seamless
Research Institute study on Digital               Beyond cultural and leadership aspects,           integration between IT and business
Mastery,17 automotive organizations               the new wave of automation and                    functions.
have in fact already made significant             digitalization makes it vital to train the
progress over the past two years                  workforce in the digital skills required
towards achieving the digital and                                                                   Success factor 3:
leadership capabilities required. Almost                                                            Operational Excellence
69% of automotive players now believe
they have the required capabilities                                                                 The third and final success factor
compared to only 32% in 2018.                                                                       governing the transformation of the
                                                                                                    automotive industry for the new era
Organizationally, automotive players                                                                relates to the discipline of operational
will find that they need to transform to                                                            excellence. This is primarily about doing
achieve the total customer centricity                                                               more with fewer resources, i.e. better
of a technology company while also                 of the jobs that                                 resource utilization, but it should be
equipping themselves to cope with the
constantly accelerating transformation
                                                   Generation Z (born                               more than that: a holistic philosophy
                                                                                                    that makes it possible to improve and
of their industry. These major challenges          1996 and after) will                             maintain an efficient and resilient
will mean:                                                                                          automotive organization.
                                                   work in have not yet
                                                   been invented19


22   Finding a new balance in the automotive industry


                                      78%             74%
                                                                       70%             68%             67%
                                                                                                                       64%            63%

   Cloud              5G          Automation Non-cellular AI/Machine                  AR/VR          Robotics         Analytics     Additive
 Computing                                    connectivity   Learning                                                             Manufacturing
                                          (Wired, WiFi, LPWAN)

 Source: Capgemini Research Institute, How automotive organizations can maximize the smart factory potential, January 202017

Financials                                             has recently diversified, with new                      come under scrutiny. Contrary to the
                                                       incumbents offering differentiating                     expectations of a few years ago, level 5
Even before the start of the COVID-                    products and a wide variety of                          autonomous driving is still not available
19 crisis, most OEMs faced increasing                  additional business propositions,                       in any regular vehicle – a fact that calls
challenges such as changing buying                     ranging from digital service features                   into question the rationale behind
behavior, and societal and political                   delivered OTA to provision of high-                     large investments in this technology
pressure towards greater sustainability.               voltage charging infrastructure. Many                   (see Figure 4).
The past decade has also seen many                     of these initiatives quickly gained
missed opportunities to improve                        customer acceptance, and traditional                    Resilience
productivity or to supply missing links                OEMs too are now adding these items
in the digital supply chain.20                         to their agenda.                                        Crucial though financials are,
                                                                                                               they represent only one aspect of
To fulfill the growth and profitability                Stabilizing or increasing profitability                 operational excellence. Another major
goals that they have set themselves,                   through operational excellence is                       aspect is resilience, particularly (but
OEMs now need to get the financials                    a challenge in many of these new                        not only) in the supply chain.
right. Faster, higher, stronger revenue                business areas, however. For example,
ambitions have emerged as a business                   when offering shared mobility services                  Change and disruptions are standard
imperative over the past few decades.                  such as car sharing, it is still difficult              in a world of volatility, uncertainty,
                                                       to achieve the utilization levels                       complexity, and ambiguity (VUCA).
Traditionally, automotive OEMs                         required to make a profit, even with                    Therefore, value streams such as the
mainly relied on new vehicle sales                     strong customer take-up. Similarly,                     supply chain and logistics processes
and aftersales business to generate                    investments in fully autonomous                         need to be constantly ready to react to
revenues. However, the portfolio                       driving technologies have recently                      new circumstances. Resilience must be


