Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
to You
South Dublin Library
 Development Plan
    2018 – 2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022


              Introduction                                                 02
              Executive Summary                                            06
              Mission Statement                                            10
              Profile of South Dublin Libraries                            12
                      Branch Library Network                               13
                      Online Resources                                     15
                      The Last Five Years                                  16
              The Communities We Serve                                     18
              Consultation Process                                         22
                      Public Survey                                        24
                      Public Consultation                                  30
                      SWOT Analysis                                        36
              Research Outcomes                                            38
              Key Objectives                                               42
                      1. Reading and Literacy including Digital Literacy   43
                      2. Marketing and Promotion                           44
                      3. Information and Communication Technology          45
                      4. Heritage and Tourism                              46
                      5. Information and Lifelong Learning                 47
                      6. Community and Culture                             49
              Making it Possible                                           52
              Appendix                                                     56

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022


              Building on existing strengths,
              the demographic profile of the
              communities we serve and feedback
              from the consultation process, this
              Plan is a road map for the strategic
              development of our library service
              over the next five years.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

              Chief Executive Daniel McLoughlin

              I am delighted to present “Open to You” South Dublin Library
              Development Plan 2018 – 2022 which is essentially a road map for
              strategic, inclusive and imaginative sustainable development of
              our library service over the next five years. South Dublin County
              Council aims to make our county the best possible place in which
              to live, work and do business. In this context, this Plan underpins
              South Dublin County Council’s core themes of social inclusion,
              collaboration, well-being and citizen engagement.

              The Plan has been informed by an extensive consultation process
              with all stakeholders, including users and non-users of the service,
              library staff, council networks including community groups, the
              Public Participation Network and the wider public using a variety
              of mechanisms.

              Building on existing strengths, the demographic profile of the
              communities we serve and informed by the consultations, the
              Plan is centred on six key objectives, associated high level actions
              and strategies for delivery of these objectives. Public libraries are
              trusted and valued as a unique community service. At the heart of
              this Library Development Plan is a vision to promote the well-being
              and quality of life of all of our citizens in South Dublin. The library
              service is facing many challenges, not least the challenge to bridge
              the gap between the public’s perception and knowledge of the
              extensive services on offer. This Plan includes a strategy to bridge
              that gap in a creative and sustainable way in order to connect,
              inspire and empower our communities, over the next five years and
              beyond. Our ambition is to enrich the quality of life in South Dublin
              County by promoting access to a broad range of knowledge,
              information, technology, culture and heritage in a welcoming,
              inclusive and supportive way.

              I would like to thank everybody who has helped produce this Plan,
              including everyone who participated in the consultation process.
              I am confident it will contribute significantly to the development
              of our library service in South Dublin providing a high quality
              accessible service.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022


               Mayor Paul Gogarty

               In the past five years, there have been many developments in our
               library service in South Dublin. To highlight just a few, participation
               in the implementation of the national library management system,
               enables citizens of South Dublin to freely access the services
               and resources of any library service in the country. In June 2013
               Ballyroan library reopened providing a wonderful modern resource,
               and Palmerstown Library Digital Hub opened in June 2017. This has
               already proven very popular with the local community, and is fast
               establishing itself as a welcome community resource.

               Our ambitious library development plan covering the next five
               years, outlines the strategies and many exciting actions which
               will focus on improving access and visibility of the library service
               connecting and empowering our citizens. South Dublin Libraries
               have always aspired to providing welcoming and democratic
               spaces. I am delighted that the building of two modern purpose
               built libraries will commence in the summer of 2018 at Castletymon
               and North Clondalkin.

               As a free public library service we are ideally placed to support
               and grow literacy levels and facilitate the discovery of reading,
               creativity innovation and inclusiveness for all age groups. This
               plan outlines a strong commitment to literacy support as well as
               highlighting and expanding South Dublin Libraries’ commitment
               to providing services to older people, to schools, and to families.
               It also encompasses our active engagement in educational and
               cultural development in the county. Active participation in national
               initiatives, such as Work matters, Right to Read and Healthy Ireland
               offer access and resources in an inclusive way that is unique to
               public libraries.

               I would like to thank all who contributed to this plan, which is a
               celebration of the potential of our public library service in South

Open to You    South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

              County Librarian Bernadette Fennell

              I am grateful to everyone who has contributed to “Open to You”
              South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 – 2022, including
              all those who took the time to participate in the extensive
              consultation process.

              I wish to acknowledge the contribution of Grainne Millar of GM
              Innovations who was instrumental in the engagement, research
              and analysis process.

              Special thanks to all the staff of South Dublin Libraries for their
              dedication and commitment to a service which has become a
              trusted and valued resource at the heart of the community.

              We have a library service in South Dublin which is progressive and
              inclusive, and I am looking forward to the implementation of this
              plan over the next five years.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022


              This Development Plan sets out the
              strategy and work programmes of South
              Dublin Libraries for the next five years.
              It includes an outline of existing library
              services, objectives and priorities, and
              measures to achieve these objectives.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

