Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library

Page created by Crystal Jensen
Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
A monthly guide to events, services and resources

Navigating the
Information Age
Research databases
for educators
and students

Finding misinformation
escape room

Be internet awesome
Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
                                                                                                                  October 2021
                                                                                                                   The My Library event guide
                                                           TABLE OF CONTENTS                                            is produced by the
                                                                                                                    Public Relations Office of
                                                                                                                  the Tulsa City-County Library.
                                                                                                                    For questions or concerns,
                                                                                                                        call 918-549-7389.

                                   3 NAVIGATING THE INFORMATION AGE     14 TEENS & TWEENS
FOCUS ON                           October is National Information      Find new and coming soon                 Free and Open to the Public
INFORMATION LITERACY               Literacy Awareness Month.            book titles, plus virtual events.
In recognition of National                                                                                         If hard of hearing or sight
                                   7 ADULTS & ALL AGES                  19 LIGHT UP YOUR                         impaired, contact Customer
Information Literacy
                                   Find new and coming soon             BRAIN @ THE LIBRARY                         Care at 918-549-7323 or
Awareness Month, this              book titles, plus virtual events.    Celebrate Teens Read
issue of My Library focuses                                                                              for
                                                                        Month in October.
on how to successfully                                                                                          accommodations 48 hours in
                                   10 HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH
navigate the Information Age,      Join us for virtual programs         20 SPOOKY STORY CONTEST                     advance of the program.
including having the ability to    celebrating Hispanic culture.        Thrills, chills and spine-tingling
distinguish fact from fiction                                           tales is what we’re looking for!
                                   12 PEGGY V. HELMERICH
and identify fake news sources
                                   DISTINGUISHED AUTHOR AWARD           21 CHILDREN
and stories. We will conclude      Meet Pulitzer Prize-winning          Find new and coming soon             STAY CONNECTED! @TULSALIBRARY
our three-month focus on           novelist Marilynne Robinson.         book titles, plus virtual events.
literacy by featuring
Digital Literacy in the            13 RESEARCH DATABASES                24 BOOKS TO TREASURE
November issue.                    FOR EDUCATORS AND STUDENTS           Help us celebrate Selina Alko.        Follow TCCL on these social media platforms
                                   Discover credible sources and                                             and find Tulsa City-County Library on LinkedIn!
                                   information to make research         26 MI BIBLIOTECA
                                   easier and accurate.                 Una guía mensual de eventos,
                                                                        servicios y recursos.

  Don’t have a library card?             To search for events,
       Sign up today at            or filter by branch location, scan       this code using your mobile
                                  device and QR scanner app or visit

                                                                           6 THE LATINO AMERICAN EXPERIENCE

                                                                                Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021                       2
Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
Navigating the                                                                                    October is National
                                                                                                  Information Literacy
Information Age                                                                                   Awareness Month

More than a decade ago, former President Barack              technologies, including computers and mobile devices
Obama proclaimed October as National Information             that can help in our day-to-day decision-making.”
Literacy Awareness Month, highlighting the need for
all Americans to be adept in the skills necessary to         A lot has changed in our fast-paced world since 2009
effectively navigate the Information Age.                    and the need for information literacy is even greater now
                                                             with the proliferation of fake news and digital technology
“Every day, we are inundated with vast amounts of            usage skyrocketing (especially since 2020 when COVID-19
 information,” said Obama in the official proclamation       forced most everyone to stay home).
 released Oct. 1, 2009. “A 24-hour news cycle and
 thousands of global television and radio networks,          According to the American Library Association, “Being
 coupled with an immense array of online resources, have     information literate includes the ability to distinguish fact
 challenged our long-held perceptions of information         from fiction… how to identify fake news sources
 management. Rather than merely possessing data, we          and stories.”
 must also learn the skills necessary to acquire, collate
 and evaluate information for any situation. This new type   In “Tech Talk: How to Spot Fake News,” presented June
 of literacy also requires competency with communication     5, 2020, on Zoom, Katlin Seagraves, former TCCL Digital

                                                                   Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021   3
Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
Being                      from things like Google news, Yahoo
                                         news. I know lots of people that

        information                      solely get their stuff from Facebook
                                         or Twitter.”

  literate includes                      You can watch the “Tech Talk: How

       the ability to
                                         to Spot Fake News” presentation on
                                         TCCL’s YouTube channel here: https://

  distinguish fact
                                This talk will
                                         be of interest to you whether you are

     from fiction…
                                         a technology expert or enthusiast, or
                                         just want to learn more about how
                                         technology works.

   how to identify                       In addition to learning how to spot

fake news sources                        fake news, information literacy also
                                         includes learning when and how to

        and stories.”                    use electronic resources. In “Tech
                                         Talk: Education Databases: When and
                                         How to Use Them,” presented July
                                         31, 2020, Nick Abrahamson, reference
Literacy Lab coordinator and now         librarian in Central Library’s Research
IT technician, said according to         Center, introduces library databases
the Pew Research Center about 67
                                         that serve educators and students.
percent of teenagers and 47 percent
of adults get their news from social
                                         “Many of our online resources
media. “You can’t believe everything
                                          facilitate lesson plan creation,
you see on the internet,” Seagraves
said in this enlightening presentation    primary and secondary education,
exploring techniques for spotting         higher education and research,
false or misleading news. “The way        primary source retrieval and adult
that we find information has changed      lifelong learning,” said Abrahamson.
pretty dramatically in the last couple
of decades. It used to be you got        All databases feature credible                  Resources highlighted in Tech Talk:
                                                                                         Education Databases: When and How to Use
the paper on your doorstep every         sources and information to make
                                                                                         Them, presented by TCCL's Nick Abrahamson
morning to see what is going on.         research easier and accurate.
But most times we get headlines

                                                                      Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021       4
Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
Spotting the Fake: Clickbait Headlines

                                                        Resources highlighted in Tech Talk: How to Spot Fake News,
                                                        presented by Katlin Seagraves, former TCCL Digital Literacy Lab
                                                        coordinator and current IT technician.

                                 Academic Search Elite, eLibrary,                 To test your knowledge and find
                                 Explora, Gale Virtual Reference                  neutral unbiased sources using
                                 Library, Homework HelpNow, IssueLab,             digital literacy tools, the South
                                 Issues & Controversies, LinkedIn                 Broken Arrow Library is offering
                                 Learning (formerly, MAS               a virtual escape room, “Finding
                                 Ultra Complete, New York Times                   Misinformation,” during the month
                                 Historical (1851-2017), Primary                  of October. Participants are invited
                                 Search, Tulsa World (1989-present)               to sleuth out misinformation in
                                 and Universal Class are among the                this interactive escape room. Go
                                 featured databases Abrahamson                    to to
                                 explores in this presentation, which is          participate and find the facts.
                                 available to watch on TCCL’s YouTube
                                 channel here:               For more information about
                                 yietavSE. All databases are available            information literacy or library
                                 for free customer use at                         databases, ask your friendly
                                          librarian or call AskUs at
                                 databases.                                       918-549-7323. ≠

                                                                Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021   5
Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library

Improve your
Literacy with
LinkedIn Learning
The following courses are available

                                                The Latino American
for free 24/7. All you need is your
TCCL library card!