comprehensively embedded in all value            • Focusing on process efficiency               IT and business are of critical
streams, including R&D, product design,            through continuous improvement               importance. Building close and
and demand and supply planning. This               and cost reduction                           efficient collaboration will help to
will lead to continuous improvement                Systematic process management,               drive efficiency and productivity
in each stream while also preparing                and the use of tools such as advanced        gains and avoid the disadvantages
organizations for whatever the future              analytics and AI technologies, can           of working in silos. Individual IT
may bring.                                         help to continuously identify areas          departments will largely disappear
                                                   for efficiency improvement, leading          because most departments will
Steps to excellence                                to cost reduction in all parts of the        contain a substantial level of IT
                                                   business.                                    capability, seamlessly integrated to
We expect a disciplined approach to the          • Accelerating future change                   improve execution excellence.
management of operational excellence               To change established behavior, it         • Driving innovation with disruptive
in all areas of the business to be a key           is essential to build an organization        business and IT models
success factor for the automotive                  where continuous improvement is              A disruptive and innovative
industry in the coming years. Investing            the norm; this will make it possible to      organization requires the right
in operational excellence will build               manage transformation faster and             business and IT models if it is to
process efficiency and improve capacity            more efficiently. Customer centricity        achieve operational excellence. Future
utilization across an automotive                   will result in a stronger competitive        work must emphasize continuous
business’s core value streams.                     advantage, and a change- and data-           change and close internal and
Organizations need to take a number                driven organizational culture is also of     external collaboration while always
of steps to ensure that their investment           great importance.                            retaining a clear focus on process and
pays off:21                                      • Aligning IT and business to create           system efficiency. Companies must
                                                   real value                                   put in place an open learning culture
                                                   Given that all parts of the business         to facilitate the necessary behavioral
                                                   now have a strong technology                 shift towards more innovation and
                                                   component, alignments between                idea creation.


24   Finding a new balance in the automotive industry


       Level 0                Level 1                Level 2                 Level 3               Level 4                 Level 5
                              Driver                 Partial               Conditional                High                  Full
   No Automation            Assistance             Automation              Automation              Automation            Automation

   Driver performs        Driver performs       Driver must remain      The vehicle monitors    Vehicle performs all     Vehicle performs
   all tasks related      driving tasks with    alert, engaged in the   the environment and     driving tasks and        all driving functions
   to driving.            assistance from       environment and in      can perform driving     monitors environment     under all conditions.
                          built-in safety       control. Vehicle can    tasks. Driver is not    under limited            Driver is not
                          features. The         perform one or more     required to remain      conditions. Driver may   required.
                          driver maintains      driving tasks           constantly alert, but   still be required
                          control of the        simultaneously.         must be ready to take   to intervene.
                          vehicle.                                      control as needed.

• Strengthening resilience22                     Especially in urban areas of the                     a well-engineered hardware product.
  Organizations must determine the               world, mobility options have recently                Connectivity, flexibility, and convenience
  mix of resilience they want to build           diversified strongly. Where individuals              are just as vital and are mostly provided
  into the supply chain and other key            previously only had a choice between                 in the form of services.
  areas, and make this into a strategic          walking, taking the car, or using public
  goal. Resilience targets need to               transport, many new services have now                What exactly does this mean for the
  be clearly defined up front so that            been added, ranging from ride hailing                vehicles of the future? Most customer-
  performance can be measured.                   and car sharing to bike and e-scooter                focused use cases can be grouped under
  Developing continuous improvement              rental. While the pandemic has                       our three headings of connectivity,
  and learning capabilities, and                 adversely affected new car sales, they               flexibility, and convenience:
  establishing a collaborative, problem-         increased again after early lockdowns.
  solving mindset, will make it easier           China’s V-shaped sales development                   Connectivity
  to anticipate, resist, and recover             even led to better sales performance in
  from disruptions. New technologies             the fourth quarter of 2020 than in the               A high level of general connectivity is a
  such as AI should be used to create            corresponding quarter of the previous                prerequisite for many use cases. Some
  transparency through data and                  year. During subsequent phases of the                do not require the active involvement
  further improve contingency                    pandemic, these patterns continued,                  of the user: For example, vehicles can
  planning capabilities.23                       with consumers continuing to favor                   communicate with one another and with
                                                 personal mobility over shared or                     relevant infrastructure to create a more
If all this is paired with execution             public transport.24                                  convenient experience for the customer.
excellence, operational excellence will                                                               Other use cases do need the customer’s
result. Both profitability and resilience        Customer expectations have evolved                   involvement: Examples that are already
will improve.                                    accordingly. Accustomed to highly                    available include connectivity use cases
                                                 flexible, easy-to-use, and digitally                 such as remotely checking the vehicle’s
Shaping the mobility                             enhanced experiences in many areas                   status, starting certain functions such
ecosystem                                        of their lives, customers expect the                 as heating or charging, and opening or
                                                 same in the area of mobility. This is                closing the vehicle. Future use cases
Let’s turn our focus back to the heart of        why the hardware component of a                      will build on these ideas, as well as
the future of automotive: the mobility           vehicle is only part of the picture and              on infotainment and safety features
ecosystem and its meaning for the                why future mobility customers will                   enabled by connectivity services.
automotive industry.                             not accept a vehicle just because it is


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