The mission statement of our             There have been a number              Considering all the challenges
library service is:                      of demographic changes                and opportunities which may
                                         identified in Census 2016 which       present themselves over the
To enrich the quality of life            will have implications for the        next five years, our Library
in South Dublin County                   library service. Census 2016          Development Plan focuses on
                                         revealed that the population          six key objectives.
by promoting access to a                 of South Dublin County has
broad range of knowledge,                grown 5.1% to 278,767 and will        Priorities and Objectives:
information, technology,                 continue to grow including
culture and heritage, in a               developments such as the new          Reading and Literacy including
welcoming, inclusive and                 town at Clonburris. We have an        Digital Literacy
supportive way                           ethnically diverse community          The promotion of reading
                                         with over 120 nationalities. Our      and the development of
Our library service currently            population includes a large           literacy support is at the core
operates 8 service points: 5             proportion of young people            of our library service. The
branch libraries, two part-time          (21,733 aged 0–4 years) and           capacity not just to read but
libraries and a library digital          also a fast-growing population        to understand and critically
hub. There is also an extensive          of over 55s (59,472). Census          appreciate different forms of
mobile library service. Opening          2016 has shown that 20,772            communication is a key skill.
hours include four late evenings         people aged 15 and over               The fostering and support for
and weekly Saturday opening.             have received only primary            developing this skill underpins
During the lifetime of this plan,        level education or no formal          many of the services we offer.
two major capital projects               education at all. 23.4% don’t
will be delivered with the re-           own a personal computer and           Digital literacy is an
building of a purpose built              10.6% have no access to the           increasingly vital skill for
library at Castletymon and the           Internet. These demographic           navigating modern life.
construction of a new library at         profiles will impact on our           Computer facilities are
North Clondalkin.                        literacy, information, cultural and   available for free in our branch
                                         social inclusion programmes.          libraries, and courses for

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
Open to You South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018 2022 - South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Executive Summary

beginner, intermediate, and
advanced levels are on offer in
all branches. The development
of Tech Spaces in our libraries
will facilitate the expansion of
STEAM (Science, Technology,
Engineering, Arts and
Mathematics) activities and
foster in young people a desire
to gain more skills in this area.

Marketing and Promotion
The last decade has witnessed
profound changes in how we
communicate and advertise
our services. It was evident
during the consultation
process that awareness of
the wide range of services we
provide could be improved.
The development of a Social
Media strategy to disseminate
information about our library
service is a priority.

Information and                          Information and                      Heritage and Tourism
Communication Technology                 Lifelong Learning                    Heritage and Local Studies
Information technology has               Providing access to information      are one of the great strengths
enabled us to be creative and            and opportunities for personal       of our library service. The
innovative and also customer             progress to engage in a lifetime     culture and memory of the
focussed. Our active support for         of learning and reading is a         County are held in our local
the national library management          fundamental strength of our          studies collection, ensuring
system Sierra, our wealth of             service. Participation in national   that these precious resources
online resources available via           programmes such as Work              are available for all, both
our website and the excellent            Matters, Right to Read and           now and into the future. This
computer and printing facilities         Healthy Ireland will continue        award winning local studies
available at our library branches        to feature highly. In the current    collection will continue to be
ensure that we offer our patrons         climate of economic regrowth,        an area of focus over the next
a modern and efficient library           free and easy access to reliable     five years. Given the success
service. There are constant              resources for those entering         of South Dublin Libraries’ 1916
changes and developments in              the jobs market, making              celebrations, collections relating
the area of technology and our           career moves or progressing          to the centenaries of the War
library IT team works closely            a business idea is more              of Independence and Civil War
with its counterparts in South           necessary than ever. Business        will be actively developed.
Dublin County Council, the               and employment support               The successful History and
LGMA (Local Government                   through collaboration with           Heritage summer events
Management Agency) and in                local agencies such as South         programme will be continued
other local authorities to provide       Dublin Local Enterprise Office       whilst exploring other avenues
a streamlined, comprehensive             and South Dublin Chamber of          to promote the rich heritage of
and up-to-date service.                  Commerce continues to be a           South Dublin County, building
                                         priority.                            on our close relationships with

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

                                                   Making it Possible

                                                   Implementing this plan and delivering on the
                                                   strategic programmes will draw heavily on current
                                                   resources and strengths, and require further
                                                   support in a number of areas, primarily:

                                                      Staff Development       Collection Development

South Dublin County Council’s
Heritage Officer and the County
Promotion Unit.

Culture and Community
It is evident from the findings
of the online survey that by
providing the public with
access to a wide range of
services such as computer                                     Budget            Capital Programme
courses, Internet, education
and cultural programmes,
the library is perceived as a
valued community hub. Our
branch libraries are regarded
as community living rooms for
reading, self-learning, cultural
enhancement, connecting,
communicating, and accessing
information and entertainment.
We will continue to deliver
diverse and inclusive cultural
events.                                                                   Analysis

Open to You      South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022


              To enrich the quality of life in South
              Dublin County by promoting access to a
              broad range of knowledge, information,
              technology, culture and heritage, in a
              welcoming, inclusive and supportive way.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

              Profile of
              South Dublin

              South Dublin Libraries offer a relevant
              and dynamic service across South
              Dublin County, with full and part-time
              library branches, a digital hub and a
              mobile library service. A wealth of
              online resources are available from
              our website. South Dublin Libraries
              endeavour to provide a trusted,
              accessible and comprehensive service to
              the diverse communities across
              South Dublin County.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

The County has 9 main                  Tourism and Promotion, and
villages: Clondalkin, Lucan,           South Dublin Local Enterprise
Palmerstown, Rathfarnham,              Office.
Tallaght, Templeogue, Saggart,
Rathcoole and Newcastle.               The service is staffed by
South Dublin County is                 approximately 100 staff, including
bounded by the adjoining               professional, non-professional
counties of Wicklow, Kildare,          and support staff. Currently we
Dublin City, Fingal and Dun            continue to recruit in order to
Laoghaire-Rathdown.                    reach the projected figures under
                                       the Work Force Plan.
South Dublin Libraries are                                                  the Carnegie building housing
positioned within the Economic,        Branch Library Network               Clondalkin Library to the award-
Enterprise and Tourism                                                      winning modern Ballyroan
Department of South Dublin             South Dublin Libraries operate       Library. Ballyroan Library was
County Council, and operate            8 service points: 5 branch           completely re-built in 2013, as
through a network of branch            libraries, two part-time libraries   committed to in our Library
libraries across the County,           and a library digital hub. There     Development Plan 2012–2016,
serving a population of 278,767        is also an extensive mobile          and now provides a rich spatial
(Census 2016). We enjoy                library service. The branch          experience to users from all
excellent working partnerships         libraries are well established       parts of the local community.
with other departments within          at Rathfarnham (Ballyroan),
South Dublin County Council            Tallaght (Castletymon and            The building of a modern,
most notably Social Inclusion,         County Library), Clondalkin,         purpose-built library will
Environment, Community,                and Lucan. These range from          commence summer 2018 in