Information Literacy: Learn about strategies
for finding information — from a library,
archive, database or the internet — and
the ethics of using it. Librarian Elsa Loftis
                                                  Do you have a research paper or project you need to do for
discusses different types of resources and        Hispanic Heritage Month or just want to learn more about
explains how to evaluate their usefulness         Latino Americans? This database makes it easy to learn about
and trustworthiness. She also shows how to        and research Latino American studies.
avoid plagiarism and copyright infringement,      You can explore by historical time period. In each section, you
and accurately cite sources.                      can start off by reading its Overview and start exploring its
                                                  Topic Centers. On every Topic Center page, you'll have access
Spotting Misinformation Online: Whether           to key ideas, activities and resources relating to the subject.
you're seeking news, product reviews, health
data or any other kind of information, it's       Plus, the database features an Academic Success Corner,
                                                  which includes helpful information on researching, writing,
important to use trustworthy sources. In          reading, critical thinking, working with primary sources and
this short course, Andrew Seaman, former          information literacy.
ethics chair for the Society of Professional
Journalists, shows how to quickly determine       Although the home page of this database is not in Spanish,
the accuracy and reliability of information       most other sections on this website can be translated into
                                                  Spanish. Just click on a section and look for the “Translate”
you find online.
                                                  button on the top right-hand corner of the page.

                                                  Access The Latino American Experience database here: 

                                                             Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021   6
Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
New and coming soon
titles for Adults
               Search the library’s catalog at to request these titles.

State of Terror                              The Almost Legendary                                 The Judge’s List
By Hillary Rodham Clinton                    Morris Sisters                                       By John Grisham
After a tumultuous period in American        By Julie Klam                                        Nonstop suspense from the No. 1
politics, a new administration has           Part memoir and part confessional and                New York Times bestselling author:
just been sworn in, and to everyone's        told with the wit and honesty that are               Investigator Lacy Stoltz follows the trail
surprise the president chooses a political   hallmarks of Julie Klam's books, The                 of a serial killer and closes in on
enemy for the vital position of secretary    Almost Legendary Morris Sisters is the               a shocking suspect – a sitting judge.
of state. From the No. 1 bestselling         fascinating and funny true story of one
authors Hillary Clinton and Louise Penny     writer's journey into her family's past, the
comes a novel of unsurpassed thrills and     truths she brings to light and what she
incomparable insider expertise.              learned about herself along the way.

                                                                               Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021        7
Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
USA’s Best Trips                              Better off Dead                                    First Friends
By Lonely Planet                              By Lee Child                                       By Gary Ginsberg
Discover the freedom of the open road         Jack Reacher is back in a brand-new                First Friends includes the riveting histories
with Lonely Planet's USA's Best Trips. This   page-turning thriller from acclaimed               of myriad presidential friendships, among
trusted travel companion features 51          No. 1 bestselling authors Lee Child and            them Abraham Lincoln and Joshua Speed,
amazing road trips, from two-day escapes      Andrew Child.                                      the man with whom Lincoln once shared
to two-week adventures.                                                                          a bed and who did more to help him
                                                                                                 emerge from his crippling depression than
                                                                                                 anyone else.

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Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
Events for
                                                           Adults & All Ages
                                                                           to register or for more details.

Community Mural Project: Hispanic Heritage Month         ELL Conversation Circles                               Kiowa Language Class
Oct. 1-15                                                Mondays, Oct. 4, 18, 25 • 1-3 p.m.                     Tuesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Help us create a large community mural honoring          Tuesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 • 3-4:30 p.m.             Learn the beautiful language of the Kiowa
the legacy and culture of our Latinx artists. Visit      Wednesdays, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 • 10-11:30 a.m.         people. This class is taught by The Kiowa
your local library and pick up a community mural         Practice your English speaking and listening skills    Language & Culture Revitalization Program of
kit. Each kit will come with the history of a Latinx     in this fun and friendly Zoom class. Register at       the Kiowa Tribe. Register at www.tulsalibrary.
artist and invite you to recreate one of their  or contact the Ruth G.     org/events for Zoom link. For all ages.
masterpieces. Return your finished canvas to your        Hardman Adult Literacy Service at 918-549-7400
local library by Friday, Oct. 15. For all ages.          or For adults.

Escape Room: Finding Misinformation                      Yuchi Language Class
Oct. 1-31                                                Mondays, Oct. 4, 18, 25 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
Sleuth out misinformation in this interactive            Any and all skill levels are welcome to join
escape room! Can you find the facts? Test your           this language revitalization class, led by Yuchi
knowledge and find neutral unbiased sources              language instructor Brent Deo from the zOyaha
using digital literacy tools in this interactive game.   School of Language. Register at www.tulsalibrary.
Visit to access game.        org/events for Zoom link. For all ages.
For ages 10-adult.
                                                         Cover to Cover Book Club
Craft Club: Papel Picado Take-Home Craft                 Presented by Broken Arrow Library                      Tulsa Master Gardeners
Monday, Oct. 4                                           Tuesday, Oct. 5 • 6:30-7:15 p.m.
To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we're
                                                                                                                Lunch and Learn: Fall Lawns
                                                         Join us for lively discussion and literary fun as      Tuesday, Oct. 5 • noon-1 p.m.
learning the art of papel picado, a decorative craft
                                                         we explore a range of genres. This month's            Join the experts on Facebook Live,
made by cutting elaborate designs into sheets of
                                                         selection is "Like Water for Chocolate" by Laura, for tips on
tissue paper. Come by Central Library to pick up
                                                         Esquivel. Email for Zoom link.    keeping your lawn healthy and beautiful with
a free craft kit for making a papel picado banner
                                                         For adults.                                           fall care and maintenance. For adults.
(one per household), while supplies last. Register
at to reserve your kit.
For adults and teens.

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Mylibrary Navigating the Information Age - OCTOBER 2021 - Tulsa Library
Yoga for Every Body
Tuesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 • 6-7 p.m.
Join us via Facebook Live for a free beginner-
friendly yoga class taught by certified yoga
instructor Beth Richmond. To access this class,
visit For all ages.

LitWits' Book Club
Wednesday, Oct. 6 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.
 Join fellow book enthusiasts to discuss
"Pumpkinheads" by Rainbow Rowell and
 discover similar authors and titles you may enjoy.
 Email for Zoom

                                                      Celebrate Hispanic
 link to join the discussion. For adults.

In Conversation With Marcelo Hernandez Castillo:
Hispanic Heritage Month
Thursday, Oct. 7 • 4-5 p.m.
Join us for a virtual reading and discussion
with poet Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, author
of "Children of the Land." Hosted by the
                                                      Heritage Month! SEPT. 15-OCT. 15
Tulsa City County Library’s Hispanic Resource              Join TCCL’s Hispanic Resource Center for a monthlong
Center and Fulton Street Coffee & Books,                   series of virtual programs celebrating Hispanic culture.
the event will be conducted through Zoom
                                                           Programs will be conducted via Zoom and/or broadcast
and broadcast live to the Hispanic Resource
Center's Facebook Page:                  live to the Hispanic Resource Center’s Facebook page:
TCCLhispanicresourcecenter. For adults.           Check the
                                                           event listings of the guide or for
Collinsville Book Discussion                               more details.
Tuesday, Oct. 12 • 12:30-1:30 p.m.
Read "Auntie Poldi and the Sicilian Lions" by
Mario Giordano and then join us for a lively                                                National Hispanic
                                                       Community Mural Project
discussion on Zoom. On her 60th birthday,
                                                       Oct. 1-15                            Art Museum: Meet
Auntie Poldi retires to Sicily, intending to while
away the rest of her days with good wine, a
                                                                                            the Curator
view of the sea and few visitors. But Sicily isn't     Cooking With the                     Thursday, Oct. 14 • 3-4 p.m.
quite the tranquil island she thought it would         Hispanic Resource Center             Zoom/Facebook
be. When her handsome young handyman goes              Wednesdays, Oct. 13, 27
missing – and is discovered murdered – she             noon-1 p.m. • Facebook
can't help but ask questions. Soon there's an
investigation, a smoldering police inspector, a        In Conversation With
romantic entanglement, one false lead after            Marcelo Hernandez Castillo
another, a rooftop showdown and finally, of            Thursday, Oct. 7 • 4-5 p.m.
course, Poldi herself, slightly tousled but still      Zoom/Facebook
perfectly poised. Email
for an invitation to the Zoom meeting. For adults.

                                                                        Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021   10
and broadcast live to the Hispanic                     Brookside Book Discussion
                                                 Resource Center's Facebook Page:
                                                                                                        Monday, Oct. 18 • 1:30-2:30 p.m.
                                                                                                        Read "The Thursday Murder Club" by
                                                                                                        Richard Osman and then join us for a lively
                                                 For all ages.
                                                                                                        discussion on Zoom! In a peaceful retirement
                                                                                                        village, four unlikely friends meet weekly
                                                 Virtual Genealogy Conference                           in the Jigsaw Room to discuss unsolved
                                                 Friday, Oct. 15 • 9 a.m.-6 p.m.                        crimes; together they call themselves The
                                                 Join us for a one-day virtual genealogy                Thursday Murder Club. Elizabeth, Joyce,
                                                 conference featuring popular national                  Ibrahim and Ron might be pushing 80 but
                                                 genealogy speakers. Registration is required.          they still have a few tricks up their sleeves.
                                                 Register at                When a local developer is found dead with a
Cooking With the Hispanic Resource Center:       for Zoom link. This conference includes                mysterious photograph left next to the body,
Hispanic Heritage Month                          a variety of topics presented by popular               The Thursday Murder Club suddenly find
Wednesdays, Oct. 13, 27 • noon-1 p.m.            national genealogy speakers and lecturers,             themselves in the middle of their first live
Join us for a cooking tutorial featuring a       including: Susan Ball, president of the Texas          case. As the bodies begin to pile up, can our
variety of dishes from across Latin America.     State Genealogical Society; Blaine Bettinger,          unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer,
We will broadcast two videos a month             The Genetic Genealogist; Susan Kaufman,                before it’s too late? Email
that will teach you how to cook some of          senior manager, Houston Public Library,                for details to join the meeting. For adults.
the most interesting and delicious dishes        Clayton Library Center for Genealogical
in Latin America. The tutorials will be          Research; Hannah Kubacak, genealogy
broadcast live to the Hispanic Resource          librarian, Genealogy Center Waco-McLennan
Center Facebook Page:          County Library; Teresa McMillin, certified
TCCLhispanicresourcecenter. For all ages.        genealogist; Judy G. Russell, The Legal
                                                 Genealogist; and Curt Witcher, IGSF
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Book Club                       manager, The Genealogy Center senior
                                                 manager, Allen County Public Library. To
Wednesday, Oct. 13 • 6-7 p.m.                    view the complete program including
Join fellow sci-fi and fantasy enthusiasts on
                                                 schedule and courses, visit Tulsa City-County
Zoom to discuss "The Lady Rogue" by Jenn
                                                 Library’s Genealogy Center's webpage
Bennett. In 1937, teenaged Theodora Fox
and her crush, Huck, set out through the
                                                 center. For adults.
Carpathian Mountains seeking her missing
father and the cursed ring of Vlad the                                                                   Down the Rabbit Hole: Weird Fiction Book Club
Impaler, which he was seeking. Email rebecca.    Books Sandwiched In: "Caste"                            Tuesday, Oct. 19 • 7-8 p.m. for Zoom link. For   Monday, Oct. 18 • 12:10-12:50 p.m.                      Join our NEW book club dedicated to sci-fi,
ages 16 and up.                                  Join Friends of the Tulsa City-County                   fantasy, horror and other weird fiction. Our
                                                 Libraries for this lunchtime book talk series           first read is "Lovecraft Country" by Matt Ruff.
National Hispanic Art Museum – Meet the          and discover your next read or dive deeper              Chicago, 1954. When his father Montrose
                                                 into a latest bestseller. Sonya Wallace,                goes missing, 22-year-old Army veteran
Curator: Hispanic Heritage Month                 customer service assistant, Rudisill Regional           Atticus Turner embarks on a road trip to New
Thursday, Oct. 14 • 3-4 p.m.                     Library, will discuss "Caste: The Origins               England to find him, accompanied by his
Join us to meet and talk with the curator        of Our Discontents" by Isabel Wilkerson.                Uncle George, publisher of The Safe Negro
of the National Hispanic Art Museum on           Email for the                  Travel Guide, and his childhood friend Letitia.
their current exhibits and discussion of their   Zoom link. For adults.                                  Register at or
permanent collections. Hosted by Tulsa City
                                                                                                         email for more
County Library’s Hispanic Resource Center,
                                                                                                         information and a Zoom link. For adults.
the event will be conducted through Zoom

                                                                                      Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021      11

Between the Covers
Thursday, Oct. 21 • 6-7 p.m.
Calling all romance lovers! Join us as we
discuss a delightful romance novel. Register at with your email
address for an invite to the Zoom meeting.
Email for more
information and this month's book selection.
                                                          Meet 2020 Winner

For adults.

Beyond the Book
Thursday, Oct. 21 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.

 Join us for a lively Zoom discussion about
"The Mystery of Mrs. Christie" by Marie
 Benedict. Reserved copies are available by
 request. Email
 for details to join. For adults.                   Pulitzer Prize-Winning/Bestselling
                                                     American Novelist and Essayist
Jenks Library Book Club
Thursday, Oct. 21 • 6-7 p.m.
Join us for discussions of great books. This
month we'll discuss "The Vanishing Half" by         FREE PUBLIC ADDRESS AND BOOK SIGNING
Brit Bennett. Email jenks.library@tulsalibrary.
org for Zoom link. For adults.
                                                    Saturday, Dec. 4 • 10:30 a.m.
Mistakes to Masterpieces:                           Central Library • Fifth Street and Denver Avenue
Family-friendly Paint-along Program
Thursday, Oct. 21 • 5-6:30 p.m.
Join us on Zoom to paint along or create your
own original work of art! Pick up or reserve
your paint kit at Pratt Library. Supplies include
one canvas, paints, two brushes and visual
instructions. Register at
events to receive Zoom link for paint-along
program. For all ages.