Open to You     South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Profile of South Dublin

Castletymon, replacing the               Palmerstown, the provision         valuable resource for those
former leased building, and              of which was outlined in the       who have difficulty accessing
be delivered over the course             last Library Development           their local library. Under
of this plan. Construction on a          Plan, was opened in June           its commitment to literacy
new library in North Clondalkin          2017, offering the community       development across the county,
will also begin in summer                a beautifully equipped space       the mobile library service is
2018 providing a state of the            to learn, read, enjoy cultural     actively engaged in Family
art purpose-built community              events and avail of digital        Fun in the Park and Fiosracht
library in an area not currently         resources. Palmerstown Library     (a joint project with Institute
served by a permanent library            Digital Hub currently serves a     of Technology Dublin, South
service. These new libraries             population of 11,216.              Dublin Libraries and Foróige),
will be an exciting expansion                                               and in the delivery of early
for South Dublin Libraries,              South Dublin Libraries’ Mobile     literacy development activities
greatly enhancing the quality            Library Service visits over 40     in pre-schools and crèches.
of service and life for the              public stops across the County,
communities they serve.                  as well as providing regular       All library service points offer
                                         book drops to schools, crèches,    RFID self-service machines,
A library digital hub is located         and nursing homes. Three           successfully introduced
at the Palmerstown Shopping              of four vans are wheelchair        since the last Development
Centre, and part-time libraries          accessible and all carry a wide    Plan, a large diverse range
are available at Whitechurch             range of materials. The Mobile     of materials to borrow,
and the Stewarts Care facility.          Library Service also facilitates   and computer access with
The library digital hub in               the Home Delivery Service, a       printing, including 3D printing

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

                                                        Borrowbox                     RB Digital
Still bringing                                      free eBooks and               free digital Magazines
joy, learning,                                  Audiobooks to download                 to download
creating and
growing to the                                             Mango              Irish Newspaper Archive
community.                                         online portal to learn      the world’s largest online
                                                      new languages                 database of Irish
Public Survey

                                                    Universal Class               Britannica Library
                                                  offers over 500 online          provides information,
                                                  Continuing Education          image and video content

                                                Tumble Book Library                    ProQuest
                                               Ebooks, read-along stories,        a single interface for
                                                videos and audiobooks          accessing newspapers from
                                                      for children                  around the world

                                                       Comics Plus                    Vision-Net
in County Library Tallaght and                  online service for reading        company information
Ballyroan Library. Free access                  digital comic magazines         for Ireland and the United
to internet and Wi-Fi and                               for all ages                     Kingdom
computers, available across
our network, is particularly
significant in South Dublin
County where 10.6% of
residents do not have Internet
access and 23.4% do not own
a personal computer (Census             five years since the previous        (online courses in a variety
2016). South Dublin Library             Development Plan, our online         of subjects) and much more.
branches maintain extensive             resources have been enhanced         An online booking system is
opening hours, with late                and enriched. Apart from             also provided for library based
opening four nights a week              the options of renewing or           activities.
and Saturday opening weekly.            ordering materials, the website
                                        facilitates access to the online     Over the course of this plan
Online Resources                        collections such as RB Digital       the website will be redesigned
                                        (online magazine portal),            in order to fully capitalise
Our library website,                    Borrow Box (for eBooks, audio        on its resources and enable,            books and other materials),          easier access to the wealth
provides access to library              Source (digitised local studies      of information and learning
resources around the clock.             material), VisionNet (business       opportunities available there.
Over the course of the past             database), Universal Class

Open to You      South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Profile of South Dublin

The last Five years                     library facility. In June 2017 the   through the work of our Local
There have been many                    Palmerstown Library Digital          Studies Team. It played a
developments in the services            Hub was opened on a part-time        significant role in the successful
provided by South Dublin                basis, and has already proven        1916 Commemorations which
Libraries since the previous            very popular with the local          took place across the County.
Library Development Plan, which         community.                           The heritage of the villages
covered the period 2012–2016.                                                of the County has been
                                        Red Line Book Festival               highlighted in the development
Implementation of the National          Celebrating culture, creativity      of the Historic Walks app. The
Library Management System               and the imagination was a            team also made a significant
Provision of our library service        key objective for South Dublin       contribution to the wealth of
has been enhanced by the                Libraries in the previous plan       information available at the new
successful implementation               and continues to be a priority       interpretative centre at Round
of the national library                 for the service today. Under         Tower, Clondalkin.
management system. This has             this remit the Red Line Book
facilitated access for the public       Festival has gone from strength      Staff
to libraries and collections            to strength over the past            The lifting of the national
nation-wide. All library                seven years. The annual Red          embargo on recruitment and
service points offer RFID Self-         Line Book Festival promotes          the subsequent implementation
Service Machines successfully           the enjoyment of reading             of a Workforce Plan for South
introduced since the last               and literature in South Dublin       Dublin Libraries has been
Development Plan.                       County while at the same time        a significant development
                                        showcasing our library branches      since the previous Library
New Libraries                           and cultural venues, for example     Development Plan. Staffing
South Dublin Libraries have             Civic Theatre Tallaght, Rua Red      requirements at all grade levels
always aspired to provide               Arts Centre, Rathfarnham Castle      were reviewed and a large
welcoming and democratic                and more.                            number of new staff have been
library spaces. In June 2013                                                 recruited to comply with the
Ballyroan Library re-opened             Local Studies                        Workforce Plan.
following a complete re-design          South Dublin Libraries play
which has given the community           a key role in recording the
a wonderful, future-proofed             County’s culture and memory