                                                                    Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021   12
Tech Talk: Keeping a Digital Cookbook
Friday, Oct. 22 • noon-1 p.m.                           Research databases for
                                                        educators and students
Looking to store and organize your favorite
recipes? Join us as we use library databases and
Google tools to find and record your favorite food
creations in your own cookbook that is accessible
anywhere. Register at
Registrants will need to provide an email address.
The Zoom login information will be emailed out
                                                          All databases feature credible sources and information
an hour prior to the program. A recording of the          to make research easier and accurate, and are available
talk will be uploaded to YouTube. For adults.
                                                          for free library customer use.
Books Sandwiched In: "Greenlights"
Monday, Oct. 25 • 12:10-12:50 p.m.                        IssueLab (Candid)
Join Friends of the Tulsa City-County Libraries
for this lunchtime book talk series and discover          Explores thousands of case studies, evaluations, white papers and
your next read or dive deeper into a latest               issue briefs addressing the world’s most pressing social problems.
bestseller. Joe Johnston, artist and songwriter, will
discuss "Greenlights" by Matthew McConaughey.
Email for the Zoom link.
                                                          Issues & Controversies
For adults.                                               Hot topics in politics, government, business, education and
                                                          popular culture are updated weekly, with a 13-year back file of
Live Q&A With Genealogist Kelvin Meyers                   in-depth articles.
Wednesday, Oct. 27 • 10-11 a.m.
Genealogist Kelvin Meyers will answer questions           MAS Ultra Complete
at this live virtual event. Meyers is a forensic
genealogist and researcher who specializes in
                                                          Designed specifically for high school libraries, this resource contains
locating unknown and missing heirs. He shares his         complete articles from hundreds of popular high school magazines
research knowledge in four presentations which            and reference books, as well as thousands of biographies and primary
are available on the Genealogy Center's webpage.          source documents.
Join us for this virtual Q&A covering his lecture
topics. Register at to
receive Zoom link for Q&A. Prior to the program,          New York Times Historical (1851-2017)
view Meyers' presentations at                             This historical newspaper provides genealogists, researchers and           scholars with online, easily searchable firsthand accounts and
For adults.
                                                          unparalleled coverage of the politics, society and events of the time.
Creative Truths: A History Book Discussion
Saturday, Oct. 30 • 9-10 a.m.                             Tulsa World (1989-present)
 Join librarians Mark and Sarah on Zoom to discuss        Full-text Tulsa World articles from 1989 to the present, exclusive of
"The Doctors Blackwell: How Two Pioneering                paid advertisements.
 Sisters Brought Medicine to Women – and
 Women to Medicine" by Janice Nimura. Read the
 book and then join us for a lively discussion on         Access these databases and many more here:
 Zoom! Email for the Zoom
 link. For adults.

                                                                    Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021      13
New and coming soon
titles for Teens & Tweens
               Visit to check out these titles and find more.

I Am Not Starfire                         Finding Refuge                                    A High Five for Glenn Burke
By Mariko Tamaki                          By Victorya Rouse                                 By Phil Bildner
Seventeen-year-old Mandy, who             When you read about war in your history           After researching Glenn Burke, the first
dyes her hair black and hates almost      book or hear about it in the news, do you         major league baseball player to come out
everyone, is not like her mother, the     ever wonder what happens to the families          as gay, sixth-grader Silas Wade slowly
tall, sparkly alien superhero Starfire.   and children in the places experiencing           comes out to his best friend Zoey, then his
So when someone from Starfire's past      war? English teacher Victorya Rouse has           coach, with unexpected consequences.
arrives, Mandy must make a choice         assembled a collection of real-world
about who she is and if she should risk   experiences of teen refugees from around
everything to save her mom.               the world.

                                                                           Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021   14
Find Your Fierce                         Trust Your Name                                    Fallout
By Jacqueline Sperling                   By Tim Tingle                                      By Steve Sheinkin
Find Your Fierce is a concise and        When the Choctaw Nation sponsors an                As World War II comes to a close, the
practical guide for teens dealing with   all-Indian high school basketball team to          United States and the Soviet Union
social anxiety.                          compete in a summer tournament, the                emerge as the two greatest world
                                         team includes Choctaw Bobby Byington               powers on extreme opposites of the
                                         and other Indian high school players from          political spectrum. The decades-long
                                         Eastern Oklahoma.                                  showdown culminates in the Cuban
                                                                                            Missile Crisis, the world's close call with
                                                                                            the third and final world war.

                                                                           Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021       15
 Sleuth out misinformation in this interactive escape room!

  Can you find the facts? Test your knowledge and find neutral unbiased
       sources using digital literacy tools in this interactive game.

Access game during the month of October at
Events for
                                                         Teens & Tweens  Visit
                                                                         to register or for more details.

Community Mural Project: Hispanic Heritage Month
                                                         City-County Library by Saturday, October             Kiowa Language Class
                                                         30. No more than 3,500 words per entry. All
Oct. 1-15                                                                                                     Tuesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 • 6:30-8:30 p.m.
                                                         entries must include a title page with the
Help us create a large community mural honoring                                                               Learn the beautiful language of the Kiowa
                                                         author's first and last name, age and contact
the legacy and culture of our Latinx artists. Visit                                                           people. This class is taught by The Kiowa
                                                         information (phone number or email). Only
your local library and pick up a community mural                                                              Language & Culture Revitalization Program of
                                                         one entry will be accepted per contestant.
kit. Each kit will come with the history of a Latinx                                                          the Kiowa Tribe. Register at www.tulsalibrary.
artist and invite you to recreate one of their                                                                org/events for Zoom link. For all ages.
                                                         Craft Club: Papel Picado Take-Home Craft
masterpieces. Return your finished canvas to your
local library by Friday, Oct. 15. For all ages.
                                                         Monday, Oct. 4
                                                         To celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, we're
                                                         learning the art of papel picado, a decorative
Escape Room: Finding Misinformation                      craft made by cutting elaborate designs
Oct. 1-31                                                into sheets of tissue paper. Come by Central
Sleuth out misinformation in this interactive            Library to pick up a free craft kit for making
escape room! Can you find the facts? Test your           a papel picado banner (one per household),
knowledge and find neutral unbiased sources              while supplies last. Register at www.
using digital literacy tools in this interactive game. to reserve your kit. For
Visit to access game.        adults and teens.
For ages 10-adult.
                                                         Yuchi Language Class
Spooky Stories: Creative Writing Contest                 Mondays, Oct. 4, 18, 25 • 6:30-7:30 p.m.              Yoga for Every Body
for Ages 8-18                                            Any and all skill levels are welcome to join this     Tuesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 • 6-7 p.m.
Oct. 1-30                                                language revitalization class, led by                 Join us via Facebook Live for a free beginner-
Thrills, chills and spine-tingling tales is what         Yuchi language instructor Brent Deo from              friendly yoga class taught by certified yoga
we're looking for! The top 10 winners in each            the zOyaha School of Language. Register at            instructor Beth Richmond. To access this
age category will have their story published    for Zoom link.            class, visit
online and in a book to be added to our library          For all ages.                                         For all ages.
collection. All entries must be the original work
of the student. There are three age categories:
8-11, 12-14, 15-18. Deliver submissions to any Tulsa

                                                                                            Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021          17
  Help Now!
                                                                                                                                        In Conversation With Marcelo Hernandez
                                                                                                                                        Castillo: Hispanic Heritage Month
                                                                                                                                        Thursday, Oct. 7 • 4-5 p.m.

  Help Now!
                                                                                                                                        Join us for a virtual reading and discussion
                                                                                                                                        with poet Marcelo Hernandez Castillo, author
                                                 Powered by Brainfuse                                                                   of "Children of the Land." Hosted by the
                                                                                                                                        Tulsa City County Library’s Hispanic Resource
        Get free online homework assistance                                                                                             Center and Fulton Street Coffee & Books,
         from your home, school or library.                                                                                             the event will be conducted through Zoom
                                                                                                                                        and broadcast live to the Hispanic Resource
                                                 Powered by Brainfuse                                                                   Center's Facebook Page:
                                                (2-11 p.m., daily Central Standard Time) Get expert one-to-one

        Get LIVE
                 online homework assistance     subject-specific help for students in grades K-12, plus college.
                                                Spanish-speaking tutors are available too!
                                                                                                                                        TCCLhispanicresourcecenter. For all ages.

               your home, school or library.
                                                Take practice quizzes in standardized tests (SAT, ACT, GED and
                                                more) and practice subject-specific tests, like math and science.                       BeTween the Pages With Hena Khan!
                                                Get results instantly.
                                                                                                                                        Tuesday, Oct. 12 • 6-7 p.m.
                                                (2-11 p.m.,with
                                                Connect     daily
                                                                anCentral  Standard
                                                                   online tutor      Time) writing
                                                                                for expert  Get expert   one-to-one
                                                                                                     assistance, or for                 Celebrate Teens Read Month with Hena Khan,
                LIVE TUTORING
                  WRITING LAB                   subject-specific
                                                a more thoroughhelp     for students
                                                                   analysis,          in grades
                                                                              submit your       K-12,
                                                                                           writing  andplus college.
                                                                                                         receive within
                                                Spanish-speaking    tutorsa are
                                                approximately 24 hours          available
                                                                             detailed      too! of your paper.
                                                                                       analysis                                         author of “Amina’s Voice,” “Amina’s Song”
                                                Take practice quizzes in standardized tests (SAT, ACT, GED and                          and other books for middle graders. Register
               TEST CENTER
          24/7 HELP                             Submitand
                                                        a question
                                                Get results
                                                                        a tutor will provide
                                                                24 hours).
                                                                                      tests, like with and
                                                                                                       a response
                                                                                                                                        at with your email
                                                                                                                                        address to get Zoom link. For ages 10-18.
                                                Connect with an online tutor for expert writing assistance, or for
            WRITING APP
     FREE BRAINFUSE LAB                         a more thorough analysis, submit your writing and receive within
                                                         App is available in App Store or Google Play.
                                                approximately 24 hours a detailed analysis of your paper.
                                                                                                                                        Cooking With the Hispanic Resource Center:
          24/7  HELP
             Visit      CENTER Submit         a question and a tutor will provide you with a response
                                      (usually within 24 hours). and use your
                                                                                                                                        Hispanic Heritage Month
                    City-County Library card to access Homework Help Now!                                                               Wednesdays, Oct. 13, 27 • noon-1 p.m.
                                                                                                                                        Join us for a cooking tutorial featuring a
                   A your
                      LIBRARY           APP
    and       use                 Tulsa      City-County LIbrary card
                                                         App is available in App Store or Google Play.
                                                                                                                                        variety of dishes from across Latin America.
Apply online at
                                                                                                                                        We will broadcast two videos a month
                        access Homework Help
and get instant access to this service and more!
                 Visit                                     andNow!
                                                              use your                                                                  that will teach you how to cook some of
             Tulsa City-County Library card to access Homework Help Now!
                                                                                                                                        the most interesting and delicious dishes
DON’T HAVE A LIBRARY CARD?                                                                                                              in Latin America. The tutorials will be
Apply online at                                                                                        broadcast live to the Hispanic Resource
and get instant access to this service and more!                                                                                        Center Facebook Page:
                                                                                                                                        TCCLhispanicresourcecenter. For all ages.

                                                                                                                      Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021       18
Sci-Fi & Fantasy Book Club                           Teens: Virtual Gaming                               your paint kit at Pratt Library. Supplies include
                                                                                                         one canvas, paints, two brushes and visual
Wednesday, Oct. 13 • 6-7 p.m.                        Friday, Oct. 15 • 5-6 p.m.
                                                                                                         instructions. Register at
Join fellow sci-fi and fantasy enthusiasts on Zoom   Join us on Zoom as we play party games,
                                                                                                         events to receive Zoom link for paint-along
to discuss "The Lady Rogue" by Jenn Bennett.         trivia and more! Registration is required.
                                                                                                         program. For all ages.
In 1937, teenaged Theodora Fox and her crush,        Register at to
Huck, set out through the Carpathian Mountains       receive a Zoom link to join on the day of the
seeking her missing father and the cursed ring       program. For ages 10-18.                            Halloween Makeup Tutorial: Wounds
of Vlad the Impaler, which he was seeking. Email                                                         Thursday, Oct. 28 • 4:30-5:30 p.m. for Zoom         Write On! With Author Claribel A. Ortega            Need help creating perfect scars, bruises and
link. For ages 16 and up.                                                                                wounds for your costume? Pick up your kit at
                                                     Saturday, Oct. 16 • 2:30 p.m.
                                                                                                         Brookside Library, and then join us on Zoom
                                                      Celebrate Teens Read Month with this virtual
National Hispanic Art Museum – Meet the Curator:      writing workshop presented by Claribel A.
                                                                                                         and learn how to perfect your Halloween
                                                                                                         makeup. Register at
Hispanic Heritage Month                               Ortega, author of the middle-grade novel
                                                                                                         events to receive Zoom link. For ages 10-18.
Thursday, Oct. 14 • 3-4 p.m.                         “Ghost Squad,” an NPR best book of 2020.
Join us to meet and talk with the curator             Register at for
of the National Hispanic Art Museum on                link to view virtual event. For ages 10-18.
their current exhibits and discussion of their
permanent collections. Hosted by Tulsa City          Mistakes to Masterpieces:
County Library’s Hispanic Resource Center,           Family-friendly Paint-along Program
the event will be conducted through Zoom
                                                     Thursday, Oct. 21 • 5-6:30 p.m.
and broadcast live to the Hispanic Resource
                                                     Join us on Zoom to paint along or create your
Center's Facebook Page:
                                                     own original work of art! Pick up or reserve
TCCLhispanicresourcecenter. For all ages.

   Check your local library for fun take-home kits
   and virtual programs for teens. Visit TCCL Teens
   Instagram at
   for great books and other amazing resources for
   teens during the month of October.

                                                                                       Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021      19
      Story Contest
             Top 10 winners in each age category will have
            their story published online and in a book to be
                     added to our library collection.

• All entries must be the original work of the student.
• The short story contest is open to children/young adults between the ages of 8-18.
• Three different age categories will be judged: 8-11, 12-14 and 15-18.
• Submissions are due by 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 30, and must be original works of
  no more than 3,500 words.
• Stories can be submitted in person at any Tulsa City-County Library.
• All entries must include a title page with the author’s first and last name,
  age and contact information (phone number or email).
• Only one entry will be accepted per contestant.
New and coming soon
titles for Children
               Visit to check out these titles and find more.