Open to You      South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

              We Serve

              As per Census 2016, South Dublin
              Libraries serve a population of 278,767,
              a 5.1% increase since 2011. South Dublin
              Libraries value the communities we
              serve and strive to reflect their changing
              needs in our educational, cultural and
              recreational programmes.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

                                                  South Dublin County: Census 2016

dynamic service
leading the
way in the
                                                       Total Population                   Children
Public Survey
                                                        278,767 (up by              82,115 (21,733 aged
                                                        5.1% since 2011)                 0–4 years)

82,115 children aged up to 19
years reside in the County,
with 21,733 of these aged 0–4
years, making us a county with                           Over 55 years      –          Households
                                                         59,472 (21% of            92,523 (11,705 single
a significant young population
                                                        total population)            parent families)
(29%). We also have an ageing
population with 59,472 aged
over 55 years (21% of the total
population). The fact that we
have one of the fastest growing
ageing populations of over 65s,
alongside a growing young
population, has implications
related to tailoring services to
meet the needs of these users
both now and into the future.
Furthermore, the population                      12.8% over 15 years of age   Fastest Growing Areas
of South Dublin is expected                          with no formal or      Saggart-Citywest, Rathcoole
to continue to expand with                        primary only education      and Tallaght-Springfield
the proposed development
of a new town at Clonburris
catering for between 22,000–
24,000 people over the next
20 years (LECP 2016–2022).
Serving this new town will
provide both opportunities and
challenges for the proposed
new library at North Clondalkin.
                                                   Rate of Unemployment         10.6% of the population do
South Dublin County is now                           13.3% county-wide           not have internet access,
home to huge ethnic diversity                                                        23.4% do not have
with 120 nationalities and the                                                     a personal computer
5th highest number of non-
Irish national residents in the

Open to You      South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

The Communities
We Serve

state (13.2%). The proportion is         blackspots in the County:           formal education at all. South
significantly higher in certain          Tallaght-Killinarden (32%);         Dublin has a particularly low
areas, with the figure in Lucan          Tallaght-Fettercairn (28%);         proportion of people with
standing at 19.6%. Members               Clondalkin-Rowlagh (27.2%);         degree level qualifications
of the Travelling community              Clondalkin-Cappaghmore              (28%) compared to the rest of
account for 2,208 residents,             (32.2%). This is a demographic      the Dublin Region (38%). At
which is the second highest              that we will continue to reach      the same time, South Dublin
population of Travellers after           out to, building on relationships   is home to The Institute of
Galway.                                  forged with relevant agencies       Technology Tallaght (ITT)
                                         such as the Intreo Offices and      with over 4,500 students.
In terms of economic activity,           the Education and Training          Reading and Literacy is one
there are 6,000 businesses               Boards, and creating initiatives    of the key themes in this
based in South Dublin County,            under the national Work             Library Development Plan,
and 184,000 people of working            Matters and Right to Read           alongside Lifelong Learning.
age in the County in 2016.               support programmes.                 These strongly underpin our
The rate of unemployment                                                     commitment to literacy and
county-wide is 13.3%, slightly           With regards to education,          skills development, in turn
higher than the average rate             20,772 (11.9%) aged over            helping to address any skills
for the Dublin region. There             15 years of age have either         deficit across the County.
are four unemployment                    only primary education or no

Summary of Library Usage during 2017

         44,492                                   859,648                           484,211
          Active Patrons                            Visitors Actual                  Visitors Virtual

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

                                         Significantly for our service,    Census 2016 revealed that
                                         in terms of computer usage/       the fastest growing areas in
                                         ownership, 10.6% of the           South Dublin County have
                                         population of South Dublin        been Saggart-Citywest,
                                         County do not have Internet       Rathcoole and Tallaght-
                                         access and 23.4% do not own       Springfield. Over the next
A place where                            a personal computer (Census       five years, consideration will
                                         2016). In light of this, the      be focused on opportunities
knowledge,                               availability of, and access to,   to expand the library branch
community and                            ICT resources at our libraries    network, taking into account
imagination                              is of particular relevance.       suitability and resources
                                         Given the constant changes        available.
unite.                                   in the area of ICT, these
Public Survey                            resources must be continually
                                         evaluated to ensure that
                                         we offer technology that is
                                         current and relevant.

        1,160,553                                 323,252                           4,064
          Items Borrowed                        Internet & Wi-Fi Uses               Events Hosted

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022


              The preparation of the Library
              Development Plan involved consultation
              with stakeholders including users and non-
              users of the service, library staff, other
              departments within South Dublin County
              Council, community groups, agencies and
              the Public Participation Network.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

A variety of mechanisms                  Methodology                         • Stakeholder engagement with
including public consultation,                                                 users and non-users through
surveys and focus groups                 The specific methods utilised         a public survey, attracting
was used. Our approach to                were:                                 almost 1,000 responses
producing the South Dublin
                                                                             • Public Focus Groups at
County Library Development               • Desk-top Research to review         Ballyroan Library, Lucan
Plan was based on the                      and analyse all relevant policy     Library and Rowlagh Women’s
following:                                 documents at local and              Group North Clondalkin
                                           national level. See Appendix 1
• Strategic Analysis and                   for list of references            • Disability Panel, South Dublin
  Assessment of User Needs                                                     County Council
                                         • PESTEL Analysis Strategic
• External Environmental                   Planning Workshop with key        • Open Forum at County
  Analysis                                 staff in South Dublin County        Library Tallaght involving
                                           Council to analyse external         stakeholders, councillors,
• Stakeholder Consultation
                                           factors influencing the Library     senior staff of South Dublin
• Internal Environment Analysis            Development Plan over the           County Council and members
                                           next 5 years                        of the public
• SWOT Analysis
• PESTEL Analysis

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Consultation Process

Public Survey

An online public survey was             Network. Printed copies were
designed to capture the profile         circulated at all service points,
of the users of South Dublin            library events, Red Line Book       A hub for social
Libraries and their overall             Festival events, and among
experience of the library               community groups. Over 1,000        inclusion and
service. The online public survey       questionnaires were returned        community
was posted on all the public            and the survey had a wide           engagement.
access computers across the             reach across the county. This
                                                                            Public Survey
library network, and on the             was evident in the respondents
consultation portal on the              which came from all parts of
South Dublin County Council             South Dublin with the exception
website. It was distributed             of Ronanstown where there
through the Public Participation        were no respondents.