Turtle in Paradise                          A Troop of Kangaroos                                    Thao
By Jennifer L. Holm                         By Lisa Mundorff                                        By Thao Lam
In 1935, when her mother gets a job         A party of jays, a parade of elephants, a stench        "Thao" seems like a simple enough
housekeeping for a woman who                of skunks and so many more make up this                  name. Only four letters – all of them
doesn't like children, 11-year-old Turtle   delightfully funny and informative picture               belonging to many other names! And yet
is sent to stay with relatives she's        book about animal group names! A Troop                  Thao had been called everything from
never met in faraway Key West, Fla.         of Kangaroos is early nonfiction that will              "Tail" to "Theo" to "Towel." At one point,
                                            entertain and teach.                                     completely fed up, she decided it was time
                                                                                                     to try another name. Something "easy."
                                                                                                     Something like "Jennifer." But trying to be
                                                                                                     someone else only works for so long.

                                                                                   Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021   21
Battlefield Ghosts                          Stuntboy, in the Meantime                           Humongous Fungus
By Dinah Williams                           By Jason Reynolds                                   By Lynne Boddy
A bloody soldier who disappears into        Portico Reeves' secret identity as Stuntboy         Inhabiting a whole kingdom of their own,
thin air. Flickering orbs floating over a   allows him to use his superpower to keep            fungi can be found in every ecosystem.
military cemetery. History is filled with   everybody safe, but when his superhero              They carpet the forest floor, and hidden
brave fighters cut down in the heat of      parents start fighting a lot he feels the           fungi decompose matter, feed plants and
battle. But what if they aren't resting     responsibility to save them.                        affect how animals function. Their beautiful
in peace? True Hauntings: Battlefield                                                           mushrooms come in all colors, shapes
Ghosts revisits deadly clashes from the                                                         and sizes. This book of fabulous fungi will
past and the ghosts they left behind.                                                           intrigue and amaze young readers.

                                                                               Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021   22
Events for Children
                                                                       to register or for more details.

                                                       in a book to be added to our library collection.     for a 15-minute, one-on-one storytime session.
                                                       All entries must be the original work of the         Before your booking, stop by Rudisill Regional
                                                       student. There are three age categories: 8-11, 12-   Library to pick up a FREE book you can read
                                                       14, 15-18. Deliver submissions to any Tulsa City-    together during your storytime! Registration
                                                       County Library by Saturday, October 30. No           is required. Register at
                                                       more than 3,500 words per entry. All entries         events. After registering you will receive an
                                                       must include a title page with the author's first    email with your time slot and a questionnaire
                                                       and last name, age and contact information           for you to fill out. The focus of this session
                                                       (phone number or email). Only one entry will         will be on activities that help with language
                                                       be accepted per contestant.                          development and early literacy skills. Are you
Baby Take-Home Kits!
                                                                                                            interested but can't make the event time?
Oct. 1-31
Stop by Central Library for a take-and-make kit
                                                       Build A Reader Storytime: Family                     Email to learn about other
                                                       Tuesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 • 10:30-11 a.m.         booking options. For children ages 1-4.
specifically designed to help infants 0-12 months
old with their early literacy skills! Each kit will    Thursdays, Oct. 7, 14, 21, 28 • 10:30-11 a.m.
include a Build-A-Reader (BAR) brochure with           Tune in for this 0-5 storytime and grow that         Saturday Storytime With Ms. Tiffany
early literacy information, a BAR coloring book,       love of reading! Enjoy simple songs and books        Saturdays, Oct. 9, 23 • 1-1:30 p.m.
two jumbo crayons, four high-contrast cards and        for little ones and more interactive stories and     Join Ms. Tiffany for her first Saturday
supplies needed for an egg-shaker craft!               activities for older children. Join us here:         Storytime events of the year with a book and
                                              Can't make            a song! Join us here:
                                                       it live? We'll save all storytime videos on          suburbanacreslibrary. For ages 0-5.
Community Mural Project: Hispanic Heritage Month
                                                       Facebook and TCCL's YouTube channel
Oct. 1-15
Help us create a large community mural honoring
                                                       for your children to enjoy later! Find them          Mistakes to Masterpieces:
the legacy and culture of our Latinx artists. Visit
                                                       here:        Family-friendly Paint-along Program
your local library and pick up a community mural                                                            Thursday, Oct. 21 • 5-6:30 p.m.
kit. Each kit will come with the history of a Latinx   Storytime "Bites" With Miss Dana!                    Join us on Zoom to paint along or create your
artist and invite you to recreate one of their         Tuesdays, Oct. 5, 12, 19, 26 • 10:15-10:30 a.m.      own original work of art! Pick up or reserve
masterpieces. Return your finished canvas to your      No biting, we promise! It's just a shorter           your paint kit at Pratt Library. Supplies include
local library by Friday, Oct. 15. For all ages.        than usual storytime. There will be a book,          one canvas, paints, two brushes and visual
                                                       a song and a finger play! Join us here:              instructions. Register at
Spooky Stories:                               For               events to receive Zoom link for paint-along
                                                       infants and preschoolers.                            program. For all ages.
Creative Writing Contest for Ages 8-18
Oct. 1-30
Thrills, chills and spine-tingling tales is what
                                                       Build A Reader Storytime: One-on-Ones
we're looking for! The top 10 winners in each age      Wednesdays, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27 • 10:30-11:30 a.m.
category will have their story published online and    Talk, sing and read with Ms. Haley on Zoom

                                                                                          Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021      23
Books to Treasure
                                                            with Selina Alko

                                                            Friday, Nov. 19 • 6 p.m.
                                                            Program is sponsored by the Tulsa Library Trust through
                                                             a grant from the Anne and Henry Zarrow Foundation.

                                                                   BOOKS WRITTEN & ILLUSTRATED
                                                                         BY SELINA ALKO

Helping kids be safe, confident explorers                           I’m Your Peanut Butter Big Brother
                                                                   written and illustrated by Selina Alko
of the online world.                                               Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama
                                                                    written and illustrated by Selina Alko
                                                                       I Is for Immigrants written and
To make the most of the internet, kids                                     illustrated by Selina Alko
                                                                   Joni: The Lyrical Life of Joni Mitchell
need to be prepared to make smart                                  written and illustrated by Selina Alko

decisions. Be Internet Awesome teaches                            Why Am I Me? written by Paige Britt and
                                                                 illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls
kids the fundamentals of digital citizenship                   The Case for Loving written by Selina Alko and
                                                                 illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls
and safety so they can explore the online                  Two Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass
                                                                         written by Dean Robbins and
world with confidence.                                           illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls


                                                 Navigating the Information Age | my library October 2021         24
Once is okay, but TWICE is NICE! Join your favorite
children’s librarians and staff TWO times every week
       for Family Build A Reader storytimes!

 We’ll see you on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 10:30 a.m.
on the library’s Facebook page,,
for 20 to 30 minutes of singing songs, reading stories, and other
      educational fun for kids ages 0 to 5 and their families!

              Drop by
                        for even MORE
                  Build A Reader storytimes.
Una guía mensual de eventos, servicios y recursos
                                                                       Base de Datos:
                                                                       La Experiencia Latinoamericana

                                                                       Nuevos títulos en
                                                                       español para adultos

                                                                       el Mes de
OCTUBRE 2021                                                           la Herencia Hispana

                                  BASE DE DATOS

                                 La Experiencia
                                      ¿Tiene un trabajo de investigación o un proyecto que necesita hacer
                                      para el Mes de la Herencia Hispana o simplemente quieres aprender
                                      más sobre los latinoamericanos? Esta base de datos facilita el
                                      aprendizaje y la investigación de estudios latinoamericanos.