Open to You      South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

        25%                                                        Age Profile of Respondents
                                                                   to the Public Survey
                                                                    Aged between 12–15
                                                                    Aged between 16–22
                                                                    Aged between 23–54
                                                                    Aged 55+


                                   24%                             Residential Area of Respondents
                                                                    Tallaght
   4%                                                               Lucan
                                                                    Clondalkin
                                                                    Rathfarnham
                                                                    Knocklyon
                                                                    Palmerstown
                                                                    Templeogue
                                                                    Other

                                                                   Residential Area of Respondents
                                                                   (Other Breakdown)
                                                                    Adamstown              Jobstown
                                                                    Ballyboden             Newcastle
                                                                    Ballyroan              Rathcoole
                                                                    Edmondstown            Rockbrook
                                                                    Firhouse               Saggart
                                                                    Greenhills

Open to You          South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Consultation Process


The library
benefits                                                          Number of People
community                                                         with a Library Card
interaction                                                        With
through courses.                                                   Without
Public Survey


Open to You     South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

                                                                         Frequency of Library Visits
                                                                          Daily
                                                                          Weekly
                                                                          Monthly
                                                                          Less than once a month
                                                                          Never visited the library


Rating of Library Services








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Open to You            South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
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Open to You
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                                                                                                                                                                                                         Importance of Library Services

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South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
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How People Find Out About Library Services

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The high level of “don’t know”                  How the Library Service
responses across areas such                     benefits the community
as Online Services, Services                    The Library Service benefits the
for Children, Education and                     community in multiple ways. In
Cultural programmes provide                     addition to providing the public                        The library
useful insights into a potential                with access to a wide range of
lack of awareness or lack                       services such as computers,                             allows me
of engagement among the                         Internet, education, cultural                           to enjoy my
respondents of the range                        programmes and courses, it is                           passion for
of services that the Library                    also a valued community hub.
provides.                                       The library is a local space and                        books and to
                                                meeting place where “children                           pass this onto
                                                can come together and learn                             my child.
                                                about different things, for free”;
                                                                                                        Public Survey
                                                which provides educational
                                                opportunities and “benefits
                                                community interaction through
                                                courses”. It is a valued study
                                                and learning environment and

Open to You             South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Consultation Process

provides “access to knowledge           for improvement in Customer        Public Consultation
for those who can’t afford              Service, Internet Access,
to buy books/DVDs etc.” It              Computers, Opening Hours and       In addition to the online survey,
is considered an “essential             Collections. The Library Website   public consultations were
cultural and social outlet”. The        is a very important platform to    conducted in the form of three
important role of the library in        access information alongside       Focus Groups and one Public
introducing children to reading         more traditional formats.          Forum to capture how people
was also noted and summed up                                               use the library service, what’s
in the comment that “it allows                                             working well, identify areas
me to enjoy my passion for                                                 for improvement and gather
books and to pass this onto my                                             feedback on what the public felt
child”.                                                                    would be an important legacy
                                                                           of the next Library Development
How could the Library Service                The library                   Plan. The feedback from these
be improved?                                                               consultations is captured below
The main recommendations                     provides access               in the form of key strengths,
focused on areas such as longer              to knowledge                  areas for improvement and
opening hours where people                   for those who                 outcomes for the Library
suggested different options                                                Development Plan. There were
such as Sunday opening;                      can’t afford                  many strengths identified during
opening longer on Saturday;                  to buy books/                 the focus groups and a high level
later opening hours and 9am                  DVDs etc.                     of use of the diverse services
opening. Staff and Customer                                                that the Library offers.
                                             Public Survey
Service was another area that
respondents felt could be                                                  Range of Collections
improved such as upskilling                                                The range of collections across
staff in IT to support users.                                              DVDs, Audiobooks, Books,
Other areas for improvement                                                Magazines, and Newspapers
centred on Wi-Fi/Internet                                                  are an extremely valued part
access, more Children’s
Activities, more study areas,
desks, reading rooms, new
books and books available in
different foreign languages.

In summary, the results of
the Public Survey indicate
that Library Services are
deemed very important
to users particularly in the
areas of Borrowing Materials,
Internet Access, Computers,
Online Services, Study
Rooms, Children’s Services,
Reference, Education and
Cultural Programmes. While the
quality of the Library Service
is considered very good, the
survey has pointed to areas

Open to You      South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

of the library service. One
parent mentioned that that
they come to borrow books to
improve children’s reading and
language ability, borrowing up
to 15 books for their children
every 2 weeks. Other comments
related to the value of this free
service and how the library is an
excellent example of good use
of taxpayer’s money.

Festivals, Events, and Courses
Access to festivals, exhibitions,
talks, cultural events, and
readings were considered to be
important in terms of reaching
different audiences and
providing diverse platforms to
promote the library service and
creating awareness.
                                         Key Challenges                       her son loves the library, he
Community Hub                                                                 didn’t feel the library card
The library is also considered           • Lack of Awareness                  was “his” card as it has a
as an important Community                  of the broad range of              girl on the front. Recent
Hub, providing access to public            Library Services                   marketing initiatives such as
information through its staff              It was evident during the          the Healthy Ireland at your
and materials, serving as a                focus groups that awareness        Library is a good example of
meeting place for groups, for              of the wide range of services      a promotional campaign that
“social networking for over                available through the library      could work to raise awareness
55s” and supporting the health             could be improved. One             of the National Library Card.
and wellbeing of those in the              participant mentioned that
community. An example of the               they were not aware that they     • Quiet Space
photography society in Ballyroan           could place a hold on a title       While users place an
Library shows the value of the             that could be ordered from          enormous value on access to
library space to communities.              other libraries. Others were        space in the library, the issues
                                           not aware of book clubs for         of noise created by other
Space                                      adults and children in Lucan        users, particularly children
Access to space to support a               Library.                            and teenagers, was having a
diverse range of uses is a key                                                 negative impact on the quality
resource whether that is quiet           • Lack of Awareness of the            of environment making it
space for reading, study space             National Library Card               difficult to read. One user
and safe space for children to             This is a service that was          suggested noise cancelling
read and learn. An example was             not widely known among              headphones as a solution
given of one child who came                users. In addition, it was also     while other users emphasised
to their first story-time session          suggested that a gender             the important role of parents
in the library and really enjoyed          neutral junior library card         to actively manage their
it, listening very well and better         image be created as one             children when they are in the
than when she’s read to at home.           parent observed that while          library.

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Consultation Process

• Joining the Library
  One participant pointed
  out the potential issue of
  requiring an email address to
  join the library as a number of
  users would not have access
  to a computer or smartphone.
  The suggestion of a mobile
  phone number option was
  raised given the increase
  in mobile phone usage in

• Audience/User focussed
  The importance of tailoring
  library services to the needs
  of different user groups to            • Local Community Hub                such as a language café
  enhance the overall user-                Greater use as a hub for local     facilitated by library staff
  experience was raised. This              community and targeted             or drop-in café were also
  included an assessment of the            promotion such as to active        suggested.
  needs for teenagers to better            retirement groups who are
  understand their interests.              always looking for things to      • Website and Social Media
  Other ideas included offering            do. There were suggestions          Develop a more user friendly
  free basic information on                on how to involve the public        online database search as
  computers to older people;               more and invite ideas on talks,     people are used to using more
  larger type or audio books for           books reviews, community            sophisticated online sites such
  older people and grouping                events, reader reviews, offer       as Amazon and libraries in
  books according to age                   usage of space the business         universities.
  groups as parents struggle               community and have outside
  to choose books for their                space in the summer where         • Courses
  children.                                people can eat their lunch and      Explore the potential to
                                           read a book.                        develop taster courses
• Broaden out the Collections                                                  for computers/blogging
  To lend CD Players/MP3                 • Language support                    and also look at the
  Players/USB sticks and                   Provide language and literacy       opportunity to video the
  make more books available                support to those whose first        courses and upload them
  online.                                  language is not English. Ideas      on the website to support

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

                                                     Legacy And Future

                                                     Participants were asked to describe in a short
                                                     sentence or a set of words, what they would like
                                                     to see as the legacy of the 2018–2022 Library
                                                     Development Plan. Many rich and diverse responses
                                                     were given by people who attended the workshops
                                                     and included comments such as:

                                                     A hub for social          A place where
                                                     inclusion and             knowledge,
                                                     community                 community and
                                                     engagement.               imagination unite.

                                                     Accepted,                 A leading vibrant
                                                     utilised and fully        cultural centres
                                                     informative.              in Dublin.

                                                     Relevant, dynamic         Still bringing joy,
  e-learning/online learning.                        service leading           learning, sharing,
  Also run more day-time                             the way in the            creating and growing
  activities e.g. 11am/3–4pm.                        community.                to the community.

• Mobile Libraries
  Use the mobile library
  service to have a presence at
  various community festivals                        One stop
  and as satellite libraries, for                    knowledge shop.
  example, visiting community
  centres staffed by volunteers,
  ensuring some library
  presence in every area.                            Others referred to the importance of supportive
                                                     staff, literacy groups, engagement with children,
• Vision and Mission                                 community-based, accessible and user-friendly
  Greater clarity on the libraries’                  services, as well as having quiet rooms and a
  core mission and vision,                           place for people who need information and
  and measurable targets to                          knowledge.
  evaluate impact and success.

Open to You        South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Consultation Process

PESTEL Analysis

 Political                              Economic                          Social
 • Change of Government =               • Money – funding                 • Change in demographics –
   change in policies                   • Pressure of more pressing         population
 • Value placed on libraries              concerns i.e housing            • Cultural Diversity
 • Left vs Right                        • Shortage of Capital funding     • Homelessness
 • Change in Department –               • Economic uncertainty – Brexit   • Pressure on Families
   Rural and Community Affairs          • Procurement – shared            • Mental Health etc.
 • Local Election 2019                    services                        • Extent of Range of Users/
 • Activation by Councillors in                                             Potential Users
   view of local election                                                 • Education
 • Role of LGMA                                                           • Literacy – digital/information/
 • Change of Manager/Director                                               conventional
 • Influence of Community                                                 • Social Exclusion/non-users
   Groups                                                                 • Social Policies – gender/cultural
                                                                          • Perception/Promotion
                                                                          • Time poverty
                                                                          • Employment conditions
                                                                          • Response to Changes
                                                                          • Community spaces