                                      Puedes explorar por período de tiempo histórico. En cada sección,
                                      puedes comenzar leyendo su descripción general y comenzar a
                                      explorar diferentes temas. En cada página de temas, tendrás acceso
                                      a ideas, actividades y recursos relacionados con el tema.

                                      Además, la base de datos cuenta con un rincón de éxito académico,
                                      que incluye información útil sobre investigación, escritura, lectura,
                                      pensamiento crítico, trabajo con fuentes primarias y alfabetización
                                      de información.

                                      Aunque la página de inicio de esta base de datos no está en español,
                                      la mayoría de las otras secciones de este sitio web se pueden traducir
                                      al español. Simplemente haga clic en una sección y busque el botón
                                      "Traducir" en la esquina superior derecha de la página.

                                      Acceda a la base de datos de La Experiencia Latinoamericana

                                                                               mi biblioteca Octubre 2021   26
Nuevos títulos en
español para adultos
              Visite para ver estos títulos y encontrar más.

Dominicana                              Por culpa de Miss Bridgerton                Nuestra parte de noche
por Angie Cruz                          por Julia Quinn                             por Mariana Enriquez
El último día de 1964, la quinceañera   A veces el amor se encuentra en el lugar    Un padre y su hijo atraviesan Argentina
Ana Canción se casa con Juan Ruiz,      más inesperado... Aunque esta no es una     por carretera, desde Buenos Aires hacia las
un hombre veinte años mayor que         de esas veces. Todo el mundo espera que     cataratas de Iguazú, en la frontera norte
ella, en el campo dominicano. Al día    Billie Bridgerton se case con uno de los    con Brasil. Son los años de la junta militar,
siguiente se vuelve Ana Ruiz, una       hermanos Rokesby. Las dos familias han      hay controles de soldados armados y
esposa confinada a un apartamento       sido vecinas durante siglos y, durante la   tensión en el ambiente.
de un cuarto en Washington Heights.     infancia, Billie se crió como una salvaje
                                        junto a Edward y Andrew.

                                                                                                 mi biblioteca Octubre 2021    27
Mujeres del alma mía                     La olla lenta regional                       Desapegarse sin anestesia
por Isabel Allende                       por María Del Pozo                           por Walter Riso
En Mujeres del alma mía la gran autora   Gracias a un electrodoméstico tan            El psicólogo Walter Riso nos explica en
chilena nos invita a acompañarla en      sencillo como la olla lenta eléctrica, hoy   qué consiste el apego y sus causas, y nos
este viaje personal y emocional donde    puedes disfrutar de los mejores platos       proporciona las claves para enfrentarlo
repasa su vinculación con el feminismo   tradicionales de la cocina española hechos   y prevenirlo, sin perder la pasión
desde la infancia hasta hoy.             con el cuidado y el amor con el que los      por alcanzar nuestros sueños y meta
                                         cocinaban nuestras abuelas.                  personales.

                                                                                                  mi biblioteca Octubre 2021      28
Ayuda con las
 tareas ahora
Ayuda con las
                                           IMPULSADO POR BRAINFUSE

Recibe ayuda gratis con las tareas en línea

 tareas ahora
 desde tu casa, la escuela o la biblioteca.
                               AYUDA EN VIVO
    (Desde las 2 a las 11 pm, diario) Obtén ayuda en líneaPOR
                                         IMPULSADO         con tutores expertos
  en cada tema para estudiantes de kínder hasta grado 12 y al nivel universitario.
                    Disponibilidad de tutores hispanohablantes.

                                                                                          ¡Celebremos el Mes de
Recibe ayuda gratis con las tareas en línea
               CENTRO DE EXÁMENES
 desde  tuexámenes
     Toma   casa,  dela   escuela
                      práctica            o la
                               de las pruebas     biblioteca.
         (SAT, ACT, GED y más) y práctica exámenes específicos del tema,

                                                                                          la Herencia Hispana!
           como matemáticas y ciencias. Obtén resultados instantáneos.
                               AYUDA EN VIVO
    (Desde las 2 a las 11CENTRO
                         pm, diario) Obtén   ayuda en línea con tutores expertos
                                       DE REDACCIÓN
  en cada tema para
        Conectate  conestudiantes
                        un tutor ende  kínder
                                    línea parahasta
                                               ayudagrado  12 yde
                                                      experta   al redacciones,
                                                                   nivel universitario.
            o para un               de tutoresenvía
                       análisis más completo,   hispanohablantes.
                                                     tu redacción y recibe
              un análisis detallado dentro 24 horas aproximadamente.
                          CENTRO DE EXÁMENES
            Toma exámenes de práctica de las pruebas estandarizadas
         (SAT, ACT, GED y más)CENTRO
           como matemáticas
                                             24/7 específicos del tema,
                                y práctica exámenes
                   Envía una pregunta  y recibirás
                              y ciencias.          una respuesta
                                          Obtén resultados
                      dentro de 24 horas aproximadamente.
                                                           instantáneos.                  15 de septiembre al
             un análisis
                         CENTRO DE REDACCIÓN
        Conectate con un tutor en línea para ayuda experta de redacciones,
           o para ¡GRATIS!
                  un análisis más
                                   completo, envía tuDE
                              disponible  24App
                                                      redacción y recibe
                                                 Store  o Google Play.
                                                                                          15 de octubre
                                 CENTRO 24/7                                                  Únase al Centro Hispano de TCCL para una
               Envía unatupregunta
                           tarjeta de  la biblioteca
                                   y recibirás        en
                                               una respuesta        para acceso a Brainfuse HelpNow.
                  dentro de 24 horas aproximadamente.                                         serie de programas en persona y virtuales
                        ¿NO TIENES UNA TARJETA?                                               durante el mes de la herencia hispana que
                   en línea en APLICACIÓN
                                                 DE BRAINFUSE
            y tendrás accesodisponible
                  Aplicación  instantáneo  a este
                                       en App Storeservicio
                                                    o Google¡yPlay.
                                                                                              celebran la cultura hispana. Los programas
                                     PATROCINADO POR
                                                                                              virtuales se llevarán a cabo a través de
                   Usa tu tarjeta de la biblioteca en                                         Zoom y/o se transmitirán en vivo a la para acceso a Brainfuse HelpNow.                            página de Facebook del Centro Hispano.
                        ¿NO TIENES UNA TARJETA?
            Aplica en línea en
            y tendrás acceso instantáneo a este servicio ¡y más!
                                     PATROCINADO POR
                                                                                              TCCLhispanicresourcecenter para
                                                                                              obtener más detalles.

                                                                                                               mi biblioteca Octubre 2021   29
Centro Hispano
           Nuestro colibrí te invita a volar hacia la colección del
                                                                                            Books to Treasure
                                                                                             Con Selina Alko
           Centro Hispano para saborear y aprovechar las
           oportunidades que presenta para ampliar tus conocimientos
           y apoyar tu educación durante toda la vida.

                                                                                            Friday, Nov. 19 • 6 p.m.
                                                                                             Este programa está patrocinado por el Tulsa Library
                                                                                             Trust a través de la Fundación Anne y Henry Zarrow.