 Technological                          Environmental                     Legal
 • Rapid Expansion in                   • Impact of new housing on        •   Data Protection / GDPR
   Technology                             Environment                     •   EU Regulation
 • Progress of LMS                      • Library expanding service to    •   Garda Vetting
 • Traditional delivery of                reach new estates
                                                                          •   Volunteerism
   services needs to change             • New models of libraries
                                                                          •   CCTV
 • Open Libraries                       • Green Procurement
                                                                          •   Regulations outside of our
 • Delivering more technological        • Use of space within our             control
   based services: iPads/                 libraries
                                                                          •   Issues arising from shared
   smartphones                          • Role of tourism – protecting        services
 • STEAM                                  natural heritage
                                                                          •   Health and Safety –
 • Profiling/Beacon Technology          • Directives – environmental          accessibility
 • Digitisation                         • Traditional view vs Popular –   •   Risk Assessment
 • Extra opening hours                    New SDZs + obligations
                                                                          •   Requirement for reporting
                                        • Social/Neutral spaces               growing
                                                                          •   Freedom of Information
                                                                          •   Culturalism

Open to You      South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Consultation Process

S.W.O.T Analysis

 Strengths                                                      Weaknesses
 •   Excellent Staff                                            •   Brand – confusion
 •   Brand                                                      •   Communication
 •   Inclusive                                                  •   Cohesion
 •   Community Links                                            •   Lack of Research/Evaluation/Feedback/
 •   Community Support                                              Analysis on what we do
 •   Political Goodwill                                         •   Reactionary
 •   Good infrastructure                                        •   More reflection needed
 •   Funding                                                    •   Staff Training
 •   Opening Hours and Accessibility                            •   Promotion/Marketing – targeting non users
 •   Professional Service                                       •   Geographical Spread
 •   Creative                                                   •   ICT – More do to
 •   Online service
 •   Embrace change
 •   Collections
 •   Local Studies Department

 Opportunities                                                  Threats
 •   New Building                                               •   Technology
 •   New Services                                               •   Political Environment/Change
 •   Shared Services                                            •   Loss of Identity
 •   Technology/STEAM                                           •   Regulations – too much
 •   Demographics                                               •   Google Search
 •   New staff/new ideas                                        •   Staff mobility
 •   New partnerships with South Dublin County                  •   Public Expectations
     Council Departments and others                             •   Economic Factors
 •   Collaborations                                             •   Changing demographics
 •   National initiatives                                       •   Open Libraries
 •   Local identity
 •   Training/Professionalism
 •   Social Media

Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022


              The research conducted as part of the
              consultation process for the Library
              Development Plan identified a number of
              themes to be reflected as key strategic
              objectives and actions.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

                                     Vision, Mission and Purpose

                                     In the course of the consultation process, it has emerged that South
                                     Dublin Libraries should have a very clear mission statement outlining
                                     its purpose to guide its work, and also to help communicate to
                                     the diverse communities that it serves. The Plan also provides the
                                     opportunity for South Dublin Libraries to show leadership in how it is
                                     shaping the future of the library service in the 21st Century.

                                     Marketing and Promotion
                                     An on-going awareness-raising campaign to promote the Library
                                     Services across a range of traditional and online platforms with
                                     specific areas of focus.

                                     Staff Development

                                     Develop leadership at all levels of the workforce engaging in
                                     organisational development to further enhance the contribution of
                                     all staff to the Library Service.

                                     Information, Communication and Technology

                                     Explore, exploit and invest in the potential of ICT to improve the
                                     overall Library Service.

                                     Digital Literacy

                                     Development and promotion of informal education and training
                                     opportunities in the areas of digital literacy for young people and
                                     adults with specific areas of focus.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Research Outcomes

                                     Quiet Space

                                     Explore ways of creating an environment that respects the
                                     needs of all users from the very young to the very old, in order
                                     to maintain a quality library experience, particularly in the busier

                                     Local Studies and Resources

                                     Harness the potential of the huge resources and expertise in
                                     Local Studies, cultural heritage and history within the library
                                     service to benefit both South Dublin County Council and the local

                                     Opening Hours

                                     Promote greater awareness of the extent of existing
                                     opening hours.

                                     Audience Development

                                     Promotion of inclusive engagement across the community with
                                     specific emphasis on the non-user

                                     Measurement and Impact

                                     Development of a process for the collection of standardised
                                     statistics and evidence-based reporting to provide more in-depth
                                     information on people’s experiences and observations of the
                                     Library Services.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022


              Having examined our existing facilities, the
              demographic profile of the communities
              we serve, and the findings from the
              extensive consultation process, six key
              objectives have been identified.

Open to You   South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Objective 1:                              with traditional literacy, the
Reading, Literacy and                     development and promotion of
                                          informal education and training
Digital Literacy
                                          opportunities in the area of
                                          digital literacy will be a priority
The promotion of reading and
                                          of our service.
the development of literacy
is at the core of our library
                                          South Dublin Libraries is
service. Literacy encompasses
                                          committed to strengthening
significantly more than reading
                                          existing networks, supporting
and writing. The capacity not
                                          local and national strategies,
just to read but to understand
                                          and building on the partnership
and critically appreciate different
                                          approach in delivering a              • Facilitate and promote book
forms of communication is a
                                          systematic literacy support             clubs in all branches
key skill. Literacy empowers
                                          service. Working through the
us, providing us with the skills                                                • Encourage reading for leisure
                                          nationally coordinated Right
to access long term social,                                                       through book displays and
                                          to Read framework for literacy
educational, health and economic                                                  promotions
                                          support and development is
benefits, and places us firmly
                                          a priority across the library         • Organise and facilitate
on the road to lifelong learning.
                                          network.                                creative writing groups for
A free public library service
                                                                                  diverse groups
is uniquely placed to support
and grow literacy skills and                                                    • Incorporate Plain English
                                          • Identify a Right to Read Co-
facilitate the discovery of reading,                                              Guidelines into promotional
                                            ordinator, and compile an
creativity, and innovation.                                                       materials
                                            annual Right to Read Action
                                            Plan outlining our strategies       • Ensure that our libraries are
Libraries play an essential role in
                                                                                  user-friendly, incorporating
nurturing the reading habits of           • Maintain comprehensive
                                                                                  clear signage, and designed
children from a very early age              and contemporary literacy
                                                                                  to ensure ease of access to
and stimulating imagination and             resource collections in all
creativity. This includes working           branches
very closely with schools and                                                   • Continue to adhere to
                                          • Provide regular literacy
families and also providing                                                       guidelines in pursuance of
                                            awareness training for all staff
innovative programmes to                                                          retention of South Dublin as a
improve and support literacy              • Develop and deliver                   Literacy Friendly Council
amongst young people. There                 programmes for adult and
                                                                                • Delivery of programmes, from
is a strong relationship between            family literacy
                                                                                  basic to advanced, designed
our libraries and many of the
                                          • Actively target local schools         to develop and enhance digital
schools in the County. These
                                            offering class visits and             literacy skills, with a particular
relationships will be further
                                            events, to highlight to               focus on adult and older users
developed and new ones forged
                                            teachers and pupils our
with hard-to-reach and new                                                      • Continued development of
                                            many literacy and reading
schools during this plan.                                                         STEAM (Science, Technology,
                                            development resources
                                                                                  Engineering, Arts and
Technology influences the                 • Provide and promote the               Mathematics) programmes for
way people live their lives                 TTRS (Touch Type Read Spell)          young people
and connect and engage with                 facility across the branch
                                                                                • Network with external
public services. The ability to             network, while investigating
                                                                                  organisations to deliver on
interact as a digital citizen is an         other reliable software and
                                                                                  digital literacy programmes,
important skill. Hand-in-hand               apps which support literacy
                                                                                  and to engage in best practice.

Open to You        South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Key Objectives                          Actions:
                                        • Redevelop the existing South                    to increase awareness and
                                          Dublin Libraries website to                     membership
                                          offer customer focussed,
                                                                                        • Promote the Libraries Ireland
                                          interactive, easily accessed
                                                                                          identity and participate
                                          and streamlined information
                                                                                          in any national marketing
                                        • Develop and implement a social                  strategy working towards the
                                          media marketing strategy to                     development of a recognisable
                                          advertise, and continuously                     library brand nationwide
                                          update the range and extent of
                                                                                        • Redesign the current library
                                          services and programmes on
                                                                                          membership card to reflect
                                          offer in South Dublin Libraries
                                                                                          a more contemporary image
Objective 2:                            • Appoint a social media                          for both adult and children’s
Marketing and Promotion                   committee to progress and                       services
                                          monitor our online marketing
                                                                                        • Monitor and evaluate
Since the previous Library              • Develop a promotional video                     customer satisfaction through
Development Plan, we have                 to raise awareness of library                   inviting feedback online, a
witnessed profound changes                services                                        proactive approach from
in how we communicate and                                                                 library staff, and the use of
advertise our services.                 • Using this video, actively
                                                                                          customer comment cards
                                          target schools in the County
Statistics monitoring social
media released by IPSOS MRBI
compares social media account
ownership and usage in Ireland
in the 12 months to April 2017:

• Facebook remains the
  dominant social media
  platform at 57%
• Facebook has the largest
                                                       Facebook                                   Facebook
  proportion of its members
                                                 Most Dominant Platfrom                       Largest Proportion
  using it daily (74%)
                                                                                                of Daily Users
• Instagram has seen the largest
  increase from 23% to 28%
• LinkedIn usage is at 28%, an
  increase of 2% on the previous
• Twitter account ownership has
  declined 4% to 25%
• 28% of over 15 year-olds now                          Instagram                                  LinkedIn
  use Instagram                                    Largest User Increase                     Usage at 28%, up 2%
                                                                                               on previous year
It was evident from the
information gathered during our
focus groups that awareness
of our wide range of services
could be improved. South
Dublin Libraries will undertake
an on-going awareness-raising
campaign to promote library
services across a range of
                                                          Twitter                                Instagram
traditional and online platforms
                                                    Account Ownership                     28% of over 15-year-olds
with specific areas of focus on
                                                    declined 4% to 25%                     now using Instagram
the development of a social
media strategy.

Open to You      South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022

Objective 3:
South Dublin Libraries are
continually seeking ways to
enhance service delivery. ICT
staff ensure that infrastructure,
hardware, software and online
services are maintained and
developed to the highest
standard. To ensure the
efficient running of the library
management system, there
is close liaison between our
ICT team and counterpart
colleagues nationwide. An
excellent working relationship
continues with the IT
Department of South Dublin
County Council to trouble-shoot
any infrastructural issues.              Actions:
                                         • Re-design of the                  • Collation of statistics for local
Over the next five years, we will          libraries website, www.             and national requirements
work to provide an excellent     
service with cutting-edge                                                    • Management of data
development, future-proofing             • Maintenance of the library          protection requirements
by investigating the latest ICT            management system, including
                                                                             • Plotting of library patron
developments. Attention to                 support to staff and liaison
                                                                               location across the county
school children is foremost                with colleagues nationwide
                                                                               using Eircode and GIS
in our plans and continued               • Continue liaison with suppliers     Technology to better assist
collaborative participation                in regard to hardware,              planning and marketing
in projects such as Fiosracht              software and infrastructural
and STEAM projects will be                                                   • Promotion and championing
expanded. Providing support                                                    of STEAM activities for
and technology such as 3D                • Continue liaison with Local         children up to 12 years across
printers will enhance the                  Government Management               the branch network
expansion of Maker Spaces and              Agency on ICT national
                                                                             • Develop Maker Spaces in
Digital Learning Centres across            projects
                                                                               branch libraries providing the
the branch network.                      • Management of the Source            necessary technology and
                                           project, the digital system         support
                                           housing Local Studies material
                                                                             • Explore opportunities for digital
                                         • Staff support and training in       learning centres, building on
                                           ICT infrastructure                  the experience at Palmerstown
                                                                               Library Digital Hub
Open to You       South Dublin Library Development Plan 2018-2022
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