                                                                                                   BOOKS WRITTEN & ILLUSTRATED
                                                                                                         BY SELINA ALKO
                                                                                                     I’m Your Peanut Butter Big Brother
                                                                                                    written and illustrated by Selina Alko
                                                                                                   Daddy Christmas and Hanukkah Mama
                                                                                                    written and illustrated by Selina Alko
                                                                                                       I Is for Immigrants written and
                                                                                                           illustrated by Selina Alko
                                                                                                    Joni: The Lyrical Life of Joni Mitchell
                                                                                                    written and illustrated by Selina Alko
                                                                                                   Why Am I Me? written by Paige Britt and
                                                                                                  illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls
• Asistir a programas         • Encontrar materiales y       • Conectarte con materiales
                                                                                               The Case for Loving written by Selina Alko and
 culturales y educacionales    recursos para apoyar tu        digitales en español -
                                                                                                 illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls
                               aprendizaje de inglés          libros, películas, música,
• Llevar a los niños a                                        revistas y periódicos         Two Friends: Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglass
 escuchar cuentos y           • Llevar a cabo                                                             written by Dean Robbins and
 participar en actividades     investigaciones sobre         • Llevar en préstamo                 illustrated by Selina Alko and Sean Qualls
 lúdicas                       temas interesantes             a materiales para
                                                              entretenimiento y   
• Aprovechar las              • Conocer a grandes             diversión - cds de todo
 computadores de acceso        autores y personalidades       tipo de música, DVDs de
 público y el wifi                                            películas nuevas y clásicas
                              • Encontrar materiales sobre    y -obvio - ¡libros!
                               cocina, salud y nutrición

                                                                                                               mi biblioteca Octubre 2021       30
Tulsa City-County
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1    Bixby Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               20 E. Breckenridge, 74008 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          2    Broken Arrow Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               300 W. Broadway, 74012 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5

 Library Locations
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          3    Broken Arrow Library/South
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3600 S. Chestnut, 74011 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          4    Brookside Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1207 E. 45th Place, 74105 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5    Central Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               400 Civic Center, 74103 | M-Th, 9-9; Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5

Tulsa                                                          SKIATOOK                                                                                                                                                                                                                   6    Charles Page Library
                                                                                                                                                       COLLINSVILLE                                                                                                                            551 E. Fourth St., Sand Springs, 74063

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Take E. 146th St. N. Exit                                         M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 10-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          7    Collinsville Library
                                              13                 SPERRY                                                                                                                                                                                                                        1223 Main, 74021 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          8    Glenpool Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               730 E. 141st St., 74033 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                   11                                                                                                                                                                                                                     9    Hardesty Regional Library and Genealogy Center
                                                                                                                                        86th St. N.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               8316 E. 93rd St., 74133 | M-Th, 9-9; Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5
                                                                                                                                        76th St. N.                                            18                    OWASSO
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          10   Helmerich Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               5131 E. 91st St., 74137 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          129th E. Ave.
                                                                                                                                        56th St. N.                                                                                                                                       11   Herman and Kate Kaiser Library
                                                         23                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    5202 S. Hudson Ave., Suite B, 74135 |
                                      Cincinnati Ave.

                                                                        46th St. N.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Mingo Rd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                          Peoria Ave.

                                                                             Lewis Ave.

                                                                                            75 36th St. N.                                                                                                      36th St. N.
                                                                                                    Gi                                                                                                                                                                                    12   Jenks Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               523 W. B St., 74037 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 10-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                               Harvard Ave.

                                                                                               A p a c h e se E                                                                                              Apache
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             145th E. Ave.

                                                                                                                                                          wy                                                                                                                                   Judy Z. Kishner Library
                                                                                                                    Yale Ave.

                                                                                                                                                                      .                                                                                                                   13
                           Pine St.                     20                                                                                                                Pine St.                                                                                                             10150 N. Cincinnati Ave. E., Sperry, 74073
                                                                                                                                                   Memorial Dr.

                                                                                                                                16                                                                                                                                                             M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                  89th E. Ave.

       97                             244                                                 Admiral Blvd.
                                                                                                                                 Sheridan Rd.

                 6                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Admiral Pl.                  14   Kendall-Whittier Library

                     64                  4th S                                            14                                                                                                                              44
                                                                                                              11th St.                                                                                                                    11th St.                                             21 S. Lewis, 74104 | Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                       101st E. Ave.

                                5                                                                             15th St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          15   Martin Regional Library and Hispanic Resource Center
                                     Ave Riv

SAND SPRINGS                                                                        51
                                                                                                              21st St.                                                                                                                    21st St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2601 S. Garnett Road, 74129 | M-Th, 9-9;
                                        . ersid

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Garnett Rd.
                                                          Peoria Ave.

                                                          Utica Ave.

 19                                                                          31st St.                                            17                                                                                                       31st St.                                             Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5

                                                                                                               21                                                                                                                                                                              Maxwell Park Library


                                                                                               Harvard Ave.

                     244                                                                                      41st St.                                                                                                                    41st St.
      97                                                                                                                             66                                                                                                                                                        1313 N. Canton, 74115 | Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5

                     24                                   4                                                                                                                                                                                                                               17   Nathan Hale Library
                                44                                                                                                              51st St.                                                              51                  51st St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               6038 E. 23rd St., 74114 | Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                             Lewis Ave.

            44                                                                                                                   11                                                                169
                                                                                                          61st St.                                                                                                                                                             61st St.        Owasso Library
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             145th E. Ave.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          129th E. Ave.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               161st E. Ave.
                                                                                                                                                   Memorial Dr.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       Garnett Rd.
                                                                                                                                 Sheridan Rd.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               103 W. Broadway, 74055 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                    Yale Ave.

                                                                                          71st St.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19   Pratt Library

                                                                                                                                                                            Mingo Rd.

                                                                                          81st St.                                                                                                                                        81st St.                                             3219 S. 113th W. Ave., Sand Springs, 74063
                                                        Elm St.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                          BROKEN ARROW                                                         M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 10-8; Sat., 10-5

                                JENKS                                                                                           10                                                                                                        91st St.
                                                                        12                  91st St.
                           Jenks Road                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     20   Rudisill Regional Library and African-American Resource Center
                           Creek Turnpike                                                                                                                                                                            101st St.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               1520 N. Hartford, 74106 | M-Th, 9-9; Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Schusterman-Benson Library
                                                                                                                                                   Memorial Dr.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3                                            21

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3333 E. 32nd Place, 74135 | M-Th, 10-8; Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Broken Arrow

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Turnpike                                                                    22   Skiatook Library
                                 S. 141st St.

                                                                                                                                                                                             Arkansas River                                                                                    316 E. Rogers, 74070 | M, W, F, 10-6; T, Th, 12-8; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                      e   r

                                                                                      S. 151st St.                                                                  Breckenridge Ave.                                                                                                     23   Suburban Acres Library
                           GLENPOOL                                                                                                                                                     BIXBY
                                                                                                                                                                           1                                                                                                                   4606 N. Garrison, 74126 | Mon.-Fri., 10-6; Sat., 10-5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          24   Zarrow Regional Library and American Indian Resource Center
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2224 W. 51st St., 74107 | M-Th, 9-9; Fri., 9-6; Sat., 9-5; Sun., 1-5
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